CC - Item 5I - Adding "Family Court Awareness Month" Proclamation to the Approved List of ProclamationsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYORANDAND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER`^'f DATE: NOVEMBER 14, 2023 SUBJECT: ADDING FAMILY COURT AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION TO THE APPROVED LIST OF PROCLAMATIONS SUMMARY On October 23, 2023, The Mayor and City Clerk received a request via email from Ms. Elaine Farrell from Family Court Awareness Month Committee requesting a proclamation declaring the month of November 2023, as Family Court Awareness Month in the City of Rosemead. Since the request came after the last meeting of October and only one meeting in November is scheduled due to the Thanksgiving holiday, Mayor Ly asked that the proclamation request and presentation be placed in the same meeting. DISCUSSION By proclaiming the month of November as Family Court Awareness, and the recent passage of (SB 331 -Rubio): Keeping Children Safe From Family Violence, the proclamation provides awareness in recognizing the importance of a family court system that prioritizes child safety and acts in the best interest of children. The effort organized by Tina Swithin of One Mom's Battle and Sandra Ross of California Protective Parents Association, was joined by The National Family Violence Law Center, The Court Said USA, Piqui's Justice, Kayden's Korner Foundation, Kyra Franchetti Foundation, Florida Protective Parents Association, and The Pollack Group LLC. All of these organizations are determined to bring awareness to the conservatively estimated 58,000 children a year who are ordered into unsupervised contact with abusive parents, where hundreds of children were murdered. Proclamations are ceremonial documents to honor an individual or organization, celebrate or create awareness or commemorate a particular day, month, or year. Proclamations are designated by a specific event and date. On June 14, 2021, the City Council approved a new procedure to issue any future proclamations: AGENDA ITEM 5.I City Council Meeting November 14, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Proclamations on the list of Approved Proclamations will be automatically agendized under Presentations without City Council discussion. New proclamation requests not agendized for discussion and City will be agendized and presented approved list of proclamations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION listed on the approved list of proclamations will be Council direction. If approved, the new proclamation at the next City Council meeting and added to the That the City Council approve adding the Family Court Awareness Proclamation to the list of Approved Proclamations. FISCAL IMPACT None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Attachment A: Family Court Awareness Month Proclamation Attachment A Proclamation Declaring the Month of November 2023 as "Family Court Awareness Month" WHEREAS, the mission of the Family Court Awareness Month Committee (FCAMC) is to increase awareness on the importance of a family court system that prioritizes child safety and acts in the best interest of children, and; WHEREAS, the mission at the FCAMC is fueled by the desire to create awareness and change in the family court system for the conservatively estimated, 58,000 children a year ordered into unsupervised contact with abusive parents, while honoring the hundreds of children who have been reported as murdered during visitation with a dangerous parent, and; WHEREAS, the mission of the FCAMC is to increase awareness on the importance of empirically - based education and training on domestic violence and child abuse, including emotional, psychological, physical, and sexual abuse, as well as childhood trauma, coercive control, and post separation abuse for judges and all professionals working on cases within the family court system, and; WHEREAS, the mission of the FCAMC is to increase awareness on the importance of using scientifically valid, evidence -based, treatment programs and services that are proven in terms of safety, effectiveness, and therapeutic value, and; WHEREAS, the mission at the FCAMC is to educate judges and other family court professionals on evidence -based, peer-reviewed research. Such research is a critical component to making decisions that are truly in the best interest of children. This research includes The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study (co -principal investigator: Vincent Felitti, Kaiser Permanente -CDC); Child Custody Evaluators' Beliefs About Domestic Abuse Allegations (principal investigator: Daniel Saunders, University of Michigan, sponsored by the National Institute of Justice); and Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Abuse Allegations (principal investigator: Joan S. Meier, GW Law School, sponsored by the National Institute of Justice), and; NOW, THEREFORE, BE FT RESOLVED, that the Rosemead City Council does hereby proclaim the month of November 2023, as: in the City of Rosemead to support the family court system acting in the best interests of children.