CC - Item 5C - Request for Traffic SignalE M F S p ~ 9 ORATED • • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER G LAIA DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 2008 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF RUSH STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE SUMMARY On January 3, 2008, the Traffic Commission reviewed a request to install flashing yellow beacons or a traffic signal at the intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue. This item was reviewed in response to a petition from local residents and parents of students attending Rice Elementary School. After visiting the site and conducting a traffic study, staff found that the traffic conditions did not warrant additional traffic calming measures. The Traffic Commission opposed staffs recommendation and is requesting that the City Council consider additional traffic calming measures for the intersection. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council direct staff to continue monitoring traffic issues at Rush Street and Angelus and increase law enforcement efforts during school start and release times. DISCUSSION In late November 2007, staff received a petition to evaluate the traffic conditions at Rush Street and Angelus Avenue, adjacent to Rice Elementary School. After reviewing a study of the same area conducted in May 2007, staff found that the traffic counts, pedestrian counts, and accident records did not meet the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) requirements to warrant installation of new flashing beacons or traffic signals. At its January meeting, staff recommended to the Traffic Commission that additional traffic control measures not be installed at the intersection. After reviewing this study and considering resident concerns, the Traffic Commission voted unanimously (one commissioner was absent) to reject staff's recommendation and instead ask the City Council to consider additional traffic calming measures along Rush Street. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: O L Ve-4, c Y City Council Meeting February 12, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Recommendations from the Traffic Commission included: • Consider installing traffic signals at Rush Street/Angelus Avenue and Rush Street/Delta Avenue • Consider installing longitudinal lines (parallel to traffic flow) in the crosswalk at Rush Street/Angelus Avenue • Consider installing red curb on the south side of Rush Street from Delta Avenue west to fifteen feet beyond the existing fire hydrant at this location • Increase law enforcement personnel during school start and release times • Review the Conditions of Approval #41 of the Wal-Mart development as a means to fund these recommended improvements Since the traffic study in the area did not warrant additional traffic calming measures, the improvements can not be funded under the Wal-Mart Conditions of Approval #41. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this project is not provided in the engineering division's fiscal year 2007-08 budget. Should the City Council decide to move forward with traffic calming measures, additional funds will need to be budgeted to complete any mitigation work. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Not applicable LEGAL REVIEW This staff report has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. Prepared by: Chris Marcarello Administrative Services Officer Submitted by: +s~ki Brian Saeki Assistant City Manager Attachments: (1) Traffic Commission Agenda Report, January 3, 2008 • lJ ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: JANUARY 3, 2008 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF RUSH STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE SUMMARY A petition (attached) was received by City staff requesting the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue. The petition appears to be from parents of students attending Rice Elementary School and residents in the area of the subject intersection. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that flashing yellow beacons or a traffic signal not be installed at the intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue at this time. ANALYSIS Rush Street is an 84-foot wide east-west roadway with two lanes of traffic in each direction. A raised center median separates opposing lanes of traffic. There are dedicated left turn lanes on Rush Street at its intersection with Angelus Avenue. There is a yellow crosswalk on the east leg of the intersection. School pedestrian warning signs exist at and in advance of this crossing. There is a crossing guard assigned to this intersection during school start and release times. "SLOW SCHOOL XING" pavement markings also exist in advance of this crossing. Parking is generally allowed on both sides of the street except during street sweeping days. The posted speed limit on Rush Street is 40 mph. Angelus Avenue is a 40 foot wide north-south roadway with one lane of traffic in each direction. There is no striping separating opposing lanes of traffic. Street sweeping parking restrictions are posted on Angelus Avenue. Rice Elementary School is located on the east side of Angelus Avenue north of Rush Street. The prima facie speed limit on Angelus Avenue is 25 mph. Exhibit "A" depicts existing conditions at the intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue. • 0 Traffic Commission Meeting January 3, 2008 Page 2 of 4 Discussion Staff received this petition request in late November. This item would not have been placed on the December Traffic Commission meeting agenda because the deadline had passed. Therefore, it was placed on the January Traffic Commission agenda. However, staff did not have sufficient time to collect traffic and/or pedestrian data before the holiday period. .Staff did collect data, including pedestrian counts, in April and May 2007. This data was collected in conjunction with the follow-up analysis of the Wal-Mart development. The following tables summarize the data collected at the intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue. 24 Hour Traffic Volume Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Rush Street - 4,995 5,530 Angelus Avenue 669 795 Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Rush Street - 474 (7:45 AM) 459 (7:15 AM) 507 (5:15 PM) 543 (5:15 P.M) Angelus Avenue 92 (7:30 AM) 140 (7:30 AM) 102 (2:15 PM) 100 (2:15 PM) Pedestrian Count 8:00 - 9:00 AM 12:35 to 1:35 PM Elementary Age Adults Elementary Age Adults Crossing East Leg 10 23 9 9 Crossing North Leg 0 0 0 4 Reported traffic collision data was reviewed for the intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue. The reported collision history of the intersection was reviewed for the period from January 1, 2005 through October 31, 2007. There were 3 reported collisions during this period summarized on the next page. 0 0 Traffic Commission Meeting January 3, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Description Time & Date 1. Southbound vehicle broadsided a 2:48 PM, 10/12/07 westbound vehicle (no injuries). 