TC - Item 3A - Traffic Review of Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove AvenueROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: NOYA WANG, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2023 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW OF HELLMAN AVENUE BETWEEN ROCKHOLD &ITA02[UI"1II1t.%\0N1111EIRUITAWENVANO11111 SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate traffic improvements at the address location of Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. The City of Rosemead has received a resident request to evaluate installation of "no stopping" signs or red curb along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. The resident expressed concern about vehicles parking along Hellman Avenue between the I-10 Freeway ramp and Rockhold Avenue, making it difficult for vehicles to pass traveling westbound on Hellman Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures. ANALYSIS The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a 3 -year collision history investigation, and an examination of the field conditions along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. Existing Conditions: Hellman Avenue runs eastbound/westbound between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue and is considered a Major Collector by the California Road Functional Classification Maps. Hellman Avenue has a posted speed limit of 30 MPH and is approximately 36 -feet wide with one lane in each direction and a single yellow centerline. Hellman Avenue at Interstate 10 Eastbound Entrance/Exit is signal controlled in the north, east and west direction. Hellman Avenue City Traffic Commission Meeting October 5, 2023 Page 2 of 3 where it intersects with Rockhold Avenue is stop sign controlled in the north and south direction, with no stop control in the east and west direction. Hellman Avenue has an uncontrolled white standard crosswalk located at the intersection of Rockhold Avenue at the east leg of the intersection, and a stop -controlled crosswalk at the north leg of the intersection. Parking is available on both sides of the street except during street sweeping and where the curb is marked red. The street is posted with "Do Not Block Intersection" Signage, a noncompliant "Do Not Block Driveway" Sign, Interstate 10 East signs, no parking during street sweeping hours sign, and retroreflective pedestrian crossing signs. This segment of Hellman Avenue travels through a mix use of single-family residential housing and light density residential housing. Rockhold Avenue runs northbound/southbound and is considered a local street by California Road Functional Classification Maps. Rockhold Avenue has a prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH and has one lane in each direction with no marked centerline. Rockhold Avenue is offset at the intersection with Hellman Avenue. Rockhold Avenue is approximately 30 -feet wide on the north side of the intersection and approximately 40 -feet wide on the south side of the intersection. Rockhold Avenue at Hellman Avenue is stop controlled for northbound and southbound traffic. Parking is available on both sides of the street except during street sweeping, with a posted with a No Parking sign during street sweeping hours on the north and south side of the intersection. This segment of Rockhold Avenue travels through a mix use of single-family residential housing and light density residential housing. Walnut Grove Avenue runs northbound/southbound and is considered a Minor Arterial Road by the City of Rosemead Speed Survey. Walnut Grove Avenue has a posted speed limit of 40 MPH and is approximately 64 -feet wide with two lanes of travel in each direction. Walnut Grove Avenue has a double yellow center line on the south side of the intersection, and a center median on the north side of the intersection with Hellman Avenue. Parking is allowed along the east and west side of the street, except where the curbs are marked red. This segment of Walnut Grove Avenue runs through a mix of single-family residential housing, light density residential housing, medium density residential housing, and commercial buildings. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that the segment of Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue would benefit from the installation of "No Stopping Anytime" Signage along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. This segment along Hellman Avenue would also benefit from additional measures to improve the area. City Traffic Commission Meeting October 5, 2023 Paee 3 of 3 Please refer to the Installation Exhibit in Attachment A for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. These improvements include: 1. INSTALL "NO STOPPING ANYTIME" (R26S (CA)) SIGNAGE: Install "No Stopping Anytime" (R26S (CA)) Signage along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue for WB traffic: a. Install sign on existing signpost on Hellman Avenue beneath existing 30 MPH Speed Limit Sign. 2. REFRESH AND REPAINT EXISTING CROSSWALKS: Refresh and Repaint existing standard crosswalks to white ladder crosswalks on Hellman Avenue at Rockhold Avenue for the east leg and north leg of the intersection. a. Repainting the existing crosswalks to ladder crosswalks will improve visibility in the area and help alert drivers of the uncontrolled crosswalk at the east leg of the intersection. b. It is important to note that recent upgraded pedestrian crossing signage was installed at the crosswalk on Hellman Avenue at Rockhold Avenue. 3. INSTALL RED CURB ALONG HELLMAN AVENUE: Install approximately 65 -feet of Red Curb along the south side of Hellman Avenue between the intersection of Rockhold Avenue at Hellman Avenue, and the west side of the uncontrolled pedestrian crosswalk, as shown in the diagram below. 4. INSTALL RED CURB ALONG HELLMAN AVENUE: Install approximately 28 -feet of Red Curb along the south side of Hellman Avenue between the east side of the uncontrolled pedestrian crosswalk and the existing red curb, west of an exit driveway on Hellman Avenue, as shown in the diagram below. 5. INSTALL RED CURB ALONG HELLMAN AVENUE: Install approximately 52 -feet of Red Curb along the south side of Hellman Avenue between existing red curb markings at the intersection of Hellman Avenue and the I-10 freeway onramp/offramp, as shown in the diagram below. Prepared by: Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A — Technical Traffic Engineering Report TRANSTEch TO: City of Rosemead, Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: September 25, 2023 SUBJECT: Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead received a resident request to evaluate installation of "no stopping' signs or red curb along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. The resident expressed concern about vehicles parking along Hellman Avenue between the 1-10 Freeway ramp and Rockhold Avenue, making it difficult for vehicles to pass traveling westbound on Hellman Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a 3 -year collision history investigation, and an examination of the field conditions along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. Figure 1: Vicinity Map A CITY OF ROSEMEAD [�UO�Q� AD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 30 Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue EXISTING CONDITIONS -Igure c: cx5sung A.onamons on penman Avenue tsecween rtocxnom Avenue ar vvamuT grove Avenue JI x IC f n. A. qq 63 � Cid ox I .`x ' iT.r. � ® 63' t LEGEND y USE No Ped Xing" sign (R9-3) with "USE �'`*� Intersection Turn 1 Direction (R61-7) Sign CAOSSMALX CROSSWALK" 1119-3bP) Plaque I 1 x Stop Sign (RS -1) ce left Turn, No U -Turn -o E C nKc "US PED XING" K- (11) plaque and (4- USE CRa55PAL USE CROSSWALK" (ft9-3bP) Plaque DD NDi' "Do Not Block �U (R73-3 (CA)) Sign BLOCK Intersection" (RID -7) ��9 PARKING xa5®o5 Sign I/G��N iNURSOAY (1130-e) "No parking" Sign IltvR'I No U -Turn (113-4) 9w-ihs Sign Pedestrian Crossing (SW24-2)Sign NO !AIWNY Wr,(1126-5(CA))"No Stopping e NoTurn on Red Any Time" Sign TURNSPEED ON RED (1130.12)51gn E LIMIT30 MPH Speed Limit • 30 (112-1) Sign 7.� NG (1126-A (CA) variation) "No Parking No Ped Xing" sign wNs or Stopping Any Time" Sign SPEED ® (119-3) with "NO PED LIMIT 40 MPH Speed Limit XING" (R9 -3a) plaque NO PED and oo C(no"Do Not Block Driveway" Sign 40 (R2-1) Sign XING a aK "USE CROSSWALK" DRIVE (noncompliant) ♦USE (Ml-1)Interstatesign (R9-3bP)Plaque WAY CROSSaAIK with (103-2) East plaqueA Signal Controlled Intersection and (M� 6-1) Arrow plaque Existing red curb Hellman Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Hellman Avenue runs eastbound/westbound between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue and is considered a Major Collector by the California Road Functional Classification Maps. Hellman Avenue has a posted speed limit of 30 MPH and is approximately 36 -feet wide with one lane in each direction and a single yellow centerline. Hellman Avenue at Interstate 10 Eastbound Entrance/Exit is signal controlled in the