TC - Item 3A - Encinita Elementary School at Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue Crossing Guard Study ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 1, 2023 SUBJECT: ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AT LOWER AZUSA ROAD AND ENCINITA AVENUE CROSSING GUARD STUDY SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a school crossing guard warrant analysis and recommended appropriate improvements at the location Encinita Elementary School. The City of Rosemead requested an evaluation regarding the addition of an adult crossing guard at the Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road intersection. The request reported vehicles will often travel on Lower Azusa Road at a high rate of speed. In response to this request and on behalf of the city, engineering staff has completed a review of existing conditions at the intersection as well as conditions along Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue, as well as the installation of a crossing guard at the intersection of Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue. ANALYSIS As part of this traffic review, an investigation of collision history over a 3-year period, an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Count, 24-hour Speed Survey, pedestrian movement count, as well as an examination of the existing roadway conditions were completed. It is important to note that previous studies have already been completed along Encinita Avenue at the intersection with Pitkin Street. Existing Conditions: Within the City of Rosemead, Encinita Avenue runs north and south and is considered a major collector road. Encinita Avenue has a speed limit of 30 MPH, and a marked school speed limit of 25 MPH. Encinita Avenue is approximately 36-feet wide, with one lane in each direction and is marked with a dotted yellow centerline. Parking is available on the east and west side of Encinita City Traffic Commission Meeting June 1, 2023 Page 2 of 3 Avenue, except where the curb is marked red. This segment of Encinita Avenue south of the intersection with Lower Azusa Road is adjacent to single-family residential homes located on the east side of the street, and parallels Encinita Elementary School, which is located on the west side of the street. North of the intersection with Lower Azusa Road, Encinita Avenue runs through an industrial area as well as a railroad track approximately 200-ft north of the intersection. Approximately 290-feet south of the intersection with Lower Azusa Avenue, Encinita Avenue also intersects with Pitkin Street. There is an existing crosswalk at this intersection with Pitkin Street at the south leg and east leg of the intersection, and a crossing guard who is stationed at this intersection for morning school drop off and afternoon school pick up. Currently, there is no crossing guard at the intersection of Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue. It is important to note that improvements were implemented at the intersection of Encinita Avenue and Pitkin Street. Improvements include the installation of yellow bollards next to the crosswalk sign on the west side of the intersection at Encinita Avenue and Pitkin Street, to protect pedestrians waiting to cross the south leg of the intersection. Other improvements include refreshed red curb, chevron arrow signage ahead of the intersection at Encinita Avenue and Pitkin Avenue, and a double arrow sign with an object marker reflector below for increased visibility. Within the City of Rosemead, Lower Azusa Road runs north-east and south-west and is considered to be a minor arterial road by the California Road Functional Classification. Lower Azusa Road has a speed limit of 40 MPH. Lower Azusa Avenue is approximately 58-feet wide, with two lanes of travel in each direction and a double yellow center line. Parking along the north and south side of Lower Azusa Road is permitted where the curbs are not marked red. This segment of Lower Azusa Road runs along single-family residential homes on the north side of the street and intersects with a railroad track approximately 420-feet east from the intersection with Encinita Avenue. On the south side of Lower Azusa Road, there are single family residential homes east of the intersection, and Encinita Elementary School runs parallel to the street west of the intersection with Encinita Avenue. Within the City of Rosemead, Encinita Elementary is located along Encinita Avenue. Encinita Elementary School is a public elementary school within the Rosemead Elementary School District and serves an average of 336 students in grades preschool through sixth grade.1 The regular bell schedules for students at Encinita Elementary School are as follows: Monday through Friday – Start time: 8:00am for all students, End time: 1:45pm for kindergarten, 1:55pm for 1st thru 3rd Grade, 2:20pm for 4th thru 6th Grade. There is an existing crosswalk at the intersection with Encinita Avenue and Pitkin Street for the south leg