CC - Item 5A - Report, Discussion, and Direction Regarding the 2030 Imagine Rosemead Strategic PlanCity Council Meeting October 24, 2023 Page 2 of 5 daily work of City staff. The Strategic Plan and action items also provide accountability for the City Council and City Administration. Over the past couple of years, the City has been progressing on the goals and action items outlined in the Plan. Below is a summary report that outlines the City's progress on the 71 action items listed in the Plan by goal. The report card notes whether an item is On -Track, Delayed, Not on Track. On -Track items that have been completed are also noted in the report card. A full summary of the report card is listed in Attachment A. Goal On- Track Delayed Not On Track Completed Goal A: Safe 9 9 0 0 5 Goal B: Responsive, Inclusive Ci 10 10 0 0 4 Goal C: Infrastructure and Facilities 11 8 1 2 2 Goal D: Parks and Programs 11 8 3 0 1 Goal E: Employ. Retention and Develop. 9 4 0 5 3 Goal F: Finance 6 5 1 0 2 Goal G: Activation and Economy 5 4 0 1 0 Goal H: Land Use and Zoning 10 9 1 0 1 Total Items: 71 57 6 8 18 A summary of completed goals and Delayed/Not on Track items is listed below: Goal A: Safety The objective of this goal is to enhance public safety in the City by providing safe access to public facilities, expanding neighborhood safety programs, and improving quality of life, which includes assisting homeless residents in the community. Five action items were successfully completed. Ongoing Neighborhood Watch meetings have been implemented for all reporting districts and include the attendance of Sheriff and Public Safety staff to ensure residents are familiar with local law enforcement and City staff as well as resources available. The visibility of law enforcement has increased throughout the City and has also incorporated patrols by the Rosemead Public Safety staff. The Public Safety Department, Sheriffs Department, Public Safety Commission, and staff have been working diligently to increase the visibility of patrol throughout the City. The Public Safety Team has also begun patrolling the City and as an addition to the Sherrif 's in deterring crime. Crime statistics are now being shared with residents through the City's e -digest, Rosemead This Week. As of August 1, 2023, the City has entered into an agreement with L.A. CADA to provide case management for our vulnerable homeless population. Homeless outreach services are being provided through L.A. CADA in coordination with City staff. Goal B: Responsive, Inclusive City Rosemead will continue to provide quality services that are inclusive and responsive to meet the changing needs of our diverse community. The City recognizes the need to provide information City Council Meeting October 24, 2023 Page 3 of 5 and news in multiple languages to communicate all the City has to offer. Rosemead This Week was launched in March 2023 and provides information on programs, services, events, and City news. The e -digest is formatted to translate on non-native English phones. Receiving feedback on services, programs, and events has also been a focus with satisfaction surveys being made available online for participants. In creating a more inclusive and responsive City, the Parks and Recreation Department introduced the anti -hate art contest in the fall of 2022. In May 2023, a poetry contest was introduced but canceled due to low participation. Staff is continuing to promote the events. In August of 2023, the City Council approved Resolution No. 2023-42 Denouncing Antisemitism to combat the rise of antisemitic incidents and in support of the Jewish community. The Youth Advisory Committee was reestablished to engage youth in City governance and activities. The Committee currently meets on a third Wednesday of the month at the Rosemead Community Recreation Center. Goal C: Infrastructure and Facilities Rosemead supports a safe, active, and climate -conscious community through its well-maintained streets and sidewalks, continual improvements to infrastructure, and use and promotion of renewable energy. The Public Works Department has completed a review of the City's 2012 Bike Plan and presented it to the Traffic Commission to determine the feasibility of bike lanes during the design phase of the CIP roadway projects. To address parking issues in the City, Action C.6 was developed to create a parking structure. This item is currently not on track. The Community Development Department has been researching locations for a parking structure; however, there is no land available at the moment to address this item. Staff will continue to assess this item as the timeline is 5 to 10 years. Action item C.7, creating preferential parking districts in residential areas, is currently not on track. The Public Works and Planning Departments will investigate the needs and present the items to the Traffic Commission for consideration. The City Clerk's Office along with the Beautification Commission has led and organized Quality of Life Clean Up events to involve residents and businesses. This event will be held on a quarterly basis and although cleanups have been successfully completed, it is an ongoing item to beautify Rosemead. The Community Development Department continues to recommend art in public spaces for new projects; nonetheless, it cannot be mandated. Action item C.1 I has seen delays due to the inability to make mandates. The Beautification Commission has an electrical box art project on its list but is currently focusing on the organization of the quarterly clean-ups before beginning a new project. Incorporating art in public spaces has a 5 -year completion on the timeline. Goal D: Parks and Programs The City will continue to expand the existing green space, parks, City facilities, and programs available through community partnerships, expanded community stewardship, and the development of a more robust cultural programming. To continue to meet the needs of residents across the City, additional community outreach has taken place to identify additional programming. Parks and Recreation staff have provided program and event surveys to identify areas of improvement and recognize where there are existing gaps. There is a delay in developing City Council Meeting October 24, 2023 Page 4 of 5 cultural arts programming and/or a Cultural Arts Commission and this will be an item that will further develop in the 2024 Fiscal Year with a projected completion in 5 years. The art walk event will be included in the 2024-25 fiscal year to allow ample research and planning. Lastly, the Parks and Recreation Department will be looking to create partnerships with community organizations and sports teams to enhance City sports facilities and parks programming. Currently, a plan has not been developed and is projected to be a medium-term item. Goal E: Employee Retention Rosemead is an adaptable organization focused on employee growth, development, and retention and one that promotes a culture of success, support, and collaboration. The City Manager's Office has reinstated the quarterly staff lunches to engage staff and inform them about City efforts, initiatives, programs, and accomplishments. Two lunches have been held with planned upcoming meetings. Staff is recommending that action item E.2 be removed - create an organizational succession plan that identifies opportunities for promoting talent within the organization. The succession plan may potentially cause personnel issues and therefore the focus will be on professional growth (E.3.) Each department will be responsible for identifying specific training needs for staff in coordination with the new Human Resources Manager. Staff is recommending that action item EA, developing a professional development advancement plan for staff, be eliminated as it duplicates the Actions in item E.3. Staff is also recommending that action item E.7 be removed as it resembles E.6 (Attachment A.) Staff is looking into implementing a mentorship program that informs and connects staff across different departments and staff levels. The program will advertise opportunities to connect mentors and mentees. The City Manager's Office will invite Directors and Managers to sign up to be a mentor and then connect interested mentees with the respective department. Several staff from various departments have been recognized as part of the appreciation and recognition program celebrating staff accomplishments at all levels. The Team Member Recognition Program has been set in place per Admin Policy 30-07. In promoting staff engagement and interaction, the Human Resources Department has created monthly staff -building activities and events such as the Employee Recognition Dinner, Pi Day, and staff luncheons. Goal F: Finance The City is fiscally solvent and is successful in leveraging new opportunities to fund the City's programs and services. The Finance Department has provided mid -year financial reports as well as during the budget workshops. The next fiscal status report will be in November of 2023. In order to conduct outreach and inform the community about City finances, snippets