HSC - Item 4D - Attachment B - Supplemental Homeless Outreach ReportFirst time 91.7% Follow up 8.3% S UP PL E M EN T A L H O MEL E S S O UTRE ACH SEP T E M B E R R E POR T R O S E M E A D GARVEY PARK According to our data collected on 9/19/2022 to 9/30/2022, We engaged 12 individuals of which 11 were a first-time encounter and 1 follow up. S T AT S O V E R T H E P A S T MON TH Team conducted a CES assessment with an individual. H I G H LI GH T Build rapport with local homeless population. Encourage individuals to accept services/treatment. F U T U RE G O AL S Locations with the highest amount of encounters this week: HELLMAN AVE First time 63.2% Follow up 36.8% S UP PL E M EN T A L H O MEL E S S O UTRE ACH O CTOBER R E PORT R O S E M E A D GARVEY PARK According to our data collected on 10/1/2022 to 10/31/2022, We engaged 19 individuals of which 12 were a first-time encounter and 7 follow up. S T AT S O V E R T H E P A S T MON TH Team linked an individual to a temporary housing for a week in East Los Angeles. Team conducted six CES assessments. Team transported individual to DMV to obtain California ID. H I G H LI GH T Build rapport with local homeless population. Encourage individuals to accept services/treatment. F U T U RE G O AL S Locations with the highest amount of encounters this week: HELLMAN AVE CITY HALL SU PP LEME NTAL SERV I CES N O V E MB ER R E PORT R O S E M E A D ROSEMEAD CITY HALL According to our data collected on 11/1/2022 to 11/30/2022, We engaged 16 individuals of which 6 were first-time encounters and 10 follow ups. S T A T S O V E R TH E P AST M O N T H Team linked and transported an individual to interim housing at Los Angeles Inn & Suites motel in Inglewood. Team linked and transported individual to permanent collaborative housing at Jen's House. H I G H LI GH T Build rapport with local homeless population and connect them with resources. Encourage individuals to accept services/treatment. F U T U R E G O AL S Locations with the highest amount of encounters this month: GARVEY PARK ROSEMEAD TRACKS SU PP LEME NTAL SERV I CES D E CEM BE R REP O R T R O S E M E A D ROSEMEAD RIVER According to our data collected on 12/1/2022 to 12/31/2022, We engaged 14 individuals of which 10 were first-time encounters and 4 follow ups. S T A T S O V E R TH E P AST M O N T H Team linked and transported an individual to detox at Tarzana's Treatment Center. Team linked an individual to permanent housing through family reunification. H I G H LI GH T Build rapport with local homeless population and connect them with resources. Encourage individuals to accept services/treatment. F U T U R E G O AL S Locations with the highest amount of encounters this month: GARVEY PARK NORWOOD & DELTA SU PP LEME NTAL SERV I CES J A N U A R Y RE P O R T R O S E M E A D ROSEMEAD BLVD According to our data collected on 1/1/2023 to 1/31/2023, We engaged 8 individuals of which 7 were first-time encounters and 1 follow up. S T A T S O V E R TH E P AST M O N T H Team linked an individual to permanent housing at Nina's House. Team linked two individuals to permanent housing at Sherri's House. Team linked an individual to interim housing at Beacon Light Mission shelter. H I G H LI GH T Focus outreach efforts with individuals that are proactively working towards their housing plans. Continue to prioritize HMIS enrollment and data entry. F U T U R E G O AL S Locations with the highest amount of encounters this month: ROSEMEAD CITY HALL SAN GABRIEL BLVD SU PP LEME NTAL SERV I CES F E B R UAR Y R E P O R T R O S E M E A D ROSEMEAD BLVD According to our data collected on 2/1/2023 to 2/28/2023, We engaged 5 individuals of which 3 were first-time encounters and 2 follow ups. S T A T S O V E R TH E P AST M O N T H Team completed a phone intake to SUD treatment at Lake Hughes Treatment Center. Team created a HMIS profile and enrolled individual to the Problem Solving for Individuals Program. H I G H LI GH T Focus outreach efforts with individuals that are proactively working towards their housing plans. Continue to prioritize HMIS enrollment and data entry. F U T U R E G O AL S Locations with the highest amount of encounters this month: 9107 GARVEY AVE NEAR SANTA ANITA TRACKS SU PP LEME NTAL SERV I CES M A R C H R EPORT R O S E M E A D VALLEY BLVD According to our data collected on 3/1/2023 to 3/31/2023, We engaged 5 individuals of which 3 were first-time encounters and 2 follow ups. S T A T S O V E R TH E P AST M O N T H Team linked an individual to interim housing at Dolores Mission Shelter. Team linked an individual to interim housing at L.A. CADA (Casa de Corazon). Team linked an individual to permanent housing at Sherri's House. H I G H LI GH T Focus outreach efforts with individuals that are proactively working towards their housing plans. Continue to prioritize HMIS enrollment and data entry. F U T U R E G O AL S Locations with the highest amount of encounters this month: GARVEY PARK PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER