CC - Item 4D - 2022 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress ReportsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER �` DATE: MARCH 14, 2023 SUBJECT: 2022 GENERAL PLAN AND HOUSING ELEMENT ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORTS ZONTRYE California Government Code § 65400 requires the filing of both the General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Reports (APRs) by April 1ST of each year, for the prior calendar year, with the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). State law also requires that the APRs be presented at a public meeting before the City Council where members of the public are given an opportunity to comment on the City's progress. This agenda item meets these statutory requirements. The General Plan Annual Progress Report (Attachment "A") summarizes the status of the City's General Plan and progress in its implementation. The Housing Element Annual Progress Report (Attachment `B") summarizes low- to above moderate -income residential building activity; Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) progress; and progress of the housing program implementation for the 2022 calendar year. The Housing Element Annual Progress Report was prepared on forms provided by HCD, using definitions adopted by HCD. DISCUSSION The City of Rosemead General Plan is a long-range planning program that is designed to guide the orderly growth and development of the City over the long-term. The General Plan communicates the City's vision of its future and establishes a policy framework to govern decision-making concerning the physical development of the community. It also provides assurances that the community at large will be supported by an adequate range of public services and infrastructure systems. APRs provide local legislative bodies with information regarding the implementation of the General Plan and the Housing Element for their city or county. The APRs are strictly reporting documents that do not create or modify any City of Rosemead goals or policies found within the General Plan or Housing Element. AGENDA ITEM 4.1) City Council Meeting March 14, 2023 Page 2 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Receive and file the 2022 APRs; and 2. Direct the Community Development Department to transmit the 2022 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Reports to the Governor's Office of Planning and Research and California Department of Housing and Community Development. FISCAL IMPACT None. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS This agenda item does not constitute a project under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), and it can be seen with certainty that it will have no impact on the environment. As such, this matter is exempt under CEQA. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The APRs are consistent with Goal B — Responsive, Inclusive City: Rosemead will continue to provide quality services that are inclusive and responsive to meet the changing needs of our diverse community. Submitting the APRs does not impact the Strategic Plan. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Annie Lao, Associate Planner Reviewed by: rR� Lily Valenzuela, Planning and Economic Development Manager City Council Meeting March 14, 2023 Page 3 of 3 ;zl� Stan Wong, lr�telVn Director of Community Development Attachment A: 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report Attachment B: 2022 Housing Element Annual Progress Report Attachment A 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report ORATED / 7 GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2022 PREPARED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION MARCH 14, 2023 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report General Plan Status and Implementation Compliance with State General Plan Guidelines Each element of the City of Rosemead General Plan is in compliance with the guidelines for the content of local general plans that were issued by the Governor's Office of Planning and Research. Housing Element The Housing Element was updated in 2022. The Housing Element covers the planning period from January 1, 2021 through October 1, 2029. Amendments were made in 2022. Implementation: • Updated the Housing Element in preparation for the 6th RHNA Cycle o On August 1, 2022, the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) certified that the City's Housing Element is in full compliance with State Housing Element law. • Initiated the Implementation of The Housing Element Programs o The City has retained a Land Use Consultant (PSOMAS) to assist with the implementation of the rezoning program to accommodate additional housing capacity and updates to the Zoning Code to comply with State laws (includes, but is not limited to Density Bonus laws, ADU laws, Transitional and Supportive Housing laws, AB 101, AB 139, and SB 35) and to carry out the programs and objectives detailed in the Housing Plan of the City's 6th Cycle Housing Element. Land Use Element The Land Use Element was adopted in 2010. The Land Use Element focuses on the built environment and pulls together issues and goals from the other elements, laying out the framework for balancing development with broader community aims. General Plan Amendments: • General Plan Amendment 22-01, Submitted February 17, 2022 o General Plan Amendment 22-01 proposes to change the existing Rosemead General Plan land use designation from Low Density Residential (0-6 units per acre) to Medium Density Residential (0-12 units per acre) for the development of 37 residential units, four of which will be affordable units. 1 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report Implementation: Ordinance 1002, Approved June 14, 2022 o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE APPROVAL OF MCA 21- 03, AMENDING ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 17.30.120 OF TITLE 17 (ZONING) TO COMPLY WITH OBJECTIVE STANDARDS FOR EMERGENCY SHELTERS Ordinance 1004, Approved January 25, 2022 o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE APPROVAL OF MCA 21-04, AMENDING TITLE 17 (ZONING) OF THE RMC BY UPDATING AND ADDING DEFINITIONS TO SECTION 17.04.050, UPDATING TABLE TO PERMIT AN URBAN DWELLING AND AN URBAN LOT SPLIT AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE R-1 ZONE, AND ADDING SECTION 17.30.210 FOR URBAN DWELLINGS AND SECTION 17.30.220 FOR URBAN LOT SPLITS, AND AMENDING TITLE 16 (SUBDIVISIONS) OF THE RMC BY ADDING SECTION 16.08.240 FOR URBAN LOT SPLITS Urgency Ordinance 1005, Approved January 25, 2022 o AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE APPROVAL OF MCA 21-04, AMENDING TITLE 17 (ZONING) OF THE RMC BY UPDATING AND ADDING DEFINITIONS TO SECTION 17.04.050, UPDATING TABLE TO PERMITAN URBAN DWELLING AND AN URBAN LOT SPLIT AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE R-1 ZONE, AND ADDING SECTION 17.30.210 FOR URBAN DWELLINGS AND SECTION 17.30.220 FOR URBAN LOT SPLITS, AND AMENDING TITLE 16 (SUBDIVISIONS) OF THE RMC BY ADDING SECTION 16.08.240 FOR URBAN LOT SPLITS Ordinance 1008, Approved April 12, 2022 o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TO APPROVE ZONE CHANGE 21-01 AND SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 21-01 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP BY CHANGING THE ZONE OF 7539 & 7545 GARVEY AVENUE (APN NOS. 5286-022- 009 AND 5286-022-010) FROM GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN (GSP) TO GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN, INCENTIVIZED MIXED-USE (GSP-MU) ZONE, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT AND APPROVE A TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN PERMITTING SIT-DOWN RESTAURANTS WITH A MINIMUM REQUIREMENT OF 1,000 SQUARE FEET TO OBTAIN AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT (AUP) FOR BEER/WINE SALES IN THE GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN (GSP) AND GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN, INCENTIVIZED MIXED-USE (GSP- MU) ZONES Ordinance 1009, Approved April 12, 2022 o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE APPROVAL OF MCA 21-05, AMENDING SECTIONS 17.28.030(C)(4) AND 17.30.040(E) OF TITLE 17 (ZONING) OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE, PERMITTING SIT-DOWN RESTAURANTS WITH A MINIMUM REQUIREMENT OF 1,000 SQUARE FEET TO OBTAIN AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT ("AUP") FOR BEER/WINE SALES IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (C-1), MEDIUM COMMERCIAL (C-3), REGIONAL COMMERCIAL (C-4), CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD), AND RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (RC-MUDO) 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report ZONES, IN PLACE OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ("CUP") Circulation Element: The Circulation Element was adopted in 2010. The Circulation Element addresses issues related to vehicular circulation, parking management, public transit, walking, biking, and trails. No amendments were made in 2022. Implementation: Delta Ave. SR2S Sidewalk Gap Closure Project: Project Description: The project consists of removal and replacement of existing PCC sidewalk, curb and gutter and other related work as described in the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents, by this reference, made a part hereof. Location: Mission Dr. to Wells St. Status: Ongoing Ongoing CIP Projects: • Sidewalk ADA Master Plan (Curb Ramp and Sidewalk ADA Master Plan) • Mission Drive Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (Hawk Project) • Resurfacing of the Garvey Park Tennis Courts • Rosemead Boulevard & 1-10 Freeway Termini Improvement • Garvey Park Office Building & Gymnasium Reroofing Project • Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) • Pavement Management Plan Completed CIP Projects: Various Residential Street Resurfacing Project: Project Description: The project consists of asphalt concrete coldmill and overlay, localized full depth asphalt concrete replacement at various locations (pothole repairs), traffic loops restoration, markings and striping at various locations Citywide as indicated on the construction plans., including other incidental and appurtenant work necessary for the proper completion of the project. Location: Citywide Status: Completed on August 25, 2022 3 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report Bollard Installation at Encinita Ave. and Pitkin St. Project: Project