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ADDENDUM No. 1 - Issued 11-07-2023CITY OF ROSEMEAD CALIFORNIA ADDENDUM #1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SPECIFICATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL STREET RESURFACING AND CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT No. 21035 Date Issued: November 7, 2023 Addendum 1, Page 1 of 1 Addendum for: Residential Street Resurfacing and Concrete Improvements, Project No. 21035 Addendum No.: 1 Addendum Date: November 7, 2023 Issued by: City of Rosemead Reminder 1: Bid due date/time remains unchanged. Bids are due at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. Reminder 1: Please sign Addenda Acknowledgement on page CBF-5 of Bid Package Section Titled “Contract Bid Forms”. Addendum 1 reissues the revised Table of Contents. Please see Attachment A – Revised Table of Contents per Addendum 1. Addendum 1 reissues the revised Technical Provisions (PART “C” of Bid Package). Please see Attachment B – Revised Technical Provisions per Addendum 1. Addendum 1 provides a response to the following question received: Question 1: If submitting a bid for this project through PlanetBids, Does the original bid bond need to be mailed to the City before bid opening? Response 1: All prospective bidders are to submit a copy of their bid bond online via Planetbids with their submitted bid. Once the lowest responsive bidder is recommended for award, the lowest responsive bidder will need to mail their original bid bond to the City within 3 working days. Attachments: Attachment A – Revised Table of Contents Attachment B – Revised Technical Provisions Issued by City of Rosemead ATTACHEMENT A – REVISED TABLE OF CONTENTS PER ADDENDUM 1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD RESIDENTIAL STREET RESURFACING AND CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT No. 21035 FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 REVISED TABLE OF CONTENTS BIDDING DOCUMENTS 1. Notice Inviting Bids ……………………………………………………NIB-1 - NIB-4 2. Instructions to Bidders……………………………………………...........ITB-1 - ITB-10 3. Contract Bid Forms……………………………………………………CBF-1 - CBF-16 CONTRACT AGREEMENT 1. Contract Agreement and Insurance Requirements 2. Performance Bond 3. Payment Bond CONTRACT APPENDIX Part "A" General Provisions…………………………………..GP-1 – GP-34 Part "B" Supplemental General Conditions………………….GC-1 – GC-11 Part "C" Technical Provisions……………………………..…TP-1 – TP-15 Part “D” Appendix Appendix A – Federal Requirements Appendix B – Residential Street Resurfacing and Striping Plans Appendix C – Standard Plans (from SPPWC 2021 Edition & CALTRANS) Appendix D – Concrete Improvements - Location Index ATTACHEMENT B – REVISED TECHNICAL PROVISIONS PER ADDENDUM 1 CITY OF ROSEMEAD RESIDENTIAL STREET RESURFACING AND CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT No. 21035 PART "C" TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-1 RESIDENTIAL STREET RESURFACING AND CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT No. 21035 REVISED TECHNICAL PROVISIONS A.General: 1.The Contractor shall obtain a no-fee Construction Permit before commencing construction from the City. 2. Scope of the Work covered by Contract Documents: The work consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as described in detail in the Bidding and Contract Documents, Plans and Specifications toconstruct the project. Major work components include asphalt concrete coldmill andoverlay, localized full depth asphalt concrete replacement at various locations (potholerepair), markings and striping at various locations Citywide. 3.The Contractor shall accept the site and the character of the work as they exist on the firstday of work under this contract. 4.Limits of Work: Limits of work shall be the legal property boundaries of the project site unless modified byContract limit lines indicated on the plans or as noted otherwise. Prior to commencing work on any area, the Contractor shall verify and coordinate them with the Engineer to ascertain the actual limits of work. 5.The Contractor shall take note that the final limits of AC pavement removal andreconstruction shall be coordinated and determined by the City Engineer or his/her designeeduring construction. 6.Project Schedule The Contractor shall submit a Construction Schedule to City Engineer or his/her designeeprior to beginning construction. No work may be started until a Notice to Proceed is issued by the City. A Notice to Proceed shall not be issued until the Schedule has been approved in writing. The work shall be scheduled to assure that construction will be completed withinthe specified time. The Contractor shall be held responsible for coordination of all phasesof the operation so that the time schedule can be met. The Contractor shall provide to the City all required contract bonds and evidences ofinsurance prior to the issuance of “Notice to Proceed” by the City. TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-2 If the Contractor desires to make a major change in its method or operations after commencing construction or if its Schedule fails to reflect the actual progress, the Contractor shall submit to City Engineer or his/her designee a revised Construction Schedule. Said Schedule shall be submitted in advance of beginning revised operations or within two (2) working days after notification by the City Engineer or his/her designee. City Engineer may suspend all progress payments if the Contractor fails to comply. 