CC - Item 4B - Minutes of September 29, 2021MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 5:30 p.m., in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Dang (arrived late), Council Members Armenta (arrived late), Clark, and Ly ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney Richman and City Clerk Hernandez 1. CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS — Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: AGENCY DESIGNATED ORGANIZATION: City Manager Molleda and Acting Finance Director Chamberlain; and Katy Suttorp from Burke, Williams and Sorensen, LLP EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION: Rosemead Employee Association B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL–ANTICIPATION OF LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (d)(2) Number of Cases: 1 City Attorney Richman stated the City Council would go into Closed Session to discuss two items and would report on any action taken. Mayor Low recessed to Closed Session at 5:31 p.m. and reconvened back at 7:00 p.m. City Attorney Richman reported the City Council only addressed one item in Closed Session and would return to Closed Session at the end of the meeting. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Tania Castaneda, Municipal Manager with Republic upcoming free compost, bulky item drop-off, and Community Center on October 16, 2021. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 1 of 17 Services, announced an e -waste event at Garvey AGENDA ITEM 4.11 3. PRESENTATION A. Recognition of Deputy Edward Chen for His Community Service as a Reserve Deputy with the Los Angeles Sheriff Temple Station Chief of Police, Lieutenant Hernandez, thanked Reserve Deputy Ed Chen. He then read the unit commander's commendation from Los Angeles County Sheriff, Lieutenant George Meza. Mayor Low thanked Deputy Chen for his bravery and service to the Rosemead community. Council Member Ly spoke of his friendship with Deputy Chen and thanked him for his service to the Sheriff s Department as a Reserve Deputy. Council Member Armenta stated she was able to attend Deputy Chen's "Deputy Reserve of the Year award" ceremony. She commended his civic service and commitment to public safety. Council Member Clark thanked Deputy Chen for taking risks and watching over the streets of Rosemead. Mayor Pro Tem Dang commended Deputy Chen for his work and commitment to his role as a Reserve Deputy. The City Council presented Deputy Chen with a certificate of recognition. Deputy Chen thanked the City Council for the recognition and support of law enforcement and the Rosemead Special Assignment Team. B. Recognition of the Los Angeles Sheriff Temple Station, Rosemead Team on their Award of Distinction from the California's Peace Officers Association 2021 Awards Chief of Police, Lieutenant Hernandez recognized the Rosemead Special Assignment Team's dedication to the community. The Peace Office Association recognized the Special Assignment Team with an Award of Distinction. Trustee Diane Benitez, President of the Rosemead School District Board, thanked the Rosemead Special Assignment Team for their hard work and for receiving the Award of Distinction. The City Council thanked the Temple Sheriff Station Special Assignment Team, for receiving the Award of Distinction at the Peace Office Association. Council Member Clark thanked the deputies for their ongoing hard work. Council Member Armenta appreciated their commitment to public safety. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 2of17 Mayor Pro Tem Dang reiterated and thanked the deputies for their hard work and for receiving an award. Council Member Ly thanked the deputies for their hard work and commitment to public safety. Mayor Low agreed with the rest of the City Council and thanked the deputies for their commitment and hard work. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Member Armenta requested to pull item D of the consent calendar for discussion. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dang to approve the Consent Calendar, with the exception of item D. The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, and Ly NOES: None. A. AIPAC's 2021 Hispanic Leadership Retreat, September 26-28, 2021 — Washington, D.C. Council Member Sandra Armenta was invited and scheduled to participate in AIPAC's 2021 Hispanic Leadership Retreat in Washington, D.C. The invitation was received after the September 7, 2021, special City Council meeting. She is attending the retreat in Washington, D.C., from September 26 through 28, 2021. The City's Travel Policy# 20-02 states that approval is required for out-of-state travel, except for an adjacent state. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the attendance, at City expense, of Council Member Sandra Armenta to AIPAC's 2021 Hispanic Leadership Retreat on September 26-28, 2021, in Washington, D.C. B. Modification to Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) Policies and Procedures Manuals The City of Rosemead funds various economic development and housing programs with federal Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") and Home Investment Partnership Program ("HOME") entitlement funds. In April 2019 and July 2019, the City Council approved the CDBG Policies and Procedures Manual ("CDBG Manual") and HOME Policies and Procedures Manual ("HOME Manual"), respectively. Contained within the CDBG and HOME Manuals are the guidelines governing the City's programs, including affordable housing. The proposed modification to the CDBG and HOME Manuals is to establish two new Homeownership Assistance Programs using CDBG and HOME funds by Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 3 of 17 incorporating flexible City financing options that best meet the need of the qualifying affordable homebuyer(s). The financing options include providing down payment assistance, closing cost assistance, writing down the first mortgage principal and/or interest rate. The type and level of assistance are determined on a case-by-case basis which financing method is most appropriate to assist the qualifying affordable families. The modification to the Manuals would also update to reflect administration of the CDBG and HOME programs by the City's Housing Division. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the modifications to the CDBG and HOME Program Policies and Procedures Manuals subject to the approval of the Substantial Amendment adding the programs to the City's 2021-2022 One Year Action Plan which was considered at a public hearing on September 28, 2021. C. City Council Designation and Appointment of Interim Community Development Director as a Retired Annuitant Position The City has opened the recruitment for a pennanent Community Development Director due to the resignation of the previous director. In order to ensure the continuity of operations during this vacancy, staff is recommending the City Council adopt a resolution to appoint Mr. Mark Persico as a Retired Annuitant to the position of Community Development Director as authorized per California Government Code Sections 7522.56 and 21221(h). Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Approve the position of Interim Community Development Director and authorize the position as a Retired Annuitant Position per California Government Code Sections 7522.56 and 21221(h); 2. Approve the appointment and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement on behalf of the City with Mark Persico as the Interim Community Development Director; and 3. Adopt Resolution No. 2021-43 authorizing the appointment of a retired annuitant to the position of Interim Community Development Director. CONSENT ITEMS PULLED FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION D. Walnut Grove Avenue Resurfacing Project Phase I From Marshall Street to Northerly City Limit - Project No. 21028 — Award of Construction Contract and Professional Services Agreement for Construction Management, Construction Inspection, Geotechnical & Materials Testing Services As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved the Walnut Grove Avenue Resurfacing Project Phase I from Marshall Street to the northerly City Limit Project (500' north of Grand Avenue). The project consists of removing and replacing existing asphalt pavement, concrete Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 4 of 17 sidewalk, curb and gutter, construction of colored crosswalk, signage and striping and related improvements. The project is currently funded with a combination of RMRA-SB-1 and CalRecycle Funds, in the amount of $1,624,100. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Determine the bid withdrawal letter dated August 5, 2021, by Hardy & Harper satisfactorily meets the requirements of Section 5103 of Public Contract Code, and therefore, relieve Hardy & Harper from the bid; 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a construction contract with All American Asphalt for the bid amount of $1,342,157. In addition, authorize an amount of $134,216 (10%) as a contingency to cover the cost of unforeseen construction expenses, for a total amount of $1,476,373; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Z&K Consultants for Construction Management, Construction Inspection, Geotechnical & Materials Testing Services for the project, in the amount of $64,605. Council Member Armenta asked what the difference in the contract for service vs. the bids was. She stated there may be some overlapping of services or double dipping. In addition, she asked if Transtech could perform some of the items in the bid. City Manager Molleda stated that the current agreement with Transtech covers the routine, such as inspection and permit services to utility. The bid for the Walnut Grove Avenue Resurfacing Project Phase is a much bigger project that requires a full-time inspector. Council Member Armenta asked if the City has an inspector on staff. City Manager Molleda stated the City has an inspector only for routine daily inspections. Council Member Armenta asked who would provide project management if part of the contract for Transtech involves project management services. There may be overlapping services if the City already pays for services included in the Transtech contract. City Manager Molleda explained the project management services provided by Transtech are for smaller -scope Capital Improvement Projects projects and day-to- day projects only. The Walnut Grove Avenue Resurfacing Project Phase I project requires additional assistance. Mayor Low reiterated this is a separate project that is much bigger and that requires a dedicated person to manage the project. The City inspector only oversees the day- to-day operations of the City's smaller projects. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 5 of 17 ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dang to accept the bid withdrawal letter from Hardy & Harper; authorize the City Manager to execute a construction contract with All American Asphalt for the bid amount of $1,342,157. In addition, authorize an amount of $134,216 (10%) as a contingency to cover the cost of unforeseen construction expenses, for a total amount of $1,476,373, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Z&K Consultants for Construction Management, Construction Inspection, Geotechnical & Materials Testing Services for the project, in the amount of $64,605. The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote: AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low and Ly NOES: None. 