Addendum No. 2 CITY OF ROSEMEAD CALIFORNIA ADDENDUM #2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR DELTA AVENUE SR2S SIDEWALK GAP CLOSURE PROJECT FROM MISSION DR TO WELLS STREET PROJECT No. 21029 Date Issued: October 4, 2022 Addendum 2, Page 1 of 1 Addendum for: Delta Avenue SR2S Sidewalk Gap Closure Project From Mission Dr To Wells Street, Project No. 21029 Addendum No.: 2 Addendum Date: October 4, 2022 Issued by: City of Rosemead Reminder 1: Please sign Addenda Acknowledgement on page CBF-7 of Bid Package Section Titled “Contract Bid Forms”. Entire Contract Bid Forms section shall be submitted as Bidder’s Proposal. Addendum 2 revises the bid due date/time as follows: The City will receive electronic bids through PlanetBids at: https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/54150/portal-home OR sealed bids at the City Clerk’s office, City Hall, 8838 Valley Blvd, Rosemead, CA 91770 up to 10:30 AM on Tuesday, October 11, 2022. Addendum 2 revises the Bid Schedule again. Please see Attachment A – Revised Bid Schedule per Addendum 2. All contractors are required to submit this Revised Bid Schedule as part of their bid to be considered responsive. Addendum 2 removes Part C – Technical Provisions of the Bid Package, and issues Revised Technical Provisions. See Attachment B – Revised Technical Provisions per Addendum 2. Addendum 2 reissues Revised Project Plans. Please see Attachment C – Revised Project Plans per Addendum 2. The revisions per Addendum 1 and 2 are shown as revision clouds on these revised plans. Attachments: Attachment A - Revised Bid Schedule per Addendum 2 Attachment B - Revised Technical Provisions per Addendum 2 Attachment C - Revised Project Plans per Addendum 2 Issued by City of Rosemead ATTACHMENT A - REVISED BID SCHEDULE PER ADDENDUM 2 BIDDER: ________________________ Addendum 2, Attachment A, Page 1 REVISED BASE BID SCHEDULE PER ADDENDUM 2 SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR DELTA AVENUE SR2S SIDEWALK GAP CLOSURE PROJECT FROM MISSION DR TO WELLS STREET PROJECT No. 21029 NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE ITEM COST 1 Clearing and Grubbing including all removals, relocations, per plans and specifications. 1 LS $___________ $__________________ 2 Disposal of Waste Materials 1 LS $___________ $__________________ 3 Earthwork-Export. (excavation) 260 CY $___________ $__________________ 4 Remove and Construct PCC curb ramp per SPPWC Std. Plan 111-5., CASE B, Type 4, modified per plan. Including retaining curb, guard rail and all incidentals complete in place as shown on the plans, details, and specifications. 1 LS $___________ $__________________ 5 Remove, dispose and Construct 4-Inch thick PCC Sidewalk per SPPWC Std. Plan 113-2. 11,100 SF $___________ $__________________ 6 Remove, dispose and Construct 6-inch thick PCC Driveway per SPPWC Std. Plan 110-2, including all incidentals complete in place as modified per plan, details, and specifications. 10,610 SF $___________ $__________________ 7 Remove, dispose and Construct 8-inch curb and gutter per SPPWC Std. Plan 120-2, A2- 8(200) including all incidentals complete in place as modified per plan, details, and specifications. 35 LF $___________ $__________________ 8 Remove, dispose, and Construct 6" thick PCC Pavement per plans and specifications 3,050 SF $___________ $__________________ 9 Install new chain link fence, gate. Including all incidentals complete in place, per plans, details, and specifications. 620 LF $___________ $__________________ 10 Demolish, dispose exist. wall, salvage exist. wrought iron fence, gate, clean and paint and install on new wall. Construct reinforced masonry block wall per SPPWC Std. plan 601- 4, type 1. Including all incidentals complete in place, per plans, details, and specifications. Location: 4430 & 4611 Delta Ave. 76 LF $___________ $__________________ 11 Demolish, dispose exist. wall, salvage exist. wrought iron fence, clean and paint and install on new wall. Construct reinforced masonry retaining wall per SSPWC Std. plan 618-3, type B. Including all incidentals complete in place, per plans, details, and specifications. Location 4416 Delta Ave. 35 LF $___________ $__________________ BIDDER: ________________________ Addendum 2, Attachment A, Page 2 NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE ITEM COST 12 Construct reinforced masonry retaining wall per SSPWC Std. plan 618-3, type B with wrought iron fence, driveway gate, including all incidentals, grading, earthwork, complete in place, per plans, details, and specifications. Location: 8405 Wells St. 60 LF $___________ $__________________ 13 Construct reinforced masonry retaining wall per SSPWC Std. plan 618-3, type B with wrought iron fence, including all incidentals, grading, earthwork, complete in place, per plans, details, and specifications. Location: 4418, 4422, 4426 Delta St. 86 LF $___________ $__________________ 14 Construct 6-inch to 18-Inch high variable retaining curb Including all incidentals complete in place, per plans, details, and specifications. 780 LF $___________ $__________________ 15 Remove and Construct 8-inch-thick Asphalt pavement per plans and specifications 140 Ton $___________ $__________________ 16 Remove, dispose, and construct colored concrete (sunbaked clay color) crosswalk including all incidentals complete in place per detail "E" on sheet D1 and specifications. 1,250 SF $___________ $__________________ 17 Adjust existing utility Pull Box to grade. (Water, Gas, Irrigation) 30 EA $___________ $__________________ 18 Remove existing and install new mailbox 18 EA $___________ $__________________ 19 Relocate existing mailbox per detail “H” on sheet D1 5 EA $___________ $__________________ 20 Furnish and Install 24-inch box tree (lagerstroemia indica 'Muskogee' or Cercis canadensis 'forest pansy) Including all incidentals complete in place, per plans, details, and specifications. 14 EA $___________ $__________________ 21 Furnish and Install 5-gal hedge tree @3-feet O.C (Texas Pivot) Including all incidentals complete in place, per plans, details, and specifications. 10 EA $___________ $__________________ 22 Remove and relocate existing Mango Tree per SPPWC std. plan 518-3 and tree well std. 519- 3, including all incidentals complete in place per plans, details and specifications. 1 EA $___________ $__________________ 23 Remove existing and Furnish and Install 1-inch copper water line including all incidentals complete in place per San Gabriel Valley Water District Standards. 90 LF $___________ $__________________ BIDDER: ________________________ Addendum 2, Attachment A, Page 3 NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE ITEM COST 24 Coordinate with the Water Company for Water Company to Adjust Water Meter to grade, complete in place including new water line, fittings and incidentals per San Gabriel Valley Water District Standards. Contractor shall coordinate with the water company and ensure to maintain water service to the impacted residents at all times during construction, this may include temporary services as necessary, which will be provided by the Contractor. 11 EA $___________ $__________________ 25 Furnish and Install 1-inch PVC irrigation Sleeve 300 LF $___________ $__________________ 26 Coordinate with the Southern California Gas Company to Adjust Gas Meter to grade, complete in place including new gas line, fittings and incidentals per SCG. 4 EA $___________ $__________________ 27 Budget Allowance for Water and Gas Meter adjustment reimbursement. The meter adjustment work will be done by the Water Company or SCG. or by Utility Purveyor at direct cost with no markup allowed. Contractor will obtain all necessary permits and approvals from the Utility Purveyors, and pay for any fees. This budgetary allowance bid item will reimburse the Contractor based on actual cost to obtain all necessary permit approvals from Utility Purveyors. 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 28 Remove and replace the concrete brick pilasters, and salvage and adjust existing gate to new grade at 4410 Delta. Per detail “F” on sheet D1. Including all incidentals complete in place, per plans, details, and specifications 1 LS $___________ $__________________ 29 Signing and Striping Including ADA pavement markings, including all incidentals complete in place, per plans, details and specifications. 1 LS $___________ $__________________ 30 Paint All home address numbers on existing curb 1 LS $___________ $__________________ TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT IN NUMBERS $__________________ TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT IN WORDS: _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ BIDDER: ________________________ Addendum 2, Attachment A, Page 4 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR DELTA AVENUE SR2S SIDEWALK GAP CLOSURE PROJECT FROM MISSION DR TO WELLS STREET PROJECT No. 21029 NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE ITEM COST 1 Cold Mill existing Asphalt Pavement Tapered Header Cut to edge of gutter from 2-inch to 0-inch (6-feet wide) 20,840 SF $___________ $__________________ 2 Construct 2-inch-thick Asphalt Pavement ARHM-GG-C (PG 64-16). 