north, east and west direction. Hellman Avenue Ro'sE46A CITY OF ROSEMEAD "Y4, Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 10 Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue where it intersects with Rockhold Avenue is stop sign controlled in the north and south direction, with no stop control in the east and west direction. Hellman Avenue has an uncontrolled white standard crosswalk located at the intersection of Rockhold Avenue at the east leg of the intersection, and a stop -controlled crosswalk at the north leg of the intersection. Parking is available on both sides of the street except during street sweeping and where the curb is marked red. The street is posted with "Do Not Block Intersection" Signage, a noncompliant "Do Not Block Driveway' Sign, Interstate 10 East signs, no parking during street sweeping hours sign, and retroreflective pedestrian crossing signs. This segment of Hellman Avenue travels through a mix use of single-family residential housing and light density residential housing. Rockhold Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Rockhold Avenue runs northbound/southbound and is considered a local street by California Road Functional Classification Maps. Rockhold Avenue has a prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH and has one lane in each direction with no marked centerline. Rockhold Avenue is offset at the intersection with Hellman Avenue. Rockhold Avenue is approximately 30 -feet wide on the north side of the intersection and approximately 40 -feet wide on the south side of the intersection. Rockhold Avenue at Hellman Avenue is stop controlled for northbound and southbound traffic. Parking is available on both sides of the street except during street sweeping, with a posted with a No Parking sign during street sweeping hours on the north and south side of the intersection. This segment of Rockhold Avenue travels through a mix use of single-family residential housing and light density residential housing. Walnut Grove Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Walnut Grove Avenue runs northbound/southbound and is considered a Minor Arterial Road by the City of Rosemead Speed Survey. Walnut Grove Avenue has a posted speed limit of 40 MPH and is approximately 64 -feet wide with two lanes of travel in each direction. Walnut Grove Avenue has a double yellow center line on the south side of the intersection, and a center median on the north side of the intersection with Hellman Avenue. Parking is allowed along the east and west side of the street, except where the curbs are marked red. This segment of Walnut Grove Avenue runs through a mix of single-family residential housing, light density residential housing, medium density residential housing, and commercial buildings. PICTURE SUMMARY: Images below were taken on Monday, August 28,1023. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 10 Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue Prepared By: Transtech CITY OF ROSEMEAD Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). A review of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS along the segment of Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue was conducted over approximately a 3 -year period between August 2020 through August 2023 (available data at the time of traffic review). Based on the information provided, a summary breakdown of the number of collisions within 100 feet in each direction of the intersection are listed below and shown in Table 1. 2023 —1 collision 2022 —1 collision 2021-1 collision 2020-0 collisions Total Collisions: 3 Table 1: Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue According to the review of the collision history per the SWITRS analysis, it was determined that there was a total of 3 collisions reported within the 3 -year period. O EME'AD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 10 S Hty 1 -Fatal 2 -Severe Injury Motor Day aUKM, C.10.1an Vehkle, WE... hear Primary IDR Date Primary Saunel. Mat. Time the (Day, Night Type 3. Other Pedestrian, and Detail CcllUlan Rlnl Otherinfo Road Rwd WEE Et,) Walbk injury silde Der 'U.nr Fane, <.Camplalnt of Pain In whrW 5 - Prop Dam OnM (Pool I WB LFT TURN 1 3/21/2023 HEUdAN ROCKHOLD 19'S 822 ME DAYUGHi BROADSIDE d OTHER MV MV Xn Fa ROWAuro 1 MNING AVE AVE HflHI MV ES THRU MV 2 2/19/2022 HELLAA�IAN RT10 0 13:25 SAT MYUGM SIDESWIPE 5 OTHER MV HITSBUF 0 MSDMNR 3GNI�SKi URN MV HEUMAN ROCKHOID WB THRU MV IMPROPER 3 5/10/2021 0 16:20 MON DAY HITOW < FIKEDOBI 1 N/A AVE AVE HIT FORD OBI