CC - Item 6C - Award of Contract for City Transit ServicesE M f s ,`w Q o, ~ 9 O i /NC~PORaiFO ~9g9 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 25, 2008 SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CITY TRANSIT SERVICES SUMMARY On November 20, 2007, the City Council approved specifications for transportation services and authorized staff to solicit bids from seven qualified transit service providers. As part of the new contract award, the selected vendor will provide the City with new vehicles for transit services, the ability to provide alternative fuels and reduce vehicle emissions, improved marketing and outreach, and access to new technologies in the transit services industry. The proposed contract will begin on September 1, 2008. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the terns and award a four year ten month agreement with Southland Transit, Inc. through June 30, 2013 to provide transit services in the City of Rosemead. DISCUSSION Project Description/Scope of Services The current contract for City transit services expire on August 31, 2008. The scope of work in the attached specification includes providing management and operation of the Rosemead Transit system, which operates the Rosemead Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle services. The specifications provide for the same services as currently offered, with enhanced reporting, service levels, documentation, and safety programs. In addition to cost, firms were evaluated on several criteria, including: • Prior experience providing transit services in other communities. • Their ability to meet the needs of the City, as listed in the request for proposal. • The proposed project manager's experience. The proposed location, vehicles and equipment to be used in providing transit services. • The proposed approach used to help dispatc=h vehicles, ensure customer satisfaction, and improve operating efficiencies. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: City Council Meeting March 25, 2008 Page 2 of 5 Evaluation Criteria Proposals submitted to the City were reviewed- by City staff and the City's transit services consultant, Roy Glauthier. All four companies that submitted proposals were asked to participate in an in-person interview with City staff and a-transit services manager from another local city on January, 23, 2008. As indicated in the RFP, Section 21, Screening, Selection and Award (see RFP Page 7, Section 21); fee schedules and costs will not be the sole criteria for award of this agreement. Instead, evaluation criteria for the proposals will include several categories, including experience, facility and equipment listing, cost, safety and training practices, management ability, and reference checks. After interviewing the four transit firms, three firms were asked to submit "Best and Final Offers" in accordance with Section 21, Screening, Selection and Award (see RFP Page 7, Section 21). These three firms all submitted high quality proposals, received positive remarks from other cities that utilize their services, and were relatively close in cost. The three firms include First Transit, Southland Transit, and Transportation Concepts. Transit Services Experience Bidders were asked to list relevant experience providing transit services in other local cities. Background checks were conducted for all three transit services firms. Each vendor received relatively high remarks for the services they provide. Below is a list of some cities that each firm provides services in: First Transit: Rosemead, Paramount, San Fernando, Bellflower, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Monterey Park Southland Transit: Arcadia, Alhambra, Monrovia, Baldwin Park, West Covina, El Monte Transportation Concepts: Corona, Santa Monica, Blythe Operations Facility Proximity to Rosemead Bidders were asked to provide information about the operations facility that would be used to service the City of Rosemead's vehicles. Below is a list of the proposed maintenance and operations facility for each firm. First Transit: El Monte, CA Southland Transit: El Monte, CA Transportation Concepts: Los Angeles, CA • • City Council Meeting March 25, 2008 Pape 3 of 5 Alternative Fuels vs. Conventional Fuels Bidders were asked to include an option in their proposals to use alternative fueled vehicles for transit services. Alternative fueled vehicles help reduce vehicle emissions, are beneficial to the environment, and can sometimes result in fuel cost savings, depending on the type of fuel system that is used. All three firms submitted proposals to use either propane or gas. Each firm showed substantial cost savings in using propane instead of gas fueled vehicles, reducing per gallon costs by over $1.00 per gallon in some of the proposals (Attachment 1). Total Cost Information Each proposal was required to include the overall cost to the City. The cost calculation is based on several components including a fixed fee plus an hourly fee times the number of vehicle revenue hours actually operated each month. In addition, the City pays for the actual cost of fuel used by Rosemead Transit vehicles. This cost calculation ensures that the City is paying for services as demand warrants it, as opposed to paying a fixed fee for services whether there is low or high demand. Of note, each firm provided their own estimate of the number of miles to be driven each year. As a result, the fuel costs do vary from firm to firm. Detailed fuel and mileage estimates are included in each bidder's proposal (Attachment 1). The following tables show a brief summary of the overall costs. Attachment 1 is a more detailed cost analysis showing each cost component. As illustrated in the tables, there is a higher cost associated with purchasing propane transit vehicles, but the cost is almost evened out by lower fuel costs. Based on relatively low cost difference between alternative fuels and conventional fuel over a five year period, it is recommended that the City Council award the transit services contract with the alternative fuel option. 0 City Council Meeting March 25, 2008 Page 4 of 5 Proposed 5-Year Costs: Gasoline Vehicles FIRM First Transit 6- YEAR • $4,062,746 FUEL COST $313,092 TOTAL COST: GASOLINE $4,375,838 Southland Transit $3,881,638 $436,206 $4,317,844 Transportation $4,262,798 $635,639 _ $4,898,437 Concepts Proposed 5-Year Costs: Propane Vehicles FIRM First Transit 5- YEAR COST $4,150,134 . 5-YEAR:,, FUEL COST $281,783 5-YEAR TOTAL COST: PROPANE $4,431,917 Southland Transit $4 071 776 $2827 27 $4,354,503 , , Transportation $4,403,428 596432 $4,999,930 Concepts City Council Meeting March 25, 2008 Page 5 of 5 FINANCIAL REVIEW The City's transportation services program is funded entirely through the Los Angeles County Proposition A Local Return funding program. Proposition A funds generated approximately $930,000 during Fiscal Year 2007. Using this figure, there are adequate funds to fund this contract. In addition, the enhanced reporting requirements and information required in this contract will allow the City to receive an additional $65,000 in Proposition A funds each year. If this contract is approved, staff will work with Los Angeles County Metro to apply for this funding enhancement. LEGAL REVIEW This staff report has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. y: mis~-z Chris Marcarello Administrative Services Officer Submitt by: t B an , a ki Assistant City Manager Attachments: (1) Detailed Cost Analysis - Best and Final Offers (2) City Council Staff Report 11-20-2007 (3) Proposals from First Transit Inc., Southland Transit Inc., Transportation Concepts, MV Transportation (4) Transportation Services Agreement 0 • Rosemead Cost Comparison Page 1 ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST COMPARISON- BAFO TOTAL FIVE YEAR PROPOSED COSTS First Transit COST FORMULA Year One [10 Months] Year Two [12 Months] Year Three [12 Months] Year Four [12 Months] Year Five [12 Months] Five Year Total Cost 1. Cost per VRH $22.31 $23.42 $24.17 $25.20 $26.06 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $34,105 $34,499 $35,457 .$36,026 $36,817 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $317,918 $400,482 $413,307 $430,920 $445,626 $2,008,253 4. Annual Fixed Costs $341,050 $413,988 $425,484 $432,312 $441,804 $2,054,638 TOTAL COST (3+4) $658,921 $814,427 $838,857 $863,186 $887,355 $4,062,746 Estimated Fuel Cost $50,327 $62,808 $64,692 $66,633 $68,632 $313,092 TOTAL COST TO CITY $709,248 $877,235 $903,549 $929,819 $955,987 $4,375,838 Southland Transit Inc. COST FORMULA Year One [10 Months] Year Two [12 Months] Year Three [12 Months] Year Four [12 Months] Year Five [12 Months] Five Year Total Cost 1. Cost per VRH $20.49 $21.13 $21.76 $22.42 $23.09 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $34,620 $35,058 $35,727 $36,414 $37,120 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $291,983 $361,323 $372,096 $383,382 $394,839 $1,803,623 4. Annual Fixed Costs $346,200 $420,696 $428,724 $436,968 $445,440 $2,078,028 TOTAL COST (3+4) $638,247 $782,000 $800,866 $820,271 $840,248 $3,881,638 Estimated Fuel Cost $68,534 $85,941 $89,808 $93,850 $98,073 $436,206 TOTAL COST TO CITY $706,781 $867,941 $890,674 $914,127 $938,321 $4,317,844 Transportation Concepts, Inc. COST FORMULA Year One [10 Months] Year Two [12 Months] Year Three [12 Months] Year Four [12 Months] Year Five [12 Months] Five Year Total Cost 1. Cost per VRH $22.81 $23.46 $24.76 $26.28 $27.48 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $34,674 $36,608 $38,103 $39,024 $40,194 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $325,043 $401,166 $423,396 $449,388 $469,908 $2,068,901 4. Annual Fixed Costs $346,740 $439,296 $457,236 $468,288 $482,328 $2,193,888 TOTAL COST (3+4) $671,767 $840,468 $880,622 $917,707 $952,234 $4,262,798 Estimated Fuel Cost $112,247 $128,895 $130,848 $130,848 $132,801 $635,639 TOTAL COST TO CITY $784,014 $969,363 $1,011,470 $1,048,555 $1,085,035 $4,898,437 Notes: A-rrA~c-w 7- lei L5 i fi v$L DDS i • • Rosemead Cost Comparison Page 4 ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST COMPARISON -BAFO TOTAL FIVE YEAR PROPOSED COSTS --ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES First Transit COST FORMULA Year One [10 Months] Year Two [12 Months] Year Three [12 Months] Year Four [12 Months] Year Five [12 Months] Five Year Total Cost 1. Cast per VRH $22.30 $2141 $24.17 $25 18 $26.03 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $35,618 $36,015 $36,979 $37,556 $38,360 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $317,775 $400,311 $413,307 $430,578 $445,113 $2,007,084 4. Annual Fixed Costs $356,180 $432,180 $443,748 $450,672 $460,320 $2,143,100 TOTAL COST (3+4) $6 73964 L32515 57,013 $881,238 $905,404 $4,150,134 Estimated Fuel Cost $45,294 $56,527 $58,223 $59,970 $61,769 $281,783 TOTAL COST TO CITY $719,258 $889,042 $915,236 $941,208 $967,173 $4,431,917 Southland Transit Inc. Cost 0 Months] [12 Mont $20.49 I $21.13 Fixed Cost $37,877 $38,321 Annual VRH 14.250 17.100 $21.76 $22.42 $23.09 639,005 $39,702 340,419 17.100 17.100 17.100 Cost 3. Annual VRH Cost $291,983 $361,323 $372,096 $383,382 $394,839 $1,803,623 4. Annual Fixed Costs $378,770 $459,912 $468,060 $476,424 $485,028 $2,268,194 TOTAL COST (3+4) $670,822 $821,206 $840,193 $859,726 $879,827 $4,071,776 Estimated Fuel Cost $44,420 $55,703 $58,209 $60,829 $63,566 $282,727 TOTAL COST TO CITY $715,242 $876,909 $898,402 $920,557 $943,393 $4,354,503 Transportation Concepts. Inc. COST FORMULA - Year One [10 Months] Year Two [12 Months] Year Three [12 Months] Year Four [12 Months] Year Five [12 Months] Five Year Total Cost 1. Cost per VRH $22.81 $23.46 $24.76 $26.28 $27.48 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $37,089 $39,023 $40,531 $41,456 $42,631 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $325,043 $401,166 $423,396 $449,388 $469,908 $2,068,901 4. Annual Fixed Costs $370,890 $468,276 $486,372 $497,472 $511,572 $2,334,582 TOTAL COST (3+4) $695,924 $869,447 $909,757 $946,694 $981,476 $4,403,498 Estimated Fuel Cost $101,470 $119,434 $122,305 $125,176 $128,047 $596,432 TOTAL COST TO CITY $797,394 $988,887 $1,032,062 $1,072,070 $1,109,523 $4,999,930 • • First rw Transit 705 Central Avenue, Suite 300 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Tel 513-241-2200 (reception) Fax 513-684-1698 www.firsttransit.com January 31, 2008 Mr. Chris Marcarello, Administrative Services Officer City of Rosemead 8838 East.Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 RE: Best and Final Offer by First Transit Management and Operation of the Rosemead Transit System Dear Mr. Marcarello: First Transit, Inc. is submitting our Best and Final Offer to continue to provide Rosemead Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle transit services. Our Best and Final Offer confirms the enclosed Cost Proposal documents. These documents include the DriveCam on-board digital cameras, software, and hardware. We have also submitted costs for conventional (gasoline) and alternative (propane) fu I fleet of new vehicles. These fuel and vehicle alternatives reflect our amended mileage estima es based on current operations and the proposed level of service for Rosemead Transit Dial-A-Ride and Shuttle Services. The amended mileage represents a significant reduction in vari7r~ 'ntract costs as well as fuel costs to be passed through to the City. .Our Be st and Final Offer requires clarification of the vehicle chassis offered. As originally submitted for gasoline-fueled vehicles, we propose the ElDorado AeroTech and AeroLite vehicles with E-450 and E-350 Ford drive trains respectively. For the propane-fueled vehicles, we ropose the same ElDorado models but with Chevrolet drive trains. Our vendor, Creative Bus 'Sales, informs us that only the Chevrolet chassis are CARB-approved for propane installation and use as of January 2008. We believe both chassis offer the functionality and performance required by the Rosemead Transit Services. First Transit acknowledges our proposal is to manage and operate the Rosemead Transit System according to the service descriptions and policies stated in the Request for Proposals. We understand it is the intent of City staff to propose to modify certain aspects of the Rosemead Dial- A-Ride and to assess the Shopper Shuttle route and service, subject to approval by the City Council. First Transit also acknowledges receipt of the City's January 28 communication regarding this Best and Final Offer. Sinc el , Patrick McNiff Region Vice President Enclosure: Cost Proposals, Gasoline and Propane Fleets • • January 31, 2008 Page 2 ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 1 Proposer's Name: First Transit (gasoline vehicles, Ford Chassis revised mileage estimate, DriveCam) January 31, 2008 TO COMPLETE THE "PROPOSED COST FORMULA" SECTION: ITEM 1: Provide Cost per VSH consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Cost per Hour form. ITEM 2: Provide Monthly Fixed Costs consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Monthly Fixed Costs form. ITEM 3: Multiply "Projected Annual VRH" as shown by the "Cost per VRH.' ITEM 4: Multiply 'Monthly Fixed Costs" from item 2 times the number of months in that contract year. PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST FORMULA Year One 10 Months Year Two 12 Months Year Three 12 Months Year Four 12 Months Year Five 12 Months FIVE YEAR TOTAL 1. Cost per VRH $22.31 $23.42 $24.17 $25.20 $26.06 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $34,105 $34,499 $35,457 $36,026 $36,817 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $317,871 $400,437 $413,370 $430,868 $445,548 4. Annual Fixed Costs $341,050 $413,990 $425,488 $432,318 $441,807 TOTAL COST (3-4) $658.921 $814,427 $838,857 .$863,186 $887,355 $4,062,746 This Cast Proposal Form is to be used to submit the proposed contractors firm cost proposal for all work described in the RFP and scope of Work. The detailed Cost Breakdowns of the Cost Proposal Form should be consistent with proposed Cost Per Vehicle Re BREAKDOWN OF "COST PER VRH" IN PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST PER VRH BREAKDOWN Year One [10 Months] Year Two [12 Months] Year Three [12 Months] Year Four [12 Months] Year Five [12 Months] Driver Wages $211,181 $266,286 $273,627 $281,411 $289,197 Driver Fringe Benefits $38,468 $49,089 $51,770 $54,675 $57,788 Rev Veh Maintenance $68,223 $85,062 $87,973 $94,782 $98,563 Other(specify) TOTAL COST PER Vi $317,871 $400,436.85 $413,369.69 $430,868.44 $445,547.67 • • January 31, 2008 Page 3 ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 2 Proposer's Name: First Transit BREAKDOWN OF "MONTHLY FIXED COSTS" (Note: Costs shown are to be the average monthly fixed costs by cateaorv) ANNUAL FIXED COST BREAKDOWN Year One 10 Months Year Two 12 Months Year Three 12 Months Year Four 12 Months Year Five 12 Months General Manager Salary $4,637 $5,725 $5,891 $6,062 $6,238 General Manager Fringe $923 $1,177 $1,252 $1,332 $1,419 Safety7Tmg. Supervisor Salary $6,434 $7,945 $8,175 $8,412 $8,656 Ops Supervisor Fringe $1,614 $2,068 $2,210 $2,363 $2,529 Maintenance Mgr Salary $9,122 $11,263 $11,590 $11,926 $12,272 Maint. Mgr Fringe $2,105 $2,693 $2,873 $3,068 $3,278 Other Wages (Specify) $38,262 $47,246 $48,617 $50,027 $51,477 Other Fringe (Specify) $12,378 $15,922 $17,078 $18,330 $19,687 Hiring/Training $3,812 $4,712 $4,853 $4,999 $5,149 Safety $3,812 $4,712 $4,853 $4,999 $5,149 Uniforms - $2,667 $3,296 $3,395 $3,497 $3,602 Non-Revenue Vehicles $2,750 $3,399 $3,399 $3,399 $3,399 Janitorial $3,000 $3,708 $3,819 $3,934 $4,052 Telephone $3,500 $4,326 $4,456 $4,589 $4,727 Utilities $6,417 $7,931 $8,169 $8,414 $8,666 Office Supplies $2,700 $2,833 $2,917 $3,005 $3,095 Accounting $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 INSURANCE: General Liability $2,810 $3,473 $3,578 $4,049 $4,170 Automobile Liability $14,051 $17,367 $17,888 $20,243 $20,850 Collision/Comprehensive $11,240 $13,893 $14,310 $16,194 $16,680 Workers Compensation $25,466 $32,047 $32,934 $33,873 $34,814 Other (Specify): Licenses $1,923 $2,329 $2,351 $2,373 $1,846 Security $5,000 $6,180 $6,365 $6,556 $6,753 Tvro-Way Airtime $4,000 $4,944 $5,092 $5,245 $5,402 Facility Rent $35,000 $43,260 $44,558 $45,895 $47,271 Travel $850 $1,051 $1,082 $1,115 $1,148 Depreciation $52,144 $62,573 $62,573 $62,573 $62,573 Management Fee/Profit $84,434 $97,918 $101,209 $95,846 $96,903 TOTAL ANNUALMONTHLY FIXED COSTS $341,050 $413,990 $425,488 $432,318 $441,807 TOTAL MONTHLY FIXED COSTS $34,105 $34,499 $35,457 $36,026 $36,817 ESTIMATED ANNUAL FUEL COST Year One 10 Months Year Two 12 Months Year Three 12 Months Year Four 12 Months Year Five 12 Months Projected Total Vehicle Miles 151,317 181,580 181,580 181,580 181,580 Estimated Annual Fuel Cost $50,327 $62,808 $64,692 $66,633 $68,632 Assumed Cost/Gal Gasoline $2.95 $3.07 $3.16 $3.25 $3.35 January 31, 2008 Page 4 ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, OPTION A, PAGE 1 Proposer's Name: First Transit (propane vehicles, Chevrolet chassis, revised mileage estimate, DriveCam) January 31, 2008 TO COMPLETE THE "PROPOSED COST FORMULA" SECTION: ITEM 1: Provide Cost per VSH consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Cost per Hour form. ITEM 2: Provide Monthly Fixed Costs consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Monthly Fixed Costs form. ITEM 3: Multiply "Projected Annual VRH" as shown by the "Cost per VRH." ITEM 4: Multiply "Monthly Fixed Costs" from item 2 times the number of months in that contract year. PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST FORMULA Year One 10 Months Year Two 12 Months Year Three 12 Months Year Four 12 Months Year Five 12 Months FIVE YEAR TOTAL 1. Cast per VRH $22.30 $23.41 $24.17 $25.18 $26.03 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $35,618 $36,015 $36,979 $37,556 $38,360 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $317,780 $400,337 $413,270 $430,563 $445,088 4. Annual Fixed Costs $356,185 $432,178 $443,743 $450,674 $460,316 TOTAL COST (3+4) $673,964 $832,515 $857,013 $881,238 $905,404 $4,150,133 This Cost Proposal Form is to be used to submit the proposed contractors firm cost proposal for all work described in the RFP and Scope of Work. The detailed Cost Breakdowns of the Cost Proposal Form should be consistent with proposed Cost Per Vehicle Re BREAKDOWN OF "COST PER VRH" IN PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST PER VRH BREAKDOWN Year One [10 Months] Year Two [12 Months] Year Three [12 Months] Year Four [12 Months] Year Five 112 Months] Driver Wages $211,181 $266,288 $273,627 $281,411 $289,197 Driver Fringe Benefits $38,468 $49,089 $51,770 $54,675 $57,788 Rev Von Maintenance $68,132 $84,962 $87,873 $94,477 $98,103 Other(speofy) TOTAL COST PER VRM $317,780 $400,336.85 $413,269.69 $430,563.44 $445,087.67 • January 31, 2008 Page 5 ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, OPTION A, PAGE 2 Proposer's Name: First Transit BREAKDOWN OF "MONTHLY FIXED COSTS" (Note: Costs shown are to be the average monthly fixed costs by category) ANNUAL FIXED COST BREAKDOWN Year One 10 Months Year Two 12 Months Year Three 12 Months Year Four 12 Months Year Five 12 Months General Manager Salary $4,637 $5,725 $5,891 $6,062 $6,238 General Manager Fringe $923 $1,177 $1,252 $1,332 $1,419 SafetyfTmg. Supervisor Salary $6,434 $7,945 $8,175 $8,412 $8,656 Ops Supervisor Fringe $1,614 $2,068 $2,210 $2,363 $2,529 Maintenance Mgr Salary $9,122 $11,263 $11,590 $11,926 $12,272 Maint. Mgr Fringe $2,105 $2,693 $2,873 $3,068 $3,278 Other Wages (Specify) $38,262 $47,246 $48,617 $50,027 $51,477 Other Fringe (Specify) $12,378 $15,922 $17,078 $18,330 $19,687 Hiiing/Training $3,812 $4,712 $4,853 $4,999 $5,149 Safety $3,812 $4,712 $4,853 $4,999 $5,149 Uniforms $2,667 $3,296 $3,395 $3,497 $3,602 Non-Reven ue Vehicles $2,750 $3,399 $3,399 $3,399 $3,399 Janitorial $3,000 $3,708 $3,819 $3,934 $4,052 Telephone $3,500 $4,326 $4,456 $4,589 $4,727 Utilities $6,417 $7,931 $8,169 $8,414 $8,666 Office Supplies $2,700 $2,833 $2,917 $3,005 $3,095 Accounting $90 $135 $203 $304 $456 INSURANCE: General Liability $2,810 $3,473 $3,578 $4,049 $4,170 Automobile Liability $14,051 $17,367 $17,888 $20,243 $20,850 Collision/Comprehensive $11,240 $13,893 $14,310 $16,194 $16,680 Workers Compensation $25,466 $32,047 $32,934 $33,873 $34,814 Other (Specify): Licenses $1,923 $2,329 $2,351 $2,373 $1,846 Secunty $5,000 $6,180 $6,365 $6,556 $6,753 Two-Way Airtime $4,000 $4,944 $5,092 $5,245 $5,402 Facility Rent $35,000 $43,260 $44,558 $45,895 $47,271 Travel $850 $1,051 $1,082 $1,115 $1,148 Depreciation $67,188 $80,626 $80,626 $80,626 $80,626 Management Fee/Proft $84,434 $97,918 $101,209 $95,846 $96,903 TOTAL ANNUALMONTHLY FIXED COSTS $356,185 $432,178 $443,743 $450,674 $460,316 TOTAL MONTHLY FIXED COSTS $35,618 $36,015 $36,979 $37,556 $38,360 ESTIMATED ANNUAL FUEL COST Year One 10 Months Year Two 12 Months Year Three 12 Months Year Four 12 Months e s Projected Total Vehicle Miles 151,317 181,580 181,580 181,580 