CC - Item 7A - Adopt Resoltion No. 2023-59 for Nomination to the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Board MemberROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 2023 SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2023-59 FOR NOMINATION TO THE SAN GABRIEL BASIN WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY BOARD MEMBER SUMMARY The San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority (WQA) was established by the State Legislature (SB 1679) on February 11, 1993, to develop, finance and implement groundwater treatment programs in the San Gabriel Basin. The WQA is under the direction and leadership of a seven -member board. The board is comprised of one member from each of the overlying municipal water districts, one from a city with prescriptive water pumping rights, one from a city without prescriptive water pumping rights, and two members representing water producers in the San Gabriel Basin. The cities without prescriptive water pumping rights include Baldwin Park, Bradbury, Duarte, La Puente, La Verne, Rosemead, San Dimas, San Gabriel, San Marino, Sierra Madre, South EI Monte, Temple City, and West Covina. Mayor Pro Tem Margaret Clark has expressed interest on a nomination to the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority. Under the WQA's enabling legislation, the term of the board member and alternate representing cities without pumping rights expires on January 1, 2024. An election to fill these seats is scheduled for December 20, 2023. The nomination period is from September 21, 2023, through October 19, 2023, and involves each City adopting a resolution stating its nomination. Nominations will then be collected and voted on at the December 201h meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the City Council consider a nomination for Board Member to the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Board and Adopt Resolution No. 2023-59; and 2. Direct staff to send Resolution No. 2023-59, naming a nomination for Board Member to the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority. FISCAL IMPACT - None AGENDA ITEM 7.A City Council Meeting September 26, 2023 Page 2 of 2 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: I FZKPA�41'2 Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Attachment A: Resolution No. 2023-59 Attachment B: San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Letter Attachment A Resolution No. 2023-59 RESOLUTION NO. 2023 - 59 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, NOMINATING COUNCILMEMBER TO REPRESENT CITIES WITHOUT PRESCRIPTIVE WATER PUMPING RIGHTS ON THE BOARD OF THE SAN GABRIEL BASIN WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY WHEREAS, on September 22, 1992, Senate Bill 1679 was signed into law by Governor Pete Wilson authorizing the creation of the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority; and WHEREAS, the Board of the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority is composed of seven members with three appointed members from each of the three municipal water districts, one elected city council person from cities in the San Gabriel Basin with prescriptive water pumping rights, one elected city council person from cities in the San Gabriel Basin without prescriptive water pumping rights, and two members representing water producers in the San Gabriel Basin; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead is one the cities in the San Gabriel Basin without prescriptive water pumping rights; and WHEREAS, the city of Rosemead may nominate a representative by resolution from September 21, 2023 through October 19, 2023. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE, AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Rosemead nominates Councilmember as the representative for cities in the San Gabriel Basin without prescriptive water pumping rights. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 26`h day of September, 2023. Steven Ly, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution, No. 2023-59, was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 26`h day of September, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Attachment B San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Letter August 30, 2023 San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority 1720 W. Cameron Avenue, Suite 100, West Covina, CA 91790 • 626-338-5555 • Fax 626-338-5775 City Manager CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: NOMINATIONS FOR WQA BOARD MEMBER AND ALTERNATE REPRESENTING CITIES WITHOUT PUMPING RIGHTS Dear City Manager: The San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority (WQA) was established by the State Legislature (SB 1679) on February 11, 1993 to develop, finance and implement groundwater treatment programs in the San Gabriel Valley. The WQA is under the direction and leadership of a seven member board, one member each from an overlying municipal water district, one from a city with water pumping rights, one from a city without water pumping rights and two members representing water purveyors. Under the WQA's enabling legislation, the term of the board member and alternate representing cities without pumping rights expires on January 1, 2024. An election to fill these seats is scheduled for December 20, 2023 at 12.00 p.m at WOA Headquarters. Nominations of candidates for the office of Member and Alternate Member of the Board of Directors of the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority representing cities without pumping rights may be made by any of the cities without pumping rights listed below, by resolution of the city council of such city. Resolutions nominating a candidate must be received by the WQA by October 19, 2023 (at least 60 days prior to the election). Resolutions cannot be accented prior to September 21, 2023. A candidate must be a city council member from a city without pumping rights; however, a city is not limited to nominating its own council members and may vote in the election whether or not it nominated a candidate. The candidate receiving the most votes will be the WOA Board Member and the candidate receiving the second highest number of votes will be the WOA Alternate Board Member. Listed below are cities from which city council members are eligible: CITIES WITHOUT PUMPING RIGHTS Baldwin Park La Puente San Dimas Sierra Madre West Covina Bradbury LaVerne San Gabriel South El Monte Duarte Rosemead San Marino Temple City Please find enclosed the "Call for Nominations" form and a sample resolution. Please read through the enclosures and forward copies to your council members. We will accept nominations made on[v by resolution from September 21, 2023 through October 19, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Nominations arrivinr before or after the nomination Period will not be accented You may submit your nomination via email to Stephanie Moreno at steohanie@wga.com . Nominations may also be mailed in or hand delivered to our office Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. After nominations are collected, a ballot listing the candidates will be sent to cities eligible to vote no later than November 2, 2023. If I can be of any assistance, please contact me at (626) 338-5555 or at Stephanie@. wga.com . Stephanie Moreno San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority Steohanie(alwgacom Enclosures CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR ELECTION OF CITY MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES FROM CITIES WITHOUT PUMPING RIGHTS TO THE BOARD OF THE SAN GABRIEL BASIN WATER QUALITY AUTHORITY PURSUANT TO SB 1679 CITY: ROSEMEAD TO THE CITY COUNCIL: The election of the city member and alternate of the Board of the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority ("the Authority") from cities without pumping rights will take place at the regular meeting of the Board of the Authority set for December 20, 2023, at 12:00 P.M. at 1720 W. Cameron Ave.. Suite 100. West Covina ; California. Nominations for candidates for a city member elected by cities without pumping rights may be made by any city without pumping rights. Each city may nominate only one candidate. The member and alternate shall be City Council members or Mayors from cities without pumping rights. An alternate member acts in the place, and performs all the duties, of the city member selected by the same cities if that city member is absent from a meeting of the Authority or has vacated his or her office until the vacancy is filled pursuant to the provisions of SB 1679. No person who, directly or indirectly, at the time of election, receives, or during the two- year period immediately preceding election received, 10 percent or more of his or her income from any person or public entity subject to regulation by, or that received grants from or contracts for work with, the Authority may serve as a member of the Authority. Your city may nominate one candidate by resolution of the City Council. Your