PSC - Item 3F - 3. LA CADA Homeless Weekly Report May 6-10, 2024Me Follow Up 78.95% m FirstTime X FOHOW Up 11 1■ 2M Benefits Building Assistance Rappontfcheck 10 First Time 1.05% 11 D STATS OVER THE PAST WEEK I According to our data collected for week 5/6/2024 to 5/10/2024, we made 38 engagements of which 8 were first time engagements, 30 follow up engagements with 1 engagement refusing supportive services. HIGHLIGHT • Team linked 13 individuals to food pantry services located at: East San Gabriel Valley Coalition (8) and Shepherd's Pantry (5). • Team linked 5 individuals to interim housing at: Soul Housing (1), Safe Landing (1); and motel voucher (3). FUTURE GOALS • Follow up with client regarding consistent engagement with mental health provider. • Focus on housing clients through DMH. • Encourage client to accept SUD Treatment. 25 )2 14 5 4 3 d d 2 2 2 2 2 ❑_DM ■❑M❑■ ❑M; ER Linkage ER Servioe5 Food Pantry Housing Interim Housing Medication On Site Care Resources Snack Pack SUDTreatment Transportation Requested Linkage N@vigation Linkage Assistance Follow-up