have been added to Rosemead This Week. Goal G: Activation and Economy Rosemead is a vibrant City with a diverse business community and a destination that draws visitors from across the San Gabriel Valley and beyond. The Community Development Department along with the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce has partners and planned for a vibrant annual food City Council Meeting October 24, 2023 Page 5 of 5 event and is tentative for Spring 2024. It will be an opportunity to showcase local restaurants and food trucks. The Chamber and City staff have collaborated on ribbon -cutting events for new businesses. Staff is working with the Chamber to visit businesses in the future. Action item G.5 describes hiring a Public Information Officer to support the marketing and distribution of information. Staff is currently evaluating the needs of the City and respective departments to identify the type of support needed. Goal H: Land Use and Zoning The City supports new development and local businesses, focuses on the revitalization of our major corridors, and finds creative solutions to the changing needs of residents and businesses. To attract new businesses, Ordinance 1009 was adopted by the City Council on April 12, 2022, streamlining the alcohol licensing permit process. Staff is recommending that action item H.7 be removed as the City is required to adopt an inclusionary housing ordinance before collecting in -lieu fees specifically for affordable housing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council discuss and provide direction on the Strategic Plan. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT None. FISCAL IMPACT There is no impact to the General Fund. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Attachment A — Strategic Plan Report Card Attachment B — Approved Strategic Plan October 26, 2021 Attachment A Strategic Plan Report Card ' w y � • ■ ate• � � - - ;► i � cp •f r. � ...�N'}� 1, Sr , - 3 r a., IMAGINE R O S E M E A D r 2021 2023 UPDATE 2030 STRATEGIC PLAN ` REPORT CARD 2021-2023 Strategic Plan Update On October 26, 2021, the City Council adopted the Imagine Rosemead 2030 Strategic Plan to guide the organizational development efforts. The 2021-2023 Strategic Plan update outlines the City's progress on 71 action items listed by goal. The report card notes whether an item is On -Track, Delayed, Not on Track, Ongoing, or Completed. On -Track Delayed Not on Track Ongoing Completed 2021-2023 UPDATE CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2030 STRATEGIC PLAN Strategic Framework F_ VALUES VISION Rosemead is a safe, © welcoming, connected, and Safety active city, a destination with thriving local businesses, well-maintained parks and ® infrastructure, and quality Diversity programming and services which support the entire ' community. ® Community ----- MISSION Service Rosemead provides quality programs, services, and support mthat builds community, • ts` Family increases opportunity, and tt y makes Rosemead a great place to live, work, and play. GOALS A. SAFETY Rosemead is a safe city for all who live, work, and play here. B. RESPONSIVE, INCLUSIVE CITY Rosemead provides quality services, programming, and events in an engaging and culturally sensitive manner that support the changing needs of our population. C. INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Rosemead supports a safe, active, and climate conscious community through its well-maintained streets and sidewalks, continually improving infrastructure, and use and promotion of renewable energy. D. PARKS AND PROGRAMS Rosemead has parks, facilities, green space, and recreational and cultural resources to meet the needs of our residents. E. EMPLOYEE RETENTION AND DEVELOPMENT Rosemead is an adaptable organization focused on employee growth, development, and retention, and one that promotes a culture of collaboration, support, and success. F. FINANCE Rosemead is fiscally solvent and is successful in leveraging new opportunities to fund the city's programs and services. G. ACTIVATION AND ECONOMY Rosemead is a vibrant city with a diverse business community, and a destination which draws visitors from across the San Gabriel Valley and beyond. H. LAND USE AND ZONING Rosemead supports new development and local businesses, focuses on the revitalization of our major corridors, and finds creative solutions to the, changing needs of residents and businesses It a;q W �• r , 1 �,' .l'1 GOALS ;. OSE EAD GOAL A: SAFETY Rosemead is a safe city for all who live, work, and play here. Three neighborhood watch meetings Expand the neighborhood watch program to completed. Two new neighborhoods include and rotate among all neighborhoods in\ Action A.1 X the City and organize monthly or bi-monthly \ \ I I I / ; \ Public Safety pending. Scheduling additional ongoing meetings as requested. Block meetings of all neighborhood block Captains. captain meeting complete will hold one in the summer. Include Sheriff and Public Safety staff attendance Action A.2 at all neighborhood watch community meetings. X \ Sheriff, Public Safety Completed. Increase the visibility of Sheriff through Action A.3 expanded patrols throughout the City. X \[]I ,o r � Sheriff Completed, ongoing. Working on this item with PSC and LASD. Hold regularly scheduled safety trainings for staff 10111' Human Resources, Mock drill will be taking place in Action A.4 and provide expanded safety programs and X \I \r / ; Public Safety October 2023 to coincide with the education in city publications for residents. Great Shakeout. Action AS Provide crime statistics to residents via social media to keep the community better x '4 P o r ,v r \ Public Safety Completed. k eted. Included this item In Rosemead This informed. Develop a maintenance plan for all City Phase I of the Camera System Upgrade project is Action A.6 facilities, including lighting and camera x ; r Public Works complete. The Parks and Facilities Master Plan is equipment reviews to determine if updates i i anticipated to be released in FY 23-24. or maintenance are required. Upon completion of Phase I, evaluate the additional coverage area needs and explore grant Explore rant fundis to Install additional P B B Apr opportunities if warranted. Action A.7 cameras in parks and other public facilities x i r M Public Works pending - Phase II: Evaluation of needs and to help deter crime. securing grant funding. On track to complete in 6 months. Hire a part-time social worker or case , Action A.8 manager to provide outreach services to homeless individuals, coordinating work x , q r a WGI \ Community Development/City Completed. LA CADA services start August 1. with all City staff including Public Works * : Manager's office and the Sheriffs Department. Explore grant opportunities and continue toWorking with LA CADA and Homelessness work with San Gabriel Valley Council of x i r City Managers office/community potential Subcommittee to identifyotential Action A.9 Governments (SGVCOG) and other regional x x Development funding sources for expanded services. partners to address homelessness. GOAD. � RESPONSIVE, INCLUSIVE CITY Rosemead provides quality services, programming, and events in an engaging and culturally sensitive manner that support the changing needs of our population. Create a communications plan with an internal PIO Action B.1 team to promote the City's programs, services, and X SBI City Managers Office Survey released and results received. Started draft comms progress of the implementation of the Strategic plan. Plan. Action B.2 Create a quarterly multi-lingual community newsletter to share news and City information and X p f� \ City Managers Office Rosemead This Week is available in multiple languages as requested. RTW is formatted to translate on non-native publicize the City's programs and services. English phones. Include opportunities for input at all City -hosted Ongoing. Staff Survey patrons of our concert series this Action B.3 events so residents and businesses can provide feedback about city services, programs, and events. X ; , \ Parks and Recreation summer. A customer satisfaction survey has been p programs. developed for classes and ro rams. Will be available , online. �7 The Youth Advisory Committee will be planning a cultural Action 8.4 Organize more cultural events which recognize and X \�I Parks and Recreation event in the Spring of 2024. celebrate the diversity of Rosemead. 14 I ' GOAL L (Continued) Action B.S Continue and expand the Rosemead Anti- % a I \ ► Parks and Recreation Staff introduced an anti -hate art contest in Fall of 2022. A poetry contest was introduced in May of 2023, but was not held due to Hate Campaign. \ r �:, \' low Staff to the events. participation. will continue promote Ensure all city information, literature and outreach is engaging and available in the X \ \ I City Manager's Office Action B.6 languages most commonly spoken in the \ r have expanded translation capabilities. city. Hold multi-lingual open houses at City Recommend Implementation of Leadership Academy in Action B.7 Hall to promote and educate the X \OI \ Ir City Manager's Office Rosemead. Once a year. Communications survey to identify Community about the city's services to \ I community preferences for this activity. residents and businesses. -- Create a set of civic education workshops Possible creation of Rosemead Leadership Academy. Action B.8 to educate the Community about how X \ \ r City Manager's Office/ Implementation of Youth In Government Day to engage youth in they can get involved in city governance \ r Parks and Recreation City governance. and activities. Continue and expand trainings for staff to learn about different aspects of the CPR Certification. Initiated customer services training with CIPIA. Action B.9 organization to provide quality services, % \ ► Human Resources 3 of 4 trainings. completed. Scheduling 2 refresher trainings per including directing inquiries to \ I /;\ year for staff. appropriate departments and/or personnel. Action B.10 Research and evaluate the creation of a % \ \ ► ► Z Parks and Recreation The Youth Advisory Committee has been reestablished and is Youth Advisory Commission. \ \� currently meeting. GOAL C: INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Rosemead supports a safe, active, and climate conscious community through its well-maintained streets and sidewalks, continual improvements to infrastructure, and use and promotion of renewable energy. Street Improvement and facility rehabilitation projects Continue ongoing improvements to streets X a /\ \�� �f Public Works Included within FY 22-23 & FY 23-24 CIP Program. Nine CIP Action C.1 and infrastructure in the city. 't : / projects were initiated and five CIP Projects were completed in FY 22-23. The Local Road Safety Plan was completed in 2022. The Maintain or enhance crosswalks, lighting, development of the Sidewalk ADA Master Plan started in and public sidewalks, and review current \ � 2023. An RFP has been prepared for the Streetlight Master Program is ACt10n C.2 X X \ � Public Works Plan. The Sidewalk Replacement an annual lighting standards to determine whether \ I / : project to remove and replace existing damaged concrete at they need to be revised and/or updated. various locations in the City. Edison has a program to replace bulbs for free. Continue to seek grant and other funding .fir Action C.3 opportunities for street improvements and X X X ;0: ` Public Works Staff continuously seeking grant opportunities. infrastructure enhancements. Review the city's existing bike plan to PW has reviewed the City's 2012 Bike Plan, presented it at Action C.4 determine the feasibility of including X X \ \ I \ / Public Works the March 2022 Traffic Commission, and will determine the feasibility of bike lanes Burin the design has of CIP ty g B p bicycle infrastructure as an element of street improvement projects. roadway projects Develop and support projects which %Community \ I Public Works/ To consider multi -modal opportunities as part of Action C.S incorporate multi -modal transportation ,o ;development / : ` project reviews systems. Development INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES parks and park facilities Create a parking structure to address parking issues x x ��� Action C6 in the city. Community Development/ Create preferential parking districts in residential X x I r Action C7 areas. Public Works staff to present at a future meeting to Public Works Develop a five-year Capital Improvement Projecti X X Action C8 (CIP) program. ; i Develop and/or update maintenance and repairr Action C.9 management plans for all city facilities, including all X x v r parks and park facilities Public Works Funding is available within FY 23-24 CIP for the development of the Parks and Facilitie's Master Plan. Quality of Life cleanup event. Rosemead Beautification Action C.10 Continue to organize community clean-up events X X x It r City Clerk's Office Commission has taken the lead on this effort with that involve residents and businesses. q r / : quarterly clean-ups as of 2023. Ongoing Planning entitlement process. Beautification Community Development/ Commission has electrical box project in their list of X City Clerk's Office/ projects but have been focusing to establish the Action C.li Incorporate more art in public spaces in the city. quarterly clean-up projects first before starting another Public Works project. Art in public space are recommended for new projects but cannot be mandated. Community Development to identify location of parking Community Development/ structure. This item requires land and is not available at Public Works the moment. Community Development/ Public Works/Planning to investigate needs and present Public Works item to Traffic Commission for consideration. Public Works staff to present at a future meeting to Public Works update Council. Public Works Funding is available within FY 23-24 CIP for the development of the Parks and Facilitie's Master Plan. Quality of Life cleanup event. Rosemead Beautification Action C.10 Continue to organize community clean-up events X X x It r City Clerk's Office Commission has taken the lead on this effort with that involve residents and businesses. q r / : quarterly clean-ups as of 2023. Ongoing Planning entitlement process. Beautification Community Development/ Commission has electrical box project in their list of X City Clerk's Office/ projects but have been focusing to establish the Action C.li Incorporate more art in public spaces in the city. quarterly clean-up projects first before starting another Public Works project. Art in public space are recommended for new projects but cannot be mandated. GOAL D: PARKS AND PROGRAMS Rosemead has parks, facilities, green space, and recreational and cultural resources to meet the needs of residents across the City. Continue to explore and evaluate Action D.1 opportunities for new parks and other green spaces in the City. Update and expand park amenities, events, and programs so they are more accessible and inclusive, focusing on key Action D.2 segments of the population including youth, seniors, those with special needs, and residents who are not English speakers. Provide case management services and Action D.3 emotional development/support to seniors and youth in the community. Expand community outreach to identify Action D.4 additional programming needs of residents. X X x 11 IF \ r x x x j r \ r \�r x x ; \ r x 'V r R \I Dog Park opened on March 13, 2023. Staff is working Parks and Recreation with Edison to possibly develop the proposed Founder's Park. No changes to the license agreement with Edison. Will be taking amenity ideas to the Parks Commission Parks and Recreation and Youth Committee to look at items that can be implemented. Staff is currently researching agencies that offer Parks and Recreation services. Will hopefully implement it in October of 2023. Surveys of programs, events and activities have been offered to identify opportunities for improvements and Parks and Recreation programming gaps. Action D.5 Continue to look for funding \ r opportunities to expand parks and x x X \ r Parks and Recreation Staff researching opportunities. facilities. \ r r.r)Al no DADL(� ANn PPr)r.PAAA N Create partnerships with community ��► Action D.6 organizations and sports teams to enhance X X ► Parks and Recreation No plan developed. City sports facilities and parks programming. ► An updated draft policy has been ��► created and will be presented to the Action D.7 Update the Field Allocation Policy. X \ ► ► Parks and Recreation City Managers' office by September of 2023. Develop cultural arts programming and/or a ► Cultural arts program next FY and Action D.8 Cultural Arts Commission to create and X X;8; Parks and Recreation possible commission. Item will be a sponsor arts and cultural events in the City. �1 Med-term project. Create an Art Walk event to highlight artists in X X 11 ► Parks and Recreation This item will be researched and Action D.9 the Rosemead community. ; developed b p y staff. Plan for FY 24-25. No action has been taken, staff will Study and evaluate the expansion of the X ► '10" Parks and Recreation need to meet with the City Engineer to Action D. 10 Splash Zone. '1 ; discuss and determine the feasibility of the project. Action D. 11 Research a location to have a dedicated soccer X 11 r Parks and Recreation No land available cufrently. field. GOAL E: EMPLOYEE RETENTION Rosemead is an adaptable organization focused on employee growth, development, and retention, and one that promotes a culture of success, support, and collaboration. Reinstate quarterly City Manager's lunch to engage all 'QV City Managers Starting in January, each dept head to provide Action E.1 staff and inform them about city efforts, initiatives, X X x I V ` Office updates for lunch. There will also be a change of p g efforts, programs, and accomplishments. venue. Two held, one upcoming. Progress has not been made pending the hiring of an Create an organizational succession plan that identifies \ I Cit Mana ers y g HR Manager. Recommendation: Remove item as it Action E.2 opportunities for promoting talent within the X v ; ; Office/ Human can cause personnel