Description: The project consists of installation of bollards at Encinita Ave. and Pitkin St. intersection as indicated on the construction plans, including other incidental and appurtenant work necessary for the proper completion of the project. Location: Encinita Ave. & Pitkin St. Status: Completed on June 4, 2022 • Walnut Grove Ave. Phase I Resurfacing & Colored Crosswalk Installation Project (Mission Ave. and Ivar Ave.): Project Description: The project consists of asphalt concrete overlay, asphalt concrete reconstruction, sidewalk replacement, curb and gutter replacement, striping and appurtenances from Northerly City Limit to Marshall Ave. Additionally, the project includes the installation of colored concrete crosswalks at intersections along Walnut Grove Ave. from Marshall St. to the northerly city limit. Location: Walnut Grove Ave. from Marshall St. to the northerly City limit Status: Completed on May 21, 2022 • Citywide Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter Replacements Project: Project Description: The project consists of removal and replacement of concrete sidewalk, curb, curb and gutter, driveway approach at various locations Citywide as indicated on the construction plans., including other incidental and appurtenant work necessary for the proper completion of the project. Location: Citywide Status: Completed on April 21, 2022 Traffic Improvement Items: • Traffic Review along Newby Ave. between Rosemead Blvd. and Mission Dr. - Approved, March 8, 2022 1. Install 30"x36" SPEED LIMIT signs (R2-1) at each end of this segment, for eastbound and westbound direction vehicles, 25MPH. CAMUTCD Section 213.13 2. Install "25' PAVEMENT LEGENDS next to proposed speed limit signs, for eastbound and westbound direction vehicles. CAMUTCD Section 38.20 0 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report 3. Replace the existing STOP SIGN (RI -1) with 36"x36" Stop sign and add "CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP" (W4 -4P) plaque underneath new STOP SIGN located at Newby Ave. and Rosemead Blvd. for eastbound traffic. CAMUTCD Section 2C.59 4. Refresh/repaint stop bar and legend to increase visibility on both roadways for eastbound traffic at the intersection of Newby Ave. and Mission Dr. and for westbound traffic at the intersection of Newby Ave. and Rosemead Blvd. CAMUTCD Section 313.16 5. Refresh/repaint the dashed yellow center line and Repaint 50' of Double yellow at the beginning of each segment from Rosemead Blvd. and Mission Dr. CAMUTCD Section 38.01 6. Install red reflective posts on all stop signs (all directions). Per CAMUTCD Section 2A.21 • Traffic Review at the Intersection of Olney St. and Vane Ave. - Approved, March 8, 2022 1. Install new larger STOP Signs (36x36) along with an All Way (RI -3P) plaque mounted under each STOP Sign at the Intersection of Vane Ave. and Olney St. 2. Install red retroreflective strips on all the STOP posts, per CAMUTCD Section 2B.10, paragraph 6. 3. Refresh STOP legend and bar at STOP locations (high visibility paint) at the intersection of Vane Ave. at Olney St. 4. Repaint the yellow painted crosswalk (high visibility paint) ladder stripe for the west leg at the intersection of Vane Ave. at Olney St. 5. Add red curb between crosswalk Striping and driveway to the west on the south side of Olney St. Vehicles parked in this area will block the view of a pedestrian waiting on the curb to cross. Per CVC no cars should park or block a crosswalk. CVC:21970 • Traffic Review on Hershey St. between Del Mar Ave. and Kelburn Ave. - Approved, March 8, 2022 1. NEW SPEED LIMIT SIGNAGE: Install two (2) 25 mph speed limit (R2-1) signs (30"x36") for both directions of travel (east/west) along Hershey St. as vehicles enter the segment from Del Mar Ave. and Kelburn Ave. 5 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report 2. EXISTING STOP LOCATION UPGRADE: Install the following items at each existing stop sign location (4 locations) along Hershey St. at Del Mar Ave., Brighton St., and Kelburn Ave. a. Red Reflective Strip: Install red reflective strips on the stop signpost. b. Stop Sign: Remove and replace the existing faded stop signs with new stops signs (RI -1) (36"x36"). c. Plaque: Install "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop" plaques (W4 -4P) underneath each new stop sign. d. "STOP" Bar and Pavement Legend: Refresh the STOP" bar and pavement legend at each of the existing top sign locations. Approved Traffic Improvement Items: • Traffic Review along Newby Ave. between Rosemead Blvd. and Mission Dr. -Approved, March 8, 2022 1. Install 30"x36" SPEED LIMIT signs (R2-1) at each end of this segment, for eastbound and westbound direction vehicles, 25MPH. CAMUTCD Section 26.13 2. Install "25" PAVEMENT LEGENDS next to proposed speed limit signs, for eastbound and westbound direction vehicles. CAMUTCD Section 313.20 3. Replace the existing STOP SIGN (RI -1) with 36"x36" Stop sign and add "CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP" (W44P) plaque underneath new STOP SIGN located at Newby Ave. and Rosemead Blvd. for eastbound traffic. CAMUTCD Section 2C.59 4. Refresh/repaint stop bar and legend to increase visibility on both roadways for eastbound traffic at the intersection of Newby Ave. and Mission Dr. and for westbound traffic at the intersection of Newby Ave. and Rosemead Blvd. CAMUTCD Section 3B.16 5. Refresh/repaint the dashed yellow center line and Repaint 50' of Double yellow at the beginning of each segment from Rosemead Blvd. and Mission Dr. CAMUTCD Section 313.01 6. Install red reflective posts on all stop signs (all directions). Per CAMUTCD Section 2A.21 N. 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report Traffic Review at the Intersection of Olney St. and Vane Ave. - Approved, March 8, 2022 1. Install new larger STOP Signs (3606) along with an All Way (RI -3P) plaque mounted under each STOP Sign at the Intersection of Vane Ave. and Olney St. 2. Install red retroreflective strips on all the STOP posts, per CAMUTCD Section 213.10, paragraph 6. 3. Refresh STOP legend and bar at STOP locations (high visibility paint) at the intersection of Vane Ave. at Olney St. 4. Repaint the yellow painted crosswalk (high visibility paint) ladder stripe for the west leg at the intersection of Vane Ave. at Olney St. 5. Add red curb between crosswalk Striping and driveway to the west on the south side of Olney St. Vehicles parked in this area will block the view of a pedestrian waiting on the curb to cross. Per CVC no cars should park or block a crosswalk. CVC:21970 Traffic Review on Hershey St. between Del Mar Ave. and Kelburn Ave. - Approved, March 8, 2022 1. NEW SPEED LIMIT SIGNAGE: Install two (2) 25 mph speed limit (R2-1) signs (30"x36") for both directions of travel (east/west) along Hershey St. as vehicles enter the segment from Del Mar Ave. and Kelburn Ave. 2. EXISTING STOP LOCATION UPGRADE: Install the following items at each existing stop sign location (4 locations) along Hershey St. at Del Mar Ave., Brighton St., and Kelburn Ave. a. Red Reflective Strip: Install red reflective strips on the stop signpost. b. Stop Sign: Remove and replace the existing faded stop signs with new stops signs (RI -1) (36"x36"). c. Plaque: Install "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop" plaques (W4 -4P) underneath each new stop sign. d. "STOP" Bar and Pavement Legend: Refresh the STOP" bar and pavement legend at each of the existing top sign locations. Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Ave. and Fern Ave. - Approved, March 22, 2022 1. Repaint the existing STOP pavement legend and stop bar for the west leg of Fern Ave and Del Mar Ave. VA 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report 2. Remove and replace the existing 30"00" STOP sign in the west leg of Fern Ave. and Del Mar Ave. with a new 36"x36" STOP sign (RI -1). 3. Install a "CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP" plaque (W4 -4P) below the new STOP sign. Per CAMUTCD Section 2C.59 guidelines, the "CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP" (W4 -4P) plaque may be used in combination with a STOP sign when engineering judgment indicates that conditions are present that are causing or could cause drivers to misinterpret the intersection as an all -way stop. 4. Install a vertical red retroreflective strip on the STOP sign post for enhanced visibility. 5. Install a "School Crossing Ahead Signage" (SW24-3(CA)) on the north and south legs of Del Mar Ave. approaching the intersection. 6. Red Curb Installation: Extend the existing red curb on the west side of the north leg of Del Mar Ave. to 16' north of the crosswalk and install 10' of red curb on the east side of the south leg of Del Mar Ave., north of the shark teeth. 7. Removal of Non -Conforming Signage: The existing non -conforming signage "WHEN FLASHING" plaque under the existing "School Speed 25 mph" sign should be removed and replaced with a new S4 -2P plaque "WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT." Per CAMUTCD Section 7B.16, reduced school speed limit ahead sign (S4-5, S4 -5A). • Traffic Review on Jackson Ave. between Emerson PI. and Hellman Ave. - Approved, May 5, 2022 1. INSTALL NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT SIGN: Install new oversized 25 MPH speed limit (R2-1) sign (30"X36") approximately 23 -feet north of the Emerson PI. and Jackson Ave. intersection on for northbound traffic. (Per CAMUTCD Section 28.13 and CAMUTCD Table 2B-1). 2. INSTALL NEW DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (CAMUTCD 3B.01) NO PASSING along Jackson Ave. between Emerson Pl. and Hellman Ave. This will serve to visually narrow the roadway and designate the travel lanes, which is effective in reducing vehicle speeds. (Per CAMUTD Detail 21). 3. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING SPEED LIMIT SIGN WITH NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT SIGN: Remove the existing 25 MPH speed limit (R2-1) sign (30"X36") approximately I 0 -feet south of the Hellman Ave. and Jackson Ave. intersection for southbound traffic and replace it with new oversized 25 -MPH speed limit (R2-1) H 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report sign. (Per CAMUTCD Section 26.13 and CA MUTCD Table 213-1 ). Resources Management Element: The Resources Management Element was adopted in 2010. The Resources Management Element examines both the natural and human -made environments, and establishes policies to protect those resources that distinguish and define Rosemead. Topics addressed in this element include parks, recreation, open space, community facilities, air quality, water resources and conservation, and energy conservation. No amendments were made in 2022. Implementation: • Construction of Dog Park at Garvey Park located at 7933 Emerson Place, Year Round, 2022 Provided recreation programs for all ages included contract classes, special events, and activities, Year-round, 2022 Researched additional funding sources to fund projects, Year-round 2022 Public Safety: The Public Safety Element was updated in 2022. The Public Safety Element identifies hazards present in the community and defines ways for proper planning and emergency response services to mitigate the hazards including flooding. Amendments were made in 2022. Implementation: • The Public Safety Element was updated to satisfy SB 379 and integrated environmental policies throughout the General Plan. Community Area Watch Meetings, Year-round, 2022 • The City of Rosemead continued to conduct its weekly Monday evening radio check -ins with its Amateur Radio Members, Year-round, 2022 • The City of Rosemead Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) assists in mutual aid requests with our surrounding cities when requested. • Great Shake -Out, October 20, 2022 o The exercise drill provided opportunities for Staff to practice "duck, V 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report cover, and hold on", and review their workstations for any potential hazards. The drill also tested the city-wide intercom system. Noise Element: The Noise Element was adopted in 2010. The Noise Element identifies community noise concerns and includes policies and programs to minimize noise impacts in Rosemead. No amendments were made in 2022. Implementation: No activity took place in 2022 pertaining to this General Plan Element. 10 Attachment B 2022 Housing Element Annual Progress Report Please Start Here General Information Jurisidiction Name Rosemead Reporting Calendar Year 2022 Contact Information First Name Ben Last Name Kim Title City Manager Email bkim@cityofrosemead.org Phone 6265692169 Mailing Address Street Address 8838 E. Valley Blvd. City Rosemead Zipcode 91770 Annual Progress Report Optional: Click here to import last year's data. This is best used when the workbook is new and empty. You will be prompted to pick an old workbook to import from. Project and program data will be copied exactly how it was entered in last year's form and must be updated. If a project is no longer has any reportable activity, you may delete the project by selecting a cell in the row and typing ctrl + d. Click here to download APR Instructio 1_23_23 Optional: This runs a macro which checks to ensure all required fields are filled out. The macro will create two files saved in the same directory this APR file is saved in. One file will be a copy of the APR with highlighted cells which require information. The other file will be list of the problematic cells, along with a description of the nature of the error. Optional: Save before running. This copies data on Table A2, and creates another workbook with the table split across 4 tabs, each of which can fit onto a single page for easier printing. Running this macro will remove the comments on the column headers, which contain the instructions. Do not save the APR file after running in order to preserve comments once it is reopened. Optional: This macro identifies dates entered that occurred outside of the reporting year. RHNA credit is only given for building permits issued during the reporting year. Link to the online system: https://apr.hcd.ca.gov/APR/login.do Submittal Instructions Please save your file as Jurisdictionname2022 (no spaces). Example: the city of San Luis Obispo would save their file as SanLuisObispo2022 Housing Element Annual Progress Reports (APRs) forms and tables must be submitted to HCD and the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) on or before April 1 of each year for the prior calendar year; submit separate reports directly to both HCD and OPR pursuant to Government Code section 65400. There are two options for submitting APRs: 1. Online Annual Progress Reporting System - Please see the link to the online system to the left. This allows you to upload the completed APR form into directly into HCD's database limiting the risk of errors. If you would like to use the online system, email APR(a)-hcd.ca.gov and HCD will send you the login information for your jurisdiction. Please note: Using the online system only provides the information to HCD. The APR must still be submitted to OPR. Their email address is opr.apr@opr.ca.gov. 2. Email - If you prefer to submit via email, you can complete the excel Annual Progress Report forms and submit to HCD at APRCa.hcd.ca.gov and to OPR at opr.apr(@_opr.ca.gov. Please send the Excel workbook, not a scanned or PDF copy of the tables. Jurisdiction Rosemead ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Note: 'Y' indicates an optional field Reporting Year 2022 (Jan.1-Dec. 31) Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Planning Period 6th Cycle 10/15/2021 -10115/2029 Table A Housing Development Applications Submitted Total Total Date Approved Disapproved Density Bonus Law Application Project Identifier Unit Types Application Proposed Units - Affordability by Household Incomes Units by Units by Streamlining Applications Status Notes Submitted Project Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 Ddl the housing Were incentives Was APPLICATION development Unit Category Tenure Date Application Very Low- Very Low- Moderate- Low -Income Low -Income Moderate- Above Total Total SUBMITTED application seek or concessions regested Please indicate Prior APN` Current APN Street Address Local Jurisdiction Project Name` (SFA,SFD,2 to Submitted. Income Deed Income Non Income Deed Non Deed Deed Income Moderate- Non Deed Total PROPOSED Units by Project APPROVED DISAPPROVED Pursuant to ? 65913.4(b)? incentives s concessions pursuantto p the status of the Notes` Tracking ID` 4,5+,ADU,MH) R=Renter (see Restricted Deed Restricted Restricted Restricted Income Units by project Units by Project (SB 36 pursuant to Government application. O=Owner instructions)Code Restricted Restricted section Streamlining) Government Code 65915 approved? LAsection 65915? 0 0 4 0 0 0 116 120 39 0 Summa Row: Start Data Entry Below GPA 22-01, ZC 22- 5389-009-29, 030, 5389-009-29, 030, 8601 Mission Dr. Mission Villas 01, PDR 22-01, 5+ O 2/17/2022 4 33 37 37 No No N/A Approved 031 031 TTM 83705 8593-031-025 8593-031-025 3703 Strang St. Design Review DR 22-01 SFD O 4/P1/P022 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5390-001-035 5390-001-035 3913 Gemert Ave. Design Review DR 22-04 SFD O 11!//2022 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-023-015 5287-023-015 3242 Kelbum Ave. ADU O 1/12/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 3351 Lafayette 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-022-034 5287-022-034 Ave. ADU O 1/20/2022 5287-030-051 5287-030-051 8023 Whitmore St. ADU R 1/27/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-015-011 5287-015-011 7849 Hellman Ave. ADU 0 2/3/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5282-019-026 5262-019-026 2462 Paljay Ave. ADU R 2/8/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-029-019 5287-029-019 8129 Whitmore St. ADU R 2/9/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 3622 Rio Hondo 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-013-007 8593-013-007 Ave ADU R 2/9/2022 2643 Strathmore 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5284-037-076 5284-037-076 Ave. ADU 0 2/14/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5289-017-054 5289-017-054 3243 Rosemead PI. ADU 0 2/15/2022 5287-037-001 5287-037-001 7919 Virginia St. ADU 0 2/22/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5285-009-008 5285-009-008 7434 Fem Ave. ADU 0 3/2/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-024-037 5287-024-037 3225 Eckhart Ave. ADU 0 3/2/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 3417 Greendale 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5289-015-040 5289-015-040 Ave. ADU 0 3/2/2022 5284-025-022 5284-025-022 2538 Denton Ave. ADU 0 3/3/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8592-020-057 8592-020-057 4534 Dadow Ave. ADU R 3/7/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8595-012-039 8595-012-039 9096 Argo PI. ADU 0 3/8/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5288-018-022 5288-018-022 3320 Delta Ave. ADU R 3/8/2022 1 1 No No WA Approved 5284-004-029 5284-004-029 8114 Fern Ave. ADU R 3/9/2022 2 2 No No N/A Approved 5390-003-060 5390-003-060 8703 Marshall St. ADU R 3/10/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 4302 Muscatel Ave. ADU 0 3/10/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5391-010-019 5391-010-019 5289-016-054 5289-016-054 8951 Beatrice PI. ADU 0 3/14/2022 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 2528 Dubonnet 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5282-013-011 5282-013-011 Ave. ADU R 3/19/2022 5287-019-020 5287-019-005 7963 Dorothy St. ADU R 3/28/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 2568 Muscatel Ave. 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5282-012-002 5282-012-002 ADU 0 3/30/2022 3741 Muscatel Ave. 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5390-007-077 5390-007-077 ADU O 3/30/2022 4330 Rio Hondo 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8592-017-017 8592-017-017 Ave. ADU R 4/4/2022 5391-003-042 5391-003-042 B733 Edmond Dr. ADU R 4/4/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5288-003-032 5288-003-032 3232 Delta Ave. ADU O 4/4/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-018-021 5287-018-021 3359 Kelbum Ave. ADU 0 4/4/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8594-022-032 8594-022-032 9218 Marshall St. ADU 0 4/13/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 2549 Muscatel Ave. 