TC - Item 3B - Traffic Review on 8449 Garvey Avenue for Time Limited ParkingJPi TRANSTECh TO: City of Rosemead, Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: January 5, 2023 SUBJECT: Time Limit Parking Review: Green Curb Installation Request at 8449 Garvey Avenue INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead received a request from a business owner to install green curb in front of the new (Live Work Development) at 8449 Garvey Avenue which is located on the northeast corner of Garvey Avenue and Earle Avenue. The business owner requested for a green curb to be installed adjacent to the commercial units along both Garvey Avenue and Earle Avenue. The business owner expressed parking concerns due to the number of cars going to the car garage & body shop located at the northwest corner of the intersection. A general curb request form was submitted to the City of Rosemead for review. In response to this request, and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a parking review and analysis of existing conditions as well as conducted a parking study on the north side of Garvey Avenue between Earle Avenue and Willard Avenue to determine the existing parking conditions and patterns. Figure 1: Vicinity Map OSiE E'AD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 12 Time Limit Parking Review: Green Curb Installation Request at 8449 Garvey Avenue EXISTING CONDITIONS Figure 2: Existing Conditions for 8449 Garvey Avenue TIE 17 -MOT M, Emu, 111131111111110 111111=110 LEGEND NUM No Parking due to Street Stop Sign (Rl-1)^"""�"� Sweeping Signs - Fridays & Two- Existing Red Curb hkv5 Hour Parking Sign (R31 (CA)) 7am i""`6'" to 6pm except Friday SPEED - umn Speed Limit Sign (51-1) Existing Driveways 3e �" Existing Fire Hydrant g y Garvey Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Garvey Avenue runs east and west and is considered a minor arterial road by the California Road Functional Classification Map, with a speed limit of 35 MPH. Garvey Avenue is approximately 76 -feet wide with two lanes of travel in each direction and a double yellow marked center median. Parking is available on the north and south side of Garvey Avenue except where red curb is marked and during street sweeping. There is also a sign indicating 2 -hour parking between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm along Garvey Avenue. This segment of Garvey Avenue travels through a mix use of medium density residential zoning and commercial zoning, per the Rosemead General Plan. Earle Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Earle Avenue runs north and south and is considered a local road by the California Road Functional Classification Map, with a prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH. Earle Avenue is approximately 36 -feet wide with one travel lane in each direction and no marked center line. Parking is available on the east and west side of Earle Avenue except where red curb is marked and during street sweeping. This segment of Earle Avenue travels through medium density residential zoning and towards open space zoning per the Rosemead General Plan. �olkV9.1iz.1114L I;F_111 Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 12 Time Limit Parking Review: Green Curb Installation Request at 8449 Garvey Avenue PICTURE SUMMARY 8449 Garvey Avenue: Looking east along Garvey Avenue (Morning) D Looking north towards 8449 Garvey Avenue (Morning) 11 8449 Garvey Avenue: Looking north along Garvey Avenue (Morning) .� 8449 Garvey Avenue: Looking north-west along Garvey Ave (Morning) 8449 g, i� Garvey Ave Panoramic View of 8449 Garvey Avenue (Morning) Existing Parking Sign at the corner of Garvey Avenue and Earle Avenue (Afternoon) 4 CITY OF ROSEMEAD �S�AD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 12 Time Limit Parking Review: Green Curb Installation Request at 8449 Garvey Avenue 1914117 M71[ArJIK61.1.14 i7/4rZd67kiUikIMkiFL1Ice]ki[KcL1 illW L17I4kiDh Within the City of Rosemead, 8449 Garvey Avenue is located on the east side corner of Garvey Avenue and Earle Avenue. The existing conditions and parking along Garvey Avenue were observed on Thursday, January 12", 2023, to determine the number of vehicles parking along the street between Willard Avenue and Earle Avenue. The field photos taken are represented in the images shown above in the Picture Summary; these were taken at approximately 7:45 am to show the parking conditions in the morning and some images are taken at 2:00 pm to show the parking conditions in the afternoon. As can be seen, there are only a very few cars utilizing this stretch during that early morning time along the curb and busy during that afternoon. The available curb parking along the project's frontage is approximately 200 feet. There is an existing fire hydrant east of Earle Avenue on the north side of Garvey Avenue. Per CVC 22514 it is recommended to paint red curb 15 feet to the east of the fire hydrant and 12 feet west of fire hydrant to the curb return. As recommended and shown in Figure 3 below. Figure 3: Available Curb Space on North Side of Garvey Avenue Along Project Frontage �9III ego] i T61114 1;F-11 11 Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 12 Time Limit Parking Review: Green Curb Installation Request at 8449 Garvey Avenue • 10.12.080 - Twelve -minute parking: The streets or portions of street specified in this section are designated for twelve (12) minute parking during the hours of nine a.m. to six p.m. on any day other than Sundays or holidays and when signs are erected and the curb painted green giving notice thereof, no vehicle shall be parked and permitted to remain within the designated area for a period of time longer than twelve (12) minutes. CAMUTCD 2B.47: Guidance: Where only limited -time parking or parking in a particular manner are permitted, the signs shall have a green legend and border on a white background (Permissive Parking signs). If the parking restriction applies to a limited area or zone, the limits of the restriction should be shown by arrows or supplemental plaques. If arrows are used and if the sign is at the end of a parking zone, there should be either no arrows or a single -headed arrow pointing in the direction that the regulation is in effect. If the sign is at an intermediate point in a zone, there should be a double -headed arrow pointing both ways. The following are sample signage that can be considered. MINUTE PARKING 2AW&M DISTRICT 3 PERMITS EXEMPT R32D (CA) This sign can be installed instead of green curb and can be updated to reflect 20 -minute parking limit between the hours of 9 AM to 6 PM on Weekdays. 0 ROSCVEAD LOADING ONLY 7A M 706PM EXCEPE SUNDAY 30 NINUTE UM[T , PASSENGER LOADING ONLY 7AM- pm SCH30L [LYS 5 NIHILFE -rlf 4*=Mf� R25E (CA) This sign would mean no This sign would mean no parking but for loading only for parking but for loading only for people only. freight, deliveries, or people. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 11 of 12 RECOMMANDATION FIGURE 4 - OPTION 3: ROSEMEAD, CA — 8449 GARVEY AVENUE Date Prepared. 1-19-23 LEGEND 1 yes � now R ees i r� 'E 1 O PAINT A TOTAL OF 200 -FEET OF GREEN CURB WITH 20 MINS LEGENDS IN FRONT OF THE 8449 GARVEY AVENUE.