TC - Item 3B - Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street R OSEMEAD T RAFFIC C OMMISSION S TAFF R EPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: MICHAEL CHUNG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: OCTOBER 6, 2022 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF HART AVENUE AND STEELE STREET SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate traffic improvements at the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street. The City of Rosemead received a resident request to conduct a traffic review at the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street due to reported speeding concerns and to consider placing an all- way stop at the intersection. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures at this intersection. ANALYSIS The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 3 years of available collision data, an ADT (Average Daily Traffic) count as well as a 24-Hour Speed Survey, as well as an examination of existing field conditions. Existing Conditions: Hart Avenue: Hart Avenue is a north-south major collector road. Hart Avenue is approximately 36’ (feet) wide with a Prima Facie speed limit of 25 MPH and one lane in each direction with approximately 50’ (feet) of double yellow centerline located along Hart Avenue, south of Valley Boulevard. Parking is allowed along the east side and west side of Hart Avenue except for areas marked with red curb, and on Wednesdays from 10AM to 2PM due to street sweeping. Land use along this segment of Hart Avenue is a mixture of Medium Commercial and Single Family Residential. City Traffic Commission Meeting October 6, 2022 Page 2 of 4 Steele Street: Steele Street is an east-west local road. Steele Street is 36’ (feet) wide with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH and one lane in each direction with no marked centerline. Steele Street intersects with Hart Avenue at a two-way Stop controlled intersection. Parking along the north side and south side of Steele Street is allowed except for areas marked with red curb, and on Wednesdays from 10AM to 2PM due to street sweeping. Land use along Steele Street is primarily Single Family Residential. Collision Investigation: A Collision History Analysis and investigation was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 3-year period between August 2020 through August 2022 (available data at the time of traffic review). The analysis included a review of all collisions that occurred within 250-feet from the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street. Based on the data, there were no reported collision that occurred at this location. Average Daily Traffic (ADT): Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data was obtained from counts taken on February 3rd, 2022, for both Steele Street and Hart Avenue. All counts were taken when schools were open and back in session. Steele Street West of Hart Avenue carries 559 vehicles per day and Steele Street East of Hart Avenue carries 582 vehicles per day per the ADT counts. Hart Avenue South of Steele Street carries 783 vehicles per day per the ADT count. Speed Survey: To assess the speed at which vehicles are traveling along the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street, speed samples were taken on February 3rd, 2022. The 85th percentile speed of vehicles traveling along Hart Avenue, south of Steele Street was at 27 mph. This translates to mean that 85 percent of the vehicles sampled are traveling at 27 mph or below with 85% above 27 mph which is just slightly the posted speed limit of 25 mph. All-Way Stop Control Analysis: As part of this review the resident requested the City to consider placing all-way stop control at the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street. Traffic control devices work in concert with the basic “rules of the road” contained in traffic laws and ordinances. The California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD Section 2B.07) describes applications, warrants, and placement of STOP signs (R1-1). Stop signs are not used as a speed control device and should be used only where warranted. The placement of these signs is dictated by engineering judgment and based on guidelines found in the CAMUTCD and CVC. The criteria for determining if two-way or all-way