CC - Item 5B - Minutes of November 9, 2021 SpecialMINUTES OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING NOVEMBER 9, 2021 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 6:04 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Dang, Council Members Armenta, Clark, and Tang ABSENT: None 1. WORKSHOP A. Borstein Enterprises Concept Presentation Borstein Enterprises has submitted a Pre -Application, proposing to develop a 35 - unit residential planned development on three parcels totaling approximately 147,233 square feet (3.38 acres). The project will require a Zone Change from a Single -Family Residential (R-1) to Planned Development (P -D) and a General Plan Amendment from Low Density Residential (LDR) to a Medium Density Residential (MDR). The subject site is located at 8601 and 8623 Mission Drive in the Single -Family Residential (R-1) zone. Erik Phalher, Borstein EnteMrises Senior Vice President, briefed the Council about Borstein Enterprises specializing in urban infill residential, mainly being active in Southern California. Bornstein Enterprises has over 20 active projects, mostly in Los Angeles and Orange County. Mr. Pfahler stated Borstein Enterprises does not have active projects in The City but has active projects in surrounding areas, such as Arcadia and Whittier. Borstein is a family office with a culture of being open, honest, and transparent, and stated Borstein Enterprises works with the best designers, engineers, consultants, and builders. Mr. Pfahler discussed the in -field property on 8601 Mission Drive. Mr. Pfahler stated this was the first time Borstein Enterprises was able to speak to the Council and residents early on into the project. Mr. Pfahler relayed that the images being shown are preliminary, although they convey what is envisioned for the property. Mr. Pfahler explained Borstein Enterprises entered into a contract in late September 2021 and purchased a property. Mr. Pfahler explained that part of the company's due diligence includes a series of studies conducted by professionals that meet with City Staff and residents. Borstein Enterprises submitted their preliminary plans to The City and already received pre -application comments from residents. Mr. Pfahler also stated he believed the comments received from pre -application can be included in the plans without substantial changes to plans presented. Borstein Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2021 Page I of8 AGENDA ITEM 5.11 Enterprises is requesting a Zone Change from R-1 to P -D (Planned Development) and a General Plan Amendment to MDR (Medium Density Residential). Mr. Pfahler stated the proposed density for plans is 10.4 units per acre. Mr. Pfahler explained the property is an in -cell site with two edges directly adjacent to existing homes. He stated that the site is adjacent to a well kept single family detached neighborhood, most of the properties within the neighborhood were built in the 50's and 60's. Many of the homes directly adjacent to the site are a mixture of single story and two-story homes, with one to two bedrooms. He stated that the site is situated around the northeast comer of two minor arterial roads that have access to Mission Drive, with proximity to Walnut Grove Avenue. He also went on to say there is access to the 10 freeway. Mr. Pfahler stated there will be no traffic generated from the proposed plan. Mr. Pfahler stated there is also proximity to transmission lines easement. Mr. Pfahler stated in order to proceed, Borstein Enterprises will need to be made aware of the restrictions to this portion of the plan. He stated Borstein Enterprises, if given permission and was brought to the attention of City Staff, would like to reach out to SoCal Edison and make landscape improvements along Mission Drive all the way out to Walnut Grove Avenue. Mr. Pfahler elaborated on the proposed Illustrative Site Plan, prior to drafting a plan and submitting to City Staff. He stated Borstein Enterprises drove around the site plan area, researched the local community and housing market to have a better understanding of site development. He also stated the site is 3.34 acres. He explained the plan would include 35 single family detached homes, all of which are two story homes, with a gated community and enhanced stylish entry. He stated that all the homes would be sustainably designed and built. There would be large rear yards along the project edges. He also stated there was a proposal to add additional trees planted along the east and north lines to increase privacy. Mr. Pfahler stated there would be an alternative site plan with affordable housing on site. He explained the alternative plan provides four affordable units. The affordable units will be located on the southwest portion of the property, all homes will be of the same high quality. Mr. Pfahler noted the proposed project will all have the same features. The homes will range from 2,200 to 2,500 square feet and have 2-4 bedrooms. The duplex homes will range from about 1,450 to 1,900 square feet. He also stated that homes will include usable private rear yards throughout the space and a gated enclave. Other community features include two open spaces, including drought friendly landscaping with play lawn, shade trellis, a BBQ and picnic area, and furniture included in the site. Additional amenities include mailboxes, dog bag stations, new sidewalk landscape to enhance Mission Drive, and some added trees, and possibly extend the landscape to Walnut Grove Avenue, if SoCal Edison approves the area that falls under their jurisdiction. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 9, 1011 Page 2 of 8 Mr. Pfahler stated there were two pre -application floor plans proposed because the plans were only preliminary. He went on to say Borstein Enterprises would like to offer three to four plans for a 35 -home concept. The 37 -home concept would add two more plans to their proposed idea for the duplex's. Mr. Pfahler stated the homes would be open concept with upgraded architectural styling. The home features would include water and energy efficient fixtures, smart home features, energy efficient features, solar power, high efficiency insulation and high efficiency appliances. He also explained the proposed project elevations. Borstein Enterprises is proposing two architectural styles for the homes: Spanish colonial and Hacienda Ranch. Planning Commissioner Lopez asked if there is only one entrance coming off Mission Drive and how the fire department would access the homes. Mr. Pfahler answered yes, and that there was no other option for another entrance and Borstein Enterprises will comply with the Fire Department. He also stated the company has looked into working with the Fire Department. Planning Chair Berry asked if Borstein Enterprises has ever successfully worked with SoCal Edison to extend plans into their jurisdiction. Mr. Pfahler replied Borstein Enterprises has consultants that could help with the process. He also stated Borstein Enterprises understands the requirements SoCal Edison has. Mr. Pfahler stated that Borstein Enterprises would be doing greenscape, no trellises and very minimal work on any SoCal Edison jurisdiction, in case they want to do something in the future with their property. Planning Chair Berry also asked if Borstein Enterprises have a project near the San Gabriel Nursery. Loren Borstein, President of Borstein Enterprises replied they do not have a project in the area but have projects within the surrounding areas. Council Member Clark asked how many letters of notification were sent to residents in the surrounding area of the project. Mayor Low asked if Borstein Enterprises was at the stage of sending out notifications. City Attorney Richman answered stating that this meeting is just a workshop and that letters of notifications are not required to be sent out just yet. City Attorney Richman stated Borstein Enterprises is looking for feedback from the Council and Planning Commission. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela explained that the Planning Division sent notices to residents and property owners within three hundred feet, explaining that the concept presentation would be presented to the City Council and Planning Commission. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2021 Page 3 of 8 Council Member Clark asked how many notices were sent. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela answered appropriately 94 notices were sent. Council Member Clark asked if any residents had comments or questions about the project for the meeting. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela answered no comments were received, however, a call was received stating a resident would participate. Mr. Pfahler stated that Borstein Enterprises reached out to residents via phone to receive feedback, Borstein Enterprises did not meet with any of the residents in person. Council Member Clark voiced her concern for the line of sight and privacy issues, as well as mitigating privacy for residents. She stated her appreciation of the trees being added. She also voiced concern for the proximity of the homes off Mission Drive, she stated the homes were very close. Mr. Pfahler answered stating the setback of those homes are 10-14 feet, in that location trees would be added. He also stated there are not many windows that are overlooking the homes to the side of the property, calling it a sided on. Council Member Clark asked Mr. Pfahler what term he used to describe the southeast area of the property. Mr. Pfahler explained that sided on is a term used to describe the side yard to another home that separates properties. Council Member Armenia voices her concerns about parking. She brought up the two -car garage proposal within the plan and pointed out that most of the households will realistically have 4-5 vehicles. She also asked how this will work with 23 