CC - Item 7D - Adoption of Administrative Policy 50-10 Outlining the Process for Appointing a City Chief of PoliceROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER ;7 DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2023 SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY 50-10 OUTLINING THE PROCESS FOR APPOINTING A CITY CHIEF OF POLICE SUMMARY At the February 14, 2023, City Council Meeting, the City Council directed staff to bring back an administrative policy that outlines the process and appoints an interview panel for the selection of a Chief of Police. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Adopt Administrative Policy 50-10 —Rosemead Chief of Police Appointment; and 2. Appoint the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, City Manager, and Chair of the Public Safety Commission to the interview panel. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT None. FISCAL IMPACT There is no impact to the General Fund by creating a Homelessness Subcommittee. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Ben Kim City M r Attachment A: Administrative Policy 50-10 AGENDA ITEM 7.1) Attachment A Administrative Policy 50-10 f 4 � o• ,� e.a CITY OF ROSEMEAD Administrative Policy Manual Policy Number: 50-10 Date Established: Feb. 28, 2023 Date Revised: City Council Approval: SUBJECT: ROSEMEAD CHIEF OF POLICE APPOINTMENT PURPOSE: Creation of a Council Policy for the process to appoint the City's Chief of Police role. GENERAL POLICY The City of Rosemead ("City") contracts its municipal law enforcement services with the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department ("LASD"). As part of the services contract by and between the City and LASD, the City funds one Lieutenant position under the Service Level Authorization (SH -AD 575) who serves the ceremonial position as Rosemead's "Chief of Police." The Chief of Police serves as the liaison between the City and LASD, and is responsible for planning, coordinating, and directing the law enforcement activities under the said contract to meet the City's goals and objectives while delivering efficient and effective public safety services. The Chief is responsible for community engagement with the Rosemead community, including its residents, businesses, and visitors, and preserving the public peace, prevention of crime, apprehension of criminals, and regulation of traffic in accordance with the Laws of the State and the Ordinances of the City. ROSEMEAD CHIEF OF POLICE SELECTION PROCESS A. "Rosemead Chief of Police" is a designee of the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department who holds the position of Lieutenant. The Lieutenant is an employee of LASD and not a City employee. B. The selection of the Chief of Police shall be as follows: a. The Captain of the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department Temple Station will submit to the City candidate resumes for review and consideration. The Captain shall make best efforts to submit three or more candidates for consideration. b. The City's selection team shall include the following four members: Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, City Manager, and Chair of the Public Safety Commission. C. The selection team shall interview all candidates and deliberate on the Chief of Police appointment. The appointment shall be a unanimous consensus by all four selection team members. If a unanimous consensus is not reached, the City Manager shall request the Captain for additional candidates. d. Once the selection is made by the City, the Sheriffs Department shall affirm the assignment of the said Lieutenant as the Rosemead Chief of Police. Page 1 of 1