FC - Agenda - 01-31-2023City of Rosemead Investment Committee Quarterly Meeting January 31, 2023 At 10:00 A.M. City Hall Conference Room 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770 Ben Kim, City Manager Mike Brucker, Assistant City Manager Bryan Chua, Finance Director Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk 1. CALL TO ORDER – 10:00 A.M. 2.ROLL CALL City Manager Kim Assistant City Manager Bruckner Finance Director Chua City Clerk Hernandez 3.FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES -Approval of the October 26, 2022, Meeting Minutes 4.STATUS REPORTS -Review of Quarterly Cash and Investment Report ending on December 31, 2022 5.NEW BUSINESS 6. ADJOURNMENT Finance Investment Committee Minutes October 26, 2021 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD FINANCE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE QUARTERLY MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 26, 2021 1.CALL TO ORDER The quarterly meeting of the Rosemead City Finance Investment Committee was called to order by City Clerk Hernandez at 3:00 p.m. at Rosemead City Hall at 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. 2.ROLL CALL City Manager Kim, Assistant City Manager Bruckner, Finance Director Chua, and City Clerk Hernandez 3.FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES ACTION: Motion by City Manager Kim, seconded by Assistant City Manager Bruckner to approve the July 27, 2022, regular meeting minutes. Motion was carried by the following votes: AYES: Kim, Bruckner, and Chua. 4.STATUS REPORTS TREASURER’S QUARTERLY CASH AND INVESTMENT REPORTS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2022, FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, AND THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION The treasurer’s reports were reviewed by Interim Finance Director Chua. 5.NEW BUSINESS None. 6.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Approved: __________________________ ____________________________ City Clerk City Manager CITY OF ROSEMEAD  Finance Department    MEMORANDUM      TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council  FROM: Bryan Chua, Finance Director/City Treasurer     DATE: January 31, 2023    SUBJECT: QUARTERLY CASH AND INVESTMENT REPORT – December 2022      OVERVIEW  Both the Rosemead Municipal Code (§2.36.040) and the adopted Annual Investment Policy  require quarterly reporting of invested cash to the City Council.  Section V (Reporting, Disclosure  and Program Evaluation) of the City of Rosemead Investment Policy, approved by the City Council  on June 22, 2022, stipulates that quarterly investment reports shall be submitted by the Finance  Director to the City Council within 31 days of the last day of the quarter.  The report is to include  a cover page (this memo), graphical comparison of the portfolio composition and maturity  distribution, a listing of individual investment transactions during the quarter and certain details  of each security.  The City of Rosemead Treasurer’s Report for the second quarter of FY 2022‐23  (December 31, 2022), presented herewith, fulfils the reporting requirement of the Investment  Policy and the RMC.    Section 2.36 of the City’s Municipal Code also requires the Investment Committee to meet  regularly to review the City’s Investments.  To meet that requirement, the Investment Committee  met on January 31, 2023 to receive a status report regarding the City’s cash and investments.   The Committee approved the City of Rosemead Treasurer’s Report as presented.    ANALYSIS  The City maintains cash in various banks, deposits with the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF),  investments in Certificates of Deposits (CD), US Securities/Agencies, Corporate Bonds, and  money market accounts.  All items are detailed in the attached report.  The cash included in this  report represents cash in all funds within the City including the Successor Agency and the Housing  Development Corporation.  The City operates on a ‘pooled cash’ basis whereby cash in all funds  is combined for banking and investment purposes while ownership of that cash remains  segregated by individual funds.       Cash and Investment Report – December 2022  January 31, 2023  Page 2 of 3  For the quarter ending December 2022, the invested portion of the portfolio totaled  $65,246,521, an decrease of $1.00 million from the prior quarter.  During the quarter, three  Certificates of Deposits matured. Purchased investments include: five Certificates of Deposits,  seven new U.S. Treasury Notes, and eight corporate bonds were purchased. There were also  numerous deposits and withdrawals to LAIF funds, resulting in a net decrease of $8.8 million in  LAIF balances.  The increase in investment activity is part of a rebalancing effort to shift funds  from LAIF and take advantage of increased investment rates in the broader securities market.   From June 30, 2022 through December 31, 2022, the City’s securities investment balance  doubled from $7.5 million at an average return of 2.33% to $15.2 million at an average return  rate of 3.55%, an increase in investment yield of 1.22%.  The weighted average maturity days also  increased from 584 days to 972 days during the same period.  The changes results in an increased  investment yield over a longer period of time.  As reflected in the ‘Comparative Data’ section,  invested cash has increased significantly over the past year.  Comparing December 2022 to  December 2021, total invested cash has increased $13.3 million.  This increase is the result of the  receipt of American Rescue Plan funding, the consolidation of Successor Agency and Housing  Development Corporation cash to the City’s pooled cash account, and overall cash increases in  nearly all operating funds.  Total cash‐in‐bank and investments on December 31, 2022 is  $72,885,597 distributed as shown below.                      The following chart provides a summary of the Invested Cash portfolio:                      Non‐invested cash accounts represent cash‐in‐bank funds used to pay weekly accounts payable  and bi‐weekly payroll checks as well as receive City revenue.  The balances in these accounts are  typically set to cover all outstanding checks and near‐term expenses.  Prior to this fiscal year, City  controlled Successor Agency and Rosemead Housing Corporation funds were maintained in  individual bank accounts, not pooled with the City’s checking account, nor invested.  Having these  separate accounts required that the City process accounts payable for expenses within these  Total Cash and Investments Cash Deposits $ 6,513,887 Cash with Fiscal Agent 1,125,189           Invested Cash 65,246,521        $ 72,885,597 Investment Type Beginning  Balance Deposits/  Purchases Withdrawls/  Maturities Ending Balance LAIF $ 58,769,640 203,677              9,000,000          $ 49,973,317 Certificates of Deposit 3,205,000          1,239,000          740,000 3,704,000           US Securities 1,920,000          3,275,000          5,195,000           Corporate Bonds 2,330,000          4,000,000          6,330,000           Money Market ‐ Cantella 22,476                21,728                44,204                 $ 66,247,116 8,739,405          9,740,000          $ 65,246,521 Cash and Investment Report – December 2022  January 31, 2023  Page 3 of 3  funds separately and City Council to approve three separate resolutions for warrant approvals.   At the end of the first quarter last fiscal year, the two accounts were combined with the City’s  operating checking account, thereby improving investment earnings for the two funds and  eliminating the necessity for the City Council to approve separate resolutions for the three  entities.   ATTACHMENT  Cash and Investment Report – Quarter Ending December 2022  Non-Invested Cash Accounts Bank Statement Amount Market Value BANK OPERATING ACCOUNTS (1) City - Bank of the West - General Checking Account 5,696,034$ 5,696,034$ City - Bank of the West - Payroll Account 499,217 499,217 SA - Bank of the West - General Checking Account 10,000 10,000 RHDC - Angelus Security Deposit - City National Bank 17,068 17,068 RHDC - Angelus Operating Account - City National Bank 3,190 3,190 RHDC - Garvey Security Deposit - City National Bank 26,163 26,163 RHDC - Garvey Operating Account 262,216 262,216 TOTAL OPERATING ACCOUNTS 6,513,887$ 6,513,887$ Cash with Fiscal Agent Statement Amount Interest Rate Market Value 2010A Tax Allocation Bonds: 2010A Reserve Account - U.S. Bank 1,123,000$ varies 1,123,000$ 2010A Debt Service - U.S. Bank 13 varies 13 2016 Subordinate Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds: 2016 Interest Account - U.S. Bank 2,176 varies 2,176 2016 Reserve Account - U.S. Bank (Non-cash Ins Policy)- -- TOTAL CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT 1,125,189$ 1,125,189$ Investments Purchase Date Maturity Date Original Cost Par Value Interest Rate Estimated Market Value LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND L.A. I. F. (State of California)49,973,317$ 49,973,317$ 2.07%49,973,317$ CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT Barclay's Bk Del CD 11/8/17 11/8/22 Matured Matured Matured Matured Capital One Bk, Nat'l Assn 11/22/17 11/22/22 Matured Matured Matured Matured American Express Natl Bk Brok CD 12/5/17 12/5/22 Matured Matured Matured Matured Wells Fargo Natl Bk West Las V CD 1/17/20 1/17/23 249,006 249,000 1.90%248,739 Live Oak Bkg Co NC CD 1/25/20 1/25/23 249,006 249,000 1.70%248,587 Morgan Stanley Bk N A Utah CD 2/22/18 2/22/23 246,006 246,000 2.75%245,510 BMW Bk North Amer Salt Lake CD 4/20/18 4/20/23 246,006 246,000 3.00%245,129 UBS Bk USA Salt Lake City UT CD 6/13/18 6/13/23 249,006 249,000 3.25%247,887 Morgan Stanley Pvt Bk CD 2/14/19 2/14/24 246,006 246,000 3.05%241,764 Capital One Natl Assn VA CD 9/24/20 5/30/24 264,199 245,000 2.65%238,395 LIQUID CITY OF ROSEMEAD TREASURER'S QUARTERLY CASH and INVESTMENT REPORT SCHEDULE OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS As of December 31, 2022 (1)These are the actual bank account balances as of the end of the month. The amount reflects only checks that have cleared the bank and deposits received by the bank. The balance does not reflect amounts required for outstanding checks or deposits in transit. December 2022 - Investment Report Page 1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TREASURER'S QUARTERLY CASH and INVESTMENT REPORT SCHEDULE OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS As of December 31, 2022 Investments (continued)Purchase Date Maturity Date Original Cost Par Value Interest Rate Estimated Market Value Wells Fargo Bank Natl Assn CD 9/24/20 1/29/25 260,019 245,000 1.95%232,135 Discover BK CD 6/1/22 6/2/25 245,006 245,000 3.10%236,699 Goldman Sachs Bk USA CD 6/1/22 6/2/25 245,006 245,000 3.00%236,143 Northern Bank & Trust 11/15/22 8/15/24 244,006 244,000 4.75%244,522 Austin Telco Federal Credit Union 11/28/22 11/27/26 248,006 248,000 5.05%252,114 Celtic Bank 12/19/22 12/21/26 249,006 249,000 4.20%245,504 First Utd Bk &Tr Company 12/30/22 12/30/24 249,004 249,000 4.50%248,524 Ideal Cr Un Woodbury 12/29/22 12/29/27 249,004 249,000 4.50%247,889 Sub-Total 3,738,287$ 3,704,000$ 3,659,543$ U.S. TREASURY/AGENCY SECURITIES Federal Home Ln Mtg Corp Note 11/9/18 6/19/23 320,833$ 325,000$ 2.75%322,257$ Federal Home Loan Bank 11/8/18 9/8/23 253,623 250,000 3.38%247,483 Federal Farm Cr Bks Bond 11/8/18 10/2/23 249,993 250,000 3.05%246,675 US Treasury Note - Series J 3/24/22 3/31/24 250,006 250,000 2.13%242,188 Federal Farm Cr Bks Bond 6/9/22 5/23/25 315,006 315,000 2.85%302,939 Federal Home Ln Mtg Corp Mtn 8/16/22 8/25/25 280,006 280,000 3.50%273,669 Federal Home Loan Bank 8/23/23 8/25/25 250,006 250,000 4.06%245,925 Federal Home Ln Mtg Corp Note 11/9/22 3/13/25 376,921 385,000 4.70%377,924 Federal Home Loan Bank 11/15/22 9/14/27 491,361 500,000 