CC - Item 5B - Minutes of December 14, 2021MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL AND CITY COUNCIL AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR JOINT MEETING DECEMBER 14, 2021 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 6:05 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Dang (Joined late), Council Members Armenta, Clark, and Tang ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney Richman and City Clerk Hernandez 1. CLOSED SESSION A. LIABILITY CLAIMS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.95 CLAIMANT: CHRIS DASTE AGENCY CLAIMED AGAINST: CITY OF ROSEMEAD City Council recessed to Closed Session. 7:00 P.M. The regular, meeting 4 -the Rosemead City Council and Housing Development Corporation was called to soder by Mayor Low: at 7:05 pan. PRESENT: I gor Low, MayorT-ro Tem bang (teleconferenced), Council Members Armenta, Clark and Tang ABSENT: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Tang INVOCATION was led by Mayor Pro Tem Dang STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Assistant City Manager Kim, City Attorney Richman, Chief of Police Lt. Hernandez, Director of Community Development Frausto-Lupo, Acting Director of Public Works Ansari, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, and City Clerk Hernandez City Attorney Richman stated there was any reportable action taken in Closed Session. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 AGENDA ITEM 5.11 Page 1 of24 Mayor Low opened the Public Comment period City Clerk Hernandez read the following Public Comment received via email from Sue Yamamoto, Community Library Manager at Rosemead Library: 1. Our Winter baby/toddler Storytime session begins on January 13. Please call us if you have any questions on how to register for the story times. 2. Make sure to check the Library's homepage for an extensive list of FREE virtual programs for ALL ages from story times, art activities, preparing for your ideal job, parenting tips and more! 3. Lastly, we wish everyone a joyful holiday season and Happy New Year! City Clerk Hernandez read the following Public Comment received via email from Jasmine Lopez: "Good evening, Madam Mayor and members of the Council. My name is Jasmine Lopez, I am a long-time resident of Rosemead, I plan to submit my application to be elected and run for City Council on the upcoming months. My fiance and I are currently looking for another home in the city to move out of my parents' house. The market is very difficult for first time home buyer in this area. If we don't find one that is in the city limit and find another that is outside of the city limit but it's near City of Rosemead. Does that still qualify to still be on Council if elected? I plan to sleep at (parents' home) in the future while still being on council if elected, I will not be changing my driver's license and i plan to live part time for a few days a month at my parents' house, is that consider a resident? I wanted to get clarification on Rosemead Municipal Code 2.04.090 from members of the council so I don't waste my time with submitting application and running for office. 2.04.090 Qualification to hold office: `A person is not eligible to hold office as Councilmember, unless he or she is at the time of assuming such office an elector of the city, and was a registered voter of the city at the time nomination papers are issued to the candidate as provided for in section 10227 of the election code. If, during his or her term of office, he or she moves his or her place of residence outside the city limits or ceases to be an elector of the city, his or her office shall immediately become vacant'. I will be watching the live council meeting tonight, Thank you everyone for your comments. - Jasmine Lopez" Council Member Armenta asked if the City Clerk could reach out to Ms. Lopez regarding her comments. City Clerk Hernandez responded she would be happy to. There being no further speakers, Mayor Low closed the Public Comment period Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 2 of24 3. PRESENTATION - None 4. PUBLIC HEARING - None 5. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Moved by Council Member Tang and seconded by Council Member Clark to approve Consent Calendar Items A, C through G, I, K, and L. Item B was pulled for separate discussion as there is a Public Comment. Council Member Armenta pulled Items H and J for separate discussion. The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Tang NOES:- NONE A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2021-60 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $895,490.66 CHECKS NUMBERED 110086 THROUGH NUMBER 110215, DRAFTS NUMBERED 5328 THROUGH NUMBER 5384, AND EFT NUMBERED 50804 THROUGH NUMBER 50820 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt.ResolutionNo. 2021-60. • Resolution No. 2021-63 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,603,434.64 -. CHECKS NUMBERED 110216 THROUGH NUMBER 110240, DRAFTS NUMBERED 5385 THROUGH NUMBER 5420, AND EFT NUMBERED 50821 THROUGH NUMBER 50840 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2021-63 • Resolution No. 2021-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $755,950.21 CHECKS NUMBERED 110241 THROUGH NUMBER 110334, DRAFTS NUMBERED 5421 THROUGH NUMBER 5436, AND EFT NUMBERED 50841 THROUGH NUMBER 50858 INCLUSIVELY Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 3 of 24 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2021-69. C. 2022 City Council Meeting Schedule City Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Historically, the City Council has cancelled the second meetings in August (summer break), November (Thanksgiving), and December (Christmas). Adopting a meeting schedule will give the City Council, staff, and the community the ability to plan their schedules accordingly. The City Council maintains the ability to adjust, cancel, and/or add other meeting dates, as deemed appropriate. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a City Council meeting schedule for the 2022 calendar year. D. Approval of the 2022 List of Proclamations At the June 8, 2021, City Council meeting, the City Council approved the procedures on how proclamations should be issued. A list of proclamations is to be approved at the end of each year for the following year. The City Council will consider the proposed list for 2022 Proclamations. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the 2022 List of Proclamations. E. Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-62 to Receive and File the Annual Report on Development hnpact Fees for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021 In ace lance witt Section 66006 of California Government Code, the City is requiredto-annually report on the status of Development Impact Fees, including the collection of revenue and expendittim of these funds, within 180 days after the end ofthe fiscal year. The report summarizes the required financial information for Fiscal=dear 2020-21. Recommendation: That the City Council receive and file the Annual Report on Development Impact fees for Fiscal Year 2020-21 and adopt Resolution No. 2021-62, entitled: A.RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY -OfIiOSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING Tl Il ANNUAL REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES AS OF JUNE 30, 2021 F. Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-64 Approving a Proposition 68 Per Capita Program Grant Application The City of Rosemead has the opportunity to apply for grant funds through the Prop 68 Per Capita Program. The state will award $185 million for the General Per Capita Program. The state will also award eligible agencies approximately $138 million for the Urban County Per Capita Program. Grant funds are available for local park rehabilitation, creation, and improvements to local governments, Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 4 of24 on a per capita basis. The City of Rosemead's available total grant amount is approximately $211,000. Staff is recommending that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2021-64, approving the City's application for the funding. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the proposed project recommendation to be submitted with the City's application as part of the state application by adopting Resolution No. 2021-64, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR PER CAPITA GRANT FUNDS G. Adopt Resolution No. 2021-65, Amendment to Capital Improvement Program Budget to Include the Mission Drive;Eedestrian Hybrid Beacon System; Approve Funding Agreement with Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority; and Authorize City Manager or Designee to Execute Agreement on Behalf of the City Mission Drive Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon System Project involvmpedestrian safety improvements, including,Ninstallation of a pedestrian hybrid beacon system, concrete curb ramps, si&wAll�, curb and gutter, asphalt concrete, signage, and striping improvements at lissiomDrive and Newby Avenue. The project's total cost is estimated at $388,60, which be funded by a Measure M allocation by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) over a three-year period; there is no locaLmatch requirement. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1: A&pt Resolution No. 2T46 ,,amending the City's Fiscal Year 2021-22 CIP Budge( --to include the MissioiiPDrive Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon System Project in the amount of $388,050 and amending the Measure M revenue estimate for the first-year allocation of $35,000; 2 =improve Funding Agreement with LACMTA for Mission Drive Pedestrian 110 _p'd BeacattSystem Project; and 3. Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the Funding Agreement on behalf of the City. I. Introduction and First Reading of Ordinance No. 1006 Amending Chapter 8.32 of the City of Rosemead Municipal Code, Retitling Chapter 8.32 to "Solid Waste and Recycling," and other Clarifying Amendments On July 13, 2021, the City Council discussed Senate Bill (SB) 1383 compliance and directed staff to develop, implement, and administer an organic waste recycling program and ordinance. On September 29, 2021, the City Council accepted a proposal to amend the existing franchise waste hauler agreement to implement the Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes ofDecemher 14, 2021 Page 5 of24 proposed organic waste recycling program and ordinance and achieve SB 1383 compliance. In October 2021, staff retained a consultant familiar with the requirements of SB 1383 to draft the proposed Ordinance No. 1006. The Ordinance is based on a model ordinance template developed and provided by CalRecycle. The Ordinance fulfills SB 1383 requirements and will work in tandem with the City's existing franchise waste hauler agreement, which is proposed to be amended to meet the provisions under State law. Recommendation: That the City Council introduce for first reading and direct staff to bring back for adoption Ordinance No. 1006, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 8.32 OF THE _ CITY OF ROSEMEAD, RETITLING CHAPTER 8.32 TO "SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING", AND OTHER CLARIFYING AMENDMENTS K. Adoption of Resoluttot$:;;*Io. 2021-67, Establishing Salary and Benefits for Part -Time Employees In addition to its' full-time staff, the City maintains a variety of employee no more than 1000 or assiened to one t part-time or hourly basis. The employees in these positions te;year, se or on a temporary basis and typically work hours per fisca year unless exempt from CaIPERS requirements of the five 3/4-tiae positions. Resolution No. 2021-67 adjusts Wes and steps %,certain Part -Time classifications to be in P new minimum wage law effective January 1, 2022. There are r the Salaries and Benefits for Part -Time Employees resolution. That the -City Council adopt Resolution No. 2021-67, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF zlTHE CI'T'Y OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING SALARY RANGES AND BETTS FOR PART-TIME CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE SERVICE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD L. ROPS Submittal — July 2022 Through June 2023 The Department of Finance (DOF) requires the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) for the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, be submitted to the DOF by February 1, 2022. Prior to that, the ROPS must be reviewed and approved by the Los Angeles County Consolidated Oversight Board. The deadline to submit the ROPS to the Oversight Board is December 20, 2021. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 6 of 24 Recommendation: That the Rosemead Successor Agency Board adopt Resolution No. 2021-13 SA, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION APPROVING THE RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULES FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 2022 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2023 CONSENT ITEMS PULLED FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION B. Approval of Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council approve the regular meeting minutes of November 9, 2021, and special meeting minutes of -November 30, 2021. This item was pulled for separate discussion as there was Public Comment. Mayor Low opened the Public Comment period. present for the Novemt?ar;9,; was ill or had a personal isd not sitting there with the C item from the November 9' employ; rponed if tlt City AYubmey; also inquired salary increase is. Wd she noticed the City Manager was not icil meeting; opined unless the City Manager hould have been there; asked why was she icil to represent Rosemead. Referenced an that approved -a 2% salary increase for all reale also applies to the City Manager and City Manager's next evaluation or possible Mayor Low clarified that the City Manager was part of the November 9th meeting, evert though she wasn't physically in the Council Chamber, she was participating via teleeorsference, explained Council and staff have been teleconferencing the past two yew out of safety measures due to COVID; noting tonight is the first Council meeting,that we are all in person, with the exception of Mayor Pro Tem Dane who is teleconferencing. City Attorney Richman asserted that the speaker indicated they wanted to comment on Consent Item B; emphasized comments should only be made regarding the November 2021 'minutes before Council for approval and that a speaker cannot open discussion on an item already approved by Council from a previous meeting. Indicated if Ms. Navarro has comments on the City Manager's salary, then she needs to wait until that item comes up for discussion on tonight's agenda. There being no further speakers, Mayor Low closed the Public Comment period. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Tang and seconded by Council Member Armenta to approve the regular meeting minutes of November 9, 2021, and special meeting minutes of November 30, 2021. The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Tang NOES: NONE Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 7 of24 H. Dog Park at Garvey Park - Award of Professional Services Agreement for Design Engineering, Construction Management & Inspection Services As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved the Dog Park at Garvey Park Project. The Project will construct a new dog park including fencing, landscaping, irrigation, and drinking fountains in Garvey Park. The Project is funded by the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) in the amount of $290,375, and General Fund, in the amount of $290,375 as a 50% local match requirement. The total project budget is $580,750. On September 27, 2021, staff solicited Request for Proposals (RFP) from consultants to provide Design Engineering, Construction Management & Inspection Services for the Project. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with David Volz Design for Design Engineering, Construction Management & Inspection Serviced=fvf the Project, in the amount of $107,992. Council Member Armenta pulietl Item H for separate discussion. Indicated she was told that staff in the Public %arks Department was promoted to do project management and we have consultants from Transtech Engineers also serving as project managementAsked why we are contracting out again with David Volz Design for project marfte-niva in the amount of $107,992? What is the difference between what is being ed David Volz versus the implementation of the Transtech contract? Director cif Public -Works Chung responded the scope of services for the Garvey Dog k ^ project is to complete the design documents (plans, specifications, and estimates), whereas TransteWs services is geared towards the construction management of the pr#jeel Council Member Armenta thanW Mr Chung for the clarification; reiterated she wants to ensure we are not double dipping with contracting out for the same service. Mayor Low ascertained there were three bidders that responded to the Request for P"posals; asked -what analysis staff did to select this company. Director of Public Works Chung asserted that staff performed a comprehensive evaluation of the proposals based on compliance with the RFP requirements, including project understanding and approach, experience, level of effort, schedule, and cost effectiveness to provide efficient and high-quality services. Overall, all three firms are well qualified. However, David Volz Design provided the best understanding of scope by providing adequate hours and resource allocation for each project phase and demonstrated relevant experience in similar projects. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Low and seconded by Council Member Tang to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with David Volz Design for Design Engineering, Construction Management & Inspection Services for the Project, in the amount of $107,992. The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Tang NOES: NONE Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 8 of 24 J. Approval of First Amendment to Interim Finance Director/Treasurer Employment Agreement The City and the Interim Finance Director/Treasurer entered into the Agreement on March 10, 2021. That Agreement will expire December 14, 2021, due to the accumulated hours of 960. As the Finance Director position remains vacant due to the continued difficulty of recruiting for the position during the COVID-19 pandemic and there remains an urgent need to fill the position to assist with 2022-23 budget preparation and other financial duties, staff is recommending an extension to the Agreement with Paula Chamberlain so that she may fulfill the necessary duties until the City hires a permanent replacement. Finally, on October 26, 2021, the City Council approved an increase in the Finance Director's monthly salary range (Resolution No. 2021-50); therefore, the hourly rate also has changed, so the Agreement must reflect that increase. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following ♦fictions: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 2021-68, amending the Interim Finance Director/ Treasurer's Agr to extend the term and restart the hours of the Agreement as permi{ted by Executive Order N-84-20 by and make other minor changes to reflect currant law, by adopting Resolution No. 2021-68, entitled: OF,THE Y COUNCIL. OF THE MEAD 'AtFPROVIK THE FIRST TO THE INTERIM FINANCE ,SUREWS RETIRED ANNUITANT r,1V1r11V 1 XVW-AN i. I14J1\Lili1V1Y}yry 1 2. Approve an amendment that would change the current rate of pay for the Interim Finance Director/Treasurer to reflect the monthly salary range approved by the City Council on October 26, 2021 (Resolution No. 2021-50). Council Member Armenta pulled Item J for separate discussion. Ascertained the Inte, Finance erector has a limited number of hours (960 hours) as a retired annuitant employee; inquired if approving this item means we are passing the 960 hours, and if so, does that mean that Ms. Chamberlain is coming out of retirement; emphasizing that the last city who employs the staff must pay for their PERS. City Attorney Richman responded that the Staff Report indicates the usual limitations of 960 hours on retirement annuitant employment has been lifted per the Governor's State of Executive Order N-12-21; noted many cities are facing the same difficulty of hiring staff during this ongoing state of emergency, so this helps cities ensure they have adequate staffing. Clarified that Ms. Chamberlain will start a new term of 960 hours, which was approved by PERS; affirmed that she wants to remain retired and is not looking to be reinstated as a regular employee of the city. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 9 of 24 Council Member Clark inquired if approving this additional time means we will continue to pay Ms. Chamberlain's PERS when she officially retires again. City Attorney Richman explained Ms. Chamberlain is still currently retired, but we just pay her an hourly rate. Mayor Low opined that is saving more for the city. Praised Ms. Chamberlain as the Budget Report was very well organized and presented; expressed she truly believes our Interim Finance Director has been doing a wonderful job for the city, which is why she is happy we can keep her for another 960 hours. Council Member Tang echoed Mayor Low's_ comments; shared that he met with the Ms. Chamberlain and she provided a thorough rundown of the city's budget, which he was very pleased to see how structured and organized it was. Stated he is happy to see the extension and would like to keep her as long as we can. Council Member Armenta expressed concern that she asked Ms. Chamberlain a question pertaining to a line item for the Backpack Giveaway-pavent and has yet to hear a response; indicated the answer was given to staff, not -myself, stated she really hopes that staff is dot being discouraged or directed to not update Council when they have questions: ,noted when the Backpack Giveaway Committee was planning this event, weir told that this is not a city event, which she finds interesting since there is awe item to our budget for it. Asserted that there was a discrepmuch balance thean1.$ckpack Giveaway event had; shared that this eve is not'"eity,funded and evM- penny comes from contributions received. has not heard direetiv`from Ms. Chamberlain after seven months. xmcil Meittlugz Clark- if Ms. Chamberlain is available to answer Council bis Arm"$s quest ort City Manager.Molleda responded Ms. Chamberlain is online, however, I don't know that she has that information with her. Stated I do not recall that question previously being asked. City Attorney Richman stated this item is to consider approving an extension of the contract and advised Council not to get into a discussion of the Backpack Giveaway; opined it is duly noted that Council Member Armenta has asked for that information. Council Member Armenta reiterated that it is not the fact that I asked for the information, but rather the lack of response. Mayor Low asked Council Member Armenta to state her question for the record. Council Member Armenta stated there was a discrepancy in the Backpack Giveaway balance because what we had in our record was different than what the line item reflected; questioned what happened to the missing $5,000. Asserted to this date, she has not received a report or any update, and instead this information Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 10 of 24 was filtered down to staff rather than to the Council Member who requested it. Mayor Low directed City Manager Molleda to look into Council Member Armenta's inquiry regarding the Backpack Giveaway funds. Council Member Tang opined sounds like further discussion is needed on this program; suggested having a third party run the program and oversee the financials so that the city is not being a middleman and can avoid running into such discrepancy issues. City Attorney Richman reiterated this item is only to discuss the extension of the contract; directed Council to discuss other non -related items during their Council Comments. Council Member Armenia asked for the record to reflect the reason she will be voting no is because no Council Member at the dais. elected or appointed should have to wait more than half a year to get some kind of follow-up. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Tang and seconded.Ity Mayor Low to take the following actions: 1. Adopt Resoluhorr ..2021-68, amending the Interim Finance Director/ Treasurer's Agreem�°to- extend the term and restart the hours of the Agreement as perms `r _ by Exoeutive Order N-84-20 by and make other minor changes to reflect curr M law, by adopting Resolution No. 2021-68, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TH&CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD 'PPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE INTERIM FINANCE DIREGTORFI'REASURER'S=RETIRED ANNUITANT 2. Approve .an amendment that would change the current rate of pay for the Interim Finance Din*mr/Treasurer to reflect the monthly salary range approved by the City Council orm-, her 26, 2021 (Resolution No. 2021-50). The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Clark, Dang, Low, Tang NOES: Armenta 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Approval of Adjustment to Salary and Benefits for City Manager and City Clerk Based on Recent Salary and Benefit Changes Approved to Employee Groups on October 26, 2021 to be Effective November 1, 2021; and Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-61 Amending the City of Rosemead's Salary Schedule for Fiscal Year 2021-22 to Meet the California Code of Regulations Title 2, Section 570.5 and 571 to Reflect New Salary Rates Approved for All Full -Time Employees The City Council will consider the approval of employee salary and benefit adjustments to the City Manager's and City Clerk's employment agreements to Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 11 of24 mirror and reflect the changes approved for the Executive Management Team on October 26, 2021. These adjustments include the 2% salary increases given to all other employees, effective November 1, 2021, and June 27, 2022, the management incentive pay, and other benefits and leave modifications. This action includes compensation changes for key executive employees (City Manager and City Clerk). Pursuant to State law, approval of compensation changes for key executive employees must be accompanied by a verbal report; hence this item is being placed on the Matters from City Manager & Staff section of the Agenda for consideration. In addition, the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 570.5 and amendments to 571(b) require a consolidated Salary Schedule that shows all City classifications and salary ranges to determine eligible salary compensation for retirement be publicly available. Resolution No. 2021-61 is presented for consideration in accordance with this requirement. Recommendation: That the Citybuncil approve the adjustments in salary and benefits to the City Manager's attdC ity Clerk's employment agreements to mirror those approved for the Executivd-Mmagernerit,,Group on October 26, 2021. If approved, adoption of Resolution No. -,202 I w6lientitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE SALARY SCHEDULE TO MEET THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 2, SECTION 570.5 AND 571 TO REFLECT APPROVED RATES FOR ALL FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD City Manager Molleda presente&ft,, Staff Report. Council Member Armentii asked the City Attorney do we have to approve this item. Attorney Richman opined she may have to defer that question to the Interim DirRr of Finance; indicated the Staff Report states approval of compensation changeilir the, City Manager and City Clerk must be considered separately by Council, h4wevea`approval of the 2% salary increase is at the Council's discretion. Explained ifi her understanding that there is an obligatory increase in benefits for the City Clerk within the contract. Council Member Armenta repeated her question, so there is no obligation and nothing legalizing the 2% salary increase for a contracted employee. City Attorney Richman affirmed that is correct, reiterating it is at Council's discretion to approve or not approve the salary increase. Council Member Armenta stated at the last Council meeting on November 16th, she asked that the item for the City Manager and City Clerk salary increase be Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes ofDecemher 14, 2021 Page 12 of 24 agendized as separate items; said that it came to her attention the item was not separated once she received her agenda packet Friday morning on December 101', after that she texted City Manager Molleda to inquire why the items were placed together, but indicated she did not receive a response or even an acknowledgement; noted she saw the City Manager at an event the next day on December 11 u, in person and after asking Ms. Molleda if she received her text, she responded nonchalantly yes. Expressed she finds it interesting that