CC - Item 6B - Street Sweeping Schedule And Parking Community Survey ResultsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER 9��— DATE: DECEMBER 13, 2022 SUBJECT: STREET SWEEPING SCHEDULE AND PARKING COMMUNITY SURVEY RESULTS _ SUMMARY At the August 9, 2022, City Council meeting, staff presented options and preliminary costs for alternating the City's street sweeping routes. Based on City Council direction, staff released a survey to receive the community's feedback on the City's street sweeping schedule and parking availability. In addition, staff evaluated and compiled "No Parking" citation data to better understand parking availability during the City's street sweeping schedule. Furthermore, the City Council determined that potential changes to the current street sweeping schedule would be included in the future request for proposals (RFP) for the new street sweeping contract beginning on July 1, 2023. Staff is requesting that the City Council review and discuss results of the community survey, the "No Parking" citation data, and street sweeping options and provide direction to staff to proceed with the selected option. Once an option is selected by City Council, staff will include the selected street sweeping schedule in the next street sweeping services RFP that will begin on July 1, 2023. The City contracts with Athens Services (Athens) for street sweeping services with annual contract amount of approximately $229,058. Athens' contract expires on June 30, 2023. The City is divided into street sweeping zones and Athens performs street sweeping on both sides of the street on the same day within a 4 -hour period for each zone, as shown in Attachment A. This schedule may result in limited parking availability on a street sweeping day for some residents and businesses. At the January 25, 2022, City Council meeting, Council Member Armenta requested staff to explore options to improve the parking availability for residents during the City's street sweeping schedule. At the May 31, 2022, City Council meeting, Council Member Dang requested staff to discuss the City's street sweeping schedule and the feasibility of alternating AGENDA ITEM 6.11 City Council Meeting December 13, 2022 Page 2 of 4 street sweeping routes. In response, at the August 9, 2022, City Council meeting, staff presented the following options and associated costs provided by Athens for alternating the City's street sweeping routes. Option 1— Perform street sweeping during different time periods on the same day. Option 1 revises the City's street sweeping schedule to perform sweeping on each side of the street, during separate time periods on the same day. For example, streets currently swept on both sides on Monday between 8AM — 12PM will be revised to one side of the street swept on Monday between 8AM — 12PM, and the other side of the street swept on the same Monday between 12PM — 4PM. Option 1 includes: • Potential increase in street sweeper drive time and associated costs. Athens provided a rough order magnitude cost estimate to implement Option 1 at an additional annual cost of approximately $74,000. • Updating existing "No Parking" signs by applying stickers to revise the time periods resulting in a one-time cost of approximately $15,000. • Option 1 alternates sides swept with the least amount of impact to current sweeping operations and schedule. • As part of Option 1, staff will also evaluate reducing the no parking period to increase parking availability. Option 2 — Perform street sweeping during the same time period on different days. Option 2 revises the City's street sweeping schedule to perform sweeping on each side of the street during the same time period on different days. For example, streets currently swept on both sides on Monday between 8AM — 12PM will be revised to one side of the street swept on Monday between 8AM — 12PM and the other side of the street swept on Tuesday between 8AM — 12PM. Option 2 includes: • Potential increase in street sweeper drive time and associated costs. Athens provided a rough order magnitude cost estimate to implement Option 2 at an additional annual cost of approximately $117,000. • Updating existing "No Parking" signs by applying stickers to revise the day for all applicable signs in the City, resulting in a one-time cost of approximately $15,000 • Option 2 will require rerouting street sweeping throughout the entire City and results in the most significant impact to the current sweeping schedule. • As part of Option 2, staff will also evaluate reducing the no parking period to increase parking availability. Option 3 — Maintain current street sweeping schedule. 0 No impacts. City Council Meeting December 13, 2022 Page 3 of 4 City Council Discussion and Direction to Staff After City Council's consideration and discussion of the street sweeping options, the City Council directed staff to release a survey to receive the community's feedback on the City's street sweeping schedule and parking availability. In addition, the City Council inquired about the total number of "No Parking" citations issued by the City during street sweeping and directed staff to provide citation information including location of citations and total citations issued. Furthermore, the City Council determined that potential changes to the current street sweeping schedule would be included in the future request for proposals for the new street sweeping contract beginning on July 1, 2023. Street Sweeping Community Survey In response to City Council's direction, on November 17, 2022, staff released a community survey seeking the community's input on the City's street sweeping schedule and parking availability. The survey was released on the City's website, social media platforms, Rosemead This Week newsletter, flyer postings at City facilities, Rosemead library and Post Office, email notifications, and survey hardcopies were provided at RCRC, City Hall, and Garvey Community Center. The City received 159 responses to the survey. The survey questions and results are included in Attachment B. Furthermore, survey question No. 6 asked "Are you satisfied with the current street sweeping schedule on your street?". The results of question No. 6 were mapped to determine the location of the community's input and is included in Attachment C. Street Sweeping Citations During a one (1) year period between November 2021 through November 2022, the City issued a total of approximately 6,000 citations for "No Parking" violations during a street sweeping. Staff prepared citation location map and list identifying total citations issued on each street within the City. The citation location map and list are included in Attachment D. :104 3a9u1u1pool 17VY0301 Staff recommends that the City Council discuss the survey results, citation data, and options as noted above and provide direction to staff to further evaluate one of the following options to include in the next RFP for street sweeping services, and present the selected street sweeping services proposal for approval at a future City Council meeting: • Option I — Street sweeping performed during different time periods on the same day. • Option 2 — Street sweeping performed during the same period on different days. • Option 3 — Maintain current street sweeping schedule. City Council Meeting December 13, 2022 Page 4 of 4 FISCAL IMPACT None. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Street sweeping is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan Goal C - Infrastructure and Facilities, which is to enhance streets, sidewalks, and public infrastructure; coordinate with relevant utility agencies regarding safety and enhancements; and modernize facilities by expanding the use of wireless network technology and renewable energy. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Michael Chung, P.E. Director of Public Works Attachment A: Street Sweeping Schedule Attachment B: Community Survey Results Attachment C: Community Survey Question No. 6 Location Map Attachment D: No Parking Citation Map and List Attachment A Street Sweeping Schedule CITY OF ROSEMEAD STREET SWEEPING MAP 6M no "am }em wou ].m loam •. } avn xcxc sr f I a xta.Fa ap. N W • E S Ixu t4.m-}am }wu 4.m- t«m 1 legend Mftrr --FRIDAY, 10amm2pin FRIDAY, Gam m 10am sam loam FRIDAY,Bamm12pm MONDAY,10am m 2pm max= MONDAY, 6am b 10am MONDAY, 8am m 12pm THURSDAY, 10am m 2pm THURSDAY, 6am m 10am THURSDAY, Sam m 12pm TUESDAY, loam m 2pm TUESDAY, 6am m 10am TUESDAY, 8amlo 12pm WEDNESDAY, loam m 2pm WEDNESDAY, 6am m loam WEDNESDAY. 8am to 12pn COMMERCIAL STREETS* city boundary Swept Tuesdays & Fridays, tam to 6 atn (No Parking restrictions for street sweeoing) TVF E aaml}p,r, ] WE IOam.lp] 8 1 N Oq w. S xlwry � � Sou�vAe`o vua xevao]� tneu WFO ]am-t}pm f 6Ur55 IY.x Z 1� IOamf DGT UI WYS xx } xa 5 M }wu 4.m- t«m 1 legend Mftrr --FRIDAY, 10amm2pin FRIDAY, Gam m 10am sam loam FRIDAY,Bamm12pm MONDAY,10am m 2pm max= MONDAY, 6am b 10am MONDAY, 8am m 12pm THURSDAY, 10am m 2pm THURSDAY, 6am m 10am THURSDAY, Sam m 12pm TUESDAY, loam m 2pm TUESDAY, 6am m 10am TUESDAY, 8amlo 12pm WEDNESDAY, loam m 2pm WEDNESDAY, 6am m loam WEDNESDAY. 8am to 12pn COMMERCIAL STREETS* city boundary Swept Tuesdays & Fridays, tam to 6 atn (No Parking restrictions for street sweeoing) Attachment B Community Survey Results City of Rosemead — Street Sweeping and Parking Communitv Survev Results Introduction The City of Rosemead is seeking the community's input on the street sweeping schedule and parking availability. Currently, street sweeping is done on both sides of the street on the same day within a 4 - hour period. During this time, street parking is prohibited on both sides of the street so that the sweeper truck can pickup trash and debris on the road. The City received comments that the current sweeping schedule (both sides of the road on the same day and time) makes it difficult for some residents to find off-street parking. To evaluate, the City is conducting this survey to learn about parking availability in your neighborhood and if a different sweeping schedule would better serve the community. The possible options are: • No change. Keep the current scheduled day and time. • Sweep on the same day, but at different times. For example, one side swept between 8 AM to 12 PM, and the other side swept between 12 PM to 4 PM. • Sweep on different days, at the same times. For example, one side swept on Monday between 8 AM to 12 PM, and the other side swept on Tuesday between 8 AM to 12 PM. The City would appreciate your response to the following questions to support the City's efforts to improve street sweeping operations and off-street parking. 1. Do you have parking on your property on street sweeping day? 159 responses Attachment B — Community Survey Results 0 Yes 0 No 2. Parking in the front yard is prohibited. But did you know, as an exception, that parking in the front yard is allowed starting 6:00 PM before street sweeping day to 7:30 PM of street sweeping day? 159 responses • Yes • No 3. In your area on street sweeping day, do your neighbors generally find parking and move their vehicles off the street? 159 responses 0 Yes 0 No 4. Have you received a street sweeping parking citation in the past 12 -months? 159 responses Attachment B—Community Survey Results Yes No 5. If you received a street sweeping parking citation in the past 12 -months, was it because: (dropdown - select one of below) 33 responses 0 Could not find off-street parking 0 Forgot about street sweeping day and did not move the vehicle 6. Are you satisfied with the current street sweeping schedule on your street? 159 responses • Yes 0 No 7. If you are not satisfied with the current schedule, would you prefer: (dropdown - select one of below) 72 responses Attachment B — Community Survey Results 0 Sweep on the same day, but at different times. For example, one side swept between 8 AM to 12 PM, and the other side swept between 12 PM to 4 PM, 0 Sweep on different day, at the same time. For example, one side swept on Monday between 8 AM to 12 PM, and the other side swept on Tuesday between 8 AM to 12 PM. 8. If you have any comments regarding the City's street sweeping schedule and parking availability during street sweeping operations, please provide your comments below 50 responses Denton Ave I'm not happy, recently I've been noticing that the street sweeper when it goes past my house that the leaves and debris that is on my gutter is being