CC - Item 4.A - Presentation Home ARP PP 2.28.23Public Hearing to Consider the Second Substantial Amendment to the FY 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan to Include HOME-ARP Allocation Plan February 28, 2023 Background •On April 27,2021,the City Council approved theFY2021-2022 Action Plan.On March 11 ,2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan (ARP)into law.ARP funds are to be administeredthroughtheHOMEprogramtobenefitqualifyingindividualswhoarehomeless,at risk ofhomelessnessandothervulnerablepopulations. •The City has been awarded $1,222,084 to be used on specific eligible activities such as:the production or preservation of affordable housing,tenant-based rental assistance,and supportiveservicesforindividualsexperiencinghomelessnessorat-risk of homelessness. To receive HOME-ARP funds, the City must comply with the following requirements of the Consolidated Plan final rule regarding pre-submission requirements: •Fulfill citizen participation requirements by conducting a public hearing to receive citizen input regarding proposed activities and funding; •Publish a draft HOME-ARP Allocation Plan for a 15-day comment period in order to receive citizen input regarding the final document; and •Conduct a public hearing adopting the final HOME Investment Partnerships Program American Rescue Plan. COMMUNITY OUTREACH •Stakeholder virtual meeting held on January 9, 2023 & January 10, 2023 •Resident virtual meeting January 12th •Outreach to local agencies •15-day Public review ( Feb 12th -Feb 27th ) Agency Type of Organization Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) Homeless Services, Continuum of Care East Los Angeles Women’s Center Domestic violence and Housing services StarView Behavioral Health Behavior Mental Health Housing Rights Center Fair Housing Maryvale Homeless and Domestic Violence services Union Station Homeless Services Homeless Services Los Angeles Center for Alcohol & Drug Abuse (L.A CADA) Homeless Services Volunteers of America Veteran Services Feedback The Community Needs Survey was conducted from January 9, 2023, through February 10, 2023, a total of 39 responses were received. Top 3 very important needs: •Mental Health services such as crisis interventions. Counseling, individual, family or group therapy sessions •Employment assistance and job training •Childcare Funding Proposed Programs Description Amount Supportive Services Provide supportive services, such as housing counseling, homelessness prevention, childcare, job training, legal services, case management, and rent assistance. $1,038,772 Administration (15%) The City will provide planning and administration services required to manage and operate the HOME-ARP program. $183,312 TOTAL $1,222,084 Staff Recommendation 1.Conduct a public hearing on the proposed HOME- ARP Allocation Plan and Substantial Amendment to the FY 21-22 Annual Action Plan; 2.Approve the Second Substantial Amendment to the FY 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan (Action Plan)to include the HOME-ARP Program; 3.Authorize the City Manager,or his designee,to take all actions necessary or desirable to implement the HOME-ARP program;