TURN According to the review of the collision history per the SWITRS analysis, it was determined that there was a total of 3 collisions reported within the 3 -year period. O EME'AD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 10 Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue Figure 3: Collision Diagram FIELD INVESTIGATION 11LLCO1D510N5- t Crash Type Y Or INon'PM&91ke CrashesCWIIYon w - 0 LEGEND 0 Injury - Other 0 — 0 Inlury- CPmplaintpf a: Paln Property 0 Deme OnBe T Total 3 k P' t A ' r1 - , i .4 t t u I:. [Illllit:. cijl i d: (, _ a J TOTAL E3 COWSIONS FIELD INVESTIGATION 11LLCO1D510N5- saf Crash Type Y Or INon'PM&91ke CrashesCWIIYon UaNes Fatality (Death 0 Severe Injury 0 Injury - Other 0 Visible 0 Inlury- CPmplaintpf 2 Paln Property 0 Deme OnBe T Total 3 PeD&eller- saf Crash Type treeM starry beam o s ere Injurya � I pry-omer e• V ible ♦ D Complaint of 0 Paln Property 0 Damage OMy Total 0 A field investigation for Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue was completed on Monday, August 28, 2023. During the field investigation, existing conditions such as curb and pavement markings, existing signage, and vehicle movement were observed. The area the resident mentioned in their initial request was also reviewed, and at the time of the site visit no vehicles were parked in the area adjacent to the 30 MPH speed limit sign on the north side of Hellman Avenue, west of the intersection with the 1-10 freeway onramp. It was also observed at the time of the site visit that no vehicles were parked along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. It is important to note that much of this part of Hellman Avenue does not allow parking, due to red curb painted on both sides of the street. The south side of Hellman Avenue approaching EB the signal for the freeway ramp, there are 2 lanes of existing in -road loops for this signal. Cars start to queue for EB travel to make a EB right at Hellman Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. During congestion a parked car on the south side of Hellman Avenue could block queuing traffic. Most of the existing signage was in good condition as well, and vehicles adhered to the signage posted in the area. However, it was observed that the "No U -Turn' signage at the intersection with Hellman Avenue and the 1-10 onramp was extremely faded, and difficult to read. Due to this intersection being under the jurisdiction of CalTrans, the City may want to request that Caltrans review and upgrade the signage at the intersection for drivers traveling along Hellman Avenue. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 10 Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that the segment of Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue would benefit from the installation of "No Stopping Anytime" Signage along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. This segment along Hellman Avenue would also benefit from additional measures to improve the area. The following recommendations are shown below in the Recommendations Diagram. 1. INSTALL "NO STOPPING ANYTIME" (R26S (CA)) SIGNAGE: Install "No Stopping Anytime" (R26S (CA)) Signage along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue for WB traffic. a. Install sign on existing signpost on Hellman Avenue beneath existing 30 MPH Speed Limit Sign. 2. REFRESH AND REPAINT EXISTING CROSSWALKS: Refresh and Repaint existing standard crosswalks to white ladder crosswalks on Hellman Avenue at Rockhold Avenue for the east leg and north leg of the intersection. a. Repainting the existing crosswalks to ladder crosswalks will improve visibility in the area and help alert drivers of the uncontrolled crosswalk at the east leg of the intersection. b. It is important to note that recent upgraded pedestrian crossing signage was installed at the crosswalk on Hellman Avenue at Rockhold Avenue. 3. INSTALL RED CURB ALONG HELLMAN AVENUE: Install approximately 65 -feet of Red Curb along the south side of Hellman Avenue between the intersection of Rockhold Avenue at Hellman Avenue, and the west side of the uncontrolled pedestrian crosswalk, as shown in the diagram below. 4. INSTALL RED CURB ALONG HELLMAN AVENUE: Install approximately 28 -feet of Red Curb along the south side of Hellman Avenue between the east side of the uncontrolled pedestrian crosswalk and the existing red curb, west of an exit driveway on Hellman Avenue, as shown in the diagram below. 