pushed onto my driveway :( Have no issue keeping it as is had to select an option for last question as it wouldn't let me proceed but I wouldn't have anything change To be clear, we are happy with the street sweeping schedule, both day and time. Your survey does not allow to skip questions if they're not applicable Oust FYI), therefore some of my answers are "not applicable" since I've never received a citation nor do I want to change the time of street sweeping. Thank you! Having parking on my property does not mean that there is adequate parking for all our vehicles. Also knowing that parking on the front lawn is allowed on street sweeping day does not mean that I want to drive all over my lawn. Having both sides of the street sweeping happening at the same time within continuous blocks mean that you have to leave your area of residence to find parking on sweeping day. So even if you parked, you have to find a way to get home. Some people are aware of the street cleaning day but choose to ignore it. Public street parking are consitantly filled with auto shop cars the entire day! Would love to see 1 hour parking limit on public street to prevent long parking. My only comment is that on mondays the big blue trash containers are outside and block the sweeper but the company is not cited . I have never received a citation and I'm ok with the current schedule. The two questions did not allowed me to give my personal answer! sweeping on different sides at different times makes it easier to find parking when none is available. At Willard elementary school, we are unable to find parking on street sweeping days. Willard Elementary school staff does not have enough parking in the school parking lot on street sweeping days. Please change to early morning before school starts or after school ends which is after 2:30pm. On Wednesdays, school is dismissed at 1:30pm. Attachment B — Community Survey Results We work at Willard Elementary and it's hard to find parking because of street sweeping both side of the street the same day. On Thursday's The sweeping on Thursday morning is inconvenient because for the school staff there not much parking at the school and no parking on the street means we have to park At least 3 blocks away because there no parking around dude to businesses or sweeping on both days I work at Willard elementary. Having street sweeping during school hours is a nightmare. Staff have been forced to park on streets and receive tickets because there is absolutely nowhere to park. The city of Rosemead should be willing to make adjustments to street sweeping need schools and support school staff. If possible, having street sweeping on the weekend or after school hours would be appreciated. If you can't adjust hours, then you need to stop penalizing school employees for simply going to work and having no other parking options. willard avenue People look for parking in parking lots because there's no where to park. Especially, in areas with many ADU's and residents in a lot. Some people on our street have so many cars. One of our neighbors has at least 10 cars. Most are not working. I wish we had to pay for a parking permit to limit that. It would be amazing if the street sweeper took care of my street more than 2-3 times a year. Keep it the same. Strang Ave. I would recommend sweeping different sides of the street on different days. We only have one parking spot and are hybrid working from home. My concern is at Savannah Elementary School because they have late start days (9:15 am) every other Wednesday's and sweeper comes around that time. Always worried of getting ticket to park and drop off kids. My children's school has monthly assemblies on Mondays the same day as street sweeping. This does not allow me to attend since there is no parking available or I am forced to leave the assembly early. It would help community and schools if the street sweeper is different days I would appreciate a one time warning for residents that are not able to find parking, especially when they have to share the driveway with two families that live on the same property and are on their lunch break and needed