CC - Item 3A - Attachment G - Appendix F - Strathmore Garvey Traffic ReportTra!c Engineering # Transporta%on Planning # Parking # Noise & Vibra%on Air Quality # Global Climate Change # Health Risk Assessment STRATHMORE AND GARVEY MIXED USE PROJECT TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS City of Rosemead September 9, 2022 prepared by Bryan Crawford Giancarlo Ganddini, PE, PTP GANDDINI GROUP, INC. 555 Parkcenter Drive, Suite 225 Santa Ana, California 92705 714.795.3100 | ganddini.com Project No. 19538 STRATHMORE AND GARVEY MIXED USE PROJECT TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS City of Rosemead September 9, 2022 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis i 19538 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................ IV 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Project Description.................................................................................................................................................. 1 Scope of Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Study Area ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Analysis Scenarios ........................................................................................................................................ 2 2. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Level of Service Analytical Methodology (Non-CEQA) .................................................................................... 5 Intersection Capacity Utilization (Signalized Intersections)................................................................... 5 Intersection Delay Methodology (Unsignalized Intersections) ............................................................. 5 Performance Standards ............................................................................................................................... 6 Vehicle Miles Traveled Analytical Methodology (CEQA) ................................................................................. 7 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Existing Roadway System....................................................................................................................................... 8 Pedestrian Facilities ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Bicycle Routes .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Transit Facilities ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 General Plan Context .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Existing Traffic Volumes ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Existing Intersection Level of Service .................................................................................................................. 9 4. PROJECT FORECASTS ....................................................................................................................................... 19 Project Trip Generation ........................................................................................................................................ 19 Other Factors Affecting Trip Generation .......................................................................................................... 19 Project Trip Distribution and Assignment ......................................................................................................... 19 5. FUTURE VOLUME FORECASTS ...................................................................................................................... 24 Other Development .............................................................................................................................................. 24 Ambient Growth .................................................................................................................................................... 24 Analysis Scenario Volume Forecasts .................................................................................................................. 24 Opening Year (2024) Without Project.................................................................................................... 24 Opening Year (2024) With Project.......................................................................................................... 24 6. FUTURE OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................... 34 Opening Year (2024) Without Project ............................................................................................................... 34 Opening Year (2024) With Project ..................................................................................................................... 34 Intersection Level of Service .................................................................................................................... 34 Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis ................................................................................................................ 34 Transportation Effect Assessment .......................................................................................................... 34 7. SITE ACCESS AND CIRCULATION .................................................................................................................. 39 Project Design Features ....................................................................................................................................... 39 Sight Distance Evaluation .................................................................................................................................... 39 8. CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ................................................................................................. 44 Criteria for Requiring a Traffic Impact Analysis for CMP ............................................................................... 44 CMP Transit Impact Review ................................................................................................................................ 44 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis ii 19538 9. SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................... 46 Specific Plan Background ..................................................................................................................................... 46 Specific Plan Baseline ........................................................................................................................................... 46 Affected Study Area .................................................................................................................................. 46 Relevant Thresholds of Significance ....................................................................................................... 46 Relevant Mitigation Measures.................................................................................................................. 47 Specific Plan Amendment Impact Assessment ................................................................................................. 47 10. VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) ................................................................................................................. 49 VMT Background ................................................................................................................................................... 49 Screening Assessment .......................................................................................................................................... 49 11. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 50 Project Trip Generation ........................................................................................................................................ 50 Forecast Levels of Service ................................................................................................................................... 50 Congestion Management Program..................................................................................................................... 50 Specific Plan Amendment .................................................................................................................................... 50 VMT Impacts .......................................................................................................................................................... 50 APPENDICES Appendix A Glossary Appendix B Scoping Agreement Appendix C Volume Count Worksheets Appendix D Level of Service Worksheets Appendix E Traffic Signal Warrant Graphs Appendix F SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool Appendix G Level of Service Worksheets for Specific Plan Amendment Analysis LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Existing Intersection Level of Service ..................................................................................................... 10 Table 2. Project Trip Generation ............................................................................................................................. 20 Table 3. Other Development Trip Generation ..................................................................................................... 25 Table 4. Opening Year (2024) Without Project Intersection Level of Service ............................................... 36 Table 5. Opening Year (2024) With Project Intersection Level of Service...................................................... 37 Table 6. Opening Year (2024) With Project Operational Impact Evaluation .................................................. 38 Table 7. Significant Impact Assessment for Specific Plan Amendment .......................................................... 48 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Project Location Map ................................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2. Site Plan.......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 3. Existing Lane Geometry and Intersection Traffic Controls ................................................................. 11 Figure 4. Existing Pedestrian Facilities..................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 5. City of Rosemead Existing Bicycle Routes and Potential Future Routes ......................................... 13 Figure 6. Foothill Transit System Map ..................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 7. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority System Map...................................... 15 Figure 8. City of Rosemead Circulation Plan .......................................................................................................... 16 Figure 9. Existing AM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Volumes ................................................... 17 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis iii 19538 Figure 10. Existing PM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Volumes ................................................... 18 Figure 11. Project Trip Distribution ............................................................................................................................ 21 Figure 12. Project AM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Volumes .................................................... 22 Figure 13. Project PM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Volumes .................................................... 23 Figure 14. Other Development Location Map ......................................................................................................... 27 Figure 15. Other Development AM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Volumes ............................ 28 Figure 16. Other Development PM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Volumes ............................. 29 Figure 17. Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Volumes ....................................................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 18. Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Volumes ....................................................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 19. Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Volumes ....................................................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 20. Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Volumes ....................................................................................................................................................... 33 Figure 21. Stopping Sight Distance for Southbound Brighton Street at Garvey Avenue ................................ 41 Figure 22. Stopping Sight Distance for Southbound Strathmore Avenue at Garvey Avenue ......................... 42 Figure 23. Recommended “No Parking” Zones ........................................................................................................ 43 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis iv 19538 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 1.21-acre project site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Strathmore Avenue and Garvey Avenue in the City of Rosemead. The project site is currently developed with retail and outdoor storage uses. The proposed project involves redevelopment with a seven-story mixed-use development comprised of 93 apartment dwelling units (including 26 live/work units), 6,040 square feet of retail, 12,801 square feet of office, a two-story parking structure, and related landscaping improvements. Vehicle access is proposed at Strathmore Avenue, Virginia Street, and a public alley connecting to Brighton Street at the west side of the property. The proposed project is anticipated to be constructed and fully operational by year 2024. Existing Conditions The study intersections currently operate at acceptable Levels of Service (LOS) during the peak hours for Existing conditions, except for the following study intersection which currently operates at an unacceptable Level of Service (E or F) during the PM peak hour: ▪ Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) - #6 (PM- LOS E) Project Trip Generation The proposed project is forecast to generate a total of approximately 864 daily trips, including 62 trips during the AM peak hour and 74 trips during the PM peak hour Forecast Levels of Service The study intersections are forecast to operate at acceptable Levels of Service during the peak hours for Opening Year (2024) Without Project conditions, except for the following study intersection: ▪ Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) - #6 (AM-LOS E, PM-LOS F) The study intersections are forecast to operate at acceptable Levels of Service during the peak hours for Opening Year (2024) With Project conditions, except for the following study intersection which is forecast to continue operating at an unacceptable Levels of Service: ▪ Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) - #6 (AM-LOS E, PM-LOS F) The proposed project is forecast to result in no adverse transportation effects based on the established thresholds. Congestion Management Program (CMP) The proposed project would result in no operational CMP impact as it does not meet the thresholds requiring a traffic impact analysis for CMP purposes and no further CMP analysis is warranted. A transit impact review was conducted for compliance with the CMP requirements and found that the proposed project is forecast to have a nominal impact on transit demand. Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis v 19538 Specific Plan Amendment Relative to the 2035 without GASP condition, buildout of the GASP with the proposed Specific Plan Amendment would not result in new significant impacts or mitigation in addition to those already identified in the previously certified GASP EIR. VMT Impacts The proposed project satisfies the screening criteria for low-VMT generating area and may be presumed to result in a less than significant VMT impact in accordance with City of Rosemead VMT guidelines. Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 1 19538 1. INTRODUCTION This section describes the purpose of this traffic impact analysis, project location, proposed development, and study area. Figure 1 shows the project location map. Figure 2 illustrates the project site plan. PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential for transportation impacts resulting from development of the proposed project both in the context of the City of Rosemead’s discretionary authority for conformance with locally established operational standards and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Although this is a technical report, effort has been made to write the report clearly and concisely. A glossary is provided in to assist the reader with terms related to transportation engineering. This study was prepared in consultation with City of Rosemead staff and in accordance with the procedures and methodologies for assessing transportation impacts established by the City. To assess the project’s conformance with local operational standards, this study evaluates the project’s effect on traffic operations and, if necessary, identifies recommended improvements or corrective measures to alleviate operational deficiencies substantially caused or worsened by the proposed project. For CEQA purposes, this study also evaluates the significance of project-related transportation impacts as measured by vehicle miles traveled (VMT) relative to thresholds established by the City of Rosemead as the lead agency and, if necessary, identifies any feasible mitigation measures to mitigate any significant impacts. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The 1.21-acre project site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Strathmore Avenue and Garvey Avenue in the City of Rosemead. The project site is currently developed with retail and outdoor storage uses. The proposed project involves redevelopment with a seven-story mixed-use development comprised of 93 apartment dwelling units (including 26 live/work units), 6,040 square feet of retail, 12,801 square feet of office, a two-story parking structure, and related landscaping improvements. Vehicle access is proposed at Strathmore Avenue, Virginia Street, and a public alley connecting to Brighton Street at the west side of the property. The proposed project is anticipated to be constructed and fully operational by year 2024. SCOPE OF ANALYSIS The scope of this analysis was determined in consultation with City of Rosemead staff as documented in the City-approved scoping agreement provided in Appendix B. Study Area Based on the study intersections identified in the approved scoping agreement, the study area consists of the following study intersections within the City of Rosemead: Study Intersections Jurisdiction 1. Del Mar Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) Rosemead 2. Brighton Street (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) Rosemead 3. Project Driveway (NS) at Virginia Avenue (EW) Rosemead 4. Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Virginia Street (EW) Rosemead 5. Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Project Driveway (EW) Rosemead 1 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 2 19538 Study Intersections Jurisdiction 6. Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) Rosemead 7. San Gabriel Boulevard (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) Rosemead Notes: (NS) = north-south roadway; (EW) = east-west roadway Analysis Scenarios In accordance with City of Rosemead requirements, the following scenarios are analyzed for weekday AM and PM peak hour conditions: ▪ Existing (2022); ▪ Opening Year (2024) Without Project (Existing + Growth Factor + Cumulative Projects); and ▪ Opening Year (2024) With Project (Existing + Growth Factor + Cumulative Projects + Project). 2 Figure 1Project Location MapStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSTRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVDStudy IntersectionLegend#Project Driveway#1264753BRIGHTON ST 3 Figure 2 Site Plan N 10'-0"10'-0"PUBLIC ALLEY TRANS-FORMEROPEN TO SKY ABOVE 16% RAMPTRASH R-2 N.A.P. GSP (EXISTING ) N.A.P. GSP (EXISTING ) N.A.P. R-2 N.A.P. R-2 N.A.P. R-2 N.A.P. R-2N.A.P. R-2 N.A.P. GSP / RC(EXISTING ) N.A.P. GSP (EXISTING )GSP-MU ( PROPOSED )N.A.P. GSP (EXISTING ) N.A.P.RAMP UP TO 2ND FLRSETBACKSETBACK 12'-0" 10'-0" SETBACKTRANS: 60 ° LANDSCAPE (OS-1) LANDSCAPE (N)DRIVEWAY(N)DRIVEWAY 22'-0" TRASH LEASING UTILITIES PROPERTY LINELANDSCAPE(OS-1)LANDSCAPE (OS-2)LANDSCAPE (OS-1)BUILDING LINE ABOVELOBBY B A300 PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINETRASH 25'-0"25'-0" 24'-0"25'-0"6'-0"5'-0"COMMERCIAL 10'X20'LOADING COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIALPUBLIC PARKINGHALL WAY25'-0" (745 SF)PUBLICPARKINGPUBLICPARKINGRESIDENTIALBIKE STORAGE SECURED ENTRANCE/EXITROLL UPGATE SECUREDENTRANCE/EXITROLL UPGATE LIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTRESIDENTGUESTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTRESIDENTGUESTRESIDENTGUESTRESIDENTGUESTRESIDENTGUESTRESIDENTGUESTC C C C C C COMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIAL20'-8"RETAIL±6,040 SF 25'-0"LOBBY(724 SF) EL303.7EL305.3 EL302.1 EL303.7 EL300.6 EL305.3 UP EL303.7 EL305.3 8'-8"12'-0"156'-7"PUBLIC SIDEWALK PUBLIC SIDEWALKAA300(326 SF)20'-0"10'-0" Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis 195384 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 5 19538 2. METHODOLOGY This section discusses the analysis methodologies used to assess transportation facility performance as adopted by the respective jurisdictional agencies. LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYTICAL METHODOLOGY (NON-CEQA) Level of Service analysis is performed for assessing conformance with General Plan and operational standards established by the applicable agencies. In accordance with current CEQA provisions, a project’s effect on automobile delay (as measured by Level of Service) shall not constitute a significant environmental impact. Intersection Capacity Utilization (Signalized Intersections) In accordance with City of Rosemead guidelines, analysis of signalized intersections is based on the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) methodology. The ICU methodology compares the volume of traffic using the intersection to the capacity of the intersection. The resulting volume-to-capacity (V/C) ratio represents that portion of the hour required to provide sufficient capacity to accommodate all intersection traffic if all approaches operate at capacity. The volume-to-capacity ratio is then correlated to a performance measure known as Level of Service based on the following thresholds: Level of Service Volume/Capacity Ratio A ≤ 0.600 B 0.601 to 0.700 C 0.701 to 0.800 D 0.801 to 0.900 E 0.901 to 1.000 F > 1.000 Source: Transportation Research Board, Interim Materials on Highway Capacity, Transportation Research Circular No. 212, January 1980. Level of Service is used to qualitatively describe the performance of a roadway facility, ranging from Level of Service A (free-flow conditions) to Level of Service F (extreme congestion and system failure). ICU analysis was performed using the Vistro software. In accordance with City of Rosemead requirements, this analysis uses the following input parameters for the ICU analysis: 1,800 vehicles per hour per lane for through and turn lanes, 3,240 vehicles per hour for dual left-turn lanes, and a total clearance time of 10 percent. It is common practice for a right turn lane to be considered “de facto” if the paved lane width of a shared through/right turn lane is wide enough for right turning vehicles to travel outside the through lane. This analysis uses a minimum lane width of 20 feet from curb to lane stripe. Additionally, a de facto right turn lane is only considered where on-street parking is prohibited near the intersection approach. Intersection Delay Methodology (Unsignalized Intersections) The methodology used to assess the performance of unsignalized intersections in the City of Rosemead is known as the intersection delay methodology based on the procedures contained in the Highway Capacity Manual. The methodology compares the traffic volume using the intersection to the capacity of the 5 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 6 19538 intersection to calculate the delay associated with the traffic control at the intersection. The intersection delay is then correlated to a performance measure known as Level of Service based on the following thresholds: Level of Service Intersection Control Delay (Seconds / Vehicle) Signalized Intersection Unsignalized Intersection A ≤ 10.0 ≤ 10.0 B > 10.0 to ≤ 20.0 > 10.0 to ≤ 15.0 C > 20.0 to ≤ 35.0 > 15.0 to ≤ 25.0 D > 35.0 to ≤ 55.0 > 25.0 to ≤ 35.0 E > 55.0 to ≤ 80.0 > 35.0 to ≤ 50.0 F > 80.0 > 50.0 Source: Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board, 7th Edition). Level of Service is used to qualitatively describe the performance of a roadway facility, ranging from Level of Service A (free-flow conditions) to Level of Service F (extreme congestion and system failure). Intersection delay analysis was performed using the Vistro software. If the paved lane width of a shared through/right turn lane is wide enough to permit a separate right turn, it is common practice for a right turn lane to be considered “de facto.” To function as a de facto right turn lane there must be sufficient width for right turning vehicles to travel outside the through lane. This analysis uses a minimum lane width of 20 feet from curb to lane stripe. Additionally, a de facto right turn lane was only considered where on-street parking is prohibited near the intersection approach. Performance Standards The City of Rosemead has established minimum acceptable Level of Service standards during peak hour conditions of LOS D or better for intersections. In accordance with the City of Rosemead guidelines, a project is considered to cause an adverse transportation effect if the project-related increase in the volume-to-capacity ratio equals or exceeds the threshold shown below: Adverse Transportation Effect Threshold Level of Service Volume/Capacity (V/C) V/C Incremental Increase E/F 0.91 or more +0.02 or more Although the City of Rosemead does not specify an adverse transportation effect threshold for unsignalized intersections, the following criteria is commonly used to assess the need for improvements at unsignalized intersections: a) The addition of project trips causes the intersection to degrade from an acceptable Level of Service (D or better) to deficient Level of Service (E or F). OR b) The project increases delay by two or more seconds at an intersection that is already operating at a deficient Level of Service (E or F) prior to the addition of project trips; AND c) Peak hour volumes satisfy the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Controls (CA MUTCD) peak hour traffic signal warrant. 