810 Ton $___________ $__________________ 3 Remove, dispose and Construct 8-inch curb and gutter per SPPWC Std. Plan 120-2, A2-8(200) including all incidentals complete in place as modified per plan, details, and specifications. 390 LF $___________ $__________________ 4 Adjust existing Utility water/gas valves to Grade 6 EA $___________ $__________________ 5 Adjust existing Sewer/Storm drain MH to Grade 5 EA $___________ $__________________ 6 Crack Seal asphalt pavement per standard specifications 1 LS $___________ $__________________ TOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID AMOUNT IN NUMBERS $__________________ TOTAL ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID AMOUNT IN WORDS: _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENT B - REVISED TECHNICAL PROVISIONS PER ADDENDUM 2 TP-1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD DELTA AVENUE SR2S SIDEWALK GAP CLOSURE PROJECT FROM MISSION DR TO WELLS STREET PROJECT NO. P21029 PART “B” PART “C” TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-2 TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP 1 - SITE MAINTENANCE 1.01 General. The Contractor shall maintain the construction site in a neat and orderly condition, free from trash and waste construction materials at all times. Unattended construction materials, equipment, and trash shall be left in a manner to not constitute a fire hazard nor become a nuisance or danger due to rain, wind, or other forces of nature. The Contractor shall provide and maintain enclosed toilets for the use of employees engaged in the work. These accommodations shall be maintained in a neat and sanitary condition. They shall also comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to public health and sanitation of dwellings and camps. The Contractor shall provide proper barricades with flashing lights properly working and temporary fencing to insure a safe construction site. The Contractor shall maintain the work site in a manner that assures adequate access to workers and other authorized personnel. The Contractor shall provide proper traffic control in all construction areas. 1.02 Dust Control. The Contractor shall exercise all reasonable and necessary means to abate undue dust. Application of water for dust control shall be under the control of the Engineer and shall be applied in the amounts and at locations designated by the Engineer or other City Representatives. 1.03 Control of Water. The Contractor shall work in a manner that does not prevent storm or other water from flowing uninterrupted along the existing street drainage courses. Diversion of water for short reaches to protect construction may be permitted if public or private properties are not threatened with damage. Should such diversions be necessary, the Contractor shall obtain written permission from the applicable public agency or property owner before the Engineer will permit any diversion of water outside rights-of-way or normal drainage courses. 1.04 Protection of Existing Improvements. Construction operations shall be conducted in a manner that assures all permanent facilities and improvements, as well as temporary improvements which remain during the life of this contract, are not subject to vertical settlement or horizontal movement. The Contractor shall work around all existing utility facilities. During construction the Contractor shall cooperate with the owners of any utility that has manholes, vaults, valve covers or any other facilities within the construction area. These facilities shall be completely protected by the Contractor. The Contractor shall exercise care to prevent asphalt material from being deposited on concrete surfaces. Unless otherwise specified, all costs for protection of existing improvements shall be absorbed in the various items of work and no separate payment shall be made for them. 1.05 Restoration of Existing Improvements. All existing improvements removed or damaged during construction shall be reconstructed in accordance with the applicable TP-3 provisions of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 2009 Edition, (hereinafter referred to as the Standard Specifications). The Contractor shall replace or restore existing improvements to their original condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no expense to the City. 1.06 Disposal of Removed, Cleared, and Waste Material. All removed, cleared, and waste material shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of by the Contractor outside the limits of work in accordance with the applicable ordinances and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 1.07 Final Clean Up. After completion of all other work required under the contract, the Contractor shall, at no expense to the City, clean up the work site including any and all properties used by the Contractor during construction to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall remove and dispose of all excess materials. The Contractor shall repair, replace, or restore, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, all property of any type or nature which has been moved, damaged or altered in any way by the Contractor’s operations. The Contractor shall return all roadway and adjoining surfaces to their original condition and appearance. The Contractor shall provide all necessary means to avoid tracking asphalt oil on existing asphalt pavement or concrete pavement during paving operations. The Contractor shall slurry (quick set emulsion aggregate slurry, Type II (cationic) with 2-1/2% latex additive) all asphalt pavement area where asphalt oil was accidentally tracked. If tracking is left on the concrete pavement, Contractor shall sand blast the affected area to its original condition and to the satisfaction of the Engineer or City Representatives at no additional cost. Any and all of these requirements shall be at the Contractor’s expense. 1.08 Payment. No separate payment will be made for Site Maintenance. All costs for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, dump fees, and incidentals and doing all the work involved, as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer, shall be included in the prices bid for the various contract items of work. TP- 2 - CLEARING AND GRUBBING 2.01 General. Clearing and Grubbing shall conform to Section 300-1, “Clearing and Grubbing” of the Standard Specifications. In addition, the following items of work are included under Clearing and Grubbing, unless otherwise covered by specific bid items: A. 2.01 General. Clearing and Grubbing shall conform to Section 300-1, “Clearing and Grubbing” of the Standard Specifications. In addition, the following items of work are included under Clearing and Grubbing, unless otherwise covered by specific bid items: In conformance with the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB-939), the City will require that all construction materials and dirt removed from the project site be deposited at a recycling center. Certification from the recycling center will be required as part of this bid item. TP-4 A. Maintaining dust control at all times by watering. B. Providing traffic control and maintaining access, security and safety including all signs, barricades, flashers, covers, plates and chain link fencing as specified elsewhere in these specifications. Contractor shall provide a Traffic Control Plan prepared and stamped by a Registered Traffic Engineer for City Approval. C. Protecting in place of existing water mains, sewers, gas lines, water meters, valve covers, walls, fences, curbs, fire hydrant, telephone and power poles, and other existing structures. D. Removing, storing, and replacing removable and portable items and their safe handling and keeping. E. Providing temporary pumps, conduits, and any other necessary means to convey waste waters in order to bypass the construction as needed and as approved by the Engineer. F. Saw cutting Portland cement concrete and asphalt concrete pavement for construction of smooth and straight joins. G. Removing, relocating and replacing all sprinkler lines, heads, valves, and other landscaping items interfering with the construction of improvements. H. Removing and disposing of all existing improvements interfering with the construction of new improvements and/or as required elsewhere in these specifications and not included in other bid items. I. Restoring landscaping or any other miscellaneous improvements damaged during construction. J. Removing, replacing, tree pruning, backfilling, and compacting miscellaneous earthwork resulting from removing existing improvements that are not replaced and where excavations were made for concrete forming. K. Backfilling areas with clean topsoil; grading to join elevation of newly constructed curb, parkway, sidewalk, and driveway approach; and seeding, watering, and caring for rye grass or approved equal by the Engineer until the grass is established. L. Providing all necessary means to prevent tracking of asphalt oil on existing or new asphalt pavement during the paving operation and for restoring areas where asphalt oil was spilled. M. Coordinating the construction with all utility companies. N. Obtaining permit from the