2. Westbound vehicle rearended a 9:10 AM, 5/27/07 westbound vehicle (1 injury). 3. Northbound vehicle broadsided a 10:15 AM, 2/8/05 westbound vehicle (no injuries). Field observations were made of the intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue during student start and release times for Rice Elementary School. During these observations, pedestrians were identified crossing Rush Street. The majority of the elementary age pedestrians were crossing with adults. Motorists were observed driving through the yellow crosswalk when pedestrians were crossing. Flashing Yellow Beacon Analysis The installation of traffic signals and flashing beacons is based on guidelines presented in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD). These guidelines state: Flashing yellow beacons may be installed to supplement standard school signing and markings for the purpose of providing advanced warning during specified times of operation when justified. A flashing yellow beacon may be justified when ALL of the following conditions are fulfilled: 1. The uncontrolled school crossing is on the "Suggested Route to School"; and 2. At least 40 school pedestrians use the crossing during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) of a normal school day; and 3. The crossing is at least 180 m (600 ft) from the nearest alternate crossing controlled by traffic signals, stop signs or crossing guards; and 4. The vehicular volume through the crossing exceeds 200 vehicles per hour in urban areas or 140 vehicles per hour in rural areas during the same hour the students are going to and from school during normal school hours; and 5. The critical approach speed exceeds 55 km/h (35 mph) or the approach visibility is less than the stopping sight distance. Exhibit B demonstrates how the traffic and pedestrian volumes at Rush Street and Angelus Avenue compares to the CA MUTCD guidelines. As shown on Exhibit B, "All Parts" of the guidelines must be satisfied. The data collected indicates the intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue does not satisfy the CA MUTCD guidelines for the installation of flashing yellow beacons at this time. • 0 Traffic Commission Meeting January 3, 2008 Page 4 of 4 Recommendation Based on the analysis of the traffic and pedestrian volumes collected at the intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue, the installation of flashing yellow beacons are not recommended at this time. Traffic Signal Analysis The CA MUTCD provides guidelines for the installation of traffic signals at intersections. The guidelines consist of 8 Warrants as follows: Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume Warrant 3, Peak Hour Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume Warrant 5, School Crossing Warrant 6, Coordinated Signal System Warrant 7, Crash Experience Warrant 8, Roadway Network The CA MUTCD states: "The satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic control signal." Exhibit C provides a summary and the complete Warrant analyses for Rush Street and Angelus Avenue. As shown in the summary of Exhibit C, none of the 8 Warrants are satisfied. Therefore, the installation of a traffic signal at Rush Street and Angelus Avenue is not recommended at this time. Recommendation Based on the data collected at the intersection Rush Street and Angelus Avenue, the installation of a traffic signal is not recommended at this time. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Joanne Traffic Engineering Deputy Petition requesting traffic signal Exhibit A: Existing Conditions at Rush Street and Angelus Avenue Exhibit B: Flashing Yellow Beacon Worksheet Exhibit C: Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Q:yM6774-Rsd Retainer 07-08\Traffic Commission AgendasUanuary 2008\Rush 8 Angelus - Signal Request.doc 0 i CONCERNED PARENTS WANT A TRAFFIC LIGHT October 25. 2007 Road & Transport City Hall Los Angeles, Ca, and City of Rosemead Concerned parents of the school district would like to see a traffic light installed at the intersection fo Rush & Angelus, city of Rosemead. We the undersigned citizens (parents) of the Eldridge Rice School District and residents of this area, have found the intersection of Rush & Angelus in Rosemead Ca., to be dangerous. In response to the numerous accidents at this location, we believe a traffic light should be installed here. The notoriety of this intersection needs to end. The clear and present danger represented by this intersection has been noted by parents, students, administrators, citizens, and visitors of the Eldridge Rice School District (2150 N. Angelus Ave. Rosemead, Ca 91770). To alleviate the concern and the dangers to the involved parties, a traffic light needs to be installed at this location. F'1"1 H L~ cn w a Q . ~ o U ~ z O ~ 0 0 lk . a~ M ~ b p Q O ` W v' P 0 P s A N 1 rr E p o a O~ 1 J r 1 \ 1 K c ~ t J O y ` q v` 34 xr~ ~ J i" ti ~ .y L Jl a ~ S r _7^ Y T l 2 U Q V] z Q W z 0 a ~a 0 O N U ~ Irl § 1 O ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 ~ O c O ~ o P O r ~ + ~ J v `C i N Z ~ µ TP~ 3 s z ~ ~ N V ~ 1 u I Ilk vi N o N 5 1 ~ a 5 a ff// r`~ 1 • • z~ 0 0 1 O r ~ c c ~ r ,~'<r; ~0 M hl I ~ M ,J r7 M 1 \ 1 , ~y 'o-~ :P;. ° r ao o O O a 1 o O 0 o ~ v ` r} r r s 1 fi P , Si k u'S n r x ,1 u ~ vv~~ . i tf ~ N ~ C 1 Lf 6 d d S ~ V d f Q o ~ tV5 3 , LL 1L ~ R 'N -1- r_. ~ v AI o > Q ~ ?iii r 6 < a v h CS G - d J ~ 3 V ~ n a N- s a 3~ v r a e r wa m r N v r~ y ~qjx L ~ ' i' U 1 7:2 G4 o~ ~ 6 S 3 s ~c v s h ~ -ac J e •n • J J w H z Q U O U 0 x rl o N: A c7 ` y~ L ~ X11 <D p t' FF S F:y ~ V C~ ~ f\ IE F r CA- ' y ` \ C N M 3 M ib; ~ N c oo N co ' S n I~J S -a " - z, - Rc ✓ S • 0 M I~ y: \ I ~ I o I _ • is V ~ - o y\ C CF - r.~ 0 lp r tu' , V\ ~ 71o 4 R 'C1~ U O = - F ~p q - ,x Ir y0 s J o y Z~y r. ; a Zr- % 4 O 23 Q 0 I t ~9 : ' M ~ u I s i W \ L rD --o A W ih i ;q. v ~•l 2 c~ - \j IS: 75 t ~ b < O .V i, d • ~ d a fy ~ J (n ~ J r. `J 0 777 }vV ' :'I,pr1; V o6 k Jd 9 Q >a. Z~j {ydr, M l _ l~ ~ ~ 21. ~,a-M I Y1 r; ~ ~ N 5 l , ; ~ fs: • 0 f\ A r: t ~ f N Nlm N V y 6 c ~ S 1r a as V Y\ v s o J -S j 'fig o ~ c. o~ ~ ~ ~ Y .1 ~ ~ C U' d cb C5K 4 fz~ its) Ll s d • 0 \ r~ 0 ~ p I b b P a ° 0 s d S ~ Q a J y qj ~ -k U 4 I b S ~ f J 2 ~ ` M M C'1 M I C% W, t 3 o r•1 CC ~t~J\ M1 f.