6 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 7 19538 If a project is forecast to have an adverse transportation effect, feasible improvements that will reduce the effect to an acceptable level should be identified, to the extent feasible. Improvements can be in many forms, including the addition of lanes, traffic control modification, or transportation demand management measures. VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED ANALYTICAL METHODOLOGY (CEQA) The metric used to evaluate the transportation impact of land use and transportation projects under CEQA is known as vehicle miles traveled (VMT). In general terms, VMT quantifies the amount and distance of automobile travel attributable to a project or region. Additional information and a detailed project assessment is provided in the Vehicle Miles Traveled section presented later in this report. 7 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 8 19538 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS EXISTING ROADWAY SYSTEM Figure 3 identifies the lane geometry and intersection traffic controls for Existing conditions based on a field survey of the study area. Regional access to the project area is provided by the Interstate 10 freeway approximately 0.6 miles north of the project site. The key north-south roadways providing local circulation are Del Mar Avenue, Brighton Street, Strathmore Avenue, and San Gabriel Boulevard. The key east-west roadways providing local circulation are Virginia Street and Garvey Avenue. Del Mar Avenue is a 4-lane undivided to 4-lane undivided roadway in the study area. Del Mar Avenue is classified as a Major Arterial in the City of Rosemead Circulation Plan. On-street parking is intermittently permitted in the project area. No bicycle facilities are provided in the study area, but Del Mar Avenue is a potential future bicycle route. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of the roadway. Brighton Street is a 2-lane undivided roadway in the study area. Brighton Street is not classified in the City of Rosemead Circulation Plan. On-street parking is generally permitted in the project area. No bicycle facilities are provided in the study area. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of the roadway north of Garvey Avenue and intermittently provided on both sides of the roadway south of Garvey Avenue. Strathmore Avenue is a 2-lane undivided roadway in the study area. Strathmore Avenue is not classified in the City of Rosemead Circulation Plan. On-street parking is generally permitted in the project area. No bicycle facilities are provided in the study area. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of the roadway. San Gabriel Boulevard is a 4-lane divided roadway in the study area. San Gabriel Boulevard is classified as a Major Arterial in the City of Rosemead Circulation Plan. On-street parking is generally prohibited in the project area. No bicycle facilities are provided in the study area. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of the roadway. Garvey Avenue is a 4-lane divided roadway in the study area. Garvey Avenue is classified as a Major Arterial in the City of Rosemead Circulation Plan. On-street parking is intermittently permitted in the project area. No bicycle facilities are provided in the study area, but Garvey Avenue is a potential future bicycle route. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of the roadway. PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Existing pedestrian facilities in the project vicinity are shown on Figure 4. BICYCLE ROUTES No on-street bicycle facilities are provided in the project area. The City of Rosemead Existing Bicycle Routes and Potential Future Routes is depicted on Figure 5, and shows potential future bicycle facilities in the project area along Del Mar Avenue and Garvey Avenue. TRANSIT FACILITIES Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the existing transit routes available in the project vicinity. As shown on Figure 6, Foothill Transit does not service the study area. As shown on Figure 7, Montebello Bus Line Route 20 services San Gabriel Boulevard, and Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Route 70 and Rosemead Explorer service Garvey Avenue. Bus stops are located along Garvey Avenue including on the northwest and southeast corner of the Del Mar Avenue and Garvey Avenue intersection west of the project site, and on the northwest and southwest corner of the Kelburn Avenue and Garvey Avenue intersection east of the project site. 8 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 9 19538 GENERAL PLAN CONTEXT Figure 8 shows the City of Rosemead Circulation Plan roadway classifications map. This figure shows the nature and extent of arterial and collector highways that are needed to adequately serve the ultimate development depicted by the Land Use Element of the General Plan. EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES Figure 9 and Figure 10 show the Existing AM and PM peak hour intersection turning movement volumes. Existing peak hour intersection volumes are based upon AM peak period and PM peak period intersection turning movement counts obtained in August 2022 during typical weekday conditions when schools were in session. The weekday AM peak period was counted between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM and the weekday PM peak period was counted between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM; these periods generally capture the peak times for commuter traffic when the roadway system is typically experiencing peak demand. The actual peak hour within each two-hour count period is determined based on the sum of the four consecutive 15-minute periods with the highest total volume. Thus, the weekday PM peak hour at one intersection may be 4:45 PM to 5:45 PM if those four consecutive 15-minute periods have the highest total volume and may vary at other intersections. Intersection turning movement count worksheets are provided in Appendix C. EXISTING INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE The intersection Levels of Service for Existing conditions have been calculated and are shown in Table 1. Existing intersection Level of Service worksheets are provided in Appendix D. As shown in Table 1, the study intersections currently operate at acceptable Levels of Service during the peak hours for Existing conditions, except for the following study intersection which currently operates at an unacceptable Level of Service (E or F) during the PM peak hour: ▪ Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) - #6 (PM-LOS E) . 9 ICU or [Delay]2 LOS3 ICU or [Delay]2 LOS3 1. Del Mar Ave at Garvey Ave TS 0.614 B 0.685 B 2. Brighton St at Garvey Ave CSS [14.7]B [16.9]C 4. Strathmore Ave at Virginia St CSS [8.4]A [8.5]A 6. Strathmore Ave at Garvey Ave CSS [30.2]D [37.9]E 7. San Gabriel Blvd at Garvey Ave TS 0.693 B 0.777 C Notes: (1) TS = Traffic Signal; CSS = Cross Street Stop (2) (3) LOS = Level of Service ID Table 1 Existing Intersection Level of Service Traffic Control1 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour ICU = Intersection Capacity Utilization. For unsignalized intersections, delay is shown in [seconds/vehicle]. For intersections with cross street stop control, delay and Level of Service are based on the worst individual minor street approach or major street left turn movement. Study Intersection Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 1953810 Figure 3Existing Lane Geometry and Intersection Traffic ControlsStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSTRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVD1264 753BRIGHTON ST 1Del Mar Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)2Brighton St (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)3Project Dwy (NS)/Virginia St (EW)4Strathmore Ave (NS)/Virginia St (EW)5Strathmore Ave (NS)/Project Dwy (EW)6Strathmore Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)7San Gabriel Blvd (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)dSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP4D4D4D4D4D2U2U2U4D4U2U2U2U2U4DSTOPd#U#DLegendDe Facto Right Turn LaneExisting Lane#-Lane Undivided Roadway#-Lane Divided RoadwayStop SignTraffic Signal11 10'-0"10'-0"PUBLIC ALLEYTRANS -FORMEROPEN TO SKY ABOVE16% RAMP TRASHR-2N.A.P.GSP (EXISTI NG )N.A.P.GSP (EXISTING )N.A.P.R-2N.A.P.R-2N.A.P.R-2N.A.P.R-2N.A.P.R-2N.A.P.GSP / RC(EXISTING )N.A.P.GSP (EXISTI NG )GSP-MU ( PROPOSED )N.A.P.GSP (EXISTI NG )N.A.P.RAMP UP TO 2ND FLR SETBACK SETBACK 12'-0"10'-0"SET BACKTRANS: 60 °LAND SCAPE (OS-1) LA NDSC APE (N)DRIVEWAY(N)DRIV EWAY22'-0"TRASHLEASIN GUTILIT IESPROPERTY LINE LANDSCAPE(OS-1) LANDSCAPE (OS-2) LANDSCAPE (OS-1) BUILDING LINE ABOVE LOBBYBA30 0PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE TRASH 25'-0"25'-0"24'-0" 25'-0"6'-0" 5'-0" COMM ERCIAL10'X20' LOADING COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COM MERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL CO MMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COM MERCIALCO MMERCIAL COM MERCIALCO MMERCIAL PUBLICPARKING HALL WAY 25'-0" (745 SF)PUBLICPARKING PUBLICPARKING RESID ENTIALBIKE STORAGESECUREDENTRANCE/EXITROLL UPGATE SE CUREDE NTR ANCE/EXITROLL UPGATELIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT RESIDENTGUEST LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT LIVE/WORKGUEST LIVE/WORKRESIDENT RESIDENTGUESTRESIDENTGUESTRESIDENTGUESTRESIDENTGUESTRESIDENTGUEST CCCCCCCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIAL COMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIAL COMMERCIALCOMMERCIAL 20'-8"RETAIL±6,040 SF25'-0"LOBBY(724 SF)EL303.7EL305.3EL302.1 EL303.7 EL300.6EL305.3UP EL303.7EL305.3 8'-8"12'-0"156'-7"PUBLIC SIDE WALK PUBLIC SIDEWALK AA300 (326 SF)20'-0"10'-0"Figure 4Existing Pedestrian FacilitiesStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NGARVEY AVESTRATHMORE AVE BRIGHTON ST DEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSidewalkLegendCross WalkBus StopBBB12 Figure 5 City of Rosemead Existing Bicycle Routes and Potential Future Routes Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis 19538 N Source: City of Rosemead Site 13 Figure 6 Foothill Transit System Map Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis 19538 N Source: Foothill Transit Site 14 Figure 7 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority System Map Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis 19538 N Source: LA Metro Site 15 Figure 8 City of Rosemead Circulation Plan Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis 19538 N Source: City of Rosemead Site 16 Figure 9Existing AM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement VolumesStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSTRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVDStudy IntersectionLegend#Project Driveway#1264753BRIGHTON ST 1Del Mar Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)11558444 168405138162574151 465632152Brighton St (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)15026 5012766726 3284733Project Dwy (NS)/Virginia St (EW)0 04Strathmore Ave (NS)/Virginia St (EW)1 617 1315Strathmore Ave (NS)/Project Dwy (EW)012 19000 6Strathmore Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)42031 1009767530 1982957San Gabriel Blvd (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)192660162 67745141137646179 1795057217 Figure 10Existing PM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement VolumesStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSTRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVDStudy IntersectionLegend#Project Driveway#1264753BRIGHTON ST 1Del Mar Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)15053661 231567153155810122 576241982Brighton St (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)9130 601111101322 3781643Project Dwy (NS)/Virginia St (EW)0 04Strathmore Ave (NS)/Virginia St (EW)5 714 915Strathmore Ave (NS)/Project Dwy (EW)011 7000 6Strathmore Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)16023 3046104130 2684257San Gabriel Blvd (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)213893178 133859195194629150 19676511218 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 19 19538 4. PROJECT FORECASTS This section describes how project trip generation, trip distribution, and trip assignment forecasts were developed. The forecast project volumes are illustrated on figures contained in this section. PROJECT TRIP GENERATION Table 2 shows the project trip generation based upon trip generation rates obtained from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition, 2021). Based on review of the ITE land use descriptions, trip generation rates for Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise) (Land Use Code 221), General Office (Land Use Code 710), and Strip Retail Plaza (<40k)) (Land Use Code 822) were determined to adequately represent the proposed uses and were used to calculate the project trip generation forecast. The project trip generation forecast is determined by multiplying the trip generation rates by the land use quantities. As shown in Table 2, the proposed project is forecast to generate a total of approximately 864 daily trips, including 62 trips during the AM peak hour and 74 trips during the PM peak hour. OTHER FACTORS AFFECTING TRIP GENERATION Traffic volumes shown in Table 2 consist of the total trips generated for each project land use. As a residential trip generated by the project may also interact with the commercial retail or office land uses within the project, a double counting of those trips occurs. To account for this internal interaction, the trips generated by the project site have been adjusted in accordance with procedures developed by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program 684 Internal Capture Estimation Tool as incorporated into the ITE Trip Generation Handbook (3rd Edition). Detailed internal capture worksheets are provided in the scoping agreement in Appendix B. PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT Figure 11 shows the forecast directional distribution patterns for the project generated trips. The project trip distribution patterns are based on review of existing volume data, surrounding land uses, and the local and regional roadway facilities in the project vicinity. The project-generated AM and PM peak hour intersection turning movement volumes are shown on Figure 12 and Figure 13. 19 Land Use Source1 % In % Out Rate % In % Out Rate Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise, Not Close to Rail Transit)ITE 221 23%77%0.37 61%39%0.39 4.54 General Office Building ITE 710 88%12%1.52 17%83%1.44 10.84 Strip Retail Plaza (<40k)ITE 822 60%40%2.36 50%50%6.59 54.45 Land Use Source In Out Total In Out Total Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise, Not Close to Rail Transit)ITE 221 93 DU 8 26 34 22 14 36 422 Internal Capture 3 (AM: 0% In, 4% Out; PM: 23% In, 21% Out)0 -1 -1 -5 -3 -8 -9 Subtotal 8 25 33 17 11 28 413 General Office Building ITE 710 12.801 TSF 17 2 19 3 15 18 139 Internal Capture 3 (AM: 12% In, 50% Out; PM: 33% In, 13% Out)-2 -1 -3 -1 -2 -3 -6 Subtotal 15 1 16 2 13 15 133 Strip Retail Plaza (<40k)ITE 822 6.040 TSF 9 6 15 20 20 40 329 Internal Capture 3 (AM: 11% In, 17% Out; PM: 20% In, 25% Out)-1 -1 -2 -4 -5 -9 -11 Subtotal 8 5 13 16 15 31 318 TOTAL TRIPS GENERATED 31 31 62 35 39 74 864 Notes: TSF 3. Internal capture calculated using the NCHRP 684 Internal Trip Capture Estimation Tool included in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook (3rd Edition, 2017). Trips Generated Quantity AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Daily 1. ITE = Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition, 2021); ### = Land Use Code. All rates based on General Urban/Suburban setting unless otherwise noted. 2. DU = Dwelling Units; TSF = Thousand Square Feet TSF Land Use Variable2 PM Peak HourAM Peak Hour Table 2 Project Trip Generation Trip Generation Rates Daily Rate DU Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 1953820 Figure 11Project Trip DistributionNSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STBRIGHTON ST STRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVD55%15%20%20%5%20%10%15%45%Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538Percent To/From ProjectLegend10%60%35%95%40%21 Figure 12Project AM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement VolumesStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSTRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVDStudy IntersectionLegend#Project Driveway#1264753BRIGHTON ST 1Del Mar Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)003 600050 3562Brighton St (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)000 0022120 01203Project Dwy (NS)/Virginia St (EW)11 114Strathmore Ave (NS)/Virginia St (EW)11 0011 005Strathmore Ave (NS)/Project Dwy (EW)1811 110018 6Strathmore Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)000 170121200 00177San Gabriel Blvd (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)500 006665 06022 Figure 13Project PM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement VolumesStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSTRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVDStudy IntersectionLegend#Project Driveway#1264753BRIGHTON ST 1Del Mar Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)004 700050 4682Brighton St (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)000 0022140 01603Project Dwy (NS)/Virginia St (EW)14 124Strathmore Ave (NS)/Virginia St (EW)12 0014 005Strathmore Ave (NS)/Project Dwy (EW)2112 140023 6Strathmore Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)000 210161400 00197San Gabriel Blvd (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)500 007876 07023 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 24 19538 5. FUTURE VOLUME FORECASTS This section describes how future volume forecasts for each analysis scenario were developed. Forecast study area volumes are illustrated on figures contained in this section. OTHER DEVELOPMENT To account for trips generated by future development, trips generated by other development projects in the Cities of Rosemead, Monterey Park, and San Gabriel were added to the study area. Table 3 shows the trip generation summary for other development projects. Figure 14 shows the other development location map. Figure 15 and Figure 16 show the forecast AM and PM peak hour intersection turning movement volumes for trips generated by other developments. AMBIENT GROWTH To account for ambient growth on roadways, existing traffic volumes were increased by a growth rate of 0.8- percent per year over a two-year period for Cumulative [Opening Year (2024)] conditions; this equates to a total growth factor of approximately 1.0161. The ambient growth rate was conservatively applied to all movements at the study intersections. ANALYSIS SCENARIO VOLUME FORECASTS Opening Year (2024) Without Project Opening Year (2024) Without Project volume forecasts were derived by adding the other development generated trips to Existing volumes with ambient growth. Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM and PM peak hour intersection turning movement volumes are shown on Figure 17 and Figure 18. Opening Year (2024) With Project Opening Year (2024) With Project volume forecasts were derived by adding project generated trips to Opening Year (2024) Without Project volumes. Opening Year (2024) With Project AM and PM peak hour intersection turning movement volumes are shown on Figure 19 and Figure 20. 24 Table 3 (1 of 2) Other Development Trip Generation In Out Total In Out Total City of San Gabriel Commercial ITE 821 50.495 TSF 54 33 87 128 134 262 3,409 - Pass-By (40% PM)-------51 -54 -105 -105 Apartment ITE 221 127 DU 11 36 47 30 19 49 577 Subtotal 65 69 134 107 99 206 3,881 Hotel ITE 310 225 RM 58 46 104 68 65 133 1,798 Commercial ITE 822 33.000 TSF 47 31 78 109 109 218 1,797 Condominiums ITE 220 87 DU 8 26 34 28 16 44 586 Subtotal 113 103 216 205 190 395 4,181 Condominiums ITE 220 81 DU 8 25 33 26 15 41 546 Office ITE 710 4.500 TSF 6 1 7 1 5 6 49 Commercial ITE 822 8.000 TSF 11 8 19 26 26 52 436 Restaurant ITE 930 5.000 TSF 4 4 8 35 28 63 486 Subtotal 29 38 67 88 74 162 1,517 Hotel ITE 310 316 RM 81 64 145 95 91 186 2,525 Commercial ITE 822 1.000 TSF 1 1 2 3 3 6 54 Restaurant ITE 930 10.000 TSF 7 7 14 69 56 125 971 Subtotal 89 72 161 167 150 317 3,550 Condominiums ITE 220 63 DU 6 19 25 20 12 32 425 Commercial ITE 822 4.000 TSF 6 4 10 13 13 26 218 Restaurant ITE 930 12.000 TSF 9 9 18 83 68 151 1,166 Subtotal 21 32 53 116 93 209 1,809 Condominiums ITE 220 127 DU 12 39 51 41 24 65 856 Office ITE 710 4.500 TSF 6 1 7 1 5 6 49 Commercial ITE 822 40.000 TSF 57 38 95 132 132 264 2,178 Restaurant ITE 930 3.000 TSF 2 2 4 21 17 38 291 Subtotal 77 80 157 195 178 373 3,374 SG7 1616 & 1619 Walnut St.Apartments ITE 220 38 DU 4 12 16 12 7 19 256 SG8 500 E. Valley Blvd.Commercial ITE 822 5.300 TSF 8 5 13 17 17 34 289 Condominiums ITE 220 7 DU 1 2 3 2 1 3 47 Commercial ITE 822 29.800 TSF 42 28 70 98 98 196 1,623 Subtotal 43 30 73 100 99 199 1,670 Condominiums ITE 220 49 DU 5 15 20 16 9 25 330 Commercial ITE 822 4.600 TSF 7 4 11 15 15 30 250 Restaurant ITE 930 4.600 TSF 3 3 6 32 26 58 447 Subtotal 15 22 37 63 50 113 1,027 SG11 1975 S. Del Mar Ave.Multi-Family Housing (Mid-Rise)ITE 221 35 DU 3 10 13 8 5 13 159 SG12 1920 Strathmore Ave.Multi-Family Housing (Low-Rise)ITE 220 3 DU 0 1 1 1 1 2 20 SG13 1956 Strathmore Ave.Multi-Family Housing (Low-Rise)ITE 220 3 DU 0 1 1 1 1 2 20 SG14 2029 Denton Ave.Multi-Family Housing (Low-Rise)ITE 220 3 DU 0 1 1 1 1 2 20 Quantity2 Map ID Land Use Source1 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour DailyAddress 400-420 W. Valley Blvd.SG1 SG2 101-111 W. Valley Blvd. SG3 101 E. Valley Blvd. 221-303 E. Valley Blvd.SG4 SG5 300 E. Valley Blvd. SG6 400-420 Valley Blvd. SG9 810 E. Valley Blvd. SG10 860 E Valley Blvd. Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 1953825 Table 3 (2 of 2) Other Development Trip Generation In Out Total In Out TotalQuantity2 Map ID Land Use Source1 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour DailyAddress City of Monterey Park MP1 400 N. Garfield Ave.Church ITE 560 23 TSF 5 3 8 5 6 11 178 MP2 100 S. Garfield Ave.Mixed-Use3 ------108 105 213 84 63 147 5,904 MP3 126 N. New Ave.Multi-Family Housing (Low-Rise)ITE 220 66 DU 6 20 26 21 12 33 445 City of Rosemead RO1 7419-7459 Garvey Ave.Multi-Family Housing (Mid-Rise)ITE 221 90 DU 8 26 34 21 14 35 409 Apartments ITE 221 75 DU 6 21 27 18 11 29 341 Commercial ITE 822 6.346 TSF 9 6 15 21 21 42 346 Subtotal 15 27 42 39 32 71 687 RO3 7801-7825 Garvey Ave.Multi-Family Housing (Mid-Rise)ITE 221 69 DU 6 20 26 16 10 26 313 RO4 8002 Garvey Ave.Multi-Family Housing (Mid-Rise)ITE 221 92 DU 8 26 34 22 14 36 418 Multi-Family Housing (Mid-Rise) ITE 221 160 DU 14 46 60 38 24 62 726 Commercial ITE 821 73.750 TSF 79 48 127 188 195 383 4,980 - Pass-By (40% PM)-------75 -78 -153 -153 Subtotal 93 94 187 151 141 292 5,553 RO6 8399 Garvey Ave.Medical Clinic ITE 720 15.000 TSF 37 98 135 18 41 59 540 Multi-Family Housing (Mid-Rise) ITE 221 26 DU 2 7 9 6 4 10 118 Commercial ITE 822 15.600 TSF 22 15 37 51 51 102 849 - Pass-By (40% PM)-------20 -20 -40 -40 Subtotal 24 22 46 37 35 72 927 RO8 3133-3141 Willard Ave.Residential ITE 220 31 DU 3 9 12 10 6 16 209 Multi-Family Housing (Mid-Rise) ITE 221 42 DU 4 12 16 10 6 16 191 Commercial ITE 822 17.394 TSF 25 16 41 57 57 114 947 - Pass-By (40% PM)-------23 -23 -46 -46 Subtotal 29 28 57 44 40 84 1,092 RO10 2562 River Ave. Warehouse ITE 221 36.596 TSF 5 1 6 2 5 7 63 814 955 1,769 1,551 1,384 2,935 38,511 Notes: (2) TSF = Thousand Square Feet; DU = Dwelling Units; RM = Rooms (3) Source: Traffic Impact Study for Garvey/Garfield Mixed-Use Development (August 2021, KOA). Total (1) ITE = Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition, 2021); ### = Land Use Code. RO2 7539 & 7545 Garvey Ave. RO9 3001 Walnut Grove Ave. RO5 3035 San Gabriel Blvd. RO7 8449 Garvey Ave. Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 1953826 City of Monterey Park City of Rosemead City of San Gabriel City of Monterey Park City of Rosemead City of San Gabriel Legend MAIN STSite N ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 14 Other Development Locaon Map Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 19538 #Other Development ID in: 10 10 27 Figure 15Other DevelopmentAM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement VolumesStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSTRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVDStudy IntersectionLegend#Project Driveway#1264753BRIGHTON ST 1Del Mar Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)198 171069424 1148242Brighton St (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)000 0000670 08303Project Dwy (NS)/Virginia St (EW)0 04Strathmore Ave (NS)/Virginia St (EW)0 000 005Strathmore Ave (NS)/Project Dwy (EW)00 0000 6Strathmore Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)000 0000670 08307San Gabriel Blvd (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)2238 24242730405 13443028 Figure 16Other DevelopmentPM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement VolumesStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSTRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVDStudy IntersectionLegend#Project Driveway#1264753BRIGHTON ST 1Del Mar Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)42212 31191414573 1158322Brighton St (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)000 00001000 010103Project Dwy (NS)/Virginia St (EW)0 04Strathmore Ave (NS)/Virginia St (EW)0 000 005Strathmore Ave (NS)/Project Dwy (EW)00 0000 6Strathmore Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)000 00001000 010107San Gabriel Blvd (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)4459 32404647463 10553629 Figure 17Opening Year (2024) Without ProjectAM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement VolumesStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSTRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVDStudy IntersectionLegend#Project Driveway#1264753BRIGHTON ST 1Del Mar Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)11860253 188422146174625157 586202422Brighton St (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)15026 5012774526 3394433Project Dwy (NS)/Virginia St (EW)0 04Strathmore Ave (NS)/Virginia St (EW)1 617 1315Strathmore Ave (NS)/Project Dwy (EW)012 19000 6Strathmore Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)43031 1009775330 1992557San Gabriel Blvd (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)197694173 92781170169696187 19555710330 Figure 18Opening Year (2024) Without ProjectPM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement VolumesStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSTRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVDStudy IntersectionLegend#Project Driveway#1264753BRIGHTON ST 1Del Mar Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)15656774 266595169171880127 696922332Brighton St (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)9130 601111112922 3893043Project Dwy (NS)/Virginia St (EW)0 04Strathmore Ave (NS)/Virginia St (EW)5 714 915Strathmore Ave (NS)/Project Dwy (EW)011 7000 6Strathmore Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)16023 3046115830 2695757San Gabriel Blvd (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)220952190 167913244244685155 20983215031 Figure 19Opening Year (2024) With ProjectAM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement VolumesStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSTRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVDStudy IntersectionLegend#Project Driveway#1264753BRIGHTON ST 1Del Mar Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)11860256 194422146174630157 616252482Brighton St (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)15026 5014975726 3395633Project Dwy (NS)/Virginia St (EW)11 114Strathmore Ave (NS)/Virginia St (EW)12 6118 1315Strathmore Ave (NS)/Project Dwy (EW)1823 300018 6Strathmore Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)43031 270211975330 19925227San Gabriel Blvd (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)202694173 92781176175702192 19556310332 Figure 20Opening Year (2024) With ProjectPM Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement VolumesStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectTraffic Impact Analysis19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STSTRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVDStudy IntersectionLegend#Project Driveway#1264753BRIGHTON ST 1Del Mar Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)15656778 273595169171885127 736982412Brighton St (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)9130 601313114322 3894643Project Dwy (NS)/Virginia St (EW)14 124Strathmore Ave (NS)/Virginia St (EW)17 7118 915Strathmore Ave (NS)/Project Dwy (EW)2123 210023 6Strathmore Ave (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)16023 2402020115830 26957247San Gabriel Blvd (NS)/Garvey Ave (EW)225952190 167913251252692161 20983915033 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 34 19538 6. FUTURE OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Detailed intersection Level of Service calculation worksheets for each of the following analysis scenarios are provided in Appendix D. OPENING YEAR (2024) WITHOUT PROJECT Intersection Levels of Service for Opening Year (2024) Without Project conditions are shown in Table 4. As shown in Table 4, the study intersections are forecast to operate at acceptable Levels of Service during the peak hours for Opening Year (2024) Without Project conditions, except for the following study intersection: ▪ Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) - #6 (AM-LOS E, PM-LOS F) OPENING YEAR (2024) WITH PROJECT Intersection Level of Service Intersection Levels of Service for Opening Year (2024) With Project conditions are shown in Table 5. As shown in Table 5, the study intersections are forecast to operate at acceptable Levels of Service during the peak hours for Opening Year (2024) With Project conditions, except for the following study intersection which is forecast to continue operating at an unacceptable Levels of Service: ▪ Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) - #6 (AM-LOS E, PM-LOS F) The deficient Level of Service at the intersection of Strathmore Avenue/Garvey Avenue (#6) is associated with the northbound left turn movement. The major street approaches along Garvey Avenue are forecast to operate at Level of Service A and the southbound approach on Strathmore Avenue is forecast to operate at Level of Service C. Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Since the currently unsignalized intersection of Strathmore Avenue/Garvey Avenue is forecast to operate at deficient Levels of Service, the need for installation of a traffic signal at this study intersection was evaluated based on the CA MUTCD peak hour volume traffic signal warrant. The traffic signal warrant charts are provided in Appendix E. Installation of a traffic signal is not warranted at the intersection of Strathmore Avenue/Garvey Avenue based on the forecast AM and PM peak hour volumes for Opening Year (2024) With Project conditions. Transportation Effect Assessment Table 6 evaluates the project’s transportation effect at the study intersections for Opening Year (2024) With Project conditions. As shown in Table 6, the proposed project is forecast to result in no adverse transportation effects based on the established thresholds. Although the proposed project is forecast to worsen the Level of Service deficiency at the intersection of Strathmore Avenue/Garvey Avenue, the peak hour volumes do not warrant installation of a traffic signal; therefore, the project’s effect does not meet the established definition of an adverse effect at unsignalized intersections. 34 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 35 19538 Notwithstanding the above, the following improvements were identified to address the deficient Level of Service at the study intersection of Strathmore Avenue/Garvey Avenue for Opening Year (2024) With Project conditions: ▪ Remove the raised median on the west leg of Garvey Avenue and replace it with a two-way left turn median. OR ▪ Restrict the northbound approach to right turns only during the AM and PM peak hours. 35 ICU or [Delay]2 LOS3 ICU or [Delay]2 LOS3 1. Del Mar Ave at Garvey Ave TS 0.655 B 0.744 C 2. Brighton St at Garvey Ave CSS [15.9]C [18.8]C 3. Project Dwy at Virginia St CSS [0.0]A [0.0]A 4. Strathmore Ave at Virginia St CSS [8.4]A [8.5]A 5. Strathmore Ave at Project Dwy CSS [0.0]A [0.0]A 6. Strathmore Ave at Garvey Ave CSS [40.2]E [53.6]F 7. San Gabriel Blvd at Garvey Ave TS 0.728 C 0.843 D Notes: (1) TS = Traffic Signal; CSS = Cross Street Stop (2) (3) LOS = Level of Service ID Study Intersection Traffic Control1 ICU = Intersection Capacity Utilization. For unsignalized intersections, delay is shown in [seconds/vehicle]. For intersections with cross street stop control, delay and Level of Service are based on the worst individual minor street approach or major street left turn movement. Table 4 Opening Year (2024) Without Project Intersection Level of Service AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 1953836 ICU or [Delay]2 LOS3 ICU or [Delay]2 LOS3 1. Del Mar Ave at Garvey Ave TS 0.661 B 0.753 C 2. Brighton St at Garvey Ave CSS [15.8]C [19.1]C 3. Project Dwy at Virginia St CSS [0.0]A [0.0]A 4. Strathmore Ave at Virginia St CSS [8.7]A [8.7]A 5. Strathmore Ave at Project Dwy CSS [8.5]A [8.4]A 6. Strathmore Ave at Garvey Ave CSS [45.3]E [61.3]F - With Improvements CSS [21.1]C [24.0]C 7. San Gabriel Blvd at Garvey Ave TS 0.733 C 0.852 D Notes: (1) TS = Traffic Signal; CSS = Cross Street Stop (2) (3) LOS = Level of Service Table 5 Opening Year (2024) With Project Intersection Level of Service Traffic Control1 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour ICU = Intersection Capacity Utilization. For unsignalized intersections, delay is shown in [seconds/vehicle]. For intersections with cross street stop control, delay and Level of Service are based on the worst individual minor street approach or major street left turn movement. ID Study Intersection Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 1953837 ICU or [Delay]1 LOS2 ICU or [Delay]2 LOS2 ICU or [Delay]2 LOS2 ICU or [Delay]2 LOS2 1. Del Mar Ave at Garvey Ave 0.655 B 0.661 B +0.006 No 0.744 C 0.753 C +0.009 No 2. Brighton St at Garvey Ave [15.9]C [15.8]C -0.100 No [18.8]C [19.1]C +0.300 No 3. Project Dwy at Virginia St [0.0]A [0.0]A 0.0 No [0.0]A [0.0]A 0.0 No 4. Strathmore Ave at Virginia St [8.4]A [8.7]A +0.300 No [8.5]A [8.7]A +0.200 No 5. Strathmore Ave at Project Dwy [0.0]A [8.5]A +8.500 No [0.0]A [8.4]A +8.400 No 6. Strathmore Ave at Garvey Ave [40.2]E [45.3]E +5.100 No3 [53.6]F [61.3]F +7.700 No3 - With Improvements4 --[21.1]C -19.100 No --[24.0]C -29.600 No 7. San Gabriel Blvd at Garvey Ave 0.728 C 0.733 C +0.005 No 0.843 D 0.852 D +0.009 No Notes: (4) Improvement reflects option to remove remove the raised median on the west leg of Garvey Avenue and replace it with a two-way left turn lane. (3) AM and PM peak hour volumes are not forecast to satisfy the CA MUTCD peak hour traffic signal warrant; see Appendix E. (1) ICU = Intersection Capacity Utilization; control delay for unsiganlized intersections shown as [seconds/vehicle]. (2) LOS = Level of Service Table 6 Assessment of Transportation Effect for Opening Year (2024) With Project ID Study Intersection AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Without Project With Project Project- Related Change Adverse Effect?Without Project With Project Project- Related Change Adverse Effect? Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 1953838 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 39 19538 7. SITE ACCESS AND CIRCULATION This section includes a description of project improvements necessary to provide site access and an evaluation of site access and circulation. PROJECT DESIGN FEATURES ▪ Construct the Project Driveway (NS) at Virginia Street (EW) (#3) to provide one inbound lane and one outbound lane with northbound stop-control. ▪ Construct the Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Project Driveway (EW) (#5) to provide one inbound lane and one outbound lane with eastbound stop-control and the following lane configurations: □ Northbound: one shared left/through lane □ Southbound: one shared through/right turn lane □ Eastbound: one shared left/right turn lane ▪ Construct a driveway at the public alley connecting to Brighton Street. This analysis also assumes the project shall comply with the following conditions as part of the City of Rosemead standard development review process: ▪ A construction work site traffic control plan shall comply with State standards set forth in the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to the issuance of a grading permit or start of construction. The plan shall identify any roadway, sidewalk, bike route, or bus stop closures and detours as well as haul routes and hours of operation. All construction related trips shall be restricted to off-peak hours to the extent possible. ▪ All on-site and off-site roadway design, traffic signing and striping, and traffic control improvements relating to the proposed project shall be constructed in accordance with applicable State/Federal engineering standards and to the satisfaction of the City of Rosemead. ▪ Site-adjacent roadways shall be constructed or repaired at their ultimate half-section width, including landscaping and parkway improvements in conjunction with development, or as otherwise required by the City of Rosemead. ▪ Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to the satisfaction of City of Rosemead. ▪ Adequate emergency vehicle access shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Rosemead Fire Department. ▪ The final grading, landscaping, and street improvement plans shall demonstrate that sight distance requirements are met in accordance with applicable City of Rosemead sight distance standards. SIGHT DISTANCE EVALUATION Stopping sight distance is the length of roadway that is visible to the driver and should allow for a vehicle traveling at or near the design speed to stop before reaching a stationary object in its path. At an intersection with a stop-control on the minor street approach, sight distance should be sufficient to allow the driver on the minor road to anticipate and avoid potential collisions. If the available sight distance is at least equal to the appropriate stopping sight distance, then drivers on the intersecting roads should be visible to each other and 39 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 40 19538 can avoid potential collisions. In some cases, this may require the driver on the major road to substantially slow down or stop to avoid the minor-road vehicle. Longer sight distances may be desirable to enhance traffic operations; however, for minor roads with relatively low volumes, stopping sight distance is generally accepted as the minimum line of sight that should be provided. A sight distance evaluation was prepared for the project driveways based on guidance from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (2018) [“the AASHTO Greenbook”]. The stopping sight distance was determined in accordance with Table 3-1 of the AASHTO Greenbook. Garvey Avenue has a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour, which is the presumed design speed for this analysis and correlates to a stopping sight distance of 250 feet per AASHTO guidance. The AAHSTO Greenbook does not specify a location for the decision point (i.e., minor road driver’s eye) since it depends on the placement of any marked stop line. In this case, there are marked stop lines on the southbound approaches of the minor street roads; therefore, the decision point was assumed to be located at an approximately 10-foot setback from the stop line. This allows sufficient space for the driver on the minor road to wait without the front bumper intruding past the marked stop line on the major road. Figure 21 shows the sight distance evaluation for southbound Brighton Street from both directions. Figure 22 shows the sight distance evaluation for southbound Strathmore Avenue from both directions. Each figure also shows recommended “no parking” zones to prevent on-street parking from obstructing the line of sight. As shown on Figure 21, “no parking” designation is recommended by installing red curb markings along the north side of Garvey Avenue from Brighton Street to approximately 76 feet west and 170 feet east. As shown on Figure 22, “no parking” designation is recommended by installing red curb markings along the north side of Garvey Avenue from Strathmore Avenue to approximately 66 feet west and 160 feet east. Figure 23 summarizes the recommended “no parking” designations for both intersections based on the sight distance analysis. 40 41 42 43 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 44 19538 8. CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM This section provides analysis of the project impacts at County facilities in accordance with typical Los Angeles County Congestion Management Program (CMP) requirements. CRITERIA FOR REQUIRING A TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR CMP The Los Angeles County 2010 CMP provides the following thresholds for requiring a CMP-compliant traffic impact analysis: ▪ All CMP arterial monitoring intersections, including monitored freeway on or off-ramp intersections, where the proposed project will add 50 or more trips during either the AM or PM weekday peak hours (of adjacent street traffic) ▪ If CMP arterial segments are being analyzed rather than intersections, the study area must include all segments where the proposed project will add 50 or more peak hour trips (total of both directions). ▪ Mainline freeway monitoring locations were the project will add 150 or more trips, in either direction, during either the AM or PM weekday peak hours. As previously shown in Table 2, the proposed project is forecast to generate approximately 62 AM peak hour trips and 74 PM peak hour trips, which are distributed to/from the project site. The intersections of Del Mar Avenue/Garvey Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard/Garvey Avenue are not CMP intersections. The project will not add 150 or more peak hour trips to the I-10 Freeway since the project generates less than this threshold in total during each peak hour. Therefore, the proposed project would not result in a CMP impact as it does not meet the thresholds requiring a traffic impact analysis for CMP purposes and no further CMP traffic analysis is warranted. CMP TRANSIT IMPACT REVIEW The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority 2010 Congestion Management Program, Appendix D - Guidelines for CMP Transportation Impact Analysis, utilizes a conversion factor based on the daily and AM and PM peak hour trip generation to provide for a transit analysis. The conversion is as follows: ▪ Multiply the total trips generated by 1.4 to convert vehicle trips to person trips; ▪ For each time period, multiply the result by one of the following factors: 3.5% of Total Person Trips Generated for most cases, except: 10% primarily Residential within 1/4 mile of a CMP transit center 15% primarily Commercial within 1/4 mile of a CMP transit center 7% primarily Residential within 1/4 mile of a CMP multi-modal transportation center 9% primarily Commercial within 1/4 mile of a CMP multi-modal transportation center 5% primarily Residential within 1/4 mile of a CMP transit corridor 7% primarily Commercial within 1/4 mile of a CMP transit corridor 0% if no fixed route transit services operate within one mile of the project Accordingly, the proposed project-generated transit trips are calculated as follows: ▪ Daily: ((864 trips x 1.4) x 0.035) ≈ 42 ▪ Morning Peak Hour: ((62 trips x 1.4) x 0.035) ≈ 3 ▪ Evening Peak Hour: ((74 trips x 1.4) x 0.035) ≈ 4 44 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 45 19538 The proposed project is forecast to generate approximately three (3) transit trips during the AM peak hour and approximately four (4) transit trips during the PM peak hour. Based on the existing transit services available in the project vicinity and the relatively low transit trip generation, the proposed project is forecast to have a nominal impact on transit demand. 45 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 46 19538 9. SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT ANALYSIS This section provides an assessment of potential impacts relating to the proposed Specific Plan Amendment component of the proposed project. SPECIFIC PLAN BACKGROUND The project site is located within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan (GASP) and involves a Specific Plan Amendment. It is estimated the GASP will support development of 1,048 dwelling units and an additional estimated population of 2,710 residents. Environmental impacts for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan were evaluated in the Environmental Impact Report Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan (May 2017) [“GASP EIR”]. The proposed project involves a Zone Change from GSP-Residential/Commercial (GSP-R/C) to Incentivized Mixed-Use (GSP-MU) to allow for greater development potential compared to the current zoning. Therefore, the effect of the proposed project relative to the Specific Plan buildout scenario anticipated in the GASP EIR was evaluated to identify whether the project would result in any new significant impacts. SPECIFIC PLAN BASELINE Baseline traffic conditions for the Specific Plan Amendment were obtained from the GASP EIR and supporting traffic analysis contained in Appendix G of the GASP EIR (Traffic Impact Analysis for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan EIR (KOA Corporation, May 2016)). The GASP EIR traffic analysis evaluated traffic impacts associated with buildout of the GASP based on a future year 2035 baseline. Affected Study Area The transportation section of the GASP EIR included evaluation of intersection Levels of Service at nine study intersections, two freeway mainline segments, and six freeway ramp intersections. Based on the project trip generation and assignment, the project is forecast to contribute more than 50 peak hour trips at the following three intersections evaluated in the GASP EIR: ▪ Del Mar Avenue at Garvey Avenue (City of Rosemead) ▪ Kelburn Avenue at Garvey Avenue (City of Rosemead) ▪ San Gabriel Boulevard at Garvey Avenue (City of Rosemead) The project trip contributions at other roadway elements evaluated in the GASP EIR would not exceed the criteria for further evaluation (see Congestion Management Program section); therefore, the project would have a negligible effect on those facilities. Relevant Thresholds of Significance The GASP EIR uses the following threshold to identify significant impacts at study intersections within City of Rosemead jurisdiction: Level of Service Without Project Volume/Capacity (V/C) Project-Related V/C Increase F 1.00 or more Equal to or greater than 0.02 46 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 47 19538 Relevant Mitigation Measures GASP EIR Mitigation Measure 13.A-1 includes the following mitigation measures for the three study intersections at which the proposed project has the potential to cause new impacts: ▪ Del Mar Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) □ Add a third through lane for the eastbound and westbound approaches ▪ Kelburn Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) □ Add a third through lane for the eastbound and westbound approaches ▪ San Gabriel Boulevard (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) □ Add a third through lane for the eastbound and westbound approaches The GASP EIR concludes that impacts would remain significant and unavoidable at the intersections of Del Mar Avenue/Garvey Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard/Garvey Avenue with consideration of Mitigation Measure 13.A-1. SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT Table 7 shows an assessment of the impacts associated with the proposed project/Specific Plan Amendment. ICU and Levels of Service for baseline year 2035 without and with GASP