5. INSTALL RED CURB ALONG HELLMAN AVENUE: Install approximately 52 -feet of Red Curb along the south side of Hellman Avenue between existing red curb markings at the intersection of Hellman Avenue and the 1-10 freeway onramp/offramp, as shown in the diagram below. _ p ;0a,. CITY OF ROSEMEAD o E A Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 of 10 h O K 0 ;4 0 0 m m a r Ili i i ... W q`'LLI m wwZ m W or of LU F- LU ' pp OU' Ohm U Z w Z J O Z Q F- ., W>ZNx W>(DZ � . "i.rrrmr rr Wa0XZ WaZa Z Z W O LL Z Y W O J W LU Cc > Q LL LL Z> w N LL Z� > .i!s > LLI p }O V �2 J f J W LU F-U) W Z-0 OfW 0 Z— I <(n ��U)C¢OZ �xzLLa xppWWL a - d pDF=O¢�¢ O w= U 0o co X O z ¢ Fx-- w W a H z W {- W J -- i"... 1 J LU ¢ Z W m Z a Z W !- W FLU ZamLLU6 =aLLJ m zLL Q d_., 0 O_ IF O O `I� Y -f W W J Q w .. CD (DWU_LL, z' NZW 0m W � 3 t Z>LL N W F QF-QJ h J 0 Z Z Of w LLP' �,� q�•��3�f.,.. d3 Q0¢ pap Ui0 > ® w z VU Wp p�a W maZ N O Z W W X W W p W W ax Jm LL�� W -WN NOF- LLjOW J w 1 WF- uj co L zYe (D W a¢0 m- Z p W 57-m< W W� m O p z JS Z W a ZZ�Z H2O W>i a¢0 a��F �0 (n �¢(D LL' 0 w W O o O H Z3 N O p U � m N —_s O> LLN' S N p p J a a Q a H m d I ? W .Z1 LU (~j JJJ11=Q N O— Jp WCl) W F- �Sx W Z K Y F=- N w Z W K I w O N¢XOCr z¢-0Fa <a O O O FLu- H 2 p L h O K 0 ;4 0 0 m m a Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue Appendix: 1. ArcGIS Map for City of Rosemead, City Right of Way and Caltrans Right of Way CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 9 of 10 _y: Y-S9 3n )a� YDI FA Z 6 t'�Y�1` pyN adze ` ic F s tt p tt 1 a r PF r 3 Ekj y g! � A6[ VII � • ©. ©� (ID O m L • �• N I� OD ACOS/O r i 7DJ OS e t' 3.c�4 caval as !° tillttt•tii;; :l�1ltll#ti 44M t-w��)y _y: TO: City of Rosemead, Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: September 25, 2023 SUBJECT: Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead received a resident request to evaluate installation of "no stopping" signs or red curb along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. The resident expressed concern about vehicles parking along Hellman Avenue between the 1-10 Freeway ramp and Rockhold Avenue, making it difficult for vehicles to pass traveling westbound on Hellman Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a 3 -year collision history investigation, and an examination of the field conditions along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. Figure 1: Vicinity Map f CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROE ,AD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 10 Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue c txtstina Lonaltlons on meuman Avenue tsetween KocKnola Avenue a walnut trove Avenue I •�F.� by � LEGEND �I Stop Sign (R3-1) BD NOT "Do Not Block BLOCK Intersection" (R10-7) �a®7r Sign (R73-31cA)) Sign Pedestrian Crossing A10 (SW24-2)Sign ED SPEMIT 30 MPH Speed Limit 30 (R2-1)5lgn SPEED No Tum on Red LIMIT 40 MPH Speed Limit 40 (R2-1)Sign (MS -3) Interstate sign with (M3-2) East plaque and (M6-1) Arrow plaque 2MENEw I1'! t n a<r Intersection TumUSE Direction (R61-7) Sign No Ped Xing" sign (R9-3) with "USE � CR055wALK CROSSWALK" (R9-3bP) Plaque Left Tum, No U -Turn No PED XING "NO PED XING" (R9 -3a) plaque and rust tao55NN.N USE CROSSWALK" Plaque bU (R73-31cA)) Sign IRS) No U -Turn (R34) AINRK6 (R30 -e) "No parking" Signn mwX Sign No Tum on Red r (R26 -S (CA)) "No Stopping SfAwING Any Time" Sign J.TUR.N 1.10-11) Sign PNE ' (R26 -A (CA) variation) "No Parking ® No Ped Xing" sign TOVPtG or Stopping Any Time Sign (R9-3) with "NO PED WX NO PED XING l XING" (R9 -3a) plaque and "USE CROSSWALK" Do NOT "Do Not Block Driveway" Sign xaN (noncompliant) DRIVE ♦USE (R9-30)Plaque WAY cgosswuK Signal Controlled Intersection A Existing red curb Hellman Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Hellman Avenue runs eastbound/westbound between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue and is considered a Major Collector by the California Road Functional Classification Maps. Hellman Avenue has a posted speed limit of 30 MPH and is approximately 36 -feet wide with one lane in each direction and a single yellow centerline. Hellman Avenue at Interstate 10 Eastbound Entrance/Exit is signal controlled in the north, east and west direction. Hellman Avenue �*. CITY OF ROSEMEAD RO$ A� Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 10 Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue where it intersects with Rockhold Avenue is stop sign controlled in the north and south direction, with no stop control in the east and west direction. Hellman Avenue has an uncontrolled white standard crosswalk located at the