CC - Item 4B - Minutes of September 27, 2022MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 27, 2022 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Dang at 7:01 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Dang, Mayor Pro Tem Tang, Council Members Armenta, Clark, and Low ABSENT: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Dang INVOCATION was led by Council Member Armenta STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Kim, Assistant City Manager Bruckner, City Attorney Richman, Interim Director of Community Development Wong, Director of Finance Chau, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, Director of Public Works Chung, and City Clerk Hernandez 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Brandon Bell provided photocopies for the record to the City Council. Mr. Bell spoke about a traffic sign on the corner of Mission Drive and Newby Avenue. Mr. Bell stated he was recently involved in a car accident, when the officer mentioned to him that he was not supposed to make a left turn on that intersection per the sign. Mr. Bell stated that there was no clear sign that would indicate a No Left Tum. He stated that residents that live nearby have many times made left turns, not realizing there is a sign on the other side of the street that states No Left Turn. The sign is at a distance, making it hard to distinguish for which location it's meant for. He requested the City Council have staff look into that intersection to make it safe for drivers and residents living in that area. In addition, Mr. Bell also expressed concerns there is No Left Turn sign at the exit of the McDonalds on Valley Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue. Asked that Council also look into that area since there are drivers that may not realize making a left turn could be dangerous. Council Member Armenta asked City Manager Kim to look into the sign issue. She stated that the sign Mr. Bell was referencing was not for drivers coming out of Newby Avenue, but for drivers going into the Park's parking lot and there is a double yellow line. The sign has nothing to do with Newby Avenue and asked that the Sheriff Deputies get notified of this, in case the issue about the signage impacts the Police Report. City Manager Kim replied staff would investigate and look into the matter. 2. PRESENTATIONS A. Recognition of Outgoing Mayor Pro Tem John Tang's Civic Service as Appointed Council Member During Council Member Steven Ly's Military Leave Rosemead City Council AGENDA ITEM 4.11 Regular Meeting Minutes September 27, 2022 Page I of 7 City Clerk Hernandez stated on behalf of the City Council, a plaque of recognition was being presented to Outgoing Mayor Pro Tem John Tang for his invaluable contributions to the City of Rosemead during his tenure as an appointed Council Member. Outgoing Mayor Pro Tem Tang thanked his family and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve as an appointed Council Member and to serve the Rosemead community. He thanked his Council colleagues for their support and leadership. Council Member Clark thanked Mr. Tang for his enthusiasm and stepping in while Council Member Steven Ly was deployed. Council Member Armenta thanked Mr. Tang for his dedication and thanked his family for allowing him to serve his community as Council Member. She commended the way he presented himself and the ideas he contributed while serving and encouraged him to continue his efforts in the Planning Commission. Council Member Low stated it was an honor to serve along him and appreciated his contributions to the City and hopes to someday see him on the Council. Mayor Dang thanked Mr. Tang for his commitment and being a voice to the community. He commended his leadership, level of detail and experience that he brought to the Council. City Clerk Hernandez called up the following invitees to present Certificates of Recognition and commendations to Outgoing Mayor Pro Tem John Tang and to welcome back Council Member Steven Ly. • Office of Congresswoman Judy Chu, Representative Jubilee Bayfield • Office of Senator Susan Rubio sent Certificates of Recognition to Outgoing Mayor Pro Tem John Tang and Council Member Steven Ly • Office of Assemblymember Mike Fong, Representative Rene Romero • Office of Los Angeles County Board of Supervisor Hilda Solis, Representative Frank Luu • Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director Ray Jan Mayor Dang and the City Council presented a plaque of recognition to Outgoing Mayor Pro Tem John Tang. Mayor Dang recessed the meeting at 7:32 p.m. and reconvened back to open session at 7:49 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Ly resumed his seat and is now present for the meeting. B. Welcoming Back Steven Ly as Council Member Return from Military Service Mayor Dang welcomed Council Member Steven Ly back from his deployment in the US Army Reserve. He commanded a unit of 148 soldiers through two major operations in the Middle East, Operation Inherent Resolve and Operation Spartan Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 27, 2022 Page 2 of 7 Shield. Under his leadership, Councilman Ly led his unit through over 350 route clearance missions in a combat environment. He also managed over 17 construction projects valued at over $1 million. During his deployment, Councilman Ly managed his missions and Soldiers across four countries: Kuwait, Jordan, Iraq and Syria. However, his proudest accomplishment is that all of his Soldiers returned to the United States safe. Council Member Ly thanked his colleagues on welcoming him back. He stated that although he could not attend in person, he was still going through some clearances in Texas. Also, thanked John Tang for his service to