7.Notice to Proceed The Contractor shall not commence work until a Notice to Proceed has been issued by theCity to the Contractor. Prior to the issuance of Notice to Proceed the Contractor shall provide the following: a.The Contractor shall provide all required contract bonds and evidences of insuranceto the City;b.The Contractor shall submit a Construction Schedule to City Engineer or his/her designee; c.Obtain a no-fee Construction Permit from the City Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall not be obligated to perform any work and the City shall not be obligated to accept or pay for any work performed by the Contractor prior to delivery of a Notice to Proceed. The City's knowledge of work being performed prior to delivery of the Notice to Proceed shall not obligate the City to accept or pay for such work. The construction date shall begin within 10 days after “Notice to Proceed” is issued by the City to the Contractor. 8.Contract Time Working hours are between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays and weekends. During periods when weather or other conditions are unfavorable for construction, theContractor shall pursue only such portions of the work as shall not be damaged thereby. Noportions of the work whose acceptable quality or efficiency will be affected by any unfavorable conditions shall be constructed while those conditions exist. It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the Contractor and the City that the Contract time forcompletion of the work described herein is a reasonable time taking into consideration theaverage climatic and economic conditions and other factors prevailing in the locality of thework. 9.Delay in Obtaining Materials: No extension of time will be granted for a delay caused by the inability to obtain materialsunless the Contractor either obtains advance written approval from City Engineer or obtains TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-3 from the supplier and furnishes to the Engineer documentary proof that such materials could not be obtained due to war, government regulations, labor disputes, strikes, fires, floods, adverse weather conditions necessitating the cessation of work, or other similar action of the elements. The Contractor is required to order materials in a timely manner as specified in the "Instruction to Bidders". 10.Contract Documents The Contractor shall maintain at the job site one (1) set of Contract Documents to includePlans & Specifications, Standard Plans, and Standard Specifications for Public WoksConstruction. At the end of each working day, the Contractor shall submit to the Inspector anaccurate "as-built" drawing of any changes that occurred from the approved plans and drawings, including Change Order work, changed conditions in the field, and/or claimed extra work. The Contractor shall be responsible to obtain the Inspector's written approval ofthe accuracy of said drawing. No invoice will be accepted for processing until all workincluded therein is accurately shown on the record drawings. 11.It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to completely remove all "construction graffiti" (spray paint or other marking for utilities, survey points and construction limits) prior toacceptance of the work as completed. 12.All cost for complying with the requirements of this section shall be included in the various items of the bidding schedule unless specified otherwise. B.Construction Staking: 1.The Contractor shall be responsible for construction staking. 2.Unless otherwise provided in the special provision, lines and grades for the construction shallbe the responsibility of the contractor, with the following provisions: 3.All work under this contract shall be built in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the plans. Field survey for establishing these, and for the control of construction, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. All such survey work including construction staking shall bedone on all items ordinarily requiring grade and alignment, at intervals normally accepted bythe agencies and trade involved. 4.The Contractor shall provide a copy of the office calculations and grade sheets to the City Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for any error in the finished work, and shallnotify the Engineer, in writing, within 24 hours of any discrepancies, or design errors duringthe construction staking. 5.All the Survey Monuments and Bench Marks removed and/or altered during the construction shall be reset and certified "corner records" shall be submitted by the Land Surveyor, to theEngineer prior to the final acceptance of the construction. TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-4 6. Payment for surveying, construction staking, setting of the Survey Monuments and Bench Marks, preparing corner records, professional services, office and field calculations, furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved, shall be considered as included in the items of work for which the surveying work is performed, and no additional compensation will be allowed. C. Materials: 1. Material Specifications: Whenever any material is specified by name and number thereof, such specifications shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of facilitating a description of the materials and establishing the quality of the materials to be used. All materials shall be new and the best of their class and kind. No substitution will be permitted which has not been approved in writing by the Engineer. 2. Material List: 3. A complete material list shall be submitted prior to performing any work. Catalog data and full descriptive literature and manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions shall be submitted whenever the use of items different than those specified is requested. 4. The material list shall be submitted using the following sample layout (double spaced between each item). Item No. Description Manufacturer Model Number 1. material ABC Corp. XXX 5. Approval of Substitutes: 6. Approval of any items, alternates or substitutes indicates only that the product(s) apparently meet the requirements of the drawings and specifications based on the information and/or samples submitted. 7. Contractor's Responsibility: 8. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relieve the Contractor of liability under these Specifications. Such warranties only shall supplement the Contractor's responsibility. D. Inspection and Testing: All work covered by this Contract Documents shall be inspected by the City Engineer or his/her designee. Request for inspection service shall be made 24 hours in advance. All materials furnished and all work performed under the Contract shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer or his/her designee. Such review may include mill, plant, shop, TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-5 nursery, or field inspection as required. City Engineer or his/her designee shall be permitted access to all parts of the work, including plants where materials are manufactured or fabricated, and shall be furnished with such materials, information and assistance by the Contractor and its subcontractors and suppliers as is required to make a complete and detailed inspection. The City will provide standard progress building and public works inspection at no cost to the Contractor. Contractor shall arrange and pay for all other inspections required by ordinance or governing authorities, including tests in connection therewith, as may be assigned to it in other sections of the specifications. Where required by the Building Code, specialty inspectors shall be provided by the City at no cost to the contractor. The Contractor shall request specialty inspector at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of an anticipated inspection. City shall perform compaction tests as required. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain Inspection in a timely manner prior to proceeding with any phase of construction. The Contractor shall neither allow nor cause any of its work to be covered or enclosed until it has been inspected, tested and approved by the Director of Public Works and Development Services or his/her designee. City Engineer will make, or have made, such inspections and tests as he deems necessary to see that the work is being accomplished in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. In the event such inspections or tests reveal non-compliance with the requirements of the Contract, the Contractor shall bear the cost of such corrective measures deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works and Development Services or his/her designee, as well as the cost of the subsequent re-inspection and re-testing. It shall be understood and agreed that the inspection or making of tests shall not constitute an acceptance of any portion of the work nor relieve the Contractor from compliance with the terms of the Contract. Work done in the absence of prescribed inspection may be required to be removed and replaced under the proper inspection, and the entire cost of removal and replacement, including the cost of all materials which may be furnished by the City and used in the work thus removed, shall be borne by the Contractor, regardless of whether the work removed is found to be defective or not. Work covered without the authority of City Engineer shall, upon order of the City Engineer, be uncovered to the extent required, and the Contractor shall similarly bear the entire cost of performing all the work and furnishing all the materials necessary for the removal of the covering and its subsequent replacement. E. Utilities: 1. Before starting work, the Contractor shall verify the locations and elevations of all existing utilities by contacting Underground Service Alert at 811, at least 48 hours in advance. Existing utilities have been carefully located and shown on Los Angeles Record office records plans provided by utility companies. The Contractor shall notify the utility companies and agencies listed below before beginning excavation and shall coordinate his work with them. TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-6 2. The Contractor shall provide coordination with all the utility companies involved and shall provide protection from damage to their facilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for repair or replacement to said facilities made necessary by its failure to provide required protection. The Contractor is required to include utility requirements in the Construction Schedule. 3. The Contractor shall notify all utility agencies and owners of all facilities within the area of construction a minimum of five (5) work days in advance of performing any work within said area. 4. The Contractor shall protect all utilities and other improvements which may be impaired during construction operations. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to ascertain the actual location of all existing utilities, including service laterals, and other improvements indicated on the drawings that will be encountered in its construction operations, and to see that such utilities or other improvements are adequately protected from damage due to such operations. The Contractor shall take all possible precautions for the protection of unforeseen utility lines to provide for uninterrupted service and to provide such special protection as may be directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be solely responsible to check all utility record maps, books, and/or other data in the possession of the City, other agencies, and/or all utility companies, and no allowance shall be made for any failure to have done so. 5. Affected storm drain and sewer manhole frames and covers shall be adjusted to grade by the Contractor. For this project, it is required that the Contractor shall adjust affected water valve to grade in coordination with the water purveyor. The respective water purveyor will provide new water/valve cans when required. The water purveyor will have the option to adjust their own valve/water cans without addition or deduction cost to the Contractor. So. California Gas, Verizon, So. California Edison, and Telecommunication structures shall be adjusted to grade by the respective owners. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to notify and coordinate the needed work with the respective utility owners. Notification and coordination by the Contractor shall be done no less than 5 days of the need of the work. All cost related to utility adjustment to grade including notification and coordination shall be considered included in the cost of AC pavement construction under applicable bid items. F. Phasing: To provide minimum inconvenience to the public particularly the residence and business owners, occupants and the travelling public, the Contractor shall execute the project in phases and adhere to the Traffic Control Requirements below. TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-7 Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor shall prepare and submit his/her phasing program to the Engineer for review. G. Traffic Control Requirements: 1. The Contractor shall be responsible to furnish, install and maintain such devices which are necessary to provide safe and efficient passage for the traveling public through the work area, for the safety of personnel present in the work area, and to minimize inconvenience. 2. All work and materials to implement construction staging and traffic control shall comply with the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Controls Device (CA MUTCD). Signs, markings, striping, barricades, delineators and all materials shall conform to applicable Caltrans standards and specifications. 3. The use of flagmen may be required if deemed so by the City Engineer or his/her designee. Adequate flagmen, construction signs barricades, delineators, and arrow boards shall be used to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Adequate traffic control shall always be maintained through the construction zone. 4. Traffic control through the project area shall conform to the requirements of Section 7-10, “Public Convenience and Safety,” (SSPWC). 5. The Contractor shall not allow traffic to travel on natural ground, subgrade, or aggregate base material. Traffic must only be allowed on a firm asphalt surface. A temporary ac pavement may be used for this reason to allow traffic. 6. The Contractor shall maintain a minimum of 5 feet clearance from the vertical edge of excavation. 7. The Contractor shall not be allowed to leave vertical edge over 1” within the street pavement when the pavement is open to traffic except along the edge of gutter. Otherwise, the Contractor shall construct temporary AC transition at edges including around the edges of utility structures. The transition at traverse edge to through traffic shall be 6:1 slope, at longitudinal edge shall be 4:1 slope and at driveways ramped at 6:1 slope. 8. Ingress and egress of vehicle to all driveways shall be maintained at all time except when arranged in advance by the Contractor with the respective residence. 9. The Contractor shall maintain one 10’ wide minimum traffic lane in each direction at all time. 10. No street or one traffic direction closure shall be allowed unless approved by the City Engineer or his/her designee 48 hours prior to the closure and subject to the following condition: TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-8 a. The Contractor shall submit a detour plan prepared by a Civil Engineer in the State of California, for approval by the Engineer. b. Notify the following Agencies two (2) working days before closing or partially closing any street or alley: Local Fire Department and Local Sheriff Department. 11. The Contractor shall install, maintain, and remove all temporary delineators, barricades, lights, warning signs and other facilities necessary to control traffic as specified in the CA MUTCD. 12. All traffic lanes shall be open at the end of working hours of each day, unless approved by the City Engineer or his/her designee. 