CC - Item 3A - Public Hearing to Consider and Approve a Resolution to Approve the Full Cost Analysis of User Fees Prepared By Willdan Financial Services and Amend and Augment the City of Rosemead Fee ScheduleROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER !Wjp-'/ DATE: OCTOBER 11, 2022 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE FULL COST ANALYSIS OF USER FEES PREPARED BY WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES AND AMEND AND AUGMENT THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD FEE SCHEDULE SUMMARY On October 27h, 2020, the City Council authorized staff to contract with Willdan Financial Services for the purpose of examining and updating the City's existing user fee schedule. The intent of the exercise was to determine the full cost of providing certain municipal services and has resulted in the creation of an updated Comprehensive Fee Schedule, which includes, but is not limited to Finance, City Clerk, Planning, Engineering, Parks and Recreation, Public Transportation, Parking, Animal Care and Control, Public Safety, Film Permit, and Civil Fines. Willdan Financial Services ("WFS") has completed a User Fee Study ("Study") and an updated comprehensive fee schedule for City Council consideration. The new fee schedule was created only after determining the fully burdened cost for city personnel involved in providing certain services. By taking the fully burdened salary and benefit costs for employees in each department and determining the amount of time it typically takes to provide certain services, WFS was able to determine the appropriate cost for certain user services. DISCUSSION Fees in California are required to conform to the statutory requirements of the California Constitution, Proposition 218, and the California Code of Regulations ("Code"). The Code requires that the City Council adopt fees by either Ordinance or Resolution. The last time the City performed a user fee study was over 10 years ago. Since that time, the City had not conducted a user fee study to determine if the current fee structure was in alignment with the full cost of providing such services. In order to determine the full cost of providing various city services and determine the appropriate fee level and recovery rates, WFS was awarded a contract. The study was a coordinated effort between City departments. Throughout the process, several meetings were held between Willdan, City staff, and City management to review status updates and provide direction. In addition, a user fee study workshop was held with City staff and AGENDA ITEM 3.A City Council Meeting October 11, 2022 Page 2 of 3 the City Council, during a special meeting on September 13`h, 2022 to discuss the recommended fee changes. At the user fee study workshop, items that were discussed, included, but were not limited to the following: 1. Staff indicated that most of the suggested fee increases in the Study were limited to a 25% maximum increase over the current approved fees to minimize the burden on residents, businesses, and/or customers. 2. Approving the suggested fees as described in the Study 3. Approving new fees, including a 3% transaction fee for credit card payments. When a person uses a credit card to buy goods or services, the credit card company charges that entity a fee for the customer's use of the credit card for that transaction. Most cities and other local governmental agencies accept credit cards as a courtesy, providing their customers with a convenient payment option. The fees are handled differently by each agency, but in recent years, many cities have begun to pass this cost on to the customer to help offset the cost of providing this convenience. In fiscal year 2021-22, credit card transaction cost amounted to $35,600. As discussed during the workshop, the credit card transaction fee would not be applied to debit card users. 4. To maintain better cost recovery going forward, annually adjusting fees effective July 1, by the percent change in the Consumer Price Index. "Consumer Price Index" means the average of the percent change in Consumer Price Index for Urban Clerical and Wage Earners, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics or successor agency, from the December of the preceding calendar year over the preceding December, for the Los Angeles -Long Beach -Anaheim, CA area. While providing individualized public works services, Public Works Department ("Department") staff identified the lack of public works fees related to the following service requests: 1) Hourly Inspection - After Hours, 2) Expedited Plan Check Review, 3) Expedited Hourly Permit Review, and 4) Permit Re -Issuance Fee. Due to the frequency of such requests from utility agencies and private parties, the Department recommends the implementation of the four new engineering services fees. The fees are calculated based on the staff time required to complete the request or conduct the overtime inspection services. Additionally, the Department is requesting a change to the fee type related to traffic control plan review from variable to fixed rate. In house staff are performing traffic control plan review as opposed to consultants which presents a defined rate compared to the variability of consultant costs. The fees examined in the Study exclude development impact fees, business license fees, and building fees which fall under distinct analytical and procedural requirement different from the body of user fees analyzed in this effort. City Council Meeting October 11, 2022 Page 3 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve Resolution No. 2022-56 (Attachment A) approving the full cost analysis of user fees prepared by Willdan Financial Services and amend and augment the City of Rosemead Fee Schedule effective January 1, 2023. FINANCIAL IMPACT The City will be reimbursed for more of its costs in providing municipal services. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS In accordance with Government Code sections 66018 and 6062(a), a public hearing notice has been published in the Rosemead Reader. This item has also been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: ��� �%� (-�' Bryan Chua, Finance Director Attachment A: Resolution No. 2022-56 Approve Cost Analysis Prepared by Willdan and Amend and Augment the City of Rosemead Fee Schedule Attachment B: User Fee Study Report Attachment C: Comprehensive Fee Schedule Attachment A Resolution No. 2022-56 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-56 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD TO APPROVE THE FULL COST ANALYSIS OF USER FEES PREPARED BY WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES AND AMEND AND AUGMENT THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the City has the authority to impose fees, charges, and rates under its police powers pursuant to California Constitution Article XI section 7. WHEREAS, user fees are a charge for services provided by a governmental agency to a public citizen or group, and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead has established user fees for various department -related services, and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead engaged Willdan Financial Services (Willdan) to conduct a cost of service study for user fees in order to determine the estimated and reasonable costs borne by the City to provide these services, and WHEREAS, Willdan prepared a report entitled "User Fee Study" which was discussed with the City Council during a special meeting on September 13, 2022, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemead has determined that the cost of providing certain services is not of general benefit but of benefit to the individual and, therefore, fees should berequired to pay for materials and special services performed by City staff, and WHEREAS, the City Council has found it necessary to adjust fees for services, and to maintain a comprehensive document which incorporates fees for services provided by the City into one schedule, however, the City Manager has the authority to establish staff billing rates and equipment charges by Administrative Policy on an as needed basis, and WHEREAS, the user fees described in Exhibit `B" are hereby determined to be reasonable in that the amount thereof does not exceed the estimated reasonable costs of providing the services for which the user fees are proposed to be rendered, and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing on the changes to the user fees was published in accordance with Government Code sections 66018 and 6062a, and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing before the City Council was held on October 11, 2022, at which public testimony was received and duly considered on the proposed changes to the user fee, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code sections 66016 and 66019, fees adopted pursuant to those sections shall not take effect until at least sixty (60) days have passed since the final action on the adoption or increase of the fee and specifically will go into effect January 1, 2023, and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and adopted as the findings of the City Council and after consideration of the staff report, Study and public comment and correspondence received, the City Council hereby approves and adopts the user fees set forth in Exhibit `B". SECTION 2. The adoption of this Resolution is not subject to CEQA review pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15378(b)(4), which provides that the creation of government funding mechanisms or other government fiscal activities that do not involve any commitment to any specific project are not projects subject to CEQA review. SECTION 3. The fees set forth in this Resolution shall be separately imposed for each service described under Exhibit `B" to which the fees pertain; additional fees shall be required for each additional service that is requested or required. Where fees are indicated on a per unit of measurement basis, the fees are for each identified unit or portion thereof within the indicated ranges of such units. SECTION 4. It is the intention of the City Council to review the user fees as determined and set out herein on a periodic basis as well as the City's costs reasonably borne as established and, as and if warranted, to revise such fees based thereon. SECTION 5. The adopted fees for services set forth in Exhibit `B" shall be adjusted for inflation by the City Council on July I of every year by the percent change in the Consumer Price Index. "Consumer Price Index" means the average of the percent change in Consumer Price Index for Urban Clerical and Wage Earners, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics or successor agency, from the December of the preceding calendar year over the preceding December, for the Los Angeles -Long Beach -Anaheim, CA area. Increases or decreases shall be rounded off to the nearest dollar. In no event shall the fee collected exceed the actual cost of providing the service by the City. SECTION 6. The fees shown in the Comprehensive Fee Schedule as Exhibit "C", are approved and adopted for Fiscal Year 2022-23 effective January 1, 2023. SECTION 7. If any action, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution or the fees levied by this Resolution shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution or the fees levied by this Resolution that can be given effect without the invalid provisions. OA SECTION 8. All other resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 11`n day of October, 2022. Sean Dang, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution No. 2022-56 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 11 m day of October, 2022, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Attachment B User Fee Study Report 0 User Fee Study W WILLDAN TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLEOF CONTENTS.................................................................................................i ExecutiveSummary..................................................................................................1 UserFee Background...............................................................................................2 Background..................................................................................................................................................2 CaliforniaUser Fee History ..........................................................................................................................2 AdditionalPolity Considerations.................................................................................................................3 