-. ,fir. ~ • w s ~ 3 3 S M C, v C S I z' S~ ~ ~ w LLJ Mf~ M ~ N WYu W _ S R I IC Y'-y N Y O y K OJ o J 2nN2AV 'd1 m II w U ry N nnoO Qw 0 O (1 w a~Na'~pLL~ n ~ ~pw~- I O LLN Q rc'I I b I ~ ~ wr N IN _ N I N I s <mE_. W 00.,Y ~~~N N mnnrom¢w u - Q (D v ~irY ~i p~O~e s J Off J J F Yij W O3_ - Q •R - ~ 30 W II Q ~1x Q Ai; > Fm J J W W W g Y ;i o o v. Zia N Qm _ _ C1C1 '~IAV Gn 1DONH a a' ~ w n N roQw ~Otr _ wec L ry N O- I N L J a L`v w w wU' U a = o w v) w _ X Q D Q F W Q n u U o UQ ~ a m mm m m o N l~ivi `mm ~iN[ ~ Exl+l~51r B California MUTCD Page 4K-6 (FHWA's MUTCD 2003 Revision 1, as amended for use in California) Figure 4K-101 (CA). Flashing Beacon at School Crossings Worksheet DIST CO RTE PM Major St: RrA~ilf~ fJ f te,+_ Minor St: tna e(u9 A ue COUNT DATE Apr-J jHr ~ zow CALC ~Cr DATE CHK DATE Critical Approach Speed 4 4- mph Critical Approach Speed mph Speed limit or critical speed on major street traffic > 64 km/h (40 mph)........ RURAL (R) In built up area of isolated community of <.10,000 population ❑ ❑ URBAN (U) Flashing Yellow Beacon at School Crossings (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS PartA U R Vehicle Volume Each of 2 Hours 200 140 eA7 606 School Age Pedestrians Each of 40 40 (O 9 Crossing Street 2 Hours AND Part B Critical Approach Speed Exceeds 55 km/h (35 mph) AND Part C Is Nearest Controlled Crossing More Than 180 m (600 ft) away? (Cro~fatv~~ guars( a~i°rl'h~d to tn4tr~ec-~~o~~ (This space left intentionally blank) Chapter 4K- Flashing Beacons Part 4 - Highway Traffic Signals SATISFIED YES ❑ NO r SATISFIED YES E] NO ;4 SATISFIED YES $ NO E] SATISFIED YES D NO X September 26, 2006 E-mo5m C I oj~Z City of Rosemead Summary of Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis (From MUTCD 2003 CA Supplement) Location: Rush Street and Angelus Avenue Date: Dec. 2007 Warrant 1 - Eight Hour Vehicular Volume Condition A or B or Combo A & B Satisfied Yes No • Condition A - Minimum Vehicle Volume 100% Satisfied Yes No 80% Satisfied Yes o • Condition B - Interruption of Continuous Traffic 100% Satisfied Yes No 80% Satisfied Yes No • Combination of Conditions A & B Satisfied Yes Warrant 2 - Four Hour Vehicular Volume Satisfied Yes No Warrant 3 - Peak Hour Part A or Part B Satisfied Yes No • Part A Satisfied Yes No • Part B Satisfied Yes No Warrant 4 - Pedestrian Volume 100% Satisfied Yes No Warrant 5 -School Crossing Parts A and B or Part C Satisfied • Part A Satisfied Yes No • Part B Satisfied Yes No . Part C Satisfied es Warrant 6 - Coordinated Signal System Satisfied Yes Warrant 7 - Crash Warrant Satisfied Yes No Warrant 8 - Roadway Network Satisfied Yes Yes No Number of Warrants Satisfied: 0 (Zero) Installation of a traffic signal: 0 is not recommended based on _n0 Warrants being Satisfied. EmtifNT Z of? IMUTCD 2003 R~%ision I. ns auicnitcd f'or we m "I ii I*01-111xl it COUNT DATE -/'t ^i 1 CAL C - k1Z UA I E DIST CO RTE Fid CHK DATE + ~ ' CNC.t Major Si: ~ Critical Approach Speed r-1-,h , hiiir;or St: l..L !ti ICL7 t1t Critical Approach Speed mph ~q Speed Ilmit or critical speed on major street traffic > 64 I;m!h f40 mph)........ o l i! f RURA L )R) i' In built up area of isolated community of < 10.000 population . ❑ I ;r. ' ❑ URBAN (U) VIPAIRRAN'f 1 -Eight Hour Vehicular Volume SATISFIED YES ❑ NO i (Condition A or Condition B or combination of A and B must be satisfied) r ' i Condition A - N'linimum Vehicle Volume 100% SATISFIED 'DES ❑ NO MINIMUM REQUIREb1EINTS 80% SATISFIED YES ❑ NO ~K- (80%SHO`✓IIN IN BRACxeTS) I APPROACH 1 2 or More LANES 1 f(j \ v Hour 1tl eur "si=et s Major (anoi tzao) taeo) (33s 6(sF $4ZIbLfi luu7 73~ 6R9 lul~f 914 ' Kg.hestAppmach Minor