13. Payment for traffic control shall be included in various bid items of the Bid Schedule. H. CLEARING AND GRUBBING: a. The following paragraphs shall be added to Subsection 300-1.3, Removal and Disposal of Materials of the SSPWC: “CONTRACTOR shall remove and transport debris and rubbish in a manner that will prevent spillage on streets or adjacent areas. Cleanup of spillage will be at CONTRACTOR’S expense. Unless noted otherwise elsewhere on the contract documents, all materials indicated to be removed shall be recycled immediately at the CONTRACTOR’s expense at a site approved by the Engineer, per the requirements highlighted in Subsection Part 1.28 Solid Waste Management and Recycling Plan. No demolished materials shall be stored in the Work Area or Staging Area at any time, but instead shall be removed and recycled immediately. Contractor shall not start any removal work unless it is prepared to perform reconstruction work immediately without interruption from the time removals begun, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer”. b. Add the following to subsection 300-1.3.2, Requirements of the SSPWC: “Where Full Depth Localized Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair are required, the existing AC pavement section is not known and may vary. For this project, the upper 4” of the AC pavement section is considered AC pavement and underneath it is considered base material.” c. Remove subsection 300-1.4, Payment of SSPWC and replace with the following: “Payment for clearing and grubbing including recycling shall be considered included in various bid items except for other removal items as listed and described in the bid schedule”. TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-9 I. FULL DEPTH LOCALIZED ASPHALT PAVEMENT REPAIR A. Full Depth Localized Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair (FDLAPR) option shall include the following: 1.) Remove 7” thick AC pavement section. As discussed above under subsection Part 2- SPECIAL PROVISIONS, Clearing and Grubbing: “The existing AC pavement section is not known and may vary. For this project, the upper 3” of the AC pavement section is considered AC pavement and underneath it is considered base material.” 2.) The exposed subgrade shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 8” inches, moisture conditioned moisture conditioned to the optimum moisture content, and recompacted to a minimum of 95% relative compaction. 3.) Construct 7” thick AC pavement section consisting of 3” AC over 4” thick AC base course over 8” scarified and compacted subgrade. 7” thick AC pavement shall consist of 3” AC wearing course, Type C2-PG 64-10, on 4” thick AC base course, Type B-PG 64-10. 4.) Apply tack coat on the AC base course prior to construction of 3” AC wearing course. Tack coat is further described below. 5.) The Contractor shall adjust all affected utility structures to grade per subsection 5, Utilities, above. B. Location of the construction FDLAPR shall be determined by the Engineer during construction C. Payment: All cost to construct Full Depth Localized Asphalt Pavement Repair shall be paid per Square Feet (SF) of the FDLAPR surface area and shall include removal of pavement section, scarification, tack coat and construction of asphalt pavement section, adjustment of utility structures to grade per subsection 5, Utilities above. J. TACK COAT i. Tack Coat per subsection 302-5.4 of SSPWC and add the following: 1.) Tack coat material for overlay shall be PG 64-10 applied at a rate of 0.05 gallons per square yard applied at a minimum of 350 degrees Fahrenheit from a distributor truck with a functioning heating element capable of raising the temperature by 3 degrees Fahrenheit per hour. 2.) On the construction of new AC pavement section, tack coat shall be applied on base course before the wearing course is applied. TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-10 3.) Tack coat shall be placed so far ahead of paving that the tack coat is tracked away by trucks from more than 20 percent of the tracked area. 4.) Tack coat for joints on trenches and remove and replace repairs shall be uniformly applied at .20 gallons per square yard PG 64-10 or two coats SS1h applied uniformly at .20 gallons per square yard each coat. 5.) The CONTRACTOR shall place the tack coat in a manner to prevent vehicles from driving through the tack coat. ii. Measurement and Payment subsection 302-5.4 of SSPWC, revise to: Full compensation for tack coat shall be included in the Bid Item for AC coldmill and overlay, and Full Depth Localized Asphalt Pavement Repairs of the Bid Schedule. K. COLD MILLING OF EXISTING AC PAVEMENT (1.5” DEEP) Cold mill shall conform to the provisions of Section 302.1 of the Standard Specifications For Public Work Construction and add the following: a. The Contractor shall cold mill existing AC pavement as specified on the plans. b. During the cold milling operation, the Contractor shall sweep the street with mechanical equipment and remove all loosened material from milled areas. The Contractor shall abate dust nuisance by cleaning, sweeping, and sprinkling with water (recycled water, if available) or other means as necessary. c. All Asphalt Concrete material covering existing concrete improvement shall be removed as directed by the City Engineer or his/her designee at no additional cost to the City. d. After grinding and removing the specified thickness of the existing asphalt concrete layer and before adding the new asphalt concrete overlays, all damaged areas and cracks shall be repaired, sealed and patched properly. Cracks wider than ¼” should be sealed, loose pavement removed and patch, spalls repaired, and broken slabs or punch outs replaced. all joints and cracks greater than ¼ inch and less than 1.5 inches in size shall be filled with Crafco Polyflex III or equal. Filler shall be within 1/8 inch below and flush with existing pavement surface and squeegeed, as necessary, to attain this result. If any localized deep failure area is observed after grinding, the existing pavement section within such area should be completely removed and replaced with new asphalt concrete and base section. Delete sentence under subsection 302-1.12 and replace with the following: “Payment for Cold Milling Existing AC Pavement (1.5” Deep) shall be considered included under Cold Mill 1.5” existing asphalt pavement and construct 1.5” AC overlay bid item”. L. ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT OVERLAY TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-11 i. PREPARATION OF EXISTING ASPHALT SURFACE TO RECEIVE ASPHALT OVERLAY 1.) The existing pavement surface to receive asphalt concrete overlay, shall be cleaned by sweeping with a power broom, and shall be free of dust, dirt, vegetation, loose foreign matter, grease, oil or any other type of objectionable surface films. 2.) Where vegetation exists on existing pavement surfaces, the vegetation should be removed to the outer edges of the existing pavement and the resultant area shall be treated with herbicide. 3.) Bumps, waves, depressions and corrugations which impair the riding qualities of the existing pavement surfaces shall be removed or leveled to produce a smooth tight surface. 4.) Where vegetation exists in cracks, the vegetation shall be removed and the cracks cleaned to a depth of two inches where practical, treated and filled as directed by the Engineer. All cracks shall be cleaned, free of moisture, treated with herbicide and filled level to the surface with an asphalt based crack filler. 5.) Prior to applying overlay material, when all repairs are completed and the existing surface has been thoroughly cleaned over the full width to be treated, a tack coat shall be applied to ensure uniform and complete adherence of the overlay. Particular care shall be taken to thoroughly clean the outer edges of the existing pavement to be treated. ii. ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT The Contractor shall incorporate the following exceptions, additions or deletions to Section 302-5, “Asphalt Concrete Pavement”, (SSPWC): 1.) Roadway asphalt pavement overlay shall be C2 PG 64-10. 2.) Asphalt pavement overlay and reconstruction shall include the adjustment of manholes and other structure to grade per Subsection 403-3 of the SSPWC and adjustment of other utility structures to grade per subsection 5 above. 3.) Rolling shall comply with Sections 302-9.5 and 302-5.6 of the Standard Specifications. Rolling along a joint shall be such that the widest part of the roller is on the hot side of the joint. Join lines between successive runs shall be within 6 inches of lane lines or a minimum of 12 feet outside of the outer most lane line. 4.) Removal of all AC slurry seal residue from gutter lip should be completed prior to paving. Diesel fuel shall not be used for cleaning purposes within the limits of this project. TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-12 5.) Contractor shall have sufficient power brooms on site during all periods if distribution on site during all periods of distribution and spreading to provide cleanup of haul routes and work areas. Powerbrooms shall provide miscellaneous cleanup of AC spoils as directed by the Engineer. Power brooms shall not be operated more than 80% full of sweepings. 6.) Contractor shall maintain a functioning infrared heat measurement device in close proximity to each paving machine at all times. Contractor shall provide a pavement temperature reading, with an infrared heat measurement instrument, when requested by the Engineer. INACCESSIBILITY OF A HEAT MEASUREMENT SHALL BE CAUSE FOR TERMINATION OF PAVING OPERATION. 7.) Two initial complete passes with the breakdown roller shall be provided. Initial breakdown rolling shall be performed close enough to the paving machine and at a pavement temperature high enough such that pavement temperature after two passes exceeds 240 degrees Fahrenheit. 8.) Immediate rolling shall be provided such that a total of six passes are performed before pavement temperature drops below 200 degree Fahrenheit. 9.) The Contractor shall join all gutter lips such that the finished AC surface is three-eighths (3/8") inches above gutter lip. 10.) Temporary asphalt concrete work where required by the Engineer for traffic control or other purposes shall be considered included in the price bid for Traffic Control and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 11.) To avoid picking up loose rock in the overlay area, the tires of all trucks must be lightly oiled with linseed oil or soybean oil or approved equal. Diesel fuel will not be allowed on the project at all for oil down of any equipment. 12.) Watering of area to prevent tracking of material will be allowed if no water enters the storm drain system and the Contractor adheres to all local and state water quality regulations, and these Contract Documents. 13.) Rolling along a joint shall be such that the widest part of the roller is on the cold side of the joint. 14.) Rubber tire rollers shall be used on any leveling course. 