stop control is warranted is based on a minimum volume on each of the street approaches, accident investigation, speed of traffic, number of pedestrians and potential sight obstructions. Multi-way stop control is used where the volume of traffic on the intersecting roads is equal. City Traffic Commission Meeting October 6, 2022 Page 3 of 4 As a part of this study, a stop sign installation analysis review of the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street was conducted. Based on the analysis and field review conducted it was determined that the intersections did not meet the warrants for the installation of All-Way STOP control. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street would benefit from a combination of improvements that include the installation of speed limit signs, refresh of stop bars and stop legends as well as warnings signs alerting drivers that CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP. Please refer to Figure 3 in Attachment A for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. These improvements include: 1.Install 25MPH speed limit sign and Pavement Legend for NB and SB travel along Hart Avenue. Install25MPH speed limit sign (R2-1) (30”x36”) and Pavement Legend on the north east corner of Hart Avenue and Guess Street, approx. 30 feet north of Guess Street, for NB travel along Hart Avenue. Per CAMUTCD 2B.13. Install 25MPH speed limit sign (R2-1) (30”x36”) and Pavement Legend on the south west corner of Hart Avenue and Valley Boulevard, approx. 30 feet south of Valley Boulevard, for SB travel along Hart Avenue. Per CAMUTCD 2B.13. 2. Repaint “STOP” pavement legend and stop bar at the intersection of Steele Street and Hart Avenue. Repaint existing “STOP” pavement legend and stop bar located at the intersection of Steele Street and Hart Avenue. Per CAMUTCD Section 3B.20. 3. Install CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP plaque beneath the existing STOP signs located at the intersection of Steele Street and Hart Avenue. City Traffic Commission Meeting October 6, 2022 Page 4 of 4 Install CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP PLAQUE (W4-4P) on the existing Stop signposts located at the intersection of Steele Street and Hart Avenue, for WB & EB travel along Steele Street. Per CAMUTCD Section 2C.59 A detailed traffic report and proposed figure diagram is attached as Attachment A to this staff report, please refer to the proposeddiagramin the attachment. Prepared by: Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A – Technical Traffic Engineering Report TRANSTECFI TO: City of Rosemead, Public Works Department FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: October 6, 2022 SUBJECT: Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street The City of Rosemead received a resident request to conduct a traffic review at the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street to evaluate a resident request to address speeding concerns within this segment. The resident has stated that the intersection at Hart Avenue and Steele Street would benefit from the installation of an All -Way stop or from the installation of speed bumps. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures at this intersection. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 3 years of available collision data, an ADT (Average Daily Traffic) count as well as a 24 -Hour Speed Survey, as well as an examination of existing field conditions. Figure 1: Vicinity Map e_a LEGEND ..t Uri Intersection of Interest: Hart Avenue at Steele Street CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. I Page 1 of 13 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street EXISTING CONDITIONS Figure 2: Existing Conditions N LEGEND aSignalized Intersectio n of Valley Blvd at Hart Avenue 11DIP DP Warning Sign (W8-2) (RI -1) Stop Sign ao 25 MPH 2$ Speed Limit Sign (R2-1) Hart Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Hart Avenue is a north -south major collector road. Hart Avenue is approximately 36' (feet) wide with a Prima Facie speed limit of 25 MPH and one lane in each direction with approximately 50' (feet) of double yellow centerline located along Hart Avenue, south of Valley Boulevard. Parking is allowed along the east side and west side of Hart Avenue except for areas marked with red curb, and on Wednesdays from LOAM to 2PM due to street sweeping. Land use along this segment of Hart Avenue is a mixture of Medium Commercial and Single Family Residential. Steele Street: Within the City of Rosemead, Steele Street is an east -west local road. Steele Street is approximately 36' (feet) wide with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH and one lane in each direction with no marked centerline. Steele Street intersects with Hart Avenue at a two-way Stop controlled intersection. Parking along the north side and south side of Steele Street is allowed except for areas marked with red curb, and on Wednesdays from LOAM to 2PM due to street sweeping. Land use along Steele Street is primarily Single Family Residential. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 13 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street PICTURE SUMMARY F v� A Ail Northbound along Hart Avenue, just south of Steele Street Southbound along Hart Avenue, J ust north of Steele Street COLLISION INVESTIGATION A Collision History Analysis and investigation was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 3 -year period between August 2020 through August 2022 (available data at the time of traffic review). The analysis included a review of all collisions that occurred within 250 -feet from the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street. Based on the data, there were no reported collision that occurred at this location. 2022: 0 Collisions 2021: 0 Collisions 2020: 0 Collisions Total: 0 Collisions CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 13 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) As a part of the traffic study, an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) count was obtained from counts taken on February 3, 2022. A summary of ADT data is shown in Table 1-2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT). The volume summary is attached (Attachment 1, 2 & 3) at the end of the report. Table 1-2: Average Daily Traffic Table 1: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Location Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Eastbound Westbound TOTAL ЋΉЌΉЋЉЋЋ ЋΉЌΉЋЉЋЋ ЋΉЌΉЋЉЋЋ Steele Street West of 344 215 559 Hart Avenue Steele Street East of 294 288 582 Hart Avenue Table 2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Location Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Northbound Southbound TOTAL ЋΉЌΉЋЉЋЋ ЋΉЌΉЋЉЋЋ ЋΉЌΉЋЉЋЋ Hart Avenue South of 303 480 783 Steele Street SPEED SURVEY To assess the speed at which vehicles are traveling along the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street, rdth speed samples were taken on February 3, 2022. The 85 percentile speed of vehicles traveling along Hart Avenue, south of Steele Street was at 27 mph. This translates to mean that 85 percent of the vehicles sampled are traveling at 27 mph or below with 85% above 27 mph which is just slightly the posted speed rd limit of 25 mph. Table 3 below shows the February 3, 2022, speed survey results. The speed summary is attached (Attachment 3) at the end of the report. Table 3: Speed Survey Table 3: Speed Survey Hart Avenue, south of Steele Street Dir. of Date/Time of Location 85%ile Speed Posted Speed Limit, MPH Travel Survey Hart Avenue, south of Steele 2/3/22 NB/SB 27 25 Street 24-hour CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING IF ALL-WAY STOP CONTROL IS WARRANTED CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 4 of 13 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street As part of this review the resident requested the City to consider placing all-way stop control at the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Avenue. Traffic control devices work in concert with the basic rdinances. The California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD Section 2B.07) describes applications, warrants, and placement of STOP signs (R1-1). The STOP sign is a regulatory device that is used when traffic is required to stop. STOP signs are used to assign right-of-way at an intersection. Multi-way stop control is used where the volume of traffic on the intersecting roads is approximately equal. Stop signs are not used as a speed control device and should be used only where warranted. The placement of these signs is dictated by