contracted entities are jumping on the bandwagon of employees receiving a 2% increase. Asked if merit increases are retroactive? Interim Director of Finance Chamberlain responded the way the report is written merit increases are currently retroactive, but they don't have to be and that is at Council's discretion. Council Member Armenta clarifieaaher question is if staffs merit increases are retroactive; provided the example - `a staff's evaluation was due July 1, 2021 but did not receive their evalysttion until October 1, 24211, asked would they be retroactively paid from the date their evaluation was due o the date they received their evaluation? Ms. Chamberlain explai dthe employee would receive retroactive pay to the evaluation due date. Council Member Armenta indicated--itt her research, she asked how many mid management evaluations were overdie and there were five who had not received their evaluations in'a timely manrwr. Ms. Molleda receives her evaluation in a timely manner and her merit messes when it should be given. To ask for a 2% increase, something that was negc ed by the union for the employees, is just ;is. She is not only asking for 4,1% right now but will also get another merit mcreas vhen shehas her evaluation. Her position is contracted, so the Council reviews het contract every single year; she just negotiated a 12 -month severance pay from a 4 -month last year, she gets many perks that other employees don't get. Rut she is asking to get what is duly owed to our staff. Say that she gets a 2% or increase, she,already makes close to a quarter of a million dollars. We are to at 7% is less than a month. 2% of that is much more than the $40,000 salary of oidstaff members. We do not have to vote on this because they are contractual. Apologi;o_Cty Clerk Hernandez, that it has nothing to do with her performance and only to cVtth principle. Every year they can negotiate higher pay but our staff members do not have that capability. Mayor Low opened the Public Comment period. Sveaker Velia Navarro, Resident echoed Council Member Armenta's sentiment that it is totally wrong that the City Manager is already making a large amount and is asking for more. Questioned why the City Manager should get a large percentage of wages when the regular employees are not getting the same. Indicated she has been a resident for over 45 years and admits while there have been issues in the Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 13 of24 past, there was never a need for employees to have a union to protect themselves. Asked Council to look into this because something is clearly going wrong. Mayor Low asked to verify that the difference when we approved the previous contract, the number of steps and giving employees the cola. is this structure different than what we used to have of merit increases. Ms. Chamberlain responded it used to just be a range and employees were hired on at a certain amount, then would get 34% increase each year until they cap and now they are on a 10 -step and advance through the steps as they have tenure in the city. Mayor Low clarified when we approved the previous contract, is this structure different than what we used to have the number of steps and giving employees the cola. Looking through the contract, we do not give employees COLA, however the steps are really we either give employees merit increase by percentage or COLA. Since we are still working with the City Manager and City Clerk by merit increase, I feel that we should not give the COLA because it would be additional to what the other employees are receiving. It's like -either The fact that the other employees received the COLA is because we switched our structure. Council Member Clark agrees: that it is overkill; I do not think this should be approved because there are issues. -1 still have unanswered questions that I have brought up al least twice in public meetings and havenot received answers; similar to C090 bex Armenta's,question, which employees have not received their of this that the she does not -un& was preset received t Armenta's to she Clerk's employir Management Gro 2021-61, entitled: id that it breaks her heart that<this is the first time in the history nployees have formed a union. Council Member Clark stated tand_,why an answer was not given to Armenta's question >aekateaway and especially why Ms. Chamberlain was le an answer even during tonight's meeting when the question Stated she cannot believe that the City Manager asked for and )f__ severance, even without mine or Council Member is y"ain asking for more money; noting if my calculation ceive $62,000 which is essentially a salary itself. )y Council Member Tang and seconded by Mayor Low to lents in salary and benefits to the City Manager's and City t agreements to mirror those approved for the Executive on October 26, 2021. If approved, adoption of Resolution No. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE SALARY SCHEDULE TO MEET THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 2, SECTION 570.5 AND 571 TO REFLECT APPROVED RATES FOR ALL Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 14 of24 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Clark, Dang, Low, Tang NOES: Armenta MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Consultants Discussion This item is being requested by Mayor Pro Tem Sean Dang to discuss about Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Consultants. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide direction. Mayor Pro Tem Dang indicated the is a list the city is asked to put out a RFP when there is a zone change; the RFP Ilse takes a long time, then to wait for the bid to be packaged. This is in effort to condehn that process. Valenzuela explained the full process takes about four to six weeks: stated the process takes approximately one to two months; we begin by staff writing a RFP and detailing the scope of work;,,yvhich takes one to two weeks, then the RFP is released to any, company or contractor that is interested in submitting a proposal, another two irks; next step;is for staff to work with the applicant to select a consu *,t -,'which takes anothert"weeks. Depending on the contract amount, anything over $30,00(? would need)o go to City Council for approval, if the amount is under Z0,000, then_ the City 1,014pager can approve the contract. The PSA is executed, orad tt is fbivemuted then the developer submits a deposit to the city, ffterttheconsultartts begin cng on the environmental document. Mayor Pro Tem Dang asked staff to prepare a list of vendors that the City has prior experience with that are used to seeing these quality reports and have the owners developers pick from this list rather than going through the RFP process each tirrte._, Mayor'Lov,+ opined we as a city are always looking for ways to be more business friendly and,heip projects move along; inquired if staff sees any issues with providing a list of proposed vendors. Valenzuela responded we do not see any issues in the past, we just left it open so that anyone can apply. We can have a list of just environmental consultants, staff is open to that. Molleda if Council likes staff could look into what the process would look like and bring it back to Council for future discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Dang