CC - Item 4B - Minutes of May 25, 2021MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION SPECIAL & REGULAR JOINT MEETING MAY 25, 2021 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 6:03 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Dang, Council Members Armenta and Clark ABSENT: Council Member Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Assistant City Manager Kim, City Attorney Richman, Interim Director of Finance Chamberlain, and City Clerk Hernandez 1. WORKSHOP A. Discussion and Overview of the Preliminary City Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Interim Director of Finance Chamberlain provided an overview of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022 Operating Budget, Housing Development Corporation Budget, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget and Comprehensive Fee Schedule; indicated the adoption of the budget and fee schedule will take place at the June 8, 2021, Council meeting. Ms. Chamberlain stated the Budget of all funds for Revenues is $47.5 million, Expenses is $35.4 million, leaving us with a Surplus of $12 million, and we are using $8.1 million of that for the CIP projects; the General Fund Revenues is $25.6 million, Expenses is $$25.5 million, a Surplus of $73,000 before we put in our $60,000 for the CIP projects, leaving us with a $13,000 Surplus. Asserted there are CIP carryovers of $782,000 from projects approved in previous years that have not been spent, so that brings our fund balance to $23 million. Proposed Revenues of all major funds is $47.5 million up from $36.7 million in FY 20-21, which we received from the American Rescue Plan Act (ABPA), passed in March that would give us $18 million to spend as regulated; indicated we have new revenue estimates for gas tax, which will not affect our proposed CIP, but it will be reducing some of those revenues. General Fund revenues is $25.6 million, 76% of that comes from taxes, property tax in lieu at $7.3 million, sales tax at $5.7 million and property tax at $3.4 million — those three sources bring in 64% of all General Fund revenue. Looking at the Citywide Expenditure Assumptions: There are no new positions or reclassifications proposed; salaries are budgeted at current step plus any step due during the year; part-time staffing costs increased to accommodate minimum wage increase January 2022; PERS Accrued Unfunded Liability increased $101,200 — rate smoothed to all positions. Discussed expenditures and significant changes by Department. Interim Director of Finance Chamberlain gave a summary of CIP projects of nearly $8.1 million, $6.8 in new projects, $645,000 in addition to current projects, Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 AGENDA ITEM 4.B Page I of 14 $600,000 in annual projects, and $36 million in current active projects, for a total CIP of $44.2 million; indicated review of Special Revenue Fund Balances provided basis of increased CIP and that Senate Bill 1307 changed allowable uses of the Lighting District. Provided a breakdown of the CIP Projects: New Street Projects of $5.6 million — Various Residential Street Resurfacing and Citywide Arterial Street Improvements; Annual Projects of $600,000 — Slurry Seal and Sidewalk Replacement; New Park and Facility Projects of $1.8 million — Emergency Electrical Generator at RCRC and various other projects from prior unfunded list. Noted the following unfunded CIP projects: Repainting & Upgrade of City Council Chamber; Public Safety Center Upgrades (Construction Phase); Acoustic Panels (Garvey Gym); Parking Lot Renovations (Sports Complex); Rosemead Park Preschool Restrooms; and the Utility Undergrounding (Rosemead Blvd, and Mission Dr) — Rule 20A. Ms. Chamberlain discussed a few updates to the Comprehensive Fee Schedule including credit card acceptance. Council Member Armenta referenced page 4 of the presentation - Full Time Positions, stating she understands there is an increase in the City Manager's proposed budget due to the staff being moved from Community Development to Administration; pointed out the City Manager now has four employees, while the City Clerk's Department remains an office of two; suggested moving that position to the City Clerk's Department rather than the City Manager's so the City Clerk can build her Department. Spoke about the American Rescue Plan, noting we are receiving roughly $18 million during the two-year cycle; acknowledged part of the money is backfilled because of operation costs, however Council being the policymakers, Council should decide where funding goes rather than being told where it is going to; noted other cities have an Ad Hoc Committee to decide how to allocate the money; expressed she would like to get the community engaged to take their input into consideration. Interim Director of Finance Chamberlain commented it is a policy document and our proposal to Council, but we are not saying Council must proceed with this proposal; emphasized $1.5 million of the ARPA money is being used to backfill lost