CC - Item 4J - Release of Bond - Parcel Map No. 69946 at 3139 Burton AvenueROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 13, 2023 SUBJECT: RELEASE OF BOND — PARCEL MAP NO. 69946 (3139 BURTON AVENUE) SUMMARY A Faithful Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Bond were included as Conditions of Approval for Parcel Map No. 69946 located at 3139 Burton Avenue to ensure the completion of required public works improvements. The public works improvements consisted of the construction of new sewer lateral, driveway, curb and gutter, curb drains, AC street pavement (or payment of in -lieu fee), and installation of survey monuments. The subdivider provided Certificates of Deposits in the amount of $7,500. The work has been completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department and it is recommended that the bonds be released to the developer. ANALYSIS In accordance with the Conditions of Approval for Tentative Parcel Map No. 69946, approved by the Rosemead Planning Commission, the developer was required to construct construction of new sewer lateral, driveway, curb and gutter, curb drains, AC street pavement (or payment of in -lieu fee), and installation of survey monuments prior to the recordation of the final map. Since the public works improvements were not constructed prior to the recordation of the final map, the subdivider was required to execute an undertaking agreement and provide a Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bond in an amount approved by the City Engineer to ensure the completion of the public improvements. On May 4, 2010, the developer, Anna Chow, executed an Undertaking Agreement (Attachment A) to guarantee the completion of the public improvements at 3139 Burton Avenue. Anna Chow provided a Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bonds in the form of Certificates of Deposits totaling the amount of $7,500. The required public works improvements have been completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. Therefore, the bonds may be released to the developer. AGENDA ITEM 4.J City Council Meeting June 13, 2023 Page 2 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Accept the completed public improvements, and; 2. Authorize the release of the Faithful Performance and Labor and Material Bonds, in the amount of $7,500. FISCAL IMPACT None. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is Class 1 Categorically Exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The project is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan Goal C - Infrastructure and Facilities, which is to enhance streets, sidewalks, and public infrastructure; coordinate with relevant utility agencies regarding safety and enhancements; and modernize facilities by expanding the use of wireless network technology and renewable energy. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS The item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: LV a+yU e. G7OWC LEl Danielle Garcia Public Works Fiscal and Project Manager Submitted by: MBahman Jank , Public Works -Engineering (Consultant) Attachment A: Undertaking Agreement Attachment B: Copies of Certificates of Deposit Attachment C: Recorded Man t, Attachment A Undertaking Agreement Mau 04 10 10:59a CITY OF ROSEMEAD UNDERTAKING AGREEMENT 6265692303 p.2 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered this b day