appropriate water company for connection to fresh water source and delivering water to the point of use and assuming payment of all fees and payment for water used. TP-5 O. Providing construction signs as specified in the Special Provisions of these specifications. P. Storing construction equipment and materials. Q. Providing enclosed toilets. R. Obtain services of a Land Surveyor to perform construction staking services of grading and horizontal control. S. Tree removal and Reuse T. Temporary adjustment of the existing Mailbox. Contractor shall temporarily install mailboxes behind the work limits during construction to ensure home continues to receive mail delivery. U. Sand Blast, clean and paint existing guard rail. Paint shall be non-corrosive and anti graffiti. Color specified by City. 2.02 Payment. Payment for Clearing and Grubbing shall be included in the lump sum price under Bid Item No. 1. Payment of the lump sum price bid shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and equipment, and doing all work involved in Clearing and Grubbing as specified above and as directed by the Engineer. TP 3 - CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF THE PROJECT 3.01 General. Due to the nature of this project involving some inconveniences, the Contractor shall respond to all complaints associated with the project that include any alleged damage to private property and/or vehicles, within 24 hours of notification. Failure to comply with this provision will result in an additional penalty of $50.00 per occurrence. The City reserves the right, after 24 hours of notification, to respond to the complaint and repair the alleged damage. The Contractor shall reimburse the City for all costs involved in addressing the complaint, including any administrative costs incurred by the City. 3.02 Notification of Affected Owners or Businesses. The Contractor shall distribute notices informing those affected that construction will be performed in proximity to their property. The notice shall be distributed not less than 24 hours before commencement of work. The Contractor shall provide a sample notification to the Engineer for approval. 3.03 “NO PARKING” Signs. The Contractor shall post temporary “NO PARKING” signs at no cost to the City. The “NO PARKING” signs will be in place not less than 24 hours prior to performing the work. TP-6 3.04 Payment. No separate payment will be made for Contractor’s Responsibilities Before Commencement of the Project. All costs for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and incidentals and doing all the work involved, as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer, shall be included in the prices bid for the various contract items of work. TP-7 TP 4 - EARTHWORK, ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND FILL 4.01 General. Earthwork, Roadway Excavation and Fill shall include excavating, removing, hauling, disposing, and placing in fill embankment, using approved materials, to the subgrade elevation indicated on the Plans. Roadway excavation shall include removal of existing soil material, asphalt concrete pavement, Portland cement concrete pavement, roadway base material, curb, sidewalk, and driveway approaches. The work shall also include compacting original ground, providing and placement of fill material, overhauling, finishing roadway subbase, and miscellaneous grading. Earthwork, subgrade preparation, and finishing roadway shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section 300, “Earthwork” and other pertinent sections of the Standard Specifications for the various items involved and the following requirements. The Contractor shall protect all work from inclement weather at all times. In the event of any storm during construction, the Contractor shall provide means to divert runoff water carrying silts, debris, etc., from entering the storm drain system as required by the Clean Water Act and the NPDES. 4.02 Subgrade Preparation. Subgrade preparation shall conform to the provisions of Section 301, “Treated Soil, Subgrade Preparation, and Placement of Base Material” of the Standard Specifications. Subgrade shall be compacted as specified in Section 301-1.3, “Relative Compaction” of the Standard Specifications. Finished subgrades shall not deviate more than 0.02 feet from the theoretical grading plane. 4.03 Unsuitable Material. To the best of the Engineer’s knowledge, no unsuitable material will be encountered below the grading plane on this project. However, should unsuitable material be encountered, it shall be removed and replace with select material from the site at the direction of the Engineer all in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 of the Technical Provisions of these Specifications. 4.04 Fill. Fill shall be placed in lifts compatible with the type of compaction equipment used but no greater than 8 inches in thickness, and shall be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent relative compaction as specified in Section 301-1.3 of the Standard Specifications. Each fill lift shall be treated in a similar manner. Subsequent lifts shall not be placed until the preceding lift has been approved by the Engineer. Fill soils shall consist of excavated onsite soil or imported soil approved by the soils engineer. All organic or deleterious material shall be removed from the fill material prior to placement and compaction. All imported fill shall be granular and non-expansive or of low expansion potential (plasticity index less that 15%). Rocks, asphalt concrete, and Portland cement concrete larger than 4 inches in diameter shall not be used unless they are sufficiently broken down. 4.05 Safety Precautions. All excavation shall be performed, protected, sheeted, shored, braced, and otherwise supported as required for safety and in the manner set forth in the operation rules, orders, and regulations prescribed by the Division of Industrial Safety of the TP-8 State of California. Barriers shall be placed in such locations as necessary along excavations to warn all pedestrian and vehicular traffic of such excavations. 4.06 De-Watering. The Contractor shall provide and maintain at all times during construction, ample means and devices to promptly dispose of all water from any source entering structural excavation, conduit trenches, or other excavations. De-watering shall be accomplished by methods which will insure a dry excavation, the preservation of final grades, and proper soil conditions. 4.07 Disposal of Excess Excavated Material. All excess excavated material shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the site and disposed of by the Contractor at no expense to the City. 4.08 Payment. Payment will be made at the lump sum price bid under Bid Item 3 for Earthwork, Roadway Excavation And Fill. All costs for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and incidentals and doing all the work involved, as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer, shall be included in the prices bid for the various contract items of work. TP 5 – COMPACTED SELECTED FILL (If Applicable) 5.01 General. The subgrade under removed curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveway apron, curb ramp, local depression, cross gutter, and street pavement shall be inspected prior to placing forms. Unsuitable subgrade material, as determined by the Engineer, shall be removed and replace with selected fill material and compacted to not less than 95 percent relative compaction as specified in Section 301-1.3 of the Standard Specifications. The extent of removal and replacement shall be determined by the Engineer. 5.02. No separate payment will be made for Compacted Selected Fill. All costs for furnishing all labor, materials, tools to remove the unsuitable subgrade, place and compact selected fill, and complete the work specified, and incidentals and doing all the work involved, as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer, shall be included in the prices bid for the various contract items of work. TP 6 - SHORING FOR EXCAVATION 6.01 General. The Contractor shall conform to requirements of State of California Labor Code Section 6500. The Contractor shall obtain approval from the State Division of the Industrial Safety and/or OSHA for shoring to be used in the inspection of the project. 6.02 Payment. No separate payment will be made for Shoring for Excavation. All costs for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals and for doing all work involved in furnishing, installing, and removing shoring for excavations, as specified herein and directed by the Engineer shall be included in the prices bid for the various contract items of work. TP-9 TP 7 - REMOVAL, HAULAWAY, AND DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS 7.01 General. The Contractor shall remove, haulaway, and dispose of all existing AC pavement, PCC Pavement, curb, curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveway, storm drain pipe (CMP), catch basins, sewer pipes, and other improvements including barrier poles, landscaping, trees, and irrigation facilities as noted on the Plans and interfering with the new construction unless otherwise noted on the Plans. 