Exhibit BView from North East Corner View along Garvey Avenue 10927 downey avenue #D downey, ca 90421 p 562.861.3883 f 562.862.1523 formBstudio@gmail.com FORM STUDIO in c facade renovations 8966 garvey avenue rosemead, ca f o r t r e s s p l a z a 33 ' - 2 " 25'-4" 24'-10" 9' - 0 " 9'- 0 " 25 ' - 0 " EXISTING SIDEWALK EXISTING SIDEWALK 27'-6"27'-6" (E) DRIVEWAY APPROACH (E) DRIVEWAY APPROACH EXISTING MARQUE SIGNAGE TO BE REMODELED LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE sheet index: sheet no. issue / date: consultant: The above drawings and specifications and ideas, designs and arrange-ments represented thereby are and shall remain the property of thedesigner, and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others orused in connection with any work or project other than the specifiedproject for which they have been prepared and developed without thewritten concent of the designer. Visual contact with these plans orspecifications shall constitute conclusive evidence of acceptance of Written dimensions on these drawings shall have precedence over scaleddimensions. Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimen-sions and conditions on the job and this office must be notified of anyvariations from the dimensions and conditions shown by these drawings.Shop details must be submitted to this office for approval before pro- these restrictions. ceeding with fabrication. owner information: project location: project no: phase: date: scale: drawn by: 10927 downey avenue #D downey, ca 90421 p 562.861.3883 f 562.862.1523 formBstudio@gmail.com FORM STUDIO in c SP1 . SITE PLAN ROSEMEAD, CA 8966 GARVEY AVE . ROSEMEAD, CA 8966 GARVEY AVENUE DAVID LIEU FORTRESS PLAZA RB NOTED 01/20/2024 . 2308061 EXISTING STRUCTURE EXISTING STRUCTURE PARKING AREA g a r v e y a v e r i v e r a v e building #1 building #2 proposed scope of work: site plan SCALE: 1"=10'-0" PROPERTY LINE PR O P E R T Y L I N E 03/24/24 PLANNING SUBMITTAL BUS STOP LANDSCAPELANDSCAPE PROPOSED LANDSCAPE AREA: 385 sq ft 18 ' - 0 " 2' - 0 " 5' - 0 " (TYP) 9'-0" (T Y P ) 5'-8" OV E R H A N G 77'-0" 5' - 0 " 17 ' - 4 " 7'-0" PROPERTY LINE PRO P E R T Y L I N E PROPERTY LINE PR O P E R T Y L I N E 16 0 ' - 0 " 65'-0" 7,070 SQ FT 10,063 SQ FT 48'-9" 15 5 ' - 2 " BUILDING FACADE REMODEL BUILDING #1 - 7,070 SQ FT BUILDING #2 - 10,063 SQ FT REMODEL EXISTING SIGNAGE TRASH ENCLOSURE EXISTING SMOOTH STUCCO WALL FINISH TO MATCH BUILDING NOTE: ALL EXISTING LANDSCAPE SHALL BE REHABILITATED THE SITE WILL BE MAINTAINED AND ALL DEBRIS AND TRASH WILL BE REMOVED EXISTING PARKING LOT WILL BE REHABILITATED AND RESTRIPED WITH IDENTICAL DELINEATION OF PARKING SPACES GROSS LOT AREA 42,253 SF project data STRUCTURE: BUILDING #1 - 7,070 SQ FT UNIT A UNIT B UNIT C UNIT D UNIT E UNIT F 18'-0" 18'-0"18'-0" ASPHALTIC CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 15 ' - 0 " 8'- 0 " 9'- 0 " C 8'-0" 9' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 13'-0" 18'-0" 8 COMPACT SPACES 8'-0" 9' - 0 " UNIT A UNIT B UNIT C UNIT D UNIT E UNIT F 1,488 SF 1,451 SF 920 SF 920 SF 920 SF 1,371 SF STANDARD SPACES 4 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 8 COMPACT SPACES STANDARD SPACES 4 COMPACT SPACES5 C CCCCC 16 STANDARD SPACES 16 C 24 40 5264 C C C C C C UNIT B UNIT C UNIT A UNIT D UNIT I UNIT E UNIT F UNIT G / J UNIT H BUILDING #2 - 10,063 SQ FT UNIT A UNIT B UNIT C UNIT D UNIT E UNIT F UNIT G / J 800 SF 600 SF 560 SF UNIT H UNIT I 1,000 SF 1,300 SF 1,300 SF 2,903 SF 1,000 SF PARKING SPACES: EXISTING PARKING SPACES: 64 TOTAL SPACES 14 COMPACT SPACES 4 ADA SPACES PROPOSED PARKING SPACES:64 