CC - Item 5A - Adopting Reserve PoliciesROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 8, 2008 SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATON FOR ADOPTING RESERVE POLICIES FOR SELECTED FUNDS SUMMARY A mark of fiscal stability is a city's undesignated General Fund balance or an officially designated General Fund reserve or one derived from General Fund revenues. In a "Recommended Practices" report, The Government Finance Officer's Organization (GFOA) states that, "It is essential that governments maintain adequate levels of fund balance to mitigate current and future risks (e.g., revenue shortfalls and unanticipated expenditures) Fund balance levels are a crucial consideration, too, in long-term . financial planning." The GFOA went on to recommend that governments establish a formal policy on the level of unreserved fund balances, or reserved or designated fund balances that should be maintained in the General Fund and other selected funds. This report recommends that City Council members adopt the accompanying policy establishing reserve levels for the General Fund and also creating a Capital Projects Fund and an Equipment Replacement Fund, as well as the procedures for establishing, maintaining and the use of reserves. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2008-01, "A Resolution of the City of Rosemead Adopting a Fund Balance Reserve Policy." - ANALYSIS After the completion of the FY 2007-08 budget, staff was directed by the Interim City Manager to prepare a fund balance reserve policy for City Council consideration and action. It is contemplated by staff that, if adopted, the reserve policy .will be implemented immediately. As a means of more effective financial management staff is also recommending the establishment of a Capital Projects Fund and an Equipment APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: O 1 of 7 • 0 City Council Meeting January 8, 2008 Replacement Fund with reserves to be determined with the FY 2008-09 budget. How the Policy was Developed - In accordance with the GFOA's recommendation to establish a formal reserve policy staff is proposing a policy for City Council consideration and action. For guidance staff has referenced the book The Adoption of Reserve Policies in California Cities, by Anita Lawrence. The book presents the results of in with 205 California cities finance professionals with regard to their treatment of fund balance reserves. So, what is the appropriate rate or amount of reserves for Rosemead? For further guidance staff turned to the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) web site. On the web site three cities posted their General Fund reserve rate and method for determining the rate or amount. Two of those cities used a commonly used approach in determining the amount of their reserves (the equivalent of two to four months of average appropriations) and one of the cities took a more analytical approach. The analytical approach focuses on the estimated fluctuation of revenues and the probability of the fluctuation occurring. It also addresses the issue of cash flow timing, thus avoiding the need for short-term bridge borrowing and some measurement estimates that consider potential unexpected expenditures as well as unfunded liabilities. Staff believes the analytical method to be more rational and defensible than simply reserving an equivalent average of appropriations for some arbitrary period. The analytical approach was used by staff and the details are presented on Exhibit A. Staff used the following five measurements to calculate a prudent "starting point" reserve amount for the General Fund: 1. Tax Stability 2. Broadness of Revenue Base 3. Revenues at Risk Due to State or Federal Action 4. Cash Flow Requirements 5. Unfunded liabilities Reserve Rate - To simplify the calculation of the reserve amount in future periods, a . rate can be developed by dividing the base year (FY 2007-08 budget) reserve dollar amount by the base year total General Fund revenue and applying the rate to each successive years' General Fund estimated revenues. In the example the City's reserve rate happens to be about 31 percent, or $5.0 million. Of course, amounts should be reviewed on an annual basis and when significant changes occur adjustments should be factored into each year's budget. Staff is also recommending that two new funds be opened and reserves established for them: 1) Capital Projects Fund. 2) The Equipment Replacement Fund. Reserve dollar amounts for these two new funds should be established in the FY 2008-09 budget cycle. 2of7 • 0 City Council Meeting January 8, 2008 FINANCIAL REVIEW Adoption of a reserve policy will set aside a portion of a fund's balance for contingencies or emergencies thereby reducing unreserved, undesignated or unrestricted fund balances. In the year of establishment, the General Fund and the Capital Projects Fund will need to reduce the amount of appropriations sufficiently to fund reserves or take it from fund balance. Thereafter, revenue available for appropriations will fluctuate depending on the need to increase or decrease reserve levels. LEGAL REVIEW City Attorney has approved as to form. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Steven Brisco, Finance Director Exhibit A: Reserve Measurement Worksheet Exhibit B: Fund Balance Reserve Policy 3of7 • 0 EXHIBIT A City of Rosemead Reserve Measurement Worksheet FY 2007 - 08 Recommended Measurement #1 -Tax Stability Reserve Percent of total tax Property tax growth (no growth) $1,498,000 x 3%' _ $ 44,940 0.40% Property tax in-lieu of sales tax (no growth) $1,217,000 x 3%' = 36,510 0.32% Property tax in-lieu of VLF (no growth) $3,055,000 x 3%' = 91,650 0.81% Sales tax volatility $3,650,000 x 10%z = 365,000 3.24% TOT volatility $1,698,000 x 10%z = 169,800 1.51% Subtotal 707,900 6.28% Measurement #2 - Broadness of Revenue Base All other General Fund sources $4,813,110 x 20%s = 962,620 20.00% Measurement #3 - Revenues at Risk Due to State or Federal Action TOT - Prop 218 adverse ruling $1,698,000 x 20%a = 339,600 COPS grant $125,000 x 10%a = 12,500 S.T.A.R. $12,500 x 10%" = 1,250 Subtotal 353,350 Measurement #4 - Cash Flow Requirements Property tax growths $1,498,000 x 50% = 749,000 Property tax in-lieu of sales tax' $1,217,000 x 50% = 608,500 Property tax in-lieu of VLF' $3,055,000 x 50% = 1,527,500 Subtotal 2,885,000 Measurement #5 - Contractual or Other Legal Obligations None Measurement #6 - Expenses for New Operating Program None Measurement #7 - Likelihood of Continuation of Preseent Fund Balances None 4of7 • • EXHIBIT A City of Rosemead Reserve Measurement Worksheet FY 2007 - 08 Measurement #8 - Natural Disasters and Reserves None Measurement #9 - Unfunded Liabilities Annual cost of retiree health insurance Total recommended reserve 110,270 $ 5,019,140 Budgeted growth was 3%. Contemplates no growth in assessed value. 2 Assumes sales tax decline of 10%. 3 Total General Fund revenue ($16,083,410) less total taxes ($11,270,410) = $4,813,110. Reserves for loss of 20% of non-tax revenue. 4 Estimated probability of occurance. 5 Approximately half of property tax is not received until December. Creates need to reserve 50% of estimated property tax Note: Recommended Reserve Amount/Total GF Estimated Revenue = Reserve Rate $5,019,140/$16,083,410 = 31.21 % 5of7 • 0 EXHIBIT B CITY OF ROSEMEAD FUND BALANCE RESERVE POLICY FOR THE ROSEMEAD GENERAL, CAPITAL PROJECTS AND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUNDS PURPOSE To establish a Fund Balance Reserve Policy for the City General Fund. II. SCOPE This policy sets forth the type of reserves and funding methods the City may establish as it deems necessary. III. DEFINITION Fund Balance - Fund balance describes the net assets of the governmental funds. It is intended to serve as a measure of the financial resources available in a government fund and generally represents a fund's assets (cash, receivables, etc.) less its liabilities. Further, a portion of fund balance may be segregated by reserve, designation or legal restriction. Reserves, Designations and Restricted- Portions of a fund's undesignated fund balance may be reserved, designated or restricted for certain specific purposes. Such purposes consist of debt service requirements, debt proceeds, working capital (operational funds excluding financing and capital expenditures), capital expenditures for property, plant and equipment, advances to other funds, etc. Unreserved or Unrestricted Fund Balances - Describes the portion of a fund's balance which is not reserved, designated or restricted as to use. As such, the fund's balance is available for use. 6of7 • 0 EXHIBIT B CITY OF ROSEMEAD FUND BALANCE RESERVE POLICY FOR THE ROSEMEAD GENERAL, CAPITAL PROJECTS AND EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUNDS IV. POLICY A. Equal to 31% of total General Fund estimated revenue on July 1. B. Each year the Finance Director will review the five measurement criteria and certify that the assumptions and methodology remain appropriate and that 31 % of General Fund estimated revenue remains a prudent rate. In the best judgment of the Finance Director the rate may be increased. City Council approval is required to reduce the rate. C. Source of funding comes from unrestricted or unreserved fund balance and must be supported by an underlying cash equivalent equal to the amount of the reserves. D. Use of reserve funds requires City Council approval and unless otherwise directed by City Council must be replenished no later than June 30th of the fiscal year in which they were used. E. Capital Projects Fund reserves are equal to 10 percent of total annual capital expenditures at July 1. F. Equipment Replacement Fund unreserved/undesignated fund balance is to be used to purchase new and replacement equipment as appropriated in the annual budget. Fund revenue will be provided by charges to the using departments in the amount of depreciation (straight line method with no residual value) plus 5 percent inflation factor. 7 of7 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING A FUND BALANCE RESERVE POLICY WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead is interested in formalizing a Fund Balance Reserve policy; and WHEREAS, the City Manager directed staff to bring a reserve policy to the City Council for consideration and action; and WHEREAS, staff has researched and presented information on the various methods of calculating reserves and funding methods; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct and a substantive part of this Resolution. Section 2. That the Fund Balance Reserve Policy for the Rosemead General Fund hereto attached and marked "Exhibit B" is hereby adopted. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and cause the same to be processed in accordance with state law. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 8th day of January, 2008. MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ATTEST: CITY CLERK Page 1 of 1