Street 150 1127) 105 184) 200 (160) (112) /r 74- ill 41 4t, iY 5b / 7r+ 71 G. Condition B - Interruption of Continuous Traffic 100% SATISFIED YES ❑ NO ;9 ' MINIMUM REQU!P,EMENTS 80% SATISFIED YES ❑ NO S' (801/i SHO',NN IN BRACKETS) v r APPROACH 1 2 or More / /N /i / Hrur Both Apprnacr,es dlaiar ;reet 750 525 rem (42o) ?OG Izzc d3G soa b(4 ) 4L aet. tJi G "j3t{ b99 iCiYj `i14' p o I H;ghestAppraach 75 ; '3 17G 70 7 - 4 q7 41 4k, M 5L. 7L' 171 Combination of Conditions A & B SATISFIED YES ❑ NO'K REQUIREMENT CONDITION J FULFILLED A. MINIMUM VEHICULAR, VOLUME T✓JO CONDITIONS \ ❑ N ( °s o SATISFIED 800/6 AND, 8. INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TIRAFFIC i-NQ, .4N .40EQUATE , RIAL OF OTNE.R ALTERNATIVES TFIP,T COL'L O 1 Y ❑ il CAUSE LESS DELAY AND :NCONVENIENCE TOT RAFFIC HAS FAILED es o TO SOLVE THE TRAFFi C PROBLEMS f Tile :-.atisfaction of a traffic signa' :saran? or wararts she!! not !n its-i` rrcuire :ne installation of a tr;5ic cortroi s!;nal. ' Oive 4, Trif-ic 1 . w,ol 4ia:i `_td, S'itditg C.Cpt:'Ir •c1 6. _Wlt, N:::[1 HiGin,. at Tr:rt;ia >~eoa': 1 0 I r21i4;n:ia?J.TCD . I Fl W V.i >IL i C D 'On; Re%: is:on I. as a:mndcd Fur use in Co I; foram EY,4151T C 307 WARRANT 2 - Four Hour Vehicular Volume SATISFIED' YES ❑ ido .Q Record hourly vehicular volumes for any four hours of an avera9f daV 2 or APPROACH LANES One More Hour Both Approaches - Major Street 1 1 1 1S L-L4 EA 7?4 A Higher Approach - Minor Street 1 1 f- 1 74- ej 7 84 '11 1 -All plotted points fall above the curves in Figure 4C-1. (URBAN AREAS) P/A Yes ❑ No ❑ y>g. All ploHed points fall above the curies in Figure 4C-2. (RURAL AREAS) `{es ❑ ^!o T~ 'A; ;RANT 3 - Peak Hour SATISFIED YES ❑ NO )-4--- (Part A or Part B must be satisfied) PART A SATISFIED YES ❑ NO (All parts 1, 2, and 3 below must be satisfied for the same one hour, for any four consecutive 15-minute periods) 1 T'na total delay eyp erienced for traffic on one minor street approach (one direction only) coniroil,~tl by a STOP sign equals or exceeds four vehicle-hour 5~~ 14ane Yes [I No approach, or five vehic_e_hours for a Cmo-lane approach: AND /l 2. The volume on the same minor street approach (one direction only) equals or exceeds yes ❑ No 100 vph for one moving lane of traffic or '50 vph for two moving lanes; AND 3. The total entering volume serviced during the hour equals or exceeds E00 vph .~l for:ntersecliors vith four or more approaches or 650 vph for intersections with Yes A No ❑ hree approaches. PART 8 'A SATISFIED YES ❑ NO k ,I~ APPROA-H I.ANFS One 7 or CL Hour Both Approaches - Major Street .X IL>Q Higher Approach - Minor Street e The plotted point falls above the cunie in Figure 4C-11. N~ '{es ❑ No ❑ 2 The plotted point falls above he curve in Figure 4C-4. r Yes ❑ i`lo The safisfacfion of a'raific slonal varrant or warrants shail not in itself require the instal'a;lon of a tragic control s;gna!. 4u^^:rte(- Imr.i< C: onr,.d S,mi:J \cad, Sind;.", Pan = :!^I',:. ay La: iic S.i_nuis c-"!! o bur'.. -Irln k u f I: i I I • ~XH1BlT C l ~e„~~ 4 0 (alilbrnia 4i Urcn P:r_c T(-? 1 i IM , NIt ~TCD 200' Re%lsi J:1 I. it, amenced t m- iise in Cvdifnrain) Frr.ua«C-1C'i(C.A." !la m:`fIIal'✓o'•:+i,~n(; bi'~irislir~e!('Shee` ur4) I ~ WARRANT 4 - Pedestrian Volume rJ SATISFIED YES ❑ NO (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) I 'Hart A (Parts S or 2 most be satisfied' H ~~ly / SATISFIED YES ❑ P40 VL E ours 1 Pedestnan Volume D n - Any hour? 190. Yes ❑ No K' I . I 1 1 OP, any 4 hours > 900 Yes ❑ No Adequate Crossing Gaps 1 e .'