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RFP No. 2023-02 Addendum No. 3 (Combined)
ADDENDUM NO. 3 To all prospective Contractors under Request For Proposal No. 2023-02
1. Bid Cost Forms Update
The Bid Cost Forms excel file has been revised as follows: Additions:
• One (1) FGT Room Kitchenette & One (1) South restroom at Garvey Center
• One (1) Kitchen at RCRC Removal:
• Garvey Park Maintenance Room – The sheet related to this location has been removed
and the scope of work for this RFP should no longer include services to the building. Do not consider this location when calculating for consumables. Updated language:
• Low Surfacing Cleaning at Garvey Park Gym is described as including “Gym Perimeter (Interior)” rather than “Staff Office”
The updated Bid Cost Forms – Revised 02.16.23 (Attachment A) must be utilized and submitted with your firm’s proposal. 2. RFP Revisions The RFP document has been revised as follows: Section C.1 Table 1 of the RFP document is hereby revised to remove the Garvey Park
Maintenance Room, the revision to Table 1 is shown in strikethrough text:
Table 1
Facility Total Square Feet (Approximate)1
Cleanings Per Week Map Reference # City Hall 18,000 5 Days/Week (M-Th, Sun) 3
Rosemead Community Recreation Center 18,000 7 Days/Week (M-Su) 4
Garvey Community Center 20,000 7 Days/Week (M-Su) 8
Garvey Park 5
Garvey Park Recreation 3,500 5 Days/Week (M-F) 5
City of Rosemead
8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218
Garvey Park Maintenance Room See Note 2 2 Days/Week (M and W) 5
Garvey Park Restroom See Note 2 7 Days/Week (M-Su) 5
Gymnasium 5,700 7 Days/Week (M-Su) 5
Snack Bar Building – Restrooms See Note 2 7 Days/Week (M-Su, year round 5
Splash Zone – Pool Facility See Note 2 7 Days/Week (M-Su) (May through Sept) 5
Rosemead Park 2
Recreation Building/Preschool/Restroom 3,500 2 Days/Week 2
Snack Bar Building - Restrooms See Note 2 7 Days/Week (M-Su) 2
Rosemead Aquatic Center 5,700 6 Days/Week (M-Sa) Consider adding restroom 2
Rosemead Park Staff Restroom See Note 2 1 Day/Week 2
Public Safety Center 4,000 7 Days/Week (M-Su) 7
Sally Tanner Park See Note 2 7 Days/Week (M-Su) 1
Zapopan Park See Note 2 7 Days/Week (M-Su) 6
Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex See Note 2 7 Days/Week (M-Su) 10
Public Works Yard 3400 3 Days/Week (Tu, Th, Su) 9
1. Contractor acknowledges that square footage approximations above are estimates and that it is the responsibility of the Contractor to verify square footage noted for each location.
2. Square footage shall be determined by the Contractor during the mandatory pre-bid meeting and facility walkthrough.
Section C.3 of the RFP document is hereby revised as follows, revisions are shown in strikethrough text and updates are noted in bold red text:
3. CONSUMABLE PRODUCT COST Required as part of this proposal is a cost for all consumable items for cleaning and
restocking. The City elects to include the provision of these consumable items in the contract with the chosen company. Prices should be considered carefully to ensure that adequate funding will be included in the Contractors proposed costs. a. Consumable products to include:
• Deodorized Urinal Screens • Germicidal detergent • Glass/mirror cleaner • Stainless steel cleaner
• Urinal Cartridges for Waterless Urinals • Hand Soap • Paper Towels
• Toilet Paper • Toilet Seat Covers
• Trash liners • Floor Treatments (Full Court Products used shall be appropriate to each floor type to not damage or cause stains to surface materials) 3. Questions and Answers Question: What is the process for emptying waste into the organic waste carts? Is the contractor responsible for sorting the waste to ensure other trash is not in here? Answer: The City staff will be responsible for depositing their waste into the appropriate receptacle compartments. The Janitorial Service provider will not be responsible for sorting through the waste to ensure there is no contamination but should however keep the bags of waste separated to deposit all collected
waste into their respective exterior cart or bin (blue is for trash, brown is for food waste, and white is for recycling) at facility exterior enclosures. Plastic bags shall not be deposited into the exterior bins, collected recyclable materials should be deposited into bins loosely.
Question: Can we get a break down of the approximate square footage of carpet vs. hard surface flooring for each facility? Answer: The information is unavailable. Approximate square footage of carpet and hard
surface areas shall be determined by Contractor based on walkthrough. Question: I would like clarification of what consumables the contractor is responsible for providing under this contract. On page 7 of the RFP it indicates that the City
would like a cost for the products noted on page 8. Does that mean that you are only asking for a cost or is this going to be a requirement for the contractor to provide the supplies noted? Answer: The Contractor is required to provide at its expense, all labor, materials,
equipment, tools, services and special skills. All consumables for janitorial services are expected to be provided by the Contractor. Please refer to the RFP Revisions within this Addendum for an updated list of consumables required for this contract.
Question: Are we to include the consumables as part of the cost for each building/area or are you asking for one total cost for all consumables for all buildings where it says First Year Consumables, Second Year Consumables, etc.? Answer: The cost for consumables that is requested on the Bid Cost Forms should include the total annual cost for all facilities for the First Year of service. You may also choose to include an annual CPI increase percentage which will calculate the total cost for consumables for the second and third years of the
Question: On the bid cost forms under the “Final Worksheet”, it indicates that the city would like a price for consumables. Cleaning products is noted on here but
cleaning products should already be included under the cost for each facility, as this is part of the materials needed to clean the buildings. Can you clarify whether you want cleaning products included with the cost for each facility or as a separate cost under consumables?
Answer: Cost of cleaning products should be included within the cost for consumables. Each individual facility cost sheet should only include costs related to labor. Question: On the Final Worksheet, under price for consumables, it indicates that the city
would like a price for consumables at all city facilities and it notes trash liners. However, trash liners are not indicated under page 8 of the RFP as a required product. Is the contractor responsible for providing the trash liners under this contract or are you only asking for the cost if we were to provide them?
Answer: It is the Contractor’s responsibility to provide trash liners. Please refer to the RFP Revisions within this Addendum for an updated list of consumables required for this contract.
Question: On page 8 of the RFP, it indicates that the city is requesting a cost for Full Court Floor Treatment. Can you please clarify what this is referring to (is it the gym at Garvey Park)? Answer: Full Court Floor Treatment (Floor Cleaner) was the preferred wood floor cleaning solution. Please refer to the RFP Revisions within this Addendum for an updated list of consumables required for this contract. Question: What are the requirements to clean the gymnasium floor at Garvey Park? Answer: The Gymnasium floor at Garvey Park is not included in the scope of work. The only floors to be cleaned at the gym facility are the restroom floors. Question: What buildings are included in the current contract? What is the current annual contract price? Answer: Please refer to Attachment B for the current contract and scope of work.
Question: What is the current cost of consumables for each building under this contract? What is currently being provided by the city and what is currently being provided by the contractor? Answer: Please refer to Attachment B for the current contract and scope of work. The Contractor is required to provide at its expense, all labor, materials, equipment, tools, services, and special skills. Consumables are expected to be provided by the Contractor. The City does not provide any materials or supplies related to
the janitorial services contract.
Question: We noticed that one vendor did not participate in the mandatory pre-bid meeting but was allowed to participate in the walk. Is this company going to
be allowed to submit a bid if they failed to attend the mandatory pre-bid meeting? Answer: As stated on page 14 Section J of the RFP: Attendance at this meeting and
walkthrough is MANDATORY for those wishing to submit proposals. Failure to attend the pre-bid meeting and walkthrough shall result in the disqualification from the RFP process. Prospective bidders who expressed interest in submitting a proposal but failed to be at the pre-bid meeting and/or walkthrough are disqualified from the process and have been notified.
Question: Where was the Bid Walkthrough Schedule posted? Answer: The Bid Walkthrough Schedule was included as Attachment A to Addendum
No.2. Question: Who is the current contractor? Answer: Base Hill is the current janitorial services provider for the City.
Question: What is the current monthly charge of the current contractor? Answer: The current monthly charge for janitorial services ranges between $17,000 and
$20,000. The higher cost range is reflective of when periodic cleanings are performed. Question: Term of the current contract. Answer: The current contract term is from April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2023. The First Amendment to the original agreement granted a two-year extension. Question: What is the square footage of each location be serviced? Some of the locations
says SEE NOTE 2 but I can't find the note. Where can we find that, pls advise. Answer: Note 2 is shown at the bottom of Table 1 of the RFP. Each Contractor was expected to determine square footage during the mandatory facility walkthrough.
Question: Is there additional facility or scope of work added from the previous contract? Answer: Yes, there are some changes to the facilities and scope of work from the
previous contract. There is also a reduction in service due to the City no longer requesting to have additional Extra Covid Disinfecting Services performed at various facilities. Question: Will the awarded contractor provide the paper products/toiletries for this project? If yes, what are the consumables, toiletries, chemicals and supplies for this project and its monthly consumables value.
Answer: Yes, the selected Contractor is expected to provide the consumables. Please
refer to the RFP Revisions within this Addendum for an updated list of consumables required for this contract. Refer to Attachment B of the RFP document for the product specifications. If a particular product type is not specified the Contractor may choose the product, however, the City reserves
the right to approve the use of any product. Question: What is the square footage for some locations that are blank on the addendum 2? Answer: For facilities that did not have square footage identified the Contractor was to determine the approximate square footage during the mandatory facility walkthrough as indicated in “Note 2” at the bottom of Table 1 within the RFP. Question: What is the TIME & DAY cleaning schedule for each location? Answer: Working hours shall vary by location and cleaning shall not be scheduled earlier than thirty (30) minutes after the end of normal business day as posted for each facility. Refer to the facility descriptions for the business hours of each
facility. The Public Works Yard facility has business hours between 5:00 AM to 6:00 PM from Monday to Sunday. Additionally, the City Hall Council Chambers hosts public meetings that can run from 7:00 PM to 12:00 AM.
4. Acknowledgement of Addendum No. 3 Each proposer shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum in their submitted proposal. Failure to provide such acknowledgement shall render the proposal as non-responsive and subject to rejection.
If you have already submitted a response, this addendum will invalidate your response and you must submit a new response before the due date specified. Except for the changes noted above, all other requirements and provisions of the originally issued Request for Proposal shall remain in effect. _____________________________ Michael Chung, PE Director of Public Works
Issued February 16, 2023
_____________________________ _____________________________ Bidder’s Signature Company Attachment A: Bid Cost Forms – Revised 02.16.23
Attachment B: Janitorial Services Contract – Base Hill
This FIRST AMENDMENT ("Amendment") is made and entered into this ' *` %day
of , 20L ("Effective Date"), by and between the City of Rosemead, a
municipal organization, organized under the laws of the State of California with its
principal place of business at 8838 East Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770 ("City")
and Jan Point with its principal place of business at 11823 E. Slauson Avenue, Suite 3,
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 ("Contractor"). City and Contractor are sometimes
individually referred to herein as "Party' and collectively as "Parties."
WHEREAS, City and Contractor entered into an agreement on April 1. 2018, for
Janitorial Services (the "Agreement"); and
WHEREAS, this Agreement is set to expire on March 31. 2021: and
WHEREAS, the City and the Contractor may mutually agree to extend the term of
this Agreement for up to two additional years.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 3.1.1 "General Scope of Services" shall be amended to read:
Consultant promises and agrees to furnish to the City all labor, materials, tools,
equipment, services, and incidental and customary work necessary to fully and
adequately supply the professional consulting services necessary for the Project
Services") and additional COVID-19 cleaning and disinfecting services. The
Services are more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and
incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to, and performed
in accordance with, this Agreement, the exhibits attached hereto and incorporated
herein by reference, and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and
SECTION 2. Section 3.1.2'Temt" shall be amended to read:
3. 1. 2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from April 1, 2018 to March 31,
2023, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Consultant shall complete the
Services within the term of this Agreement, and shall meet any other established
schedules and deadlines. The Parties may, by mutual, written consent, extend the
term of this agreement if necessary to complete the Services.
SECTION 2. Section 3.3.1 "Compensation" shall be amended to read:
3. 3. 1 Compensation. Consultant shall receive compensation, including authorized
reimbursements, for all Services rendered under this Agreement at the rates set
forth in the Letter of Extension dated March 18, 2021, attached hereto and
incorporated herein by reference. The total annual compensation for general scope
of services shall not exceed two hundred twenty thousand one hundred thirty-seven
dollars ($220,137) and additional COVID-19 cleaning and disinfecting services shall
hot exceed a total annual compensation of fifty-four thousand eight hundred sixty-
one dollars ($54,816). Extra Work may be authorized, as described below, and if
authorized, will be compensated at the rates and manner set forth in this
SECTION 3. All other terms, condition, and provisions of the Original Agreement not in
conflict with this Addendum, shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Addendum and hereafter
the same shall be in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Contractor have caused this Agreement to be executed
by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year first above written.
Gloria Molleda, City Manager
Ericka Hernandez, C661erk
Jan Point
Name: &Zkl
Title: 1y'e5C j-e'n
If Corporation, TWO SIGNATURES,
President OR Vice President AND
Rachel Richman, City Attorney
Name: T1- L,%TV VA%j
Tale: \&LF_ QRESS f)B
This Agreement is made and entered into this 15r day of April, 2018 by and between
the City of Rosemead, a municipal organization organized under the laws of the State of
California with its principal place of business at 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead,
California 91770 ("City") and Jan Point with its principal place of business at 3807 Wilshire
Boulevard, Suite 800, Los Angeles, CA 90010 ("Consultant"). City and Consultant are
sometimes individually referred to herein as "Party" and collectively as "Parties."
2.1 Consultant.
Consultant desires to perform and assume responsibilityforthe provision of certain
professional services required by the City on the terms and conditions set forth in this
Agreement. Consultant represents that it is experienced in providing janitorial services
to public clients, is licensed in the State of California and is familiar with the plans of the
2.2 Project.
City desires to engage Consultant to render such janitorial services for the
Janitorial Services for Various City Facilities ("Project") as set forth in this Agreement.
3.1 Scope of Services and Term.
3.1.1 General Scope of Services. Consultant promises and agrees to
furnish to the City all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidental and
customary work necessary to fully and adequately supply the professional consulting
services necessary for the Project ("Services"). The Services are more particularly
described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All
Services shall be subject to, and performed in accordance with, this Agreement, the
exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and all applicable local,
state and federal laws, rules and regulations.
3.1.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from April 1, 2018 to
March 31, 2021, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. The City shall maintain the
option, at its discretion, to extend the contract for two (2) additional one-year periods.
Consultant shall complete the Services within the term of this Agreement, and shall meet
any other established schedules and deadlines. The Parties may, by mutual, written
consent, extend the term of this agreement if necessary to complete the Services.
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3.2 Responsibilities of Consultant.
3.2.1 Control and Payment of Subordinates; Independent Contractor. The
Services shall be performed by Consultant or under its supervision. Consultant will
determine the means, methods and details of performing the Services subject to the
requirements of this Agreement. City retains Consultant on an independent contractor
basis and not as an employee. Consultant retains the right to perform similar or different
services for others during the term of this Agreement. Any additional personnel
performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall also not be
employees of City and shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and
control. Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel
in connection with their performance of Services under this Agreement and as required
by law. Consultant shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such
additional personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax
withholding, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and workers' compensation
3.2.2 Schedule of Services. Consultant shall perform the Services
expeditiously, within the term of this Agreement, and in accordance with the Scope of
Services set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Consultant represents that it has the professional and technical personnel required to
perform the Services in conformance with such conditions. In order to facilitate
Consultant's conformance with the Schedule, City shall respond to Consultant's
submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of City, Consultant shall provide a more
detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services.
3.2.3 Conformance to Applicable Requirements. All work prepared by
Consultant shall be subject to the approval of City.
3.2.4 Substitution of Key Personnel. Consultant has represented to City
that certain key personnel will perform and coordinate the Services under this Agreement.
Should one or more of such personnel become unavailable, Consultant may substitute
other personnel of at least equal competence upon written approval of City. In the event
that City and Consultant cannot agree as to the substitution of key personnel, City shall
be entitled to terminate this Agreement for cause. As discussed below, any personnel
who fail or refuse to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, or who are
determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or
timely completion of the Project or a threat to the safety of persons or property, shall be
promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant at the request of the City. The key
personnel for performance of this Agreement are as follows; Sunny. Kim.
3.2.5 City's Representative. The City hereby designates the Director of
Public Works, or his or her designee, to act as its representative for the performance of
this Agreement ("City's Representative"). City's Representative shall have the power to
act on behalf of the City for all purposes under this Contract. Consultant shall not accept
direction or orders from any person other than the City's Representative or his or her
Jan Point— Janitorial Services
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3.2.6 Consultant's Representative. Consultant hereby designates Sunny
Kim, or his designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement
Consultant's Representative"). Consultant's Representative shall have full authority to
represent and act on behalf of the Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The
Consultant's Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his/her best
skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques,
sequences and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the
Services under this Agreement.
3.2.7 Coordination of Services. Consultant agrees to work closely with
City staff in the performance of Services and shall be available to City's staff, consultants
and other staff at all reasonable times.
3.2.8 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees. Consultant shall
perform all Services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner, consistent
with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same
discipline in the State of California. Consultant represents and maintains that it is skilled
in the professional calling necessary to perform the Services. Consultant warrants that
all employees and subcontractors shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform the
Services assigned to them. Finally, Consultant represents that it, its employees and
subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatever nature
that are legally required to perform the Services, including a City Business license, and
that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of this
Agreement. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Agreement,
Consultant shall perform, at its own cost and expense and without reimbursement from
the City, any services necessary to correct errors or omissions which are caused by theConsultant's failure to comply with the standard of care provided for herein. Any
employee of the Consultant or its sub -consultants who is determined by the City to be
uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the Project,
a threat to the safety of persons or property, or any employee who fails or refuses to
perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, shall be promptly removed from
the Project by the Consultant and shall not be re-employed to perform any of the Services
or to work on the Project.
3.2.9 Laws and Regulations. Consultant shall keep itself fully informed of
and in compliance with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations in any
manner affecting the performance of the Project or the Services, including all Cal/OSHA
requirements, and shall give all notices required by law. Consultant shall be liable for all
violations of such laws and regulations in connection with Services. If the Consultant
performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, rules and regulations and
without giving written notice to the City, Consultant shall be solely responsible for all costs
arising therefrom. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold City, its officials, directors,
officers, employees and agents free and harmless, pursuant to the indemnification
provisions of this Agreement, from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged
failure to comply with such laws, rules or regulations.
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3.2.10 Insurance. Time for Compliance. Consultant shall maintain prior
to the beginning of and for the direction of this Agreement insurance coverage as
specified in Exhibit C attached to and part of this agreement.
3.2.11 Safety. Contractor shall execute and maintain its work so as
to avoid injury or damage to any person or property. In carrying out its Services, the
Contractor shall at all times be in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal
laws, rules and regulations, and shall exercise all necessary precautions for the safety of
employees appropriate to the nature of the work and the conditions under which the work
is to be performed. Safety precautions as applicable shall include, but shall not be limited
to: (A) adequate fife protection and lifesaving equipment and procedures; (B) instructions
in accident prevention for all employees and subcontractors, such as safe walkways,
scaffolds, fall protection ladders, bridges, gang planks, confined space procedures,
trenching and shoring, equipment and other safety devices, equipment and wearing
apparel as are necessary or lawfully required to prevent accidents or injuries; and (C)
adequate facilities for the proper inspection and maintenance of all safety measures.
3.3 Fees and Payments.
3.3.1 Compensation. Consultant shall receive compensation, including
authorized reimbursements, for all Services rendered under this Agreement at the rates
set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The total
compensation shall not exceed one hundred ninety-eight thousand six hundred and
twelve dollars ($198,612) in Year 1 (April 1, 2018 — March 31, 2019), two hundred and
five thousand five hundred and thirty-five dollars ($205,535) in Year 2 (April 1, 2019 —
March 31, 2020), and two hundred and twelve thousand seven hundred seven dollars
212,707) in Year 3 (April 1, 2020 — March 31, 2021. Extra Work may be authorized, as
described below, and if authorized, will be compensated at the rates and manner set forth
in this Agreement.
3.3.2 Payment of Compensation. Consultant shall submit to City a monthly
itemized statement which indicates work completed and hours of Services rendered by
Consultant. The statement shall describe the amount of Services and supplies provide
since the initial commencement date, or since the start of the subsequent billing periods,
ass appropriate, through the date of the statement. City shall, within 45 days of receiving
such statement, review the statement and pay all approved charges thereon.
3.3.3 Reimbursement for Expenses. Consultant shall not be reimbursed
for any expenses unless authorized in writing by City.
3,3.4 Extra Work. At any time during the term of this Agreement, City may
request that Consultant perform Extra Work. As used herein, "Extra Work" means any
work which is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project,
but which the parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution
of this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work
without written authorization from City's Representative.
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3.3.5 Prevailing Wages. Consultant is aware of the requirements of
California Labor Code Section 1720, et seq., and 1770, et seq., as well as California Code
of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1600, et seq., ("Prevailing Wage Laws"), which require the
payment of prevailing wage rates and the performance of other requirements on "public
works" and "maintenance" projects. If the Services are being performed as part of an
applicable "public works" or "maintenance" project, as defined by the Prevailing Wage
Laws, and if the total compensation is $1,000 or more, Consultant agrees to fully comply
with such Prevailing Wage Laws. City shall provide Consultant with a copy of the
prevailing rates of per diem wages in effect at the commencement of this Agreement.
Consultant shall make copies of the prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft,
classification or type of worker needed to execute the Services available to interested
parties upon request, and shall post copies at the Consultant's principal place of business
and at the project site. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its elected
officials, officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any claim or liability
arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws.
3.4 Accounting Records.
3.4.1 Maintenance and Inspection. Consultant shall maintain complete
and accurate records with respect to all costs and expenses incurred under this
Agreement. All such records shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a
representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make
transcripts or copies of such records and any other documents created pursuant to this
Agreement. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings,
and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final
payment under this Agreement.
3.5 General Provisions.
3.5.1 Termination of Agreement. Grounds for Termination. City may, by written notice
to Consultant, terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement at any time and without
cause by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the
effective date thereof, at seven (7) days before the effective date of such termination.
Upon termination, Consultant shall be compensated for all direct service hours on work-
in -progress for those services which have been adequately rendered to City; however, in
no event shall the City be obligated to pay more than the total amount of the Contract.
Consultant may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is terminated
as provided herein, City may require Consultant to provide all finished or unfinished
Documents and Data and other information of any kind prepared by Consultant in
connection with the performance of Services under this Agreement. Consultant shall be
required to provide such document and other information within fifteen (15) days of the
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terminated in whole or in part as provided herein, City may procure, upon such terms and
in such manner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated.
3.5.2 Delivery of Notices. All notices permitted or required under this
Agreement shall be given to the respective parties at the following address, or at such
other address as the respective parties may provide in writing for this purpose:
Jan Point
11823 E. Slauson Avenue, Suite 3
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Attn: Sunny Kim, President
Phone: (213) 425-3070
City of Rosemead
P.O. Box 399
Rosemead, CA 91770
Attn: Director of Public Works
Phone: (626) 569-2158
Such notice shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed,
forty-eight (48) hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid and
addressed to the party at its applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate
notice on the date actual notice occurred, regardless of the method of service.
3.5.3 Ownership of Materials and Confidentiality. Documents & Data; Licensing of Intellectual Property.
This Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use,
modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, and other intellectual
property embodied in plans, specifications, studies, drawings, estimates, and other
documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including
but not limited to, physical drawings or data magnetically or otherwise recorded on
computer diskettes, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under
this Agreement ("Documents & Data"), Consultant shall require all subcontractors to
agree in writing that City is granted a non-exclusive and perpetual license for any
Documents & Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant
represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any and all
Documents & Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to
Documents & Data which were prepared by design professionals other than Consultant
or provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the
Documents and Data at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes
intended by this Agreement shall be at City's sole risk.
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Page 7 of 10 Confidentiality. All ideas, memoranda, specifications,
plans, procedures, drawings, descriptions, computer program data, input record data,
written information, and other Documents and Data either created by or provided to
Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be held
confidential by Consultant. Such materials shall not, without the prior written consent of
City, be used by Consultant for any purposes other than the performance of the Services.
Nor shall such materials be disclosed to any person or entity not connected with the
performance of the Services or the Project. Nothing furnished to Consultant which is
otherwise known to Consultant or is generally known, or has become known, to the
related industry shall be deemed confidential. Consultant shall not use City's name or
insignia, photographs of the Project, or any publicity pertaining to the Services or the
Project in any magazine, trade paper, newspaper, television or radio production or other
similar medium without the prior written consent of City.
3.5.4 Cooperation; Further Acts. The Parties shall fully cooperate with one
another, and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be
necessary, appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement.
3.5.5 Attorney's Fees. If either party commences an action against the
other party, either legal, administrative or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with
this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and recover
from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees and all other costs of such action.
3.5.6 Indemnification. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the
City, its officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents free and harmless from any
and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage or
injury, in law or equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, in any manner
arising out of or incident to any alleged acts, omissions or willful misconduct of Consultant,
its officials, officers, employees, agents, consultants and contractors arising out of or in
connection with the performance of the Services, the Project or this Agreement, including
without limitation the payment of all consequential damages and attorney's fees and other
related costs and expenses. Consultant shall defend, at Consultant's own cost, expense
and risk, any and all such aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind
that may be brought or instituted against City, its directors, officials, officers, employees,
agents or volunteers. Consultant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree
that may be rendered against City or its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or
volunteers, in any such suit, action or other legal proceeding. Consultant shall reimburse
City and its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, for any andalllegalexpensesandcostsincurredbyeachoftheminconnectiontherewithorin
enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be
restricted to insurance proceeds, if any, received by the City, its directors, official officers,
employees, agents or volunteers
3.5.7 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement
of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior
negotiations, understandings or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by
a writing signed by both parties.
Jan Point — Janitorial Services
Page 8 of 10
3.5.8 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of
the State of California. Venue shall be in Los Angeles County.
3.5.9 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence for each and every
provision of this Agreement.
3.5.10 City's Right to Employ Other Consultants. City reserves right to
employ other consultants in connection with this Project.
3.5.11 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on the
successors and assigns of the parties.
3.5.12 Assignment or Transfer. Consultant shall not assign, hypothecate,
or transfer, either directly or by operation of law, this Agreement or any interest herein
without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void,
and any assignees, hypothecates or transferees shall acquire no right or interest by
reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or transfer.
3.5.13 Construction; References; Captions. Since the Parties or their
agents have participated fully In the preparation of this Agreement, the language of this
Agreement shall be construed simply, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or
against any Party. Any term referencing time, days or period for performance shall be
deemed calendar days and not work days. All references to Consultant include all
personnel, employees, agents, and subcontractors of Consultant, except as otherwise
specified in this Agreement. All references to City include its elected officials, officers,
employees, agents, and volunteers except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. The
captions of the various articles and paragraphs are for convenience and ease of reference
only, and do not define, limit, augment, or describe the scope, content, or intent of this
3.5.14 Amendment; Modification. No supplement, modification, or
amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by
both Parties.
3.5.15 Waiver. No waiver of any default shall constitute a waiver of any
other default or breach, whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver,
benefit, privilege, or service voluntarily given or performed by a Party shall give the other
Party any contractual rights by custom, estoppel, or otherwise.
3.5.16 No Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third party
beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties.
3.5.17 Invalidity; Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is declared
invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the
remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
Jan Point - -Janitorial Services
Page 9 of 10
3.5.18 Prohibited Interests. Consultant maintains and warrants that it has
not employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee
working solely for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, Consultant
warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than
a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage,
brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or
making of this Agreement. Consultant further agrees to file, or shall cause its employees
or sub -consultants to file, a Statement of Economic Interest with the City's Filing Officer
as required under state law in the performance of the Services. For breach or violation
of this warranty, City shall have the right to rescind this Agreement without liability. For
the term of this Agreement, no member, officer or employee of City, during the term of his
or her service with City, shall have any direct interest in this Agreement, or obtain any
present or anticipated material benefit arising therefrom.
3.5.19 Equal Opportunity Employment. Consultant represents that it is an
equal opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor,
employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin,
handicap, ancestry, sex or age. Such non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited
to, all activities related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment
or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination. Consultant shall also comply with all
relevant provisions of City's Minority Business Enterprise program, Affirmative Action
Plan or other related programs or guidelines currently in effect or hereinafter enacted.
3.5.20 Labor Certification. By its signature hereunder, Consultant certifies
that it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which
require every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or toundertakeself-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and agrees to
comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Services.
3.5.21 Authority to Enter Agreement. Consultant has all requisite power and
authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement.
Each Party warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal
power, right, and authority to make this Agreement and bind each respective Party.
3.5.22 Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each
of which shall constitute an original.
3.6 Subcontracting.
3.6.1 Prior Approval Required. Consultant shall not subcontract any
portion of the work required by this Agreement, except as expressly stated herein, without
prior written approval of City. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them
subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement.
Jan Point — Janitorial Services
Page 10 of 10
By A 16 4b
oris Molleda
City Manager
Ericka Hernan ez
Acting City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
4 r -
Name: ] r t Vt / iiy
Title: ,lF r r'r
If Corporation, TWO SIGNATURES,
President or Vice President AND Secretary,
2; '
Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP
City Attorney Titl
V1(F \)wyvwj
Response to Solicitation for Janitorial Services for
Various City Facilities
City of Rosemead
RFP NO: 2018-04
Presented to:
Pat Piatt
Senior Management Analyst
City of Rosemead
Presented by:
Sunny Kim
President/Project Manager
an Point
Base Hill, Inc. dba Jan Point
Facility Services Corporation
11823 E. Slanson Ave. Suite 3, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
March 7.2018
Pat Platt
City of Rosemead
8838 E Valley Blvd.
Rosemead, CA 91770
Dear Mr. Piatt:
Thank you for allowing us to present our formal proposal submitted on behalfof Jan
Point Facility Services Corporation in response to the city of Rosemead's RFP for
Janitorial Service at Various City Facilities.
We hereby state that no exceptions are taken to any specifications requirements or
contract terms and conditions of RFP No. 2018-04.
Please note a notarized Non -Collusion affidavit, Perfomanee Bond affidavit will be
provided ifwe are to be chosen as your vendor ofchoice.
We are committed to providing our clients with the highest standards of quality of
service. We strive to exceed expectations through our integrity and ethical values and
commitment to client satisfaction.
All of us at Jan Point are committed to the execution and success ofthis proposal if Jan
Point is selected as your vendor of choice.
Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you should have any question and/or
concerns regarding the attached proposal.
In closing, I would like to thank you again for your time and consideration.
Sunny Knn
Table of Contents
1. Company Overview............................................................... 4
2. Section 1 -Bid Schedule.......................................................... 5
3. Section 2 -Bid Data Forms ................................................... 25
For over 15 years Jan point has been providing outstanding building and property
maintenance services for private properties, commercial facilities, federal, and local
governments. The properties we maintain range from large high-rise buildings to smaller
private office spaces. Our highly skilled workforce services approximately 2 million
square feet every year.
Jan Point is an 8(a)certified company with many years ofmanagement and operation
experience, our management team and our company has continued to grow both in size
and reputation. We take particular pride in our ability to exceed the highest expectations
of our clients.
Mission Statement
Jail Point is dedicated to the highest ideal of customer satisfaction by providing an
outstanding service product to not only meet, but exceed our client's expectation of a
clean and healthy work enviromnent.
Vision Statement
We are constantly working to establish ourselves as the most respected and sought-after
cleaning company. We seek to build a parmership philosophy based on solid and trusting
relationships with our clients.
Respect - we hold our clients and employees in the highest regard. We value our
employees as our most important client so they will treat each company they
service as their most important customer.
Ilttegrity - the foundation and philosophy our company is built upon.
Responsibility - your satisfaction is out satisfaction. We strive for openness and
do what we say we will do.
The contractor agrees that for requested and/or required changes in the scope of
work, including additions and deletions on work not performed, the contract sum shall
be adjusted in accordance with the following unit prices.
II. Contractor is advised that the submitted unit prices will be used as one of the
determining factors in the contract award, Unreasonable prices may result in rejection
of the entire bid proposal. Unit prices listed below refer to all services provided,
including but not limited to, materials, labor, overhead, and profit for the contractor.
Ill. The unit price quoted by the contractor shall be those unit prices that will be charged
or credited for labor and materials to be provided regardless of the total number units
and/or amount of labor required for added or deleted items of work.
IV. All work shall be performed In accordance with specifications or otherwise herein
specified. Workmanship shall be in accord with the best standard practices.
Note: The City of Rosemead reserves the right to reduce or increase the quantities of any items
in the schedule of bid items above, within the limits define in Section 3-2.2.1 of the Standard
Specifications, to stay within the budgeted amount of this project.
The undersigned agrees that these Contract Bid Forms constitute a firm offer to the Owner which
cannot be withdrawn for the number ofWorking Days indicated in the Request for Proposals from
and after the Nd opening date, or until a Contract for the Work is fully executed by the Owner and
a third party, whichever is earlier. The undersigned also agrees that if there is a discrepancybetweenthewrittenamountoftheBidPriceandthenumericalamountoftheBidPrice, the written
amount shall govem.
If awarded a Contract, the undersigned agrees to execute the formal Contract, which will be
prepared by the Owner for execution, within five (5) Calendar Days following the Letter of AwardfortheContract, and will deliver to the Owner within that same period the necessary original
Certificates of Insurance, Endorsements of Insurance, Performance Bond, and all other
documentation and certification required by the Contract.
The undersigned offers and agrees that if this bid Is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body
all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 ofthe ClaytonAct (15 U.S.C. Section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 7 of the
Business and Professional Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials or services by the
Bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and
become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to the Contractor.
Bidder understands and agrees that, when requested by Owner, he shall provide: (1) evidence
that the person signing this Bid is authorized to bind Bidder to this Bid and to a contract resultingtherefrom; and (2) any other information and documentation, financial or otherwise, needed by
Owner to award a Contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder.
Bidder acknowledges that data submitted with its Contract Bid Forms which it requires to be
incorporated into a Contract arising out of this Submittal has been so identified by Bidder. Bidder
further acknowledges that the Owner may, at its discretion, incorporate any of the remaining data
submitted herewith into a contract arising out of this Bid.
The undersigned acknowledges receipt, understanding and full consideration of the following
addenda to the Contract Documents.
Addenda Nos. Addendum 1 and Addendum 2
The Bidder understands and agrees that the Total Bid Price is inclusive of all labor, materials, andequipmentorsuppliesnecessarytocompletetheWorkasdescribedintheBidDocumentsand
Request for Proposal. if this bld is accepted, the undersigned Bidder agrees to enter into and
execute the Contract with the necessary bonds and accept the Total Bid Price as compensation
in full for all Work under the contract.
Type or Print Name
Business Street Address
City, Slate and Zip Code
Telephone Number
BiddeeslContractoes State of Incorporation: CALIFORNIA
Partners or Joint Venturers: NONE
1) By its signature on this Bid, the Bidder certifies under penalty of perjury the accuracy of
the representations made on the Contract Bid Forms.
2) if Bidder is a corporation, enter State of Incorporation in addition to Business Address
3) if Bidder is a partnership or joint venture, give full names of all partners or joint
cAs further discussed to the Instructions to Bidders, Bidder will he
required to provide evidence that the person signing on behalf ofthe
orporation partnership orjoint venture has the authority to-do so.
I City Nall S 2o,24u.uU
2 RCRC 23,786.66
3 Garvey Center S 36,826.67
4 Garvey Gymnasium 7,420.00
5 less Gonzalez Sports Complex 1,090.67
6 Public Safety Center S 12,94733
7 Public Works Yard S 15,018.67
8 Splash Zone Daily
9 Rosemead Aquatic Center Daily
10 Garvey Park Recreation Office
I I Garvey Park Snack Bar Restroom
12 Rosemead Park Snack Bar Restroom
13 Rosemead Park RecreationBuilding/Preschool
14 Sally Tanner Park
15 Zapopan Park
The City understands that labor costs will increase in the upcoming years. Given that the contract would
be for a period of three years, please enter a proposed fee for the second and thud year ofthe contract
Annual Maintenance CPI 1 3.75'/.
