CC - Item 4I - Approval of Citywide Engineering and Traffic Survey�i W~ r a VMt .v" S ,"q TRANSTEch Est. 1989 Submitted By: TRANSTECH ENGINEERS, INC. Contact Person for this Proposal: Jana Robbins, PTP, RSP E: iana.robbins@transtech.ora Transtech.org 855.595.2495 (toll-free) ISO 9001 Certified ,ISO 0aa 9W1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on M 2023 I F -A 411*91=607,u4, IV ✓ Speed Trap Cover Page i Table of Contents ii Rosemead City Council Adopted Resolution No. XX (Adopted XX, 2023) iii Preparer's Certification (Engineer's Stamp and Signature) iv Section 1: Introduction 1 ✓ Table 1: List of Segments in Speed Survey 1 ✓ Principal Arterials 3 ✓ Minor Arterials 3 ✓ Major Collectors 4 ✓ Local Roads 4 Section 2: Overview 5 ✓ California Vehicle Code 5 ✓ Local Authority to Establish Prima Facie Speed Limits 6 ✓ Speed Trap 6 ✓ Change to the CAMUTCD as of March 2023 6 ✓ CVC Section 515 Residential District 7 ✓ Table 2: Road Segments Eligible to be Considered Residential District 7 ✓ Engineering and Traffic Survey 7 ✓ California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices 8 ✓ Data Collection 9 ✓ Procedures 10 Section 3: Summary of Recommendations 12 ✓ Segments with Conditions Recommending a Reduction in Posted Limits 13 ✓ Table 3: Street Segments with Recommended Speed Changes 13 ✓ Table 4: City of Rosemead 2022/2023 Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary 16 ✓ Table 5: Summary Condition of Speed Limit Signs 21 Section 4: City of Rosemead 2022/2023 Citywide Speed Limit Map and Average Daily Traffic (ADT) 29 ✓ City of Rosemead 2022/2023 Citywide Speed Limit Map 30 ✓ City of Rosemead 2022 Citywide Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Map 31 Section 5: Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Forms 32 Section 6: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Counts 117 OSE AD em. sm.nw' A—— CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page H of 206 r, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 INSERT SIGNED ROSENEAD CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. xx CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page Hi of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 PREPARER'S CERTIFICATION CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY CVC SECTION 627 EFFECTIVE DATE: XX, 2023 ADOPTED BY ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. XX ON XX, 2023 This report was prepared under the supervisions of. Bahman Janka, PE CERTIFICATION BY ENGINEER # EIID."�IvGS # aw � Bahman Janka, PE License Type: Traffic License Number. 1520 Cal q;4ll2W-111101k,I:1'IIIIIIII4k,Eel Ik,lgg7 I, Bahman Janka, contracted Traffic Engineering, do hereby certify that the 2022/2023 Engineering and Traffic Survey for the City of Rosemead was performed under my supervision. I certify that I am both experienced in performing surveys of this type and am duly registered in the State of California as a professional Engineer. The survey has been conducted in strict compliance with guidelines contained in the California Vehicle Code and the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Data contained in this report represents a true and accurate description of traffic conditions existing on City of Rosemead Streets. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page Ivor ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. R)( on M 2023 N: 1011101k,0MIk,II"ColBill"1101k, The purpose of this report is to prepare an Engineering and Traffic Survey at pre -determined locations in the City of Rosemead to establish updated speed limits that can be enforced using radar. An Engineering and Traffic assessment was prepared for 42 street segments in the City of Rosemead. Applicable sections of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) and Department of Transportation California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), as Revision 6 March 30, 2021, have been followed so that the posted speed limits can be upheld by the courts and do not constitute a "Speed Trap" as defined by CVC Section 40802. The following table lists all of the street segments considered in the 2022/2023 City -Wide Speed Survey. SEGMENT SUMMARY Table List of Segments Segment 1. De Adelena Street Rosemead Boulevard to Ellis Lane 2. Del Mar Avenue Graves Avenue to Garvey Avenue 3. Del Mar Avenue Garvey Avenue to Hellman Avenue 4. Earlswood Drive Ivor Avenue to Rosemead Place 5. Ellis Lane Olney Street to Temple City Boulevard 6. Emerson Place New Avenue to San Gabriel Boulevard 7. Encinita Avenue Mission Road to Lower Azusa Road 8. Garvey Avenue West City Limit to Del Mar Avenue 9. Garvey Avenue Del Mar Avenue to San Gabriel Boulevard 10. Garvey Avenue San Gabriel Blvd to Walnut Grove Avenue 11. Garvey Avenue Walnut Grove Avenue to East City Limit 12. Grand Avenue Charlotte Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard 13. Hellman Avenue New Avenue to Walnut Grove Avenue 14. Jackson Avenue Graves Avenue to Garvey Avenue 15. Loftus Street Temple City Boulevard to East City Limit 16. Lower Azusa Road Rosemead Boulevard to Encinita Avenue 17. Marshall Street Delta Avenue to Walnut Grove Avenue 18. Marshall Street Walnut Grove Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard 19. Marshall Street Rosemead Boulevard to Hart Avenue 20. Marshall Street Hart Avenue to Rio Hondo Avenue 21. Mission Drive West City Limit to Walnut Grove Avenue 22. Mission Drive Walnut Grove Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard 23. Mission Drive Rosemead Boulevard to Valley Boulevard CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table List of Segments Segment 24. Muscatel Avenue Marshall Street to Grand Avenue 25. New Avenue Graves Avenue to Garvey Avenue 26. Ramona Boulevard Walnut Grove Avenue to Ivor Avenue 27. Rio Hondo Avenue Olney Street to Valley Boulevard 28. Rosemead Place Garvey Avenue to Earlswood Drive 29. Rush Street San Gabriel Boulevard to Walnut Grove Avenue 30. San Gabriel Blvd South City Limit to Delta Street 31. San Gabriel Blvd Rush Street to Garvey Avenue 32. San Gabriel Blvd Garvey Avenue to Hellman Avenue 33. Temple City Blvd Olney Street to Valley Boulevard 34. Temple City Blvd Valley Boulevard to North City Limit 35. Valley Blvd Charlotte Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard 36. Valley Blvd Rosemead Boulevard to Strang Avenue 37. Walnut Grove Avenue San Gabriel Boulevard to Rush Street 38. Walnut Grove Avenue Rush Street to Garvey Avenue 39. Walnut Grove Avenue Garvey Avenue to Hellman Avenue 40. Walnut Grove Avenue Hellman Avenue to Valley Boulevard 41. Walnut Grove Avenue Valley Boulevard to Mission Drive 42. Walnut Grove Avenue Mission Drive to North City Limit Each of these segments are classified and defined with roadway classifications as listed in the California Road Systems (CRS) Maps that are approved by the Federal Highway Administration and maintained by the Department of Transportation (CVC 40802). Functional classifications are used in determining which type of roads are eligible for Federal funding to maintain the roads. Usually Principal Arterials, Minor Arterial and Major Collectors are eligible. Functional classification is the process by which streets and highways are grouped into classes, or systems, according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Basic to this process is the recognition that individual roads and streets do not serve travel independently in any major way. Rather, most travel involves movement through a network of roads. Functional classification defines how a particular road or street plays in serving the flow of trips through a highway network. The four functional systems for urbanized areas are principal arterials, minor arterials, major collectors, and local roads. r, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Principal Arterials: Major or Principal Arterials carry most of the trips entering and leaving the City as well as serves the major centers of activity of a City, carries the highest traffic volume along its corridors while carrying the major portion of trips entering and leaving the urban area. Minor Arterials: The minor arterial street system includes all arterials not classified as principal and contains facilities that place more emphasis on land access than the higher system and offer a lower level of traffic mobility. Such facilities may carry local bus routes and provide intra - community continuity, but ideally should not penetrate identifiable neighborhoods. This system should include urban connections to rural collector roads where such connections have not been classified as urban principal arterials. Major Collectors: The collector street system provides both land access service and traffic circulation within residential neighborhoods, commercial and industrial areas. It differs from the arterial system in that facilities on the collector system may penetrate residential neighborhoods, distributing trips from the arterials through the area to the ultimate destination. Conversely, the collector street also collects traffic from local streets in residential neighborhoods and channels it into the arterial system. Local Roads: These roadways provide direct access to individual residential properties, schools, and churches typically with a posted speed of 25 MPH. Through traffic on local streets are usually discouraged. Local roads within residential and business district zones are not subject to Speed Trap provisions and are posted at the Prima Facie speed limit. Service to through traffic movement is usually deliberately discouraged. The following segments have been categorized and classified as follows by the City of Rosemead. Principal Arterials: • San Gabriel Boulevard between South City Limit and Delta Street • San Gabriel Boulevard between Rush Street and Garvey Avenue • San Gabriel Boulevard between Garvey Avenue and Hellman Avenue • Valley Boulevard between Charlotte Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard • Valley Boulevard between Rosemead Boulevard and Strang Avenue Minor Arterials: • Del Mar Avenue between Graves Avenue and Garvey Avenue • Del Mar Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Hellman Avenue • Garvey Avenue between West City Limit and Del Mar Avenue • Garvey Avenue between Del Mar Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard • Garvey Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue • Garvey Avenue between Walnut Grove Avenue and East City Limit • Lower Azusa Road Between Rosemead Boulevard to Encinita Avenue • Mission Drive Between West City Limit and Walnut Grove Avenue • Mission Drive Walnut Grove Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard • Mission Drive Rosemead Boulevard and Valley Boulevard • New Avenue Between Graves Avenue and Garvey Avenue • Rosemead Place between Garvey Avenue and Earlswood Drive CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page 3 of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 • Rush Street between San Gabriel Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue • Temple City Boulevard between Olney Street and Valley Boulevard • Temple City Boulevard between Valley Boulevard and North City Limit • Walnut Grove Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Rush Street • Walnut Grove Avenue between Rush Street and Garvey Avenue • Walnut Grove Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Hellman Avenue • Walnut Grove Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Valley Boulevard • Walnut Grove Avenue between Valley Boulevard and Mission Drive • Walnut Grove Avenue between Mission Drive to North City Limit Major Collectors: • Earlswood Drive between Ivor Avenue and Rosemead Place • Emerson Place between New Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard • Encinita Avenue between Mission Road and Lower Azusa Road • Grand Avenue between Charlotte Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard • Hellman Avenue between New Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue • Jackson Avenue between Graves Avenue and Garvey Avenue • Marshall Street between Delta Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue • Marshall Street between Walnut Grove Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard • Marshall Street between Rosemead Boulevard and Hart Avenue • Marshall Street between Hart Avenue and Rio Hondo Avenue • Muscatel Avenue between Marshall Street and Grand Avenue • Ramona Boulevard between Walnut Grove Avenue and Ivor Avenue Local Roads: • De Adelena Street between Rosemead Boulevard and Ellis Lane • Ellis Lane between Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard • Loftus Street between Temple City Boulevard and East City Limit • Rio Hondo Avenue between Olney Street and Valley Boulevard r, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Nx411101k,SOX911aATJ147l CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE: Speed limits in California are governed by the California Vehicle Code (CVC), Sections 22348 through 22413. The statutes establish or provide means of establishing speed limits by: 1. Basic speed limit law. Section 22350 of the CVC provides that no person shall drive a vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent having due regard for weather, visibility, traffic and the surface and width of the highway, and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property. This is the basic speed limit law. 2. Prima facie speed limits are specified by statute or established by the State or local authorities within their respective jurisdictions on the basis of an engineering and traffic survey. Prima facie speed limits are specific limits stated in the CVC or specific limits established on the basis of an engineering and traffic survey authorized by the CVC. Prima facie speed limits are preempted by the basic speed limit law when the conditions in CVC Section 22350 are met. Section 22352 of the CVC establishes prima facie speed limits as follows and shall be applicable unless changed as authorized in the CVC and if so changed, only when signs have been erected giving notice of the change: a. Fifteen miles per hour. • At a railroad grade crossing with an obstructed view. • At an uncontrolled highway intersection with an obstructed view. • In an alley. b. Twenty-five miles per hour. • On any highway other than a State highway, in any business or residence district, CVC Sections 235 and 515 define a "business district" and a "residence district" respectively. Section 240 of CVC prescribes a method for determining whether a highway is within a business or residence district. • Unless a different limit is established by procedures described elsewhere in the code. • In a school zone, posted with SCHOOL warning signs. • When passing a facility primarily used by senior citizens and contiguous to a street other than a State highway and posted with a SENIOR warning sign. Increase of local speed limits to 65 miles per hour Section 22357. (a) Whenever a local authority determines upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey that a speed greater than 25 mph would facilitate the orderly movement of vehicular traffic and would be reasonable and safe upon any street other than a state highway otherwise subject to a prima facie limit of 25 mph, local authorities may by ordinance CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 5 of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 determine and declare a prima facie speed limit of 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 or 60 mph or a maximum speed of 65mph, whichever is found most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and is reasonable and safe. The speed limit shall become effective when signs are installed on the street and not revised unless justified on the basis of an engineering and traffic survey. LOCAL AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS: Sections 22357 and 22358 of CVC authorize local authorities to establish prima facie speed limits on streets and roads under their jurisdiction on the basis of an engineering and traffic survey. The declared prima Facie limits shall become effective when appropriate signs giving notice are erected upon the street. Artificially low speed limits can lead to poor compliance as well as large variations in speed within the traffic stream. Increased speed variance can also create more conflicts and passing maneuvers. The most effective way to reduce speeds is through a combination of strategies using traffic control devices related to speed management, roadway design and engineering solutions, traffic calming techniques and measures, public education, and enforcement efforts. SPEED TRAP: Section 40802 213(i) of the CVC provides that prima facie speed limits established under Sections 22352, 22354, 22357, 22358 and 22358.3 may not be enforced by radar unless the speed limit has been justified by an engineering and traffic survey conducted within one of the following time periods; five years to the date of the violation, within the last 7 years or if an engineering and traffic survey was conducted more than 7 years prior to the date of the alleged violation, and a registered engineer evaluates the section of the highway and determines that no significant changes in roadway or traffic conditions have occurred, including, but not limited to, changes in adjoining property or land use, roadway width, or traffic volume, the survey applies for 10 years. Changes to the CAMUTCD as of March 2023 States and local agencies should conduct engineering studies at least once every 5, 7 or 14 years, in compliance with CVC Section 40802 to reevaluate non -statutory speed limits on segments of their roadways that have undergone significant changes since the last review, such as the addition or elimination of parking or driveways, changes in the number of travel lanes, changes in the configuration of bicycle lanes, changes in traffic control signal coordination, or significant changes in traffic volumes. This section does not apply to local streets, roads or school zones which have been set at the Prima Facie speed limit. Local streets are defined to have the following characteristics: Width not more than 40 feet Not more than .5 miles of uninterrupted length 1 lane in each direction CVC Section 515. A residence district is that portion of a highway and the property contiguous thereto, other than a business district, (a) upon one side of which highway, within a distance of a CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page b of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 quarter of a mile, the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by 13 or more separate dwelling houses or business structures, or (b) upon both sides of which highway, collectively, within a distance of a quarter of a mile, the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by 16 or more separate dwelling houses or business structures. Those segments classified as a local street in the California Road System and are in a residential district have a prima facie speed limit of 25 mph are not typically included in engineering and traffic studies. The following Rosemead Segments in Table 2 meet the guidelines as found in the CVC to be classified as in a residential district: ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY: Section 627 of the CVC defines the term engineering and traffic survey and lists its requirements. Section 627 states: "An engineering and traffic survey shall include, among other requirements deemed necessary by the Department of Transportation, consideration of all of the following: prevailing speeds as determined by traffic engineering measurements; collision records; highway traffic and roadside conditions not readily apparent to the driver." The Engineering and Traffic Survey should contain sufficient information to document that the conditions of CVC Section 627 have been complied with and that other conditions not readily apparent to motorists are properly identified. In determining the speed limit, which most appropriately facilitates the orderly movement of traffic and is reasonable and prudent, crucial factors such as prevailing speeds, unexpected conditions, and collision records are examined. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page / of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Determination of posted speed limits follow the latest CAMUTCD Policy as Revision 6 March 30, 2021 by the State of California Department of Transportation. Speed limits shall be rounded to the nearest (5 MPH) increment of the 85th percentile speed of free-flowing traffic. However, in cases in which the speed limit needs to be rounded up to the nearest five miles per hour increment of the 85th percentile speed, the Department of Transportation or a local authority may decide to instead round down the speed limit to the lower five miles per hour increment, but then the Department of Transportation or a local authority shall not reduce the speed limit any further for any reason CVC 21400(4) (b). An example of the application of this speed limit criteria is as follows: • If the 85th percentile speed in a speed survey is (37 MPH) then the speed limit would be posted at 35 MPH or optionally reduced to 30 MPH. However, • If the 85th percentile speed in a speed survey is (38 MPH) then the speed limit would be posted at 40 MPH or optionally reduced to 35 MPH. The 85th percentile speed is often referred to as the critical speed. Pace speed is defined as the 10 -mile increment of speed containing the largest number of vehicles. Speed limits established on the basis of the 85th percentile conform to the consensus of those who drive highways as to what speed is reasonable and prudent and are not dependent on the judgment of one or a few individuals. Basic speed law states that no person shall drive at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent. The majority of drivers comply with this law. Speed limits set at the 85th percentile speed provide law enforcement officers with a means of controlling drivers who will not conform to what the majority considers reasonable and prudent. When roadside development results in traffic conflicts and unusual conditions which are not readily apparent to drivers, speed limits somewhat below the 85th percentile may be justified. CALIFORNIA MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (CAMUTCD): Section 213.13 CAMUTCD: Reduction of 85th Percentile Speed by Justification of an Engineering and Traffic Study and Approved by a Civil or Traffic Engineer. Standard: 12a: When a speed limit is to be posted, it shall be established at the nearest 5 MPH increment of the 85th -percentile speed of free-flowing traffic, except as shown in the Option below. Option: The posted speed may be reduced by 5 MPH from the nearest 5 MPH increment of the 85th - percentile speed, in compliance with CVC Sections 627 and 22358.5. See Standard below for documentation requirements. Standard: CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 8 of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 12b: If the speed limit to be posted has had the 5 MPH reduction applied, then an E&TS shall document in writing the conditions and justification for the lower speed limit and be approved by a registered Civil or Traffic Engineer. The reasons for the lower speed limit shall be in compliance with CVC Sections 627 and 22358-22358.5. Support: 12c: The following example is provided to explain the application of this speed limit criteria: A. If the 85th percentile speed in a speed survey for a location was 37 MPH, then the speed limit would be established at 35 MPH since it is the closest 5 MPH increment to the 37 MPH speed. As indicated by the option, this 35 MPH established speed limit could be reduced by 5 MPH to 30 MPH if the conditions and justification for using this lower speed limit are documented in the E&TS and approved by a registered Civil or Traffic Engineer. The fundamentals used to establish speed limits recognize that the majority of drivers behave in a safe and reasonable manner but need to be advised of conditions which may not be readily apparent. For this reason, collision history, roadway conditions, traffic characteristics, and land use must be analyzed along with speed measurements to determine speed limits. Speed limit changes are usually coordinated with visible changes in roadway conditions or roadside developments. In general, speed limits cannot be successfully enforced without voluntary compliance by a majority of drivers. Consequently, only the driver whose behavior is clearly out of line with the normal flow of traffic is considered a violator for enforcement purposes. DATA COLLECTION: Data was obtained regarding the prevailing speed of vehicles, traffic collisions, visibility restrictions, roadway conditions, pedestrian activities, on -street parking, and land use adjacent to the roadways. Radar speed measurements were conducted during the months of October and November of 2022. Highway, traffic, and roadside land uses were analyzed for conditions not readily apparent to motorists. The criteria and procedures described belowwere applied when using electronic radar to measure vehicle speeds on selected streets within the City of Rosemead. Traffic volume and speed in both directions were recorded. The hours of radar operation were restricted to off-peak period for heavily traveled streets, and to non -congested peak periods on lightly traveled streets on a weekday. The radar measurements were taken from an unmarked vehicle so as not to alter or impede the free flow of traffic. A total of 100 samples were obtained for each street segment surveyed, where possible. In no case were sample sizes less than 50 vehicles for each direction. For lower volume streets, samples of free-flowing speeds were taken over several periods/days in order to gather the required survey samples. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page 9 of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Collision data was obtained from the computerized accident records system maintained by the State of California Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS). For purposes of this study, information available for the most recent 3 year period was used to develop the collision statistics as a part of the Engineering and Traffic Surveys. Collision data was obtained for the years of August of 2019, 2020, 2021 to August 2022. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data at all (42) locations were obtained from counts taken by a private traffic counting firm in November of 2022. These counts were taken while school was in session. Any unusual counts were checked and redone in order to verify the amount of traffic each segment carries. The ADT counts were taken by NDS Services. National Data & Surveying Services 8370 Wilshire Blvd. Ste, 205 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Tel (323) 782-0090 Fax (323) 375-1666 www.ndsdata.com PROCEDURES: The radar equipment used to collect speed measurements was a SCOUT -MPH Traffic Radar, SHD- 04287 serial number, manufactured by Decatur. The unit was calibrated before each series of measurements were taken. Tests of the unit were conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. The results of the radar speed measurements were computed, analyzed, and summarized on standard Traffic Survey Forms. Significant values obtained from computations are as follows: • The Critical Speed or 85th percentile speed, is that speed at which 85 percent of the traffic is moving. The Critical Speed is the primary guide in determining what the majority of drivers believe is safe and reasonable. Speed limits set higher than the Critical Speed are not considered reasonable and safe. The accepted practice is to set the speed limit at the nearest 5 MPH increment to the Critical Speed or 85th percentile speed unless other factors require a lower limit. • The 5 or 10 MPH pace is a measure of the dispersion of speeds within the survey sample and is that 5 or 10 MPH increment containing the highest percentage of speeds in the total sample. The accepted practice is to keep the speed limit within the 10 MPH pace after considering the Critical Speed and any factors requiring a speed lower than the Critical Speed. The collision data for each street segment was compared to collision rates that can be reasonably expected to occur on streets and highways of the same characteristics. These anticipated collision rates have been developed by Caltrans for District 07 and are applicable for use in the City of Rosemead. The collision rates used for this study are as follows: CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 1U of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY URBAN (Inside City) 2 and 3 lanes 4 or more undivided 4 or more divided Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CALIFORNIA STATE HIGHWAYS STATEWIDE TRAVEL AND ACCIDENT RATES* EXPECTED COLLISION RATES 0.91 0.87 0.93 *Source: 2020 Collision Data Prepared 07/08/22 for California State Highways published by State of California, Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, Department of Transportation, Division of Traffic Operations Current collision rates are shown in terms of "accidents per 1,000,000 vehicle miles of travel' for each segment. The rate was calculated for each segment using the following formula: ACCIDENT RATE = (N x 5,280 x 1,000,000)/ (ADT x L x Y x 365) N: number of accidents within the study segment ADT: average daily trafficvolume L: length of segment in feet y: number of years of accident history The Crossroads Software Collision Program calculated the accident rate for each segment. As previously indicated, speed limits are usually set at or near the Critical Speed unless there are other factors not readily apparent to a reasonable motorist which may justify a lower limit. The field review of the selected street segments in the City of Rosemead considered the following factors: 1. Street width and alignment. 2. Pedestrian activity and traffic flow characteristics. 3. Number of lanes, and other channelization and striping patterns. 4. Frequency of intersections, driveways, and on -street parking. 5. Location of stop signs, traffic signals, and other regulatory traffic control devices. 6. Visibility obstructions. 7. Land use and the proximity of schools. 8. Uniformity with existing speed zones in adjacent jurisdictions. 9. Any other unusual condition not readily apparent to the driver. 10. Location of any uncontrolled Crosswalks. 11. Bike lanes, bike routes. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. i Page 11 of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 SECTION 3: SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS The Engineering and Traffic Survey summaries presented in this report illustrate the results of a thorough evaluation of the data collected and provides a recommended speed limit for each street segment surveyed. In each case, the recommended speed limit is consistent with the prevailing behavior as demonstrated by the radar speed measurements. The Legislature, in adopting Section 22358.5 of the California Vehicle Code, has made it clear that it is their intent that physical conditions such as width, curvature, grade and surface conditions, or any other condition readily apparent to a driver, in the absence of other factors, would not require special downward speed zoning. The basic rule of Section 22350 is sufficient regulation as to such conditions. The recommendations contained in this report were intended to establish prima facie speed limits. Prima Facie limits advise the motorist and enforcement agencies of the reasonable speed for a section of highway for prevailing conditions. They are not intended to be absolute. All violations of these speed limits are violations of the basic speed law (Section 22350 of California Vehicle Code). This statute states that a person shall not drive a vehicle at a speed greater than is safe having regard for traffic, roadway, and weather conditions. A prima facie limit merely suggests a safe speed under normal conditions. Out of the above 42 segments surveyed, based on the 2022/2023 Engineering and Radar Speed survey results, it was determined that seven (7) of the speed limits on the studied segments are proposed to be changed. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 11 of ZUb San GabrielBoulevard 6. Emerson Place New Avenue 30 25 5 mph 14. Jackson Avenue Graves Avenue Garvey Avenue 30 25 -5 mph Rosemead 19. Marshall Street Hart Avenue 30 25 -5 mph Bouleavard 20. Marshall Street Hart Avenue Rio Hondo Avenue 30 25 -5 mph CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 11 of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Per Section 26.13 CAMUTCD: Reduction of 85th Percentile Speed by Justification of an Engineering and Traffic Study and Approved by Civil or Traffic Engineer as follows: Option 1: For cases in which the nearest 5 MPH increment of the 85' percentile speed would require a rounding up, then the speed limit may be rounded down to the nearest 5 MPH increment below the 85' percentile speed, if no further reduction is used. CVCSection 21400(b). Option 2: The posted speed maybe reduced by 5 MPH from the nearest 5 MPH increment of the 85th -percentile speed, due to road conditions and land use in compliance with CVC Sections 627 and 22358.5. Option 3: The posted speed maybe reduced by 5 MPH from the nearest 5 MPH increment of the 85th -percentile speed, due to higher than expected collision rates, road conditions and land use in compliance with CVC Sections 627 and 22358.5. SEGMENTS WITH CONDITIONS RECOMMENDING A REDUCTION IN THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT: Segment #6: Emerson Place between New Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard: This segment is an east/west Major Collector with 1 lane of travel in each direction. There is parking on both sides of the street and is currently posted 30 mph. The street serves residential land use with lots of residential driveways. The street has several uncontrolled school crosswalks along with the Ralph Waldo Emerson Elementary School as well as a Park along the segment. This segment has a higher than expected collision rate. The critical speed is 31.8 which justifies a 30 mph posted speed limit. However, with roadway conditions and the higher collision rate a reduction in the posted limit to 25 mph is justified. Segment #14: Jackson Avenue between Graves Avenue and Garvey Avenue: This segment is an north/south Major Collector with 1 lane of travel in each direction. This segment has already applied traffic calming measures of side stripes to reduce the speed of traffic. The segment is currently posted 30 mph. The street serves residential use with 2 schools along the segment, Arlene Bitely Elementary and Richard Garvey Intermediate School there is also an uncontrolled school crosswalk at Egley. This segment has a higher than expected collision rate. The critical speed is 31.9 which justified a 30 mph posted speed limit. However, with roadway conditions and a high collision rate a reduction in the posted limit to 25 mph is justified. Segment #19: Marshall Street between Rosemead Boulevard and Hart Avenue: This segment is an east/west Major Collector with 2 lanes of travel in each direction with raised medians. Based on the 2013 City Wide speed survey the City adopted a 30 mph speed limit. However, the speed limit signs along this corridor are posted at 25 mph. The street serves residential use and large CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page 13 of ZUb Walnut Grove 21. Mission Drive West City Limit 40 35 5 mph Avenue 27. Rio Hondo Avenue Olney Street Valley Boulevard 30 25 -5 mph 28. Rosemead Place Garvey Avenue Earlswood Drive 35 30 -5 mph Per Section 26.13 CAMUTCD: Reduction of 85th Percentile Speed by Justification of an Engineering and Traffic Study and Approved by Civil or Traffic Engineer as follows: Option 1: For cases in which the nearest 5 MPH increment of the 85' percentile speed would require a rounding up, then the speed limit may be rounded down to the nearest 5 MPH increment below the 85' percentile speed, if no further reduction is used. CVCSection 21400(b). Option 2: The posted speed maybe reduced by 5 MPH from the nearest 5 MPH increment of the 85th -percentile speed, due to road conditions and land use in compliance with CVC Sections 627 and 22358.5. Option 3: The posted speed maybe reduced by 5 MPH from the nearest 5 MPH increment of the 85th -percentile speed, due to higher than expected collision rates, road conditions and land use in compliance with CVC Sections 627 and 22358.5. SEGMENTS WITH CONDITIONS RECOMMENDING A REDUCTION IN THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT: Segment #6: Emerson Place between New Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard: This segment is an east/west Major Collector with 1 lane of travel in each direction. There is parking on both sides of the street and is currently posted 30 mph. The street serves residential land use with lots of residential driveways. The street has several uncontrolled school crosswalks along with the Ralph Waldo Emerson Elementary School as well as a Park along the segment. This segment has a higher than expected collision rate. The critical speed is 31.8 which justifies a 30 mph posted speed limit. However, with roadway conditions and the higher collision rate a reduction in the posted limit to 25 mph is justified. Segment #14: Jackson Avenue between Graves Avenue and Garvey Avenue: This segment is an north/south Major Collector with 1 lane of travel in each direction. This segment has already applied traffic calming measures of side stripes to reduce the speed of traffic. The segment is currently posted 30 mph. The street serves residential use with 2 schools along the segment, Arlene Bitely Elementary and Richard Garvey Intermediate School there is also an uncontrolled school crosswalk at Egley. This segment has a higher than expected collision rate. The critical speed is 31.9 which justified a 30 mph posted speed limit. However, with roadway conditions and a high collision rate a reduction in the posted limit to 25 mph is justified. Segment #19: Marshall Street between Rosemead Boulevard and Hart Avenue: This segment is an east/west Major Collector with 2 lanes of travel in each direction with raised medians. Based on the 2013 City Wide speed survey the City adopted a 30 mph speed limit. However, the speed limit signs along this corridor are posted at 25 mph. The street serves residential use and large CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page 13 of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 commercial centers with lots of turning conflicts. Parking is allowed along the north side of the street. This segment has a higher than expected collision rate. The critical speed is 32.4 which justified a 30 mph posted speed limit. However, with roadway conditions and a high collision rate a reduction in the posted limit to 25 mph is justified. Segment #20: Marshall Street between Hart Avenue and Rio Hondo Avenue: This segment is an east/west Major Collector with 1 lane of travel in each direction. Based on the 2013 City Wide speed survey the City adopted a 30 mph speed limit for this segment. However, the speed limit signs along this corridor are posted at 25 mph. The street serves residential use with Savannah Elementary School along the segment. There is heavy parking with lots of residential driveways. This segment has a higher than expected collision rate. The critical speed is 32.5 which justified a 30 mph posted speed limit. However, with roadway conditions and a high collision rate a reduction in the posted limit to 25 mph is justified. Segment #21: Mission Drive between West City Limit and Walnut Grove Avenue: This segment is an east/west Minor Arterial with 2 lanes of travel in each direction. The streets serves residential use with a park and Senior Center along the segment. There are 2 uncontrolled crosswalks near the park and senior center. The adjacent segment is posted at 35 mph. The critical speed is 37.7 which justifies a 40 mph posted speed limit. However, to be consistent with adjacent segments and considering roadway conditions, following CVC 21400(b) this segment may be rounded down to a 35 mph posted limit. Segment #27: Rio Hondo Avenue between Olney Street and Valley Boulevard: This segment is a north/south Local Road with 1 lane of travel in each direction. The streets serves residential use with the Savannah elementary school with several all -way stops with school crosswalks. Parking is heavy along this segment. The segment has some commercial use at the north end neat Valley Boulevard. With the adoption of a 25 mph speed limit the segment would be eligible to be considered as a residence district meeting CVC 515 guidelines. The critical speed is 32.4 which justifies a 30 mph posted speed limit. However, due to roadside use as well as a higher than expected collision rate a reduction in the posted limit to 25 mph is justified. Segment #28: Rosemead Place between Garvey Avenue and Earlswood Drive: This segment is a north/south Minor Arterial with 1 lane of travel in each direction and a posted speed limit of 35 mph. The streets serves residential use. Along the entire segment, the street has traffic calming measures of side stripes to reduce the speed of traffic. Parking is allowed on both sides with intermittent sidewalks forcing pedestrians to walk in the street in some segments. The critical speed is 35.8 which justifies a 35 mph posted speed limit. However, due to roadside conditions a reduction in the posted limit to 30 mph is justified. The following Table 4 provides a summary of each of the segments included in the engineering and traffic survey indicating the existing posted speed limit, ADT, number of collisions, collision rates, 85th percentile speed, change in limit if any and proposed 2022/2023 speed limit. Table 5 provides a summary of existing speed limit signs within the City of Rosemead and the condition of each sign. This was provided so that the City could upgrade or replace any signs that CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 14 of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 have been graffitied or are bent or have an obstructed view of the existing speed signage. After the City Wide Speed Survey has been adopted for those segments with speed limit changes as well as any non reflective signs will need to be replaced if damaged or removed and replaced if there is a change in the posted speed limit. r, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 15 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table of Rosemead 1 1 • - - • • • Traffic Survey Adopted • Rosemead •uncil Resolution N• XX on 1 • 10 Limit •Adopted Street Expected PrimaChange Coll.• • Pace 2022/2023 ID Collision Location in Rate Sp Beginning Ending (A) Rate eed 3/yr IN in Limit? Speed Yes/No Limit per. De Rosemead Ellis Lane 1. Adelena Blvd Local 25 809 3 4.44 0.91 30.8 22-31 30 NO 253 Street Del Mar Graves Garvey Minor 2' Avenue Avenue Avenue Arterial 35 17452 16 1.62 .91 39.9 31-40 40 NO 3S Del Mar Garvey Hellman Minor 3. Avenue Avenue Avenue Arterial 35 22283 24 1.90 .87 39.5 31-40 40 NO 351 Earlswood Ivor Rosemead Major 4. Drive Avenue Place Collector 30 1813 0 0 .91 33.2 25-34 35 NO 301 Ellis Lane Olney Temple 5. Street City Blvd Local 25 1363 4 5.10 .91 29.9 22-31 30 NO 251 Emerson New San Major 6. Place Avenue Gabriel 30 3968 17 3.76 31.8 24-33 30 YES 253 Collector .91 Blvd Encinita Mission Lower Major 7. Avenue Road Azusa 30 7020 12 4.03 32.5 25-34 30 NO 30 Collector .91 Road Garvey West City Del Mar Minor 8' Avenue Limit Avenue Arterial 35 22678 17 1.34 .93 37.1 29-38 35 NO 35 Garvey Del Mar San Minor 9. Avenue Avenue Gabriel 35 23718 24 1.74 37.3 30-39 35 NO 35 Arterial .93 Blvd Garvey San Walnut Minor 10. Avenue Gabriel Grove 35 22520 27 2.16 37.2 27-36 35 NO 35 Arterial .93 Blvd Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 16 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table of Rosemead 1 1 • - - • • • Traffic Survey Adopted • Rosemead •uncil Resolution N• XX on 1 • 10 Limit of AdoptedExpected Street • -• 1Coll.• • '• - •ry Change 2022/2023 ID Collision Location in Rate Sp Beginning Ending (A) 3/yr Rate eed in Limit? Speed Yes/No Limit .IN per. Walnut East City Minor 11. Avenue Grove Limit 35 22517 54 2.91 36.8 28-37 35 NO 35 .93 Arterial Avenue Grand Charlotte Rosemead Major 12. Avenue Avenue Blvd Collector 35 3145 10 2.86 .91 35.8 28-37 35 NO 35 Hellman New Walnut Major 13. Avenue Avenue Grove 30 7205 58 4.76 35.8 28-37 35 NO 303 Collector .91 Avenue Jackson Graves Garvey Major 14. Avenue Avenue Avenue 30 2547 15 10.4 .91 31.9 24-33 30 YES 253 Collector Loftus Street Temple East City 15. City Blvd Limit Local 35 14287 5 1.85 .87 37.5 29-38 35 NO 35 Lower Rosemead Encinita Minor 16. Azusa Road Blvd Avenue Arterial 40 12952 7 1.46 .87 42.0 35-44 40 NO 40 Marshall Delta Walnut Major 17. Street Avenue Grove 35 5202 3 1.90 36.0 28-37 35 NO 35 Collector .91 Avenue Marshall Walnut Rosemead Major 18. Street Grove Blvd 30 9432 13 2.32 32.6 25-34 30 NO 30 Collector .91 Avenue Rosemead Hart Major 19.1Marshall 25*30 10449 16 5.62 32.4 25-34 30 YES 253 Street Blvd Avenue Collector .93 Marshall Hart Rio Hondo Major 20. Street Avenue Avenue Collector 25*30 6117 7 4.00 .91 32.5 25-34 30 YES 253 Mission West City Walnut Minor 21. Drive Limit Grove 40 16124 11 2.18 37.7 29-38 40 YES 352 Arterial .87 Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 17 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table of Rosemead 1 1 • - - • • • Traffic Survey Adopted • Rosemead •uncil Resolution N• XX on 1 • 10 Limit of AdoptedExpected Change Street '• -• 1Coll.• • Pace 2022/2023 •ry ID Collision in Limit? Location in Rate Speed Speed Beginning Ending (A) 3/yr Rate Yes/No Limit per. Mission Walnut Rosemead Minor 22. Drive Grove Blvd 35 16822 26 2.43 37.8 30-39 40 NO 351 .87 Arterial Avenue Mission Rosemead Valley Minor 23. Drive Blvd Blvd Arterial 35 13021 22 2.91 .87 37.9 30-39 40 NO 351 Muscatel Marshall Grand Major 24. Avenue Street Avenue Collector 30 6142 17 2.20 .91 32.8 24-33 35 NO 301 New Graves Garvey Minor 25. Avenue Avenue Avenue Arterial 35 12011 6 .89 .91 36.8 28-37 35 NO 35 Ramona Walnut Ivor Major 26. Avenue Grove Avenue 30 4537 4 1.70 32.5 25-34 30 NO 30 Collector .91 Avenue Rio Hondo Olney Valley 27. Avenue Street Blvd Local 30 5763 12 3.34 .91 32.4 24-33 30 YES 253 Rosemead Garvey Earlswood Minor 28. Place Avenue Drive Arterial 35 1664 1 1.55 .91 35.8 28-37 35 yes 302 Rush Street San Walnut Minor 29. Gabriel Grove 40 10510 16 2.71 41.1 33-42 40 NO 40 Arterial .93 Blvd Avenue San Gabriel South City Delta Major 30. Blvd Limit Street Arterial 45 20622 16 1.04 .93 45.8 38-47 45 NO 45 San Gabriel Rush Street Garvey Major 31. Blvd Avenue Arterial 40 25203 31 1.45 .87 42.4 35-44 40 NO 40 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 18 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table of Rosemead 1 1 • - - • • • Traffic Survey Adopted • Rosemead •uncil Resolution N• XX on 1 • 10 Limit of • • • - PrimaryExpected '• -• 1Coll.• • Pace Change 2022/2023 0 Collision Location Beginning in Rate Speed 3/yr Rate in Limit? Speed Yes/No Limit per. Gabriel Garvey Hellman Major 32. Blvd Avenue Avenue Arterial 35 24474 38 2.74 .87 36.9 29-38 35 NO 35 Temple City Olney Valley Minor 33. Blvd Street Blvd Arterial 40 22248 20 1.42 .87 42.2 34-43 40 NO 40 Temple City Valley Blvd North City Minor 34. Blvd Limit Arterial 40 26909 15 2.65 .87 42.3 33-42 40 NO 40 Valley Blvd Charlotte Rosemead Major 35. Avenue Blvd Arterial 35 15002 46 3.22 .87 36.3 29-38 35 NO 35 Valley Blvd Rosemead Strang Major 36. Blvd Avenue Arterial 35 16678 49 2.60 .87 37.1 29-38 35 NO 35 Walnut San Rush Minor 37. Grove Gabriel Street 45 15237 22 1.71 46.2 38-47 45 NO 45 Arterial .87 Avenue Blvd Walnut Rush Street Garvey Minor 38. Grove Avenue 40 18628 13 41.9 33-42 40 NO 40 Arterial .81 .87 Avenue Walnut Garvey Hellman Minor 39. Grove Avenue Avenue 40 18874 13 1.21 41.5 33-42 40 NO 40 Arterial .87 Avenue Walnut Hellman Valley Minor 40. Grove Avenue Blvd 40 21078 24 1.38 40.8 32-41 40 NO 40 Arterial .93 Avenue Walnut Valley Blvd Mission Minor 41. Grove Drive 40 17778 12 1.20 41.7 33-42 40 NO 40 Arterial .87 Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 19 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 (A): Street Classifications taken from the California Road Systems Map — FHA and Caltrans Reason for Reducing Speed from 85th%(Shown in Recommendations): ' CVC 21400 (b) allows a 5 MPH Reduction in 85th%speed by 5 MPH for Rounding Down to Nearest Posted Limit. 2 CVC 627, 22358.5 and CAMUTCD 28.13 allows the posted speed to be reduced by 5 MPH due to road conditions, land use. 3 CVC 627, 22358.5 posted speed may be set 5 MPH lower than 85th%based on a higher than expected collision rate, land use and roadway conditions. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 20 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table Summary m Condition of Speed Limit Primry • ••• -• • Signs • • StreetPosted Speed Summary• •--• Limit Signs 1. De Adelena Rosemead Ellis Lane Local 25 No Speed Limit Sign Street Blvd 2. Del Mar Graves Garvey Minor 35 NB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign North of Grave Avenue: Avenue Avenue Avenue Arterial Condition - Good NB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign North of Wasola Street: Condition - Good SB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign South of Newmark Avenue: Condition - Good SB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Garvey Avenue: Condition - Good 3. Del Mar Garvey Hellman Minor 35 NB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Emerson Place: Avenue Avenue Avenue Arterial Condition - Good NB 33 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Hellman Avenue: Condition - Good 4. Earlswood Ivor Avenue Rosemead Major 30 NB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Rosemead Place: Drive Place Collector Condition - Good SB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of East of Ivor Avenue: Condition - Good 5. Ellis Lane Olney Street Temple City Local 25 NB 25 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Olney Street: Blvd Condition - Good 6. Emerson New San Gabriel Major 30 EB 30 Mph SpeedLimit Si n East of New Avenue: Place Avenue Blvd Collector Condition - Fair () EB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign East of Stevens Avenue: Condition - Good EB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Del Mar Avenue: Condition - Fair (_) WB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of San Gabriel Boulevard: Condition - Good WB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Del Mar Avenue: Condition - Good (-) WB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign West of Isabel Avenue: Condition -Good OSE E meyx Ammo CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 21 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table Condition of Speed Limit Signs ID PrimarySummary Location Beginning • -• Summary Conditions of Speed Limit Signs Ending Class. Speed � 7. Encinita Mission 1 Lower Azusa Major 30 NB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Mission Drive: Avenue Road Road Collector Condition - Good NB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Rio Dell Street: Condition - Good 8. Garvey West City Del Mar Minor 35 EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of New Avenue: Avenue Limit Avenue Arterial Condition - Good EB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign East of Prospect Avenue: Condition - Good WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Del Mar Avenue: Condition - Good WB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign West of Evelyn Avenue: Condition - Good 9. Garvey Del Mar San Gabriel Minor 35 EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Brighton Street: Avenue Avenue Blvd Arterial Condition - Fair (_) WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Denton Avenue: Condition - Good ( 10. Garvey San Gabriel Walnut Minor 35 EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Si n East of Delta Avenue: Avenue Blvd Grove Arterial Condition - Fair (� Avenue WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Walnut Grove Avenue: Condition - Good 11. Garvey Walnut East City Minor 35 EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Walnut Grove Avenue: Avenue Grove Limit Arterial Condition - Good Avenue EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Rosemead Place: Condition - Good WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Garvey Community Center: Condition - Good Grand Charlotte Rosemead Major 35 EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Charlotte Avenue: Avenue Avenue Blvd Collector Condition - Good EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Walnut Grove Avenue: 12. Condition - Good EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Muscatel Avenue: Condition - Good WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Ivor Avenue: r^, OSE EAD OSE SMAS 'Ammo CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 22 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table Condition of Speed Limit Signs ID PrimarySummary Location Beginning • -• Summary Conditions of Speed Limit Signs Ending Class. Speed � I Condition - Good WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Muscatel Avenue: Condition - Good WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Walnut Grove Avenue: Condition - Good Hellman New Walnut Major 30 EB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Del Mar Avenue: Avenue Avenue Grove Collector Condition - Fair (_) Avenue EB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of San Gabriel Boulevard: Condition - Fair (_) WB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of -10E Ramp: 13. Condition - Good WB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of San Gabriel Boulevard: Condition - Good WB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Del Mar Avenue: Condition - Good Jackson Graves Garvey Major 30 SB 25 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Hellman Avenue: Avenue Avenue Avenue Collector Condition - Good SB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign South of Garvey Avenue: Condition - Good SB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Garvalia Avenue: Condition - Good NB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Graves Avenue: 14. Condition - Good NB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Garvialia Avenue: Condition - Good NB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign South of Fern Avenue: Condition - Good NB 25 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Garvey Avenue: Condition - Good Loftus Street Temple City East City Local 35 15. No Speed Limit Sign Blvd Limit Lower Azusa Rosemead Encinita Minor 40 EB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Rosemead Boulevard: 16. Road Blvd Avenue Arterial Condition - Good CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 23 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table Condition of Speed Limit Signs ID PrimarySummary Location Beginning • -• Summary Conditions of Speed Limit Signs Ending Class. Speed � I EB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign East of Rosemead Boulevard: Condition - Good EB 40 Mph S eed Limit Si n East of Encinita Avenue: Condition - WB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Evasport Drive: Condition - Good Marshall Delta Walnut Major 35 EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Delta Avenue: Street Avenue Grove Collector Condition -- 17 Avenue WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Walnut Grove Avenue: Condition -Go( ) Marshall Walnut Rosemead Major 30 EB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign East of Walnut Grove Avenue: Street Grove Blvd Collector Condition - Good Avenue EB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Muscatel Avenue: 18 Condition - Good WB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Rosemead boulevard: Condition - Fair ( ) Marshall Rosemead Hart Avenue Major 25 WB 25 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Hart Avenue: Street Blvd Collector Condition - Good 19. EB 25 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Rosemead Boulevard: Condition - Good Marshall Hart Avenue Rio Hondo Major 25 EB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign West of Claudia Circle: Street Avenue Collector Condition - Good 20. -) WB 25 Mph Speed Speed Limit Sign West of Rio Hondo Avenue: Condition - Good Mission Drive West City Walnut Minor 35 WB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Walnut Grove Avenue: 21. Limit Grove Arterial Condition -Good Avenue Mission Drive Walnut Rosemead Minor 35 EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Walnut Grove Avenue: Grove Blvd Arterial Condition - Good 22. Avenue EB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign West of Muscatel Avenue: Condition - Good WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Rosemead Boulevard: r^, OSE EAD OSE SMAS 'Ammo CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 24 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table Condition of Speed Limit Signs ID PrimarySummary Location Beginning • -• Summary Conditions of Speed Limit Signs Ending Class. Speed � I Condition - Good Mission Drive Rosemead Valley Blvd Minor 35 EB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign East of Rosemead Boulevard: Blvd Arterial Condition - Fair - EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Newby Avenue: Condition - Good WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Arica Avenue: 23 Condition - Good WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Claudia Avenue: Condition - Good WB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign East of Encinita Avenue: Condition - Good Muscatel Marshall Grand Major 30 NB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Marshall Street: Avenue Street Avenue Collector Condition - Good NB 25 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Valley Boulevard: Condition - Good NB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign North of Hovey Street: 24. Condition - Good SB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign North of Edmond Drive: Condition - Good SB 30 Mph Speed Limit Si n South of Valle Boulevard: Condition - Fair ( ) New Avenue Graves Garvey Minor 35 SB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Garvey Avenue: Avenue Avenue Arterial Condition - Good 25 SB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Newmark Avenue: Condition - Good Ramona Walnut Ivor Avenue Major 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Ivor Avenue: 26. Avenue Grove Collector Co tion -Good Condition Co Avenue Rio Hondo Olney Street Valley Blvd Local 30 NB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Olney Street: Avenue Condition - Good 27 NB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign North of Glendon Way: Condition - Good r^, OSE EAD OSE SMAS 'Ammo CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 25 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table Condition of Speed Limit Signs ID PrimarySummary Location Beginning • -• Summary Conditions of Speed Limit Signs Ending Class. Speed � I NB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of De Adelena Street: Condition - Good SB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign South of Ralph Street: Condition - Good SB 30 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Marshall Street: Condition - Good Rosemead Garvey Earlswood Minor 35 NB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Garvey Avenue: Place Avenue Drive Arterial Condition - Good 28 SB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Earlswood Drive: Condition - Good Rush Street San Gabriel Walnut Minor 40 WB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Walnut Grove Avenue: Blvd Grove Arterial Condition - Good Avenue WB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign West of Walnut Grove Avenue: Condition - Good 29 EB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of San Gabriel Avenue: Condition - Good EB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign East of San Gabriel Avenue: Condition - Good San Gabriel South City Delta Street Major 45 NB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign East of Rose Glen Avenue: Blvd Limit Arterial Condition - Good 30. NB 45 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Walnut Grove Avenue: Condition - Fair San Gabriel Rush Street Garvey Major 40 SB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Garvey Avenue: Blvd Avenue Arterial Condition - Good 31. SB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Graves Avenue: Condition - Good San Gabriel Garvey Hellman Major 35 NB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Garvey Avenue: Blvd Avenue Avenue Arterial Condition - Good 32 SB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Hellman Avenue: Condition - Good OSE E meyx Ammo CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 26 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table Condition of Speed Limit Signs ID PrimarySummary Location Beginning • -• Summary Conditions of Speed Limit Signs Ending Class. Speed � Temple City Olney Street 1 Valley Blvd Minor 40 NB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Loftus Drive: 33. Blvd Arterial Condition - Good Temple City Valley Blvd North City Minor 40 SB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Abilene Street: 34. Blvd Limit Arterial Condition - Good ( ) Valley Blvd Charlotte Rosemead Major 35 EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Charlotte Avenue: Avenue Blvd Arterial Condition - Good EB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign East of Walnut Grove Avenue: 35. Condition - Good WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Vachon Drive: Condition - Good Valley Blvd Rosemead Strang Major 35 WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Temple City Boulevard: Blvd Avenue Arterial Condition - Good 36. WB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign West of Merwin C. Gill Way: Condition - Good Walnut Grove San Gabriel Rush Street Minor 45 NB 45 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of San Gabriel Avenue: Avenue Blvd Arterial Condition - Good NB 45 Mph Speed Limit Sign Midblock of Walnut Grove Avenue: Condition - Good 37 SB 45 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Rush Street: Condition - Good SB 45 Mph Speed Limit Sign Midblock of Walnut Grove Avenue: Condition - Good Walnut Grove Rush Street Garvey Minor 40 NB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Rush Street: Avenue Avenue Arterial Condition - Good NB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Klingerman Street: 38 Condition - Good SB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Fern Avenue: Condition - Good Walnut Grove Garvey Hellman Minor 40 NB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Garvey Avenue: Avenue Avenue Avenue Arterial Condition - Good 39. NB 25 Mph School Speed Limit Sign North of Garvey Avenue: Condition - Good SB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Hellman Avenue: r^, OSE EAD OSE SMAS 'Ammo CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 27 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Table Summary Condition of Speed Limit Signs ID Primary Location Beginning Street Posted Summary Conditions of Speed Limit Signs Ending Class. Speed � I Condition - Good Walnut Grove Hellman Valley Blvd Minor 40 NB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Ramona Boulevard: Avenue Avenue Arterial Condition - Good NB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Marshall Street: Condition - Good 40. SB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Valley Boulevard: Condition - Good SB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Marshall Street: Condition - Good Walnut Grove Valley Blvd Mission Drive Minor 40 NB 40 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Valley Boulevard: 41. Avenue Arterial Condition - Good Walnut Grove Mission Drive North City Minor 35 NB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign North of Mission Drive: Avenue Limit Arterial Condition - Good 42 SB 35 Mph Speed Limit Sign South of Grand Avenue: Condition - Good CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 28 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 SECTION4: CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 CITYWIDE SPEED LIMIT MAP AND AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) MAP The following pages consist of: • City of Rosemead 2022/2023 Citywide Speed Limit Map • City of Rosemead 2022 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Map. r, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 29 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 CITYWIDE SPEED SURVEY MAP 40 35 = x € 40 30 g N 38 30 p E CITY OF ROSEMEAD MAP LEGEND 0 -----0 Principal Arterial 0 -----0 Minor Arterial a -----0 Major Collector 0 -----0 Local Road Rosemead Jurisdictional Boundary zs 25 MPH Corridor 30 30 MPH Corridor 3s 35 MPH Corridor a0 40 MPH Corridor NOTES: • Most Residential Streets have a Prima Facie Speed Limit of 25 MPH and are not shown on Map. • Speed Limits are Based on 2022/2023 Engineering and Traffic Survey. r, OSE EAD U +�I ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 CITYWIDE ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY SUMMARY OF PROPOSED SPEED LIMITS PREPARED FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Ap� Prepared by Transtech Engineers, Inc. TRANSTECh CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 30 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC N CITY OF ROSEMEAD MAP LEGEND Principal Arterial Minor Arterial 0 -----0 Major Collector 0 -----0 Local Road _____ Rosemead Jurisdictional Boundary ADT (Average Daily Traffic) ADT # *ADT counts were taken November 2022 2022/2023 CITYWIDE ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC PREPARED FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared by Tronstech Engineers, Inc. TRANSTECh CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. i Page 31 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 N*01 1101 k, WE a k, WlIk,Ig431k,[r7e1k,IQIWI 77CW.'i113'IIIIIti7314F'1 The following pages consist of the Engineering and Traffic Survey Grid and Summary Forms for each segment included in the Citywide Survey. r, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 32 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD I I 1 I rr►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma OF OF MEN MEN ©MIS rrrr►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rrr►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rrrrr►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 1 rrrrrr►�►�►�������■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom r►rrrrr►►_�_�►_�►_�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrrrrrr►►►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom • rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■■r■■■■■■■■■r►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�� �■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom iii ����������■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��_�_ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� 11 Date of Survey: 1012012022 Start Time: i2AA 85th Percentile Speed: 30.8 Weather, Clear End Time: 14:56 50th Percentile Speed: 26.1 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 2LE 15th Percentile Speed: 23.4 Street Class.: Local 10 MPH Pace: 22-31 Observer Number in Pace: 172 Conditions Percentin Pace, 86.0 Apparent: Savannah El school east of Rio Hondo Ave rrp I OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 33 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: DE ADELENA STREET Field Observer MG Limits: ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Checked By: JR ELIS LANE Date: 10/20/2022 Factors A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey 85th Percentile 10 mph Pace Percent in Pace Posted Speed Limit Direction: East/West West of Rio Hondo Ave 30.8 22-31 86.0 25 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 Years ) Total Collisions 3 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.443 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic Length of Segment Lane Configuration Street Classification 809 3910 Single Lane Each Direction Local D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Many driveways, parking and sidewalks on both sides. Savannah EI school east of Rio Hondo Ave Roadway Geometrics Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 30 mph. Roadside Use and Collision Rale Justify a 5 mph Reduction from 85th % Speed to 25 mph. Posted Speed Should Remain or be Changed to 25 mph per CVC 627 and 22358.5. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential/School Area Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. u t CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page 34 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Limits: GRAVES AVENUE to GARVEY AVENUE I 1 1 I �►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma 1►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►-�►-�►�►�►�►�►�■■►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►-�►►-�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�_�_�►�►�►�►�►�■n nano■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �aaaaaaaa►►►►►arrrr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_�aaaaaaaannn■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom lay►aaaaaa■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■opo: oiiiiii■■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio ,,.. 