*j 1 1 E' '7 ~3at~` ~If 1 AND < 50 gap/hr Yes ❑ No tci 2 'art P, SATISFIEDD ~YE~Sf:o AND. The tllstanre to the nearest traffic signal along the major street is greater yes No is an go m (no ft) ! OR. The proposed traic signal will riot restrict progressive traffic flow along the major Street. Yes No WARRANT 5 - School Crossing SATISFIED YES C] NO l~[ (Parts A and B, or Part C %lust Be Satisfied) IN Part A Ae'z SATISFIED YES ❑ ,10 GaplMinotes and # of Children pp L' Hour Gaps Minutes Chlldmn Using Crossing 60 vs A1!nutes Number Of Adequate Gaps School Age Pedestrians Crossing Street hr e~rt. 7 60,yk?"Ar Gaps < Minutes YES ❑ NO AND Children > 20/hr YES ❑ NC 'x AND, Consideration has been given to less restrictive remedial measures. Yes ❑ No Part B SATISFIED YES P- NO ❑ The distance to the nearest traffic signal along the ;r,a,w wreei is yrecler YES No than 90 In j300 ft) OP,. The proposed signal.viil not -astrict the progressive moverient of traffic ! `/_s El Ho Part C (A!! Parts 1, 2, and 3 below must be satisfied) SATISFIED YES ❑ NO Tj. U Ry' 9 'JehiclesPor .`.OD 350 ~ 'L , Yes No ❑ I AN'D. School .Age F'edes`.rians Crassing Steet %hr 10D J 70 U 1'es ❑ No OR. School Aoe PedesVians Crossing Street, day 500 3i,,o W/A Yes ❑ No ❑ ' 1Nher !he Critical (35th percenUe approach speed exceeds 55 km/h 135 mph) or tie sight distance to the ntersect:cn is less than the r=equired stopping distance. rural criter'la should be used. 2. (tiger 519na!,asrrants are .me: ~ Yes ❑ No, 3. The distance to the rearest conho'led crossings greater than 180 or (600 3?. I Yes' . No U• f Pie sat,sfacdon Of a traffic signal o-va rani cnvarran!s snail no: in ~!ae!f ,.quire the inscail?tiorl of a V,2-r c.,r!ra s;g^el . A!;,c ',1efE. C, ;:.i.,! Sign;! }:cccb itadie, S:p~... 11, r .:Olin r 4 - I:ierlm a% Ti.,tf:c Sis~,,rs ca5fc-n 6 . P iL:I CD i FH"d .A Nil- TCD 200; Rccisiou I. as amcndcd tnr ❑sc in Califonlial 41 :,WARRANT 6 - Coordinated Signal System (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) Adequate trial of altematives with satisfactory observance and enforcement has failed to c ),es c Noi- e the crash frequency. redu REQUIREMENTS Number of crashes within a 12 month period susceptible tc correction by a traffic signal. and involving injury or Yes[] rJo damage exceeding the requirements for a reportable crash. S OR MORE I (0}101105 '1'fl /0~3f ~U•7~ REQUIREMENTS I C01,70ITiONS v Warrant 1. Condition A- Minimum Vehicular Volume ONE CONDITION Warrant 1, Condition B - Yes ❑ No ' SATISFIED &00/ Interruption of continuous traffic OR. Warrant 4. Pedestrian Volume Condition Ped Vol > 152 for any hour - Vol > 30 for any e hours QR Ped MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL ' a 300 m (1000 RI N rjm-- t, S ' H, E 7I5 ft. W r [U ft Yes ❑ NoXL On a one-way street or a street that has traffic predominantly in one direction. the adjacent , traffic control signals are solar apart that they do not provide the necessary degree of vehicrular platoc:ling. . - - T Yes ❑ Nol- . On a tyro-~.vay street, adjacent traffic con o sig na!s do not provide the necessary dl degree o' platooning and the proposed and adjacent traffic control signals vd ll collectively provide a progressive operation. Vdu,RRfANT 7 - Crash Experience Warrant SATISFIED VES ❑ NO (.All Parts klust Be Satisfied) I 1 LJ 0 I SATISFIED YES ❑ NO'Se SATISFIED YES ❑ NO WARRANT 8 - Roadway Network (All Parts Must Be Satisfied) MIIJhbIUM VOLUME PEOU!REHENTa ENTERING VOLUMES -ALLAFPROACHES During TypicalWeekday Peak Hour g Y j `yen/Hr and `tai 5-yea projected traffic .,ricmes that meet one or more of Warrants t. 2 and 3 dung an average weekda;,. 