and east leg of the intersection, and a crossing guard who is stationed at this intersection for morning school drop off and afternoon school pick up. The school is requesting for an additional crossing guard to be added at the intersection of Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue. City Traffic Commission Meeting June 1, 2023 Page 3 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Encinita Elementary School does not qualify for a crossing guard. However, additional intersection improvements are suggested. Please refer to FIGURE 8 in Attachment A for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. These improvements include: 1. REMOVE EXISTING SCHOOL SIGNAGE ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD, LOCATED NORTH OF ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. 2. INSTALL NEW SCHOOL SIGNAGE (SW24-1 (CA)) ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD. 3. INSTALL “TURNING VEHICLES YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN” (R10-15) SIGNAGE AT ALL FOUR SIGNALS OF THE INTERSECTION OF LOWER AZUSA ROAD AND ENCINITA AVENUE. 4. TRIM TREES BLOCKING FLASHING PEDESTRIAN SIGNAGE AT THE INTERSECTION OF PITKIN STREET AND ENCINITA AVENUE. Prepared by: Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A – Technical Traffic Engineering Report CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 1 of 28 TO: Rosemead Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: May 26, 2023 SUBJECT: CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AT LOWER AZUSA ROAD AND ENCINITA AVENUE INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead received a request from the school district regarding the addition of an adult crossing guard at the Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road intersection. The request reported vehicles will often travel on Lower Azusa Road at a high rate of speed and is concerned for students and residents in the community. For this report an existing conditions report was completed that looked at the intersection as well as conditions along Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue, as well as the installation of a crossing guard at the intersection of Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue. As part of this traffic review, an investigation of collision history over a 3-year period, an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Count, 24- hour Speed Survey, pedestrian movement count, as well as an examination of the existing roadway conditions were completed. It is important to note that previous studies have already been completed along Encinita Avenue at the intersection with Pitkin Street. Figure 1: Vicinity Map ` LEGEND Intersection of Interest: Encinita Avenue at Lower Azusa Road Pitkin St Encinita Ave Encinita Elementary School CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 2 of 28 EXISTING CONDITIONS Figure 2: Existing Conditions – Encinita Avenue at Lower Azusa Avenue, Encinita Elementary School ` Encinita Avenue – Within the City of Rosemead, Encinita Avenue runs north and south and is considered a major collector road. Encinita Avenue has a speed limit of 30 MPH, and a marked school speed limit of 25 MPH. Encinita Avenue is approximately 36-feet wide, with one lane in each direction and is marked with a dotted yellow centerline. Parking is available on the east and west side of Encinita Avenue, except where the curb is marked red. This segment of Encinita Avenue south of the intersection with Lower Azusa Road is adjacent to single-family residential homes located on the east side of the street, and parallels Encinita Elementary School, which is located on the west side of the street. LEGEND No U-Turn Sign (R3-4) Pitkin St Encinita Elementary School Encinita Ave School Speed Limit Sign (SR4-1) Vehicle Speed Feedback Sign Flashing School Pedestrian Crossing Sign (SW24-2) School Pedestrian Crossing Ahead Sign (SW24-1) Stop Sign (R1-1) Chevron Sign (W1-8) Signal Controlled Intersection Existing Red Curb 36’ Push Button to Activate Crosswalk Sign () No Parking Tuesday 10AM-2PM Street Sweeping (R30B variation) No Stopping at Any Time Signage (R7-4 variation) Two Direction Arrow Sign (W1-7) & Object Marker (OM1-1) Existing Crossing Guard Requested Crossing Guard Intersection CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 3 of 28 North of the intersection with Lower Azusa Road, Encinita Avenue runs through an industrial area as well as a railroad track approximately 200-ft north of the intersection. Approximately 290-feet south of the intersection with Lower Azusa Avenue, Encinita Avenue also intersects with Pitkin Street. There is an existing crosswalk at this intersection with Pitkin Street at the south leg and east leg of the intersection, and a crossing guard who is stationed at this intersection for morning school drop off and afternoon school pick up. Currently, there is no crossing guard at the intersection of Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue. It is important to note that improvements were implemented at the intersection of Encinita Avenue and Pitkin Street. Improvements include the installation of yellow bollards next to the crosswalk sign on the west side of the intersection at Encinita Avenue and Pitkin Street, to protect pedestrians waiting to cross the south leg of the intersection. Other improvements include refreshed red curb, chevron arrow signage ahead of the intersection at Encinita Avenue and Pitkin Avenue, and a double arrow sign with an object marker reflector below for increased visibility. Lower Azusa Road – Within the City of Rosemead, Lower Azusa Road runs north-east and south-west and is considered to be a minor arterial road by the California Road Functional Classification. Lower Azusa Road has a speed limit of 40 MPH. Lower Azusa Avenue is approxiamtely 58-feet wide, with two lanes of travel in each direction and a double yellow center line. Parking along the north and south side of Lower Azusa Road is permitted where the curbs are not marked red. This segment of Lower Azusa Road runs along single-family residential homes on the north side of the street, and intersects with a railroad track approximately 420-feet east from the intersection with Encinita Avenue. On the south side of Lower Azusa Road, there are single family residential homes east of the intersection, and Encinita Elementary School runs parallel to the street west of the intersection with Encinita Avenue. Encinita Elementary School – Within the City of Rosemead, Encinita Elementary is located along Encinita Avenue. Encinita Elementary School is a public elementary school within the Rosemead Elementary School District and serves an average of 336 students in grades preschool through sixth grade.1 The regular bell schedules for students at Encinita Elementary School are as follows: Monday through Friday – Start time: 8:00am for all students, End time: 1:45pm for kindergarten, 1:55pm for 1st thru 3rd Grade, 2:20pm for 4th thru 6th Grade. There is an existing crosswalk at the intersection with Encinita Avenue and Pitkin Street for the south leg and east leg of the intersection, and a crossing guard who is stationed at this intersection for morning school drop off and afternoon school pick up. The school is requesting for an additional crossing guard to be added at the intersection of Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue. 1 California School Dashboard for Encinita Elementary from the California Department of Education - https://www.caschooldashboard.org/reports/19649316022172/2020 CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 4 of 28 PICTURE SUMMARY Southbound along Encinita Avenue at intersection with Lower Azusa Road Lower Azusa Rd Pitkin St Southbound along Encinita Avenue toward Pitkin Street Northbound along Encinita Avenue at intersection with Lower Azusa Road Lower Azusa Rd Eastbound along Lower Azusa Road at intersection with Encinita Avenue Encinita Ave Westbound along Lower Azusa Road at intersection with Encinita Avenue Encinita Ave Pitkin St Southbound along Encinita Avenue at intersection with Pitkin Street Pitkin St Southbound along Encinita Avenue toward Pitkin Street Northbound along Encinita Avenue north of intersection with Pitkin Street CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 5 of 28 COLLISION INVESTIGATION Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). A review of all collisions that occurred at Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road was conducted over a 3-year period between December 2019 through December 2022. Based on the information provided, a summary breakdown of the number of collisions within the studied segment are shown below in Table 1: 2022 – 0 collisions 2021 – 1 collision 2020 – 0 collisions 2019 – 0 collisions Total – 1 collision Table 1: Encinita Avenue between Lower Azusa Road and Pitkin Avenue Collision History Pitkin St Northbound along Encinita Avenue toward Pitkin Street Pitkin St Westbound along Pitkin Street at intersection with Encinita Avenue CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 6 of 28 Figure 3: Collision Diagram AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data was obtained from counts taken on March 23, 2023, for Lower Azusa Road east of Livia Avenue, Lower Azusa Road east of Encinita Avenue, and Encinita Avenue south of Lower Azusa Road. All counts were taken when schools are back in session. A summary of ADT data is shown in Table 2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT). The Average Daily Traffic reports are attached (Attachment 1) at the end of the report. Table 2: 2023 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) (03/23/2023) Location Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (Total) Lower Azusa Road east of Livia Avenue EB 6,212 WB 6,072 12,284 Lower Azusa Road east of Encinita Avenue EB 7,700 WB 7,293 14,993 Encinita Avenue south of Lower Azusa Road NB 3,579 SB 3,289 6,868 LEGEND ALL COLLISIONS - Crash Type (Non Ped & Bike Collisions/ Crashes) # of Crashes Fatality (Death) 0 Severe Injury 0 Injury - Other Visible 0 Injury - Complaint of Pain 1 Property Damage Only 0 Total 1 PED & BIKE - Crash Type # of Crashes Fatality (Death) 0 Severe Injury 0 Injury - Other Visible 0 Injury - Complaint of Pain 0 Property Damage Only 0 Total 0 TOTAL CRASHES 1 Encinita Ave Pitkin St 1 Scale: 100’ CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 7 of 28 SPEED SURVEY In order to assess the speed at which vehicles are traveling along Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue, speed samples were taken. A 24-hour speed sample was taken on March 23, 2023, along Lower Azusa Road east of Livia Avenue, Lower Azusa Road east of Encinita Avenue, and Encinita Avenue south of Lower Azusa Road. The 85th percentile speed of northbound and southbound vehicles along Encinita Avenue south of Lower Azusa Road is 30 MPH. This translates to mean that 85 percent of the vehicles sampled, northbound and southbound vehicles are traveling at 30 MPH or below, which is at the speed limit of 30 MPH. Table 3 below shows the March 23, 2023, speed survey results. The speed summary is attached (Attachment 2) at the end of the report. The 85th percentile speed of eastbound and westbound vehicles along Lower Azusa Road east of Livia Avenue is at 48 MPH. This translates to mean that 85 percent of the vehicles sampled, eastbound and westbound vehicles are traveling at 48 MPH or below, which is above the speed limit of 40 mph. Table 3 above shows the March 23, 2023, speed survey results. The speed summary is attached (Attachment 2) at the end of the report. The 85th percentile speed of eastbound and westbound vehicles along Lower Azusa Road east of Encinita Avenue is at 40 MPH. This translates to mean that 85 percent of the vehicles sampled, eastbound and westbound vehicles are traveling at 40 MPH or below, which is at the speed limit of 40 mph. Table 3 shows the March 23, 2023, speed survey results. The speed summary is attached (Attachment 2) at the end of the report. PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS To determine what type of turning movements are encountered at the intersection of Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road, a peak hour intersection turning movement count and pedestrian count was taken at this intersection during the hours of 7-9 AM, 12:00-3:00 PM and 4-6 PM on Thursday, March 23rd, 2023. The counts were taken while school was in session. Figures 4, 5, and 6 represent the highest peak 1 hour of vehicles at the intersection during each count time. Please refer to Attachment 3 at the end of the report for the count sheet. Table 3: Speed Survey along Encinita Avenue, south of Lower Azusa Road Location Dir. of Travel Date/Time of Survey 85%ile Speed Posted Limit MPH Encinita Avenue south of Lower Azusa Road NB/SB 3/23/23 24-hour 30 30 Lower Azusa Road east of Livia Avenue EB/WB 3/23/23 24-hour 48 40 Lower Azusa Road east of Encinita Avenue EB/WB 3/23/23 24-hour 40 40 CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 8 of 28 Figure 4 shows the highest one-hour traffic volume during the AM peak hours of 7:00-9:00 AM. The peak hour volume for the AM Peak was 7:45- 8:45 AM at the intersection of Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road and corresponds with the school drop off time for Encinita Elementary School. Figure 5 shows the highest one-hour traffic volume during the Afternoon peak hours of 12:00-3:00 PM. The peak one hour was between the Afternoon hour of 14:00-15:00 (2:00-3:00 PM) at the intersection of Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road. This corresponds to school pick up time at Encinita Elementary School. Figure 4: AM Peak Hour Count 7:45-8:45 AM Figure 5: AFTERNOON Peak Hour Count 2:00-3:00 PM Encinita Avenue & Lower Azusa Road Highest 1 Hour in AM PEAK (7:45-8:45 AM) 52 50 161 136 41 181 463 68 338 33 75 118 Encinita Avenue & Lower Azusa Road Highest 1 Hour in AFTERNOON PEAK (2:00-3:00 PM) 70 37 126 85 51 97 352 64 403 28 133 152 CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 9 of 28 Figure 6 shows the highest one-hour traffic volume during the PM peak hours of 16:00-18:00 PM. The peak one hour was between the PM Peak hours of 16:00-17:00 (4:00-5:00PM) at the intersection of Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road. PEDESTRIAN COUNTS To determine how many pedestrians are crossing Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road, peak hour pedestrian counts were taken during the same count periods as the intersection turning movement counts on Thursday, March 23rd, 2023. The pedestrian counts tally the number of adult and school age pedestrians in each leg of the intersection during the count times of 7-9AM, 12-3PM and 4-6PM. Each hour is shown in Table 4. The west and east leg counts reflect pedestrians crossing Lower Azusa Road & Encinita Avenue. Refer to Attachment 4 at the end of the report for the count sheet. It is important