the Council and his family during his absence. He demonstrated great potential to be a Council Member and hopes to see him in the future. Mr. Ly thanked the residents of Rosemead that re-elected him while he was deployed. Lastly, stated he looked forward to working back with the Council and City staff. Council Member Clark expressed her excitement to see Steven back and thanked him for his service. Council Member Armenta welcomed Mr. Ly and stated she looked forward to working with him. Council Member Low thanked Mr. Ly for his services to our Country and looks forward to working with him. Mayor Dang commended Mr. Ly for his service and work during his deployment. City Clerk Hernandez noted for the record that Council Member Ly had taken his Oath of Office of re-election and was filed in the City Clerk's Office; therefore, resuming his seat as Council Member. C. Proclamation Declaring September 15 through October 15, 2022, as "National Hispanic Heritage Month" in the City of Rosemead City Clerk Hernandez stated that National Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the culture, heritage and countless contributions of those whose ancestors were indigenous to North America, as well as those who came from Mexico, Central America and South America. During National Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15 through October 15, we celebrate Hispanic culture, and honor the invaluable ways Hispanics contribute to our common goals and work towards a stronger, more inclusive and prosperous society. Council Member Clark stated it was good celebrating this worthwhile proclamation. Council Member Armenta thanked the City Council for proclaiming September 15 through October 15, 2022 as National Hispanic Heritage Month, in an effort to embrace the diversity with our Hispanic Latino population. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 27, 2021 Page 3 of 7 Council Member Low agreed with Council Member Armenta and stated it is great to embrace diversity in the City. Mayor Pro Tem Ly stated it was important to celebrate the diversity of Rosemead and it adds to the fabric and the character of the community. He opined the City of Rosemead has always been the initial stopping point for a lot of immigrant communities, whether it's Italian American community, the Japanese American community, Hispanic Latino community, the Asian community; therefore, celebrating diversity through this proclamation was meaningful. Mayor Dang stated it was rewarding to issue the proclamation and a symbol of the City welcoming diversity and embracing all the other cultures. D. Presentation by the California Department of Insurance on California's Low -Cost Automobile Insurance Program and Senior Gateway Program for Citizens Dystanie Flores, from the California Department of Insurance presented on two programs to assist low-income households. The first is the California's Low Cost Automobile Insurance program, which is a state-sponsored program that requires insurance companies to offer affordable liability auto insurance to licensed drivers that meet certain requirements. The second program was the Senior Gateway portal, which is a one stop shop for seniors and their caregivers. It is a partnership between many state agencies. Council Member Clark requested information to be shared on the City's website. 3. PUBLIC HEARING - None 4. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Moved by Council Member Low and seconded by Council Member Armenta to approve the Consent Calendar items A, B and C, with the exception of D. The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low and Ly; NOES: None Council Member Armenta pulled Item D for separate discussion. A. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2022-54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $3,426,759.11 CHECKS NUMBERED 112227 THROUGH NUMBER 112413, DRAFTS NUMBERED 5968 THROUGH NUMBER 5980 AND EFT NUMBERED 51257 THROUGH NUMBER 51272 INCLUSIVELY Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 27, 2022 Page 4 of 7 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2022-54. B. 2022 National League of Cities City Summit for November 16`h — 19a', 2022 — Kansas City, MO The City Council will consider authorizing the attendance of any Council Member and City staff who wishes to attend the 2022 National League of Cities City Summit in Kansas City, MO from November 16 — November 19, 2022. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the attendance and finance of any Council Member and City staff that attends the 2022 National League of Cities City Summit in Kansas City, MO from November 16 — 19, 2022. C. Adding Fire Prevention Month Proclamation to the Approved List of Proclamations City staff is requesting to add Fire Prevention Month to the list of approved proclamations. Per the approved procedure by the City Council in 2021, any proclamations not listed will be presented to the City Council for approval before officially declaring the proclamation at a subsequent meeting. Recommendation: That the City Council approve adding the Fire Prevention Month Proclamation to the list of Approved Proclamations. D. Award of a Professional Services Agreement for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (Ms4) Permit Compliance and Support Services On September 7, 2021, the City awarded CWE an agreement to provide Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit (Permit) compliance and program support services to the City for a period of eighteen months. The agreement between CWE and the City expires on December 31, 2022. As a result, on August 18, 2022, the City released a Request for Proposal for MS4 Permit Compliance and Support Services. The City received four proposals prior to the submittal deadline. Based on staff's evaluation, CWE submitted the most qualified proposal demonstrating a complete understanding of the scope of services and relevant experience with local agencies. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with CWE for MS4 Permit Compliance and Support Services for a term of one (1) 15 -month period and two (2) 18 -month periods with the option to extend for two (2) additional 18 -month periods. The First Period (October 1, 2022 — December 31, 2023) is in the amount of $162,999. The Second Period (July 1, 2023 — December 31, 2024) is in the amount of $110,775 with annual CPI increase and the Third Period (July 1, 2024 - December 31, 2025) is in the amount based on the Second Period's total amount increased by annual CPI. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 27, 2022 Page 5 of 7 Council Member Armenta asked what specific services the company was going to provide to the City to be in compliance. Director of Public Works Chung explained the tasks were similar to previous tasks performed to be in compliance. Each year, the city submits annual compliance reports to the waterboard. All tasks that are performed within the implementation period are summarized in an annual report prepared by CWE. Overall, the report is compiled with other cities in a joint report to the waterboard as part of the tasks. In regard to costs, the fees are within range compared to the other proposals. CWE will also be inspecting over 200 industrial commercial facilities in the City. They will be providing outreach to the community at City events and outreach via social media. Council Member Armenta thanked Mr. Chung and stated she appreciated the outreach efforts to provide awareness to the community. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Low and seconded by Council Member Armenta to authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with CWE for MS4 Permit Compliance and Support Services for a term of one (1) 15 -month period and two (2) 18 -month periods with the option to extend for two (2) additional 18 -month periods. The First Period (October 1, 2022 — December 31, 2023) is in the amount of $162,999. The Second Period (July 1, 2023 — December 31, 2024) is in the amount of $110,775 with annual CPI increase and the Third Period (July 1, 2024 - December 31, 2025) is in the amount based on the Second Period's total amount increased by annual CPI. The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low and Ly; NOES: None 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. COVID-19 Update This is a recurring item that will be on the agenda to update the City Council on items related to COVID-19. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. City Manager Kim reported that the Los Angeles County Department of Health will no longer require face masks in public transportation or indoor public hubs but was recommended. The revised order aligns with the State Public Health Office officers guide, guidance and shift from making required masking to recommendation consistent with the Center of Disease Control COVID-19, community level for high- risk settings such as correctional facilities, homeless shelters, emergency shelters and cooling and heating shelters. The City of Rosemead currently has approximately 14,000 positive COVID-19 cases. Approximately 84% of Rosemead residents have had at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, and 80% of Rosemead residents are fully vaccinated. The City of Rosemead in partnership with Wealth by Health will provide COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Rosemead Community Recreation Center on Friday, October 9, and October 23. City employees and the public are no longer required to mask in at public facilities. However, they are highly recommended. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 27, 2022 Page 6 of 7 6. 7. Mayor Pro Tem Ly suggested that the COVID-19 report be removed from the agenda going forward since the Pandemic is going away, there are vaccines, and COVID-19 is a chronic disease that will be the new normal in society. Council Member Armenta agreed to remove the COVID-19 report from the agenda. Mayor Dang agreed and stated there is no need to continue bringing the COVID-19 report on the agenda. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Consider Reestablishing the Youth Advisory Committee As included in the City of Rosemead's "Imagine Rosemead" 2030 Strategic Plan, Goal B: Responsive and Inclusive City, the plan identified the action of research and evaluate the creation of a Youth Advisory Commission. In the evaluation phase for the commission, staff identified the existence of the Ad -Hoc Youth Committee formed by Resolution No. 2009-07 on February 10, 2009. City Council amended the resolution and adopted Resolution No. 2013-34 on June 25, 2013, amending the requirements for membership. Recommendation: That the City Council support the reestablishment of the Ad -Hoc Youth Advisory Committee per Resolution No. 2009-07 and per Resolution No. 2013-34. Mayor Pro Tem Ly requested the item be tabled to the next meeting. There being no objection from the City Council, the item was tabled to the next City Council meeting. B. Council Comments Council Member Armenta congratulated the Parks and Recreation staff for a successful Pumpkin Dive event; commented how much joy it brought to many attendees. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dang adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting will take place on October 11, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Approved: Sean Dang, Mayor Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes September 27, 2022 Page 7 of 7