of k44Lj( 2010, by and between the CITY OF ROSEMEAD, State of California, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and hereinafter called the "CONTRACTOR." WITNESSETH: FIRST: The CONTRACTOR, for and inconsideration of the approval of the final map of that certain land division known as Parcel Map 69946 hereby agrees, at the CONTRACTOR'S own cost and expense to fumish all labor, materials, and equipment necessaryto perform and complete, and within twenty-four(24) months from the date of filing of said map, to perform and complete in a good and timely manner, the following work, to wit: Construct new sewer lateral, driveway, curb and gutter, curb drains, and install survey monuments. Said work shall be done to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the City Council of the CITY. The estimated cost to do all work and furnish all materials necessaryto complete the work is $5,000. Mats 04 10 10:59a 6265692303 p.3 SECOND: The CITY shall not nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss, or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this agreement prior to the completion and approval of same; nor shall the CITY, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, or by reason of the acts or omissions of the CONTRACTOR, his agents, or employees, in performances of said work. All of said liabilities shall be assumed by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR further agrees to protect and hold harmless the CITY, its officers, and employees, in performance of said work. All of said liabilities shall be assumed by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR further agrees to protect and hold harmless the CITY, its officers, and employees, from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liability, or loss of any sort because of, or arising out of, the acts or omissions of the CONTRACTOR, his agents, and employees, in the performance of this agreement, or arising out of the use of any patent or patented article, in the performance of said agreement. THIRD: The CONTRACTOR hereby grants to the CITY, the Surety upon any Bond, and to the agents, employees, and CONTRACTOR or either of them, the irrevocable permission to enter upon the lands of the subject land division for the purpose of completing the work. This permission shall terminate in the event that the CONTRACTOR or the Surety has completed the work within the time specified or any extension thereof granted by the City Council. FOURTH: It is further agreed that the CONTRACTOR shall have the control of the ground reserved for the installation of said work, and the streets in which they are to be placed, as is necessary to allow him to carry out this agreement. FIFTH: Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall file with the CITY a Certificate of Deposit in the amount of Seven Thousand -Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500) to guarantee faithful performance of all the provisions of this May 04 10 10:59a 6265692303 p•4 agreement and for the payment of all persons performing labor and furnishing materials in connection with this agreement. If the Certificate of Deposit, in the opinion of the CITY, becomes insufficient, CONTRACTOR agrees to renew said Certificate of Deposit within ten (10) days of the receiving notice the said Certificate of Deposit is insufficient. SIXTH: If the CONTRACTOR neglects, refuses, or fails to prosecute the work with such diligence as to ensure its completion within the time specified, orwithin such extensions of said time as have been granted by the City Council, or if the CONTRACTOR violates or neglects, refuses, or fails to perform satisfactorily any of the provisions of the plans and specifications, he shall be in default of this agreement and notice in writing of such default shall be served upon him and upon any Surety in connection with this contract. The City Council shall have the power, on recommendation of the City Engineer, to terminate all rights of the CONTRACTOR or his Surety then existing or which thereafter occur because of such default. The determination by the City Engineer of the question as to whether any of the terms of the contract or specifications have been violated, or have not been performed satisfactorily, shall be conclusive upon the CONTRACTOR, his Surety, and any and all other parties who may have any interest in the contract or any portion thereof. The foregoing provisions of this section shall be in addition to all other rights and remedies available to the CITY under law. SEVENTH: in case suit is brought upon this contract, the CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to pay to the CITY a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the Court. EIGHTH: his further agreed by and between the parties hereto, including the Surety or Sureties on any Bond attached to this contract, that in the event it is deemed necessaryto extend the time of completion of the work contemplated to be done under this contract, said extension may be granted by the City Council, either at its own option, or upon request May 04 10 10:59a 6265692303 P.5 of the CONTRACTOR, and shall in no way affect the validity of this contract or release the Surety of Sureties on any Bond attached hereto. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns do hereby agree to the full performance of this agreement and affix their names, titles, and seals this day as above indicated. SOPHIA TAN rA conunlawn r 1839190 rtot.rif Pubic • Cd#Dr u rrtt (Seal) Note: By 04 By 4pgnGC --4oW SIGNATURES MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE A NOTARY PUBLIC. (ATTACH APPROPRIATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS) arb.9CoWdrM wew�9r�e rM a W 91Na�e► r:r9. ain t9w L� r99r e91 LL �o1S2. M NlMlid m tw. en Ors 9wb w MtlM�efOry « = O:;%, � �i 2 PARCELS GROSS AREA: 18638 S.F. NET AREA: 18294 S.F. SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS PARCEL. MAI? NO. 69946 "i;IN:.THE�OTY-0F ROSEMEAD COUNTY OF LOS ANGELE5. STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTON OF LOT 54 OF TRACT NO. 3706. AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 40 PAGE 39 OF MAPS. IN THE OFFICE. OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. y iao. s.a wrlaxnoa wmni.M.omlw w�iwr ��WMNQ�OYmm ion.n.0 o.u.xC w.n avwn t4✓ wW ew lWub NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT Www a w�..me I 1 _ f4lw'l n v x.em•w roan q4 u.� wr X10 x W[ w •a.Mu.+wiW we i � um lmwan> 1oaw..m1 N Ye o N Wa s...v.. Wr x 1aY......wwwncwaxc _ NFNEFlpARY vmK E+tias4Wl.r�mliar qvl.®wmYvO� tl OMvmi. tw uRi m n. s u mpn x marYt v mwt fmY v u rv0 m.m. wrt � M •' T.bIQ NOTARYA mwns�wnw I bal 211-11L& _ m.{i p.W VYY.