Estimated Annual Fuel Cost $45,294 $56,527 $58,223 $59,970 t$61,769 Assumed Cost/Gal CNG na na na na Assumed Cost/Gal Propane $2.50 $2.60 $2.68 $2.76 Southland Transit Inc. January 31, 2008 Chris Marcarello, Administrative Services Officer City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Transit Service Proposal - Best and Final Offer Dear Mr. Marcarello: Our project interview only served to solidify our belief that Southland Transit is the right service provider for the City of Rosemead. Our experience with demand responsive service, both in elderly/disabled and general public modes is the most comprehensive in the region. We have also worked very effectively as resources to our City partners in providing route planning support for new service options. Attached are revised forms which reduce the overall mileage for the project. As we said in the interview materials we believe that the miles per hour will naturally increase from the current level as the service becomes more productive. We used the 11.25 miles per hour number that we calculated from three of our dial-a-rides in the San Gabriel Valley. This change reduced the hourly rate somewhat and also reduced the projected fuel cost for the City. The first set of attached forms is for the gasoline powered vehicles and the second is the Option A for alternative fueled vehicles for which we have proposed liquid injection propane engines. We also are offering a 2.5 passenger per hour guaranteed productivity threshold for the service. The contract standard is 2.0 but based on our experience with every other City that we serve in the San Gabriel Valley we are comfortable making this commitment. Depending on the service mode selected this guarantee could save the city between $25,000 and $50,000 per year as compared to the contract standard. We would work out appropriate language to codify this commitment. Normally we include some contract language which would specify that in any given month we would divide the total dial-a-ride passengers by 2.5 to compute the billing ceiling for revenue hours in that month. We currently have similar provisions in our Riverside Transit and City of Monrovia contracts. It was a pleasure to meet you and your staff, please let me know if there is anything else that I can do or provide as you finish your consideration of the proposals. Sincerely, Dave Daley Chief Operating Officer SETTING THE STANDARD FOR COMMUNITY TRANSIT IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 3650 Rockwell Avenue, El Monte, CA 91731 "626-488-3927' FAX 626-258-1329' ~J ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 1 Proposer's Name: Southland Transit, Inc. • TO COMPLETE THE "PROPOSED COST FORMULA" SECTION: ITEM 1: Provide Cost per VSH consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Cost per Hour form. ITEM 2: Provide Monthly Fixed Costs consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Monthly Fixed Costs form. ITEM 3: Multiply "Projected Annual VRH" as shown by the "Cost per VRH." ITEM 4: Multiply "Monthly Fixed Costs" from item 2 times the number of months in that contract year. PROPOSED COST FORMULA Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year 5 COST FORMULA (10 Months) (12 Months) (12 Months) (12 Months) f12 Months) 1. Cost per VRH $ 20.49 $ 21.13 $ 21.76 $ 22.42 $ 23.09 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $ 34,620 $ 35,058 $ 35,727 $ 36,414 $ 37,120 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $ 292,051 $ 361,300 $ 372,139 $ 383,303 $ 394,802 4. Annual Fixed Costs $ 346,197 $ 420,700 $ 428,727 $ 436,974 $ 445,446 TOTAL COST (3+4) $ 638,247 $ 782,000 $ 800,866 $ 820,277 $ 840248 This Cost Proposal Form is to be used to submit the proposed contractors firm cost proposal for all work described in the RFP and Scope of Work. The detailed Cost Breakdowns of the Cost Proposal Form should be consistent with proposed Cost Per Vehicle Revenue Hour and Monthly Fixed Costs. BREAKDOWN OF "COST PER VRH" IN PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST PER VRH BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Driver Wages $ 13.68 $ 14.10_ $ 14.52 $ 14.96 $ 15.41 Driver Fringe Benefits $ 2.32 $ 2.39 $ 2.46 $ 2.54 $ 2.61 Rev Veh Maintenance $ 4.50 $ 4.64 $ 4.78 $ 4.92 $ 5.07 Other (Specify) TOTAL COST PER VRH $ 20.49 $ 21.13 $ 21.76 $ 22.42 $ 23.09 10 • ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 2 Proposer's Name: Southland Transit, Inc. BREAKDOWN OF "MONTHLY FIXED COSTS" (Note: Costs shown are to be the average monthly fixed costs by category) MONTHLY FIXED COST BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five General Manager Salary $ 3,120 $ 3,214 $ 3,310 $ 3,409 $ 3,512 General Manager Fringe $ 530 $ 545 $ 562 $ 579 $ 596 Ops Supervisor Salary $ 964 993 $ 1,023 $ 1,053 $ 1,085 Ops Supervisor Fringe $ 164 $ 169 $ 174 $ 179 $ 184 Maintenance Mgr Salary Maint. Mgr Fringe Dispatcher Wages $ 1,990 $ 2,049 $ 2,111 $ 2,174 $ 2,239 Dispatcher Fringe $ 338 $ 348 $ 358 $ 369 $ 380 Reservationist Wages $ 1,560 $ 1,607 $ 1,655 $ 1,705 $ 1,756 Reservationist Fringe $ 265 $ 273 $ 281 $ 289 $ 298 Road Supv Wages $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Road Supv Fringe $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Hiring/Training $ 292 $ 298 $ 304 $ 310 $ 316 Safety $ 213 Uniforms $ 172 $ 175 $ 179 $ 182 $ 186 Non-Revenue Vehicles $ 872 $ 872 $ 872 $ 872 $ 872 Janitorial Telephone $ 992 $ 1,012 $ 1,032 $ 1,053 $ 1,074 Utilities $ 200 $ 204 $ 208 $ 212 $ 216 Office Supplies $ 116 $ 118 $ 120 $ 123 $ 125 Accounting $ 1,100 $ 1,122 $ 1,144 $ 1,167 $ 1,191 INSURANCE: General Liability $ 279 $ 284 $ 290 $ 296 $ 302 Automobile Liability $ 2,302 $ 2,348 $ 2,395 $ 2,442 $ 2,491 Collision/Comprehensive $ 582 $ 593 $ 605 $ 617 $ 630 Workers Compensation $ 2,784 $ 2,840 $ 2,897 $ 2,955 $ 3,014 Facility $ 500 $ 515 $ 530 $ 546 $ 563 Vehicles/Equipment $ 8,596 $ 8,596 $ 8,596 $ 8,596 $ 8,596 Start Up Cost $ 295 $ 295 $ 295 $ 295 $ 295 Management Fee/Profit $ 6,398 $ 6,590 $ 6,787 $ 6,991 $ 7,201 COSTS $ 34,620 $ 35,058 $ 35,727 $ 36,414 $ 37,120 (NOTE: Listing of typical cost items on this provided form does not require Contractor to provide this position, utility or service.) ESTIMATED ANNUAL FUEL COST Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Projected Total Vehicle Miles 182,756 219,308 219,308 219,308 219,308 Estimated Annual Fuel Cost $ 68,534 $ 85,941 $ 89,808 $ 93,850 $ 98,073 Assumed Cost/Gal Gasoline $ 3.00 $ 3.14 $ 3.28 $ 3.42 $ 3.58 Assumed Cost/Gal Diesel N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 • ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 1 OPTION A: ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES Proposer's Name: Southland Transit, Inc. TO COMPLETE THE "PROPOSED COST FORMULA" SECTION: ITEM 1: Provide Cost per VSH consistent with 'Total" from Breakdown of Cost per Hour form. ITEM 2: Provide Monthly Fixed Costs consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Monthly Fixed Costs form ITEM 3: Multiply "Projected Annual VRH" as shown by the "Cost per VRH." ITEM 4: Multiply "Monthly Fixed Costs" from item 2 times the number of months in that contract year. PROPOSED COST FORMULA Year One YearTwo Year Three Year Four Years COST FORMULA (10 Months) (12 Months) (12 Months) (12 Months) 112 Months) 1. Cost per VRH $ 20.49 $ 21.13 $ 21.76 $ 22.42 $ 23.09 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $ 37,877 $ 38,326 $ 39,005 $ 39,702 $ 40,419 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $ 292,051 $ 361,300 $ 372,139 $ 383,303 $ 394,802 4. Annual Fixed Costs $ 378,771 $ 459,906 $ 468,054 $ 476,425 $ 485,025 TOTAL COST (3+4) $ 670,822 $ 821,206 $ 840,193 $ 859,728 $ 879,827 This Cost Proposal Form is to be used to submit the proposed contractors firm cost proposal for all work described in the RFP and Scope of Work. The detailed Cost Breakdowns of the Cost Proposal Form should be consistent with proposed Cost Per Vehicle Revenue Hour and Monthly Fixed Costs. BREAKDOWN OF "COST PER VRH" IN PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST PER VRH BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Driver Wages $ 13.68 $ 14.10 $ 14.52 $ 14.96 $ 15.41 Driver Fringe Benefits $ 2.32 $ 2.39 $ 2.46 $ 2.54 $ 2.61 Rev Veh Maintenance $ 4.50 $ 4.64 $ 4.78 $ 4.92 $ 5.07 Other (Specify) TOTAL COST PER VRH $ 20.49 $ 21.13 $ 21.76 $ 22.42 $ 23.09 • ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 2 OPTION A: ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES Proposer's Name: Southland Transit, Inc. BREAKDOWN OF "MONTHLY FIXED COSTS" (Note: Costs shown are to be the average monthly fixed costs by category) MONTHLY FIXED COST BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five General Manager Salary $ 3,120 $ 3,214 $ 3,310 $ 3,409 $ 3,512 General Manager Fringe $ 530 $ 545 $ 562 $ 579 $ 596 Ops Supervisor Salary $ 964 $ 993 $ 1,023 $ 1,053 $ 1,085 Ops Supervisor Fringe $ 164 $ 169 $ 174 $ 179 $ 184 Maintenance Mgr Salary Maint. Mgr Fringe Dispatcher Wages $ 1,990 $ 2,049 $ 2,111 $ 2,174 $ 2,239 Dispatcher Fringe $ 338 $ 348 $ 358 $ 369 $ 380 Reservationist Wages $ 1,560 $ 1,607 $ 1,655 $ 1,705 $ 1,756 Reservationist Fringe $ 265 $ 273 $ 281 $ 289 $ 298 Road Supv Wages $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Road Supv Fringe $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Hiringfrraining $ 292 $ 298 $ 304 $ 310 $ 316 Safety $ 213 Uniforms $ 172 $ 175 $ 179 $ 182 $ 186 Non-Revenue Vehicles $ 872 $ 872 $ 872 $ 872 $ 872 Janitorial Telephone $ 992 $ 1,012 $ 1,032 $ 1,053 $ 1,074 Utilities $ 200 $ 204 $ 208 $ 212 $ 216 Office Supplies $ 116 $ 118 $ 120 $ 123 $ 125 Accounting $ 1,100 $ 1,122 $ 1,144 $ 1,167 $ 1,191 INSURANCE: General Liability $ 279 $ 284 $ 290 $ 296 $ 302 Automobile Liability $ 2,302 $ 2,348 $ 2,395 $ 2,442 $ 2,491 Collision/Comprehensive $ 582 $ 593 $ 605 $ 617 $ 630 Workers Compensation $ 2,784 $ 2,840 $ 2,897 $ 2,955 $ 3,014 Facility $ 500 $ 515 $ 530 $ 546 $ 563 Vehicles/Equipment $ 11,527 $ 11,527 $ 11,527 $ 11,527 $ 11,527 Start Up Cost $ 295 $ 295 $ 295 $ 295 $ 295 Management Fee/Profit $ 6,723 $ 6,925 $ 7,133 $ 7,347 $ 7,567 COSTS $ 37,877 $ 38,326 $ 39,005 39,702 $ 40,419 (NOTE: Listing of typical cost items on this provided form does not require Contractor to provide this position, utility or service.) ESTIMATED ANNUAL FUEL COST Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Projected Total Vehicle Miles 182,756 219,308 219,308 219,308 219,308 Estimated Annual Fuel Cost $ 44,420 $ 55,703 $ 58,209 $ 60,829 $ 63,566 Assumed Cost/Gal Gasoline $ 1.75 $ 1.83 $ 1.91 $ 2.00 $ 2.09 Assumed Cost/Gal Diesel N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS January 30, 2008 City of Rosemead Administrative Services Department Attention: Chris Marcarello - Administrative Services Officer 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Transit Services RFP Dear Mr. Marcarello: On behalf of Transportation Concepts (TC), I would like to thank you for the opportunity to submit a Best and Final Offer relative to our proposal for the maintenance and operation of the City of Rosemead's Transit Service. After extensive review of our proposal, we have made some adjustments that we hope will make us more competitive while maintaining confidence that we will have the ability to operate this service effectively. To this end, we have revisited the driver wage scales and made some minor adjustments to the starting rate and progression scale and allocations as well as our assumptions on distribution. Please see table below to reflect new wage range. Position Wage Range Dispatch $11.75 - $13.00 Trainer $12.75 Drivers $10.00-$13.00 Admin $13.00 Technician/Mechanic $20.00 Service Worker < $10.75 In addition, we have made some minor changes to our maintenance costs as the vehicles will be under warranty in year one. We feel comfortable with slightly more aggressive assumptions. We have slightly reduced our operating expenses in an effort to be more competitive. Lastly, we have significantly reduced profit and overhead charged to this project. This letter outlines any changes as reflected in our Best and Final Offer. All other terms and conditions in our original proposal remain the same. Again, we look forward to the opportunity to work with the City for the provision of this service. In closing, it is important to note our sincere affirmation that this service is an exceptional fit into our organization. Our proposed Manager is pro-active and will lead his team to ensure that this service is highly recognized and utilized throughout the City and amongst community members. His past experience with this operation will serve you well. We are certain that our proposal reflects the best value offered to the City of Rosemead relative to staff commitment and operational approach. We are confident that we can operate this service at a superior performance level within the confines of the attached budget. We are excited at the opportunity to become your partner. 12 Mauchly, Bldg. I I Irvine, CA 92618 1 (949) 864-3480 1 Fax (949) 864-3280 • • Page 2 of 2 If further information is needed, please contact me at 562-433-5778, 562-433-5289 (facsimile) or via e-mail - sschmidt(a~,transportation-concepts.com. I am the contact person during the evaluation period and I am authorized to bind Transportation Concepts to the terms of this proposal. If for some reason you can not reach me, please contact Rich Rogers, Chief Operating Officer of Transportation Concepts, at 949-753-7525. Mr. Rogers is also authorized to bind Transportation Concepts to the terms and conditions of this proposal. Sincerely, 5444 Sandi Schmidt Vice President of Business Development 12 Mauchly, Bldg. I I Irvine, CA 92618 1 (949) 864-3480 1 Fax (949) 864-3280 Exhibit D ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 1 Proposer's Name: Transportation Concepts TO COMPLETE THE "PROPOSED COST FORMULA" SECTION: ITEM 1: Provide Cost per VSH consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Cost per Hour form. ITEM 2: Provide Monthly Fixed Costs consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Monthly Fixed Costs form ITEM 3: Multiply "Projected Annual VRH" as shown by the "Cost per VRH." ITEM 4: Multiply "Monthly Fixed Costs" from item 2 times the number of months in that contract year. PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST FORMULA Year One 10 Months Year Two 12 Months Year Three 12 Months Year Four 12 Months Year Five 12 Months 1. Cost per VRH $22.81 $23.46 $24.76 $26.28 $27.48 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $34,674 $36,608 $38,103 $39,024 $40,194 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $325,032 $401,168 $423,382 $449,421 $469,903 4. Annual Fixed Costs $346,735 $439,300 $457,241 $468,286 $482,331 TOTAL COST (3+4) $671,767 $840,468 $880,622 $917,707 $952,234 This Cost Proposal Form is to be used to submit the proposed contractors firm cost proposal for all work described in the RFP and Scope of Work. The detailed Cost Breakdowns of the Cost Proposal Form should be consistent with proposed Cost Per Vehicle Re BREAKDOWN OF "COST PER VRH" IN PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST PER VRH BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two 'Year Three Year Four Year Five Driver Wages $14.18 $14.22 $14.74 $15.14 $15.20 Driver Fringe Benefits $2.22 $2.43 $2.57 $2.70 $2.81 Rev Vain Maintenance $6.41 $6.81 $7.45 $8.44 $9.46 Other(specify) TOTAL COST PER VRH $22.81 $23.46 $24.76 $26.28 $27.48 46 • • Exhibit D ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 2 Proposer's Name: Transportation Concepts BREAKDOWN OF "MONTHLY FIXED COSTS" (Note: Costs shown are to be the average monthly fixed costs by cateaorvl MONTHLY FIXED COST BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five General Manager Salary $607 $1,250 $1,287 $1,326 $1,366 General Manager Fringe $36 $38 $40 $44 $49 Ops Supervisor Salary Ops Supervisor Fringe Maintenance Mgr Salary Maint. Mgr Fringe Other Wages (Specify) $6,816 $6,823 $7,028 $7,238 $7,456 Other Fringe (Specify) $1,296 $1,387 $1,484 $1,632 $1,795 Hiring/Training $145 $149 $164 $158 $163 Safety $42 $52 $53 $55 $56 Uniforms $104 $107 $111 $114 $117. Non-Revenue Vehicles $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Janitorial $83 $86 $88 $91 $94 Telephone $450 $464 $477 $492 $507 Utilities $83 $86 $88 $91 $94 Office Supplies $325 $335 $345 $355 $366 Accounting INSURANCE: General Liability $3,465 $3,569 $3,676 $3,787 $3,900 Automobile Liability Collision/Comprehensive $639 $790 $813 $838 $863 Workers Compensation $3,532 $4,046 $4,185 $4,247 $4,332 Other (Specify): office equipment $397 $397 $397 $375 $375 facility $558 $574 $591 $609 $627 Capital $8,359 $8,359 $8,359 $8,259. $8,259 start up $619 $0 $0 $0 $0 Payroll taxes $2,383 $2,661 $2,877 $3,021 $3,233 Management Fee7Profit $4,735 $5,437 $6,049 $6,291 $6,543 TOTAL MONTHLY FIXED COSTS $34,674 $36,608 $38,103 $39,024 $40,194 [Note: Listing of typical cost items on this provided form does not require Contractor to provide this position, utility or service.] ESTIMATED ANNUAL FUEL COST Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Projected Total Vehicle Miles 192,018 220,494 220,494 220,494 220,494 Estimated Annual Fuel Cost $112,247 $128,895 $130,848 $130,848 $132,801 Assumed Cost/Gal Gasoline $3.30 $3.30 $3.35 $3.35 $3.40 Assumed Cost/Gal Diesel includes dispatch, training & clerical included in General vehicles, radio, etc 47 • • ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 3 Summary of Proposed Cost Proposer hereby proposes a total five-year cost for management and operation of the Rosemead Transit services as defined in the Request for Proposals, including any and all addenda, of: [Write Total Proposed Cost] four million, two hundred sixty two thousand seven hundred ninety nine dollars - Dollars [$4,262,799 .001 OFFEROR'S Representations & Acknowledgement In submitting a proposal, the OFFEROR affirms that he/she/it is familiar with all requirements of the RFP and has sufficiently informed himself/herself/itself in all matters affecting the performance of the work or the furnishing of the labor, supplies, materials, equipment, or facilities called for in this RFP; that he/she/it has checked the proposal for errors and omissions; that the prices stated are correct and as intended by the OFFEROR. OFFEROR acknowledges that this is a "turn-key" contract and that the proposed cost amount is for all staff, facilities, vehicles and equipment, supplies and services required for the operation and management of Rosemead Transit except for those duties and responsibilities of the CITY specifically identified in the RFP. This proposal and proposed cost are a firm, fixed offer for a period of ninety (90) calendar days from the BAFO Due Date of January 31, 2008. NAME OF PROPOSER FIRM: Transportation Concepts ADDRESS: 12 Mauchly Building I Irvine, CA 92618 NAME OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR NEGOTIATIONS: Sandi Schmidt or Rich Rogers PHONE NUMBER: (949)753-7525 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: 5'a.,4 51c"& NAME & TITLE OF SIGNER: Sandi Schmidt - Vice President Business Development DATE: January 29, 2008 48 U Exhibit D is ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 1 Proposer's Name: TO COMPLETE THE "PROPOSED COST FORMULA" SECTION: ITEM 1: Provide Cost per VSH consistent with 'Total' from Breakdown of Cost per Hour form. ITEM 2: Provide Monthly Fixed Costs consistent with 'Total' from Breakdown of Monthly Fixed Costs form. ITEM 3: Multiply "Projected Annual VRH" as shown by the "Cost per VRH." ITEM 4: Multiply "Monthly Fixed Costs" from item 2 times the number of months in that contract year. PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST FORMULA Year One 10 Months Year Two 12 Months Year Three 12 Months Year Four 12 Months Year Five 12 Months 1. Cost per VRH $22.81 $23.46 $24.76 $26.28 $27.48 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $37,089 $39,023 $40,531 $41,456 $42,631 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $325,032 $401,168 $423,382 $449,421 $469,903 4. Annual Fixed Costs $370,892 $468,279 $486,376 $497,474 $511,573 TOTAL COST (3+4) $695,924 $869,447 $909,757 $946,894 $981,476 This Cost Proposal Form is to be used to submit the proposed contractors firm cost proposal for all work described in the RFP and Scope of Work. The detailed Cost Breakdowns of the Cost Proposal Form should be consistent with proposed Cost Per Vehicle Re BREAKDOWN OF "COST PER VRH" IN PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST PER VRH BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Driver Wages $14.18 $14.22 $14.74 $15.14 $15.20 Driver Fringe Benefits $2.22 $2.43 $2.57 $2.70 $2.81 Rev Veh Maintenance $6.41 $6.81 $7.45 $8.44 $9.46 Other(specify) TOTAL COST PER VRH $22.81 $23.46 $24.76 $26.28 $27.48 46 C Exhibit D ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 2 Proposer's Name: Transportation Concepts PROPANE BREAKDOWN OF "MONTHLY FIXED COSTS" (Note: Costs shown are to be the average month) fixed costs b category) F- I L MONTHLY FIXED COST BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five General Manager Salary $607 $1,250 $1,287 $1,326 $1,366 General Manager Fringe $36 $38 $40 $44 $49 ODs Supervisor Salary Ops Supervisor Fdnge Maintenance Mgr Salary Maint. Mgr Fdnge Other Wages (Specify) $6,816 $6,823 $7,028 $7,238 $7,456 Other Fdnge (Specify) $1,296 $1,387 $1,484 $1,632 $1,795 Hiring/Training $145 $149 $154 $158 $163 Safety $42 $52 $53 $55 $56 Uniforms $104 $107 $111 $114 $117 Non-Revenue Vehicles $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Janitorial $83 $86 $88 $91 $94 Telephone $450 $464 $477 $492 $507 utilities $83 $86 $88 $91 $94 Office Supplies $325 $335 $345 $355 $366 Accounting INSURANCE: General Liability $3,465 $3,569 $3,676 $3,787 $3,900 Automobile Liability Collision/Comprehensive $639 $790 $813 $838 $863 Workers Compensation $3,532 $4,046 $4,185 $4,247 $4,332 Other (Specify): office equipment $397 $397 $397 $375 $375 facility $558 $574 $591 $609 $627 Capital $10,678 $10,678 $10,678 $10,578 $10,578 start up $619 $0 $0 $0 $0 Payroll taxes $2,383 $2,661 $2,677 $3,021 $3,233 Management Fee/Profit $4,832 $5,533 $6,158 $6,404 $6,660 TOTAL MONTHLY FIXED COSTS $37,089 $39,023 $40,531 $41,456 $42,631 [Note: Listing of typical cost items on this provided form does not require Contractor to provide this position, utility or service.] ESTIMATED ANNUAL FUEL COST Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Projected Total Vehicle Miles 192,018 220,494 220,494 220,494 220,494 Estimated Annual Fuel Cost $101,470 $119,434 $122,305 $125,176 $128,047 Assumed Cost/Gal Gasoline $2.03 $2.08 $2.13 $2.18 $2.23 Assumed Cost/Gal Diesel includes dispatch, training & clerical included in General vehicles, radio, etc ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 3 OPTION A: Alternative Fuel VEHICLES Summary of Proposed Cost Proposer hereby proposes a total five-year cost for management and operation of the Rosemead Transit services as defined in the Request for Proposals, including any and all addenda, of: [Write Total Proposed Cost] four million, four hundred three thousand four hundred ninety nine dollars - Dollars ($4,403,499 .001 OFFEROR'S Representations & Acknowledgement In submitting a proposal, the OFFEROR affirms that he/she/it is familiar with all requirements of the RFP and has sufficiently informed himself/herself/itself in all matters affecting the performance of the work or the furnishing of the labor, supplies, materials, equipment, or facilities called for in this RFP; that he/she/it has checked the proposal for errors and omissions; that the prices stated are correct and as intended by the OFFEROR. OFFEROR acknowledges that this is a "turn-key" contract and that the proposed cost amount is for all staff, facilities, vehicles and equipment, supplies and services required for the operation and management of Rosemead Transit except for those duties and responsibilities of the CITY specifically identified in the RFP. This proposal and proposed cost are a firm, fixed offer for a period of ninety (90) calendar days from the BAFO Due Date of January 31, 2008. NAME OF PROPOSER FIRM: Transportation Concepts ADDRESS: 12 Mauchly Building I Irvine, CA 92618 NAME OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR NEGOTIATIONS: Sandi Schmidt or Rich Rogers PHONE NUMBER: (949)753-7525 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: 5w .A Scti.,w,:& NAME & TITLE OF SIGNER: Sandi Schmidt - Vice President Business Development DATE: January 29, 2008 48 a i ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2007 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR CITY TRANSIT SERVICES SUMMARY The City of Rosemead offers residents a public transportation program that includes curb-to-curb and fixed 'route shuttle services. In analyzing the City's transportation program, staff found that these services had not gone out to bid in approximately eleven • years. Typically, these services are bid more frequently, usually occurring every five to seven years. Bidding transit services helps cities take advantage of emerging technologies and allow them to better tailor marketing programs to residents. Issuing a Request for Proposal will allow the City to access a competitive market for transportation services, improve service levels, and, ensure that City residents are provided with the highest quality of services available. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Approve the attached specifications for transportation services 2. Authorize staff to solicit bids from the attached list of qualified transit service providers 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a two-month contract extension with the current service provider, Laidlaw/First Transit, to provide time to complete the procurement process. DISCUSSION Project Description/Scope of Services • The current contract for City transit services expire on June 30, 2008. The scope of work in the attached specification includes providing management and operation of the APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: City Council Meeting November 20, 2007 • Page 2 of 4 Rosemead Transit system, which operates the Rosemead Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle services. The specifications provide for the same services as currently offered, with enhanced reporting, service levels, documentation, and safety programs. Over the past six months, staff and Roy Glauthier, a local transit consultant, conducted a review of City-managed services including analyzing operating data, observing current service operations, and interviewing the City's current contractor, Laidlaw/First Transit. This review confirmed that the City's vehicle fleet for transit operations is aging and is reaching high mileage levels. In addition, after nearly eleven years with the same service, the marketing and management practices are in need of updating. Issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) will provide residents with new vehicles and updated promotional materials. Only City-managed services (Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle) are included in the attached specification for bidding. Rosemead Dial-A-Ride The Rosemead Dial-A-Ride provides primarily advance-reservation, curb-to-curb demand responsive transportation to senior residents age 55 and above and individuals • with disabilities as certified by City staff. A request for service may be made up to 14 days in advance of the service day or may be set up as recurring appointments for trips made for the same day and time each week (i.e. doctor's appointments, grocery shopping trips). Same day and immediate trip requests are accommodated if capacity is available. Dial-A-Ride service operates the following days and hours: Weekdays (Monday - Friday): 6:00 am - 7:00 pm Weekends (Saturday and Sunday): 6:00 am - 7:00 pm Holidays: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm The Dial-A-Ride service operates 365 days a year, with reduced operation of only one (1) vehicle on these holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4`h, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. The City reserves the right to direct the operation of reduced levels of service on unofficial holidays and during holiday periods. A maximum of four (4) ADA-compliant paratransit vehicles are operated in Dial-A-Ride service at peak periods and the existing contract specifies the number of vehicles to be operated on weekdays, weekends and holidays by time of day. City policy requires that service be provided on request to any origin or destination within five miles of the City's limits. In addition, residents may utilize the service for medical appointments to Kaiser Hospital in Baldwin Park and Huntington Memorial in Pasadena. Fares for these services are $0.50 per trip for seniors and disabled • residents and no cost for sight-impaired residents and aides. City Council Meeting November 20, 2007 • Page 3 of 4 Rosemead Shopper Shuttle The Rosemead Shopper Shuttle is a general public, community fixed route service operating bi-directional on a single route through the city. Shopper Shuttle services operate the following days and hours: Weekdays (Monday - Friday): 11:00 am - 8:00 pm Weekends (Saturday and Sunday): 10:00 am - 5:00 pm City Policy requires that shuttle services operate year-around, with the exception of Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day and New Year's Day. Two shuttle vehicles operate during each of these active periods. Fares for these services are affordable and straightforward, costing $0.50 per trip for the general public and no cost for seniors, disabled persons, and children under 5 years of age. Request for Proposal Process To ensure that a high standard of service is maintained, the specifications for Rosemead's transit services are detailed in the request for proposal and the proposed is agreement. These specifications _ include: minimum staffing levels and service requirements, operational and financial reporting requirements, insurance requirements, driver training and,safety standards, equipment requirements, maintenance standards, and performance standards. Service levels will be monitored by City staff who will also review the contractor's required reports for operations and financial activity. The term of the proposed contract is for five years due to the large commitment of personnel and equipment required to provide initial service. Experience has proven that a multi-year contract is the most cost-effective means to have transit services performed for both the City and the contractor. Bid Process and Analysis l' Upon City Council approval, the RFP will be mailed to a list of known qualified transit service providers. Tentatively, proposals will be due to the City by Thursday, January 10th and staff will present a recommendation to the City Council on February 12, 2008. The timeline for soliciting bids is included in the RFP (see RFP Page 4, Section 2B Tentative Schedule). In order to meet this timeline, an extension on the current transit services contract with Laidlaw/First Transit is needed for a two-month time period (July 2008 and August 2008). Doing so will allow the successful transit contractor sufficient time to order new vehicles and prepare them for service. If approved, the new contract would begin September 1, 2008. 0 • 0 City Council Meeting November 20, 2007 • Page 4 of 4 Evaluation Criteria Proposals submitted to the City will be reviewed by City staff and local transit professionals. As indicated in Section 21, Screening, Selection and Award (see RFP Page 7, Section 21); fee schedules and costs will not be the sole criteria for award of this agreement. Instead, evaluation criteria for the proposals will include several categories, including experience, facility and equipment listing, cost, safety and training practices, management ability, and reference checks. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this project is provided through the Los Angeles County Proposition A Local Return funding and fare revenues. In Fiscal Year 2006, these funds resulted in $914,000 in revenue for transportation programs. These funds were used to offset programming costs, administrative costs, and the net management and operating costs of the current contract. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project does not require environmental review. • LEGAL REVIEW This staff report has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney.. Prepared by: Chris Marcarello Administrative Services Officer Submitted by: Brian Saeki Assistant City Manager Attachments: (1) Request for Proposal for Transportation Services (2) Bidder's List (3) Letter of Extension with Laidlaw/First Transit • NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) The City of Rosemead is soliciting proposals from interested parties to provide the turn- key management and operation of the City's Rosemead Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle services, together referred to as Rosemead Transit. The Rosemead Transit system began providing local transportation in the 1980's and, during the 2006-07 year, provided 13,015 Dial-A-Ride trips and 69,663 Shopper Shuttle trips, for a system total of 82,678 annual passenger trips. At peak, the Dial-A-Ride operates a total of 4 vehicles and the Shopper Shuttle a. total of two vehicles. The Shopper Shuttle operates entirely within the city limits of Rosemead while the Dial-A- Ride provides service to destinations within 5 miles of the city limits and some longer- distance trips for medical purposes only. Both services operate 7 days a week. The City is currently interested in proposals that will address the management, operations, and maintenance of the Rosemead Transit system over the next five years, • September 1, 2008 through August 31, 2013. Proposal documents may be obtained at the Rosemead City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770. The deadline for submitting proposals is Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. A mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. in the Council Chamber Conference Room, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California. Please direct all comments or questions to Chris Marcarello, Administrative Services Officer, City of Rosemead, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California, 91770. By: ot P~, J~,, Chns Marcarello Administrative Services Officer C~ J • • REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE ROSEMEAD TRANSIT SYSTEM, 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The Rosemead Transit system, initiated by the City of Rosemead in the 1980's, provides Dial-A-Ride and community fixed route transit services. Dial-A-Ride service is provided to seniors (55+) and individuals with disabilities within the city and to destinations within 5 miles of the city limits and, upon approval, for medical appointments to the Kaiser Hospital facility in Baldwin Park and the Huntington Memorial Hospital area in Pasadena. The Shopper Shuttle operates community fixed route services entirely within the city, with two buses operating a single route in opposite directions. The combined Rosemead Transit services carried a total of 82,678 passenger trips in the year just completed. During that period, the services operated a combined total of 16,680 vehicle revenue hours and 160,096 vehicle revenue miles. Exhibit F contains Rosemead Transit operating and financial data and basic performance indicators for the past three years. • The City finances the Rosemead Transit system through Los Angeles County Proposition A Local Return funding and fare revenues. The City does not receive any Federal or State transit funding. Rosemead Dial-A-Ride The Rosemead Dial-A-Ride provides primarily advance-reservation, curb-to-curb demand responsive transportation to senior residents of the city age 55 and above and individuals with disabilities as certified by City staff. Requests for service may be made up to 14 days in advance of the service day or, for trips that are taken on a regular basis at the same day and time each week, can be set up as subscription trips. Same day and immediate trip requests are accommodated if capacity is available. This is not an ADA paratransit service. Dial-A-Ride service operates the following days and hours: Weekdays (Monday - Friday): 6:00 am - 7:00 pm Weekends (Saturday and Sunday): 6:00 am - 7:00 pm Holidays: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm The Dial-A-Ride is to operate 365 days a year, with reduced operation of only one (1) vehicle on these holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4`h, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. The CITY reserves. the right to direct the operation of reduced levels of service on unofficial holidays and during holiday periods. • 2 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • A maximum of four (4) ADA-compliant paratransit vehicles are operated in Dial-A-Ride service at peak periods and the existing contract has specified the number of vehicles to be operated on weekdays, weekends and holidays by time of day. Beginning with this new contract, the Contractor will be responsible managing and operating Rosemead Dial-A-Ride services so as to achieve the City's performance goals for this service and is expected to manage the level of services provided to reflect actual trip demand. Also beginning with this contract, vehicles and operators will be required to comply with General Public Paratransit Vehicle [GPPV] requirements. Dial-A-Ride service is provided within the city and to destinations within 5 miles of the city limits and, upon approval, for medical appointments to the Kaiser Hospital facility in Baldwin Park and the Huntington Memorial Hospital area in Pasadena. Shopper Shuttle The Shopper Shuttle is a general public, community fixed route service operating bi- directional on a single route through the city. Shopper Shuttle services operated the following days and hours: Weekdays (Monday - Friday): 11:00 am - 8:00 pm Weekends (Saturday and Sunday): 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Two shuttle vehicles are to be operated during each of these periods. • Service will be suspended on Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day and New Year's Day. General The Rosemead City Council is the policy making body for the Rosemead Transit system. Overall administration, planning, monitoring and marketing of the system is vested in the City's Administrative Services Department, under the direction of the Administrative Services Officer,: . Since the inception of Rosemead Transit, the City has utilized the services of an independent management and operations Contractor to provide full "turn key" management and operation of the system. The City provides only policy direction, general supervision and monitoring of services, service and system planning, marketing support and materials, fare.media and qualification of residents to use the Dial-A-Ride. [See RFP Section 2 herein for "City Duties and Responsibilities."] • 3 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • 0 • II. INSTRUCTIONS. CONDITIONS AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS The following shall be considered an essential part of this Request for Proposals ("RFP"). A. General Information The City of Rosemead, California, referred to as "CITY" herein, is requesting proposals for the management and operation of the Rosemead Transit system, which operates the Rosemead Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle services. For purposes of this RFP, independent contractors interested in submitting proposals are referred to as "OFFEROR" or "CONTRACTOR". Included as Exhibit B to this RFP is a DRAFT AGREEMENT that will be amended to reflect the specific terms and conditions of this procurement. The term of this Agreement will be for a base period of five (5) years from September 1, 2008 through August 31, 2013 plus two (2) one (1) year options. The first contract period shall run for one (1) year from September 1, 2008 through August 31, 2009. All succeeding periods shall be twelve (12) months in length, running from.September 1 through August 31 of the following year. The successful OFFEROR to whom an award is made will be required to enter into a Professional Services Agreement ("PSA") with CITY substantially similar to the DRAFT AGREEMENT. • Exhibit A to this RFP is the Scope of Work detailing the services to be provided by the CONTRACTOR. All proposals shall be for the complete "turn key" management and operation of the Rosemead Transit system, as specified and in all respects, so that the proposal contemplates and ensures a complete "Turn-Key" system such that nothing remains to be purchased, provided or supplied by CITY, other than as noted within the provisions of this RFP. It is understood by each OFFEROR that this RFP requires, in all cases, all elements of a complete operating system for Rosemead Transit. B. Tentative Schedule The tentative schedule and description of events for this procurement are given below: Date: December 03, 2007 December 12, 2007 December 19, 2007 December 27, 2007 • January 10, 2008 Activity: Issue Request for Proposal (RFP) Mandatory Pre-proposal Meeting Deadline for submitting questions Written response by the City; issue Addenda Proposals due; non-public opening is held and evaluation begins 4 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 0 • January 23, 2008 Interviews, if necessary • February 12, 2008 Selection recommendation made to City Council and . award contract March 1, 2008 Agreement executed and Notice to Proceed September 1, 2008 Start of Services Tentative dates, including start-up date, are subject to change at the sole discretion of the City. C. Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference and Submission of Questions A mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. in the Council Chamber Conference Room, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California, for the purpose of receiving questions and comments pertaining to this RFP. Questions and comments may also be submitted in writing to the Administrative Services Officer, City of Rosemead, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770, or by facsimile copy to 626-307-9218. All questions must be received no later than 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, December 19, 2007. • In the event of that questions and comments are received, a CITY response will be sent to all parties in the form of an addendum (or addenda) to this RFP no later than Thursday, December 27, 2007. D. RFP Addenda Any changes to the RFP requirements will be made by written addendum. Addenda will be mailed to OFFERORS at the address provided by OFFERORS. All addenda must be specifically acknowledged in OFFEROR's proposal using Exhibit E, Addenda Acknowledgement Form. Failure to acknowledge receipt of addenda shall cause the proposal to be considered non-responsive. Such proposals will be rejected. E. Verbal Agreement or Conversation No prior or current verbal conversations or agreements with any officer, agent, or employee of the CITY shall affect or modify any terms or obligations of this RFP, or any contract resulting from this procurement. F. Required Submittal Information Each OFFEROR must submit one (1) original signed copy and five (5) duplicate copies • of the complete proposal in sealed envelope(s) marked "Transit Service RFP" and the name of the OFFEROR. Proposal submissions must contain sequential page numbers. 