intersection of Rockhold Avenue at the east leg of the Intersection, and a stop -controlled crosswalk at the north leg of the intersection. Parking is available on both sides of the street except during street sweeping and where the curb is marked red. The street is posted with "Do Not Block Intersection" Signage, a noncompliant "Do Not Block Driveway" Sign, Interstate 10 East signs, no parking during street sweeping hours sign, and retroreflective pedestrian crossing signs. This segment of Hellman Avenue travels through a mix use of single-family residential housing and light density residential housing. Rockhold Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Rockhold Avenue runs northbound/southbound and is considered a local street by California Road Functional Classification Maps. Rockhold Avenue has a prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH and has one lane in each direction with no marked centerline. Rockhold Avenue is offset at the intersection with Hellman Avenue. Rockhold Avenue is approximately 30 -feet wide on the north side of the intersection and approximately 40 -feet wide on the south side of the intersection. Rockhold Avenue at Hellman Avenue is stop controlled for northbound and southbound traffic. Parking is available on both sides of the street except during street sweeping, with a posted with a No Parking sign during street sweeping hours on the north and south side of the intersection. This segment of Rockhold Avenue travels through a mix use of single-family residential housing and light density residential housing. Walnut Grove Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Walnut Grove Avenue runs northbound/southbound and is considered a Minor Arterial Road by the City of Rosemead Speed Survey. Walnut Grove Avenue has a posted speed limit of 40 MPH and is approximately 64 -feet wide with two lanes of travel in each direction. Walnut Grove Avenue has a double yellow center line on the south side of the intersection, and a center median on the north side of the intersection with Hellman Avenue. Parking is allowed along the east and west side of the street, except where the curbs are marked red. This segment of Walnut Grove Avenue runs through a mix of single-family residential housing, light density residential housing, medium density residential housing, and commercial buildings. PICTURE SUMMARY: Images below were taken on Monday, August 28, 2023. 0. f CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 10 Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue v i Southbound along Rockhold Avenue at Hellman Avenue Jpp Eastbound along Hellman Avenue towards I- 10 Ramp Eastbound along Hellman Avenue at 1-10 Ramp Intersection 1 �- �tl 1. Eastbound along Hellman Avenue towards Walnut Grove Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 o 10 Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue COLLISION INVESTIGATION Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). A review of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS along the segment of Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue was conducted over approximately a 3 -year period between August 2020 through August 2023 (available data at the time of traffic review). Based on the information provided, a summary breakdown of the number of collisions within 100 feet in each direction of the intersection are listed below and shown in Table 1. 2023 —1 collision 2022 —1 collision 2021-1 collision 2020 — 0 collisions Total Collisions: 3 Table 1: Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue According to the review of the collision history per the SWITRS analysis, it was determined that there was a total of 3 collisions reported within the 3 -year period. 01 CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROM Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 16 Seventy I - Fetal 2-5were Data Lighting C011Bion niury Motor Vehlde, Colllwn hcror Pnmery IDI Data Pnmery Sewndery Dht Tong the IID,, Night Type 3 ibD[Mr PNertdm, and Detell COI11dOn glnl Other info Road Rad WHble Infury Week Et I A-C..,W. &Wde Dewiptiom Fettor of Pein Inmlve l 5 -Prop Dem _ Only IPDOI .1 I• 1. I. f. WB EFT TURN 1 3/21/2023 HEUMAN ROCBHOED 19's 8:22 TUE DAYUGHT BROADMDE 6 OTHER W W HIT Ell ROW AUTO 1 MINING AVE AVE THRU MV E8 THRU W 2 2/19/2022 HEAW N RT10 0 13:25 SAT DAYUGHT SIDESWIPE 5 OTHERMV HITWIFT 0 MSWNR TURN M SGN HELLAUN ROCKHOD WB THRU MV IMPROPER 3 5/10/M21 0 16:20 Ni DAY HITORI 4 FIXED ON 1 N/A AVE AVE HIT FIXED ON TURN According to the review of the collision history per the SWITRS analysis, it was determined that there was a total of 3 collisions reported within the 3 -year period. 