PSC - Item 3E - Attachment A - Anti-Camping Ord Recommendations 4.5.23Anti-Camping Ordinance Decision Points 1. Per the Boise Decision, the City can ban camping entirely in the City; however, for those individuals that are involuntarily homeless, the City must allow exemptions for camping if no alternative option is available. To be Boise compliant, the language in the City’s code should reflect this nuance. 2. For involuntary camping, the City can impose time, manner, and place restrictions to better regulate this activity to ensure it doesn’t violate existing laws, ordinances, and policies, and to ensure that public access to City facilities, open space, and rights-of-way are not impeded. a. Time – The Public Safety Commission requested that a set time be placed to allow for involuntary camping. Staff’s recommendation is as follows: i. No person shall erect, configure, or construct any camp facilities in any public area from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (except during rainfall or a declared emergency). A person must take down, fold, and completely remove or put away any camp facilities erected, configured, or constructed on any public property between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. (except during rainfall or a declared emergency). b. Manner – The Public Safety Commission requested information about the manner in which involuntary camping may be regulated. Staff’s recommendation is as follows: i. At no time shall any person obstruct access to a street, sidewalk, park playground, public utility, public property, or other public right-of-way open for pedestrian travel or governmental use: 1. By sitting, lying or sleeping, or by storing, using, maintaining, or placing personal property in a manner that does not allow for passage as required by the Americans with Disability Act of 1990, as amended from time to; or 2. By sitting, lying or sleeping, or by storing, using, maintain, or placing personal property within ten (10) feet of any operational or utilizable entrance, exit, driveway, or loading dock; or 3. Br creating any barrier with string, wire, rope, tarp, or chain, or other attachments or appurtenances upon any City owned trees, light poles, buildings, equipment, or other public facilities. ii. The use of public utilities not designated for public use is prohibited. iii. The use of cooking equipment, or making any fire, by using Bunsen burners or other heating items is prohibited. c. Place – The Public Safety Commission requested information about the places in which involuntary camping may be regulated. Staff’s recommendation is as follows: i. Regardless if an individual is involuntarily camping, and upon resolution adopted by the City Council and the posting of signage, camping is expressly prohibited in the following areas: 1. City Benches 2. Transit Shelters 3. Bridges and highway underpasses or overpasses (within 500 feet thereof) 4. Freeway on-ramps and off-ramps (within 500 feet thereof) 5. Park Playgrounds 6. Park Picnic Areas including Shelters, Tables, Bleachers, Benches, and Pavilions 7. Rosemead City Hall 8. Rosemead Community Recreation Center 9. Rosemead Aquatic Center 10. Garvey Community Center 11. Splash Zone at Garvey Park 12. City Community Gardens 13. Rosemead Public Safety Center 14. City Corporate Yard 15. Dinsmoor Heritage House & Cultural Museum 16. Landscaped Areas 17. City Schools (within 500 feet thereof) 18. Day Care or After-School Tutoring Business (within 500 feet thereof) 19. Within 25 feet of the following designated zoning: a. Neighborhood Commercial (C-1) b. Medium Commercial (C-3) c. Regional Commercial (C-4) d. Central Business District (CBD) e. Professional Office (P-O) f. Planned Development (P-D) g. Garvey Avenue Specific Plan (GASP) h. Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, Incentivized Mixed-Use (GASP- MU) i. Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, Residential/Commercial (GASP- R/C)