11 Date of Survey: 10111/2022 StartTime: 11:30 85th Percentile Speed: 39.9 Weather: Clear End Time: 12:15 50th Percentile Speed: 34.4 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 35 15th Percentile Speed: 1 MinorStreet Class.: Arterial 1 MPH Pace, .1 in Pace: 145 Observer: Percent in Pace: 72.5% YellowNumber Conditions not Garvey School District, Uncontrolled Apparent: Penn Ave, 25mph School Sign, • n Williams Ele I el OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 35 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: DEL MAR AVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: GRAVES AVENUE Checked By: ,Ig GARVEY AVENUE Date: 10/11/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Near Garvalia Avenue 85th Percentile 39.9 10 mph Pace 31 -40 Percent in Pace 72.5% Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3Years ) Total Collisions 16 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.628 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 17452 Length of Segment 2639 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction/1 lane ea Dir Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Garvey School District, Uncontrolled Yellow Crossing at Penn Ave, 25mph School Sign, Dan T Williams Ela School at Highcliff St Roadway Geometrics Graves Ave to Vandorf St, 2 lanes as Dir Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 40 mph. The Speed Limit May be Rounded Down to the Nearest 5mph Based on Roadway Conditions. The Speed Limit Should Remain or be Posted at 35 mph per CVC 21400. E. Adjacent Land Use MFDU Residential/Commercial/ School Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. #2 (MR, { OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 36 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering-• Street Name: DEL MAR AVENUE Limits: GARVEY AVENUE to HELLMAN AVENUE Radar Survey Sheet X=North /=South I Is 20 25 30 35 40 ��110l 00 Mr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MEN MZE I ►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►:�►�►_�►_�►_�r r r r r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►►-�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■r 0000■o■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�►�►�►o:� _� _� _�►�►mr r ■■■ i i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►►►►►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►►-�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■r r o■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�►�■►r r r r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 1►���►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �---►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �►�►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma iiii�■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� �FTiI, Date of Survey: 10/1112022 Start Time: 10:45 Percentile Speed: 39.6 Weather: Clear End Time: 11:15 50th Percentile Spa d: 36.0 Road Condition: Fair Posted Speed: 35 15th Percentile Spe:d: 30.6 — Street Class.: Minor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 31-40 Observer:85th Number in Pace: 152 Percent in Pace: 76.0 Conditions not Heavy St Parking in Some Areas, Parking Allowed on Apparent: Both Sides of Street, Sidewalks,Coml and Residential CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page 31 of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: DEL MAR AVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: GARVEY AVENUE Checked By: JR HELLMAN AVENUE Date: 10/11/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey Near Dorothy Street 85th Percentile 39.5 10 mph Pace 31 -40 Percent in Pace 76.0 Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 Years ) Total Collisions 24 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.901 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 22283 Length of Segment 2654 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Heavy St Parking in Some Areas, Parking Allowed on Both Sides of Street, Sidewalks,Coml and Residential Driveways Access Del Mar Ave Roadway Geometrics Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 40 mph. The Speed Limit May be Rounded Down to the Nearest 5mph Based on Roadway Conditions. The Speed Limit Should Remain or be Posted at 35 mph per CVC 21400. E. Adjacent Land Use MFDU Residential/Commercial Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. x 3 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. I page 38 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: ••• DRIVE Limits: WAR AVENUE to ROSEMEAD PLACE MEW,I 1 11 Date of Survey: 1011312022 Start Time: 12:45 85th Percentile Speed: 33.2 Weather: Clear End Time: 14:25 50th Percentile Speed: 29.0 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed:1 15th Percentile Speed: 25.6 —Street Class.: Collector 1 MPH Pace: 25-34 observer: MG Number in Pace: 169 Percent in Pace: 84.5% Conditions not No Sidewalks, Parking on Both Sides of Street, Side Apparent: Stripes for Traffic Calming I el OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 39 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: EARLSWOOD DRIVE Field Observer MG Limits: WAR AVENUE Checked By: JR ROSEMEAD PLACE Date: 10/13/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Near Greendale Avenue 85th Percentile 33.2 10 mph Pace 25-34 Percent in Pace 84.5% Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 Years ) Total Collisions 0 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 0 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1813 Length of Segment 1338 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Collector D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions No Sidewalks, Parking on Both Sides of Street, Side Stripes for Traffic Calming Roadway Geometrics Horizontal Curves Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 35 mph. The Speed Limit May be Rounded Down to the Nearest 5mph Based on Roadway Conditions. The Speed Limit Should Remain or be Posted at 30 mph per CVC 21400. E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. N4 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. I Page 41) of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: ELLIS LANE OLNEY STREET to TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 1 I 1 1 �►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►-�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►�►�►�►�► r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►_�►_O_�►_�►_�►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 1►�►�►�►�►�►►-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►-�_�_�►�►►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ���►�►�►�a►o-►�►�n■■■■■■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►-�_�_o_�_o_o_o�►-�►-�_o_o_�rrrr■nrrrrrr■n■■■■■■■■■■■mom ���►�►�►�►-�►�_�►�►�►�►�►►►►■■►■►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►-�_�_�►_�►_�►_�►_o�■■■■■■■r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ����►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma 11 Date of Survey: 11/1/2022 Start Time: 11:00 85th Percentile Speed: 29.9 Weather: Clear End Time: 12:18 50th Percentile Speed: 25.8 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 25 15th Percentile Speed: 23.2 Street Class.: Local 10 MPH Pace: 22-31 Observer: Number in Pace: 182 Percent in Pace: 9Apparent: Conditions not Parking on Both Sides, All Way Stop at Marshall St, Only Some Portions with Sidewalks, Lots of Residential1.0% r1 OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 41 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: ELLIS LANE Field Observer MG Limits: OLNEY STREET Checked By: TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Date: 11/1/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Sneed Data Location of Survey Near Marshall Street 85th Percentile 29.9 10 mph Pace 22-31 Percent in Pace 91.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 Years ) Total Collisions 4 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 5.1 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1363 Length of Segment 2696 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Local D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Parking on Both Sides, All Way Stop at Marshall St, Only Some Portions with Sidewalks, Lots of Residential Driveways Roadway Geometrics Horizontal Curve at North End and at Ralph Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 30 mph. Roadside Use and Collision Rate Justify a 5 mph Reduction from 85th % Speed to 25 mph. Posted Speed Should Remain or be Changed to 25 mph per CVC 627 and 22358.5. E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loa N5 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. I Page 4L of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Name: EMERSON PLACE BOULEVARDStreet Limits: NEW AVENUE to SAN GABRIEL ■■■►a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma r r _� _� _� =o=_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rrr►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrr►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►►►►rrrrr►�►�_�►�_�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrrrrrr►�►o�► ►�►�►-�_�_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_�►�►�►_►�►�►���►�����■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■r ■r r r r r r r ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�� �■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrr►►►►►►�►o-��►-�►-�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrrrrr►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrr►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma „ ..- of Survey: 1011112022 Start Time: 9:00 85th Percentile Speed: 31.8 Weather: Clear End Time: 10:33 50th Percentile Speed: 28.0 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 30 15th Percentile Speed: 24.3 — Street Class.: „. or Collecto 10 MPH Pace 24-33 Observer: MG Number in , Pace: Conditions not Lots of Parked Cars on Both Sides of Street, Pedestrians Percent in Pace: ,. Apparent: on Street, Ralph Waldo Emerson Ele School, rrp I OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 43 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: EMERSON PLACE Field Observer MG Limits: NEW AVENUE Checked By: JR SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Date: 10/11/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Near Garvey Park 85th Percentile 31.8 10 mph Pace 24-33 Percent in Pace 85.0 Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 Years ) Total Collisions 17 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 3.761 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 3968 Length of Segment 5337 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Major Collector D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Lots of Parked Cars on Both Sides of Street, Pedestrians on Street, Ralph Waldo Emerson Ele School, Uncontrolled School Crossing at Prospect, Evelyn, at Garvey Park Roadway Geometries Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 30 mph. Roadside Use and Collision Rate Justify a 5 mph Reduction from 85th % Speed to 25 mph. Posted Speed Should Remain or be Changed to 25 mph per CVC 627 and 22358.5. E. Adjacent Land Use SFDU/Some MFDU/Church/School/Park Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? Yes Revised Speed Limit 25 Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. #6 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 44 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Limits: MISSION ROAD to LOWER AZUSA ROAD I I I I �►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■r r r r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 05 OR0a0FINIIIIIIIIIIIII000■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ MEM S ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■n n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom I ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►o�►�■■r■■■■►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►-�►-�►-�_�_err►►00000►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►►►►►►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom '►'►'►'►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma •- of Survey: 10/2712022 Start Time: 11:00 85th Percentile Speed: Weather: Clear End Time: 11:41 50th Percentile Speed: Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 30 tile Speed: zu s.: Collecto 10 . Pace: ., - . „ Number in Pace: 176 Conditions not Sidewalks - nd Heavy Parking Both sides. Unproteccted Percent in Pace: 88.0 Apparent; Crosswalk at Pitkin St and Rose St. Encinita Ele School I el OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 45 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: ENCINITA AVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: MISSION ROAD Checked By: LR LOWER AZUSA ROAD Date: 10/27/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Near Rio Dell Street 85th Percentile 32.5 10 mph Pace 25-34 Percent in Pace 88.0 Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 Years ) Total Collisions 12 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.037 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 7020 Length of Segment 1984 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Collector D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Sidewalks and Heavy Parking Both sides. Unproteccted Crosswalk at Pitkin St and Rose St. Encinita Ela School and Rosemead Park, 25mph School Zones. Roadway Geometrics School and Park the Whole East Side. Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 30 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential/School Area/Park Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loa 47 (MR, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 46 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: GARVEY AVENUE Limits: WEST CITY LIMIT to DEL MAR AVENUE in. I I I rr►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma I rrr►_�►�►a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rr►o-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rill►�►�►�►���������■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom r►000000►►►_o_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■■ i i■■■►��►�►�►�►�►�►�►�► �► �■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom r►o■0000►►►►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►-�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrr i■■■nr►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m�� ■►►►0000►►_o_o_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrr inoo►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrr►►000►►►►�►�►�►�►o-��►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom I ■■r■■►-��_�►�►�►�►a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrr►����■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■o�� r r►�►�►-�►-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma 000►-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma iiiiiiiiiiii�■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� 11 Date of Survey: 10111/2022 Start Time: 12:30 85th Percentile Speed: 37.1 Weather: Clear End Time: • Percentile Spe d: 33.4 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 35 15th Percentile Spe:d: 29.6 — Arterial60th Street Class.: Minor 10 MPH Pace: 29-38 Observer: MG Number in Pace: 165 Conditions not Pedestrians Crossing Midblock, Sidewalks, Percent in Pace: 82.5% Apparent, Both Sides, Richard Garvey Int School at , Dr I el OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 47 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: GARVEYAVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: WEST CITY LIMIT Checked By: LR DEL MAR AVENUE Date: 10/11/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey East of Prospect Avenue 85th Percentile 37.1 10 mph Pace 29-38 Percent in Pace 82.5% Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 YEARS ) Total Collisions 17 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.344 Expected Collision Rate 0.93 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 22678 Length of Segment 2613 Lane Configuration 2 Lane with Raised Median Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Pedestrians Crossing Midblock, Sidewalks, Parking on Both Sides, Richard Garvey Int School at Jackson, Drop Off Points for Parents, Congested During School Hours, Roadway Geometrics Raised Landscaped Medians, Signals, Left turn lanes at Most Side Streets Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 35 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Commercial Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 8 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 6y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 48 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: GARVEY AVENUE DEL MAR AVENUE to SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD I I I I .Ir►�._�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►►rrrr_o-�_�_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrr►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■►r r►-�►-�►�_o-o-�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrrrr►_►_►_►�►�►�►�_��I�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■■■■■■■■000►o-�►�►�►���►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■rr■■rrrrr i►�►�►�►�_�ti_�►�►a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrr►►o-�►�►o-��►���►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrrrrr►�►o�►�►�►���►�►�►a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom I ■■■■■rr►�►�►�►�►�►o-��►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■r r►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� iii■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� II, Date of Survey: 1011412022 Start Time: JRM 85th Percentile Speed: 37.3 Weather: Cloud End Time: 10:27 50th Percentile Speed: 33.2 Road Condition: gjggA Posted Speed: afi 15th Percentile Speed: 29.5 Street Class.: Minor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 30-39 Observer Number in Pace: 166 Percent in Pace: 83.0% Conditions not Time Limited Parking on Both Sides, Sidewalks r, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 49 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: GARVEYAVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: DEL MAR AVENUE Checked By: JR SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Date: 10/14/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Kelborn Avenue 85th Percentile 37.3 10 mph Pace 30-39 Percent in Pace 83.0 Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 YEARS ) Total Collisions 24 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.744 Expected Collision Rate 0.93 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 23718 Length of Segment 2718 Lane Configuration 2 Lane with Raised Median Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Time Limited Parking on Both Sides, Sidewalks Roadway Geometries Landscaped Medians and TWLT lanes Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 35 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Commercial/Some Vacant Parcels/Car Dealers Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. #9 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page SU of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Name: GARVEY AVENUE BOULEVARDStreet Limits: SAN GABRIEL I 1 1 0000►-►_�►_�_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■00 00000 „�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrr►i►0■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma 00000000000►0�►�►0�►�►�aa►�►�►a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m� 000000000000000000 _� _� _� _� _� _� _�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m� 00000000►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 00000000►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►►0►►►0000►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 1000000►�►_�►_�►_�►_a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m� 000►►►-�►►_X00■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■00� 00000000►�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■moo 000►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■00 ►'X00000■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oo 0■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma■ 11 Date of Survey: 10/13/2022 Start Time: 10:30 85th Percentile Speed: 37.2 Weather: Cloud End Time: 11:06 50th Percentile Speed: 32.9 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 35 15th Percentile Speed: 28.2 Street Class.: Minor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 27-36 UDserver: MG Number in Pace, 151 Percent in Pace: 75.5% Conditions not Time Limited Parking on Both Sides, Sidewalks I el OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 51 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: GARVEYAVENUE Field Observer MMC Limits: SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Checked By: LR WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Date: 10/13/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey East of Delta 85th Percentile 37.2 10 mph Pace 27-36 Percent in Pace 75.5% Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 YEARS ) Total Collisions 27 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 2.166 Expected Collision Rate 0.93 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 22520 Length of Segment 2593 Lane Configuration 2 Lane with Raised Median Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Time Limited Parking on Both Sides, Sidewalks Roadway Geometries TWLT lanes and Landscaped Medians Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 35 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Business District Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 10 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page SL of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: GARVEY AVENUE Limits: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE to EAST CITY LIMIT rrrrr►�►�►a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rrrr►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom n n n■..�►o-�►:o:...■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom n n n n n►►_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom nnnn■■_�►�►�►�►�►_o_o_o_a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■■► n►►■►►_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►►►►►►►►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ' I ►►►►►►�►�►�►�►�►a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom n■n n►-��►_°_o-��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrr►�►�►a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■o�� II, ..- of Survey: 10/1312022 Start'rime: 9:45 85th Percentile Speed: 36.8 Weather: Cloud End Time: 50th Percentile Speed: 33.2 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 1 5th Percentile Speed: 28.4 Minor Arterial 10 • Pace, Observer: Number in Pace: 158 Percent in Pace: ,, Conditions not Time Limited Parking on Both Sides I el OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 53 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: GARVEY AVENUE Field Observer MQ Limits: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Checked By: JR EAST CITY LIMIT Date: 10/13/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Near Stingle Avenue 85th Percentile 36.8 10 mph Pace 28-37 Percent in Pace 79.0 Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 YEARS ) Total Collisions 54 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 2.914 Expected Collision Rate 0.93 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 22517 Length of Segment 3856 Lane Configuration 2 Lane with Raised Median Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Time Limited Parking on Both Sides Roadway Geometrics TWLTL and Landscaped Raised Medians Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 35 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Business District Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 11 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. I Page 54 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department GRANDStreet Name: AVENUE CHARLOTTE• • BOULEVARD r►►a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rr►►_■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma „ ..-10126/2022 Start Time: 12:15 Percentile Speed: 35.8 Weather: Clear End Time: 13:05 50th Percentile Speed: 32.5 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 35 1 5th Percentile Speed: 28.3 — Street Class.: Ma or Collecto 10 MPH Pace: 28-37 Observer:85th Number in Pace: 173 Percent in Pace: 86.5% I Conditions not Intermittent Sidewalks and Parking on Both Sides, Apparent: Limited Entry at Rosemead Blvd r, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 55 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: GRAND AVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: CHARLOTTE AVENUE Checked By: JR ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Date: 10126/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Near Walnut Grove 85th Percentile 35.8 10 mph Pace 28-37 Percent in Pace 86.5% Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 YEARS ) Total Collisions 10 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 2.86 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 3145 Length of Segment 5208 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Major Collector D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Intermittent Sidewalks and Parking on Both Sides, Limited Entry at Rosemead Blvd Roadway Geometrics Curve at East End, Faded Center Dashed Striping, Grand is Frontage Road to Rosemead Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 35 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Mixed Use Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. N12 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page bb of 2U6 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: HELLMAN AVENUE Limits: NEW AVENUE to WALNUT GROVE AVENUE I 1 1 1 rr_�_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rrrrrr►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ■■■■■■r■►�►�►:�.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrrrrr►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■■■■■■►■■►� �� ��������������■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►►rrrrr►►►►►►.....�►�►���►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrrrrrr►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom I rrrrrrrrr►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrrr ►�►�►�►� �� �� �� ��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom r►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� 11 D.. of Su"ey: 10111/2022 Start Time: 1= 85th Percentile Speed: 35.8 Weather: Clear End Time: 14:05 50th Percentile Speed: 32.2 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 29 15th Percentile Speed: 28.5 Street Class.: I or Colierto 10 MPH Pace: 28-37 Obsemer: MG Number in Pace: 173 Conditions not Parking on Both Side, Heavy Parking in Front of MFDIJ, Percent in Pace: 86.5 Apparent w OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 57 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: HELLMAN AVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: NEW AVENUE Checked By: JR WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Date: 10/11/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey Isabel Avenue 85th Percentile 35.8 10 mph Pace 28-37 Percent in Pace 86.5 Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 YEARS ) Total Collisions 58 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.766 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 7205 Length of Segment 7913 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Major Collector D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Parking on Both Side, Heavy Parking in Front of MFDU, Roadway Geometrics No Leff TurnPockets Except at Signals, Congestion Near Del Marand San Gabriel Due to vin c.,.,,, per.,. Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 35 mph. Roadside Use and Collision Rate Justify a 5 mph Reduction from 85th % Speed to 30 mph. Posted Speed Should Remain or be Changed to 30 mph per CVC 627 and 22358.5. E. Adjacent Land Use Mixed Use Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 13 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 6y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 58 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public Works• Engineering Department Street Name: JACKSON AVENUE Limits: GRAVES AVENUE to GARVEY AVENUE I 1 1 I ►►-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma 11 Date of Survey: 10/14/2022 Start Time: 1LU Percentile Speed: 31.9 Weather: Cloud End Time; 11:55 50th Percentile Speed: 28.4 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: a 15th Percentile Speed: 24.6 Street Class.: Mamor Collecto 10 MPH Pace: 24-33 Observer85th Number in Pace: 175 Percent in Pace: 87.5 Conditions not Lots of Buses, Arlene Bitely Ele School at Fem, Richard Apparent: Garvey Int School BE leg of Garvey, 25 mph School r1 OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 59 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: JACKSON AVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: GRAVES AVENUE Checked By: JR GARVEY AVENUE Date: 10/14/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Near Carvalia 85th Percentile 31.9 10 mph Pace 24-33 Percent in Pace 87.5% Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 YEARS ) Total Collisions 15 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 10.483 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 2547 Length of Segment 2632 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Major Collector D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Lots of Buses, Arlene Bitely Ele School at Fern, Richard Garvey Int School SE leg of Garvey, 25 mph School Zones Roadway Geometrics Traffic Calming with Side Stripes, Uncontrolled Xwalk at Egley Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 30 mph. Roadside Use and Collision Rate Justify a 5 mph Reduction from 85th % Speed to 25 mph. Posted Speed Should Remain or be Changed to 25 mph per CVC 627 and 22358.5. E. Adjacent Land Use SFDU/MFDU/COML/SCHOOL Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? Yes Revised Speed Limit 25 Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. ata CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page bU of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Name: LOFTUS STREET BOULEVARDStreet Limits: TEMPLE CITY .Irr►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rrrrr►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma I0000I00051111111111111►1 000000000000000000■■■■■■0■mNoM3 o■■■rr►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom i■■■■ it r r r r r►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m�� ■■■■■■■►r►►►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■■■■■■■■■■■►�►�►�►�►�►�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►-�►-�►-�►�►o-��►-�►�►�►o-�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■ n■►-��►-�►-�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom I rrrrr►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ..- of Survey: 11/112022 Start Time: 12,25 85th Percentile Speed: 37.5 Weather: Clear End Time: 12,50 50th Percentile Speed: 34.0 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: M 15th Percentile Speed: 30.3 Street Class.: Local 1 MPH Pace: 29-38 observer Number in Pace: 171 Conditions not Parking on Both Sides, No Left Turn Pockets, KEEP Percent in Pace: 85.5 Apparent: CLEAR at Side Streets rrp I OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 61 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: LOFTUS STREET Field Observer MG Limits: TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Checked By: JR EAST CITY LIMIT Date: 11/1/2022 Factors Direction: EastfWest A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Mid Block 85th Percentile 37.5 10 mph Pace 29-38 Percent in Pace 85.5% Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 5 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.855 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 14287 Length of Segment 884 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Local D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Parking on Both Sides, No Left Turn Pockets, KEEP CLEAR at Side Streets Roadway Geometrics Cut Thru to Ramps at TCBLVD and Baldwin Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 35 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential SFDU and MFDU Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. a 15 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page b[ of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 of Rosemead PublicCity • and Engineering Department LOWERAZIUSAROAD ROSEMEAD B• • to ENCINITA AVENUE I I 1 I 00000►�►�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■00 r r r 000►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■00 0000000►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m■�o 00o n n'='�►_�►_�►_�►=�►=�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom■ 1000►►►0000►►►►_�►_�►_�►_�►_o_o_►_o_o_o_o_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m■�� 00000000000►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�00000►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►►0000►►►►►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 000000000x►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_0_0_0■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mea 0000000000►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�0000■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m ' • • a ►►0000►_�0►_�0►-�►_�►_�0■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 000►-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma , r•, 00000►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■opt 000►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� II Date of Survey: 10127/2022 Start Time: 12:00 85th Percentile Speed'. 42-0 Weather: Clear End Time: 12:33 50th Percentile Speed: 38.3 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 40 1 5th Percentile Speed: 34.7 Street Class.: Minor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 35-44 Observer: MQ Number in Pace: 166 Percent in Pace: 83.0% Conditions not BaCkSide of Rosemead High School and Encinita Ele Apparent: School, Congestion During School Pick Up/Drop Off, I el OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 63 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: LOWER AZUSA ROAD Field Observer MG Limits: ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Checked By: ,L ENCINITA AVENUE Date: 10/27/2022 Factors Direction: EasVWest A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Mid Block 85th Percentile 42.0 10 mph Pace 35-44 Percent in Pace 83.0 Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 7 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.46 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 12952 Length of Segment 1734 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Backside of Rosemead High School and Encinita Ele School, Congestion During School Pick Up/Drop Off, School Zones Roadway Geometrics No Left Turn Lanes Except at Signals Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 40 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Mixed Use/School Area Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. N 16 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. I Page b4 of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: MARSHALL STREET Limits: DELTA AVENUE to WALNUT GROVE AVENUE rr►►_■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma 11 Date of Survey: 10119/2022 Start Time; 10,45 85th Percentile Speed: 36.0 Weather; Clear End Time: 11:19 50th Percentile Speed: 32.4 Road Condition: Fair Posted Speed: 2E 15th Percentile Speed: 28.3 Street Class.: Ma or Collecto 1 MPH Pace: 28-37 Observer:Number „ in Pace: 172 Percent in Pace: 86.0 Conditions not Heavy Parking Both Sides, Nursery Under Power Poles r1 OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 65 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MARSHALL STREET Field Observer MSC Limits: DELTAAVENUE Checked By: JR WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Date: 10/19/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey Near Earle Ave 85th Percentile 36.0 10 mph Pace 28-37 Percent in Pace 86.0 Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 3 Collision Rate (AccIMVM) 1.904 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 5202 Length of Segment 1419 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Major Collector D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Heavy Parking Both Sides, Nursery Under Power Poles Roadway Geometrics Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 35 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. x 17 (�uf OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 66 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 RosemeadCity of Public Works and Engineering Department Street Name: MARSHALLSTREET Limits: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE to ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD 1 1 1 1 11 Date of Survey: 10/20/2022 Start Time: 12:00 85th Percentile Speed: 32.6 Weather: Clear End Time: 12:36 50th Percentile Speed: 28.9 Road Condition: AVERAGE Posted Speed:1 Percentile Speed: 25.4 Street Class.: Ma or Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 25-34 Observer:15th in Pace: 171 StreetNumber Conditions not Mildred Janson Ele School, Heavy On Percent in Pace: 85.5% Apparent: Both Sides, Side�valks rel OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 67 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MARSHALL STREET Field Observer MG Limits: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Checked By: JR Date: 10/20/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey East of Ivar 85th Percentile 32.6 10 mph Pace 25-34 Percent in Pace 85.5% Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 13 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 2.323 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 9432 Length of Segment 2780 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Major Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Mildred Janson Ela School, Heavy On Street Parking Both Sides, Sidewalks Roadway Geometrics Curve Approaching Muscatel,All Way Stops with School Xwalks Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 30 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential/School Area/Church Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 18 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page b8 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering-• Street Name: MARSHALL STREET ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD 1 1 1 1 rr►-�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rrr►_►_�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma r 000►_�►_�►-�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma oo►►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 1 ■■■►■■■r■►►r►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom r 000000000►-�►-�►-�►-�►-�►-�►-�►-�►-�►-�►-�►-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom r ■■0000000►�►_�►_�►_�►�►�►�►�►_�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m�� 000000000x■►�►o�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom■ 00000000►-��►-�►�►�►-�►-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m■ r►►►►►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom r 000►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ,,. 