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5282-013-019 5282-013-019 ADU 0 4/25/2022 5286-025-031 5286-025-031 3143 Evelyn Ave. ADU 0 6/2/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5283-027-027 5283-027-027 2418 Earle Ave. ADU RI 6/7/2022 2 2 No No N/A Approved 5391-001-007 5391-001-007 8658 Mission Dr. SFD 01 6/9/2022 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved, 8595-005-014 8595-005-014 3262 Sullivan Ave. ADU 0 6/14/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 3628 Rio Hondo 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-013-006 8593-013-006 Ave. ADU R 6/15/2022 8593-020-019 8593-020-019 3546-48 Ellis Ln. ADU R 6/16/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-010-009 5287-010-009 8073 Artson St. ADU 0 6/22/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8594-007-004 8594-007-004 9216 Steele St. ADU 0 6/22/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 3150 Walnut Grove 2 2 No No N/A Approved 5289-004-020 5289-004-020 Ave. ADU R 6/22/2022 3439 Earlswood Dr. ADU 0 6/22/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5289-015-044 5289-015-044 5390-009-028 5390-009-028 8702 Guess St. ADU R 6/29/2022 1 1 No No N/A Ap raved 5389-004-049 4803 Walnut Grove 5389-004-049 Ave. ADU O 6/29/2022 1 1 No No 1'411A Hppruveu 5372-014-032 5372-014-032 4457 Earle Ave. ADU R 7/12/2022 1 1 _ No No N/A Approved 5287-030-042 5287-030-042 8050 Emerson Pi. ADU R 7/13/2022 1 r. 1. No No N/A Approved 5389-017-012 5389-017-012 4508lvarAve. ADU R 7/14/2022 1 '. 1' No No N/A Approved 5390-010-062 5390-010-062 8732 Steele St. ADU 0 7/20/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5391-001-007 5391-001-007 8658 Mission Dr. SFD 0 7/27/2022 1 : 1': No No N/A Approved 5288-007-038 5288-007-038 3153 Angelus Ave. ADU O 8/3/2022 No No N/A Approved 5286-031-004 5286-031-004 3239 Evelyn Ave. ADU R 8/30/2022 1 ': 1: No No N/A Approved 5283-005-020 5283-005-020 2735 Earle Ave. ADU R 9/12/2022 1 11 No No N/A Approve 5284-034-040 5284-034-040 2477 Strathmore Ave, ADU R 10/12/2022 1 1. No No N/A Approved 5391-005-049 5391-005-049 4216 Walnut Grove Ave. ADU R 10/12/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5288-013-029 5288-013-029 3437 Delta Ave. ADU 0 10/13/2022 1 No No N/A Approved 5288-004-098 5288-004-098 8449 Garvey Ave. ADU R 1 10/24/2022 21 2 No No N/A Approved 5391-001-025 4437 La Prose Ave. 5391-001-025 ADU O 10/25/2022 2 2 No No N/A Approved 5289-008-075 5289-008-075 3433 Muscatel Ave. ADU R 11/2/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-006-021 8593-006-021 9427 Ralph St. ADU R 11/8/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5283-034-019 5283-034-019 2240 Gladys Ave. ADU 0 11/9/2022 1 r1 No No N/A Approved 8593-033-013 8593-033-013 3827 Strang Ave. ADU 0 11/14/2022 1 f. :1. No No N/A Approved 8593-003-029 8593-003-029 9504 Steele St. ADU R 1 11/15/2022 1 '. 1'. No No N/Al Approved 5288-007-064 5288-007-064 3103 Angelus Ave. ADU 01 11/29/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5391-014-007 5391-014-007 4104 Loma Ave. ADU R 12/7/2022 1 1 No No N/A A roved 5286-031-004 5286-031-004 3239 Evelyn Ave. ADU R 12/8/2022 1 : 4 No No N/A Approved 5389-003-053 5389-003-053 4849 Willard Ave. ADU 01 12/14/2022 1 :. 1'. No No N/A Approved 5371-008-021 5371-008-021 8423 Norwood PI. ADU 01 12/19/2022 1 'r 1' No No N/A Approved 5284-037-046 5284-037-046 2631 Brighton Ave. ADU R 12/19/2022 3 '.3 No No N/A Ap roved 8594-020-009 8594-020-009 9347 Marshall St. ADU R 12/20/2022 11 1 No No N/A Approved 5389-005-056 5389-005-056 4822 Walnut Grove Ave. ADU R 12/20/2022 1 1'. No No N/A Approved 5286-025-009 5286-025-009 3118-3120 Isabel Ave. ADU R 12/20/2022 3 3. No No N/A Approved 5391-004-046 5391-004-046 4219 1/4 Muscatel Ave. ADU R 12/21/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-020-019 8593-020-019 3546-08 Ellis Ln. SFD R 6/16/2022 1 1 No No N/A Approved, Jurisdiction Rosemead ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation Note: 'W' Indicates an optional field Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Reporting Year 2022 (Jan. 1 -Dec. 31) Planning Period 6thCcle 1wts2a2t-101t5'zoza Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Project Identifier Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes - Completed Entitlement Affordability by Household Incomes - Building Permits 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 Unit Category Tenure Very Low- Very Low- Low -Income Low -Income Moderate- Moderate- Above Entitlement - Income Moderate- Moderate- Very Low- Very Low- Low. Income Low In m Above Building Permits # of Units Issued Prior APN' Current APN Street Address Protect Name' Local Jurisdiction (SFA Income Deed Income Non Deed Non Deed Income Deed Income Non Moderate- Date Approved # of Units Issued Income Deed Income Non Deed Non Deed Income Deed Income Non Moderate - Dete Issued Building Permits Tracking ID' ,SFD,2lc 4,5+,ADU,MH) R=Renter Restricted Deed Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Deed Restricted Income Entitlements Restricted Deed Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Deed Restricted Income o=owner Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 76 0 0 7 01 0 0 195 202 8593-031-025 8593-031-025 3703 Strang St. Design Review DR 22-01 SFD O 1 10/3/2022 1 _ 0 5286-022-009, 010 5286-022-009, 010 7539 & 7545 Prospect Villa ZC 21-02 & SPA 21- 5+ R 75 4/12/2022 0 Game Ave. 01 75 5287-039-010 5287-039-010 303840 Del Mar B00-014.674 ADU O -- p 1 1/32022 1 5287-014-027 5287-014027 3403-07 Kelburn Ave. BOO -014-101 ADU O 0 1 1/32022 1 5284-012-007 5284-012-007 8051-55 Graves Ave. BOO -015-162 ADU O 0 1 1/132022 1 8593-023-006 8593-023-006 383941 Temple C Blvd. B00-013-363 ADU O 0 1 1/102022 1 5282-005-011 5282-005-011 2656-58 Bartlett Ave. B00-015-194 ADU R 0 1 1202022 1 5283-033-011 5283-033-011 2216-18 Charlotte Ave. B00-015-105 ADU R 0 1 1252022 1 5288-019-003 5288-019-003 3362-64 Angelus Ave. B00-013-924 ADU R 0 1 1252022 1 5289-015-046 5289-015-046 344648 Ivar Ave. 800-013-929 ADU R 0 1 1252022 1 5371-012-036 5371-012-036 8548 Norwood Pl. 800-013-184 ADU R 0 1 1/312022 1 5285-025-011 5285-025-011 7742-04SHlghcliff t.5371-015-031 800.014-219 ADU R 0 1 1/312022 1 5371-015-031 363941 Chariette Ave. BOD -015-382 ADU R 0 1 1/312022 1 8594-011-013 8594-011-013 9264 Guess St. Unit B 800-014192 ADU O 0 1 22/2022 1 5287-010.008 5287-010-008 8067 Artson St. BOM14-535 ADU R 1 0 1 22/2022 1 5389-017-007 5389-017-O07 4422-26 War Ave. BOD -015-007 ADU 0 0 1 2/8/2022 1 5286-037-014 5286-037414 7631-3SCtolumbia BOD -014-779 ADU R 0 1 2/14/2022 1 5286-035-018 5286-035-018 7615-21 Hellman Ave. BOO -015-398 ADU R 0 1 2/14/2022 1 5286-035-018 5286-035-018 7615-21 Hellman Ave. B00-015-399 ADU R 0 1 2/142022 1 5283-037-003 5283-037-003 8256-58 Kelm St. BOO -015-289 ADU R 0 1 2/16/2022 1 5288-019-004 5288-019-004 3300 Burton Ave. B00-013-931 ADU R 0 1 2/16/2022 1 5288-012-016 5285-012-016 3426-28 Twin Ave. B00-013-296 ADU R 0 1 1 2/22/2022 1 5284-027-013 5284-027-013 2709-11 Kelburn Ave. B00-014-846 ADU O 0 1 22212022 1 5288-008-030 5288-008-030 3231-33 Charlotte Ave. 600-015-044 ADU O 0 1 2/22/2022 1 5283-036-009 5283-036-009 8308-12 Greves Ave. B00-014-754 ADU O 0 1 21232022 1 5283-036-009 5283-036-009 8308-12 Graves Ave. 800-014756 ADU O 0 1 21232022 1 5371-006-033 5371-006-033 3839 Delta Ave. Unit B 800-015-306 ADU O 0 1 224/2022 1 5283-021-050 5283-021-050 2526-28 Angelus Ave. B00-015-170 ADU O 0 1 2/24/2022 1 8594-004-014 8594-004-014 9303-05 Steele St. B00-014-739 ADU R 0 1 2/282022 1 5287-014-028 5287-014-028 793945 Hellman Ave. 600.015-326 ADU R 0 1 3/112022 1 5287-014-028 5287-014-028 793945 Hellman Ave. B0D-015-327 ADU R 0 1 3/12022 1 5285-030-022 5285-030-022 7733 Wasola St. 600.015-072 ADU R 0 1 3/7/2022 1 8594-004-012 8594-004-012 9313-15 Steele St. B00-015-070 ADU O 0 1 3/9/2022 1 5289-011-008 5289-011-008 3056-60 Muscatel Ave. B00-014-880 ADU O 0 1 3/102022 1 4723-25 La Presa ADU O 1 3/17/2022 1 5389-008-061 5389-0OB-061 Ave. B00-014-870 0 8593-031-007 8593-031-007 3715-17 Shang Ave. B0O-014-642 ADU 0 0 1 3/222022 1 5389-008-068 5389-008-068 864042 Grand Ave. 800-014-985 ADU O 0 1 31302022 1 5284-015-033 5284-015-033 8047 Newmark Ave. 800.014-794 ADU O 0 1 4/42022 1 5286-015-026 5286-015-026 3248-50 Prospect Ave. BOD -014-323 ADU R1 0 4152022 1 8595-014-007 8595-014-007 3123-25 Heglis Ave. B00-015.575 ADU O 0 1 4/122022 1 8595-014-007 8595-014-007 3137 Hlis Ave. B00-015-131 ADU O 0 1 4/13/2022 1 5288-004-057 5288-004-057 8449 Garvey Ave. Unit 201 B00-015-603 ADU R0 2 4/14/2022 2 5288-004-057 5288-004-057 8449 Garvey Ave. Unit 203 800-015-604 ADU R 0 2 4/14/2022 2 5288-004-057 5288-004-057 8449 Garvey Ave. Unit 206 800-015-605 ADU R 0 2 4/14/2022 2 5288-004-057 5288-004-057 8450 Garvey Ave. Unit 208 600-015.606 ADU R 0 1 41142022 1 5288-004-057 5288-004-057 8451 Garvey Ave. Unit 303 800.015.607 ADU R 0 1 4/14/2022 1 5288-004-057 5288-004-057 8452 Garvey Ave. Unit 403 BOO -015-608 ADU R 0 1 4/14/2022 1 8593-017-032 8593-017-032 3625 EIIIBAve. Unit BOO -014-072 ADU 0 1 4/1812022 1 0 Affordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of Occupancy Streamlining Infill Housing with Financial Assistance and/or Deed Restrictions Housing without Financial Assistance or Deed Restrictions Term Deed Restriction Affordability or Dee Demolished/Destroyed Units Density Bonus Notes 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Low- Income Moderate- Moderate- Deed Non Deed Income Deed Income Non Restricted Restricted Restricted Deed Restricted Certificates of Above Occupancy or other Moderate- forms of readiness Income (see instructions) Date Issued pof Units Issued Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness How many of the units were Extremely Low Income7` Was Project APPROVED using GC 65913,4(b)7 (SB 35 Streamlining) YIN Infill Units? Y/N` Assistance Programs for Each Development (may select multiple - s see Instructions) Deed Restriction Type (may select multiple s see Instructions) For units affordable without financial assistance or deed restrictions, explain how the locality determined the units were affordable (see Instructions) Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction (years) (II affordable in perpetuity enter 1000)` Number of Demolished or Demolished/Dest Destroyed Units rayed Units DemollshedlDes frayed Units Owner or Renter Total Density Bonus Applied to the Project (Percentage Increase In Total Allowable Units or Total Maximum Allowable Residential Gross Floor Area) Number of Other Incentives, Concessions, Waivers, or Other Modifications Given to the Project (Ex eluding Parking Waivers or Parking Reductions) List the incentives, concesslons, waivers, and modifications (Excluding Parking Waivers or Parkin g Modifications) Did the project receive a reduction or waiver of Notes` parking standards? (YIN) 0 0 0 0 0 0 143 143 0 0 14 0 0 0 N Y 1 Demolished O 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y