were obtained from the GASP EIR. ICU and Levels of Service for year 2035 with the proposed Specific Plan Amendment were calculated by adding project trips the year 2035 with GASP traffic volume forecasts. This is a conservative assessment since it does not take credit for the net change in trips between the proposed project and the current zoning. Level of Service worksheets for the Specific Plan Amendment analysis are provided in Appendix G. As shown in Table 7, consistent with the GASP EIR, traffic impacts associated with the proposed Specific Plan Amendment are forecast to remain significant and unavoidable at the following study intersections with consideration of Mitigation Measure 13.A-1: ▪ Del Mar Avenue at Garvey Avenue (AM peak hour) ▪ San Gabriel Boulevard at Garvey Avenue (AM and PM peak hours) Amendment-related increases in ICU are generally marginal and would not exceed the threshold of significance (+0.02 at Level of Service F) compared to buildout of the current GASP land uses. Relative to the 2035 without GASP condition, buildout of the GASP with the proposed Specific Plan Amendment would not result in new significant impacts or mitigation in addition to those already identified in the previously certified GASP EIR. 47 ICU LOS ICU LOS Change in ICU Significant Impact?ICU LOS Change in ICU Significant Impact? Del Mar Ave at Garvey Ave AM 0.829 D 1.054 F +0.225 YES 1.061 F +0.232 YES PM 0.810 D 0.938 E +0.128 No 0.946 E +0.136 No Kelburn Ave at Garvey Ave AM 0.553 A 0.812 D +0.259 No 0.845 D +0.292 No PM 0.589 A 0.686 B +0.097 No 0.720 C +0.131 No San Gabriel Blvd at Garvey Ave AM 0.812 D 1.153 F +0.341 YES 1.161 F +0.349 YES PM 0.895 D 1.072 F +0.177 YES 1.079 F +0.184 YES Notes: GASP = Garvey Avenue Specific Plan; ICU = Intersection Capacity Analysis; LOS = Level of Service (1) Source: Draft Environmental Impact Report Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan (May 2017); Table 13-3. (2) Source: Draft Environmental Impact Report Garvey Avenue Corridor Specific Plan (May 2017); Table 13-8 (including mitigation). (3) Source: Ganddini Group, September 2022; see Appendix G. 2035 With SPA32035 With GASP2 Peak HourStudy Intersection Significant Impact Assessment for Specific Plan Amendment Table 7 2035 Without GASP1 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 1953848 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 49 19538 10. VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) VMT BACKGROUND California Senate Bill 743 (SB 743) directs the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to amend the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines for evaluating transportation impacts to provide alternatives to Level of Service that “promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the development of multimodal transportation networks, and a diversity of land uses.” In December 2018, the California Natural Resources Agency certified and adopted the updated CEQA Guidelines package. The amended CEQA Guidelines, specifically Section 15064.3, recommend the use of Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) as the primary metric for the evaluation of transportation impacts associated with land use and transportation projects. In general terms, VMT quantifies the amount and distance of automobile travel attributable to a project or region. Agencies are required to apply the updated CEQA guidelines for VMT analysis and implementation was required State-wide by July 1, 2020. The updated CEQA Guidelines allow for lead agency discretion in establishing methodologies and thresholds provided there is substantial evidence to demonstrate that the established procedures promote the intended goals of the legislation. Where quantitative models or methods are unavailable, Section 15064.3 allows agencies to assess VMT qualitatively using factors such as availability of transit and proximity to other destinations. The Technical Advisory on Evaluating Transportation Impacts in CEQA (State of California, December 2018) [“OPR Technical Advisory”] provides technical considerations regarding methodologies and thresholds with a focus on office, residential, and retail developments as these projects tend to have the greatest influence on VMT. SCREENING ASSESSMENT Consistent with recommendations in the OPR Technical Advisory, the City of Rosemead has established screening criteria for certain projects that may be presumed to have a less than significant VMT impact, including projects located in low-VMT generating areas. The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) VMT Evaluation Tool was used to determine if the project can be screened out and presumed to result in a less than significant VMT impact in accordance with City of Rosemead VMT guidelines. The proposed project is located in a low-VMT generating area. Therefore, the proposed project satisfies the screening criteria for low-VMT generating area and may be presumed to result in a less than significant VMT impact in accordance with City of Rosemead VMT guidelines. The SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool findings are included in Appendix F. 49 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis 50 19538 11. CONCLUSIONS This section summarizes the findings and mitigation measures (if any) identified in previous sections of this study. PROJECT TRIP GENERATION The proposed project is forecast to generate a total of approximately 864 daily trips, including 62 trips during the AM peak hour and 74 trips during the PM peak hour FORECAST LEVELS OF SERVICE The study intersections are forecast to operate at acceptable Levels of Service during the peak hours for Opening Year (2024) Without Project conditions, except for the following study intersection: ▪ Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) - #6 (AM-LOS E, PM-LOS F) The study intersections are forecast to operate at acceptable Levels of Service during the peak hours for Opening Year (2024) With Project conditions, except for the following study intersection which is forecast to continue operating at an unacceptable Levels of Service: ▪ Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) - #6 (AM-LOS E, PM-LOS F) The proposed project is forecast to result in no adverse transportation effects based on the established thresholds. CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The proposed project would result in no operational CMP impact as it does not meet the thresholds requiring a traffic impact analysis for CMP purposes and no further CMP analysis is warranted. A transit impact review was conducted for compliance with the CMP requirements and found that the proposed project is forecast to have a nominal impact on transit demand. SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT Relative to the 2035 without GASP condition, buildout of the GASP with the proposed Specific Plan Amendment would not result in new significant impacts or mitigation in addition to those already identified in the previously certified GASP EIR. VMT IMPACTS The proposed project satisfies the screening criteria for low-VMT generating area and may be presumed to result in a less than significant VMT impact in accordance with City of Rosemead VMT guidelines. 50 APPENDICES Appendix A Glossary Appendix B Scoping Agreement Appendix C Volume Count Worksheets Appendix D Level of Service Worksheets Appendix E Traffic Signal Warrant Graphs Appendix F SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool Appendix G Level of Service Worksheets for Specific Plan Amendment Analysis Apx-1 APPENDIX A GLOSSARY Apx-2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ACRONYMS AC Acres ADT Average Daily Traffic Caltrans California Department of Transportation DU Dwelling Unit ICU Intersection Capacity Utilization LOS Level of Service TSF Thousand Square Feet V/C Volume/Capacity VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled TERMS AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: The average 24-hour volume for a stated period divided by the number of days in that period. For example, Annual Average Daily Traffic is the total volume during a year divided by 365 days. BANDWIDTH: The number of seconds of green time available for through traffic in a signal progression. BOTTLENECK: A point of constriction along a roadway that limits the amount of traffic that can proceed downstream from its location. CAPACITY: The maximum number of vehicles that can be reasonably expected to pass over a given section of a lane or a roadway in a given time period. CHANNELIZATION: The separation or regulation of conflicting traffic movements into definite paths of travel by the use of pavement markings, raised islands, or other suitable means to facilitate the safe and orderly movements of both vehicles and pedestrians. CLEARANCE INTERVAL: Nearly same as yellow time. If there is an all red interval after the end of a yellow, then that is also added into the clearance interval. CONTROL DELAY: The component of delay, typically expressed in seconds per vehicle, resulting from the type of traffic control at an intersection. Control delay is measured by comparison with the uncontrolled condition; it includes delay incurred by slowing down, stopping/waiting, and speeding up. CORDON: An imaginary line around an area across which vehicles, persons, or other items are counted (in and out). CORNER SIGHT DISTANCE: The minimum sight distance required by the driver of a vehicle to cross or enter the lanes of the major roadway without requiring approaching traffic travelling at a given speed to radically alter their speed or trajectory. Corner sight distance is measured from the driver’s eye at 42 inches above the pavement to an object height of 36 inches above the pavement in the center of the nearest approach lane. CYCLE LENGTH: The time period in seconds required for a traffic signal to complete one full cycle of indications. CUL-DE-SAC: A local street open at one end only and with special provisions for turning around. Apx-3 DAILY CAPACITY: A theoretical value representing the daily traffic volume that will typically result in a peak hour volume equal to the capacity of the roadway. DELAY: The time consumed while traffic is impeded in its movement by some element over which it has no control, usually expressed in seconds per vehicle. DEMAND RESPONSIVE SIGNAL: Same as traffic-actuated signal. DENSITY: The number of vehicles occupying in a unit length of the through traffic lanes of a roadway at any given instant. Usually expressed in vehicles per mile. DETECTOR: A device that responds to a physical stimulus and transmits a resulting impulse to the signal controller. DESIGN SPEED: A speed selected for purposes of design. Features of a highway, such as curvature, superelevation, and sight distance (upon which the safe operation of vehicles is dependent) are correlated to design speed. DIRECTIONAL SPLIT: The percent of traffic in the peak direction at any point in time. DIVERSION: The rerouting of peak hour traffic to avoid congestion. FORCED FLOW: Opposite of free flow. FREE FLOW: Volumes are well below capacity. Vehicles can maneuver freely and travel is unimpeded by other traffic. GAP: Time or distance between successive vehicles in a traffic stream, rear bumper to front bumper. HEADWAY: Time or distance spacing between successive vehicles in a traffic stream, front bumper to front bumper. INTERCONNECTED SIGNAL SYSTEM: A number of intersections that are connected to achieve signal progression. LEVEL OF SERVICE: A qualitative measure of a number of factors, which include speed and travel time, traffic interruptions, freedom to maneuver, safety, driving comfort and convenience, and operating costs. LOOP DETECTOR: A vehicle detector consisting of a loop of wire embedded in the roadway, energized by alternating current and producing an output circuit closure when passed over by a vehicle. MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE GAP: Smallest time headway between successive vehicles in a traffic stream into which another vehicle is willing and able to cross or merge. MULTI-MODAL: More than one mode; such as automobile, bus transit, rail rapid transit, and bicycle transportation modes. OFFSET: The time interval in seconds between the beginning of green at one intersection and the beginning of green at an adjacent intersection. PLATOON: A closely grouped component of traffic that is composed of several vehicles moving, or standing ready to move, with clear spaces ahead and behind. Apx-4 PASSENGER CAR EQUIVALENT (PCE): A metric used to assess the impact of larger vehicles, such as trucks, recreational vehicles, and buses, by converting the traffic volume of larger vehicles to an equivalent number of passenger cars. PEAK HOUR: The 60 consecutive minutes with the highest number of vehicles. PRETIMED SIGNAL: A type of traffic signal that directs traffic to stop and go on a predetermined time schedule without regard to traffic conditions. Also, fixed time signal. PROGRESSION: A term used to describe the progressive movement of traffic through several signalized intersections. QUEUE: The number of vehicles waiting at a service area such as a traffic signal, stop sign, or access gate. QUEUE LENGTH: The length of vehicle queue, typically expressed in feet, waiting at a service area such as a traffic signal, stop sign, or access gate. SCREEN-LINE: An imaginary line or physical feature across which all trips are counted, normally to verify the validity of mathematical traffic models. SHARED/RECIPROCAL PARKING AGREEMENT: A written binding document executed between property owners to provide a designated number of off-street parking stalls within a designated area to be available for specified businesses or land uses. SIGHT DISTANCE: The continuous length of roadway visible to a driver or roadway user. SIGNAL CYCLE: The time period in seconds required for one complete sequence of signal indications. SIGNAL PHASE: The part of the signal cycle allocated to one or more traffic movements. STACKING DISTANCE: The length of area available behind a service area, such as a traffic signal or gate, for vehicle queueing to occur. STARTING DELAY: The delay experienced in initiating the movement of queued traffic from a stop to an average running speed through an intersection. STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE: The minimum distance required by the driver of a vehicle on the major roadway travelling at a given speed to bring the vehicle to a stop after an object on the road becomes visible. Stopping sight distance is measured from the driver’s eye at 42 inches above the pavement to an object height of 6 inches above the pavement. TRAFFIC-ACTUATED SIGNAL: A type of traffic signal that directs traffic to stop and go in accordance with the demands of traffic, as registered by the actuation of detectors. TRIP: The movement of a person or vehicle from one location (origin) to another (destination). For example, from home to store to home is two trips, not one. TRIP-END: One end of a trip at either the origin or destination (i.e., each trip has two trip-ends). A trip-end occurs when a person, object, or message is transferred to or from a vehicle. TRIP GENERATION RATE: The quantity of trips produced and/or attracted by a specific land use stated in terms of units such as per dwelling, per acre, and per 1,000 square feet of floor space. TRUCK: A vehicle having dual tires on one or more axles, or having more than two axles. Apx-5 TURNING RADIUS: The circular arc formed by the smallest turning path radius of the front outside tire of a vehicle, such as that performed by a U-turn maneuver. This is based on the length and width of the wheel base as well as the steering mechanism of the vehicle. UNBALANCED FLOW: Heavier traffic flow in one direction than the other. On a daily basis, most facilities have balanced flow. During the peak hours, flow is seldom balanced in an urban area. VEHICLE MILES OF TRAVEL: A measure of the amount of usage of a section of highway, obtained by multiplying the average daily traffic by length of facility in miles. Apx-6 APPENDIX B SCOPING AGREEMENT Apx-7 550 Parkcenter Drive, Suite 202, Santa Ana, California 92705 714 795 3100 | www.ganddini.com MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TO: CITY OF ROSEMEAD FROM:Bryan Crawford, Senior Transportation Planner | GANDDINI GROUP, INC. DATE: July 11, 2022 SUBJECT:Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping INTRODUCTION The purpose of this traffic study scoping document is to outline the proposed traffic analysis parameters and assumptions for review/concurrence by City of Rosemead staff. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Figure 1 shows the project location map. The project site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Strathmore Avenue and Garvey Avenue in the City of Rosemead, as exhibited in Figure 2. The site plan is show in Appendix A. The 1.21-acre project site is currently developed with retail and outdoor storage uses. The proposed project involves redevelopment with a seven-story mixed-use development comprised of 93 apartment dwelling units (including 26 live/work units), 6,040 square feet of retail, 12,801 square feet of office, a two-story parking structure, and related landscaping improvements. The proposed project is anticipated to be constructed and fully operational by year 2024. Vehicle access is proposed at Strathmore Avenue, Virginia Street, and a public alley connecting to Brighton Street at the west side of the property. PROJECT TRIP GENERATION Table 1 shows the project trip generation based upon rates obtained from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition, 2021). ITE land use codes 221 (Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise)) 710 (General Office Building), and 822 (Strip Retail Plaza (<40k)) have been used to estimate the site-specific trip generation estimates for the project land uses. Traffic volumes shown in Table 1 consist of the total trips generated for each project land use. As a residential trip generated by the project may also interact with the commercial retail or office land uses within the project, a double counting of those trips occurs. To account for this internal interaction, the trips generated by the project site have been adjusted in accordance with procedures developed by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program 684 Internal Capture Estimation Tool as incorporated into the ITE Trip Generation Handbook (3rd Edition). Detailed internal capture worksheets are provided in the scoping agreement in Appendix B. As shown in Table 1, the proposed project is forecast to generate approximately 864 daily trips, including 62 trips during the AM peak hour and 74 trips during the PM peak hour. Apx-8 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping July 11, 2022 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping 2 19370 PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION Figure 3 illustrates the forecast directional distribution patterns of project-generated trips. STUDY AREA Based on City of Rosemead guidelines, intersections identified for analysis typically include signalized intersections at which a project is forecast to contribute 50 or more trips during the AM or PM peak hours. The study area is proposed to consist of the following seven (7) study intersections, even if the project may not contribute 50 or more trips during either peak hour. Study Intersections (Figure 1) 1.Del Mar Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) 2.Brighton Street (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) 3.Project Driveway (NS) at Virginia Street (EW) 4.Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Virginia Street (EW) 5.Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Project Driveway (EW) 6.Strathmore Avenue (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) 7.San Gabriel Boulevard (NS) at Garvey Avenue (EW) TRAFFIC COUNTS Intersection turning movement counts will be used at the study intersections during the AM peak period (7:00 AM – 9:00 AM) and PM peak period (4:00 PM – 6:00 PM) on a typical weekday (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday). ANALYSIS SCENARIOS The traffic study shall evaluate the following analysis scenarios for weekday AM and PM peak hour conditions: Existing [2022] Opening Year Without Project [2024] Opening Year With Project [2024] ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY Signalized Intersections In accordance with City of Rosemead guidelines, analysis of signalized intersections is based on the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) methodology. The ICU methodology compares the volume of traffic using the intersection to the capacity of the intersection. The resulting volume-to-capacity (V/C) ratio represents that portion of the hour required to provide sufficient capacity to accommodate all intersection traffic if all approaches operate at capacity. The volume-to-capacity ratio is then correlated to a performance measure known as Level of Service based on the following thresholds: Level of Service Volume/Capacity Ratio A ≤ 0.600 B 0.601 to 0.700 Apx-9 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping July 11, 2022 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping 3 19370 C 0.701 to 0.800 D 0.801 to 0.900 E 0.901 to 1.000 F > 1.000 Source: Transportation Research Board, Interim Materials on Highway Capacity, Transportation Research Circular No. 212, January 1980. Level of Service is used to qualitatively describe the performance of a roadway facility, ranging from Level of Service A (free-flow conditions) to Level of Service F (extreme congestion and system failure). ICU analysis was performed using the Vistro software. Consistent with City of Rosemead guidelines, this analysis uses the following input parameters for the ICU analysis: 1,800 vehicles per hour per lane for through and turn lanes, 3,240 vehicles per hour for dual left- turn lanes, and a total clearance time of 10 percent. Intersection Level of Service analysis shall be performed using the Vistro software. Unsignalized Intersections The technique used to assess the performance of unsignalized intersections in the City of Rosemead and California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) freeway ramp intersections is known as the intersection delay methodology based on the procedures contained in the Highway Capacity Manual. The methodology compares the traffic volume using the intersection to the capacity of the intersection to calculate the delay associated with the traffic control at the intersection. The intersection delay is then correlated to a performance measure known as Level of Service based on the following thresholds: Level of Service Intersection Control Delay (Seconds / Vehicle) Signalized Intersection Unsignalized Intersection A ≤ 10.0 ≤ 10.0 B > 10.0 to ≤ 20.0 > 10.0 to ≤ 15.0 C > 20.0 to ≤ 35.0 > 15.0 to ≤ 25.0 D > 35.0 to ≤ 55.0 > 25.0 to ≤ 35.0 E > 55.0 to ≤ 80.0 > 35.0 to ≤ 50.0 F > 80.0 > 50.0 Source: Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacity Manual (6th Edition). Level of Service is used to qualitatively describe the performance of a roadway facility, ranging from Level of Service A (free-flow conditions) to Level of Service F (extreme congestion and system failure). Intersection Level of Service analysis shall be performed using the Vistro software. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The City of Rosemead has established minimum acceptable Level of Service standards during peak hour conditions of LOS D or better for intersections. Apx-10 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping July 11, 2022 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping 4 19370 OPERATIONAL THRESHOLDS In accordance with the City of Rosemead guidelines, a project operational traffic impact occurs if the project related increase in the volume-to-capacity ratio equals or exceeds the thresholds shown below: Significant Impact Threshold for Intersections Level of Service Volume/Capacity Incremental Increase F 1.01 or more 0.02 or more Based on the California Department of Transportation established performance standards, a potentially operational traffic impact is defined to occur if the addition of project generated trips is forecast to cause the performance of a State Highway study intersection to change from acceptable Level of Service (D or better) to unacceptable Level of Service (E or F). If a project is forecast to cause an operational traffic impact, feasible improvements that will reduce the operational impact to an acceptable LOS are identified. Improvements can be in many forms, including the addition of lanes, traffic control modification, or demand management measures. If no feasible improvements can be identified for an operationally deficient facility, the operational traffic impact will remain deficient. FORECASTING METHODOLOGY Ambient Growth Rate To account for area-wide ambient growth, the Opening Year 2024 will include a 0.8% annual growth for 2 years (total growth factor = 1.0161) over the 2022 base volumes. City staff shall confirm that this growth rate is applicable and refine as necessary. Other Cumulative Projects A list of pending and approved cumulative development projects will be obtained from Cities of Rosemead, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, South San Gabriel, and Alhambra staff. These lists will be narrowed down to include projects within a 1.5 mile radius of the project site. Trip forecasts for other development projects within the project study area will be determined based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition, 2021 and will be added to existing roadway volumes for the applicable analysis scenarios. SIGHT DISTANCE ANALYSIS A sight distance analysis will be performed at the intersections of Brighton Street at Garvey Avenue and Strathmore Avenue at Garvey Avenue. GARVEY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN The proposed project is located within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. The proposed development will be analyzed with the assumed uses within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan (Study Area TAZ Boundary 2165-3) to determine conformity with the assumptions within this TAZ within the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. Apx-11 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping July 11, 2022 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping 5 19370 VEHICLES MILES TRAVELED (VMT) ANALYSIS California Senate Bill 743 (SB 743) directs the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to amend the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines for evaluating transportation impacts to provide alternatives to Level of Service that “promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the development of multimodal transportation networks, and a diversity of land uses.” In December 2018, the California Natural Resources Agency certified and adopted the updated CEQA Guidelines package. The amended CEQA Guidelines, specifically Section 15064.3, recommend the use of Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) as the primary metric for the evaluation of transportation impacts associated with land use and transportation projects. In general terms, VMT quantifies the amount and distance of automobile travel attributable to a project or region. Agencies are required to apply the updated CEQA guidelines for VMT analysis and implementation was required State-wide by July 1, 2020. The updated CEQA Guidelines allow for lead agency discretion in establishing methodologies and thresholds provided there is substantial evidence to demonstrate that the established procedures promote the intended goals of the legislation. Where quantitative models or methods are unavailable, Section 15064.3 allows agencies to assess VMT qualitatively using factors such as availability of transit and proximity to other destinations. The Technical Advisory on Evaluating Transportation Impacts in CEQA (State of California, December 2018) [“Technical Advisory”] provides technical considerations regarding methodologies and thresholds with a focus on office, residential, and retail developments as these projects tend to have the greatest influence on VMT. The City of Rosemead has established VMT analysis guidelines at this time; therefore, the project-related VMT impact has been assessed based on guidance from the City of Rosemead Adopting Resolution No. 2020-22 Establishing the Traffic Threshold of Significance for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Rather than Level of Service (LOS) (June 9, 2020). VMT Screening Assessment The project VMT impact has been assessed in accordance with guidance from the City of Rosemead Adopting Resolution No. 2020-22 Establishing the Traffic Threshold of Significance for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Rather than Level of Service (LOS) (June 9, 2020). Consistent with recommendations in the OPR Technical Advisory, the City of Rosemead has established screening criteria for certain projects that may be presumed to have a less than significant VMT impact, including projects located in low-VMT generating areas. The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) VMT Evaluation Tool was used to determine if the project can be screened out and presumed to result in a less than significant VMT impact in accordance with City of Rosemead VMT guidelines. The proposed project is located in a low-VMT generating area. Therefore, the proposed project satisfies the screening criteria for low-VMT generating area and may be presumed to result in a less than significant VMT impact in accordance with City of Rosemead VMT guidelines. Appendix C includes the SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool findings. CONCLUSION We appreciate the opportunity to provide this scoping document for your review. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the proposed scope, please contact Bryan Crawford at (714) 795-3100 x 104 or bryan@ganddini.com. Apx-12 Land Use Source1 % In % Out Rate % In % Out Rate Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise, Not Close to Rail Transit)ITE 221 23%77%0.37 61%39%0.39 4.54 General Office Building ITE 710 88%12%1.52 17%83%1.44 10.84 Strip Retail Plaza (<40k)ITE 822 60%40%2.36 50%50%6.59 54.45 Land Use Source In Out Total In Out Total Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise, Not Close to Rail Transit)ITE 221 93 DU 8 26 34 22 14 36 422 Internal Capture 3 (AM: 0% In, 4% Out; PM: 23% In, 21% Out)0 -1 -1 -5 -3 -8 -9 Subtotal 8 25 33 17 11 28 413 General Office Building ITE 710 12.801 TSF 17 2 19 3 15 18 139 Internal Capture 3 (AM: 12% In, 50% Out; PM: 33% In, 13% Out)-2 -1 -3 -1 -2 -3 -6 Subtotal 15 1 16 2 13 15 133 Strip Retail Plaza (<40k)ITE 822 6.040 TSF 9 6 15 20 20 40 329 Internal Capture 3 (AM: 11% In, 17% Out; PM: 20% In, 25% Out)-1 -1 -2 -4 -5 -9 -11 Subtotal 8 5 13 16 15 31 318 TOTAL TRIPS GENERATED 31 31 62 35 39 74 864 Notes: 3. Internal Capture calculated using the NCHRP 684 Internal Trip Capture Estimation Tool included in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook (3rd Edition, 2017). 2. DU = Dwelling Units; TSF = Thousand Square Feet 1. ITE = Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition, 2021); ### = Land Use Code. All rates based on General Urban/Suburban setting unless otherwise noted. Draft Project Trip Generation Table 1 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Rates Land Use Variable2 AM Peak Hour Daily Rate TSF DU Trips Generated Quantity AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Daily TSF Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Scoping Agreement 19538 Apx-13 Figure 1Project Location MapStrathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectScoping Agreement19538NSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STBRIGTON ST STRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVDStudy IntersectionLegend#Project Driveway#1264753Apx-14 Figure 2 Site Plan N 10'-0"10'-0"PUBLIC ALLEY TRANS-FORMEROPEN TO SKY ABOVE 16% RAMPTRASH R-2 N.A.P. GSP (EXISTING ) N.A.P. GSP (EXISTING ) N.A.P. R-2 N.A.P. R-2 N.A.P. R-2 N.A.P. R-2N.A.P. R-2 N.A.P. GSP / RC(EXISTING )N.A.P. GSP (EXISTING )GSP-MU ( PROPOSED )N.A.P. GSP (EXISTING ) N.A.P.RAMP UP TO 2ND FLRSETBACKSETBACK 12'-0" 10'-0"SETBACKTRANS: 60 ° LANDSCAPE (OS-1) LANDSCAPE (N)DRIVEWAY(N)DRIVEWAY 22'-0" TRASH LEASING UTILITIES PROPERTY LINELANDSCAPE(OS-1)LANDSCAPE (OS-2)LANDSCAPE (OS-1)BUILDING LINE ABOVELOBBY B A300 PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINETRASH 25'-0"25'-0" 24'-0"25'-0"6'-0"5'-0"COMMERCIAL 10'X20'LOADING COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIALPUBLIC PARKINGHALL WAY25'-0" (745 SF)PUBLICPARKINGPUBLICPARKINGRESIDENTIALBIKE STORAGE SECURED ENTRANCE/EXITROLL UPGATE SECUREDENTRANCE/EXITROLL UPGATE LIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTRESIDENTGUESTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTLIVE/WORKGUESTLIVE/WORKRESIDENTRESIDENTGUESTRESIDENTGUESTRESIDENTGUESTRESIDENTGUESTRESIDENTGUESTC C C C C C COMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIAL20'-8"RETAIL±6,040 SF 25'-0"LOBBY(724 SF) EL303.7EL305.3 EL302.1 EL303.7 EL300.6 EL305.3 UP EL303.7 EL305.3 8'-8"12'-0"156'-7"PUBLIC SIDEWALK PUBLIC SIDEWALKAA300(326 SF)20'-0"10'-0" Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectScoping Agreement 19538 Apx-15 Figure 3Project Trip DistributionNSiteDEL MAR AVE VIRGINIA STBRIGTON ST STRATHMORE AVE GARVEY AVESAN GABRIEL BLVD55%15%20%20%60%35%95%5%20%10%15%40%45%Percent From ProjectLegend10%Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use ProjectScoping Agreement19538Apx-16 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping 19370 Appendix A Site Plan Apx-17 970 N. BROADWAY, SUITE 107LOS ANGELES, CA 90012p. 213.537.0910info@scaleslab.comwww.scaleslab.comPROJECTSTRATHMORE AND GARVEY MIXED-USE7849-7857 GARVEY AVE.7900 & 7916 VIRGINIA ST.ROSEMEAD, CA 91770OWNERGREEN PARK LLC120 E. VALLEY BLVD.SAN GABRIEL, CA 91776Apx-18 970 N. BROADWAY, SUITE 107 LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 p. 213.537.0910 info@scaleslab.com www.scaleslab.com PROPOSED MIXED-USE DATE: SHEET: DESCRIPTION: DEVELOPER: GREEN PARK LLC. 7849-7857 GARVEY AVE. 7900 & 7916 VIRGINIA ST. ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 9177022-06-01 PROJECT DATA A-001Apx-19 10'-0"10'-0"PUBLIC ALLEYTRANS-FORMEROPEN TO SKY ABOVE16% RAMP TRASHR-2N.A.P.GSP (EXISTING )N.A.P.GSP (EXISTING )N.A.P.R-2N.A.P.R-2N.A.P.R-2N.A.P.R-2N.A.P.R-2N.A.P.GSP / RC(EXISTING )N.A.P.GSP (EXISTING )GSP-MU ( PROPOSED )N.A.P.GSP (EXISTING )N.A.P.RAMP UP TO 2ND FLR SETBACK SETBACK12'-0"10'-0"SETBACKTRANS: 60 °LANDSCAPE (OS-1)LANDSCAPE(N)DRIVEWAY(N)DRIVEWAY(N )DRIVEWAY25'-0 "22'-0"TRASHLEASINGUTILITIESPROPERTY LINE LANDSCAPE (OS-1) LANDSCAPE (OS-2) LANDSCAPE (OS-1) BUILDING LINE ABOVE LOBBYBA300PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY L INEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINETRASH25'-0"25'-0"24'-0"25'-0"6'-0"5'-0"LANDSCAPE (OS-2)COMMERCIAL10'X20'LOADINGCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALPUBLIC PARKING HALL WAY 25'-0"(745 SF)PUBLIC PARKING PUBLIC PARKING RESIDENTIALBIKE STORAGESECUREDENTRANCE/EXITROLL UPGATESECUREDENTRANCE/EXITROLL UPGATELIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT RESIDENT GUEST LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT LIVE/WORK GUEST LIVE/WORK RESIDENT RESIDENT GUEST RESIDENT GUEST RESIDENT GUEST RESIDENT GUEST RESIDENT GUEST CCCCCCCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIAL COMMERCIALCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL 20'-8"RETAIL±6,040 SF25'-0"LOBBY(724 SF)EL303.7EL305.3EL302.1EL303.7EL300.6EL305.3UPEL303.7EL305.38'-8"12'-0" (OS-3)156'-7"PUBLIC SIDEWALKPUBLIC SIDEWALK A A300 (326 SF)20'-0"10'-0"OFFICESRETAIL2 BEDROOM3 BEDROOMCOURTYARD/OPEN AREALIVE-WORK UNITSPLAN LEGENDSECURED PARKINGAREARESIDENTIALAMMENITIES1 BEDROOM2'-0" CLEAR8'-0"1'-0"8'-0"9'-0"9'-0"18'-0"2'-0" CLEARPARKING STALLS SHALL BE STRIPED WITHTHREE-INCH DOUBLE LINES, SIX INCHESAPART. THE STALL WIDTH SHALL BEMEASURED FROM THE CENTER POINT OFEACH DOUBLE STRIPED MARKING.WALL OROBSTRUCTION16'-0" 16'-0" 18'-0"3"6"3"3"6"3"3" 3"STALL WIDTHSTALL LENGHT COMPACT PARKINGSTANDARD PARKING1'-0"WALL OROBSTRUCTION970 N. BROADWAY, SUITE 107 LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 p. 213.537.0910 info@scaleslab.com www.scaleslab.com PROPOSED MIXED-USE DATE: SHEET: DESCRIPTION: DEVELOPER: GREEN PARK LLC. 7849-7857 GARVEY AVE. 7900 & 7916 VIRGINIA ST. ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 9177022-06-01 SITE PLAN A-100NORTHSCALE:1/16" = 1'-0"SITE PLAN (GROUND FLOOR)1SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0"Apx-20 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping 19370 Appendix B Internal Capture Worksheets Apx-21 Project Name:Organization: Project Location:Performed By: Scenario Description:Date: Analysis Year:Checked By: Analysis Period:Date: ITE LUCs1 Quantity Units Total Entering Exiting Office 19 17 2 Retail 15 9 6 Restaurant 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 Residential 34 8 26 Hotel 0 All Other Land Uses2 0 68 34 34 Veh. Occ.4 % Transit % Non-Motorized Veh. Occ.4 % Transit % Non-Motorized Office Retail Restaurant Cinema/Entertainment Residential Hotel All Other Land Uses2 Office Retail Restaurant Residential Hotel Office Retail Restaurant Cinema/Entertainment Residential Hotel Office Retail Restaurant Residential Hotel Office 1 0 0 0 Retail 1 0 0 0 Restaurant 0 0 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 1 0 0 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 Total Entering Exiting Land Use Entering Trips Exiting Trips All Person-Trips 68 34 34 Office 12%50% Internal Capture Percentage 9%9%9%Retail 11%17% Restaurant N/A N/A External Vehicle-Trips5 62 31 31 Cinema/Entertainment N/A N/A External Transit-Trips6 0 0 0 Residential 0%4% External Non-Motorized Trips6 0 0 0 Hotel N/A N/A NCHRP 684 Internal Trip Capture Estimation Tool Table 1-A: Base Vehicle-Trip Generation Estimates (Single-Use Site Estimate) 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment Development Data (For Information Only) 0 0 0 Estimated Vehicle-Trips3Land Use Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Table 2-A: Mode Split and Vehicle Occupancy Estimates Table 4-A: Internal Person-Trip Origin-Destination Matrix* Destination (To)Origin (From) Origin (From)Destination (To) Cinema/Entertainment Land Use Entering Trips Exiting Trips Table 3-A: Average Land Use Interchange Distances (Feet Walking Distance) Estimation Tool Developed by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute - Version 2013.1 Table 5-A: Computations Summary Table 6-A: Internal Trip Capture Percentages by Land Use 2Total estimate for all other land uses at mixed-use development site is not subject to internal trip capture computations in this estimator. 5Vehicle-trips computed using the mode split and vehicle occupancy values provided in Table 2-A. 1Land Use Codes (LUCs) from Trip Generation Manual, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. 6Person-Trips *Indicates computation that has been rounded to the nearest whole number. 3Enter trips assuming no transit or non-motorized trips (as assumed in ITE Trip Generation Manual). 4Enter vehicle occupancy assumed in Table 1-A vehicle trips. If vehicle occupancy changes for proposed mixed-use project, manual adjustments must be made to Tables 5-A, 9-A (O and D). Enter transit, non-motorized percentages that will result with proposed mixed-use project complete. NW corner Strathmore/Garvey AM Street Peak Hour Ganddini Group, Inc. Bryan Crawford 2022 7/11/2022Mixed-Use Apx-22 Project Name: Analysis Period: Veh. Occ. Vehicle-Trips Person-Trips*Veh. Occ.Vehicle-Trips Person-Trips* Office 1.00 17 17 1.00 2 2 Retail 1.00 9 9 1.00 6 6 Restaurant 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 Residential 1.00 8 8 1.00 26 26 Hotel 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 Office Retail Restaurant Residential Hotel Office 1 1 0 0 Retail 2 1 1 0 Restaurant 0 0 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 1 0 5 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 Office Retail Restaurant Residential Hotel Office 3 0 0 0 Retail 1 0 0 0 Restaurant 2 1 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 1 2 0 0 Hotel 1 0 0 0 Internal External Total Vehicles1 Transit2 Non-Motorized2 Office 2 15 17 15 0 0 Retail 1 8 9 8 0 0 Restaurant 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 0 8 8 8 0 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Other Land Uses3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Internal External Total Vehicles1 Transit2 Non-Motorized2 Office 1 1 2 1 0 0 Retail 1 5 6 5 0 0 Restaurant 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 1 25 26 25 0 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Other Land Uses3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *Indicates computation that has been rounded to the nearest whole number. 0 0 0 0 0 Destination (To) Cinema/Entertainment 0 3Total estimate for all other land uses at mixed-use development site is not subject to internal trip capture computations in this estimator Destination Land Use Table 9-A (O): Internal and External Trips Summary (Exiting Trips) Origin Land Use Person-Trip Estimates External Trips by Mode* External Trips by Mode* 1Vehicle-trips computed using the mode split and vehicle occupancy values provided in Table 2-A 2Person-Trips Person-Trip Estimates Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project AM Street Peak Hour Table 9-A (D): Internal and External Trips Summary (Entering Trips) Table 8-A (O): Internal Person-Trip Origin-Destination Matrix (Computed at Origin) Origin (From)Destination (To) Cinema/Entertainment Table 7-A: Conversion of Vehicle-Trip Ends to Person-Trip Ends Table 7-A (O): Exiting Trips 0 0 0 Table 8-A (D): Internal Person-Trip Origin-Destination Matrix (Computed at Destination) Origin (From) Land Use Table 7-A (D): Entering Trips Apx-23 Project Name:Organization: Project Location:Performed By: Scenario Description:Date: Analysis Year:Checked By: Analysis Period:Date: ITE LUCs1 Quantity Units Total Entering Exiting Office 18 3 15 Retail 40 20 20 Restaurant 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 Residential 36 22 14 Hotel 0 All Other Land Uses2 0 94 45 49 Veh. Occ.4 % Transit % Non-Motorized Veh. Occ.4 % Transit % Non-Motorized Office Retail Restaurant Cinema/Entertainment Residential Hotel All Other Land Uses2 Office Retail Restaurant Residential Hotel Office Retail Restaurant Cinema/Entertainment Residential Hotel Office Retail Restaurant Residential Hotel Office 2 0 0 0 Retail 0 0 5 0 Restaurant 0 0 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 1 2 0 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 Total Entering Exiting Land Use Entering Trips Exiting Trips All Person-Trips 94 45 49 Office 33%13% Internal Capture Percentage 21%22%20%Retail 20%25% Restaurant N/A N/A External Vehicle-Trips5 74 35 39 Cinema/Entertainment N/A N/A External Transit-Trips6 0 0 0 Residential 23%21% External Non-Motorized Trips6 0 0 0 Hotel N/A N/A *Indicates computation that has been rounded to the nearest whole number. Estimation Tool Developed by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute - Version 2013.1 Mixed-Use 44753 2022 PM Street Peak Hour Table 1-P: Base Vehicle-Trip Generation Estimates (Single-Use Site Estimate) Land Use Development Data (For Information Only)Estimated Vehicle-Trips3 Table 2-P: Mode Split and Vehicle Occupancy Estimates Land Use Entering Trips Exiting Trips NCHRP 684 Internal Trip Capture Estimation Tool Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Ganddini Group, Inc. NW corner Strathmore/Garvey Bryan Crawford Table 3-P: Average Land Use Interchange Distances (Feet Walking Distance) Origin (From)Destination (To) Cinema/Entertainment Table 4-P: Internal Person-Trip Origin-Destination Matrix* Origin (From)Destination (To) Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 Table 5-P: Computations Summary Table 6-P: Internal Trip Capture Percentages by Land Use 4Enter vehicle occupancy assumed in Table 1-P vehicle trips. If vehicle occupancy changes for proposed mixed-use project, manual adjustments must be 6Person-Trips 1Land Use Codes (LUCs) from Trip Generation Manual , published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. 2Total estimate for all other land uses at mixed-use development site is not subject to internal trip capture computations in this estimator. 3Enter trips assuming no transit or non-motorized trips (as assumed in ITE Trip Generation Manual). 5Vehicle-trips computed using the mode split and vehicle occupancy values provided in Table 2-P. Apx-24 Project Name: Analysis Period: Veh. Occ.Vehicle-Trips Person-Trips*Veh. Occ.Vehicle-Trips Person-Trips* Office 1.00 3 3 1.00 15 15 Retail 1.00 20 20 1.00 20 20 Restaurant 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 Residential 1.00 22 22 1.00 14 14 Hotel 1.00 0 0 1.00 0 0 Office Retail Restaurant Residential Hotel Office 3 1 0 0 Retail 0 6 5 1 Restaurant 0 0 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 1 6 3 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 Office Retail Restaurant Residential Hotel Office 2 0 1 0 Retail 1 0 10 0 Restaurant 1 10 4 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 1 0 1 0 Residential 2 2 0 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 Internal External Total Vehicles1 Transit2 Non-Motorized2 Office 1 2 3 2 0 0 Retail 4 16 20 16 0 0 Restaurant 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 5 17 22 17 0 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Other Land Uses3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Internal External Total Vehicles1 Transit2 Non-Motorized2 Office 2 13 15 13 0 0 Retail 5 15 20 15 0 0 Restaurant 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cinema/Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 3 11 14 11 0 0 Hotel 0 0 0 0 0 0 All Other Land Uses3 0 0 0 0 0 0 *Indicates computation that has been rounded to the nearest whole number. Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project PM Street Peak Hour Table 7-P: Conversion of Vehicle-Trip Ends to Person-Trip Ends Land Use Table 7-P (D): Entering Trips Table 7-P (O): Exiting Trips Table 8-P (O): Internal Person-Trip Origin-Destination Matrix (Computed at Origin) Origin (From)Destination (To) Destination (To) Cinema/Entertainment Cinema/Entertainment 0 1 1Vehicle-trips computed using the mode split and vehicle occupancy values provided in Table 2-P 2Person-Trips 0 0 Table 9-P (D): Internal and External Trips Summary (Entering Trips) Destination Land Use 3Total estimate for all other land uses at mixed-use development site is not subject to internal trip capture computations in this estimator Table 9-P (O): Internal and External Trips Summary (Exiting Trips) Origin Land Use Person-Trip Estimates External Trips by Mode* Person-Trip Estimates External Trips by Mode* 0 Table 8-P (D): Internal Person-Trip Origin-Destination Matrix (Computed at Destination) Origin (From) 0 0 0 0 0 Apx-25 Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Traffic Impact Analysis Scoping 19370 Appendix C SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool Report Apx-26 SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool Report Page 1 Project Details Timestamp of Analysis: July 11, 2022, 11:15:49 AM Project Name: Strathmore and Garvey Mized Use PRoject Project Description: Seven-Story Mixed-Use Development Project Location jurisdiction: Rosemead Inside a TPA? No (Fail) apn TAZ 5287-038-018 22165100 5287-038-019 22165100 5287-038-020 22165100 5287-038-029 22165100 5287-038-030 22165100 5287-038-031 22165100 5287-038-033 22165100 Analysis Details Data Version: SCAG Regional Travel Demand Model 2016 RTP Base Year 2012 Analysis Methodology: TAZ Baseline Year: 2022 Project Land Use Residential: Single Family DU: 26 Multifamily DU: Total DUs: 26 Non-Residential: OKce bSF: 12 Local Serving Retail bSF: 6 Industrial bSF: Residential Affordawility (percent of all units): Extremely Lo% Income: 0 k Very Lo% Income: 0 k Lo% Income: 0 k ParWing: Motor Vehicle ParWing: Bicycle ParWing: Apx-27 SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool Report Page 2 Residential Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Results Land Use Type 1: Residential VMT .ithout Project 1: Total VMT per Service Population VMT Baseline Description 1: SGVCOG Average VMT Baseline Value 1: 34/9 VMT Threshold Description 1: -15k Land Use 1 has ween Pre-Screened wy the Local Jurisdiction: N&A .ithout Project .ith Project F Tier 1-3 VMT Reductions .ith Project F All VMT Reductions Project Generated Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Rate 25/1 25/1 25/1 Lo% VMT Screening Analysis Yes (Pass) Yes (Pass) Yes (Pass) Apx-28 SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool Report Page 3 OKce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Results Land Use Type 2: OKce VMT .ithout Project 2: Total VMT per Service Population VMT Baseline Description 2: SGVCOG Average VMT Baseline Value 2: 34/9 VMT Threshold Description 2: -15k Land Use 2 has ween Pre-Screened wy the Local Jurisdiction: N&A .ithout Project .ith Project F Tier 1-3 VMT Reductions .ith Project F All VMT Reductions Project Generated Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Rate 25/1 25/1 25/1 Lo% VMT Screening Analysis Yes (Pass) Yes (Pass) Yes (Pass) Apx-29 SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool Report Page 4 Commercial Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Results Land Use Type 3: Commercial VMT .ithout Project 3: Total VMT per Service Population VMT Baseline Description 3: SGVCOG Average VMT Baseline Value 3: 34/9 VMT Threshold Description 3: -15k Land Use 3 has ween Pre-Screened wy the Local Jurisdiction: N&A .ithout Project .ith Project F Tier 1-3 VMT Reductions .ith Project F All VMT Reductions Project Generated Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Rate 25/1 25/1 25/1 Lo% VMT Screening Analysis Yes (Pass) Yes (Pass) Yes (Pass) Apx-30 APPENDIX C VOLUME COUNT WORKSHEETS Apx-31 T218 DATE:LOCATION:PROJECT #:SC3570Tue, Aug 23, 22 NORTH & SOUTH:LOCATION #:1EAST & WEST:CONTROL:SIGNAL NOTES:AM ▲ PM N MD ◄ W E ► OTHER S OTHER ▼ NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL NB SB EB WB TTLLANES:1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 7:00 AM 20 96 3 10 39 11 7 49 13 3 74 34 359 0 0 0 0 07:15 AM 19 149 6 14 76 12 14 71 14 5 89 27 496 0 0 0 0 0 7:30 AM 26 185 5 15 112 31 21 81 29 20 121 35 681 0 0 0 0 07:45 AM 34 170 4 37 133 51 52 112 49 9 162 71 884 0 0 0 0 0 8:00 AM 38 163 21 43 119 33 41 140 36 16 121 65 836 0 0 0 0 08:15 AM 29 123 13 45 92 23 34 149 37 5 141 42 733 0 0 0 0 08:30 AM 14 128 6 43 61 31 35 173 29 16 139 37 712 0 0 0 0 0 8:45 AM 35 133 13 44 70 29 22 177 12 7 148 35 725 0 0 0 0 0VOLUMES2151,147 71 251 702 221 226 952 219 81 995 346 5,426 0 0 0 0 0 APPROACH %15%80%5%21%60%19%16%68%16%6%70%24%APP/DEPART 1,433 /1,719 1,174 /1,002 1,397 /1,274 1,422 /1,431 0BEGIN PEAK HR VOLUMES 115 584 44 168 405 138 162 574 151 46 563 215 3,165APPROACH %15%79%6%24%57%19%18%65%17%6%68%26% PEAK HR FACTOR 0.837 0.804 0.936 0.851 0.895APP/DEPART 743 /961 711 /602 887 /786 824 /816 04:00 PM 23 101 11 40 118 28 25 166 29 8 125 39 713 0 0 0 0 0 4:15 PM 24 124 11 40 102 23 33 180 29 12 133 35 746 0 0 0 0 04:30 PM 34 97 9 46 111 28 32 170 26 8 132 37 730 0 0 1 0 1 4:45 PM 36 105 7 43 120 21 20 218 34 9 125 44 782 0 0 0 0 05:00 PM 40 110 16 56 102 38 39 190 27 11 142 52 823 0 0 0 0 05:15 PM 32 145 17 58 170 31 36 193 29 12 150 47 920 0 0 0 0 0 5:30 PM 36 120 13 53 138 38 38 213 35 16 184 57 941 0 0 0 0 05:45 PM 42 161 15 64 157 46 42 214 31 18 148 42 980 0 0 0 0 0 VOLUMES 267 963 99 400 1,018 253 265 1,544 240 94 1,139 353 6,635 0 0 1 0 1APPROACH %20%72%7%24%61%15%13%75%12%6%72%22%APP/DEPART 1,329 /1,580 1,671 /1,352 2,049 /2,043 1,586 /1,660 0 BEGIN PEAK HRVOLUMES 150 536 61 231 567 153 155 810 122 57 624 198 3,664 APPROACH %20%72%8%24%60%16%14%75%11%6%71%23%PEAK HR FACTOR 0.857 0.890 0.947 0.855 0.935APP/DEPART 747 /889 951 /746 1,087 /1,102 879 /927 0 Del Mar NORTH SIDE Garvey WEST SIDE EAST SIDE Garvey SOUTH SIDE Del Mar INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS PREPARED BY: AimTD LLC. tel: 714 253 7888 cs@aimtd.com Rosemead Del Mar Garvey U-TURNS Del Mar Del Mar Garvey Garvey AM7:45 AM PM5:00 PM Add U-Turns to Left Turns Apx-32 2,845 474 1,720 651 TOTAL 3,299 1,671 253 1,018 400 PM 1,580 1,174 221 702 251 AM 1,719 1,422 1,586 3,008 3,091 1,660 1,431 346 353 699 995 1,139 2,134 TOTALPMAM81 94 175 491 265 226 AMPMTOTAL2,496 1,544 952 459 240 219 1,274 2,043 3,317 3,446 2,049 1,397 1,002 AM 215 1,147 71 1,433 1,352 PM 267 963 99 1,329 2,354 TOTAL 482 2,110 170 2,762 1,662 291 972 399 TOTAL 1,850 951 153 567 231 PM 889 711 138 405 168 AM 961 824 879 1,703 1,743 927 816 215 198 413 563 624 1,187 TOTALPMAMAM 7:45 AM 8:45 AM 46 57 103 317 155 162 #N/A AMPMTOTAL1,384 810 574 PM 5:00 PM 5:45 PM 273 122 151 786 1,102 1,888 1,974 1,087 887 602 AM 115 584 44 743 746 PM 150 536 61 747 1,348 Total 265 1,120 105 1,490 AimTD LLC TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS Del Mar GarveyGarveyRosemead SC3570 ALL HOURS Del Mar Del Mar Del Mar GarveyGarveyPEAK HOUR Apx-33 T218 DATE:LOCATION:PROJECT #:SC3570Wed, Aug 24, 22 NORTH & SOUTH:LOCATION #:2EAST & WEST:CONTROL:STOP N/S NOTES:AM ▲ PM N MD ◄ W E ► OTHER S OTHER ▼ NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL NB SB EB WB TTLLANES:0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 7:00 AM 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 51 1 2 102 0 163 0 0 0 0 07:15 AM 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 75 0 2 133 0 215 0 0 0 0 0 7:30 AM 6 0 5 0 0 3 1 87 2 7 158 0 269 0 0 0 0 07:45 AM 4 0 4 0 0 5 2 143 7 7 250 0 422 0 0 0 1 1 8:00 AM 4 0 12 1 0 1 3 171 5 7 230 1 435 0 0 0 0 08:15 AM 3 0 7 1 0 3 1 211 9 7 184 0 426 0 0 0 1 18:30 AM 4 0 3 3 0 3 1 142 5 11 183 2 357 0 0 0 3 3 8:45 AM 5 0 5 1 0 2 2 137 3 6 201 2 364 0 0 0 0 0VOLUMES320416018101,017 32 49 1,441 5 2,651 0 0 0 5 5 APPROACH %44%0%56%25%0%75%1%96%3%3%96%0%APP/DEPART 73 /15 24 /76 1,059 /1,069 1,495 /1,491 0BEGIN PEAK HR VOLUMES 15 0 26 5 0 12 7 667 26 32 847 3 1,640APPROACH %37%0%63%29%0%71%1%95%4%4%96%0% PEAK HR FACTOR 0.641 0.708 0.792 0.858 0.943APP/DEPART 41 /10 17 /53 700 /703 882 /874 04:00 PM 2 0 10 1 0 1 3 255 2 13 177 2 466 0 0 0 1 1 4:15 PM 0 0 10 3 0 2 2 250 5 5 169 1 447 0 0 2 1 34:30 PM 4 0 11 1 0 1 2 233 9 7 177 1 446 0 0 0 1 1 4:45 PM 5 0 10 3 0 2 3 251 6 6 182 3 471 0 0 0 0 05:00 PM 2 0 7 1 0 0 4 249 6 8 198 2 477 0 0 0 0 05:15 PM 1 1 11 4 0 6 3 273 7 8 208 1 523 0 0 0 0 0 5:30 PM 3 0 5 0 0 2 0 252 2 9 212 0 485 0 0 0 0 05:45 PM 3 0 7 1 0 3 4 239 7 12 198 1 475 0 0 0 0 0 VOLUMES 20 1 71 14 0 17 21 2,002 44 68 1,521 11 3,790 0 0 2 3 5APPROACH %22%1%77%45%0%55%1%97%2%4%95%1%APP/DEPART 92 /31 31 /109 2,067 /2,090 1,600 /1,560 0 BEGIN PEAK HRVOLUMES 9 1 30 6 0 11 11 1,013 22 37 816 4 1,960 APPROACH %23%3%75%35%0%65%1%97%2%4%95%0%PEAK HR FACTOR 0.769 0.425 0.924 0.969 0.937APP/DEPART 40 /16 17 /59 1,046 /1,049 857 /836 0 Brighton NORTH SIDE Garvey WEST SIDE EAST SIDE Garvey SOUTH SIDE Brighton INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS PREPARED BY: AimTD LLC. tel: 714 253 7888 cs@aimtd.com Rosemead Brighton Garvey U-TURNS Brighton Queue WB PM Brighton Garvey Garvey AM7:45 AM PM5:00 PM Add U-Turns to Left Turns Apx-34 55 35 0 20 TOTAL 46 31 17 0 14 PM 31 24 18 0 6 AM 15 1,495 1,600 3,095 3,051 1,560 1,491 5 11 16 1,441 1,521 2,962 TOTALPMAM49 68 117 31 21 10 AMPMTOTAL3,019 2,002 1,017 76 44 32 1,069 2,090 3,159 3,126 2,067 1,059 76 AM 32 0 41 73 109 PM 20 1 71 92 185 TOTAL 52 1 112 165 34 23 0 11 TOTAL 26 17 11 0 6 PM 16 17 12 0 5 AM 10 882 857 1,739 1,710 836 874 3 4 7 847 816 1,663 TOTALPMAMAM 7:45 AM 8:45 AM 32 37 69 18 11 7 #N/A AMPMTOTAL1,680 1,013 667 PM 5:00 PM 5:45 PM 48 22 26 703 1,049 1,752 1,746 1,046 700 53 AM 15 0 26 41 59 PM 9 1 30 40 112 Total 24 1 56 81 AimTD LLC TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS Brighton GarveyGarveyRosemead SC3570 ALL HOURS Brighton Brighton Brighton GarveyGarveyPEAK HOUR Apx-35 T218 DATE:LOCATION:PROJECT #:SC3570Wed, Aug 24, 22 NORTH & SOUTH:LOCATION #:4EAST & WEST:CONTROL:NO CONTROL NOTES:AM ▲ PM N MD ◄ W E ► OTHER S OTHER ▼ NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL NB SB EB WB TTLLANES:0 X 0 X X X X 1 0 0 1 X 0 0 0 0 7:00 AM 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 07:15 AM 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 7:30 AM 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 07:45 AM 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 8:00 AM 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 08:15 AM 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 08:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 8:45 AM 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 9 1 0 0 0 1VOLUMES5010000001122004810001 APPROACH %33%0%67%0%0%0%0%0%100%100%0%0%APP/DEPART 15 /0 0 /34 11 /10 22 /4 0BEGIN PEAK HR VOLUMES 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 7 13 0 0 27APPROACH %14%0%86%0%0%0%0%0%100%100%0%0% PEAK HR FACTOR 0.438 0.000 0.438 0.650 0.614APP/DEPART 7 /0 0 /20 7 /6 13 /1 04:00 PM 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 11 1 0 0 0 1 4:15 PM 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 04:30 PM 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 4:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 05:00 PM 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 05:15 PM 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5:30 PM 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 05:45 PM 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 VOLUMES 9 0 14 0 0 0 0 2 6 14 0 0 45 1 0 0 0 1APPROACH %39%0%61%0%0%0%0%25%75%100%0%0%APP/DEPART 23 /0 0 /21 8 /16 14 /8 0 BEGIN PEAK HRVOLUMES 5 0 7 0 0 0 0 1 4 9 0 0 26 APPROACH %42%0%58%0%0%0%0%20%80%100%0%0%PEAK HR FACTOR 0.429 0.000 0.625 0.750 0.591APP/DEPART 12 /0 0 /14 5 /8 9 /4 0 Strathmore NORTH SIDE Virginia WEST SIDE EAST SIDE Virginia SOUTH SIDE Strathmore INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS PREPARED BY: AimTD LLC. tel: 714 253 7888 cs@aimtd.com Rosemead Strathmore Virginia U-TURNS Strathmore Strathmore Virginia Virginia AM7:45 AM PM4:00 PM Add U-Turns to Left Turns Apx-36 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 PM 0 0 0 0 0 AM 0 22 14 36 12 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALPMAM22 14 36 0 0 0 AMPMTOTAL2 2 0 17 6 11 10 16 26 19 8 11 34 AM 5 0 10 15 21 PM 9 0 14 23 55 TOTAL 14 0 24 38 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 PM 0 0 0 0 0 AM 0 13 9 22 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALPMAMAM 7:45 AM 8:45 AM 13 9 22 0 0 0 #N/A AMPMTOTAL1 1 0 PM 4:00 PM 5:45 PM 11 4 7 6 8 14 12 5 7 20 AM 1 0 6 7 14 PM 5 0 7 12 34 Total 6 0 13 19 AimTD LLC TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS Strathmore VirginiaVirginiaRosemead SC3570 ALL HOURS Strathmore Strathmore Strathmore VirginiaVirginiaPEAK HOUR Apx-37 T218 DATE:LOCATION:PROJECT #:SC3570Wed, Aug 24, 22 NORTH & SOUTH:LOCATION #:3EAST & WEST:CONTROL:STOP N/S NOTES:AM ▲ PM N MD ◄ W E ► OTHER S OTHER ▼ NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL NB SB EB WB TTLLANES:0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 7:00 AM 6 0 4 0 0 1 1 61 2 3 92 1 171 0 0 0 0 07:15 AM 6 0 6 0 0 1 0 68 2 2 136 1 222 0 0 0 0 0 7:30 AM 13 2 12 0 0 2 0 89 6 0 149 1 274 0 0 0 0 07:45 AM 17 0 7 5 0 2 2 134 5 6 233 2 413 0 0 0 0 0 8:00 AM 11 0 9 2 0 3 1 187 9 2 223 3 450 0 0 0 0 08:15 AM 5 0 5 2 0 3 3 197 7 3 174 0 399 0 0 1 1 28:30 AM 9 0 10 1 0 1 1 157 9 8 199 0 395 0 0 1 1 2 8:45 AM 12 0 6 3 0 2 1 139 3 9 189 1 365 0 0 0 1 1VOLUMES792591301591,032 43 33 1,395 9 2,689 0 0 2 3 5 APPROACH %56%1%42%46%0%54%1%95%4%2%97%1%APP/DEPART 140 /18 28 /73 1,084 /1,107 1,437 /1,491 0BEGIN PEAK HR VOLUMES 42 0 31 10 0 9 7 675 30 19 829 5 1,657APPROACH %58%0%42%53%0%47%1%95%4%2%97%1% PEAK HR FACTOR 0.760 0.679 0.860 0.885 0.921APP/DEPART 73 /10 19 /47 712 /718 853 /882 04:00 PM 1 0 5 1 0 3 3 238 14 10 181 2 458 0 0 1 0 1 4:15 PM 2 0 14 2 0 0 2 253 8 6 180 5 472 0 0 0 3 34:30 PM 0 0 4 2 0 5 1 237 11 4 181 2 447 0 0 1 0 1 4:45 PM 1 0 6 2 0 3 2 250 11 9 189 2 475 0 0 1 0 15:00 PM 4 0 7 2 0 1 0 250 10 6 201 2 483 0 0 0 1 15:15 PM 3 0 2 0 0 2 2 281 9 4 218 2 523 0 0 0 0 0 5:30 PM 5 0 7 0 0 0 2 269 3 7 213 0 506 0 0 0 0 05:45 PM 4 0 7 1 0 1 2 241 8 9 210 1 484 0 0 0 0 0 VOLUMES 20 0 52 10 0 15 14 2,019 74 55 1,573 16 3,848 0 0 3 4 7APPROACH %28%0%72%40%0%60%1%96%4%3%96%1%APP/DEPART 72 /27 25 /125 2,107 /2,085 1,644 /1,611 0 BEGIN PEAK HRVOLUMES 16 0 23 3 0 4 6 1,041 30 26 842 5 1,996 APPROACH %41%0%59%43%0%57%1%97%3%3%96%1%PEAK HR FACTOR 0.813 0.583 0.922 0.974 0.954APP/DEPART 39 /11 7 /55 1,077 /1,068 873 /862 0 Strathmore NORTH SIDE Garvey WEST SIDE EAST SIDE Garvey SOUTH SIDE Strathmore INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS PREPARED BY: AimTD LLC. tel: 714 253 7888 cs@aimtd.com Rosemead Strathmore Garvey U-TURNS Strathmore Strathmore Garvey Garvey AM7:45 AM PM5:00 PM Add U-Turns to Left Turns Apx-38 53 30 0 23 TOTAL 45 25 15 0 10 PM 27 28 15 0 13 AM 18 1,437 1,644 3,081 3,102 1,611 1,491 9 16 25 1,395 1,573 2,968 TOTALPMAM33 55 88 23 14 9 AMPMTOTAL3,051 2,019 1,032 117 74 43 1,107 2,085 3,192 3,191 2,107 1,084 73 AM 79 2 59 140 125 PM 20 0 52 72 198 TOTAL 99 2 111 212 26 13 0 13 TOTAL 21 7 4 0 3 PM 11 19 9 0 10 AM 10 853 873 1,726 1,744 862 882 5 5 10 829 842 1,671 TOTALPMAMAM 7:45 AM 8:45 AM 19 26 45 13 6 7 #N/A AMPMTOTAL1,716 1,041 675 PM 5:00 PM 5:45 PM 60 30 30 718 1,068 1,786 1,789 1,077 712 47 AM 42 0 31 73 55 PM 16 0 23 39 102 Total 58 0 54 112 AimTD LLC TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS Strathmore GarveyGarveyRosemead SC3570 ALL HOURS Strathmore Strathmore Strathmore GarveyGarveyPEAK HOUR Apx-39 T218 DATE:LOCATION:PROJECT #:SC3570Wed, Aug 24, 22 NORTH & SOUTH:LOCATION #:5EAST & WEST:CONTROL:SIGNAL NOTES:AM ▲ PM N MD ◄ W E ► OTHER S OTHER ▼ NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL NB SB EB WB TTLLANES:1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 7:00 AM 23 73 21 6 163 7 19 74 29 24 40 6 485 1 0 0 0 17:15 AM 20 96 18 7 177 24 20 104 29 34 64 6 599 0 0 0 0 0 7:30 AM 37 144 19 5 197 21 30 159 42 48 98 10 810 0 0 0 0 07:45 AM 42 147 43 21 232 41 36 185 56 45 119 16 983 0 0 0 0 0 8:00 AM 41 160 36 16 190 41 26 165 48 49 148 21 941 0 0 0 0 08:15 AM 59 175 39 14 165 40 39 124 34 46 128 13 876 0 0 0 0 08:30 AM 50 178 44 16 158 19 36 172 41 39 110 22 885 0 0 0 0 0 8:45 AM 34 183 46 17 136 18 34 133 45 44 102 14 806 0 0 0 1 1VOLUMES3061,156 266 102 1,418 211 240 1,116 324 329 809 108 6,385 1 0 0 1 2 APPROACH %18%67%15%6%82%12%14%66%19%26%65%9%APP/DEPART 1,728 /1,504 1,731 /2,071 1,680 /1,485 1,246 /1,325 0BEGIN PEAK HR VOLUMES 192 660 162 67 745 141 137 646 179 179 505 72 3,685APPROACH %19%65%16%7%78%15%14%67%19%24%67%10% PEAK HR FACTOR 0.929 0.810 0.868 0.867 0.937APP/DEPART 1,014 /869 953 /1,103 962 /875 756 /838 04:00 PM 54 190 57 24 181 43 46 147 45 55 177 23 1,042 0 1 0 0 1 4:15 PM 61 227 77 22 196 39 41 122 37 59 205 25 1,111 1 0 0 0 14:30 PM 55 253 52 38 184 39 60 145 38 46 187 29 1,126 0 0 0 0 0 4:45 PM 53 236 49 30 226 48 46 135 46 54 200 35 1,158 0 0 0 0 05:00 PM 52 194 38 41 192 50 50 164 19 41 163 24 1,028 0 0 0 0 05:15 PM 52 229 56 27 222 47 51 170 38 52 205 27 1,176 0 0 0 0 0 5:30 PM 56 234 35 35 219 50 47 160 47 49 197 26 1,155 0 0 0 0 05:45 PM 46 243 45 22 225 51 45 147 45 58 200 30 1,157 0 0 0 0 0 VOLUMES 429 1,806 409 239 1,645 367 386 1,190 315 414 1,534 219 8,953 1 1 0 0 2APPROACH %16%68%15%11%73%16%20%63%17%19%71%10%APP/DEPART 2,644 /2,412 2,251 /2,375 1,891 /1,837 2,167 /2,329 0 BEGIN PEAK HRVOLUMES 213 893 178 133 859 195 194 629 150 196 765 112 4,517 APPROACH %17%70%14%11%72%16%20%65%15%18%71%10%PEAK HR FACTOR 0.950 0.976 0.939 0.928 0.960APP/DEPART 1,284 /1,199 1,187 /1,205 973 /940 1,073 /1,173 0 San Gabriel NORTH SIDE Garvey WEST SIDE EAST SIDE Garvey SOUTH SIDE San Gabriel INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS PREPARED BY: AimTD LLC. tel: 714 253 7888 cs@aimtd.com Rosemead San Gabriel Garvey U-TURNS San Gabriel San Gabriel Garvey Garvey AM7:45 AM PM4:45 PM Add U-Turns to Left Turns Apx-40 3,982 578 3,063 341 TOTAL 3,916 2,251 367 1,645 239 PM 2,412 1,731 211 1,418 102 AM 1,504 1,246 2,167 3,413 3,654 2,329 1,325 108 219 327 809 1,534 2,343 TOTALPMAM329 414 743 626 386 240 AMPMTOTAL2,306 1,190 1,116 639 315 324 1,485 1,837 3,322 3,571 1,891 1,680 2,071 AM 306 1,156 266 1,728 2,375 PM 429 1,806 409 2,644 4,446 TOTAL 735 2,962 675 4,372 2,140 336 1,604 200 TOTAL 2,068 1,187 195 859 133 PM 1,199 953 141 745 67 AM 869 756 1,073 1,829 2,011 1,173 838 72 112 184 505 765 1,270 TOTALPMAMAM 7:45 AM 8:45 AM 179 196 375 331 194 137 #N/A AMPMTOTAL1,275 629 646 PM 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 329 150 179 875 940 1,815 1,935 973 962 1,103 AM 192 660 162 1,014 1,205 PM 213 893 178 1,284 2,308 Total 405 1,553 340 2,298 AimTD LLC TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS San Gabriel GarveyGarveyRosemead SC3570 ALL HOURS San Gabriel San Gabriel San Gabriel GarveyGarveyPEAK HOUR Apx-41 APPENDIX D LEVEL OF SERVICE WORKSHEETS Apx-42 EXISTING Apx-43 Intersection Analysis Summary 9/6/2022Report File: G:\...\AME.pdf Scenario 1 Existing AM Peak HourVistro File: G:\...\AME.vistro Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. B-0.693SB ThruICU 1SignalizedSan Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)7 E38.50.291NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)6 A8.70.001NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Virginia St (EW)4 C21.90.023SB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopBrighton St (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)2 B-0.614EB ThruICU 1SignalizedDel Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)1 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 9/6/20221 Scenario 1: 1 Existing AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-44 0.614Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 1: Del Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0035.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00190.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 2155634615157416213840516844584115Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 5414112381444135101421114629Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 2155634615157416213840516844584115Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 2155634615157416213840516844584115Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20222 Scenario 1: 1 Existing AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-45 0.614Intersection V/C BIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings 9/6/20223 Scenario 1: 1 Existing AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-46 0.023Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: 21.9Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 2: Brighton St (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 389834287077130528016Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 1225871772301704Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.9430Peak Hour Factor 384732266677120526015Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 384732266677120526015Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20224 Scenario 1: 1 Existing AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-47 CIntersection LOS 0.73d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AABBApproach LOS 0.330.1014.6614.47d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAAABCCBCCMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0011Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesYesTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20225 Scenario 1: 1 Existing AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-48 0.001Volume to Capacity (v/c): ALevel Of Service: 8.7Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 4: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Virginia St (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 25.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] ThruLeftRightThruRightLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 221112102Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 053020Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.61400.61400.61400.61400.61400.6140Peak Hour Factor 1137161Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 1137161Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20226 Scenario 1: 1 Existing AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-49 AIntersection LOS 5.28d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AAAApproach LOS 6.730.008.41d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] 0.570.570.000.000.500.5095th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAAAMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 000Number of Storage Spaces in Median NoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 000Storage Area [veh] NoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20227 Scenario 1: 1 Existing AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-50 0.291Volume to Capacity (v/c): ELevel Of Service: 38.5Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 6: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001000000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 5900213373381001134046Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 12255818322038011Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.9210Peak Hour Factor 582919306757901031042Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 582919306757901031042Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20228 Scenario 1: 1 Existing AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-51 EIntersection LOS 1.67d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACDApproach LOS 0.200.0916.7530.24d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAAABCCCEEMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0010Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesNoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20229 Scenario 1: 1 Existing AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-52 0.693Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 7: San Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0040.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000100000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00225.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101101101No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 7250517917964613714174567162660192Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 1812645451623435186174116548Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 7250517917964613714174567162660192Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 7250517917964613714174567162660192Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/202210 Scenario 1: 1 Existing AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-53 0.693Intersection V/C BIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings 9/6/202211 Scenario 1: 1 Existing AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-54 Intersection Analysis Summary 9/6/2022Report File: G:\...\PME.pdf Scenario 1 Existing PM Peak HourVistro File: G:\...\PME.vistro Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. C-0.777NB ThruICU 1SignalizedSan Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)7 F62.30.216NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)6 A8.70.005NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Virginia St (EW)4 D27.60.006NB ThruHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopBrighton St (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)2 B-0.685EB ThruICU 1SignalizedDel Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)1 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 9/6/20221 Scenario 1: 1 Existing PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-55 0.685Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 1: Del Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0035.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00190.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 1986245712281015515356723161536150Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 5015614312033938142581513438Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 1986245712281015515356723161536150Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 1986245712281015515356723161536150Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20222 Scenario 1: 1 Existing PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-56 0.685Intersection V/C BIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings 9/6/20223 Scenario 1: 1 Existing PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-57 0.006Volume to Capacity (v/c): DLevel Of Service: 27.6Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 2: Brighton St (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 48713923108112120632110Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 12181062703302802Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.9370Peak Hour Factor 4816372210131111063019Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 4816372210131111063019Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20224 Scenario 1: 1 Existing PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-58 DIntersection LOS 0.74d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACCApproach LOS 0.460.1016.0916.90d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AABAAABDCBDDMovement LOS 0.000.0010.710.000.009.5411.6528.0024.2413.5527.5626.89d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0011Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesYesTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20225 Scenario 1: 1 Existing PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-59 0.005Volume to Capacity (v/c): ALevel Of Service: 8.7Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 4: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Virginia St (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 25.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] ThruLeftRightThruRightLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 21572128Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 042032Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.59100.59100.59100.59100.59100.5910Peak Hour Factor 194175Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 194175Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20226 Scenario 1: 1 Existing PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-60 AIntersection LOS 6.19d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AAAApproach LOS 6.510.008.50d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] 0.380.380.000.000.870.8795th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAAAMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 000Number of Storage Spaces in Median NoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 000Storage Area [veh] NoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20227 Scenario 1: 1 Existing PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-61 0.216Volume to Capacity (v/c): FLevel Of Service: 62.3Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 6: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001000000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 588327311091640324017Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 1221782732101604Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.9540Peak Hour Factor 584226301041640323016Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 584226301041640323016Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20228 Scenario 1: 1 Existing PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-62 FIntersection LOS 0.97d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACEApproach LOS 0.320.0516.6537.92d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AABAAABDCCFFMovement LOS 0.000.0010.800.000.009.5911.4827.5623.5520.9874.7062.27d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0010Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesNoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20229 Scenario 1: 1 Existing PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-63 0.777Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 7: San Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0040.