engineering judgment and based on guidelines found in the CAMUTCD and CVC. The criteria for determining if two-way or all-way stop control is warranted is based on a number of factors as set by the CAMUTCD. These factors include minimum volume on each of the street approaches, accident investigation, speed of traffic, number of pedestrians and potential sight obstructions. ALL-WAY STOP CONTROL WARRANTS FOR INSTALLATION The following briefly outlines the Criteria for the installation of All-Way stop warrants as found in Section 2B.07 of the CAMUTCD. The placement of All-Way stop control is warranted whenʹ A.Traffic control signals are justified B.A crash problem exists as indicated by 5 or more accidents in a 12-month period C.Minimum Volumes are met if, 1.Volume entering intersection from the major approach (total of both approaches) averages 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day. 2.The combined vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle volumes entering the intersection from the minor street approaches averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours. th 3.If the 85 percentile approach speed of the major street exceeds 40 MPH, the minimum volumes are 70 percent of the above values. As a part of this study, a review of the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Avenue was conducted. Based on the analysis and field review conducted it was determined that the intersections did not meet the warrants for the installation of All-Way STOP control. TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES AND STRATEGIES Traffic calming is the process of reducing vehicle speeds using both passive devices, such as signs and striping, and physical devices such as changes in road elevation or path. As part of this study, traffic speeds, collisions and traffic volumes were used to assess existing conditions along this segment. The type, design and placement of traffic calming devices depend upon the road classification, desired traffic speed and types of traffic issues along Hart Avenue and Steele Street CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 5 of 13 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street A single traffic calming device placed along a long stretch of road will be marginally effective at slowing down speed at that isolated location. Implementation of a series of traffic calming devices that work together have been shown to reduce traffic speeds along the length of the corridor. There are various traffic calming measures that can reduce the flow and speed of traffic on a street. The following is a list of common traffic calming measures that can be installed to aid in slowing traffic. 1) Traffic Education Campaign: This consists of flyers, neighborhood meetings, banners, and other notices to assist in making the public aware of the traffic conditions in a certain area. 2) Larger Dimension Signs: Installation of larger dimensioned signage are recommended as treatments to increase the motorist's awareness and other Driver conditions by highlighting various areas of the roadway. All sign dimensions should comply with the dimensions specified in the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) Table 213-1 Regulatory Sign and Plaque Sizes. The larger sizes are shown in the multi -lane column as 36"x36" for stop signs and 30"x36" for speed limits. Table 2B-1. Regulatory Sign and Plague Sizes (Sheet 1 of 4) Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department deploys officers to perform enforcement on residential streets for at least an hour a day. After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street would benefit from a combination of improvements that include the installation of speed limit signs, refresh of stop bars and stop legends as well as warnings signs alerting drivers that CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP. The improvements are listed below and shown on Figure 3. 1. Install 25MPH speed limit sign and Pavement Legend for NB and SB travel along Hart Avenue. • Install 25MPH speed limit sign (112-1) (30"x36") and Pavement Legend on the north east corner of Hart Avenue and Guess Street, approx. 30 feet north of Guess Street, for NB travel along Hart Avenue. Per CAMUTCD 28.13. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page b or 13 Convert onal Road t DesignationSign or plaque Deslnation Section Singlet Multi- Expressway Freeway Minimum Oversized Lane t Lane t Stop R1-1 26.06 11 30x30'1 36x36 1 36x36 — 30 z30• 46x48 Speed Llmlt R2-1 2B.13 24 x 30.1 30 x 36 t 36 x 48 48 x 60 18 x 24• 30 x 3s Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department deploys officers to perform enforcement on residential streets for at least an hour a day. After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that the intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street would benefit from a combination of improvements that include the installation of speed limit signs, refresh of stop bars and stop legends as well as warnings signs alerting drivers that CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP. The improvements are listed below and shown on Figure 3. 1. Install 25MPH speed limit sign and Pavement Legend for NB and SB travel along Hart Avenue. • Install 25MPH speed limit sign (112-1) (30"x36") and Pavement Legend on the north east corner of Hart Avenue and Guess Street, approx. 30 feet north of Guess Street, for NB travel along Hart Avenue. Per CAMUTCD 28.13. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page b or 13 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street Install25MPH speed limit sign(R2-1)and Pavement Legend on the southwest corner of Hart Avenue and Valley Boulevard, approx. 30 feet south of Valley Boulevard, for SB travel along Hart Avenue. Per CAMUTCD 2B.13. 2.Repaint the intersection of Steele Street and Hart Avenue. Repaint existing STOP pavement legend and stop bar located at the intersection of Steele Street and Hart Avenue. Per CAMUTCD Section 3B.20. 3.Install CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP plaque beneath the existing STOP signs located at the intersection of Steele Street and Hart Avenue. Install CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP PLAQUE (W4-4P) on the existing Stop signposts located at the intersection of Steele Street and Hart Avenue, for WB & EB travel along Steele Street. Per CAMUTCD Section 2C.59 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 7 of 13 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street Figure 3. Proposed Recommendations: Hart Avenue and Steele Street A& LEGEND Install 25MPH speed limit sign and Pavement Legend for NB and SB travel along Hart Avenue O Repaint "STOP" pavement legend and stop SZ 2 bar at the intersection of Steele Street and 2 y Hart Avenue ® - Install CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP OPLAQUE (W4 -4P) on the existing Stop signposts located at the intersection of Steele Street and Hart Avenue for WB& EB travel along Steele Street CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 8 of 13 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street ATTACHMENTS 1. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) along Steele Street, west of Hart Avenue 2. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) along Steele Street, east of Hart Avenue 3. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) along Hart Avenue south of Steele Street 4. 24-Hour Speed Survey along Hart Avenue, south of Steele Street CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 9 of 13 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street Attachment 1: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) along Steele Street, west of Hart Avenue Prepared 6y National Odra ® Sumyin0 Servide VOLUME Steele St W/O Hart Ave Day: Thursday Date: 2/3/2022 City: Rosemead Project N: CA22_020046 002 1 NB B I PM AM Period NB SB EB TOTAL 0:00 1 1• 2 12:OOr 2 5 ]e 0:15 1 0 1 12:15 30 3 13 0:30 1 0 1 12:30 9 5 14 0:45 0 3 0 1 0 4 12:45 12 33 5 is 17 51 1:00 0 0 0 13:00 5 3 8 1:15 0 0 0 13:15 5 1 6 1:30 0 0 0 13:30 7 4 11 1:45 0 0 0 13:45 3 20 4 12 7 32 2:00 0 0 0 14:00 3 3 6 2:15 0 0 0 14:15 6 5 11 2:30 0 0 0 14:30 7 5 12 2:45 1 1 1 1 2 2 14:45 7 23 8 21 15 44 3:00 0 0 0 15:00 6 4 10 3:15 0 0 0 15:15 30 6 16 3:30 0 0 0 15:30 9 6 15 3:45 0 0 0 15:45 5 30 3 19 8 49 4:00 2 0 2 16:00 9 0 9 4:15 1 1 2 16:15 5 3 8 4:30 0 1 1 16:30 5 6 11 4:45 0 3 1 3 1 6 16A5 4 23 2 11 6 34 5:00 0 0 0 17:00 5 2 7 5:15 0 0 0 17:15 3 2 5 5:30 1 0 1 17:30 9 ] 16 5:45 1 2 0 1 2 1 17:45 1 11 28 3 14 14 42 6:00 0 1 1 18:00 31 2 13 6:15 1 0 1 18:15 9 7 16 6:30 3 0 3 18:30 