f 0 0 N Y a 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y o a N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 a N Y Jurisdiction Rosemead ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Note: "+" indicates an optional field Reporting Year 2022 (Jan.1-Dec. 31) Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas IPlanninq Period 6th C cle IW1512021 - 101152029 8595410-015 8595-010-015 3146-48 pi. Rosemead BOG -015565 ADU O 0 1 411812022 1 2517-19 Dubonnet B00-014-167 ADU O 1 421/2022 1 5282-015-026 5282-015-026 Ave. 0 5285-013-007 5285-013-007 7556-58 Garvalia Ave.0 BOO -014-403 ADU R 1 4252022 1 5285-013-007 5285-013-007 7531-33 Wilmar Pl. BOO -014-404 ADU R 0 1 4252022 1 5289-018-053 5289-018-053 3177-79 pi. Rosemead BOO -015-504 ADU 0 1 426/2022 1 5390-017-08B 5390-017-088 3643 Lee St. BOO -015-897 ADU 0 1 5/32022 1 8594-015-016 8594-015-016 9216-18 Ralph St. BOO -014-180 ADU 0 1 5/4/2022 1 8594-011-028 8594-011-028 9251-53 Rat hSt. BOO -014-019 ADU 0 1 5/112022 1 8815-17 Jenny Way ADU JR 1 5/232022 1 5289-012-091 5289-012-091 BOO -013-552 0 8593-018-020 8593-018-020 9464-66 Olne St. BOO -015-492 ADU 0 1 5/24/2022 1 8593-023-001 8593-023-001 9615 Guess St. BOO -015-701 ADU 0 1 5/252022 1 5286-013-027 5286-013-027 3250 Stevens Ave. BOO -015-863 ADU 0 1 5/262022 1 5282-014-001 5282-014-001 2558-02 Bartlett Ave. 800-015-197 ADU 0 1 5/312022 1 5287-016-006 5287-016-006 3423-255 Brighton BOO -015-564 ADU R 0 1 6/7/2022St. 1 8593-003-030 8593-003-030 9516-18 Steele St. 800-1114-454 ADU O 0 1 6/132022 1 5284-027-017 5284-027-017 2700-04 Denton Ave. BOO -015-320 ADU O 0 1 6/22/2022 1 8594-010-020 8594-010-020 9129 Ral h St. BOO -014-314 ADU O 0 1 7/52022 1 5285-010-0175285-010-017 7539 Garvalla Ave. Unit B BOO -015-588 ADU O 0 1 7182022 1 5285-032-013 5285-032-013 7660 FemB Ave. Unit BOO -016-044 ADU O 0 1 7/112022 1 8595-009-002 8595-009-002 9107 Whitmore St. Unit B 800-015-947 ADU O 0 1 7/122022 1 8023 Whitmore St. BOO -015-814 ADU O 1 7/122022 1 5287-030-051 5287-030-051 Unit 3 0 3248 Evelyn Ave. 800-015-357 ADU R 1 7/1212022 1 5286-030-017 5286-030-017 Unit#A 0 3250 Evelyn Ave. 800-015-358 ADU R 1 7/122022 1 5286-030-017 5286-030-017 Unit 0 5286-036-008 5286-036-008 7728 Columbia St. Unit B BOD -015-769 ADU O 0 1 7/142022 1 5287-022-034 5287-022-034 3351 Lafayette St. Unit B 800-015-993 ADU O 0 1 7/142022 1 5283-036-026 5283-036-026 8307 Kelm St. Unit BOO -016-035 ADU R 0 1 7/182022 1 5287-015-007 5287-015-007 3426 Brighton Ave. Unit B BOO -015-026 ADU O 0 1 7/182022 1 5289-006-040 5289-006-040 3212-16 Burton Ave. BOO -015-833 ADU R 0 1 7202022 1 5287-022-041 5287-022-041 3352 Kelbum Ave. Unit B BOO -016-077 ADU O 0 1 7252022 1 5285-009-008 5285-009-008 7434 Fen Ave. Unit BOO -015-942 ADU O 0 1 7/262022 1 8593-009-D76 8593-009-016 9521 DSAdalena t. BOO -015-396 ADU O 0 1 7262022 1 5390-013-028 5390-013-028 8920 Guess Ave. BOO -014-878 ADU O 0 1 7282022 1 5286-036-006 5286-036-006 4534 Darlow Ave. Unit B BOO -016-198 ADU R 0 1 7/28/2022 1 3234 Charlotte Ave. BOO ADU O 1 8112022 1 5288-007-042 5288-007-042 Unit B -014-627 0 8318 Hellman Ave. BOO ADU R 1 8142022 1 5288-020-002 5288-020-002 Unit B -014-532 0 8592-012-031 8592-012-031 4126 Enclnita Ave. Unit B BOO -014-392 ADU O 0 1 8/82022 1 5284-019-007 5284-019-007 2549 Falling Leaf Ave. Unit B BOO -015-901 ADU O 0 1 8/9/2022 1 5287-027-002 5287-027-002 8142 Hellman Ave. Unit B BOO -015-649 ADU R 0 1 8/102022 1 8594-016-007 8594-016-007 9037 De Adalena St. Unit B BOO -015-400 ADU O 0 1 8/152022 1 5283-033-012 5283-033-012 2222 Charlotte Ave. Unit B BOD -015-478 ADU O 0 1 8/162022 1 5372-011-023 5372-011-023 4521 Delta Ave. Unit B BOD415-928 ADU O 0 1 8/172022 1 5285-031-018 5285-031-018 2512 Daroca Ave. Unit B BOO -015-996 ADU O 0 1 8/18/2022 1 5281-031-047 5281-031-047 1044 La Press Ave. Unit B 800-015-585 ADU O 0 1 8/182022 1 8594-006-015 8594-006-015 9353 Guess St. BOD -015-345 ADU R 0 1 8/232022 1 8594-006-015 8594-006-015 9349 Guess St. BOO -015-347 ADU R 0 1 81232022 1 5288-007-051 5288-007-051 3152 Charlotte Ave. Unit C BOO -015-914 ADU O 0 1 8/252022 1 5391-003-042 5391-003-042 9216-18 Ralph St. Unit B BOO -016-110 ADU R 0 1 8/29/2022 1 5284-024042 5284-024-042 2413 Kalb in Ave. Unit B BOO -015-166 ADU O 0 1 8/302022 1 5286-029-012 5286-029-012 7759 Emerson PI. Unit B BOO -015-842 ADU O 0 1 9/12022 1 8593-014-008 8593-014-008 9425 Olneey St. Unit BOO -015-460 ADU O 0 1 9/12022 1 5288-019-016 5288-019-016 3326 Angelus Ave. Unit B BOO -014-043 ADU R 0 1 9/62022 1 5289-016-054 5289-016-054 8951 Beatrice PI. Unit B 800-015-988 ADU O 0 1 9/82022 1 7650 Fern Ave. Unit BOO ADU R 1 91122022 1 5285-032-011 5285-032-011 B -015-692 0 5371-006-052 5371-008-052 3854-58 Delta Ave. BOO -014466 ADU R 0 1 9/132022 1 8593-018-004 8593-018-004 9618 Olneey St. Unit BOO -014-725 ADU O p 1 1 91132022 2626 Muscatel Ave. BOO ADU R 1 91152022 1 5282-024-003 5282-024-003 Unit B -013-911 0 2626 Muscatel Ave. 800-013-912 ADU O 1 917512022 1 5282-024-003 5282-024-003 unit 0 5282-013-019 5282-013-019 2549 Muscatel Ave. Unit B BOO -016-167 ADU O 0 1 920/2022 1 8647 Olney St. Unit BOO ADU O 1 10/4/2022 1 5390-004-043 5390-004-043 B -015-248 0 5287-018-021 5287-018-021 3359 Kelbum Ave. B00-016-094 ADU O 0 1 1 1 10/4/2022 1 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 D N Y 0 0 N Y D 0 N Y 0 0 N Y T o 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y D 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 o N Y 0 o N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N V 0 0 N Y D 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y Jurisdiction Rosemead ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT [Not,:"+Indicates an optional geld Reporting Year 2022 (Jan.1-Dec. 31) Housing Element Implementation ells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Planning Period 6th Cycle 10115@021 -10115=29 5287-013-008 5287-013-008 3429 Lafayette Sl. Unit A B00-015-843 ADU O 0 1 10/6/2022 8594-015-016 8594-015-016 2443 Kelbum Ave. BOO -014-182 ADU O 0 1 10/11/2022 1 5282-012-002 5282-012-002 2568 Muscatel Ave. Unit B BOO -016-123 ADU R 0 1 10/11/2022 1 5390-017-051 5390-017-051 8825 Glendon Way. Unit B B00-015-857 ADU R 0 1 10/17/2022 1 5390-003-060 5390-003-060 8703 Marshall St. Unit B B00-015-991 ADU R ° 0 1 10/20/2022 1 5369-012-052 5389-012-052 8719 Falrcrest Dr. B00-015-422 ADU O 0 1 10/26/2022 1 3243 Rosemead Pl. B00-015-969 ADU O 1 10/27/2022 1 5289.017-054 5289-017-054 Unit B 0 5282-019-026 5282-019-026 2462 Palley Ave. Ull B B B00-016-120 ADU O 0 1 10131/2022 1 5289-009-072 5289-009-072 3154 Bartlett Ave. B00-014-742 ADU O 0 1 11/8/2022 1 5283-027-027 5283-027-027 2416 Earle Ave. 800-016-384 ADU R 0 1 11/8/2022 1 5283-027-027 5283-027-027 2416 Earle Ave. Unit B 800-016-385 ADU R 0 1 11/812022 5287-010-009 5287-010-009 8073 Anson St. B00-016-335 ADU O 0 1 11/16/2022 1 3262 Sullivan Ave. 600-016-467 ADU O 1 11/17/2022 1 8595-005-014 8595-005-014 Unit B 0 5286-034-028 5286.034-028 3311 Isabel Ave. B00-015-325 ADU R 0 1 11/17/2022 1 3546 Ellis Ln. Unit 800-016-480 ADU R 1 11/22/2022 1 8593-020-019 8593-020-019 B 0 5288-007-061 5288-007-061 3110 Charlotte Ave. Unit B 800-016-756 ADU O 0 1 125/2022 1 3439 Eadswood Dr. B00-016-484 ADU O 1 1215/2022 1 5289-015-044 5289-015-044 Unit B 0 8592-017-027 8592-017-027 4320 Rio Hondo Ave. 800-016-193 ADU O 0 1 126/2022 1 5286-025.031 5286-025-031 3143 Evelyn Ave. 800-016-563 ADU O 0 1 1216/2022 1 5391-010-019 5391-010-019 4302 Muscatel Ave. 800-016-197 ADU O 0 1 1218/2022 1 5289-014-046 5289-014-046 8953-66 Hershey B00-016-134 ADU O 0 1 128/2022 1 5287-012-031 5287-012-031 3437 Eckhart Ave. 800-014-162 ADU O 0 1 12115/2022 1 8592-014-043 8592-014-043 9313 Rose Sl. 800.016-495 ADU O 0 1 12/19/2022 1 8592.014-043 8592-014-043 9313 Rose St. Unit B00-016-496 ADU O 0 1 12/19/2022 1 5389-004-025 5389-004-025 4820 Willard Ave. BOO -016-613 ADU R 0 1 12/20/2022 1 8594-007.004 8594-007-004 9216 Steele St. BOO -016-424 ADU R 0 1 1221/2022 1 5284-027-017 5284-027-017 2700-04 Denton Ave. B00-015-322 ADU O 0 1 6/222022 5391-008-021 5391-008-021 8733 Hovey Sl. BOO -015-739 ADU O 0 1 7/6/2022 1 8594-017-002 8594-017-002 9060 Dee Adalena 800-015-772 ADU O p 1 7f7/2022 1 5288-001-040 5288-001-040 3001 Walnut Grove B00-015-592 5+ R 7 35 1221/2022 42 Ave. 0 5285-030-022 5285-030-022 7731 Wasola Sl. B00-015-471 SFD R 0 1 317/2022 1 5284-015-033 5284-015-033 8045 Newmark Ave. B00-014-793 SFD O 0 1 4/4/2022 1 5373-033-015 5373-033-015 4922 Earle Ave. B00-015-567 SFD O 0 1 4/1212022 1 5285-013-007 5285-013-007 7556-58 Garvalia Ave. 5285-013-007 SFD R 0 2 4/25/2022 2 5284-004-026 5284-004-026 8103-05 Garvalia Ave. 800-016-039 SFD R 0 1 5125/2022 1 5288-007-042 5288-007-042 3234 Charlotte Ave. Unit A 800-014-626 SFD O 0 1 8/1/2022 1 5288-020-002 5288-020-002 8318 Hellman Ave. BOO -014-531 SFD R 0 1 8/4/2022 1 5390-010-051 5390-010-051 3917-19 Muscatel Ave. B00-013-819 SFD R 0 2 8/16/2022 2 8594-006-023 8594-006-023 9347 Guess St. B00-015-346 I SFD R 0 1 8/23/2022 1 8594-006-023 8594-006-023 9351 Guess Sl. BOD -015-344 SFD R 0 1 8/23/2022 1 5288-007-051 5288-007-051 3152 Charlotte Ave. Unit C B00-015-911 SFD O 0 1 812512022 1 7650 Fern Ave. Unit BOO -015-691 SFD R 1 9/12/2022 1 5285.032-011 5285-032-011 B 0 5371-008-052 5371-008-052 3854-58 Delta Ave. BOO -014-464 SFD R 0 1 9/13/2022 1 5289-009-072 5289-009-072 3154 Bartlett Ave. B00-014-741 SFD O 0 1 11/8/2022 1 5390-015-076 5390-015-076 8656 Guess St. BOO -016-412 SFD O 0 1 11/14/2022 1 5288-003-0415 5288-003-041 8444 Dorothy St. B00-015-623 SFD R 0 5 1215/2022 5 5288-004-057 5288-004-057 8418 Garvey Ave. B00-007-592 5+ R 0 - 0 5288-004-057 5288-004-057 8449 Garvey Ave. B00-010-654 5+ R 0 0 5288-004-057 5288-004-057 8449 Garvey Ave. B00-015-603 ADU R 0 0 5286-016-037 5286-016-037 7443 Whitmore St. 800-007-429 SFD R 0 0 5390-002-046 5390-002-046 3800-04 Walnut Grove Ave. B00-010-840 SFD R 0 0 5371-003-034 5371-003-034 3731 N Charlotte Ave. B00-011-465 SFD O 0 0 5289-013-070 5289-013-070 8836-38 Ramona Blvd. B00-014-104 SFD O 0 0 5287-018-021 5287-018-021 3359 Kelburn Ave. B00-012-746 SFD O 0 0 5371-003-034 5371-003-034 3733 N Charlotte Ave. ADU O 0 0 8593-002-029 8593-002-029 9613-15 Steele Sl. ADU O 0 0 5371-008-059 5371-008-059 3873-75 Earle Ave. ADU R 0 0 8594-017-022 8594-017-022 9103-05 Marshal ADU R 0 0 8593-016-006 8593-016-006 3612-14 Vane Ave. ADU R 0 0 5284-031-004 5284-031-004 224333-35 Denton ADU O 0 0 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N N DS 50 3 Demolished R Development 35.0% 2 Standards Yes Modification 0 0 N Y 1 Demolished 0 0 N Y 00 Y 1 Destroyed 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 1 Demolished 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 2 Demolished 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 1 Demolished 0 0 N Y 0 0 N Y 1 Demolished 0 0 N Y 1 Demolished 0 0 N Y 2 Demolished 46 6/3/2022 46 0 N N 26 9/13/2022 26 0 N N 6 9/13/2022 6 0 N Y 1 9!