CC - Item 3A - Public Hearing - Applicant Powerpoint Presentation8601 Mission Drive 1 City of Rosemead City Council Hearing Public Hearing Item 3A Property Address: 8601 Mission Drive January 10, 2023 Mission Villas 8601 Mission Drive 2 Borstein Enterprises Borstein was founded in 1980 Principals in over 120 residential projects Responsible for over 8,200 homes Specialize in urban infill residential Active throughout Southern California Currently have over 20 active projects Mostly in Los Angeles and Orange Co. Work with only the best designers, engineers, consultants and builders 8601 Mission Drive 3 Birds Eye View Local Neighborhood Looking North Edison Easement 8601 Mission Drive 4 Project Status •Community Workshop on November 9, 2021 •Planned Development for 37 units, Zone Change from R-1 to P-D (Planned Development), a General Plan Amendment to MDR (Medium Density Residential) and Tentative Tract Map. •Completed a Mitigated Negative Declaration, resulting in no unmitigable impacts •Project complies with all mandatory findings. •Currently processing engineering plans •Planning Commission Approval on December 19th, 2022 8601 Mission Drive 5 Response to Workshop Comments •Conduct neighborhood outreach •Met with interested neighbors on several occasions. •Received feedback and integrated into the plans •Provide affordable housing on site •Providing 4 three-bedroom affordable homes for low-income families •Utilizing the City Down Payment Assistance Program. •Consider using the Small Lot Ordinance •Subdivision combines both a condominium map and the Small Lot Ordinance •Privacy Enhancements •Tall hedge row included along the east property line •No second story balconies •Extra deep rear yards along the property edges •Onsite parking •Analyzed plan to add more parking •Project offers 6 more spaces than required by City code •Additional guest parking is available offsite a short walk away. •Walnut Grove, north of Mission Drive and Mission Drive east of project •Priority being given to resident veterans of the City of Rosemead. 8601 Mission Drive 6 Response to workshop comments, part II •Despite providing detailed plan, Edison denied our request •Public Transit •No transit located adjacent to the project •Nearest is MTA Route 266 runs along Valley Blvd and Rosemead Blvd with multiple stops along both roads •Dial A Ride is available to seniors •Property entrance and traffic safety •Gated entry was approved by the LA County Fire Department •Entrance location was reviewed and accepted by licensed traffic engineers •Restrict ingress and egress to right-in and right-out only with signage •Enhancements to public right of way, project frontage •Entrance is lushly landscaped, and entry is enhanced •Approached Edison to provide landscaping at intersection within the Edison easement 8601 Mission Drive 7 Project Features •37 two-story Single-Family Homes •8 homes mapped using the City Small Lot Ordinance •4 Affordable homes using City Down Payment Assistance Program •Gated community •Beautiful drought tolerant landscaping throughout •Enhanced landscaping along Mission Drive •Enhanced rear yards along project edges •Additional trees along east and north property line to increase privacy •Central community pocket park for gathering •Exceeds City Parking Standards 8601 Mission Drive 8 Project Entry •Decorative paving and designer gate •LA Fire Department Approved •Enhanced landscaping along Mission Drive 8601 Mission Drive 9 Pocket Park •Seating with a fountain •Turf play area •Shade trees •Dog friendly play area 8601 Mission Drive 10 Project Architecture Upgraded architectural styling Enhanced elevations -Spanish Colonial -Hacienda Ranch Single Family Detached Homes Ranging from 1,546 SF to 2,553 SF Four floor plans in Two building types •Two Small Lot Ordinance plans •Two conventional detached plans All homes have modern open concept floor plans 8601 Mission Drive 11 PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY -Dual pane windows State of the art sustainable features include: -Water and energy efficient fixtures -Drought tolerant landscaping -Smart home features with whole house controls -Solar Systems -High efficiency insulation -High efficiency appliances 8601 Mission Drive 12 THANK YOU We look forward to continuing to work with city staff and our neighbors to create a beautiful new family community! Thank You