StudyObjective.......................................................................................................4 Scopeof the Study.......................................................................................................................................4 Aimof the Report .........................................................................................................................................5 Project Approach and Methodology...........................................................................6 ConceptualApproach...................................................................................................................................6 FullyBurdened Hourly Rates........................................................................................................................6 SummarySteps of the Study........................................................................................................................7 AllowableCosts............................................................................................................................................7 Methodology................................................................................................................................................8 Quality Control/Quality Assurance..............................................................................................................8 Reasons for cost increases/decreases over current fees.............................................................................8 CityStaff Contributions................................................................................................................................9 RosemeadUser Fees.............................................................................................. 10 CostRecovery .............................................................................................................................................10 Subsidization..............................................................................................................................................10 Impacton Demand (Elasticity)...................................................................................................................11 Summary....................................................................................................................................................11 Finance................................................................................................................ 12 Analysis......................................................................................................................................................12 CityClerk.............................................................................................................. 13 Analysis......................................................................................................................................................13 Planning............................................................................................................... 14 Analysis......................................................................................................................................................14 Engineering.......................................................................................................... 15 W"v ILLDAN i Comprehensive User Fee Study Analysis......................................................................................................................................................15 Parksand Recreation............................................................................................ 16 Analysis......................................................................................................................................................16 PublicTransportation........................................................................................... 17 Analysis......................................................................................................................................................17 Parking................................................................................................................ 18 Analysis......................................................................................................................................................18 AnimalCare and Control...................................................................................... 19 Analysis......................................................................................................................................................19 PublicSafety........................................................................................................ 20 Analysis......................................................................................................................................................20 FilmPermit.......................................................................................................... 21 Analysis......................................................................................................................................................21 CivilFines........................................................................................................... 22 Analysis......................................................................................................................................................22 Appendix A — Total Allowable Cost to be Recovered .................................................. 23 Appendix B — Fully Burdened Hourly Rates............................................................... 24 Appendix C — Cost Recovery Analysis....................................................................... 26 N/WILLDAN ii Comprehensive User Fee Study Executive Summary The City of Rosemead engaged Willdan Financial Services (Willdan) to determine the full costs incurred by the City to support the various activities for which the City charges user fees. Due to the complexity and the breadth of performing a comprehensive review of fees, Willdan employed a variety of fee methodologies to identify the full costs of individual fee and program activities. This report and the appendices herein identifies 100% full cost recovery for City services and the recommended level of recovery as determined through discussion with departmental staff. The reality of the local government fee environment is that significant increases to achieve 100% cost recovery can often not be feasible, desirable, or appropriate depending on policy direction —particularly in a single year. The recommended fees identified herein are either at or less than full cost recovery. WImm 1 Comprehensive User Fee Study User Fee Background Background As part of a general cost recovery strategy, local governments adopt user fees to fund programs and services that provide limited or no direct benefit to the community as a whole. As cities struggle to maintain levels of service and variability of demand, they have become increasingly aware of subsidies provided by the General Fund and have implemented cost -recovery targets. To the extent that governments use general tax monies to provide individuals with private benefits, and not require them to pay the full cost of the service (and, therefore, receive a subsidy), the government is limiting funds that may be available to provide other community -wide benefits. In effect, the government is using community funds to pay for private benefit. Unlike most revenue sources, cities have more control over the level of user fees they charge to recover costs, or the subsidies they can institute. Fees in California are required to conform to the statutory requirements of the California Constitution, Proposition 218, and the California Code of Regulations. The Code also requires that the City Council adopt fees by either ordinance or resolution, and that any fees in excess of the estimated total cost of rendering the related services must be approved by a popular vote of two-thirds of those electors voting because the charge would be considered a tax and not a fee. California User Fee History Before Proposition 13, California cities were less concerned with potential subsidies and recovering the cost of their services from individual fee payers. In times of fiscal shortages, cities simply raised property taxes, which funded everything from police and recreation to development -related services. However, this situation changed with the passage of Proposition 13 in 1978. Proposition 13 established the era of revenue limitation in California local government. In subsequent years, the state saw a series of additional limitations to local government revenues. Proposition 4 (1979) defined the difference between a tax and a fee: a fee can be no greater than the cost of providing the service; and Proposition 218 (1996) further limited the imposition of taxes for certain classes of fees. As a result, cities were required to secure a supermajority vote in orderto enact or increase taxes. Since the public continues to resist efforts to raise local government taxes, cities have little control and very few successful options for new revenues. Compounding this limitation, the State of California took a series of actions in the 1990's and 2000's to improve the State's fiscal situation—at the expense of local governments. As an example, in 2004-05, the Educational Revenue Augmentation Funds ("ERAF") take -away of property taxes and the reduction of Vehicle License Fees have severely reduced local tax revenues. In addition, on November 2, 2010, California voters approved Proposition 26, the "Stop Hidden Taxes Initiative", which is aimed at defining "regulatory fees" as a special tax rather than a fee, thus requiring approval by two-thirds vote of local voters. These regulatory fees are typically intended to mitigate the societal and environmental impacts of a business or person's activities. Proposition 26 contains seven categories of exceptions. The fees analyzed as part of this study fell under categories one through five consisting of charges for specific benefits, government service, regulatory need, for use of government property, or a fine/penalty. WILLDAN 2 Comprehensive User Fee Study Additional Policy Considerations The recent trend for municipalities is to update their fee schedules to reflect the actual costs of certain public services primarily benefitting users. User Fees recover costs associated with the provision of specific services benefiting the user, thereby reducing the use of General Fund monies for such purposes. In addition to collecting the direct cost of labor and materials associated with processing and administering user services, it is common for local governments to recover support costs. Support costs are those costs relating to a local government's central service departments that are properly allocable to the local government's operating departments. Central services support cost allocations were incorporated using the resulting indirect overhead percentages determined through the Cost Allocation Plan. This plan was developed prior to the User Fee study to determine the burden placed upon central services by the operating departments in order to allocate a proportionate share of central service cost. As labor effort and costs associated with the provision of services fluctuate over time, a significant element in the development of any fee schedule is that it has the flexibility to remain current. Therefore, it is recommended that the City include an inflationary factor in the resolution adopting the fee schedule to allow the City Council, by resolution, to annually increase or decrease the fees. The City may employ many different inflationary factors. The most commonly used inflator is some form of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as it is widely well known and accepted. A similar inflator is the implicit price deflator for GDP, which is much like the CPI except that while the CPI is based on the same "basket" of goods and services every year, the price deflators' "basket" can change year to year. Since the primary factor for the cost of a City's services is usually the costs of the personnel involved, tying an inflationary factor that connects more directly to the personnel costs can be suitable if there is a clear method, or current practice of obtaining said factor. Each City should use an inflator that they believe works the best for their specific situation and needs. It is also recommended that the City perform this internal review annually with a comprehensive review of services and fees performed every three to five