//2022 1 0 N Y 1 677/2022 1 0 N Y 1 2/17/2022 1 0 N Y 1 3/22/2022 1 0 N Y 1 9/15/2022 1 0 N Y 1 2/17/2022 1 0 N Y 1 5/10/2022 1 0 N Y 1 7!7/2022 1 0 N Y 1 377/2022 1 0 N Y 1 2/9/2022 1 0 N Y 1 10/26/2022 1 0 N Y Jurisdiction Rosemead ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Note:' indicates an optional field Reporting Year 2022 (Jan.1-Dec. 31) Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Planning Period 6th Cycle 101i5=1-101152075 4727-29 Willard 1W 0 5389-003-031 5389-003-031 Ave. ADU O 0 5288-013-008 5288-013-008 3436-40 Gaydon Ave. ADU O 0 0 5282-020-018 5282-020-018 2516-19 PaQay Ave. ADU R 0 0 5390-016-040 5390-016-040 3709-11 lvar Ave. ADU 0 0 0 5285-015-002 5285-016-002 7517-19 Graves Ave. ADU O 0 0 8593-028-010 8593-028-010 3541-43 Brookline Ave. ADU 0 0 0 5282-019-015 5282-019-015 2447-49 La Presa Ave. ADU O 0 0 8593-031-017 8593-031-017 3744-46 Brookline Ave. ADU R 0 0 8592-016-038 8592-016-038 9353-55 Pltkin St. ADU 0 0 0 5372-013-029 5372-013-029 4616-18 Delta Ave. ADU O 0 0 5372-014-042 5372-014-042 4430-32 Delta Ave. ADU 0 0 0 5287-011-014 5287-011-014 8114-16 Anson St. ADU O 0 0 8595-011-017 8595-011-017 3020-22 Rosemead ADU O 0 0 8594-016-025 8594-016-025 9116-18 Ralph Sl. ADU R 0 0 5286-015-027 5286-015-027 3254-58 Prospect Ave. ADU R 0 0 5389-010-057 5389-010-057 4553 Muscatel Ave. Unit 1 ADU O 0 0 5391-010-015 5391-010-015 4400-02 Muscatel Ave. ADU R 0 0 6593.011-001 8593-011.001 Ada -12 DeSt. ADU O 0 0 8594-007-037 8594-007-037 3914-16 Hart Ave. ADU 0 0 0 5288-015-007 5288-015-007 3432-34 Earle Ave. ADU O 0 0 8594-013-016 8594-013-016 9351-53 De Ave. Adalena8593-020-009 ADU 0 0 0 8593-020-009 3637-39 Temple City Blvd. ADU R 0 0 5286-031-014 5286-031-014 77707-09 Emerson ADU R 0 0 5289-013-070 5289-013-070 8836-38 Ramona Blvd. ADU 0 0 0 5283-020-036 5283-020-036 2436-38 Charlotte Ave. ADU O 0 0 8594.028-014 8594-028-014 9346-48 Glendon ADU 0 0 0 8596.015-002 8595-015-002 S122-24 Whitmore ADU O 0 0 5371-012-051 5371-012-051 8540-42 Shea Pl. ADU O 0 0 8593-029-015 8593-029-015 3524-26 Brookline Ave. ADU R 0 0 5371-005-028 5371-005-028 3877-79 Delta Ave. ADU O 0 0 5391-005-003 5391-005-003 88646-48 Edmond ADU O 0 0 5284-019-038 5284-019-038 2546-50 Kelbum Ave. Unit 3 ADU R 0 0 5284-019-038 5284-019-038 2546-50 Kelburn Ave. Unit 2 ADU R 0 0 5371-015-013 5371-015-013 3612-16 Delta Ave. ADU O ? 0 0 5282-005-018 5282-005-018 2728-30 Bartlett Ave. ADU O 0 0 5372-013-039 5372-013-039 4629-31 Earle Ave. ADU O 0 0 5391-011-033 5391-011-033 4202-04 lvar Ave. ADU O 0 0 5391-004-004 6391-004-004 88718-20 Edmond r. ADU 0 0 0 5373-033-021 5373-033-021 8439-43 Grand Ave. ADU R 0 0 5287-014-032 5287.014-032 3414-16 Kelbum Ave. ADU R 0 0 5285-033-014 5285-033-014 7660-62 Newmark Ave. ADU O 0 0 8592-020-081 8592-020-081 4556 Sultana Ave. ADU O 1 1 0 0 5288-015-014 5288-015-014 3419-21 Rockhold Ave. ADU R 0 0 5287-014-027 5287-014-027 3403-07 Kelbum Ave. ADU 0 0 0 5284-012-007 5284-012-007 8051-55 Graves Ave. ADU O 0 0 5282-005-011 5282-005-011 2656-58 Bartlett Ave. ADU R 0 0 5371-015-031 5371-015-031 3639-41 Charielte Ave. ADU R 0 0 5389-017-007 5389-017-007 4422-26 lvar Ave. ADU R 0 0 5288-012-016 6288-012-016 3426-28 Twin Ave. ADU R 0 0 8595-014.007 8595-014-007 3137 Heglis Ave., Unit B ADU R 0 0 8593-023-013 8593-023-013 9615 Guess St. ADU O 0 0 5287-030-051 5287-030-051 8023 Whitmore Sl., Unit 3 ADU R 0 0 5283-036-026 5283-036-026 8307 Kelm St., Unit ADU R 0 0 5372.011-023 5372-011-023 4521 Delta Ave., ADU O 1 0 Unit B 0 1 4/1s2022 7 0 N V 1 3/22/2022 1' 0 N Y 1 1/19/2022 1 0 N Y 1 4/22/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 1/5/2022 1 0 N Y 1 1/31/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 4/11/2022 1 0 N Y 1 3/15/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 2/23/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 3/29/2022 1 0 N Y 1 5/17/2022 1 0 N Y 1 6/14/2022 1 0 N Y 1 7/5/2022 1 0 N Y 1 2/18/2022 1 0 N Y 1 3/1/2022 1 0 N Y 1 6/23/2022 1 0 N Y 1 4/22/2022 1 0 N Y 1 7/19/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 6/15/2022 1 0 N Y 1 4/20/1022 1 0 N Y 1 3/10/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 7/7/2022 1 0 N Y 1 6/27/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 3/22/2022 1 0 N Y 1 4/7/2022 1. 0 N Y i 6/8/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 2/26/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 5/19/2022 __1 0 N Y 1 4/22/2022 1 0 N Y 1 3/28/2022 1 0 N Y 1 6/15/2022 1 0 N Y 1 11/8/2022 1 0 N Y 1 11/8/2022 1 0 N Y 1 6/27/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 11/15/2022 1 0 N Y 1 10/24/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 9/1/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 6/15/2022 1 0 N Y 1 6/8/2022 1 0 N Y 1 5/2/2022 1 0 N Y 1 10/18/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 9/15/2022 1 0 N Y 1 5/2/2022 1 0 N Y 1 11/8/2022 1 0 N Y 1 11/17/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 7/18/2022 1 0 N Y 1 7/8/2022 1 0 N Y 1 11/14/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 10/6/2022 1 0 N Y 1 10/18/2022 i. 0 N Y 1 11/82022 1. 0 N Y 1 10/17/2022 1. 0 N Y 1 10/18/2022 1 0 N Y 1 10/12/2022 1 0 N Y Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Year 2022 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Planning Period 6th Cycle 10/15/2021 - 10/15/2029 ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation Table B This table is auto -populated once you enter your jurisdiction name and current year data. Past year information comes from previous APRs. Please contact HCD if your data is different than the material supplied here Regional Housing Needs Allocation Progress Permitted Units Issued by Affordability 6 7 1 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2 3 4 Income Level RHNA Allocation b y Income Level Projection Period - 06/30/2021- 10/14/2021 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Units to Date (all years) Total Remaining RHNA by Income Level Very Low Deed Restricted 1,154 - 1,154 Non -Deed Restricted - Low Deed Restricted 638 7 7 631 Non -Deed Restricted - - Moderate Deed Restricted 686 - 686 Non -Deed Restricted - - Above Moderate 1 2,134 45 48 195 - 288 1,846 Total RHNA 4,612 Total Units 451 481 2021 2951 4,317 Prnnre— tnward extremely Inw-incnme hnusina needas determined pursuant to Government Code 65583(a)(1). 5 6 7 Extremely low -Income 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Units to Total Units Need Date Remaining Extremely Low -Income Units" 577 - 577 *Extremely low-income houisng need determined pursuant to Government Code 65583(a)(1). Value in Section 5 is default value, assumed to be half of the very low-income RHNA. May be overwritten. Note: units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income RHNA progress and must be reported as very low-income units in section 7 of Table A2. They must also be reported in the extremely low-income category (section 13) in Table A2 to be counted as progress toward meeting the extremely low-income housing need determined pursuant to Government Code 65583(a)(1). Please note: For the last year of the 5th cycle, Table B will only include units that were permitted during the portion of the year that was in the 5th cycle. For the first year of the 6th cycle, Table B will only include units that were permitted since the start of the planning period. Projection Period units are in a separate column. Please note: The APR form can only display data for one planning period. To view progress for a different planning period, you may login to HCD's online APR system, or contact HCD staff at apr@hcd.ca.gov. Jurisdiction Rosemead ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Note: "+" indicates an optional field Reporting Year 2022 (Jan.1-Dec. 31) Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Planning Period 6th Cycle 10/15/2021 - 10/15/2029 Tnhla C: Sites Identified or Rezoned to Accommodate Shortfall Housing Need and No Net -Loss Law Project Identifier Date of Rezone RHNA Shortfall by Household Income Category Rezone Type Sites Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 APN Street Address Project Name ) Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID' Very Above Moderate- Rezone Type Parcel Size Date of Rezone Ve Low -Income Low -Income Moderate -Income Income (Acres) General Plan Designation Zoning Minimum Density Allowed Maximum Realistic Description s Existing Density Allowed Capacity VacanUNonvacant Uses Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Year 2022 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Table D Program Implementation Status pursuant to GC Section 65583 Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in KE Status of Program Implementation Preserve the existing affordable housing stock throughout the community. a) Continue to implement programs through federal funding. a) Ongoing Owner Occupied b) Update the City's website periodically to address housing rehabilitation programs. Annually, throughout the 2021-2029 Housing Element b) Ongoing Rehabilitation Program c) Handyman Grant and Emergency Grant Program are both subsets of the Grant Housing Rehabilitation planning period c) Ongoing Program with a combined target of ten (1) units to be rehabilitated. For the Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Loan Program has a target of five (5) units to be rehabilitated. Down Payment Assistance Provide new homebuyers with loans for down payment of homes with a target of assisting eight (8) Annually, throughout the 2021-2029 Housing Element Program homeowners in Low to Moderate Income Census Tracts 482401, 482502, 482503, and 433602 over the 2021- planning period Ongoing 2029 planning period. Increase housing stock and encouraging development on underutilized sites throughout the community. a) Amend the Zoning Ordinance for consistency with state law requirements for ADUs within one year from adoption of the Housing Element. a) By January 2023 a) In progress Infill Housing Development b) Incentivize ADUs through providing information on State ADU law on the City's web page and providing b) By December 