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF - None 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Senate Bill 1383 Organic Waste Reductions Policy and Programs Development and Implementation On July 13, 2021, the City Council discussed Senate Bill 1383 statute, which imposes significant organic and recycling waste reduction requirements to existing City waste collection policy and programs. Cities are responsible for implementing Senate Bill 1383 regulations in their communities and must coordinate with relevant county agencies, waste haulers, waste processing facilities, recyclers, commercial businesses, residents, and edible food recover organizations. In the same discussion, the City Council made a motion asking the City's existing Franchise Hauler to submit a proposal to address and achieve compliance with Senate Bill 1383 during the existing term of their agreement. Recommendation: That the City Council direct staff to proceed with the following: 1. That the City Council accept the proposal submitted by Republic Services to achieve compliance with Senate Bill 1383 during the existing term of agreement; or 2. The City retain an independent oversight through the procurement of a consultant to develop, implement, and administer Senate Bill 1383 Organic Waste Reduction Program at a cost of $65,000 for year one. This expense is not included in the 2021-2022 adopted operating budget. Therefore, if this option is selected, a budget amendment will be necessary. The amendment will be presented with the 151 Quarter Budget Report. City Manager Molleda reported that Senate Bill 1383 imposes significant organic and recycling waste reduction requirements to existing City waste collection policies and programs. In a prior meeting discussion, the City Council asked the City's existing Franchise Hauler to submit a proposal to address and achieve compliance with Senate Bill 1383 during the existing term of their agreement. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 6 of 17 The following public comments were received via email Resident Barbra Murphy asked what the money was for and if the $65,000 was a set fee or negotiable. Will the residents and businesses see an increase in monthly charges, or will the City pay this from the general fund? Does the state offer any funding to offset the cost of the program? Will residents receive new containers like neighboring cities? Lastly, she asked if city staff have contacted other cities about handling compliance with SB 1383. Resident Brian Lewin suggested the City partake in the independent option to have a third party provide and implement the program to keep the program separate from the party providing the service. He stated that the third -parry option will keep the provider from having a financial stake. Lastly, he opined that if the city chooses to bid on the trash service, it will provide transparency to the public, and there would still be continuity with the program. Council Member Ly made a motion to accept the proposal from Republic Services. Council Member Armenta asked if Republic Services would be presenting. Mayor Low stated she did not believe there was a plan for Republic Services to present on this item. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Council Member Clark to accept the proposal submitted by Republic Services to achieve compliance with Senate Bill 1383 during the existing term of agreement; The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low and Ly NOES: None. Council Member Armenta stated there is a potential two-year bill being proposed regarding SB 1383 to see if cities have a bigger chance to comply. B. Citation and Parking Discussion This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Council Member Sandra Armenta. She would like to discuss this issue regarding citations issued and parking enforcement matters. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction Council Member Armenta stated she received an email from City Manager Molleda on September 13, 2021, stating that after speaking with Mayor Low, the items would be on the agenda for the City Council meeting for further discussion. Mrs. Armenta expressed concern with how protocol on questions she asked would now be agendize going forward. She asked for clarification on how items should be placed on the agenda for council discussion. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 7 of 17 Council Member Ly explained his conversation with Mayor Low about the items. He acknowledged there was tension between Council Member Armenta and City Manager Molleda. As such, meetings took place to place measures and procedures that would work to make sure Mrs. Armenta's questions would be answered. He stated that if there is an impasse between the City Manager and a Council Member, then the matter should be placed at a City Council meeting for discussion. Council Member Armenia began to address Council Member Ly's statement and agreed there have been conversations on her expectations and asks. City Attorney Richman interjected and explained that the initial question posed by Council Member Armenia, asking about the protocol regarding adding items to the agenda, was answered by Council Member Ly. She requested that the items presented on the agenda be discussed and advised Council Member Armenia to verbalize her concerns during her council comments. Council Member Armenia stated that Rosemead School District Board Member John Quintanilla and Superintendent Alex Ruvalcava asked City Manager Molleda if the City would waive any citations during street sweeping on the first day of school for their schools in the district. Mrs. Armenta stated it was brought to her attention that a Rosemead School District teacher was cited. She asked City Manager Molleda to look into the citation and has continuously asked for updates on the matter, which Mrs. Armenta had yet to receive. Mayor Low asked for clarification on what Council Member Armenia's request was to City Manager Molleda. Council Member Armenia stated her request was whether or not the school district superintendent had reached out to City Manager Molleda, asking to waive citations on the first day of school and asked City Manager Molleda to look into the citation issued to a teacher on the first day of school and provide updates to her. Council Member Ly asked for clarification on what is being asked of City Manager Molleda. Council Member Armenta explained she had repeatedly asked for an update on a citation, whether or not it would be waived, to City Manager Molleda. She stated she was looking for an update, not items to be added to the agenda. Mayor Low asked if Mrs. Armenia's question to City Manager Molleda was regarding the City ever waiving citations. Council Member Armenia stated that she asked about the issue status or resolution. Council Member Clark stated her concern was the lack of communication. Council Member Clark explained that the superintendent had reached out to City Manager Molleda, and Council Member Armenia had yet to receive an answer from City Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 8 of 17 Manager Molleda. Council Member Clark asked why there was no communication from City Manager Molleda. Mayor Low asked City Manager Molleda to respond. City Manager Molleda stated she spoke to Garvey and Rosemead School District, and both schools asked for no citations given the first week of classes. The ticket issued was put through the appeal process and eventually waived. City Manager Molleda stated the ticket recipient was notified of the waived citation. Council Member Clark asked City Manager Molleda why she did not communicate the update of the citation to Council Member Armenta. City Manager Molleda stated she did not have a response. Mayor Low stated the citation was waived. Council Member Ly stated the Council should not be setting policies on issues that are well within the authority of the City Manager and to resolve the situations and allow as part of the City's code or general policy to be continued as such. He opined that because of the impasse of communication between the City Manager and Council Member Armenta, items should be placed on the agenda if they are not resolved before then. Council Member Clark stated she does not believe the issue is whether or not the Council decides if the City should cite on the first week of school. The issue was that a Councilmember reached out to the City Manager to see if citations were waived on the first week of school, and no response was given to the Councilmember. Council Member Ly stated Council Member Armenia and City Manager Molleda have had textual conversations but have yet to speak verbally on addressing these issues. City Attorney Richman advised that the discussion remain on parking and citations, not the City Manager's communication with Council Member Armenta. Council Member Armenta stated that the public would be under the assumption that she added the items to the agenda, when it was added by the City Manager. Council Member Clark asked what happened to the citation. Council Member Ly stated the City Manager explained the citation was waived, and the recipient was given notice. Mayor Pro Tem Dang stated there are instructions on the back of the citation with whom to contact, such as payment, appeals, etc. He explained that if residents have questions, they may follow the instructions at the back of the citation. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 9 of 17 Mayor Low agreed and suggested advising residents to follow instructions on the back of citations. Council Member Armenta clarified that there was an arrangement made between the City Manager and the School District. The situation would have been different if a resident had received a citation and then came to the Council to address the issue. C. Rosemead Park Walking Trail Discussion This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Council Member Sandra Armenta. She would like to discuss the Rosemead Park Walking Trail. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further directions The following comment was received via email. Resident Barbara Murphy stated she visited the newly renovated City of Covina Park and suggested the City contact the contractors for the Covina Park to fix Rosemead Park Walking Trail, and inquire about the cost. Council Member Armenta stated that Rosemead High School and the Rosemead Park Walking Trail were of the same material. Rosemead High School had to resurface its track and found the same material used in the walking trail to renovate their track. City staff were told that the material was no longer available when the City wanted to renovate the walking trail. The options to fix the renovated walking trail presented to the City Council could cost a million dollars to remove a top layer when it would have cost less than $400,000 to remove the top layer and rebuild some of the subbases in some areas. She asked if we need to consider how long the walking trail's longevity will last. Reminded the Council that a petition by residents to fix the walking trail was submitted. Asked if Transtech oversees the day-to-day projects, why did they oversee the walking trail project. City Manager Molleda stated this was a smaller Capital Improvement Project (CIP) for Transtech, which was included in their current contract. Council Member Armenta stated that a possible plan could be contacting El Monte Union High School District to ask what was done at Rosemead High School track. She noted the school replaced pieces that needed to be replaced versus the entire track. The cost for the improvements was a third of what was originally paid. She stated for the record that in two to five years, the renovated Rosemead Park Walking Trail will need to be replaced again. The way it is deteriorating and puddling on the surface, the trail will not last. Mayor Low asked what Council Member Armenta's ask was Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 10 of 17 Council Member Armenta asked if anything else was going to be done to the trial based on the three options provided to the City Council at a previous meeting. The first option was to resurface the walking trail, removing the top layer and replacing it with old material from the previous fixtures, which would cost nearly a million dollars. She stated another option was to add another layer; however, this could be a trip hazard. She also noted another option was to leave the Rosemead Park Walking Trail as is. She recalled from the City Council meeting there would be research done. Council Member Armenta asked what the status of the process of the Rosemead Park Walking Trail was. Council Member Ly stated he recalls the three options presented at the Council meeting, and unless something came up that was not considered, this was a closed situation with no further action needed. He also stated there may be a misinterpretation of the Council's final desire; he stated what Council Member Armenta is stating is very different from what was said at the Council meeting. Mayor Low stated it may be unclear what was said and interpreted at the prior Council meeting whether or not staff was going to continue to look into other options besides the three presented. Mayor Low stated that of the two options presented, one being resurfacing the Rosemead Park trail for a million dollars and the other being a hazard to the public, and neither would work. She stated that the only option was to keep the Rosemead Park Walking Trail as is. Council Member Armenta stated her understanding of the prior City Council meeting was that City staff would look for other options. She asked City Manager Molleda what other options were and for updates. Council Member Ly stated the Council must look at what is City priority, and he asked the City Council if the walking trail is a high-level priority project. Council Member Armenta questioned how many new Capital Improvement Projects there are and how many were old projects. She stated the project has priority and believed not many new Capital Improvement Projects are underway. She then asked where staff time was being spent. Mayor Pro Tem Dang reiterated focusing on the Rosemead Park Walking Trail topic, as instructed by the city attorney. He stated that there may not be a favorable option and asked that staff respond to Council Member Armenta's question in the weekly update. Mayor Low stated she wanted to give staff a clear direction. Council Member Ly stated that the Capital Improvement Projects are either design - ready or shovel -ready, which is why they are on the CIP list. He said there is no project for the walking trail. Indicating the walking trail project was completed already. Council Member Ly then stated the fixed options were presented to the City Council and were cost -prohibitive, thus pausing the process. He then stated Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 11 of 17 that if the City Council gave staff a specific project, a project would be on the CIP list. Mayor Low stated that considering staff did their research, that was the reason the three options were presented. Council Member Ly stated staff did their research and was vetted by the Parks Commission. Mayor Low stated that there is an option to keep conducting research if more than the other two options are needed. Council Member Ly advised giving better direction if more research is needed. Council Member Armenta stated she would like staff to contact either Rosemead High School or El Monte Union High School District to discuss how their walking strip was fixed and the steps taken. She asked if staff could look into fixing the top layer of the walking trail strip. Mayor Low interjected that Council Member Armenta was asking two different questions. Mayor Low stated she wanted to give staff clear direction. She reiterated that Council Member Armenta asked to direct City staff to reach out to El Monte Union High School to understand how they replaced sections of their walking trail. The second question of Council Member Armenta's questions was a different topic. Council Member Armenta asked that City staff asked El Monte Union High School or Rosemead High School about the steps they took to fix their walking trail. She stated she would like to see the research to decide what action is needed. Council Member Ly stated the fust question was answered. He noted the City looked at different bids of what it would cost to replace or add another layer on top. Council Member Armenta stated she would like a different opinion. She said she needed to understand how taking off the top layer of the walking trail would cost more than actually resurfacing the walking trail. She stated she would like to see data that shows the numbers. Mayor Low asked Council Member Armenia if she was asking staff for the cost only to remove or replace the top layer of the current trail. Council Member Armenta replied yes. Mayor Low stated she was under the impression that Council Member Armenia's ask was to replace the current top layer of the walking trail. She then asked Council Member Armenta if she did not accept the cost provided but asked for a cost breakdown. Council Member Armenta confirmed the mayor's comment. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 12 of 17 Mayor Low asked Council Member Armenia if her request was about calculating the cost. Mayor Pro Tem Dang stated he remembered asking about the dollar figure and explained that the cost is a million dollars because taking the rubber material off would require breaking the pan. Once the pan is broken, there are steps towards putting the gravel, and then placing the rubber system is what adds to a million dollars. Council Member Armenta stated that breaking the pan was unnecessary after talking to Chris Marcarello, the person in charge of the walking trail in the past. Mayor Pro Tem Dang asked that staff look into other options besides the three covered. He also stated that if staff cannot come up with other options, the City Council should accept that. The City Council should uphold consultants and professional engineers who have technical expertise. Council Member Armenta stated that the Council was given incorrect information; she stated that she was told the retention was paid. This brought up red flags, and she asked what other information was incorrect. Mayor Low reiterated Mayor Pro Tem Dang's point regarding explaining how the cost was broken down. Council Member Ly stated he feels uncomfortable telling staff to find another solution. He noted the option should be coming from the City staffs recommendation. He also stated that if there is a second ask of Council Member Armenta, that needs to be the conversation going forward. Council Member Armenia clarified her second ask, stating she would like City staff to look for another option. She stated she would also like City staff to find other methods to rectify the drainage causing damage in the walking trail strip. Mayor Low asked if this is a high priority or not. Council Member Armenta stated she believed this was a high priority. She said that a week after the reconstruction of the walking trail, there was a petition to fix it. She stated residents used this as a form of exercise, some of which only had the exercise of the walking trail during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Mayor Low suggested a time limit or budget for the research time staff would take to conduct. Council Member Ly suggested appointing a sub -committee. He suggested the sub- committee have 60 days to conduct an analysis and return what they have collected after the 60 days. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 13 of 17 Mayor Low agreed with the idea of a subcommittee and imposing a time limit. She did not want an ongoing research project. Council Member Armenta agreed with Council Member Ly, appointing a sub- committee. She stated she would like someone from the Parks Commission and herself to sit on the sub -committee. Council Member Ly asked City Manager Molleda when the new Director of Public Works was set to start. City Manager Molleda stated the new Public Works Director was set to start on October 4, 2021. Council Member Ly suggested the Council give the new Director of Public Works time to settle into the role before requesting the sub -committee to meet. Mayor Pro Tem Dang stated staff have already done their research. He was okay with looking for other options outside of the options provided. Council Member Armenta stated that City staff were not taking extra time researching the problem since the research had already been done. Council Member Ly stated the new Director of Public Works may not be up to speed on the data. He also said Transtech's role would be project management and project engineering of projects in the city, not the day-to-day projects of Public Works. Asked how much time the Council wants to use for the new Director of Public Works to conduct more research. Mayor Low stated the City Council should ensure a start time for the new Director of Public Works to give him time to research. She did not want this to be a continuous project but rather a project with a time limit. She went on to say that once the Director of Public Works has settled in, a time limit for the project will begin. Council Member Armenta agreed with Mayor Low and echoed having a start time for the new Director of Public Works. She also stated that Transtech was the project manager for the walking trail and asked why Transtech would not have the research needed to begin working on the walking trail. Mayor Low stated that Transtech is a professional company that would be able to help. Mayor Pro Tem Dang stated the best perimeter to set is to have a concrete pan and call companies willing to put a rubberized system over the pan and give you a warranty. He also explained from the prior research conducted that no vendors were willing to certify the method of fixing the walking trail with the spongy material. Mayor Pro Tem Dang stated he believed what Council Member Armenta was trying to convey was to remove the entire walking strip if feasible. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 14 of 17 Mayor Low explained that Council Member Annenta wanted to remove a portion of the walking strip. Mayor Pro Tem Dang stated the walking strip is not a thick layer, explaining removing more than half of the walking strip would cost more. Council Member Annenta stated she believed a sub -committee could find more options than the three options already presented to the Council. Mayor Pro Tem Dang stated he would like to look at the cost value of whatever ideas the potential sub -committee comes up with but would like a warranty on it. Mayor Pro Tem Dang asked if 30 days after the Director of Public Works starts was sufficient to start the 60 -day time frame for conducting research. Council Member Ly stated there is a second council meeting in October, leaving enough time for staff and a Council Member, along with the new Director of Public Works, to conduct a time frame for the project and decide who will be selected for the sub -committee. City Attorney Richman clarified the Council's direction to bring back the item for the October 14 meeting, a discussion on creating a subcommittee to look into the Rosemead Park Walking Trail. D. Parent Engagement Institute Program Discussion This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Council Member Sandra Amenia. She would like to discuss the Parent Engagement Institute program. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction Council Member Armenta asked if City staff had contacted the Parent Engagement Institute for other available options. She asked what programs were being conducted in the former Public Works building at Garvey Park. Mayor Low stated she was uncomfortable giving a City facility to use to an organization. She stated she believed the public would question why a Rosemead facility is being offered to an organization and be seen as unfair. Council Member Ly stated his interpretation of the Council's action was to go with the Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking's plan for the former Public Works facility. He believed there was no further action. He stated if the Council wanted to look into an option for the Parent Engagement Institute, the Council would have to provide directions of what the Council would like city staff to do if a collaboration is wanted. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 1021 Page 15 of 17 Council Member Armenta stated partnerships with the Boys and Girls Club, and YMCA are no longer a potential option in response to Mayor Low's comment about not feeling comfortable giving an organization a city facility. Maylor Low stated this was a possibility. Council Member Armenta stated she respected Mayor Low's opinion. She also noted that programs like the YMCA and Boys and Girls Club would no longer be able to enter the City's facilities. The programs would have been allowed into the city and not charged the City to conduct their programs. She stated she wanted to find the best use of vacant buildings to hold programs for the children. Council Member Ly asked for an update on how programs are being run at the former Public Works building and the progress of the events. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking stated nine weeks of summer camp program were conducted. An after-school drop-in program runs Monday to Friday from 3 pm -5 pm and on Wednesdays from 2 pm -5 pm. He explained there is prepping for a Teen Center and hopes the Teen Center will be up and running by November. In addition, he stated the Playschool Program will be starting in November and run Monday -Thursday from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. Furthermore, there is a plan for programming with additional classes and workshops; he relayed that the staff is looking into adding music, art, and possibly a Lego class. Lastly, the department has opened the facility for youth non-profit groups to hold meetings. Council Member Armenta thanked the Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, answering her questions on what programs were being held at the former Public Works facility. Council Member Ly asked Mayor Low if the Council was providing any direction for the Parent Engagement Institute Program. Council Member Armenta answered Council Member Ly's question, stating no. She explained that she asked what programs were being conducted, emphasizing that she did not put the topic on the agenda. Council Member Ly asked if the City Council would give more direction to staff on the Parent Engagement Institute Program or if the matter is considered done. Council Member Armenta stated the matter was done, explaining her questions were answered. She noted the Parent Engagement Institute is on the agenda because the City Manager placed them on the agenda instead of answering her directly. Council Member Clark asked why the City Manager did not answer Council Member Armenta's questions directly. Council Member Ly stated City Attorney Richman already addressed the Council to discuss only what is on the agenda. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 16 of 17 City Attorney Richman stated she is keeping the Council aligned with the Brown Act. E. Council Comments Council Member Clark reported that she attended the Contract Cities conference Council Member Armenta also reported that she also attended the Contract Cities conference. She requested a reevaluation of the City Manager at a later time. Council Member Ly stated this was his last in-person meeting before taking military leave. He wished the City Council good luck. Mayor Pro Tem Dang thanked City staff and Republic Services for the Quality -of - Life Cleanup efforts. He applauded Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking on the idea of the Pumpkin Dive. Mayor Low stated she also attended Contract Cities conference and thanked Temple City Sheriff Station for their work with people experiencing homelessness and dealings with mental health. 7. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Low adjourned the special meeting to continue the Closed Session discuss of item 1B at 9:21 p.m. The City Council adjourned the Closed Session meeting at 2:30 a.m. with no reportable action. The next regular meeting will be held on October 12, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED: Steven Ly, Mayor Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2021 Page 17 of 17