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Responses to QA for RFP 2023 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2023-10 Questions & Answers (May 9, 2023) Question # 1: Will the awarded vendor receive a collected file (with logos, photos, graphics, fonts, etc.) of the current Seasonal Brochure? If so, in what application? Answer # 1: The awarded vendor will be granted access to a collection of Rosemead photos to be used in the brochure design. The photo library is housed on Dropbox. Logos can be included. Graphics and fonts are not included. Question # 2: Does the City want the Seasonal Brochure redesigned or do they want to carry on with the current design? Answer # 2: The City would like to see the brochure redesigned. Question # 3: RE: D. Submittal Requirements of the RFP - 4. Samples Include printed samples of the print material listed in the Scope of Services. If the RFP is submitted at the online portal, can the samples be submitted as PDF’s instead of printed copies? Answer # 3: Yes, the City will accept PDF samples via the online portal. The City will also accept printed samples with a printed copy of the proposal. MAYOR: SEAN DANG MAYOR PRO TEM: STEVEN LY COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRA ARMENTA MARGARET CLARK POLLY LOW City of Rosemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100