2022 with updates as needed b) Completed - Ongoing and Site Recycling technical assistance at the City's Zoning Counter by December 2022. c) Ongoing c) Ongoing c) Provide technical assistance at the city's Zoning Counter to facilitate infill and affordable housing d) By December 2021 d) Completed development. d) Adopt the Freeway Corridor Mixed -Use Overlay Zone by December 2021. Land Assemblage (Lot Promote lot consolidation of individual parcels into larger development sites. By 2025, the City will evaluate Consolidation) and Write- incentive programs by 2025 to determine effectiveness and make adjustments as appropriate in one year. Oct -23 In progress Possible adjustments may include financial assistance via fee waivers, selection of alternative sites, and Down future code amendments, among others to be determined upon review. Increase affordable housing stock in Low to Moderate Income Census Tracts 482401, 482502, 482503, and Annually, throughout the 2021-2029 Housing Element Ongoing Community Housing 433602. Build 10 new housing units and facilitate the purchase of 20 homes from land acquired. planning period Development Organization (CHDO) Construction Program a) Provide adequate sites to accommodate the City's entire RHNA allocation. b) Provide information on available sites and development incentives to interested developers and property owners on City website. c) Develop a procedure to track: • Unit count and income/affordability assumed on parcels included in the sites inventory. • Actual units constructed and income/affordability when parcels are developed. • Net change in capacity and summary of remaining capacity in meeting remaining Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). In addition, the City will a) With Housing Element adoption a)Completed make no net loss findings at the time of project approval and require replacement units when required by b) Upon Housing Element adoption with annual updates b)Completed - Ongoing state law. c) By the end of 2022 c)Completed d) If the housing programs and incentives are not successful in maintaining compliance with SB 166, the City d) Take corrective action within 6 months after APR d) In compliance will consider rezoning of religious institution sites or expand existing incentives or propose new incentives, reporting of noncompliance with SB 166 e) In progress such as providing for priority development processing, or reducing development fees for projects involving e) by January 2023 f) In progress affordable housing within six months of the APR. f) by January 2025 e) Development on non -vacant sites with existing residential units is subject to replacement requirements, pursuant to AB 1397. The City will amend the Zoning Code to require the replacement of units affordable to the same or lower income level as a condition of any development on a non -vacant site consistent with those requirements set forth in State Density Bonus Law. f) The City will implement the rezoning program as outlined in the table above to accommodate additional housing capacity. Adequate Sites Inventory and Monitoring for No Net Loss a) Develop water and sewer master plans to ensure adequate service is available to accommodate a) By December 2025 a) In progress Water and Sewer Master future growth, including development of potential RHNA sites. b) Bi -annually b) In progress b) Monitor infrastructure capacity and update plans accordingly. Plans a) Continue maintaining an updated listing of opportunity sites, using GIS to visually catalogue and a) Opportunity Sites Program will be updated display information about each site and the surrounding properties. Coordinate listing with RHNA annually a) Ongoing sites availability. b) Contact West SGV Association of Realtors b) Ongoing g b) Initiate contact with the West SGV Association of Realtors regarding residential development annually Opportunity Sites opportunities involving lot consolidation. Marketing and Outreach a) Amend the Zoning Ordinance to address changes to State law including AB 101 (Low Barrier Navigation Center) and AB 139 (Emergency and Transitional Housing) b) Amend the Zoning Ordinance to allow transitional and/or supportive housing by -right in the RC- MUDO and GSP-MU zones. In addition, remove minimum parking requirements for units occupied by supportive housing residents if the development is located within one-half mile of a public transit stop per AB 2162 (Supportive Housing). c) Amend the zoning code to be consistent with the latest State Density Bonus Law requirements. d) Monitor shelter capacity needs based on the Biannual Homeless Census (point -in -time) count, a) In progress and report findings in Annual Progress Reports. b) In progress e) Amend the Zoning Code to reduce R-3 parking standards which will mitigate impact on c) In progress development costs and maximize densities. a), b) and c) By January 2023 d) Ongoing f) Develop objective design standards for the MUDO and R-3 Zones to minimize time and cost d) Every 2 years e) In progress associated with permit processing. e), f) and g) By January 2024 f) In progress g) Amend the City's Land Use Map to include information on minimum densities in the mixed-use h) Ongoing In progress g) p g and high-density mixed-use designations. i)Ongoing h) On going h) Encourage housing providers to designate a portion of new affordable housing developments for j), k), and I) By January 2024 i) On going persons with disabilities. m) By December 2022 j) In progess i) Review the Zoning Ordinance for provisions for large group homes (7+ persons) and develop k) In progress mitigating strategies to remove potential constraints and facilitate development of large group 1) In progress homes. m) Completed - j) Amend the Zoning Code to allow housing for six or fewer employees, including farmworkers, to Ongoing be treated as a regular residential use in compliance with the California Employee Housing Act. k) Amend the Zoning Code to allow manufactured housing in the R-1 Zone by -right, in compliance with State law. 1) Adopt SB 35 (Streamlining Provisions) to allow streamlined ministerial approval for qualified residential developments with at least 10% affordability, in compliance with State law. m) Share information on available incentives as a part of the development review process by the Special Housing Needs end of 2022. and Zoning Amendments a) Implement priority processing procedure for ELI and special needs housing development projects b) Target funds from CDBG, HOME and other sources to assist in the development of lower a) By January 2023 a) In progress income units as necessary b) and c)Annually, throughout the 2021-2029 b) Ongoing Development of Housing c) Monitor financial assistance programs administered by the California Department of Housing Housing Element planning period ) Ongoing for Lower Income and and Community Development and apply for funding as appropriate. Current program information is Special Needs posted on the HCD website at: https://www.hcd.ca.gov/grants-funding/index.shtmi. Households By -Right Approval of Projects with 20 Percent Affordable Units on Amend Zoning Code to provide for by -right approval of projects meeting the 20 percent affordable Anticipated completion by October 2022 or within 3 years of the housing element statutory deadline, In progress "Reuse" Housing Element requirements on Housing Element reuse sites. whichever is applicable. Sites a) Continue participating in the LACDA Section 8 Program b) Post website materials regarding availability of the Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher Program Annually, throughout the 2021-2029 Housing Element and new source of income protection per SB 329 (2019). Through these steps, the City's goal will planning period Ongoing be to increase participation in the voucher program by 10 percent annually, specifically targeting Rental Assistance Census Tract 482303. a) Assist in the application process for loans to low-income mobile home parks throughout the a) Annually, depending on funding availability Mobile Home Park community, specifically targeting Census Tracts 433601, 433602, 432902, and 482304, when b) Monitor funding availability and support a) Ongoing Assistance Program State funding and MPAP program is available. applicants upon request. Provide information on an b) Ongoing (MPAP) b) Provide ordinance information to mobile home park owners. ongoing basis. a) Implementation of fair housing laws b)Housing Mobility City has a TCAC area of High Segregation and Poverty c)City has no R/ECAPs, but is in a region with R/ECAPs Safe d)Green Neighborhoods a)-h)Annually, throughout the 2021-2029 Housing a) -h) Ongoing e) Displacement in Vulnerable Communities Element planning period f)Access to services g) Rental housing conditions Fair Housing Program h) Aging housing stock Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Period 2022 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Planning Period 6th Cycle 10/15/2021 - 10/15/2029 ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) Table E Note: 'Y' indicates an optional field Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Commercial Development Bonus Approved pursuant to GC Section 65915.7 Project Identifier Units Constructed as Part of Agreement Description of Commercial Development Bonus Commercial Development Bonus Date Approved 2 3 4 APN Street Address Local Jurisdiction Project Name+ Tracking ID+ Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate Income Income Income Income Description of Commercial Development Bonus Commercial Development Bonus Date Approved Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below Annual Progress Report January 2020 Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Period 2022 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Planning Period 6th Cycle 10/15/2021 - 10/15/2029 ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation Note: 'Y' indicates an optional field Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Table F Units Rehabilitated, Preserved and Acquired for Alternative Adequate Sites pursuant to Government Code section 65583.1(c) Please note this table is optional: The jurisdiction can use this table to report units that have been substantially rehabilitated, converted from non -affordable to affordable by acquisition, and preserved, including mobilehome park preservation, consistent with the standards set forth in Government Code section 65583.1, subdivision (c). Please