5 1 6 6:45 4 8 1 2 5 30 18:45 3 28 1 11 4 39 2:00 1 3 4 19:00 ] 1 8 7:15 0 2 2 19:15 3 0 3 7:30 1 1 2 19:30 4 2 6 7:45 2 4 2 8 4 12 19:45 2 16 0 3 2 19 8:00 4 3 7 20:00 3 3 6 8:15 5 3 8 20:15 3 4 ] 8:30 3 2 5 20:30 3 3 6 8A5 2 14 5 13 7 27 20:45 5 14 0 10 5 24 9:00 5 4 9 21:00 3 0 3 9:15 6 5 11 21:15 3 2 5 9:30 2 5 7 21:30 1 2 3 9:45 5 18 5 19 10 37 21:45 4 31 1 5 5 16 10:00 7 5 12 22:00 3 0 3 10:15 6 7 13 22:15 1 0 1 10:30 7 5 12 22:30 2 1 3 10:45 6 26 6 23 12 49 22:45 2 8 0 1 2 9 11:00 9 7 16 23:00 0 0 0 11:15 8 1 9 23:15 2 1 3 11:30 7 7 14 23:30 0 0 0 11:453 2] 4 19 7 46 23:45 2 4 0 1 2 5 TOTAIS 106 89 195 T"" 238 126 364 SPLIT% 1 54.4% 45.6% 34.994 SPLIT% 1 65.4% 34.6% 65.1% DAILYTOTALS NB LB EB WB Lotal 0 0 i44 215 559 AM Peak Hour 1030 10:15 1015 Plan kHour 1730 1445 17:30 AM Pk Volume 30 25 53 PM Pk Volume 40 24 59 Pk Hr Fattor 0.833 0.893 0.820 Pk Hr Fatlor 0.903 0.750 0.922 7-9wlume 18 21 39 4-6 Volume 51 25 76 7-9 Peak Hour 7:45 8W 8:00 4-6 Peak Hour 17M 1700 17:0 ]-9 Pk Volume 14 13 27 4-6 Pk Volume 28 14 42 Pk Hr Factor 0.700 0.650 0.844 Pk Hr Factor 0.636 0.500 0.656 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared by: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1U of 13 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street Attachment 2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) along Steele Street, east of Hart Avenue Prepared by National Dara 6 surveylry 5erv¢ea VOLUME Steele St E/O Hart Ave Day: Thursday Data: 2/3/2022 Oty: Rosemead Project N: CA22_020046_003 DAILY WAF 0 794 28SE 582 •c NB 513 ED • TOTALAM ac ED • TOTAL 0:00 0 0 0 12:OO 4 8 12 0:15 0 0 0 12:15 6 4 10 0:30 1 1 2 12:30 8 5 13 0:450 1 1 2 1 3 12:45 7 25 3 20 30 45 1:00 0 0 013:00 4 4 8 1:15 0 0 0 13:15 6 5 11 1:30 0 0 0 13:30 4 3 7 1:45 1 1 0 1 1 13:45 5 19 6 18 11 37 2:00 0 0 0 14:00 3 8 11 2:15 1 0 1 14:15 6 6 12 2:30 0 0 0 14:30 9 6 15 2:45 0 1 0 0 1 14:45 5 23 6 26 11 49 3:00 0 0 0 15:00 6 7 13 3:15 0 0 0 15:15 9 4 13 3:30 0 0 0 15:30 4 6 10 3:45 0 0 0 15:45 8 27 6 23 14 50 4:00 0 0 0 16:00 3 7 30 4:15 1 0 1 16:15 6 3 9 4:30 0 0 0 16:30 12 6 18 4:45 0 1 1 1 1 2 16:45 8 29 10 26 18 55 5:00 0 0 0 17:00 7 7 14 5:15 0 0 0 17:15 9 8 17 5:30 1 1 2 17:30 11 8 19 5:45 0 1 0 1 0 2 17:45 6 33 4 27 30 60 6:00 1 1 2 18:00 13 7 20 6:15 0 1 1 18:15 3 8 11 6:30 3 0 3 18:30 3 4 7 6:45 1 5 3 5 4 10 1 18:45 4 23 1 20 5 43 7:00 1 2 3 19:00 3 3 6 7:15 3 5 8 19:15 4 2 6 7:30 3 3 6 19:30 3 2 5 7:45 0 7 6 16 6 23 19:45 1 4 14 2 9 6 23 8:00 3 9 1220:00 2 0 2 8:15 2 8 10 20:15 2 3 5 8:30 3 8 11 20:30 6 1 7 8:45 2 10 2 27 4 37 20:45 1 11 3 7 4 18 9:00 3 7 10 21:00 7 1 8 9:15 4 1 5 21:15 1 3 4 9:30 2 7 9 21:30 1 1 2 9:45 3 12 2 17 5 29 21:45 1 10 2 7 3 17 10:00 6 2 8 22:00 2 0 2 10:15 2 7 9 22:15 2 0 2 10:30 1 5 6 22:30 1 0 1 10:45 4 13 5 19 9 32 22:45 1 6 3 3 4 9 11:00 3 4 7 23:00 0 0 0 11:15 9 3 12 23:15 1 0 1 11:30 3 4 7 23:30 1 0 1 11:45 5 20 3 14 8 34 23:45 0 2 0 0 2 TOTALS 72 102 174 TOTALS 222 186 408 SPLIT% 41.4% 58.6% 29.9% SPLIT% 54.4% 45.6% 70.196 DAILY r 0 94 288 1 582 AM Peak Hour 11:45 7x15 11:45 PM Peak Hour 17:15 1605 16:45 AM Pk Volume 23 31 43 PM Pk Volume 39 33 68 Pk Hr Factor 0.719 0.861 0.827 Pk Hr Farber 0J50 0.825 0.895 7-9 Volume 17 43 60 4-6Volume 62 53 115 7-9 Peak Hour 8:00 7x15 745 4-6 Peak Hour 16:30 1645 1645 7-9 Pk Volume 30 31 39 4-6 Pk Volume 36 33 68 Pk Hr Faster 0.833 0.861 0.813 Pk Hr FaRor 0.750 0.825 0.895 Attachment 3: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) along Hart Avenue, south of Steele Street O E., .aA.__,. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 11 of 13 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street Prepared by NDS/ATD Prepared by National Dam 08umying Semites VOLUME Hart Ave S/0 Steele St Day: Thursday Date: 2/3/2022 City: Rosemead Projed 0: CA22_020046_001 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared by: Iranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 12 o1 13 DAILYTOTALS I I LOB we - otal 303 •:I 0 783 ea TOTALITAL 0000 2• 0 0 0• 13 0 0 19 00:15 0 3 0 0 3 12:15 6 10 0 0 16 00:30 0 1 0 D 1 12:30 2 5 0 0 7 OOHS 0 2 0 4 0 0 6 12:45 4 18 7 35 0 0 Il 53 01:00 0 1 0 0 1 13:00 8 6 0 0 14 01:15 0 0 0 0 13:15 8 9 0 0 17 01:30 0 1 0 0 1 13:30 2 6 0 0 8 01A5 0 0 2 0 0 2 13:45 5 23 5 26 0 0 10 49 02:00 0 0 0 0 14:00 -2 12 0 0 14 02:15 0 0 0 0 14:15 4 9 0 0 13 02:30 0 0 