issues. Focus will be on organization. Resources professional growth. Establish a professional development program that ,�, , City Manager's Departments need to identify specific training Action E.3 inciudes relevant and appropriate training and X X 1 \ I ! Office/ Human programs Manager to review p g for their staff. New HR rams education for full and part-time staff to achieve their \ I Resources with Dept. heads to identify classifications. goals. Develop a professional advancement plan that ' \�I City Managers Dept heads to place items in the budget. Each dept to Action E.4 describes the roles and necessary requirements of X X \ I ' Office/ Human determine plan. It is recommended to remove the every position in the organization. The plan will also \ I Resources item as it echoes Item E.3. outline the interaction relationships between positions. UUAL t (Continued) EMPLOYEE RETENTION Action E.5 Create an organizational chart that demonstrates how the staff across departments and positions relate to each X \ ;�r I \ City Manager's Office/ Resources - Sent to all department heads. Human other. Create and advertise program opportunities Design and implement a mentorship program that informs \ j I Cityanagers MOffice/ to connect mentors with mentees. Email to Action E.6 and connects staff across different departments and staff x \ I Human Resources be sent to dept. heads about mentorship levels. opportunities. Mentors can be dept. heads or pp p managers. Create a staff cross -training program that includes To be implemented as a one -day event. Action E.7 opportunities to interact with staff from different X X \oI \ I City Manager's Office/ Recommendation to remove item as it is departments to learn about advancement within the \ I Human Resources similar to item E.B. organization. Establish a staff recognition and appreciation program that Several staff from various departments were Action E.8 celebrates the accomplishments of staff at all levels and departments, through an employee of the month X \ \ I City Manager's Office/ Human Resources recognized. Team Member Recognition Program per Admin Policy 30-D7 is campaign, spotlights at City Council meetings, and \ I \• implemented. organizational publications. Create staff team building activities and events that \ I t City staff is working on providing monthly \ I Action E.9 promote interaction and encourage socialization between X \ I Human Resources opportunities for staff interaction and staff across different departments. � ' \ \ engagement. GOAL � FINANCE Rosemead is fiscally solvent and is successful in leveraging new opportunities to fund the City's programs and services. 11 Action F.1 Provide quarterly financial status reports to City staff and x x \ I x \ I Finance Ongoing. Provided financial status reports at mid -year, and during the budget workshop. Next City Council. \ I / : 1 \ financial status report will be in November. Action F.1 Conduct outreach to inform the community about the City's finances and when budgets are presented to the City x x \ x ;Br \ Finance Adding snippets to RTW on revenue streams Council. n JB j p Created Public Facilities Internal Service Fund. CC Action F.3 Establish a long-term plan to support facility andx x \ I o?i ' � , Public Works/Finance authorized 7 mil to Service Fund in lune. Long infrastructure maintenance. term plan needs to be set in place. Pursue bonding opportunities to implement Capital x x \ I x \ I Public Works/Finance Further evaluation by Finance and Public Works Action F4 Improvement Projects. \ I needed. Fully funded for current projects. Establish a cross -functional team with representatives \ I Grant opportunities have been shared with staff Action F.5 from all City departments to identify and pursue grant x x ;B; Finance as they arise, no cross -functional team has been funding opportunities and partnerships. * established. Further evaluation of both ActiveNet and Tyler Coordinate between the Finance and Parks and Recreation \ I Finance/ systems is needed. Request to change timeline Action F.6 Departments to create a streamlined approach linking x \ I \ I Parks and Recreation to Med-Term item. This item would require a Parks and Recreation registration and financial software. change in Parks and Rec software and would B eliminate software. GOAL G: ACTIVATION AND ECONOMY Rosemead is a vibrant City with a diverse business community, and a destination which draws visitors from across the San Gabriel Valley and beyond. Create a vibrant annual food event that supports local restaurants and draws residents and visitors from other places across the region. Community Development Met with the Chamber and will plan an event for Spring 2024. Opportunity to showcase local restaurants, food trucks, etc. Engage with the Rosemead Chamber of ► Chamber and City staff have collaborated in ribbon -cutting events for new businesses. Action Commerce to create connections and reinforce x X X It ; . ; ` Community Development Staff is working with the Chamber to visit G.2BI support for local businesses. businesses in the near future.. Action Establish a cultural arts activation to 1jr As new projects are submitted, staff will program X It ► Community Development continue to encourage this action item as it is G.3 activate and beautify the commercial corridors. v I / : optional and not mandated. on Identify a designated location that can becomeActi � ► Community Development/ Civic Center seems appropriate. The Mayors State of the Citywas located within this area. G.4 the heart of the City and where the community x i I ► / ` Parks and Recreation In addition, past moon festivals were located can celebrate its diverse cultures. along valley Blvd., within this area. Hire a Public Information Officer to support Staff is evaluating the City and respective Action marketing and distribution of information'10I X X '.. 14 : City Managers Office departments to identify the type of support G.5 related to activation events and economic needed. development. GOAL Ho. LAND USE AND ZONING Rosemead supports new development and local businesses, focuses on the revitalization of our major corridors, and finds creative solutions to the changing needs of residents and businesses. As new projects are submitted, staff will Create shared areas, green spate, and park \ I continue to encourage this action item. New have begun incorporating Action H.1 X x X Community Development projects shared areas, amenities through new development projects. N I / ; \ such as plazas and public parking. Community benefits will be set to encourage developers. for\�I As new projects are submitted, staff will explore Action H.2 Explore art in public places opportunities X X \ I It Community Development options to incorporate public art. large development projects. r Shea Homes project "Cassia" (formerly Mission Villas) will incorporate four affordable (low - Action H.3 Explore the option for housing development to X X 14 / Community Development income) units. The Affordable Housing benefit students, seniors, and young adults. 11 / / ; \ Agreement sets preference to veterans or persons of military status. Marketing to begin soon. .- - The City's Commercial Fagade Program has been Action HA Create an incentive program to attract and x X inr 11 F/ Community Development revised to a grant. We've designed the program retain businesses. \ I� \ to be more business friendly. Program promoted _ to new businesses. Streamline the development process by vr This will be incorporated into the Updates to the Action H.5 establishing design standards along the Design x ; 11 Community Development Zoning Code project. City retained Psomas to Overlay Zones for by -right approval. _. work on the updates. GOA;.. (Continued) LAND USE AND ZONING Attract new business by streamlining the x • • , pp r i� Ordinance 1009 was adopted by the City Council on April Community Development 12, 2022. AUP approval in Commercial and Mixed -Use Action H.6 alcohol licensing • r / : \♦ zones. permit process. Implement an in -lieu fee to build affordable •OI/ Consider removing this action. City is required to adopt an Action H.7 x • / Community Development inclusionary housing ordinance before collecting in -lieu fees housing. • r specifically for affordable housing. This will be incorporated into the Updates to the Zoning Explore adding residential uses as Code project. City retained Psomas to work on the updates. Action H.8 permitted uses along major commercial x i�j Community Development As part of this project, some of the areas along commercial • r corridors, specifically on Valley Boulevard, will incorporate a corridors and specifically Valle Boulevard. P Y Y mixed-use overlay. This will provide an opportunity to incorporate residential development In commercial zones. Create opportunities to establish a vibrant Action H.9 food hall that includes small, locally grown restaurants and communal spaces for customers to enjoy. Identify the appropriate planning tools to Action encourage mixed use development that H.10 includes housing along the commercial corridors. • The Myriad