PC - Item 3A - SPA 22-01 & ZC 22-02 - Exhibit H - Written Public Comments Received from LA County Sanitation Districts dated May 8, 2023DOC 6916838.D15 A Century of Service May 8, 2023 Ref. DOC 6905347 Ms. Annie Lao City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Ms. Lao: NOI Response for Strathmore-Garvey Mixed-Use Project The Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (Districts) received a Notice of Intent (NOI) to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the subject project located in the City of Rosemead on April 24, 2023. The proposed project is located within the jurisdictional boundaries of District No. 15. We offer the following comments regarding sewerage service: 1. The wastewater flow originating from the proposed project will discharge to a local sewer line, which is not maintained by the Districts, for conveyance to the Districts’ Joint Outfall “B” Unit 1H Trunk Sewer, located in the public right-of-way north of the terminus of Charlotte Avenue. The Districts’ 27-inch diameter trunk sewer has a capacity of 6.1 million gallons per day (mgd) and conveyed a peak flow of 1.7 mgd when last measured in 2018. 2. The wastewater generated by the proposed project will be treated at the Whittier Narrows Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) located near the City of South El Monte, which has a capacity of 15 mgd and currently processes an average recycled flow of 8.3 mgd, or at the Los Coyotes WRP located in the City of Cerritos, which has a capacity of 37.5 mgd and currently processes an average recycled flow of 17.5 mgd. 3. The expected increase in average wastewater flow from the project, described in the MND as 35,105 square feet of retail and office uses and 93 residential units, is 21,073 gallons per day, after all structures on the project site are demolished. For a copy of the Districts’ average wastewater generation factors, go to www.lacsd.org, under Services, then Wastewater Program and Permits and select Will Serve Program, and click on the Table 1, Loadings for Each Class of Land Use link. 4. The Districts are empowered by the California Health and Safety Code to charge a fee to connect facilities (directly or indirectly) to the Districts’ Sewerage System or to increase the strength or quantity of wastewater discharged from connected facilities. This connection fee is used by the Districts for its capital facilities. Payment of a connection fee may be required before this project is permitted to discharge to the Districts’ Sewerage System. For more information and a copy of the Connection Fee Information Sheet, go to www.lacsd.org, under Services, then Wastewater (Sewage) and select Rates & Fees. In determining the impact to the Sewerage System and applicable connection fees, the Districts will determine the user category (e.g. Condominium, Single Family Home, etc.) that best represents the actual or anticipated use of the parcel(s) or facilities on the parcel(s) in the development. For more specific information regarding the connection fee application procedure and fees, please contact the Districts’ Wastewater Fee Public Counter at (562) 908-4288, extension 2727. Ms. Annie Lao 2 May 8, 2023 DOC 6916838.D15 A Century of Service 5. In order for the Districts to conform to the requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA), the capacities of the Districts’ wastewater treatment facilities are based on the regional growth forecast adopted by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). Specific policies included in the development of the SCAG regional growth forecast are incorporated into clean air plans, which are prepared by the South Coast and Antelope Valley Air Quality Management Districts in order to improve air quality in the South Coast and Mojave Desert Air Basins as mandated by the CAA. All expansions of Districts’ facilities must be sized and service phased in a manner that will be consistent with the SCAG regional growth forecast for the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura, and Imperial. The available capacity of the Districts’ treatment facilities will, therefore, be limited to levels associated with the approved growth identified by SCAG. As such, this letter does not constitute a guarantee of wastewater service but is to advise the developer that the Districts intend to provide this service up to the levels that are legally permitted and to inform the developer of the currently existing capacity and any proposed expansion of the Districts’ facilities. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (562) 908-4288, extension 2743, or mandyhuffman@lacsd.org. Very truly yours, Mandy Huffman Environmental Planner Facilities Planning Department MNH:mnh cc: A. Schmidt A. Howard