7.02 Payment. Payment will be made at the lump sum price bid under Bid Item 2. Payment of the lump sum bid price for furnishing labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals, and for doing all work involved as specified herein and directed by the Engineer. TP 8 – COLD MILLING ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (If Applicable) 8.01 General. The contractor shall cold mill the existing asphalt concrete pavement as dimensioned on the plan and as directed by the Engineer, all in accordance with Section 302-5.2, “Cold Milling Asphalt Concrete Pavement” of the Standard Specifications. 8.02 Thickness of Cold Milling. The thickness of cold milling shall be as shown on the Plans and corresponds to the thickness of the asphalt concrete overlay. 8.03 Payment. Payment for cold planning asphalt concrete pavement shall be made on square foot basis and at the unit price bid under Alternate Bid Item 1. The unit prices paid shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and equipment and doing all work as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer, including removal and disposal of all loosened material, sweeping, and dump fees. TP-9 - COLD PLANING ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 9.01 General. The Contractor shall cold plane the asphalt concrete pavement roadway area within the limits of the project as dimensioned on the plan and as directed by the Engineer, all in accordance with Section 302-1 “Cold Milling Asphalt Concrete Pavement” of the Standard Specifications. Cold planning shall be as indicated on the plans. 9.02 Payment. Payment for cold planing asphalt concrete pavement shall be made on a square foot basis and at the unit price bid under Alternate Bid Item No. 1. The unit prices paid shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, material, tools, and equipment and doing all work as specified herein including removal and disposal of all loosened material, sweeping, dump fees, and incidentals and doing all the work involved as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer. TP-10 TP 10 – ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 10.01 General. Asphalt concrete pavement shall be ARHM-GG-C (PG 64-16) and or D1 (PG 64-10) and shall be constructed in accordance with Section 203, “Bituminous Materials” and Section 302-5, “Asphalt Concrete Pavement” of the Standard Specifications and the Plans. 10.02 Asphalt Concrete. Asphalt concrete pavement shall be constructed in accordance with Section 302-5, “Asphalt Concrete Pavement” of the Standard Specifications. Asphalt concrete to be used by the Contractor as part of this work shall be C2-PG 64-10 or B-PG 64-10 or ARHM-GG-C (PG 64-16) and D1 (PG 64-10) 10.03 Subgrade. Asphalt concrete pavement shall be constructed on crushed miscellaneous base as indicated on the plans and over compacted native subgrade. Subgrade preparation for the pavement shall be as specified in Section 4 of these Specifications. 10.04 Clean Concrete Improvements After Asphalt Concrete Pavement. The Contractor shall remove all asphalt concrete pavement overlay that spills onto the concrete curb gutter, cross gutter, local depression and all other concrete improvements. Removal shall be done as soon as practical after the asphalt concrete pavement has been laid. Any oil or other spillage onto concrete improvements shall also be removed in a manner to leave them completely clean of any paving material. 10.05 Payment. Payment for Asphalt Concrete will be made at the unit price bid under Bid Items 15 and Alternate Bid Item No. 2. The unit prices paid shall also include the crushed miscellaneous base as indicated on the plans and full compensation for furnishing all labor, material, tools, and equipment to complete the work specified herein and as directed by the Engineer, including the costs for removal, disposal, and disposal fees. Subgrade preparation and cleaning of concrete improvements will be included in the cost bid for Asphalt Concrete Pavement. TP 11 - PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE AND MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 11.01 General. Portland cement concrete construction shall be in accordance with Section 201, “Concrete, Mortar and Related Materials” and Section 303, “Concrete and Masonry Construction” of the Standard Specification and as specified in the Standard Plans for Public Works Construction (hereinafter referred to as Standard Plans) and details shown on the Plans. The work required includes the removal and replacement of curb and gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, driveway replacement, cross gutter and local depression and the construction as shown on the Plans. 11.02 Concrete Mix. Concrete for curb and gutter, and local depression, shall be Class 520-C-2500 concrete specified by class in accordance with Section 201-1.1.2, “Concrete Specified by Class and Alternate Class” of the Standard Specifications. TP-11 11.03 Curb and Gutter. Concrete curb and gutter shall be constructed in conformance with Section 303-5, “Concrete Curbs, Walks, Gutters, Cross Gutters, Alley Intersection, Access Ramps and Driveways” of the Standard Specifications, shall be per Standard Plan 120-1 and details as indicated on the Plans. Curb and gutter shall be constructed to grade specified on the Plans. Curb and gutter shall not be poured monolithically with adjacent concrete improvements such as sidewalk, driveway approach, curb ramp, etc. and shall be constructed on 4 inches of compacted crushed miscellaneous base. The Contractor shall remove and replace a minimum of a one-foot wide strip of asphalt pavement beyond the edge of the gutter to accommodate the construction of the curb and gutter. Curb and gutter constructed at driveway approach shall be poured separately from the apron and paid for separately. Payment for curb and gutter shall include the crushed miscellaneous base under the curb and gutter and the one-foot space beyond the edge of the gutter for the asphalt pavement. After removing forms for curb and gutter construction at locations where planted parkway is specified, the space behind the curb shall be filled with selected backfill material to the elevation of the top of the curb prior to seeding as specified. 11.04 Sidewalk. Concrete sidewalk shall be constructed in accordance with Section 303-5, “Concrete Curbs, Walks, Gutters, Cross Gutters, Alley Intersection, Access Ramps and Driveways” of the Standard Specifications and shall be per Standard Plans 112-1 and 113- 1. All sidewalks shall be 4 inches thick. Weakened plane joints shall be constructed at regular intervals following the pattern of existing sidewalk adjacent to the sidewalk being replaced or in the immediate area. Exposed roots within the subgrade area must be completely removed, voids backfilled and compacted prior to placement of new sidewalk. 11.05 Local Depression. Portland cement concrete local depression shall be constructed in accordance with Section 303-5, “Concrete Curbs, Walks, Gutters, Cross Gutters, Alley Intersection, Access Ramps and Driveways” of the Standard Specification and shall be per Standard Plan 313-1. All exposed edges shall be rounded to ½-inch radius. The thickness of the local depression shall be 8 inches constructed on compacted crushed miscellaneous base. The asphalt concrete pavement shall be removed a distance of one foot around the local depression to permit construction. The local depression shall be constructed on compacted crushed miscellaneous base (Minimum 8 in. thick) 11.06 Concrete Pavement. Portland cement concrete local depression shall be constructed in accordance with Section 303-5, “Concrete Curbs, Walks, Gutters, Cross Gutters, Alley Intersection, Access Ramps and Driveways” of the Standard Specification and shall be per TP-12 Standard Plan 132-2. 11.07 Curb Ramp. Concrete curb ramp shall be constructed in accordance with Section 303-5 of the Standard Specifications and shall be per Standard Plan 111-2 and 112-1. In addition, the depressed curb and gutter shall be constructed separately from the ramp. The Contractor shall protect in place and adjust valve covers and other structures that may be within the curb ramps area to new grade at locations indicated on the Plans. The Contractor shall include as part of the unit price bid for the construction of curb ramps, curb and gutter along ramps, detectable warning (truncated domes), the cost of removal of curb, sidewalk and asphalt and/or concrete pavement and construction of the curb ramp and asphalt and/or concrete pavement for the entire area affected by the construction of the curb ramp. After removing forms for curb ramp construction, the space left by the form and the area beyond the form that was disturbed due to construction shall be filled with selected backfill material to the elevation of the back of the curb ramp and restored to the conditions prior to construction. Cost for curb ramps shall include the removal and replacement of additional sidewalk between BCR and ECR (both locations). No additional payment will be made for additional sidewalk to be replaced (if necessary) between BCR and ECR and shall be included as part of the Curb Ramp Bid Item. 11.08 Payment. Payment for Concrete Construction will be made at the unit price bids under Bid Items No. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,14 & 16 and Alternate Bid No.3. The unit prices paid shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and equipment to complete the work specified herein and as directed by the Engineer, including the costs for removal, disposal, and disposal fees. The unit price bid for curb and gutter includes the cost of crushed miscellaneous base under curb and gutter TP 12- REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY BLOCK 12 - GENERAL 12.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Concrete block masonry. 2. Grouting of masonry. 3. Installing reinforcing steel bars in masonry. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Furnishing and delivery of steel bar reinforcing for masonry. 2. Water repellent sealer. 12.2 SUBMITTALS A. Mix Designs: Submit for mortar and grout. 12.3 JOB CONDITIONS TP-13 A. Inspect and verify surfaces to receive Work of this Section. Report all conditions that prevent correct installation of masonry. 12.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Tolerances: Unit masonry shall be placed within 1/8" of dimensions noted. Reinforcement shall be placed within tolerances recommended by ACI Detailing Manual, 1980 Edition, Special Publication, SP-66. B. REFERENCES, CODES AND STANDARDS: The following latest edition of the references, codes and standards are hereby made a part of this Section and work shall conform to the applicable requirements therein except as otherwise specified herein or shown on the Drawings. Latest edition of references and codes adopted by the Governing Agency shall apply. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as permitting work that is contrary to code requirements. 1. California Building Code (CBC) latest edition. 2. ACI 530.1 – Latest Revision, “Specification for Masonry Structures”. PART 2 PRODUCTS 12.5 BASIC MATERIALS A. Portland cement: UBC Std. 19-1/ASTM C150, Type I or II, low alkali; mortar cement or plastic cement not permitted. Use one brand. B. Hydrated lime: UBC Std. 21-13/ASTM C207, Type S. C. Mortar sand: UBC Std. 21-14 and ASTM C144, minimum 4% passing No. 100 sieve, uniformly graded fine to coarse. D. Grout aggregates: UBC Std. 21-19 and ASTM C404, natural, Size No. 1 or No. 2 for fine aggregate, Size No. 8 for coarse aggregate. E. Mortar admix: None without prior approval of Architect and Structural Engineer. F. Grout admix: Sika Chemical Corp. GA Grout Aid, type as required; no substitution. G. Color pigment: Pure ground mineral oxides, non-fading, alkali and lime proof, factory packaged, not more than 3 pounds per sack of cement. H. Control joint filler: Dur-O-Wal "Rapid Control Joint", wide flange unless regular flange is shown, approved sizes. 12.6 CONCRETE BLOCK MATERIALS A. General: Block shall be as indicated on the drawings and conform to ASTM C90, Grade N-1, steam-cured or yard air cured for 28 days, meeting Quality Control Standards of Concrete Masonry Association, natural cement color smooth faced units unless otherwise indicated or specified. Include matching jamb, lintel, control joint, bond beam, wall cap, and other special shape, type, or size units as required. TP-14 B. Colored Concrete Block: Same as above except integrally colored, color as selected from tan or buff range of colors. C. Slump Stone or Split-Face Concrete Block: Integrally colored of the color as selected from tan or buff range of colors, with approved texture on all exposed faces and ends. 12.7 MORTAR AND GROUT PROPORTIONS AND MIXING A. Strengths: Minimum compressive strengths, 1,800 psi for mortar and 2,000 psi for grout at 28 days unless noted otherwise. B. Proportions: Accurately measure all mortar and grout by the volume method using calibrated containers. Shovel measurements are not acceptable. 1. Mortar: Per 2103.3, one part portland cement, 3-1/2 to 4 parts sand based on dry loose volume, and not less than 1/4-part nor over 1/2-part lime. 2. Grout: Per 2103.4, and as follows. Mix with enough water to produce consistency for pouring without segregation. 3. Colored Mortar: Same as for mortar plus add color pigment to produce cured dry color matching concrete unit color and the approved Sample. C. Mixing: Place half of the required water and sand in an operating machine mixer; then add portland cement, remainder of sand and water, and then hydrated lime. Machine mix not less than 5 minutes after all ingredients are charged. D. Retempering: Retemper mortar within one hour after leaving the mixer and maintain high plasticity. Add water in a basin formed in the mortar and rework mortar into water. Discard all mortar that is not used within one hour or that has begun to initially set. EXECUTION 12.8 INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE BLOCK MASONRY A. General: Lay out unit masonry to minimize cutting of units and use of odd joint sizes or bond. Construct all masonry in accordance with Code and Concrete Masonry Association standards for reinforced masonry. Place and embed in masonry anchors, bolts, reglets, sleeves, conduits, and all other items furnished under other Sections, fully grouted in place. Work out details and be responsible for size, position, and arrangement of embedded items and necessary openings. Cut units by machine saw. Install only clean uncracked units. B. Setting: Install masonry to preserve unobstructed vertical continuity of block cells. Full bed face shells and cross webs in mortar. Fill header or end joints solid with mortar to a depth from face of wall or unit not less than the thickness of the longitudinal face shells. Provide corner bond by lapping units in successive vertical courses. C. Cleanout Openings: Provide openings at the bottom of cells containing bar reinforcing, and at each lift or pour of grout exceeding 48" height. Remove all overhanging mortar and other TP-15 obstructions or debris from the interior of block cells. Seal cleanouts with matching whole units and mortar Joints D. Reinforcing: Use deep-cut bond beam units at horizontal reinforcing bars. Install open end units for vertical bars unless otherwise shown. Hold vertical reinforcing bars in correct position at top, bottom, and intervals not over 160 bar diameters between, and secure in place with wood frames or similar devices as required for proper alignment. Install horizontal reinforcement as erection progresses, laps wire tied. Maintain a minimum 3/4" clear space between masonry and bars. Make laps and splices in bars not less than 40 bar diameters unless otherwise indicated. E. Grouting: Fill all cells with grout except where noted otherwise in the drawings. Pour in 4foot lifts, waiting about 1-hour between lifts. Pour full height in each section of the wall in one work shift. Consolidate grout by puddling or internal vibration, then reconsolidate about 10 minutes later before plasticity is lost. Form horizontal construction joints by stopping the grout pour 1- 1/2" below the top of masonry units. High lift grout placement may be used at Contractor's option as approved by the Architect and Structural Engineer and according to Code. F. Bond and Joints: Lay units with 1/2-unit running bond, vertical joints in alternate courses aligned and plumb. Make joints uniformly 3/8" size, concealed joints struck flush. Compact and dense concave tool exposed joints with 1-1/2" diameter plastic or similar non-staining tool. G. Weep Holes: Provide 1/4" diameter weep holes at bottom of ungrouted cells of exterior walls, or provide weep holes at maximum 32" centers with drain slots under webs of intervening units. 12.9 WALL CONTROL JOINTS A. Provide for walls where shown, control joint filler placed for full height of each joint. Caulk exterior face of joints with elastomeric sealant. B. Unless lesser distance apart is indicated on the drawings, construct control joints at 40’ on centers. 12.9.1 PARGING A. Parge walls wherever required to assure smooth surfaces to receive waterproofing. B. Clean wall surfaces thoroughly. Apply Larson Products Co. Weldcrete bonding agent to surfaces of wall in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Apply parge coat of Type S mortar, conforming to Title 24, Table 21-A (1 part Portland cement, 1/4 to 1/2 part hydrated lime, 2-1/4 to 3 parts fine aggregate) with Laticrete latex admix added per admix manufacturer's directions. Apply in 2 uniform coats to a total thickness of 3/4 inch. Scarify first parging coat to ensure full bond to subsequent coat. D. Use a steel-trowel finish to produce a smooth, flat, dense surface with a maximum surface variation of 1/8 inch per foot. Form a wash at top of parging and a cove at bottom. Damp cure parging for at least 24 hours and protect until cured. Provide nailers if required for attachment of membrane. TP-16 12.10 CEMENT WASH ON WALL TOPS A. Use mortar the matching masonry joints. Trowel dense and smooth with clean edges, sloped as shown or directed, and cross score using an approved tool at nominal 32" centers. As soon as hardened, cover with sealed plastic sheeting and keep moist for at least 10 days after placing. 