years, which would include adding or removing fees for any new or eliminated programs/services. WILLDAN 3 Comprehensive User Fee Study Study Objective As the City of Rosemead seeks to efficiently manage limited resources and adequately respond to increased service demands, it needs a variety of tools. These tools provide assurance that the City has the best information and the best resources available to make sound decisions, fairly and legitimately set fees, maintain compliance with state law and local policies, and meet the needs of the City administration and its constituency. Given the limitations on raising revenue in local government, the City recognizes that a User Fee Study is a very cost-effective way to understand the total cost of services and identify potential fee deficiencies. Essentially, a User Fee is a payment for a requested service provided by a local government that primarily benefits an individual or group. The total cost of each service included in this analysis is based on the full cost of providing City services, including direct salaries and benefits of City staff, direct departmental costs, and indirect costs from central service support. This study determines the full cost recovery fee for the City to provide each service; however, each fee is set at the City's discretion, up to 100% of the total cost, as specified in this report. The principal goal of the study was to help the City determine the full cost of the services that the City provides. In addition, Willdan established a series of additional objectives including: Developing a rational basis for setting fees • Identifying subsidy amount, if applicable, of each fee in the model • Ensuring compliance with State law • Developing an updatable and comprehensive list of fees • Maintaining accordance with City policies and goals The study results will help the City better understand its true costs of providing services and may serve as a basis for making informed policy decisions regarding the most appropriate fees, if any, to collect from individuals and organizations that require individualized services from the City. Scope of the Study The scope of this study encompasses a review and calculation of the user fees charged by the following Rosemead departments and fee groups: Finance • City Clerk • Planning Engineering • Parks and Recreation • Public Transportation Parking Animal Care and Control • Public Safety WILLDAN 4 Comprehensive User Fee Study . Film . Civil Fines The study involved the identification of existing and potential new fees, fee schedule restructuring, data collection and analysis, orientation and consultation, quality control, communication and presentations, and calculation of individual service costs (fees) or program cost recovery levels. Aim of the Report The User Fee Study focused on the cost of City services, as City staff currently provides them at existing, known, or reasonably anticipated service and staff levels. This report provides a summary of the study results, and a general description of the approach and methods Willdan and City staff used to determine the recommended fee schedule. The report is not intended to document all of the numerous discussions throughout the process, nor is it intended to provide influential dissertation on the qualities of the utilized tools, techniques, or other approaches. VV'WILLDAN 5 Comprehensive User Fee Study Project Approach and Methodology Conceptual Approach The basic concept of a User Fee Study is to determine the "reasonable cost" of each service provided by the City for which it charges a user fee. The full cost of providing a service may not necessarily become the City's fee, but it serves as the objective basis as to the maximum amount that may be collected. The standard fee limitation established in California law for property -related (non -discretionary) fees is the "estimated, reasonable cost" principle. In order to maintain compliance with the letter and spirit of this standard, every component of the fee study process included a related review. The use of budget figures, time estimates, and improvement valuation clearly indicates reliance upon estimates for some data. Fully Burdened Hourly Rates The total cost of each service included in this analysis is primarily based on the Fully Burdened Hourly Rates (FBHRs) that were determined for City personnel directly involved in providing services. The FBHRs include not only personnel salary and benefits, but also any costs that are reasonably ascribable to personnel. The cost elements that are included in the calculation of fully burdened rates are: • Salaries & benefits of personnel involved • Operating costs applicable to fee operations • Departmental support, supervision, and administration overhead Indirect City-wide overhead costs calculated through the Cost Allocation Plan An important factor in determining the fully burdened rate is in the calculation of productive hours for personnel. This calculation takes the available workable hours in a year of 2,080 and adjusts this figure to account for calculated or anticipated hours' employees are involved in non -billable activities such as paid vacation, sick leave, emergency leave, holidays, and other considerations as necessary. Dividingthe full cost by the number of productive hours provides the FBHR. The FBHRs are then used in conjunction with time estimates, when appropriate, to calculate a fee's cost based on the personnel and the amount of their time that is involved in providing each service. */wILLDAN 6 Comprehensive User Fee Study Summary Steps of the Study The methodology to evaluate most User Fee levels is straightforward and simple in concept. The following list provides a summary of the study process steps: Department Interviews Time Estimates Labor Costs Cost Allocation Plan Allowable Costs Direct Services Indirect Services Department Overhead City -Wide Overhead Define the Full Cost of Services Set Cost Recovery Policy This report identifies three types of costs that, when combined, constitute the fully burdened cost of a service (Appendix A). Costs are defined as direct labor, including salary and benefits, departmental overhead costs, and the City's central services overhead, where departmental and central service overhead costs constitute support costs. These cost types are defined as follows: • Direct Labor (Personnel Costs): The costs related to staff salaries for time spent directly on fee -related services. Departmental Overhead: A proportional allocation of departmental overhead costs, including operation costs such as supplies and materials that are necessary for the department to function. Central Services Overhead: These costs, detailed in the City's Cost Allocation Plan, represent services provided by those Central Services Departments whose primary function is to support other City departments. WILLDAN 7 Comprehensive User Fee Study Methodology The two methods of analysis for calculating fees used in this report are the Case Study Method (Standard Unit Cost Build -Up Approach): This approach estimates the actual labor and material costs associated with providing a unit of service to a single user. This analysis is suitable when City staff time requirements do not vary dramatically for a service, or for special projects where the time and cost requirements are easy to identify at the project's outset. Further, the method is effective in instances when a staff member from one department assists on an application, service or permit for another department on an as -needed basis. Costs are estimated based upon interviews with City staff regarding the time typically spent on tasks, a review of available records, and a time and materials analysis. Programmatic Approach: In some instances, the underlying data is not available orvaries widely, leaving a standard unit cost build-up approach impractical. In addition, market factors and policy concerns (as opposed to actual costs) tend to influence fee levels more than other types of services. Willdan employed a different methodology where appropriate to fit the programs' needs and goals. Typical programmatic approach cases are facility use fees, penalties, and instances where a program cost is divided over the user base to obtain a per applicant cost for shared cost services. Quality Control/Quality Assurance All study components are interrelated, thus flawed data at any step in the process will cause the ultimate results to be inconsistent and unsound. The elements of our Quality Control process for User Fee calculations include: • Involvement of knowledgeable City staff • Clear instructions and guidance to City staff • Reasonableness tests and validation • Normalcy/expectation ranges Internal and external reviews Cross-checking Reasons for cost increases/decreases over current fees Within the fee tables in Appendix C, the differences are identified between the full costs calculated through the study and the fee levels currently in effect. The reasons for differences between the two can arise from a number of possible factors including: Previous fee levels may have been set at levels less than full cost intentionally, based on policy decisions • Staffing levels and the positions that complete fee and service activity may vary from when the previous costs were calculated Personnel and materials costs could have increased at levels that differed from any inflationary factors used to increase fees since the last study WILLDAN 8 Comprehensive User Fee Study • Costs that this study has identified as part of the full cost of services may not have been accounted for in a previous study o Departmental overhead and administration costs o Vehicle and Facility Maintenance support costs o Indirect overhead from the Cost Allocation Plan Changes in processes and procedures within a department, or the City as a whole City Staff Contributions As part of the study process, Willdan received tremendous support and cooperation from City staff, which contributed and reviewed a variety of components to the study, including: • Budget and other cost data • Staffing structures • Fee and service structures, organization, and descriptions • Direct and indirect work hours (billable/non-billable) Time estimates to complete work tasks • Review of draft results and other documentation A User Fee Study requires significant involvement of the managers and line staff from the departments— on top of their existing workloads and competing priorities. The contributions from City staff were critical to this study. We would like to express our appreciation to the City and its staff for their assistance, professionalism, positive attitudes, helpful suggestions, responsiveness, and overall cooperation. *"M1 ILDAN 9 Comprehensive User Fee Study Rosemead User Fees Cost Recovery The cost recovery models, by department/division fee type, are presented in detail in Appendix C. Full cost recovery is determined by summing the estimated amount of time each position (in increments of minutes or hours) spends to render a service. Time estimates for each service rendered were predominately determined by Willdan and City Staff through a time and materials survey conducted for each department/division fee included in the study. The resulting cost recovery amount represents the total cost of providing each service. The City's current fee being charged for each service, if applicable, is provided in this section, as well, for reference. It is important to note that the time and materials survey used to determine the amount of time each employee spends assisting in the provision of the services listed on the fee schedule is essential in identifying the total cost of providing each service. Specifically, in providing services, a number of employees are often involved in various aspects of the process, spending anywhere from a few minutes to several hours on the service. A primary goal of this study was to identify the cost of City services, to provide information to help the City make informed decisions regarding the actual fee levels and charges. The responsibility to determine the final fee levels is a complicated task. City staff must consider many issues in formulating recommendations, and the City Council must consider those same issues and more in making the final decisions. City staff assumes the responsibility to develop specific fee level recommendations to present to the City Council. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules to guide the City, since many of the considerations are based on the unique characteristics of the City of Rosemead, and administrative and political discretion. However, in setting the level of full cost recovery for each fee, one should consider whether the service solely benefits one end user or the general community. Subsidization Recalling the definition of a user fee helps guide decisions regarding subsidization. The general standard is that individuals (or groups) who receive a wholly private benefit should pay 100% of the full cost of the services. In contrast, services that are simply public benefit should be funded entirely by the general fund's tax dollars. Unfortunately, for the decision makers, many services fall into the range between these two extremes. Further complicating the decision, opponents of fees often assert that the activities subject to the fees provide economic, cultural, "quality of life," or other community benefits that exceed the costs to the City. It is recommended the City consider such factors during its deliberations regarding appropriate fee levels. Of course, subsidization can be an effective public policy tool, since it can be used to reduce fees to encourage certain activities (such as compliance inspections to ensure public safety) or allow some people to be able to afford to receive services they otherwise could not at the full cost. In addition, subsidies can VV�L14DAN 10 Comprehensive User Fee Study be an appropriate and justifiable action, such as to allow citizens to rightfully access services, without burdensome costs. Despite the intent, it is important for the City and public to understand that subsidies must be covered by another revenue source, such as the General Fund. Therefore, the general taxpayer will potentially help to fund private benefits, and/or other City services will not receive funds that are otherwise directed to cover subsidies. Impact on Demand (Elasticity) Economic principles of elasticity suggest that increased costs for services (higher fees) will eventually curtail the demand for the services; whereas lower fees may spark an incentive to utilize the services and encourage certain actions. Either of these conditions may be a desirable effect to the City. However, the level of the fees that would cause demand changes is largely unknown. The Cost of Service Study did not attempt to evaluate the economic or behavioral impacts of higher or lower fees; nevertheless, the City should consider the potential impacts of these issues when deciding on fee levels. Summary If the City's principal goal of this study were to maximize revenues from user fees, Willdan would recommend setting user fees at 100% of the full cost identified in this study. However, we understand that revenue enhancement is not the only goal of a cost of service study, and sometimes full -cost recovery is not needed, desired, or appropriate. Other City and departmental goals, City Council priorities, policy initiatives, past experience, implementation issues, and other internal and external factors may influence staff recommendations and City Council decisions. In this case, the proper identification of additional services (new or existing services) and creation of a consistent and comprehensive fee schedule was the primary objective of this study. City staff has reviewed the full costs and identified the "recommended fee levels" for consideration by City Council. The attached appendices exhibit these unit fees individually. The preceding sections provide background for each department or division and the results of this study's analysis of their fees. For the full list of each fee's analysis, refer to Appendix Cof this report. / n4DAN it Comprehensive User Fee Study Finance Finance administers and coordinates the fiscal related activities of the City, Successor Agency, and Housing Development Corporation. This includes all aspects of accounting, investing, payroll, debt management, capital asset accounting, preparation of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), and other required financial reports, budget preparation and administration, fund/program analysis, and special projects. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services associated with the Finance fees. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The majority of fees are set according to statutes and regulations. There are no recommended changes to the fee amounts as most fees are currently set by statue and one new fee, Credit Card Transaction Fee, is added as detailed in Appendix C. ,f1/WILLam 12 Comprehensive User Fee Study City Clerk The City Clerk is the local official who supervises and coordinates City elections; Serves as the Filing Officer for City appeals; Prepares and updates the City's Conflict of Interest Code, and Serves as the local Filing Officer for the Fair Political Practices Commission; Receives and opens all sealed bids and formally releases bid bonds; Receives, processes, and maintains claims, public record requests, and summonses; Directs the retention and destruction of official records in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Analysis The analysis of the Clerk services relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and the pro -rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdanthen compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine, if charged, whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. The analysis found that most flat rate fees are currently set below the full cost of providing the service. It is recommended that City set City Clerks fees at or near 100% cost recovery. As a result, there would be: • An increase for 8 fees; • An decrease for 1 fee; • 13 fees would remain as currently set, and; • the average estimated fee increase for City Clerk would be at around 10% as detailed in Appendix C. VV',,.. WILLDAN 13 Comprehensive User Fee Study , L..... Planning The Planning and Economic Development Division is responsible for implementing the City's General Plan and Zoning Code which regulates the type of land uses within the City. Planning helps guide the orderly development of the community and ensures that new development is attractive and compatible with the surroundings and consistent with the City's codes and policies. The Division reviews and processes development entitlement applications for compliance with zoning and subdivision regulations as well as conditional use permits. Planning staff provides technical and administrative support to the City Council and Planning Commission. The Planning Division is also responsible for economic development activities and promoting the City as a desirable place for business and development. Business license applications and film permits are also processed through the Division. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services and programs associated with Planning. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The analysis of Planning Services relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and the pro -rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdan then compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine, if charged, whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. The analysis found that most flat rate fees are currently set below the full cost of providing the service. It is recommended that the City increase most Planning Division fees to improve cost recovery as detailed in Appendix C, with some fees set to retain levels of subsidy. As a result, there would be: • an increase to 48 fees; • 6 fees would decrease; • 18 fees would remain as currently set, and; • the average estimated fee increase would be around 2% for flat fee services. VV'WILLDAN 14 Comprehensive User Fee Study Engineering The Engineering Division is responsible for the design, supervision and inspection of all street, highway, sidewalk and bike path construction; all City surveying and mapping operations including maintenance of the City's street and utility records; management of the storm water and sewers including the design, operation and maintenance of sanitary sewers and storm sewer systems; the review of land use changes for public works feasibility; the research and development services supporting the solid waste management program; and the preparation of various studies relating to Public Works. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services and programs associated with Engineering. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The analysis of Engineering Services relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and the pro -rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdan then compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine, if charged, whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. The analysis found that current fee levels are subsidizing the cost for most services. It is recommended that the City increase most Engineering Services fees to improve cost recovery as detailed in Appendix C, with some fees set to retain levels of subsidy. As a result, there would be: • an increase to 38 fees; • 4 fees would decrease; • 5 new fees would be added; • 1 fee would change from variable to a flat fee; • 10 fees would remain as currently set, and; • the average estimated increase for current flat rate fees would be around 9%. VWILEDAN 15 Comprehensive User Fee Study Parks and Recreation The City of Rosemead Parks & Recreation Department manages a wide range of services to help enrich the lives of those who reside in the community. The programs accommodate a variety of interests, ages, cultures and abilities. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services and programs associated with the Parks and Recreation Services Department. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The analysis of most Parks and Recreation programs encompassed facility rentals and other recreation services. The fee for use of government owned facilities and property can be set discretionally by the City per Proposition 26 to reduce the cost to the public for the facilities, and because there is market availability for facility use by the public. The cost of acquisition, maintenance, repair, and upgrade to the City and subsequently the community is offset by rental or use fee revenue. As such these fees should be set using the knowledge of activity use for the facilities, policy desires of the City, and market factors when desirable. It is generally accepted that many Recreation programs provide a measure of public benefit to the residents and City as a whole. In addition, cities generally want to ensure that their programs and services remain affordable to the community at large, and that the programs remain competitive with surrounding jurisdictions and private businesses. Therefore, full cost recovery is typically not the primary goal of fee setting. The analysis did analyze the direct staff cost involvement on many listed services, and the analysis found that all services are subsidized. Staff has suggested reasonable fee adjustments to the schedule, and they are detailed in Appendix C. As a result, there would be: • An increase for 32 fees; • 63 fees would remain as currently set, and; • the average estimated increase for current fees would be around 6% as detailed in Appendix C. WIU.DAN 16 Comprehensive User Fee Study Public Transportation To provide public transportation services to Rosemead residents; manage the City's public transit; program coordinator; oversee funding sources for public transportation programs; conduct analyses and studies on the City's public transit program; participate in regional and state agencies that affect public transit; and effectively publicize the City's transit program to residents and business. Analysis No analysis was done to the Public Transportation services and fee levels remain unchanged as detail in Appendix C. VVWILLDAN 17 Comprehensive User Fee Study Parking The Parking Control provides parking compliance and enforcement for the City. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services associated with Parking fees. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The services included in Parking are a mixture of citations and one administrative fee for impounded vehicles. The fines are set to deter the listed activities, and the analysis of the user fee relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach. It is recommended that the City increase the Impounded Vehicle Admin Fee to 100% cost recovery as detailed in Appendix C. All citations are recommended to remain at their current amounts. %VWILLDAN 18 Comprehensive User Fee Study Animal Care and Control Provide animal care, control, sheltering, and licensing services in the City. City staff will respond to a[Ian imal related field service requests, including injured and deceased animal calls. Partner with private and non- profit entities to provide veterinary care, sheltering, and adoption services for impounded animals, and low- cost vaccination and neutering services to the public. Manage all required licensing of animals in the City. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services and programs associated with Animal Care and Control. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The analysis of Animal Care and Control services relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and the pro -rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdan then compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine, if charged, whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. The analysis found that current fee levels are subsidizing the cost of service. The suggested fee amounts are detailed in Appendix C. As a result, there would be: • an increase to 5fees; • 7 fees would remain as currently set; 5 fees would be reinstated, and; • the average estimated increase for current fees would be around 12%. WILLDAN 19 Comprehensive User Fee Study Public Safety The Public Safety Department provides an array of safety and security related services in the City of Rosemead. Rosemead's Chief of Police (Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Lieutenant) manages all public safety services including law enforcement services with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and LA County Probation Department and fire services with the Los Angeles County Fire Department. Public Safety also partners with a number of community organizations to help residents address various issues. The Department also provides animal control. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services and programs associated with the Public Safety Department. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. There are three Live Scan services listed under this section with two set by federal agencies, and one City Administrative Fee. The analysis of the Administrative Fee relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build- up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and the pro -rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdan then compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine, if charged, whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. It is recommended that the City set the Administrative Fee at 100% cost recovery as detailed in Appendix C. y�IWILLDAN 20 Comprehensive User Fee Study Film Permit Film permits are required for film, video or still photography shoots within the City of Rosemead. The Community Development Department issues the permit and coordinates any City services that may be needed. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services associated with Film Permit fees. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effortto update the fee schedule. The analysis of the Film Permit services relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and the pro -rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdan then compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine, if charged, whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. Most fees listed are charged based on the fully burdened hourly rate of staff involved, and three had their reasonable full cost calculated. The analysis found that the three current fees are currently subsiding the cost of service. It is recommended that the City increase those three Film Permit fees to improve cost recovery as detailed in Appendix C, with some specific fees set to retain subsidies. As a result, there would be: • The actual cost of staff fees would remain at full cost recovery, and; • the three flat fees would be increased by 25% as detailed in Appendix C. */WILLDAN 21 Comprehensive User Fee Study Civil Fines Pursuant to Ordinance No. 918, which authorized the issuance of Administrative Citations that impose civil fines upon those who violate the Rosemead Municipal Code; and pursuant to Section 1.20.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code which provides that fines, interest and penalties shall be set by City Council resolution, Resolution No. 2011-45 established the fines, interest and penalties for municipal code violations as follows. Analysis Wilidan individually reviewed the services associated with Civil Fines fees. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The services included in Civil Fines are a mixture of citations and a user fee. The fines are set to deter the listed activities, and the analysis of the Administrative Fee relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build- up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of the fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and the pro -rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. It is recommended that the City set the Administrative Fee at near 100% cost recovery as detailed in Appendix C. All citations are recommended to remain at their current amounts. VV"r�...cu. WILLDAN 22 Comprehensive User Fee Study se vKas Appendix A — Total Allowable Cost to be Recovered Below are the total allowable costs that may be recovered through User Fees; however, only a percentage of the total cost is realized as staff doesn't just work on services related to User Fees, but also work on an array of other City functions during the operational hours of the City. The amounts listed below will not reconcile to City budgets as costs that should not be included in overhead for personnel in the application of determining fully burdened hourly rates were excluded. Examples of these costs are capital, debt, monetary transfers, passthrough contract costs, and any other costs that is charged directly to the service requestor. City of Rosemead - User Fee Overhead Rate Calculations 101: City Administration 755,100 101: City Clerk 304,000 101: Community Development 1,330,883 101: Finance 245,614 101: Parks & Recreation 2,003,980 101: Public Safety 570,700 101: Public Works 1,870,309 101: Public Works Admin 182,700 *�WILLDAN 23 Comprehensive User Fee Study „ ,.,—, 3 Appendix B — Fully Burdened Hourly Rates Below are fully burdened hourly rates of staff positions that provide for the services detailed in Appendix C. The FBHRs were used to determine the full cost of each service. They include the salary and benefit costs for each position as well as all applicable overhead amounts for each position. For positions in central service departments, such as the City Clerk and Finance, what is shown is the salary and benefit rate only, as the overhead of central service departments is recovered through the cost allocation plan. When a central service department position works on a fee or project in the purview of an operating department, the overhead rates of the operating department (shown in Appendix A) will be applied to that central service positions' salary and benefit rate for full cost recovery. For any user fee service request that is outside the scope of the fees detailed in Appendix C, or for services for which there is no fee currently set, the City can charge up to the full cost of the FBHR for personnel involved. H/WILLDAN 24 Comprehensive User Fee Study City of Rosemead - User Fee Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Calculation operoting CAP Fully Total Salary & Burdened Department Position Benefits Direct% Indirect% Hourly Rate 101: City Administration Admin- ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 101: City Administration Admin -ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 101: City Administration Admin -CITY MANAGER 101: City Administration Admin- EXEC ASSTTO CITY MANAGER 101: City Administration Admin - MANAGEMENT ANALYST 101: City Administration Admin -SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 101: Community Development Co- ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 101: Community Development CD- ASSISTANT PLANNER 101: Community Development CD -ASSOCIATE PLANNER 101: Community Development Co- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 101: Community Development CD - PLANNING & ECON DEV MGR 101: City Clerk Clerk - CITY CLERK 101: City Clerk Clerk- DEPUTY CITY CLERK 101: Finance Finance -ACCOUNTANT 101: Finance Finance- FINANCEDIRECTOR 101: Finance Finance -FINANCE MANAGER 101: Finance Finance- SR ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST 101: Finance Finance- SR ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST 101: Parks & Recreation Parks -ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST 101: Parks & Recreation Parks - PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR 101: Parks & Recreation Parks- PRE -SCHOOLTEACHER 101: Parks & Recreation Parks -RECREATION COORDINATOR 101: Parks & Recreation Parks - RECREATION SUPERVISOR 101: Parks & Recreation Parks- SENIOR RECREATION LEADER 101: Public Safety PS- ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST 101: Public Safety PS- CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 101: Public Safety PS- PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGER 101: Public Safety PS- PUBLIC SAFETY SUPERVISOR 101: Public Safety PS- SR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 101: Public Works PW- ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST 101: Public Works PW- FACILITIES TECHNICIAN 101: Public Works PW - MAINTENANCE LEAD WORKER 101: Public Works PW - MAINTENANCE WORKER 101: Public Works PW - PUBLIC WORKS FISCAL & PROJECT MGR 101: Public Works PW- PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER 101: Public Works Admin PW Admin- ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 101: Public Works Admin PW Admin - PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 91,675.81 7% 0% 559.27 311,107.44 7% 0% $201.13 376,427.00 7% 0% $243.36 134,829.37 7% 0% $87.17 109,688.66 7% 0% $70.92 146,737.51 7% 0% $94.87 96,252.13 18% 23% $84.81 112,601.16 18% 23% $99.22 134,584.29 18% 23% 5118.59 267,434.97 18% 23% $235.65 200,877.9S 18% 23% $177.01 211,591.96 44% 0% $184.39 131,496.93 44% 0% $114.S9 108,115.47 48% 0% $96.66 297,335.24 48% 0% 5265.82 174,132.12 48% 0% 5155.68 108,790.86 48% 0% $97.25 231,019.65 48% 0% $103.27 105,050.15 34% 34% $113.93 256,999.78 34% 34% $278.72 177,314.57 34% 34% $64.10 312,360.82 34% 34% $112.92 362,083.32 34% 34% $130.90 55,337.15 34% 34% $60.01 116,031.35 81% 10% $139.86 314,724.18 81% 10% $126.45 172,105.03 81% 10% $207.45 153,625.91 81% 10% 5185.17 287,978.33 81% 10% $173.56 124,086.24 80% 33% $179.55 115,253.38 80% 33% $166.77 624,163.82 80% 33% $180.63 910,467.51 80% 33% $146.38 145,654.98 80% 33% $210.76 175,020.83 80% 33% $253.26 90,311.05 19% 0% $65.04 263,167.76 19% 1 0% 1 $189.53 WILLDAN 25 Comprehensive User Fee Study Appendix C — Cost Recovery Analysis The following tables provide the results of the analysis, resulting full cost recovery amount, and recommended fees. For fees, services, and penalties in which the full cost, existing fee and suggested fee is listed as "NA", the amount or percentage was not calculable based on cost data or variable fee structure. This is most common when either the current or the suggested fee includes a variable component that is not comparable on a one-to-one basis, a full cost was not calculated (for penalties, fines, market-based fees, or items not included in the study), or when there is not a current fee amount to compare against. All services and fees analyzes as part of this study fall under one or multiple categories one through five of the exemptions defined in Proposition 26. As such a cost analysis was performed to calculate the estimated reasonable full cost of each service, and suggested fees are recommended at or below those amounts. Estimated reasonable full costs were calculated based on City expenditures and time estimates. To provide a thorough list of all fees and services, the schedules also includes items that were not part of the scope of this study. Examples of such items are utility rates, taxes, in -lieu fees, and developer impact fees. WILLDAN 26 Comprehensive User Fee Study City of Rosemead 27 Comprehensive User Fee Study R Description Current I Pee/Charge. Unit Notes I NSF check (first check) 25.00 2 NSF check (second and each subsequent check) 35.00 3 Credit Card Transaction Fee -% of Transaction Amount New City of Rosemead 27 Comprehensive User Fee Study p Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes 1 Subpoenas- Documents (Government Code Section 68096.1) 15.00 $0 NA 2 Subpoenas- Personal Appearance (Govt Code Section 68096.1) 275.00 Legal Rate $0 3 Actual attendance (per person/per day) Fully Burdened Hourly Rate $30.73 $10.00 4 Mileage traveled (both ways/per mile) Legal Rate $0 NA 5 Certification of Copies 5.00 $0.10 $0 6 Proof of Life Certification 5.00 NA $5.00 7 Photocopies of documents- per page 0.20 $0 $30.73 8 Photocopies of documents larger than 8 % x 11 (per page) 1.00 $50.00 $10 9 Photocopies of FPPC documents (Govt Code Section 81008) 0.10 $36.59 $36.00 10 Copies of electronic records that have to be constructed, programmed & computer services necessary to produce a copy of the record (Govt. Code Section 6253.9(2)(a -g) Actual Cost $9 $14.75 11 Search and Retrieval fee for FPPC documents five years or older (Govt. Code Section 81008) 5.00 No charge $0 12 Notary Fee per signature 15.00 NA By Resolution 13 Plans and Specifications - walk-in 25.00 each NA 14 Plans and Specifications - mailed 40.00 each $0.00 15 Ownership Notification List 35.00 each 16 General Plan 25.00 17 General Plan Map 5.00 18 Zoning Map 5.00 19 Zoning Requirements No charge 20 Zoning Ordinance 35.00 each 21 Candidate Statement Deposit By Resolution 22 Passport Fees 23 Passport Execution Fee Fee set by U.S. Department of State 24 Passport Photo 115.00 RCostuggested Fee Fee D NA $15.00 $0 NA $275.00 $0 NA Fully Burdened Hourly Rate $0 NA Legal Rate $0 $19.48 $10.00 $5 $30.73 $10.00 $5 NA $0.20 $0 NA 1.00 $0 NA $0.10 $0 NA Actual Cost $0 NA $5.00 NA $15.00 $0 $30.73 1$30.00 $5 $66.10 $50.00 $10 $24.80 $24.00 -$11 $36.59 $36.00 $11 $14.75 $14.00 $9 $14.75 $14.00 $9 NA No charge $0 $43.40 $43.00 $8 NA By Resolution $0 NA Fee set by U.S. Department of State $0.00 $15.74 $15.00 $0.00 City of Rosemead 28 Comprehensive User Fee Study a y LL d d V U d \ \ d n O N N n a N VT lD Vl N O VT V V1 Vl N VI Vl m V N VT N 1p YT in N V N in a ri N O 0 N V? 