HSC - Item 4C - Attachment B - SGVCOG Regional Programs ParticipationSGVCOG Regional Programs Participation As part of the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Measure H Implementation Process, the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) is preparing for the continuation of regional services through contracts with the Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse (L.A. CADA) for the following programs: 1) Services to Supplement Existing Services, and 2) High-Acuity and Substance Use Disordered Services. Broadly speaking, the two contracts provide the following resources: • Services to Supplement Existing Services: Includes multi-disciplinary teams - including housing navigators, case managers, outreach workers, and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) - that conduct general, proactive outreach in communities. • High-Acuity and Substance Use Disorder (SUD)-Focused Program: Includes 2-person teams, made up of an outreach specialist and an EMT, that are supported by housing navigation and a licensed clinical social worker to provide more specialized outreach and engagement with those clients that have the greatest barriers to being housed. Cities can participate at one of two tiers, which have different requirements and different levels of service: Tier 1 • Requires cities to participate in monthly case conferencing with LA CADA (no more than 2 unexcused absences), provide a contact for LA CADA team communication, and respond to requests from LA CADA and SGVCOG • Tier 1 cities will receive 1 day of service from the Supplemental Team Tier 2 • Requires cities to participate in monthly case conferencing with LA CADA (no more than 2 unexcused absences), provide a contact for LA CADA team communication, and respond to requests from LA CADA and SGVCOG • Requires cities to commit to helping secure beds/housing for 10% of 2022 point-in-time (PIT) count or 10 people, whichever is greater • Tier 2 cities will receive up to 2 days of service from the Supplemental Team and can participate in the High-Acuity and SUD-Focused Program. All cities must submit this form, including the signed letter of intent to participation from their city manager to be included in the SGVCOG's LA CADA contract. All forms must be submitted no later than Thursday, April 13, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. City Contact Name Contact Email Contact Phone Number The City understands the requirements for participation in tiers 1 and 2 of the regional services and intends to participate in the following tier: ☐ Tier 1 ☐ Tier 2 Please attach letter that affirms the City's commitment to participating at the tier listed above.