5 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals Please note that p roposals are limited to a total of fifty (50) single-sided letter-sized sheets using a typ eface no smaller than 11 point The fifty (50) pages shall include all • text pages tables figures exhibits divider and cover pages and required proposal Proposals must be submitted on the PROPOSAL FORM provided as Exhibit D and must include all required attachments. All prices and notations must be in ink or typewritten. Mistakes may be crossed out and corrections typed or written with ink adjacent thereto, and all corrections must be initialed in ink by the person signing the PROPOSAL FORM. Unacceptable conditions, limitations, provisos, or failure to respond to specific instructions or information requested may result in rejection of the proposal. If the proposal consists of a "prime" contractor and one or more subcontractors, the OFFEROR shall identify all subcontractors and the areas of their responsibility. Not withstanding the use of subcontractors by the prime CONTRACTOR, the CITY will enter into an AGREEMENT only with the prime CONTRACTOR who shall be responsible for all services required by the attached AGREEMENT. By submitting a proposal, the OFFEROR certifies that his/her/its name (as well as the names of any proposed subcontractors) does not appear on the Controller General's • List of Ineligible Contractors for federally assisted projects. Upon award of the contract, all proposals shall be public record (except financial statements, submitted under a separate cover with a request for confidentiality, which shall be disclosed only upon order of a court with competent jurisdiction). Information contained in any proposal or information regarding the number or identity of OFFERORS will be made available during the course of normal City business hours. Specific requests for proposal information shall be made by request to the Administrative Services Officer and scheduling an appointment. No proposal shall be withdrawn after the date and time set for opening thereof, and all proposals shall remain in effect for a minimum of one hundred twenty (120) days after the final proposal submission date. H. Submission of Proposals The City must receive one (1) original signed copy and five (5) duplicate copies of the project proposal, including all required attachments. Proposals will be received by the Administrative Services Department of the City of Rosemead until 3:00 P.M. PST on Thursday. January 10, 2008. • 6 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • J All proposals either mailed or hand delivered will be received at the following location: • City of Rosemead Administrative Services Department Transit Service RFP 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, California 91770 The City will not accept proposals submitted by facsimile copy or electronically. Responsibility for submitting the proposal and pricing to the City on or before the above stated time is SOLELY AND STRICTLY that of the PROPOSER. The City will in no way be responsible for delays in the delivery of the mail or delays caused by any other occurrence. The City will not be responsible for premature opening of proposals not properly marked. Screening, Selection, and Award Screening and selection will take place through the process described below. Contract award will be made to the OFFEROR which (a) meets REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTOR specified in Part III of this RFP, and (b) submits the proposal considered most advantageous to CITY based on EVALUATION CRITERIA set forth in Exhibit C to this RFP. • Negotiations may or may not be conducted with OFFERORS; hence, the proposal should include the OFFERORS' most favorable terms and conditions since selection may be made without discussion with any OFFEROR. The screening and selection process shall be as follows: Step 1. Sealed proposals will be opened and evaluated to determine compliance with REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTOR. Proposals meeting specified requirements will be considered responsive and will be included in Step 2. Step 2. Responsive proposals will be reviewed by an evaluation panel based on EVALUATION CRITERIA of this RFP and the weighting assigned thereto. Weighted scores from all panel members will then be added and a total value will be calculated and assigned to each proposal. Following such evaluation, adecision will be made whether to recommend awarding a contract without further discussion to the OFFEROR receiving the highest score, or to negotiate with OFFERORS within a competitive range. Step 3. If a decision is made to conduct negotiations, OFFERORS within a competitive range may be interviewed on or about prior to Wednesday, January 23, 2008. The .purpose of such interviews will be to obtain additional information or clarification of OFFERORS' proposals and to discuss modifications of such proposals. At a minimum, • the proposed Project Manager and a senior management staff official authorized to commit on behalf of the OFFEROR shall be present at such interview. 7 City of Rosemead -Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • Upon completion of such interviews, the CITY reserves the right to request the submission of "Best and Final" offers. The evaluation panel shall review "Best and Final" offers, if requested, and conduct a final evaluation of proposals. Proposals will again be assigned a total score based on EVALUATION CRITERIA weighted scores.. The evaluation panel will then recommend one OFFEROR, based on the results of the final scoring, for approval by the City Council of the City of Rosemead. Council approval is expected on or about, Tuesday, February 12, 2008. The CITY reserves the right to withdraw this RFP at any time without prior notice. Further, the CITY reserves the right to modify the RFP schedule described above. The CITY also makes no representations that any contract will be awarded to any OFFEROR responding to this RFP. The CITY expressly reserves the right to reject any and all proposals without indicating any reasons for such rejection(s), to waive any irregularity or informality in any proposal or in the RFP procedure, and to be the sole judge of the responsiveness of any OFFEROR and of the suitability of the materials and/or services to be rendered. J. Exceptions and Alternatives OFFERORS may not take exception or make alterations to any requirement of the RFP. If an alternative proposal is submitted, it must be submitted as a separate proposal. No such proposal shall be considered unless it satisfies all requirements of this RFP. The • CITY expressly reserves the right in its sole discretion to consider such alternate proposals and to award a contract based thereon if determined to be in the CITY'S best interest. Since the CITY desires to enter into one contract to provide all services, only those proposals to provide all services shall be considered responsive. K. OFFEROR'S Representations In submitting a proposal, the OFFEROR affirms that he/she/it is familiar with all requirements of the RFP and has sufficiently informed himself/herself/itself in all matters affecting the performance of the work or the furnishing of the labor, supplies, materials, equipment, or facilities called for in this RFP; that he/she/it has checked the proposal for errors and omissions; that the prices stated are correct and as intended by the OFFEROR and are a complete statement of his/her/its prices for performing the work of furnishing the labor, supplies, materials, equipment or facilities required. The above provisions shall apply equally to any modifications submitted by OFFEROR in a "best and final" offer. L. Pre-Contractual Expenses Pre-contractual expenses are defined as expenses incurred by OFFEROR in: (1) • preparing the proposal in response to this RFP; (2) submitting the proposal to the CITY; (3) negotiating with the CITY on any matter related to this RFP; (4) any other expenses 8 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals incurred by the OFFEROR prior to the date of award, if any, of the proposed • AGREEMENT. The CITY shall not, in any event, be liable for any pre-contractual expenses incurred by OFFEROR. OFFEROR shall not include any such expenses in the RFP. M. Compliance with Federal Laws and Requirements OFFEROR shall comply with all applicable Federal laws and requirements including, but not limited to: Equal Employment Opportunity, ADA,.and Drug and Alcohol Testing Requirements. 1. Equal Employment Opportunity Regarding the performance of this contract, the contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment based on race, color, age, creed, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not, be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training. 2. Drug-Free Workplace Certification Requirements Contractor shall comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Certification Requirements as administered by Caltrans for Federal grant funds recipients. • N. Interpretation The laws of the State of California shall govern all the rights and duties of the successful OFFEROR and CITY under the contract entered into pursuant to this RFP. 0. Execution of Agreement If the CONTRACTOR is an individual, he or she shall execute the AGREEMENT personally. If the CONTRACTOR is a partnership, the AGREEMENT shall be executed by all partners, or by a managing general partner lawfully empowered to bind the partnership. If the CONTRACTOR is a corporation, two officers of the corporation must execute it, or by a person authorized by the corporation to execute written contracts on its behalf, and the corporate seal affixed thereto. If the corporate seal is not affixed to the AGREEMENT, or if it is executed by a person other than an officer, there must be attached to the AGREEMENT a certified copy of a resolution of the corporation authorizing such officer or person to execute written agreements for and on behalf of the corporation. If the CONTRACTOR is a joint venture, the AGREEMENT must be executed on behalf of each participating firm by officers or other officials who have full and proper authorization to do so. • 9 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals C 0 Ill. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTOR • Proposals for the management and operation of the Rosemead Transit system will be evaluated by CITY to determine whether or not they meet the following required qualifications. Proposals which fail to provide documentation responding to all of the required items set out below may be considered non-responsive and will be rejected. A. Experience In order to be considered eligible and qualified, OFFEROR must have a minimum of three years of experience in the field of providing public transportation services for systems similar to that contemplated herein. The OFFEROR should demonstrate familiarity with the management and operation of Dial-A-Ride and community fixed route public transit systems, including all related tasks such as vehicle control and dispatch, training, safety, vehicle maintenance, etc. The OFFEROR must have the capability to provide qualified personnel to manage and operate the system. A statement of qualifications demonstrating the foregoing and listing the OFFEROR'S experience in the public transit field, together with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least three other clients for whom similar services are being provided, shall be furnished with the proposal. Clients referenced should be located in California if possible. • B. Organization The OFFEROR should submit a description of the firm's organizational structure, history, legal status (i.e., partnership, corporation, etc.) list of owners and officers, capabilities and experience, and management philosophy. The CITY is particularly interested in the OFFEROR'S approach to managing projects such as Rosemead Transit, organizational resources and expertise available, and the primary businesses or range of diversified businesses in which the OFFEROR'S firm is involved. C. Resource Allocation OFFEROR'S proposed allocation of contract resources must demonstrate an understanding of scope of work requirements as described in this RFP and attachments thereto. OFFEROR must submit a detailed budget breakdown on the PROPOSAL FORM. D. Staffing CONTRACTOR shall at all times be responsible for maintaining appropriate staffing levels, employing sufficient qualified and properly trained personnel to perform the management, administrative, call-taking, scheduling and dispatch, operating and maintenance functions necessary to operate the City's Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle • services. 10 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals The OFFEROR must submit a proposed staffing plan indicating all management and • staff employee positions, the number of full-time equivalent employees at each position (full-time equivalent employee equals 2,000 work hours), and salary and benefit schedules for each employee classification. The staffing plan should be specific to each of the five years contemplated in the DRAFT AGREEMENT. The staffing plan must include the resumes of the proposed General Manager and Maintenance Manager showing all relevant education, training and experience. OFFEROR should also describe other personnel to the extent that their particular experience, skill and availability will affect the performance of this contract. OFFEROR should submit a description of the employee benefits package that will be provided including any incentive or motivational programs. OFFEROR should also specifically address any technical resources and staff that will be available to assist their local management at no additional cost to the City. E. Management and Personnel Policies The OFFEROR must be able to demonstrate a familiarity with modern management practices, a record of equitable labor management practices, and a commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity practices. • F. Accounting and Reporting The OFFEROR must propose an adequate management information system to implement and maintain data collection, accounting, and reporting requirements of the DRAFT AGREEMENT. G. Performance Bond Before commencing work under this Agreement; Contractor shall furnish and file with the City Clerk a bond, or bonds, in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney with a bonding company licensed and authorized to do business in the State of California in an amount no less than one-hundred percent (100%) of the amount payable to Contractor under this Agreement, conditioned upon the faithful performance of this Agreement. The bond(s) shall remain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement, or any extension thereof. The bond(s) shall name the City of Rosemead as obligee. H. Insurance and Indemnity The insurance and indemnity requirements of this RFP, including the DRAFT AGREEMENT, will be considered minimum requirements and must be complied with in • every respect. 11 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 0 • • 1. Indemnification 1.1 Indemnity by Contractor. Contractor, its successors and assigns (the "Indemnitors"), agree to indemnify, defend.and hold harmless City, its officers, officials, directors, employees, agents and volunteers (the "Indemnitees"), from and against any and all Damages (as defined below) suffered or incurred by the Indemnitees resulting from or related to (i) any breach of Contractor's obligations under this Contract; (ii) any violation by Contractor of any federal, state or local law applicable to Contractor's performance under this Contract, including without limitation, Applicable Environmental Laws; (iii) the failure of Contractor to pay any federal, state or local income, sales, use, payroll or other tax during the term of this Contract; (iv) the failure of Contractor to maintain any insurance coverage required to be maintained by this Contract; and (v) any claim resulting from the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Indemnitors shall not be liable for any Damages that arise as a result of the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnitees. 1.2 Definition of Damages. As used herein, "Damages" shall mean all liabilities, demands, claims, actions or causes of action, regulatory, legislative or judicial proceedings, assessments, levies, losses, fines, penalties, damages, • costs and expenses, in each case as awarded by a court or arbitrator, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys', accountants', investigators', and experts' fees and expenses sustained or incurred in connection with the defense or investigation of any such liability. 1.3 Indemnitee Claims. Except as set forth in Section 1.4, in the event that an Indemnitee makes a claim for which the Indemnitee is indemnified pursuant to Section 1.1, the Indemnitee shall provide written notice of such claim to Indemnitors and Indemnitors shall have thirty (30) days following receipt of such notice to (i) make payment of the claim to Indemnitee; or (ii) if there is a good faith dispute whether such claim is valid, then provide written notice to Indemnitee of the factual and/or legal basis for Indemnitors' dispute of the claim. If Indemnitee and Indemnitors have not agreed on a resolution of the disputed claim within thirty (30) days of notice from Indemnitors, then pending final resolution of the dispute by court, arbitration or otherwise, Indemnitors shall either make payment of the full amount of the claim into an escrow account or post a bond for the full amount of the claim. 1.4 Defense of Third Party Claims. In the event that an indemnification claim hereunder is based in whole or in part upon any claim or legal proceeding asserted by a person or entity which is not a party to this Contract (a "Third Part y Claim"), promptly after receipt of notice of the Third Party Claim, the Indemnitees • shall notify the Indemnitors of such claim in writing. The Indemnitors shall have a period of 30 days following the receipt of such notice to notify the Indemnitees of 12 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals whether the Indemnitors elect to assume the defense thereof. If the Indemnitors • so notify the Indemnitees that they elect to assume the defense, the Indemnitors thereafter shall undertake and diligently pursue the. defense of the Third Party Claim. The Indemnitors shall not consent to entry of judgment or enter into any settlement agreement, without the consent of the Indemnitees, which does not include a complete and unconditional release of the Indemnitees or which imposes injunctive or other equitable relief against the Indemnitees. The Indemnitees shall be entitled to participate in, but not control, the defense thereof, with counsel of its choice and at its own expense. If the Indemnitors do not give the requisite notice, or fail to assume and diligently pursue the defense of such Third Party Claim, the Indemnitees may defend against such Third Party Claim in such manner as they may deem appropriate, including without limitation, settlement thereof on such terms as the Indemnitees may deem appropriate, and to pursue such remedies as may be available to the Indemnitees against the Indemnitors. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Indemnitees shall not consent to entry of a judgment or enter into any settlement agreement, without the consent of the Indemnitors, which does not include a complete release of the Indemnitors. 2. Insurance: On or before the commencement of the term of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall furnish CITY with certificates showing the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective dates and dates of expiration of insurance coverage in compliance with this • Section. OFFEROR must state renewal dates for all insurance coverage and must provide a statement of loss experience for the previous last two years. The statement of loss experience must also identify any claims that may be pending at the present time. An endorsement naming the CITY as additional insured for all liability coverage shall be furnished with the insurance certificates. Such certificates, which do not limit CONTRACTOR's indemnification set forth herein, shall also contain substantially the following statement: "Should any of the above insurance covered by this certificate be canceled or coverage reduced before the expiration date thereof, the insurer afforded coverage shall provide thirty (30) days' advance notice to the CITY of Rosemead by certified mail, Attention: Risk Manager." It is agreed that CONTRACTOR shall maintain in force at all times during the performance of this Contract all appropriate coverage of insurance required by this Contract with an insurance business in the State of California. No subcontract work shall commence until similar insurance coverage has been obtained by the subcontractor and verified by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall then immediately notify the CITY, in writing, of the types and amounts of such • insurance. 13 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 3. Coverage. CONTRACTOR shall maintain the following insurance coverage: • (a). Vehicle Liability Insurance. Throughout the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide vehicle liability insurance in the amount of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000.00) combined single limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage. Coverage may be provided through one or more policies and shall include: Uninsured Motorist (UM) and Personal Injury Protection (PIP) with coverage limits as required by law; Medical Payments with coverage limits of $500 per person per occurrence (b). General Liability and Protection and Indemnity Insurance. CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain during the life of this Contract General Liability Insurance on a commercial form with a minimum of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000), covering all legal liability for personal injury, bodily injury, death and property damage to the vehicle maintenance facility and any applicable endorsement or rider for the storage, handling, transportation and disposal of Hazardous Substances that may arise out of CONTRACTOR's performance under this Contract except as may be covered by insurance coverage provided by the CITY, as described elsewhere in the Contract. (c). Vehicle Physical Damage. With respect to the vehicles to be used under the terms of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall maintain in full force and effect insurance covering vehicles against physical damage from comprehensive and collision, in an amount equal to the vehicles' actual cash value. Any deductible shall not exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) Per Incident, must be stated in writing to the City and • shall be the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. (d). Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain during the life of this Contract Workers' Compensation Insurance in conformance with. the laws of the State of California and with the laws of the United States and Employers' Liability Insurance with a minimum of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000). 4. Subrogation Waiver. Each of the foregoing policies shall expressly waive subrogation against CITY. 5. Failure to Secure. If CONTRACTOR at any time during the term hereof should fail to secure or maintain the foregoing insurance, CITY shall be permitted to obtain such insurance in the CONTRACTOR's name or as an agent of the CONTRACTOR and shall be compensated by the CONTRACTOR for the costs of the insurance premiums plus interest at the maximum rate permitted by law computed from the date written. notice is received that the premiums have been paid. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless CITY from the failure to place, the failure to maintain, or the failure of any of the insurance policies required above. 6. Additional Insured. CITY, its Council, Commissions, officers, and employees shall be named as additional insured under all insurance coverage, except Workers' IS Compensation, required by this Contract. An additional insured named herein shall not be held liable for any premium, deductible portion of any loss, or expense of any nature 14 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals on this policy or any extension thereof. Any other insurance held by an additional • insured shall not be required to contribute anything toward any loss or expense covered by the insurance provided by this policy. 7. Primary Insurance. Endorsement(s) shall be provided which states that the coverage is Primary Insurance and that no other insurance affected by the CITY will be called upon to contribute to this coverage. 8. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed.to contain, the following provisions: a. The CITY, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers are to be covered as insured as respects; liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR; products and completed operations of the CONTRACTOR; premises owned, occupied or used by the CONTRACTOR; or automobiles owned, leased hired or borrowed by the CONTRACTOR. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, agents or volunteers. b. For any claims related to this project, the CONTRACTOR's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, agents or volunteers shall be • excess of the CONTRACTOR's insurance and shall not contribute with it. C. Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, agents or volunteers. d. The CONTRACTOR's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. e. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the CITY. 9. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII. 10. Verification of Coverage. CONTRACTOR shall furnish the CITY with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the CITY. All endorsements are to be • received and approved by the CITY before work commences. As an alternative to the CITY's forms, the CONTRACTOR's insurer. may provide complete, certified copies of all 15 City of Rosemead- Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals required insurance policies, including endorsements effecting the coverage required by • these specifications., 11. Subcontractors. CONTRACTOR shall include all subcontractors as insured under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and ' endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverage for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. Financial Responsibility All OFFERORS shall provide a financial statement, as prepared by a certified public accountant, for his/her/its prior fiscal year, consisting of a balance sheet, profit and loss statement and such other financial statements as may be appropriate, which shall demonstrate the OFFEROR possesses adequate financial ability and stability to enable the OFFEROR to fulfill his/her/its obligations in connection with the management and operation of Rosemead Transit under the terms of this AGREEMENT. City makes no representation that it will be able to maintain the confidentiality of proposers' financial information. A Proposer who submits financial information which it asks to have treated as confidential should submit a statement justifying its treatment as confidential under the California Public Records Act, citing relevant sections of the Act, and label it as a separate exhibit, clearly identified as confidential as a trade secret or otherwise and cross-referenced in the proposal." As a condition to further participation in the selection process described in Section II - Subsection I, City reserves the right to require an Offeror which has deficiencies with respect to City's criteria for financial strength and stability to provide financial information regarding one or more principals or guarantors of Offeror, which principals or guarantors, upon approval by City, would be required to execute a guaranty of Offeror's obligations upon award of the contract. J. Vehicles and Equipment Pursuant to Scope of Work Section 3.14, the CONTRACTOR shall provide all vehicles and equipment to operate the Rosemead Transit services. OFFEROR'S proposal shall detail the proposed vehicles and equipment that will be procured or otherwise provided by OFFEROR if selected. K. Operations and Maintenance Facility Upon acceptance of the OFFEROR'S proposed facility, the successful OFFEROR shall be required to secure an operations and maintenance facility sufficient to enable the OFFEROR to effectively manage and operate the Rosemead Transit system. OFFEROR proposal should identify and describe all the proposed facilities. At a minimum such facility should have all the requirements as set forth in Exhibit "A" SCOPE OF WORK. • L. Maintenance Program 16 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • The OFFEROR must have the capability to carry out the complete maintenance program specified in Exhibit A" SCOPE OF WORK, Section 4. The OFFEROR must document in the proposal its maintenance record-keeping and accounting system, and procedures for administering a preventive maintenance program. M. Safety Program OFFEROR must have an on-going, comprehensive safety program that shall be documented in the proposal. N. Screening and Selection Program OFFEROR must document OFFEROR'S screening program for vehicle operator's employees including a proposed substance abuse screening program in accordance with Exhibit A, SCOPE OF WORK. 0. Training and Retraining Program OFFERORS must have a training program that will assure that all personnel will meet satisfactory standards and knowledge for operating the City's Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle services. The training program must be documented in the proposal, and shall explain how replacement personnel to accommodate turnover are to be trained without • detriment to Rosemead Transit service or the quality of training. Proposals should also affirm that training provided to Dial-A-Ride operators will satisfy GPPV requirements. P. Time Schedule Each OFFEROR shall submit a time schedule setting forth the sequence of events and associated time requirements proposed to be undertaken from the point of contract award through the first full month of system operations under the new AGREEMENT. The time schedule must demonstrate how the transition to the new CONTRACTOR on September 1, 2008, will be accomplished with no disruption to regular Rosemead Transit service. Q. Debarred, Suspended or Ineligible Contractors OFFEROR certifies by submission of a response to the RFP (proposal) that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction with federal, state, or local department or agency. • 17 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • • • IV. COST PROPOSAL Payment for services under this agreement will be made by the City of Rosemead on the basis of fixed monthly rate plus an agreed rate per vehicle revenue hour multiplied by the actual number of vehicle revenue hours operated in Rosemead Transit service during the month being invoiced. [Often called a "fixed and variable" costing approach.] Prior contracts for Rosemead Transit service have dictated the number of Dial-A-Ride vehicles to be operated by the CONTRACTOR, which has resulted in the unnecessary operation of vehicles during periods of low demand. As the City is hiring the CONTRACTOR for their expertise in the management and operation of these type of public transit services, the "fixed and variable" costing, together with new performance goals, will encourage increased productivity and more efficient use of Rosemead Transit resources. Vehicle Revenue Hours All proposals will be based on the following vehicle revenue hour numbers for each year of the five-year base term of the agreement. [Please note that "vehicle revenue hours" are defined in the "Definitions" in Exhibit A.] Rosemead Dial-A-Ride Rosemead Shopper Shuttle Total for Proposal Purposes Annual Veh Revenue Hours Year 1 Years 2-5 [10 monthsl [12 monthsl 9,167 11,000 5,083 6.100 14,250 17,100 The City reserves the right to direct the operation of up to either twenty percent (20%) more than or twenty percent (20%) less than these projected Annual Vehicle Revenue Hours without renegotiating the proposed rates with the successful CONTRACTOR. Cost Proposal Forms OFFEROR shall complete and submit the Cost Proposal Forms contained herein as RFP Exhibit D. Electronic versions of these forms will be made available upon request. OFFERORS will note that the Cost Proposal Forms require the estimation of annual vehicle mileage and fuel costs, even though the actual incurred monthly cost of fuel will be paid directly by the City and is not to be included in the Fixed Monthly or variable Vehicle Revenue Hour cost. This data is needed to provide the City with a complete projection of Rosemead Transit costs for evaluation and budgeting purposes. City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 18 LJ C CITY OF ROSEMEAD • ROSEMEAD TRANSIT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS EXHIBITS A Scope of Work B Draft Agreement C Evaluation Criteria / Matrix D Cost Proposal Forms E Addenda Acknowledgement Form F Operating & Financial Data and Performance Indicators • G Rosemead Transit Service Information • City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2006 Request For Proposals 19 • EXHIBIT A MANAGEMENT AND. OPERATION ROSEMEAD TRANSIT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS As used throughout the Request For Proposals, exhibits and attachments, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: Advanced Reservation - Describes the process of requesting trips and receiving trip confirmation prior to the day service is requested. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) - Federal civil rights legislation which mandates accessibility for people with disabilities. Included is a requirement that all public transit agencies operating fixed route bus service provide complementary paratransit service to persons functionally unable to use accessible fixed route systems. CITY - Shall indicate the City of Rosemead. Contractor - Shall signify vendor selected and under contract with CITY to provide transportation services. • Curb-to-Curb Service - A type of paratransit service where, on both the origin and destination end of the trip, the driver gets out of the vehicle and assists the passenger between the vehicle and a sidewalk or other waiting area no more than 15 feet from the vehicle. Deadhead - For paratransit services, refers to either miles or hours when a vehicle is not in revenue service including travel from the yard to the first pick-up, from the last drop-off back to the yard when released by the dispatcher and travel during driver breaks and other "but of service" times. The travel between scheduled pickups and drop offs, regardless of whether a passenger is on board, is not deadhead. Demand Responsive - Describes a service that does not require advance reservation and trips can be requested the same day [also referred to as "same day," "real-time" or "immediate response]. Door-to-Door Service - A type of paratransit service where, on both the origin and/or destination end of the trip, the driver gets out of the vehicle and meets/escorts the passenger to the door of the main lobby, residence, or building. The driver is responsible for assisting the passenger throughout the trip. Drivers are not allowed to enter a residence and must keep the vehicle in sight at all times. • Dwell Time - The amount of time spent by vehicle and driver at each pick-up and drop- off waiting for the passenger(s) to appear, during passenger boarding, deboarding and 20 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • wheelchair securement. Dwell time is included in the Vehicle Service Hour computation. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) - A branch of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) established to improve transportation throughout the nation. The FTA provides funding and assistance to regional transportation agencies, among various other programs. General Public Paratransit Vehicle (GPPV) - means any motor vehicle designed for carrying no more than 24 persons and the driver, that provides local transportation to the general public, including transportation of pupils at or below the 12th-grade level to or from a public or private school or school activity, under the exclusive jurisdiction of a publicly and operated transit system through one of the following modes: dial-a-ride, subscription service, or route deviated bus service. [California Motor Vehicle Code Section 336] Holidays - The official City holidays are: New Year's Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day; and Christmas Day. Missed Trip - Any scheduled trip on which the Dial-A-Ride vehicle arrives more than 60 minutes after the scheduled pick up time or does not arrive at all. No-Show - A scheduled passenger who does not appear at the designated location for • vehicle boarding within 5 minutes of an on-time vehicle arrival or calls the Rosemead Dial-A-Ride to cancel the trip less that one (1) hour before the scheduled pick-up time. On-Time Pickup.- For paratransit services, a vehicle shall be on-time if it arrives at the designated pickup location no more than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time or no more than 15 minutes after that time. For fixed route services, a vehicle shall be on-time if it arrives at a designated bus stop not earlier than or no more than 3 minutes after the scheduled arrive time. Subscription Service - Paratransit trips to and from the same origin and destination at the same time and day at least once a week. Subscription services do not require the passenger to call in their request for each trip; only to cancel for one or more days. Vehicle Revenue Hour - For the Shopper Shuttle fixed route service, a vehicle revenue hour shall be defined as any sixty-minute increment of time, or portion thereof, that a vehicle is in revenue service, including layover/recovery time but excluding deadhead, training operators prior to revenue service and road tests. For the Rosemead Dial-A-Ride service, a vehicle revenue hour shall be defined as any sixty-minute increment of time, or portion thereof, that a vehicle is available for passenger transport within the established hours of service. A vehicle is available for passenger transport from the time it arrives at its first pick-up address and ends when it • has completed its last passenger drop-off and is released from service by the dispatcher. If the first scheduled-pick-up is a no-show, the vehicle arrival time at that 21 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 0 • • stop shall still be used for computation of vehicle service hours, however, this rule shall not apply to late trip cancellations. Vehicle revenue hours are also known as "vehicle service hours." Vehicle revenue hours, for both services, shall exclude any meal breaks, service breaks, mechanical breakdowns and time a vehicle is down due to an accident Vehicle Revenue Miles - The mileage incurred by a vehicle while operating a Vehicle Revenue Hour. • u 22 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • SECTION 2- CITY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CITY shall accept the following responsibilities and perform the following duties with respect to Rosemead Transit. To the extent reasonable and feasible, CONTRACTOR shall assist CITY in this regard. 2.1 System Planning and Administration CITY shall be responsible for all policy decisions and activities relative to Rosemead Transit routes, schedules, days and hours of operations, stop locations, street furnishings, preparation of planning documents, budgets, grant applications and related documentation, and other such activities to overall system administration. 2.2 Advertising and Promotion CITY shall prepare, place, schedule, and pay' for all advertising and promotional materials designed to inform the public of Rosemead Transit operations and to promote ridership. 2.3 Fuel CITY will reimburse CONTRACTOR for fuel supplied by CONTRACTOR utilizing a • dispensing system, approved by CITY, which accurately records all fueling purchases to allow CITY to reconcile all fuel transactions by date and vehicle number. The CITY expressly reserves the right in its sole discretion to establish fueling procedures as determined by CITY to be in CITY'S best interest. CONTRACTOR and all of its employees shall adhere to any and all operating, administrative, and accounting procedures required by CITY in connection with all fueling operations. 2.4 Schedules, Passes, Tickets, At CITY's discretion, CITY may develop and implement a form of fare media that will be accepted in lieu of cash fares. CITY shall prepare, print, and provide to CONTRACTOR all schedules, passes, tickets, and like materials required by Rosemead Transit operations. CONTRACTOR shall distribute and disseminate such materials in accordance with the provisions of the AGREEMENT and any directions supplemental thereto provided by CITY. 2.5 Street Furnishings CITY shall be responsible for the purchasing and maintenance of all transit related street furnishings within the CITY limits. CONTRACTOR and its employees shall cooperate with CITY by advising CITY of any such irregular conditions to street furnishings observed during Rosemead Transit operations. • 23 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • 2.6 Notification- Potential Interference with Rosemead Transit Operations CITY shall make a reasonable effort to notify, CONTRACTOR in advance of any road closures, detours, parades, or other events under CITY jurisdiction that may interfere with Rosemead Transit operations or require deviations from routes or schedules. CONTRACTOR and CITY shall mutually agree upon such deviations. SECTION 3 - CONTRACTOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES-OPERATIONS Contractor shall perform the duties and accept the responsibilities set forth below in connection with its operation of Rosemead Transit. The omission of a duty or responsibility herein below shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of its obligation to perform such duty or accept such responsibility, so long as it is usual, customary, and generally accepted within the public transportation industry as being an integral element of operating public transportation system and services of a kind and character such as Rosemead Transit. 3.1 Operations- General CONTRACTOR shall provide the necessary management, technical, and operating services for the operation of Rosemead Transit services as specified by the CITY. • CONTRACTOR shall assist and cooperate with CITY in meeting the objectives of providing quality transportation services. CONTRACTOR shall establish and maintain close liaison activities, coordination, and cooperation with CITY on matters relating to operations, monitoring, reporting and service performance measurements. All staff, facilities, vehicles and equipment, fuel, supplies and services required for the operation and management of Rosemead Transit shall be furnished by CONTRACTOR unless CITY specifically identifies an element of equipment or aspect of service to be its responsibility. 3.2 Operations: Dial-A-Ride The Rosemead Dial-A-Ride provides primarily advance-reservation, curb-to-curb demand responsive transportation to senior residents of the city age 55 and above and individuals with disabilities as certified by City staff. Requests for service may be made up to 14 days in advance of the service day or, for trips that are taken on a regular basis at the same day and time each week, can be set up as subscription trips. Same day and immediate trip requests are accommodated if capacity is available. This is not an ADA paratransit service. Dial-A-Ride service operates the following days and hours: Weekdays (Monday - Friday): 6:00 am - 7:00 pm • Weekends (Saturday and Sunday): 6:00 am - 7:00 pm Holidays: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 24 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • The Dial-A-Ride is to operate 365 days a year, with reduced operation of only one (1) vehicle on these holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4`h, Labor _ Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. The CITY reserves the right to direct the operation of reduced levels of service on unofficial holidays and during holiday periods. A maximum of four (4) ADA-compliant paratransit vehicles are operated in Dial-A-Ride service at peak periods and the existing contract has specified the number of vehicles to be operated on weekdays, weekends and holidays by time of day. Beginning with this new contract, the Contractor will be responsible managing and operating Rosemead Dial-A-Ride services so as to achieve the City's performance goals for this service and is expected to manage the level of services provided to reflect actual trip demand. Dial-A-Ride service is provided within the city and to destinations within 5 miles of the city limits and, upon approval, for medical appointments to the Kaiser Hospital facility in Baldwin Park and the Huntington Memorial Hospital area in Pasadena. Exhibit G contains a copy of the current Rosemead Dial-A-Ride flyer which is in the process of being updated. 3.3 Operations: Shopper Shuttle The Shopper Shuttle is a general public, community fixed route service operating bi- directional on a single route through the city. • Shopper Shuttle serv ices operated the following days and hours: Weekdays (Monday - Friday): 11:00 am - 8:00 pm Weekends (Saturday and Sunday): 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Two shuttle vehicles are to be operated during each of these periods. Service will be suspended on Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day and New Year's Day. Exhibit G contains a copy. of the current Shopper Shuttle flyer which is in the process of being updated. 3.3 Special Services In addition to regular Rosemead Transit operations, CONTRACTOR may from time to time upon receiving specific written authorization by, CITY, provide special transportation services within the Los Angeles Urbanized Area using Rosemead Transit vehicles, provided that such special services are determined by CITY to be in the public interest, do not interfere with regular Rosemead Transit operations, and are in compliance with applicable federal and state statutes. CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to compensation beyond the established maximum obligation for such services at the normal rate per vehicle service hour specified in the AGREEMENT. 3.4 Service Standards • 25 City of Rosemead- Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • CONTRACTOR shall strive at all times to provide service in a manner that will increase system productivity while achieving customer service expectations. Recognizing that the goals of productivity and customer service levels may conflict, the following standards are intended to be reasonably attainable by CONTRACTOR, fair to the customer, and consistent with CITY expectations. The CITY recognizes that these standards are new and commits to working with the CONTRACTOR in their implementation. At the option of the CITY, CITY may enforce the penalties indicated for substandard performance. Failure to enforce any penalty for any such substandard performance shall not serve to invalidate said criteria nor preclude future enforcement of that penalty. CITY agrees that the incentives and penalties will not be enforced for the first 180 days of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR and CITY shall periodically meet to evaluate performance of the system based upon these standards. If the standards are not fulfilling their intended purpose, • is Rnnprnpad Transit Service Standards Performance' Criteria Standard Incentive Penalty 1. Service Productivity Dial-A-Ride: 2.0 Passenger Trips per Vehicle Revenue Hour To be negotiated To be negotiated Shopper Shuttle: 12.5 Passenger Trips per Vehicle Revenue Hour 2. Dial-A-Ride On- $200 for each $200 for each month Time Performance 95% or better month that that performance is performance is 95% or less. 97% or higher 3. Dial-A-Ride: Failure $100 per incident of to wait a minimum of Zero (0) occurrences None failing to wait at least 90 seconds after on- 90 seconds. time vehicle arrival. 4. Dial-A-Ride: Missed Trip [Arrival at pick-up Zero (0) occurrences None $100 per incident location more than 15 minutes late 5. Vehicle Cleanliness As defined in SOW None per day, per vehi vehicle not clean 6. Driver Uniform As defined in SOW None $100 per incident 7. Monthly $200 for each month Management Report As defined in SOW None that reporting is Submission submitted late or incomplete. 8. Customer No more than 3 per $100 for each Complaints None complaint received over month 3 26 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 0 they shall be adjusted based upon recommendations made by CONTRACTOR with concurrence and final decision by CITY. Should it be found that CONTRACTOR'S performance has contributed to CONTRACTOR'S failure to achieve these standards, CONTRACTOR shall take all reasonable actions requested by CITY to correct deficiencies in performance. Should deficiencies persist, CITY may take whatever additional action is necessitated by the circumstances and provided for in the AGREEMENT of which this Scope of Work is a part. , 3.5 Operations Management CONTRACTOR shall provide operations management at a level and capability sufficient to oversee its functions and employees. CONTRACTOR shall designate and provide the services of a full-time Project Manager, subject to the approval of the CITY, who shall provide overall management and supervision of Rosemead Transit under the terms of this AGREEMENT. It is understood that, while full-time to this facility, the Project Manager may have other project management responsibilities in addition to Rosemead Transit. The Project Manager must have a minimum of five years experience in public transportation operations and at least three years supervisory experience. A bachelor's degree in a transportation or related field is preferred but not required. The Project Manager shall work cooperatively with CITY'S Community Development Director in matters relating to service quality, providing operational and other data as described In this Scope of Work, responding to comments from Rosemead Transit riders and the general public, and responding to specific requests for other assistance as the need arises. CONTRACTOR shall assure CITY that the Project Manager designated for this project will not be replaced without the written consent of CITY. Should the services of the Project Manager become unavailable to CONTRACTOR, the resume and qualifications of the proposed replacement shall be submitted to CITY for approval as soon as possible, but in no event later than five (5) working days prior to the departure of the incumbent Project Manager, unless CONTRACTOR is not provided with such notice by the departing employee. CITY shall respond to CONTRACTOR concerning acceptance of the candidate for replacement Project Manager. Should the position of Project Manager remain unfilled for a period of thirty (30) days or more, the CITY may deduct the Project Manager's compensation from CONTRACTOR's payments. The CONTRACTOR shall further designate one or more Operations Supervisor(s) to. assist the Project Manager in carrying out all activities relative to Rosemead Transit • operations. 27 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • The office of the Project Manager will be physically located at the facility designated by CONTRACTOR for management and operation of Rosemead Transit. During all times when Rosemead Transit services are in operation either the Project Manager or an Operations Supervisor designated to act for the Project Manager shall be available either by phone or in person at the CONTRACTOR's facility to make management and operational decisions regarding Rosemead Transit operations and provide coordination as necessary, and shall be authorized to act on behalf of CONTRACTOR regarding all matters pertaining to this Scope of Work. 3.6 Employee Selection and Supervision CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the employment and supervision of all employees necessary to perform Rosemead. Transit operations. Such responsibilities shall include employee recruitment, screening, selection, training, supervision, employee relations, evaluation, retention and termination. CONTRACTOR shall use appropriate driver screening and selection criteria in order to employ drivers. These criteria will include Department of Motor Vehicles license check and physical examination sufficient to meet all applicable requirements for Rosemead Transit vehicle operations. CONTRACTOR shall develop, implement, and maintain an employee substance • abuse/alcohol abuse-testing program, subject to CITY approval, for all employees in safety-sensitive positions including personnel engaged in the operation, maintenance and control of Rosemead Transit vehicles and equipment. Such program will meet all applicable federal requirements promulgated to implement the Omnibus Transportation Employee Test Act of 1991 and related supplements and amendments. CONTRACTOR shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that employees having contact with the public in the course of their duties are of good moral character. Any such employee who is convicted of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude before or during the time of his/her employment shall not be permitted to continue to hold a position of employment involving contact with the general.public. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to recruit a sufficient number of bilingual employees to ensure that the bilingual communications requirement under subsection 3.16, herein below, is met. CONTRACTOR shall at all times comply with applicable state and federal employment laws, including section 1735 of the California Labor Code and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Nothing in this section shall be construed by either CONTRACTOR or CITY to be in conflict with the language and intent of Article 4, Independent CONTRACTOR, of the • AGREEMENT. 28 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • • 3.7 Training of Drivers and Operations Personnel CONTRACTOR shall develop, implement, and maintain a formal training and retraining program that shall be subject to review and approval by CITY. An outline of the training program, including periodic updates, shall be on file in the office of the CITY's Administrative Services Department. All drivers, dispatchers, telephone information personnel, and supervisors shall participate in the program. CONTRACTOR shall implement and maintain a specific training and retraining program for all drivers. The program must provide a fixed minimum number of hours of training for new employees, including classroom instruction, behind the wheel training under supervision of a certified instructor, and in-service training. The program shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, instruction covering applicable laws and regulations and defensive driving practices, Rosemead Transit operating policies and procedure, employee work rules, vehicle safety inspection, equipment care and maintenance, customer relations and passenger conduct. Drivers shall be trained to operate all type vehicles, wheelchair lifts and lock systems, and other equipment that may be expected to use in the Rosemead Transit services. • All drivers shall be certified as having completed CONTRACTOR'S formal training course for new drivers as approved by CITY, and be licensed with a valid California Class B operator's license with appropriate certification(s) and, medical card. Drivers shall meet all applicable requirements as established by the California Highway Patrol (CHP). Beginning with this contract, all operators assigned to the Rosemead Dial-A- Ride must hold a valid GPPV certificate. CONTRACTOR shall prepare and furnish to CITY for approval prior to initiation of service an Employee Handbook. The Employee Handbook will be provided to all drivers, dispatchers, telephone operators, and supervisors and shall include, at a minimum, the following subject areas: driver's rules; accident/incident policies; radio policies and procedures; farebox policies and procedures; fog and inclement weather policy; vehicle inspection, care and maintenance policy and procedures, reporting procedures and pertinent sample forms. Dispatchers, telephone operators, supervisors, and any other personnel who may from time to time be assigned to provide telephone information on the Dial-A-Ride telephone reservation lines shall be trained in customer relation skills, telephone manners, accident/incident procedures, fares, Dial-A-Ride reservation procedures, Access Services information numbers, and operating policies. Operations control personnel assigned to Dial-A-Ride trip scheduling and vehicle dispatching duties shall have a • detailed knowledge of applicable procedures and professional techniques. 29 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 9 E 3.8 Driver's Responsibilities 0 Drivers will, when requested by CITY, hand out notices to passengers or otherwise render assistance in CITY'S customer relations, promotion, monitoring, and supervisory functions. Drivers will be required to honor special passes; collect, cancel and/or validate passes and tickets as determined by CITY. Drivers will verify cash fares deposited in farebox, but will not handle money. Drivers will record ridership information in accordance with procedures approved by CITY. Drivers shall have available at all times during operation of any vehicle an accurate time piece set each day to conform to the AT&T telephone system time. 3.9 Uniforms Drivers and other operating staff shall be in uniform at all times while in service or otherwise on duty. CONTRACTOR shall provide driver uniforms to its employees. The design, type, and logo of the uniforms shall be subject to CITY'S approval. Drivers shall • be required to maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times while on duty. 3.10 Safety Program CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for assuring that the safety of passengers, operations personnel, and Rosemead Transit vehicles and equipment are maintained at the highest possible level throughout the term of this AGREEMENT. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable FTA, CHP and OSHA requirements. CONTRACTOR shall develop, implement, and maintain in full compliance with California Law (SB 198) a formal safety illness and injury prevention program including periodic safety meetings, participation in safety organizations, safety incentives offered by CONTRACTOR to drivers and other employees, and participation in risk management activities under the auspices of CONTRACTOR'S insurance carrier or other organization. CONTRACTOR shall provide a copy of said Safety Program, including evidence of compliance with SB-198, and subsequent program update to CITY. CONTRACTOR shall participate in the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles "Employer Pull Program" for appropriate monitoring of employer driver license activity. C~ 30 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • CONTRACTOR will require all drivers, control room personnel, vehicle maintenance mechanics, and supervisors to participate in the safety program. 3.11 Road Supervision CONTRACTOR shall provide road supervision as necessary to monitor drivers and vehicles and assist drivers in revenue service. 3.12 Accident, Incident, and Complaint Procedures Prior to initiating services under this agreement, CONTRACTOR shall develop, implement and maintain formal procedures, subject to CITY review and approval, for response to accidents, incidents, service interruptions, and complaints. Such occurrences to be addressed include, but are not necessarily limited to: vehicle accidents, passenger injuries, passenger disturbances, in-service vehicle failures, lift failures of vehicles in service, and Shopper Shuttle and Dial-A-Ride vehicles operating more than thirty (30) minutes behind promised schedule. All traffic accidents involving transit system vehicles, irrespective of injury, shall be reported to the Los Angeles County Sheriff or Highway Patrol, as appropriate. CONTRACTOR will advise such agency of the accident and request a police unit to investigate the accident. • The CITY's Administrative Services Officer shall be notified in person or by telephone within thirty (30) minutes of the occurrence of any accident or incident involving a Rosemead Transit vehicle or service that requires emergency services and/or the transport for medical treatment of a passenger, a member of the public or an employee of the CONTRACTOR. A written follow-up report shall be provided to the City within one (1) business day of such accident or incident. In the event of an accident or incident that results in property damage or loss only, CONTRACTOR shall notify the City in writing within 1 business day of the event and provide a written report within three (3) business days. 3.13 Vehicle Scheduling and Dispatching CONTRACTOR shall utilize a systematic, organized and documented method to schedule, dispatch, and transport Dial-A-Ride passengers. The method should be capable of accommodating advanced reservations, subscriptions and requests for immediate service and of integrating all demand for service into efficient vehicle tours that maximize productivity and assure service quality to levels prescribed in this Scope of Work CONTRACTOR shall provide an adequate number of trained and qualified persons to staff the Dial-A-Ride scheduling and system vehicle dispatching functions. These persons shall also be responsible for maintaining radio control with all vehicles in • service and for maintaining the daily dispatch log to be proposed by CONTRACTOR. 31 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • 3. 14 Vehicles and Equipment CONTRACTOR shall provide all vehicles and equipment necessary for the operation of the Rosemead Transit system. Prior to initiation of services under this agreement, CONTRACTOR shall procure or otherwise provide the following vehicles and associated equipment: Vehicles Dial-A-Ride Vehicles Four (4) Paratransit Buses meeting, at_ a minimum, the specifications of a Caltrans Type I Small Paratransit Bus and having a minimum passenger capacity of eight (8) ambulatory passengers (excluding the driver) and two (2) wheelchair positions. These vehicles shall be new at the initiation of service under this agreement. Shopper Shuttle Vehicles Two _ (2) Large Buses meeting, at a minimum, the specifications of a Caltrans Type III Large Bus and having a minimum passenger capacity of twenty (20) ambulatory passengers (excluding the driver) and two (2) wheelchair positions. These vehicles shall be new at the initiation of service under this agreement. Back-Up Vehicles CONTRACTOR shall, in addition to the vehicles specified above, • provide a minimum of one (1) additional vehicle of each type to serve as back-ups in the event that a primary vehicle must be removed from service. These back-up vehicles must be identical to the primary Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle vehicles in passenger capacity and specifications but may be used, model year 2005 or newer, subject to City approval of vehicle condition. The CONTRACTOR shall place a back-up vehicle in service within fifteen (15) minutes of a reported break-down of an in-service vehicle and, unless new at the initiation of service under this agreement, shall be promptly removed from service as soon as repairs can be effected on the primary vehicle. GPPV Certification All vehicles used in Rosemead Dial-A-Ride service must be GPPV certified prior to being placed into service. Vehicle Color and Signage For the purposes of costing and submitting proposals, all vehicles to be used in Rosemead Transit service, including the back-up vehicles, shall be quoted as painted white exterior with two, 5" reflective stripes per the Caltrans specifications without any "Rosemead Transit" signage. The City is presently reviewing the graphic design and color schemes for these vehicles and will finalize a decision early in 2008. Any additional costs for painting of vehicles and signage will be negotiated by the City and the successful CONTRACTOR following such decision. Radios All vehicles used in Rosemead Transit service, including back-up vehicles, shall be equipped with two-way radios under central dispatch control. All mobile and • base radio equipment shall be provided, installed and maintained by CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall provide City with a copy of the necessary radio license and will be 32 City of Rosemead- Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 0 i • responsible for proper radio procedures and for any actions or fines imposed by the FSS for improper use of the system. Fareboxes All vehicles used in Rosemead Transit service, including back-up vehicles, shall be equipped with fareboxes equal to. or better than Diamond Model D fireboxes. CONTRACTOR shall supply two (2) vaults for each farebox. All fareboxes and vaults shall be provided, installed and maintained by CONTRACTOR. 3.15 Operations and Maintenance Facility CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for securing, establishing and maintaining a facility for the operation, maintenance and administration of Rosemead Transit. With the approval of the CITY, such facility may be shared with operation of similar services for another client agency. At a minimum, the operations and maintenance facility shall have the following: A location that is located within the City of Rosemead or no more than five (5) miles outside the city limits or which has been agreed to in writing by CITY. An enclosed workspace sufficient to allow maintenance personnel to service at least three (3) Type III transit vehicles and be protected from the weather. A paved shop floor capable of withstanding the weight of a Type III transit vehicle. • Adequate area to clean the vehicles in accordance with the AGREEMENT. Adequate secured storage area for tools, equipment and parts. A security-fenced, paved and lighted area for overnight vehicle parking with adequate space for all vehicles. Adequate appropriately equipped space for administrative personnel, dispatching and information staff, driver lounge or ready room, and training/safety meetings. A furnished control room, including computer equipment, maps, scheduling/dispatch equipment, time clock, adequate desks, tables, chairs, and other equipment as may be appropriate. 3.16 Telephone Reservation and Information System CONTRACTOR shall provide telephone equipment and all telephone information and dispatch personnel necessary to effectively respond to incoming calls at a quality and level consistent with Rosemead Dial-A-Ride patron demand, and in strict accordance with the operating days and hours set forth herein. CONTRACTOR shall make special efforts to respond to telephone service and information requests from patrons who have hearing disabilities or whose primary language is other than English. CONTRACTOR will provide TDD equipment for communications with patrons who have hearing disabilities and will provide the capability to receive and accommodate telephone calls from callers speaking Chinese, • Spanish and Vietnamese during all hours when Dial-A-Ride reservations may be made. 33 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • An answering machine shall be available for recording trip cancellations for the Dial-A- Ride service when the administrative and dispatch offices are closed. CONTRACTOR will provide its own telephone system using the current Rosemead Dial- A-Ride reservations number of (626) 572-4099 with a minimum of three lines in rotary. A separate TDD number will need to be provided by the CONTRACTOR. Upon termination of the AGREEMENT of which this Scope of Work is a part, CITY reserves the rights to these telephone numbers as indicated above herein, and CONTRACTOR agrees to transfer said telephone numbers upon request. 3.17 Fares; Fare Collection CITY shall establish all fares of any kind or character to be paid by Rosemead Transit patrons. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that each patron pays the appropriate fare prior to being provided transportation service. All cash fares will be paid by patrons in the exact amount due for their appropriate fare classification and shall be deposited by patrons in fareboxes provided by CONTRACTOR with each vehicle. CONTRACTOR will collect or otherwise process in the manner directed by CITY all non-cash fares (transfers, passes and like). All fares collected are the sole property of CITY. CONTRACTOR shall, in accordance with a procedure specified by, CITY, account for revenues collected on Rosemead Transit vehicles and deposit such revenues on an • acceptable basis into a local bank account approved by CITY for that purpose. CITY reserves the right to audit fare revenue collection and accounting at reasonable times without prior notification to CONTRACTOR. 3.18 Ticket Sales CITY may elect to sell or provide tickets to Rosemead Transit patrons. CONTRACTOR shall collect, record, and deposit ticket sales according to instructions of the CITY. 3.19 Books, Records, and Reports CONTRACTOR shall maintain all books, records, documents, accounting ledgers, and similar materials relating to work performed for CITY under this AGREEMENT on file for at least three (3) years following the date of final payment to the CONTRACTOR by CITY. Any duly authorized representative(s) of CITY shall have access to such records for the purpose of inspection, audit, and copying at reasonable times, during CONTRACTOR'S usual and customary business hours. CONTRACTOR shall provide proper facilities to CITY representative(s) and CITY shall be permitted to observe and inspect any or all of CONTRACTORS facilities and activities during CONTRACTORS usual and customary business hours for the purposes of evaluating and judging the nature and extent of CONTRACTOR'S compliance with the provisions of this AGREEMENT. In such instances, CITY'S representative(s) shall not interfere with or • disrupt such activities. 