TC - Item 3A - San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study PresentationSAN GABRIEL VALLEY TRANSIT FEASIBILITY STUDY ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION NOVEMBER 3, 2022 San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Agenda (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/transit-study facebook.com/sgvcog @SGVCOG@sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org Welcome (Roy Choi, San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments) Purpose of Meeting Review Phase One Results Present Working Draft Vision Plan Phase Two Work Plan Community Outreach Update (Ricky Choi, San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments) Next Steps San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Preliminary Ridership Analysis Results (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/transit-study facebook.com/sgvcog @SGVCOG@sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org Concept C-1 Valley C-2 SR-60 C-5 Valley & Colima / Golden Springs Prior SR-60 Mode BRT/Rapid BRT/Rapid BRT/Rapid LRT Miles / Stations 39 mi 29 stations 30 mi 18 stations 31 mi 23 stations 8 mi 5 stations Route Boardings 29,000 10,500 15,500 5,500 New Transit Trips 27,500 18,250 20,000 1,300 Year 2042 Boardings and New Transit Trips for East-West Concepts C-2 (SR-60) is NOT RECOMMENDED TO BE CARRIED FOR FURTHER STUDY C-1 (Valley) and C-5 (Valley & Colima / Golden Springs) recommended for further consideration for short-term project(s) Consider route refinements and possible consolidation into single east-west alternative San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Preliminary Ridership Analysis Results (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/transit-study facebook.com/sgvcog @SGVCOG@sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org Most boardings on C-1 (Valley) occur west of I-710, particularly at Los Angeles Union Station C-5 (Garvey & Colima/Golden Springs) has highest district ridership between I-710 and I-605 C-1 (Valley) has the highest district ridership east of I-605 - 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 West of I-710 I-710 to I-605 East of I-605 Station Boardings by District C-1: Valley C-2: SR-60 C-5: Garvey & Colima/Golden Springs San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Preliminary Ridership Analysis Results (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/transit-study facebook.com/sgvcog @SGVCOG@sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org High-Medium-Low Station Boardings C-1 (Valley) & C-5 (Garvey & Colima/Golden Springs) San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Preliminary Ridership Analysis Results (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/transit-study facebook.com/sgvcog @SGVCOG@sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org Concept 10 (Rosemead) has the highest number of boardings and new transit trips and is RECOMMENDED TO BE CONSIDERED FOR SHORT-TERM BRT SERVICE IMPROVEMENTS Concepts 11, 12 and 13 are recommended for short-term Rapidbus service improvements 13,350 8,550 5,850 5,400 - 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 C-10: Rosemead C-11: Peck & Durfee C-12: Azusa C-13: Citrus & Grand North-South Concepts Boardings (Average of BRT/Rapid) San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Bus Lane Configurations (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/transit-study facebook.com/sgvcog @SGVCOG@sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org Center-Running Mid-block Condition Intersection/Station Condition Best for bus operations (no conflicting movements) Requires major street reconstruction Generally requires minimum 80-feet curb-to-curb width San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Bus Lane Configurations (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/transit-study facebook.com/sgvcog @SGVCOG@sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org Mid-block Condition Intersection/Station Condition Side-Running Can be implemented by conversion of outside travel lane Retains parking and other curb uses mid-block General purpose traffic weaves across bus lane; right-turn bays to reduce conflicts with turning vehicles and pedestrians San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Bus Lane Configurations (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/transit-study facebook.com/sgvcog @SGVCOG@sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org Mid-block or Intersection/Station Condition Curb-Running Can be implemented by removal of parking and/or minor widening Potential for off-peak parking mid-block with “time of day” bus lanes General purpose traffic