PC - Item 3A - SPA 22-01 & ZC 22-02 - 7849-7857 Garvey Avenue and 7900-7916 Virginia StreetPlanning Commission Meeting May 15, 2023 Page 2 of 51 Monitoring Program are attached to this staff report for review (Exhibits "E" and "F, respectively). If the Commission recommends this project to the City Council for approval, the Commission must make a finding of adequacy with the environmental assessment and also recommend that the City Council adopt the attached Initial Study/Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission; 1. Conduct a public hearing and receive public testimony; and 2. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 23-03 with findings (Exhibit "A"), a resolution recommending that the City Council adopt Resolution 2023-26 for the adoption and approval of the associated Initial Study/Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Ordinance No. 1016 for the approval of Specific Plan Amendment 22-01 and Zone Change 22- 02, and (Exhibits "B" and "C", respectively). PROPERTY HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION The subject site consists of six parcels, totaling approximately 1.2 acres of land. The four parcels along located along Garvey Avenue are improved with commercial buildings that consist of four tenants and respective off-street parking. According to business license records, two out of the four commercial units are vacant. Occupied commercial tenants include a barber shop and a termite pest control office. The remaining two parcels along Virginia Street and Strathmore Avenue are vacant. The existing commercial buildings and all ancillary improvements will be demolished and removed. Aerial View of Project Site Planning Commission Meeting May 15, 2023 Page 3of51 OF a�s_J ............ 7 --- Existing Southwest View Site & Surrounding Land Uses The site is designated in the General Plan as Garvey Avenue Specific Plan and on the Zoning map it is designated as Garvey Avenue Specific Plan (GSP) and Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, Residential/Commercial (GSP-R/C). The site is surrounded by the following land uses - North General Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Zoning: Light Multiple Residential (R-2) Land Use: Residential South General Plan Designation: Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Zoning: Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, Incentivized Mixed -Use (GSP-MU) Land Use: Vacant Fest General Plan Designation: Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Zoning: Garvey Avenue Specific Plan (GSP) Land Use: Commercial West General Plan Designation: Garvey Avenue Specific Pian Zoning: Garvey Avenue Specific Plan (GSP) Land Use: Commercial DISCUSSION 6th Cycle Housing Manna n The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) has determined that the regional housing need for jurisdictions in the SCAG region is Planning Commission Meeting May 15, 2023 Page 4of5� 1,341,827 units and 4,612 units were allocated to the City of Rosemead. The proposed development of 93 residential units will contribute to the City's RHNA allocation. for Planning Cycle 2021 to 2029. Project Description As illustrated on the architectural plans in Exhibit "I", the project proposes a seven -story, mixed-use development that totals 115,400 square feet, which includes 35,105 square feet of nonresidential use and 93 residential apartments, which includes 24 live/work units. The project will also include 208 parking spaces, new landscaping, and private and common open space. .ST T,'s 21YLVOPE _ii'E Proposed Site Plan The applicant has applied for the following land use permits: Zone Change 22-02 Per Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.152.020, amendment to the City's Zoning IViap may be initiated by the Planning Commission or the City Council, whenever the public necessity, convenience, general welfare, or good zoning practice justifies such action. Zone Change 22-02 will amend the Zoning Map of the subject site from GSP (APNs: 5287-038-018, -0191 -020 and -029) and GSP- R/C (APNs- 5287-038-030 and -033) to GSP-MU. Specific Plan Amendment 22-01 Per Section 65453(a) of the California Government Code, a specific plan shall be prepared, adopted, and amended in the same manner as a general plan, except that a specific plan may be adopted by resolution or by ordinance and may be Planning Commission Meeting May 15, 2023 Page 3 of 51 The total of community benefit points earned is 131. Based Table 3.6 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, shown below, the earned points allows the project a 3.0 FAR, a density of up to 80 dwelling units/acre, and a deviation in the building commercial/residential land use ratio to 70% Residential Use and 30% Nonresidential Use, compared to a 1.6 FAR, 25 dwelling units/acre, and 65% Residential Use and 35% Nonresidential Use, respectively. The project proposes a FAR of 2.2, a density of 77 du/acre, and a building commercial/residential land use ratio of 69% Residential and 31% Commercial, as allowed for the site with the proposed community benefit incentives. Table 3.6 Community Benefit Incentive Maximum FAR or Density Floor Plan The project proposes 35,105 square feet of non-residential use (retail/office/residential- work) with two commercial units totaling 5,423 square feet on the first floor, six office units totaling 6,230 square feet on the second floor, seven office units totaling 6,571 square feet on the third floor, and 16,881 square feet of work area within the live/work units on the fourth floor. In addition, the project also proposes 93 residential units on the first through seventh floors. Of the 93 residential