CC - Item 2B - Presentation Overview by Republic Services on SB 1383, Mandatory Organics Recycling FINALSB1383 Program Implementation and Updates Proudly serving the Rosemead community for over 25 years! What is SB1383 Senate Bill 1383 requires all California cities and counties to implement organic recycling programs beginning January 1, 2022, to reduce waste and combat climate change caused by the release of methane gases from landfills. You are required to divert organic materials from the landfill by subscribing to and participating in the organics collection service provided by Republic Services. Organic waste includes food waste, food-soiled paper, and landscape trimmings and clippings. 2 Environmental Impact 3 •Reduce organic waste disposal by 75% by 2025. •Recover 20% of the amount of edible food currently disposed of so it can be used for human consumption by 2025. •Hitting these targets is essential in reducing GHG emission identified in the SLCP Reduction Strategy, as well as the state’s larger 2030 climate change goals, and decreasing food insecurity in California. •Republic Services also makes an impact by decreasing fossil fuel emissions by converting landfill gases from this organics program into renewable natural gas (RNG) to power our trucks. How Was Rosemead Informed? 4 •February 2022, a mass Robo-call was sent to all Rosemead residents and business owners. •March 2022, we sent out over 10,898 residential letters and brochures. •March 2022, we sent out over 752 commercial letters and brochures. •Since April 2022... •We sent out 92 AB 1826 final notices. •Visited the final 92 AB 1826 commercial accounts. •Placed over 1,505 phone calls to businesses. •Visited over 60 multifamily residential properties. •Participated in 9 Rosemead community events -two of which we conducted an education program and two compost events this year. •Our efforts have allowed us to gain over 120 new organics accounts. SB 1383: Residential Impacts 5 Senate Bill 1383 is a mandatory organics recycling law that diverts food and green waste materials,previously destined for landfills,to now be recycled.Organic waste includes food waste,green waste,landscape and pruning waste,and food soiled paper. Effective March 1,2022,all City of Rosemead residential customers were required to begin to recycle their organic waste.Residents may use their green carts to dispose of food and yard waste. Residential participation in the new organics program has significantly increased monthly collected volume by 149,569 pounds.(*comparing August 2021 to August 2022) SB 1383: Business and Multifamily Impacts 6 Effective April 1,2022,all businesses and multi-family complexes located in the City of Rosemead were required to begin to recycle their organic waste. Commercial collection are being source separated.Businesses are eligible for a brown food waste only cart or a green cart for food waste and yard debris. Commercial participation in the organics program has significantly increased monthly collected volume by 30,040 pounds.(*comparing August 2021 to August 2022) Acceptable 7 Unacceptable 8 Education Programs Still unclear about the law,program changes,and how you should participate? That’s okay! Our dedicated Recycling Coordinators are here to help.Please reach out to our Recycling Coordinators to schedule a date to visit your business or multifamily property to show you all the proper steps and instructions! 9 Your dedicated team: Ruben Martinez, Recycling Coordinator (562) 527-4537 Janel Bustamante, Recycling Coordinator (562) 221-7483 SB1383 Educational Pamphlets 10 Need educational literature?We actively provide brochures and educational materials on SB1383 in four different languages to Rosemead customers: -English -Spanish -Vietnamese -Mandarin Mulch & Compost Giveaway •Republic Services hosts 2 Mulch and Compost Giveaway events per-year (Spring and Fall). •Last giveaway event was hosted Saturday, October 8, 2022 •Next giveaway event: Spring 2023 •Details regarding the events will be included in direct mailed newsletters and posted to our website. Republic Services looks forward to continuing to serve as your trusted and reliable solid waste and recycling services provider! www.Republicservices.com/municipality/rosemead-ca Visit our Online Resources Thank you!