merges with bus lane at intersections; subject to delays due to right-turn movements and parallel pedestrians San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Unit Costs for Program Elements (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/transit-study facebook.com/sgvcog @SGVCOG@sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org Configuration Bus Lanes (per route/mi) Stations (pair) Center-Running $5.98 M $0.99 M Side-Running $1.51 M $1.04 M Curb-Running $2.84 M $1.05 M Unit Costs without Soft Costs or Contingency (2022 Year of Estimate) Other BRT Elements Cost Quantity Transit Priority Allowance -Existing Signal Modification $75,000 29 to 114 -New Traffic Signal (Center only)$350,000 0 to 66 Vehicles (Buses)$1 M 9 to 30 San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Screened Concepts Capital Cost (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/transit-study facebook.com/sgvcog @SGVCOG@sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org Alternative Direction Cost Cost Range Concept 1 –Valley Boulevard East-West $ 445 M $ 380 M -$ 560 M Concept 5 –Garvey-Valley/Golden Springs East-West $ 400 M $ 340 M -$ 500 M Concept 10 –Rosemead North-South $ 275 M $ 235 M -$ 345 M Preliminary Capital Costs with Soft Costs and Contingency ($-Million, 2022 Year of Estimate) Specified “Cost” typically includes 20% center-running, 40% curb-running and 40% side-running bus lanes 35% Contingency (25% for vehicles) plus 37% soft cost additives included Cost Range is –15% to + 25% in accordance with AACE guidelines for Class 4 Estimate San Gabriel Valley Bus Rapid Transit Program Element Quantity Capital Cost Transit Priority Enhancements1 Up to 180 $35 MM BRT Line Improvements (Lanes & Stations)2 Up to 30 Miles $410 MM Transit Hub Improvements Allowance for up to 4 $125 MM Bus Operations Center Improvements Allowance $25.5 MM Zero Emission Buses Up to 30 $40 MM Phase 1 Program Cost $635.5 MM Program Cost Notes: 1: For North –South routes 2: Based on C1 (without vehicles) San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Disposition of Initial Concepts East-West Concepts Consider for Short-Term BRT Implementation Concept 1: Downtown Los Angeles to Downtown Pomona via Valley Boulevard Concept 2: Atlantic Station to Downtown Pomona via SR-60 Concept 5: Atlantic Station to Downtown Pomona via Valley Blvd & Colima/Golden Springs Concept 5 Refinements 1.Evaluate Atlantic-Garvey Route Option •Feasibility •Travel Time •Ridership 2.Consider “Mix and Match” with Concept 1, 2 & 5 •Route from Atlantic Station to El Monte west of I-605 •Evaluate Hacienda Crossover to Halliburton-Colima •Route from Colima to Pomona via Brea Canyon Road & Concept 1 North-South Concepts Consider for Short-Term BRT Implementation Concept 10: Sierra Madre Villa Station to CSLB via Rosemead Blvd & Lakewood Blvd Consider for Short-Term Rapidbus Implementation Concept 11: Monrovia Station to Whittier via Peck & Beverly Concept 12: Azusa Downtown Station to Newport Beach via Azusa Ave & Harbor Blvd Concept 13: APU / Citrus College Station to Anaheim via Citrus & Grand San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Working Draft Vision Plan San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Working Draft Vision Plan San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Working Draft Vision Plan San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Working Draft Vision Plan Concept Design Options San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/facebook.com/sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org @SGVCOG Phase 2 Study Schedule (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/transit-study facebook.com/sgvcog @SGVCOG@sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org Update Feasibility Study Alternative Refinement Urban Design Concepts Concept Engineering Update Vision Plan Ridership and Cost Estimates Feasibility Analysis Phase 2 We are here San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Outreach Technical Advisory Committee Public Agencies / Elected Official Briefings Key Stakeholders / One-on-One Briefings Community Workshops Upcoming Community Pop-up Events Study Webpage Available –Ongoing Updates: www.sgvcog.org/transit-study Interactive Maps Ongoing social media posts Submit Comments to sgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org Call us at 888-574-8264 (888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/facebook.com/sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org @SGVCOG(888)574-8264 https://www.sgvcog.org/transit-study facebook.com/sgvcog @SGVCOG@sgvcogsgvtransitstudy@sgvcog.org San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study Q&A