TOTAL SPACES 14 COMPACT SPACES 4 ADA SPACES LANDSCAPE: REQUIRED: 6% ( 42,253 SF) = 2,535 SQ FT PROVIDED: 10' - 0 " C L E A R EXISTING LANDSCAPE BUFFER IN CENTER OF PARKING LOT:1,222 SF LANDSCAPE AREA IN NORTHEAST CORNER OF PROPERTY ( PROPOSED FOR OUTDOOR DINING) 693 SF LANDSCAPE STRIP BEHIND BUS SHELTER: 54 SF LANDSCAPE STRIP IN THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PROPERTY: 48 SF TOTAL: 2,017 SF OR 4.77% (2,017 / 42,253 SF) PROPOSED PAVER FINISH ( OUTDOOR DINING) 693 SF ( NO CHANGE IN PROVIDED) FR O M B U S S T O P PROPOSED ADDITIONAL LANDSCAPE AREA 558 SQ FT ( 173 SF PATIO AREA) REVISED TOTAL: 2017+558=2575/42,253 = 0.060 ( 6% LANDSCAPE) TOTAL PATIO AREA: 866 SF STORIES: CONSTRUCTION: TYPE VB BUILDING 1- 1 STORY BUILDING 2- 2 STORY SPRINKLERED: NO ZONE: C3/ RC-MUDO / D-O GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: MIXED USE: RESIDENTIAL/ COMMERCIAL (60 DU/AC) OCCUPANCY: B BUSINESS - SERVICE / OFFICE M MERCHANTILE - SALES 18'-0" PE D E S T R I A N W A L K PE D E S T R I A N W A L K 600 SF UNIT K 2,205 SF MEZZANINE FLOOR UNIT K MEAAANINE WALL ON ALONG SOUTH PROPERY LINE SHALL BE STUCCO FINISHED TO COMPLEMENT FACADE RENOVATION(PERMISSION TO BE OBTAINED FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER) CONCRETE FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH LED STRIP LIGHT METAL CAP METAL CAP METAL CAP SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH STOREFRONT STOREFRONT STOREFRONT STOREFRONT STOREFRONT STOREFRONT SCORE LINESCORE LINE CORROGATED METAL WOOD SLATS SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH BRICK VENEER OUTDOOR SEATING AREA EXISTING STOREFRONT LED STRIP LIGHT BRICK VENEER STONE FINISH CAP FOAM CAP SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH CORROGATED METAL WOOD SLATS WOOD SLATS SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH LED STRIP LIGHT 8'- 4 " 17 ' - 6 " 8'- 9 " SCORE LINE sheet index: sheet no. issue / date: consultant: The above drawings and specifications and ideas, designs and arrange- ments represented thereby are and shall remain the property of the designer, and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others orused in connection with any work or project other than the specifiedproject for which they have been prepared and developed without thewritten concent of the designer. Visual contact with these plans orspecifications shall constitute conclusive evidence of acceptance of Written dimensions on these drawings shall have precedence over scaleddimensions. Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimen-sions and conditions on the job and this office must be notified of anyvariations from the dimensions and conditions shown by these drawings.Shop details must be submitted to this office for approval before pro- these restrictions. ceeding with fabrication. owner information: project location: project no: phase: date: scale: drawn by: 10927 downey avenue #D downey, ca 90421 p 562.861.3883 f 562.862.1523 formBstudio@gmail.com FORM STUDIO in c B1.0 . ELEVATIONS ROSEMEAD, CA 8966 GARVEY AVE . ROSEMEAD, CA 8966 GARVEY AVENUE DAVID LIEU FORTRESS PLAZA RB NOTED 01/20/2024 . 2308061 garvey ave elevation - north parking lot elevation- west river avenue elevation- east building #1 LED STRIP LIGHT sheet index: sheet no. issue / date: consultant: The above drawings and specifications and ideas, designs and arrange-ments represented thereby are and shall remain the property of thedesigner, and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others orused in connection with any work or project other than the specifiedproject for which they have been prepared and developed without thewritten concent of the designer. Visual contact with these plans orspecifications shall constitute conclusive evidence of acceptance of Written dimensions on these drawings shall have precedence over scaleddimensions. Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimen-sions and conditions on the job and this office must be notified of anyvariations from the dimensions and conditions shown by these drawings.Shop details must be submitted to this office for approval before pro- these restrictions. ceeding with fabrication. owner information: project location: project no: phase: date: scale: drawn by: 10927 downey avenue #D downey, ca 90421 p 562.861.3883 f 562.862.1523 formBstudio@gmail.com FORM STUDIO in c B1.1 . ELEVATIONS ROSEMEAD, CA 8966 GARVEY AVE . ROSEMEAD, CA 8966 GARVEY AVENUE DAVID LIEU FORTRESS PLAZA RB NOTED 01/20/2024 . 2308061 north elevation CORROGATED METALM1 METAL TRIM M1 BRICK VENEER M2 7' - 1 0 " 9' - 8 " BRICK VENEER M2 W1 BRICK VENEER M2 STUCCO FINISH F1 WOOD SLATSM3 SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH STUCCO FINISH F2 STUCCO CAPF3METAL CAP M4 exterior finishes F1 W1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3 STUCCO LA HABRA ACRYLIC BASED STUCCO COLOR: DOVE GREY X-40 ICC ESR- 2564 OR EQUAL STUCCO LA HABRA ACRYLIC BASED STUCCO COLOR: BAY BRIDGE X-81593 ICC ESR- 2564 OR EQUAL FOAM CAP - STUCCO FINISH LA HABRA ACRYLIC BASED STUCCO COLOR: CHARLESTON - X-81585 CORROGATED METAL PAC-CLAD - PETERESEN METAL HWP SIDING SYSTEM COLOR: MEDIUM BRONZE BRICK VENNER ELDORADO STONE HARTFORD WOOD SLATS ADVANTAGE LUMBER IPE - 1x4 PLANKS METAL FLASHING / TRIM GALVANIZED TRANSOM: BLACK WINDOWS STOREFRONT GLASS TRANSOM: BLACK EXISTING AWNING - CANVASMANUFACTURER TO BE DETERMINED: BLUE M4 SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH STUCCO FINISH F2 8' - 7 " 15 ' - 1 " 16 ' - 1 " M 2 CORROGATED METAL WOOD SLATS M 3 LED STRIP LIGHT METAL TRIM M 1 STUCCO FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH F 2 STUCCO FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH F 2 STUCCO FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH F 2 STUCCO FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH F 2 STUCCO FINISH F 1 METAL CAP M 4 METAL CAP M 4 W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1W 1 W 1 W 1 LED LIGHT STRIP west elevation STUCCO FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH F 2 W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1 WOOD SLATS M 3 METAL TRIM M 1 LED STRIP LIGHT building #1 east elevation AW AW CORROGATED METAL BRICK VENEER BRICK VENEER SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH CONCRETE FINISH CONCRETE FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO WOOD SLATS CORROGATED METAL WOOD SLATS WOOD SLATS SMOOTH STUCCO SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH CONCRETE FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO BRICK VENEER EXISTING STOREFRONT 15 ' - 0 " EXISTING STOREFRONT DOOR EXISTING STOREFRONT 14 ' - 7 " 22 ' - 4 " DOOR 22 ' - 7 " EXISTING STOREFRONT DOOR EXISTING STOREFRONT DOOR DOORDOOR EXISTING STOREFRONT EXISTING STOREFRONT DOOR STONE CAP 27 ' - 4 " EXISTING STOREFRONT 17 ' - 1 0 " 8'- 1 0 " EXISTING STOREFRONT EXISTING STOREFRONT EXISTING STOREFRONTEXISTING STOREFRONTEXISTING STOREFRONT DOOR EXISTING STOREFRONT DOOR 6' - 9 " DOOR LED STRIP LIGHT METAL CAP METAL CAP METAL CAP METAL CAP CONCRETE FINISH CORROGATED METAL WOOD SLATS BRICK VENEERBRICK VENEER SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO EXISTING STOREFRONTEXISTING STOREFRONT EXISTING STOREFRONT STONE FINISH DOOR EXISTING STOREFRONT DOOR LED STRIP LIGHT FOAM CAP sheet index: sheet no. issue / date: consultant: The above drawings and specifications and ideas, designs and arrange-ments represented thereby are and shall remain the property of thedesigner, and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others orused in connection with any work or project other than the specifiedproject for which they have been prepared and developed without thewritten concent of the designer. Visual contact with these plans orspecifications shall constitute conclusive evidence of acceptance of Written dimensions on these drawings shall have precedence over scaleddimensions. Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimen-sions and conditions on the job and this office must be notified of anyvariations from the dimensions and conditions shown by these drawings.Shop details must be submitted to this office for approval before pro- these restrictions. ceeding with fabrication. owner information: project location: project no: phase: date: scale: drawn by: 10927 downey avenue #D downey, ca 90421 p 562.861.3883 f 562.862.1523 formBstudio@gmail.com FORM STUDIO in c B2.0 . ELEVATIONS ROSEMEAD, CA 8966 GARVEY AVE . ROSEMEAD, CA 8966 GARVEY AVENUE DAVID LIEU FORTRESS PLAZA RB NOTED 01/20/2024 . 2308061 garvey avenue elevation - north parking lot elevation- east building #2 sheet index: sheet no. issue / date: consultant: The above drawings and specifications and ideas, designs and arrange-ments represented thereby are and shall remain the property of thedesigner, and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others orused in connection with any work or project other than the specifiedproject for which they have been prepared and developed without thewritten concent of the designer. Visual contact with these plans orspecifications shall constitute conclusive evidence of acceptance of Written dimensions on these drawings shall have precedence over scaleddimensions. Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimen-sions and conditions on the job and this office must be notified of anyvariations from the dimensions and conditions shown by these drawings.Shop details must be submitted to this office for approval before pro- these restrictions. ceeding with fabrication. owner information: project location: project no: phase: date: scale: drawn by: 10927 downey avenue #D downey, ca 90421 p 562.861.3883 f 562.862.1523 formBstudio@gmail.com FORM STUDIO in c B2.1 . SITE PLAN ROSEMEAD, CA 8966 GARVEY AVE . ROSEMEAD, CA 8966 GARVEY AVENUE DAVID LIEU FORTRESS PLAZA RB NOTED 01/20/2024 . 2308061 CONCRETE FINISH CORROGATED METAL WOOD SLATS BRICK VENEER BRICK VENEER SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO EXISTING STOREFRONT EXISTING STOREFRONT STUCCO CAP DOOR EXISTING STOREFRONT DOOR EXISTING STOREFRONT LED STRIP LIGHT east elevation exterior finishes F1 W1 F2 F3 F3 STUCCO FINISH F1 STUCCO FINISH F2 M1M1 F2 M2 M2 BRICK VENEER M2 M3 M3 METAL TRIM M1 METAL TRIM M1 CONCRETE FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO F2 W1 W1 W1 3'-0" BRICK VENEER M2 METAL CAP STUCCO LA HABRA ACRYLIC BASED STUCCO COLOR: DOVE GREY X-40 ICC ESR- 2564 OR EQUAL STUCCO LA HABRA ACRYLIC BASED STUCCO COLOR: BAY BRIDGE X-81593 ICC ESR- 2564 OR EQUAL FOAM CAP - STUCCO FINISH LA HABRA ACRYLIC BASED STUCCO COLOR: CHARLESTON - X-81585 CORROGATED METAL PAC-CLAD - PETERESEN METAL HWP SIDING SYSTEM COLOR: MEDIUM BRONZE BRICK VENNER ELDORADO STONE HARTFORD WOOD SLATS ADVANTAGE LUMBER IPE - 1x4 PLANKS METAL FLASHING / TRIM