11 ..10/24/2022 Start Time: 10:50 85th Percentile Speed: 32.4 Weather: Clear End Time: 11,29 50th Percentile Speed: 29.1 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 30 15th Percentile Speed: 25.8 Street Class.: Ma or Collecto 10 MPH Pace: 25-34 UDserver: MG Number in Pace: 179 Percent in Pace: 89.5% Conditions not Landscaped Medians, Parking on North Side, Posted 2, Apparent: Lots of Turn Conflicts rrp I OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 69 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MARSHALL STREET Limits: ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD HARTAVENUE Field Observer MG Checked By: JR Date: 10/24/2022 Factors Direction: East/west A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Mid Block 85th Percentile 32.4 10 mph Pace 25-34 Percent in Pace 89.5% Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range 811/2019 To 8/3112022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 16 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 5.627 Expected Collision Rate 0.93 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 10449 Length of Segment 1275 Lane Configuration 2 Lane with Raised Median Street Classification Major Collector D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Landscaped Medians, Parking on North Side, Posted 25 Lots of Turn Conflicts Roadway Geometrics Right Turn lanes to Shopping Centers, Left Turn Pockets into Center Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 30 mph. Roadside Use and Collision Rate Justify a 5 mph Reduction from 85th % Speed to 25 mph. Posted Speed Should Remain or be Changed to 25 mph per CVC 627 and 22358.5. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential/Commercial Centers Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? Yes Revised Speed Limit 25 Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 19 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 6y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page /U of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public Works• Engineering Department Street Name: MARSHALL STREET Limits: HART AVENUE to RIO HONDA AVENUE 1 1 I 1 p. - 1• Date of Survey: 10124/2022 Start Time: 11:45 85th Percentile Speed: 32.5 Weather: Clear End Time: 12:22 50th Percentile Speed: 29.1 15th Percentile Speed: 24.9 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: Street Class.: Ma or Collecto 1 MPH Pace: 25-34 Number in Pace: 172 observer: MQ Percent in Pace: 1' Conditions not School Zone, Savannah Ele at Rio Hondo, Heavy Street Apparent Parking, Lots of • riveways I el OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 71 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MARSHALL STREET Field Observer MG Limits: HARTAVENUE Checked By: JR RIO HONDA AVENUE Date: 10/24/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Near Claudia 85th Percentile 32.5 10 mph Pace 25-34 Percent in Pace 86.0% Posted Speed Limit B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 7 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.001 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 6117 Length of Segment 1340 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Major Collector D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions School Zone, Savannah Ele at Rio Hondo, Heavy Street Parking, Lots of Driveways Roadway Geometrics St Off Set at Hart Ave Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 30 mph. Roadside Use and Collision Rate Justify a 5 mph Reduction from 85th% Speed to 25 mph. Posted Speed Should Remain or be Changed to 25 mph per CVC 627 and 22358.5. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential/School Area Posted Speed Limit Speed Limit Change? Yes Revised Speed Limit 25 Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. A20 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. I Page %L of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering-• MISSIONStreet Name: DRIVE Limits: WEST CITY LIMIT to WALNUT GROVE AVENUE 1 1 1 1 IIIIIIIIII a00■000151 �1 �1 �aaa0a004■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■® r r r►►►o�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma --■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii■iiiiiiiiiiiii��� Date of Survey: 1012612022 Start Time: 11:30 Percentile Speed: 37.7 Weather: Clear End Time: 12:07 50th Percentile Speed: 33.9 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 40 1 5th Percentile Speed: 30.1 Street Class.: Minor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 29-38 Observer:85th in Pace: 165 Percent in Pace: 82.5 AreasNumber Conditions not •Ave Apparent: and r , OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 73 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MISSION DRIVE Field Observer JIM Limits: WESTCITYLIMIT Checked By: JR WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Date: 10/26/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey Mid Block 85th Percentile 37.7 10 mph Pace 29-38 Percent in Pace 82.5% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 11 Collision Rate (Ace/MVM) 2.183 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 16124 Length of Segment 1464 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Areas with No Parking, Uncontrolled Xwalk at Earle Ave and Delta Ave at Senior Center and Park Roadway Geometrics Adjacent Street Segment Posted 35 Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th% is 40 mph. The Speed Limit May be Rounded Down to the Nearest 5mph Based on Roadway Conditions. The Speed Limit Should Remain or be Posted at 35 mph per CVC 21400. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential/Park/Senior Center Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? Yes Revised Speed Limit 35 Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 21 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 6y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page /4 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public Works and Engineering Department MISSIONStreet Name: DRIVE Limits, WALNUT GROVE AVENUE to ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD I 1 I 1 - 1 I, Date of Survey: 10/26/2022 Start Time: 10:45 85th Percentile Speed: 37.8 Weather: Clear End Time: 11:20 50th Percentile Speed: 1 15th Percentile Speed: 1 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: Street Class.: Minor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 30-39 Observer: Number in Pace: 161 Percent in Pace: :1 Conditions not Overhead Ped Signal and Crossing at Apparent: in Spots Mainly No Parking, Sidewalks Both Sides r1 OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 75 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MISSION DRIVE Field Observer MG Limits: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Checked By: JR ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Date: 10/26/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey East of Muscatel 85th Percentile 37.8 10 mph Pace 30-39 Percent in Pace 80.5% Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 26 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 2.433 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 16822 Length of Segment 2976 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Overhead Ped Signal and Crossing at Ivar, Parking only in Spots Mainly No Parking, Sidewalks Both Sides Roadway Geometrics TWLTL East End, No Left Turn Pockets at Minor Streets Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 40 mph. The Speed Limit May be Rounded Down to the Nearest Smph Based on Roadway Conditions. The Speed Limit Should Remain or be Posted at 35 mph per CVC 21400. E. Adjacent Land Use MFDU/COML/CHURCH Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 22 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page ib of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: MISSION DRIVE Limits: ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD to VALLEY BOULEVARD 1 1 1 000 n _� _�_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■00 000000000►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 0000000000►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom .I I ►►►-�►�►�►o-��►►-�0►0-��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom■ 00000000000►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m 11 , ■■rrrrrrrrr ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►� ��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 000►►►►►►00-�►-�►-�►�►�►�►�0►0-��►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m�0 0000000►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 000►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma 000►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma 11 Date of Survey: 10/2612022 Start Time: 10:00 85th Percentile Speed: 37.9 Weather: Clear End Time: 10:34 50th Percentile Speed: 33.8 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 35 15th Percentile Speed: 30.2 Street . Minor Arterial 1 •. 1 • Observer: in Pace: 163Percent RosemeadNumber Conditions not Rosemead Aquatic Center, in Pace: 81.5 Apparent: Cemetery,Uncontrolled YellowXwalk at Newby, Some On- rrp I OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 77 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MISSION DRIVE Field Observer MG Limits: ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Checked By: JR VALLEY BOULEVARD Date: 10/26/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey Mid Block 85th Percentile 37.9 10 mph Pace 30-39 Percent in Pace 81.5% Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 22 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 2.917 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 13021 Length of Segment 2714 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Rosemead Aquatic Center, Rosemead High School, Cemetery,Uncontrolled Yellow Xwalk at Newby, Some On -Street Parking, School Zone 25 mph Roadway Geometrics No Left Turn Pockets at Minor Streets Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th% is 40 mph. The Speed Limit May be Rounded Down to the Nearest 5mph Based on Roadway Conditions. The Speed Limit Should Remain or be Posted at 35 mph per CVC 21400. E. Adjacent Land Use PARK/SCHOOL/RES/CHURCHES Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. #23 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. I Page /B of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department GRANDLimits: MARSHALL STREET to AVENUE 0►100►1►100FAUFAI0000000■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m0oIm M-7110 IF II Date of Survey: 111112022 Start Time: 10:00 85th Percentile Speed: 32.8 Weather: Clear End Time: 10:44 50th Percentile Speed: 1 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 30 15th Percentile Speed: 25.5 Street Class.: Ma or Collecto 10 MPH Pace: 24-33 Observer: VIG Number in Pace: 172 Percent in Pace: 1' Conditions not Community Center and City Hall, Coml at Major Apparent: Intersections Where Signals, Uncontrolled School Xwalk rel OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 79 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MUSCATEL AVENUE Field Observer j» Limits: MARSHALL STREET Checked By: JR GRAND AVENUE Date: 1111/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey North of De Adelana 85th Percentile 32.8 10 mph Pace 24-33 Percent in Pace 86.0 Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range 8/112019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 17 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 2.2 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 6142 Length of Segment 5894 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Major Collector D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Community Center and City Hall, Coml at Major Intersections Where Signals, Uncontrolled School Xwalk at Scott, Muscatel Middle School, School Zone, Parking Roadway Geometrics 1 lane Each Dir with Traffic Calming Side Stripes Entire Segment Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 86th % is 36 mph. The Speed Limit May be Rounded Down to the Nearest 6mph Based on Roadway Conditions. The Speed Limit Should Remain or be Posted at 30 mph per CVC 21400. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential/School Area Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc.N 24 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 6y: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. I Page BIJ of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public Works• Engineering Department Limits: GRAVES AVENUE to GARVEY AVENUE I I I I I ►�►�►�►�►�►►-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►_'►_� _�►_�_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma '►'►'►'►'►'►'►�■o■oo■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■r i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom '►'►'►'►'►�►�►�►�►'►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom „•. ►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■o■0000■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■r r a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►-�►�►►►■■►■►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom I ►�►�_�►�►�►�■rrrr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �_�_err►rrr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma '►'►'►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma iiii�■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� ,I Mw Date of Survey: 10/14/2022 Start Time: 12:10 85th Percentile Speed: 36.8 Weather: Cloud End Time: 12:45 50th Percentile Speed: Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 35 15th Percentile Speed: Street Class.: Minor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 28-37 observer: MG Number in Pace: 159 Percent in Pace: 79.5 Conditions not Parking both Sides, Field Side of Monterey Vista Ele Apparent: School at Graves Ave, Heavy Parking, Pedestrians I el OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 81 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: NEW AVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: GRAVES AVENUE Checked By: JR GARVEY AVENUE Date: 10/14/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey South of Newmark Ave 85th Percentile 36.8 10 mph Pace 28-37 Percent in Pace 79.5% Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 6 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 0.894 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 12011 Length of Segment 2619 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Parking both Sides, Field Side of Monterey Vista Ela School at Graves Ave, Heavy Parking, Pedestrians Roadway Geometrics No Left Turn Pockets for Minor Streets Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th% Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 35 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use RES/COML/SCHOOL/CHURCH Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Dale Loc. # 25 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 6y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 8Z of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Limits: WALNUT GROVE AVE to IVAR AVENUE 1 1 1 1 IIIIIIII■■■■■■II►1►1►1►1►1 �1 �\���� ��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■®�� ■■►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma 11 Date , 11 Percentile Speed: 32.5 Weather: Cloud End Time: 14:10 50th Percentile Spa d: 29.0 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 30 Street Class.: Ma or Coliecto 10 MPH Pace: 25-34 Observer:85th Number in Pace: 175 Percentin Pace: 87.5 Conditions not No Parking on North Side, Narrow WB Lanes,Freeway on Apparent: North Side rrp I OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 83 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: RAMONA AVENUE Field Observer Mg Limits: WALNUT GROVE AVE Checked By: JR WAR AVENUE Date: 10/14/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Mid Block 85th Percentile 32.5 10 mph Pace 25-34 Percent in Pace 87.5% Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 4 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.7 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 4537 Length of Segment 2430 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Major Collector D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions No Parking on North Side, Narrow WB Lanes,Freeway on North Side Roadway Geometrics 1-10 EB Off Ramp at East End, Curves at West and East Ends Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 30 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. #26 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. i Page 84 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of • •.d Public•rks and Engineering Department RJOHONDCAVENUE OLNEY AVENUE to VALLEY BOULEVARD II Date of Survey: 1012412022 Start Time: 12:45 85th Percentile Speed: 32.4 Weather: Clear End Time: 13:20 50th Percentile Speed: 28.8 Road Condition: AVERAGE Posted Speed: 30 15th Percentile Speed: 25.3 Street Class.: Local 1 MPH Pace: 24-33 Number in Pace: 174 Observer: Percent in Pace: 1' Conditions not Heavy On -Street Parking, Sidewalks, 25 MPH School Apparent: Zone, Savannah Ele, All Way Stops Near School rrp I OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 85 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: RIO HONDO AVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: OLNEY AVENUE Checked By: JR VALLEY BOULEVARD Date: 10/24/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey North of Ralph 85th Percentile 32.4 10 mph Pace 24-33 Percent in Pace 87.0% Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 12 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 3.343 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 5763 Length of Segment 2918 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Local D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Heavy On -Street Parking, Sidewalks, 25 MPH School Zone, Savannah Ele, All Way Stops Near School Roadway Geometrics Commercial Near Valley Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 30 mph. Roadside Use and Collision Rate Justify a 5 mph Reduction from 85th % Speed to 25 mph. Posted Speed Should Remain or be Changed to 25 mph per CVC 627 and 22358.5. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential/School Area/Coml Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? Yes Revised Speed Limit 25 Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. W27 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. I page 8b of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: ROSEMEAD PLACE Limits: GARVEY AVENUE to ••• DRIVEI I I 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��� ►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►-�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►�►�►�►�►�■r r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_�►_O_�►_�►_o�►_�►■■■■►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►o-��■►►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■►►►►►►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom • I ►-�►_o_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►-�►►-gin■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m I I , ►���►�►�►�►-�►►-�_�►�►�■■■■r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom I ►-�_�_�►�►�►�►�■■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►-�►-�_�rrr►r►►►r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►-� _� _�►r r r r r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ��m■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma 11 Date of Survey: 10/18/2022 Start Time: 1= 85th Percentile Speed: 35.8 Weather, Cloud End Time: 12:25 50th Percentile Speed: 32.1 Road Condition: AVERAGE Posted Speed: 35 15th Percentile Speed: 28.4 Street Class.: Minor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 28-37 Number in Pace: 169 Observer: MG Percent in Pace: 84.5% Conditions not Parking on Both Sides, Intermittent Sidewalks,Peds Apparent: Walking in Street { OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 87 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: ROSEMEAD PLACE Field Observer MG Limits: GARVEY AVENUE Checked By: JR EARLSWOOD DRIVE Date: 10/18/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey Near Whitmore 85th Percentile 35.8 10 mph Pace 28-37 Percent in Pace 84.5% Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.559 Expected Collision Rate 0.91 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1664 Length of Segment 1806 Lane Configuration Single Lane Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Parking on Both Sides, Intermittent Sidewalks,Peds Walking in Street Roadway Geometrics Traffic Calming/Side Stripes Entire Length/Wide Roadway Comments Recommended Speed Limit Per 85th % is 35 mph. Roadside Use Justifys a 5 mph Reduction from 85th% Speed to 30 mph. Posted Speed Should Remain or be Changed to 30 mph per CVC 627 and 22358.5. E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? Yes Revised Speed Limit 30 Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. 7128 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 88 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering-• Name: RUSH STREET BOULEVARDStreet Limits: SAN GABRIEL oo„�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma r r r r r►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rr►►►►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom •, , . r r r r r r r r►_�►�►�►i►�►o::�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom . I rrrrrrrr►►►►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►���■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrrrrrrrrrr►�►�►�►�►�������■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■■■■■■■►_o_�►o_00000:�. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrrrrr►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom r rrrrrrr►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrrrrr ►�►�►� �� �o-a ��■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom o■■rrr►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom r r►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma „ Date of Survey: 10/17/2022 Start Time: 11:15 85th Percentile Speed: 41.1 Weather: Clear End Time: 12 25 50th Percentile Speed: 37.4 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 40 15th Percentile Speed: 33.5 Street Class.: Minor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 33-42 Observer: Number in Pace: 167 Conditions not Rice Ele School, Parking on Both Sides, Sidewalk, Percent in Pace: 83.5 Apparent: School Zone 25 mph, Uncontrolled School Xwalk at I el OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 89 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: RUSH STREET Field Observer MG Limits: SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Checked By: JR WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Date: 10/17/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Mid Block 85th Percentile 41.1 10 mph Pace 33-42 Percent in Pace 83.5% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 16 Collision Rate (Ace/MVM) 2.718 Expected Collision Rate 0.93 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 10510 Length of Segment 2624 Lane Configuration 2 Lane with Raised Median Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Rice Ele School, Parking on Both Sides, Sidewalk, School Zone 25 mph, Uncontrolled School Xwalk at Angelus, Walmart Center Roadway Geometrics Landscaped Median with Left Turn Pockets at Minor Streets Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 40 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use SFDU/MFDU/COML Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 29 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. i Page 9U of 2U6 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public. and Engineering Department Street Name: SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD SOUTHo DELTA STREET 1 1 I 1 ►�„�■ra■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�■iiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�■iiiiiii�■iiiiiii��� „ ... •0 85th Percentile Speed: 45.8 Weather: Clear End Time: 9:39 50th Percentile Speed: 42.3 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 45 1 5th Percentile Speed: 37.9 Street Class.: Ma or Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 38-47 Observer: ING Number in Pace: 1 Conditions not Some Gaps in Sidewalk, Don Bosco School, Heavy Percent in Pace 80.0% Apparent: Parking by MFDU, Few Driveways with Access, Bus Route rrp I OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 91 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Field Observer MG Limits: SOUTH CITY LIMIT DELTA STREET Checked By: JR Date: 10/19/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey East of Village 85th Percentile 45.8 10 mph Pace 38-47 Percent in Pace 80.0% Posted Speed Limit 45 B. Collision History Date Range 8/112019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 16 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.046 Expected Collision Rate 0.93 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 20622 Length of Segment 3475 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes with Raised Median Street Classification Major Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Some Gaps in Sidewalk, Don Bosco School, Heavy Parking by MFDU, Few Driveways with Access, Bus Route Roadway Geometrics SR -60 Offramps, Raised Medians SCL to Arland Ave, Left Turn Pockets at Minor Streets Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th% Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 45 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use SFDU/MFDU/COML/SCHOOL Posted Speed Limit 45 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. p 30 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page 92 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department BOULEVARDStreet Name: SAN GABRIEL Limits: RUSH STREET to GARVEY AVENUE I I I I 000000rr■■�oorr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■moo 0000►000000000■■■■►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■moo ,l 000000000000000000■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■moo 0000000000000000■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m�� 000000000000000000000■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 00000►_�►_�►_�►_�o o n Doo■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■moo ►'►'►'►'►'►'►►Doo ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom '►'►'►'►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■©opo 000000Doo■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oo�o '►'►'►'►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■opt l0000■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma■ o■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ori ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■,tet „ Date of Survey: 10/19/2022 Start Time: 9:45 85th Percentile Speed: 42.4 Weather: Clear End Time: 10:17 50th Percentile Speed: 38.1 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 41 15th Percentile Speed: 34.0 Street Class.: Mamor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 35-44 Observer Number in Pace: 153 Conditions not Time Limited Parking Both Sides, Signals, Covered Bus Percent in Pace: 76.5% Benches Apparent: r, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 93 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Field Observer MG Limits: RUSH STREET GARVEYAVENUE Checked By: JR Date: 10/19/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey Mid Block 85th Percentile 42.4 10 mph Pace 35-44 Percent in Pace 76.5% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 31 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.458 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 25203 Length of Segment 3953 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes with Left Turn Channelization Street Classification Major Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Time Limited Parking Both Sides, Signals, Covered Bus Benches Roadway Geometrics TWLTL, Raised Median South End Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 40 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Commercial/Park/Church Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 31 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page 94 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public Works and Engineering Department BOULEVARDStreet Name: SAN GABRIEL Limits: GARVEY AVENUE to HELLMAN AVENUE 1 I 1 1 �►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �►�►'►�►►►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �_�_�_�_�_�_�_�_o_�_�rrrrrrrrrrrr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom , r . �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom I ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom • �►�►�►�►�►�■■■►►r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma 11 Date of Survey: 10/19/2022 Start Time: 11:30 85th Percentile Speed: 36.9 Weather, Clear End Time: 12:11 1 1 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 25 15th Percentile Speed: 29.4 Street Class.: Mamor Arterial 1 MPH Pace: 29-38 UDserver: MG Number in Pace: 169 Conditions not Time Limited Parking, Sidewalks, Lots of Coml Driveways Percent in Pace, 84.5% rrp I OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 95 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Field Observer MG Limits: GARVEYAVENUE Checked By: JR HELLMAN AVENUE Dale: 10/19/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Near Emerson Place 85th Percentile 36.9 10 mph Pace 29-38 Percent in Pace 84.5% Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 38 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 2.749 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 24474 Length of Segment 2646 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes with Left Turn Channelization Street Classification Major Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Time Limited Parking, Sidewalks, Lots of Coml Driveways Roadway Geometrics TWLTL, North End Ramps to 1-10 Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 35 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Commercial Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loa p32 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page 9b of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering-• BOULEVARDStreetName: TEMPLE CITY OLNEY STREET to VALLEY BOULEVARD 1 1 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��_�_ ►-�►_�►►-�o■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma @emo@i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►o-��►�►�►�►�►�►►►►■■■►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom .1►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►►-�_�_���►�►�►�►�►�►�►rr■■rrr i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►m■■►►■■►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►���►m■rrrrr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►-�►-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma 1 Date of Survey: 10/2712022 Start Time: 85th Percentile Speed: 42.2 Weather: Clear End Time: 9:55 50th Percentile Speed, ul Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 40 Percentile Speed: 34.1 Street Class.: Minor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 34-43 observer:15th in Pace: 165 Sidewalks,Number Conditions not Percent in Pace: 82.5 Apparent: of Res . riveways, Coml at Valley Blvd rrp I OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 97 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Field Observer MG Limits: OLNEY STREET Checked By: JR VALLEY BOULEVARD Date: 10/27/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey Near Guess St 85th Percentile 42.2 10 mph Pace 34-43 Percent in Pace 82.5% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 20 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.421 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 22248 Length of Segment 2963 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Sidewalks, Heavy Parking, Some Areas No Parking, Lots of Res Driveways, Coml at Valley Blvd Roadway Geometrics 1-10 Ramp WB Free Flow onto TCBIvd and On Ramp Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 40 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential/Com/ Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date 33 CITY CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. 1 page 98 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of • • . Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Limits: VALLEY BOULEVARD to NORTH I 1 1 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �■■►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma - ►�►�►�►�►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �_�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►-�►-�►�►�►�■■■■■►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom " 1►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_o_o_o_o_o_�►�►►►►►►►►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_�►_�►_�►_�►_o�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_o_�o►n►■■►►oo►►o■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�►�►►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom , , . �►�►�►�►�►�►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►-�►-�►�►�►�►m■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma „ . �►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� II „ 1.10:00 Percentile Speed: 42.3 Weather: Clear End Time: 10:41 50th Percentile Spe d: 37.6 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 40 15th Percentile Spe:d: 33.9 Arterial85th Street Class.: Minor 10 MPH Pace: 33-42 Obsemer: MG Number in Pace: 156 Conditions not Truck Traffic, Only Spot Parking, Sidewalks Both Sides Percent in Pace: 78.0% Apparent; But Some Areas No Sidewalks CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 99 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Field Observer Ma Limits: VALLEY BOULEVARD NORTH CITY LIMIT Checked By: JR Date: 10/27/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey Mid Block 85th Percentile 42.3 10 mph Pace 33-42 Percent in Pace 78.0% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 15 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 2.659 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 26909 Length of Segment 982 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Truck Traffic, Only Spot Parking, Sidewalks Both Sides But Some Areas No Sidewalks Roadway Geometries Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 40mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Commercial/Industrial Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc.#34 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 6y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page IUU of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: VALLEY BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE• D BOULEVARD Radar 5 10 is I 25 30 35 40 Irr►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rrr►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ■■■■r n■■nr►�►_�►►o�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■■■■■■r r oor►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►►►rrrrrr ■►►►■■■■►�►�►�►�►�►� _o_�_�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrr 0000rr►�►�►�►�►�►���►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ■►■r r r r r r r►�►�►�►� _�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrrrroo■��►�►�►�►�a►-�►-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom rrrr■■■■■■r►�►�►�►o-��►�►���►�►�►o-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 1 ■■■r►►o-�►-�►-�_�_o_�_o_O_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom r ■►�►�►--� _�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rr►_�►_�►_�►_�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma rrr►�►-�_�_�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■o�� II, Date of Survey: 10120/2022 Start Time: 10,30 Percentile Speed: 36.3 Weather: Clear End Time: 11:04 50th Percentile Speed: 33.1 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 2A 15th Percentile Speed: 29.4 Street Class.: Ma"or Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 29-38 1 observer:85th Number in Pace: 173 Percent in Pace: 86.5 Conditions not Time Limited Parking, Sidewalks, Lots of Coml Apparent: Driveways, Large Shopping Centers CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 1U1 of ZUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: VALLEY BOULEVARD Field Observer MG Limits: CHARLOTTE AVENUE Checked By: JR ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Date: 10/20/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey East of Delta 85th Percentile 36.3 10 mph Pace 29-38 Percent in Pace 86.5% Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 Total Collisions 46 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 3.227 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 15002 Length of Segment 4387 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes with Left Turn Channelization Street Classification Major Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Time Limited Parking, Sidewalks, Lots of Count Driveways, Large Shopping Centers Roadway Geometrics TWLTL Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 35 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Commercial Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 35 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page IU2 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public • and Engineering Department BOULEVARDStreet Name: VALLEY ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD 1 1 1 1 00000000001111111111■■■■■NONE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ NONE ■■mFm p. Date of Survey: 10/24/2022 Start Time: 10:00 85th Percentile Speed: 37.1 Weather: Clear End Time: 10:33 50th Percentile Speed: 33.2 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 35 15th Percentile Speed: 29.9 Street Class.: Mamor Arterial 1 MPH Pace: 29-38 Observer: Number in Pace: 173 Conditions not Covered Bus Benches, Sidewalks, Time Limited Parking, Percent in Pace: 86.5% Apparent: Lots of Coml Driveways rrp I OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 103 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: VALLEY BOULEVARD Field Observer MG Limits: ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Checked By: JR Date: 10/24/2022 Factors Direction: East/West A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey East of Rio Hondo 85th Percentile 37.1 10 mph Pace 29-38 Percent in Pace 86.5 Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 49 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 2.609 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 16678 Length of Segment 5275 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes with Left Turn Channelization Street Classification Major Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Covered Bus Benches, Sidewalks, Time Limited Parking, Lots of Coml Driveways Roadway Geometrics TWLTL Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 35 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Commercial/Offices Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 36 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page IU4 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Name: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE BOULEVARDStreet Limits: SAN GABRIEL �►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �►�►�_�_�_err■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►� n ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►►►►►►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►o-��►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►►►►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_�►_�►_O_O_O_O_�■■■■■■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►=�►=�►■►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma iiiiiiiii■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� iiiiiiiiii�■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� iiiiiii�■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��� 11 Date of Survey: 10/1712022 Start Time: 11:20 85th Percentile Speed: 46.2 Weather: Clear End Time: 12:16 50th Percentile Speed: 42.2 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 45 15th Percentile Speed; 37.6 Street Class.: Minor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 38-47 observer: Number in Pace: 155 Percent in Pace: 77.5% Conditions not Sidewalks, Large Offices, Golf Course on East Apparent: SideParking on West Side, Walmart Center rrp I OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 105 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Checked By: JR RUSH STREET Date: 10/17/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey Mid Block 85th Percentile 46.2 10 mph Pace 38-47 Percent in Pace 77.5% Posted Speed Limit 45 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 22 Collision Rate (Ace/MVM) 1.719 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 15237 Length of Segment 3935 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Sidewalks, Large Corp Offices, Golf Course on East Side,Parking on West Side, Walmart Center Roadway Geometrics TWLTL Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 45 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use MFDU/SFDU/University/Golf/Offices Posted Speed Limit 45 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. #37 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 6y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I page 1Ub of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public • and Engineering Department Street Name: WALNUT GROVE AVE Limits: RUSH STREET to GARVEY AVENUE 1 1 1 1 1■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■=�_�_ 11 Date of Survey: 10117/2022 Start Time: 10:40 85th Percentile Speed: 41.9 Weather: Clear End Time: 11:14 50th Percentile Speed: 37.4 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed:.1 15th Percentile Speed: 33.4 Street Class.: Minor Arterial 1 MPH Pace: 33-42 Observer: Number in Pace: 158 Percent in Pace: 79.0 Conditions not Heavy Street Parking _ Drivewaysr SFDU, Sidewalks, No LeftApparent: Turn Lanes at Major rrp I OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 107 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: WALNUT GROVE AVE Field Observer MG Limits: RUSH STREET Checked By: JR GARVEY AVENUE Date: 10/17/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey South of Fern 85th Percentile 41.9 10 mph Pace 33-42 Percent in Pace 79.0% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 13 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 0.816 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 18628 Length of Segment 4007 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Heavy Street Parking Near SFDU, Sidewalks, No Left Turn Lanes at Major Driveways Roadway Geometrics Raised Median Rush to Klingerman, Side Stripes Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 40 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use SDFU/MFDU/Large Corp Offices Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. p 38 �u) OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 108 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 rel OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 109 of 206 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Limits: GARVEY AVENUE to HELLMAN AVENUE 1 1 1 I . ►�r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►� _� _� _�►�r r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �►�►o-��►�►�►►►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►_�►_�►_� iirrr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom 1►�►�►�►_�►_�►�►�►�rrrnr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►���►�►�►�■oo■■■r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►o�_�►�►���►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom _�►�_�►�►o-_�_�►�►�►�rr n►r►r ii■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�_�►�►�►►►►r■r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►_�►_o�►�►�rrrr ioo■rra■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�■r oo■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom I1, ... „ 85th Percentile Speed: 41.5 Weather: Clear End Time: 10,33 50th Percentile Speed: 37.1 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 40 15th Percentile Speed: 33.3 — Street Class.: Minor Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 33-42 Observer: Number in Pace: 160 Percent in Pace: 80.0% Conditions not Parking Both Sides, Back Side of Willard Ele School, Lots Apparent: of Driveways rel OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 109 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Field Observer Ma Limits: GARVEY AVENUE Checked By: JR HELLMAN AVENUE Date: 10/17/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey South of Dorothy 85th Percentile 41.5 10 mph Pace 33-42 Percent in Pace 80.0 Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 13 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.214 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 18874 Length of Segment 2659 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Parking Both Sides, Back Side of Willard Ele School, Lots of Driveways Roadway Geometrics Dbl Yellow Center Line Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 40 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Commercial/MFDU/SFDU/School Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. # 39 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 11U of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Name: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE BOULEVARDStreet Limits HELLMAN AVENUE to VALLEY 1 1 1 1 o5►SII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■off �►�►i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �►�►�►i■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma •, , . ►_�►_�►_�_�►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom � ►�►�►�►o�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■®� �_�►�_�►�►�■■■■■■►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►o�►�►-�►►-�►000:�.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►-�_�_�_�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►■►■■■■■■■■■■■■r ■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_o�►�►�►�►-�►-�►-�_�_�rrrrrrr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �����►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_�►_�►_�►_�►►-�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom , ,, ►_�_�_�000■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma Date of Sumey: 10120/2022 Start Time: 11:15 Percentile Speed: 40.8 Weather: Clear End Time: 11,56 50th Percentile Speed: 36.6 Road Condition; gg2SI Posted Speed: 40 15th Percentile Speed: 32.8 Manor85th Street Class.: Arterial 10 MPH Pace: 32-41 Obsenrer: I Number in Pace: — _tu Percent in Pace: 81.0% Conditions not Back Side of Mildred Janson Ele, Sidewalks, Limited Apparent: Street Parking rrp I OSE E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 111 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: HELLMAN AVENUE Checked By: JR VALLEY BOULEVARD Date: 10/20/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey Near Wood Ave 85th Percentile 40.8 10 mph Pace 32-41 Percent in Pace 81.0% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 24 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.384 Expected Collision Rate 0.93 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 21078 Length of Segment 3855 Lane Configuration 2 Lane with Raised Median Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Back Side of Mildred Janson Ele, Sidewalks, Limited Street Parking Roadway Geometrics Left Turn Channelization at Major Driveways and Intersections Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th% Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 40 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential/School Area/Coml Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc. N40 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: I ranstech bnglneers, Inc. I Page 111 of LUb CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department Street Name: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Limits: VALLEY BOULEVARD • DRIVE . ►-�►_�■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma FS 04 04 ►/IIII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ "no EM ►-�►-�►-�■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom . , ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�_�_�■■■■■■■■■■r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►-�►-�►-�►►-�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�r ► r r r r r r r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_o_o-�►-�►_o_o_o_o_o_�►►■■■■■ii■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■■r r r r r r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom '=�►o-��--►►►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�-►�-►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►�►o�► r■■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma Ir■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma „ Date of Suinrey: 10126/2022 Start Time: 13:15 Percentile Speed: 41.7 Weather: Clear End Time: 13:58 50th Percentile Speed: 38.6 Road Condition: Posted Speed: AQ 15th Percentile Speed: 34.7 _QQgd Street Class.: MinorArterial 10 MPH Pace: 33-42 Observer:85th Number in Pace: 171 Percent in Pace: 85.5 Conditions not Parking, Sidewalks, Lots of Residential Driveway, Apparent: Commercial at Valley Blvd rel OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 113 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: VALLEY BOULEVARD MISSION DRIVE Checked By: JR Date: 10/26/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey North of Wells 85th Percentile 41.7 10 mph Pace 33-42 Percent in Pace 85.5% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 12 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.201 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 17778 Length of Segment 2632 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Parking, Sidewalks, Lots of Residential Driveway, Commercial at Valley Blvd Roadway Geometrics Dbl Yellow Center Line Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 40 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use Residential Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Dale Loc. #41 �R, { OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 114 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Public• and Engineering Department WALNUT GROVE AVENUE MISSIONStreetName: DRIVE to NORTH I I I I �►�►�►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �►�►�►�►�►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma ►�►�►�►�■r r r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�n►■■►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►_�►■■■►►►►►►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►o�►�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�►�■r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�►�■r r r r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�►�► �■r r r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►�►�►�►�►�■■r► n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom �►�►�►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma Date 85th Percentile Speed: 37.1 Weather: Clear End Time: 14:35 50th Percentile Speed: 33.1 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 35 15th Percentile Speed: 28.8 Street Class.: Minor Arterial Observer: Number in Pace: 160 Percent in Pace: :, , Conditions not Lots of Residential Driveways, No Left Turn Pockets at Apparent: Minor Side Streets, Sidewalks, Parking, Trucks North of r, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 115 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: WALNUT GROVE AVENUE Field Observer MG Limits: MISSION DRIVE Checked By: JR NORTH CITY LIMIT Date: 10/26/2022 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey Mid Block 85th Percentile 37.1 10 mph Pace 28-37 Percent in Pace 80.0 Posted Speed Limit 35 B. Collision History Date Range 8/1/2019 To 8/31/2022 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 19 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.613 Expected Collision Rate 0.87 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 12506 Length of Segment 1543 Lane Configuration 2 Lanes Each Direction Street Classification Minor Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Lots of Residential Driveways, No Left Turn Pockets at Minor Side Streets, Sidewalks, Parking, Trucks North of Grand Roadway Geometrics Dal Yellow Center Line, Traffic Calming Side Stripes Comments Posted Speed Limit is Set at 85th % Speed. Posted Speed Should Remain at 35 mph Per CVC 627 and 22350. E. Adjacent Land Use SFDU/MFDU Posted Speed Limit 35 Speed Limit Change? No Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead: Date Loc.0 42 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Lnglneers, Inc. I Page 116 of 2Ub CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 SECTION 6: AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) COUNTS The following pages consist of the ADT count sheets for all segments. The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data was obtained from counts taken by a private traffic counting firm in October and November 2022. These counts were taken while school was in session. ADT counts were taken by NDS Services. National Data & Surveying Services 8370 Wilshire Blvd. Ste, 205 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Tel (323) 782-0090 Fax (323)375-1666 www.ndsdata.com r, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 117 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 118 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME De Adelena St W/O Rio Hondo Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_001 DAILY TOTALS N13 S13 EB WI3 Totall 1 398 :1' AM Period r r N13 S13 EB TOTAL 0:00 0 03 0 12:00 10 2 12 0:15 0 0 0 12:15 4 7 11 0:30 1 1 2 12:30 4 7 11 0:45 2 F 3 0 1 2 4 12:45 1 19 4 20 5 39 100 1 0 1 13:00 4 9 13 115 0 0 0 13:15 8 4 12 1:30 0 0 0 13:30 4 6 10 1:45 1 2 0 1 2 13:45 7 23 6 25 13 48 200 1 0 1 14:00 6 9 15 215 0 0 0 14:15 10 18 28 2:30 0 0 0 14:30 5 10 15 245 0 F 1 0 0 1 14:45 11 32 1 38 12 70 3:00 0 0 0 15:00 7 7 14 3:15 0 0 0 15:15 8 5 13 3:30 0 0 0 15:30 6 7 13 3:45 0 1 1 1 1 1545 6 27 6 25 12 52 400 0 0 0 1600 9 6 15 415 1 0 1 16:15 5 8 13 4:30 1 0 1 16:30 6 7 13 445 1 F 3 1 1 2 4 16:45 8 28 7 28 15 56 500 0 0 0 17:00 4 3 7 515 0 2 2 17:15 6 11 17 5:30 2 1 3 17:30 6 12 18 545 1 3 2 5 3 8 1745 6 22 17 43 23 65 600 0 0 0 18:00 9 10 19 615 3 0 3 18:15 9 5 14 6:30 3 5 8 18:30 6 6 12 645 5 11 2 7 7 18 18:45 5 29 4 25 9 54 700 0 3 3 19:00 5 6 11 715 5 4 9 19:15 3 2 5 7:30 13 6 19 19:30 6 3 9 7:45 23 41 17 30 40 71 1945 9 23 2 13 11 36 800 10 13 23 2000 7 5 12 815 10 10 20 20:15 3 7 10 8:30 10 6 16 20:30 2 1 3 845 8 38 5 34 13 72 20:45 7 19 1 14 8 33 900 5 4 9 21:00 5 5 10 915 3 6 9 21:15 1 1 2 9:30 7 9 16 2130 3 1 4 945 10 25 6 25 16 50 2145 2 11 2 9 4 20 1000 7 5 12 22:00 3 3 6 1015 2 5 7 22:15 3 3 6 10:30 3 2 5 22:30 4 4 8 10:45 5 17 8 20 13 37 22:45 2 12 1 11 3 23 1100 5 4 9 23:00 2 3 5 1115 4 4 8 23:15 1 0 1 1130 5 4 9 23:30 1 1 2 1145 4 18 7 19 11 37 23:45 0 4 0 4 0 8 TOTALS 162 143 305 TOTALS 249 255 504 SPLIT% 531% 469% 1 37.7% SPLIT% 1 49.4% 50.6% 62.3% EB W13 Total 1 411 398 :1' AMPeak Hour 7'.30 7'.38 738 PMPeak Hour 14'.15 17'.15 17:15 AM Pk Volume 56 46 182 PM Pk Volume 33 50 77 Pk Hr Factor 0.609 0.676 8.638 Pk Hr Factor 0750 0735 8.837 7 9Volume 79 64 143 4 6Volume 50 71 121 7 9 Peak Hour 7'.30 7'.30 738 4 6 Peak Hour 16'.00 17'.00 1788 7 9Pk Volume 56 46 182 4 6Pk Volume 28 43 65 Pk Hr Factor 0.609 0.676 8.638 Pk Hr Fa Ror 0778 0.632 8]87 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 118 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 OSE EAD 11 SEsm I Ammo CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 119 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project#: CA22 020329 001 City: Rosemead Location: De Adelena St W/O Rio Hondo Ave Date: 11/17/2022 /1\ AAK 1_ /-✓_-_ A, I_- I I OSE EAD 11 SEsm I Ammo CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 119 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 VOLUME Del Mar Ave N/O Fern Ave Day: Thursday Date: 11/17/2022 city: Rosemead Project#: CA22_020329_002 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 120 of 206 000 17 18 35 1200 137 105 242 015 13 10 23 1215 101 124 225 0:30 11 12 23 12:30 147 113 260 045 12 53 6 46 18 99 1245 129 514 103 445 232 959 100 10 8 18 13:00 137 115 252 115 11 5 16 13:15 142 120 262 1:30 10 14 24 13:30 139 148 287 145 11 42 5 32 16 74 13:45 141 559 142 525 283 1084 200 1 6 7 14:00 180 136 316 215 5 8 13 14:15 160 137 297 2:30 8 4 12 14:30 149 121 270 245 4 18 9 27 13 45 14:45 185 674 146 540 331 1214 3:00 7 8 15 15:00 139 156 295 3:15 4 3 7 15:15 127 142 269 3:30 5 4 9 15:30 162 154 316 3:45 9 25 7 22 16 47 1545 154 582 147 599 301 1181 400 7 7 14 16:00 161 188 349 415 7 10 17 16:15 159 158 317 4:30 13 9 22 16:30 150 176 326 4:45 14 41 12 38 26 79 16:45 188 658 237 759 425 1417 500 10 7 17 17:00 189 173 362 515 26 23 49 17:15 195 174 369 5:30 28 16 44 17:30 203 196 399 545 33 97 17 63 50 160 17:45 180 767 210 753 390 1520 600 47 23 7018:00 220 239 459 615 87 23 110 18:15 240 213 453 6:30 58 40 98 18:30 194 148 342 645 90 282 42 128 132 410 18:45 163 817 121 721 284 1538 700 85 57 142 19:00 118 132 250 715 151 50 201 19:15 124 126 250 7:30 167 88 255 19:30 112 111 223 745 244 647 149 344 393 991 1945 81 435 117 486 198 921 800 246 198 444 2000 87 92 179 815 261 185 446 20:15 68 101 169 8:30 140 135 275 20:30 74 83 157 8:45 137 784 119 637 256 1421 20:45 63 292 85 361 148 653 900 168 80 248 21:00 49 53 102 915 147 89 236 21:15 71 64 135 9:30 128 81 209 2130 56 64 120 945 127 570 93 343 220 913 2145 40 216 67 248 107 464 1000 112 89 201 22:00 42 44 86 1015 123 86 209 22:15 29 28 57 10:30 125 88 213 22:30 41 33 74 10:45 138 498 114 377 252 875 22:45 29 141 23 128 52 269 1100 127 94 221 23:00 36 28 64 1115 126 94 220 23:15 23 23 46 1130 130 114 244 23:30 20 18 38 1145 136 519 113 415 249 934 23:45 18 97 18 87 36 184 TOTALS 3576 2472 6048 TOTALS 5752 5652 11404 SPLIT% 1 591% 409% 34.7% SPLIT% 1 50.4% 49.6% 65.3% r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 120 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 121 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: CA22_020329002 City: Rosemead Location: Del Mar Ave N/0 Fern Ave Date: 11/17/2022 900 —N8 —S8 — E8 —W8 800 700 600 � 500 u L d > 400 300 200 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ti N m 4 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 121 of 206 ut UJ CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 121 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 VOLUME Del Mar Ave N/O Emerson PI Day: Thursday Date: 11/17/2022 city: Rosemead Project#: CA22_020329_003 rp, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 122 of 206 000 19 23 42 1200 169 171 340 015 22 18 40 1215 161 186 347 0:30 10 21 31 12:30 178 163 341 045 14 65 15 77 29 142 1245 160 668 159 679 319 1347 100 15 10 25 13:00 198 180 378 1:15 12 20 32 13:15 197 159 356 130 7 14 21 13:30 190 194 384 145 15 49 6 50 21 99 13:45 168 753 195 728 363 1481 200 6 7 13 14:00 195 179 374 215 2 8 10 14:15 189 184 373 2:30 7 7 14 14:30 191 163 354 245 5 20 17 39 22 59 14:45 255 830 200 726 455 1556 3:00 9 9 18 15:00 189 185 374 3:15 6 3 9 15:15 179 211 390 3:30 3 7 10 15:30 189 199 388 3:45 13 31 9 28 22 59 1545 180 737 198 793 378 1530 400 8 9 17 16:00 205 234 439 415 18 21 39 16:15 213 203 416 4:30 24 8 32 16:30 184 182 366 4:45 17 67 8 46 25 113 16:45 206 808 277 896 483 1704 500 19 14 33 17:00 221 221 442 515 36 22 58 17:15 240 231 471 5:30 45 27 72 17:30 252 230 482 545 46 146 30 93 76 239 17:45 223 936 223 905 446 1841 600 56 32 8818:00 242 254 496 615 76 30 106 18:15 293 199 492 6:30 83 42 125 18:30 238 182 420 645 102 317 43 147 145 464 18:45 203 976 159 794 362 1770 700 101 55 156 19:00 188 171 359 715 137 64 201 19:15 193 142 335 7:30 193 94 287 19:30 140 157 297 745 269 700 177 390 446 1090 1945 132 653 154 624 286 1277 800 324 195 519 2000 109 140 249 815 288 181 469 20:15 73 111 184 8:30 222 166 388 20:30 102 104 206 8:45 176 1010 154 696 330 1706 20:45 89 373 90 445 179 818 900 189 117 306 21:00 56 90 146 915 177 113 290 21:15 77 85 162 9:30 163 149 312 2130 77 75 152 945 147 676 120 499 267 1175 2145 60 270 88 338 148 608 1000 164 131 295 22:00 53 64 117 1015 160 130 290 22:15 43 55 98 10:30 152 144 296 22:30 51 47 98 10:45 170 646 178 583 348 1229 22:45 36 183 41 207 77 390 1100 147 149 296 23:00 32 43 75 1115 146 170 316 23:15 30 40 70 1130 184 157 341 23:30 26 31 57 1145 176 653 185 661 361 1314 23:45 27 115 43 157 70 272 TOTALS 4380 3309 7689 TOTALS 7302 7292 14554 SPLIT% 1 57.0% 43.0% 34.5% SPLIT% 1 50.0% SOA% rp, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 122 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 123 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: CA22020329003 City: Rosemead Location: Del Mar Ave N/0 Emerson PI Date: 11/17/2022 1200 —N8 —S8 —E8 —W8 1000 800 d /A U v 600 400 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 123 of 206 v 600 400 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 123 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 124 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Earlswood Dr Bet. Ivar Ave & Greendale Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_004 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Totall AM Period r r NB SB EB WB TOTAL 0:00 4 2• 6 12:00 14 10 24 0:15 2 0 2 12:15 16 17 33 0:30 3 0 3 12:30 8 14 22 0:45 1 F 10 2 4 3 14 12:45 7 45 26 67 33 112 100 3 0 3 13:00 14 9 23 1:15 1 1 2 13:15 11 20 31 1:30 1 0 1 13:30 12 19 31 1:45 2 7 0 1 2 8 13:45 12 49 18 66 30 115 200 1 1 2 14:00 19 26 45 215 0 0 0 14:15 15 22 37 2:30 0 0 0 14:30 25 15 40 245 5 F 6 1 2 6 8 14:45 12 71 15 78 27 149 3:00 3 0 3 15:00 16 14 30 3:15 1 3 4 15:15 12 24 36 3:30 0 1 1 15:30 12 16 28 3:45 0 4 1 5 1 9 1545 16 56 18 72 34 128 400 0 2 2 1600 15 21 36 415 0 3 3 16:15 13 12 25 4:30 0 7 7 16:30 17 21 38 445 1 1 7 19 8 20 16:45 16 61 14 68 30 129 500 0 3 3 17:00 30 14 44 515 1 6 7 17:15 29 23 52 5:30 1 3 4 17:30 16 25 41 545 2 4 5 17 7 21 1745 16 91 12 74 28 165 600 0 5 5 18:00 21 13 34 615 3 7 10 18:15 16 9 25 6:30 3 8 11 18:30 11 7 18 645 6 12 9 29 15 41 18:45 15 63 8 37 23 100 700 6 21 27 19:00 15 11 26 715 5 26 31 19:15 12 8 20 7:30 7 38 45 19:30 10 9 19 745 12 30 30 115 42 145 1945 14 51 7 35 21 86 800 14 24 38 2000 9 5 14 815 19 17 36 20:15 7 6 13 8:30 14 23 37 20:30 10 8 18 845 14 61 15 79 29 140 20:45 6 32 4 23 10 55 900 4 16 20 21:00 14 5 19 9:15 14 17 31 21:15 8 5 13 9:30 9 15 24 2130 3 3 6 945 9 36 17 65 26 101 2145 7 32 2 15 9 47 1000 5 15 20 22:00 4 4 8 1015 7 11 18 22:15 4 4 8 10:30 9 16 25 22:30 2 5 7 10:45 8 29 15 57 23 86 22:45 4 14 0 13 4 27 1100 10 9 19 23:00 5 0 5 1115 8 11 19 23:15 5 1 6 11:30 13 10 23 23:30 3 2 5 1145 11 42 12 42 23 84 23:45 4 17 3 6 7 23 TOTALS 242 435 677 TOTALS 582 554 1136 SPLIT% 35.7% 643% 37.3% SPLIT% 1 512% 489% 62.7% WB 989 Total AM Peak Hour 8'.88 I'. 15 730 PM Peak Hour 16'.38 13'.38 1645 AM Pk Volume 61 118 161 PM Pk Volume 92 85 167 Pk Hr Factor 8.883 0776 0.894 Pk Hr Factor 0767 0.817 0.803 7 9Vn1ume 91 194 285 4 6Volume 152 142 294 7 9Peak Hour 8'.00 7'.15 730 4 6Peak Hour 16'.30 16'45 1645 7 9Pk Volume 61 118 161 4 6Pk Volume 92 76 167 Pk Hr Factor 0.803 0776 0.894 Pk Hr Fa Ror 0767 0760 0.803 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 124 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 '(rW OSE EAD 11 SEsm I Ammo CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 125 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: CA22_020329004 City: Rosemead Location: Earlswood Dr Bet. Ivar Ave & Greendale Ave Date: 11/17/2022 140 QNB SSB EB WB 120 100 80 d u L 60 1 A 40 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '(rW OSE EAD 11 SEsm I Ammo CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 125 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 126 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymgservices VOLUME Ellis Ln N/O De Adalena St DaY: Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Projec[#: U22_020329_005 I WW WB 01,363 Totall r 000 0• 0 0 12:00 8 7 15 015 1 0 1 12:15 6 16 22 0:30 1 3 4 12:30 8 13 21 045 1 3 0 3 1 6 12:45 9 31 4 40 13 71 1:00 2 0 2 13:00 7 11 18 115 0 2 2 13:15 7 14 21 1:30 2 1 3 13:30 9 15 24 145 1 5 1 4 2 9 13:45 5 28 12 52 17 80 200 0 1 1 14:00 13 9 22 215 0 0 0 14:15 25 11 36 2:30 0 0 0 14:30 13 17 30 245 1 0 0 1 0 1 14:45 9 60 8 45 17 105 3:00 1 1 2 15:00 ] 15 22 3:15 0 0 0 15:15 11 17 28 3:30 0 0 0 15:30 10 12 22 3:45 0 1 1 2 1 3 15:45 5 33 13 57 18 90 400 1 0 1 16:00 11 13 24 415 1 3 4 16:15 9 22 31 4:30 0 0 0 16:30 10 14 24 4:45 2 4 1 4 3 8 16:45 15 45 12 61 27 106 500 1 1 2 17:00 15 15 30 515 2 2 4 17:15 13 27 40 5:30 1 2 3 1]:30 8 23 31 545 3 7 1 6 4 13 1745 11 47 20 85 31 132 600 0 1 1 18:00 12 15 27 615 1 5 6 18:15 9 12 21 6:30 5 5 10 18:30 7 15 22 645 6 12 4 15 10 27 18:45 12 40 16 58 28 98 700 5 8 13 19:00 11 9 20 715 10 16 26 19:15 5 8 13 7:30 11 17 28 19:30 9 9 18 745 27 53 33 74 60 127 1945 3 28 9 35 12 63 800 17 14 31 2000 4 8 12 815 13 14 27 20:15 4 9 13 8:30 11 16 27 20:30 2 12 14 8:45 10 51 7 51 17 102 20:45 5 15 6 35 11 50 900 9 11 20 21:00 3 4 7 915 3 9 12 21:15 1 9 10 9:30 5 11 16 2130 2 2 4 945 13 30 11 42 24 72 2145 6 12 4 19 10 31 10:00 3 9 12 22:00 4 4 8 10:15 9 11 20 22:15 3 3 6 10:30 6 8 14 22:30 3 3 6 1045 2 20 9 37 11 57 22:45 2 12 5 15 7 27 11:00 3 8 11 23:00 0 3 3 1115 4 9 13 23:15 2 1 3 11:30 8 21 29 23:30 1 0 1 1145 9 24 12 50 21 74 23:45 2 5 2 6 4 11 TOTALS 210 289 499 TOTALS 356 508 864 SPLIT% 421% 579% 36.6% SPLIT% 1 41.2% 58.8% 63.4% Al LY TOTALS NB SB 11 EB W_� ALIB Total AM Peak Hour 7'.30 I'. 15 730 PM Peak Hour 14'.88 1700 1700 AM Pk Volume 68 80 106 PM Pk Volume 60 85 132 Pk Hr Factor 0.630 0.606 0.608 Pk Hr Factor 0.600 0787 0.825 7 9Volume 104 125 229 4 6Volume 92 146 238 7 9 Peak Hour 7'.30 7'.15 730 4 6 Peak Hour 16'.30 17'.00 1700 7 9Pk Volume 68 80 106 4 6Pk Volume 53 85 132 Pk Hr Factor 0.630 0.606 0.608 Pk Hr Factor 0.883 0787 0.825 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 126 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 127 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project#: CA22 020329 005 City: Rosemead Location: Ellis Ln N/0 De Adalena St Date: 11/17/2022 •Now I_ CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 127 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 128 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Emerson PI E/O Isabel Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_006 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Total 0 00001;�.. 2,183 1,795 3,968 AM Period r r NB SB EB WB TOTAL 0:00 1 12 13 12:00 40 14 54 0:15 3 1 4 12:15 26 36 62 0:30 1 2 3 12:30 38 34 72 0:45 1 6 2 17 3 23 12:45 23 127 25 109 48 236 1:00 0 1 1 13:00 36 36 72 1:15 1 0 1 13:15 29 23 52 1:30 1 0 1 13:30 26 21 47 145 4 6 1 2 5 8 13:45 40 131 22 102 62 233 200 0 2 2 14:00 37 32 69 215 2 0 2 14:15 34 41 75 2:30 2 1 3 14:30 46 36 82 245 1 5 0 3 1 8 14:45 67 184 26 135 93 319 3:00 0 0 0 15:00 44 41 85 3:15 1 0 1 15:15 31 35 66 3:30 0 1 1 15:30 37 42 79 3:45 1 2 0 1 1 3 1545 51 163 32 150 83 313 400 1 2 3 1600 56 44 100 415 3 1 4 16:15 49 34 83 4:30 2 0 2 16:30 59 31 90 445 5 11 3 6 8 17 16:45 45 209 40 149 85 358 500 4 2 6 17:00 41 34 75 515 5 2 7 17:15 59 44 103 5:30 5 6 11 17:30 52 47 99 545 5 19 4 14 9 33 1745 54 206 39 164 93 370 600 4 2 6 18:00 36 37 73 615 7 1 8 18:15 54 35 89 6:30 11 8 19 18:30 30 26 56 6:45 14 36 20 31 34 67 18:45 28 148 26 124 54 272 700 22 13 35 19:00 19 17 36 715 19 20 39 19:15 23 21 44 7:30 22 27 49 19:30 16 27 43 745 54 117 44 104 98 221 1945 26 84 18 83 44 167 800 62 45 107 2000 16 27 43 815 55 36 91 20:15 17 14 31 8:30 42 23 65 20:30 13 10 23 845 38 197 29 133 67 330 20:45 13 59 18 69 31 128 900 34 30 64 21:00 16 10 26 915 32 17 49 21:15 13 9 22 9:30 31 15 46 2130 14 12 26 945 33 130 29 91 62 221 2145 10 53 17 48 27 101 1000 23 19 42 22:00 13 9 22 1015 27 20 47 22:15 8 12 20 10:30 42 27 69 22:30 8 13 21 10:45 35 '127 24 90 59 217 22:45 7 36 5 39 12 75 1100 27 33 60 23:00 2 4 6 1115 26 21 47 23:15 6 7 13 11:30 29 23 52 23:30 3 5 8 1145 32 '114 25 102 57 216 23:45 2 13 3 19 5 32 TOTALS 770 594 1364 TOTALS 1413 1191 2604 SPLIT% 56.5% 435% 34.4% SPLIT% 543% 45.7% 65.6% WB1,795t AMPeak Hour 7'45 7'.38 745 PMPeak Hour 15'45 17'.15 1788 AMPkVolume 213 152 361 PMPkVolume 215 167 378 Pk Hr Factor 8.859 8.844 8.843 Pk Hr Factor 8.911 8.888 8.898 7 9Volume 314 237 551 4 6Volume 415 313 728 7 9Peak Hour 7'45 7'.38 745 4 6Peak Hour 16'.88 16'45 1788 7 9Pk Volume 213 152 361 4 6Pk Volume 289 165 378 Pk Hr Factor 8.859 8.844 8.843 Pk Hr Fa Ror 8.886 8.878 8.898 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 128 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 129 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project#: CA22_020329006 City: Rosemead Location: Emerson P1 E/O Isabel Ave Date: 11/17/2022 250 — QNB SSB SEB AWB 200 150 d u L d 100 50 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 129 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 130 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Encinita Ave N/O Rose St Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/10/2022 Project#: U22-020329-007 DAILY TOTALS N13 S13 EB W13 Totall3,632 0 7,020 AM r • N13 S13 EB S13 TOTAL 00:00 3 0 3 1200 53 43 96 0015 3 3 6 12:15 46 37 83 00:30 0 3 3 12:30 51 35 86 0045 6 12 4 10 10 22 12:45 62 212 32 147 94 359 0100 3 1 4 13:00 52 40 92 0115 4 2 6 13:15 53 39 92 01:30 3 4 7 13:30 81 50 131 0145 2 12 0 7 2 19 13:45 61 247 56 185 117 432 0200 1 0 1 14:00 66 75 141 0215 0 0 0 14:15 69 78 147 02:30 1 1 2 14:30 88 75 163 0245 3 5 0 1 3 6 14:45 79 302 37 265 116 567 03:00 0 0 0 15:00 71 82 153 03:15 0 1 1 15:15 80 70 150 03:30 1 1 2 15:30 91 87 178 03:45 1 2 3 5 4 7 15:45 89 331 70 309 159 640 0400 1 2 3 16:00 76 71 147 0415 3 0 3 16:15 76 55 131 04:30 6 3 9 16:30 64 64 128 0445 5 15 1 6 6 21 16:45 70 286 61 251 131 537 0500 3 2 5 17:00 83 62 145 0515 9 9 18 17:15 109 64 173 05:30 4 7 11 17:30 108 75 183 0545 7 23 8 26 15 49 1745 129 429 65 266 194 695 0600 6 9 15 18:00 123 93 216 0615 10 9 19 18:15 97 59 156 06:30 13 21 34 18:30 73 38 111 06:45 19 48 18 57 37 105 18:45 45 338 37 227 82 565 0700 16 28 44 19:00 52 37 89 0715 37 66 103 19:15 51 30 81 07:30 43 95 138 19:30 48 40 88 0745 81 177 98 287 179 464 1945 51 202 36 143 87 345 0800 56 136 192 2000 52 32 84 0815 52 115 167 20:15 35 25 60 08:30 33 73 106 20:30 34 20 54 08:45 31 172 76 400 107 572 20:45 27 148 30 107 57 255 0900 37 55 92 21:00 31 24 55 0915 31 53 84 21:15 23 16 39 09:30 38 62 100 2130 14 19 33 0945 40 146 45 215 85 361 2145 24 92 25 84 49 176 1000 27 35 62 22:00 12 19 31 1015 51 50 101 22:15 13 15 28 10:30 58 45 103 22:30 9 8 17 10:45 49 185 50 180 99 365 22:45 10 44 6 48 16 92 1100 31 35 66 23:00 10 5 15 1115 52 40 92 23:15 9 2 11 11:30 39 32 71 23:30 6 2 8 11:45 45 167 42 149 87 31623:45 12 37 4 13 16 50 TOTALS 964 1343 2307 TOTALS 1 2668 2045 4713 SPLIT% 1 41.8% 582% 32.9% SPLIT% 1 56.6% 43.4% 67.1% Al LY TOTALS N13 S13 11 LB TotalAMD 3,632 3,399 11 0 7,020 AMPeak Hour 87'.38 87'.38 8738 PMPeak Hour 17'.15 15'.88 17:15 AM Pk Volume 232 444 676 PM Pk Volume 469 389 766 Pk Hr Factor 0716 8.816 8.888 Pk Hr Factor 8.989 8.888 8.887 7 9Volume 349 687 1836 4 6Volume 715 517 1232 7 9 Peak Hour 87'.38 87'.38 8738 4 6 Peak Hour 17'.88 17'.88 1788 7 9Pk Volume 232 444 676 4 6Pk Volume 429 266 695 Pk Hr Factor 0716 8.816 8.888 Pk Hr Factor 8.831 8.887 8.896 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 130 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 131 of 206 Prepared by National Data &Surveying Services Project #: CA22-020329-007 City: Rosemead Location: E8 W8 Ave • Rose11/10/2022 500 450 —N8 —S8 — 400 350 300 v 250 t v 200 150 100 50 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 131 of 206 E8 W8 450 400 350 300 v 250 t v 200 150 100 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti N N N N CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 131 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 132 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Garvey Ave W/O Lindy Ave Day: Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: CA22_020329_008 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Total 0 EEEEI;��. 11,729 10,949 22,678 AM Period r • NB SB EB WB TOTAL 0:00 23 15 38 12:00 184 190 3]4 0:15 14 16 30 12:15 189 219 408 0:30 14 25 39 12:30 207 186 393 0:45 16 67 14 70 30 137 12:45 196 ]]6 214 809 410 1585 100 15 18 33 13:00 200 188 388 115 12 11 23 13:15 208 213 421 130 13 15 28 13:30 184 197 381 145 10 50 12 56 22 106 13:45 228 820 176 ]]4 404 1594 200 9 19 28 14:00 220 184 404 215 14 7 21 14:15 198 163 361 2:30 15 16 31 14:30 242 218 460 245 9 47 8 50 17 97 14:45 259 919 244 809 503 1728 3:00 9 8 17 15:00 235 181 416 3:15 8 15 23 15:15 232 211 443 3:30 11 8 19 15:30 239 190 429 3:45 9 37 10 41 19 78 1545 295 1001 156 738 451 1739 400 8 10 18 1600 269 184 453 415 10 21 31 16:15 236 185 421 4:30 10 22 32 16:30 260 161 421 445 16 44 17 70 33 114 16:45 268 1033 190 720 458 1753 500 12 23 35 17:00 264 224 488 515 20 27 47 17:15 294 198 492 5:30 16 29 45 1]:30 254 228 482 545 22 70 35 114 57 184 1745 282 1094 196 846 478 1940 600 36 47 83 18:00 233 208 441 615 46 59 105 18:15 287 171 458 6:30 53 59 112 18:30 212 163 375 645 57 192 90 255 147 447 18:45 216 948 148 690 364 1638 700 61 99 160 19:00 190 124 314 715 71 110 181 19:15 140 110 250 7:30 131 168 299 19:30 120 103 223 745 207 470 222 599 429 1069 1945 98 548 105 442 203 990 800 189 233 422 2000 93 96 189 815 178 179 357 20:15 94 92 186 8:30 182 169 351 20:30 81 89 170 845 143 692 190 ]]1 333 1463 20:45 71 339 80 357 151 696 900 137 160 297 21:00 73 79 152 915 134 175 309 21:15 71 76 147 9:30 144 151 295 2130 72 66 138 945 164 X579 190 676 354 1255 2145 63 279 56 2]] 119 556 1000 149 167 316 22:00 51 66 117 1015 172 186 358 22:15 55 52 107 10:30 166 172 338 22:30 41 43 84 10:45 179 '666 184 709 363 1375 22:45 39 186 33 194 72 380 1100 192 193 385 23:00 37 45 82 1115 205 188 393 23:15 25 29 54 1130 176 194 370 23:30 29 28 57 1145 183 x756 177 752 360 1508 23:45 25 116 28 130 53 246 TOTALS 3670 4163 7833 TOTALS 8059 6786 14845 SPLIT% 46.9% 531% 34.5% SPLIT% 543% 45.7% 65.5% WB10,949t AM Peak Hour 1145 745 7:45 PM Peak Hour 1700 14'.38 1700 AM Pk Volume 763 803 1559 PM Pk Volume 1094 854 1940 Pk Hr Factor 0.921 0.862 0.909 Pk Hr Factor 0.930 0.875 0.986 7 9Vn1ume 1162 1370 2532 4 6Volume 2127 1566 3693 7 9Peak Hour 7'45 7'45 745 4 6Peak Hour 17'.00 17'.00 1700 7 9Pk Volume 756 803 1559 4 6Pk Volume 1094 846 1940 Pk Hr Factor 0.913 0.862 0.909 Pk Hr Fa Ror 0.930 0.928 0.986 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 132 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 133 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: CA22_020329008 City: Rosemead Location: Garvey Ave • Lindy Ave D.11/17/2022 1200 QNB SSB • EB WB 1000 800 U 600 t 400 200 0 O O O O O o o O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 133 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 134 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ArD VOLUME Garvey Ave W/O Denton Ave Day: Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_009 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Totall 0 EEEEI;�.. 12,805 10,913 23,718 AM Period NB SB EB WB r r NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 23 25 48 12:00 220 206 426 00:15 23 16 39 1215 222 200 422 00:30 12 14 26 12:30 220 201 421 0045 20 F 78 11 66 31 144 12:45 255 917 189 796 444 1713 0100 17 15 32 13:00 240 187 427 0115 8 12 20 13:15 267 207 474 0130 10 4 14 13:30 249 204 453 0145 10 45 8 39 18 84 13:45 254 1010 214 812 468 1822 0200 11 13 24 14:00 239 223 462 0215 6 9 15 14:15 243 198 441 02:30 8 7 15 14:30 255 222 477 0245 6 F 31 13 42 19 73 14:45 273 1010 201 844 474 1854 03:00 8 9 17 15:00 238 187 425 03:15 5 3 8 15:15 246 160 406 03:30 8 10 18 15:30 277 190 467 03:45 8 29 6 28 14 57 1545 281 1042 172 709 453 1751 0400 10 10 20 1600 288 225 513 0415 10 9 19 16:15 311 209 520 04:30 6 15 21 16:30 277 214 491 0445 20 F 46 13 47 33 93 16:45 314 1190 206 854 520 2044 0500 13 16 29 17:00 317 215 532 0515 26 31 57 17:15 271 213 484 05:30 27 16 43 17:30 255 227 482 0545 40 '106 35 98 75 204 1745 277 1120 201 856 478 1976 0600 42 39 81 18:00 259 206 465 0615 45 36 81 18:15 270 164 434 06:30 60 58 118 18:30 214 159 373 06:45 64 '211 75 208 139 419 18:45 209 952 136 665 345 1617 0700 59 72 131 19:00 181 111 292 0715 79 87 166 19:15 145 127 272 07:30 105 144 249 19:30 134 105 239 0745 140 '383 185 488 325 871 1945 128 588 120 463 248 1051 0800 157 193 350 2000 103 126 229 0815 203 189 392 20:15 99 107 206 08:30 177 182 359 20:30 92 90 182 0845 199 '736 150 714 349 1450 20:45 88 382 89 412 177 794 0900 167 168 335 21:00 97 79 176 0915 170 169 339 21:15 80 63 143 09:30 149 166 315 2130 72 67 139 0945 156 '642 177 680 333 1322 2145 57 306 60 269 117 575 1000 155 199 354 22:00 54 49 103 1015 196 158 354 22:15 72 59 131 10:30 173 186 359 22:30 54 35 89 10:45 209 733 218 761 427 1494 22:45 33 213 37 180 70 393 11:00 201 175 376 23:00 31 29 60 1115 249 205 454 23:15 34 30 64 11:30 222 216 438 23:30 32 20 52 11:45 239 911 184 780 423 1691 2345 27 124 23 102 50 226 TOTALS 3951 3951 7902 TOTALS aNEW6962 ,1y( 44.0% 15816 SPLIT% 50.0% 50D% 33.3% SPLIT% 66.]% WB 10,913 Total 2T3071'8 ta AM Peak Hour 11'.15 10'45 11:15 PM Peak Hour 16'.15 16'45 16:15 AM Pk Volume 930 814 1741 PM Pk Volume 1219 861 2063 Pk Hr Factor 0.934 0.933 0.959 Pk Hr Factor 0.961 0.948 0.969 7 9Vn1ume 1119 1202 2321 4 6Volume 2310 1710 4020 7 9Peak Hour 08'.00 07'45 0800 4 6Peak Hour 16'.15 16'45 16:15 7 9Pk Volume 736 749 1450 4 6Pk Volume 1219 861 2063 Pk Hr Factor 0.906 0.970 0.925 Pk Hr Fa Ror 0.961 0.948 0.969 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 134 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 135 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ATD Project #: CA22_020329009 City: Rosemead Location: Garvey Ave W/O Denton Ave Date: 11/17/2022 1400 QNB SSB EB WB 1200 1000 800 v u L d > 600 400 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti N N N N CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 135 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 136 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ArD VOLUME Garvey Ave E/O Earle Ave Day: Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_010 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Totall 0 0001 11,317 11,203 22,520 AM Period NB SB EB WB r r NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 23 25 48 12:00 213 218 431 00:15 26 17 43 12:15 211 224 435 00:30 18 19 37 12:30 218 187 405 00:45 18 85 15 76 33 161 12:45 221 863 188 817 409 1680 01:00 16 16 32 13:00 173 189 362 01:15 15 14 29 13:15 258 198 456 0130 12 9 21 13:30 196 247 443 0145 10 53 9 48 19 101 13:45 236 863 240 874 476 1737 0200 11 12 23 14:00 235 239 474 0215 10 9 19 14:15 214 197 411 02:30 10 9 19 14:30 232 224 456 0245 5 36 18 48 23 84 14:45 228 909 217 8]] 445 1786 03:00 7 9 16 15:00 229 186 415 03:15 9 5 14 15:15 249 166 415 03:30 12 7 19 15:30 259 171 430 03:45 6 34 7 28 13 62 1545 248 985 222 745 470 1730 04:00 10 13 23 16:00 240 212 452 04:15 11 10 21 16:15 251 203 454 04:30 20 26 46 16:30 266 209 475 0445 22 63 14 63 36 126 16:45 293 1050 222 846 515 1896 0500 27 16 43 17:00 288 223 511 0515 25 30 55 17:15 268 261 529 05:30 24 25 49 1]:30 267 227 494 0545 40 116 30 101 70 217 1]:45 261 1084 274 985 535 2069 0600 40 39 79 18:00 169 200 369 0615 39 47 86 18:15 135 202 337 06:30 47 66 113 18:30 159 126 285 06:45 59 185 72 224 131 409 18:45 138 601 129 657 267 1258 0700 60 88 148 19:00 146 118 264 0715 78 89 167 19:15 113 113 226 0]:30 109 145 254 19:30 82 97 179 0745 148 395 190 512 338 907 19:45 83 424 96 424 179 848 08:00 177 203 380 2000 103 94 197 08:15 206 199 405 20:15 ]] 76 153 08:30 180 156 336 20:30 ]] 94 171 0845 175 738 189 ]4] 364 1485 20:45 78 335 68 332 146 667 0900 144 175 319 21:00 80 62 142 0915 141 188 329 21:15 71 55 126 09:30 129 159 288 2130 74 71 145 0945 141 555 177 699 318 1254 2145 51 276 58 246 109 522 1000 150 187 337 22:00 43 46 89 1015 122 197 319 22:15 51 51 102 10:30 176 209 385 22:30 61 43 104 10:45 171 '619 221 814 392 1433 22:45 31 186 28 168 59 354 1100 169 188 357 23:00 28 33 61 1115 197 205 402 23:15 27 28 55 1130 191 199 390 23:30 12 13 25 11:45 212 x769 187 779399 1548 2345 26 93 19 93 45 186 TOTALS 3648 4139 7787 TOTALS ]669 ]064 14]33 SPLIT% 462% 532% 34.6% SPLIT% 1 521% 47.9% 65.4% WB Total11,2.3 2T2052Dt AM Peak Hour 1145 11'.38 1145 PM Peak Hour 16'45 17'.88 1700 AM Pk Volume 854 828 1670 PM Pk Volume 1116 985 2069 Pk Hr Factor 8.979 8.924 0.960 Pk Hr Factor 8.952 8.899 0.967 7 9Volume 1133 1259 2392 4 6Volume 2134 1831 3965 ] 9Peak Hour 88'.88 07'45 0800 4 6Peak Hour 16'45 700 1700 ] 9Pk Volume 738 748 1485 4 6Pk Volume 1116 985 2069 Pk Hr Factor 0.896 0.921 0.917 Pk Hr Factor 0.952 0.899 0.967 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 136 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 137 of 206 1200 QNB SSB SEB AWB 1000 800 v 600 t v 400 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti N N N N CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 137 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 138 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ArD VOLUME Garvey Ave E/O Ivar Ave Day: Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_011 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Totall 0 EEEEI;�.. 11,185 11,332 22,517 AM Period NB SB EB WB Perir r NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 18 24 42 12:00 221 196 423 00:15 28 12 40 1215 187 211 398 00:30 12 12 24 12:30 214 218 432 0045 14 F 72 17 65 31 137 12:45 229 857 207 832 436 1689 0100 13 13 26 13:00 202 210 412 01:15 14 15 29 13:15 213 218 431 01:30 10 11 21 13:30 182 218 400 0145 11 48 9 48 20 96 13:45 249 846 212 858 461 1704 0200 13 14 27 14:00 250 222 472 0215 10 9 19 14:15 218 199 417 02:30 11 13 24 14:30 203 212 415 0245 6 F 40 12 48 18 88 14:45 239 910 212 845 451 1755 03:00 7 5 12 15:00 187 165 352 03:15 5 6 11 15:15 265 197 462 03:30 12 7 19 15:30 248 216 464 03:45 11 35 8 26 19 61 1545 228 928 198 776 426 1704 0400 11 15 26 1600 237 234 471 0415 13 8 21 16:15 239 205 444 04:30 23 29 52 16:30 233 221 454 0445 25 F 72 13 65 38 137 16:45 253 962 211 871 464 1833 0500 23 20 43 17:00 234 256 490 0515 20 25 45 17:15 255 262 517 05:30 30 22 52 17:30 243 253 496 0545 48 '121 31 98 79 219 1745 229 961 254 1025 483 1986 0600 47 34 81 18:00 165 226 391 0615 44 36 80 18:15 135 234 369 06:30 55 61 116 18:30 150 119 269 06:45 70 '216 71 202 141 418 18:45 144 594 137 716 281 1310 0700 75 102 177 19:00 143 100 243 0715 83 98 181 19:15 104 126 230 07:30 108 134 242 19:30 105 103 208 0745 150 '416 170 504 320 920 1945 84 436 85 414 169 850 0800 171 206 377 2000 101 82 183 0815 174 162 336 20:15 83 83 166 08:30 226 163 389 20:30 71 70 141 0845 197 '768 189 720 386 1488 20:45 72 327 65 300 137 627 0900 173 162 335 21:00 57 69 126 0915 148 206 354 21:15 59 59 118 09:30 155 156 311 2130 63 61 124 0945 147 '623 201 725 348 1348 2145 54 233 58 247 112 480 1000 182 191 373 22:00 45 53 98 1015 148 204 352 22:15 59 41 100 10:30 182 201 383 22:30 49 40 89 10:45 173 685 248 844 421 1529 22:45 36 189 33 167 69 356 1100 189 195 384 23:00 32 29 61 1115 186 230 416 23:15 26 34 60 1130 183 196 379 23:30 16 24 40 11:45 196 754 207 828 403 1582 2345 18 92 21 108 39 200 TOTALS 3850 4173 8023 TOTALS 7335 7159 14494 SPLIT% 1 48.0% 52A96 35.6% SPLIT% 1 50.6% 49.4% 64.4% WB 11332t TotaltaMEMO AM Peak Hour 1145 18'.38 1145 PM Peak Hour 16'45 1700 1700 AM Pk Volume 824 874 1656 PM Pk Volume 985 1025 1986 Pk Hr Factor 0.907 0.881 0.958 Pk Hr Factor 0.966 0.978 0.960 7 9Vn1ume 1184 1224 2408 4 6Volume 1923 1896 3819 7 9Peak Hour 08'.00 08'.00 0800 4 6Peak Hour 16'45 17'.00 1700 7 9Pk Volume 768 720 1488 4 6Pk Volume 985 1025 1986 Pk Hr Factor 0.850 0.874 0.956 Pk Hr Fa Ror 0.966 0.978 0.960 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 138 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 139 of 206 1200 QNB SSB EB WB 1000 800 v PIS 600 t v 400 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti N N N N CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 139 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 140 of 206 Prepared by P6tiouel Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Grand Ave E/O Walnut Grove Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/10/2022 Project#: U22_020329_012 DAILY TOTALS N13 S13 EB WI3 Totall 0 0001 1,532 1,613 1 3,145 AM Period r r N13 S13 EB W13 TOTAL 0:00 1 2 3 12:00 22 21 43 0:15 1 1 2 12:15 19 21 40 0:30 0 1 1 12:30 20 28 48 0:45 1 F 3 0 4 1 7 12:45 36 97 22 92 58 189 1:00 2 1 3 13:00 16 11 27 115 2 2 4 13:15 17 20 37 1:30 0 1 1 13:30 18 14 32 1:45 2 6 0 4 2 10 13:45 37 88 27 72 64 160 200 3 1 4 14:00 42 25 67 215 3 1 4 14:15 23 23 46 2:30 0 0 0 14:30 29 34 63 245 1 F 7 0 2 1 9 14:45 23 117 22 104 45 221 3:00 1 1 2 15:00 35 31 66 3:15 0 0 0 15:15 41 25 66 3:30 0 2 2 15:30 34 31 65 3:45 0 1 0 3 0 4 1545 34 144 32 119 66 263 400 4 0 4 1600 32 24 56 415 1 2 3 16:15 45 19 64 4:30 4 1 5 16:30 25 21 46 445 5 F 14 1 4 6 18 16:45 38 140 28 92 66 232 500 6 2 8 17:00 36 25 61 515 5 5 10 17:15 38 25 63 5:30 15 15 30 17:30 51 28 79 545 9 35 13 35 22 70 1745 39 164 26 104 65 268 600 0 8 8 18:00 39 29 68 615 6 12 18 18:15 38 24 62 6:30 11 35 46 18:30 31 17 48 645 11 28 39 94 50 122 18:45 26 134 20 90 46 224 700 8 42 50 19:00 29 14 43 715 13 36 49 19:15 24 9 33 7:30 23 52 75 19:30 16 11 27 7:45 19 63 68 198 87 261 1945 9 78 10 44 19 122 800 26 40 66 2000 14 10 24 815 23 38 61 20:15 5 9 14 8:30 27 32 59 20:30 15 16 31 845 22 98 43 153 65 251 20:45 12 46 5 40 17 86 900 19 31 50 21:00 8 9 17 9:15 15 30 45 21:15 8 11 19 9:30 6 28 34 2130 10 8 18 945 14 54 27 116 41 170 2145 8 34 9 37 17 71 1000 13 21 34 22:00 11 3 14 1015 15 17 32 22:15 5 11 16 10:30 15 12 27 22:30 6 11 17 10:45 15 58 23 73 38 131 22:45 6 28 5 30 11 58 11:00 16 17 33 23:00 6 1 7 1115 20 21 41 23:15 6 5 11 11:30 24 24 48 23:30 7 5 12 1145 14 74 26 88 40 162 2345 2 21 4 15 6 36 TOTALS 441 774 1215 TOTALS 1091 839 1930 SPLIT% 36.3% 63.7% 38.6% SPLIT% 1 565% 435% 61.4% W13 Total1,613tIT �3LO145 AM Peak Hour 8'.88 700 7:30 PM Peak Hour 1715 15'.88 1]:15 AM Pk Volume 98 198 289 PM Pk Volume 167 119 275 Pk Hr Factor 0.907 0728 0.830 Pk Hr Factor 0.819 0.930 0.870 7 9Volume 161 351 512 4 6Volume 304 196 500 7 9Peak Hour 8'.00 7'.00 7:30 4 6Peak Hour 17'.00 16'45 1645 7 9Pk Volume 98 198 289 4 6Pk Volume 164 106 269 Pk Hr Factor 0.907 0728 0.830 Pk Hr Fa Ror 0.804 0.946 0.851 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 140 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 141 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: • • • •12 City: Rosemead AveLocation: Grand • Walnut Grove Ave11/10/2022 250 QNB SSB EB WB 200 150 d u L 100 50 O O OO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 141 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 142 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ArD VOLUME Hellman E/O Kelburn Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_013 DAILY TOTALS N13 S13 EB WI3 Totall 0 0001 3,145 1.1 1 7,205 AM Period N13 S13 EB Period N13 S13 EB W13 TOTAL 00:00 4 8• 12 12:00 41 46 8] 00:15 8 9 17 12:15 41 53 94 00:30 2 6 8 12:30 43 46 89 0045 3 17 2 25 5 42 12:45 47 172 52 197 99 369 0100 2 3 5 13:00 37 64 101 0115 5 7 12 13:15 45 60 105 01:30 2 7 9 13:30 47 53 100 0145 1 10 3 20 4 30 13:45 51 180 63 240 114 420 0200 5 0 5 14:00 45 7 122 0215 6 2 8 14:15 57 65 122 02:30 1 0 1 14:30 51 71 122 0245 3 15 2 4 5 19 14:45 48 201 71 284 119 485 03:00 2 1 3 15:00 64 71 135 03:15 1 2 3 15:15 46 83 129 03:30 3 2 5 15:30 60 91 151 03:45 5 11 1 6 6 17 1545 64 234 80 325 144 559 04:00 2 3 5 16:00 46 122 168 04:15 5 1 6 16:15 53 108 161 04:30 2 2 4 16:30 45 110 155 0445 3 12 5 11 8 23 16:45 44 188 119 459 163 647 0500 9 4 13 1700 53 124 177 0515 5 2 7 17:15 70 136 206 05:30 7 5 12 1]:30 50 120 170 0545 8 29 8 19 16 48 1745 57 230 129 509 186 739 0600 9 3 12 18:00 56 123 179 0615 22 10 32 18:15 96 147 243 06:30 11 7 18 18:30 63 96 159 06:45 26 68 14 34 40 102 18:45 66 281 116 482 182 763 0700 21 11 32 19:00 42 70 112 0715 38 22 60 19:15 49 72 121 07:30 51 29 80 19:30 51 52 103 0745 60 170 53 115 113 285 1945 49 191 53 247 102 438 0800 83 59 142 2000 46 38 84 0815 68 88 156 20:15 28 29 57 08:30 48 76 124 20:30 35 25 60 08:45 52 251 50 273 102 524 20:45 29 138 24 116 53 254 0900 45 46 91 21:00 26 19 45 0915 50 44 94 21:15 22 18 40 09:30 57 46 103 2130 15 20 35 0945 46 198 42 178 88 376 2145 21 84 14 71 35 155 10:00 42 43 85 22:00 21 27 48 10:15 35 51 86 22:15 15 24 39 10:30 44 31 75 22:30 9 13 22 1045 47 '168 42 167 89 335 22:45 11 56 8 72 19 128 11:00 48 35 83 23:00 9 11 20 1115 40 54 94 23:15 11 14 25 1130 51 40 91 23:30 12 7 19 1145 62 '201 37 166 99 367 23:45 8 40 8 40 16 80 TOTALS 1150 1018 2168 TOTALS 1995 3042 5037 SPLIT% 53.0% 47.0% 30.1% SPLIT% 39.6% 60.4% 69.9% W13 Total 1.1 AM Peak Hour 0730 0745 0745 PM Peak Hour 18'.88 1730 1730 AMPkVolume 262 276 535 PMPkVolume 281 519 778 Pk Hr Factor 0789 0784 0.857 Pk Hr Factor 0732 0.883 0.800 7 9Volume 421 388 809 4 6Volume 418 968 1386 7 9Peak Hour 07'.30 07'45 0745 4 6Peak Hour 17'.00 17'.00 1700 7 9Pk Volume 262 276 535 4 6Pk Volume 230 509 739 Pk Hr Factor 0789 0784 0.857 Pk Hr Factor 0.821 0.936 0.897 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 142 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 600 QNB SSB SEB WB 500 400 v 300 t v Z"000001N 200 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti N N N N CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 143 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 144 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymgservices VOLUME Jackson Ave N/O Garvalia Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_014 DAILY TOTALS NB 1111111111 S13 EB W13 Totall AM Period S13 EB ��Jh= S13 TOTAL 0:00 23 0 2 12: o0 10 18 28 015 0 2 2 12:15 17 27 44 0:30 1 2 3 12:30 14 18 32 045 2 5 1 5 3 10 12:45 18 59 16 79 34 138 1:00 1 1 2 13:00 12 16 28 1:15 0 0 0 13:15 17 12 29 1:30 1 2 3 13:30 15 22 37 145 2 4 1 4 3 8 13:45 18 62 15 65 33 127 200 0 0 0 14:00 18 18 36 215 0 3 3 14:15 29 12 41 2:30 0 2 2 14:30 34 44 78 245 1 1 2 7 3 8 14:45 28 109 41 115 69 224 3:00 1 0 1 15:00 16 22 38 3:15 1 0 1 15:15 22 25 47 3:30 0 0 0 15:30 24 29 53 3:45 0 2 1 1 1 3 1545 21 83 36 112 57 195 400 1 1 2 16:00 15 20 35 415 1 3 4 16:15 27 20 47 4:30 3 1 4 16:30 25 31 56 445 4 9 1 6 5 15 16:45 26 93 39 110 65 203 500 4 3 7 17:00 26 45 71 515 6 2 8 17:15 37 44 81 5:30 2 0 2 17:30 31 39 70 545 5 17 1 6 6 23 1745 25 119 34 162 59 281 600 5 4 9 18:00 18 39 57 615 7 3 10 18:15 17 26 43 6:30 4 3 7 18:30 12 30 42 645 10 26 6 16 16 42 18:45 16 63 19 114 35 177 700 9 3 12 19:00 8 21 29 715 21 9 30 19:15 10 26 36 7:30 42 30 72 19:30 18 20 38 745 60 132 29 71 89 203 1945 12 48 16 83 28 131 800 45 36 81 2000 11 12 23 815 28 33 61 20:15 6 15 21 8:30 14 22 36 20:30 8 9 17 8:45 16 103 9 100 25 203 20:45 5 30 9 45 14 75 900 17 11 28 21:00 5 15 20 915 24 19 43 21:15 6 9 15 9:30 12 18 30 2130 9 8 17 945 10 63 19 67 29 130 2145 2 22 7 39 9 61 1000 14 14 28 22:00 4 8 12 1015 12 19 31 22:15 3 10 13 10:30 13 18 31 22:30 2 5 7 10:45 15 54 10 61 25 115 22:45 1 10 4 27 5 37 1100 19 15 34 23:00 0 0 0 1115 14 14 28 23:15 0 3 3 11:30 21 16 37 23:30 0 1 1 11:45 15 69 15 60 30 129 23:45 2 2 3 7 5 9 TOTALS 485 404 889 TOTALS 700 958 1658 SPLIT% 54.6% 45 A% 34.9% SPLIT% 42.2% 57.8% 65.1% IMD Al LY TOTALS N13 S13 LB Total 1,185 1,362 0 2,547 AM Peak Hour 7'.30 7'.30 7:30 PM Peak Hour 16'45 16'45 1645 AMPkVolume 175 128 303 PMPkVolume 120 167 287 Pk Hr Factor 0729 0.889 0.851 Pk Hr Factor 0.811 0.928 0.886 7 9Volume 235 171 406 4 6Volume 212 272 484 7 9Peak Hour 7'.30 7'.30 730 4 6Peak Hour 16'45 16'45 1645 7 9Pk Volume 175 128 303 4 6Pk Volume 120 167 287 Pk Hr Factor 0729 0.889 0.851 Pk Hr Factor 0.811 0.928 0.886 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 144 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 145 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services E8 W8 Project #: CA22 020329 014 160 City: Rosemead Location: Jackson Ave N/0 Garvalia Ave Date: 11/17/2022 140 180 120 —N8 —S8 — � 100 u L d % 80 N000r 60 40 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 145 of 206 E8 W8 160 140 120 � 100 u L d % 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 145 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 146 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ArD VOLUME Loftus Dr W/O Strang Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: CA22_020329_015 DAILY TOTALS N13 S13 EB WI3 Totall 0 MEIIi 6,491 7,796 14,287 AM Period N13 S13 EB W13 r r N13 S13 EB W13 TOTAL 00:00 18 19 37 12:00 73 102 ll5 00:15 8 16 24 12:15 81 129 210 00:30 16 16 32 12:30 81 113 19 4 0045 ] 49 24 75 31 124 12:45 95 330 136 480 231 810 0100 5 14 19 13:00 92 117 209 01:15 11 26 37 13:15 81 104 185 01:30 11 25 36 13:30 109 117 226 0145 7 34 10 75 17 109 13:45 89 371 112 450 201 821 0200 10 16 26 14:00 99 90 189 0215 8 7 15 14:15 93 125 218 02:30 5 13 18 14:30 109 116 225 0245 6 29 7 43 13 72 14:45 116 417 123 454 239 871 03:00 8 7 15 15:00 107 119 226 03:15 8 10 18 15:15 112 135 247 03:30 10 17 27 15:30 91 152 243 03:45 18 44 8 42 26 86 1545 119 429 161 567 280 996 04:00 10 13 23 16:00 102 144 246 04:15 10 20 30 16:15 122 148 270 04:30 18 29 47 16:30 111 146 257 0445 28 66 27 89 55 155 16:45 141 476 197 635 338 1111 0500 28 36 64 17:00 108 185 293 0515 26 43 69 17:15 126 206 332 05:30 29 54 83 17:30 105 144 249 0545 47 130 65 198 112 328 17:45 109 448 171 706 280 1154 0600 46 59 105 18:00 135 172 307 0615 49 57 106 18:15 104 143 247 06:30 51 65 116 18:30 87 117 204 06:45 81 227 72 253 153 480 18:45 91 417 128 560 219 9]] 0700 ]] 94 171 19:00 87 86 173 0715 80 89 169 19:15 79 93 172 07:30 86 111 197 19:30 75 105 180 0745 121 364 114 408 235 ]]2 19:45 68 309 81 365 149 674 08:00 153 98 251 2000 65 70 135 08:15 151 133 284 20:15 62 83 145 08:30 134 86 220 20:30 45 63 108 0845 120 558 90 407 210 965 20:45 54 226 71 287 125 513 0900 111 103 214 21:00 50 55 105 0915 112 92 204 21:15 50 81 131 09:30 103 92 195 2130 54 55 109 0945 108 '434 85 372 193 806 2145 40 194 45 236 85 430 1000 83 108 191 22:00 46 37 83 1015 98 102 200 22:15 39 49 88 10:30 95 97 192 22:30 34 46 80 10:45 78 '354 100 407 178 761 22:45 18 137 30 162 48 299 1100 98 81 179 23:00 25 34 59 1115 80 115 195 23:15 25 21 46 1130 85 106 191 23:30 37 23 60 11:45 89 '352 110 412 199 764 2345 9 96 35 113 44 209 TOTALS 2641 2781 5422 TOTALS 3850 5015 8865 SPLIT% 48.7% 513% 38.0% SPLIT% 1 43.4% 56.6% 62.0% W13 7,796 Total ta AM Peak Hour 0745 0730 0745 PM Peak Hour 16'.38 16'.38 1630 AMPkVolume 559 456 990 PMPkVolume 486 734 1220 Pk Hr Factor 0.913 0.857 0.871 Pk Hr Factor 0.862 0.891 0.902 7 9Volume 922 815 1737 4 6Volume 924 1341 2265 7 9Peak Hour 07'45 07'.30 0745 4 6Peak Hour 16'.30 16'.30 1630 7 9Pk Volume 559 456 990 4 6Pk Volume 486 734 1220 Pk Hr Factor 0.913 0.857 0.871 Pk Hr Factor 0.862 0.891 0.902 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 146 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 red 800 QNB SSB EB WB 700 600 500 v U 400 v 300 200 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti N N N N CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 147 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 148 of 206 Prepared by P6tiouel Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Lower Azusa Rd E/O Sultana Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_016 DAILY TOTALS N13 S13 EB WI3 Total 0 MEIIi 6,484 6,469 12,952 AM Period Period N13 S13 EB W13 TOTAL 0:00 14 12 26 12:00 99 109 208 0:15 11 11 22 12:15 85 106 191 0:30 7 14 21 12:30 97 115 212 0:45 15 47 8 45 23 92 12:45 93 374 101 431 194 805 100 5 8 13 13:00 99 104 203 115 4 13 17 13:15 104 100 204 1:30 3 2 5 13:30 93 100 193 145 9 21 3 26 12 47 13:45 120 416 105 409 225 825 200 1 5 6 14:00 121 111 232 215 9 5 14 14:15 116 107 223 2:30 3 3 6 14:30 143 124 267 245 8 21 1 14 9 35 14:45 117 497 111 453 228 950 3:00 4 2 6 15:00 123 93 216 3:15 2 2 4 15:15 137 96 233 3:30 5 16 21 15:30 151 117 268 3:45 9 20 2 22 11 42 1545 136 547 116 422 252 969 400 9 0 9 1600 117 124 241 415 21 6 27 16:15 145 99 244 4:30 16 5 21 16:30 118 105 223 445 18 64 9 20 27 84 16:45 131 511 98 426 229 937 500 17 14 31 17:00 122 102 224 515 19 25 44 17:15 130 119 249 5:30 18 39 57 17:30 137 92 229 545 24 78 31 109 55 187 1745 134 523 123 436 257 959 600 11 42 53 18:00 129 94 223 615 19 64 83 18:15 125 93 218 6:30 30 75 105 18:30 134 78 212 645 30 90 76 257 106 347 18:45 115 503 65 330 180 833 700 40 91 131 19:00 95 82 177 715 72 114 186 19:15 110 73 183 7:30 74 135 209 19:30 80 56 136 745 113 '299 133 473 246 772 1945 78 363 62 273 140 636 800 125 137 262 2000 80 62 142 815 140 132 272 20:15 82 60 142 8:30 119 108 227 20:30 59 55 114 845 85 '469 143 520 228 989 20:45 56 277 44 221 100 498 900 73 116 189 21:00 49 47 96 915 62 98 160 21:15 53 49 102 9:30 72 122 194 2130 45 25 70 945 81 '288 115 451 196 739 2145 57 204 24 145 81 349 1000 80 114 194 22:00 39 22 61 1015 82 105 187 22:15 32 28 60 10:30 82 121 203 22:30 27 16 43 10:45 88 '332 116 456 204 788 22:45 25 123 22 88 47 211 1100 84 90 174 23:00 17 18 35 1115 96 105 201 23:15 20 14 34 1130 89 79 168 23:30 24 10 34 1145 72 '341 109 383 181 7242345 15 76 16 58 31 134 TOTALS 2070 2776 4846 TOTALS 4414 3692 8106 SPLIT% 42.7% 573% 37.4% SPLIT% 1 545% 455% 62.6% t AMPeak Hour 7'45 7'.38 745 PMPeak Hour 15'.38 15'.38 1538 AMPkVolume 497 537 1887 PMPkVolume 549 456 1885 Pk Hr Factor 8.888 8.988 8.926 Pk Hr Factor 8.989 8.919 8.938 7 9Volume 768 993 1761 4 6Volume 1834 862 1896 7 9Peak Hour 7'45 7'.38 745 4 6Peak Hour 17'.88 17'.88 1788 7 9Pk Volume 497 537 1887 4 6Pk Volume 523 436 959 Pk Hr Factor 8.888 8.988 8.926 Pk Hr Fa Ror 8.954 8.886 8.933 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 148 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 149 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: CA22_020329016 City: Rosemead v 200 Location: Lower Azusa 'd • Sultana Ave D.11/17/2022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 —N8 —S8 —E8 W8 500 400 rA v E CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 149 of 206 300 v 200 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 149 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. 1 Page 150 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Marshall St E/O Earle Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_017 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Totall 0 0001 2,742 .1 5,202 AM Period r r NB SB EB WB TOTAL 0:00 4 8 12 12:00 38 40 ]8 0:15 2 3 5 12:15 30 41 71 0:30 5 6 11 12:30 44 30 74 0:45 1 12 1 18 2 30 12:45 50 162 40 151 90 313 100 1 6 7 13:00 41 43 84 115 4 1 5 13:15 41 36 ]] 1:30 0 3 3 13:30 59 31 90 145 1 6 2 12 3 18 13:45 59 200 39 149 98 349 200 1 2 3 14:00 57 51 108 215 4 1 5 14:15 52 45 97 2:30 2 4 6 14:30 43 36 79 245 2 9 0 7 2 16 14:45 49 201 ]] 209 126 410 3:00 2 0 2 15:00 41 44 85 3:15 3 1 4 15:15 63 28 91 3:30 2 0 2 15:30 57 50 107 3:45 7 14 2 3 9 17 1545 53 214 38 160 91 374 400 2 0 2 1600 48 32 80 415 5 1 6 16:15 49 45 94 4:30 4 2 6 16:30 56 49 105 445 4 15 2 5 6 20 16:45 57 210 57 183 114 393 500 9 1 10 17:00 54 54 108 515 7 1 8 17:15 56 52 108 5:30 15 4 19 1]:30 63 57 120 545 6 37 5 11 11 48 1745 78 251 55 218 133 469 600 16 10 26 18:00 53 64 117 615 9 12 21 18:15 72 37 109 6:30 14 10 24 18:30 50 42 92 645 14 53 13 45 27 98 18:45 55 230 42 185 97 415 7:00 24 18 42 19:00 34 36 70 7:15 21 18 39 19:15 40 38 78 ]:30 26 31 57 19:30 36 20 56 7:45 34 105 39 106 73 211 1945 37 147 26 120 63 267 800 30 41 71 2000 23 24 47 815 47 44 91 20:15 28 22 50 8:30 45 34 79 20:30 32 26 58 845 52 174 43 162 95 336 20:45 29 112 21 93 50 205 900 47 47 94 21:00 22 20 42 915 64 43 107 21:15 18 18 36 9:30 43 51 94 2130 17 23 40 945 37 191 51 192 88 383 2145 14 71 20 81 34 152 1000 23 41 64 22:00 9 19 28 1015 25 45 70 22:15 9 18 27 10:30 24 27 51 22:30 12 9 21 10:45 37 '109 27 140 64 249 22:45 8 38 7 53 15 91 1100 34 40 74 23:00 14 5 19 1115 42 32 74 23:15 5 6 11 1130 35 27 62 23:30 5 3 8 1145 40 '151 37 136 ]] 287 23:45 6 30 7 21 13 51 TOTALS 876 837 1713 TOTALS 1866 1623 3489 SPLIT% 511% 989% 32.9% SPLIT% 535% 465% 67.1% WB Totalt .1 AM Peak Hour 8'.38 9'.88 805 PM Peak Hour 1730 1715 1730 AMPkVolume 208 192 390 PMPkVolume 266 228 079 Pk Hr Factor 0.813 0.941 0.911 Pk Hr Factor 0.853 0.891 0.900 ] 9Vn1ume 279 268 507 4 6Volume 461 401 862 ] 9Peak Hour 8'.00 8'.00 800 4 6Peak Hour 17'.00 16'45 1700 ] 9Pk Volume 174 162 336 4 6Pk Volume 251 220 069 Pk Hr Factor 0.837 0.920 0.880 Pk Hr Fa Ror 0.804 0.965 0.882 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. 1 Page 150 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 151 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services W8 Project #: CA22_020329017 250 City: Rosemead Location: Marshall St • Earle AveD.11/17/2022 200 300 —N8 —S8 —E8 &0000—JA4 d — 150 J t -1V— v 100 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 151 of 206 W8 250 200 d 150 t v 100 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 151 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 152 of 206 Prepared by P6tiouel Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Marshall St E/O Du bonnet Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_018 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Totall 0 EEEEI;��. 4,413 5,019 1 9,432 AM Period r • NB SB EB WB TOTAL 0:00 3 8 11 12:00 83 76 159 0:15 6 4 10 12:15 79 70 149 0:30 2 0 2 12:30 90 7 167 0:45 3 14 8 20 11 34 12:45 7 329 81 304 158 633 1:00 0 0 0 13:00 75 76 151 1:15 0 2 2 13:15 81 90 171 1:30 4 0 4 13:30 72 80 152 145 3 7 2 4 5 11 13:45 88 316 71 317 159 633 200 1 4 5 14:00 98 112 210 215 9 0 9 14:15 92 94 186 2:30 0 1 1 14:30 95 103 198 245 0 10 1 6 1 16 14:45 115 400 147 456 262 856 3:00 5 0 5 15:00 98 87 185 3:15 1 0 1 15:15 7 90 167 3:30 3 1 4 15:30 71 80 151 3:45 1 10 1 2 2 12 1545 102 348 113 370 215 718 400 5 2 7 1600 96 108 204 415 2 6 8 16:15 89 106 195 4:30 3 1 4 16:30 80 94 174 445 5 15 4 13 9 28 16:45 98 363 102 410 200 73 500 4 3 7 17:00 99 110 209 515 12 0 12 17:15 102 114 216 5:30 13 15 28 17:30 81 78 159 545 21 50 12 30 33 80 1745 93 375 91 393 184 768 600 9 15 24 18:00 108 147 255 615 11 16 27 18:15 101 123 224 6:30 16 22 38 18:30 64 79 143 645 13 49 27 80 40 129 18:45 59 332 79 428 138 760 700 17 18 35 19:00 66 80 146 715 31 45 76 19:15 60 51 111 7:30 58 107 165 19:30 51 59 110 745 152 '258 170 340 322 598 1945 56 233 60 250 116 483 800 179 79 258 2000 46 50 96 8:15 75 46 121 20:15 45 50 95 8:30 47 85 132 20:30 35 52 87 845 56 '357 74 284 130 641 20:45 34 160 55 207 89 367 900 41 66 107 21:00 38 46 84 915 46 62 108 21:15 21 38 59 9:30 38 56 94 2130 23 26 49 945 56 '181 66 250 122 431 2145 14 96 42 152 56 248 1000 43 68 111 22:00 5 37 42 1015 47 61 108 22:15 14 29 43 10:30 37 64 101 22:30 10 25 35 10:45 58 '185 75 268 133 453 22:45 9 38 14 105 23 143 1100 45 54 99 23:00 13 8 21 1115 62 69 131 23:15 7 13 20 1130 64 92 156 23:30 3 17 20 1145 89 '260 68 283 157 5432345 4 27 9 47 13 74 TOTALS 1396 1580 2976 TOTALS 3017 3439 6456 SPLIT% 46.9% 531% 31.6% SPLIT% 1 46.7% 533% 68.4% WB Total 5,019 AM Peak Hour 7'.30 7'.30 7:30 PM Peak Hour 14'.88 14'.88 1000 AM Pk Volume 464 402 866 PM Pk Volume 400 456 856 Pk Hr Factor 0.648 0.591 0.672 Pk Hr Factor 0.870 0776 0.817 7 9Vn1ume 615 624 1239 4 6Volume 738 803 1501 7 9Peak Hour 7'.30 7'.30 730 4 6Peak Hour 16'45 16'.30 1630 7 9Pk Volume 464 402 866 4 6Pk Volume 380 420 799 Pk Hr Factor 0.648 0.591 0.672 Pk Hr Fa Ror ]0 31 0.921 0.925 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 152 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 153 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services W8 Project #: • • • •18 450 City: Rosemead Location: Marshall St E/0 Dubonnet Ave Date: 11/17/2022 500 —N8 —S8 —E8 — 400 350 300 v 250 t v 200 150 100 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 153 of 206 W8 450 400 350 300 v 250 t v 200 150 100 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 153 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 154 of 206 Prepared by P6tiouel Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Marshall St W/O Hart Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_019 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Total 0 0001 5,146 5,303 10,449 AM Period , NB SB EB WB TOTAL 0:00 4 15 19 12:00r 91 82 ll3 0:15 10 6 16 12:15 83 90 173 0:30 8 6 14 12:30 87 100 187 0:45 9 F 31 2 29 11 60 12:45 84 345 109 381 193 726 1:00 0 5 5 13:00 69 92 161 1:15 6 1 7 13:15 79 88 167 1:30 2 3 5 13:30 85 82 167 1:45 1 9 4 13 5 22 13:45 106 339 97 359 203 698 200 3 3 6 14:00 104 94 198 215 4 4 8 14:15 74 98 172 2:30 1 3 4 14:30 98 112 210 245 3 F 11 1 11 4 22 14:45 92 368 113 417 205 785 3:00 3 2 5 15:00 90 99 189 3:15 3 0 3 15:15 ]] 91 168 3:30 4 1 5 15:30 90 98 188 3:45 2 12 0 3 2 15 1545 110 367 84 372 194 739 400 5 6 11 1600 91 102 193 4:15 1 7 8 16:15 101 89 190 4:30 2 8 10 16:30 123 95 218 445 13 F 21 5 26 18 47 16:45 127 442 94 380 221 822 500 22 7 29 17:00 122 113 235 515 13 15 28 17:15 126 85 211 5:30 8 7 15 1]:30 128 116 244 545 11 54 11 40 22 94 1745 120 496 117 431 237 927 600 21 15 36 18:00 127 117 244 615 13 19 32 18:15 139 89 228 6:30 14 22 36 18:30 114 101 215 645 19 67 29 85 48 152 18:45 123 503 89 396 212 899 7:00 26 39 65 19:00 101 87 188 7:15 32 36 68 19:15 87 71 158 7:30 42 49 91 19:30 80 ]] 157 ]:45 53 X153 87 211 140 364 1945 92 360 62 297 154 657 800 69 89 158 2000 79 64 143 815 59 75 134 20:15 68 70 138 8:30 49 90 139 20:30 52 61 113 845 45 '222 73 327 118 549 20:45 67 266 68 263 135 529 900 64 68 132 21:00 56 65 121 915 50 74 124 21:15 58 53 111 9:30 58 62 120 2130 37 51 88 945 57 '229 86 290 143 519 2145 28 179 44 213 72 392 1000 68 63 131 22:00 37 61 98 1015 55 65 120 22:15 30 33 63 10:30 46 62 108 22:30 18 22 40 10:45 51 220 82 272 133 492 22:45 21 106 31 147 52 253 1100 74 73 147 23:00 16 11 27 1115 55 67 122 23:15 15 13 28 11:30 78 75 153 23:30 14 18 32 11:45 84 291 73 288 157 5]9 2345 10 55 10 52 20 107 TOTALS 1320 1595 2915 TOTALS 3826 3708 7534 SPLIT% 45.3% 54.7% 27.9% SPLIT% 1 503% 49.2% 72.1% WB 5,303 AM Peak Hour 1145 1145 1145 PM Peak Hour 1730 1730 1730 AMPkVolume 345 345 690 PMPkVolume 514 439 953 Pk Hr Factor 0.948 0.863 0.922 Pk Hr Factor 0.924 0.938 0.976 ] 9Volume 375 538 913 4 6Volume 938 811 1749 ] 9Peak Hour 7'45 7'45 7:45 4 6Peak Hour 16'45 17'.00 1700 ] 9Pk Volume 230 341 573 4 6Pk Volume 503 431 927 Pk Hr Factor 0.833 0.947 0.903 Pk Hr Fa Ror 0.982 0.921 0.950 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 154 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 155 of 206 W8 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services 500 400 Project #: CA22_020329019 t City: Rosemead v 200 Location: Marshall St 100 • Hart Ave D.11/17/2022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 —N8 —S8 —E8 — CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 155 of 206 W8 500 400 v 300 t v 200 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 155 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 156 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Marshall St E/O Claudia Cir Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_020 DAILY TOTALS N13 S13 EB WI3 Totall 0 0001 3,559 2,559 1 6,117 AM Period r r N13 S13 EB W13 TOTAL 0:00 4 2 6 12:00 70 44 114 0:15 6 1 7 12:15 51 61 112 0:30 1 0 1 12:30 70 44 114 0:45 3 14 3 6 6 20 12:45 49 240 45 194 94 434 100 4 2 6 13:00 61 38 99 1:15 2 0 2 13:15 61 38 99 1:30 1 0 1 13:30 55 37 92 145 1 8 0 2 1 10 13:45 72 249 54 167 126 416 200 2 2 4 14:00 75 36 111 215 0 0 0 14:15 69 53 122 2:30 2 0 2 14:30 66 50 116 245 0 4 0 2 0 6 14:45 50 260 53 192 103 452 3:00 1 1 2 15:00 62 61 123 3:15 0 1 1 15:15 67 52 119 3:30 2 1 3 15:30 70 58 128 3:45 2 5 1 4 3 9 1545 83 282 50 221 133 503 400 2 3 5 1600 75 46 121 415 1 0 1 16:15 77 47 124 4:30 2 2 4 16:30 69 59 128 445 2 7 7 12 9 19 16:45 95 316 43 195 138 511 500 6 4 10 17:00 89 59 148 515 3 4 7 17:15 89 47 136 5:30 5 3 8 17:30 107 48 155 545 2 16 4 15 6 31 1745 85 370 58 212 143 582 600 5 9 14 18:00 89 72 161 615 6 12 18 18:15 87 46 133 6:30 5 12 17 18:30 95 46 141 645 5 21 16 49 21 70 18:45 85 356 47 211 132 567 700 17 21 38 19:00 68 38 106 715 24 14 38 19:15 63 29 92 7:30 24 27 51 19:30 57 23 80 745 40 105 32 94 72 199 1945 58 246 19 109 77 355 800 37 64 101 2000 54 24 78 815 21 46 67 20:15 51 22 73 8:30 24 57 81 20:30 63 34 97 845 26 108 47 214 73 322 20:45 34 202 22 102 56 304 900 33 41 74 21:00 38 16 54 915 34 50 84 21:15 31 23 54 9:30 37 15 52 2130 32 14 46 945 35 139 50 156 85 295 2145 34 135 16 69 50 204 1000 38 39 77 22:00 27 10 37 1015 27 31 58 22:15 30 9 39 10:30 28 32 60 22:30 16 4 20 10:45 35 '128 40 142 75 270 22:45 15 88 3 26 18 114 1100 52 35 87 23:00 16 6 22 1115 32 41 73 23:15 13 4 17 1130 63 36 99 23:30 8 6 14 1145 66 '213 33 145 99 358 23:45 10 47 3 19 13 66 TOTALS 768 841 1609 TOTALS 2791 1717 4508 SPLIT% 47.7% 523% 26.3% SPLIT% 619% 381% 73.]% W13 2,558 Total �6L117 AM Peak Hour 1145 8'.88 1145 PM Peak Hour 16'45 17'.15 17:15 AMPkVolume 257 214 439 PMPkVolume 388 225 595 Pk Hr Factor 8.918 8.836 0.963 Pk Hr Factor 8.888 0781 0.924 7 9Volume 213 388 521 4 6Volume 686 487 1093 7 9Peak Hour 7'.15 8'.88 800 4 6Peak Hour 16'45 17'.88 1700 7 9Pk Volume 125 214 322 4 6Pk Volume 388 212 582 Pk Hr Factor 0781 8.836 0.797 Pk Hr Fa Ror 8.888 8.898 0.939 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 156 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 157 of 206 Prepared by National Data &Surveying Services Project #: CA22_020329020 City: Rosemead Location: Marshall St • Claudia Cir D.11/17/2022 400 —N8 —S8 — E8 W8 350 300 250 v U 200 v 150 100 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 157 of 206 200 v 150 100 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 157 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 158 of 206 Prepared by P6tiouel Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Mission Dr W/O HalkettAve Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/10/2022 Project#: U22_020329_021 DAILY TOTALS NB — S13 EB W13 Total 1 7762 9,362 16,124 AM Period • N13 S13 EB W13 TOTAL 0:00 11 8 19 12:00r 97 136 233 0:15 6 11 17 12:15 109 114 223 0:30 7 6 13 12:30 101 132 233 0:45 7 F 31 6 31 13 62 12:45 100 407 109 491 209 898 1:00 7 3 10 13:00 117 113 230 1:15 7 6 13 13:15 105 112 217 1:30 5 2 7 13:30 116 111 227 1:45 4 23 5 16 9 39 13:45 124 462 132 468 256 930 200 3 1 4 14:00 143 139 282 215 1 3 4 14:15 154 144 298 2:30 2 1 3 14:30 164 171 335 245 3 F 9 1 6 4 15 14:45 163 624 145 599 308 1223 3:00 4 0 4 15:00 185 136 321 3:15 3 3 6 15:15 178 143 321 3:30 2 5 7 15:30 201 158 359 3:45 4 13 3 11 7 24 1545 198 762 140 5]] 338 1339 400 3 3 6 1600 187 140 327 415 5 1 6 16:15 208 126 334 4:30 7 11 18 16:30 182 136 318 445 12 F 27 9 24 21 51 16:45 209 786 152 554 361 1340 500 10 15 25 17:00 210 168 378 515 10 15 25 17:15 208 165 373 5:30 16 27 43 17:30 183 151 334 545 25 61 36 93 61 154 1745 215 816 150 634 365 1450 600 23 35 58 18:00 184 148 332 615 21 60 81 18:15 197 155 352 6:30 38 90 128 18:30 183 126 309 645 43 '125 112 297 155 422 18:45 144 708 101 530 245 1238 700 40 114 154 19:00 123 102 225 715 70 145 215 19:15 99 89 188 7:30 117 227 344 19:30 88 89 177 7:45 140 X367 260 ]46 400 1113 1945 73 383 67 347 140 730 800 150 199 349 2000 86 68 154 815 136 216 352 20:15 49 73 122 8:30 135 168 303 20:30 50 65 115 845 93 '514 187 ]]0 280 1284 20:45 43 228 50 256 93 484 900 90 162 252 21:00 44 53 97 915 80 168 248 21:15 44 38 82 9:30 79 146 225 2130 40 46 86 945 80 '329 124 600 204 929 2145 56 184 37 174 93 358 1000 85 123 208 22:00 26 31 57 1015 76 101 177 22:15 34 44 78 10:30 89 114 203 22:30 33 35 68 10:45 84 334 125 463 209 ]9] 22:45 19 112 31 141 50 253 11:00 92 105 197 23:00 23 23 46 1115 86 100 186 23:15 9 16 25 11:30 111 135 246 23:30 18 13 31 1145 104 393 127 467 231 860 2345 14 64 15 67 29 131 TOTALS 2226 3524 5750 TOTALS 5536 4838 10374 SPLIT% 38.7% 613% 35.7% SPLIT% 1 53.4% 46.6% 64.3% 9,362 AM Peak Hour 745 7'.30 730 PM Peak Hour 1700 16'45 1700 AM Pk Volume 561 902 1445 PM Pk Volume 816 636 1450 Pk Hr Factor 0.935 0.867 0.903 Pk Hr Factor 0.949 0.946 0.959 7 9Volume 881 1516 2397 4 6Volume 1602 1188 2790 7 9Peak Hour 7'45 7'.30 730 4 6Peak Hour 17'.00 16'45 1700 7 9Pk Volume 561 902 1445 4 6Pk Volume 816 636 1450 Pk Hr Factor 0.935 0.867 0.903 Pk Hr Fa Ror 0.949 0.946 0.959 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 158 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 159 of 206 Prepared by National Data &Surveying Services S8 E8 W8 Project #: CA22_020329021 City: Rosemead Location: Mission Dr • Halkett Ave D.11/10/2022 900 —N8 — 700 600 500 v u L d > 400 300 200 100 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 159 of 206 S8 E8 W8 800 700 600 500 v u L d > 400 300 200 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 159 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 160 of 206 Prepared by P6tiouel Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Mission Dr E/O Pistache Ln Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/10/2022 Project#: U22_020329_022 DAILY TOTALS NB — S13 —'8418 EB W13 Totall 0 9,4D4 AM Period r r N13 S13 EB W13 TOTAL 0:00 8 10 18 12:00 108 135 243 0:15 6 11 17 12:15 117 124 241 0:30 8 5 13 12:30 114 121 235 0:45 7 29 7 33 14 62 12:45 126 465 114 494 240 959 100 3 9 12 13:00 122 119 241 1:15 9 6 15 13:15 128 122 250 1:30 4 2 6 13:30 128 117 245 145 8 24 6 23 14 47 13:45 127 505 130 488 257 993 200 4 2 6 14:00 146 128 274 215 1 2 3 14:15 172 135 307 2:30 3 2 5 14:30 177 168 345 245 3 11 0 6 3 17 14:45 200 695 139 570 339 1265 3:00 3 2 5 15:00 184 143 327 3:15 2 4 6 15:15 168 120 288 3:30 3 6 9 15:30 180 168 348 3:45 5 13 2 14 7 27 1545 199 731 142 573 341 1304 400 5 3 8 1600 188 149 337 415 3 3 6 16:15 188 132 320 4:30 8 11 19 16:30 190 136 326 445 13 29 12 29 25 58 16:45 185 751 141 558 326 1309 500 11 14 25 17:00 209 165 374 515 13 20 33 17:15 251 153 404 5:30 18 26 44 1]:30 232 150 382 545 17 59 40 100 57 159 1745 242 934 161 629 403 1563 600 31 35 66 18:00 191 162 353 615 21 52 73 18:15 207 147 354 6:30 45 85 130 18:30 189 120 309 6:45 52 149 92 264 144 413 18:45 139 726 123 552 262 1278 700 50 104 154 19:00 135 110 245 715 102 163 265 19:15 101 102 203 7:30 141 224 365 19:30 99 87 186 745 168 461 233 724 401 1185 1945 75 410 62 361 137 ]]1 800 179 193 372 2000 95 74 169 815 160 204 364 20:15 53 99 152 8:30 141 172 313 20:30 66 68 134 845 103 '583 188 ]5] 291 1340 20:45 59 273 61 302 120 575 900 105 131 236 21:00 59 61 120 915 83 164 247 21:15 46 43 89 9:30 91 142 233 2130 42 41 83 945 95 X374 132 569 227 943 2145 56 203 43 188 99 391 1000 97 126 223 22:00 29 41 70 1015 86 89 175 22:15 33 41 74 10:30 114 114 228 22:30 32 40 72 10:45 96 '393 128 457 224 850 22:45 21 115 27 149 48 264 1100 85 110 195 23:00 21 28 49 1115 95 96 191 23:15 18 18 36 1130 121 135 256 23:30 20 24 44 11:45 109 '410 132 473 241883 2345 16 75 21 91 3] 166 TOTALS 2535 3449 5984 TOTALS 5883 4955 10838 SPLIT% 42.4% 57.6% 35.6% SPLIT% 1 543% 45.7% 64.4% W13 Totalt 9,4D4 1160822 AM Peak Hour 7'.30 7'.30 730 PM Peak Hour 1700 1700 1700 AM Pk Volume 648 854 1502 PM Pk Volume 934 629 1563 Pk Hr Factor 0.905 0.916 0.936 Pk Hr Factor 0.930 0.953 0.967 7 9Vn1ume 1044 1481 2525 4 6Volume 1685 1187 2872 7 9 Peak Hour 7'.30 7'.30 730 4 6 Peak Hour 17'.00 17'.00 1700 7 9Pk Volume 648 854 1502 4 6Pk Volume 934 629 1563 Pk Hr Factor 0.905 0.916 0.936 Pk Hr Fa Ror 0.930 0.953 0.967 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 160 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 161 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: • • • •22 City: Rosemead Location: Mission Dr • Pistache Ln D.11/10/2022 1000 QNB SSB SEB -WB 900 800 700 600 v 500 t v 400 300 200 100 0 0 o 0 0 O 0 O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O ti N m � ut UJ CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 161 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 162 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Mission Dr E/O Loma Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/10/2022 Project#: CA22_020329_023 DAILY TOTALS — S13 —13 EB W13 Total 1• 6,326 13,021 AM Period6695 r r N13 S13 EB W13 TOTAL 0:00 8 4 12 12:00 90 79 169 0:15 9 9 18 12:15 93 70 163 0:30 5 6 11 12:30 101 76 177 0:45 8 30 4 23 12 53 12:45 96 380 61 286 157 666 1:00 10 3 13 13:00 71 62 133 115 4 6 10 13:15 89 70 159 130 4 3 7 13:30 110 84 194 1:45 7 25 1 13 8 38 13:45 101 371 96 312 197 683 200 4 1 5 14:00 124 102 226 2:15 1 4 5 14:15 125 133 258 2:30 4 1 5 14:30 188 114 302 245 4 13 0 6 4 19 14:45 159 596 91 440 250 1036 3:00 1 0 1 15:00 138 112 250 3:15 2 0 2 15:15 130 118 248 3:30 0 1 1 15:30 195 136 331 3:45 4 7 2 3 6 10 1545 163 626 113 479 276 1105 400 3 5 8 1600 130 92 222 415 8 3 11 16:15 142 90 232 4:30 6 14 20 16:30 153 99 252 445 8 25 8 30 16 55 16:45 128 553 106 387 234 940 500 5 6 11 17:00 152 136 288 515 15 17 32 17:15 194 108 302 5:30 11 21 32 17:30 187 123 310 545 14 45 22 66 36 111 1745 197 730 146 513 343 1243 600 10 28 38 18:00 188 123 311 615 19 33 52 18:15 162 113 275 6:30 25 63 88 18:30 147 92 239 645 27 81 55 179 82 260 18:45 99 596 68 396 167 992 700 30 104 134 19:00 105 79 184 715 88 193 281 19:15 83 44 127 7:30 81 199 280 19:30 77 45 122 745 129 328 211 707 340 1035 1945 85 350 50 218 135 568 800 140 292 432 2000 93 50 143 815 142 252 394 20:15 70 46 116 8:30 86 136 222 20:30 57 40 97 845 65 433 135 815 200 1248 20:45 53 273 44 180 97 453 900 71 107 178 21:00 50 34 84 915 71 112 183 21:15 39 24 63 9:30 65 94 159 2130 39 28 67 945 66 '273 85 398 151 671 2145 57 185 32 118 89 303 1000 64 86 150 22:00 26 24 50 1015 62 63 125 22:15 30 24 54 10:30 84 87 171 22:30 26 18 44 10:45 81 '291 94 330 175 621 22:45 20 102 17 83 37 185 1100 64 78 142 23:00 23 15 38 1115 79 80 159 23:15 22 7 29 11:30 66 70 136 23:30 18 9 27 11:45 90 '299 78 306 168 605 23:45 20 83 7 38 27 121 TOTALS 1850 2876 4726 TOTALS 4845 3450 8295 SPLIT% 391% 609% 36.3% SPLIT% 58.4% 41.6% 63.7% 6,326t AMPeak Hour 7'45 7'.38 738 PMPeak Hour 17'.15 17'.88 17:15 AM Pk Volume 497 954 1446 PM Pk Volume 766 513 1266 Pk Hr Factor 8.875 8.817 8.837 Pk Hr Factor 8.972 8.878 8.923 7 9Vn1ume 761 1522 2283 4 6Volume 1283 988 2183 7 9Peak Hour 7'45 7'.38 738 4 6Peak Hour 17'.88 17'.88 1788 7 9Pk Volume 497 954 1446 4 6Pk Volume 738 513 1243 Pk Hr Factor 8.875 8.817 8.837 Pk Hr Fa Ror 8.926 8.878 8.986 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 162 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 163 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: CA22_020329023 City: Rosemead Location: Mission Dr • Loma Ave D.11/10/2022 900 QNB SSB EB WB 800 700 600 500 u L > 400 300 It 200 100 0 0 o O o O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 163 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 164 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Muscatel Ave S/O Hovey St Day: Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_024 DAILY TOTALS -- t. 31 0 6,142 AM Period 0:00 4 2 6 12:00 41 36 ]] 015 4 1 5 1215 46 45 91 0:30 1 1 2 12:30 39 48 87 045 1 10 2 6 3 16 12:45 50 176 34 163 84 339 100 2 1 3 13:00 46 27 73 1:15 5 0 5 13:15 38 32 70 130 1 3 4 13:30 43 43 86 145 2 10 1 5 3 15 13:45 44 171 34 136 78 307 200 2 1 3 14:00 50 42 92 2:15 0 1 1 14:15 57 62 119 2:30 0 1 1 14:30 81 76 157 245 1 3 0 3 1 6 14:45 68 256 75 255 143 511 3:00 0 0 0 15:00 52 57 109 3:15 0 0 0 15:15 48 45 93 3:30 0 0 0 15:30 65 69 134 3:45 0 3 3 3 3 15:45 65 230 108 279 173 509 400 0 0 0 16:00 72 112 184 415 1 3 4 16:15 64 99 163 4:30 2 4 6 16:30 64 70 134 4:45 0 3 1 8 1 11 16:45 55 255 60 341 115 596 500 3 7 10 17:00 71 61 132 515 2 5 7 17:15 70 69 139 5:30 4 8 12 1]:30 70 91 161 545 6 15 8 28 14 43 1745 66 27 65 286 131 563 600 3 11 14 18:00 72 56 128 615 7 13 20 18:15 78 78 156 6:30 9 10 19 18:30 56 69 125 645 12 31 19 53 31 84 18:45 52 258 47 250 99 508 7:00 19 26 45 19:00 46 21 67 7:15 25 34 59 19:15 31 30 61 ]:30 66 53 119 19:30 35 35 70 7:45 128 238 69 182 197 420 1945 26 138 23 109 49 247 800 91 87 178 2000 21 10 31 815 65 71 136 20:15 31 24 55 8:30 61 85 146 20:30 29 17 46 845 47 264 67 310 114 574 20:45 13 94 20 71 33 165 900 35 57 92 21:00 21 14 35 915 33 54 87 21:15 19 11 30 9:30 47 58 105 2130 16 8 24 945 27 142 38 207 65 349 2145 14 70 17 50 31 120 1000 45 43 88 22:00 14 15 29 1015 44 30 74 22:15 15 7 22 10:30 28 34 62 22:30 8 8 16 10:45 45 162 43 150 88 312 22:45 5 42 8 38 13 80 1100 38 38 76 23:00 7 2 9 1115 33 36 69 23:15 10 2 12 1130 40 51 91 23:30 2 4 6 1145 51 162 43 168 94 330 23:45 5 24 2 10 7 34 TOTALS 1040 1123 2163 TOTALS F 1991 1988 3979 SPLIT% 1 481% 519% 35.2% SPLIT% 1 50.0% 50.0% 64.8% AMD Al LY TOTALS N13 S13 11 LB Total �6L142 3,031 3,111 11 0 AMPeak Hour 7'.30 ]'A5 7:45 PMPeak Hour 1]'.38 15'45 1538 AMPkVolume 350 312 657 PMPkVolume 286 389 654 Pk Hr Factor 0.684 0.897 8.834 Pk Hr Factor 0.917 0.868 8.889 7 9Volume 502 492 994 4 6Volume 532 627 1159 ] 9Peak Hour 7'.30 7'45 7:45 4 6Peak Hour 17'.00 16'.00 1688 ] 9Pk Volume 350 312 657 4 6Pk Volume 277 341 596 Pk Hr Factor 0.684 0.897 8.834 Pk Hr Factor 0.975 0761 8.818 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 164 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 165 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: CA22 iRosemead Location: Muscatel Ave • Hovey St D.11/17/2022 400 QNB —5B SEB AWB 350 300 250 v 9 A 200 U v 150 100 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 165 of 206 200 v 150 100 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 165 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 VOLUME New Ave N/O Egley Ave Day: Thursday Date: 11/17/2022 city: Rosemead Project#: CA22_020329_025 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 166 of 206 000 10 18 28 1200 95 72 167 015 5 16 21 1215 106 60 166 0:30 3 13 16 12:30 102 88 190 045 8 26 8 55 16 81 1245 83 386 85 305 168 691 100 5 11 16 13:00 88 105 193 115 5 12 17 13:15 87 103 190 1:30 3 8 11 13:30 93 94 187 145 3 16 7 38 10 54 13:45 78 346 100 402 178 748 200 7 16 23 14:00 84 115 199 215 5 6 11 14:15 83 113 196 2:30 9 7 16 14:30 150 121 271 245 5 26 7 36 12 62 14:45 130 447 121 470 251 917 3:00 3 5 8 15:00 82 105 187 3:15 4 4 8 15:15 96 80 176 3:30 3 5 8 15:30 113 124 237 3:45 6 16 1 15 7 31 1545 85 376 127 436 212 812 400 9 2 11 16:00 90 117 207 415 6 4 10 16:15 133 102 235 4:30 11 7 18 16:30 111 128 239 4:45 15 41 5 18 20 59 16:45 88 422 109 456 197 878 500 18 7 25 17:00 131 118 249 515 34 6 40 17:15 118 131 249 5:30 20 9 29 17:30 140 160 300 545 37 109 6 28 43 137 17:45 111 500 140 549 251 1049 600 29 7 36 18:00 115 153 268 615 31 17 48 1815 90 106 196 6:30 55 30 85 18:30 70 97 167 645 60 175 18 72 78 247 18:45 81 356 97 453 178 809 700 87 25 112 19:00 64 83 147 715 99 48 147 19:15 71 77 148 7:30 123 73 196 19:30 42 75 117 745 155 464 115 261 270 725 1945 48 225 57 292 105 517 800 155 133 288 2000 54 80 134 815 155 100 255 20:15 52 84 136 8:30 123 78 201 20:30 43 68 111 8:45 110 543 79 390 189 933 20:45 41 190 68 300 109 490 900 108 66 174 21:00 39 61 100 915 100 56 156 21:15 29 63 92 9:30 91 53 144 2130 30 62 92 945 101 400 98 273 199 673 2145 27 125 64 250 91 375 1000 117 55 172 22:00 26 45 71 1015 80 47 127 22:15 31 58 89 10:30 94 67 161 22:30 35 43 78 10:45 88 379 71 240 159 619 22:45 23 115 36 182 59 297 1100 85 91 176 23:00 29 33 62 1115 80 71 151 23:15 13 33 46 1130 95 64 159 23:30 13 24 37 1145 77 337 71 297 148 634 23:45 13 68 15 105 28 173 TOTALS 2532 1723 4255 TOTALS 3556 4200 7756 SPLIT% 595% 405% 35.4% SPLIT% 45.8% 542% 64.6% r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 166 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 167 of 206 E8 W8 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services 400 N N ' . 020329025 City: Rosemead 200 Location: New Ave • Egley Ave D.11/17/2022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O rl N M C ul UJ r W 01 O N N M C ul VJ r W 01 O ci N M rl '-I rl rl rl '-I rl rl rl '-I N N N N 600 —N8 —S8 — CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 167 of 206 E8 W8 500 400 N N s 300 v 200 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O rl N M C ul UJ r W 01 O N N M C ul VJ r W 01 O ci N M rl '-I rl rl rl '-I rl rl rl '-I N N N N CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 167 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 168 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ArD VOLUME Ramona Blvd W/O Bartlett Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_026 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Totall 0 0001 2,326 2,211 4,537 AM Period NB SB EB r r NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 ] 1 8 12:00 34 3] ]1 00:15 11 5 16 12:15 32 33 65 00:30 4 2 6 12:30 22 28 50 0045 6 28 1 9 7 37 12:45 25 113 29 127 54 240 0100 3 3 6 13:00 27 24 51 01:15 3 3 6 13:15 39 27 66 01:30 1 0 1 13:30 31 33 64 01:45 1 8 1 7 2 15 13:45 39 136 38 122 7 258 0200 0 3 3 14:00 48 44 92 0215 2 4 6 14:15 39 33 72 02:30 6 3 9 14:30 51 39 90 0245 2 10 3 13 5 23 14:45 53 191 37 153 90 344 03:00 1 1 2 15:00 44 21 65 03:15 3 1 4 15:15 29 34 63 03:30 2 4 6 15:30 53 36 89 03:45 2 8 1 7 3 15 1545 51 177 34 125 85 302 04:00 4 1 5 16:00 39 27 66 04:15 4 8 12 16:15 50 35 85 04:30 4 12 16 16:30 49 30 79 0445 5 17 9 30 14 47 16:45 45 183 46 138 91 321 0500 1 5 6 1700 45 30 75 0515 1 10 11 17:15 35 39 74 05:30 2 12 14 1]:30 63 45 108 0545 3 7 14 41 17 48 1745 56 199 46 160 102 359 0600 8 15 23 18:00 55 30 85 0615 6 11 17 18:15 47 29 76 06:30 5 10 15 18:30 59 23 82 06:45 13 32 24 60 37 92 18:45 43 204 24 106 67 310 0700 16 25 41 19:00 50 19 69 0715 17 47 64 19:15 44 23 67 0]:30 19 49 68 19:30 13 21 34 0745 18 70 55 176 73 246 1945 23 130 13 76 36 206 0800 30 54 84 2000 22 14 36 0815 37 63 100 20:15 30 15 45 08:30 43 34 7 20:30 50 21 71 08:45 41 151 71 222 112 373 20:45 32 134 14 64 46 198 0900 31 56 87 21:00 25 16 41 0915 36 70 106 21:15 29 14 43 09:30 36 44 80 2130 18 15 33 0945 20 '123 45 215 65 338 2145 24 96 10 55 34 151 10:00 27 39 66 2200 30 7 37 10:15 29 39 68 22:15 26 1 27 10:30 17 33 50 22:30 18 7 25 1045 21 ' 94 39 150 60 244 22:45 8 82 5 20 13 102 1100 25 30 55 23:00 5 3 8 1115 23 37 60 23:15 8 1 9 1130 23 25 48 23:30 6 1 7 11:45 38 '109 36 128 74 237 23:45 5 24 2 7 7 31 TOTALS 657 1058 1715 TOTALS 1669 11532822 SPLIT% 38.3% 61.7% 37.8% SPLIT% 591% 90.9°6 62.2% WB IT 2,211 Total 4,0537 AM Peak Hour 88'.15 08'45 0805 PM Peak Hour 1730 16'45 1730 AMPkVolume 152 241 385 PMPkVolume 221 160 373 Pk Hr Factor 0.884 0.849 0.859 Pk Hr Factor 0.877 0.870 0.859 ] 9Volume 221 398 619 4 6Volume 382 298 680 ] 9Peak Hour 08'.00 08'.00 0800 4 6Peak Hour 17'.00 16'45 1700 ] 9Pk Volume 151 222 373 4 6Pk Volume 199 160 359 Pk Hr Factor 0.878 0782 0.833 Pk Hr Fa Ror 0790 0.870 0.831 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 168 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 red CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 169 of 206 250 QNB SSB SEB WB 200 150 v u L d 100 50 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti N N N N CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 169 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 170 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymgservices VOLUME Rio Hondo Ave S/O Ralph St Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_027 DAILY TOTALS N13 S13 ��B Total 2,991 1 5,763 AM Period 0:00 1 1 2 1200 55 36 91 015 1 1 2 12:15 47 49 96 0:30 0 0 0 12:30 69 51 120 045 0 2 1 3 1 5 12:45 51 222 40 176 91 398 100 0 0 0 13:00 49 44 93 115 0 0 0 13:15 44 51 95 1:30 0 0 0 13:30 61 50 111 145 0 1 1 1 1 13:45 58 212 60 205 118 417 200 1 2 3 14:00 61 61 122 215 0 0 0 14:15 58 66 124 2:30 0 0 0 14:30 55 59 114 245 0 1 0 2 0 3 14:45 61 235 52 238 113 473 3:00 1 1 2 15:00 63 48 111 3:15 0 0 0 15:15 72 55 127 3:30 0 0 0 15:30 79 51 130 3:45 1 2 0 1 1 3 1545 70 284 58 212 128 496 400 0 0 0 16:00 69 44 113 415 0 2 2 16:15 52 43 95 4:30 3 1 4 16:30 54 46 100 445 4 7 8 11 12 18 16:45 58 233 49 182 107 415 500 4 6 10 17:00 66 52 118 515 3 8 11 17:15 68 48 116 5:30 3 9 12 17:30 77 41 118 545 5 15 7 30 12 45 1745 73 284 59 200 132 484 600 6 6 12 18:00 57 50 107 615 5 15 20 18:15 62 55 117 6:30 7 17 24 18:30 48 48 96 645 13 31 24 62 37 93 18:45 47 214 55 208 102 422 700 16 22 38 19:00 44 43 87 715 27 44 71 19:15 46 39 85 7:30 36 51 87 19:30 45 44 89 745 46 125 72 189 118 314 1945 30 165 29 155 59 320 800 47 69 116 2000 33 25 58 815 44 80 124 20:15 41 35 76 8:30 45 41 86 20:30 46 40 86 8:45 40 176 48 238 88 414 20:45 30 150 25 125 55 275 900 30 31 61 21:00 29 29 58 915 25 28 53 21:15 22 16 38 9:30 44 27 71 2130 24 16 40 945 44 143 30 116 74 259 2145 18 93 15 76 33 169 1000 35 29 64 22:00 16 13 29 1015 46 30 76 22:15 11 9 20 10:30 35 35 70 22:30 7 7 14 10:45 31 147 41 135 72 282 22:45 8 42 6 35 14 77 1100 40 32 72 23:00 12 10 22 1115 42 38 80 23:15 7 5 12 1130 50 33 83 23:30 5 6 11 1145 48 180 44 147 92 327 23:45 4 28 4 25 8 53 TOTALS 829 935 1764 TOTALS 2162 1837 3999 SPLIT% 47.0% 53.0% 30.6% SPLIT% 541% 459% 69.4% IMD Al LY TOTALS N13 S13 2,991 2772 AMPeak Hour 1145 7'.38 738 PM PeakHour 15'.15 13'45 15:15 AMPkVolume 219 272 445 PMPkVolume 298 246 498 Pk Hr Factor 0793 8.858 8.897 Pk Hr Factor 8.918 8.932 8.958 7 9Vn1ume 381 427 728 4 6Volume 517 382 899 7 9Peak Hour 7'45 7'.38 738 4 6Peak Hour 17'.88 17'.88 1788 7 9Pk Volume 182 272 445 4 6Pk Volume 284 288 484 Pk Hr Factor 8.968 8.858 8.897 Pk Hr Factor 8.922 8.847 8.917 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 170 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 171 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: CA22_020329027 City: Rosemead Location: Rio Hondo Ave S/0 Ralph St Date: 11/17/2022 300 QNB SSB EB WB 250 200 U 150 t v 100 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 171 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 172 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ArD VOLUME Rosemead PI N/O Whitmore St Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_028 DAILY TOTALS N13 S13 EB W13 Totall 929 0 1,664 AM Period N13 S13 EB S13 TOTAL 00:00 0 0 0 12:00 14 9 23 00:15 1 1 2 12:15 18 10 28 00:30 2 0 2 12:30 14 9 23 0045 1 4 2 3 3 7 12:45 7 53 10 38 17 91 01:00 0 0 0 13:00 19 12 31 01:15 1 1 2 13:15 10 13 23 01:30 0 2 2 13:30 17 13 30 0145 1 2 0 3 1 5 13:45 24 70 12 50 36 120 0200 2 1 3 14:00 10 10 20 0215 2 1 3 14:15 12 8 20 02:30 1 0 1 14:30 11 9 20 0245 0 5 1 3 1 8 14:45 20 53 10 37 30 90 03:00 3 1 4 15:00 22 8 30 03:15 1 2 3 15:15 16 11 27 03:30 0 1 1 15:30 19 9 28 03:45 3 7 0 4 3 11 1545 19 76 11 39 30 115 04:00 1 0 1 16:00 17 9 26 04:15 1 0 1 16:15 23 10 33 04:30 2 2 4 16:30 26 13 39 0445 2 6 0 2 2 8 16:45 19 85 10 42 29 127 0500 1 2 3 17:00 19 9 28 0515 2 2 4 17:15 16 13 29 05:30 4 3 7 17:30 18 8 26 0545 1 8 8 15 9 23 1745 14 67 12 42 26 109 0600 3 7 10 18:00 12 8 20 0615 2 9 11 18:15 13 10 23 06:30 1 12 13 18:30 6 8 14 06:45 4 10 9 37 13 47 18:45 9 40 10 36 19 76 0700 9 7 16 19:00 16 9 25 0715 13 9 22 19:15 5 7 12 07:30 24 21 45 19:30 4 10 14 0745 33 79 24 61 57 140 1945 3 28 7 33 10 61 0800 15 22 37 2000 5 5 10 0815 25 18 43 20:15 10 6 16 08:30 17 22 39 20:30 7 5 12 08:45 14 71 20 82 34 153 20:45 10 32 8 24 18 56 0900 8 15 23 21:00 7 6 13 09:15 12 10 22 21:15 11 5 16 09:30 17 22 39 2130 9 13 22 0945 15 52 16 63 31 115 2145 2 29 2 26 4 55 1000 16 11 27 22:00 4 2 6 1015 15 8 23 22:15 7 4 11 10:30 12 9 21 22:30 6 3 9 10:45 17 60 10 38 27 98 22:45 4 21 2 11 6 32 1100 15 9 24 23:00 2 6 8 1115 13 8 21 23:15 6 3 9 11:30 12 7 19 23:30 2 2 4 11:45 18 58 10 34 28 92 2345 3 13 1 12 4 25 TOTALS 362 345 707 TOTALS 567 390 957 SPLIT% 1 512% 48.8% 42.5% SPLIT% 1 59.2% 402% 57.5% AMD Al LY TOTALS N13 S13 11 LB Total 929 735 11 0 1,664 AM Peak Hour 87'.38 07'45 0730 PM Peak Hour 16'.15 13'.88 16:16 AM Pk Volume 97 86 182 PM Pk Volume 87 50 129 Pk Hr Factor 0735 0.896 0.798 Pk Hr Factor 0.837 0.962 0.827 7 9Volume 150 143 293 4 6Volume 152 84 236 7 9Peak Hour 07'.30 07'45 0730 4 6Peak Hour 16'.15 16'.30 16:16 7 9Pk Volume 97 86 182 4 6Pk Volume 87 45 129 Pk Hr Factor 0735 0.896 0.798 Pk Hr Factor 0.837 0.865 0.827 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 172 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 173 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ATD Project#: CA22 020329 028 City: Rosemead Location: Rosemead PI N/0 Whitmore St Date: 11/17/2022 80 A 70 -\ 60 _ _. • 50 030 I 20 10 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 173 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 174 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ArD VOLUME Rush St E/O Delta St Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_029 DAILY TOTALS —13 •1 tall 1• 5590 1r 1 AM Period N13 S13 EB W13 M Period N13 S13 EB W13 TOTAL 00:00 8 5 13 12:00 101 79 180 00:15 4 3 ] 12:15 125 84 209 00:30 4 2 6 12:30 110 81 191 0045 4 F 20 1 11 5 31 12:45 110 446 80 324 190 ]]0 0100 6 7 13 13:00 124 75 199 01:15 3 2 5 13:15 114 ]] 191 01:30 5 1 6 13:30 87 86 173 01:45 3 17 2 12 5 29 13:45 112 437 99 337 211 ]]4 0200 2 2 4 14:00 105 85 190 0215 5 0 5 14:15 109 92 201 02:30 2 3 5 14:30 107 113 220 0245 1 F 10 0 5 1 15 14:45 107 428 86 376 193 804 03:00 2 1 3 15:00 107 113 220 03:15 3 1 4 15:15 90 105 195 03:30 1 0 1 15:30 95 101 196 03:45 2 8 3 5 5 13 1545 88 380 91 410 179 790 0400 9 1 10 16:00 104 98 202 0415 3 2 5 16:15 116 109 225 04:30 2 1 3 16:30 97 92 189 04:45 1 F 15 2 6 3 21 16:45 102 419 93 392 195 811 0500 2 4 6 17:00 109 96 205 0515 9 10 19 17:15 122 98 220 05:30 6 15 21 1]:30 150 105 255 0545 5 22 10 39 15 61 1745 118 499 97 396 215 895 06:00 11 16 27 3800 111 110 221 06:15 9 21 30 18:15 100 84 184 06:30 13 18 31 18:30 111 79 190 0645 16 49 38 93 54 142 18:45 93 415 66 339 159 754 0700 21 51 72 19:00 102 67 169 0715 31 61 92 19:15 68 65 133 0]:30 48 88 136 19:30 99 58 157 0745 69 X169 125 325 194 494 1945 71 340 60 250 131 590 0800 94 122 216 2000 92 61 153 0815 73 89 162 20:15 65 59 124 08:30 69 67 136 20:30 68 42 110 08:45 61 '297 61 339 122 636 20:45 67 292 48 210 115 502 0900 78 75 153 21:00 58 49 107 0915 85 68 153 21:15 60 31 91 09:30 68 61 129 2130 51 23 74 09:45 75 '306 63 267 138 573 21:45 39 208 18 121 57 329 1000 69 58 127 2200 42 31 73 1015 76 64 140 22:15 30 22 52 10:30 91 66 157 22:30 25 12 37 1045 72 308 63 251 135 559 22:45 10 107 14 79 24 186 1100 94 75 169 23:00 18 12 30 1115 82 70 152 23:15 15 19 34 11:30 90 ]] 167 23:30 6 7 13 1145 86 352 67 289 153 641 23:45 7 46 6 44 13 90 TOTALS 1573 1642 3215 TOTALS 4017 3278 7295 SPLIT% 48.9% 511% 30.6% SPLIT% 551% 44.9% 69.4% W13 Total • 1 1 1 AM Peak Hour 1145 87'.38 1145 PM Peak Hour 17'.15 14'.38 17:15 AMPkVolume 422 424 733 PMPkVolume 581 417 911 Pk Hr Factor 8.844 8.848 0.877 Pk Hr Factor 8.835 8.923 0.893 7 9Volume 466 664 1130 4 6Volume 918 788 1706 7 9Peak Hour 07'45 87'.38 0730 4 6Peak Hour 17'.88 17'.88 1700 7 9Pk Volume 305 424 708 4 6Pk Volume 499 396 895 Pk Hr Factor 0.811 0.848 0.819 Pk Hr Fa Ror 0.832 0.943 0.877 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 174 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 175 of 206 600 QNB SSB SEB WB 500 400 v 300 t v 200 100 /0000i 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 o O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti N N N N CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 175 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 176 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME San Gabriel Blvd E/O Rose Glen Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_030 DAILY TOTALS N13 S13 EB WI3 Totall 0 0001 9,346 11,276 20,622 AM Period Perir , N13 S13 EB W13 TOTAL 0:00 18 26 44 12:00 126 195 321 0:15 8 26 34 1215 85 154 239 0:30 9 22 31 12:30 116 188 304 0:45 6 F 41 17 91 23 132 12:45 101 428 195 732 296 1160 100 3 23 26 13:00 117 177 294 1:15 8 16 24 13:15 151 173 324 1:30 10 8 18 13:30 128 192 320 1:45 5 ' 26 16 63 21 89 13:45 166 562 162 704 328 1266 200 6 10 16 14:00 146 182 328 215 3 6 9 14:15 152 157 309 2:30 10 8 18 14:30 164 146 310 245 5 F 24 13 37 18 61 14:45 178 640 176 661 354 1301 3:00 4 18 22 15:00 228 184 412 3:15 5 7 12 15:15 259 151 410 3:30 11 10 21 15:30 212 166 378 3:45 4 24 11 46 15 70 1545 201 900 190 691 391 1591 400 11 5 16 16:00 252 170 422 415 12 6 18 16:15 286 202 488 4:30 23 16 39 16:30 237 165 402 4:45 27 F 73 15 42 42 115 16:45 209 984 227 764 436 1748 500 33 26 59 17:00 249 230 479 515 23 21 44 17:15 249 252 501 5:30 35 28 63 17:30 223 243 466 545 44 '135 48 123 92 258 1745 209 930 242 967 451 1897 600 53 47 100 1800 215 237 452 615 62 70 132 18:15 229 212 441 6:30 89 91 180 18:30 149 221 370 645 86 '290 123 331 209 621 18:45 157 750 228 898 385 1648 700 90 202 292 19:00 152 139 291 715 116 200 316 19:15 95 129 224 7:30 149 232 381 19:30 93 133 226 7:45 227 '582 234 868 461 1450 1945 69 409 130 531 199 940 800 176 209 385 2000 66 95 161 815 150 138 288 20:15 57 111 168 8:30 161 161 322 20:30 51 90 141 8:45 144 '631 151 659 295 1290 20:45 58 232 86 382 144 614 900 111 138 249 21:00 37 91 128 915 115 151 266 21:15 47 122 169 9:30 142 178 320 2130 46 91 137 945 152 '520 179 646 331 1166 21:45 28 158 90 394 118 552 1000 106 172 278 2200 52 80 132 1015 97 161 258 22:15 37 77 114 10:30 96 146 242 22:30 33 57 90 1045 101 400 141 620 242 1020 22:45 23 145 40 254 63 399 1100 98 137 235 23:00 29 40 69 1115 88 163 251 23:15 15 32 47 11:30 106 165 271 23:30 18 28 46 1145 94 386 167 632 261 1018 23:45 14 76 40 140 54 216 TOTALS 3132 4158 7290 TOTALS 6214 7118 13332 SPLIT% 43.0% 57A% 35.4% SPLIT% 46.6% 53.4% 64.6% W13 Total11,276 2TOO622t AM Peak Hour 7'45 7'.15 7:15 PM Peak Hour 16'.88 17'.15 1700 AM Pk Volume 714 875 1543 PM Pk Volume 984 974 1897 Pk Hr Factor 0786 8.935 0.837 Pk Hr Factor 8.868 8.966 0.947 7 9Vn1ume 1213 1527 2740 4 6Volume 1914 1731 3645 7 9Peak Hour 7'45 7'.15 7:15 4 6Peak Hour 16'.88 17'.88 1700 7 9Pk Volume 714 875 1543 4 6Pk Volume 984 967 1897 Pk Hr Factor 0 78 8.935 0.837 Pk Hr Fa Ror 8.868 8.959 0.947 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 176 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 11�r OSE EAD meyx smmi Am - Prepared by National Data &Surveying Services Project #: CA22_020329030 City: Rosemead Location: San Gabriel Blvd E/0 Rose Glen Ave Date: 11/17/2022 1200 —N8 —S8 —E8 W8 1000 800 600 d v U 400 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ti N m � ut UJ 11�r OSE EAD meyx smmi Am - 600 v 400 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ti N m � ut UJ o CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 177 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 VOLUME San Gabriel Blvd S/O Garvalia Ave Day: Thursday Date: 11/17/2022 city: Rosemead Project#: CA22_020329_031 , , 0000 28 22 50 1200 149 179 328 0015 16 26 42 1215 188 194 382 00:30 14 28 42 12:30 202 187 389 0045 21 79 24 100 45 179 1245 191 730 200 760 391 1490 01:00 17 16 33 13:00 177 203 380 0115 10 10 20 13:15 186 208 394 01:30 8 9 17 13:30 203 192 395 0145 7 42 10 45 17 87 13:45 176 742 255 858 431 1600 0200 9 7 16 14:00 188 176 364 0215 7 9 16 14:15 199 216 415 02:30 10 11 21 14:30 208 243 451 02:45 7 33 10 37 17 70 14:45 233 828 246 881 479 1709 03:00 10 9 19 15:00 185 229 414 03:15 3 4 7 15:15 240 230 470 03:30 4 3 7 15:30 212 208 420 03:45 12 29 6 22 18 51 1545 196 833 219 886 415 1719 0400 13 7 20 16:00 218 239 457 0415 7 10 17 16:15 261 236 497 04:30 15 6 21 16:30 255 205 460 04:45 19 54 17 40 36 94 16:45 245 979 259 939 504 1918 0500 20 21 41 17:00 262 275 537 0515 25 20 45 17:15 308 264 572 05:30 33 33 66 17:30 322 299 621 0545 51 129 43 117 94 246 1745 272 1164 258 1096 530 2260 0600 55 54 109 18:00 255 246 501 0615 91 62 153 18:15 233 242 475 06:30 101 75 176 18:30 239 217 456 06:45 144 391 109 300 253 691 18:45 207 934 199 904 406 1838 0700 156 149 305 19:00 177 177 354 0715 188 197 385 19:15 152 156 308 07:30 204 217 421 19:30 162 134 296 0745 221 769 255 818 476 1587 1945 188 679 133 600 321 1279 0800 196 247 443 2000 151 128 279 0815 221 246 467 2015 130 124 254 08:30 217 189 406 20:30 122 97 219 08:45 202 836 223 905 425 1741 2045 101 504 102 451 203 955 0900 183 196 379 21:00 89 86 175 0915 212 164 376 21:15 102 110 212 09:30 169 172 341 2130 86 78 164 0945 150 714 203 735 353 1449 2145 76 353 53 327 129 680 1000 164 186 350 22:00 67 66 133 1015 158 190 348 22:15 70 53 123 10:30 153 186 339 22:30 61 54 115 10:45 163 638 181 743 344 1381 22:45 48 246 46 219 94 465 11:00 166 167 333 23:00 39 23 62 1115 176 192 368 23:15 31 42 73 11:30 170 207 377 23:30 27 30 57 1145 185 697 206 772 391 1469 23:45 23 120 30 125 53 245 TOTALS 4411 4634 9045 TOTALS 8112 8046 1615e SPLIT% 48.8% 512% 35.9% SPLIT% 50.2% 49.8% 64.1% r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 178 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 179 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ATD Project #: CA22 020329 031 City: Rosemead Location: San Gabriel Blvd S/0 Garvalia Ave Date: 11/17/2022 00 00 000 jA\ :00 V > 600 / ,00 00 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 179 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 San Gabriel Blvd N/O Emerson PI Day: Thursday Date: 11/17/2022 No city: Rosemead Project#: CA22_020329_032 AM Period NB SB EB TOTAL PM Period NB AM Peak Hour SB EB TOTAL 00:00 9 16'45 39 AM Pk Volume 48 876 1200 169 1125 197 2191 366 8.921 0015 6 Pk Hr Factor 21 8.874 27 7 9Volume 12:15 200 2788 185 2118 385 0212 00:30 5 88'.88 22 4 6Peak Hour 27 16'45 12:30 162 866 186 1652 348 1125 0045 16 36 18 100 34 136 12:45 175 706 191 759 366 1465 01:00 9 18 27 13:00 168 202 370 01:15 8 18 26 13:15 176 203 379 01:30 6 7 13 13:30 176 170 346 0145 10 33 15 58 25 91 13:45 206 726 200 775 406 1501 0200 7 10 17 14:00 201 225 426 0215 10 9 19 14:15 192 180 372 02:30 7 6 13 14:30 200 201 401 0245 3 27 7 32 10 59 14:45 228 821 203 809 431 1630 03:00 5 9 14 15:00 208 210 418 03:15 7 8 15 15:15 214 232 446 03:30 6 14 20 15:30 196 198 394 03:45 16 34 18 49 34 83 1545 214 832 222 862 436 1694 0400 10 14 24 16:00 228 250 478 0415 16 9 25 16:15 244 280 524 04:30 20 7 27 16:30 266 238 504 04:45 23 69 13 43 36 112 16:45 256 994 261 1029 517 2023 0500 30 23 53 17:00 277 247 524 0515 53 15 68 17:15 291 305 596 05:30 47 31 78 17:30 301 253 554 0545 53 183 31 100 84 283 1745 255 1124 260 1065 515 2189 0600 51 26 77 18:00 228 242 470 0615 75 56 131 18:15 235 264 499 06:30 90 64 154 18:30 247 233 480 06:45 112 328 71 217 183 545 18:45 207 917 174 913 381 1830 0700 131 74 205 19:00 189 173 362 0715 169 105 274 19:15 183 177 360 07:30 183 115 298 19:30 149 128 277 07:45 235 718 171 465 406 1183 19:45 126 647 134 612 260 1259 0800 215 226 441 20:00 125124 249 0815 217 184 401 20:15 108 136 244 08:30 199 205 404 20:30 102 140 242 0845 186 817 173 788 359 1605 20:45 98 433 98 498 196 931 0900 178 207 385 21:00 94 95 189 0915 177 178 355 21:15 94 109 203 09:30 160 198 358 2130 77 96 173 0945 178 693 153 736 331 1429 2145 58 323 86 386 144 709 1000 167 191 358 2200 48 83 131 1015 159 187 346 22:15 43 86 129 10:30 145 192 337 22:30 55 78 133 10:45 170 641 204 774 374 1415 22:45 41 187 60 307 101 494 1100 159 216 375 23:00 33 52 85 1115 139 230 369 23:15 41 46 87 11:30 171 223 394 23:30 26 39 65 1145 169 638 207 876 376 1514 23:45 20 120 37 174 57 294 TOTALS 4217 4238 8455 TOTALS 7830 8189 16019 SPLIT% 49.9% 501% 1 34.5% SPLIT% 48.9% 511% 1 65.5% 1 1 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 180 of 206 AM Peak Hour 0745 11'.88 0705 PM Peak Hour 16'45 16'45 1605 AM Pk Volume 866 876 1652 PM Pk Volume 1125 1866 2191 Pk Hr Factor 8.921 8.952 0.937 Pk Hr Factor 8.934 8.874 0.919 7 9Volume 1535 1253 2788 4 6Volume 2118 2894 0212 7 9Peak Hour 07'45 88'.88 0705 4 6Peak Hour 16'45 16'45 1605 7 9Pk Volume 866 788 1652 4 6Pk Volume 1125 1866 2191 Pk Hr Factor 8.921 8.872 0.937 Pk Hr Factor 8.934 8.874 0.919 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 180 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 TD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 181 of 206 1200 QNB SSB SEB AWB 1000 - A 800 v t v 600 400 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti N N N N CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 181 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Temple City Blvd S/O Guess St Day: Thursday Date: 11/10/2022 city: Rosemead Project#: (A22_020329_033 AM Period Period N13 AM Peak Hour S13 EB TOTAL 0:00 31 SI'. 