units, 24 are live/work units, including three live/work units on the ground level, one live/work unit on both the second and third floors, and 19 live/work units on the fourth floor. The size of the live/work units range from 705 square feet to 1,745 square feet. There are 12 different live/work floor plans proposed, each with a living room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and closets. The details of the live/work units are provided on page 9. granted to the qualifying building not the entire development or site area. The project will be conditioned to ensure compliance and construction in accordance with LEED Platinum, LEED Gold, CALGreen Tier 2, or CALGreen Tier 1. Total 131 3.0 80 Points du/acre The total of community benefit points earned is 131. Based Table 3.6 of the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, shown below, the earned points allows the project a 3.0 FAR, a density of up to 80 dwelling units/acre, and a deviation in the building commercial/residential land use ratio to 70% Residential Use and 30% Nonresidential Use, compared to a 1.6 FAR, 25 dwelling units/acre, and 65% Residential Use and 35% Nonresidential Use, respectively. The project proposes a FAR of 2.2, a density of 77 du/acre, and a building commercial/residential land use ratio of 69% Residential and 31% Commercial, as allowed for the site with the proposed community benefit incentives. Table 3.6 Community Benefit Incentive Maximum FAR or Density Floor Plan The project proposes 35,105 square feet of non-residential use (retail/office/residential- work) with two commercial units totaling 5,423 square feet on the first floor, six office units totaling 6,230 square feet on the second floor, seven office units totaling 6,571 square feet on the third floor, and 16,881 square feet of work area within the live/work units on the fourth floor. In addition, the project also proposes 93 residential units on the first through seventh floors. Of the 93 residential units, 24 are live/work units, including three live/work units on the ground level, one live/work unit on both the second and third floors, and 19 live/work units on the fourth floor. The size of the live/work units range from 705 square feet to 1,745 square feet. There are 12 different live/work floor plans proposed, each with a living room, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and closets. The details of the live/work units are provided on page 9. Planning Commission Meeting May 15, 2023 Mage 10 of 51 21 9 17064 2 2J 2 11115 2 3A 4 13406 3 3B 3 15745 3 Tota( 69 Proposed Architecture The color renderings of the proposed mixed-use building is shown below and in Exhibit 4< 1„ The architectural design and character of the proposed mixed-use development is modern and includes building elevations that are detailed and articulated with projections and recesses to avoid long and plain surfaces. Building mass would be further minimized through the use of differentiated building materials (aluminum composite wood siding, and travertine tiles), colors (combination of brown and beige tones), and the incorporation of architectural features such as extended balconies with glass panels, steel canopies, and batten screening. Landscaped private open space would improve the aesthetics of the project site for the existing residents north, east, and west of the site, as well as the commercial businesses adjacent to the site. The project would also improve the street views of the existing development on the site for Planning Commission (Meeting May 15, 2.012.3 Page 1' of 51 i i --- --- - ------ ----------------- ---- --- --�- -- ---- --- --- Emergency Access Only I --------------------- I (\rp ��P� r-- I ���� `.4•F�b• c r q sg S f may{ I I Cn70 u _ Z 0 �I —44 I- z I S'I'R.4.?.TIIUP,E _iTF I The driveways at the north and east sides of the building are 25 feet wide and the driveway at the west side of the building from the public alley is 22 feet wide. The 22 feet wide driveway would require a Minor Exception as the required driveway width for a two-way driveway in the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan is 24 feet. Per Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) Section 17.142.020(A)(1), minor exceptions of the rear yard, side yard, lot coverage, driveway, or parking stall size as may be necessary to secure an appropriate improvement of a lot to prevent unreasonable hardship or to promote uniformity of appearance, provided such exceptions do not exceed a twenty (20) percent exception from existing regulations. The application would be processed and reviewed by the Director of Community Development at a later date. A condition of approval has been incorporated, requiring all delivery vehicles to enter the development from Strathmore Avenue and park in a designated loading area on the ground level for site deliveries and loading/unloading. Delivery trucks would be restricted to two axle trucks. Delivery trucks shall not park along Garvey Avenue, Virginia Avenue, or Strathmore Avenue. Per RMC Table (Garver ,Avenue Specific Plan District Development Standards), the following off-street parking requirements would apply to the residential and nonresidential (commercial) uses in the GSP-MU zone: Residential: One standard sized parking space and 0.5 standard sized guest parking space Nonresidential & Restaurants with 2,500 square feet floor area or less: One parking space per 400 square feet of floor area In January 2021, the City Council approved an interpretation of Live/VVork Units within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. Since the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan does not