HSC - Item 3A - Attachment F Contact: Daniel Conway September 12, 2022 daniel@conwaystrategies.com LA Alliance for Human Rights statement regarding comprehensive settlement with the City and County of Los Angeles “Today’s historic announcement of a settlement with the County of Los Angeles is the culmination of a three-year effort to holistically address Los Angeles’s homelessness crisis. Today’s agreement – combined with the settlement reached with the City of Los Angeles in April – will result in the production of 13,000 new shelter beds with full organizational and service support by the County, a commitment by the County to provide access to beds for high-acuity persons experiencing homelessness (often people experiencing mental illness and/or substance use disorders), 300 additional licensed beds for mental health and substance use treatment, doubling mental health outreach teams in the City, and ongoing coordination between the City and the County overseen by Federal Judge David Carter. When the LA Alliance filed this lawsuit in March of 2020, we had three goals that we were looking to achieve: shelter beds available at scale, increased mental health and social services to aide those in need, and safe and accessible streets and parks for all Angelenos. With these settlements in place, the City and County are now committed to a legally binding framework for achieving each of those goals. This is a tremendous win for the people of Los Angeles that will have a lasting impact throughout the city. For years, the City, the County, and LAHSA have worked to address the human tragedy that unfolds on the streets of LA every day, but despite their efforts, the situation has continued to deteriorate to the detriment of unhoused and housed Angelenos alike. The City, the County, and the LA Alliance have come together because we are no longer willing to accept the unacceptable. This agreement is a starting point, not an end point. Today’s announcement shows that City and County leaders are ready to do more and are in it for the long haul. We expect that today will mark the beginning of a new era of collaboration, creativity, and commitment to address the humanitarian crisis that has engulfed Los Angeles.”