to note that there is an existing crosswalk at all four legs of the intersection. Table 4: Summary of Pedestrians Crossing at Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road TIME LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING – MARKED CROSSWALKS NORTH LEG SOUTH LEG EAST LEG WEST LEG ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE 7-8AM 0 0 6 5 0 0 3 0 8-9AM 1 0 1 0 1 0 10 8 12:00-1:00PM 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1:00-2:00PM 1 0 4 3 0 0 4 0 2:00-3:00PM 0 0 4 0 1 0 17 1 4-5PM 0 1 3 0 3 0 8 5 5-6PM 2 0 2 0 0 0 11 2 TOTAL PEDS 4 1 21 8 6 0 55 16 Figure 6: PM Peak Hour Count 4:00-5:00 PM Encinita Avenue & Lower Azusa Road Highest 1 Hour in PM PEAK (4:00-5:00 PM) 53 40 138 76 40 117 382 65 458 35 178 192 CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 10 of 28 Additional pedestrian counts were taken on April 18, 2023, and on May 8, 2023, during school drop off and school dismissal time for Encinita Elementary School. The pedestrian counts shown in Table 5 tally the number of adult and school age pedestrians in each leg of the intersection in the morning between 7:30-8:30AM during school drop off, and in the afternoon between 1:30-2:45PM during school pickup. This count showed that a total of 11 school age pedestrians used the intersection crosswalks of Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue during all of the peak study hours at this location. The count was divided into 15-minute increments in the table below (Table 5). FIELD OBSERVATIONS AT ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL An observation was completed in the afternoon on March 27th, 2023, at the intersection of Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road, located directly next to Encinita Elementary School. It was observed that many vehicles parked along the existing red curb on the south side of Lower Azusa Avenue, east of the intersection with Encinita Avenue. This south-east side of the intersection had a large amount of vehicular traffic, despite it being marked as a red curb. The vehicles were not respecting the red curb which is causing vehicles entering onto Encinita to swerve around the parked vehicles. It was also observed that school buses picking up students in this area had a hard time leaving and merging into traffic, due to the number of cars parked in the red. Buses used the small parking lot on Lower Azusa Road for pick-up in the afternoon and parked along the existing red curb along Lower Azusa Road. Cars were observed parking in red zone along the south side of Lower Azusa, blocking buses and other cars traveling to the intersection. Cars parked in the red along the south-west corner of Lower Azusa Road caused traffic issues on both Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue, and cars were observed swerving to avoid illegally parked cars to cross through the intersection or turn right. An observation was also conducted in the afternoon on Tuesday, April 18th, 2023, and in the morning on Monday, May 8th, 2023, at the intersection of Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue. The observation took place during the drop off and pick-up of students at Encinita Elementary School. In the morning, it was observed that cars mostly dropped off students along Encinita Avenue between Pitkin Street and Lower Azusa Road. There was a backup of cars attempting to turn from Lower Azusa Road onto Encinita Table 5: Summary of Pedestrians Crossing at Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue (4/18/2023 & 5/8/2023) TIME LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING – MARKED CROSSWALKS NORTH LEG SOUTH LEG WEST LEG EAST LEG ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE 7:30-7:45AM 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 7:45-8:00AM 0 0 8 6 2 1 0 0 8:00-8:15AM 0 0 0 0 11 1 0 0 8:15-8:30AM 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1:30-1:45PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:45-2:00PM 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2:00-2:15PM 0 0 1 0 5 1 0 0 2:15-2:30PM 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2:30-2:45PM 1 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 TOTAL PEDS 1 0 12 6 25 5 1 0 CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 11 of 28 Avenue, both for vehicles turning left onto Encinita Avenue and vehicles turning right onto Encinita Avenue. During the peak drop-off time in the morning, cars were backed up along Encinita Avenue and caused traffic to reach the middle of the intersection while cars waited to turn from both directions on Lower Azusa Road. Parents were dropping off their students along the marked red curb as well, causing additional vehicle traffic. Some double parking was also observed closer to the intersection at Encinita Avenue and Pitkin Street, near the school frontage. In the afternoon, it was observed that for student pickup parents would park along the south side of the street along Lower Azusa Road, on the west side of the intersection, to pick up their students after school dismissal. Vehicles were also parked in the red zone along this part of the street during student pick-up from the school. At the frontage of Encinita Elementary School, car and pedestrian movements were also observed during student pick-up. Many cars parked along the east side of Encinita Avenue to pick up students, and parents either waited to pick up students along the curb or double-parked on Encinita Avenue blocking southbound traffic. Some cars also parked on both sides of Pitkin Street, and parents crossed at the crosswalk at the intersection of Pitkin Street and Encinita Avenue. After student pick-up, parents and students crossed at the crosswalk to get back to their vehicles and turned onto Encinita Avenue. A crossing guard is stationed at the intersection of Pitkin Street and Encinita Avenue where there is a crosswalk located at the south leg and east leg of the intersection. The crossing guard expressed their concern for students during morning drop off and afternoon pick-up, due to the number of students crossing at Encinita Avenue as well as the number of cars traveling along Encinita Avenue. It was also observed that many parents and students walked south along the west side on the sidewalk of Encinita Avenue during school pick up. There is a park located directly south of Encinita Elementary School, and a large parking lot where parents could park during school pick up. Parents that parked south of Encinita Elementary School either parked on the west side of Encinita Avenue along the curb, or in the parking lot at the nearby sports park. Figure 7 below indicates the observed traffic movement of vehicles during the pick-up of students in the afternoon from Encinita Elementary School. CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 12 of 28 Figure 7: Vehicle Movement Observations during pick up from Encinita Elementary School Field Photos from Observations Encinita Ave It was observed that most pedestrians used the crosswalk at Encinita Avenue and Pitkin Street, and some pedestrians crossed Encinita Avenue midblock to reach vehicles on the east side of Encinita Avenue. Encinita Elementary School Some adult and student peds were observed crossing midblock along Encinita Avenue to reach parked vehicles on the east side of Encinita Avenue. This caused a backup of southbound cars. Pitkin St Northbound vehicles (YELLOW) park along the east curb on Encinita Avenue to pick up students from Encinita Elementary. Southbound vehicles (BLUE) park along the west curb on Encinita Avenue to pick up students from Encinita Elementary. Eastbound vehicles (RED) park along the south curb on Lower Azusa Road to pick up students from the school. Many drivers who parked along Lower Azusa Road walked along the sidewalk to pick up their students. Vehicles had difficulty entering traffic after picking up students and waited for eastbound traffic to slow. Cars were observed parking in red zone along the south side of Lower Azusa, blocking buses and other cars traveling to the intersection Drop Off Area during morning drop-off of students along Encinita Avenue south of the intersection at Lower Azusa Road. Double parking occurred along Encinita Avenue. Intersection of Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road during morning drop off, backup of traffic due to vehicles turning onto Encinita Avenue from both directions. CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 13 of 28 TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES AND STRATEGIES Traffic calming is the process of reducing vehicle speeds through the use of both passive devices, such as signs and striping, and physical devices such as changes in road elevation or path. As part of this study, traffic speeds, accidents and traffic volumes were used to assess existing conditions along this segment. The type, design and placement of traffic calming devices depend upon the road classification, desired traffic speed and types of traffic issues along Encinita Avenue south of Lower Azusa Road. The following is a list of common traffic calming measures usually deployed to reduce speeding, increase visibility of signs, and decrease running of Stop signs. As shown in Figure 7, some of the typical traffic calming measures have been installed along Encinita Avenue. This includes additional signage, and speed limit signs. 1) Traffic Education Campaign 2) Signage and Pavement Legends 3) Larger Dimension Signs or Beacons on Signs 4) Traffic Striping 5) Radar Feedback Signs 6) Targeted Police Enforcement Cars parked along red curb north of the Drop-Off Area during morning drop-off along Encinita Avenue south of the intersection at Lower Azusa Road. Intersection of Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road during morning drop off, backup of traffic turning left along Lower Azusa Road. CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 14 of 28 CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING IF A CROSSING GUARD IS WARRANTED The City of Rosemead received a request from the school district to review the intersection of Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road and determine if the installation of a crossing guard is warranted. The intersection of Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road is located directly north of Encinita Elementary School and has marked yellow ladder crosswalks on all four legs of the intersection. Currently, the school serves students in grades K-6. The school has observed high traffic during drop off and pickup around this intersection, for both pedestrians and vehicles. As a result of the initial request, the City commissioned a Traffic Engineering study to assess existing conditions as well as determine if a crossing guard is warranted. All Engineering studies and recommendations follow the guidelines found in the CAMUTCD (California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and the California Vehicle Code. Following engineering standards assures that all devices or measures placed in or on public streets have a universal meaning and all drivers understand and can anticipate where signs or striping may be placed. This is also true in regard to the criteria for Adult Crossing Guards. This traffic study is based on the guidelines found in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement from a detailed traffic study. Criteria for Adult Crossing Guards Adult Crossing Guards normally are assigned where official supervision of school pedestrians is desirable while they cross a public highway, and at least 40 school pedestrians for each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) daily use the crossing while going to or from school. Table 6 outlines the criteria and findings. As found in the CAMUTCD 7D.02 the following guidelines are provided. Adult crossing guards may be used under the following conditions: 1. Adult Crossing Guards normally are assigned where official supervision of school pedestrians is desirable while they cross a public highway, and at least 40 school pedestrians for each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) daily use the crossing while going to or from school. 2. At uncontrolled crossings where there is no alternate controlled crossing within 600 feet; and a. In urban areas where the vehicular traffic volume exceeds 350 during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) in which 40 or more school pedestrians cross daily while going to or from school; or b. In rural areas where the vehicular traffic volume exceeds 300 during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) in which 30 or more school pedestrians cross daily while going to or from school. Whenever the critical (85th percentile) approach speed exceeds 40 mph, the guidelines for rural areas should be applied. 3. At stop sign-controlled crossing: Where the vehicular traffic volumes on undivided highways of four or more lanes exceeds 500 per hour during any period when the school pedestrians are going to or from school. 4. At traffic signal-controlled crossings: a. Where the number of vehicular turning movements through the school crosswalk exceeds 300 per hour while school pedestrians are going to or from school; or b. Where justified through analysis of the operations of the intersection. CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 15 of 28 Based on the signal warrant table above, it can be determined that this intersection of Encinita Avenue and Lower Azusa Road does not meet the warrants for a crossing guard. Table 6: Summary of Criteria for Adult Crossing Guard Conditions (Refer to Pedestrian Tables 4 and 5) YES NO At least 40 school pedestrians for each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) daily use the crossing while going to or from school? Whenever the critical (85th percentile) approach speed exceeds 40 mph, the guidelines for rural areas should be applied. 30 school age pedestrians crossing. X Uncontrolled crossings where there is no alternate controlled crossing within 600 feet? X Urban areas where the vehicular traffic volume exceeds 350 during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) in which 40 or more school pedestrians cross daily while going to or from school? X Rural areas where the vehicular traffic volume exceeds 300 during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) in which 30 or more school pedestrians cross daily while going to or from school? X At stop sign-controlled crossing: Where the vehicular traffic volumes on undivided highways of four or more lanes exceeds 500 per hour during any period when the school pedestrians are going to or from school N/A N/A At traffic signal-controlled crossings: a. Where the number of vehicular turning movements through the school crosswalk exceeds 300 per hour while school pedestrians are going to or from school, b. Where justified through analysis of the operations of the intersection X CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 16 of 28 RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field conditions, it was determined that traffic calming measures be installed at the intersection of Encinita Avenue at Lower Azusa Road, to reduce the speed of vehicles traveling down Encinita Avenue. Please refer to the Recommendations below for a visual demonstration of the proposed conditions. 