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DE m u E Y w o '� T c> E E a V W O N a O v 6 ._ a- > a A> O n O m U V J o ry s -+ ry r U u u A 8 8 8 8 8 $ 8 �g� ° 0 0 8 8 8 X222 8800880 �a h M S X S = sa 3 u u A 8 8 8 - o m a E c a v E E 2 0 q 0 Y 7 V U S OOR HER HOUSE a.x FM IIt go �.- WrW I LLDAN 27368 Via Industria, Suite 200 Temecula, California 92590-4856 800.755.6864 1 Fax: 888.326.6864 951.587.3500 1 Fax: 951.587.3510 www.willdan.com Attachment C Comprehensive Fee Schedule Attachment C City of Rosemead California (Effective January 1, 2023) Proposed Small Town City of Rosemead 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Table of Contents Page # ADOPTING RESOLUTION 4 A. B. C. D. PLANNING FEES ENGINEERING SERVICES FEES BUILDING PERMIT FEES PARKS AND RECREATION FEES 5 8 10 10 E. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FEES 15 F. CITY CLERK FEES 15 G. FINANCE DEPARTMENT FEES 16 H. PARKING/VEHICLE CITATION FINES 16 I. ANIMAL CARE AND CONTROL FEES 19 J. PUBLIC SAFETY FEES 20 K. BUSINESS LICENSE FEES 20 L. FILM PERMIT FEES 23 M. SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT FEES 23 N. CIVIL FINES (ADMINISTRATIVE CITATIONS) 24 0. PASSPORT FEES 24 P. FIREWORKS 25 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Adopting Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2022-56 WHEREAS. p rsumt to Govnmunt Code section 66016 and 6M19, fees adopted pmsium to those sections shall out take effect until at feast sway (60) days have passed since the A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEY[E AD 70 final action on the adoption or increase of the fee and specifically will go into effect January 1. APPROVE THE FULL COST ANALYSIS OF USER FEES PREPARED BY -023 and WH.LD.kN TLYA.NCLAL SERVICES AND AMEA-D AND AUGMENT THE CITY OF NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY C ONCH. OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, ROSEMEAD FEE SCHEDULE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECIARE, DEIERULN-E. XND ORDERAS FOLLOWS: VVHERLAS. dwCoybas the au hmtyw tmpmefees, cbuM. aodmtes under its police powers p rsssmt in Catifomia Constitution Article M section T WHEREAS, user fees are a charge for services provided by a governmental agency to a public citizen or group, and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead has established user fees for carious depamaat-related services, and WHEREAS, the City of Roatmd engaged R'illdan Fina owtal Services (Willdan) to conduct a cost of service study for user fees in order to determine the estimated and reasonable coon berme by the City to provide these services. and WHEREAS, Wiltdm prepared a report entitled -'liver Fee Study' which was discussed with the City Council during a special meeting on September 13, 2022, and WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Rosemead has deternsiued that the cost ofpmvidmg certain services a not of general benefit but of benefit to the individual and, therefore fees should berequired repay for materials and special services performed by City staff, and WHEREAS, the City Council has found it necessary to adjust fees for services. and to maintain a comprehensive document nlich incorporates fees for servicesprovided by the City two one schedule. however. the City Manager has the authority to establish staffbilling rates and equipment charges by Adwininvitive Policy on an as needed basis, and WHEREAS, the user fees described in Exhibit "B" are bereby determined to be reasonable in that the amount thereof does not exceed the estimated reasonable costs of providing the services for which the user fees are proposed to be rendered. and WHEREAS, mice of a public heating on the changes to the use fees was published in accordance with Govnnmmt Code sections 66018 and 6062a and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing before the City Council was held m October Il. 2022. at %inch public testimony was received and duly considered on the proposed changes to the user fee, and SECTION 1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and adopted as the findings of the City Council and after consideration of the staff report. Study and public comment and correspondence received the Cay Council hereby approves and adopts the user fees set forth in Exhibit -W. SECTION. 2. The adoption of this Resolution n no subjectn CEQA renew pursuant to CEQA Guideline 1i378(bH4). winch provides that the creation of gorenment firstling mec)L— or other government fiscal activities that do not involve any committomt to my specific project are not projects subject to CEQA review. SECTION 3. The fees ser forth in this Resolution shall be separately tooNsed for each service described —A,, Exheba"IF m utich the fees peram additional fees shall be tequaed foreachaddiumalser,mdwtsrequestedmrequaed. Mixefemaremilicatedonapesurin ofineawrementbms-thefeesarefaacbidentifiedor mpatiostlmeofwitbiad<-m&cated imagesof such upas. SECTION 4. It is the intention of the City Council to review the user fees as determined and set out be= on a periodic basis as well as the City's costs reasonably borne as established an& as and if warranted. to revise such fees based therein. SECTION 5. The adopted far for services se forth in Exhibit 'H" shall be adjusted for inflation by the City Council on July 1 of eery year by the percent change in the Consumer Price Index. `Consumer Price Index" means the average of the percent change in Consumer (Mice Index for Urban Clerical and Wage Earners. as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics or successor agency. from the December of the preceding calendar year over the preceding December. for the Los Angeles -Long Beach -Anaheim CA area. Increases or decreases shall be rounded off tolhe nearest dollar. In no event shall the fee collected exceed the actual coo ofproviding the service by the City SECTIO\ 6. Ibe fees sbonn in the Ccnaprebensrte Fee Schedule a Exhibit C-. arc appmed and adopted for Fiscal Year 2022-23 effective 32nary L 2023. SECTION 7. If my action subsection. sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution or the fees lesiedby this Resolution shall be held invalid or uncomt inrionalby a cont ofcampetmt jurisdiction such invalidity shall not affect the validayo£therenaunu, moos ofthis Resolution or the fees levied by this Resolution that an be given effect without the in alidpsovisicns. SECHON 8. All omenwlurtoos a conduct beewim ere leehy repealed. PABSm.APPROVED. ATID ADOPIID gas ]t•dry ofOrobe.?0?2. Sem Dmg.xfayvr APPROVED AS TO FORM.ATIFST'. Ifacldl4cL®. GYM°�Y STATE in CA CdO1A i CmN.'IY�LOSA1gElE5) § QIV OFROSEAffAD ) Pada He>®dea, City Cle i LFilm HeommacryC ofine Carycowedofthe CirvofR.ed Catifavia.mhereby cunH mar the meepowg City Cmmcil Resoluciw Vo. _0"-�: oras duty adopud hY the Cay Cawril Orme Wry orRoumeaa Cal(ama ora rtgwar menae meeotheMav me Il• nay or OnoGa.±�.6vmefoBowmg yore. rowv: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTA .. Fakh lievavdez Cry CYh City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule 0" 4� Fee Description Fee Amount A. PLANNING FEES General Plan Amendment $2,207 + $50 each additional parcel Conditional Use Permit $1,467 Lot Line Adjustment $ 281 Landscape Review Cost+ 10% Tentative Parcel Map $1,439 + $100/lot Tentative Tract Map $1,437 + $100/lot Single Family Residential Variance $ 1,218 Other Variances $1,437 Zone Changes $2,125 + $50 each additional parcel Municioal Code Amendment $ 2,895 Design Review: Single Family Home $ 1,000 Design Review: Multi Family (3 or More Units) $1,250 Design Review: Sign Design Review $ 946 Design Review: Master Sign Program $ 946 Design Review: New Nonresidential Structures $ 1,555 Design Review: Residential Commercial Mixed -Use $ 1,925 Design Review: Remodel with Additions to Nonresidential Structures $1,063 Design Review: Facade or Site Improvement for Nonresidential Projects Only $ 1,000 Review of Conditional Use Permit (Maximum 2 site inspections) $ 263 Modification of Entitlements (Discretionary) $ 1,000 Planned Develooment Review Covenants/Agreements Cost + 10% Relocation Impact Report (mobile home parks) $ 1,875 Specific Plan Review (In-house) Non-residential or Mixed Use review Residential - 2 or less units (maximum 3 reviews) $281 per dwelling unit Residential - 3 or more units $769 per review Specific Plan Review (Outsource) Cost + 10% Plan Amendment (Outsource) Cost + 30% Specific Plan Amendment - Text Change (In-house) $2,750 + $50 each additional parcel Other Public Hearing Requests (modifications) $ 1,005 Other (LA County Clerk recording fee) Fee subject to LA County Fee Schedule City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Fee Description Fee Amount Other Planning Items: Pre -Application (optional) $625 (one review per project) With Workshop Noticing $300(one workshop per project) Entitlement Plan Check Modification Fee (Ministerial) $ 603 Publication Fee $ 500 Expediting Fee $ 2,405 Entitlement Extensions $375 each Residential Site Plan Review (maximum 3 reviews) $281 per dwelling unit Residential Tenant/Site Improvement/No New Sq. Ft. $ 87 Non-residential Tenant/Site Improvement/No New Sq. Ft. $ 281 Non-residential Site Plan Review (maximum 3 reviews) $ 772 Lot Coverage Review (i.e. landscape and hardscape) $ 31 Mechanical Elements Review $ 31 Fence Plan Review $ 31 Sign Plan Review $ 257 Water Efficient Landscape Review $ 237 Oak Tree Permit $ 553 Negative Declaration Fee (Not including County charges) Cost + 30% Mitigated Negative Declaration (Not including County charges) Cost+ 10% Categorical Exemption Fee $ 76 EIR Plus Outside Consultant (Not including County charges) Cost + 10% Mitigation Monitoring Cost + 10% Other Environmental Reviews/Documents Cost + 10% Administrative Determination $ 532 Administrative Use Permit $ 625 Density Bonus (i.e. Application, Document Review, etc.) Cost+ 10% Development Agreement Cost+ 10% Joint/Off-Site Parking Agreement Cost +10% Minor Exception $ 375 Reasonable Accommodation No fee Site Inspection $ 31 Geologic/Geotechnical Review Cost +10% Traffic Review Cost + 10% City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule "-T Fee Description Fee Amount Zoning Verification Letter Residential $ 75 Nonresidential $ 281 Accessory Dwelling Unit -Covenant $ 99 Banner Permit $ 24 Outdoor Sales (Nonresidential) $ 59 Private Bus Application Review $ 31 Temporary Use Permit $ 281 Yard Sale Permit (Two yard sales are allowed per residence every six months. There is no charge for the first yard sale of each 12 -month period.) First yard sale of each 12 -month period is free. $5 each additional yard sale Vacant Lot Registration (includes inspection) $ 60 Appeals: Filing Fees (Planning Commission) $ 769 Filing Fees (City Counci Development Impact Fees: Single Use Zones Residential 769 Single Family $6,500(per dwelling unit) Multi -Family $5,197(per dwelling unit) Nonresidential Retail $1,365 (1,000 sq. ft) Office $1,997 (1,000 sq. ft) Industrial $1,250 (1,000 sq. ft) Mixed Use Zones Residential Single Family $6,388(per dwelling unit) Multi -Family $5,126(per dwelling unit) Nonresidential Retail $1,242 (1,000 sq. ft) Office $1,812 (1,000 sq. ft) Industrial $1,127 (1,000 sq. ft) NOTE: Development Impact Fees are distributed to the four impacted categories (Traffic, Public Safety, General Government, and Parks) in accordance with the Impact Fee Study approved June 9, 2015. City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule 10 Fee Description Fee Amount NOTE: Section 3 of Resolution 2015-07 states that unless otherwise revised, the fees established shall be adjusted each fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2018 by a percentage equal to the percentage increase in the Engineering News Record (ENR) Construction Price Index for the Los Angeles County Area. B. ENGINEERING SERVICES FEES Tract Map Tentative Tract Map (Establishing Engineering and Public Improvement Conditions) $ 562 Record Map Analysis: $4,986 plus $150/lot plus L 1. Monument review $ 578 2. Verification that map is consistent with conditions to tentative approval $ 578 3. Map clearance and review of agreement and/or improvement securities $ 375 4. Fourth and each subsequent check submittal $ 950 Deferred Monuments Monument Review $ 372 Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment) Record Document Analysis, Clearance, and Processing $ 2,500 Plus Parcel and: $ 187 1. Verification of compliance with conditions of approval $ 578 2. Review of agreements and/or improvement securities $ 437 Plan Checking 1. Initial $937 plus 2 Y: percent of the first $50,000 plus 2 percent of the next $100,000 plus 1 Y2 percent thereafter of the estimated construction cost 2. Revision Actual cost Same as initial plan checking Construction Permits 1. Issuance Fee $125 2. Initial Observation $500 plus 6 percent of first $100,000 plus 5 percent of next $100,000 plus 4 percent thereafter of the estimated construction cost 3. Modifications Observation Actual cost (an initial deposit is required) for all modifications requiring plan revisions or as built. 8 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule OL_� Fee Description Fee Amount Construction Permits in Right of Wa 1. Driveway $375/driveway 2. Close existing driveway opening $375/driveway 3. Individual sidewalk $375/location 4. Individual curb and gutter $375/location 5. Individual alley improvement $3/sq ft/location 6. Street trees $125/location for first tree plus $50/tree thereafter 7. Curb drain (curb only) $187/drain 8. Parkway drain $375/drain 9. Relocate existing drainage structure $1,250/structure Excavation Permits 1. Service cut 2. Sewer cut $312/connection to Encroachment Permits 1. Stockpile material or waste in street right -of way or easement 2. Placing container for material or waste in a street right-of-way or easement and $2/sq ft of excavation x plus Service Cut Charges $418/Stockpile ($150 Refundable) ($325 Refundable) 3. Placing temporary structure or parking equipment in street right-of-way or $250/Structure or Piece of easement Equipment 4. Pedestrian protection required by building code (Construction at parkway $250/location grade) S. Street closures Street closures Lane closures $250/lane/day 6. Commercial filming $500/working day plus $800/night, Saturday, Sunday or Holiday 7. Other Encroachments (deposit required) $62 issuance fee plus actual cost Parcel Map Tentative Parcel Map (Establishing engineering and public improvement conditions) $ 562 Record Map Analysis $3,855 plus $150/parcel and 1. Dedications 2. Monument review 3. Verification that map is consistent with conditions of tentative $ 2,120 5 578 $ 578 4. Map clearance and review agreements and/or improvements securities $ 375 5. Fourth and each subsequent check submittal $ 1,062 9 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Fee Description Fee Amount Other Engineering Services Deed Research & Review Cost + 10% Covenant Agreement Research & Review Cost + 10% Legal Description/Offer of Dedication Research & Review Cost + 10% Preparation of Legal Description/Dedication Documents Cost + 10% Plan Copies—Larger than 24" x 36" $5.00/page Standard Hourly Review Charge $ 179 Standard Hourly Inspection Charge $ 119 Tree Planting In -lieu Fee: Residential $ 478 Tree Planting In -lieu Fee: Commercial $ 658 NPDES Fee Cost+ 10%/plus ongoing inspection costs Hourly Inspection - After Hours (NEW FEE) $ 475 Expedited Plan Check Review (NEW FEE) $ 450 Expedited Hourly Permit Review (NEW FEE) $ 450 Permit Re -Issuance Fee (NEW FEE) $ 275 Traffic Control Plan Review $180/plus ongoing inspection costs Per Section 15.04.030 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, fees for plan check, inspection and other miscellaneous services shall be based on the most current fee set forth by Los Angeles County, Title 26, Fees and shall be increased by fifty (50) Green Building Fee (Senate Bill 1473) Set by State Strong Motion Instrumentation Program Fee (SMIP) (CA Public Resource Code §2705) Set by State D. PARKS • Resident Non -Resident Administrative Fee (Patron initiated refunds) $ 5 $ 5 Pool Admission: Daily recreation swim (17 and under) $ 1 $ 1 Daily recreation swim (18 and over) $ 2 $ 2 Season recreation swim (17 and under) $ 25 N/A Season recreation swim (18 and over) $ 35 N/A r.mik, nacc S75 N/A 10 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Fee Description Fee Amount Lap Swim (Rosemead Pool): Per visit 20 visits Lessons: Resident Non -Resident $3 $5 $40 $65 Group Swim Lesson — Youth (Rosemead) $ 35 $ 50 Group Swim Lesson —Adult (Rosemead) $ 40 $ 55 Group Swim Lesson —Youth (Garvey) $ 35 $ 35 Grouo Swim Lesson — Adult (Garvey) $ 40 $ 40 Private Lessons (one instructor one student) (Rosemead) $ 100 $ 130 Private Lessons (one instructor one student)(Garvey) $ 100 $ 100 Semi -Private Lessons (one instructor two or three students) (Rosemead) $80 ea $100 ea Semi -Private Lessons (one instructor two or three students) (Garvey) $80 ea $80 ea Aqua Aerobics (Rosemead) $ 40 $ 65 Aqua Aerobics (Garvey) $ 45 $ 45 Mermaid Class 540 555 Programs: Senior Nutrition $ 1.25 $ 3.25 Club Participant $ 1.25 N/A Camp Rosemead: Summer -1n Child $105 per week $125 per week Summer -2 nd Child $95 per week $115 per week Fall/Winter/Spring-1st Child $90 per week $110 per week Fall/Winter/Spring— 2nd Child $80 per week $100 per week Senior Dances $ 5 $ 5 Sweetheart Jamboree $ 15 $ 20 11 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Fee Description Fee Amount Classes: Resident Non -Resident Preschool classes — four days per week $380/qtr (10 wks) $420/qtr (10 wks) Instructional Classes Fee Set by Instructor Fee Set by Inst+$5 Youth Sports (3 -14 year olds): Early Registration $40/Season $45/Season Registration $45/Season $50/Season Late Registration $50/Season $55/Season Facility Use: Auditoriums: Garvey Center—Banquet Room $85/hr $140/hr Garvey Center— FGT Room $60/hr $110/hr Security Deposit $ 300 $ 500 Rosemead/Garvey Kitchen $35/hr $60/hr Meeting Rooms: Rosemead Center— Room 5 $35/hr $70/hr Garvey Center— Rooms 103 & 104 (50) $35/hr $70/hr Garvey Center — Room 103 (100) $50/hr $110/hr Garvey Center— Rooms 108 & 109 (50) $35/hr $70/hr Garvey Center— Room 108 (100) $50/hr $110/hr Rosemead Center—Room 1 $60/hr $110/hr Rosemead Center— Room 2 $75/hr $140/hr Rosemead Center— Room 3 or 4 S35/hr $70/hr $ 300 $ 500 Community Center Use During Non -Business Hours (For otherwise exempt Government agencies, Rosemead -recognized non- profits, and community Organizations): Where it costs the City to staff facilities for such use, the Fully burdened hourly staff rate will be passed on to the facility user. Dinsmoor Gardens Dinsmoor Gardens - 6 Hr. Rental $ 350 $ 700 Dinsmoor Kitchenette Usage (In conjunction with 6 Hr. Rental) $ 75 $ 100 Security Deposit $ 300 $ 500 12 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Fee Description Fee Amount Special Event Insurance (Facility Use): Hazard Class I: 1-100 Resident $ 100 Non -Resident $125 101-500 $ 130 $ 150 501-1500 $ 200 $ 225 Hazard Class II: 1-100 $140 $160 101-500 $ 235 $ 260 501-1500 $ 280 $ 300 Hazard Class III: 1-100 $ 215 $ 230 101-500 $ 360 $ 375 501-1500 $ 475 $ 525 Pool Facility Use: RAC Lane Fee (3 Lane Minimum) $15/Lane $15/Lane RAC (Pool and Deck Area Only) $75/hr $150/hr Covered Picnic Area (Y: canopy— During swim hours) $35/hr $60/hr Lawn Area (Picnic) (During swim hours) $35/hr $60/hr RAC (Exclusive Use) $175/hr $350/hr Splash Zone (Exclusive Use) $140/hr $140/hr Small Shade Shelter (During swim hours) $40/hr $40/hr Large Shade Shelter (During swim hours) $50/hr $50/hr RAC Lights $25/hr $50/hr BBQ Rental(RAC) $30/hr $30/hr BBQ Rental (Splash) $30/hr $30/hr 13 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule L4� Fee Description Fee Amount Pool Facility Deposits: Resident Non -Resident Shelter Deoosit $ 50 $ 150 Facilitv Deposit $ 300 $ 500 Lifeguard/Aquatic Staff (Splash min 4-6 required & RAC min 5-6 required) $20/hr $20/hr Special Event Insurance (Pool Facility Use) Hazard Class III: 1-100 101-500 501-1500 Park Facility Use: Rosemead Park $ 215 $ 230 $ 360 $ 375 $ 475 $ 525 RosemeadPark—Lights $35/hr $70/hr Garvey Park (per Field) $22/hr $60/hr Garvey Park—Lights (Per Field) $35/hr $70/hr SportsComplex— Fields $22/hr $60/hr SportsComplex— Lights $35/hr $70/hr Garvey Park— Multi -Purpose Field $22/hr $60/hr Garvey Park — Multi -Purpose Field w/Lights $28/hr $75/hr GarveyPark—Gymnasium $60/hr $125/hr Garvey Park — Gymnasium (Rosemead Non -Profit Teams Only) $35/hr N/A Small Picnic Shelter Reservation (Day Use) $ 60 $ 110 Larae Picnic Shelter Reservation (Dav Use) $ 85 $ 160 Zapopan Park Picnic Shelter (Day Use) $ 35 $ 70 Park Facility Deposits: Field Securitv Deposit $ 60 $110 Field Security Deposit (Rosemead Non -Profit Teams Only) $100/season N/A Staff At Cost At Cost 14 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule 0"_T Fee Description Fee Amount Resident Non -Resident Miscellaneous Fee: Vendor Booths—Special Events: Rosemead non-profit organizations will be required to pay 75% of a proportional share of City costs for booth operation including Los Angeles County fees and associated rental costs. Other non- profit organizations will pay a proportional share plus $50. All other vendors will pay a proportional share plus $150. All vendors are required to pay a $50 deposit of total fees at time of event application. Deposit will be forfeited for vendors cancelling within 45 days prior to first day event. Event admission Event admission plus Excursions plus 10% 25% Military Street Banners $ 150 $ 150 Garden Plot $1.20/sq ft annually N/A Memorial Bench and Tree Fee Cost plus 10% Cost plus 10% E PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FEES Senior Bus Pass $9/mo Dial -A -Ride $0.50/ride Shopper Shuttle $0.50/ride CITY CLERK FEES Subpoenas — Documents (Government Code §68096.1) $ 15 Subpoenas — Personal Appearance — (Govt Code §68096.1 / Penal Code §1329) $ 275 Actual Attendance (per person/per day) Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Mileage Traveled (both ways/per mile) IRS Standard Rate Certification of Copies $ 10 Proof of Life Certification $ 10 Photocopies of documents — per page $ 0.20 Photocopies of documents larger than 8 Y2 x 11 (per page) $ 1.00 Photocopies of FPPC documents (Govt Code Section 81008) $ 0.10 Copies of Electronic Records that have to be Constructed, Programmed & Computer Services Necessary to Produce a Copy of the Record (Govt Code §6253.9(2)(a -g)) Actual Cost Search and Retrieval Fee for FPPC Documents Five Years or Older (Govt Code §81008) $ 5 Notary Fee per Signature $ 15 Plans and Specifications -walk-in $ 30 Plans and Soecifications - mailed $ 50 1s City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Fee Description Fee Amount Ownership Notification List $ 24 General Plan $36/each General Plan Map $14/each Zoning Requirements No charge Zoning Ordinance $43/each Candidate Nomination Filing (Elections Code §10228) $25 Candidate Statement Deposit $3,000 DEPARTMENTG. FINANCE NSF Check— First Check (Govt Code §6157 (b)) $ 25 NSF Check— Second and Each Subsequent Check (Govt Code §6157 (b)) $ 35 Credit Card Transaction Fee (NEW FEE) 3% of Transaction Amount H. •A'CITATION CVC 4000 (a) Registration Required (If Not Corrected) $ 73 CVC 4152.5 Failure To Apply For Registration $ 38 CVC 4152.5 With Proof of Correction $ 35 CVC 4454 (a) Registration Card $ 38 CVC 4454 (a) With Proof of Correction $ 35 CVC 4457 Mutilated Or Illegal License Plate $ 38 CVC 4457 With Proof of Correction $ 35 CVC 4462 (b) Evidence Of Registration —Wrong Vehicle $ 38 CVC 5200 Display of License Plate $ 38 CVC 5200 With Proof of Correction $ 35 CVC 5201 Position of License Plate $ 38 CVC 5201 With Proof of Correction $ 35 CVC 5201(f) Plate Clearly Visible $ 38 CVC 5201(f) With Proof of Correction $ 35 CVC 5202 Period of Display $ 38 CVC 5202 With Proof of Correction $ 35 CVC 5204 (a) No Tags $ 73 CVC 5204 (a) With Proof of Correction $ 35 16 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Fee Description ft Fee Amount CVC 27155 Fuel Cap Required $ 38 CVC 21113 (a) Unlawful Parking - Public Grounds $ 53 CVC 22500 (a) Parking Within Intersection $ 53 CVC 22500 (b) Parking On Crosswalk $ 53 CVC 22500 (c) Parking/Safety & Curb (Marked With Red Paint) $ 55 CVC 22500 (d) Parking Within 15ft. From Fire Station Entrance $ 68 CVC 22500 (e) Parking In Front of Public/Private Driveway $ 53 CVC 22500 (f) Parking On Sidewalk $ 53 CVC 22500 (g) Parking Along Excavation 553 CVC 22500 0) Parking In Tunnel $ 53 CVC 22500 (k) Parking On Bridge $ 53 CVC 22500 (1) Parking — Blocking Wheelchair Ramp $ 258 CVC 22500.1 Parking In Fire Lane (Properly Marked And Posted) $ 78 CVC 22502 (e) Curb Parking One -Way Roadway $ 53 CVC 22507(a) Illegal Stopping, Parking Or Standing Of Vehicles $ 500 CVC 22507.8 (a) Disabled — No Visible Placard Or Plate $ 338 CVC 22507.8 (b) Parking— Blocking Handicapped Space $ 338 CVC 22507.8 (c) Parking in Disabled Crosshatched Boundary Lanes $ 338 CVC 22515 Unattended Vehicle $ 53 CVC 22516 Locked Door — No Escape $ 48 CVC 22517 Open Door Into Traffic Lane (Driver's Side) $ 68 CVC 22521 Parking on Railroad Tracks $ 43 CVC 22522 Parking Near Sidewalk Access Ramp $ 288 CVC 2523(a)(b) Abandonment Prohibited $ 113 LAC 15.20.070 Failure to Obey Signs/Curb Markings (Altered) $ 50 LAC 15.20.070 Failure to Obey Signs/Curb Markings (Time Limits) $ 63 LAC 15.20.130 Parking Space Markings $ 50 LAC 15.48.050 Vehicle Exceeding Posted Weight Limits $ 55 LAC 15.48.060 Vehicle Exceeding 14,000 Lbs. — Posted $ 55 LAC 15.64.010 Stopping Prohibited, Parking Time Limits $ 50 LAC 15.64.020 Parking in Loading Zones (commercial) $ 78 LAC 15.64.030 Parking Time Limit — Post Office $48 LAC 15.64.040 Parking at Mailbox $ 48 17 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule O" — Fee Description Fee Amount LAC 15.64.050 No Commercial Parking (more than 6,000 lbs) 2:00 am to 6:00 am / Residential Zone (5 excep $ 78 LAC 15.64.052 No Commercial Parking (more than 10,000 Its) in Residential Dist at any time (5 exceptions) $ 78 LAC 15.64.055 Commercial Vehicle (more than 6,000 lbs) Parked in Violation of Posted Limits $ 78 LAC 15.64.100 Parking, Disconnected Trailer $ 53 LAC 15.64.110 Parking in Bus Zone $ 263 LAC 15.64.120 Parking In Passenger Zone $ 53 LAC 15.64.130 No Parking—Alleys $ 53 LAC 15.64.140 Temporary No Parking/Street Sweeping $ 53 LAC 15.64.210 Key in Ignition/Unaltered Vehicle $ 53 LAC 15.64.220 Parking on Grades $ 48 LAC 15.64.230 Parking More Than 18 In. From Curb $ 50 LAC 15.64.240 Angle Parking $ 48 LAC 15.64.250 Double Parking $ 53 LAC 15.64.260 No Parking At Any Time $ 55 LAC 15.64.270 Parking On Private Or Public Property Without Consent $ 53 LAC 15.64.271 Parking In Front Yard $ 40 LAC 15.64.280 Parking on Wrong Side Of The Street $ 53 LAC 15.64.290 Parking Between Curb And Adjacent Property $ 53 LAC 15.64.300 Blocking Street $ 53 LAC 15.64.310 Parking of Vehicle Transporting Hazardous Materials $ 363 LAC 15.64.320 Blocking Driveway On Private Street $ 53 LAC 15.64.330 Parking Within Intersection $ 53 LAC 15.64.350 Parking Special Hazard $ 53 LAC 15.64.360 Parking Adjacent to School $ 53 LAC 15.64.370 Parking Within 15ft Of Fire Hydrant $ 68 LAC 15.64.390 Parking In Assigned Parking Space $ 53 LAC 15.64.400 Disabled Parking On Street $ 338 LAC 15.64.410 Disabled Parking Off Street $ 338 LAC 15.76.080 Parking on Sidewalk $ 53 LAC 15.76.120 Repairing Vehicles On Street $ 53 LAC 15.76.130 Washing Vehicles On Street $ 53 LAC 17.04.370 Parks - Unauthorized Parking $ 53 LAC 9.12.1410 Obstructing Emergency Access Routes $ 68 18 Fee Description City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule ofc- - Fee Amount Overnight Parking Permit Commercial $ 60 Expired Registration Tags $ 73 DUI Cost Recovery $ 573 Impounded Vehicle Admin Fee $ 150 Stored Vehicle Admin Fee $103 I. ANIMAL CARE AND CONTROL FEES Dog New/renewal for male or female 531 New/renewal for spayed or neutered with certificate $ 18 New/renewal for spayed or neutered with certificate Owned by senior citizen (60 yrs. and older) $ 8 Dog license penalty fee if paid 30 days after expiration date $ 20 Dead Animal Disposal Picked up from owner by Animal Control —small (less than 30 pounds) No fee Picked up from owner by Animal Control — small without a dog license (less than 30 pounds) $ 31 Picked up from owner by Animal Control — cat No fee Picked up from owner by Animal Control — large (more than 30 pounds) No fee Picked up from owner by Animal Control — large without a dog license (more than 30 pounds) $ 51 Delivered by Animal Control No fee Delivered to Animal Control by business No fee Animal Relinquishment by owner: Picked up by Animal Control - small $ 50 Picked up by Animal Control - litter 550 Picked up by Animal Control - small livestock $ 50 Picked up by Animal Control - single large animal $ 250 Special handling by Animal Control Officer Cost +10% 19 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Fee Description Fee Amount Live Scan Fees Department of Justice (DOJ) $ 32 FBI $ 49 Administrative Fee (In addition to above Live Scan Fees) $ 29 Title 5 of the Rosemead Municipal Code - §5.04 through §5.52.03 All Businesses are Required to Pay the CA State Mandated CASp Fee with each New or Renewed Business License: $4/yr Criminal Background Check (Requires additional Livescan Fee paid to Public Safety Dept) $ 110 Duplicate License (Reproduction of Original) $ 5 * Adult Business: Model Studio New $ 1,752 Renewal $ 1,752 Performer $ 150 $ 125 Book Store $ 2,228 $ 1,737 Cabaret $ 1,981 $ 1,737 Motion Picture Arcade $ 1,988 $ 1,737 Motion Picture Theater $ 1,836 $ 1,577 Theater $1,836 $ 1,577 Ambulance/Ambulette: * Owner/Operator $ 179 $ 75 Each Vehicle $ 139 $139 Apartments: 5-10 Units $ 86 $ 65 11-15 Units $104 $ 65 16 -Over Units $ 178 $ 109 * Billiard Room $ 390 $ 151 Bingo: Bingo Games $ 30 $ 30 Boarding House $ 84 $ 66 * Body Art Establishment $ 2,254 $ 238 * Body Art Technician $ 252 $ 233 20 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Fee Description Fee Amount Book Store $ 354 $151 Bowling Alley $ 392 $ 247 Card Club $ 380 $ 181 * Casino/Tour Bus Company $ 233 $ 83 Casino/Tour Bus First Vehicle $132 $ 132 Additional Casino/Tour Bus Vehicle $ 57 $ 57 Charitable Institutions $ 2 $ 2 Close Out Sale: 60 days $107 30 days $ 80 Coin Operated Game— Each $ 104 $ 89 Cold Storage Locker $ 86 $ 84 Dance Establishment License - Annual $ 403 $ 176 Entertainment: * With dance license $ 140 $ 140 * Without dance license $ 508 $ 285 Exhibition $ 444 $ 194 Fertilizer Plant $ 110 $ 81 FillingStations — Car Wash $ 100 $ 75 Foundry $ 260 $ 218 * Fortune Telling $ 600 $ 325 Funeral Escort Business $100 $ 75 Gardener (Weed Eradicator) $ 100 $ 75 Game Arcade: 4 or more $ 391 $ 170 Gasoline and Oil Truck $ 100 $ 75 * Gun Dealer $145 $ 99 * Health/Fitness Facility $ 1,750 $ 276 Home Based Occupancy $ 100 $ 75 Hotel/Motel $ 97 $ 69 Identification Cards $ 128 $ 97 Launderette: Coin Operated $ 71 $ 57 Dry Cleaner $ 71 $ 57 21 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Fee Description Fee Amount * 1 _,1.-;+k C 73 i' FF Lumberyard $ 406 $ 337 * Massage Parlor $ 2,174 $ 238 * Massage Technician $ 220 $ 220 Model Studio $ 466 $ 191 Motor Vehicle: Body and Fender $ 142 $100 Lube and Tune $ 142 $ 100 Rental $100 $ 75 Painting $ 142 $ 100 Repair $ 142 $100 Nursery— Plants Outdoor Festival Religious Worship $ 100 $ 12 $ 75 All Others $ 532 Additional Day $ 185 Pawn Broker Peddler: (Includes Catering and Ice Cream Trucks) * Commercial Motor Vehicle $ 114 $ 168 $ 104 $ 156 Special Event $ 31 $ 31 Picture Arcade $ 416 $ 173 Pony Ride $ 37 $ 37 Poultry Dealer $ 100 $ 62 Public Eating/Food Establishment $ 162 $ 141 Retail—General (Food Establishment) $ 100 $ 75 Rides — Mechanical $152 $ 90 Salvage collector for vehicle: For -Profit $173 $ 110 Non — Profit $ 2 $ 2 School Private $ 280 $ 125 * Solicitor $175 $ 156 Studio-- Dance $ 280 $ 125 Tobacco Retail License Fee $ 235 22 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Tow Truck $ 91 $ 86 Traveling Show or Circus Fee Description First Day Fee Amount Additional Day $ 338 Carnival Game Booth (Each) Taxicab/Shuttle Service: Valet Parking Service $ 133 $ 128 * Driver $ 175 $ 156 * Owner $ 233 $ 83 Cab/Shuttle — Vehicle $ 132 $ 132 Additional Cab/Shuttle $ 57 $ 57 Theatre $ 478 $ 251 Tow Truck $ 91 $ 86 Traveling Show or Circus $591 per day First Day $ 650 Additional Day $ 338 Carnival Game Booth (Each) $ 25 Valet Parking Service $ 133 $ 128 *Requires Sheriff background check and/or inspection Late Payment Penalties Penalties apply to late Business License payments as follows: 25% penalty -1 to 89 days after Expiration date If fees are not paid within 90 days, a new application must be submitted. L. FILM PERMIT FEES Permit Fees $125 per day Community Services Officer Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Parking Control Officer Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Code Enforcement Officer Fully Burdened Hourly Rate LASD Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Daily Permit Fees (filing application 60 days or more of event) $312 per day Daily Permit Fees (filing application 59 to 30 days of event) $591 per day Community Services Officer Fully burdened hourly rate Parking Control Officer Fully burdened hourly rate Code Enforcement Officer Fully burdened hourly rate LASD Fully burdened hourly rate 23 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Fee Description L4� Fee Amount IN . CIVIL FINES (Administrative Citations) Pursuant to Ordinance No. 918, which authorized the issuance of Administrative Citations that impose civil fines upon those who violate the Rosemead Municipal Code; and pursuant to Section 1.20.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code which provides that fines, interest and penalties shall be set by City Council resolution, Resolution No. 2011-45 established the fines, interest and penalties for municipal code violations as follows. (The following has been reprinted from Resolution No. 2011-45 for purposes of information and ease of reference.) 1 Fines. Violations of the Municipal Code of the City of Rosemead shall be subject to the fines shown below. A subsequent violation is any violation where the cite was cited one or more times in the preceding twelve (12) months for the same violation, unless the violation was cancelled pursuant to Chapter 1.20. Fine for First Fine for second Fine Subsequent Code Section violation: violation: Violation: Violation of RMC Titles: 5 — Business License and Regulations $ 250 $ 500 $ 1,000 16—Subdivisions $ 250 $ 500 $ 1,000 17 —Zoning $ 250 $ 500 $ 1,000 Violation of RMC Titles: 8 —Health and Safety $ 1,000 $1,000 $ 1,000 Violation of RMC Title: 15 — Building and Construction $ 100 $ 500 $1,000 Violation of RMC Section: 9.12.040 — Damaging Property $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 10.24 — Operation and Parking of Private Buses $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Violation of all other Code sections. $ 100 $ 250 $ 500 2 Administrative Fee —AII citations shall incur an administrative fee. $25 3 Late Penal —A penalty of 10% will be added on any delinquent fines on the last day of each month after the due date. This penalty will be imposed and collected according to the discretion of the City Treasurer upon considering such factors bearing on the practicability as to the cost to compute the amount owed the amount of penalty due, and its collectability. The purpose of granting this discretion to the Treasurer is to not require collection of interest when it would not be cost effective. 4 Collections — Fines that are delinquent for sixty (60) days or more and total at least $250 shall be processed through the abatement and/or assessment procedures specified in section 1.20.150 of the Municipal Code. All other delinquent fines may be referred to a collection agency as determined by the City Treasurer. 5 Shopping Cart — All citations that relate to shopping cart violations shall be $50 for the first offense and $100 for the second offense. These violations include Removal, Abandonment or Possession of a shopping cart pursuant to Municipal Code Section 9.12.080. This fine can be reduced to zero if, within ten days, the individual cited can show that a hand cart was purchased. The individual must show proof that they have purchased a hand cart by providing a receipt to the Rosemead Public Safety Center within ten days. The violation may only be waived for the first offense. 24 City of Rosemead FY 2022-23 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Fee Description Fee Amount • PASSPORT Passport Processing Fee Fee set by U.S. Department of State Passport Photo $ 15 Firework Stand Fees $ 250 Refundable Deposit $ 300 25