0 0 14:30 8 15 0 0 23 WAS 0 0 0 0 14:45 9 23 9 45 0 0 18 68 03:00 0 0 0 0 r 15:00 9 9 0 0 18 03:15 0 0 0 0 15:15 6 7 0 0 13 03:30 0 0 0 0 15:30 7 16 0 0 23 03A5 0 0 0 0 15:45 8 30 12 44 0 0 20 74 04:00 0 0 0 0 16:00 2 11 0 0 13 04:15 0 0 0 0 16:15 4 10 0 0 14 04:30 0 0 0 0 16:30 7 6 0 0 13 04:45 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 16:45 1 5 18 12 39 0 0 17 57 05:00 1 2 0 0 3 17:00 5 13 0 0 I8 05:15 1 1 0 0 2 17:15 9 7 0 0 16 05:30 1 1 0 0 2 17:30 7 35 0 0 22 05:45 0 3 1 5 0 0 1 8 17:45 2 23 13 48 0 0 35 71 06:00 0 1 0 0 1 18:00 8 7 0 0 35 06:15 0 1 0 0 1 18:15 3 17 0 0 20 06:30 0 1 0 0 1 18:30 4 9 0 0 13 06A5 1 1 1 4 0 0 2 5 18:45 2 17 4 37 0 0 6 54 07:00 4 2 0 0 6 19:00 3 7 0 0 30 07:15 2 2 0 0 4 19:15 1 5 0 0 6 07:30 7 5 0 0 12 19:30 3 6 0 0 9 WAS 1 6 19 2 11 0 0 8 30 19:45 2 9 11 29 0 0 13 38 08:00 7 6 0 0 13 20:00 6 5 0 0 11 08:15 11 8 0 0 19 20:15 2 8 0 0 30 08:30 6 3 0 0 9 20:30 2 7 0 0 9 OBAS 11 35 6 23 0 0 17 58 20:45 1 1 31 4 24 0 0 5 35 09:00 4 9 0 0 13 21:00 1 5 0 0 6 09:15 5 4 0 0 9 21:15 0 3 0 0 3 09:30 30 7 0 0 17 21:30 2 3 0 0 5 09:45 11 30 7 27 0 0 18 57 21:45 2 5 3 14 0 0 5 19 10:00 4 3 0 0 7 22:00 0 3 0 0 3 10:15 6 8 0 0 14 22:15 1 1 0 0 2 10:30 5 6 0 0 11 22:30 0 0 0 0 10:45 6 21 9 26 0 0 35 47 22:45 0 1 1 5 0 0 1 6 11:00 3 6 0 0 9 23:00 0 1 0 0 1 11:15 5 8 0 0 13 23:15 0 0 0 0 11:30 1 7 0 0 8 23:30 0 0 0 0 11:45 3 12 9 30 0 0 12 42 23:45 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 3 TOTALS 123 133 256 TOTALS 180 34] 527 SPLIT% 48.0% 52.0% 32.7X SPLIT% 34.2% 65.8% 67.3% DAILYTOTALS NB SB LB WB LOU "al 303 480 0 0 783 AM Peak Hour 08 DD 1130 08:00 PM Peak Hour 1430 1730 15:00 AM Pk Volume 35 39 58 PM Pk Volume 32 52 74 Pk Hr Factor 0795 0.750 0.263 Pk Hr Factor 0.889 0.765 0.004 2-9 Volume 54 34 00 4-6Va1ume 41 87 128 7-9 Peak Hour 08:00 0800 08:00 4-6 Peak Hour 1630 1700 16:45 7-9 Pk Volume 35 23 58 4-6 Pk Volume 26 48 73 Pk Hr Factor 0.795 0.719 0.763 Pk Hr Factor 0.722 rare 0.830 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared by: Iranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 12 o1 13 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Hart Avenue and Steele Street Attachment 4: 24 -Hour Speed Survey along Hart Avenue, south of Steele Street �pnOeyXH1SPEED Hart Ave S/O Steele St Day: Thursday City: Rosemead Date: 2/3/2022 Project#: C 22_020046_001 Summary AM Volumes 21 58118 51 8 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 256 0000 AM 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fi 01:00 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 02:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 05:00 0 1 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 06:00 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 07:00 J 7 13 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0800 4 12 22 19 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 09:00 3 10 24 16 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 10:00 2 18 23 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 11:00 4 7 25 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 12:00 PM 7 21 17 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 13:00 3 9 19 17 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 14:00 2 20 34 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 15:00 1 13 44 15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 16:00 7 15 29 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 17:00 7 18 36 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 18:00 3 14 25 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 19:00 2 8 19 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 20:00 1 15 12 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 21:00 0 8 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 22:00 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 23:00 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Totals %ot TMals 54 J% 200 26%1 368 47% 141 ]8% 20 3%1 1 1 1 1 11CO% 783 AM Volumes 21 58118 51 8 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 256 %AM 3% J% ]5% J% ]% 33% AM Peak Hour 07M 100] 1100 08:00 0900 OB:O9 Volume ] 18 25 19 4 58 PM Volumes 33 142 250 90 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52T %PM 4% is. 32% 11% 2% 6J% PM Peak Hour 12A0 l2. 15. 130] VOYm! 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