[Nnitm/Zm iam•1y ..6 •� .Nr N0.0r w oxrr®m �s wr rm/'�+rc'�•v��m® P Yf xnxmw'...M rCia9 riam�i.m1 OW O VMM lomd KiO 0 N wSwp[ _ _ uw N4A>N4.T>WT.WN ia.Wv Ar...�ir xT n n.en nu l' a/lam wVF .r mwm a /(.M1i vm. YY. R.xiaw au v.W inr®AM1W O.0 w a\.•m[ w nw1¢ Wmws ein m wul.ucr w..rr1W we uo w1 .�nPv n\� ��..e; aysxwsrWwm�w\ aw w®� 01M1�w0Y1rV9�ls 0010~� Y94MrOMiO..•.lwwex .. .. ... - ..P �'.W IO1 QYCr.\Vtl®®w0w�•. ��w.�i.v.viw N drM1®O..Y 110 w.Y 0Yn SURKYOR'S STATEMENT vww N � ViCt YO IP'JLNQJI.�•Q �Wxn..Kv�m�PY[wR ..�Y.14 alYR Wr Y. C—•1Ti1�-- O t 1•W.¢mr Wrl w•[vnwO M[✓. '•mx w.m am.xe Yom: Wrwa r.ere.ra vmmwir�iawi�Y�N ere mm....4 ..rMv� �!.. r.er�Qswl .wwniw.o cs �amwwa'®`.a OTY CLERK'S CERMRCAW.' 1H90. pnm mrrxmmws Mme ®n �yv�w i�FRffiw�s Y fia¢ wlwYn wl[vt Ye wv.�ac wn u van •PfOn .mY ura am x a.�e1 s x \®.a�0icim.ie wa .i�.oi�wa e'Wm°Y uw �` CITY 6UR•.EYOR•S STATEMENT: Ym 1-QI-/1x afar or0!h10�11�V �w Rwt ma.n mrnvurvu Lw .4w T.w l.Y6V Ww.•tuiOwwnw OW WNxwYR v IO�wiOY W1 I wIPY n� a w�i[�.im lxp M(wiwp��v amu .ww.uw uiMVM w I n JU PARCEL MAP NO. 69946 IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS MO-isa-m mn su u� Owna toimm FIR m zr.a X —� vR rm a raa4 mx vm4c aru 4r We .4ram..t. n. mn44 mn ro o I \ DETmAI L P j I >3>I7QI /1 iC Ri LYC 6 INS 'fro—, nsr.mm w �rw 12R- I �INm,.mra j »W. W-rn, rRu mow m. nr ®a n roue. ry Wm I v Lm u v 4W 14.6i t ! I,� x, vmmLm a. rWcr wa E 2I 6 0' i ,e� I I Yaie I it\ I 151 I I RC LlN 1 ®m. W. 6iX4 rP a�i I 1V p®. r4.fllm y M Iltf I X60; � � 1M1.4C S 4i I u.rR I I I !V I '"JR h€�w as r m / 'rmrrmc war 24' be I I % � we 4' rmi mow mi �51 .Imm ri rrm�ii �e h ,Yi PARCEL gR PARCEL 1 544 IwR1 sr. ; r3la ss. 20 I I X1i L4[ v Im x n x¢ l I I IMrFT. [RM R IWmIIDi fpy I S g > z M WG gxr 4vm ® n !I tmrow. cc wm n: am h � i msa v Lm YaiR a j R xr v< v Ion n C$iii S� 20 R 3m � � miYl rOI FY 6a Y4 5 ]> xr L4m v Ima x .W a mci w Rw, �'y//I I — — —— J X..a.c1-- — — — g r9ln ir® LT W6'Z Nnlr R c re -n AVENUE j W,armc .our SURVEY TE i W 4armm.m 4mm o m mr u X4m i n W., nmry art mm�-eWW, em LEGEND aWcnEs M Roumrnr v M uoo IY.S 519aM.Fp 6r M9 uM. 24' 24' Attachment B Copies of Certificates of Deposit Bankof America 1�j BANKING CENTER CUSTOMER NAME PLEDGED TO Check one. Invesmtem CD ❑ Promotional CD ❑ Bonding Purpose CD Qo. DATE INTEREST RATE ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD $AMOUNT ACCOUNTTERM MATURITY DATE ACCOUNT# CD Receipt The written information we give you (which includes thedeposit agreement, fee schedule and deposit rates sheet) is part of your agreement with us and tells you the current terms of this account. This time deposit reinvests automatically for the same account term upon maturity or oa the effective date of a deposit or withdrawal made during the grace period. (The grace period begins on the maturity date and is two business days for terms of 29 days or less; five calendar days for tetras of 30 days through 89 days; seven calendar days for terms of 90 days or more.) We determine the interest rate for the reinvested deposit on the date yaw funds are reinvested. For information about early withdrawal penalties, piease see the deposit agreement. For Promotional CDs, a limited number of withdrawals may be allowed without an early withdrawal penalty (see Deposit Rates sheet). A personal time deposit is not transferable. 05-16-257613 08 --?006 NOT NEGOTIABLE BankotAmerica '1P* Check one: QlnvestmentCD ❑ Promotional CD ❑ Bonding Purpose CD DAIS BANKING CENTER f�.