15 24 AM Pk Volume 55 764 1200 148 825 186 1699 334 0.931 015 32 Pk Hr Factor 29 0.930 61 7 9Volume 12:15 163 3026 142 1414 305 3051 0:30 14 8'.00 29 4 6Peak Hour 43 17'.00 12:30 192 979 163 1609 355 767 045 16 93 24 106 40 199 12:45 171 674 155 646 326 1320 100 13 17 30 13:00 149 159 308 1:15 9 10 19 13:15 173 162 335 1:30 7 13 20 13:30 157 193 350 1:45 17 46 6 46 23 92 13:45 172 651 157 671 329 1322 200 18 12 30 14:00 169 179 348 215 22 10 32 14:15 217 153 370 2:30 11 13 24 14:30 169 191 360 245 20 71 23 58 43 129 14:45 178 733 167 690 345 1423 3:00 35 12 47 15:00 180 232 412 3:15 28 17 45 15:15 160 196 356 3:30 15 11 26 15:30 151 219 370 3:45 21 99 13 53 34 152 1545 170 661 193 840 363 1501 400 10 32 42 16:00 144 218 362 415 20 28 48 16:15 180 217 397 4:30 30 45 75 16:30 136 210 346 445 51 111 59 164 110 275 16:45 187 647 165 810 352 1457 500 36 70 106 17:00 181 170 351 515 46 73 119 17:15 192 235 427 5:30 55 112 167 17:30 194 230 424 545 98 235 65 320 163 555 17:45 200 767 192 827 392 1594 600 67 90 15718:00 239 217 456 615 106 72 178 18:15 178 176 354 6:30 183 98 281 18:30 160 175 335 6:45 241 597 85 345 326 942 18:45 185 762 148 716 333 1478 700 263 115 378 19:00 134 156 290 715 245 127 372 19:15 130 117 247 7:30 209 165 374 19:30 113 132 245 745 262 979 168 575 430 1554 1945 104 481 98 503 202 984 800 228 205 433 2000 117 112 229 815 168 200 368 20:15 88 99 187 8:30 164 184 348 20:30 85 85 170 8:45 148 708 175 764 323 1472 20:45 85 375 93 389 178 764 900 162 142 304 21:00 91 87 178 915 131 138 269 21:15 101 68 169 9:30 166 118 284 2130 86 82 168 945 134 593 134 532 268 1125 2145 81 359 56 293 137 652 1000 185 166 351 2200 73 92 165 1015 155 140 295 22:15 65 57 122 10:30 141 122 263 22:30 44 43 87 10:45 174 655 138 566 312 1221 22:45 52 234 46 238 98 472 1100 164 128 292 23:00 39 44 83 1115 175 137 312 23:15 35 31 66 1130 187 174 361 23:30 41 38 79 1145 162 688 157 596 319 1284 23:45 25 140 28 141 53 281 TOTALS 4875 4125 9000 TOTALS 6484 6764 1324. SPLIT% 542% 458% 40.5% SPLIT% 48.9% 511% 59.5% 1 1 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 182 of 206 AM Peak Hour I'.80 8'.88 ]:15 PM Peak Hour SI'. 15 SI'. 15 1]:15 AM Pk Volume 979 764 1609 PM Pk Volume 825 874 1699 Pk Hr Factor 0.931 0.932 0.929 Pk Hr Factor 0.863 0.930 0.931 7 9Volume 1687 1339 3026 4 6Volume 1414 1637 3051 7 9 Peak Hour 7'.00 8'.00 ]:15 4 6Peak Hour 17'.00 17'.00 1700 7 9Pk Volume 979 764 1609 4 6Pk Volume 767 827 1594 Pk Hr Factor 0.931 0.932 0.929 Pk Hr Factor 0.959 0.880 0.933 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 182 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 183 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: CA22_020329033 City: Rosemead • - City Blvd • Guess St D.11/10/2022 1200 QNB SSB EB WB 1000 800 U 600 t v 400 200 0 O O O O O o o O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 183 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 VOLUME Temple City Blvd N/O Abilene St Day: Thursday Date: 11/10/2022 city: Rosemead Project#: (A22_020329_034 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 184 of 206 AM Peak Hour 700 8'.88 7:45 PM Peak Hour 1715 AM Period NB AM Pk Volume 1084 EBNN�=��JWE 2014 PM Pk Volume 1039 1130 2109 SB 0.900 TOTAL 0:00 32 0.931 25 0.948 57 1910 1200 192 4 6Volume 234 2208 426 7 9Peak Hour 0:15 29 7:45 19 1700 48 1700 12:15 181 1104 202 4 6Pk Volume 383 1126 0:30 18 0.900 25 0.907 43 0.941 12:30 247 189 436 0:45 15 94 28 97 43 191 12:45 221 841 194 819 415 1660 100 17 10 27 13:00 181 213 394 115 10 9 19 13:15 187 213 400 1:30 9 10 19 13:30 210 220 430 145 11 47 9 38 20 85 13:45 175 753 183 829 358 1582 200 16 12 28 14:00 238 208 446 215 17 12 29 14:15 218 198 416 2:30 15 10 25 14:30 242 229 471 245 19 67 17 51 36 118 14:45 209 907 228 863 437 1770 3:00 53 16 69 15:00 232 246 478 3:15 34 14 48 15:15 181 230 411 3:30 16 10 26 15:30 198 256 454 3:45 26 129 14 54 40 183 1545 213 824 252 984 465 1808 400 16 30 46 16:00 196 298 494 415 23 19 42 16:15 222 302 524 4:30 29 38 67 16:30 211 278 489 445 49 117 50 137 99 254 16:45 214 843 248 1126 462 1969 500 42 52 94 17:00 226 289 515 515 47 61 108 17:15 245 303 548 5:30 73 81 154 17:30 262 237 499 545 108 270 78 272 186 542 17:45 253 986 253 1082 506 2068 600 78 83 161 18:00 279 277 556 615 102 86 188 18:15 240 229 469 6:30 197 117 314 18:30 228 213 441 6:45 242 619 109 395 351 1014 18:45 226 973 166 885 392 1858 700 301 153 454 19:00 181 178 359 715 251 163 414 19:15 173 172 345 7:30 258 210 468 19:30 147 122 269 745 274 1084 236 762 510 1846 1945 134 635 136 608 270 1243 800 270 285 555 2000 137 126 263 815 180 266 446 20:15 110 121 231 8:30 220 283 503 20:30 120 105 225 845 156 826 270 1104 426 1930 20:45 103 470 87 439 190 909 900 190 194 384 21:00 109 96 205 915 164 179 343 21:15 101 80 181 9:30 211 183 394 2130 100 82 182 945 180 745 205 761 385 1506 2145 85 395 59 317 144 712 1000 227 195 422 22:00 78 86 164 1015 108 166 274 22:15 77 45 122 10:30 117 167 284 22:30 55 50 105 10:45 179 631 159 687 338 1318 22:45 42 252 49 230 91 482 1100 214 158 372 23:00 47 44 91 1115 169 193 362 23:15 37 32 69 1130 207 209 416 23:30 47 34 81 1145 201 791 210 770 411 1561 23:45 30 161 29 139 59 300 TOTALS 5420 5128 10548 TOTALS 8040 8321 16361 SPLIT% 1 51.4% 48.6% 39.2% SPLIT% 1 491% 509% 60.8% AMD Al LY TOTALS NB SB 13,460 13,449 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 184 of 206 AM Peak Hour 700 8'.88 7:45 PM Peak Hour 1715 15'45 1]:15 AM Pk Volume 1084 1104 2014 PM Pk Volume 1039 1130 2109 Pk Hr Factor 0.900 0.968 0.907 Pk Hr Factor 0.931 0.935 0.948 7 9Volume 1910 1866 3776 4 6Volume 1829 2208 4037 7 9Peak Hour 7'.00 8'.00 7:45 4 6Peak Hour 1700 16'.00 1700 7 9Pk Volume 1084 1104 2014 4 6Pk Volume 986 1126 2068 Pk Hr Factor 0.900 0.968 0.907 Pk Hr Factor 0.941 0.932 0.943 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 184 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: i Rosemead • - • Abilene St Date: 11/10/2022 1200 QNB SSB EB WB 1000 0\ 800 M N/ w U t 600 400 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 185 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 186 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ArD VOLUME Valley Blvd Bet. Walnut Grove Ave & Gernert Ave Day: Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_035 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Totall 1 7,766 7,236 15,002 AM Period NB SB EB r r NB SB EB WB TOTAL 00:00 13 ] 20 12:00 121 136 25] 00:15 15 2 17 12:15 143 140 283 00:30 5 11 16 12:30 128 138 266 0045 11 44 7 27 18 71 12:45 155 547 131 545 286 1092 01:00 6 3 9 13:00 131 129 260 0115 4 0 4 13:15 134 107 241 0130 4 4 8 13:30 142 126 268 0145 3 17 3 10 6 27 13:45 168 575 122 484 290 1059 0200 3 6 9 14:00 181 138 319 0215 5 4 9 14:15 177 144 321 02:30 4 4 8 14:30 150 117 267 0245 3 15 3 17 6 32 14:45 175 683 137 536 312 1219 03:00 10 2 12 15:00 154 109 263 03:15 2 1 3 15:15 149 121 270 03:30 6 1 7 15:30 158 128 286 03:45 7 25 3 7 10 32 1545 154 615 132 490 286 1105 04:00 6 2 8 16:00 166 125 291 04:15 3 4 7 16:15 161 125 286 04:30 9 5 14 16:30 159 131 290 0445 5 23 6 17 11 40 16:45 174 660 128 509 302 1169 0500 7 10 17 1700 155 120 275 0515 3 11 14 17:15 175 114 289 05:30 9 15 24 17:30 181 118 299 0545 14 33 25 61 39 94 1745 201 712 129 481 330 1193 0600 9 30 39 18:00 171 120 291 0615 9 41 50 18:15 146 101 247 06:30 24 42 66 18:30 169 87 256 06:45 18 60 61 174 79 234 18:45 160 646 90 398 250 1044 0700 24 69 93 19:00 128 68 196 0715 35 108 143 19:15 92 66 158 07:30 39 122 161 19:30 114 58 172 0745 59 157 139 438 198 595 1945 107 441 58 250 165 691 0800 71 155 226 2000 71 56 127 0815 91 158 249 20:15 96 44 140 08:30 88 171 259 20:30 64 45 109 08:45 99 349 169 653 268 1002 20:45 84 315 44 189 128 504 0900 91 138 229 21:00 ]] 39 116 0915 94 146 240 21:15 48 41 89 09:30 92 144 236 2130 65 42 107 0945 99 376 158 586 257 962 2145 51 241 29 151 80 392 10:00 124 145 269 2200 55 28 83 10:15 91 125 216 22:15 44 19 63 10:30 101 135 236 22:30 25 24 49 1045 144 '460 133 538 2]] 998 22:45 25 149 20 91 45 240 11:00 137 141 278 23:00 25 15 40 1115 131 124 255 23:15 12 14 26 1130 146 129 275 23:30 10 15 25 1145 144 '558 134 528 278 1086 23:45 18 65 12 56 30 121 TOTALS 2117 3056 5173 TOTALS 5649 4180 9829 SPLIT% 40.9% 591% 34.5% SPLIT% 575% 425% 65.5% WB Total 7,236 1T5000'2 AM Peak Hour 10'45 88'.88 1130 PM Peak Hour 1715 12'.88 1000 AMPkVolume 558 653 1093 PMPkVolume 728 545 1219 PkHrFactor 0.955 0.955 0.966 PkHrFactor 0.905 0.973 0.909 7 9Volume 506 1091 1597 4 6Volume 1372 990 2362 7 9 Peak Hour 08'.00 08'.00 0800 4 6 Peak Hour 17'.00 16'.00 1700 7 9Pk Volume 349 653 1002 4 6Pk Volume 712 509 1193 Pk Hr Factor 0.881 0.955 0.935 Pk Hr Factor 0.886 0.971 0.900 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 186 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 red 800 QNB SSB SEB WB 700 600 500 v U 400 v 300 200 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti N N N N CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 187 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 188 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Valley Blvd W/O Mission Dr Day: Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/10/2022 Project#: U22_020329_036 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Totall 0 Moill 8,411 9,267 16,678 AM Period r r NB SB EB WB TOTAL 0:00 15 ] 22 12:00 134 134 268 0:15 10 6 16 12:15 127 136 263 0:30 6 12 18 12:30 137 137 274 0:45 16 47 11 36 27 83 12:45 156 554 133 540 289 1094 1:00 9 11 20 13:00 150 136 286 115 8 4 12 13:15 160 143 303 1:30 9 5 14 13:30 150 132 282 145 6 32 6 26 12 58 13:45 144 604 136 547 280 1151 200 6 3 9 14:00 172 124 296 2:15 7 5 12 14:15 160 158 318 2:30 9 2 11 14:30 169 147 316 245 7 29 2 12 9 41 14:45 175 676 135 564 310 1240 3:00 12 4 16 15:00 165 117 282 3:15 12 6 18 15:15 182 110 292 3:30 6 4 10 15:30 163 153 316 3:45 5 35 6 20 11 55 1545 181 691 163 543 344 1234 400 8 6 14 1600 163 143 306 415 9 6 15 16:15 159 143 302 4:30 15 10 25 16:30 160 168 328 445 11 43 5 27 16 70 16:45 175 657 144 598 319 1255 500 14 15 29 17:00 177 157 334 515 17 19 36 17:15 206 138 344 5:30 22 21 43 1]:30 191 147 338 545 18 71 30 85 48 156 1745 173 ]4] 109 551 282 1298 600 22 35 57 18:00 217 157 374 615 30 47 ]] 18:15 182 128 310 6:30 35 46 81 18:30 182 112 294 645 43 130 70 198 113 328 18:45 141 722 90 487 231 1209 7:00 50 79 129 19:00 123 89 212 7:15 54 123 177 19:15 112 86 198 7:30 80 149 229 19:30 78 68 146 7:45 118 302 172 523 290 825 1945 93 406 ]] 320 170 726 800 105 196 301 2000 82 62 144 815 110 177 287 20:15 99 61 160 8:30 86 192 278 20:30 84 51 135 845 93 394 196 761 289 1155 20:45 76 341 54 228 130 569 900 88 146 234 21:00 82 41 123 915 101 162 263 21:15 57 39 96 9:30 101 174 275 2130 49 44 93 945 119 409 174 656 293 1065 2145 56 244 32 156 88 400 1000 104 144 248 22:00 59 36 95 1015 127 121 248 22:15 45 26 71 10:30 123 178 301 22:30 44 23 67 10:45 112 '466 168 611 280 10]] 22:45 33 181 26 111 59 292 1100 149 139 288 23:00 33 19 52 1115 129 149 278 23:15 17 13 30 1130 120 171 291 23:30 20 13 33 1145 142 '540 152 611 294 1151 23:45 20 90 11 56 31 146 TOTALS 2498 3566 6064 TOTALS 5913 4701 10614 SPLIT% 41.2% 58.8% 36.4% SPLIT% 55.7% 443% 63.6% WB 9,267 Total 1160678 AM Peak Hour 11'.88 8'.88 7:45 PM Peak Hour 1715 15'45 1]:15 AM Pk Volume 548 761 1156 PM Pk Volume 787 617 1338 Pk Hr Factor 8.986 8.971 0.960 Pk Hr Factor 8.987 8.918 0.894 7 9Vn1ume 696 1284 1980 4 6Volume 1484 1149 2553 ] 9Peak Hour 7'45 8'.88 7:45 4 6Peak Hour 16'45 16'.15 1645 ] 9Pk Volume 419 761 1156 4 6Pk Volume 749 612 1335 Pk Hr Factor 8.888 8.971 0.960 Pk Hr Fa Ror 8.989 8.911 0.970 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 188 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 W8 700 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services 600 500 Project #: CA22_020329036 v 400 City: Rosemead v 300 Location: Valley Blvd • Mission Dr D.11/10/2022 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $00 —N8 —S8 —E8 — W8 700 600 500 v 400 t v 300 200 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tran stech Engineers, Inc. I Page 189 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 190 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Walnut Grove Ave Bet. Rush St& San Gabriel Blvd Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_037 DAILY TOTALS N13 S13 EB W13 Totall 7,914 0 15,237 AM Period 0:00 16 1 17 1200 122 108 230 015 8 4 12 12:15 149 93 242 0:30 8 9 17 12:30 117 100 217 045 6 38 2 16 8 54 12:45 165 553 104 405 269 958 1:00 13 5 18 13:00 124 118 242 115 4 6 10 13:15 102 107 209 1:30 3 6 9 13:30 120 125 245 145 5 25 3 20 8 45 13:45 130 476 116 466 246 942 200 4 7 11 14:00 134 142 276 215 7 2 9 14:15 113 114 227 2:30 4 4 8 14:30 116 142 258 245 8 23 7 20 15 43 14:45 103 466 137 535 240 1001 3:00 4 3 7 15:00 136 154 290 3:15 5 10 15 15:15 119 133 252 3:30 8 11 19 15:30 125 167 292 3:45 10 27 11 35 21 62 1545 150 530 126 580 276 1110 400 16 13 29 16:00 128 187 315 415 10 2 12 16:15 139 203 342 4:30 6 14 20 16:30 161 186 347 445 25 57 14 43 39 100 16:45 153 581 206 782 359 1363 500 8 17 25 17:00 148 201 349 515 23 27 50 17:15 175 183 358 5:30 27 26 53 17:30 172 183 355 545 39 97 35 105 74 202 1745 166 661 176 743 342 1404 600 34 28 62 18:00 181 188 369 615 42 36 78 18:15 164 178 342 6:30 48 42 90 18:30 118 115 233 645 88 212 46 152 134 364 18:45 130 593 116 597 246 1190 700 80 52 132 19:00 111 119 230 715 106 53 159 19:15 103 97 200 7:30 138 95 233 19:30 85 97 182 745 155 479 73 273 228 752 1945 87 386 90 403 177 789 800 149 98 247 2000 107 85 192 815 137 99 236 20:15 85 99 184 8:30 145 92 237 20:30 60 72 132 8:45 138 569 101 390 239 959 20:45 61 313 81 337 142 650 900 126 90 216 21:00 64 57 121 915 105 103 208 21:15 55 49 104 9:30 107 90 197 2130 37 52 89 945 102 440 80 363 182 803 2145 37 193 43 201 80 394 1000 92 88 180 22:00 38 64 102 1015 135 95 230 22:15 34 28 62 10:30 109 83 192 22:30 27 28 55 10:45 120 456 96 362 216 818 22:45 33 132 12 132 45 264 1100 114 82 196 23:00 30 40 70 1115 103 111 214 23:15 23 10 33 11:30 98 112 210 23:30 16 14 30 1145 107 422 85 390 192 812 23:45 16 85 9 73 25 158 TOTALS 2845 2169 5014 TOTALS 4969 5254 10223 SPLIT% 56.7% 433% 32.9% SPLIT% 48.6% 51.4% 67.1% IMDAl LY TOTALS N13 S13 LB Total 7,914 7,423 0 15,237 AM Peak Hour 745 11'.15 800 PM Peak Hour SI'. 15 16'.15 1]:15 AM Pk Volume 586 416 959 PM Pk Volume 694 796 1020 Pk Hr Factor 8.945 8.929 0.971 Pk Hr Factor 8.959 8.966 0.965 7 9Vn1ume 1048 663 1711 4 6Volume 1242 1525 2767 7 9Peak Hour 7'45 8'.00 800 4 6Peak Hour 17'.00 16'.15 1605 7 9Pk Volume 586 390 959 4 6Pk Volume 661 796 1021 Pk Hr Factor 0.945 0.965 0.971 Pk Hr Factor 0.944 0.966 0.990 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 190 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 191 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: CA22_020329037 City: Rosemead Location: Walnut Grove Ave Bet. Rush St & San Date: 11/17/2022 900 QNB SSB SEB AWB 800 — 700 600 500 u L > 400 300 200 100 0 o O O O O o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 191 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 192 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ArD VOLUME Walnut Grove Ave Bet. Andy Pacheco & Klingerman St Day: Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: CA22_020329_038 NB SB 9,554 EIIIEW74 EB WB 0 Totall 18,628 r r 0000 19 15 34 12:00 170 119 289 00:15 15 10 25 12:15 155 126 281 00:30 13 8 21 12:30 152 127 279 0045 8 55 6 39 14 94 12:45 146 623 152 524 298 1147 0100 11 5 16 13:00 147 136 283 0115 5 6 11 13:15 122 123 245 01:30 8 4 12 13:30 131 111 242 0145 5 29 5 20 10 49 13:45 153 553 115 485 268 1038 0200 4 3 7 14:00 135 122 257 0215 4 2 6 14:15 147 159 306 02:30 3 3 6 14:30 172 182 354 02:45 1 4 15 4 12 8 27 1 14:45 1 181 635 139 602 320 1237 03:00 2 5 7 15:00 159 134 293 03:15 2 3 5 15:15 161 149 310 03:30 6 4 10 15:30 188 166 354 03:45 7 17 8 20 15 37 15:45 172 680 159 608 331 1288 0400 5 4 9 16:00 165 140 305 0415 7 10 17 16:15 227 153 380 04:30 13 6 19 16:30 244 132 376 04:45 12 37 15 35 27 72 16:45 207 843 180 605 387 1448 0500 19 18 37 17:00 215 159 374 0515 27 25 52 17:15 205 174 379 05:30 30 48 78 1]:30 217 173 390 0545 22 98 47 138 69 236 1745 212 849 162 668 374 1517 0600 33 51 84 18:00 244 179 423 0615 50 53 103 18:15 191 196 387 06:30 61 68 129 18:30 227 149 376 0645 76 220 99 271 175 491 18:45 202 864 142 666 344 1530 0700 113 94 207 19:00 125 132 257 0715 123 138 261 19:15 179 120 299 0]:30 166 160 326 19:30 151 130 281 0745 124 526 182 574 306 1100 1945 119 574 91 473 210 1047 0800 125 223 348 2000 122 82 204 0815 145 180 325 20:15 108 94 202 08:30 108 211 319 20:30 97 90 187 08:45 122 500 176 790 298 1290 20:45 73 400 68 334 141 734 0900 99 218 317 21:00 60 71 131 0915 105 158 263 21:15 70 55 125 09:30 110 180 290 2130 75 62 137 09:45 107 421 134 690 241 1111 2145 67 272 46 234 113 506 1000 104 150 254 22:00 55 49 104 1015 125 148 273 22:15 44 45 89 10:30 117 122 239 22:30 41 40 81 1045 120 466 117 537 237 1003 22:45 29 169 36 170 65 339 1100 145 104 249 23:00 33 30 63 1115 144 138 282 23:15 20 28 48 1130 153 119 272 23:30 28 26 54 1145 163 605 124 485 287 1090 23:45 22 103 10 94 32 197 TOTALS 2989 3611 6600 TOTALS 6565 5463 12028 SPLIT% 453% 54.7% 35.4% SPLIT% 54.6% 45.4% 64.6% AMD Al LY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Total ta 9,554 9,0741 0 1180628 AM Peak Hour 11'.38 0745 0730 PM Peak Hour 16'.15 1730 1730 AM Pk Volume 641 796 1305 PM Pk Volume 893 710 1574 Pk Hr Factor 0.943 0.892 0.938 Pk Hr Factor 0.915 0.906 0.930 7 9Volume 1026 1364 2390 4 6Volume 1692 1273 2965 ] 9Peak Hour 07'.30 07'45 0730 4 6Peak Hour 16'.15 16'45 1645 ] 9Pk Volume 560 796 1305 4 6Pk Volume 893 686 1530 Pk Hr Factor 0.843 0.892 0.938 Pk Hr Factor 0.915 0.953 0.981 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 192 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 193 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ATD Project #: CA22 020329 038 City: Rosemead Location: Walnut Grove Ave Bet. Andy Pacheco & Date: 11/17/2022 000 90 :00 00 .00 500 ,00 00 00 00 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 193 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 VOLUME Walnut Grove Ave S/O Dorothy St Day: Thursday Date: 11/17/2022 city: Rosemead Project#: CA22_020329_039 • r AM Peak Hour 0730 88'.88 0800 PM Peak Hour 0000 15 1645 13 675 28 1247 12:00 154 814 134 Pk Hr Factor 288 0.897 0015 17 0.923 14 0.977 31 1080 12:15 165 4 6Volume 146 1577 311 7 9Peak Hour 00:30 5 0800 13 16'45 18 1645 12:30 180 664 141 4 6Pk Volume 321 814 0045 18 55 9 49 27 104 12:45 183 682 155 576 338 1258 01:00 7 6 13 13:00 151 167 318 0115 7 8 15 13:15 144 161 305 01:30 5 6 11 13:30 159 170 329 0145 7 26 5 25 12 51 13:45 209 663 192 690 401 1353 0200 4 10 14 14:00 175 135 310 0215 10 4 14 14:15 177 174 351 02:30 15 2 17 14:30 187 155 342 02:45 1 3 32 4 20 7 52 14:45 211 750 123 587 334 1337 03:00 7 6 13 15:00 193 142 335 03:15 3 2 5 15:15 177 171 348 03:30 6 7 13 15:30 170 178 348 03:45 11 27 9 24 20 51 1545 178 718 175 666 353 1384 0400 11 8 19 16:00 175 183 358 0415 13 10 23 16:15 204 193 397 04:30 11 7 18 16:30 201 193 394 04:45 9 44 18 43 27 87 16:45 232 812 213 782 445 1594 0500 13 10 23 17:00 258 194 452 0515 32 20 52 17:15 213 205 418 05:30 33 30 63 17:30 250 202 452 0545 25 103 22 82 47 185 1745 208 929 194 795 402 1724 0600 36 26 62 18:00 248 167 415 0615 32 22 54 18:15 202 190 392 06:30 54 36 90 18:30 169 182 351 0645 49 171 52 136 101 307 18:45 144 763 139 678 283 1441 0700 79 66 145 19:00 141 114 255 0715 101 77 178 19:15 108 110 218 07:30 153 97 250 19:30 95 100 195 0745 164 497 123 363 287 860 1945 110 454 95 419 205 873 0800 166 185 351 2000 95 101 196 0815 192 151 343 20:15 106 61 167 08:30 103 152 255 20:30 95 81 176 08:45 122 583 176 664 298 1247 20:45 82 378 64 307 146 685 0900 139 119 258 21:00 68 52 120 0915 159 149 308 21:15 89 62 151 09:30 114 170 284 2130 50 75 125 09:45 130 542 135 573 265 1115 2145 61 268 57 246 118 514 1000 144 115 259 22:00 57 43 100 1015 128 116 244 22:15 45 28 73 10:30 117 135 252 22:30 26 28 54 1045 141 530 115 481 256 1011 22:45 21 149 26 125 47 274 1100 141 133 274 23:00 33 28 61 1115 177 153 330 23:15 28 19 47 11:30 155 122 277 23:30 24 20 44 1145 174 647 128 536 302 1183 23:45 20 105 12 79 32 184 TOTALS 3257 2996 6253 TOTALS 6671 5950 12621 SPLIT% 521% 479% 33.1% SPLIT% 52.9% 471% 66.9% AMD Al LY TOTALS N13 SI3 9,929 9,946 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 194 of 206 AM Peak Hour 0730 88'.88 0800 PM Peak Hour 16'45 16'45 1645 AM Pk Volume 675 664 1247 PM Pk Volume 953 814 1767 Pk Hr Factor 0.879 0.897 0.888 Pk Hr Factor 0.923 0.955 0.977 7 9Volume 1080 1027 2107 4 6Volume 1741 1577 3318 7 9Peak Hour 07'.30 08'.00 0800 4 6Peak Hour 16'45 16'45 1645 7 9Pk Volume 675 664 1247 4 6Pk Volume 953 814 1767 Pk Hr Factor 0.879 0.897 0.888 Pk Hr Factor 0.923 0.955 0.977 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 194 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 195 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ATD Project#: CA22 020329 039 City: Rosemead Location: Walnut Grove Ave S/0 Dorothy St Date: 11/17/2022 000 900 A :00 00 • 600 N_ ' \ 00 ,00 00 00 00 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 195 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 VOLUME Walnut Grove Ave N/O Norwood PI Day: Thursday Date: 11/17/2022 city: Rosemead Project#: CA22_020329_040 • r AM Peak Hour 0730 88'.88 0745 PM Peak Hour 0000 16 1]:15 14 805 30 1681 1200 165 1003 154 Pk Hr Factor 319 0.917 0015 15 0.963 10 0.943 25 1311 1215 159 4 6Volume 167 1902 326 7 9 Peak Hour 00:30 7 0745 7 17'.00 14 1700 12:30 180 917 162 4 6Pk Volume 342 974 0045 6 44 9 40 15 84 1245 155 659 170 653 325 1312 01:00 6 2 8 13:00 136 189 325 0115 8 4 12 13:15 153 195 348 01:30 4 4 8 13:30 166 162 328 0145 6 24 4 14 10 38 13:45 165 620 219 765 384 1385 0200 8 10 18 14:00 191 167 358 0215 2 8 10 14:15 151 190 341 02:30 5 6 11 14:30 180 185 365 02:45 3 18 5 29 8 47 14:45 168 690 188 730 356 1420 03:00 6 6 12 15:00 154 217 371 03:15 4 2 6 15:15 174 255 429 03:30 5 12 17 15:30 173 245 418 03:45 9 24 14 34 23 58 1545 188 689 253 970 441 1659 0400 11 15 26 16:00 167 245 412 0415 11 13 24 16:15 194 260 454 04:30 9 15 24 16:30 190 234 424 04:45 19 50 26 69 45 119 16:45 206 757 225 964 431 1721 0500 18 32 50 17:00 197 255 452 0515 21 40 61 17:15 237 254 491 05:30 35 49 84 17:30 240 222 462 0545 36 110 53 174 89 284 1745 234 908 207 938 441 1846 0600 31 48 79 18:00 213 246 459 0615 50 60 110 18:15 178 202 380 06:30 59 88 147 18:30 149 215 364 06:45 74 214 88 284 162 498 18:45 139 679 154 817 293 1496 0700 87 115 202 19:00 126 151 277 0715 126 121 247 19:15 113 139 252 07:30 166 195 361 19:30 101 111 212 0745 219 598 225 656 444 1254 1945 108 448 109 510 217 958 0800 208 192 400 2000 103 91 194 0815 212 239 451 2015 79 95 174 08:30 136 250 386 20:30 73 104 177 08:45 157 713 236 917 393 1630 2045 67 322 79 369 146 691 0900 129 156 285 21:00 59 75 134 0915 106 146 252 21:15 54 70 124 09:30 141 138 279 2130 57 57 114 0945 136 512 159 599 295 1111 2145 50 220 35 237 85 457 1000 135 148 283 22:00 52 58 110 1015 135 164 299 22:15 49 49 98 10:30 142 153 295 22:30 39 40 79 10:45 149 561 157 622 306 1183 22:45 24 164 32 179 56 343 1100 155 147 302 23:00 38 31 69 1115 150 174 324 23:15 19 19 38 1130 162 168 330 23:30 20 24 44 11:45 165 632 174 663 339 1295 23:45 15 92 23 97 38 189 TOTALS 3500 4101 7601 TOTALS 6248 7229 13477 SPLIT% 1 46.0% 54A% 36.1% SPLIT% 46.4% 53.6% 63.9% IMD Al LY TOTALS N13 SI3 9,749 11,330 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 196 of 206 AM Peak Hour 0730 88'.88 0745 PM Peak Hour SI'. 15 15'.38 1]:15 AM Pk Volume 805 917 1681 PM Pk Volume 924 1003 1853 Pk Hr Factor 0.919 0.917 0.932 Pk Hr Factor 0.963 0.964 0.943 7 9Volume 1311 1573 2884 4 6Volume 1665 1902 3567 7 9 Peak Hour 07'.30 08'.00 0745 4 6Peak Hour 17'.00 16'.15 1700 7 9Pk Volume 805 917 1681 4 6Pk Volume 908 974 1846 Pk Hr Factor 0.919 0.917 0.932 Pk Hr Factor 0.946 0.937 0.940 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 196 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 197 of 206 I Prepared by NDS/ATD Project #: CA22 020329 040 City: Rosemead Location: Walnut Grove Ave N/0 Norwood PI Date: 11/17/2022 00 000 :00 600J :E 400 \N., 200 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 197 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 198 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ArD VOLUME Walnut Grove Ave Bet. Abilene St & Scott St Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/17/2022 Project#: U22_020329_041 DAILY TOTALS SB W6 ANB Total 1• 1 17,778 AM Period NB SB EB SB TOTAL 00:00 11 5 16 1200123 118 241 0015 9 6 15 12:15 131 132 263 00:30 7 8 15 12:30 115 140 255 0045 8 35 3 22 11 57 12:45 139 508 138 528 277 1036 0100 8 4 12 13:00 122 142 264 0115 4 2 6 13:15 112 153 265 01:30 4 3 7 13:30 121 153 274 0145 5 21 4 13 9 34 13:45 132 487 164 612 296 1099 0200 7 6 13 14:00 135 146 281 0215 2 4 6 14:15 142 119 261 02:30 3 7 10 14:30 156 171 327 0245 5 17 1 18 6 35 14:45 141 574 153 589 294 1163 03:00 1 3 4 15:00 130 232 362 03:15 5 2 7 15:15 124 220 344 03:30 4 9 13 15:30 172 221 393 03:45 6 16 9 23 15 39 1545 159 585 239 912 398 1497 04:00 6 15 21 16:00 144 223 367 04:15 7 9 16 16:15 156 231 387 04:30 10 18 28 16:30 187 240 427 04:45 13 36 21 63 34 99 16:45 190 677 205 899 395 1576 0500 15 22 37 17:00 183 239 422 0515 16 33 49 17:15 212 235 447 05:30 24 42 66 17:30 220 190 410 0545 31 86 42 139 73 225 1745 212 827 222 886 434 1713 0600 30 40 70 18:00 215 220 435 0615 52 55 107 18:15 118 173 291 06:30 54 72 126 18:30 141 192 333 06:45 85 221 88 255 173 476 18:45 120 594 127 712 247 1306 0700 75 107 182 19:00 90 106 196 0715 118 115 233 19:15 96 98 194 07:30 133 173 306 19:30 71 91 162 07:45 181 507 201 596 382 1103 19:45 91 348 76 371 167 719 0800 180 223 40320:00 77 67 144 0815 166 267 433 20:15 64 67 131 08:30 136 232 368 20:30 57 56 113 0845 123 605 182 904 305 1509 20:45 63 261 50 240 113 501 0900 80 147 227 21:00 44 48 92 0915 85 129 214 21:15 48 52 100 09:30 99 129 228 2130 48 40 88 0945 101 365 144 549 245 914 2145 36 176 22 162 58 338 1000 82 118 200 22:00 46 23 69 1015 97 147 244 22:15 40 27 67 10:30 89 129 218 22:30 33 36 69 10:45 121 389 145 539 266 928 22:45 24 143 25 111 49 254 1100 108 136 244 23:00 29 19 48 1115 117 145 262 23:15 15 14 29 1130 131 141 272 23:30 14 19 33 1145 117 473 132 554 249 1027 23:45 13 71 7 59 20 130 TOTALS 2771 3675 6446 TOTALS 5251 6081 11332 SPLIT% 1 43.0% 57.0% 36.3% SPLIT% 1 46.3% 53.7% 63.7% AMD Al LY TOTALS NB SB I 1101M 9,022 9,756 AMPeak Hour 87'45 87'45 8705 PMPeak Hour 17'.15 15'45 17:15 AMPkVolume 663 923 1586 PMPkVolume 859 933 1726 Pk Hr Factor 8.916 8.864 8.916 Pk Hr Factor 8.976 8.972 8.965 7 9Volume 1112 1588 2612 4 6Volume 1584 1785 3289 7 9Peak Hour 87'45 87'45 8705 4 6Peak Hour 17'.88 16'.38 1788 7 9Pk Volume 663 923 1586 4 6Pk Volume 827 919 1713 Pk Hr Factor 8.916 8.864 8.916 Pk Hr Factor 8.948 8.957 8.958 r�, OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 198 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 199 of 206 Prepared by NDS/ATD Project #: CA22 020329 041 City: Rosemead Location: Walnut Grove Ave Bet. Abilene St & Scott St Date: 11/17/2022 000 90 :00 . -.\ 0� 0 40 ., i .. ., i CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 199 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 200 of 206 Prepared by National Da[a & Survaymg Sooices VOLUME Walnut Grove Ave S/O Halkett Ave Da, Thursday city: Rosemead Date: 11/10/2022 Project#: U22_020329_042 DAILY TOTALS NB SB EB WB Totall 5,225 0 1. AM Period 0:00 12 3 15 1200 85 114 199 015 7 4 11 12:15 76 103 179 0:30 2 5 7 12:30 84 104 188 045 5 26 0 12 5 38 12:45 90 335 108 429 198 764 1:00 6 3 9 13:00 81 90 171 115 4 4 8 13:15 74 92 166 1:30 0 4 4 13:30 72 99 171 145 2 12 2 13 4 25 13:45 102 329 106 387 208 716 200 2 3 5 14:00 ]] 115 192 215 2 0 2 14:15 98 108 206 2:30 1 0 1 14:30 87 115 202 245 3 8 1 4 4 12 14:45 102 364 143 481 245 845 3:00 5 2 7 15:00 96 147 243 3:15 1 2 3 15:15 95 160 255 3:30 4 7 11 15:30 105 165 270 3:45 5 15 9 20 14 35 1545 106 402 169 641 275 1043 400 5 5 10 16:00 113 167 280 415 3 4 7 16:15 101 193 294 4:30 6 12 18 16:30 91 185 276 445 5 19 9 30 14 49 16:45 122 427 182 ]2] 304 1154 500 11 18 29 17:00 122 227 349 515 12 26 38 17:15 139 208 347 5:30 17 29 46 1]:30 143 201 344 545 28 68 29 102 57 170 1745 107 511 157 793 264 1304 600 23 44 67 18:00 117 169 286 615 24 29 53 18:15 114 198 312 6:30 27 47 74 18:30 88 149 237 6:45 50 124 64 184 114 308 18:45 80 399 79 595 159 994 7:00 40 93 133 19:00 58 101 159 7:15 70 81 151 19:15 63 62 125 ]:30 ]] 141 218 19:30 48 68 116 7:45 97 284 136 451 233 735 1945 59 228 50 281 109 509 800 93 163 256 2000 44 57 101 815 101 152 253 20:15 51 40 91 8:30 65 131 196 20:30 38 42 80 845 79 338 122 568 201 906 20:45 37 170 41 180 78 350 900 59 112 171 21:00 32 42 74 915 62 109 171 21:15 34 48 82 9:30 66 112 178 2130 29 32 61 945 68 255 82 415 150 670 2145 35 130 26 148 61 278 1000 78 103 181 22:00 25 25 50 1015 74 83 157 22:15 24 21 45 10:30 68 76 144 22:30 22 14 36 10:45 73 293 104 366 177 659 22:45 20 91 13 73 33 164 1100 75 ]] 152 23:00 20 4 24 1115 81 74 155 23:15 15 14 29 1130 78 91 169 23:30 22 10 32 11:45 101 335 100 342 2016]] 2345 5 62 11 39 16 101 TOTALS 17]] 2507 4284 TOTALS 3448 4]]4 8222 SPLIT% 415% 585% 34.3% SPLIT% 41.9% 581% 65.]% AMD Al LY TOTALS NB SB 11 LB Total 5,225 7,291 11 0 1. AM Peak Hour 7'.30 7'.30 7:30 PM Peak Hour 16'45 16'45 1605 AMPkVolume 368 592 960 PMPkVolume 526 818 1300 Pk Hr Factor 0.911 0.908 0.938 Pk Hr Factor 0.920 0.901 0.963 7 9Volume 622 1019 1601 4 6Volume 938 1520 2058 ] 9Peak Hour 7'.30 7'.30 7:30 4 6Peak Hour 16'45 16'45 1605 ] 9Pk Volume 368 592 960 4 6Pk Volume 526 818 1300 Pk Hr Factor 0.911 0.908 0.938 Pk Hr Factor 0.920 0.901 0.963 r�1 OSE EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 200 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 201 of 206 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services Project #: 04 Rosemead GroveLocation: Walnut Ave • Halkett Ave11/10/2022 900 QNB SSB SEB AWB 800 — 700 600 500 u L > 400 300 200 100 0 0 o O o O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 201 of 206 CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2022/2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY Adopted by Rosemead City Council Resolution No. XX on XX, 2023 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 202 of 206 Attachment B Resolution No. 2023-54 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA TO ADOPT AND APPROVE THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD'S 2022-2023 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Section 40802 of the California Vehicle Code, an engineering and traffic survey has been conducted on various streets within the City by Traffic Engineer's in accordance with the requirements of the California Vehicle Code, including Section 627 of said Code and the California Department of Transportation Guidelines; and WHEREAS, California Vehicle Code Sections 22357 and 22358 authorize local authorities to establish prima facie speed limits on the basis of an engineering and traffic survey; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared the 2022-2023 Engineering and Traffic Survey, which indicates that the speed on certain streets should remain the same except in the case of seven street segments wherein the speed on these streets should be decreased based upon the prevailing speeds on city streets in conjunction with measurements of traffic speed and review of collision records; and WHEREAS, the 2022-23 Engineering and Traffic Survey is on file with the City's Department of Parks and Public Works. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: The City Council adopts and approves this resolution approving the Certification of the City of Rosemead 2022-2023 Engineering and Traffic Survey for 7 years, effective until September 2030. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12t1 day of September 2023. ATTEST: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Steven Ly, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rachel Richman, City Attorney STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS: CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution No. 2023-54 was passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 12`h day of September 2023 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk