PSC - Item 2A - Minutes of July 25, 2024 MINUTES OF THE ROSEMEAD PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 25, 2024 The Regular Meeting of the Rosemead Public Safety Commission was called to order by Vice- Chair Jeff Foutz at 7:15 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Chair Amy Wu, Vice-Chair Jeff Foutz, Commissioners Liz Fonseca, Stephanie Garcia,andSarahKuang ABSENT:Commissioners Tommy Martinez and Yin Yin Ta PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: was led by Vice-Chair Foutz INVOCATION: was led by Commissioner Fonseca 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Vice-Chair Foutz opened the Public Comment period. No Public Comments were received. Vice-Chair Foutzclosed the Public Comment period. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Garcia made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 23rd, 2024 Public Safety Commission Meeting, and was seconded by Commissioner Fonseca. Motion carried by the following vote: YES: 5-0 3. MATTERS FROM STAFF A. Presentation of Community Academy and Certificates Public Safety Supervisor, Mandy Wong provided a brief update on the Community Academy and invited Police Chief Lt. Kevin Tiwari to provide a brief presentation of the Academy, accompanied with a PowerPoint presentation. Certificates of completion were presented to recent graduates as well. B. Introduction of Park Rangers Parks and Recreation Director, Tom Boecking provided a presentation of the Park Ranger Division, specifically on the services they provide. He stated Rosemead has 13 park rangers and they work 20 hours a week. Their schedules vary based off availability and provide coverage Monday through Sunday,7am to 10pm, typically three shifts a day. Two park rangers are scheduledat one time, located at Garvey and Rosemead Park. The City is divided up into north and south. The park ranger stationed at Garvey Park overseas activities or anything that is needed at Zapopan Park and Del Mar Avenue community center. Rosemead Park is considered the north end, which includes coverage of Sally Tanner park and Glendon Way community garden. He stated their responsibilities are unique because not only do theypatrol the park, they conduct safety, graffiti, and rental checks, and close park facilities, restrooms, tennis courts, the skate park, Garvey paws dog park, and the community gardens. They also issue parking and administrative citations. Prior tothepark rangers, Rosemead had park supervisors also known as recreation leaders, that conducted park checks in the evening. The park ranger program started about a year and half ago and has been very successful. Staff has heard a lot of positive feedback from the residents and park patrons. He continued with a Powerpoint presentation to show photos and visuals of the areas and issues park rangers address. Vice-Chair Foutz stated since reports of graffiti are up, is graffiti on the rise or do we have more resources to report it? Boecking advised he cannot comment if graffiti is up, but he can say reporting of graffiti has increased. Boecking continued to present on usage by sports teams and closing of the parks. Commissioner Fonseca asked a few questions, she requested the park ranger phone number, if she should contact a park ranger or public works for trash pick- up, who can assist with opening the parking at Del Mar Community Garden, and who should they contact for homeless encampments. Tom advised he would provide the park ranger number via email. Trash pick-up should be reported to Public Works during normal operating hours, park rangers can assist at all other times they are scheduled. Tom had to get further info and check with Public Works for the parking lot at Del Mar Community Garden. Lastly, he stated homeless encampments should be reported to Public Safety firstduring normal operating hours, although park rangers can take the information as well and assign the appropriate resources. Commissioner Garcia asked during their working hours, what does it look like when the park rangers are on duty? Tom advised they are present at the parks either walkingaround the park or driving a vehicle. Customer service is an important part of their duties. Vice-Chair Foutz asked the commissioners if anyone had additional questions then concluded the presentation. C. LACoFD Fire and EMS Incidents Report (April2024) A representative was not in attendance to present the reports. This item was Received and Filed by the Commission. D. Crime Statistics (April 2024) A summary of the crime statistics from June and July 2024 was provided by Police Chief Lt. Tiwari. He advised the deputies have been doing a lot retail theft operations. During one operation they caught 15 individuals, which is going to cause an increase in crimereporting. He advised commissioners tobe aware of this effectsinceoverall, there was a 44% increaseinthetheftcategory.Other crimes such as robberies and grand theft autos are down. This item was Received and Filed by the Commission. E. Rosemead SAO Team Weekly Reports (April 2024) Police Chief Lt. Tiwari advised they are working on highlighting the work of the deputies. In collaboration with the Sheriff’s Information Bureau, two videos were released, showcasing the work they’re doing in Rosemead. The videos showcase retail theft and homeless outreach operations. Commissioner Fonseca and Garcia shared their gratitude for the work of the deputies. Commissioner Garcia shared some interest in learning how Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent comments to clean-up homeless encampments may affect Rosemead. Lt. Tiwari shared that this issue needs to be investigated further since the information is new. Assistant City Manager, Richard Rojas provided a bit of preliminary insight on Governor Newsom’s recent executive order, citing that the Governor will do what he can to address encampments on state property but let local governments decide how to implement the authorization. Chair Wu asked if the City can help remove trash and debris around the railroads and who takes care of rubbish that is left by the homeless? Rojas advised anything in the public right of way is the responsibility of the City. We must coordinate with the railroad company to remove any trash and debris since it is their responsibility, and may pose liability issues with entering their property. Chair Wu asked for an update on the Community Service Officer Program. Lt. Tiwari advised the first step was to obtain equipment then conduct background checks. He further advised the City is working on developing a manual for the program. Rojas advised staff working through the logistics of implementation and administration of the program. The goal is to think the details through and create a program that can be scaled up if needed. The program is expected to be implemented in 90 days. This item was Received and Filed by the Commission. F. L.A. CADA Supplemental Services Report (April 2024) This item was Received and Filed by the Commission. G. Crime Prevention and Emergency Preparedness Activities Public Safety Supervisor, Mandy Wong provided a brief update on the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan per request of Assistant City Manager, Richard Rojas. Wong advised they are submitting their third draft to CalOES for review. The goal is to have a plan forCityCouncil approval by or before December. Wong provided a brief updatethatRosemead is expected to receive$290,000 inCOVID recovery costsand is slated to receive Storm recovery costs from FEMA as well. Wong expressed the importance ofhaving a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan in place when requesting public assistance reimbursement. Wong reminded the commissioners that National Night Out will take place August th 9 at Rosemead Park. This item was Received and Filed by the Commission. 4.MATTERS FROM COMMISSION A.Commissioner Comments Commissioners inquired regarding the recent fire in Rosemead. Lt. Tiwari advised no one was injured and it is still under investigation. Assistant City Manager, Richard Rojas advised that first responders were on site quickly and determined the substance burning was not hazardous, and no one was hurt. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. The next Public Safety Commission meeting will be held on Thursday, August 22nd, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. APPROVED: __________________________________ Richard Rojas, Assistant City Manager _____________________________ Amy Wu, Chair