�J�S�F-r�r t'F-TSV/ No. (� INTEREST RATE CUSTOMERNAME TlV 1`1! 4 t� • L.4'( L� ✓J ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD $AMOUNT FOR BONDING PURPOSES ONLY ACCOUNT TERM PLEDGED TOkf MATURITY DATE ---Zz' j 1 ACCOUNT # amk arA me NA. - Membra FDIC CD Receipt The written information we give you (which includes the deposit agreement, fee schedule and deposit rates sheet) is part of your agreement with us and tells you the current terms of this account. This time deposit reinvests automatically for the same account term upon maturity or on the effective date of a deposit or withdrawal made during the grace period. (The grace period begins on the maturity dam and is two business days for terms of 29 days or less; five calendar days for terms of 30 days through 89 days; seven calendar days for terms of 90 days or more.) We determine the interest rate far the reinvested deposit on the date your funds are reinvested For information about early withdrawal penalties, please see the deposit agreement. For Promotional CDs, a limited number of withdrawals may be allowed without an early withdrawal penalty (see Deposit Rates sheet). A personal time deposit is not transferable. 05-I6-25768 08-2006 NOT NEGOTIABLE BmkofAmamN.A • MedwFDIC Attachment C Recorded Map OWNER'S STATEMENT I NFWBY STATE MAT I AM NE ORDER a' DR AN NrE161ED d NE IABOS NQUDED MMN NE S9MxSDx 9001 ON TAS MAP WMN ME DSTKTK EIIOw UMR MA 1 N AESY READATE TD M'OE.D IRE ALL STREFrj BOBNA.K AND DIXER PI01C'MIS DOOM M CN SA, .A CXOM(ORBS) NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE CP tlIYWnA ) COUNTY 0' 1f S AH 49 ES ) "A `�BEPVE ME 7VV\l1U UV ANTAAY PUWC AL N4 .ANNA w0N MSS MEQ ON TE DABS 0' SA.A. EKENCE TD DE ME REASON NNWE NNIS IS MORON 9D N THE WMX NSIMENT ANp wXCN.E . TO W: MAT DOE E6PITED nE SAYE N MER MIMOAM CMAaTAND D MAT SY MEN SINATEq ON M BOSTWIMOIT ME PERSON. OR ME . LPM 2 . LF NMw n PERSM ACTEn. EAWRD ME NSTNMwT. CERTBY UNDEN Pwun OF MARY RISEN NE u 6 NE STATE C�i\W/RFWEv^A NAT THE X6 MAWAI . TN.PR TORE AND mEECL WME4 MY NAND 2 PARCELS SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS GROSS AREA: 18638 S.F. NET AREA: 18294 S.F. iPI,Atrmli.CEL MAP NO. 69946 �n.Fd . mm MY CWMSSIGX EMPTES: n -cJ- 9NOT�D'I� IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD d DAM" . NY CWNIS9w MD COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT 54 OF TRACT NO. 3.Dw 3706, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 40 PAGE 39 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. (j — OWNER'S STATEMENT I NFWBY STATE MAT I AM NE ORDER a' DR AN NrE161ED d NE IABOS NQUDED MMN NE S9MxSDx 9001 ON TAS MAP WMN ME DSTKTK EIIOw UMR MA 1 N AESY READATE TD M'OE.D IRE ALL STREFrj BOBNA.K AND DIXER PI01C'MIS DOOM M CN SA, .A CXOM(ORBS) NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE CP tlIYWnA ) COUNTY 0' 1f S AH 49 ES ) "A `�BEPVE ME 7VV\l1U UV ANTAAY PUWC AL N4 .ANNA w0N MSS MEQ ON TE DABS 0' SA.A. EKENCE TD DE ME REASON NNWE NNIS IS MORON 9D N THE WMX NSIMENT ANp wXCN.E . TO W: MAT DOE E6PITED nE SAYE N MER MIMOAM CMAaTAND D MAT SY MEN SINATEq ON M BOSTWIMOIT ME PERSON. OR ME . LPM 2 . LF NMw n PERSM ACTEn. EAWRD ME NSTNMwT. CERTBY UNDEN Pwun OF MARY RISEN NE u 6 NE STATE C�i\W/RFWEv^A NAT THE X6 MAWAI . TN.PR TORE AND mEECL WME4 MY NAND 9wATNF� NAME PRIN 5,f,pg11a-ZPN MY cDMMImw swiss winrrh 1 r 9 t I� MY *ANDRu PUCE a ""N"SIsm PSNx MYrnm®w NP �1S_ AAf0 BENEFICIARY MDNTDAS DECTBASD "@SARA" SYSTEMS. mi, A LfUMAVE aXPaIAMm. RNEAaANr, NQw6 FlA XA 0 RWM. FSA A TLDEMLLY OMNTERED SANNDS BINK AS DEA UXCSR A DEED IE DNS' IECgiGED .1 n. 100E As NlSAA%EYT NO. aSOJBAP. CE C .M. NEDAEs lE . DOMES ORRM, PRdi NAML�� Ty BR {AML N Y 00"NQ NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE o,MAN,) CDLNIY Df tllS ANSdB ] / 1 / ( C�/K( M1K�ME. IV���. IlW4mc .