PKC - Item 3B - Superhero 5K Fun Run/WalkROSEMEAD PARKS COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND PARKS COMMISSION FROM: TOM BOECKING, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE: MARCH 5, 2024 SUBJECT: SUPERHERO 5K FUN RUN/WALK SUMMARY This item is to provide the Parks Commission with information regarding the new Superhero 5K Fun Run/Walk event which will take place on Saturday, April 27. DISCUSSION The Parks and Recreation Department is excited to host a brand-new special event this spring, the Superhero 5K Fun Run and Walk. The event will take place on Saturday, April 27. The event will begin at Rosemead Park and route through the neighborhood just East of Rosemead Park. The event will include a 50 -YD Diaper Dash for ages 3-5 years old, 1K Fun Run for ages 6-12 years old and conclude with a 5K Fun Run for participants ages 13+. There will also be a vendor area for runners to visit. Interested participants will be able to register online or in person at one of the department's facilities. Pre -registration is highly recommended. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Parks Commission receive the updated information. FISCAL IMPACT All events are allocated in the FY 23/24 Budget. Attachment A: Race Routes — 5K Run/Walk, 1K Kids Run, Diaper Dash SK Run Route a A� yaRE Olson .ome s Joss Aum Body Lower drut 0 /qd� Me — 4 ei Running Route n s� = HI tosuru PO]'. Go rhmu&b 4aA. D ]UneClosure = Venbor/Sta&eAmt Pp2. Pass Fn&h line ar4O st ee Venbor/StaH Orking ■ Prelims Poi SbenWs/enblS efSry SiARLINE a >. u �Mtrra8fion £ q Q Rosemead or t Park ar_o_nace for suip mine. nla^ cper nol Rose 51 Rosemead 5latepaM Mo day lnn EI �m � Rosemead Aquatic Cwte essay Age v Mission Os yob Rb n n Sassari Cemetery Rental Ave © a Ps Ole _.tri ©--acs fH Torry Auto Sereses � ®u`s' s Go,;glevalley ei.a © valley a' cii'oi0 In Laster alrsa Rd Rosemead Slatepalk ei Running Ruts n n' rollda Ed e V©,Inn = Hai Caste M ITons Closure Rosemead Aquatic Ceti = Ventlor/StageArena py¢ Mission 0, n M VEnNorlSlafl oolong as ' Dell St ■ Hestani<Board Ric T SiARRFINISH �HNE ShesMS/4ubtlW(ety A WarerSration if Pitkin St uigneg `R . pike S! NO Rose at aC 6 o arob Rb m s TH Gla"'OValley Blvd Valley Rosemead Slatepalk rollda Ed e V©,Inn 0 Rosemead Aquatic Ceti py¢ Mission 0, as A Bentel Ave Savannan Cemetery © ¢¢�� p To� Auto Servlees Pitkin St uigneg `R . pike S! NO Rose at aC 6 o arob Rb m s TH Gla"'OValley Blvd Valley paceo. • 'C e „ dsys zg Ra o Aam s Bernard Ave � AavannaM1 CemRely Q 'pa y_ Totes Auto Servl[es ago 64 As �Uc- 71 QGo."ele valley Blvd APgFnst Rog, SI Valley 50 Yard Diaper Dash a Rd Lower A Olson times Joe'_ unit (/qdyen ke 4 —iRunning Mate n .' Pitkin Sit = Hai Chi M I ung Closure Ventlor/StageAmt AP n Ventlor/StaH diking n ■ Ekerani<Board Pio Dell St START/PNISH 9. • ShenWs/4ubticklerY USE n WarerSration q ad Green spare for ,niming eim €_ork St Rose Rosemead AatepaB holiday lan El Monte © sa ' Re Y Rosemead Aquatic Cwter M be by Ave MIS 2' paceo. • 'C e „ dsys zg Ra o Aam s Bernard Ave � AavannaM1 CemRely Q 'pa y_ Totes Auto Servl[es ago 64 As �Uc- 71 QGo."ele valley Blvd APgFnst Rog, SI Valley