CC - Item 5A - Report and Discussion Regarding the Public Works Department Fiscal Year 2023 Work PlanROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 11, 2022 SUBJECT: REPORT AND DISCUSSION REGARDING THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FISCAL YEAR 2023 WORK PLAN SUMMARY The Public Works Department is responsible for the City's day-to-day engineering and public works services, including oversight of the following areas: Capital Improvement Program (CIP), public transportation, solid waste collection, street sweeping, stormwater quality management, development reviews within public right-of-way, traffic operations, and maintenance and repair of City infrastructure, parks, and facilities. Public Works has several initiatives underway to implement the City's CIP and deliver public services to the community. This update is intended to serve as a summary of those efforts for the current fiscal year. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. DISCUSSION The Public Works Department through its Engineering and Public Services Division is implementing several projects and providing public services to enhance the City's infrastructure and quality of life for the community including the City's 5 -year CIP. Capital Improvement Program The City's CIP includes forty-four (44) projects with a budget of approximately $45 million. Currently, twenty-three (23) of the forty-four (44) projects are active. Below is a summary of key CIP projects currently in progress: Dog Park at Garvey Park The Dog Park at Garvey Park Project will construct a new dog park including fencing, landscaping, irrigation, and drinking fountains in Garvey Park. At the July 12, 2022, City Council meeting, City Council awarded the construction contract to R Dependable. Staff is currently overseeing the construction of Project and construction is scheduled to be completed in December 2022. AGENDA ITEM 5.A City Council Meeting October 11, 2022 Page 2 of 5 The naming of the Dog Park is planned to be presented for City Council consideration and discussion in November 2022. Furthermore, a grand opening ceremony is tentatively planned in February of 2023. Walnut Grove Ave Phase II and Valley Blvd Resurfacing Project The Walnut Grove Avenue Phase II and Valley Blvd Resurfacing Project include asphalt concrete pavement cold mill and overlay, full depth asphalt concrete reconstruction, installation of ADA curb ramps and City entry monuments, center medians, crosswalks, replacement of sidewalk, curb and gutter, and restoration of traffic loops, striping, and pavement markings. In addition, the Project will evaluate the feasibility and implementation of bicycle lanes. Staff has advertised an RFP for engineering design services to develop the construction documents including plans, specifications, and cost estimates. The design phase includes a 6 -month duration and start of construction is tentatively planned for Fall 2023 with a construction duration of approximately 8 -months. Rosemead Blvd and I-10 Freeway Ramp Improvements (710 MIP) The Rosemead Blvd and I-10 Freeway Ramp Improvements Project was identified and awarded by LA Metro Measure R grant funding in the amount of $9 million, as part of a broader package of projects known as the SR -710 Mobility Improvement Projects (MIPs). Due to insufficient geometric configuration and lane capacities at the Rosemead Boulevard and 1-10 Freeway WB On and Off Ramps, significant traffic delays are experienced throughout the day. To address these deficiencies, the Project will improve Rosemead Boulevard and Glendon Way, and I-10 Freeway WB On and Off Ramps at Rosemead Boulevard by reconfiguring geometric alignment, adding lanes, widening lanes, and modifying and upgrading the traffic signal at Rosemead Boulevard and Glendon Way. Staff advertised an RFP to select the most -qualified Consultant to provide design services for the intersection improvements. Design services include preparing plans, specifications and estimates, bidding support, design support during construction, and record drawing preparation. On, July 12, 2022, the City received four proposals for the design services. Staff is currently evaluating proposals and will present the recommended consultant for City Council consideration in November 2022. Pavement Management Plan The Pavement Management Plan (PMP) will update the City's current PMP that was prepared in 2018. The PMP includes a comprehensive condition assessment of all City roadway asphalt pavement, identifying pavement deficiencies, assigning a Pavement Condition Index, preparation of a maintenance plan, and a year -by -year budget to maintain the City's pavement system. The PMP will serve as basis of design for future roadway pavement rehabilitation projects and satisfy requirements for local return funding expenditures. Development of the PMP began in September 2022 and is scheduled to be completed in December 2022. City Council Meeting October 11, 2022 Page 3 of 5 Rosemead Park Restroom Renovation The Rosemead Park Restroom Renovation Project will renovate the Rosemead Park Restrooms located adjacent to the Rosemead Park snack bar. The scope consists of upgrading the deteriorating interior, inclusion of ADA compliant and improved fixtures, ventilation, and access. In addition, the restroom flooring and wall surfaces will be replaced with anti -graffiti and vandalism materials. Staff has advertised the construction bid package with a bid opening on October 13, 2022. Construction is scheduled to begin in December 2022 and completed in March 2023. Sidewalk Gap Closure - Delta Ave between Mission Dr and Wells St In January 2018, staff applied for grant funds under the Caltrans' Active Transportation Program, formerly known as the Safe Route to School Program, for a sidewalk gap closure on Delta Avenue and was successfully awarded a grant in the amount of $1.1 million for the construction of the Project. The Project will install ADA compliant concrete sidewalk and curb ramps, colored concrete crosswalks, parkway trees, restoration of damaged driveways, curb & gutter, and relocation of fence and walls encroaching into the public right-of-way. The proposed improvements will take place on Delta Avenue between Mission Drive and Wells Street. The Project will create a continuous sidewalk on both sides of Delta Avenue to enhance safety for pedestrians including Shuey Elementary school students that currently walk on the roadway due to lack of continuous sidewalks. Staff has completed the design phase and has advertised the construction bid package with a bid opening of date of October 11, 2022. Construction is scheduled to begin in February 2023 and end in June 2023. Public Services The Public Works Department through its Public Services Division provides public services including maintenance and repair of City infrastructure to improve the quality of life for the community. Below are key public services tasks currently in progress: Waste Hauler Agreement Procurement The City's current waste hauler franchise agreement with Republic Services is set to expire on July 31, 2023. To facilitate the procurement of a new waste hauler agreement, on September 13, 2022, the City Council approved an agreement with R3 Consulting (R3) to provide professional services to manage and facilitate the procurement of a solid waste contractor for solid and organic waste collection services. Staff has performed the kickoff meeting with R3 and the development of the RFP package has begun. Staff plans to hold a workshop with the City Council to review and discuss the scope of services to include in the next waste hauler agreement. The RFP is scheduled to be advertised by January 2023. New Graffiti Removal Program On June 14, 2022, the City Council discussed the City's graffiti removal program and options on how the program can be improved to better serve our residents and business community. After City Council Meeting October 11, 2022 Page 4 of 5 City Council discussion, it was determined that the City would remove all graffiti, including non - gang -related, on private property and visible to the public. To implement the improved graffiti removal program, City Council approved additional resources including the addition of one (1) full-time Maintenance Worker and the purchase of a graffiti removal truck. Prospective candidates for the Maintenance Worker position are currently being interviewed and the purchase of a graffiti removal truck is in progress with an estimated delivery timeframe of 6 to 9 months. To avoid delay of implementing the new program and to better serve our residents and business community, Public Services staff has reprioritized current workload and began implementing the new program as of Monday, June 20, 2022. City Maintenance Services The Public Services Division's primary responsibility is providing day-to-day maintenance services for the City. The following is an average monthly maintenance report performed by the Public Services Division: • Graffiti removal incidence: 175 • Tree Maintenance: 215 • Shopping Cart Removals: 31 • Street Sign Maintenance: 29 • Pothole Repair: 2 • Debris removed from public ROW: 164 • Facility Plumbing Repair: 4 Furthermore, the Public Services Division is implementing the following projects/tasks: • Upgrading irrigation system at parks to improve efficiency and water savings. • Leveling all ball fields at parks and the sports complex. • Aerating and seeding park landscaping • Annual striping and marking maintenance schedule. • Maintenance of non -operational speed feedback signs. • Evaluation of an improved street sweeping schedule. • Preparing for upcoming community events (Fall Fiesta, Pumpkin Patch, and Trunk or Treat). • Replacing and updating City entrance signage. In addition to the aforementioned projects/tasks, the Public Works Department is also overseeing the following: • Rosemead Blvd median landscaping improvements. • Garvey Ave streetlight replacement. • Rosemead Park Walking Trail replacement. City Council Meeting October 11, 2022 Page 5 of 5 • Management of Public Works engineering and maintenance contracts. • Evaluation of a City Speed Hump Policy. • Traffic analyses to facilitate Traffic Commission meetings and recommendations. • Public Works Permit and development reviews. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. FISCAL IMPACT There is no impact to the General Fund to receive and file this report. The City Council will be requested to make recommendations or award contracts as projects proceed through the normal course of business. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Several of the aforementioned initiatives will accomplish the policy goals and activities outlined in the 2030 Strategic Plan. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: %y�clfa¢e (�cuL� Michael Chung, P.E. Director of Public Works