prepare a list for us and refresh us of the process one more Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 15 q(24 time at our next meeting; if Council is okay with the list of vendors, then we could move forward with approving the list of vendors at that time. Council Member Clark suggested postponing this item until January. Mayor Pro Tem Dang recapped the want is to ask planning staff to create a list of environmental consultants to allow the architect and owners to pick from that li list because the current practice is whenever there is a mixed-use project or zone change, there is an environmental component, so the city would send out a request for proposal, which takes four to six weeks. At the end of the six weeks, it's typically the same list of consultants that w generated, the developer picks from that list straight into the City Hall escrow account. T) process is still within City Hall's control, err the RFP process to make it much mare busin Council Member Armenta i'. the Garvey Avenue Specific Mayor Low opined this is mit an RFP. Once this list is submits a check and will go vetting and quality assurance I all I want to do is eliminate ;ss friendly. similar to the reasoning why we had to expedite the process Council Member Tang indicated he was on the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, clarified that yes it is meattt to . _ line the process, however the difference is with the Garvey Avenue S ific PF*Ihe city actually paid for the environmental study to create the design for that Mister Plan; in this case this city is not paying for a service and is only providt--'est of approved vendors that developers can use when their project needs an Coutrpil Member Aranerita vViied Ae understands that difference, she was just pointing out that we are beingetststent with our efforts. Mayor Low asked staff, "prepare the list of vendors to present at the next meeting. City Attorney Richman interjected, stating I don't think the best way is asking staff to create a list of vendors; explained the way she has seen this is a master RFP that is undertaken through the city and they make themselves available during a three year period to respond to requests to undertake EIRs and they have fixed rates for those three years. A rotation follows from that. Rather than having staff select which vendors is provided on the list, going through a master RFP process will ensure transparency and fairness. Suggested staff bring this item back with an RFP process instead of providing a list of vendors. Council Member Tang stated we are asking staff to prepare the list of vendors to present as well. City Attorney Richman replied no and clarified that staff will not be creating a list of vendors from scratch. Emphasized staff will present a master RFP process, from which the list of vendors will be gathered from. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 16 q(24 Mayor Low concurred that makes sense. B. Presentation by the Southwest Carpenters Union on the Community Wealth Project This item is being requested by Council Member Sandra Armenta for presentation and discussion. The Community Wealth Project is a program focused on using local assets to fuel the local economy, by investing in people to ensure everyone has a place in the community. A brief presentation will be provided by representatives of the Southwest Carpenters Union. Ted Jimenez, Representative, Southwest Carpenters Union, thanked the City for partnering with them in twot, _ ' nt opportunities: 1) CultivaLA Rosemead Community Garden put our sktlis to work to create a shed for the community; and 2) Little Free Library throughout fticity to promote literacy through this program. Community Wealth is using local "*s to fuel Rosemead's economy; providing local economic stability for Rosemead: Setup a citywide Community Wealth agreemeintthat will invest in your community and surrounding communities tha ill help solve -homelessness, career paths for veterans, disadvantaged individuals, single parentsor people who did time or those who losLtheir jobs due to the pandemic We understand that construction world is not foreveryone, but together wA provide a career that gives family health care, paid sick;, time, or retirement Wildi dignity. Emphasized not one contractor or developer will be left out on oppor#iities to bid any project. The city will set the al leveWof the projects that will fall under the agreement. This is not a projecbor agreement which is specifically for projects; a community wealth agreement %a focused on providing for your community. Creating that cycle of economic year apprenticeship program and building traits professional program a steppingstone for individuals to have a bright future. Let's create le projects that will provide opportunities for Rosemead because if the t_ thrives, everyone will thrive. Mayor Low thanked Mr. Jimenez for this presentation and the Southwest partnership with the Community Garden and Little Free Library. Council Member Armenia asked Mr. Jimenez to share with the Council the other cities that have this great Community Wealth project in their cities. Mr. Jimenez shared of General Law cities, there is Carson, El Monte, Pico Rivera, Martin Grove, Moreno Valley, and Perris. Noted there are South Gate, Cudahy, Montebello, and Alhambra Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 17 of 24 Council Member Armenta stated she toured the international center in Las Vegas, there are great opportunities for people who do not go to college; for someone who was in a classroom for 20 years, we also need vocational through this program. How many times through the Strategic Plan do we hear residents say they cannot afford to live in Rosemead. This is a prime example of a program that will give our residents an opportunity to stay and buy a house in Rosemead and will contribute to Rosemead. Implored the Council to take this into consideration and look at the agreements with other cities to tailor an agreement for Rosemead's needs. Council Member Clark stated she is looking forward to the program and more details. Mayor Pro Tem Dang thanked Mr. Jimenez for the presentation. Asked about the mixed-use project and this program is able to take advantage of that. If the City of Rosemead signs on to the program, how does the ck help Southwest Carpenters Union, how do we interface, will the city serve as the middleman between you and the developer. Mr. Jimenez responded the mixed -fie project is considered residential on the top portion and com�ial on the lower portion of the b ding; we have developers, contractors Flo the work from ground up, there that fall under the competitive rate. This agement you custom design it to fit the needs of Rosemead, put it together with Contractor A strators from the Building Traits. Anything $500,000 tlp will have to comply willr dte: agreement created. If it is carpenter craft work, they would have to hire Carters' Union members to do that work. The amount of money the project fadds-uitcer, they have to comply with the agreement and register with the unions for that work. Mayor Pro Tem-bangi who Monitors the workflow, is it city staff, or union staff or owner/developer hire§ an auditor? Mr. Jimenez replied ifthey fall within the requirements of the agreement, they have -to register with the unions and the unions will monitor their portion of that project. o cost to the city, we do compliance as well. Conn Member Tang appreciates college is not for everybody, there are different pathways to success and self-sufficiency to allow them to grow and give back to their cornm6iiies and raise their families. Mayor Low expressed we look forward to working with you in the future. Council Member Armenta inquired what the direction to staff is for this item. Mayor Low asked staff to follow up with Mr. Jimenez to gather more information to provide to the Council. City Manager Molleda asked for clarification if the information gathered should be brought back to a future meeting or provided in the Weekly Update? Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes ofDecemher 14, 2021 Page 18 of 24 Mayor Low responded please provide the information in the Weekly Update. Mr. Jimenez thanked the City Council for their time and wished everyone Happy Holidays! C. Introduction of Ordinance No. 1007 of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, Amending Section 2.08.070 of the Rosemead Municipal Code Relating to the Chief of Police Council Member Sandra Armenta requested that the following item be added to the City Council agenda for Council action. Upon the City's incorporation in 1959 initial ordinances of the City were adopted by the first City Council. Over time changes occur which may necessitate the Council to make amendments to the Municipal Code to properly reflect the status of certain matters. In the present case, the City's provision of law enforcement is provided by contract approved by the City Council with the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department and not by an internal City Police Department with a City employed Chief of Police. The City Council desires to amend the Municipal Code to remove reference to the position of Chief of Police as falling under the City Manager as stated in Section 2.08.070 to further clarify the current status. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and determine whether to introduce for reading and direct bringing back for adoption, Ordinance No. 1007, Entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 2.08.070 OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE CHIEF OF POLICE Council Member Armenta stated this ordinance before us was adopted in 1959, which is when the City of Rosemead was incorporated; noted the city had yet to establish if they were going to have their own Police Department or go with the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department. Explained that the language referencing the Chief of Police needed to be cleaned up from the previously adopted Ordinance No. 1. City Attorney Richman indicated Council Member Armenta asked her to prepare this ordinance to remove the words "the Chief of Police"; asserted that Section 2.08.070 B. will be amended to read as follows: B. To appoint, promote, discipline, demote and remove the Chief of Peliee all heads of departments, and all subordinate officers and employees of the City except the City Clerk and the City Attorney; to transfer employees from one department to another; and to consolidate or combine offices, positions, departments or units under his or her jurisdiction. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 19 of14 Council Member Armenta pointed out that the City Manager does not have the ability to promote, demote or fire the Chief of Police as our Chief of Police is by honorary title only and is a Lieutenant with the Sheriff's Department that we contract with. It makes sense to clean up the language so that is clear what the City Manager's responsibilities are. Council Member Tang inquired for his educational purposes, what is the process when Council conducts business, can any Council Member introduce an ordinance or do you bring it for discussion and if the Council chooses to proceed, then direct staff to draft an ordinance? Council Member Armenta responded that we are not changing the ordinance, simply striking words. Mayor Low opined we are technically changing it because we are making updates to the original ordinance adopted. Concurred with Council Member Tang; stating to respect each other as coll "', it really should be'brought to Council for discussion first and if collectively eed upon, then we could ask the City Attorney to update the ordinance. This vviijE doesn't look like any particular Council Member is only directipg the City Atbomey to draft and update an ordinance. Council Member Armevta no%i she contacted the City Attorney to see what the best way was to go forth in ch and cleaning up some language. Expressed it had nothing to do with respect or d'tsrtspect; emphasized she respects each of her colleagups. Stated that was not thq.-tents the. intent was to bring the language need' j dates to the Council's ion for discussion and if you want to bring it back, it is at the will of the Council. Low to item back with the original ordinance provided to comp ` - th the-poposed i _, eats. City Attorney-ltichmanyeplied absolutely, I will be sure to include the original 6ardinance as att attachme . expressed he appreciates that education, reiterating he is new Council Mettaber Armenta noted we just adopted the Chief of Police model in 2009 under Tim Murakami. D. Discussion of City Seal on City Vehicles This item is being requested by Council Member Sandra Armenta, regarding the City seal on City vehicles. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide direction. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 20 of24 Council Member Armenta stated it is crucial that every city vehicle has a city seal embedded on it no matter who it is assigned to because it is a city vehicle, not a personal vehicle. Opined if the city leases, owns, or is responsible for a vehicle, then it should have the city seal embedded on the door. Council Member Clark indicated support as it will help with traffic control when we have city events. Mayor Pro Tem Dang stated most of our city fleet vehicles already have the city seal; opined we should have some unmarked vehicles for safety reasons, noting staff was asked to do surveillance when there was a protest at Motel 6. Expressed I would not want to jeopardize staff s safety by having them sit in a marked vehicle. Council Member Tang asked how many city vehicles are there that do not have the city seal? Also, is the city leasing of we own those unmarked vehicles. City Manager Molleda responde& f I am correct, my city vehicle is the only one that does not have a city seal; in the vehicle is leased. Council Member Tang inquired what is the'_cost of the lease and when was the benefit of giving a carallowance to City Managers instituted? Ms. Molleda stated it was institutes a while ago,, noting there is an option of an allowance or city vehicle. Indicated she did not have the cost information but could provided to council. Mayor 'w asked the City Manager if she had any concern about adding the city seal to her city vehicle. ".da expressed concern for safety reasons, not that she does not want people tAnow whete�lte works, but rather she would not want someone following her home, indicated to x knowledge, no other City Manager has had a city seal n their city vehicle _ M - Low clad if Ms. Molleda meant no other Rosemead City Manager or no otlahf City Manager of any other city has not had a city seal on their city issued vele. Ms. Molleda responded no other Rosemead City Manager. Council Member Tang indicated he wasn't aware that it was only one city vehicle that did not have the city seal. The contract states the City Manager has the option of choosing a $600 monthly car allowance or being issued a city vehicle, but it is silent on the use of the vehicle. It does not state that it can only be used for city purposes so I would imagine that if this benefit is given to the City Manager, then it could be used for personal. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 21 of 24 Council Member Armenta responded that is something we can discuss during renegotiation of the contract. Mayor Low concurred the contract is silent and does not say the use is limited to city use. Council Member Armenta pointed out that the vehicle has a government exempt license plate, so it is known that it is a government issued vehicle. Council Member Tang shared when he was working in state legislature, he observed that assemblymembers and senators,have state issued vehicles with government exempt license plates but do not have seals either. Mayor Pro Tem Dang stated if the City Manager utilized the $600 allowance, she would have gotten a lease on a personal vehicle and drive it throughout her day wherever. Opined so it makes seas that the City Manager can use the city issued vehicle for personal use such as44 -she decided to stop for groceries on her way home from work. Council Member Tang stated Mayor Pro Tem Dang brought up a good point — what if the City Manager dem v _ _ stop at a grocery store or dinner with a friend on her way home from work, eacressed if the city emblem is on the vehicle, the perception might be that an employees ustt'_ ' resources for personal reasons but they do not know the narrative that -the vehicle -is, assigned to the City Manager as a benefit. Coun"ember Armenta responded -that the moment you are using a city vehicle regardless -of what the stipulatioMwe, the city is held liable; stated if she happens to be barhopping while using the city vehicle, guess who is going to be held - the City o,£ Rosemwd. Asseged that she can take the stipend and buy her own a then the city will not be.Uld liable. Emphasized it is only appropriate to include `tie city sea! on all city vehicles to track them to ensure those cars are not being misused, cil Member --Tang stated he does not understand how placing a city seal chimes the liability. Council n3bei Armenta reiterated if there is an accident, the other person involved inAho accident will go after the City of Rosemead not the City Manager. Asked the City Manager if every city car, all the fleets, have the city seal? City Manager Molleda replied that her car and the car assigned to the Chief of Police do not have the city seal. Council Member Armenta stated now the narrative changed because before it was only her car without the city seal. Suggested tabling this item until the information requested can be provided. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 22 of24 Mayor Pro Tem Dang inquired if the City Manager leased a personal vehicle with the $600 stipend and hypothetically leaves the city of Rosemead, who is going to inherit that lease? Expressed it's not fair for her to inherit that lease. Council Member Armenia stated that with the amount of money the City Manager makes she can afford to pay the lease. Council Member Tang stated we do not have to discuss how much she gets paid; let's just say if she were to take the $600 allowance, then she would be responsible for the lease. Council Member Armenia noted the reason she brought that up is because if someone were getting paid very little, then I would be concerned but that is not the case. Mayor Low stated this item will be tabled to a future meeting for further discussion E. Council Comments Council Member Armenia stated on October;26, 2021, she brought up the matter of adding the city seat owa,11 vehicles tothe City Manager but never received a response, so she had to request kbe placed on -to Council meeting agenda. Asked for a status update on the :stops signs,at Rosemead Place that was brought up on October 26' and brought back on T46 er 9a'. City .*ager Molleda responttgd Site did AdV111ow what stop signs Council Members"krmenta was referring Apologized she does not recall; inquired what informationsbe is asking about. 1Vlember Armenta asked why the stop signs are so small within the _.. x Rosemea$ dace as they are not the standard size. One thing I have asked on multiple occasions is tube directly updated on items but rather I have to wait that is only for Council remarks not discussion. City Manager Molleda stated she will email Council Member Armenia this Council Member Armenia expressed concern that on Klingerman Street and Angelus Avenue, when you go down Klingerman Street at the end of Rice Avenue, people are running the stop sign and not adhering to the speed limit. Asked if there is any way to put those bulbs to slow down vehicles. Inquired what is happening with SB 1307 — Rosemead Street Lighting and Landscaping Act? I would like to see how we can implement street lighting at the Pocket Park by Angelus Avenue. Ms. Molleda responded the money was allocated through the CIP project in the last fiscal year to another project if you would like us to relocate it somewhere else, we can bring that to Council for discussion. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 23 of 24 Council Member Armenta reiterated another previous request to the City Manager that she has not received a report on was homelessness property being abandoned and disposed of by Code Enforcement. City Manager Molleda stated she did respond to that text. Council Member Armenta asked if we can look into setting policy that if abandoned property looks like it belongs to someone giving them 90 days to claim it and if it is not claimed, then disposing of it. Mayor Low asked staff to bring this item to a future meeting for discussion. Council Member Clark opined information should be provided to the Council in the Weekly Update first. Mayor Pro Tem Dang disagreed . , ` the item should be brought to a Council meeting for discussion. Mayor Low echoed her initial direction to staff to -bring this itemto a future meeting for discussion. Council Member Tang shared on Thanksgivingmorning he was biking and noticed gang graffiti on Stevens. -Avenue and Graves Avenue, then after just reporting, after circliug:4ack the grafi was abated.. Mr. Tang: gave special recognition to Steven:, rt�i-a.;Public s employee for his due diligence, especially on Thaniwing Day; stated he hopes hat the Public Works Director can share that kudos ` ` Mr. Navarro. Low tha staff for their efforts with the 8th Annual Holiday -Lunclws and To Drive. 8. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Low adjourned the meeting at 10:05 p.m. The regular meeting of December 28, 2021 is cancelled. The next City Council meeting will take place on January 11, 2022, at 7:00 p m ii the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED: Steven Ly, Mayor Rosemead City Council Special Meeting and City Council & Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2021 Page 24 of 24