to grab something quickly from home at noontime thinking the street sweeper had already passed the usual 10:00am street sweeping time. The citation officers Attachment 8 —Community Survey Results are rude and unprofessional. I understand it is their job, but there are nicer ways to address individuals in those moments. just no more citations altogether It's only the people that have 5 or more vehicles per household that complain Why change we already know the day street sweeping passes Keep it the same Jackson Ave Keep it the same The city created the problem To many properties with 2 houses being used as hotels some of these places have 10 cars at them if it aint broke, dont fix it Thank you for the opportunity to comment. I am satisfied with the current schedule, for many reasons, one of which is the whole street is clean and looks clean. If you change to 2 days, one side each day, trash will gather on the parking side and then we will have to wait a week before it is swept again. Sadly, those complaining are renters, with multiple people living in the residence, with 5-6 cars per household, they have driveways, just not capable of handling 5-6 cars. Please contact me for additional information. Don't change the schedule. Let people figure it out, there are way too many vehicles per home nowadays. So unnecessary Can you park on the street after the sweeper cleans the street without getting a citation even if the window of no parking is still in effect? None Appreciate city keeping our streets clean Get The parking citation Cancel the blue receptacles are picked up in the afternoon, can they be picked up right after the black receptacles? because there is a business on Grand Ave. street parking is limited. we have three sometimes 4 cars in our driveway with no street parking available. Install more street cleaning signs at the curbs. One at each end is not enough. Drivers are unable to see the sign when turning. Attachment B —Community Survey Results Please help your Doubled Up families who have to park on the street. Tell sweeper truck driver to pay more attention to curbside, roadway debris; and make effort to get it cleaned instead driving around it. Street sweeping would be more effective if the machine used water to clean the streets. All it does is move the dust around. Many of the houses on my street have 3+ cars per house so parking is already at a premium on my street. Many of them have to drive around or park in another person's driveway to avoid street sweeping infractions. As many of the people on my block are of older age and/or limited English ability some outreach and education would be necessary should any changes be made. Muscatel Ave Current schedule is okay, however it would be nice if it started around SAM. La Presa Ave As with other local cities, Rosemead should require parking car(s) in the garage if available. Same before. Thanks of great work Artson Street We have 3 cars, but 2 spaces in driveway. Need to get up early and drive somewhere when street sweeper comes by, which is 7am-8am. Have an up to date notification via website if there is street sweeping or not on scheduled particular day. Rose St. I'm happy with things now, but sweeping one side one day and then the other side the next day would help those who are having trouble, having on both times, makes it hard to find parking, so having it at different times for one side of the street and another time for the other side, that helps with parking. Nowadays, it seems there are more people in the homes/apartments plus many are working from home as well. Muscatel Ave Attachment B — Community Survey Results I think there should be street sweeping signs. There are occasions when visitors park unaware of that day is sweeping day. Would be important to know the financial implications of the alternate proposals vs current policy. Landis View Ln None of us knew about this "Parking in the front yard is prohibited. But did you know, as an exception, that parking in the front yard is allowed starting 6:00 PM before street sweeping day to 7:30 PM of street sweeping day? " Please sent out new or revised schedule to resident