�. „RY NIBIIC. PEIEg1 MPF.VR00 -����< WM PROYEE ro ME ax TE 9A9s Ci sAMTACRIRY EN[E112 ro TE M PERAM(s) WIDa2 xAYF(5) Is/mE DIE TAMED ro ME WMM BOTHMw, AND AQMDWEC®m ME n1Ar I /11/THEY QIEa1T (S ME SNE m xlsME T MEM .WMDNSD E ENTITY AND NAT BY MSMw/EIRE SDx ACTS) EA TIED MUMQIr nE vwStll(Sy. CR ME DOTTY VXN 6Nur 6 ROOM ME PEN501(S7 ACIFD, p2ClllFD nE W'TFIWQIi. I D RTEY UNDER 14MALT' OF FE 1 RIDER TE .OF M $TATE OF WGWNA 1.TE TpE4pxD PAPKF. . A TUE NO LART."R. NMESS NY NAMB==,M. MAINE PWNIFD /1/.6M(yJ' �n.Fd . MY CWMSSIGX EMPTES: n -cJ- INY MAIOPAL CE'A"B 6 N Aezl d DAM" . NY CWNIS9w MD �f0 SIGNATURE OMISSION NOTES: (TSI ]E93j1(.I�BBE$ CE NE FpIOMm NAVE EFR OYTIED PROSAMAT ro MCMI SNB R6w(MN )FlE TTE00AND MR 9pATORS ACT ANE NOT BOMBED BY NE LSAME SOCNI Kr BENND DAN NOT Rg1AIW MNK.. EASEMENT 1. Pal NR .1 wSOY3, BY NED IEtaIDED DEWIWR Z. ISM. IN ROY, m1. PAR, W CF BESIDE "'I[f Los ANDS"B DORY' SAN EASEMENT 15 NDE1FRNNAR IN MR. W NAiI AS TIA SIEE . OF WRITS TO WbIRVCT AND ...W FlS UN. NOR AMEME MAT¢BY BEm RECMMD SE"BARDER ". 1P.W, AS NSTROMI ND 11 M ROY I... PALE Ma. 6liFlaK REaYNA a fAAZM Nmtt. suI EwSwwr 1s .AlIINEIFRMM I4ruRE NRA LS YETNI .. I ." TOOTISTM. AND MANTA. NNE U.. CAMBAOE MTR BY D® B OONMED N BOOK 1". "ASE N, w ONOORL SCUNS S Uls NID66 DDI DEMO..T R N001EN1MAT M NAILVE: BASIS OF BEARINGS: TE BEARINGS NORM 1EAERI AND ROSS w M SNMO NOVWWI OF ME CEXTR UIIE W BIMIBN AYFMME PER TAINT XO. 00130. RECQ6ED IX NOR W.'. NO AND N. Cf MAPS. N nE COUNT, BEDSIDES, RSYS EP LOS wmII CPMT'. NO MM MAS NEPARED BY ME CR UNDER NY DE6C11a AND 6 BASED UPw A Fl A1RKY IN Ca1NNM1AT 'MITI nS MLMEYEN S 0' NE 9JMN9P1 MAP ACT MO TONT VARIANCE AT TBE REDhSi OF ANNA DOOM M YAY D, SOON I MERERY STATE MAT MI5 PMCEL MAP RA..Y DOOMOD S n1 ME CMU' InQ14Lr ANMR TENY0. YM. E AVM: NAT" NE BRONSON, ONSON s , NE ..AND ILMNS S1pN NUSM ARE M P1MF. MAT LU .TS ARE SUFFICIENT ro .. NE sAYEY to ED 1E1R12n ,AND .ua a� 1s Nor Qa9Es A-SD-iDDZ f 4 CAIYF CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE: 1 NERESY CERnTY TRAY I NAYS EXAMINED MS MM: TIAL li CpEgN15Il9yiAV11ALLY TO ONE lENunW MA AND NL ARRPrID unAAnpl4 MFAa: MAT NL fliMW T 91WNNSION OBERNAg5 6 nE a1Y a ROSEMEAD, MPJGRE A, TND TME OF ANNEX. OE NNEX LCE M TNTAT2 MRP NAYS BEEN CMPND W VU AID AU PRONSV W OF M AISQNSON MAP ADT ... .2 (c) Ol. W AND (» MAW BEEN NMFD WM. ✓ � DATED XIL)JL. O 2N10 !M� V -:A" 1-. 3 Ott OMXEER M.'F. NP Z]]W [y4", 3�..�. DE am DTAP¢YUD SPSWATIQI EEENYYAAAYRR:EYY' *(N/srY.N CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE: 1 NOBODY DENNY MAT NE aTY GORBX W TIE DTT M ROSEMEAD DY MOTAR PASSED ON APPROVED TE ATTACNED MAP Are ACCEPTED M RwHP OF ME OTT a EAE M D DE BI CS AU. STETS, Ng1MAM AL FR AND OMEN wSUC MAYS. As slow IEAEw. 