1000 itch/Hr OR During Each of Any 5 Hrs. of a Sat. ar,d.or Sun Veh.'Hr CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES t°JOR ROL'T_A MA-'OR RO•JTEe System Serving as Principal Network for Through Traffic - - hj - - N - H.:ral or INj Suburban Highway Outside Cf. cnterino, or Traversing a City = T Appears as Major Rode on an. Offiria! ?Ian N Q Any Vajor cut:: CharaQeristss MEA Both Streets EXt+15tr C oP~ 15 FULFILLED Yes❑ IJoYP ""SE] No TM- •=Usfacr6?a Of e ..aEfc signal warrant or warrants s=ail r !-i itself require the irstallaticT, of a traff-c cor:lrel .=.j2nz: I 1 • /j • Ca!rfonuz: \1L IC D (F I !,1l'TCI) 2003 Rc%is ion I, as ammi I dcc! for use in Cit I fom:al T 0- > 5n-• S U F Q 1(il W J w Q F- a ?nn - CL CO Q C) 2 20:1 210 Uj 0:1 ill 2 S Figure 4C-7. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume 2 OR MORE LANES d 2 OR MORE LA ES 2 OR MORE LAN' R. 1 LA!JE ! 1 LAME S I LANE I I ~KtHBITC 6 o~Z I XJ 3rn} J7Li ri0v [.00 t00e 100 12.10 150i. 1np STREET-TO TAL OF BOTH APPROA.CHES- I VEHICLES S PER HOUR (VPH) Note: 115 vph applies as the lower th resho!d volume fora minor-street approach with tveo or more lanes and d0 vph applies as the lo:;a threshold vobime for a minor-street approach with one lone. Figure 4C-2. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume (70% Factor) (COto MU41T'f LESS THAN 10.070 POPULATION OF ABOVE 7£ 64 km h OR ABOVE 40 mph ON hdAJOR STREET) W S 4e!: a U ;:nr LU Fa L9 Q N:i ,S w O J g O py1 W (7 I OH (,'OR "c'-FNES 21 OR 1iO9E LANES 1 2 OR MORE I ANES & 1 LANE" 1 LANES " LANE I I I I i ~ ~ I 1 I MiAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLER PER HOUR ;'JPH) Idle. A0 :pf, a~:!9.:es a,, in,,, i;,r c' ~opic-ac:. '':Ph n,n of morn I?n.=.< znd u0 (,I. .is t:'1e !I is=Si ~Itl 'N!un'L `(`i n:niar. vlrm?i :~❑p~rn,~L v'tII One 'ar~:; ~o E0 ' :,;vex r ntlis ; p :IMl _-!,it :imaic: Set.. ~nl,er . ?nu. !i:cy-IIL:'::•.a~ Tial ri.S ::I: Calif L' min \ILjT( 1) WHVA', MUT( 6 2001 Rcci>ion I. as amended for nsc in ('alilornia) _ `'"I _ ,rr w X0 J'J . wa ¢a ~ c 3qr W C_) Z 5i 0 L J 20: W T Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3, Peak Ho ~jr E) t~l51T L' 7olr7 P-,u 4C - l u / 2 OR 1009E L S 8 2 OR MORE L.Af i OR. M1.10P,E LF,NES E t LAN[ I ~ ~ ''t LANE ~8 7 -ANE r I'!:I btin f`i -I " .,1 PIO .A'. I1100 1?0 131),1 Lb:p i.-I" Poi,: 17D' It. MAJ STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES- VEHICLES PER HOUR 1VPH) 'Note 1.50 'ph app,es as the In'xer threshold VnNm- for n Mine. -street approach wt, two of mrre lanes and 00 vph appDes as the inwel :hremio!o volt imn In, a mmor5trent approach vRh on,: ;one, Figure 4C-4, V'arrart 3, Peal: Hour (70% Factor) (COLIMUNiTY LESS THAN 10,000 POPULA71014 OR ABOVE 70 Fa Fm h OR ABOVE 40 mph ON MAJOR STREET 1 a ~J .In:• '~S - 2 OR !210 RE LANES S 2 OR MORE LANES - - w ¢ el 0o- 0.10RE LA: "EC n 1 LE 0 t LANE 8 7 LANE y W \ 02 2r, C S MAJOR STREET-TOTAL 0= BOTH APPROAC:HES- EHr, LS-S PER HO UR 9pr i11:]!. ~1 ~.,?r'C~iOJIC : :+n:. .'.~'.hi. fi• pc tP.n'11''. w ( 1laric: -1( I raffia ('or!r d :;i;•1,a! `.re:l,