when sweeping start/end and kept it to one day not two days. Two days is too troublesome for resident. Not all of us has parking space to relocate all vehicles. Please take that into considerations. Just a comment that it is hard to park sometime also when we have little kids and we are taking them home but rushing because the street sweeper. I'm opposed to the other two options since our streets only stay clean for the day. If residents can't find parking there are too many adults on that property. The different days option will likely take a small problem that happens once a week and turn it into a bigger problem that happens twice a week, as a bunch of people will move their cars from the offstreet parking that they've been using to the side of the street they can park on, cramming that side and creating parking problems on streets (such as mine) that didn't use to have them. LA does that and I see it all the time in their residential neighborhoods. (Though they only do it for two fully -enforced hours instead of four.) For same day/different times, you will likely get a similar result on a smaller scale, as instead of having everything clear for one block of time and then being done, there will be cramming on one side and clear on the other for two blocks of time. I don't see either of those likely results as preferable to the current situation. Shortening the block of time would have the most benefit, but that does not appear to be an option. (I know this isn't about the current sweeping schedule and parking availability, but you did not otherwise provide an opportunity to comment on the proposed options.) 8011 Whitmore St no change While I am not affected, I opted a change for the people who have no choice other than street parking everyday 9224 Marshall St Attachment B — Community Survey Results Keep the same schedule, but supervise once in a while, sometimes we move our cars and the Street looks the same, I often have to do it over. Please send out a new or revised schedule to residents when sweeping start/end and keep it to one day not two days. Two days is too troublesome for residents. Not all of us have parking space to relocate all vehicles. Please take that into consideration. Attachment B —Community Survey Results Attachment C Community Survey Question No. 6 Location Map Survey Question No. 6 -Are you satisfied with the current street sweeping schedule on your street? X No -72 responses o Yes -87 responses V w nev SlO m 2 Z p x1to L x x x ger 11. S 00, x oar.mvst O .x 9 3 Emoon PI x $ `� O TV - F V x NTlimort�ve - S ug � y �, 0 R a 0 x x/ i4 u e fern PveO a m Qn Ila Me x GARVEV .Eer. P.ex 32 m x 2 = s xfr 02 o ° x J, 'x o o_ .. South San Gabriel x x o„w.n0 x x 0 Street Sweeping Survey Question No. 6 — Location Map 13 N A ...... 00 x < 0. O .In 11 x xon:, O o E eemel PO'. e . •� i _.`°II1: Steele St 03t RtlpM1 St O e a 3 oeMaaena p xM.rt xA o s x = _ Z OAO,02 Q ,FF V w nev SlO m 2 Z p x1to L x x x ger 11. S 00, x oar.mvst O .x 9 3 Emoon PI x $ `� O TV - F V x NTlimort�ve - S ug � y �, 0 R a 0 x x/ i4 u e fern PveO a m Qn Ila Me x GARVEV .Eer. P.ex 32 m x 2 = s xfr 02 o ° x J, 'x o o_ .. South San Gabriel x x o„w.n0 x x 0 Street Sweeping Survey Question No. 6 — Location Map 13 N A Attachment D No Parking Citation Map and List LEGEND Citations Issued 5-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 i0000000t 81-140 Total Citations Issued = 5,982 (November 2021— November 2022) 7 `u K ellman A - .—,Ave -.—,Ave Fern Ave GaMlil Ave I- Ar South San Gabriel "No Parkin ' Citation Map from November 2021 through November 2022 N A November 2021- November 2022 Street Name Total Citations 4900-5000 Earle Ave 5 4500 Sultana Ave 5 2100-2200 Angelus Ave 5 3300 Greendale Ave 5 3700 Greendale Ave 5 8900 Hershey St 5 8500 Pueblo Dr 5 8900 Whitmore St 5 8600 Abilene St 6 8700 Bethanie St 6 8800 Lawrence Ave 6 8600-8700 Zerelda St 6 3400 Charlotte Ave 6 3500 Lashbrook Ave 6 8500-8600 Norwood PI 6 8700 Ralph St 6 3600 Rockhold Ave 6 8900 Bentel Ave 7 2500 Evelyn Ave 7 3600 Delta Ave 7 8200-8300 Graves Ave 7 4000-4200 Bartlett Ave 8 3200 Falling Leaf Ave 8 7400 Newmark Ave 8 3000 Strathmore