2200 - David Volz Design - Design Engineering, Construction Mgmt Srves For Dog Park At Garvey ParkPROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (DAVID VOLZ DESIGN) PARTIES AND DATE. This Agreement is made and entered into this _2Day of 20 22 (Effective Date) by and between the City of Rosemead, a municipal anization organized under the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business at 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770 ("City") and David Volz Design with its principal place of business at 151 Kalmus Drive, Suite M8, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ("Consultant"). City and Consultant are sometimes individually referred to herein as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." 2. RECITALS. 2.1 Consultant. Consultant desires to perform and assume responsibility for the'provision of certain professional services required by the City on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Consultant represents that it is experienced in providing Design Engineering, Construction Management and Inspection Services to public clients, is licenced in the State of California and is familiar with the plans of City. 2.2 Project. City desires to engage Consultant to render Design Engineering, Construction Management and Inspection Services for Dog Park at Garvey Park Project ("Services') as set forth in this Agreement. 3. TERMS. 3.1 Scope of Services and Term. 3.1.1 General Scope of Services. Consultant promises and agrees to furnish to the City all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidental and customary work necessary to fully and adequately supply the professional compliance DAVID VOLZ DESIGN Page 2 of 11 and support services necessary for the Project, herein referred to as "Services". The Services are more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to, and performed in accordance with, this Agreement, the exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. 3.1.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of 12 months that begins on December 14, 2021, through December 14, 2022, with an option to extend (1) 6 month term, at the sole and absolute discretion of the City, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Consultant shall complete the Services within the term of the Agreement, and shall meet any other established shcedules and deadlines. 3.2 Responsibilities of Consultant. 3.2.1 Control and Payment of Subordinates; Independent Contractor. The Services shall be performed by Consultant or under its supervision. Consultant will determine the means, methods and details of performing the Services subject to the requirements of this Agreement. City retains Consultant on an independent contractor basis and not as an employee. Consultant retains the right to perform similar or different services for others during the term of this Agreement. Any additional personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall also not be employees of City and shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance of Services under this Agreement and as required by law. Consultant shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such additional personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and workers' compensation insurance. 3.2.2 Schedule of Services. Consultant shall perform the Services expeditiously, within the term of this Agreement. Consultant represents that it has the professional and technical personnel required to perform the Services in conformance with such conditions. In order to facilitate Consultant's conformance with the Schedule, City shall respond to Consultant's submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of City, Consultant shall provide a more detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services. 3.2.3 Conformance to Applicable Requirements. All work prepared by Consultant shall be subject to the approval of City. 3.2.4 Substitution of Key Personnel. Consultant has represented to City that certain key personnel will perform and coordinate the Services under this Agreement. Should one or more of such personnel become unavailable, Consultant may substitute other personnel of at least equal competence upon written approval of City. In the event that City and Consultant cannot agree as to the substitution of key personnel, City shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement for cause. As discussed below, any personnel DAVID VOLZ DESIGN Page 3 of 11 who fail or refuse to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, or who are determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the Project or a threat to the safety of persons or property, shall be promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant at the request of the City. 3.2.5 City's Representative. The City hereby designates The City Manager, or his or her designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("City's Representative"). City's Representative shall have the power to act on behalf of the City for all purposes under this Agreement. Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the City's Representative or his or her designee. 3.2.6 Consultant's Representative. Consultant will designate David J. Volz to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("Consultant's Representative"). Consultant's Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of the Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant's Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his/her best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this Agreement. 3.2.7 Coordination of Services: Consultant agrees to work closely with City staff in the performance of Services and shall be available to City's staff, consultants and other staff at all reasonable times. 3.2.8 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees: Consultant shall perform all Services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner, consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of California. Consultant represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling necessary to perform the Services. Consultant warrants that all employees and subcontractors shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them. Finally, Consultant represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Services, including a City Business License, and that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of this Agreement. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, Consultant shall perform, at its own cost and expense and without reimbursement from the City, any services necessary to correct errors or omissions which are caused by the Consultant's failure to comply with the standard of care provided for herein. 3.2.9 Laws and Regulations. Consultant shall keep itself fully informed of and in compliance with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations in any manner affecting the performance of the Project or the Services, including all Cal/OSHA requirements, and shall give all notices required by law. Consultant shall be liable for all violations of such laws and regulations in connection with Services. If the Consultant performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, rules and regulations and DAVID VOLZ DESIGN Page 4 of 11 without giving written notice to the City, Consultant shall be solely responsible for all costs arising therefrom. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold City, its officials, directors, officers, employees and agents free and harmless, pursuant to the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with such laws, rules or regulations. 3.2.10 Insurance: Consultant shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the duration of this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit B attached to and part of this agreement. 3.2.11 Safety: Contractor shall execute and maintain its work so as to avoid injury or damage to any person or property. In carrying out its Services, the Consultant shall at all times be in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and shall exercise all necessary precautions for the safety of employees appropriate to the nature of the work and the conditions under which the work is to be performed. Safety precautions as applicable shall include, but shall not be limited to: (A) adequate life protection and life saving equipment and procedures; (B) instructions in accident prevention for all employees and subcontractors, such as safe walkways, scaffolds, fall protection ladders, bridges, gang planks, confined space procedures, trenching and shoring, equipment and other safety devices, equipment and wearing apparel as are necessary or lawfully required to prevent accidents or injuries; and (C) adequate facilities for the proper inspection and maintenance of all safety measures. 3.3 Fees and Payments. 3.3.1 Compensation. Consultant shall receive compensation, including authorized reimbursements, for all Services rendered under this Agreement and shall not exceed One Hundred Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Two Dollars ($107,992.00). Extra Work may be authorized in writing, as described below, and will be compensated at the rates and manner set forth in this Agreement. 3.3.2 Payment of Compensation. Consultant shall submit to City a monthly itemized statement which indicates work completed and Services rendered by Consultant. The statement shall describe the amount of Services and supplies provided since the initial commencement date, or since the start of the subsequent billing periods, as appropriate, through the date of the statement. City shall, within 45 days of receiving such statement, review the statement and pay all approved charges thereon. 3.3.3 Reimbursement for Expenses: Consultant shall not be reimbursed for any expenses unless authorized in writing by City. 3.3.4 Extra Work: At any time during the term of this Agreement, City may request that Consultant perform Extra Work. As used herein, "Extra Work" means any work which is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project, but which the parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work DAVID VOLZ DESIGN Page 5 of 11 without written authorization from City's Representative. 3.3.5 Prevailing Wages: Consultant is aware of the requirements of California Labor Code Section 1720, et seq., and 1770, et seq., as well as California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1600, et seq., ("Prevailing Wage Laws"), which require the payment of prevailing wage rates and the performance of other requirements on "public works" and "maintenance" project, as defined by the Prevailing Wage Laws, and if the total compensation is $1,000 or more, Consultant agrees to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage Laws. City shall provide Consultant with a copy of the prevailing rates of per diem wages in effect at the commencement of this Agreement. Consultant shall make copies of the prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft; classification or type of worker needed to execute the Services available to interested parties upon request, and shall post copies at the Consultant's principal place of business and at the project site. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. 3.4 Accounting Records. 3.4.1 Maintenance and Inspection: Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to all costs and expenses incurred under this Agreement. All such records shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records and any other documents created pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. 3.5 General Provisions. 3.5.1 Termination of Agreement. Grounds for Termination: City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof, at least seven (7) days before the effective date of such termination. Upon termination, Consultant shall be compensated only for those services which have been adequately rendered to City, and Consultant shall be entitled to no further compensation. Consultant may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. Effect of Termination: If this Agreement is terminated as provided herein, City may require Consultant to provide all finished or unfinished Documents/ Data and other information of any kind prepared by Consultant in connection with the performance of Services under this Agreement. Consultant shall be required to provide such document and other information within fifteen (15) days of the request. DAVID VOLZ DESIGN Page 6 of 11 Additional Services: In the event this Agreement is terminated in whole or in part as provided herein, City may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated. 3.5.2 Delivery of Notices. All notices permitted or required under this Agreement shall be given to the respective parties at the following address, or at such other address as the respective parties may provide in writing for this purpose: CONSULTANT: David Volz Design 151 Kalmus Drive, Suite M8 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Attn: David J. Volz Tel: (714) 251-1128 CITY: City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: City Manager Tel: (626) 569-2105 Such notice shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed, forty-eight (48) hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid and addressed to the party at its applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate notice on the date actual notice occurred, regardless of the method of service. 3.5.3 Ownership of Materials and Confidentiality. Documents & Data; Licensing of Intellectual Property: This Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, and other intellectual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies, drawings, estimates, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings or data magnetically or otherwise recorded on computer diskettes, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement ("Documents & Data"). Consultant shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that City is granted a non-exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents & Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents & Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to Documents & Data which were prepared by design professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the DAVID VOLZ DESIGN Page 7 of 11 Documents and Data at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by this Agreement shall be at City's sole risk. Confidentiality. All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans, procedures, drawings, descriptions, computer program data, input record data, written information, and other Documents and Data either created by or provided to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by Consultant. Such materials shall not, without the prior written consent of City, be used by Consultant for any purposes other than the performance of the Services. Nor shall such materials be disclosed to any person or entity not connected with the performance of the Services or the Project. Nothing furnished to Consultant which is otherwise known to Consultant or is generally known, or has become known, to the related industry shall be deemed confidential. Consultant shall not use City's name or insignia, photographs of the Project, or any publicity pertaining to the Services or the Project in any magazine, trade paper, newspaper, television or radio production or other similar medium without the prior written consent of City. 3.5.4 Cooperation; Further Acts: The Parties shall fully cooperate with one another, and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary, appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement. 3.5.5 Attorney's Fees: If either party commences an action against the other party, either legal, administrative or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees and all costs of such action. 