note, motel, hotel, hostel rooms or other structures that are converted from non-residential to residential units pursuant to Government Code section 65583.1(c)(1)(D) are considered net -new housing units and must be reported in Table A2 and not reported in Table F. Activity Type Units that Do Not Count Towards RHNA+ Listed for Informational Purposes Only Extremely Low- income' Very Low -Income+ Low -Income+ Units that Count Towards RHNA + The description should adequately document how Note - Because the statutory requirernents severely limit what can be each unit complies with subsection (c) of Government counted, please contact HCD to receive the password that will enable you Code Section 65583.1+. to populate these fields. For detailed reporting requirements, see the chcklist here: Extremely Low- Very Low -I https://www.hcd.ca.gov/community- TOTAL UNITS+ Income+ Income+ Low -Income+ TOTAL UNITS+ deve lopment/docs/adeg uate-sites-checklist.pdf Annual Progress Report January 2020 Jurisdiction Rosemead 'Reporting Period 2022 Planning Period 6th Cycle (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) 1 OM 5f2021 - 10/15/2029 Note: "+" indicates) ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT anoptionalfield Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas Table F2 Above Moderate Income Units Converted to Moderate Income Pursuant to Government Code section 65400.2 For up to 25 percent of a jurisdiction's moderate-income regional housing need allocation, the planning agency may include the number of units in an existing multifamily building thatwere convertedto deed-restricted rental housing for moderate-income households by the imposition of affordability covenants and restrictions for the unit. Before adding information to this table, please ensure housing developments meet the requirements described in Governrtient Code 65400.2(b). Project Identifier Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes After Conversion Units credited toward Above Moderate RHNA Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 i Prior APN` CurrentAPN Street Address Local j Jurisdiction Project Name` Tracking ID` Unit Category (2 to 4,5+) Tenure R=Renter Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Moderate- Income Deed Income Non Restricted Deed Restricted Above Moderate Income Total Moderate Income Units Converted from Above Moderate Date Converted Notes a Summa Row: Start Data Entry Below Jurisdiction Rosemead j Reporting Period 2022 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Planning Period 6th Cycle 10/15/2021 - 10/15/2029 NOTE: This table must only be filled out if the housing element sites inventory contains a site which is or was owned by the reporting Note: "+" indicates an optional field urisdiction, and has been sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of Cells in grey contain auto -calculation during the reporting year. Iformulas ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation Table G Locally Owned Lands Included in the Housing Element Sites Inventory that have been sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of Project Identifier 1 2 3 4 + Local Jurisdiction Realistic Capacity Entity to whom the site APN Street Address Project Name Identified in the Intended Use for Site Tracking ID Housing Element transferred Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Period 2022 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) NOTE: This table is meant to contain an invenory of ALL surplus/excess lands the reporting jurisdiction owns ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation For Los Angeles County jurisdictions, please format the APN's as follows: 9999-999-999 Note: "+" indicates an optional field Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Table H Locally Owned Surplus Sites Parcel Identifier Designation Size Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 APN Street Address/Intersection Existing Use Number of Units Surplus Designation Parcel Size (in Notes acres) Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Period 2022 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Planning Period 6th Cycle 10/15/2021 - 10/15/2029 NOTE: SB 9 PROJECTS ONLY. This table only ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT needs to be completed if there were lot splits applied for pursuant to Government Code 66411.7 OR units constructed pursuant to 65852.21. Housing Element Implementation Units entitled/permitted/constructed must also be reported in Table A2. Applications for these units must be reported in Table A. Table I TCI1l+Q LGJ CII I optional field Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Units Constructed Pursuant to Government Code 65852.21 and Applications for Lot Splits Pursuant to Government Code 66411.7 (SB9) Project Identifier Project Type Date Unit Constructed Notes 1 2 3 4 APN Street Address Project Name+ Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID Activity Date Very Low Income Low Income Moderate Income Above Moderate Income Notes Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below 5391-001-007 8658 Mission Dr. Unit Constructed 6/9/2022 1 Approved 8592-015-066 9238 Pitkin St. Unit Constructed 3/9/2022 1 Approved 8593-013-006 3628 Rio Hondo Ave. Unit Constructed 4/12/2022 1 Approved 5389-005-032 4854 Halkett Ave. Application for Parcel Map for Lot Split 4/20/2022 Approved k i i i i I I I I I I Annual Progress Report January 2020 Jurisdiction Rosemead NOTE: STUDENT HOUSING WITH DENSITY BONUS ONLY. This table only needs to be completed if there were student housing Reporting Period 2022 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) projects WITH a density bonus approved pursuant to Government Planning Period 6th Cycle 10/15/2021 -10/15/2029 I Code65915(b)(1)(F) ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation Note: 'Y' indicates an optional field Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Annual Progress Report January 2020 Table J Student housing development for lower income students for which was granted a density bonus pursuant to subparagraph (F) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 65915 Project Identifier Project Type Date Units (Beds/Student Capacity) Approved Units (Beds/Student Capacity) Granted Notes Density Bonus 1 2 3 4 5 6 APN Street Address Local Jurisdiction Unit Category Project Name'Date Tracking ID (SH Student Housing) Very Low- Income Very Low- Income Non Deed Deed Restricted Restricted Moderate- Income Above Low- Income Deed Low- Income Non Moderate- Income Non Deed Moderate- Restricted Deed Restricted Deed Restricted Restricted Income Total Additional Beds Created Due to Density Notes Bonus Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below Annual Progress Report January 2020 n m 0 (D l< 0 O D v c 0 0 v 0 v o' O 3 C Sll N --i D E�: r- < O C O u O O (D 3 3 N O Q ((D cr (DD - La 2. _ (< (D cn U) O T- N o W o C Z3 Cn D w O -O y -0 O 73 0 (D 0 O 0 O O C) .� o 0- - Cn cr- CD 3 n n ,-.. O N 3 (D D in m m O a - 3 o < �D o (D c CD Z x n (-Dm CD (D n v o CD O M — N — Cn N �. 0' N o 3 7 (D M NO cri N n CQ o v O W 3 w cn O CD cn O 3 cn CD N CD m w < 3 m= _ 3 C4 S CD 3 O U) X d CD S 0 0 0 0 0 O z 0 N 0 o O 0 m 0 U) 7 0 0 0 0 0 (D o (D N 3 _S Q N Q� Q cn 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 s n d --i -� z z c O O c c N v a� 3 3 = N_ C 2 O ((D cr (DD - La 2. O - - cn U) O T- O o W o C Z3 Cn D w O -O 1 -0 W O 73 3 (D 0 cn 0 O O C) .� c 0- - Cn cr- CD n n D ,-.. O N 3 (D D _0 _0s?. m Cn O a - 3 o < �D o (D c cn Z x (-Dm CD (D n v o M 3 O M — N — Cn N �. 0' N o 3 7 (D M NO cri N _ CQ o v < O '0 0 CD cn O O O O -i D z N x 0 0 g -z o O v m 3 v - = N_ = O 2 O N - T O - La C C L Q -h c Ln, D 5" 5 Co v Q Z3 -0 C :D C Z3 -0 00 D -0 n' cn cn -o (D — �. W O 0 C 13 o N 0 o m O 3 0 < 0- Ei' D Cn cr- 3 Q —I D O O _0 _0s?. m Cn O n• iv W (D O 7 (D c Z x CD (D n Q. O r- 0- N o 7 O(0 (D NO cri y C) N O N) c o N CD l< 7 U. U) N _ (C). (D CD x (D m 0 D' 0 O 3 (D O c U) (D m 0- U) m m O_ o C Q O Q "0 C O o 1 < 3 CD O C O 3 (D (D 0 3 O 3 m Q CD CD N C O N D cs N Cl) Cn _ 0 + -n -1 C v °� 0 D C v D O O (31 O - O Cl) A N) O OD N O N O CD —I O O fJ O Cn O c o N CD l< 7 U. U) N _ (C). (D CD x (D m 0 D' 0 O 3 (D O c U) (D m 0- U) m m O_ o C Q O Q "0 C O o 1 < 3 CD O C O 3 (D (D 0 3 O 3 m Q CD CD N C O N v ; c O N � 3 (a CD 3 1 CD O 2) Q 0 O N N O (D C7 N 3 n N (D O N Q 0 C\1 L N � O N O (D 0 C.n W N co O N 0 v C D D CT < W (D Or (D c Z CD O Q. O r- 0- N o 7 (D CD _ CQ v '0 0 CD 3 3 CD N m N < N m= _ CD CL S O Q. d S Z 0 z O z 0 o 0 o O m 0 U) Q Q C (D o (D 3 Q N Q� Q cn 3 0 s n (D cOi� N w CD w N 0 Q 0 - CD CD CD Q Q. Q 0 _ CD O (9 0 0 0 --,1 O O rt N (r CD v ; c O N � 3 (a CD 3 1 CD O 2) Q 0 O N N O (D C7 N 3 n N (D O N Q 0 C\1 L N � O N O (D 0 C.n W N co O N Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Year 2022 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Reporting (CCR Title 25 §6202) Please update the status of the proposed uses listed in the entity's application for funding and the corresponding impact on housing within the region or jurisdiction, as applicable, categorized based on the eligible uses specified in Section 50515.02 or 50515.03, as applicable. Total Award Amount $ 150,000.00 ITotal award amount is auto -populated based on amounts entered in rows 15-26. Task $ Amount Awarded $ Cumulative Reimbursement Task Status Other Notes Requested Funding Housing Element Update $150,000.00 $150,000.00 Completed None I Certified 8/1/22 Summary of entitlements, building permits, and certificates of occupancy (auto -populated from Table A2) Completed Entitlement Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Current Year Current Year Very Low Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Low Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Moderate Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Above Moderate 0 76 Total Units 76 Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Current Year Current Year Very Low Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Low Deed Restricted 7 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Moderate Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Above Moderate 0 195 Total Units 202 Certificate of Occupancy Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Current Year Very Low Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Low Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Moderate Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Above Moderate 143 Total Units 143