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000100000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00225.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101101101No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 112765196150629194195859133178893213Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 2819149381574949215334522353Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 112765196150629194195859133178893213Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 112765196150629194195859133178893213Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/202210 Scenario 1: 1 Existing PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-64 0.777Intersection V/C CIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings 9/6/202211 Scenario 1: 1 Existing PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-65 OPENING YEAR (2024) WITHOUT PROJECT Apx-66 Intersection Analysis Summary 9/6/2022Report File: G:\...\AMOYWO.pdf Scenario 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak HourVistro File: G:\...\AME.vistro Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. C-0.728SB ThruICU 1SignalizedSan Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)7 F50.80.370NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)6 A8.70.001NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Virginia St (EW)4 C24.60.026SB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopBrighton St (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)2 B-0.655EB ThruICU 1SignalizedDel Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)1 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 9/6/20221 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-67 0.655Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 1: Del Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0035.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00190.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 2426205815762517414642218853602118Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 6115515391564437106471315130Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 2426205815762517414642218853602118Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 244811442961017891Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 2155634615157416213840516844584115Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20222 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-68 0.655Intersection V/C BIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings 9/6/20223 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-69 0.026Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: 24.6Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 2: Brighton St (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 3100135287907130528016Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 1250971982301704Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.9430Peak Hour Factor 394433267457120526015Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 08300670000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 384732266677120526015Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20224 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-70 CIntersection LOS 0.71d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACCApproach LOS 0.320.0915.8715.56d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAABBCCBDCMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0011Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesYesTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20225 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-71 0.001Volume to Capacity (v/c): ALevel Of Service: 8.7Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 4: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Virginia St (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 25.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] ThruLeftRightThruRightLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 221112102Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 053020Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.61400.61400.61400.61400.61400.6140Peak Hour Factor 1137161Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 1137161Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20226 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-72 AIntersection LOS 5.28d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AAAApproach LOS 6.730.008.41d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] 0.570.570.000.000.500.5095th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAAAMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 000Number of Storage Spaces in Median NoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 000Storage Area [veh] NoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20227 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-73 0.370Volume to Capacity (v/c): FLevel Of Service: 50.8Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 6: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001000000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 51004213381881001134047Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 12515820422038012Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.9210Peak Hour Factor 592519307537901031043Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 08300670000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 582919306757901031042Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20228 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-74 FIntersection LOS 1.95d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACEApproach LOS 0.190.0918.4040.24d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAAABCCDFFMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0010Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesNoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20229 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-75 0.728Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 7: San Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0040.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000100000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00225.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101101101No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 10355719518769616917078192173694197Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 2613949471744243195234317449Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 10355719518769616917078192173694197Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 304413540302724248232Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 7250517917964613714174567162660192Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/202210 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-76 0.728Intersection V/C CIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings 9/6/202211 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-77 Intersection Analysis Summary 9/6/2022Report File: G:\...\PMOYWO.pdf Scenario 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak HourVistro File: G:\...\PME.vistro Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. D-0.843NB ThruICU 1SignalizedSan Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)7 F87.90.294NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)6 A8.70.005NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Virginia St (EW)4 D31.80.007NB ThruHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopBrighton St (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)2 C-0.744EB ThruICU 1SignalizedDel Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)1 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 9/6/20221 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-78 0.744Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 1: Del Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0035.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00190.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 2336926912788017116959526674567156Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 5817317322204342149671914239Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 2336926912788017116959526674567156Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 3258113571414193112224Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 1986245712281015515356723161536150Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20222 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-79 0.744Intersection V/C CIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings 9/6/20223 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-80 0.007Volume to Capacity (v/c): DLevel Of Service: 31.8Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 2: Brighton St (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 49934123120512120632110Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 12481063013302802Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.9370Peak Hour Factor 4930382211291111063019Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 0101001000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 4816372210131111063019Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20224 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-81 DIntersection LOS 0.73d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACCApproach LOS 0.440.0917.9018.79d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AABAABBDDBDDMovement LOS 0.000.0011.370.000.0010.0212.3832.4828.0214.6431.7931.16d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0011Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesYesTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20225 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-82 0.005Volume to Capacity (v/c): ALevel Of Service: 8.7Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 4: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Virginia St (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 25.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] ThruLeftRightThruRightLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 21572128Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 042032Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.59100.59100.59100.59100.59100.5910Peak Hour Factor 194175Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 194175Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20226 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-83 AIntersection LOS 6.19d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AAAApproach LOS 6.510.008.50d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] 0.380.380.000.000.870.8795th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAAAMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 000Number of Storage Spaces in Median NoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 000Storage Area [veh] NoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20227 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-84 0.294Volume to Capacity (v/c): FLevel Of Service: 87.9Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 6: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001000000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 5100327311214640324017Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 1251783032101604Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.9540Peak Hour Factor 595726301158640323016Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 0101001000000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 584226301041640323016Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20228 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-85 FIntersection LOS 1.16d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACFApproach LOS 0.300.0518.5153.55d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AABAABBDDDFFMovement LOS 0.000.0011.460.000.0010.0712.1231.7227.0329.67107.8287.88d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0010Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesNoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20229 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-86 0.843Volume to Capacity (v/c): DLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 7: San Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0040.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000100000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00225.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101101101No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 150832209155685244244913167190952220Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 3820852391716161228424823855Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 150832209155685244244913167190952220Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 365510346474640329454Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 112765196150629194195859133178893213Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/202210 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-87 0.843Intersection V/C DIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings 9/6/202211 Scenario 2: 2 Opening Year (2024) Without Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-88 OPENING YEAR (2024) WITH PROJECT Apx-89 Intersection Analysis Summary 9/6/2022Report File: G:\...\AMOYW.pdf Scenario 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak HourVistro File: G:\...\AME.vistro Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. C-0.733SB ThruICU 1SignalizedSan Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)7 F57.00.404NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)6 A8.50.017EB RightHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Project Dwy (EW)5 A8.80.012NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Virginia St (EW)4 0.0HCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopProject Dwy (NS) at Virginia St (EW)3 D25.10.027SB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopBrighton St (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)2 B-0.661EB RightICU 1SignalizedDel Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)1 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 9/6/20221 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-90 0.661Volume to Capacity (v/c): BLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 1: Del Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0035.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00190.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 2486256115763017414642219456602118Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 6215615391584437106491415130Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 2486256115763017414642219456602118Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 3053144479610231191Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 2155634615157416213840516844584115Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20222 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-91 0.661Intersection V/C BIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings 9/6/20223 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-92 0.027Volume to Capacity (v/c): DLevel Of Service: 25.1Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 2: Brighton St (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 31014352880310150528016Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 1253972012401704Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.94300.9430Peak Hour Factor 395633267579140526015Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 09500792200000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 384732266677120526015Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20224 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-93 DIntersection LOS 0.73d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACCApproach LOS 0.320.1115.6815.80d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAABBDDBDCMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0011Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesYesTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20225 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-94 Level Of Service: 0.0Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 3: Project Dwy (NS) at Virginia St (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoYesCrosswalk [%] 25.0030.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] ThruLeftRightThruRightLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 01200120Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 030030Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00000.95001.00001.00000.95001.0000Peak Hour Factor 01100110Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 01100110Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.01611.00001.00001.01611.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 000000Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20226 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-95 Intersection LOS 0.00d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] ---Approach LOS, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] Movement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 000Number of Storage Spaces in Median NoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 000Storage Area [veh] Flared Lane FreeFreeStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20227 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-96 0.012Volume to Capacity (v/c): ALevel Of Service: 8.8Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 4: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Virginia St (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 25.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] ThruLeftRightThruRightLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 2212921020Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 057025Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.61400.61400.61400.61400.61400.6140Peak Hour Factor 113181612Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 00110011Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 1137161Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20228 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-97 AIntersection LOS 4.91d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AAAApproach LOS 6.750.008.67d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] 0.570.570.000.001.371.3795th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAAAMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 000Number of Storage Spaces in Median NoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 000Storage Area [veh] NoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20229 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-98 0.017Volume to Capacity (v/c): ALevel Of Service: 8.5Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 5: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Project Dwy (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 25.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightLeftRightThruThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration EastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 1900322419Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 500865Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.95000.95000.95000.95000.95000.9500Peak Hour Factor 1800302318Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 1800111118Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 00019120Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/202210 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-99 AIntersection LOS 3.20d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AAAApproach LOS 8.510.003.20d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] 1.321.320.000.000.760.7695th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAAAMovement LOS 8.519., Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 000Number of Storage Spaces in Median NoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 000Storage Area [veh] NoFlared Lane StopFreeFreePriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/202211 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-100 0.404Volume to Capacity (v/c): FLevel Of Service: 57.0Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 6: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001000000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 2410042133818212302934047Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 62515820456078012Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.9210Peak Hour Factor 229251930753192102731043Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 178300671212017000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 582919306757901031042Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/202212 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-101 FIntersection LOS 2.51d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACEApproach LOS 0.190.2421.1445.28d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAABBDDDFFMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0010Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesNoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/202213 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-102 0.733Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 7: San Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0040.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000100000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00225.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101101101No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 10356319519270217517678192173694202Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 2614149481764444195234317451Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 10356319519270217517678192173694202Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 3050131046363324248237Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 7250517917964613714174567162660192Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/202214 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-103 0.733Intersection V/C CIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings 9/6/202215 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-104 Intersection Analysis Summary 9/6/2022Report File: G:\...\PMOYW.pdf Scenario 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak HourVistro File: G:\...\PME.vistro Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. D-0.852NB ThruICU 1SignalizedSan Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)7 F100.20.329NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)6 A8.50.022EB RightHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Project Dwy (EW)5 A8.80.017NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Virginia St (EW)4 0.0HCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopProject Dwy (NS) at Virginia St (EW)3 D32.60.007NB ThruHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopBrighton St (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)2 C-0.753EB ThruICU 1SignalizedDel Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)1 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 9/6/20221 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-105 0.753Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 1: Del Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0035.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00190.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 2416987312788517116959527378567156Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 6017518322214342149682014239Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 2416987312788517116959527378567156Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 4064153621414193816224Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 1986245712281015515356723161536150Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20222 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-106 0.753Intersection V/C CIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings 9/6/20223 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-107 0.007Volume to Capacity (v/c): DLevel Of Service: 32.6Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 2: Brighton St (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 410104123122014140632110Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 12521063053302802Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.93700.9370Peak Hour Factor 4946382211431313063019Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 0117001142200000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 4816372210131111063019Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20224 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-108 DIntersection LOS 0.75d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACCApproach LOS 0.440.1117.6119.12d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AABAABBDDBDDMovement LOS 0.000.0011.460.000.0010.1012.5033.2828.6714.8132.5831.99d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0011Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesYesTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20225 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-109 Level Of Service: 0.0Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 3: Project Dwy (NS) at Virginia St (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoYesCrosswalk [%] 25.0030.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] ThruLeftRightThruRightLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 01300150Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 030040Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00000.95001.00001.00000.95001.0000Peak Hour Factor 01200140Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 01200140Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.01611.00001.00001.01611.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 000000Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20226 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-110 Intersection LOS 0.00d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] ---Approach LOS, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] Movement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 000Number of Storage Spaces in Median NoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 000Storage Area [veh] Flared Lane FreeFreeStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20227 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-111 0.017Volume to Capacity (v/c): ALevel Of Service: 8.8Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 4: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Virginia St (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 25.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] ThruLeftRightThruRightLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 2153021229Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 048037Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.59100.59100.59100.59100.59100.5910Peak Hour Factor 19181717Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 00140012Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 194175Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20228 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-112 AIntersection LOS 5.16d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AAAApproach LOS 6.540.008.67d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] 0.380.380.000.001.831.8395th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAAAMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 000Number of Storage Spaces in Median NoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 000Storage Area [veh] NoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20229 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-113 0.022Volume to Capacity (v/c): ALevel Of Service: 8.5Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 5: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Project Dwy (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesNoNoCrosswalk [%] 25.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightLeftRightThruThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration EastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 2400222422Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 600666Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.95000.95000.95000.95000.95000.9500Peak Hour Factor 2300212321Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 2300141221Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 0007110Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/202210 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-114 AIntersection LOS 3.95d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AAAApproach LOS 8.480.003.47d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] 1.671.670.000.000.890.8995th-Percentile Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAAAMovement LOS 8.489., Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 000Number of Storage Spaces in Median NoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 000Storage Area [veh] NoFlared Lane StopFreeFreePriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/202211 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-115 0.329Volume to Capacity (v/c): FLevel Of Service: 100.2Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 6: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001000000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 25100327311214212102524017Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 6251783035506604Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.9540Peak Hour Factor 2495726301158202002423016Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 19101001001416021000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 584226301041640323016Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/202212 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-116 FIntersection LOS 1.72d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACFApproach LOS 0.300.1724.0861.30d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AABAABCEDDFFMovement LOS 0.000.0011.460.000.0010.1715.4836.3831.2534.21121.48100.24d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0010Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesNoTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/202213 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-117 0.852Volume to Capacity (v/c): DLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 7: San Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0040.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000100000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00225.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101101101No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 150839209161692252251913167190952225Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 3821052401736363228424823856Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 150839209161692252251913167190952225Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 366210953555340329459Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 112765196150629194195859133178893213Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/202214 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-118 0.852Intersection V/C DIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings 9/6/202215 Scenario 3: 3 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-119 Intersection Analysis Summary 9/6/2022Report File: G:\...\AMOYWI.pdf Scenario 4 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour - With ImprovementsVistro File: G:\...\AME.vistro Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. D26.20.138SB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)6 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 9/6/20221 Scenario 4: 4 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour - With Improvements Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-120 0.138Volume to Capacity (v/c): DLevel Of Service: 26.2Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 6: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 2410042133818212302934047Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 62515820456078012Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.92100.9210Peak Hour Factor 229251930753192102731043Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 178300671212017000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 582919306757901031042Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20222 Scenario 4: 4 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour - With Improvements Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-121 DIntersection LOS 1.54d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACCApproach LOS 0.190.2421.0920.54d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AAAAABBDDBDCMovement LOS, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0011Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesYesTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20223 Scenario 4: 4 Opening Year (2024) With Project AM Peak Hour - With Improvements Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-122 Intersection Analysis Summary 9/6/2022Report File: G:\...\PMOYWI.pdf Scenario 4 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour - With ImprovementsVistro File: G:\...\PME.vistro Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. D34.20.116NB LeftHCM 7th EditionTwo-way stopStrathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)6 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID 9/6/20221 Scenario 4: 4 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour - With Improvements Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-123 0.116Volume to Capacity (v/c): DLevel Of Service: 34.2Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: HCM 7th EditionAnalysis Method: Two-way stopControl Type: Intersection 6: Strathmore Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report NoNoYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0025.0025.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000000No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 25100327311214212102524017Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 6251783035506604Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 0.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.95400.9540Peak Hour Factor 2495726301158202002423016Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 19101001001416021000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.01611.0161Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 584226301041640323016Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes 9/6/20222 Scenario 4: 4 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour - With Improvements Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-124 DIntersection LOS 1.08d_I, Intersection Delay [s/veh] AACCApproach LOS 0.300.1723.9523.53d_A, Approach Delay [s/veh] Queue Length [ft/ln] Queue Length [veh/ln] AABAABCEDCDDMovement LOS 0.000.0011.460.000.0010.3015.4336.0231.0516.1334.6234.17d_M, Delay for Movement [s/veh], Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results 0011Number of Storage Spaces in Median YesYesTwo-Stage Gap Acceptance 0000Storage Area [veh] NoNoFlared Lane FreeFreeStopStopPriority Scheme Intersection Settings 9/6/20223 Scenario 4: 4 Opening Year (2024) With Project PM Peak Hour - With Improvements Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-125 APPENDIX E TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT GRAPHS Apx-126 Based on California MUTCD, 2014 Edition (FHWA's MUTCD 2009 Edition, as amended for use in California) Major Street:Volume:1768 Minor Street:Volume:74 *Note: 150 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor street approach with two or more lanes and 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor street approach with one lane. Opening Year With Project AM Peak Hour Figure F-1 Strathmore Ave (NS) / Garvey Ave (EW) - #4 Garvey Ave Strathmore Ave Minor Street Higher- Volume Approach (VPH) Major Street - Total of Both Approaches (VPH) Warrant 3, Peak Hour Vehicular Volume (100% Factor) Traffic Signal Warrant Is NOT Satisfied 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 150* 100* 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Apx-127 Based on California MUTCD, 2014 Edition (FHWA's MUTCD 2009 Edition, as amended for use in California) Major Street:Volume:2215 Minor Street:Volume:44 *Note: 150 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor street approach with two or more lanes and 100 vph applies as the lower threshold volume for a minor street approach with one lane. Traffic Signal Warrant Is NOT Satisfied Minor Street Higher- Volume Approach (VPH) Major Street - Total of Both Approaches (VPH) AM Peak Hour Garvey Ave Strathmore Ave Warrant 3, Peak Hour Vehicular Volume (100% Factor) Figure F-2 Strathmore Ave (NS) / Garvey Ave (EW) - #4 Opening Year With Project 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 150* 100* 2 or more lanes & 2 or more lanes 2 or more lanes & 1 lane 1 lane & 1 lane Apx-128 APPENDIX F SGVCOG VMT EVALUATION TOOL Apx-129 SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool Report Page 1 Project Details Timestamp of Analysis: July 11, 2022, 11:15:49 AM Project Name: Strathmore and Garvey Mized Use PRoject Project Description: Seven-Story Mixed-Use Development Project Location jurisdiction: Rosemead Inside a TPA? No (Fail) apn TAZ 5287-038-018 22165100 5287-038-019 22165100 5287-038-020 22165100 5287-038-029 22165100 5287-038-030 22165100 5287-038-031 22165100 5287-038-033 22165100 Analysis Details Data Version: SCAG Regional Travel Demand Model 2016 RTP Base Year 2012 Analysis Methodology: TAZ Baseline Year: 2022 Project Land Use Residential: Single Family DU: 26 Multifamily DU: Total DUs: 26 Non-Residential: OKce bSF: 12 Local Serving Retail bSF: 6 Industrial bSF: Residential Affordawility (percent of all units): Extremely Lo% Income: 0 k Very Lo% Income: 0 k Lo% Income: 0 k ParWing: Motor Vehicle ParWing: Bicycle ParWing: Apx-130 SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool Report Page 2 Residential Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Results Land Use Type 1: Residential VMT .ithout Project 1: Total VMT per Service Population VMT Baseline Description 1: SGVCOG Average VMT Baseline Value 1: 34/9 VMT Threshold Description 1: -15k Land Use 1 has ween Pre-Screened wy the Local Jurisdiction: N&A .ithout Project .ith Project F Tier 1-3 VMT Reductions .ith Project F All VMT Reductions Project Generated Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Rate 25/1 25/1 25/1 Lo% VMT Screening Analysis Yes (Pass) Yes (Pass) Yes (Pass) Apx-131 SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool Report Page 3 OKce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Results Land Use Type 2: OKce VMT .ithout Project 2: Total VMT per Service Population VMT Baseline Description 2: SGVCOG Average VMT Baseline Value 2: 34/9 VMT Threshold Description 2: -15k Land Use 2 has ween Pre-Screened wy the Local Jurisdiction: N&A .ithout Project .ith Project F Tier 1-3 VMT Reductions .ith Project F All VMT Reductions Project Generated Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Rate 25/1 25/1 25/1 Lo% VMT Screening Analysis Yes (Pass) Yes (Pass) Yes (Pass) Apx-132 SGVCOG VMT Evaluation Tool Report Page 4 Commercial Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Results Land Use Type 3: Commercial VMT .ithout Project 3: Total VMT per Service Population VMT Baseline Description 3: SGVCOG Average VMT Baseline Value 3: 34/9 VMT Threshold Description 3: -15k Land Use 3 has ween Pre-Screened wy the Local Jurisdiction: N&A .ithout Project .ith Project F Tier 1-3 VMT Reductions .ith Project F All VMT Reductions Project Generated Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Rate 25/1 25/1 25/1 Lo% VMT Screening Analysis Yes (Pass) Yes (Pass) Yes (Pass) Apx-133 APPENDIX G LEVEL OF SERVICE WORKSHEETS FOR SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT ANALYSIS Apx-134 Intersection Analysis Summary 9/11/2022Report File: Z:\...\SPAP AM.pdf Scenario 3 Year 2035 With Project - AMVistro File: Z:\...\SPA.vistro Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. F-1.161WB ThruICU 1SignalizedSan Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)207 D-0.845EB ThruICU 1SignalizedKelburn Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)206 F-1.061WB ThruICU 1SignalizedDel Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)205 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID Scenario 3: 3 Year 2035 With Project - AM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-135 1.061Volume to Capacity (v/c): FLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 205: Del Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0035.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00190.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 44414921591601360166191545381159533161Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 11137340403404248136954013340Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 44414921591601360166191545381159533161Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 653050006300Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 43814871561601355166191545375156533161Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes Scenario 3: 3 Year 2035 With Project - AM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-136 1.061Intersection V/C FIntersection LOS 0.400.400.100.320.320., Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings Scenario 3: 3 Year 2035 With Project - AM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-137 0.845Volume to Capacity (v/c): DLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 206: Kelburn Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 30.0030.0030.0030.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100100000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000100No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 66190119514218336953155117119220Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 174754936458171341343555Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 66190119514218336953155117119220Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 01700170000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 66188419514218166953155117119220Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes Scenario 3: 3 Year 2035 With Project - AM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-138 0.845Intersection V/C DIntersection LOS 0.410.410.120.410.410., Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results ------------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 080040060020Signal Group PermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings Scenario 3: 3 Year 2035 With Project - AM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-139 1.161Volume to Capacity (v/c): FLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 207: San Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0040.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00225.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101101101No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 37314862702681308494446923285202697247Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 933726867327124112231715117462Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 37314862702681308494446923285202697247Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 060566600005Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 37314802702631302488440923285202697242Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes Scenario 3: 3 Year 2035 With Project - AM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-140 1.161Intersection V/C FIntersection LOS 0.230.310., Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings Scenario 3: 3 Year 2035 With Project - AM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-141 Intersection Analysis Summary 9/11/2022Report File: Z:\...\SPAP PM.pdf Scenario 4 Year 2035 With Project - PMVistro File: Z:\...\SPA.vistro Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project V/C, Delay, LOS: For two-way stop, these values are taken from the movement with the worst (highest) delay value. For all other control types, they are taken for the whole intersection. F-1.079NB ThruICU 1SignalizedSan Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)207 C-0.720EB ThruICU 1SignalizedKelburn Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)206 E-0.946WB ThruICU 1SignalizedDel Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW)205 LOSDelay (s/veh)V/CWorst MvmtMethodControl TypeIntersection NameID Scenario 4: 4 Year 2035 With Project - PM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-142 0.946Volume to Capacity (v/c): ELevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 205: Del Mar Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0035.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00190.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101001001No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 28512061181371313169184483356117547193Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 7130230343284246121892913748Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 28512061181371313169184483356117547193Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 864050007400Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 27712001141371308169184483349113547193Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes Scenario 4: 4 Year 2035 With Project - PM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-143 0.946Intersection V/C EIntersection LOS 0.310.310.070.300.300., Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings Scenario 4: 4 Year 2035 With Project - PM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-144 0.720Volume to Capacity (v/c): CLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 206: Kelburn Ave (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 30.0030.0030.0030.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 100100000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 001001000100No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 42155512011817714539113811312155Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 113893030443111031028339Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 42155512011817714539113811312155Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 01900210000000Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 42153612011817504539113811312155Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes Scenario 4: 4 Year 2035 With Project - PM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-145 0.720Intersection V/C CIntersection LOS 0.330.330.080.390.390., Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results ------------Lead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 080040060020Signal Group PermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissPermissControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings Scenario 4: 4 Year 2035 With Project - PM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-146 1.079Volume to Capacity (v/c): FLevel Of Service: -Delay (sec / veh): 1 hourAnalysis Period: ICU 1Analysis Method: SignalizedControl Type: Intersection 207: San Gabriel Blvd (NS) at Garvey Ave (EW) Intersection Level Of Service Report YesYesYesYesCrosswalk [%] 35.0035.0040.0035.00Speed [mph] Pocket Length [ft] 000000000000No. of Lanes in Exit Pocket 100.00100.00150.00100.00100.00200.00100.00100.00225.00100.00100.00100.00Entry Pocket Length [ft] 101101101101No. of Lanes in Entry Pocket 12.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.0012.00Lane Width [ft] RightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftRightThruLeftTurning Movement Lane Configuration WestboundEastboundSouthboundNorthboundApproach Name Intersection Setup 0000Bicycle Volume [bicycles/h] 0000Pedestrian Volume [ped/h] 29911192292361178437374951263208986251Total Analysis Volume [veh/h] 75280575929510994238665224763Total 15-Minute Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Other Adjustment Factor 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Peak Hour Factor 29911192292361178437374951263208986251Total Hourly Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Other Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Existing Site Adjustment Volume [veh/h] 000000000000Pass-by Trips [veh/h] 000000000000Diverted Trips [veh/h] 070678700005Site-Generated Trips [veh/h] 000000000000In-Process Volume [veh/h] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Growth Factor Vehicles Percentage [%] 1.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.00001.0000Base Volume Adjustment Factor 29911122292301171429367951263208986246Base Volume Input [veh/h] Name Volumes Scenario 4: 4 Year 2035 With Project - PM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-147 1.079Intersection V/C FIntersection LOS, Movement V/C Ratio Movement, Approach, & Intersection Results --Lead--Lead--Lead--LeadLead / Lag Auxiliary Signal Groups 061025047083Signal Group PermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtectePermissPermissProtecteControl Type Phasing & Timing 10.00Lost time [s] 100Cycle Length [s] Intersection Settings Scenario 4: 4 Year 2035 With Project - PM Strathmore and Garvey Mixed Use Project Version 2022 (SP 0-4) Generated with Apx-148 GANDDINI GROUP INC. 714.795.3100 | ganddini.com