01 CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROM Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 16 Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue Figure 3: Collision Diagram A field investigation for Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue was completed on Monday, August 28, 2023. During the field investigation, existing conditions such as curb and pavement markings, existing signage, and vehicle movement were observed. The area the resident mentioned in their initial request was also reviewed, and at the time of the site visit no vehicles were parked in the area adjacent to the 30 MPH speed limit sign on the north side of Hellman Avenue, west of the intersection with the 1-10 freeway onramp. It was also observed at the time of the site visit that no vehicles were parked along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. It is important to note that much of this part of Hellman Avenue does not allow parking, due to red curb painted on both sides of the street. The south side of Hellman Avenue approaching EB the signal for the freeway ramp, there are 2 lanes of existing in -road loops for this signal. Cars start to queue for EB travel to make a EB right at Hellman Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. During congestion a parked car on the south side of Hellman Avenue could block queuing traffic. Most of the existing signage was in good condition as well, and vehicles adhered to the signage posted in the area. However, It was observed that the "No U -Turn" signage at the intersection with Hellman Avenue and the 1-10 onramp was extremely faded, and difficult to read. Due to this intersection being under the jurisdiction of CalTrans, the City may want to request that Caltrans review and upgrade the signage at the intersection for drivers traveling along Hellman Avenue. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 Traffic Review on Hellman Avenue Between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that the segment of Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue would benefit from the installation of "No Stopping Anytime" Signage along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue. This segment along Hellman Avenue would also benefit from additional measures to improve the area. The following recommendations are shown below in the Recommendations Diagram. 1. INSTALL "NO STOPPING ANYTIME" (1126S (CA)) SIGNAGE: Install "No Stopping Anytime' (R26S (CA)) Signage along Hellman Avenue between Rockhold Avenue and Walnut Grove Avenue for WB traffic. a. Install sign on existing signpost on Hellman Avenue beneath existing 30 MPH Speed Limit Sign. 2. REFRESH AND REPAINT EXISTING CROSSWALKS: Refresh and Repaint existing standard crosswalks to white ladder crosswalks on Hellman Avenue at Rockhold Avenue for the east leg and north leg of the intersection. a. Repainting the existing crosswalks to ladder crosswalks will improve visibility in the area and help alert drivers of the uncontrolled crosswalk at the east leg of the intersection. b. It is important to note that recent upgraded pedestrian crossing signage was installed at the crosswalk on Hellman Avenue at Rockhold Avenue. 3. INSTALL RED CURB ALONG HELLMAN AVENUE: Install approximately 65 -feet of Red Curb along the south side of Hellman Avenue between the intersection of Rockhold Avenue at Hellman Avenue, and the west side of the uncontrolled pedestrian crosswalk, as shown in the diagram below. 4. INSTALL RED CURB ALONG HELLMAN AVENUE: Install approximately 28 -feet of Red Curb along the south side of Hellman Avenue between the east side of the uncontrolled pedestrian crosswalk and the existing red curb, west of an exit driveway on Hellman Avenue, as shown in the diagram below. S. INSTALL RED CURB ALONG HELLMAN AVENUE: Install approximately 52 -feet of Red Curb along the south side of Hellman Avenue between existing red curb markings at the intersection of Hellman Avenue and the 1-10 freeway onramp/offramp, as shown in the diagram below. !�, CITY OF ROSEMEAD 03 E AD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 of 10 C7 Z O ¢ � rn m II O O C13 W W Z [O W u W J Ir w F- W U Z Z ZLU k-_ J U Z LU Q F=- } W >Z ~x Lu W >CD C] _�. _. .. cr¢O-z W<Z¢ w y O¢zz�uSO U. Z , w J=~ 3r W Lu J> > .. LL= 1-0 W LL W m LLZ> =w¢a w i. 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