Increase Total
Second Contract Year Total S 6,322.94 $ 174,934.60
Third Contract Year Total S 6,560.05 1 $ 181,494.65
The City would also like a price for consumables at gill City facilities (paper products, trash liners, hand
soap, cleaning products, etc.). Please provide an annual quote for the purchase, delivery, and restocking of
Annual Maintenance CP] I 2-GOT671
Increase Total
First Year Consumables I $ 30,000.00
Second Year Consumables $ 600.00 $ 30,600.00
Third Year Consumables $ 612.00 $ 31,212.011
Solid Waste
Hard Surfaced Floors
Low Surface Cleaning
Daily Cleaning: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdny,Thursday
A. B. D. F. G. Time per Hourly Ax E Weekly E. Weakly Weeks Annual Cost
activity Fee Services Cost Year
r..,_.,n T-1 c 161 e S In.67 it S 544.00
Lobby Women's 0.33333 s thtw S 5.33 4 21.33 51 S 1088.00
L Men'sLM 0.33333 faun S 5.33 4 S 21.33 51 S 1,088.DO
U South Side Women's 0.16667 S 16uo 2.67 4 S 10.67 51 S 544,OD
U tabs South Side Mdts 0.16667 S 76.00 2.67 4 S 10.67 51 544.00
Downstairs Women's Main 0.16667 mal 2.67
4 10.67 51 S 544.00
Downstairs Mares Main 0.16667 1600 4 S 10.67 51 S 544.00
Downstairs Women's Small 0.16667 S 1600 72,67 4 10.67 51 S 544.00
Downstairs Mat's Small 10,16667 S 1s.tar 1 S 2.67 4 10.67 51 544.00
Upstairs 0.25 S S 4.00 4 S
Annual Total
16.00 51
Downstahs 015 s 16.01 S 4.00 4 16.00 SI S 816.00
Recycling 0.08333 f Wil S 133 4 S
Annual Totall
533 51
Trash 015 IS S 4.00 4 S 16.00 51 S 816.00
LiDstairs I 0-333331S
16 au 5.33 4 S
Annual Total
21.3 3 51
1 088.00
Downstairs 0.16667 S 1600 f 2bT 4 S 70.67 51 544.00
Council Chambers (Bi -Weekly) 10.33333 1 S 16.001 533 0.5 2.67 51 S 136.0
U sits 0.25 16At1 S 4.D0 4 S
Annual Total
16.00 51
Downstairs 0.5 S 16.W S 8.00 4 f 32.00 51 1,632.DO
Upstairs 1 0.375S 76.00 S 6.00 4 S
Annual Tolall
24.00 51
Downstairs 0.375 s f 6.00 4 S 24.00 51 S 1,224.00
Spot Cleaning Doots/I'ixNres Full
I MAl1YM1VIR,r J a, -Wu t
1.33 4 S 5.33 51 S
Total A -G S 15,640.00
Periodic Cleaning
A. B. C. D. Services F
Time per Hourly Cost Per Performed Annual Cost
activity Fee Service Annually
Window Glass Cleaning 4 S 25.00 S 100.00 4 S 400.00
HipjI Window Glass Clealthig 4 S 30.00 S 120.00 2 240.00
iiiit Surface OWL Removal and Fixture Cleaning2 20.00 40.00 2 S 80.00
Ca Clean ing Shampooing 9 Swum 5900.00 2 S 1800.00
Ducting Vents Clcanft 2 S 20.00 S 40.00 1 S 40.OD
Restroom Deep Cleaning 2 S 20.00 1 S 40.00 51 S 2,040.00
Periodical Tafidsl S 4,60D.DO
Annual Cost of Daily Cleaning S 15,640.00
Annunl Cost of Periodic Cleaning S 4,600,00
Total Annual Cwt fm• Ctly Hall S 20,240.00
Daily CkaOingl Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
A, B. D. E. P.
Time per• Hourly C. Weekly Weekly Weeks
activity Fee
A s B Services Cost Year
A. Balhroorm
B. Kitchenettes
C. Solid Waste
D. Vacuuming
E. Bard Surfaced Floors
F. Law Surface Cleaning
O. Doors/Fixtures Spot Clean
Annuni Cost
Lobby Women's 0.:5 f 16.I1u 4.00 7 S LUK) w a lqw.uu
Lobby Melt's U26 I 5 16.01 S 4.00 7 28.00 50 S 141)0.00
Room 2 Men's o.ts S Ib.OU 4.00 7 S 28.00 50 1,41)(1-00
Rooth 2 Women's I o.ts I s 1600 S 4.1)D 7 S 28.00 50 S 1,400.DD
Staff Unisex Restroom I o.t66666 IS
S 10.00
1600 S 2.67 7 S 18.67 50 933.33
Periodical Totals S 2,320.00
Annual Talall S 6,533.331
n.z5 3 16.00 4.00 7 28.01) 50 1,400.00
Annual Totall S 1,400.09
OOe33311 S 16.aa S 1.33 7 9.33 50 S 466.67
T h o.zt s Iino S 4.00 7 s 28.00 50 S 1,400.00
Aenual Totnl S t,86f.67
0.5 S 16 Gal 56.00 50 S 2,900.00
AnnualTot94 2,800.00
t f ta.0o 516.00 7 112.00 50 S 5,600.00
Annual Total S 000.00
a5 i S 8.00 7 S 56.00 50 S 2,800.00
Anneal TOlal S DD
u0tiU37 S 16.00 1.33 7 9.33 50 466.67
r AM [
VratmlA-Gl S 21,466.66
Periodic Cleaning
A. B. C. Cost Services F. Annual
Time per Hourly Per Perforated Cost
activity Fee Service Annually
H. Hi 1 Surface Dust Removal mid Fixture Cleaning2 S 20.00 S 40.00 4 160.00
1. C t Cleans Sham otn 4 5100.00 S 401).00 1 S 400.00
3. Ducting Vents Gleaning 1 S20.00 S 20.00 1 S 20.00
K. H Window Glass Cleutm 2 S 30.00 S 60.00 4 S 240.00
L. Restroom DcEp Clearing 1 S 20.00 20.00 5D 1,000.00
M. Restroom Deep Cleaning 0.5 20.00 S 10.00 50 500.00
Periodical Totals S 2,320.00
Annual Cost of Daily Cleaning S 21,466.66
Annual Cost of Periodic Cleaning S 2,320.00
Total Annual Cost for RCRC S 23,786.66
Daily Cleaning; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Timrsdny, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
A. B. D. F. G.
Time per Hourly
C. Weekly E. Weekly Weeks Annual Cast
activity Fee A x B Services Cost Year
1. 1 c 'An I t sF nn 50 S 2.800.00
A. Bathrooms
B. Kitchen
C. Solid Waste
D. Vacuuming
E. Hard Surfaced Floors
F. Low Surface Cleaning
G. Doors/Fixfires Spot Clcen
wUpy epp,a,a
Lobb Men's as i600 S 8.00 7 S 56.00 50 S 2 800.00
Nora, Women's 0SJ 1600 S 8.00 7 S 56.00 50S 2,SDO.00
Nord) Meds aS liou 8.00 7 S 56.00 50 S 2,800.00
South Unisex o ifimS woo S 2.67 7 S 18.67 50 S 933.33
AmmalTetol S 12,133.93
O s S titxl S 0.00 7 56.00 50 S 2 800.00
Annual Totn] S 2,800.00
Rec lin uoD3s3S s li.a S 1.33 7 S 9.33 50 S 466.67
Trash o±s S I6.W S 4.00 7 S 28.00 SO S 1,40D.DO
Annual Total s 1066.67
HRIlway, S 8.00 7 56.00 50 2800.00
FGT Room nes S iiva I S 4.00 7 S 28.00 50 S 1,400.00
AnnualTotall S 4,200.00
All Hand Surfaced Areas 1 S S16.00 7 S 112.00 50 S 5,600.00
Annual Totall S 5,600.00
Entire Build; OS S76 DDI S 8.00 7 S 56.00 50 S
imow• •..._., w -,-;.;j
S 1.33 7 S 9.33 50 S 466.67
Total A G S 29,866.67
Periodic Cleaning
A. B' C. Cost D. Services F. Annual
HourlyTimeperHouPerformedPerService Cost
activity Fee Annually
Annual Cost of Daily Cleaning S 29,866.67
Annual Cost ofPeriodic Cleaulag S 61960.00
Total Annual Cost fm• Gacvey CCntel' $ 36,826.67
Do ily Cleaning: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thu rsdny, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
A. B. U. L. F. G.
Time per }Sourly
C' Weekly Weekly Weeks Annual Cost
wcriviry Fee A x B Services Cost Year
A. Bathrnonis
B. Solid Waste
C. Low Surface Ckaning
S 160U
f t6uu
56.00 50
S 56.00 50
S 1800.00
Annual T91211 S 5,600.00
Recycling p.0a33737 f 1fi.00 S 1.33 7 9-33 50 S 466.67
Trash 0.1666667 f 16.0o S 2.67 7 18.67 50 S 933.33
Annual Totall S 1400.00
Statute p.lai31333 f mon S 1.33 7 S 9.33 50
S 466.67
TMI A+B 1 $ 7,000.00
Periodic Cleaning
A. B.
Time per Hourly
activity Fee
t Awwuw, • n.r
Services F. Annual
Service Performed Cost
S 20.00 4 $ 80.00
F High Window Glass Cleaning f 10.0U S 60.00 4 S 240.00
G Restrooru Deep Cleanhlg 1 S 20.00 I S 20.00 4 $ 80.00
I Periodical Totabi S 420.60 1
Annual Cost of Doily Cleaning S 71000.00
Annual Cast of Periodic Cleaning S 420.00
Total Annual Cost for CPC $ 7,420.00
Seasonal; July I ilxough Dccetnha 31
Dally Cleaning: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Frldsy, Saturday, Sunday
A, Bathrooms
B. Solid Wage
C. Deep Cleaning Monthly
A. B. C' D. E F. G.
Time per Hourly A x B Weekly Weekly Weeks Annual Cost
activlt Fee
Services Cost Year
Women's asis 16.001 S 8.00 2 S 16.00 26 S 416.00
ae...,, is Is woo I S B.00 2 S 16.00 26_ S 416.00
Total A+B S 970..67
Total A+B+C S 1,090.67
s mw I S 2.67
Periodic Cleaning
A. R. C. Cost Services F, Anneal
Timeper Hourly Per Performed Cost
activity Fee Service A 1
t s -lo.00l S 20.00 6 S 120.00
Annual Periodic Total I S 120.00
Daily Cleaning: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Snturdny, SundayA. B. D. E. F. G.