34 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals i • • CONTRACTOR shall collect, record, and report to the CITY on a quarterly basis all accounting data for the Rosemead Transit operation in accordance with the National Transit Database, Section 99243 of the California Publics Utilities Code, and/or as specified by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Commission. All worksheets and detail information used to prepare these reports shall be available to CITY within one month after the close of the applicable quarter. CONTRACTOR shall collect, record, and report all operational data required by the CITY. in a format approved by the CITY. Such data shall be collected and maintained by service type and include, but not be limited to: statistics required under the National Transit Database (NTD); passenger count data by fare category, total vehicle hours, total vehicle miles, vehicle revenue hours, vehicle revenue miles, wheelchair boardings and Dial-A-Ride passenger no-shows and cancellations. CONTRACTOR shall provide passenger mile sampling data in accordance with a method approved by the FTA for NTD purposes. Information concerning vehicle activity shall be collected daily on the Dial-A-Ride driver's log, route drivers report, dispatch log, and/or other forms as developed by CONTRACTOR and approved by CITY. The operations data shall be collected and complied daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually; and shall provide reports according to the individual routes, modes and • total system. Individual totals shall be provided for peak-hour services, Bus System Improvement Plan (BSIP) services, weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Daily logs, reports, farebox revenue records and summaries shall be available, upon request, for CITY review at the operations facility by 3:00 PM of the next business day following data collection. Following the close of each calendar month, a Monthly Management Report shall be prepared by CONTRACTOR and submitted to the CITY no later than the 10th business day of the following month. The Monthly Management Report shall provide City with a clear and concise summary of Rosemead Transit performance during the prior month. Within thirty (30) days of the execution of this agreement, CONTRACTOR shall submit a proposed format for this report to the City for approval. The City reserves the right to modify the Monthly Management Report at any time. Quarterly reports shall be compiled on a year-to-year cumulative basis and shall be submitted within 30 days after the close of the each quarter. 3.20 System Promotion All development, preparation and production of advertising and/or promotional activities with respect to Rosemead Transit shall be the responsibility of the City. • CONTRACTOR shall, however, cooperate with CITY in any such activities initiated by the CITY by making available needed equipment, facilities, and reason levels of 35 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • 0 • personnel assistance at no additional cost or expense to CITY. CONTRACTOR also shall dispense Rosemead Transit informational materials and publications, respond to patron requests for information, act as liaison and provider of information with and to community agencies and groups, and do all other things to assist and support CITY'S advertising and public informational efforts. 3.21 System Recommendations CONTRACTOR shall continually monitor Rosemead Transit operations, facilities, and equipment; and shall, from time to time and as warranted, advise CITY and make recommendations to it based upon observed deficiencies and needed improvements. CITY shall retain all authority, however, to make determinations and to take action on such recommendations. 3.22 Emergencies; Natural Disasters In the event of an emergency or natural disaster, CONTRACTOR shall make available, to the maximum extent possible, transportation and communications services and facilities to assist CITY in ameliorating such incidents. To the extent CITY requires CONTRACTOR to provide such emergency service and facilities, CONTRACTOR shall be relieved of the obligation to fulfill the duties and responsibilities to operate Rosemead Transit as herein described. Further, CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to be paid • reasonable compensation for providing such emergency services and facilities, provided however, that the amount of such compensation and time of its payment shall be mutually agreed upon by CONTRACTOR and CITY following the conclusion of the emergency or disaster, or at such other time as they may mutually agree. SECTION 4: CONTRACTOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR shall perform the duties and accept the responsibilities set forth below in connection with the maintenance of Rosemead Transit vehicles and equipment. The omission of a duty or responsibility herein below shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of its obligation to perform such duty or accept such responsibility, so long as it usual, customary and generally accepted within the public transportation industry as being an integral element of operating a public transportation system of a kind and character such as Rosemead Transit. CONTRACTOR'S duty and responsibility to maintain all vehicles and equipment shall not be delegated to any other person, firm or corporation without explicit written City approval. 4.1 Maintenance - General CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the maintenance of all vehicles, communication • systems, farebox system, and all other equipment, furnishings, and accessories required in connection with its operation of Rosemead Transit in a clean, safe, sound, 36 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • and operable condition at all times, and fully in accordance with any manufactured- recommended maintenance procedures and specifications, as well as with the applicable requirements of any federal or state statute or regulation. In this regard, CONTRACTOR shall provide all labor, repairs, parts, supplies, maintenance tools and equipment, lubricants, solvents, service facilities and such other components, and services which may be required to fulfill -its maintenance responsibilities, at CONTRACTOR'S sole cost and expense. 4.2 Maintenance and Operations Facility CONTRACTOR shall establish and maintain an operations and maintenance facility as detailed in Section 3.15 herein. In addition to those requirements, said facility shall, at a minimum, meet the following requirements to support the maintenance of Rosemead Transit vehicles: All tools and equipment necessary to perform periodic repairs and the preventive maintenance activities for gasoline powered vehicles. All tools and equipment necessary to perform periodic service and adjustments and make mechanical repairs. Facilities and equipment necessary to clean the vehicles and equipment in accordance with the specifications. • 4.3 Maintenance Management and Personnel 4.3.1 Maintenance Management CONTRACTOR shall designate and provide the services of a qualified Maintenance Manager, subject to the approval of CITY. This individual may be the lead mechanic and shall be assigned to Rosemead Transit maintenance operations on an acceptable fleet to mechanic ratio. The Maintenance Manager shall provide proactive resource management including but not limited to: preventive maintenance scheduling and supervision, repair supervision, technical training, and such other activities as may be necessary to ensure the performance of CONTRACTOR's maintenance duties and responsibilities. The Maintenance Manager shall have a minimum of three years experience managing and supervising the maintenance functions of a shop similar in size and complexity to the services herein described. The Maintenance Manager shall have a minimum of five years journeyman level experience with gasoline engines, air conditioning systems, wheelchair lifts, and farebox systems. This experience shall include work on vehicles similar to those used in the Rosemead services. • 37 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • Should the services of the Maintenance Manager become unavailable to CONTRACTOR, the resume and qualifications of the proposed replacement shall be submitted to CITY for approval as soon as possible, but in no event later than five (5) working days prior to the departure of then incumbent Maintenance Manager, unless CONTRACTOR is not provided with such notice by the departing employee. CITY shall respond to CONTRACTOR within three (3) working days following receipt of these qualifications concerning acceptance of the candidate for replacement Maintenance Manager. 4.3.2 Maintenance Personnel In addition to the Maintenance Manager CONTRACTOR shall hire and employee other maintenance and service personnel as necessary to properly maintain and service the Rosemead Transit vehicles. Maintenance personnel assigned to work on Rosemead Transit vehicles and equipment shall have the necessary skills to: • Conduct preventive maintenance inspections and complete associated paperwork; • Inspect vehicle engines, transmissions, and other mechanical, electric, and electric parts and components; • Diagnose vehicle engine, transmission, electrical and electric component system problems; and • Repair vehicle engines, transmissions, and other mechanical, electric, and electronic parts and components. 4.4 Preventive Maintenance CONTRACTOR shall document and submit a proactive preventive maintenance program for review and approval by CITY prior to the effective date of this AGREEMENT. As a minimum, CONTRACTOR'S preventive maintenance program shall adhere to the preventive maintenance schedules and standards of the industry, and shall be sufficient so as not to invalidate or lessen warranty coverage of any Rosemead Transit vehicle or associated equipment. Adherence to preventive maintenance schedules shall not be regarded as reasonable cause to defer maintenance in specific instances where CONTRACTOR'S employees observe that maintenance is needed in advance of scheduled maintenance. CONTRACTOR shall not defer maintenance for reasons of shortage of maintenance staff or operable vehicles, nor shall service be curtailed for the purpose of performing maintenance without prior written consent of CITY. Preventive maintenance and running repairs shall receive first priority in the use of CONTRACTOR'S maintenance resources. CONTRACTOR shall adjust the work schedules of its employees as • necessary to meet all scheduled services and complete preventive maintenance activities according to the schedule approved by CITY. 38 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 0 4.5 General Maintenance Policies • All wheelchair lift-related equipment shall be inspected, serviced and lubricated at intervals necessary to insure that the wheelchair lifts are fully operational whenever the vehicle is used in revenue service. • Brake inspections and adjustments shall be performed at intervals that insure the safe and efficient operation of the braking system. • All components of the vehicle bodies, appurtenances, and frames shall be maintained in a safe, sound and undamaged condition at all times. Damage (including body, glass, and all appurtenances) shall be repaired in a professional manner within three weeks (21 calendar days) of occurrences. • All mechanical, electrical, fluid, air, and/or hydraulic systems shall be maintained in a safe and fully functional, as designed, condition at all times. • The interior passenger compartment shall be free of exhaust fumes from, the engine, engine compartment, and exhaust system of the vehicle. • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems shall be maintained and used to insure that the passenger compartment temperature is comfortably • maintained under all climatic conditions at all times on all in-service hours. CONTRACTOR shall maintain the A/C systems in an operable condition throughout the entire year. • All parts, materials, tires, lubricants, fluids, oils and procedures used by CONTRACTOR on all Rosemead Transit vehicles and equipment shall meet or exceed OEM Specifications and requirements. 4.6 Daily Vehicle Servicing CONTRACTOR shall perform daily vehicle servicing to all Rosemead Transit vehicles and equipment used in revenue service. For purposes of this AGREEMENT, daily servicing shall include, but not be limited to: • Fueling • Engine oil, coolant, water and transmission fluid check/add • Farebox check • Wheelchair lift check • Brake check • Light and Flasher check • Interior sweeping and dusting • Exterior and interior visual inspection • Check all vehicle performance defects reported by drivers to identify potential safety and reliability items requiring immediate attention. • 39 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • CONTRACTOR shall develop, implement, and maintain a written checklist of items including in the daily servicing of each vehicle. The checklist shall be utilized and kept on file for CITY and California Highway Patrol review. This checklist requirement may incorporate or supplement CHP required driver's pre-trip safety inspections. 4.7 Daily Driver's Inspection 13 CCR 1234 lists the records required by regulation to. be kept by motor vehicle carriers. Section 1234, 13 CCR reads, in part: (e) Daily Vehicle Inspection Reports: Motor carriers shall require drivers to submit a documented daily vehicle inspection report pursuant to section 1215(b). Reports shall be carefully examined, defects shall be corrected before the vehicle is driven on the highway, and carriers shall retain such reports for at least one month. 13 CCR 1215 (a) reads: "Prior to operation, the driver shall inspect each vehicle daily to ascertain that it is in safe condition, it is equipped as required by all provisions of law, and all equipment is in good working order." The requirement to perform a daily pre-trip inspection applies to all drivers of all vehicles listed in 34500 CVC, without exception. There is no legal provision for this task to be delegated to someone other than the driver, such as to a mechanic who may arrive at work early to start all of the vehicles and "check them out". The Drivers Daily Vehicle Inspection Report is not required to be submitted or otherwise • documented until the end of the driver's work period. This is so that any defects that become apparent during the course of the. work period can be included in the report. This report is required whether or not any defects are found. 4.8 Vehicle Cleaning CONTRACTOR shall maintain Rosemead Transit vehicles in a clean and neat condition at all times. The interior of all vehicles shall be kept free of litter and debris to the maximum practicable extent throughout the operating day. Vehicles shall be swept and dusted daily. Interior panels, windows, and upholstery shall be cleaned of marks as necessary. The interiors of all vehicles shall be thoroughly washed at least once per week, including all windows, seats, floor, stanchions and grab rails. All foreign matter such as gum, grease and dirt shall be removed from interior surfaces during the interior cleaning process. Any damage to seat upholstery and graffiti shall be repaired/removed immediately upon discovery. Ceilings and walls shall be thoroughly cleaned at least once per month, or more often as necessary. Exteriors of all Rosemead Transit vehicles shall be washed as required to maintain a clean, inviting appearance and in no event less than once per week. Exterior washing shall include vehicle body, all windows and wheels. Rubber or vinyl exterior components • such as tires, bumper fascia, fender skirts and door edge guards shall be cleaned and 40 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 0 • • treated with a preservative at least once per month, or as necessary to maintain an attractive appearance.. Vehicles shall be kept free of vermin and insects at all times. CONTRACTOR shall exterminate all vermin and insects from all vehicles immediately upon their discovery, utilizing safe and non-hazardous materials. 4.9 Fuel CONTRACTOR shall purchase fuel required for the operation of all Rosemead Transit vehicles utilizing a system that accurately records purchase of all fuel by CONTRACTOR for billing purposes and that will allow CITY to reconcile all fuel transactions by date and vehicle number. CONTRACTOR shall, be responsible, on behalf of CITY for its Rosemead Transit operation, to obtain state and federal tax exemptions applicable to the purchase and consumption of fuel for use in public transit vehicles. In this regard, CONTRACTOR shall obtain required permits and administer fuel transactions in a manner that fully complies with all applicable state and federal requirements. CONTRACTOR shall maintain accurate records of all fuel utilized for fueling Rosemead Transit vehicles. On a monthly basis, CONTRACTOR shall invoice CITY for the • documented cost of fuel used in the operation of Rosemead Transit and provide a monthly report to CITY detailing gallons dispensed and miles per gallon for each Rosemead Transit vehicle for the previous month and for the year to date. 4.10 Vehicle Towing In the event that towing of any Rosemead Transit vehicle is required due to mechanical failure or damage, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to provide such towing at CONTRACTOR'S sole expense. 4.11 " Emissions Control Programs CONTRACTOR shall perform and certify such tests of equipment required to meet CITY, other local, State, and Federal requirements related to exhaust smoke and engine emissions. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to maintain any applicable California Air Resources Board (CARB) Voluntary Compliance Program objectives subject to Rosemead Transit operations. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for administration of a Smog Check program for • Rosemead Transit vehicles. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for emissions testing, 41 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • • and shall further be responsible to conduct repairs as required to meet emissions standards. 4.12 Maintenance Evaluations CONTRACTOR shall allow CITY to access to CONTRACTOR'S facilities and records to monitor CONTRACTOR'S maintenance performance, as CITY deems necessary. CITY may perform regular, unannounced maintenance inspections of vehicles and equipment maintained by CONTRACTOR that are used in this project using both CITY personnel and independent consultants to assist in determining CONTRACTOR'S maintenance performance. CITY shall be permitted to view and copy any vehicle maintenance records, inspect vehicles and equipment, and request. CONTRACTOR personnel to drive vehicles as is necessary to evaluate the condition of vehicles and equipment used in the performance of this AGREEMENT. 4.13 Out-of-Service Designation A.vehicle shall be designated as unfit for revenue service if, upon inspection, any of the following conditions are found: • Brakes out of adjustment • Loose steering components • • Wheelchair lift and related equipment not functioning properly • Air conditioner unable to maintain a temperature 20 degrees F lower than ambient 72 degrees F • Heating or defrosting inoperable • "Missed' Preventive Maintenance Inspection • Tires with tread depth of less than 2/32" • Failure to clean each vehicle as outlined above • Failure to repair vehicle. body damage within twenty-one days of the date damage occurred • Inoperable Emergency Exits/Doors/Windows • Inoperable two-way radio • Inoperable farebox • Failure to achieve a satisfactory rating in any category of the annual California Highway Patrol Safety Compliance report (CHP 343) • Removal from road-worthy status by CHP of any vehicle used under this AGREEMENT • Any condition not in compliance with ADA • Any condition not in compliance with applicable Federal or State Regulations Vehicles shall continue to have the Out of Service Designation until it is brought into compliance, subject to approval by CITY. • 42 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • CONTRACTOR shall not be paid for hours operated in Rosemead Transit revenue service by vehicles that are in an Out of Service condition. CITY may, at its sole discretion, correct any. unresolved Out of Service condition, and withhold the costs related to such correction(s) from payment to the CONTRACTOR. 4.14 Maintenance Records and Reports CONTRACTOR shall prepare, maintain, make available to CITY, and reduce to written form, records and data relative to Rosemead Transit vehicles and equipment maintenance. Maintenance records shall be maintained, on all vehicles indicating all warranty work, preventive maintenance, and repairs performed on each vehicle. All such records and reports shall be prepared and maintained in such a manner so as to fulfill any applicable state or federal requirements, as well as any needs of CITY to enable it to accurately evaluate CONTRACTOR'S maintenance performance and the operating expense associated with various vehicles and equipment. Records of all maintenance and inspections shall be made available to CITY, the CHIP and/or such other regulatory agencies with jurisdiction when requested. CITY maintains the right to inspect, examine and test, at any reasonable time, any vehicles used in performance of this AGREEMENT and any equipment used in the performance of maintenance work in order to ensure compliance with this AGREEMENT. Such inspection shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of the obligation to continually monitor the condition of all vehicles and to identify and correct all substandard or unsafe • conditions immediately upon discovery. CONTRACTOR shall transport any or all vehicles and equipment to any required inspection facilities when requested. In the event that the CONTRACTOR is instructed by CITY or any other regulatory agency to remove any equipment from service due to mechanical reasons, CONTRACTOR shall make any and all specified corrections and repairs to the equipment and resubmit the equipment for inspection and testing before it is again placed in service. CONTRACTOR shall prepare maintenance records and reports in a form and according to a schedule approved by CITY. Such records and reports shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Daily vehicle inspection and servicing checklist • Work orders for all maintenance inspections, warranty repairs and other vehicle repairs including materials, parts and labor consumed. Road call reports, or work order, for each road call identifying date and time, vehicle number, problem and mileage of vehicle.. Monthly vehicle summary to be included as part of the Monthly Management Report, listing, at a minimum, the operation status of each vehicle, vehicle mileage, vehicle mileage since last preventive maintenance inspection, vehicle fuel and lubricants consumption, vehicle road calls and maintenance or repair work done during that • month. 43 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • Semi-annual fleet summary listing each vehicle; vehicle mileage; vehicle year-to- date total miles; vehicle year-to-date fuel consumption and miles per gallon; vehicle year-to-date maintenance costs and cost per mile; route service total road calls and miles per road call; CONTRACTOR'S summary of maintenance problems, particularly components with high incidences of in-service failures, and steps taken or recommendations to reduce such problems and in-service failures. CONTRACTOR shall submit to CITY copies of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Annual Safety Compliance Report (CHP 343) and Vehicle Inspection Reports (CHP 343a). CONTRACTOR shall attain satisfactory rating in each category of the Safety Compliance Report (maintenance records, driver records, regulated equipment and terminal). CONTRACTOR shall expeditiously correct any deficiencies noted on any CHP vehicle inspection report. 