revenue, so a,citywide discussion as to what to do with the remainder can still occur. We received the first payment last week, which was not lost in the General Fund, rather it was placed in a Special Fund. Council Member Armenta reiterated she is happy to hear the decision of how to allocate the difference of $18 million will come back to Council. Council Member Clark referenced page 14 of the presentation, Citywide Expenditure Assumptions — inquired what does this item mean, "PERS Accrued Unfunded Liability increased $101,200 — rate smoothed to all positions". Ms. Chamberlain explained in the past, we have three different tiers within the city — Tier 1 was employees hired before 2012, Tier 2 was employees hired before the California Public Employees' Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) came along, and then Tier 3 are employees hired after PEPRA. Unfunded liability for each one of those groups is required; prior to the change, Tier 1 was only applied to Tier 1 employees but Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 2 of 14 the problem with that is when you have only 10 employees, they have this huge rate applied to them. Reiterated if the rate is smoothed, then everyone pays the same rate. Council Member Clark asked if the PERS liability only applied to those who retired. Interim Director of Finance Chamberlain replied no, the PERS unfunded liability is assessed to everyone looking forward and how much they have collected and funded; so, if you have been here five years, you are not retiring for twenty years, the PERS has an unfunded liability for twenty years as well. Council Member Clark indicated she wanted to ask about the Jackson Avenue Street Improvement Project since it was near her residence. Ms. Chamberlain stated Public Works can call Council Member Clark directly with specifics to that project. Mayor Pro Tem Dang asked if there was a social benefit category for the community in the budget; inquired if there is any ability for us to segway some funding to help those nonprofit organizations that come into our city to help the community; provided Wealth by Health as an example, who gives free medical treatment to the community, and all they ask from the city into use our Community Center for the event, however they incur a lot of out of pocket expenses like liability insurance and background checks for their volunteers. Ms. Chamberlain responded there is none in the General Fund. However, that type of social program can be found under'CDBGlHOME Funds, which is reviewed annually by. the Council; referred to page 13 of the presentation, Operating Expenditures Summary by Fund — CDBG is over $1.9 million, which was just approved a couple weeks ago. Mayor Low asked for clarification, are you looking to put aside a certain amount of funding for this community service? Mayor Pro Tem Dang replied correct. Mayor Low stated for CDBG, we designate programs, but don't put aside some money for these services. Mayor Pro Tem Dang inquired if there are any other mechanisms we could use. Ms. Chamberlain responded once we get the final guidelines for the American Rescue Plan Act, then we can determine if there is funding for this community service category. Mayor Pro Tem Dang said he would appreciate it if you could look into that. Council Member Armenta recalled prior to being elected, there was a fund of $25,000 that was put aside for nonprofits and organizations to use; noted "Jen Chin" was one of Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 3 of 14 the previous organizations that received this funding; explained that the city did away with this because there was no accountability of what the organization was doing with the money. Council Member Clark indicated support for Council Member Armenta's suggestion to have an Ad Hoc Committee to look at how to allocate the ARPA funds. City Manager Molleda interjected that we can hold a Workshop so that all of Council has an opportunity to provide their input on how to allocate those funds. Mayor Low stated we will be receiving an overall funding of $18 million, and we are projecting to use $1.5 million of that $8.9 million received thus far. Interim Director of Finance Chamberlain explained we received $8.9 million this fiscal year, and we will receive the remainder $89 million for next fiscal year; noted we have until 2026 to use the $18 million or must return it. To address Council Member Armenta's concern, even if we have that $30,000 limit, if it is not appropriated, we cannot spend it. Council Member Clark echoed support for Council Member Arments's suggestion to move an employee to the City, Clerk's Office because next year there is an election; emphasized there is a lot more work to do now that Martin & Chapman who used to provide election services and consultation to the city went out of business and since our elections were consolidated with the Siate's election. Ms. Chamberlain clarified that the staff being moved from Community Development to Administration is not an administrative position as they are processing all the housing, CDBG/HOME funds and grants. Mayor Law stated that is a position with a lot of responsibilities already. City Manager Molleda added that the City Clerk does oversee the Deputy City Clerk and does not report to me. Council- Member Armenta mentioned that aside from providing Council support, public records requests, passports, and City Council meeting agenda packets, the City Clerk's Department also oversees the Risk Management program. Mayor Low asked if the City Clerk's Office can get help from other staff when needed. City Clerk Hernandez expressed any time she has reached out for additional assistance from staff that it has been granted; noted the current part-time Admin Assistant does help the City Clerk's Office quite a bit. Mayor Low reiterated to let Council know if there is ever a time you need additional staff, so that we can look at the budget to help you out. City Clerk Hernandez stated she appreciates that. Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 4 of 14 Interim Director of Finance Chamberlain stated we will be doing a first quarter report, so Council can take a look then. Mayor Low and Mayor Pro Tem Dang thanked the Finance Department for improving the Budget Book so that it is easier to follow. There being no further questions from Council, Mayor Low adjourned the special meeting at 6:53 p.m. The regular City Council and Successor Agency joint meeting will reconvene at 7: 00 p. m. The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:01 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Dang, Council Members Armenta and Clark ABSENT: Council Member Ly STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Assistant City Manager Kim, City Attorney Richman, Director of Community Development Frausto-Lupo, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, Acting Public Works Director Ansari, and City Clerk Hernandez PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Armenta INVOCATION — Council Member Clark` 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Low opened the Public Comment period. City Clerk Hernandez read the following Public Comment delivered to City Hall by Frances Chavez. "A Letter to the Rosemead City Council: The definition of insanity given by Albert Einstein is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That is what I think about allowing the use of any fireworks within the city limits. There are many commonsense reasons for my request. 1. Parents teach children from a very young age never to play with matches or go near fire. As a teacher I would emphasize the dangerous nature of fire. This would be especially clear when the local Fire Department visited the children to talks about safety. Yet on the 4th of July parents are putting their children in harm's way with Roman Candles and small rockets. It defies common sense. The worst are adults, adolescents and teenagers who feel free to use illegal fireworks such as M -80's and aerial devices that explode in the sky. Rosemead already give a wonderful 4th of July display of fireworks. 2. The noise on the 4th of July especially on the dead-end street behind me sounds like a warzone. Last year the illegal fireworks began in June and didn't end until about a week after the 4th. My dog was traumatized and so were many animals in the neighborhood. Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 5 of 14 I would venture to say most of us in the nearby houses were disgusted by the inconsiderate individuals. Maybe if they received a hefty fine they wouldn't be so impulsive to use illegal fireworks. But in a city that allows legal fireworks they just figure that they will blend in. No common sense and completely selfish on their part. I often wonder how many children and older adults that think it's part of a celebration they are really putting in danger. 3. We live in a part of California that already has air pollution. The day after the 4th of July is stinky and hazy because of legal and illegal fireworks. This does not bode well for people with Asthma and impaired immune systems. It isn't good for any of us not even our pets. Let's get real. The groups that want to sell legal fireworks for fundraising fine. Let them make sales but let's change the code. They can let their customers know they can go use them in another city that allows legal fireworks. Ignorance isn't bliss, it's just ignorance. I hope you will sincerely consider my Proposal. Thank You, Frances Chavez" There being no further comments, Mayor Low closed the Public Comment period. 