Food Hall is currently under the Building Plan • I/ Community Development Check. Applicant is expected to pull permits this year. The • Myriad should open at the end of next year. This will be incorporated into the Updates to the Zoning •p, Code project. City retained Psomas to work on the updates. • r Community Development As part of this project, some areas along the commercial • / and industrial zones will incorporate a mixed-use overlay. This will encourage housing along those corridors. IMAGINE ROSEMEAD 2021-2023 UPDATE 2030 STRATEGIC PLAN Attachment B Approved Strategic Plan EMEADl Fl. tl` _A 1 911, c IMAGINE ROS E M EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2030 STRATEGIC PLAN PREPARED BY M A -1 Z. s , Fl. tl` _A 1 911, c IMAGINE ROS E M EAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2030 STRATEGIC PLAN PREPARED BY M 1111411/ In 2609; Rosemead"iii elope'difss"iia Strategic Plan, Vision 2020, with broad community input. It described the collective vision and values of the city and laid out five strategy areas to organize Rosemead's objectives for the coming years. These continue to provide a framework for improving and expanding city services and infrastructure, promoting Rosemead as a destination for business, and offering sound fiscal guidance for a contract city with finite resources. The beginning of a new decade provides an opportunity to revisit the themes and goals of Vision 2020 and imagine Rosemead forward into the next decade to 2030. This strategic plan will serve as a roadmap for implementing Rosemead's ongoing vision as a leader in service provision and continuous improvement and will be a framework for setting city counci .w Y' • y yY 4�-fir - P� A • � RLQ ! nAi, AZ Ilk Ift aw— Al CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2 0 3 0 STRATEGIC P L A N I 2 PLANNING PROCESS OVERVIEW From June to October 2021, we engaged the community, City Council, City department leaders and staff, and other stakeholders through various meetings, working sessions, focus groups, and surveys to craft this Strategic Plan. Our planning process included four phases, guided by MIG, Inc. as our strategic planning consultants. Phase 1 Assessment Define our shared outcomes for the process, and identify issues and priorities for the future through a range of engagement activities. Phase 2 Developing the Framework Refine and update the City's values, vision, and mission, and develop goals for the next ten years. Phase 3 Strategic Plan Development Develop strategies and actions to meet these goals and develop the Strategic Plan. Phase 4 Implementation Develop an Action Plan framework to serve as a guide for ongoing work toward goals, and define performance measures to serve as milestones along the way. ELEMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN The City of Rosemead Strategic Plan includes the following elements: Values Shared beliefs that reflect what the community considers significant and important. Vision �•� A desired end state and preferred future. Goals Statements of direction toward the city's desired future. Actions A prioritized list of steps needed to accomplish goals and objectives. Mission The purpose and associated responsibilities of the city as an organization. Objectives Specific statements of action J about what the city hopes to achieve. Action Plan Identifies a timeframe for completing actions, responsible parties, and required resources. STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK VALUES SAFETY DIVERSITY COMMUNITY SERVICE FAMILY VISION Rosemead is a safe, welcoming, connected, and active city, a destination with thriving local businesses, well-maintained parks and infrastructure, and quality programming and services which support the entire community. MISSION Rosemead provides quality programs, services, and support that builds community, increases opportunity, and makes Rosemead a great place to live, work, and play. SAFETY Rosemead is a safe city for all who live, work, and play here. EMPLOYEE RETENTION AND DEVELOPMENT Rosemead is an adaptable organization focused on employee growth, development, and retention, and one that promotes a culture of collaboration, support, and success. GOALS RESPONSIVE, INCLUSIVE CITY Rosemead provides quality services, programming, and events in an engaging and culturally sensitive manner that support the changing needs of our population. FINANCE Rosemead is fiscally solvent and is successful in leveraging new opportunities to fund the city's programs and services. INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Rosemead supports a safe, active, and climate conscious community through its well-maintained streets and sidewalks, continually improving infrastructure, and use and promotion of renewable energy. ACTIVATION AND ECONOMY Rosemead is a vibrant city with a diverse business community, and a destination which draws visitors from across the San Gabriel Valley and beyond. PARKS AND PROGRAMS Rosemead has parks, facilities, green space, and recreational and cultural resources to meet the needs of our residents. LAND USE AND ZONING Rosemead supports new development and local businesses, focuses on the revitalization of our major corridors, and finds creative solutions to the changing needs of residents and businesses THIS PLAN Each Strategic Plan Goal includes five elements: 1. Objective Statement What the City of Rosemead hopes to achieve in the coming years. 2. Actions The set of activities the City of Rosemead will use to reach each goal. 3. Metrics Milestones and/or indicators used to articulate annual progress and achievements. 4. Timeline Completion target dates for each action are organized within the Plan timeframe as short-term (in years 1 and 2), medium term (5 years) or long-term (9 to 10 years). S. Lead Department(s) The City Management Team is responsible for executing and coordinating implementation and reporting for actions under each goal. Additionally, key supporting partners for each action are identified. These are listed in the Action Plan which follows the goal areas below. IMPLEMENTATION Implementing our Strategic Plan will involve all of us. City Council will guide, and City Management Team will direct this process— Directors will coordinate and be responsible for implementing the work of each goal relevant to their department. During each year of this Plan, the City Management Team will meet bimonthly to review actions and progress toward the Plan's goals. City leadership will report to the City Council on a bi-annual basis on progress, and will coordinate a review of the Strategic Plan every two years to report back to the Rosemead community and revise and update the Plan as needed. GOAL A. SAFETY OObjective Statement Rosemead will enhance public safety in our City by providing safe access to public facilities, expand neighborhood safety programs, and improve quality of life, which will include assisting homeless residents in our community. Actions I T • Expand the neighborhood watch program to include and rotate among all neighborhoods in the City and organize monthly or bi-monthly meetings of all neighborhood block Captains. • Include Sheriff and Public Safety staff attendance at all neighborhood watch community meetings. • Increase the visibility of sheriff through expanded patrols throughout the City. • Hold regularly scheduled safety trainings for staff and provide expanded safety programs and education in City publications for residents. • Provide crime statistics to residents via social media to keep the community better informed. • Develop a maintenance plan for all City facilities, including lighting and camera equipment reviews to determine if updates or maintenance are required. • Explore grant funding to install additional cameras in parks and other public facilities to help deter crime. • Hire a part-time social worker or case manager to provide outreach services to homeless individuals, coordinating work with all City staff including Public Works and the Sheriff Department. • Explore grant opportunities and continue to work with San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) and other regional partners to address homelessness. Metrics • Reduced crime statistics • Dollars awarded in grant funding • Increase number of partnerships • Improve public safety perception rating RESPONSIVE, INCLUSIVE CITY Objective Statement Rosemead will continue to provide quality services that are inclusive and responsive to meet the changing needs of our diverse community. m�Actions II � • Create a communications plan with an internal PIO team to promote the City's programs, services, and progress of the implementation of the Strategic Plan. • Create a quarterly multi-lingual community newsletter to share news and City information and publicize the City's programs and services. • Include opportunities for input at all City -hosted events so residents and businesses can provide feedback about city services, programs, and events. • Organize more cultural events which recognize and celebrate the diversity of Rosemead. • Continue and expand the Rosemead Anti -Hate Campaign. • Ensure all City information, literature and outreach is engaging and available in the languages most commonly spoken in the City. • Hold multi-lingual open houses at City Hall to promote and educate the community about the City's services to residents and businesses. • Create a set of civic education workshops to educate the community about how they can get involved in city governance and activities. • Continue and expand trainings for staff to learn about different aspects of the organization to provide quality services, including directing inquiries to appropriate departments and/or personnel. • Research and evaluate the creation of a Youth Advisory Commission. Metrics • Increase number of multilingual communications s • Increase number of input points with community • Increase number of community events • Implement cross trainings for staff INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Objective Statement Rosemead will continue to renovate and enhance streets, sidewalks, and public infrastructure; coordinate with relevant utility agencies regarding safety and enhancements; and modernize facilities by expanding the use of wireless network technology and renewable energy. Actions m • Continue ongoing improvements to streets and infrastructure in the City. • Maintain or enhance crosswalks, lighting, and public sidewalks, and review current lighting standards to determine whether they need to be revised and/or updated. • Continue to seek grants and other funding opportunities for street improvements and infrastructure enhancements. • Review the City's existing bike plan to determine the feasibility of including bicycle infrastructure as an element of street improvement projects. • Develop and support projects which incorporate multi -modal transportation systems. • Create a parking structure to address parking issues in the City. • Create preferential parking districts in residential areas. • Develop a five-year Capital Improvement Project (CIP) program. • Develop and/or update maintenance and repair management plans for all City facilities, including all parks and park facilities. • Continue to organize community clean-up events that involve residents and businesses. • Incorporate more art in public spaces in the City. Metrics i# • Number of completed projects/plans • Number of maintenance requests completed • Dollars awarded in grant funding CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2 0 3 0 STRATEGIC PLAN 1 1 0 GOAL L. PARKS AND PROGRAMS Objective Statement Rosemead will continue to expand the existing green space, parks, City facilities, and programs available through community partnerships, expanded community stewardship, and development of a more robust cultural programming. Actions r • Continue to explore and evaluate opportunities for new parks and other green space in the City. • Update and expand park amenities, events, and programs so they are more accessible and inclusive, focusing on key segments of the population including youth, seniors, those with special needs, and residents who are not English speakers. • Provide case management services and emotional development/support to seniors and youth in the community. • Expand community outreach to identify additional programming needs of residents. • Continue to look for funding opportunities to expand parks and facilities. • Create partnerships with community organizations and sports teams to enhance City sports facilities and parks programming. • Update the Field Allocation Policy. • Develop cultural arts programming and/or a Cultural Arts Commission to create and sponsor arts and culture events in the City. • Create an Art Walk event to highlight artists in the Rosemead community. • Study and evaluate the expansion of the Splash Zone. • Research a location to have a dedicated soccer field. isMetrics • Number of events • Number of seniors served for case management • Dollars awarded in grant funding • Number of established partnerships with CBCs • Increase square footage for green space GOAL t EMPLOYEE RETENTION AND DEVELOPMENT Objective Statement Ulm Rosemead will actively support employee development and provide growth opportunities, cross -training and competitive salaries to retain quality staff. Actions T • Reinstate quarterly City Manager's lunch to engage all staff and inform them about the City's efforts, initiatives, programs, and accomplishments. • Create an Organizational Succession Plan that identifies opportunities for promoting talent within the organization. • Establish a Professional Development program that includes relevant and appropriate training and education for full and part-time staff to achieve their goals. • Develop a professional advancement plan that describes the roles and necessary requirements of every position in the organization. The plan will also outline the interaction relationships between positions. • Create an organizational chart that demonstrates how the staff across departments and positions relate to each other. • Design and implement a mentorship program that informs and connects staff across different departments and staff levels. • Create a staff cross -training program that includes opportunities to interact with staff from different departments to learn about advancement within the organization. • Establish a staff recognition and appreciation program that celebrates the accomplishments of staff at all levels and departments, through an employee of the quarter campaign, spotlights at City Council meetings, and organizational publications. • Create staff team building activities and events that promote interaction and encourage socialization between staff across different departments. Metrics s • Increase number of staff engagement touchpoints • Increase staff retention • Increase staff readiness/advancement • Increase proportion of internal promotions versus external recruitment • Number of trainings for staff • Number of staff attending trainings • Number of performance appraisals completed on time • Number of goals achieved by department GOAL 1, - FINANCE OObjective Statement Rosemead will remain a fiscally solvent city by enacting and adhering to established financial policies, including parameters for reserves. The City will continue to explore revenue generating and cost savings opportunities through the development of alternative funding sources and other possible means. Actions •Provide quarterly financial status reports to City staff and City Council. • Conduct outreach to inform the community about the City's finances and when budgets are presented to the City Council. • Establish a long-term plan to support facility and infrastructure maintenance. • Pursue bonding opportunities to implement Capital Improvement Projects. • Establish a cross -functional team with representatives from all City departments to identify and pursue grant funding opportunities and partnerships. • Coordinate between the Finance and Parks and Recreation Departments to create a streamlined approach linking Parks and Recreation registration and financial software. isMetrics • Balanced budget • Increase number of grants and partnerships • Reduce costs from procurement processes/practices • Increase return on investment from Finance CITY OF R O S E M E A D 2 0 3 0 STRATEGIC PLAN 11 3' ACTIVATION AND ECONOMY OObjective Statement Rosemead will support active and vibrant business corridors, create events to celebrate the City and its businesses, and cultivate destinations through public art, activities, and promotion to continue to draw visitors to the City. t Actions II � • Create a vibrant annual food event that supports local restaurants and draws residents and visitors from other places across the region. • Engage with the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce to create connections and reinforce support for local businesses. • Establish a cultural arts activation program to activate and beautify the commercial corridors. • Identify a designated location that can become the heart of the City and where the community can celebrate its diverse cultures. • Hire a Public Information Officer to support marketing and distribution of information related to activation events and economic development. Metrics • Number of community events (relate to actions) • Increase in TOT and sales tax • Number of partnerships with The Rosemead Chamber of Commerce CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2030 STRATEGIC PLAN t 4 GOA1 ' LAND USE AND ZONING OObjective Statement Rosemead will continue to create policies that encourage new development, respond to the changing housing needs of residents, promote activation along our major corridors, and support the local business community. Actions •Create shared areas, green space, and park amenities through new development projects. • Explore art in public places opportunities for large development projects. • Explore the option for housing development to benefit students, seniors, and young adults. • Create an incentive program to attract and retain businesses. • Streamline the development process by establishing design standards along the Design Overlay Zones for by -right approval. • Attract new business by streamlining the alcohol licensing permit process. • Implement an in -lieu fee to build affordable housing. • Explore adding residential uses as permitted uses along major commercial corridors and specifically Valley Boulevard. • Create opportunities to establish a vibrant food hall that includes small, locally grown restaurants and communal spaces for customers to enjoy. • Identify the appropriate planning tools to encourage mixed use development that includes housing along the commercial corridors. isMetrics • Number of housing units developed in commercial corridors • Increase amount of open space in new developments • Number of business licenses both new and renewed • Increase number of restaurants m 1 i✓t r b �. .i YAw }I ✓R" " 0 m 0 p 0 e x ysgyg. CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2 0 3 0 5 T R A T E G 1 C P L A NA16 SAFETY Rosemead is a safe city for all who live, work, and play here. Objective Rosemead will enhance public safety in our City by providing safe access to public facilities, expand neighborhood safety programs, and improve quality of life, which will include assisting homeless residents in our community. Metrics • Reduce crime statistics • Dollars awarded in grant funding • Increase number of partnerships • Improve public safety perception rating Expand the neighborhood watch program to include Action A.1 and rotate among all neighborhoods in the City and X Public Safety Sheriff organize monthly or bi-monthly meetings of all neighborhood block Captains. Include Sheriff and Public Safety staff attendance at X Sheriff, Public Action A.2 Safety all neighborhood watch community meetings. Action A.3 Increase the visibility of Sheriff through expanded X Sheriff patrols throughout the City. Hold regularly scheduled safety trainings for staff Human Resources, Action A.4 and provide expanded safety programs and X Public Safety education in City publications for residents. SAFETY (Continued) Action AS Provide crime statistics to residents via social X Public Safety City Manager's Office media to keep the community better informed. Develop a maintenance plan for all City facilities, Action A.6 including lighting and camera equipment reviews to X Public Works Public Safety determine if updates or maintenance are required. Action A.7 Explore grant funding to install additional cameras in X Public Works City Manager's Office parks and other public facilities to help deter crime. Hire a part-time social worker or case manager to Community Action A.8 Provide outreach services to homeless individuals, X Development/City Public Safety coordinating work with all City staff including Public Manager's Office Works and the Sheriff Department. Explore grant opportunities and continue to work Community San Gabriel Valley Council Action A.9 with San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments X X Development/City ment/Cit X P Y of Governments (SGVCOG) and other regional partners to address Manager's Office (SGVCOG)/ homelessness. various regional partners 2 GOAL S: RESPONSIVE, INCLUSIVE CITY Rosemead provides quality services, programming, and events in an engaging and culturally sensitive manner that support the changing needs of our population. Objective Rosemead will continue to provide quality services that are inclusive and responsive to meet the changing needs of our diverse community. Metrics • Increase number of multilingual communications • Increase number of input points with community • Increase number of community events • Implement cross trainings for staff Create a communications plan with an internal PIO Action B.1 team to promote the City's programs, services, and X City Manager's Office All City Departments progress of the implementation of the Strategic Plan. Create a quarterly multi-lingual community Action B.Z newsletter to share news and City information and X City Managers Office publicize the City's programs and services. Include opportunities for input at all City -hosted Action B.3 events so residents and businesses can provide X Parks and Recreation feedback about city services, programs, and events. Organize more cultural events which recognize and x Parks and Recreation Action B.4 celebrate the diversity of Rosemead. All City Departments All City Departments 3 RESPONSIVE, INCLUSIVE CITY (Continued) D X Parks and Recreation City Manager's Office City Clerk All City Departments City Manager's Office All City Departments City Clerk City Manager's Office Human Resources All City Departments City Manager's Office Parks and Recreation City Manager's Office 4 Continue and expand the Rosemead Anti -Hate X Action B.5 Campaign. Ensure all City information, literature and outreach is Action B.6 engaging and available in the languages most X commonly spoken in the City. Hold multi-lingual open houses at City Hall to Action B.7 promote and educate the community about the Clty's services to residents and businesses. Create a set of civic education workshops to educate Action B.8 the community about how they can get involved in city governance and activities. Continue and expand trainings for staff to learn about different aspects of the organization to X Action B.9 provide quality services, including directing inquiries to appropriate departments and/or personnel. Research and evaluate the creation of a Youth X Action B.10 Advisory Commission. D X Parks and Recreation City Manager's Office City Clerk All City Departments City Manager's Office All City Departments City Clerk City Manager's Office Human Resources All City Departments City Manager's Office Parks and Recreation City Manager's Office 4 GOAL C: INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Rosemead supports a safe, active, and climate conscious community through its well-maintained streets and sidewalks, continual improvements to infrastructure, and use and promotion of renewable energy. Objective Rosemead will continue to renovate and enhance streets, sidewalks, and public infrastructure; coordinate with relevant utility agencies regarding safety and enhancements; and modernize facilities by expanding the use of wireless network technology and renewable energy. Metrics • Number of completed projects/plans • Number of maintenance requests completed • Dollars awarded in grant funding Action C.1 Continue ongoing improvements to streets and X X X Public Works infrastructure in the City. Maintain or enhance crosswalks, lighting, and public Action C.2 sidewalks, and review current lighting standards to X X Public Works determine whether they need to be revised and/or updated. Continue to seek grant and other funding Regional, state, and federal Action C.3 opportunities for street improvements and X X X Public Works agencies infrastructure enhancements. Community Development, Review the City's existing bike plan to determine the Neighboring cities, non-profit Action C.4 feasibility of including bicycle infrastructure as an X X Public Works organizations, community element of street improvement projects. groups Develop and support projects which incorporate X Public Works Neighboring cities, SGVCOG, Action C.5 multi -modal transportation systems. Community Development 5 INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES (Continued) Action C.6 Create a parking structure to address parking issues x x Community Public Works in the City. Development Action C.7 Create preferential parking districts in residential x x Community Public Safety, Public Works areas. Development Action C.8 Develop a five-year Capital Improvement Project x x Public Works All Departments (CIP) program. Develop and/or update maintenance and repair Action C9 management plans for all City facilities, including all x x Public Works All Departments parks and park facilities. City Manager's Office, Public Action CIO Continue to organize community clean-up events x x x Public Safety Works, Waste Hauler and that involve residents and businesses. Community Community Development, Action C11 Incorporate more art in public spaces in the City. x Parks and Recreation Non-profit organizations, and community 0 PARKS AND PROGRAMS Rosemead has parks, facilities, green space, and recreational and cultural resources to meet the needs of residents across the City. Objective Rosemead will continue to expand the existing green space, parks, City facilities, and programs available through community partnerships, expanded community stewardship, and development of a more robust cultural programming. Metrics • Number of events • Number of seniors served for case management • Dollars awarded in grant funding • Number of established partnerships with CBOs • increase square footage for green space Action D.1 Continue to explore and evaluate opportunities for X X X Parks and Recreation Community Development new parks and other green space in the City. Update and expand park amenities, events, and programs so they are more accessible and inclusive, Action D.2 focusing on key segments of the population including X X X Parks and Recreation youth, seniors, those with special needs, and residents who are not English speakers. Provide case management services and emotional Action D.3 development/support to seniors and youth in the X X Parks and Recreation community. Action D.4 Expand community outreach to identify additional X Parks and Recreation programming needs of residents. Public Works 7 GOAL C PARKS AND PROGRAMS (Continued) Action 0.5 Continue to look for funding opportunities to expand X X X Parks and Recreation City Manager's Office parks and facilities. Create partnerships with community organizations Action D.6 and sports teams to enhance City sports facilities and X X Parks and Recreation parks programming. Action D.7 Update the Field Allocation Policy. X Parks and Recreation Develop cultural arts programming and/or a Cultural Community Development Action D.8 Arts Commission to create and sponsor arts and x X Parks and Recreation and City Clerk's Office culture events in the City. Action D.9 Create an Art Walk event to highlight artists in the X x Parks and Recreation Rosemead community. Action D.10 Study and evaluate the expansion of the Splash Zone. X Parks and Recreation Public Works Action D.11 Research a location to have a dedicated soccer field. X Parks and Recreation 0 EMPLOYEE RETENTION Rosemead is an adaptable organization focused on employee growth, development, and retention, and one that promotes a culture of success, support, and collaboration. Objective Rosemead will actively support employee development and provide growth opportunities, cross -training and competitive salaries to retain quality staff. Metrics • Increase number of staff engagement touchpoints • Increase staff retention • Increase staff readiness/ advancement • Increase proportion of internal promotions versus external recruitment • Number of trainings for staff • Number of staff attending trainings • Number of performance appraisals completed on time • Number of goals achieved by department Reinstate quarterly City Manager's lunch to engage Action E.1 all staff and inform them about City efforts, X X X Human Resources City Manager's Office initiatives, efforts, programs, and accomplishments. Create an Organizational Succession Plan that Action E.2 identifies opportunities for promoting talent within X X Human Resources the organization. Establish a Professional Development program that Action E.3 includes relevant and appropriate training and X X Human Resources education for full and part-time staff to achieve their goals. All City Departments City Manager's Office All city Departments N GOAL E EMPLOYEE RETENTION (Continued) Develop a professional advancement plan that describes the roles and necessary requirements of Action E.4 every position in the organization. The plan will also X x Human Resources All City Departments outline the interaction relationships between positions. Create an organizational chart that demonstrates Action E.5 how the staff across departments and positions X Human Resources All City Departments relate to each other. Design and implement a mentorship program that Action E6 informs and connects staff across different X Human Resources All City Departments departments and staff levels. Create a staff cross -training program that includes Action E.7 opportunities to interact with staff from different X Human Resources All City Departments departments to learn about advancement within the organization. Establish a staff recognition and appreciation program that celebrates the accomplishments of Action E.8 staff at all levels and departments, through an X Human Resources City Managers Office employee of the quarter campaign, spotlights at City Council meetings, and organizational publications. Create staff team building activities and events that Action E.9 promote interaction and encourage socialization X Human Resources City Manager's Office between staff across different departments. IM GOAL F FINANCE Rosemead is fiscally solvent and is successful in leveraging new opportunities to fund the city's programs and services. objective Rosemead will remain a fiscally solvent city by enacting and adhering to established financial policies, including parameters for reserves. The City will continue to explore revenue generating and cost savings opportunities through the development of alternative funding sources and other possible means. Metrics • Balanced budget • Increase number of grants and partnerships • Reduce costs from procurement processes/ practices • Increase return on investment from Finance Action F.1 Provide quarterly financial status reports to City staff X X X Finance and City Council. Conduct outreach to inform the community about Action F.2 the City's finances and when budgets are presented X X X Finance City Manager's Office to the City Council. Establish a long-term plan to support facility and X X Finance Public Works Action F.3 infrastructure maintenance. Action F.4 Pursue bonding opportunities to implement Capital X X X Finance Public Works Improvement Projects. Establish a cross -functional team with Action FS representatives from all City departments to identify X X City Manager's Office All City Departments and pursue grant funding opportunities and partnerships. FINANCE (Continued) Coordinate between the Finance and Parks and Action F.6 Recreation Departments to create a streamlined X Parks and Recreation Finance approach linking Parks and Recreation registration and financial software. W ACTIVATION AND ECONOMY Rosemead is a vibrant city with a diverse business community, and a destination which draws visitors from across the San Gabriel Valley and beyond. Objective Rosemead will support active and vibrant business corridors, create events to celebrate the City and its businesses, and cultivate destinations through public art, activities, and promotion to continue to draw visitors to the City. Metrics • Number of community events (relate to actions) • Increase in TOT and sales tax • Number of partnerships with The Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Create a vibrant annual food event that supports Community Action G.1 local restaurants and draws residents and visitors X X X Development from other places across the region. Engage with the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce Community City Manager's Office and Action G.2 to create connections and reinforce support for local X X X Development Rosemead Chamber of businesses. Commerce and Recreation, Establish a cultural arts activation program to X Action G.3 CommunityParks Beautification Commission, activate and beautify the commercial corridors. Development Public Works Identify a designated location that can become the Action G.4 heart of the City and where the community can X celebrate its diverse cultures. Hire a Public Information Officer to support Action G.5 marketing and distribution of information related to X X activation events and economic development. Community All City Departments Development Human Resources City Manager's Office 13 LAND USE AND ZONING Rosemead supports new development and local businesses, focuses on the revitalization of our major corridors, and finds creative solutions to the changing needs of residents and businesses. Objective Rosemead will create policies which encourage new development, respond to the changing housing needs of residents, promote activation along our major corridors, and support the local business community. Metrics • Number of housing units developed in commercial corridors • Increase amount of open space in new developments • Number of business licenses both new and renewed • Increase number of restaurants Action H.1 Create shared areas, green space, and park X X X Community parks and Recreation amenities through new development projects. Development Explore art in public places opportunities for large X X Community Action H.2 development projects. Development Explore the option for housing development to X X Community Action H.3 benefit students, seniors, and young adults. Development Create an incentive program to attract and retain X X Community Action H.4 Development businesses. Streamline the development process by establishing Community Action H.5 design standards along the Design Overlay Zones for X Development by -right approval. 14 GOAL h LAND USE AND ZONING (Continued) 15 Attract new business by streamlining the alcohol x Community Public Safety Action H.6 licensing permit process. Development Action H.7 Implement an in -lieu fee to build affordable housing. X CommunityFinance Development Explore adding residential uses as permitted uses Community Action H.8 along major commercial corridors and specifically X Development Public Works Valley Boulevard. Create opportunities to establish a vibrant food hall Community Public Works, Parks and Action H.9 that includes small, locally grown restaurants and X X Development Recreation ' communal spaces for customers to enjoy. Identify the appropriate planning tools to encourage Community Action H.10 mixed use development that includes housing along X Development the commercial corridors. 15