rime per Hourly C. Weekly Weekly Weeks Annual Cost
activity Fee Axe Services Cost Year
A. Bathrooms
B. KitclteneaeS
C. Solid Waste
D. Vacuuming
E. Hard Surfaced Floors
F. Low Surface Cleaning
G. Doors/Pixturcs Spot Clean
Lobby Women's a 1666667 S mn6 2.67 4 a ia.01 z i rv.o,
Lob Mena o. i 666667 S 163ar S 2.67 7 S 18.67 52 S 970.67
750.00 2 S 1,590.00
1 S 2000. 20.00 2 S 40.00
Annual Totall S 1,941.33
0 35 s ro un S 4.00 7 S 28.00 52 1,456.00
Annual Total a 1,456.00
Recycling031833333 S S 1.33 7 S 9.33 52 S 485.33
Trash 03666667 1 S mcmi S 2.67 7 18.67 52 S 970.67
Annual Total 1 S 1,456.00
u. immfi7 Is 16.o0 2.67 7 S 18.67 52 970.67
AnnualTotall S 970.67
a.s I S 16 o0 8.00 7 S 56.00 52 S 2,912.00
AnnualTotall S 2,912.00
u35 Is t6.00 I S 4.00 7 S 28.0D 52 1,456.00
Annual Tobi S1456.00
0.4193J-1311 5 16.06 S 1.33 7 e 9.33 52 485.33
Total A -G S 10.677.33
Periodic Cleaning
H. Striping and Waxing Floors
1. High Surface Dust Removal and Fixture Cleaning
J. Carpet Cleaning Shampooing
K. Ducting Vetna Cleaning
K. Restroom Been Cleaning Weekly aS S
Annual Cost Of Dally Cleaning S 10,677.33
Annual Cost of PCI-iodle Cleaning S 2,270.00
Total Annual Cost for PSC $ L2,947.33
A. B• C' Services F. Annual
Time per Hourly Cost Per Perfornred Cost
activity Fec Service Annuall
a S Isouu 1 750.00 2 S 1,590.00
1 S 2000. 20.00 2 S 40.00
aS S
Annual Cost Of Dally Cleaning S 10,677.33
Annual Cost of PCI-iodle Cleaning S 2,270.00
Total Annual Cost for PSC $ L2,947.33
A. Bathrooms
B. Kitchenettes
C. Solid Waste
D. LockerRoom
E. Hard Surfaced Floors
F. Low Surface Cleaning
G. Doorslrixtures Spot Clean
Deily Cleaning: Monday, Tuesdny, Wednesday, Thursday, FridayA. B. C
D. E. F. G.
Time per Hourly A x B Weekly Weekly Weeks Annual Cost
eetivi Pce Services Cost Year
c 9R n0 1 S2 1 S L.456.00
Men's u.zs S 16.00 S 4.00 7 E 28.00 52 S 1456.00
Showers a 1666663 S 16.001 S 2.67 1 7 1 E 18.67 52 1 E 970.67
A. B.
AnnOR1T&ta1 S 3,8-2.67
n.25 S l6oft 1 S 4.00 7 S 29.0052 1 S 1,456.00
activity Fee Service Attnuail
AnnrRl T&IRI S 1,456.00
S 16-00 S 1.33 1 7 1 $ 933 1 52 S 48533
Trash 01666667 S woo S 2.67 7 S 18.6T 52 S 970.67
K. Restroom Deep Cicaning Weekly o s S 20.00 1
Annul TOtal S 1456.00
0.1666667 S 16.001 S 2.67 7 1 S 18.67 1 52 1 S 970.67
Annual "Totall S 970.67
os s-16-.001 8.00 7 S 56.00 1 52 2,912.00
Annual Tottll S 2,912.00
0.35 Is 16.00 1 $ 4.001 7 S 28.00 1 52 1 S 1456.00
Annual LWRl S 1 456.00
00933333 S 16.00 S 1.33 7 S 9.33 52 S 485.33
i . Aa9.9i
Total A -G S 12,618.67
Periodic Cleaning
A. B. C. Cost Services F. Annual
Time per Hourly per Perfonned Cost
activity Fee Service Attnuail
H. High Surface Dust Removal and Fixture Cleaning 2 S 2u.a0 I S 40.00 2 80.00
1. Striping and WaxhigPloom 6 s 130.00 E 900.00 2 S 1.800.00
1. Ductingvents Cicanhig 0 S 2a.00 10.00 1 S 10.00
K. Restroom Deep Cicaning Weekly o s S 20.00 1
Periodical Totalsl S 2,400.00
Annual Cost of DRIly Cleaning S 12,618.67
Annual Cost of Periodic Cleaning S 2,400.00
Total Annual Cost for PSY S 152018.67
Dally Clcnniug! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdny,Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Mouths orOperalion: May 1 - October I
A. B. D. E. F. G.
Time per Hourly
C. Weekly Weekly Weeks Annual Cost
activi Fee A x B Services Coat Year
in 1 20 I s T m.o0
A. Bathrooms
B. Snack Bar
C. Solid Waste
D. LockerRoornShowels
E. Hard Surikeed Floors
F. Low Surface Cleaning
G. Doors/Fixtums Spot Clean
Men's os s S 8.00 7 S 56.00 20 S 1 120.00
StafRestroom u.166a66 3 161* 1 S 2.67 7 S 18.67 1 20 11 S 373.33
Annual Total S 2240.00
s5 s S 4.00 7 S 28.00 1 20 1 S 560.00
Annual Totall S 560.00
RecyclingO.t1s31333 s 16.00 S 1,33 7 S 1,33 20 S 186.67
Trash 0.1666667 S 16.00 S 2.fi7 7 S 18.67 20 373.33
AnnuulTotal S 560.00
Women's 0.25 is 16.00 S 4.00 7 S 28.00 1 20 1 S 560.00
Men's n.'s is 16001 4.00 1 7 1 S 28.00 1 20 1 S 560.00
AngualTotall S 560.00
0.5 s 16.001 S 8.00 1 7 1 S 56.00 20 S 1,120.00
Annual Total S 1,120.00 s 16001 S 4.00 1 7 1 $ 28.00 1 20 1 560.00
Annual Total S 560.00
aoI33333 S 16.00 S 1.33 7 S 9.33 1 20 S 186.67
1 T..l.1 C 1 a/
Total A -G S 5 786.67
Periodic Cleaning
A. B. C. Cost Services F. Amrual
Time per Hourly Per perfomxd Cost
Annual Cost or Daily Cleaning S 5,786.67
Annual Cost of Periodic Cleaning S 60000
Total Annual Cost for Splash Zone_ S b,313ti.67
Daily Cleaning: Monday, Tueaday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Monahs of Operation: May I - October 1
A. B. D. E. F.
Time per Hourly C. Weekly Weekly Weeks Annual Cost
activity Fee A x B Services Cost Year
A. Bathrooms
B. Snack Bar
C. Solid Waste
D. Locker Rooms/Showers
E. Hard Surfaced Floors
F. I.ow Surface Cleaning
G. Doors/Fixtures Spot Clean
H. Window Glass Cleaning
Women's 1 0..5 Is 16.110 1 S 8.00 7 s J6.uu w s aw.w
Men's u5 S 16.00 8.00 7 S 56.00 50 28D0.00
StaffResunont 0.166666 s Ir 011 S 2.67 7 S 18.67 1 50 1 S 933.33
o25 Is
moul S 4.00 1 7
Annual Total
28.00 1 501 1
Recycling 11.0833333 S 16.001 S 1.33 1 7
Annual Total
S 9.33 50
Tush 61666661 x 16.00 S 2.67 7 S 18.67 50 933.33
Women's 0.33 1 s jo,uo 1 S 4.00 7
Annual Total
S 28.00 1 50
Melts 0.23 s moo S 4.00 7 S 25.00 50 1,400.00
05 s 16,001 S 8.00 1 7
Annual Total
1 $ 56.00 1 50 1
all S isau 1 $ 4.00 7
Annual Totxll
S 28.00 1 50 1
a.m33331 S 16oll 1.33 7
Annual Tonsil
1 $ 9.33 1 50 1
Total A -G S t4 466.67
Periodic Cleaning
I. Weekly Deep Cleaning of Locker Romus and Showers
1. Ducting Vents Clearing
Annuld'Totmill $ 466.67
Annual Cost or Daaly Cleaning S 14,466.67
Annual Cost of Periodic Cleaning $ 710.00
Total Annual Coat for Splash Zone .$ 16.67
A. B. C. Cost Services F. Annual
Time per Hourly Per performed Cost
acdvlry Fee Service Annually
s zim 50,D0 4 200.00
00 S 20.00 10.00 50 S 500.00
115 s 20.00 10.00 t 1 $ 10,00
Periodical Totals S 710.00
Annual Cost or Daaly Cleaning S 14,466.67
Annual Cost of Periodic Cleaning $ 710.00
Total Annual Coat for Splash Zone .$ 16.67
A. Balhrooms
B. Kitchenettes
C. Solid Waste
D. Locker Room
E. Hard Surfaced Floss
F. Low Surface Cleaning
G. Doors/Fixtures Spot Clean
Daily Cleaning: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
A. B. D. E. F-
Tinieper Hourly
C. W=kly Weekiy Weeks Annual Cost
Relivity Fee A x B Services Cost Year
WOIIICII'a OL4 3 16.00 4.DO 5 S 20.00 50 S 1,000.00
Meat's O35 S thou S 4.00 1 5 S 20.00 50 S 1000.00
S 10.00
Periodical Tolallsi S
A1111112IT011111 S 2,000.00
03 1 s la n0 S 4.00 5 S 20.
aau S 1,0000..000aTt
Recycling xilswa3l i leuu 1 $ 1.33 1 5 1 S 6.67 50 333.33
Trash a1666667 S i6.W S 2.67 5 S 13.33 50 666.61
Annual Totn1 S 1,000.00
0, 166"671 S 16.0i1 1 $ 2.67 5 1 S 13.33 1 50 1 S 666.67
Annum Total S 666.67
0.5 S 16.uo S 8.00 5 S 40.-0 50 S 2,00-.00
Annual Total S 2,000.00
u±s Is 16.ou S 4.00 5 S 20.00 1 50 1 S 1,000-60
Annual Totall S 11,000.00
0,w3.1331 s S 1.33 5 S 6.67 50 1 S 333.33
1 T..MI C 1111111
TotalA-C FS -850-00-.0-01
H. Window Glass Cleaning
J. I3igh Surface Dust Removal end Fixture Cicaning
J. Slripingannd Waxing Floors
K. Ducting Vents Cleaning
Periodic Cleanhig
A. B. C. Cost
Time per Hourly Per
activity Fee Service
Services F. Annual
Performed Cost
1 5 zs.nn 25.00 4 100.00
t s zo.uo 20.00 2 S 40.00
a s i.itioul S 600.00 2 S 1 200.00
0.5 S 20.40 10.00 1 S 10.00
Periodical Tolallsi S 1,350.00
Annual Cost of Daily Cleaning S 8,000.00
AnnuntCost ofPerMleCleaning $ 11350.00
Total Alnnual Cost for City HRII S 9,350.00
A. Bathrooms
Daily Cleaning: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tkursday, Prlday, Saturday, Sunday
danunry - November (ao services required in December)
A. B. D. E. F. G. Annual
Time per Hourly ,C.^ Weekly Weeldy Wecks r- t
Periodic Cleaning
A. B. C. Cost Services F. Annual
Time per Hourly Per Performed Cost
activity Fee Servicc Alm 11
B. Dap Cleaning January through November t s -mmo S 2-0. 0OT I 1 IS 220.00
Periodical Totals S 220.00
Annual Cost ofDally Cleaning S 1,92500
Ammal Cost ofPerlodlc Cleating S 220.00
Total Annual Cost for GPSRAS 2.145.00
A. Badirooms
B. Solid Waste Trash
Daily Cleaning: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
A. B. D. E. F.
Time per Hourly ,C'o Weekly Weekly Weeks nnmmlcost
Periodic Cleanhrg
A. B. C. Cost Services F. Annual
Thncper Hourly Per performed Cost
activity Fee Service An all
B. Deep Cleaning January dumgh November I S ^_u.lro 1 S 20.00 11 $ 220.00
Periodical Tolnla S 220.00
Annunl Cost of Daily Cleaning S 1,912.00
Around Cost or Periodic Cleaning S 220.00
Total Annual Cost for RM SS 3113
Daily Cleaning: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tlmrsday, Friday (Restr.oms 7 days n week) A. B. C.
D. E. F. G.
Time paHourly A x B Weekly Weekly Weeks Annual Cost
activity Fee Services Cost Year
A. Bathroonns
B. Solid Waste
C. Vacuuming
D. Hard Surfaced Floors
E, Low Surface Cleaning
F. DoorslFixturas Spot Clean
11.25 1 S 16AID 1 4.00 1 7 S 2a.00 40 I S 1,220.00
iNul's 9.25 S 16.M S 4.00 7 1 S 25.00 h 40 1120.00
AnnuslTolal S 2,240.00
Recycling 0633333 f t6.00 S 7.33 S S 6.67 40 266.67
Trash 1666666 f i6.n0 S 2.67 S S 13.33 40 S 533.33
200.00 2 400.00
G. Carpet Cleaning Shampooing
Annual TotalI S 800 W
Il. Striping and Waxing Floors
0.25 Is
S 15..00
16.00 3 4.00 S S 20.00 40 S 600.00
Annual Total S 800.00
05 IS 16.00 1 S 9.00 5 S 40.00 40 1,600.00
Annual Total S 1,600.00
625 E 16.00 S 4,00 5 S 2E003=1$ 900.00
AnnualTatal S 900.00
un3333 s ia.00 S 1.33 5 6.67 1 40 1 $ 266.67
V- i S 26661
Anauat Cost of Dally ClmnIng S 6,506.61
Annual Cost of Periodic CIMIngS 1,310.00
Total Annual Cost far RPRBP S 7,916.67
Ana82 ta
Total A -G S 6506 67
Periodic Cleaning
A. B. C. Cost Services F. Annual
Time per Hourly Per Performed Cost
activity Fee Service Annu 11
2 100.00 200.00 2 400.00
G. Carpet Cleaning Shampooing S 450.00 2 900.00
Il. Striping and Waxing Floors 1 S 15..00
2.0.00 S 10.00 i 1 $ 10.00
i. D.uiug Vans Cleaning 65 f
Periodical Totalsi S 1,310.00
Anauat Cost of Dally ClmnIng S 6,506.61
Annual Cost of Periodic CIMIngS 1,310.00
Total Annual Cost far RPRBP S 7,916.67
A. Bathroom!
Sally Tamar Park
Daily Cleauing: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturdny, Sunday
A. B,
Hourly Per
D. E. F.
0. Time per Hourly AC'D Weekly Weekly Weeks Annual Cost
activity Fee Services Cost Year
1 S
Women's r 035 1 S tarn S 400 7 S 28.00 52S 1,450
025 S 16 no S 4.00 7 S 28.00 52 S 1,456.
B. Solid Waste
C. Deep Cleaning Monthly
Total A+B IS 3,397.33
Total A+B+C S 3,637.33
7 $
Periodic Cleaning
A. B. C. Cost Services F. Annual
Time per Hourly Per Performed Cosi
activity Fee Service
I 20.00 1 S 20.00 1 1 S 240.00
Annual PeriodicTotall S 240.00
Zapopan Park
Daily Cleaning: Mmtday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
A. B.
D. E. F. G. Annual
Time per Hourly Weekly Weekly Weeks Cost
activity Fee A x B Services Cost Year
A.SaWroomsIWonteds o25 3 1600 4.00 7 28.00 52 $ 1,456.00
Meir,'c 0.25 Is mm 4.00 7 S 29.00 52 S 1,456.00
B. Solid Waste s 16.001 S 133 7 $ 9.33 52
Periodic Cleaning
A. B. C. Cost Services F. Annual
Time per Hourly Per
Perforated Cost
activity Fee Service Armully
C. Deep Cleaning Monthly -IT20.00 S 20.00 12 S 240.00
Annual Periodic Total S 240,00
Total A+B I S 3,397.33
Total A+B+C 1$3,637.33
The following are the names, addresses and telephone numbers for three public agencies for which
BIDDER has performed similar work within the past two (2) years:
1 FAMILY SERVICES ASSOCIATION 21260 Box Springs Rd Moreno Valley. CA 92557
Name and Address of Owner
LA,URAMEJIA 951-686-1096
Name and telephone number of person familiar with project
1,500 000/year Jantiorfal 2008 -current _
Contract amount Type of Work Date of Contract
2. ,CENTER FOR OUTPATIENT SURGERY 15141 Whittier Blvd. #130 Whittier CA 90603
Name and Address of Owner
NANCY CHAMP IN 6.62_90-2832
Name and telephone number of person familiar with project
17 400lvear Janitorial 2017 -current
Contract amount Type of Work Date of Contract
3. ZADRO INC 14462 Astronautics Dr Huntington Beach 9-:6 .92847
Name and Address of Owner
Bract Everett 800-468-1648 X106
Name and telephone number of person familiar with project
56,600/year Jai2lcrlgl2017-current
Contract amount Type of Work Date of Contract
Name end Address of Owner
Name and telephone number of person familiar with project
Contract amount Type ofWork Data of Contract
The total fees for Jan Point shall not exceed $616,854 over a three year contract period
April 1, 2018—March 31, 2021). The breakdown of fees is below:
Year 1: $198,612 (April 1, 2018 — March 31, 2019)
Year 2: $205,535 (April 1. 2019 — March 31, 2020)
Year 3: $212,707 (April 1, 2020—March 31, 2021)
Bond Number: 100389656
WHEREAS the CITY OF ROSEMEAD (also herein "Obligee") has awarded
to Base Hill, Inc. doe Jan Point (hereinafter
Contractor"), a contract for work consisting of but not limited to, furnishing all, labor,
materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidentals for the JANITORIAL SERVICES
FOR VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES and all other required structures and facilities within
the rights -of --way, easements and permits;
WHEREAS, the Work to be performed by the Contractor is more particularly
set forth in that certain contract for the said Public Work dated April a, 2018
hereinafter the "Public Work Contract"); and
WHEREAS, the Contractor is required by said Public Work Contract to
perform the terns thereof and to provide a bond both for the performance and guaranty
NOW, THEREFORE, we Base Hill, Inc. dba Jan Point
the undersigned Contractor, as
Principal, and U.S. Specialty Insurance Company I a
corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of
Texas , and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of
the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF
ROSEMEAD in the sum of
One Hundred Ninty Eight Thousand Six Hundred Twelve and no1100" dollars,
168.612.00^ ), said sum being not less than 100% of the total
amount payable by the said Obligee under the terms of the said Public Work Contract,
for which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and
administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall In all things stand to
and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and
agreements in the said Public Work Contract and any alteration thereof made as therein
provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner
therein specified, and in all respects according to their intent and meaning; and shall
faithfully fulfill the one-year guarantee of all materials and workmanship; and indemnify
and save harmless the Obligee, its officers and agents, as stipulated in the said Public
Work Contract, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and
remain in full force and effect. In the event legal action is required to enforce the
provisions of this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable
attorneys' fees in addition to court costs, necessary disbursements, and other damages.
In case legal action Is required to enforce the provisions of this bond, the
prevailing party shalt be entitled to recover reasonable attomeys' tees in addition to court
costs, necessary disbursements and other consequential damages.
The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no
change, extensions of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Public Work Contract
or to the Work to be performed thereunder, or the specifications accompanying the same
shall In any way affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any
such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to
the Work or to Specifications.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereto set our hands and seals this
day on APnI 12018
PrincipaV r
By. i7 rt y' r r7
U.S. Specialty Insurance Company
By: J'uL14 1"7—
Attorney4n-FactMichael Zablan
The rate of premium on this bond is "30.00" perthousand.
The total amount of premium charged, $ ""5,058.00"
The above must be filled in by corporate surety.)
A notary public or other officer completing this
certificate verifies only the identity of the individual
who signed the document to which this certificate is
attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or
validity of that document.
State of California
insert name and title of the officer)
personally appeared MICHAEL ZABLAN
who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in
histherttheir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the
person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing
paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal. PATRICIA KANEGAWAPEREZ
NoIXyPU*-CaV mm
IosAnplea 0=0y
Commdcn Y 2125219
My Comm. ER*n Sep25.2019
Signatu (eal)
That, U.S. SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY (the 'Company"), a corporation duty organized and existing under the laws of the State of
Texas, and having its principal office in Houston, Harris County, Texas, does by these presents make, constitute and appoint,
its We and lawful Attomeyin-fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, acknowledge and
deliver bond number 1nMA9A56 issued in the course of its business and to bind the Company thereby, In an
amount not to exceed Three million and 0011 on
Said appointment Is made underand by authority ofthe following resolutions of the Board of Directors of U. S. Specialty
Be it Resolved, that the President any Vrce-President, any Assistant Vice -President, any Secretary or any Assistant Secretary shall be and
is hereby vested with full power and authority to appoint any one or more suitable persons as Attorney(s)-in-Fact to represent and act for and
on behalf of the Company subject to the following provisions:
Atomay-in-Fact may be given full power and authority for and in the name of and on behalf of the Company, to execute, acknowledge and
del Iver, any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts, agreements or indemnity and other conditional or obligatory undertakings, including any
and all consents for the release of retained percentages and/or final estimates on engineering and construction contracts, and any and all
notices and documents canceling or terminating the Company's liability thereunder, and any such instruments so executed by any such
Attorney -in -Fact shall be binding upon the Company as if signed by the President and sealed and effected by the Corporate Secretary.
Be it Resofvsd, that the signature of any authorized officer and seal of the Company heretofore or hereafter affixed to anypower of attorney or
any certificate relating thereto by famirNle, and any power of attorney or certificate bearing facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid
and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which It Is attached." Adopted by unanimous written consent in lieu
of meeting on September ta, 2011.
The Attorney -in -Fact named above may be an agent or a broker of the Company. The granting of this Power of Attorney Is specific to this bond
and does not indicate whether the Attomey-in-Fad is or is not an appointed agent of the Company.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, U.S. Specialty Insurance Compan
on this 18"1 day of December 2017. •^';;5;,,_" pl,.
State of California _
County of Los Angeles SS:
or other officer completing
has caused its seal to be affixed hereto and executed by its Senior Vice President
Adam S. Pes31n, Senior Vice President
On this 18th day of December 2017, before me, Patricia Kanegawa Perez, a notary public, personally appeared Adam S. Pessin, Senior Vice
President of U.S. Specialty Insurance Company, who proved to me on the bas's of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name Issubscribedtothewithininstrumentandacknowledgedtomethatheexecutedthesameinhisauthorizedcapacity, and that by his signature
on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the Instrument
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of CALIFORNIA that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS m hand and official Seal. 1 PATtlpA KAMEd1'IARArt. Y COMM. M2115219 $
Nater rbhNG.
drmerry o
Signature y.. (seal) 1 o>rmraptsse S core
I, Klo Lo, Assistant Secretary of U.S. Specialty Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the Power of Attorney and the resolution adopted
by the Board of Directors of said Company as set forth above, are true and correct transcripts thereof and that neither the said Power ofAttorneynortheresolutionhavebeenrevokedandtheyarenowInfullforceandeffect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this gth day ofApril 2018
Bond No. 100389856 1``;%
Agency No.13539 ay: a .„ Kio Lo. AssigmWo SecmWery
Priorto the beginning ofand throughout the duration ofthe Work, Consultant will maintain
insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. Consultant will use
existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage does not
meet the requirements set forth here, Consultant agrees to amend, supplement or
endorse the existing coverage to do so. Consultant acknowledges that the insurance
coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of
coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and
coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be
available to City.
Consultant shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance:
Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial
General Liability" policy form CG 00 01 or the exact equivalent. Defense costs must be
paid in addition to limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by
one insured against another. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than
1,000,000 per occurrence.
Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including
symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event
to be less than $1,000,000 per accident. If Consultant owns no vehicles, this requirement
may be satisfied by a non -owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy
described above. If Consultant or Consultants employees will use personal autos in any
way on this project, Consultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage
for each such person.
Workers Compensation on a state -approved policy form providing statutory benefits as
required by law with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or
Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurers that are
admitted carriers in the state of California and with an A.M. Best's rating of A- or better
and a minimum financial size VII.
General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Consultant.
Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by
Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability
coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials,
employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an
edition prior to 1992. Consultant also agrees to require all contractors, and
subcontractors to do likewise.
2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall
prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right
of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to waive subrogation rights
against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to
require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise.
All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or
applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies.
Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or
its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage.
4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these
requirements ifthey include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been
first submitted to City and approved of in writing.
5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to
eliminate so-called "third party action over claims, including any exclusion for
bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any contractor or subcontractor.
6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and
additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Consultant shall not make
any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or
reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior
written consent.
7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates
of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured
endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or
prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance
is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time
and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to
obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or anyotheragreementandtopaythepremium. Any premium so paid by City shall be
charged to and promptly paid by Consultant or deducted from sums due
Consultant, at City option.
B. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days' notice to City of
any cancellation of coverage. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modifysuchcertificatestodeleteanyexculpatorywordingstatingthatfailureoftheinsurer
to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will
endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the
9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage
required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor, is intended to apply
first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or
self-insurance available to City.
10. Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with
the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant, provide
the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant. Consultant agrees
to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring
that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section.
Consultant agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and
others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review.
11.Consuitant agrees not to self -insure or to use any self-insured retentions or
deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that
it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or
person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated
by this agreement to self -insure its obligations to City. If Consultant's existing
coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or self-
insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review
options with the Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the
deductible or self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other
12.The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change
the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90)
days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial
additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation
proportional to the increased benefit to City.
13. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed
to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that
can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement.
14. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part
of City to Inform Consultant of non-compliance with any insurance requirement in
no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights
hereunder in this or any other regard.
15.Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its
employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to
this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled
or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City
executes a written statement to that effect.
16. Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring
during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other
policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been
ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from
Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance
and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications
applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five
days of the expiration of the coverages.
17.The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the
obligations of Consultant under this agreement. Consultant expressly agrees not
to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its
employees, officials and agents.
18. Requirements of speck coverage features or limits contained in this section are
not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a
waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference
to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a
given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all-
19. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any
other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be
interpreted as such.
20.The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of
this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or
impairs the provisions of this Section.
21.Consultant agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any
party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or
Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this
agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not
the intent of City to reimburse any thins party for the cost of complying with these
requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or
other amounts with respect thereto.
22.The selected contractor shall provide to the City the necessary insurances,
endorsements and a performance bond in the amount of contract, as specified in
the enclosed Draft Contract, and maintain the requisite amount of insurance
throughout the life of the contract period.
23. Consultant agrees to obtain a performance bond in the amount equal to the
contract value as defined in Section 3.3.1 of the Professional Services Agreement,
and maintain the requisite amount of bond throughout the life of the contract
Consultant agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against
Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no
obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the
handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City,