3. PRESENTATIONS A. Recognition of City of Rosemead's 2021 Outstanding Older American The City Council recognized William Chu for being selected as the 2021 Outstanding Older American, who contributes significantly to improving community life. He has been extremely helpful in encouraging participation in community activities and assisting staff at the Garvey Community Center by providing translation to the participants. Council commended Mr. Chu for his compassion and willingness to lend a helping hand. B. Recognition of Sponsor Donations Towards Herald Christian Health Center Vaccination Clinic Volunteers Mayor Low shared that Herald Christian Health Center partnered with the city to provide COVID-19 vaccines to Rosemead residents and neighboring cities. The City Council recognized the following sponsors for their donations, including providing lunch for the Vaccination Clinic volunteers: Republic Services, Athens Services, Transtech Engineers, Inc., Big E's Teriyaki & Burgers, Starbucks on Rosemead Boulevard and the 10 Freeway, Starbucks on San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue, Cal Poultry, Willdan Financial Services, Hawaiian Supermarket, Sea Harbour Seafood Restaurant, William Duong, and Panda Restaurant Group. Mayor Low also recognized Caroline Eng, CEO, Herald Christian Health Center, for her commitment to providing essential medical services by coordinating the administration of over 31,000 COVID-19 vaccines. Caroline Eng, CEO, Herald Christian Health Center, expressed appreciation to Mayor Low for reaching out and securing all the sponsors; thanked the sponsors for their generous donations that helped make the clinic successful. Council Member Clark thanked Caroline Eng and the HCHC for all their efforts. Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 6 of 14 Council Member Armenta recognized Mayor Low for her efforts to secure sponsors; expressed that she believes Caroline Eng and HCHC saved many lives of Rosemead residents and those throughout the San Gabriel Valley by administering all those vaccines. Mayor Pro Tem Dang echoed appreciation for Mayor Low, HCHC, and the sponsors for their time, efforts, and donations. Mayor Low reiterated we sincerely appreciate the organization's efforts to keep our residents and the community at large safe while helping flatten the curve. 4. PUBLIC HEARING - None 5. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dang to approve Consent Calendar Item A. The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low NOES: None ABSENT: Ly A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2021-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,995,384.81 CHECKS NUMBERED 108918 THROUGH NUMBER 109000, DRAFTS NUMBERED 5059 THROUGH NUMBER 5070, AND EFT NUMBERED 50550 THROUGH NUMBER 50563 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2021-20. Resolution No. 2021-08 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $7,150.00 NUMBERED 10314 THROUGH 10315 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2021-08 SA. 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. COVID-19 Update Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 7 of 14 This is a recurring item that will be on the agenda to update the City Council on items related to COVID-19. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction City Manager Molleda stated she does not have a lot of updates as the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health has not changed the Reopening Safer at Work Order since May 6`h, and we are still in the Yellow Tier safety modifications of the State's Blueprint for a safer economy. Noted as of today, 32,051 residents have been vaccinated, that is 69.7% of all Rosemead residents; also, there have been 4,959 COVID-19 cases reported and 149 COVID related deaths. Shared we had our first vaccine mobile unit at the Farmers Market yesterday and had a good turnout; mentioned everyone that took the vaccine there was given a $15 voucher to use at the Farmers Market; announced that a second vaccine mobile will be held on a date still to be determined at Garvey Center, noting more details are to follow. Mayor Low gave a shout out to Supervisor Hilda Solis for partnering with the city to provide the opportunity of a vaccine mobile unit at the Farmers Market. Council Member Armenia indicated one of the churches in Rosemead reached out to her regarding the picnic shelters, which are currently closed; seeing that the State's anticipated date to open is June 15th, are we accepting applications for the picnic shelters? City Manager Molleda stated because of the restrictions and monitoring of the benches, we were waiting until June 15`h for more direction from the County and the State; asserted that we are ready to open if given the green light. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking informed Council that we do have a list of names, contact information, and desired date — once we get clearance to open fully, then we will call back those individuals based off the priority on the list and make the reservation. Council Member Armenta thanked Mr. Boecking for that information. 