GALVANIZED TRANSOM: BLACK WINDOWS STOREFRONT GLASS TRANSOM: BLACK EXISTING AWNING - CANVASMANUFACTURER TO BE DETERMINED: BLUE M4 M4 building #2 15 ' - 0 " 22 ' - 4 " 22 ' - 7 " 17 ' - 1 0 " 8'- 1 0 " 6' - 9 " WOOD SLATSM3 LED STRIP LIGHT CORROGATED METALM1 METAL TRIM M1 BRICK VENEER M2 BRICK VENEER M2STUCCO FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH F2STUCCO FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH F2 STUCCO FINISH F1 STUCCO FINISH F1 CORROGATED METALM1 METAL TRIM M1 STUCCO FINISH F1STUCCO FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH F2 WOOD SLATSM3 STUCCO CAPF3 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1 W1W1 METAL TRIM M1 north elevation AW AW AWAW AW CORROGATED METAL BRICK VENEER BASE WOOD SLATS SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH BRICK VENEER SIGNAGE S SIGNAGE SIGNAGE OUTDOOR SEATING AREA CONCRETE FINISH F O R T R E S SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGN SHOWN SIDEWAYS P L A Z A EXISTING STOREFRONT LED STRIP LIGHT BRICK VENEER CONCRETE FINISH CORROGATED METAL WOOD SLATS BRICK VENEERBRICK VENEER SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH SMOOTH STUCCO EXISTING STOREFRONT EXISTING STOREFRONT STONE FINISH CAP DOOR EXISTING STOREFRONT DOOR EXISTING STOREFRONT LED STRIP LIGHT FOAM CAP STONE FINISH CAP FOAM CAP F O R T R E S S SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGN SHOWN SIDEWAYS P L A Z A 10927 downey avenue #D downey, ca 90421 p 562.861.3883 f 562.862.1523 formBstudio@gmail.com FORM STUDIO in c facade renovations 8966 garvey avenue rosemead, ca f o r t r e s s p l a z a building no. 1 planning submittal: 05.16.2024 garvey ave elevation building no. 2 garvey ave elevation - colored CONCRETE FINISH SIGNAGE BRICK VENEER BASE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE SIGNAGE P L A Z A 24 ' - 6 " 3'-0" 2' - 6 " 6'-0" BRICK VENEER BRICK VENEER 11'-0" 2' - 3 " W/ LED LIGHTING CHANNEL LETTERSAREA OF SIGN 195 SQ FT O T E BASE F R R S S BRICK VENEER CONCRETE FINISHCONCRETE FINISH BASE CHANNEL LETTERS 24 ' - 6 " W/ LED BACK LIGHTING 3'-0" 11 ' - 0 " 4'-0" CONCRETE FINISH BRICK VENEER FINISH SATIN METAL FINISH SIGNAGE 3' - 0 " 1' - 6 " 6' - 0 " 2' - 2 " 2' - 1 0 " 2'-0"2'-0" sheet index: sheet no. issue / date: consultant: The above drawings and specifications and ideas, designs and arrange-ments represented thereby are and shall remain the property of thedesigner, and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed to others orused in connection with any work or project other than the specifiedproject for which they have been prepared and developed without thewritten concent of the designer. Visual contact with these plans orspecifications shall constitute conclusive evidence of acceptance of Written dimensions on these drawings shall have precedence over scaleddimensions. Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimen-sions and conditions on the job and this office must be notified of anyvariations from the dimensions and conditions shown by these drawings.Shop details must be submitted to this office for approval before pro- these restrictions. ceeding with fabrication. owner information: project location: project no: phase: date: scale: drawn by: 10927 downey avenue #D downey, ca 90421 p 562.861.3883 f 562.862.1523 formBstudio@gmail.com FORM STUDIO in c C1 . SIGN ELEVATIONS ROSEMEAD, CA 8966 GARVEY AVE . ROSEMEAD, CA 8966 GARVEY AVENUE DAVID LIEU FORTRESS PLAZA RB NOTED 01/20/2024 . 2308061 view along garvey avenueside view (facing the parking lot areas) signage plan TO T O P O F S I G N A G E L E T T E R S