15.) At a minimum, two complete passes with the breakdown roller shall be provided. Initial breakdown rolling shall be performed close enough to the paving machine and at a pavement temperature high enough such that the pavement temperature after two passes exceeds 240 degrees Fahrenheit. Intermediate rolling shall be provided such that a total of six passes are performed before pavement temperature drops below 200 degrees Fahrenheit. An additional intermediate roller TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-13 may be required to achieve this result. A finish roller shall be provided in addition to intermediate rolling. 16.) Trunk Sewer Manholes shall be adjusted by the contractor per Los Angeles County Sanitation District procedure. 17.) At least 15 working days prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall submit a cold mill and paving schedule to the Agency for approval. This schedule shall allow residents on the streets to be cold milled and paved ample “on street” parking within a reasonable distance from their homes. Based upon the schedule, the Contractor will notify schools, residents, and businesses of the proposed work and post temporary “NO PARKING” signs at no cost to the Agency. The “NO PARKING” signs will be in place not less than 48 hours prior to performing the work; therefore a request for changes in the schedule requiring additional posting shall be submitted by the Contractor for approval by the Engineer at least 10 working days prior to the streets affected. The contractor shall coordinate with City’s street sweeping and trash hauling contractors and schedules to avoid conflicts. Payment: Full compensation of asphalt pavement overlay shall be included in the Bid Item Cold Mill 1.5” Existing Asphalt Concrete and construct 1.5” AC overlay and it shall be paid per Square Feet (SF) and shall include cold milling, AC overlay, preparation, application of tack coat and is to be in compliance with all the applicable requirements as stated in the Contract Documents. M. PAVEMENT STRIPING AND MARKERS: 1. General a. All work shall conform to the latest edition of Caltrans Standard Plans, Standard Specifications, and California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD). b. Pavement striping and markers including centerlines, lane lines, limit lines, crosswalks, legends and all other pavement markings shall be thermoplastic. Traffic striping, raised pavement markers, reflective materials, the application of thermoplastic striping and pavement markings, and the installation of raised pavement markers shall conform to the provisions in the Caltrans Standard Specifications, Sections 84, “Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings” and Section 85, “Pavement Markers”. c. Striping details, pavement legends and symbols shall conform to those in Caltrans Standard Plans. Pavement legends and symbols shall be white, unless noted otherwise. d. Lane line and/or centerline pavement delineation, where existing or called for on the Plans, shall be provided at all times for traveled ways open to public traffic. Whenever the Work causes obliteration of pavement delineation, temporary pavement delineation or permanent TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-14 traffic stripes of the appropriate color and detail shall be in place. In the locations shown on the Plans, prior to opening the travelled way to public traffic. e. Striping shall be cat tracked and approved by the City Inspector prior to final installation. f. All conflicting existing striping, painted symbols and raised pavement markers shall be removed. The removal of painted markings and raised pavement markers shall conform to the provisions of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. g. Thermoplastic pavement marking materials and installation shall conform to Caltrans Standard Specifications Section 84-2. Materials shall consist of extruded Alkyd Binder Thermoplastic in conformance with State Specification 8010-19A. Application shall be by ribbon or extruded methods only (no spraying). h. Pavement damaged due to removing raised pavement markers shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector. i. All lane lines at intersection approaches and departures shall begin and end with 50-feet of 4-inch solid white line. j. Payment Pavement marking and striping shall be paid per Lump-Sum and shall include removal of existing pavement striping, legend and markings and installation of new pavement striping, legend and marking as indicated on the plan. N. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT INFORMATION AND FUNDING IDENTIFICATION SIGN: 1. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install a total of two (2), Type H, 84 inch by 78 inch Construction Project Information and Funding Identification signs at locations designated by the Engineer, one sign for each direction of travel, before starting major construction activities visible to roadway users. Upon completion of the project, the CONTRACTOR shall remove and dispose of Construction Project Information and Funding Identification signs. Manufacturing details for Construction Project Information and Funding Identification signs are available at: The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate with the Agency for design requirements including: agency logos, temporary mounting system, and exact locations. The CONTRACTOR shall submit shop drawings of the sign, posts, and foundation, in accordance with the Special Provisions. 2. The contract unit price paid per each for Construction Project Information and Funding Identification Sign shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, TECHNICAL PROVISIONS TP-15 materials, tools, equipment and incidentals, signs, temporary mounting system, posts, and foundation.