1. REMOVE EXISTING SCHOOL SIGNAGE along Lower Azusa Road, located north of Encinita Elementary School, as shown in the Recommendations below. 2. INSTALL NEW SCHOOL SIGNAGE (SW24-1 (CA)) ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD along Lower Azusa Road, as shown in Figure A. Refer to the Recommendations below for a visual demonstration of the proposed condition. • A. Install new School Signage (SW24-1) approximately 300-ft west of the intersection of Lower Azusa Avenue at Encinita Avenue on existing signage. Base of the signage should be 7’ above the ground. • B. Install new School Signage (SW24-1) and new Signpost approximately 280-ft east of the intersection of Lower Azusa Avenue at Encinita Avenue. Base of the signage should be 7’ above the ground. 3. INSTALL “TURNING VEHICLES YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN” (R10-15) SIGNAGE at all four signals of the intersection of Lower Azusa Road and Encinita Avenue, as shown in Figure B. Refer to the Recommendations below. • The added signage will improve vehicle awareness of pedestrians using the crosswalks. 4. TRIM TREES BLOCKING FLASHING PEDESTRIAN SIGNAGE at the intersection of Pitkin Street and Encinita Avenue, as shown in the Recommendations below. Figure A: School Pedestrian Sign (SW24-1 (CA)) Figure B: Turning Vehicles Yield to Peds (R10-15) CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 17 of 28 Figure 8: Proposed Recommendations, Encinita Avenue at Lower Azusa Road LEGEND REMOVE EXISTING SCHOOL SIGNAGE ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD NORTH OF ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Encinita Elementary School Encinita Ave 1 2A INSTALL NEW SCHOOL SIGNAGE (SW24-1) APPROXIMATELY 300-FT WEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF LOWER AZUSA AVENUE AT ENCINITA AVENUE ON EXISTING SIGNAGE. BASE OF THE SIGNAGE SHOULD BE 7’ ABOVE THE GROUND. INSTALL NEW SCHOOL SIGNAGE (SW24-1) AND NEW SIGNPOST APPROXIMATELY 280-FT EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF LOWER AZUSA AVENUE AT ENCINITA AVENUE. BASE OF THE SIGNAGE SHOULD BE 7’ ABOVE THE GROUND. 2B 1 2A 2B INSTALL “TURNING VEHICLES YIELD TO PEDESTRIAN” (R10-15) SIGNAGE AT ALL FOUR SIGNALS OF THE INTERSECTION OF LOWER AZUSA ROAD AND ENCINITA AVENUE. 3 3 CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 18 of 28 Figure 9: Recommendations for Encinita Avenue at Pitkin Street LEGEND TRIM TREES BLOCKING THE FLASHING PEDESTRIAN SIGNAGE VIEW FOR NORTHBOUND DRIVERS ALONG ENCINITA AVENUE. Pitkin St Encinita Ave 4 4 Encinita Ave CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 19 of 28 ATTACHMENTS 1. ADT Count: Average Daily Traffic Counts: 3/23/2023 a. Lower Azusa Road EO Livia Avenue b. Lower Azusa Road EO Encinita Avenue c. Encinita Avenue SO Lower Azusa Road 2. ADT 24HR Speed Survey: 3/23/2023 a. Lower Azusa Road EO Livia Avenue b. Lower Azusa Road EO Encinita Avenue c. Encinita Avenue SO Lower Azusa Road 3. Intersection Turning Movement Counts: 3/23/2023 a. Encinita Avenue & Lower Azusa Road 4. Intersection Movement Counts: 3/23/2023 a. Kid Pedestrian Movement Count - Encinita Avenue & Lower Azusa Road b. Adult Pedestrian Movement Count - Encinita Avenue & Lower Azusa Road CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 20 of 28 Attachment 1a: Average Daily Traffic Counts - Lower Azusa Road EO Livia Avenue CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 21 of 28 Attachment 1b: Average Daily Traffic Counts - Lower Azusa Road EO Encinita Avenue CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 22 of 28 Attachment 1c: Average Daily Traffic Counts - Encinita Avenue SO Lower Azusa Road CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 23 of 28 Attachment 2a: ADT 24HR Speed Survey - Lower Azusa Road EO Livia Avenue CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 24 of 28 Attachment 2b: ADT 24HR Speed Survey - Lower Azusa Road EO Encinita Avenue CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 25 of 28 Attachment 2c: ADT 24HR Speed Survey - Encinita Avenue SO Lower Azusa Road CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 26 of 28 Attachment 3a: Intersection Turning Movement Counts - Encinita Avenue & Lower Azusa Road CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 27 of 28 Attachment 4a: Intersection Movement Count - Encinita Avenue & Lower Azusa Road – Kid Pedestrian Count CROSSING GUARD REVIEW FOR ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 28 of 28 Attachment 4b: Intersection Movement Count - Encinita Avenue & Lower Azusa Road – Adult Pedestrian Count