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Ratification of Mayor's Appointments for 2021-2022 At the April 13, 2021, City Council meeting, the City Council approved the list of Mayor's Appointments for 2021-2022. During the agenda item discussion, the City Council updated the Agency Committees and Boards listed by removing those that did not require a delegate and alternate appointment or have been inactive. City staff was notified that California Contract Cities Association (CCCA) does require a representative from each member city. The City Council must confirm a delegate and an alternate appointment to vote on items during the CCCA Board of Directors meetings. Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 8 of 14 Recommendation: That the City Council review and approve the ratified list of Mayor's Appointments for 2021-2022. Council Member Armenta explained the CCCA tried to increase participation in the CCCA Board of Directors meetings as many member cities thought it was only open to the delegate to attend; unfortunately, when there were three or four Council Members from the same city attending, all who attended were also voting, however only the delegate or the alternate delegate should be voting. Mayor Low reiterated that Council Member Armenta is the delegate; asked if any of her colleagues have interest in serving as the alternate delegate. Hearing none, Mayor Low expressed that she would like to serve as the alternate. Mayor Pro Tem Dang noted Council Member Clark's term as delegate for the Council of Governments (COG) ends in June, so he was supposed to take over as delegate in July, however he will be on an extended vacation in August. He is proposing for Council Member Clark to continue serving as delegate until the end of August, then he would begin that position in September. Mayor Low asked if Council Member Clark was okay with that proposal. Council Member Clark responded she is okay with that for now. However, expressed she is still hoping they can work out the deal where Mr. Dang still attends all the COG meetings, but she remains the delegate; noted otherwise, it will take me off the League's Legislative Committee and the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy that gives us grants. Mayor Pro Tem Dang emphasized the only thing on the table right now is for me to begin the position in September. Council Member Clark asked if there is a possibility to bring back the Mayor's Appointments for further discussion in September. Mayor Low respectfully answered as of now there is no plan to bring it back. Council Member Clark stated that she will be voting no for this motion. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dang to approve the following: 1) Appoint Council Member Armenta as Delegate and Mayor Low as Alternate Delegate to the CCCA; and 2) Extend Council Member Clark's appointment as the COG Delegate until the end of August and have Mayor Pro Tem Dang begin in September as Delegate. The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Dang, Low NOES: Clark ABSENT: Ly B. Discussion of a Resolution Policy for Issuance of Proclamations Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 9 of 14 This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Council Member Margaret Clark. She would like to discuss a policy that could provide consistency and guidance when issuing proclamations. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Consider approval of Resolution No. 2021-22, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A PROCLAMATION POLICY 2. Give staff further direction. Council Member Clark stated she thinks that it's important for us to have a policy on what proclamations are issued. Read the following letter provided to the City Council: "I am bringing this proposed policy on proclamations because in these unprecedented times there has been an increase in hatred, and I feel we need to craft a policy on proclamations. Last year during the pandemic and after the tragic death of George Floyd, I received a phone call from an employee of Black Lives Matter who requested we pass a resolution that would defend the police. In the conversation with him, I made it very clear that I totally disagree with his request, that in normal times when people can fill our Council Chambers, it could have triggered a very controversial meeting where the argument could have been made that we did a proclamation honoring "Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month" but never honored "Black History Month". The Proclamation "Denouncing Hate Crimes and Discrimination Against Asian and Pacific Islanders" would still be appropriate because we had a terrible incident in our own city where an Asian person was attacked, and our Mission Statement promotes enhancing public safety. Also, since a member of the Council can still process their own individual signed proclamation, I am therefore suggesting that we adopt a resolution similar to the one I have crafted." Council Member Clark read the proposed resolution: "Whereas, the City of Rosemead's mission statement includes goals such as ensuring continued financial viability by actively pursuing quality economic development,``beautifying residential neighborhoods and commercial corridors, enhancing public safety and quality of life; and Whereas, in the past ten years, the vast majority of proclamations have dealt with non -controversial issues such as endorsing emergency preparedness, honoring employees and residents etc.; and Whereas, we are in unprecedented times where there is an increase in manifestations of hatred. Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 10 of 14 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY FIND, DETERMINE AND RESOLVE: SECTION 1: The City Council shall only adopt proclamations that are non -controversial and endorse values mentioned in our mission statement, such as quality of life and safety and health for our residents." Council Member Clark pointed out that she has her personal cell phone listed on her Council business card so people can get in touch, however, we are opening ourselves to the potential of requests such as the one she received. Council Member Armenta stated with all due respect, I think the request to defend our Sheriffs Department is very different from honoring Heritage Month. To say that it can be controversial is very ambiguous, how are you going to deem what is controversial or not. If we recognize a heritage month such as Asian and Pacific Islander Month, we are just acknowledging that heritage and embracing the diversity in our city; emphasized we are not saying we are making policy. Mayor Pro Tem Dang echoed Council Member Armenta's sentiments; opined one thing that may be controversial to someone may not be controversial to another person. That's why, there is a five -member Council, we all bring our different background, education, family values. The point of a proclamation is to speak in a uniform voice that we are putting in writing and out for the public. If one of the Council Members does not feel comfortable, they can voice their opinion and opt out of participating in the proclamation. Mayor Low reiterated if any Council Member is not comfortable endorsing a specific proclamation, then that Council Member can ask the City Clerk to not include their signature on the proclamation. To ensure fairness, she suggested requiring a majority of the Council agree to issue a proclamation. Council Member Clark asked the City Attorney if it would be a Brown Act violation if the City Clerk polled the City Council ahead of time to see if a Council Member would like to opt out from a proclamation. City Attorney Richman replied we want to avoid asking the question if you're in favor of a proclamation before it gets on the agenda; suggested having the City Manager speak to the Mayor if the respective proclamation is something the Council would consider should be sufficient. Council Member Clark inquired if we could have the Mayor and a Council Member to review the proclamation requests. City Attorney Richman responded now you are talking about creating a policy on how you want proclamations to come forward, then that is a decision Council can have a discussion on. Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 11 of 14 Council Member Clark stated what she doesn't want to see is with all the hate out there, having someone single out one Council Member because they know that person would be against their request, and then use that against a person in an election. Mayor Low asked what if a Council Member sees a proclamation on the agenda and they object to it, can they call the City Clerk directly to ask that their signature be removed from the proclamation? City Attorney Richman replied absent of policy and in effort to adhere to the Brown Act, she does not recommend a Council Member contacting the City Clerk with opposition to an agendized proclamation; explained let's say hypothetically if three Council Members opt of signing a proclamation, then the proclamation would not be issued without the majority of Council. It would be more appropriate for Council to discuss this agendized item in a meeting setting. Noted some cities' policy is only for the Mayor to sign the proclamation on behalf of the city, as it is ceremonial actions. Council Member Armenia suggested agendizing a proclamation request, and if a majority of Council approves it, then the proclamation can be issued and presented at the following meeting. Council Member Clark asked if Mayor Low sees an item that she does not want on the agenda, can she ask the City Clerk to pull it off the agenda? City Attorney Richman replied that is not our practice; commented she believes the Municipal Code indicates that items can come forward when the City Manager and Mayor discuss it and even members of the public are allowed to request an item be added to an agenda. Council Member Clark reiterated that's my concern if a member of the public can request an item be added to the agenda to defund the police. City Attorney Richman responded but the public can do that for any subject matter. Council Member Clark interjected but what about our agenda process policy. City Attorney Richman asserted that the Municipal Code overrides a policy; referenced Municipal Code Section 2.04.050 - Presenting matter to Council. "Every official, board, commission or other body connected with the city government and every citizen, individual, corporation, committee or civic group having any reports, communications or other matters to be presented at a Council meeting shall notify the City Clerk of that fact and the subject thereof in writing before noon of the Tuesday preceding the day of such meeting, whereupon the City Clerk shall prepare an agenda setting forth such matters and the nature thereof under the headings set forth in Section 2.04.060, and setting forth all other matters to come before such meeting." Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 12 of 14 Mayor Low stated she is hearing two options on the table - agendizing a proclamation request, and if a majority of Council approves it, then the proclamation can be issued and presented at the following meeting or having the discussion and presentation all at the same meeting. Council Member Clark opined she does not want to bring a proclamation back to two separate meetings; stated she would prefer to keep the process as is, therefore is withdrawing her request for Council's consideration to adopt the proposed resolution approving a proclamation process. Council Member Armenta pointed out if we do it in one meeting, then staff will have to print multiple versions of the proclamation depending on how the vote goes to have ready for the presentation; emphasized we have to keep in mind this policy will be for future Council as well. Mayor Pro Tem Dang expressed he is in favor of the two separate meetings option so that way it is not awkward for the person and/or organization accepting the proclamation to be present during the Council discussion, especially if it is not approved. Council Member Clark stated it makes no sense to bring our proclamations that we have been issuing over the past years for Council discussion. City Attorney, Richman indicated that if Council desires, they can direct staff to compile,a list of routine proclamations that have been presented in the past that can be approved on an annual basis. Any item not on the list will be presented to the City Council for discussion and approval before officially declaring the proclamation. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dang to direct City staff to bring back a policy on issuing proclamations — a request shall be placed on the agenda as a Consent Calendar item, and if approved, then the proclamation will be presented at the following meeting. The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Dang, Low NOES: Clark ABSENT: Ly C. Council Comments Mayor Pro Tem Dang thanked staff for inviting the Council to attend the Public Works Day luncheon and enjoyed seeing everyone. Noted Council also attended the grand opening of Golden Delight, which had a great turnout. Stated he noticed outdoor dining attracts certain dynamics; asked if staff can look into the Code regarding outdoor dining permits as the size limitation is fairly restrictive and the possibility of making outdoor dining more permanent. Director of Community Development Frausto-Lupo replied we will be happy to look into permanent outdoor dining permits as well as the size limitations. Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 13 of 14 Mayor Pro Tem Dang stated he really hopes we can make Rosemead a destination city through our restaurants. Council Member Armenta stated Pastor Joshua Delgado reached out to her regarding National Night Out to offer his congregation to volunteer to help cook hotdogs or wherever needed. City Manager Molleda responded we don't know yet what is going to happen with National Night Out, but we will keep Pastor Delgado on our list to reach out to. Council Member Clark referred to Mayor Pro Tem Dang's comments about outdoor dining, asked if staff can look into adding bollards or barriers for safety of patrons; shared that Victor Manalo, former Council Member for the City of Artesia, has been an advocate for adding bollards to outdoor dining areas as his mother-in-law was killed when a car came crashing into an outdoor dining area she was sitting in. Requested to adjourn tonight's Council meeting in memory of Victor Maldonado and Dolores Martinez, who were two longstanding Rosemead residents that passed away. Mayor Low noted she attended our first vaccine mobile unit at the Farmers Market yesterday. Asked Chief of Police to send more patrol around Garvey Avenue, especially in the evening because there is still a lot of homeless; expressed she wants to ensure new businesses like Golden Delight are safe in our city. 8. ADJOURNMENT' Mayor Low adjourned the meeting in memory of Victor Maldonado and Dolores Martinez at 8:19 p.m. The next regular scheduled meeting will be held June 8, 2021, in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED: Sean Dang, Mayor Rosemead City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Special & Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 25, 2021 Page 14 of 14