4.40%486,195 Federal Home Loan Bank 11/16/22 4/29/26 480,006 500,000 4.26%474,945 Federal Home Loan Bank 11/29/22 9/21/26 498,756 500,000 4.57%492,260 Federal Home Ln Mtg Corp Note 11/30/22 8/25/27 388,336 390,000 4.50%382,941 FAMCA 12/22/22 8/22/27 502,504 500,000 4.81%499,655 Federal Home Loan Bank 12/23/22 3/8/24 502,334 500,000 4.35%499,090 Sub-Total 5,159,687$ 5,195,000$ 5,094,145$ CORPORATE BONDS JP Morgan Chase & Co Note 4/11/18 1/25/23 249,993 250,000 3.20%249,808 BNP Paribas/ BNP Paribas Us Mtn 3/8/18 3/3/23 231,057 230,000 3.25%229,404 Wells Fargo Co Mtn Be 10/17/19 9/9/24 263,886 250,000 3.30%242,618 Barclays Bank Plc Ser A Mtn 8/6/20 1/20/25 554,466 550,000 1.50%497,085 Citigroup Global Mkts Hldgs In Ser N 7/31/20 7/31/25 800,006 800,000 1.10%716,792 Capital Impact Partners Invt Mtn 9/24/20 9/15/25 250,006 250,000 1.00%217,193 Bank of NY 11/14/22 1/26/27 446,456 500,000 4.90%448,965 US Bancorp 11/14/22 4/27/26 470,206 500,000 5.00%472,260 International Bank R & D 11/14/22 9/30/27 493,526 500,000 4.80%494,930 Toyota Motor Credit Corporation 11/22/22 9/20/27 498,901 500,000 4.55%493,110 Morgan Stanley 11/23/22 1/27/26 489,376 500,000 4.60%484,010 Apple Inc 11/30/22 11/13/27 477,731 500,000 4.00%466,650 Amazon Inc 12/22/22 8/22/27 477,929 500,000 3.15%469,835 December 2022 - Investment Report Page 2 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TREASURER'S QUARTERLY CASH and INVESTMENT REPORT SCHEDULE OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS As of December 31, 2022 Investments (continued)Purchase Date Maturity Date Original Cost Par Value Interest Rate Estimated Market Value Berkshire Hathaway 12/23/22 3/15/26 486,454 500,000 4.03%479,130 Sub-Total 6,189,989$ 6,330,000$ 5,961,788$ CAMBRIDGE CASH HELD FOR INVESTMENTS 44,204$ 44,204$ Varies 44,204$ TOTAL INVESTMENTS 65,105,485$ 65,246,521$ 64,732,996$ Market values are provided by statements from issuers Cash and Investments by Type Par Value % of Invested Cash BANK ACCOUNTS - non-invested & FISCAL AGENT 7,639,076$ LAIF 49,973,317$ 77%Not restricted CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 3,704,000 6%No more than 30% of Portfolio U.S. TREASURY/AGENCY SECURITIES 5,195,000 8%No more than 70% of Portfolio CORPORATE BONDS 6,330,000 10%No more than 25% of Portfolio CANTELLA & CO., INC.44,204 0% Total Investments 65,246,521$ 100% Total - Cash and Investments 72,885,597$ Cash and Investments by Agency Accts Par Value % of Total Cash CITY 71,441,772$ 98% Successor Agency 1,135,189 2% Housing Development Corporation 308,637 0% Total Investments 72,885,597$ 100% Pie Charts Reflecting Data Policy Restrictions by Investment Type LAIF 76% CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT6% U.S. TREASURY/AGENCY SECURITIES8% CORPORATE BONDS10% CAMBRIDGE0% LAIF 86% 1 Yr4%2 Yr4%3 Yr6% Investments by Category Investments by Maturity December 2022 - Investment Report Page 3 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TREASURER'S QUARTERLY CASH and INVESTMENT REPORT SCHEDULE OF CASH AND INVESTMENTS As of December 31, 2022 Comparative Data 1.98% 1.29% 0.69% 0.29% 0.21% 0.22% 0.31% 0.41% Policy Compliance Bryan Chua, Finance Director/City Treasurer Quarter End Invested Cash (excl non-invested) Average Quarterly LAIF Effective Yields Dec 2022 65,246,521 Sep 2022 66,247,116 Jun 2022 68,101,330 Mar 2022 55,528,974 Mar 2021 31,970,198 This is to certify that the above report accurately reflects all City investments and is in conformity with the City's 2022-23 Investment Policy as approved by the City Council on June 14, 2022.A copy of the Policy may be found on the City's webpage at www.cityofrosemead.org or at the City Clerks Office.The cash and investments shown,along with anticipated revenues,provide sufficient cash flow liquidity to meet the next six month's estimated expenditures pending any unforeseen catastrophic events. Dec 2021 51,976,131 Sep 2021 49,512,983 Jun 2021 51,754,478 December 2022 - Investment Report Page 4