3.5.6 Indemnification: To the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage or injury, in law or equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, in any manner arising out of or incident to any alleged acts, omissions or willful misconduct of Consultant, its officials, officers, employees, agents, consultants and contractors arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Services, the Project or this Agreement, including without limitation the payment of all consequential damages and attorneys fees and other related costs and expenses. Consultant shall defend, at Consultant's own cost, expense and risk, any and all such aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or instituted against City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers. Consultant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers, in any such suit, action or other legal proceeding. Consultant shall reimburse City and its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds, if any, received by the City, its directors, officials officers, employees, agents or volunteers. DAVID VOLZ DESIGN Page 8 of 11 3.5.7 Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both parties. 3.5.8 Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be in Los Angeles County. 3.5.9 Time of Essence: Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 3.5.10 City's Right to Employ Other Consultants: City reserves right to employ other consultants in connection with this Project. 3.5.11 Successors and Assigns: This Agreement shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties. 3.5.12 Assignment or Transfer: Consultant shall not assign, hypothecate, or transfer, either directly or by operation of law, this Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void, and any assignees, hypothecates or transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or transfer. 3.5.13 Construction; References; Captions: Since the Parties or their agents have participated fully in the preparation of this Agreement, the language of this Agreement shall be construed simply, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any Party. Any term referencing time, days or period for performance shall be deemed calendar days and not work days. All references to Consultant include all personnel, employees, agents, and subcontractors of Consultant, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. All references to City include its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. The captions of the various articles and paragraphs are for convenience and ease of reference only, and do not define, limit, augment, or describe the scope, content, or intent of this Agreement. 3.5.14 Amendment; Modification: No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by both Parties. 3.5.15 Waiver: No waiver of any default shall constitute a waiver of any other default or breach, whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver, benefit, privilege, or service voluntarily given or performed by a Party shall give the other Party any contractual rights by custom, estoppel, or otherwise. DAVID VOLZ DESIGN Page 9 of 11 3.5.16 No Third Party Beneficiaries: There are no intended third party beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties. 3.5.17 Invalidity; Severability: If any portion of this Agreement is declared invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 3.5.18 Prohibited Interests: Consultant maintains and warrants that it has not employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, Consultant warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. Consultant further agrees to file, or shall cause its employees or subconsultants to file, a Statement of Economic Interest with the City's Filing Officer as required under state law in the performance of the Services. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to rescind this Agreement without liability. For the term of this Agreement, no member, officer or employee of City, during the term of his or her service with City, shall have any direct interest in this Agreement, or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit arising therefrom. 3.5.19 Equal Opportunity Employment: Consultant represents that it is an equal opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor, employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, handicap, ancestry, sex or age. Such non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination. Consultant shall also comply with all relevant provisions of City's Minority Business Enterprise program, Affirmative Action Plan or other related programs or guidelines currently in effect or hereinafter enacted. 3.5.20 Labor Certification: By its signature hereunder, Consultant certifies that it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and agrees to comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Services. 3.5.21 Authority to Enter Agreement: Consultant has all requisite power and authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement. Each Party warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and authority to make this Agreement and bind each respective Party. 3.5.22 Counterparts: This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original. DAVID VOLZ DESIGN Page 10 of 11 3.6 Subcontracting. 3.6.1 Prior Approval Required: Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement, except as expressly stated herein, without prior written approval of City. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement. [Signatures on next page] DAVID VOLZ DESIGN Page 11 of 11 CITY OF ROSEMEAD DAVID VOLZ DESIGN By: I o a oll da, City Man ger Date Name:1 Attest: `_ _ Title: I✓y � ��'GV t� Ericka Hernan , City Clerk Date Rachel Richman City Attorney [If Corporation, TWO SIGNATURES, President OR Vice President AND Secretary, AND CORPORATE SEAL OF CONTRACTOR REQ U DI By: Z1 Name: 1✓AJQJd Qt 122 Date Title: CERTIFICATE BY SECRETARY I DO HEREBY CERTIFY AS FOLLOWS: That I am the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of the above-named corporation, that the foregoing Bylaws were adopted as the Bylaws of said corporation on the date set forth above by the person(s) named in the Articles of Incorporation as the Incoiporator(s) of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal this day ot~, 1999. OLZ, Secreta -17- EXHIBIT A PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES/ RATE SCHEDULE/RESUME A-1 PROPOSAL To Provide Professional Landscape Architectural Design Services for CITY OF ROSEMEAD DESIGN SERVICES TO PREPARE PS&E AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICES FOR DOG PARK AT GARVEY PARK OCTOBER 20, 2021 Designing landscapes that create community L -Dlsaaf6 Ar6KtttU AVA FArk PLAw 4K .................................................................................. LAKI cape Arohittots and Park Pianntrs vc[vocl co; coca Revised November 18, 2021 Tom Boecking Director of Parks and Recreation City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES TO PREPARE PS&E AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICES FOR DOG PARK AT GARVEY PARK Dear Mr. Boecking, Hooray! The project has been funded and we can now prepare for construction of this great new community facility. The concept planning of this unique location required some creative design and numerous adjustments based upon great feedback from you and your staff. There are several special design elements that the DVD team will include as the construction documents are developed. The David Volz Design team has intimate knowledge of this projects' nuances and we will address the full range of the facility development vision. Our landscape architects have extensive dog park construction design experience, Luis Pedraza and I will lead the design team as this project is readied for bidding and construction. DMS Civil Engineers will provide for design of the parking lot, grading and underground drainage improvements. And, Alamahodes Associates will provide construction management and inspection. Thank you for the opportunity to propose on this interesting and much needed facility improvements project. The DVD team looks forward to continuing our work with your and your staff to implement the master plan that we prepared over the past year. DVD has several similar dog park improvements projects under design and we have a large portfolio of installed dog parks. Our knowledge and insights will help to guide the construction document development for your new dog park at Garvey Park. Should you have any questions about this proposal, or any matter, please do not hesitate to call, my direct number is 714- 251-1128. I have read, understood and agreed to all statements in the request for proposal and acknowledge receipt of all addenda and amendments as well as to the terms, conditions, and attachments referenced. Very truly yours, NPAILT1111 V40LWA BENIGN A --- David J. Volz, R.L.A. # 2375 LEED Accredited Professional, QSD/QSP DESIGNING LANDSCAPES THAT Corporate Office Coachella Valley Office I San lose Office CREATE COMMUNITY I ' I Folnus Dn.c tiuitc %I3 ]SOLO CaIIr GSI'A" 1 I11Nonh Alar6u S:rec,_Suim ;��' com - - I o Quint . C.11 ,:3 Sau Jo,,_ C A' `I I '60. JO. 16� 6o) 441 - TABLE OF CONTENTS Approach & Scope of Work Project Perspective Understanding & Approach Sustainability Scope of Services Project Schedule Quality Control Project Team, Key Personnel & Resumes Firm Profile Organizational Chart Resumes Subconsultants Company Qualifications Project Experience References Appendix Certifications Letters of Recommendation Fee Proposal (Separate) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES, CITY OF ROSEMEAD No APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK PROJECT PERSPECTIVE The new Rosemead Dog Park at Garvey Park will be a special facility for your community. Through last years concept design development process the DVD team developed a keen understanding of the site and the vision for a dog park at this unique property. Some challenges and opportunities our team will address include: 1. Implementation of the concept plan that DVD developed with assistance from city staff, will be fully realized with the DVD planning team continuing our work on this great project. 2. The main entry way, gates and common area will set the stage for welcoming the community to this new and exciting facility. 3. The dog wash and drinking fountain areas will provide great amenities for the park users. 4. Parking and access will include ADA parking spaces, access ramp, signage, and striping. 5. The Big Dog access walk will include screening to prevent undo disturbance of the tennis players and a separation from the small dog users. 6. Agility equipment in the large dog area and some carefully selected boulders will provide for fun exercise opportunities for the dogs. 7. Access, seating, shade, and walking area will complement the large and small dog spaces. 8. The small dog area will be designed and graded to ensure easy surveillance of the compound from the seating benches and shade structure. 9. The large dog area will have some undulating topography to create a pleasant landscape setting. 10. Vines will be specified along the west boundary fence to partially screen the adjacent commercial building. 11. Fencing along the northeast boundary will be upgraded to full 16 foot high chain-link. 12. The northeast area pavement and fence and gate placement will include a clean-up of this space. 13. Site drainage will be designed by our civil engineer with the intent to keep the space well drained following stormwater events (see drainage concept plan below). 14. Landscape, irrigation, including turf areas will include materials and layouts that are sustainable and maintainable. 15. The DVD design team will workwithin the grant budgetto provide complete plans for the envisioned dog park. DOG PARK AT GARVEV PARK \/ a,_ rn_4 .NW PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMEAD UIFD I APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ UNDERSTANDING & APPROACH David Volz Design is a Landscape Architecture firm with extensive experience in the implementation of park improvement projects. Our creative design team is ready to work with your staff to continue our design work for this fun and exciting dog park at Rosemead's Garvey Park. Recent dog park projects the DVD team has designed have included all the elements contemplated at this dog park. The design refinement that we will undertake includes addressing the Guidelines for Establishment and Maintenance of off leash successful dog exercise areas by the LIC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. We will also put forward a plan for dog agility and exercise equipment and proven surface treatments for the dogs' play spaces. DVD has designed several dog parks and our experience will allow us to implement the many elements and features we included in the concept plans for this dog park. Our four legged users and their two legged friends will be provided with an outstanding facility. Shade, water and some comfortable benches with open running space and doggie exercise pieces will be included. DVD will help finalizing materials and finishes for this dog park, and our team will carefully consider storm water runoff and improvements to keep the park open even in wet weather. The design team will include DMS Consultants, a well-regarded firm with extensive skill and expertise. DMS will provide civil engineering for utilities improvements, survey, storm water, grading will be included. For construction management and inspection LEA Associates will provide services under the DVD team. APPROACH Our first tasks will be to review the project area, the available amenities; parking lot, shade trees, turf grass, irrigation, fencing and any available city information about the site. We will conduct an on site survey and develop base maps for engineering. Design Development will follow. DVD's previous work at several municipal dog park's will allow us to propose appropriate and city approvable materials in our very first submittal. High quality, proven public park quality materials will be proposed. Also, sustainability and resource conservation receives careful consideration in all of DVD's design work. The culmination of the design development task will include updated improvement layout plans, materials submittal, utilities notifications and stormwater plans. These plans will be the guide \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES, CITY OF ROSEMEAD BVID 2 APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ for final design and engineering. Our team will review the plans with your city team and discuss the alternatives and collect comments for bettering and finalizing the construction documents. Construction Documentswill be prepared with several opportunities for city staff review. DVD has prepared plan sets for improvements for several dog park development projects. We will expedite the plan approval requirements by meeting the city's standards early in the plan submittal process. DVD will provide construction period services as an integral part of the project construction oversight team. We will assist with expediting the bids and with control of the construction elements. We will partner with Fred Alamahoda's firm to provide construction management and inspection services. Our focus will be to ensure the quality and aesthetics of the project that were envisioned in the earliest project concepts are implemented at this important site. David Volz Design is invested in this project and in your Rosemead community. Our design team has great ideas for finalizing this design and for providing excellent service to see our collective ideas delivered to the community through the development of this fun -for -all dog park. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES, CITY OF ROSEMEAD DVD 3 APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ SUSTAINABILITY David Volz Design is committed to delivering public landscapes that are sustainable and beautiful. We embrace the principles of design that encourage stewardship of our resources, respect for the environment and creative sustainable practices. Through our affiliation with LEED's, we identify and quantify the sustainability of our designs. From our parks, all accessible playgrounds, streetscapes and sport fields to our historic gardens, DVD delivers outstanding, sustainable, award winning projects. A beautiful and sustainable landscape starts with a clear understanding of the client's requirements, the site and environs and a creative approach to the design process. Water efficiencies, energy use reductions, waste reduction, recycled content and localized material's sourcing can all be quantified and are an integral part of our design. David Volz Design is dedicated to the opportunity and challenge of creating unique spaces and special places that draw inspiration from the environs and the community. Our team is detail oriented and our focus is on delivering outstanding public landscapes that meet and exceed the expectations of our clients. David Volz Design believes the very definition of sustainability speaks of environments that are well used and enjoyed, and maintainable over time. We at DVD believe that the ultimate measure of sustainability of any public space has to be high use and enjoyment over the long term. Resource conservation through the use and specification of recycled and reused materials and identification of locally sourced goods are important sustainability issues. Adaptive reuse of on-site materials, carefully balanced grading operations and protection of on-site resources are always considered in our designs. Water resources are conserved through our thoughtful low water use planting schemes, precise irrigation layout and control systems, as well as, stormwater capture, cleaning and reuse. For pollution prevention, best practices stormwater recycling plans are embraced and integral to our designs. On site water detention, bio filtration, permeable pavement, and many other measures are creatively incorporated into the landscapes we design. Our award-winning design of Rancho Mirage City Hall has been recently highlighted by the Sustainable Sites Initiative. David Volz Design is proud to have been chosen for this honor. The Sustainable Sites Initiative is an interdisciplinary effort by the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center and the United States Botanic Garden to create voluntary national guidelines and performance benchmarks for sustainable land design, construction and maintenance practices. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES, CITY OF ROSEMEAD 110vill 4 APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ SCOPE OF SERVICES David Volz Design proposes the following scope of services, work identified in your request for proposals. The work items below will be accomplished by our experienced and creative in-house staff and our well qualified subconsultants. Task 1- Construction Documents Development 1.01 Schedule verification 1.02 Existing data review and utility verification a. Collect available documents b. Provide for utility notifications 1.03 Prepare base maps a. Provide for site survey b. Prepare base map 1.04 Prepare construction drawings a. Engineering plans, demolition and grading b. Site construction plan and details c. Irrigation plan and details d. Landscape plan and details e. Construction budget estimate 1.05 Prepare technical specifications 1.06 Prepare construction cost budgets 1.07 Submittal/review at 60% and 90% documents Meetings & Deliverables • Construction plans • Construction technical specifications • Construction budget projection • Staff review meetings Task 2 - Final Construction Documents 2.01 City project team review of work -to -date 2.02 Internal quality control review 2.03 Revise documents 2.04 Turnover of original plans and specifications for bidding Meetings & Deliverables • Final Construction plans • Final technical specifications • Final construction budget projection Task 3 - Bidding Assistance 3.01 Provide answers to pertinent pre-bid questions 3.02 Assist the city in evaluation of bids 3.03 Attend pre -construction meeting 3.04 Respond to project Requests for Information (RFI's) Meetings & Deliverables • Bidding assistance • RFI responses, instructions Task 4 - Construction Period Services (see LEA proposal for full scope of Construction Management Services) 4.01 Attend pre -construction meeting 4.02 Oversee in construction progress meetings and prepare meeting summary notes 4.03 As -built plan preparation Meetings & Deliverables • Meeting summaries • As -built plan preparation • City staff support services as -indicated \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMEAD DINT 10 APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK PROJECT SCHEDULE PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES, CITY OF ROSEMEAD lovio 6 APPROACH & SCOPE OF WORK \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ QUALITY CONTROL DVD has an established quality control and assurance program that we undertake for all our design services, and for this project. The Principal -in -Charge will be responsible for implementation of these Quality Control measures. The primary elements include: • Verification that required deliverables and documents noted in the Scope of Work are provided. • A Peer Review will be conducted by our senior professional staff to solicit critical comments and verify correctness. • Retention of documents with highlighted markings and red -line comments, and verification that required revisions are incorporated into the updated documents. • Continual assessment and tracking of project schedule and budget against baseline data. • A complete construction review for constructability and biddability of the complete PS&E package will be assigned to experienced professionals on staff prior to final submittal to our client. .....................................: 1. Project Initiation Quality Assurance Review • Goals and objectives defined • Scope of work defined • Budget identified • Schedule established Notice to • Problem areas identified Proceed • Checklist prepared ........................................ 3. Design Confirmation Quality Assurance Review • Program and materials finalized • Recommended solutions refined • Final design defined • Budget review • Checklist reviewed ProjectConceptuall Design Planning H Design Development ............................ 2. Work Plan Quality Assurance Review • Goals and objectives reviewed • Work plan reviewed • Alternative and preliminary solutions evaluated • Recommended solutions defined .....................................: Final I I Final Design Corrections ....................:..................... 4. Constructability Quality Assurance Review • Quality assurance check for completeness and format • Verification check for completeness • Biddabiliry and constructability review :....................................... WHY CHOOSE DAVID VOLZ DESIGN? �ost Controls Creauve Online Public Outreach Expertise Award Winning Designers of and Quality of Design with Rich Community Park and Sports Public Spaces Detailing Inspired Park Field Design Design Deliver to Client Experience in Delivery of Projects \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMF,AD DIT11111 PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL & RESUMES \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ FIRM PROFILE David Volz Design (DVD) is committed to the creative design of outstanding public spaces. We develop landscapes, parks, sports fields, and streetscapes to meet the specific needs of their communities. DVD designs special environments for those who seek recreation in a beautiful setting wonderful natural environments for those who are simply looking for respite, and for those who pursue recreation and competitive athletic endeavors on the playing field. Our firm capitalizes on what the site and nature has to offer. For all of our commissions, we work to enhance the site's use, working within environmentally sound parameters while taking full advantage of the site and its 4 surroundings to best service the community's needs. Ever mindful of our role as stewards of the land, DVD's PLANNING AND DESIGNING Demonstration gardens, mitigation + restoration Nature parks, interpretive gardens + wilderness camps Streetscape development + redevelopment Community, neighborhood + mini -parks Facility master plans + feasibility studies School fields + campus planning Irrigation renovation + redesign Design guidelines+ standards Sports parks + stadiums r'" Grant applications "DVD continues to build its reputation on creativity and service in the design of outstanding public spaces. We create high quality public spaces for our clients' communities and neighborhoods. We work with public agencies and the people they serve to develop innovative landscapes of outstanding beauty." David Volz, President, RLA, LEED AP, QSD/QSP design philosophy includes careful consideration for DAVID VOLZ DESIGN LANDSCAPE realistic maintenance requirements and construction ARCHITECTS, INC. cost parameters. We also embrace any opportunity Designing landscapes that create community to interact with the public to create environments that www.dvolzdesign.com meet their needs. DVD's proven outreach approach Founded in 1997 8 employees has often been the catalyst for our most successful 24 years in business David Volz RLA#2375 projects. Our proven approach and input we receive S -Corporation -CA Gary Vasquez RLA#3883 provides the inspiration that leads to creative and P P Never fled for bankruptcy LEED Accredited Wholly-owned Business SBE innovative solutions. Our com an understands theim importance protecting company P p g Contact Person: David Volz, President ce Coachella8060Calle Estaey do 78060 Calle Estado the environment, protecting our resources and the 714-641-1300 La Quinta, CA 92253 health of future generations. DVD is proud to be a LEED dvolz@dvolzdesign.com 760.5e0.5165 Accredited and a Qualified Stormwater Designer corporate office San Jose Office QSD company. We understand the commitment we 151 Kalmus Drive, suite MB 111 North Market Street, have to the public to deliver quality projects that offer a Costa Mesa, CA 92626 suite 300 high return for the public funds invested; projects that 714.641.1300 San Jose, CA 95113 669.444.0461 can be maintained and deliver a lifetime of service to the communities they are built for. Likelowu on Follow us on Instragram Instra ra M @ Parks and greenspaces designed by our firm have : received awards and accolades from community' civic organizations, the American Public Works ............�davitivolitlesign ..............................: __;___ "MER(V s IM or C(D7S �� groups, W a"osUrr ' ""`"'rr"s Association, the California Parks & Recreation Society, t"* and the National Recreation & Park's SociePASty. tY ....a...._ ACEC \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES, CITY OF ROSEMEAD s PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL & RESUMES \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Our creative designers have the background and expertise to deliver outstanding landscape architecture services for your city's project. For this work, we have assembled a highly qualified team of landscape architects and specialized design consultants. The team will deliver: CREATIVITY - We will provide you with unique and innovative solutions which will meet and exceed the expectations of the city. The project designs we put forward will creatively address the sites' development requirements, sustainability, the unique relationship to the nearby neighbors, program priorities, accessibility and recreation balance. COMMUNICATION - DVD will continually keep you and your staff informed from the start and throughout all the projects' phases. Communication will be consistent and clear with all parties through completion of project. EXPERIENCE - DVD will provide a design team that has a history of working successfully with cities as an extension of Staff and providing project design and coordination in the development of dozens of award winning projects. INTEREST IN YOUR PROJECT - DVD is ready to take on your projects and bring them to successful completion. DVD is focused on delivering outstanding public facilities to communities throughout California. Our team is dedicated to the success of your projects! David Volz Design looks forward to a long relationship with your city. We are committed to delivering high quality services, designs, reports, documents, and support to the city. The DVD key team members are experienced and talented professionals and they will be supported by a team of licensed landscape architects, several very capable designers, sub consultants, and support staff. ............................................. City of Rosemead Garvey Dog Park :............................................ ....M...�..,..�.. i....................... David Volz RLA #2375, LEED AP, QSD/P Principal in charge Gary Vasquez RLA #3883 Director of design Eric Sterling RLA #5463 I Senior Landscape Architect Day-to-day contact /Project Manager Paul Cassar, Project Designer Duane Tut Project Designer Luis Pedraza Project Designer Angela Lee CAD Technician Dana Bull CAD Technician ............................................: :............................................. DMS CONSL LI'ANTS. INC. Surender Dewan, P.E., RCE# 34559 Senior Civil Engineer .............................................. Construction Management & Inspection Consultant Ken Highbee, PE Senior Construction Manager Kevin Alamolhoda, PE Construction Manager Ken Manera, PE Senior Construction Observer ............................................: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES, CITY OF ROSEMEAD lovio 9 DAVID VOLZ DESIGN RESUME \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ DAVID VOLZ, RLA PRINCIPAL -IN -CHARGE Has over 30 years of experience in the design of successful public landscapes, streetscapes and parks. He has managed public design projects including the master planning, design, and construction of municipal projects for more than 100 public agencies in California. Mr. Volz has a broad base of experience focused in the development process from inception through master plan development, construction document preparation, contract administration, and on-site inspection. His extensive knowledge of landscaping materials and vegetation is often called for at commission meetings and in council reports for agencies he has served. He has comprehensive experience in storm water treatments, habitat restoration, walking trails and water conservation. He has an excellent reputation for facilitating community outreach programs for park design through the public input process. The public workshop process for park design is a concept that he always encourages. The opportunity to get first hand insights from users, neighbors, and the public in general is always beneficial in the design of public projects. Several of Mr. Volz's most successful park projects have benefited from the ideas and energy that were put forth at public input sessions. Public landscape, streetscape and park project experience is Mr. Volz's design focus. Serving in various capacities from principal -in -charge to designer, he has overseen scores of award-winning projects for cities, school districts and public agencies throughout California. EDUCATION • BS, Landscape Architecture, 1981 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona • Graduate Studies, Computer Applications for Landscape Architecture, 1981, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona REGISTRATION • Landscape Architect, California #2375, 1983 • Landscape Architect, Nevada #499,1996 • LEED Certified, 2008 • Qualified Stormwater Professional, QSD/QSP, 2015 YEARS WITH DVD: January 1997 - present ........................................... .r ROLE: Principal in charge, worked with the client to determine goals, presented on multiple occasions to the community and council/ commission, and served as quality control of other professionals responsible for delivering concept plans and construction documents. RECENT PROJECT EXPEREINCE VERDUGO NORTH PARK MASTER PLAN Client: City of Glendale The intent is to provide a safe and fun and all-inclusive play space along with new park buildings, a parking lot and community facilities, and other new improvements at this important and well -used park. Client Contact Peter Vierheilig, Project Manager, (818) 937-8263 PVierheilig@glendaleca.gov WASHINGTON BLVD & 1-5 ON RAMP Client: City of Commerce The City desires to install aesthetic improvements atthe 1-5/Washington Boulevard interchange, primarily consisting of landscaping, bridge painting, and a monument sign. Client Contact: Maryam Babaki, Director Public Works, (323) 722- 4805 Ext 2337, mbabaki@ci.commerce.ca.us HOLLYDALE COMMUNITY PARK Client City of South Gate This park will be fully refurbished with new open play fields, community center, play spaces, picnic grounds and ball courts to provide a wonderful greenspace and needed recreational opportunities for the neighborhood. Client Contact: Paul Adams, Director of Parks and Recreation, (323) 563-5478, padams@sogate.org i............................................... \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PSRE AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMEAD 11111VIIIII 10 DAVID VOLZ DESIGN RESUME \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ GARY VASQUEZ, RLA DIRECTOR OF DESIGN Provides senior design leadership as a result of 20 years of experience designing multi -faceted projects throughout California. His design abilities have proven to be not only innovative and unique, but award-winning. He will work under the direction of David Volz providing creative design solutions to the challenges and opportunities that arise. Mr. Vasquez has provided high quality project management on many of our firms' most successful and highly acclaimed park projects. Mr. Vasquez is a key figure in our community outreach program. He successfully integrates the ideas generated through the public input process to create the master plan. This dedication to ensuring the community's input has led to extremely successful projects. He has extensive experience in the development process from inception through master plan development, construction document preparation, contract administration, and on-site inspection. He ensures adherence to established project budgets, schedules and cost agreements. His expertise in concept development graphic illustration techniques and project planning. His broad knowledge of construction detailing, planting design and irrigation equipment anchor his approach to high quality project delivery. EDUCATION • MLA, Landscape Architecture, 1989 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona • BS, Ornamental Horticulture, 1986 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo REGISTRATION Landscape Architect, California, #3883, 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Design of the Year Award, APA 2010 SKILLS AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office YEARS WITH DVD: September 1997 - present ........................................... ROLE: Director of Design, worked extensively on the development process from inception through master plan development, construction document preparation, contract administration, and on-site inspection. He managed the project to ensure adherence to established project budgets, and schedules. RECENT PROJECT EXPERIENCE STANTON CITY HALL Client: City of Stanton DVD was commissioned to update the look of the plaza and City Hall building facade to create a more welcoming area with covered entryways, new pavement and a reconsidered landscape. Client Contact: Jim Box, City Manager (714) 379-9222 x277, jbox@ ci.stanton.ca.us DIAMOND BAR BOULEVARD / GRAND AVENUE STREETSCAPE Client: City of Diamond Bar Cut steel panels, big timber rails, detailed crosswalks and sidewalks, and a foothill landscape design give great character to the main thoroughfare and hearken back to the ranchland history. Client Contact/Title: Bob Rose, Director of Community Services, (909) 839-7061, brose@diamondbarca.gov FREMONT PARK Client: City of Glendale The park's ambiance and the many gathering spaces within the park will be enhanced by new synthetic turf soccer fields, community center, play spaces, picnic grounds, ball courts, and new lighting. Client Contact: Shahen Begoumian (818) 548-2000, Sbegoumian@ci.glendale.ca.us ............................................... \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES, CITY OF ROSEMEAD DVU I1 DAVID VOLZ DESIGN RESUME \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ERIC ..................................................... ERIC STERLING RECENT PROJECT EXPERIENCE SENIOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT THE RIO ALL -SUITES RESORT AND CASINO, Las Vegas, Nevada Mr. Sterling is returning to DVD from a 9 -year absence to explore worldly projects. He has 25 years of experience in landscape architecture working on projects for public agencies. His design expertise ranges from recreational parks to streetscapes, school sites, as well as city design guidelines, various Disney parks, including many award-winning projects. A benefit to Mr. Sterling's design ability is his attention to detail and his knowledge of playground design, the latest construction practices and materials, ADA accessibility concerns. He is a key figure at DVD in coordinating design development plans and carrying them through construction drawings. He is known for his ability to collaborate with a variety of clients, architects, engineers and designers and to successfully manage projects from beginning to end. He ensures adherence to established project schedules and cost agreements, and monitors production for delivery of the highest quality products to clients. He cooperates well with staff, clients, and agencies to create successful products and works closely with contractors during construction. He is typically responsible for plan checking to ensure the successful completion and delivery of projects. ROLE: Senior Landscape Architect, responsible for analyzing data from our community input charrette process to help form a common goal of what the community desires, worked extensively on the development process from inception through master plan development, prepares landscape architectural plans, specifications, and cost estimates on a multitude of projects, plan checking to ensure consistent update of plan details from client requests. EDUCATION BS, Landscape Architecture, 2001, California State Polytech- nic University, Pomona REGISTRATION: Landscape Architect, California, #5463 SKILLS Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch up, AutoCAD, Microsoft Office YEARS WITH DVD: 2005-2012 & March 2021 - present WALT DISNEY IMAGINEERING • Consulting LA to WDI for the Avenger's Campus located in Disney California Adventure Park in Anaheim, CA. • Consulting LA to EuroDisneyland Imagineering for the Walt Disney Studios Park Expansion Project located in France. • Assisted the WDI design team on two construction packages inside Shanghai Disneyland totaling over 23 Hectares of original thematic design. • Consulting LA assisted in the preparation of seven construction packages for Disney's Animal Kingdom in Orlando Florida. DREAMWORLD Fushun, China Assisted in the architectural and thematic direction for 6 -hectare expansion of the Bali World water park including an integrated hotel encompassing a large wave pool. PREVIOUS DVD PROJECTS HARRY DOTSON PARK Client: City of Stanton The most prominent feature of the park is a massive two-story pirate ship, fully ADA accessible by ramp, with thirty-five feet high sails that dominates the skyline of the park. ADMIRAL KIDD PARK Client: City of Long Beach This 11.5 acre park, named after Naval Rear Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, was renovated and expanded. WASHINGTON STREET MINI PARK Client: City of Diamond Bar The perimeter garden is a bio-swale in disguise, state-of-the-art irrigation system for low-water use, the plantings are regionally appropriate & construction material was locally sourced. ...................................................... \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMF.AD uru 12 the Conservatio Conservancy to DAVID VOLZ DESIGN RESUME \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ LUIS PEDRAZA PROJECT DESIGNER Has more than 8 years of experience in graphic design, working on projects for agencies and design companies ranging from print advertisement to landscape design. For his master thesis project Luis worked collaboratively with n Corp of Long Beach, Rivers and Mountains address park poverty issues in communities in West and North Long Beach. The work included inventory and analysis, extensive community outreach included canvassing and facilitating community workshops and meetings, leading and coordinating a community built project, developing a neighborhood vision plan, and creating conceptual plans for a variety of different projects including a park, plaza and commercial area. He has expertise in concept development graphic illustration techniques and project planning. He has experience in managing and directing professional staff in a dynamic atmosphere and excellent communication skills. His ability to analyze project objectives and work closely with clients, architects, and engineers provides a solid foundation for reaching the successful completion of projects. He holds excellent communication skills and visual perception which result in projects that convey a vision from both the client and his innovative stylings. EDUCATION • MLA. Landscape Architecture, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 2017 • Certificate in Ornamental Horticulture, 2011, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, Ca • BA, Graphic Design, 2009, California State University, Fullerton, Ca ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Student Merit Award ASLA, SoCal Chapter, 2017 • "Quality of Life', Merit Award ASLA, SoCal Chapter, 2016 • Annual Southern California Spring Garden Show, 2015 • Annual Southern California Spring Garden Show, 2014 SKILLS Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch up, AutoCAD, Bilingual - Spanish/ English, HTML, CSS, Microsoft Office YEARS WITH DVD: September 2013 - present ................................................ ROLE: Project Designer, responsible for analyzing data from our community input charrette process to help form a common goal of what the community desires, prepares landscape architectural plans, specifications, and cost estimates on a multitude of projects, plan checking to ensure consistent update of plan details from client requests. RECENT PROJECT EXPERIENCE VALLEY VIEW MEDIANS Client: City of Cypress The lawn and aging irrigation system: along this important thoroughfare: will be redesigned. David Volz: Design will prepare the plans for a: bold and exciting streetscape with a: water saving plant palette and a low maintenance irrigation system. Client Contact: Nick Mangkalakiri, Senior Civil Engineer, (714) 754-5291, nmangkal@cypressca.gov CIRCLE PARK Client: City of South Gate This park will be fully refurbished with new open play fields, community center, play spaces, picnic grounds and ball courts to provide a wonderful greenspace and needed recreational opportunities for the neighborhood. Client Contact: Paul Adams, Director of Parks and Recreation, (323) 563-5478, padams@sogate.org STANTON CITY HALL Client: City of Stanton DVD was commissioned to update the look of the plaza and City Hall building facade to create a more welcoming area with covered entryways, new pavement and a reconsidered landscape. Client Contact: Jim Box, City Manager (714) 379-9222 x277, jbox@ci.stanton.: ca.us \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMEAD 111111 13 PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL & RESUMES SUBCONSULTANTS DMS CONSULTANTS, INC. (DMS) is dedicated to technical excellence and high quality services. A team approach is taken to every project undertaken, with a project engineer directing, managing and acting as the central design figure in the work. Our firm strives to maintain a high level of communication with the client and jurisdictional agencies. We are acutely aware of the value and importance of providing close individual attention to each project and to working within the constraints of time and budget. We also know that the success of our firm rests clearly on the management, competence, and expertise of our professional staff and team. Established in 1994, our firm provides engineering and related services to municipalities, government entities, and private industries throughout Southern California. With a staff of registered civil engineers, designers, construction observers, contract administrators, surveyors, and specialists in transportation, building and safety, and computer-aided design, DMS Consultants, Inc. is uniquely qualified to respond to the diverse needs of our clientele. DMS Consultants, Inc. has the abilityto provide in-house services in the following areas: Street improvements, Storm drain improvements, Sewer improvements, Water improvements, ADA accessibility type improvements, WQMP/SWPPP documents, Hydrology, Surveying, Plan check services. LAE ASSOCIATES, INC. (LAE) is a provider of professional engineering services to public agencies all across Southern California, with an objective of bettering the communities we live in and ensuring the satisfaction of our clients. Our firm specializes in Project, Construction, and Program Management services for public agencies. In addition, LAE's services include: Staff Augmentation, Capital Improvement Project Planning and Management, City Services, Construction Observation and Inspection, Transportation Funding Strategies to individual Cities, Counties, Councils of Governments, and other Public Agencies. Our approach to managing infrastructure projects is to take a results -oriented view. This means LAE takes calculated actions, proactively seeks solutions on potential issues, and plans ahead of schedule. Having had success on a wide range of projects for its clients, LAE prides itself in gaining and retaining experienced and qualified staff members. Our methodology entails using dynamic, organized, and assured practices to obtain positive results throughout the duration of the projects. With this partnership, we will bring our extensive experience to manage projects. ISMS CONSULTANI'S, INC. C I V I L E N G I N E E R S 12371 Lewis Street, Suite 203 Garden Grove, CA Tel: (714) 740-8840 www.dmsconsultantsinc.com 650 N. Rose Drive, #162 Placentai, CA 92670 (714)993-2840 www.laeassociates.com \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES, CITY OF ROSEMEAD NOV111111 14 SUBCONSULTANTS RESUME \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Dl�ly � 0 CONSULTANTS, INC. C I V I L E N G I N E E R S Surender Dewan, P.E., President EDUCATION. Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Delhi University, 1970 Master of Science, Civil Engineering University of Washington, 1978 REGISTRATION: Civil Engineer, California RCE 34559 SWRCB Certified QSD 20924 Mr. Dewan, President of DMS Consultants, Inc., has more than 30 years of professional experience in the design of Public Works projects. Mr. Dewan is responsible for performing and/or coordinating engineering design and other related technical services including project management; preparation of plans, specifications, estimates, design; and evaluation of major municipal projects. MUNICIPAL PROJECTS • Euclid Street Roadway Improvements - Fountain Valley • State College Boulevard Rehabilitation Project - Fullerton • San Dimas Avenue Improvements - San Dimas • Hollydale Community Park - South Gate • Del Amo Boulevard Street Improvements - Cerritos • Madonna Area Street, Sewer & Water Reconstruction - Fullerton • San Dimas Wash Trail - Glendora • Via Verde Reconstruction Project from Covina Hills Street to Puente Street - San Dimas • Chapman Avenue Rehabilitation Project from Berkeley Avenue to Raymond Avenue - Fullerton • Bastanchury / Valencia Mesa Bile Path - Fullerton • FY 2014-15 Street Improvements, Sewer and Water Main Replacement - Fullerton • Design of Caltrans Curb Ramp Construction Plans, Studebaker Road at State Route 91 - Cerritos • MacArthur Boulevard Pavement Reconstruction - Newport Beach • Placentia Avenue Reconstruction - Fullerton • Big Canyon Reservoir Auxiliary Maintenance Yard - Newport Beach • Grand Avenue Beautification Project - Diamond Bar • Covina Boulevard and Cataract Avenue Street Improvement Project - San Dimas • Kings Road Reconstruction Project - Newport Beach • Eastbluff Drive Street Rehabilitation Project - Newport Beach • Seal Beach Boulevard and t ampson Avenue Median Improvement Project - Seal Beach • Ocean Avenue Street Improvement Project - Seal Beach • Marquardt Avenue 183- to Artesia Boulevard Median Improvements - Cerritos • Jamboree Road Rehabilitation, Ford to San Joaquin and Bristol to University - Newport Beach • Arrow Highway Street Resurfacing and Restoration Project - San Dimas • San Dimas Canyon Road, Landscaped Median and Street Restoration Project - San Dimas 12371 Lewis Street, Suite 203, Garden Grove, CA 92840 1 714.740.8840 1 fax: 714.740.8842 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES, CITY OF ROSEMEAD 11111IV11111 15 SUBCONSULTANT RESUME \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Personnel, Role, Education, Years of Experience Summary Experience Ken Higbee, P.E. A licensed Civil Engineer with over thirty-five (35) years of experience Senior Construction Manager, LAE with public agencies and as a private consultant. Having knowledge in Education: B.S. Civil Engineering Project Planning, Project Management, Construction Management, Yearsof Experience: 35 Years Grant Preparation, Subdivision and Grading, and Civil Design. Mr. Higbee's Public Works Engineering experience consists of working for the County of Orange for twenty-nine (29) years and Consulting Services for the Cities of Desert Hot Springs, Long Beach, San Gabriel, as well as other public agencies and private development projects. Mr. Higbee was the Public Works Engineer for the City of Long Beach reviewing Plans and Specifications for various Street Rehabilitation projects. He provided Project Management by supervising the design/drafting of construction drawings, preparation of specifications, and cost estimates for improvements to road, flood control, harbor, beaches, and parks facilities. He provided Construction Management Services during construction of a variety of CIP projects. Reviewed construction contract change orders and participated in dispute resolution conferences. Administered various construction contracts. Kevin Alamolhoda, P.E. Mr. Kevin Alamolhoda will bring onboard his know-how in managing Construction Manager, LAE project needs. Having worked for the Programs Development and Roads Education: B.S. Civil Engineering as well as Maintenance Divisions with the Los Angeles County Department of Master of Business Administration Public Works, he closely worked with Project Managers on construction Years of Experience: 8 years projects to ensure proper conduct throughout a project's duration. He is familiar with project requirements, as well as the intricacies involved in construction projects. He has been providing staff augmentation services for the City of Chino since March 2017. He worked with Project Construction Managers on the development of five (5) Watermain Replacement projects and a Sewer Re -Lining Project (Inception to Completion of Construction). He provided projecticonstruction management services for six (6) water main and sewer re -lining projects for Chino. Currently, he is managing additional water main, sewer lift station, traffic signal modifications, roadway and drainage improvement projects for the City of Chino. Ken Manera Mr. Ken Manes will be assigned as a Senior Construction Observer for Senior Construction Observer, LAE the City. He is an experienced Construction Observer (CO), having Education: Courses in Construction worked for both the public and private sectors. Mr. Manera has been Management from San Bernardino Valley assisting LAE's clients since April 2016. His thorough, unique, and College and Cal Poly Pomona practical experience in developing asphalt concrete and concrete Year of Experience: 45 years pavement, curbs, gutters, water and sewer lines, raised medians, safer pedestrian and bicycle crossings, intersections, striping, sidewalks, Class lI bike lanes, traffic signals, and lighting will be beneficial to the City, LAE, and the overall quality of construction. In 2020, provided CO services for a major federally funded Bike Lane Improvements Project in the City of Arcadia. In 2020/2021, he provided CO for the Federally \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES, CITY OF ROSEMEAD 111 16 SUBCONSULTANT RESUME \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PSRE AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMEAD goIST No 17 funded Gold Line Pedestrian Linkage project for the City of Arcadia. Currently, he is assigned as the prime Inspector for the EI Monte Blvd. Bicycle and Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements projects. Anselmo Ybarra Over twenty (20) years of experience in Public Works construction and Construction Observer, LAE engineering working for the Riverside County Department of Waste Education: Associate Degree, School of Management and private firms. The experiences include Public Works Science, Technology, Engineering, and Inspections, field/office engineering of roadways (curbs, gutters, curb Mathematics ramps, driveway approaches, storm drain facilities, sub-base/base Years of Experience: 20 Years materials. grind overlay, ARHM, PCC pavement, and signage/striping), underground projects. Extensive experience in ensuring compliance with contract documents, state laws, local ordinances. NPDES standards and traffic control requirements. Mr. Ybarra has been assigned as the alternate inspector for the following projects: EI Monte Blvd. Bicycle and Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements projects; Residential Street Rehabilitation Project; Paving Improvements Project 2nd Stage contracts for the City of Norwalk. Sylvia Linn Ms. Sylvia Linn has over eighteen (18) years of compliance and Labor Compliance Manager, GCAP assessment related experience. She leads labor compliance practices and Services provides clients with audit, assessment, and study related support. Sylvia Education: J.D., M.B.A has extensive experience providing both California and federal Years of Experience: 18 years prevailing wage consulting services. She leads many of the audits and Labor Compliance Sub -Consultant studies, providing analytical reviews of existing practices, development of best practices, and recommendations to improve processes and procedures. Since 2014, GCAP Services has provided DBE and Labor Compliance Administration Services to LAE's PM/CM/Construction Observation projects in Azusa, Chino, Compton, EI Monte, Laguna Niguel, Lomita, and Montclair. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PSRE AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMEAD goIST No 17 PROJECT EXPERIENCE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PALM SPRINGS DOG PARK A complete renovation of the Palm Springs Dog Park on the City Hall Campus was a high priority project for the city. Many years ago, the facility was state of the art for its time. An artist designed fence enclosure surrounds two paddocks, one for large dogs, one for small. These spaces were popular with the dog loving community in the downtown area for two decades. The drought restrictions and deteriorating infrastructure led to a loss of turf ground cover and the facility became a dust bowl. A committee of community leaders, stakeholders and the Mayor worked with the public works department and the design team to plan a complete makeover of the facility. New ADA access and seating areas were added. New shade trees in rock and boulder protective islands were designed and new turf sod was placed over the newly upgraded irrigation system. Innovative and creative application of the water reduction mandates allowed for a large turf grass allotment within the dog park enclosure. By lowering water use on other areas of the city hall campus net water use was calculated to be reduced even with a sufficient supply for the new high -use turf. With approval of the water district, the project was able to move ahead. The park with new dog bone benches, doggie cooling stations, new paved walks and lots of shade is once again a destination for the Palm Springs dog loving community. ......................................... Client: City of Palm Springs Reference: Marcus Fuller, MPA, PE, PLS Assistant City Manager/City Engineer (760) 322-8380 Marcus. Fuller@palmsprings- , ca.gov Key Elements: • Natural Turf • Sustainable • Low maintenance • Themed amenitites • ADA accessible Services provided: • Community Outreach • Concept Plans • Construction Documents • Construction Period Services Size: Start Date: Completion Date: 2016 Design Cost: $43,762 Construction Cost: $360,000 Staff. David Volz, Gary Vasquez, Paul Cassar Subconsultants: Design West Engineering \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMEAD noVNo IS PROJECT EXPERIENCE FETCH DOG PARK CONCEPT C*It:11",......................... ` Client: AT FLETCHER PARK City of El Monte Reference: The City of EI Monte commissioned David Volz Design to develop plans Alexandra Lopez for an off -leash dog park at Fletcher Park. The one and only half acre Director for Parks, Recreation dedicated dog area became known at Fetch Park. Through a series of & Community Services community outreach meetings, the vision, the size, and the access to the (626) 580-2205 Fetch Park space was conceptualized into a full-fledged dog oasis. alopez@elmonteca.gov The Fetcher Park "normal' park facilities for humans would be updated Key Elements: and all major use areas would remain for the community. The end -of- • Open lawn space the -parking -lot location became the entry point for Fetch Park. The dogs -Dog agility equipment • Entry Monument could be unloaded from their cars and easily access the small or large . New play surfacing dog areas with little interaction with the ongoing sports activities and • New playground picnic general park uses. The enclosed spaces, small and large dog areas, area have separate double entry gates, some paved and decomposed granite • All dogs area areas and open natural turf. Agility apparatus and learning space for the •Small dogs areas dogs in both compounds are located just off the main running areas. As there are a number of trees, that remain in place, wood mulch was the Services provided: preferred "background" floor material. Concept Plan For the two -legged users there are great accommodations with benches, Size: 1.3 acres shade, and picnic tables. Some nicefeatures atthe dog park area included Start Date: July 2016 Completion Date: Nov 2016 wayfinding dog bone signs, upgraded fencing and an informational Design Cost: $11,165 kiosk. This park concept has been embraced by the city leaders and is Construction Estimate: $1.2 scheduled to be funded for construction next year. million Staff: i "'- - David Volz, Gary Vasquez, ; ....................................... Paul Cassar f i �nnaa,xaomvwwn ,� MW ,.j' — IFETCH PARK AT FLETCHER PARK -- " PS&F. AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMEAD 111111 19 PROJECT EXPERIENCE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ BARNES DOG PARK CONCEPT There is a wide variety of recreational opportunities offer to the citizens of Baldwin Park, yet there is no municipal facility where dog owners can allow their four -footed friends to run. A city-wide search for an appropriate site identified the underutilized south end of Barnes Park, The 2.6 - acre park is situated between the 605 Fwy corridor and the residential neighborhood along Patritti Avenue. The dog park addition envisions of this multi -faceted park would include a 30,600 square feet enclosed area for our four -footed friends. The Dog Park would include: two off leash play areas for small dogs and one for all dogs with waste stations, drinking fountains, dog bone benches, perimeter fencing with gated entries, and monumentation art signage. The improved park will provide a safe environment for our canine friends and their two -legged companions to explore and play. The Dog Park will be shaded with existing trees, as well as newly planted trees, landscape area will be planted to buffer the dog play spaces from the current picnic structures. The gateway marker at the neighborhood dog park entryway will double as a public art piece for this envisioned dog oasis. BARNES PARK- PROPOSED DOG PARK a,raeuwixwrc wmv_ ....................................... Client: City of Baldwin Park Reference: Alexandra Lopez Director for Parks, Recreation & Community Services (626) 580-2205 alopez@elmonteca.gov Key Elements: • Open lawn space • Dog agility equipment • Entry Monument • Walking & Jogging trail • Dog bag/Waste Station • Water fountain Station • Shaded bench areas • Security lighting Services provided: • Grant Application Assistance • Concept Plan Size: 30,600 sq.ft. Start Date: April 2018 Completion Date: July 2018 Design Cost: $4,500 Construction Estimate: $686,000 Staff: David Volz, Gary Vasquez, Paul Cassar \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PSKE AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMEAD u1%Tu 20 PROJECT EXPERIENCE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ JEAN WOODARD DOG PARK The new dog play lot will encompass the identified undeveloped land at the park. The one-third acre facility will have a mulched or inorganic surface for the dogs to play on. The design will includes an area for people to congregate, fencing, and water fountains for people and dogs. Storm water pollution control measures will also be designed into the facility as will ADA access. The DVD team will also explore dog play lot apparatus that could be included as a part of the recreational and fun facility we envision for this site. W. r,ti9'i ......................................... Client: City of Yorba Linda Reference: Mike Kudron Parks & Recreation Superintendent 714-961-7160 mkudron@yorba-linda.org Key Elements: • Gazebo & seating area • Water and shade for all • ADA accessible • Stormwater detention Services provided: • Master Plan • Construction Documents • Construction Period Services Acreage: 1/3 Start Date: May 2012 Completion Date: Oct 2016 Design Cost: $21,500 Construction Cost: $350,000 DVD Project Manager: Paul Cassar Staff: David Volz, Gary Vasquez Subconsultants: Civil Works Engineers ......................................... \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SFRVICFS. CITY OF ROSEMF.AD III 21 COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS DMS C I V I L E N G I N E E R S Listed below are some of the similar projects we are presently working on or have completed. Phase 6 Residential Street Rehabilitation - La Mirada The project area is approximately 26 miles of residential streets and consists of street overlays, removal and reconstruction of driveways, curb and gutter, sidewalk, access ramp, and cross gutters. Client: City of La Mirada Eric Villagracia, Project Manager 562.902.2373 Construction Cost: $8.2 Million Project Status: Design complete Project Manager: Surender Dewan, P.E. Residential Roadway Rehabilitation Project, City Quadrant H2, H3, J1 and J2 - Fountain Valley The project area is approximately 6 miles of residential streets and consists of street overlays, removal and reconstruction of driveways, curb and gutter, sidewalk, access ramp, and cross gutters. Client: Construction Cost: Project Status: Project Manager: City of Fountain Valley Regino DeAvila, Project Manager 714.593.4515 $2.4 Million Construction complete - 2019 Surender Dewan, P.E. Rolling Hills Street Rehabilitation Project - Fullerton The project consists of rehabilitation of approximately eight miles of residential streets, including sewer and water reconstruction. Client: Construction Cost: Project Status: Project Manager: City of Fullerton Gar Haung, Project Manager 714.738.6895 $2.1 Million Construction complete - 201 Surender Dewan, P.E. Madonna Area Residential Street Reconstruction Project - Fullerton The project consisted of rehabilitation of approximately six miles of residential streets, including sewer and water reconstruction. Client: City of Fullerton Gar Haung, Project Manager 714.738.6895 Construction Cost: $1.6 Million Project Status: Construction complete - 201 E Proiect Manaqer: Surender Dewan, P.E. PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMF.AD ��V�� COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Reference Projects Diamond Bar Blvd. Median Improvements Project: City of Diamond Bar Description: This project provided new City entry monuments and landscaping enhancements at the north entrance to the City