Ave 8 8700-8800 De Adalena St 8 2200 Gladys Ave 8 3200 Leyburn Dr 8 3600 Dubonnet Ave 9 4100-4200 Claudia Ave 9 8400-8500 Wells St 9 3400 Earle Ave 9 1000 La Presa Ave 9 4100-4300 Arica Ave 10 8400-8700 Grand Ave 10 4500-4800 Bartlett Ave 10 3100 Heglis Ave 10 3000-8800 Barrette Ave 11 7400-7500 Egley Ave 11 2700 Dequine Ave 11 3500-3600 Hart Ave 11 3800-3900 Hart Ave 11 2700 Prospect Ave 11 9200-9400 Rase St 11 4700-4800 Willard Ave 11 3600 Lee St 11 900-1000 Rose Glen Ave 11 1000-1800 Walnut Grove Ave 11 8200-8400 Artson St 12 2400-8500 Klingerman St 12 8600-8800 Klingerman St 12 9600 Lorica St 12 3000-3100 Prospect Ave 12 4700-4800 Halkett Ave 12 8900 Beatrice PI 12 2400 Charlotte Ave 12 2500 Dubonnet Ave 13 8900 NwbyeAve 13 8600-8700 Edmond Dr 14 November 2021- November 2022 Street Name Total Citations 9600-9700 Marshall St 14 7500 Melrose Ave 14 8300-8400 Olney St 14 7900 Virginia St 14 3600 Chariette Ave 14 3500-3600 Vane Ave 14 2500-8100 Fern Ave 15 2600-2700 La Presa Ave 15 8600-8700 Landis View Ln 15 9400-9500 Marshall St 15 7600 Garvalia Ave 16 3900 Gernett Ave 16 4500-9000 Evansport Dr 16 8800-8900 Lawrence Ave 16 7500-8900 Garvey Ave 17 3200-3400 Brighton St 17 4000-4100 Loma Ave 17 2200 Charlotte Ave 17 9700 Abilene St 18 4500-4700 Fendyke Ave 18 2700 Gladys Ave 18 2600-2700 Bartlett Ave 18 3300-8000 Lafayette St 18 7600-7700 Newmark Ave 18 9200 Rio Dell St 18 2700 Evelyn Dr 19 3700-3800 Ivar Ave 19 3000-3300 Delta Ave 19 3000-3200 Sullivan Ave 19 4100-4300 Ivar Ave 20 8200-8300 Klingerman St 20 9700 Loftus St 20 2400-2500 Angelus Ave 20 7400-7500 Fern Ave 21 3000 Brighton St 21 8800-8900 Glendon Wy 21 2400 Stevens Ave 21 3200-3300 Stallo Ave 21 8800-8900 Guess St 22 9400-9500 Guess St 22 7600-7700 Highdiff St 22 2400-2500 La Presa Ave 22 8300-8500 Fern Ave 23 2400-2500 Bartlett Ave 23 3600-3900 Muscatel Ave 23 8900 Ralph St 24 2400-2700 Del Mar Ave 25 8200-8300 Kelm St 25 8600-8700 Scott St 25 3000-3100 Earle Ave 25 3300-3400 Twin Ave 25 9000-9100 Newby Ave 26 3200-8300 Park St 26 9400-9600 Steele St 26 2400-2500 Delta St 26 1000-1100 San Gabriel Blvd 26 2600-8300 Charlotte Ave 27 3600-3800 Bartlett Ave 27 7800-7900 Hershey St 27 November 2021- November 2022 Street Name Total Citations 9400-9500 Ralph St 27 3000-3300 Rosemead PI 27 8800-8900 Grand Ave 28 8300-8700 Marshall St 28 8800-8900 Marshall St 28 3200-3300 Prospect Ave 28 9300-9600 Olney St 29 3300-3400 Rockhold Ave 29 3000-3200 Willard Ave 29 8600-8700 Olney St 30 2600-2700 Willard Ave 31 9200-9400 Pitkin St 32 7500 Wilmar PI 32 3700-3900 Charlotte Ave 34 2500-2700 Brighton St 35 3000-3300 Gladys Ave 35 3700-3900 Delta Ave 35 3500-3900 Ellis Ln 36 3500-3900 Rio Hondo Ave 36 9200-9300 Glendon Wy 37 3000-3300 Angelus Ave 38 3600-3900 Earle Ave 38 9000-9300 Marshall St 38 9000-9100 Bentel Ave 39 7600-7700 Fern Ave 39 9400-9500 De Adalena St 40 4400-4700 Ivar Ave 41 4000-4300 Rio Hondo Ave 41 7800-8000 Dorothy Ave 42 3000-3400 Burton Ave 43 4100-4500 Encinita Ave 43 4100-4800 Muscatel Ave 43 7900-8200 Newmark Ave 43 2600-2700 Delta Ave 44 4400-4800 Earle Ave 45 3200-3300 Stevens Ave 45 3200-3300 Alanreed 47 3000-3300 Isabel Ave 47 3200-3400 Kelburn Ave 47 8200-8500 Dorothy St 48 3200-3400 Eckhart Ave 48 2000-2700 Denton Ave 49 7400-7700 Columbia St 49 4400-4800 Delta Ave 49 3000-3900 Brookline Ave 50 2300-2700 Kelburn Ave 50 8700-8900 Nevada Ave 50 2400-2700 Walnut Grove Ave 51 7400-7500 Whitmore St 51 2300-2700 Falling Leaf Ave 53 9000-9300 Ralph St 54 9000-9300 Steele St 54 8600-8900 Fern Ave 55 3000-3400 Muscatel Ave 55 2300-2700 Pine St 59 4000-4900 Walnut Grove Ave 60 3000-3300 Walnut Grove Ave 61 3000-3400 Ivar Ave 62 2400-2700 Jackson Ave 63 November 2021- November 2022 Street Name Total Citations 9000-9300 Guess St 66 3000-3300 Evelyn Ave 71 2400-2700 Muscatel Ave 71 8600-9300 Ramona Blvd 72 2400-2500 Paljay Ave 73 9000-9300 De Adalena St 74 3000-3300 Charlotte Ave 76 3500-3900 Strang Ave 78 7400-7500 Garvalia Ave 80 2400-2700 Strathmore Ave 82 3000-3400 Bartlett Ave 87 2400-2700 Earle Ave 93 2400-2700 New Ave 96 3000-3400 Jackson Ave 106 7400-8100 Hellman Ave 123 7800-8100 Whitmore St 135 7400-8100 Emerson PI 140