CC - Item 1A - Los Angeles County Sheriff Department Presentation (REV 02.27.23)Public Safety Overview \XE RIF r� 0 " SEL ES% Captain Mark A. Reyes February 28, 2023 s A Comprehensive Review • Crime Statistics • Historical Trends / Staffing —Visibility —FBI Statistics • Challenges • Community Oriented Policing • Goals 2 ®tl ho Feb March ApN May June JWy Aug Sept Ohba Nov Dec TOW be 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 3 2 2 1 0 2 3 1 1 21 ated 10 3 16 6 10 14 11 12 10 11 6 11 120 A 15 0 0 2 10 3 0 9 6 2 9 5 77 y 26 25 27 34 51 26 32 40 20 20 33 29 379 40 37 56 54 72 60 50 70 03 70 76 77 777 Theft 24 22 15 21 26 21 11 19 21 19 41 37 277 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 Burglary 1800 6001474 1400 I L. 1200 1000 8m 600 400 2M O — 2018 2019 2020 2021 1y %change Syr%change 100% 1oa 50% 75 10% 29 12% 1R 66% 32 21% 1R 24% g 17% a 2022 Annual Swom Staffing FV 10/11 to FV 22W3 P"a P^e Po W"s WO Wo 00 P5° vb B V"a Vye vl,% Plb .or,� .v...u.• .;ra a,....ib ui...�r>e w.= .sr.o 'Tolal Staffing Annual Costs ry ian m rrzazs 3114 ,. • � %ssrs>a 7 ..-5aaoa3w .N : %N4151 -N 5116 n.139xz v s9a+:,9 � �rN Z. M. 5319935 I=- r-'T1R K ' 1 39 i�iillllli .............................. Annual Routine Calls - nrriTllliii Annual Priorly Calls all 1 11111 ry.v.. w.w r..,......v...y..n+.. HAS ry.u.. ry.nu "We ry rm mmr. "WE? Annual Emergency Calls IV15 "Hills nil FY23.42 FBI Standards for Staffing Levels • 29.58 personnel to serve approximately 50,411 • 1.82 Below National Average • .32 Below LASD Average 9 Challenges • Body Worn Camera (202 1) • California Assembly Bill 953 (SACR) • Staff Shortages • Budget Constraints • DA Rej ects • Prop 47, 57 and AB 109 • Jail Population (Historical, AB 1091 Community Oriented Policing An approach that emphasizes building positive relationships with the community and collaborating with community members, organizations, and businesses to prevent crime and promote public safety 10 Building Community 9 Partnerships • Community Meetings • Outreach Events — Media Relations • Collaboration with Organizations & Businesses (Chamber of Commerce) • School Resource Deputy • Social Media (Instagram, Twitter) 11 Innovative Strategies for Community Safety • Crime Mapping • Tactical Operations • Notable Arrests — Smash and Grab Bandits — Organized Crime (Casitas) — Marijuana Dispensaries — Parole / Probation Sweeps 12 *Enhancing Community Outreach • Collaboration with Other Units to help the vulnerable population - HOST — MET — Department Training 13 s Conclusion • Crime is rising in LA County • Less Patrol Time (visibility) • Staffing levels same since at least 2010 • Goals 14 QUESTIONS