CC - Item 5D - Approve a Letter of Opposition to the Civilian Oversight Board Recommendation to Rotate Sheriff DeputiesROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER <f 'V DATE: APRIL 11, 2023 SUBJECT: APPROVE A LETTER OF OPPOSITION TO THE CIVILIAN OVERSIGHT BOARD RECOMMENDATION TO ROTATE SHERIFF DEPUTIES At the March 14, 2023, City Council Meeting, Council Member Clark requested that a letter be drafted to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in opposition to the Civilian Oversight Board recommendation to rotate Sheriff deputies. This request was concurred by Council Member Armenta and Mayor Pro Tem Ly. A draft opposition letter is included as Attachment A. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council approve a letter of opposition to the Civilian Oversight Board recommendation to rotate Sheriff deputies. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council approve a letter of opposition to the Civilian Oversight Board recommendation to rotate Sheriff deputies. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT None. FISCAL IMPACT None. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Michael Bruckner Assistant City Manager Attachment A: Letter of Opposition AGENDA ITEM 5.1) Attachment A Letter Opposing Deputy Rotation MAYOR: Se DA r MAYOR PRO TEM: Skiver Lr COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRA ARmEwA MARGARET CLARK PGLLY Low April 11, 2023 Honorable Janice Hahn 500 W. Temple Street Room 822 Los Angeles, CA 90012 FourthDistrict(cDbos.lacounty.eov City of 4Z9slemwd 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 Honorable Hilda Solis 1441 Santa Anita Avenue South EI Monte, CA 917333 FirstDistrict@bos.lacounty.gov RE: Opposition to Civilian Oversight Commission Recommendation to Rotate Sheriff Deputies Dear Supervisor Hahn and Supervisor Solis: On behalf of the residents and businesses of the City of Rosemead, the Rosemead City Council greatly appreciates your work to improve public safety services in Los Angeles County; however, we are deeply concerned that the Civilian Oversight Commission's recommendation to impose rotations among Sheriffs Department patrol personnel could negatively impact morale, lead to a loss of experience, and undermine community-based policing in Rosemead. Involuntary transfers and work location rotations among patrol personnel will have a negative impact on the continuity and delivery of policing services provided within our community. We understand that fully learning the intricacies of public safety in any community requires at least two years for a deputy to learn the nuances and culture of a community. The rotation of patrol personnel impedes our City's ability to provide community-based policing to our residents and erodes the progress our City has made. We also understand the challenges associated with deploying bilingual deputies who meet the linguistic needs of our City. The rotation of deputies may lead to a loss of valuable Sheriff's Department personnel who possess this much needed skill set; personnel that the City and our partners in the Sheriffs Department have worked so hard to bring to our Rosemead. Further, recruitment and retention of qualified deputies remains an ongoing challenge for the Sheriffs Department, and we believe the rotation recommendation will further hinder the Department's recruitment goals and erode public safety in the County. This is particularly acute for deputies who wish to serve in the communities they live in or grew up in, and they will be forced to either relocate to other parts of the County or serve communities they are unfamiliar with. With the amount of overtime and additional requirements being placed on County law enforcement, this recommendation is will also hurt morale in the Department. For these reasons, we urge you to not support or implement deputy rotations in Los Angeles County. Sincerely, Sean Dang Mayor