12.10.1 CURING A. Keep newly constructed masonry damp for 3 days with regulated fog spray of water sufficient only to moisten faces of masonry but not in an amount as to cause water to flow down over masonry. Do not saturate masonry with water for curing or any other purposes and protect from rain or flooding during curing period. 12.10.2 CLEANING A. Clean mortar and grout off exposed surfaces immediately and as the Work progresses. Acceptably repair imperfect joints, holes, defaced units, chipped edges or corners, and all other defects, or replace the defective units as required for approval. Mortar or grout staining on exposed masonry surfaces is subject to sandblast cleaning of the entire surface involved to obtain clean uniform approved appearance, as directed and at no additional contract cost. 12.10.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing: Testing Laboratory shall test mortar and grout to extent shown, directed, or required by Code. B. Continuous Inspection: Required if indicated, and for high lift grouting operations. 12.11 Payment. Payment for Construct Reinforced Masonry Block Wall and Masonry Retaining wall Construction will be made at the unit price bids under Bid Items No. 10, 11, 12 & 13. The unit prices paid shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, including wrought iron fence and equipment to complete the work specified herein and as directed by the Engineer, including the costs for removal, disposal, and disposal fees. TP 13 - ADJUST MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER TO GRADE (if Applicable) 13.01 General. All manhole frames and covers shall be marked as to their location by the Contractor prior to placement of the asphalt concrete pavement. Upon completion of the asphalt concrete pavement and after reasonable time is allowed for setting, the Contractor shall raise the manhole frames and covers to grade in accordance with Section 301-1.6, “Adjustment of Manhole Frame and Cover Sets to Grade” of the Standard Specifications. 13.02 Manhole Frame and Cover or Vault. The manhole frame and cover or concrete vaults that are at the finish grade of the street shall be protected along with the vault during the cold milling and paving operations. Payment for protecting vault and manhole will be included in the lump sum for Bid for various items of work. TP-17 13.03 Payment. No separate payment will be made for adjusting manhole frames and covers to grade. All costs for furnishing all labor, materials, tools to remove the unsuitable subgrade, place and compact selected fill, and complete the work specified, and incidentals and doing all the work involved, as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer, shall be included in the prices bid for the various contract items of work. TP 14 - ADJUST WATER AND GAS METER COVER TO GRADE 14.01 General. The Contractor shall adjust existing water meters/gas and covers to grade including all fittings and incidentals. Existing covers shall be adjusted to new grade. 14.02 Payment. Payment for adjusting water meter and or gas meters and meter covers will be made at the unit price bid under Bid Item No. 17. The unit price paid shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, materials and equipment involved in adjusting to grade as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer. TP 15 - STRIPING, PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND APPURTENANCES 15.01 General. Quantities shown are not guaranteed. Striping Details shall conform to the Standard Plans of the State of California, Department of Transportation, latest revision, hereinafter referred to as the Caltrans Standard Plans, and with Section 214, “Pavement Markers” of the Standard Specifications. All of the work performed under this section shall conform to the above stated specifications and plans and to details shown on the Plans and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 15.02 Painted Striping, Markings, Markers and Appurtenances. Painted Traffic Pavement Striping, Legends, Markings, Pavement Markers and Appurtenances shall conform to Sections 210-1.6 “Paint for Traffic Striping, Pavement Marking, and Curb Marking” and 214 “Pavement Markers”, The Contractor shall apply two (2) coats of water base paint as manufactured by MORTON, Product Number 2675A5 (White), and 2676A (Yellow), for entire project unless otherwise indicated in writing by the Engineer. The layout of all work to be painted shall be inspected and approved prior to painting. Any work painted without prior approval of the layout is subject to removal and replacement at the Contractor’s expense. 15.04 Payment. Payment for Signing and Striping and Appurtenances will be made at the lump sum price bid under Bid Item No. 29. Payment of the lump sum price bid shall include the striping where shown on the plans and full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment, and doing all work involved as specified herein and as directed by the Engineer. The lump sum price shall also include the preliminary layout/marking of all striping and markings and any adjustments required by the Engineer during the layout operation. TP-18 TP 16-ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES 16.01 General. The work shall consist of, but not necessarily limited to, the construction of ornamental iron fences at the location(s) shown on the plans. Unless indicated otherwise, fence shall be constructed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. 16.02 MATERIALS 16-02.01 Fence The welded steel ornamental iron picket fencing system shall be Secure-Weld Plus, Western as manufactured by Merchants Metals or approved equal. The color of the fence system shall be Black. 16-02.02 Posts, Rails, and Pickets. All posts, rails, and pickets used in the fence system shall be extruded from ASTM A500 Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing with minimum yield strength of 46,000 psi. Specifications and sizes shall be as shown: Component Size Pickets 3/4” square x 16 gauge Rails 1 1/2” square x 14 gauge Standard Posts 2 1/2” square x 11 gauge Spacing Between Pickets 3 11/16” Post Spacing 94 5/8” on center Height 48” max. Weight Supported per Section of Fence 350+ lbs. Panels, pickets, and flanged posts (if required) shall be of welded construction by the gas metal arc method. Pickets shall be attached to rail in the same manner. No rivets, rods or screws will be acceptable for assembly of panels. Layout and welding shall be done by an experienced craftsman. All flush welds shall be ground smooth. 16-02.03 Fasteners and Accessories. All fasteners shall be galvanized steel. Galvanized steel castings shall be used for all post caps and other miscellaneous hardware. Brackets shall be L-shaped, slide-on type brackets. Brackets shall be attached to the posts with ¼” x ¾” (¼” x 1” may be substituted) self-tapping tek- screws. 16-02.04 Footings. Portland cement concrete for ornamental iron post footings shall be produced from commercial quality aggregates and cement and shall provide a minimum compressive strength at 28 days of 3,000 psi. 16-02.05 Finish. Finish shall be an eight stage pre-treatment and a four-stage TP-19 corrosion resistant powder coating process or approved equal. The finish shall conform to local environmental air quality standards. Color shall be Black, unless otherwise specified. Finish shall be applied after fabrication. All welds are to receive treatment with a zinc rich-epoxy resin primer applied at a thickness of 2 to 4 mils and over cured at 400o F. The finish coat shall be 2 to 4 mils dry film thickness and shall be a TGIC polyester powder coating that combines hardness and durability. The 12-step process shall consist of (1) Hot alkaline cleaner, (2) Clear water rinse, (3) Hot iron phosphate application, (4) Clear water rinse, (5) Sealer application, (6) Ring rinse, (7) Deionized water rinse, (8) Drying at 425o F, (9) Zinc enriched epoxy primer powder coat at 2-4 mils, (10) Gel oven heat at 400o F, (11) Ultra polyester finish powder coat at 2-4 mils, (12) Final oven curing at 450oF. 16-03 CONSTRUCTION Fencing indicated on the plans to be removed, shall be properly disposed off site by the Contractor at Contractor’s expense. Any existing fence indicated to remain and which have been damaged by the Contractor shall be replaced by him at his expense. All earth, trees, brush and other obstructions which interfere with the proper construction of fences shall be removed and properly disposed of off site by the Contractor. Existing cross fences shall be connected to the new fence where indicated on the plans. Corner posts with braces for every direction of strain shall be placed at the junction with existing fences. Unless indicated otherwise, at structures an end post shall be installed and the fence connected thereto. Install fence per manufacturer's recommendations. Fence post spacing shall be in accordance with the drawings. Footings and post cap sizes shall be as indicated on the drawings. Space posts uniformly in accordance with panel width, unless instructed otherwise. Set posts in concrete. Post holes shall have a diameter 4 times the nominal post size and 6" deeper than the bottom of the post. Forms are not necessary or recommended. Crown concrete at top to shed water. Check each post for vertical and top alignment. Attach brackets using ¼” x ¾” tek-screws; ¼” x 1” tek-screws may be used as an alternate. Attach fence panels. Any abrasions or field welds that cause damage to the factory-applied coatings shall be thoroughly cleaned, re-primed, and touched up by the Contractor. The paint used for touch TP-20 up shall be the same quality, color and gloss to provide a match to the manufacturer’s finish. Assembled sections shall support a 350 pound vertical load at the midpoint of any horizontal rail. The entire fence system shall have a written 10 Year Warranty against rust and defects in workmanship and materials. Line posts shall be spaced at not more than 8-foot intervals, measured from center to center of posts. In general in determining the post spacing, measurement will be made parallel to the slope of the natural ground, and all posts shall be placed in a vertical position. All posts shall be set in concrete footings conforming to the details contained in the Caltrans Standard Plans. 