along Diamond Bar Blvd. at Temple Ave. and at the west entrance to the City along Golden Springs Drive at Calbourne Drive. The new City entry monument signs at the two proposed locations were included stone veneer, ledge stone, precast concrete accent walls, decorative steel panels, letters, and accent lighting. The landscape median improvements were included modifications and additions to existing irrigation and electrical systems, landscape plants, canyon clay angular rocks, median concrete post and wooden rails with decorative steel panels and accent boulders. Duties: Construction Inspection and Coordination City Hall Parking Lot Improvements: City of EI Monte Description: This project consisted of pavement grinding, deep lift pavement, placement of asphalt pavement, slurry seal and striping and signage. Duties: Construction/Project Management, Construction Observation, Geotechnical Services, and Labor Compliance, completed November 2020. Gold Line Station Pedestrian Linkage Project (Federal Project per LAPM): City of Arcadia Description: Connect the Gold Line Arcadia Station with the surrounding area within a quarter - mile radius of the Station, providing a first/last mile connection to the regional rail network. Including tree removal, irrigation, tree planting/landscaping. Duties: Limited Construction Management, Federal Funding Assistance, Construction Observation, Material Testing, and Labor Compliance Services, completed May 2021. Crown Valley Parkway Pavement Rehabilitation: City of Laguna Niguel Description: Rehabilitate the existing roadway by grinding and paving and/or full depth repairs in spot areas of pavement failure, grind adjacent to the parkway curb, gutter and median curb, irrigation, planting/landscaping, and full width overlay with rubberized asphalt. Additionally, the Project will include roadway striping, traffic loop replacement and construction of ADA compliant ramps for existing non-compliant and missing ramps. Duties: Construction Management, Geotechnical Services, Labor Compliance, completed December 2018. Grand Avenue Rehabilitation Project — Phases I, H, HI: City of Diamond Bar Description: A major pavement improvement project with Asphalt concrete grinding and overlay and deep cuts. Traffic safety enhancements such as installation and modifications of street lights, traffic signal modifications, signal timing synchronization, striping, drainage improvements, and streetscape improvements. The center median modifications included reconstruction of curbs, replacement of existing irrigation system, landscape, hardscape, planting, and concrete improvements. The project also included architectural treatment and aesthetic enhancements. Duties: Construction Management, completed \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PSRE AND INSPECTION SERVICES, CITY OF ROSEMEAD 1111VIO 23 REFERENCES Landscaft Arahitrrks and Park PWruners Steve Costley Director of Parks and Recreation City of South Gate (323) 563-5478 scostley@sogate.org Allan Rigg Director of Public Works City of Gardena (310) 217-9571 arigg@cityofgardena.org Jim Box Director of Community Services City of Buena Park (714)562-3850 jbox@buenapark.com Shahen Begoumian Park Development Manager City of Glendale (818)548-3796 Sbegoumian@ci.glendale.ca.us Zenia Bobadilla Community Services Director City of Stanton (714) 890-4847 ZBobadilla@ci.stanton.ca.us \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 1..E_1V1 S CONSULTANTS, INC. C I V I L E N G I N E E R S Temp Gavez, PE Deputy Director of Public Works City of Fountain Valley (714) 593-4400 Kanna Vancheswaran, PE Director of Public Works City of Cerritos (562) 860-0311 Shari Garwick, PE Director of Public Works City of San Dimas (909) 396-7248 David Liu, PE Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Diamond Bar (909) 839-7041 dliu@diamonbarca.gov Eric Villagracia Project Manager City of La Mirada (562) 902-2373 evillagracia@cityoflamirada.org Maria Fraser, PE CIP Engineering Manager City of Chino (909) 334-3310 mfraser@cityofchino.org David Liu, PE Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Diamond Bar (909)839-7041 dliu@diamonbarca.gov Lee Torres, PE City Engineer City of EI Monte (626) 586-5339 Itorres@elmonteca.gov Eric Villagracia Project Manager City of La Mirada (562) 902-2373 evillagracia@cityoflamirada.org Carla Dillion Public Works Director City of Lomita (626) 586-5339 c.dillion@lomitacity.com \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PS&E AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMEAD 1PrNo 24 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ APPENDIX PSRE AND INSPECTION SERVICES. CITY OF ROSEMEAD uvu FEE SCHEDULE l.NndsWpC RrchitCcts and Park AlawnGrs David Volz Design proposes the following Not to Exceed fee schedule to provide the services identified in this proposal. The tasks listed below are offered at a fixed fee for the design services for identified program elements. The services included in this spreadsheet are project management, park design, and landscape architecture Scope of Services Task 1- Construction Document Development Task 2 - Final Construction Documents Task 3 - Bidding Assistance Task 4 - Construction Management & Inspection Services Civil Engineering Services by DMS Consultants Construction Management and Inspection (see LEA proposal for special conditions and optional tasks) Reimbursements PR $220 SLA $175 PM $135 I PD $121 AD $110 Total Hrs Fee 8 40 100 40 8 196 $ 27,980 2 4 20 8 2 36 $ 5,028 1 1 4 1 7 $ 1,045 2 8 20 4 34 $ 4,980 13 53 144 48 15 273 $ 39,033 $ 14,950 $ 52,509 Estimate $ 1,500 TOTAL PROPOSED DESIGN FEE $ 107,992 Assumptions: 1. For Civil and Construction Management Scope of Services, please refer to attached proposal for scope of 2. Optional tasks for LEA not included in the above fee. 3. Subconsultants fee includes a 15% adminstrative markup. LAE Associates, Inc. November 18, 2021 Mr. David Volz David Volz Design 151 Kalmus Drive, Suite M8 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 PROJECT- CONSTRUCTION -PROGRAM MANAGEMENT City Services. Staff Augmentation Capital Project Planning • Transportation Funding Strategies Caltrans Local Assistance SUBJECT: REVISED PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE LIMITED/AS-NEEDED CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD'S DOG PARK AT THE GARVEY PARK RFP NO. 2021-09 Dear Mr. Volz: LAE Associates, Inc. (LAE) is pleased to have the opportunity to submit a proposal to be part of the David Volz Design (DVD) team to provide Limited/As-Needed Construction Management & Inspection Services for the subject project. Our firm specializes in Construction, Project, Program Management, and Other Municipal Services for public agencies. LAE employees have experience in the public sector and know the intricacies involved in this RFP's line of work. Based on our phone discussion on Wednesday, November 10", the City anticipates the construction term to be approximately forty-five (45) working days or 2 months and to start by mid-July 2022. Mr. Ken Higbee, Senior Construction Manager (SCM) or Mr. Kevin Alamolhoda, P.E Assistant Construction Manager will manage the construction of this project. LAE will assign Mr. Ned Shaffer, Construction Observer or Anselmo Ybarra, Construction Observer to inspect the project. Scope of Work: LAE's scope of work will consist of Phase 3. Construction Management and Inspection tasks outlined on pages 4 and 5 of the City's RFP with the following exception: • DVD will review all RFIs/shop drawings and other submittals. The project's Construction Management & Inspection Services scope of work will consist of the following three phases: ➢ Pre -Construction ➢ Construction Phase ➢ Post -Construction LAE has carefully selected the team members shown in the table on the following page to manage this project. 650 N. Rose Drive, #182, Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 993-2840 Personnel, Role,1 11 Years 1 Experience Experience Summary Ken Higbee, P.E. A licensed Civil Engineer with over thirty-five (35) years of experience Senior Construction Manager, LAE with public agencies and as a private consultant. Having knowledge in Education: B.S. Civil Engineering Project Planning, Project Management, Construction Management, Years of Experience: 35 Years Grant Preparation, Subdivision and Grading, and Civil Design. Mr. Higbee's Public Works Engineering experience consists of working for the County of Orange for twenty-nine (29) years and Consulting Services for the Cities of Desert Hot Springs, Long Beach, San Gabriel, as well as other public agencies and private development projects. Mr. Higbee was the Public Works Engineer for the City of Long Beach reviewing Plans and Specifications for various Street Rehabilitation projects. He provided Project Management by supervising the design/drafting of construction drawings, preparation of specifications, and cost estimates for improvements to road, flood control, harbor, beaches, and parks facilities. He provided Construction Management Services during construction of variety of CIP projects. Reviewed construction contract change orders and participated in dispute resolution conferences. Administered various construction contracts. Kevin Alamolhoda, P.E. Mr. Kevin Alamolhoda will bring onboard his know-how in managing Construction Manager, LAE project needs. Having worked for the Programs Development and Roads Education: B.S. Civil Engineering as well as Maintenance Divisions with the Los Angeles County Department of Master of Business Administration Public Works, he closely worked with Project Managers on construction Years of Experience: 8 years projects to ensure proper conduct throughout a project's duration. He is familiar with project requirements, as well as the intricacies involved in construction projects. He has been providing staff augmentation services for the City of Chino since March 2017. He worked with Project Construction Managers on the development of five (5) Watermain Replacement projects and a Sewer Re -Lining Project (Inception to Completion of Construction). He provided project/construction management services for six (6) water main and sewer re -lining projects for Chino. Currently, he is managing additional water main, sewer lift station, traffic signal modifications, roadway and drainage improvement projects for the City of Chino. Ned Shaffer As the assigned Construction Observer, Mr. Shaffer will bring his Senior Construction Observer, LAE comprehensive construction knowledge to this project. He has over forty Education: Completed a variety of (40) years of experience in the construction industry. He Worked for the construction, safety, and maintenance Golden State Water Company for thirty-six (36) years, where he courses/classes. inspected water system construction and other related improvement Year of Experience: 40 years projects. He is proficient in performing field checks on preliminary plans to assure completeness and identify potential incongruencies. Additionally, Mr. Shaffer has extensive experience in the installation, maintenance, and repair of water mains, service connections, grading, valves, hydrants, other facilities of a water system, fence and other Page 12 Pre -Construction Phase Upon opening bids and evaluation of potential contractors by the City and DVD, the City of Rosemead will select the lowest responsive bidder as the contractor for the construction project. After the contractor's bonds and insurance certificates have been approved and the construction contract has been fully executed, we will send out a Pre -Construction Conference notice in coordination with the City and DVD to schedule the pre -construction meeting. LAE will prepare the Pre -Construction meeting agenda for DVD and the City's review. The following items will be reviewed at the Pre -Construction meeting: ➢ Plans, Specifications and Inspection Process ➢ Submittals and the approval process ➢ Project Funding Assistance (by City or DVD) ➢ Impacted Utilities, Coordination with the City, Departments, and other impacted agencies ➢ Coordination with other entities Page 13 equipment installations concrete work, trench repair, and related pavement work. Ken Manera Mr. Ken Manera will be assigned as a Senior Construction Observer for Senior Construction Observer, LAE the City. He is an experienced Construction Observer (CO), having Education: Courses in Construction worked for both the public and private sectors. Mr. Manera has been Management from San Bernardino Valley assisting LAE's clients since April 2016. His thorough, unique, and College and Cal Poly Pomona practical experience in developing asphalt concrete and concrete Year of Experience: 45 years pavement, curbs, gutters, water and sewer lines, raised medians, safer pedestrian and bicycle crossings, intersections, striping, sidewalks, Class II bike lanes, traffic signals, and lighting will be beneficial to the City, LAE, and the overall quality of construction. In 2020, provided CO services for a major federally funded Bike Lane Improvements Project in the City of Arcadia. In 2020/2021, he provided CO for the Federally funded Gold Line Pedestrian Linkage project for the City of Arcadia. Currently, he is assigned as the prime Inspector for the El Monte Blvd. Bicycle and Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements projects. Anselmo Ybarra Over twenty (20) years of experience in Public Works construction and Construction Observer, LAE engineering working for the Riverside County Department of Waste Education: Associate Degree, School of Management and private firms. The experiences include Public Works Science, Technology, Engineering, and Inspections, field/office engineering of roadways (curbs, gutters, curb Mathematics ramps, driveway approaches, storm drain facilities, sub-base/base Years of Experience: 20 Years materials, grind overlay, ARHM, PCC pavement, and signage/striping), underground projects. Extensive experience in ensuring compliance with contract documents, state laws, local ordinances, NPDES standards and traffic control requirements. Mr. Ybarra was assigned as the alternate inspector for the following projects: EI Monte Blvd. Bicycle and Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements projects; Residential Street Rehabilitation Project; Paving Improvements Project 21 Stage contracts for the City of Norwalk in 2021. Pre -Construction Phase Upon opening bids and evaluation of potential contractors by the City and DVD, the City of Rosemead will select the lowest responsive bidder as the contractor for the construction project. After the contractor's bonds and insurance certificates have been approved and the construction contract has been fully executed, we will send out a Pre -Construction Conference notice in coordination with the City and DVD to schedule the pre -construction meeting. LAE will prepare the Pre -Construction meeting agenda for DVD and the City's review. The following items will be reviewed at the Pre -Construction meeting: ➢ Plans, Specifications and Inspection Process ➢ Submittals and the approval process ➢ Project Funding Assistance (by City or DVD) ➢ Impacted Utilities, Coordination with the City, Departments, and other impacted agencies ➢ Coordination with other entities Page 13 ➢ Public Notices, construction schedule ➢ Agreed communication with the Construction Manager/Observer ➢ Weekly Statement of Working Day Reports (per LAPM), contract time and progress meetings ➢ Contract Change Order (CCO) process ➢ Final project walkthrough, punch list items, preparation of as -built drawings and project acceptance As Limited/As-Needed Construction Management and Observation provider, LAE will ensure the construction duties are conducted in line with the City's contract documents and other City and industry standards. We will coordinate the acceptance of contractor's submittals (shop drawing, mixed designs, certificates of compliance) to be reviewed by DVD. A submittal log will be kept processing submittals before and during the project work as follows: Project Baseline Schedule, 2 -Week Look Ahead, Contractor's Emergency Contact List, Public Notification Letter if any, NPDES Requirements, Contractor's Safety Plan and other documents. Construction Phase ➢ Meetings: Have as -needed Zoom team meetings with the Contractor, DVD, City Project Manager, and other key members to go over the project, project schedule, acceptance of submittals, forecasted issues, among other things. Meeting agendas and minutes will be prepared and provided to participants. ➢ Schedule: LAE's CM will ensure that the Project Schedules and 2 -Week Look Ahead are updated by the Contractors to represent up-to-date construction conditions and reflect the decisions made. ➢ Contract Change Orders (CCO): If a proposed change is requested, the CM will determine the need, check for conformance to standards, consider other remedies, method of compensation, impact on contract time, estimate of cost, and the likelihood of final approval. If the CM finds the proposed change is reasonable, documents will be prepared by the CM and given to the Contractor for pricing. The CM will review and evaluate the Contractor's CCO proposal. Based on the review, the CM will provide a recommendation to the City. If negotiation is authorized, the CM will perform the negotiations with the Contractor and prepare the CCO the City's format for execution. ➢ Progress Payments: Process contractor payment requests and provide City with appropriate backup documentation for work completed. ➢ Site Safety: Review and check the contractors' safety program for compliance with Cal/OSHA and contract documents. Page 14 ➢ "As -Built" Drawings: LAE's Construction Observer will have a copy of the plans on the site with all up-to-date changes. The final drafting of the as -built drawings will be completed by DVD. ➢ Part-Time/As-Needed Construction Observation: Field observation will be conducted by LAE's Construction Observer [as instructed two (2) days a week, eight (8) hours per day]. Thorough site observations of the project's general process will be carried out regularly and information will be recorded. LAE's Limited/As-Needed Construction Observer will: o Attend meetings o Confirm compliance with ADA requirements and contract documents o Verify contractor's construction stakes o Retain delivery tickets o Record construction changes to use for the preparation of the record drawings o Report to City violations to any applicable regulations o Have a copies contract and construction -related documents at the construction site o Take and maintain project site/construction activity photos o Prepare Daily Reports for the days on thejobsite, which will consist of: • Contractors working hours on the jobsite • Contractor and sub -contractor personnel and equipment on the jobsite • Weather conditions and impact on the progress of the work • Discussions with the contractor • Daily use of the contractor and sub -contractor equipment • Observations relevant to the work progress, including deficiencies or violations • Delivery of materials to the project site • Observed/foreseen delays, and what contractor will do as a response • Work activities, construction progress, quantities measurements and photographs Post -Construction Phase ➢ Contract closeout services will include passing on of the project to DVD and the City, management of warranty activities, demobilization of the Contractor and CM staff. Final Walkthrough: We will schedule a final walkthrough with all involved parties. LAE, along with DVD, the City's PM and other parties involved in the project, will walk the project and perform inspections of the work completed. A punch list will be prepared and given to the Contractor, DVD, the City, and other parties involved in the project. Inspections will be conducted again to confirm incomplete work has been in fact completed. It will be ensured that O&M manuals, turn -over materials, and as -built drawings are delivered. We will ensure that all City concerns are met prior to providing the City with the final acceptance recommendation. ➢ Project Completion Report: Upon completion of the punch list items and acceptance of the project by DVD and the City staff (various departments/divisions), we will provide Page I5 the following documents to DVD and/or the City: Final redline "As -built' drawings and materials receipts. Reference Projects Diamond Bar Blvd. Median Improvements Project: City of Diamond Bar Description: This project provided new City entry monuments and landscaping enhancements at the north entrance to the City along Diamond Bar Blvd. at Temple Ave. and at the west entrance to the City along Golden Springs Drive at Calbourne Drive. The new City entry monument signs at the two proposed locations were included stone veneer, ledge stone, precast concrete accent walls, decorative steel panels, letters, and accent lighting. The landscape median improvements were included modifications and additions to existing irrigation and electrical systems, landscape plants, canyon clay angular rocks, median concrete post and wooden rails with decorative steel panels and accent boulders. Duties: Construction Inspection and Coordination Phase I of Street Pavement Resurfacing: City of EI Monte Description: This $1.5 million project consisted of traffic control, NPDES compliance, concrete improvements, unclassified excavation, deep lift pavement work, pavement improvements, tree removal, new tree planting, re-establishment of survey monument, utility covers adjustments, striping and signage. Duties: Construction Management/Observation, Geotechnical Services, and Labor Compliance, completed August 2020 City Hall Parking Lot Improvements: City of El Monte Description: This project consisted of pavement grinding, deep lift pavement, placement of asphalt pavement, slurry seal and striping and signage. Duties: Construction/Project Management, Construction Observation, Geotechnical Services, and Labor Compliance, completed November 2020. Gold Line Station Pedestrian Linkage Project (Federal Project per LAPM): City of Arcadia Description: Connect the Gold Line Arcadia Station with the surrounding area within a quarter -mile radius of the Station, providing a first/last mile connection to the regional rail network. Including tree removal, irrigation, tree planting/landscaping. Duties: Limited Construction Management, Federal Funding Assistance, Construction Observation, Material Testing, and Labor Compliance Services, completed May 2021. Crown Valley Parkway Pavement Rehabilitation: City of Laguna Niguel Description: Rehabilitate the existing roadway by grinding and paving and/or full depth repairs in spot areas of pavement failure, grind adjacent to the parkway curb, gutter and median curb, irrigation, planting/landscaping, and full width overlay with rubberized asphalt. Additionally, the Project will include roadway striping, traffic loop replacement and construction of ADA compliant ramps for existing non-compliant and missing ramps. Page 16 Duties: Construction Management, Geotechnical Services, Labor Compliance, completed December 2018. Grand Avenue Rehabilitation Project — Phases I, II, III: City of Diamond Bar Description: A major pavement improvement project with Asphalt concrete grinding and overlay and deep cuts. Traffic safety enhancements such as installation and modifications of street lights, traffic signal modifications, signal timing synchronization, striping, drainage improvements, and streetscape improvements. The center median modifications included reconstruction of curbs, replacement of existing irrigation system, landscape, hardscape, planting, and concrete improvements. The project also included architectural treatment and aesthetic enhancements. Duties: Construction Management, completed Proposed Fee: Based on review of the City's RFP and DVD's instructions (45 working days construction), our revised fee is estimated to be $45,660, which is less than 8% of this $580,000 construction contract. Please note that this proposal does not include any material testing services. *Estimated 10 hours of CM work per week. "As -Needed Inspection is estimated 2 days Is hours per day) or 16 hours per week for a forty-five (45) working days contract (9 weeks). Page 17 Name Telephone Number/ AddressContact City of Chino Maria Fraser, P.E. 909.334.3310 CIP Engineering Manager mfraser@cityofchino.org David Liu, P.E. 909.839.7041 City of Diamond Bar Director of Public Works/ dliu@diamondbarca.gov City Engineer City of EI Monte Lee Torres, P.E. 626.586.5339 City Engineer ltorres@elmonteca.gov City of La Mirada Eric Villagracia 562.902.2373 Project Manager evillagracia@cityoflamirada.org City of Lomita Carla Dillon 310.328.7110 x 124 Public Works Director c.dillon@lomitacity.com Proposed Fee: Based on review of the City's RFP and DVD's instructions (45 working days construction), our revised fee is estimated to be $45,660, which is less than 8% of this $580,000 construction contract. Please note that this proposal does not include any material testing services. *Estimated 10 hours of CM work per week. "As -Needed Inspection is estimated 2 days Is hours per day) or 16 hours per week for a forty-five (45) working days contract (9 weeks). Page 17 Again, thank you for providing LAE with an avenue to be of service. Please feel free to contact me with any inquiries regarding this proposal at 714-993-2840 or FredA@LAEassociates.com. Sincerely, Fred Alamolhoda, P.E. President Page 18 H- CONSULTANTS. INC. C I V I L E N G I N E E R S October 20, 2021 Jamie Graham David Volz Design 151 Kalmus Drive, Suite M8 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 SUBJECT: Dog Park at Garvey Park, Rosemead Design Engineering, Construction Management and Inspection Services Dear Jamie: DMS Consultants, Inc. is pleased to present this proposal to perform civil engineering design services for the subject project. The scope of work and corresponding fees is listed on the attached Exhibit A. Our lump sum fee for providing these services is $13,000.00. Any changes or revisions to any of the work performed or any additional work beyond the scope of tasks defined will be billed in accordance with the attached Schedule of Hourly Rates. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this proposal, if this submittal meets your approval please sign in the space provided below and return one copy to our office. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this proposal, please contact the undersigned Sincerely, DMS nsult Inc. Surender Dewar, P.E. President Approved by: David Volz David Volz Design. Date: DgPakG gPxkWPRO Enckmrm. Exhibk A 12371 Lewis Street, Suite 203, Garden Grove, CA 92840 1 714.740.8840 1 fax: 714.740.8842 MA CONSULTANTS. INC. C I V I L E N G I N E E R S EXHIBIT A Dog Park at Garvey Park, Rosemead October 20, 2021 CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES Perform supplemental topographic survey: Prepare base sheets at V =10' scale per Architect's site plan: Concept phase: • Preliminary grading plan • Preliminary erosion control plan • Preliminary demolition plan • Preliminary estimate of probable costs Construction design phase: • Precise grading plan • Erosion control plan • Demolition plan • Project specifications and cost estimate Reproductions: SCHEDULE OF HOURLY RATES • Project Manager................................................................................. • Project Engineer................................................................................. • Design Engineer................................................................................. • Survey Manager................................................................................. • Two -Man Survey Crew....................................................................... Three -Man Survey Crew .................................................... Word Processor............................................................ $1,760.00 $840.00 $4,800.00 $5,200.00 k,_i=11 TOTAL FEE $13,000.00 ......................... $160.00 ......................... $125.00 ......................... $105.00 ........I ................ $115.00 ......................... $220.00 ......................... $310.00 ........................... $55.00 12371 Lewis Street, Suite 203, Garden Grove, CA 92840 1 714.740.8840 1 fax: 714.740.8842 EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Consultant will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. Consultant will use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, Consultant agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. Consultant acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. Consultant shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance: Consultant shall maintain commercial general liability insurance with coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CG 00 01, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. The policy must include contractual liability that has not been amended. Any endorsement restricting standard ISO "insured contract" language will not be accepted. Automobile liability insurance: Consultant shall maintain automobile insurance at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CA 00 01 covering bodily injury and property damage for all activities of the Consultant arising out of or in connection with Work to be performed under this Agreement, including coverage for any owned, hired, non -owned or rented vehicles, in an amount not less than 1,000,000 combined single limit for each accident. Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance (Over Primary) if used to meet limit requirements, shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for the underlying coverages. Any such coverage provided under an umbrella liability policy shall include a drop down provision providing primary coverage above a maximum $25,000 self-insured retention for liability not covered by primary but covered by the umbrella. Coverage shall be provided on a "pay on behalf' basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. Policy shall contain a provision obligating insurer at the time insured's liability is determined, not requiring actual payment by the insured first. There shall be no cross liability exclusion precluding coverage for claims or suits by one insured against another. Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of Consultant, subconsultants or others involved in the Work. The scope of coverage provided is subject to approval of City following receipt of proof of insurance as required herein. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1 Million per occurrence. C-1 Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designed to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the consultant and "Covered Professional Services" as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurers that are admitted carriers in the state of California and with an A.M. Bests rating of A- or better and a minimum financial size Vll. General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Consultant: 1. Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials, employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010. Consultant also agrees to require all contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any contractor or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Consultant shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. C-2 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Consultant or deducted from sums due Consultant, at City option. 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self insurance available to City. 10. Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 11.Consultant agrees not to self -insure or to use any self-insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self -insure its obligations to City. If Consultant's existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or self- insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review options with the Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 12. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. C-3 13. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Consultant of non-compliance with any insurance requirement in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15.Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 16. Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 17.The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Consultant under this agreement. Consultant expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 18. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all- inclusive. 19.These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 20.The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21.Consultant agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not C-4 the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. Consultant agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. C-5 ACORO� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDDYYY 03/08/2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Tina Cowie NAME: Cornerstone Specially Insurance Services, Inc. PHONE (714) 731-7700 FAX (714) 731-7750 AIC Na Ext : A/C No 14252 Culver Drive, A299 ADDRESS: tins@comerstonespecialty.com INSURERS) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# Irvine CA 92604 INSURERA: RLI Insurance Company 13056 INSURED INSURER B: Great American Insurance 16691 DAVID VOLZ DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, INC. INSURERC: 151 Kalmus Drive, Ste. M-8 INSURER D: INSURER E: Costa Mesa CA 92626 1 INSURERF: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 2022/2023 COVERAGES REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMEDABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAYBE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TOALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDLSUUK INSD WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF MMIDDIYYYY POLICY EXP MM/DDIYYYY LIMITS X COMMERCUILGENERALLIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 CLAIMS -MADE ® OCCUR PREMISES Ea omunence $ 1,000,000 X ADDT'LINSURED/PRIMARY MED EXP (Ary one person) $ 10,000 X BLANKET WVR OF SUBRO PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ INCLUDED A Y PSB0001408 03/14/2022 03/14/2023 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 4,000,000 ® PRO- 4.000,000 POLICY LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ $ OTHER. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 2,000,000 Ea accident BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ ANYAUTO OWNED SCHEDULED PSB0001408 03/14/2022 03/14/2023 BODILY INJURY (Per accident/ $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON -OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ Per amident IA AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY UMBRELLA LIAR OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE DEO I I RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION X STATUTE AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN EORH E. L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 A ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVE NIA PSVJ0001346 03/14/2022 03/14/2023 1,000,000 OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory In NH) E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE $ If see, describe under 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT $ Each CLaim $2,000,000 Professional Liability B Claims Made DPP4204131 03/14/2022 03/14/2023 Annual Aggregate $2,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space Is required) RE: Garvey Dog Park- Design Engineering, Construction Management and Construction Inspection City of Rosemead is Additional Insured for General Liability but only if required by written contract with the Named Insured prior to an occurrence and as per attached endorsement. Coverage is subject to all policy terms and Conditions. '30 days notice of cancellation, except for 10 days notice for non-payment of premium. For Professional Liability coverage, the aggregate limit is the total insurance available for all covered claims reported within the policy period. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION ©1988.2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Rosemead ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 8838 E. Valley Blvd, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Rosemead CA 91770 ©1988.2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Policy Number: PSB0001408 RLI Insurance Company Named Insured: David Volz Design Landscape Architects, Inc. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. RLIPack® FOR PROFESSIONALS BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM - SECTION II — LIABILITY 1. C. WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an additional insured any person or organization that you agree in a contract or agreement requiring insurance to include as an additional insured on this policy, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused in whole or in part by you or those acting on your behalf: a. In the performance of your ongoing operations; b. In connection with premises owned by or rented to you; or c. In connection with "your work' and included within the "product -completed operations hazard". 2. The insurance provided to the additional insured by this endorsement is limited as follows: a. This insurance does not apply on any basis to any person or organization for which coverage as an additional insured specifically is added by another endorsement to this policy. b. This insurance does not apply to the rendering of or failure to render any "professional services". c. This endorsement does not increase any of the limits of insurance stated in D. Liability And Medical Expenses Limits of Insurance. 3. The following is added to SECTION III H.2. Other Insurance — COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS (BUT APPLICABLE ONLY TO SECTION II — LIABILITY) However, if you specifically agree in a contract or agreement that the insurance provided to an additional insured under this policy must apply on a primary basis, or a primary and non-contributory basis, this insurance is primary to other insurance that is available to such additional insured which covers such additional insured as a named insured, and we will not share with that other insurance, provided that: a. The "bodily injury' or "property damage" for which coverage is sought occurs after you have entered into that contract or agreement, or b. The "personal and advertising injury' for which coverage is sought arises out of an offense committed after you have entered into that contract or agreement. 4. The following is added to SECTION III K. 2. Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us — COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS (BUT APPLICABLE TO ONLY TO SECTION II — LIABILITY) We waive any rights of recovery we may have against any person or organization because of payments we make for "bodily injury', "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" arising out of "your work' performed by you, or on your behalf, under a contract or agreement with that person or organization. We waive these rights only where you have agreed to do so as part of a contract or agreement with such person or organization entered into by you before the "bodily injury' or "property damage" occurs, or the "personal and advertising injury' offense is committed. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS POLICY REMAIN UNCHANGED. PPB 304 02 12 Page 1 of 1 WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY WC 0403 06 04-84) WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT—CALIFORNIA We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule. (This agreement applies only to the extent that you perform work under a written contract that requires you to obtain this agreement from us.) You must maintain payroll records accurately segregating the remuneration of your employees while engaged in the work described in the Schedule. The additional premium for this endorsement shall be _% of the California workers' compensation premium otherwise due on such remuneration. Person or Organization All persons or organizations that are party to a contract that requires you to obtain this agreement, provided you executed the contract before a loss Schedule Job Description Job performed for any person or organization that you have agreed with in a written contract to provide this agreement. This endorsement changes the policy to which it is attached and is effective on the date issued unless otherwise stated. (The Information below is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparation of the policy.) Endorsement Effective 03-14-2022 Policy No. PSW0001346 Insured David Volz Design Landscape Architects, Insurance Company RLI Insurance Company Inc. Endorsement No. 1 AC R ° CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DA E ,2//21/20212112021 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED ASA MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endomement(s). PRODUCER Cornerstone Specialty Insurance Services, Inc. 14252 Culver Drive, A299 Irvine CA 92604 NAME Tina Cowie A,RNNp (714) 731-7700 1 A NP : (714) 731-7750 E-MAIL tina@wmemtonespecialty.Com ADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAICA INSURERA: RLI Insurance Company 13056 INSURED DAVID VOLZ DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, INC. 151 Kalmus Drive, Ste, M-S22 Costa Mesa CA 92626 INSURER B: GreatAmerlcan Insurance 16691 INSURERC: D: NSURER E: 1INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 21/22 COVERAGES REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. IY LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE IND WVD POLICYNUMBER BIT MMADC POLICY EXP MMIDDNYYY LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 PREMISES Ea oauvg 1,000,000 enrs CLAIMSMADE � OCCUR MED EXP (Any one person s 10,000 ADDTL INSURED / PRIMARY A x BLANKET WVR OF SUBRO Y PSBOOD1408 03/14/2021 03/14/2022 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ INCLUDED GEN'LAGGREGATE LIMITAPPLIES PER: GENERALAGGREGATE $ 4,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMPIOPAGG $ 4,000,000 JOT F7LOC POLICY ©EC E OTHER' AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT E 2,000,000 Ea ecutlant BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ ANYAUTO BODILY INJURY (Per soothes) $ A OWNED SCHEDULED PSB0001408 03/14/2021 03/14/2022 AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON -OWNED H PROPERTY DAMAGE $ Pareccidem AUTOS ONLY AUTOSONLV E UMBRELLALIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ EXCESS UAB ZC:MADE DED I I RETENTION $ 1 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION X STATUTE ERPER H- AND EMPLOYERSUABILITY YIN E. L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 A ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVE NIA PSW0001346 03/14/2021 03/14/2022 EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E 1,000,000 OFFICEWMEMBER EXCLUDED'! (Mandatory in NH) E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 If yes, desmbe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS bebw Each Claim $2,000,000 B Professional Liability DPP4204131 03/14/2021 03/14/2022 Annual Aggregate $2,000,000 Claims Made DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Reni Schedule, may M attached It mora apace is nquirei RE: Garvey Dag Park - Design Engineering, Construction Management and Construction Inspection City of Rosemead is Additional Insured for General Liability but only if required by written Contract with the Named Insured prior to an owumence and as per attached endorsement. Coverage is subject to all policy terms and Conditions. *30 days notice of cancellation, except for 10 days notice for non-payment of premium. For Professional Liability Coverage, the aggregate limit is the total insurance available for all Covered claims reported within the policy period. uni nce r-AMr.FI I ATInN ©1988.2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Rosemead ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 8838 E. Valley Blvd. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Rosemead CA 91770 i,4� eiAit ©1988.2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Policy Number: PSB0001408 RLI Insurance Company Named Insured: David Volz Design Landscape Architects, Inc. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. RLIPack® FOR PROFESSIONALS BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESSOWNERS COVERAGE FORM - SECTION II — LIABILITY 1. C. WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an additional insured any person or organization that you agree in a contract or agreement requiring insurance to include as an additional insured on this policy, but only with respect to liability for "bodily injury', "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury' caused in whole or in part by you or those acting on your behalf: a. In the performance of your ongoing operations; b. In connection with premises owned by or rented to you; or c. In connection with "your work" and included within the "product -completed operations hazard". 2. The insurance provided to the additional insured by this endorsement is limited as follows: a. This insurance does not apply on any basis to any person or organization for which coverage as an additional insured specifically is added by another endorsement to this policy. b. This insurance does not apply to the rendering of or failure to render any "professional services". c. This endorsement does not increase any of the limits of insurance stated in D. Liability And Medical Expenses Limits of Insurance. 3. The following is added to SECTION III H.2. Other Insurance — COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS (BUT APPLICABLE ONLY TO SECTION II — LIABILITY) However, if you specifically agree in a contract or agreement that the insurance provided to an additional insured under this policy must apply on a primary basis, or a primary and non-contributory basis, this insurance is primary to other insurance that is available to such additional insured which covers such additional insured as a named insured, and we will not share with that other insurance, provided that: a. The "bodily injury' or "property damage" for which coverage is sought occurs after you have entered into that contract or agreement; or b. The "personal and advertising injury' for which coverage is sought arises out of an offense committed after you have entered into that contract or agreement. 4. The following is added to SECTION III K. 2. Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us — COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS (BUT APPLICABLE TO ONLY TO SECTION II — LIABILITY) We waive any rights of recovery we may have against any person or organization because of payments we make for "bodily injury', "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury' arising out of "your work" performed by you, or on your behalf, under a contract or agreement with that person or organization. We waive these rights only where you have agreed to do so as part of a contract or agreement with such person or organization entered into by you before the "bodily injury' or "property damage" occurs, or the "personal and advertising injury' offense is committed. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS POLICY REMAIN UNCHANGED. PPB 304 02 12 Page 1 of 1 WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT—CALIFORNIA WC 04 03 06 (Ed. 04-84) We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule. (This agreement applies only to the extent that you perform work under a written contract that requires you to obtain this agreement from us.) You must maintain payroll records accurately segregating the remuneration of your employees while engaged in the work described in the Schedule. The additional premium for this endorsement shall be _% of the California workers' compensation premium otherwise due on such remuneration. Person or Organization All persons or organizations that are party to a contract that requires you to obtain this agreement, provided you executed the contract before a loss Schedule Job Description Job performed for any person or organization that you have agreed with in a written contract to provide this agreement. This endorsement changes the polity to which it is attached and is effective on the date issued unless otherwise stated. (The information below is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparation of the policy.) Endorsement Effective 03-14-2021 Policy No. PSW0001346 Endorsement No. 1 Insured David Volz Design Landscape Architects, Insurance Company RLI Insurance Company Inc.