Q&A Responses Post 10.17.2022Page 1 of 7 Questions & Answers Bid No. 2022-20 (October 18, 2022) 1. Did the City of Rosemead hire an outside contractor/firm to build the existing website? Or was the website built by City of Rosemead staff? The City of Rosemead contracted with CivicLive. 2. If a contractor was hired to build the City of Rosemead website, will they be bidding on this RFP as well? The bid is open to all qualified vendors to assist the City in designing, migrating, and launching a new website. 3. What is the budget range for this project? The budget for this project has not yet been determined. 4. How many users currently maintain the City of Rosemead website? Approximately 8-10. 5. What is the biggest pain point currently facing the City of Rosemead with regards to maintaining the website and entering content? No real paint points on managing content. The issue is with design, organization, search engine optimization, and customer service. We want to connect users to information in as few clicks and keystrokes as possible. 6. With regard to Accessibility, what level of WCAG standard is required for this project? Will City of Rosemead require a VPAT report as well? The City prefers the latest standard, but it is not required. 7. What is the impetus for seeking new vendors and changing the website CMS at this time? The contract with the current vendor is expiring next year and the website has not met the City’s goals for information sharing and customer service. MAYOR: SEAN DANG MAYOR PRO TEM: STEVEN LY COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRA ARMENTA MARGARET CLARK POLLY LOW City of Rosemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 Page 2 of 7 8. How large is the City of Rosemead Intranet website in terms of content and site users? The City does not have an intranet site, but we would like one. There will be approximately 150 users. 9. Does the City of Rosemead have a strong preference for (or against) a specific Content Management System? No, but we would like something state-of-the-art that is intuitive, user-friendly, and includes the best technology available 10. Does this website require multilingual support natively? If so, what languages should it support? That would be ideal but as long as there is a robust translation tool it should be ok. The primary languages spoken in Rosemead are English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Spanish. The translation tool should include the ability to translate to any language. 11. Could you please advise what is your intended budget range for this project? The budget for this project has not yet been determined. 12. Could you please confirm what would be the contract duration? Per the City’s purchasing policy, the contract term will be for 3 years with 2, one-year optional renewals. The contracted may be renewed after 5 years. 13. The RFP, section "Contract Award", says that: "(...) The successful bidder will be notified as to the date and time of the City Council meeting so it may send a representative to the meeting to present himself/herself to the Council and respond to technical questions." Will this meeting take place in person or will it be in a from of a tele- conference? The meetings are in-person; however, a teleconference option may be available. 14. What are your top 3-5 Vendor integrations that you are hoping to see on your next Online presence? The City does not understand the question but please see answer to question #5. 15. Would you prefer a unique design/layout for your employee Intranet (images, logo, menus, graphic links, etc.)? Page 3 of 7 The intranet design can be unique, or it can follow the same design scheme as the main site. 16. Can you provide an estimate for how many employees you’d like us to train on the new CMS? There will probably be 10 – 15 daily users. 17. What do you mean by, "resume of the principal individual(s) to contact for referral" in section 2.c. of the Evaluation Criteria? We would like to see the resumes of CVs of the individuals assigned to the project management team to assess their qualifications to perform this work. 18. Does the City have any preferred CMS (Open-source Drupal/WordPress)? No. See answer to question #9. 19. Does the City have a budget in mind for the provision of website services? Is the City able to share the budget? The budget for this project has not yet been determined. 20. WS would like the City to provide detailed analytics for the existing website such as number of pages, type of content, storage used, site traffic? Yes, analytics are always helpful. 21. Who are the primary and secondary users? All users are City staff. 22. What is the current hosting environment? The vendor provides hosting; however, I am an aware who the hosting provider is. 23. For how many years is the City looking for recurring services (support & maintenance & hosting)? Per the City’s purchasing policy, the contract term will be for 3 years with 2, one-year optional renewals. The contracted may be renewed after 5 years. Page 4 of 7 24. What was the investment by the City in the previous engagement while developing the website? In 2017, the City spent $33,800 for website redesign, hosting, and maintenance. 25. What languages are preferred by the City for the multilingual feature of the website? Please see the answer to question #10. The primary languages spoken in Rosemead are English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Spanish. The translation tool should include the ability to translate to any language. 26. WS would like to know if the City wants the feature of Third-Parties as a redirection, as it is in the current website or as an integration in the original website? The City wants to embed all third-party applications into the site. We do not want users to have to leave our domain. 27. What is the budget for the project? The budget for this project has not yet been determined. 28. Do you have any preference for the CMS to be used. What are the your challenges & pain points you face with the current CMS? Please see the answer to questions #5 and #9. 29. Will the city provide branding and styling guidelines? The City will work the vendor to develop branding and styling guidelines. 30. Is content writing or copy writing services a part of the project? The City expects the vendor to migrate page data from the old site to the new site. The vendor is not expected to create new content. 31. Reference of three website links you like or want your website to look like? www.oregon.gov www.utah.gov www.ms.gov 32. Please describe the City's current website hosting environment? Please see question #22. Page 5 of 7 33. We have registered office in USA and have offshore development centers in India. We have sales and account managers in the USA to manage the offshore team & deliver the project. Please confirm can we bid for this RFP? Confirmed. 34. In the RFP, it is mentioned that, “Recent references from local clients with particular emphasis on local government”. For the term, “local clients”, do you refer clients from California or client from other states of USA are also applicable. We have vast experience across various clients in USA, but we don’t have any experience with any Californian client. Please confirm can we bid for this RFP? Confirmed 35. Do we need to develop the website from scratch? Yes, although you can migrate content from old site to new site. 36. There is no specific budget provided in the document. Is there any budget allocated for this RFP? Please provide approximate budget cap for the project? The budget for this project has not yet been determined. 37. For the evaluation criteria, can you please provide weightage percentage for each criterion like, experience, references, pricing and all? All factors listed in the RFP are evaluated independently and equally. 38. Can you please provide us the details of the current hosting platform and number of concurrent users? Please see questions #4 and #22. 39. What are the different compliances expected as part of the scope? The City does not understand this question. 40. Do you have an existing Intranet portal? No. 41. Can you provide the citizen engagement functionalities that you would like to have on the new website? Please review the scope of work outlined in the RFP. Page 6 of 7 42. How many languages are we looking to translate on the current website? Please see question #10 and #25. 43. Is there any preferred chat or customer service tool that you would like to integrate with the website? No. We are asking the vendor to propose a preferred tool that integrates with their website platform. 44. Do you have any preferred CMS platform where you want to migrate the current site? No. 45. Are there any security standards required for the CMS platform? Yes, CMS should have latest industry security and best practices for user authentication. 46. Is there any estimated budget range to keep the project within? The budget for this project has not yet been determined. 47. How many pages are there on the current website? The City of Rosemead does not know this information. 48. Do you have a style guide for website design? No, but we would like to develop one with the vendor. 49. What is the current technology stack that is being used on the website? This City of Rosemead does not know this information. 50. What are the 3rd party API or integrations on the current website? Please review the scope of work. Vendors are to identify all third-party APIs and integrations. 51. What is the estimated site traffic? The City of Rosemead does not know this information. 52. What are some of the current pain points you're experiencing when you edit/update content in the current infrastructure? Please see question #5. Page 7 of 7 53. We would like to request considering references from last 5 years instead of 2 years, so that vendors can be eligible who would like to present their solution. You may submit additional references if you’d like but 2 years is the minimum requirement. 54. Can you kindly share the expected budget range for this project? If a specific budget cannot be provided, then can you kindly clarify that the budget is at least $150,000? Thank you. The budget for this project has not yet been determined.