1y^,�,,E,�YS.,W,,v O ryiilsTli. Mal.J.4l OAR aFRlt - CITY CP RD3xGD SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFICATE I MREBY DOTTY MAT ALL SPEPAL ASSES9MIR LE\YD UIWI ME LWSHCAw CP TE am Cf Rv9EAD TO wq TE I.MA NQDDED M nE IEMN sIMN9N! ON .1 WANT MERE6 IS .... AND w. MAT RE PAD IX RLL XAYE SEEM PAD IN Fl aT amN _ an a RDIDEI➢ CITY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT I MESSY CERTFY MAT I NNh SWARMED Ms MAP wv MAK TpND MAT IT CONFORMS WN MAPRNC WMN9RR CS ME sIFMNSp MM ACT AND MAT I AM SAES NAT MS NAM IS TEDINICVIY EFFECT. D. 7•%I.I 'ti 6+'A 0. Cm SRNK. M O' ER D'N14KAD I.S. XP BAR MY REasTAnw FA+FEz 1]-]1-mn 1 XDEBY CERT TIAs RGWtt M TE IMEMi Cf t Ir, 0 L$. �"O. NIS BEFIT Fl1En RON TME EAwnK amER, BONN ff aGERN9'}}6 Ci ME DAMn DF LOS Am. AS SEMMn FLA NE PAIWwT LP TAXES ANE SPI A4Eswwls O%IECIED AS TAKB RI TE INN SNOMM OMMAP W PARCEL MAP Nn BPNB AS NEEM BY UN EYECUnW MICLTC BOARD OF SARA . CE NE CO NrY CF LOS ANCflFS, STATE OF PILRTWA oFPUtt 1 ... m1nFY MAT Au armn.S MAK SEN NED AND MACE nuT NE. 1NEER ME M% .S D, SECTOM B StMRNBEI MM ALT. ESOITK RiYSIf. SMID W sR£RNSg1s OF ME OORTY 6 LDS AHS1D 5rATE OFJURNAA 9Y ovum SCALE: 1"= 30' ' PARCEL MAP NO. 69946 •HSgI}Jffi/' _ IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA EH L6T, iRfldO LS 5A1, RYS11 FER LR [¢ SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS PViB-126-E3BSR Rw STA 16, RNOO gTCw SEE DETAIL R C1n T1E xD. H -2-L. MW54-VT ovxZ, M. AT REE. ACCEPTS➢ AS A PT. N4E { RIST flml C/L OF ' Sl3' IL06L C/L 6 WlTBK WIQI AVEMIE PFR T0. w AVENL PER Ci w YNR. q -121] -S3 -5t YIp6, xH-IDI]-53-5t _ ' NN 43" M / .11 Lw OF S 3] A 61. / /1 ..(�t3' INHD TRACT w B., 10.10.. \ L1•;,5 / _� / ////// - ETOIL A NET 3i TD ...E y S U LINO El /�. •ANL / / TTRA T K 3706.T cl. LlI S EtY TI [f LATS i Sj / L MH -10-39 w 3]06. _ ..ARMS(R 6 aN 683�L 2d1.]] — —✓` r i.P ?R /y\� 3ElY EEMIW OF Im 20' / ' 1 NV'LY EIIKw. R f6 LOT 60, 6L T.AET 3TM, 1I3, x}fESz-]6w-]R „ rw N0.Sr WIT CORNER xFwT-A. ETS'TSRB BY NB-A,PREARYTOEITAIPER O OF LOT 61, TRACY w ggRAT1L11 BETVEE. SE'LY TRAC{ 4 ^ BIW M -1M1.. EST. CVIIER AVE VlY LLRNER iBY R ET PRO.TNI PER SVO e OF WT 61 Of SAW TRACT y DDRO TH06 Yn a S -Y LCE OF LOT W, TRACT K. - AVENUE 371 MB -4E-39. EnAa BY PRRATM! PLA TRACT .. B. TN NOL s5]5. J— w]'9't0F zzn)a Z NE -les -]c -n 20' �/-------------- �g— ^I o� Q I I p S%Y UK OF INSTK. 06-RRB X . 9 I � NSC Jot S. 256, 60., ESTAB. PER SAW DEER, ACCEPTED AS TINE N'LT UNEM INET. NO dMW66]0 L WE HRR 1. 205. O.R. SET L{i =y LS B«T N0!'S5'1B'E 2tR)3' W -� 22RT3' 212 TY W < SET TAT. LS 01W /� �••' :gin b i ON CONCRETE /-l'.'46'E 103{tl I r( A. EA%62A` vS WT z• IP, LS ALONG PL BIRO 2CONNER S •m g j YYg W9°: PARCEL 2 MOG Pl. Pam. " _ m 169e1 Sr. PARCEL 1 1�j 34 )313 S.F. 5 gyp, SEA r R. Ls :dl .07.'W' vs FR CORNER, - Z OG PL 3 ION.rr loam' m 2]3 z SET zn Xa] b'tYEn zto)S LS 11T S wm, Ls atm aleR I 23' I I I ' PIT UK Rr 1N 53. TR w 37E6, r2 ) R j E+�' NR -to -39. EST4 BY PINUTION PER SMD 111RCT. K(EPTE. A TIE D�'B m S2DE6]B��IPAPRIL 172 LWWB y R P $ Y'' SNLYTGC. C KR OF LOT 4'aQPn P Q 6 2} N3 O.3)M. z WE Sly ESTAL BY BRACT NA 3)06. P PROUTRI PER J Si -Y UNE OF LOTS « B naw-to-iBroxr Ra .os. Y an• zxisr___—_—__ NBa'Y'A2 «L10• J� § BS m ET 1 - — GARVEY AVENUE - — _____—___—_—____-_______-___-_-_-____-- FD LLT. TAMER LYNS TY .5g1,tN EISOEEA' PER OFT TS N6 BR -51 PD S{V, STMP£p •CITY WlNwl OR SET. EST. IT EN.W(ElY RA LIn ilC w RFC. R6iHL2 tNPaO ALONGBK-N MT LA [O. CR TRIIEiATAN PER LA PxTB-13E6230EA 23BHA L6 RTFB-126-2].WR SURVEY NOTE: LEGEND • w xCMINFRT As NOTW 0 SET xoMmENT AS NE. INDICATES ME ftMMOARY a THE LAND BEING SOBOINDED eY THIS NAP. Oa��m NN 'W�1�k�ya