guest parking spots. She also voiced concerns of the ingress and egress of the project. Council Member Armenia gave the example of traffic congestion. She brought up that developers create developments within the City, but do not consider the effects of traffic and other issues that come from traffic, leaving the City to create solutions because of these developments. Council Member Armenia also thanked Borstein Enterprises for verbally communicating they are open to affordable housing; however, she would like something in writing stating this. Mr. Pfahler responded by saying Borstein Enterprises will study the issue. He stated the current plan exceeds the parking code and will look for other spaces to occupy, although proven difficult because Borstein Enterprises would like to preserve open spaces. He explained in relation to accessibility entrance, the site is situated in the location and he would like to work with the Public Works Department to make the Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2021 Page 4 of entryway as safe as possible. He also stated in regard to affordable housing, that it could be put in writing. Mayor Pro Tem Dang thanked Mr. Pfahler for the presentation. He stated the layout of the garage door not facing the street was a good design, that also served as a fire department turnaround, was a clever design. He stated adding trees to buffer out traffic noise and polluted elements were a good design. He stated he believes the designs are good, he stated overall he likes the style of the proposal. Pro Tem Mayor Dang asked for clarification of the 35 or 37 family detached concept homes. Mr. Pfahler explained the 37 -family detached homes concept was only if there was going to be affordable units allocated. He elaborated that the affordable units are less in price, and because of this, it strains the feasibility factor of the project. The idea is to make the affordable units as smaller units, 1400-1500 square feet, the duplex units would be married with other duplex units of 1900 square feet, making these units market rate units. He also explained single-family detached units would also be at market rate. Mayor Pro Tem Dang stated he understands having the smaller units from a financial point for residents, if a low-income family secures a larger unit, the tax burden could be an issue. He asked if a duplex could be bought or only rented. Mr. Pfahler answered that residents could own the duplex. He stated that there would be ownership, including yard space. He added the property would be privately owned. Mayor Pro Tem Dang suggested to the developer they may want to also consider using small lot subdivision that could provide for 6 -inch separation of buildings, make them look like a duplex, and can be sold independently if the developer could provide 37 units. Council Member Dang goes back to the topic of parking, he mentioned the two -car garage. He explained that in looking at the proposed layout, there are open areas with outside parking making the property overparked per City requirement. Council Member Dang asked City staff if a two -car garage is required per house. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela answered yes and elaborated that for multi -family dwelling projects, they are only required to provide a two -car garage parking. In addition, the developer does have to provide guest parking - one space for every two units. Mayor Pro Tem Dang brought up the long driveways in the proposals and stated he believes this is enough to fit four vehicles. Council Member Tang agreed with the design being a great layout. He asked how big the projects Borstein Enterprises have in Arcadia and Whittier and status of those projects. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2021 Page 5 of 8 Mr. Bornstein clarified there is a 33 -lot project in Arcadia that is going to the Planning Commission. The Whittier project is a 34 -lot project and is sold out, the last home was closed out about a month prior. Mr. Pfahler interjected and stated the Whittier project was three-story town homes and a combination of detached homes. Mr. Bornstein explained that the Whittier related project are single family homes on one edge and apartments on the other edge. Bornstein Enterprises originally had other site plans, and wanted to sided on the homes, and were going to get a better yield of units; however, after speaking with staff, Borstein Enterprises decided to add backyards into their plans and a buffer of trees. Council Member Tang stated he liked the idea of families being able to raise their children. He then asked Mr. Bornstein what he foresees the market value for single family homes. Mr. Pfahler answered by stating Bornstein Enterprises homes are within the $800,000's in market value. Mr. Bornstein explained that the request for the zone change is to provide price points that are attainable and because of the proximity to the power lines. Council Member Tang asked if the property units would be managed by an Homeowners Association (HOA). Mr. Bornstein answered yes Council Member Tang brought up the small lot subdivision, encouraging developers speak with City staff and implement this division. Mr. Bornstein stated Bornstein Enterprises is open to the suggestion. Bornstein informed the Council that Bornstein Enterprises has done the small lot subdivision in other cities. He stated he will work with City Staff to go over requirements of the City. Mr. Pfahler explained the elements that make cost a difficult task is getting utilities to each unit and being individually metered for each unit. He stated he believes there is enough space in the units because of the side yard of the duplexes. He also stated that Bornstein Enterprises will work with City Staff to figure out the plans. Council Member Tang explained he likes the project ideas and is just echoing additional resources that are available. Mayor Low asked if the corner of Mission Drive and Walnut Grove Avenue, the triangular piece, is part of the property within the project being proposed. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2021 Page 6 orb Mr. Pfahler answered no, the property is SoCal Edison's jurisdiction. He also stated the lower corner of the property is where he was hoping to extend the landscaping treatment to that corner. Mayor Low asked if the duplex shares a common wall. Mr. Pfahler answered yes. He stated there would be air distance on three sides. Council Member Armenia asked if the corner of Mission Drive and Walnut Grove Avenue is too small to create a possible entrance. Mr. Pfahler stated the City does not own the property, this is owned by SoCal Edison. Council Member Armenta asked if the proposed corner of Mission Drive and Walnut Grove Avenue, that Mr. Pfahler proposed for more landscaping, could be an entrance instead. Mr. Pfahler stated the current design setbacks from the intersection of Mission Drive and Walnut Grove to make a right hand turn into the community safely. Bringing the entrance closer to Walnut Grove may become unsafe. Council Member Armenta clarified adding an entrance at the corner of Mission Dr and Walnut Grove would be in addition to the proposed entrance already in the plans. Mr. Pfahler answered adding an additional entrance would become dangerous and reiterated that the corner property belongs to Edison. Council Member Armenta requested the proposed price for the affordable units and if this would be subject to the HOA. She voiced her concerns of residents not being able to pay HOA fees monthly. Mr. Bornstein stated HOA fee's would be affordable to moderate income families and based on the bedroom count of the unit. He explained that for the affordability level, one must take into account the HOA dues, property taxes, insurance and anything else that goes into the calculation to figure out. Mr. Pfahler stated the price is formulated by the final payment of the HOA fees. Council Member Clark voiced concern about the parking issues. She asked if SoCal Edison allows parking lots under the powerlines. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela answered no. Council Member Clark asked if using the small lot subdivision would free up space for parking so that there is more access to parking. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes oJNovember 9, 2021 Page 7 of8 Mr. Pfahler stated Bornstein Enterprises could study the parking surrounding the property, the plans proposed are designed to have the setbacks between the houses at six feet. He also went on to say that there is no ability to add parking between homes. He stated it may impact some of the park areas. Mayor Pro Tem Dang stated if the small lot subdivision is implemented, there is less privacy between neighbors because units will be closer together. He explained there will be more parking but less privacy between neighbors. He stated the small lot subdivision is more applicable for the duplex homes because of the common shared walls. Mr. Pfahler corrected his earlier statements of a six-foot gap, he stated it is an eight foot gap between units. Mayor Low thanked everyone for their comment and asked Bornstein Enterprises to take into consideration the feedback provided. Council Member Annenta asked if a pocket park could also be adjacent to the Edison owned corner of Mission Drive and Walnut Grove Avenue. Mr. Pfahler stated Bornstein Enterprises would reach out to SoCal Edison to possibly do so. Mr. Bornstein agreed with Pfahler. Mr. Pfahler stated there were additional properties on Mission Drive and Walnut Grove Avenue there were extra curbs, for guests to potentially park. 2. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Low adjourned the meeting at 6:54 p.m. The next regular meeting took place on November 9, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED Sean Dang, Mayor Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2021 Page 8 o(8