16.04 Payment. No separate payment will be made for Ornamental Iron Fences. All costs for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals and for doing all work involved in furnishing and installing, as specified herein and directed by the Engineer shall be included in the prices bid for the various contract items of work. ATTACHMENT C - REVISED PROJECT PLANS PER ADDENDUM 2 PROJECT LOCATION CITY OF ROSEMEAD CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCTION NOTES (CONT) STREET TYPICAL SECTION STREET TYPICAL SECTION LIST OF STANDARD DRAWINGS SR2S SIDEWALK GAP CLOSURE PROJECT NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR(S) GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION ("SPECIFICATIONS") 2021 EDITION, AND AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION STD. PLANS, 2021 EDITION AND CURRENT AMENDMENTS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY ENGINEER FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK; TELEPHONE NUMBER (626) 569-2151. 3. THESE PLANS ARE HEREBY MADE A PART OF THE SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT. 4. NO REVISION SHALL BE MADE TO THESE PLANS WITHOUT THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY FOR ALL NECESSARY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS FOR ALL WORK AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS FROM THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD. 6. ANY CONTRACTOR PERFORMING WORK AS INDICATED HEREON FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE SITE AND SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING FACILITIES RESULTING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM HIS OPERATIONS, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH FACILITIES ARE SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. 7. THE CONTRACTORS ATTENTION IS EXPRESSLY DIRECTED TO ALL THE REQUIREMENTS AND PROVISIONS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAFETY REGULATIONS. CONFORMANCE THERETO SHALL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED DURING THE ENTIRE LIFE OF THE CONTRACT. 8.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF ALL SURPLUS EARTH EXCAVATION OUTSIDE OF THE PROJECT AREA UNLESS APPROVED OTHERWISE BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ALL AC AND CONCRETE REMOVALS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AN DIMENSIONS AT THE JOB SITE BEFORE COMMENCING ANY PORTION OF THE WORK; COMPARE ACTUAL CONDITIONS WITH DRAWINGS TO ASCERTAIN CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED; CHECK AND CONFIRM LOCATION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES, EQUIPMENT, AND UTILITIES WHICH MAY AFFECT WORK. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK SHALL CONSTITUTE FULL ACCEPTANCE OF EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT ALL DISCREPANCIES TO THE CITY ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENACT ALL MEASURES TO PROTECT AND SAFEGUARD WORKERS AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC FROM INJURY DURING THE ENTIRE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION; MAINTAIN THE JOB SITE IN AN ORDERLY, CLEAN MANNER THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF WORK AND NOT BLOCK LEGAL EXITS OR ENTRANCES; LEAVE WORK AREA CLEAN, FREE OF DEBRIS AT THE END OF EACH DAY; AND COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. 11. ALL CONCRETE AND ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE REMOVED UTILIZING A SAW CUT (MINIMUM CUT DEPTH 1 1/2" AND/OR OTHER METHODS AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST ALL UTILITY VALVE BOXES, MANHOLES, ETC. TO GRADE UPON COMPLETION OF PAVING. CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE USED TO PATCH AROUND RAISED UTILITIES IN CONCRETE STREETS; ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT IN ASPHALT CONCRETE STREETS. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE IN KIND, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER, ANY PAVING, CURB AND GUTTER OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS CUT, REMOVED, OR DAMAGED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS PROJECT. 14. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY, THE CITY ENGINEER AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVE, HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY OR THE CITY ENGINEER. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DUST CONTROL AND TRAFFIC CONTROL AT ALL TIMES TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER, AND SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (A.Q.M.D.) RULE 403 FOR MITIGATING DUST CONTROL. 16. BARRICADES WITH FLASHING LIGHTS ARE TO BE MAINTAINED ON ALL OBSTRUCTIONS WITHIN EXISTING STREET RIGHT-OF-WAYS AT ALL TIMES. CONSTRUCTION WARNING SIGNS AND FLAGMEN ARE TO BE PRESENT AT THE JOB SITE. 17. UPON COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ANY DAMAGE INCURRED DUE TO HIS OPERATION. 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT AT (800) 422-4133 TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. 19. ABBREVIATIONS INDICATED ON THE PLANS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1-3 OF THE "SPECIFICATIONS". 20. CIRCLED NUMBERS (FOR EXAMPLE, 1 ) REFER TO CONSTRUCTION LEGEND NUMBERS. 1. ALL AVAILABLE RECORDS FROM THE CITY AND UTILITY COMPANIES INVOLVED HAVE BEEN INVESTIGATED AND ALL KNOWN UTILITY CONDUITS AND SUBSTRUCTURES ARE SHOWN HEREON. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTILITY CONDUITS AND SUBSTRUCTURES SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR THE TOTAL EXPENSE OF REPAIR AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF SAID UTILITY CONDUITS AND SUBSTRUCTURES DAMAGED BY HIS OPERATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE LIMITS OF THIS PROJECT. 2. EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN-PLACE BY THE CONTRACTOR, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. RELOCATION OR REMOVAL OF ANY EXISTING UTILITIES NOT COVERED BY THESE PLANS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY OR UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY OWNERS AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PRESERVATION OF ALL, IF ANY, EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL POSSESS A VALID STATE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE AND SHALL BE REQUIRED TO POSSESS A VALID CITY BUSINESS LICENSE WHILE PERFORMING WORK ON THIS PROJECT. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK COVERED BY THESE PLANS. 6. THE CITY SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LIABLE FOR UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO OR USES OF THESE PLANS. ALL CHANGES TO THE PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER ·STANDARD PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS, JULY 2018 (STATE OF CALIFORNIA). ·STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION - 2021 EDITION AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION-SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAPTER STD.PLAN NO.TITLE 110-2 DRIVEWAY APPROACHES 112-2 CURB & SIDEWALK JOINTS 113-2 SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT 120-2 CURB AND GUTTER-BARRIER 122-2 CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL GUTTERS 132-3 CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT 133-3 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT 205-2 SEWER MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT 206-2 MANHOLE RAISING RINGS A74A SURVEY WELL MONUMENT UTILITY TITLE WATER SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 8366 GRAND AVE ROSEMEAD CA 91770 CONTACT: Anthony Agobian (626) 287-0341 email: anthony@sgcwd.com SCE 1000 POTRERO GRANDE DRIVE MONTEREY PARK, CA 91755 CONTACT: ELIAS BERMUDEZ (323) 720-5263 SCG THE GAS COMPANY 9400 OAKDALE, CHATSWORTH CA 91311-6511 CONTACT:MICHAEL DUENAS (714) 634-7265 CHARTER COMMUNICATIO NS 4781 IRWINDALE AVENUE IRWINDALE, CA 91706 CONTACT JESSE GONZALES (626) 430-3570 ATT 8633 GRAND AVENUE ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 CONTACT: STEVE GILLESPIE (626) 570-7193 SHEET INDEX SHEET DESCRIPTIONSHEET #/RANGE 1 OF 6 (T1)......................TITLE SHEET 2 OF 6 (C1)......................DELTA AVE. CONSTRUCTION PLAN PRIVATE ENGINEER'S NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY PIPES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WERE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF AVAILABLE RECORDS. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITIES SHOWN AND ANY OTHER LINES OR STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS PERFORMING WORK SHOWN ON OR RELATED TO THESE PLANS SHALL CONDUCT THEIR OPERATIONS SO THAT ALL EMPLOYEES ARE PROVIDED A SAFE PLACE TO WORK AND THE PUBLIC IS PROTECTED. ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE "OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATION" OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS' "CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ORDERS." THE CITY ENGINEER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE IN ANY WAY FOR THE CONTRACTORS' AND SUBCONTRACTORS' COMPLIANCE WITH THE "OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS" OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OR WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS' "CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ORDERS." CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. LOCATION MAP N.T.S PROJECT NO 21029 T1TITLE SHEET DWG. NO.ECEngineers, Inc.JCONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 15859 EDNA PL., SUITE 101 IRWINDALE, CA. 91706 (626) 960-0152 / (626) 960-9002 FAX Civil Engineers Land SurveyorsLand Planners Plans Prepared By: Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 6 FROM MISSION DRIVE TO WELLS STREET 5 OF 6 (D1)......................DETAIL SHEET 6 OF 6 (ST1)....................DELTA AVE. STRIPING PLAN DELTA AVENUE 1 DELTA AVENUE SR2S SIDEWALK GAP CLOSURE PROJECT FROM WELLS STREET TO MISSION DRIVE CONTRACTOR NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY MEANS TO AVOID TRACKING ASPHALT OIL ON EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT OR CONCRETE PAVEMENT DURING OPERATIONS. SEE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONDITIONS. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT IN PLACE ANY MAIL BOXES, IRRIGATION SYSTEM, ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, CABLE CONDUIT OR UTILITY LINE. IF DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE IN KIND. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST TO GRADE ANY PULLBOXES AFFECTED BY THIS IMPROVEMENT. IF PULLBOXES (WATER, GAS, ETC) ARE DAMAGED, CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE THEM IN KIND. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL POTHOLE TO VERIFY LOCATION AND DEPTH OF UTILITIES. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT RELOCATE OR REPLACE IN KIND EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM (PIPES, HEADS, ETC) AS NECESSARY. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL BACKFILL AND RESEED LANDSCAPE.AS NECESSARY FOR LANDSCAPE AREAS AFFECTED BY THIS IMPROVEMENT. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE LAYOUT OF AC REMOVALS WITH PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR. 8. THE CITY WILL LAYOUT THE PRECISE LOCATION OF ALL CONCRETE PAVING AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THESE IMPROVEMENTS AS SHOWN MAY VARY SLIGHTLY AS TO LOCATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND QUANTITIES AS MARKED OUT BY THE CITY. 9.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT AS INDICATED BY THE ENGINEER OR INSPECTOR. THE ENGINEER OR INSPECTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION WHERE TEMPORARY RESURFACING WILL BE NEEDED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT MIX TEMPORARY ASPHALTIC CONCRETE WITH PERMANENT ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE, EARTH OR OTHER MATERIALS THAT ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE. ALL COSTS INVOLVED IN COMPLYING WITH THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE UNIT PRICE BID FOR CLEARING AND GRUBBING. 3 OF 6 (C2)......................DELTA AVE. CONSTRUCTION PLAN FINISHED FLOOR EDGE OF PAVEMENT FINISHED SURFACE GUY ANCHOR CONCRETE FLOWLINE NATIVE GROUND STREET LIGHT TOP OF CURB TOP OF WALL WATER METER FF FIRE HYDRANT PARKING LOT LIGHT SEWER CLEANOUT EP FS GA FH CONC FL NG PKL TW SL TC SCO WM PP POWER POLE CHAIN LINK FENCECLF BACK OF WALKBW STORM DRAINSD EXISTING GRADEEG LEGEND POWER POLE TREE WATER METER FIRE HYDRANT SIGN SEWER MANHOLE GAS METER SLOPE GRADING STORM DRAIN MANHOLE PROPOSED PCC FULL DEPTH AC RETAINING CURB MASONRY RET. BLOCK WALL FENCE MASONRY BLOCK WALL 4 OF 6 (C3)......................RETAINING WALL PLAN AND PROFILE 10-4-2022 10+0011+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 10+5011+0010+50STOP DETAIL "K"DETAIL "K" 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCTION NOTES (CONT) C1 DWG. NO.ECEngineers, Inc.JCONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 18800 AMAR RD., SUITE B13 WALNUT, CA. 91789 (626) 667-8675 / (626) 667-8674 FAX Civil Engineers Land SurveyorsLand Planners Plans Prepared By: PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF:DATE:Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 6 DELTA AVENUE SR2S SIDEWALK GAP CLOSURE PROJECT FROM WELLS STREET TO MISSION DRIVE CONSTRUCTION PLAN DELTA AVENUEWELLS AVENUEDELTA AVENUE FINISHED FLOOR EDGE OF PAVEMENT FINISHED SURFACE GUY ANCHOR CONCRETE FLOWLINE NATIVE GROUND STREET LIGHT TOP OF CURB TOP OF WALL WATER METER FF FIRE HYDRANT PARKING LOT LIGHT SEWER CLEANOUT EP FS GA FH CONC FL NG PKL TW SL TC SCO WM PP POWER POLE CHAIN LINK FENCECLF BACK OF WALKBW STORM DRAINSD EXISTING GRADEEG LEGEND POWER POLE TREE WATER METER FIRE HYDRANT SIGN SEWER MANHOLE GAS METER SLOPE GRADING STORM DRAIN MANHOLE PROPOSED PCC FULL DEPTH AC RETAINING CURB MASONRY RET. BLOCK WALL FENCE MASONRY BLOCK WALL 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 STOPCONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCTION NOTES (CONT) C2 DWG. NO.ECEngineers, Inc.JCONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 18800 AMAR RD., SUITE B13 WALNUT, CA. 91789 (626) 667-8675 / (626) 667-8674 FAX Civil Engineers Land SurveyorsLand Planners Plans Prepared By: PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF:DATE:Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 6 DELTA AVENUE SR2S SIDEWALK GAP CLOSURE PROJECT FROM WELLS STREET TO MISSION DRIVE CONSTRUCTION PLAN DELTA AVENUE MISSION AVENUE FINISHED FLOOR EDGE OF PAVEMENT FINISHED SURFACE GUY ANCHOR CONCRETE FLOWLINE NATIVE GROUND STREET LIGHT TOP OF CURB TOP OF WALL WATER METER FF FIRE HYDRANT PARKING LOT LIGHT SEWER CLEANOUT EP FS GA FH CONC FL NG PKL TW SL TC SCO WM PP POWER POLE CHAIN LINK FENCECLF BACK OF WALKBW STORM DRAINSD EXISTING GRADEEG LEGEND POWER POLE TREE WATER METER FIRE HYDRANT SIGN SEWER MANHOLE GAS METER SLOPE GRADING STORM DRAIN MANHOLE PROPOSED PCC FULL DEPTH AC RETAINING CURB MASONRY RET. BLOCK WALL FENCE MASONRY BLOCK WALL C3 DWG. NO.ECEngineers, Inc.JCONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 18800 AMAR RD., SUITE B13 WALNUT, CA. 91789 (626) 667-8675 / (626) 667-8674 FAX Civil EngineersLand SurveyorsLand Planners Plans Prepared By: PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF:DATE:Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 6 DELTA AVENUE LEGENDS 350 330 340 12+00 RETAINING WALL PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 10+35.00 TO STA 12+10.17 DELTA STREET 350 330 340 11+0010+50 13+00 FOR CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS REFER TO SHEET C1 WALL ACCURATE FOR WALL AND PROFILE ONLY 11+50 12+50 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+0011+0010+50STOPSTA. 10+00 DELTA AVENUE CONSTRUCTION NOTES DETAIL "A" VARIABLE CONCRETE RETAINING CURB DETAIL "K" FENCE CMU WALL DETAIL "C" MASONRY RETAINING BLOCK WALL DETAIL "E" COLORIZED CONCRETE CROSSWALK NOTES: SECTION A-A N.T.S. DETAIL "D" DRIVEWAY APROACH PLAN VIEW DETAIL "G" ELEVATION DETAIL "F" MAILBOX RELOCATION DETAIL "H" CURB RAMP DETAIL " I " A PLAN VIEW SECTION A-A FOOTING /CONCRETE CONNECTION DETAIL "J" TYPICAL @ WALL LOCATION TYPICAL @ FENCE LOCATION NOTES: NOTES: BRICK PILASTER DETAIL 12' NOTES:SPECIFICATIONS: CMU PILASTER 11+5011+00 DWG. NO.ECEngineers, Inc.JCONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 18800 AMAR RD., SUITE B13 WALNUT, CA. 91789 (626) 667-8675 / (626) 667-8674 FAX Civil Engineers Land SurveyorsLand Planners Plans Prepared By: PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF:DATE:Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 6 DETAILS D1 5 DELTA AVENUE SR2S SIDEWALK GAP CLOSURE PROJECT FROM WELLS STREET TO MISSION DRIVE 10+0010+5010+50STOP 27+00 27+50 STOP6 ST1 DWG. NO.ECEngineers, Inc.JCONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 18800 AMAR RD., SUITE B13 WALNUT, CA. 91789 (626) 667-8675 / (626) 667-8674 FAX Civil Engineers Land SurveyorsLand Planners Plans Prepared By: PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF:DATE:Know what's below. before you dig.Call R 6 STRIPING PLAN & DETAILS DELTA STREET WELLS STREETMISSION DRIVEDELTA STREET DELTA AVENUE SR2S SIDEWALK GAP CLOSURE PROJECT FROM WELLS STREET TO MISSION DRIVE