4.15 Vehicle Maintenance Record Keeping CONTRACTOR shall maintain an up-to-date vehicle file for each vehicle containing, at a minimum, the following information: • Make Model • Serial number/ fleet number • License number • • Date received • Date placed in service • Life miles • Major vehicle repairs • Preventive Maintenance Inspection Reports • Daily "Vehicle Condition" Reports • Work Orders The "Preventive Maintenance Inspection Reports shall be kept for two years. Daily "Vehicle Condition" Reports shall be kept for the period required by the CHP. Copies of the "Preventive Maintenance Inspection" Reports shall be made available to CITY upon request. Including, all work accomplished with the manufacture's instructions and warranty conditions, and daily "Vehicle Condition" Reports. CONTRACTOR shall submit the entire vehicle file to the CITY upon request. 4.16 Environmental Compliance For the purposes of this Section: "Applicable Environmental Laws" means any and all laws concerning the • protection of human health and the environment which include, but will not 44 City of Rosemead- Rosemead Transit 2006 Request For Proposals • be limited to, the Comprehensive Environmental Response,. Compensation and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. 9601 et sec.; the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. 6901, et se q.; the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. §§1251 et sec.; the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401 et sue.; the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. 1471 et se q.; the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. 2601 through 2629; and the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. 300f through 300j; as they have been or will be amended from time to time, and the regulations implementing such statutes; and any similar state, county, municipal or other local laws and ordinances concerning the protection of human health and the environment and the regulations implementing such statutes. "Hazardous Substance(s)" means any substance, material, chemical or waste that is or will be listed or defined as hazardous, toxic or dangerous under any Applicable Environmental Law, or any petroleum products, or any substance, material, chemical or waste which is or may become, directly or indirectly, by chemical reaction or otherwise, hazardous, toxic or dangerous to life, health, property or the environment by reason of toxicity, flammability, explosiveness, corrosivity or any other, reasons. In performing its maintenance obligations under this Contract, Contractor shall be . responsible for the proper storage, handling, use, transportation and disposal of all Hazardous Substances in accordance with Applicable Environmental Laws, including without limitation, all lubricants, solvents, motor oil and other petroleum products. Contractor shall only dispose of such materials at facilities which are permitted or licensed in accordance with Applicable Environmental Laws. Furthermore, in the event that Contractor engages the services of a disposal company for the transportation and disposal of any Hazardous Substances, Contractor shall ensure that such company is properly licensed and that it transports and disposes of Hazardous Substances in accordance with the terms of this Contract. Contractor shall maintain procedures for its employees and any subcontractors who handle Hazardous Substances and shall retain records regarding compliance with the responsibilities contained herein. • 45 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • EXHIBIT B ROSEMEAD TRANSIT DRAFT AGREEMENT See Pages 60 - 71 • • City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 46 • EXHIBIT C . EVALUATION CRITERIA & MATRIX • • 47 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • • CITY OF ROSEMEADIROSEMEAD TRANSIT 2008 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS EVALUATION MATRIX • Technical Aspects of the RFP and Proposals (30 points) Proposed,'Facility~(16rpoints),e7,4' '>'?!.ru_,' Location ' CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR Shared or Exclusive Operations in one facility? Security at facility Maintenance Abilities at Proposed Facility Vehiclesi&?E4iuipmentlP.topcsedi110!points) 7$,1 Complete listing included as requested? Yes/no Vehicles - quantity & specifications meet requirements Dispatch/Scheduling Equipment Proposed Training facilities and Amenities Proposed Maintenance Equipment List Provided Meet all required Criteria. Provide separate cost of minimum and maximum service hours Project Manager dedicated to facility SCORE Financial Aspects of the RFP and Proposals (35 oointsl • 0 Contiactrresources proposed'basedfon llne item'proposal sheets!(15,poi nts)T,?Ft;- .--,,N FWIWN =y Fx-2w Proposed Equiprnent Overhead and management rates over 5 ears Employee Salaries and benefits P,mposed:Vehicle!P.er.Houi,Rates:(16'points);'w-T .;1 ri''":'• vs," Cost without fuel 5,= ? kL,,..x0. ,'~3. `;c- tC. u'"„` t P~,}-'asNM Proposed Cost with Fuel Comp any Stability,(5~points)~-,. ! Anticipated Financial Stability Over Five Year Term SCORE Capacity and Performance:as demonstrated•iniProposal/ReferencesF(15, points)v,, r f"r, ,R -g! =s% Oa4 Comparable services operated as experience as company) Reference Check Prior Term of Contract / Type of Selection procedure used Qualificatlons;ofManagement :Proposed Experience in Public Transit of General Manager GP & DAR Ex erience Experience of Maintenance Manager General Management Expenence Cammitmentfa'Safety;:Quality and;Operadons[(L10;pofnts); `"`;rr a.f ""Tit'*`` ''_"`.s..s,!Y+','ts";f : e-,.. *;:?~,+C "*y lkc va''PS,:.'i. Safe Plan and rocedures as introduced in proposal - Quali of service goals provided and proposed 0 erational goals and objectives SCORE Organization & Management Aspects of the RFP and Proposals (35 points) Total scores received by Finn [Maximum = 100 points] EVALUATOR NAME: City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals DATE: 48 • EXHIBIT D ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM [These forms are available in electronic form upon request.] • • City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 49 0 • CJ 11 ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 1 Proposer's Name: TO COMPLETE THE "PROPOSED COST FORMULA" SECTION: ITEM 1: Provide Cost per VSH consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Cost per Hour form. ITEM 2: Provide Monthly Fixed Costs consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Monthly Fixed Costs form. ITEM 3: Multiply "Projected Annual VRH" as shown by the "Cost per VRH." ITEM 4: Multiply "Monthly Fixed Costs" from item 2 times the number of months in that contract year. PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST FORMULA Year One [10 Months] Year Two [12 Months] Year Three 112 Months] Year Four [12 Months] Year Five [12 Months] 1. Cost per VRH $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4. Annual Fixed Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL COST (3+4) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 This Cost Proposal Form is to be used to submit the proposed contractor's firm cost proposal for all work described in the RFP and Scope of Work. The detailed Cost Breakdowns of the Cost Proposal Form should be consistent with proposed Cost Per Vehicle Revenue Hour and Monthly Fixed Costs. - BREAKDOWN OF "COST PER VRH" IN PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST PER VRH BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Driver Wages Driver Fringe Benefits Rev Veh Maintenance Other(specify) TOTAL COST PER VRH $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 50 • ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 2 Proposer's Name: BREAKDOWN OF "MONTHLY FIXED COSTS" (Note: Costs shown are to be the average monthly fixed costs by category) • MONTHLY FIXED COST BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five General Manager Salary General Manager Fringe Ops Supervisor Salary Ops Supervisor Fringe Maintenance Mgr Salary Maint. Mgr Fringe Other Wages (Specify) Other Fringe (Specify) Hiringriraining Safety Uniforms Non-Revenue Vehicles Janitorial Telephone Utilities Office Supplies Accounting INSURANCE: General Liability Automobile Liability Collision/Comprehensive Workers Compensation Other (Specify): ' Management Fee/Profit TOTAL MONTHLY FIXED COSTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 [Note: Listing of typical cost items on this provided form does not require Contractor to provide this position, utility or service.] ESTIMATED ANNUAL FUEL COST Year One. Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Projected Total Vehicle Miles Estimated Annual Fuel Cost Assumed Cost/Gal Gasoline Assumed Cost/Gal Diesel City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 51 a • • ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 3 Summary of Proposed Cost Proposer hereby proposes a total five-year cost for management and operation of the Rosemead Transit services as defined in the Request for Proposals, including any and all addenda, of: [Write Total Proposed Cost] ars OFFEROR'S Representations & Acknowledgement .00] In submitting a proposal, the OFFEROR affirms that he/she/it is familiar with all requirements of the RFP and has sufficiently informed himself/herself/itself in all matters affecting the performance of the work or the furnishing of the labor, supplies, materials, equipment, or facilities called for in this RFP; that he/she/it has checked the proposal for errors and omissions; that the prices stated are correct and as - intended by the OFFEROR. • OFFEROR acknowledges that this is a "turn-key" contract and that the proposed cost amount is for all staff, facilities, vehicles and equipment, supplies and services required for the operation and management of Rosemead Transit except for those duties and responsibilities of the CITY specifically identified in the RFP. This proposal and proposed cost are a firm, fixed offer for a period of ninety (90) calendar days from the Proposal Due Date of January 10, 2008. NAME OF PROPOSER FIRM: ADDRESS: NAME OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR NEGOTIATIONS: PHONE NUMBER: - AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: NAME & TITLE OF SIGNER: • DATE: 52 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • EXHIBIT E ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM PROPOSER: PROPOSER acknowledges that it has received and read the following Addenda: Addendum # Signature Addendum # Signature Addendum # • Signature _ Addendum # Signature C1 Addendum # Signature City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 53 i • • EXHIBIT F ROSEMEAD TRANSIT OPERATING & FINANCIAL DATA AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS • r~ L 54 City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals • w ~ m n NNO .vi a y'n °N ~ a n m m m N m n. w N ~ b n n P° ° n °o °m ~ w ~ °w m m W ~ N n m m m m w m r ^ °e e~v'mm o w"' m N m o" n m o a o w n' ~°~o n Nn on° `m nm n°n, n . o m ° m m o ° mm~°m P mrv a g ~°a m~ n ? m °a~ eoo~rv m n=o m ~o mm.- m~ ei n^bm w er ~ m^m N nm ry PNn ^n n N N N N N N M N N Q rv n ^ 0 m O (7 m ~ O m O N N CI N N N W r ~ N~ N m O ~ n 0 N N W " m r W 0 0 m " n a m N e n n ' a ^ m °m n^ v m e rv m m N^ m ~ ° w o m y n m ~ m r^ ~ n m ' a n ~ m m ~ r N^ ry ~ m m N w ~ N~ w N N N N q w N O m . 0O Y b Ir•1 m n N ^ n m 0 m O P n N O m N O m Y ° ° b m W 0 W, N 0 A W 0 n 0 y m O N N O` N O ~ v. 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W rv fV r Q O b m ° ~bj r O P ~ ~ N O N `n m o' rv o rv m $ N a N m ~ d m ~g m ° mo ~ ~ n P n 0 ' r m, m n a o 0 ~ n p N g° m W 0^ mN b ° n n ~ W ^ b I~ N ' O m N E W K m O N w N N »N N N p N ^ O n 0 b n O d~ P, Y n O ^ O^ N - Y! m r d V 0 OWi [OV y h n rv V p m° Wj y O N d01 V < 0 0 rv N U 0 N E p 0 - ^ + m O f rv 0 ' a m 0 ^ W ~ w N n I N M N » N N g I M » W~ ! 0 ~ n O r tr'I m r n p ^ W W n^ 0 a 0 m n b p ^ P N m A O N N n0 m P m m m 0 m aim ON om m^ m •°nmo$m mo.„~« ~ °nmN~ N - w » N N N N N N N N N N O N n m o rv N O m m P l7 m n m O ~ b P 0 b C''~~- 0 N~ N m ~p O r N 0 0 m, ^ n E N O pj n ~ P ° n m ° ^ a^m ~ P ~ amn'm2 ~ ~ p m~~n~ +~e~ry mi • o ~ r Nm ~a: o mb wn N v w w w N w »w w p N 8 ! m e N r p m.N a e m P 0 r N h a O m N^ m O i a o^ r N o O n e W m n ° ~ n maN' ~ m ~ ri ~ mO' v e' r n ~ > m" mm mo m m m ^ u° m r a rv m Z m m~ym e m Z -N m~ 'N ~ 2 ~mN n mm . d n N w `~w Nw w w N . 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N O u'S ~[I Q M ' N V1 O N ["l N N fR Vi Vi ~ N VJ ~ W Q l") M tl3 W f9 ~ U1 fn f0 Q M C ) 19 t9 to ~ m d O W W O W O N W N o N O N r O) Of N W o W O r r O o O N O W r p O~ N N W W W r m O Lp O 6 O m W O ~ Q 10 Cl N N Yi f9 big O Q W d N N Mt9 t9 ~ O Q W d N IA i9M a N C C z O O N Q o (7 N d o rr nLO O N C] ~ Ip ~ o O W^ O r N "O l0 10 N N W G7 W~ N O N Q Q Q ~ r W W t7 ' N Ql J ~ W CJ N N j W d 1'1 O l NI ~ W Q C w O O w ww~ www ww l0 rz am ~h ~ o n ~ A O N " ' N 'SS o N r o O d~ o a= o w i~ m a~ ~ co N LL E d d C te ' 4 C o C c `u h m c c L -co (D IL 3 0O • fA d J 4 • y d> 4 m y d 7 4 j to z 0' Q, v y d V Ln c d$ IC 2 c yi `m $ o ,L y O Q N o o N o o ;n N f o n x O a A T U 'n^ c a L ` p a w R H + . U B ~ d C o m d> 0 0 z LL 7 ~ a 1 w C a> 0 0 Z u j ~ i A t n a j 0 0n 2 O U N • 6 6 mm I~ ° N ~ Q ~OICI~ O O • • O O N N O n m LL O 0 E a 1! N O Q a ~ m O ~ N O M) p M w N O p e p m c d r N ~ o ~ M M M 0 ~ o c ° a E a o H d ~ 0 t0 d ~ a " x _ a E c o . O fn m ° > a d O y 0 T ° m U U U w . 0 L a o " " F- U fn ~ > O o z u a N O < h U N r N N O Q > C? O Z p ~ U O ~ om ~~n 0 0 N 'o x o C o 0 4 O u n r h ¢ ~ x y = > a m ~ T N U U o 0 a> c 0 z u n O N n O a m LL O V b 0 m 0 n 0 N a c 7 o' 0 N T a s ~ a N ~ y `m m N Z' g o n a d ~ o o n n U U U n° a > O O z I C ti a m m ~ E'm o n ~ o ao co m U- E Q) -Zo O P oco co • EXHIBIT G ROSEMEAD TRANSIT SERVICE GUIDE A. Rosemead Dial-A-Ride B. Rosemead Shopper Shuttle [Copy Enclosed] • • City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals 58 • ROSEMEAD DIAL-A-RIDE POLICIES Service Description: The Rosemead Dial-A-Ride is an advance-reservation, shared-ride transportation service for residents of the City of Rosemead. Eligibility: Dial-A-Ride service is available to any resident of the City of Rosemead who has been certified by the City as 55 years of age or older or as being handicapped. Applications can be obtained from City Hall or by telephoning 626- Service Area: Service is provided from origins within the city limits of Rosemead to any destination within the city or within a 5 mile radius of the city limits. Return trips are provided from out-of-city destinations back into the city. Long-Distance Medical Trips: Limited trips for medical appointments only are provided to the Kaiser Hospital facility in Baldwin Park and the Huntington Memorial Hospital facility in Pasadena. No more than one vehicle may be committed to these trips at any time and trips will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Service Days and Hours: Dial-A-Ride service operates the following days and hours: Weekdays (Monday - Friday): 6:00 am - 7:00 pm Weekends (Saturday and Sunday): 6:00 am - 7:00 pm Holidays: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm • The Dial-A-Ride operates reduced service levels on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4`" Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. The CITY reserves the right to direct the operation of reduced levels of service on unofficial holidays and during holiday periods. Reservation Procedures: Requests for service may be made by calling 626-572-4099 up to 14 days in advance of the service day. TDD service for individuals with hearing disabilities is available at 626- . Trips that are taken on a regular basis at the same day and time each week can be set up as subscription trips. Same day and immediate trip requests are accommodated if capacity is available. When calling for a trip, caller should be ready to provide the following information: ■ Caller's name; ■ Telephone number; ■ Address of trip origin; ■ Address of trip destination; - ■ Date and time that trip is desired; ■ Number of eligible riders traveling on this trip; and • Whether anyone making this trip will be using a wheelchair. Passenger Fare: Riding the Dial-A-Ride costs 50 cents ($0.50) per person for a one-way trip. The drivers do not carry change, so please have exact change when boarding. • For more information or to request a ride, call 626-572-4099. City of Rosemead - Rosemead Transit 2008 Request For Proposals s9 O L C O U c m o) • m aC (0 G N C H 9 to d d O L O W L d 'O m d w V O CL N O a` w O C N J 0 E N CL U E O c O U U CL C 0 o E O N O - :E C N V J C O N N V C N N > c E m Y a ~ Y g - t _ E a E 0 - L U N > W a 3 Ol N 'O 'T cn O M r O O r- Lo ~ O, m 0) (0 to CO 00 N N O CD r M M N (O O a0 a? N M M O V O m m W m v V w M 00 r 00 (O (O 00 00 (O (O aD v y (")OM W a0 'T V 0? C? IT O C CO 0000 r n N MM CA p) CC) (D O X O O O V V N N L Q co 0 co ^ N r- (N N Q) 0) (0(0 a lL > U LL > co lL > LL > LL > LL O O O N 00 O O V O C) ~ _ N m Q V m c N(") CD LO ~ < Q (0 N J U O~ O co N m m m N O Q c 0 f CL m T0) Y U (yi) jm E 0 Nm (LiU 0d (0 E 0 CD ~Q 0 .O ( 0 N N Et O!_.- 10 N (O 0 Q "'(n °(n(L CnJ N Z M W a) CA C ' N 0 U Nd T N 0 N L a) O N Z a m - U 0 0 ~ m s d C a) O N U a) 'O M N c > N > O= m N N IL (L) co UH 0-< cr) (D in>0 0 U C C d c O E ca c m z m 0 ° m 0 - F T N a N m C c N c r N (0 N N a s m E F F C U L O > co 0 0 U .2 U r U U I* E U O O E O_ N O U G ~ U C L C T ~ N O U a , cc > . E a7 > W C Q) X U) 0, O O O L (O 0) 9) I co I 00 00 0) (h 0) C 0 N 0 O O Q ( 0 MlL , >U- `O 0 U O 0) a) ) " > O N ) CN ( d N ~ O m Q ) N U ~U > U a m a) U N N _ Z ~ rn c m a) N M Q O _ > m O co O O Q U) L) (oJ N N C u N ( ° j 3 a v > (n U C N Y'n ` O = UH m d 2ma min d c E Z O N T f0 .2 c v CL = a E m O `O (`0 O U W H 2i 0 January 9, 2008 Mr. Chris Marcarello, Administrative Services Officer City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 RE: Request for Proposals Management and Operation of the Rosemead Transit System Dear Mr. Marcarello: 705 Central Avenue, Suite 300 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Tel 513-241-2200 (reception) Fax 513-684-1698 www.firsttransit.com First Transit, Inc. thanks you for the opportunity to submit this proposal in response to the City's Request for Proposal (RFP) to continue to provide Rosemead Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuffle transit services. Having extensive experience with the combination of paratransit and fixed-route services nationwide, we understand the immeasurable importance of staff competence, on-time performance, and quality of service. First Transit is pleased to continue to offer highly proficient management and unparalleled monitoring and reporting systems, which significantly contribute to our superior safety and performance record. First Transit also offers Rosemead the finest personnel who will continue to maintain and increase the quality of transit services. As the provider of the City's Transit Services for the past 12 years with our recent merger with Laidlaw Transit Services, First Transit offers unmatched experience in understanding the system's current and future needs. We realize the community's need for safe, reliable transportation while also delivering service at the best possible price. Safety and customer service are the keys, and providing our clients with a service that meets or beats their expectations is First Transit's pledge. The following highlights are further detailed within our proposal: • Extensive corporate support: First Transit offers our employees and Rosemead significant support from our corporate staff. First Transit's expertise and knowledge of the industry offers our employees and customers the security of knowing that they will receive the industry's best practices. • Focus on safety: We hire the right employees, offer extensive training, and provide ongoing supervision and support. • The best value: As the incumbent provider for Rosemead, First Transit does not have any startup costs. Additionally, we share many of our fixed costs with four other agencies from our El Monte facility. Our proposal will remain valid for 90 days past the due date of this proposal. Pat McNiff, Region Vice President, will be contacting you within the next few days to see if additional information will be useful during your evaluation of the proposal. Pat will be your contact on this procurement and can be reached at: telephone (818) 380-0454 extension 232; facsimile (818) 380-0313; and cell phone (818) 974-5101. His email address is patrick.mcniff@firstgroup.com. Sincerely, First ri Transit Rick Dunning Senior Vice President First r'i Transit The City of Rosemead (the "City") operates the Rosemead Transit system, which includes the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle services. These community services are a critical component of the accessibility of the citizens you serve. As the current contractor for the City, we are confident that we have demonstrated through our past 12 years of service, and in our proposal, a detailed understanding of the project and our role in meeting and exceeding the scope of services. Our responsibilities to the City and the community are fulfilled through our expertise in operating this system; our national experience operating demand response and fixed route services; our local and corporate project support team; and our technical competence. As the evaluation committee reviews our proposal in response to your Request for Proposals (RFP), we request the City's consideration of our past performance in the evaluation and selection of First Transit (having recently acquired Laidlaw) to continue as the preferred service provider. A. Experience In order for the City to fully understand the capabilities of our company, and the depth and range of resources available as well as to develop a level of trust that we will be accessible after the award, First Transit offers its rich history and background. First Transit, Inc. is a professional transportation management, operations, and consulting firm organized specifically to supply expertise to both public and private transportation systems. We have more than 13,000 employees who operate over 6,700 vehicles across the United States and Puerto Rico with another 6,500 employees under management in the operation of approximately 3,000 client owned vehicles. Through experience, First Transit has become a leader and innovator in transportation and has been for more than half a century if one includes its predecessor companies -Ryder/ATE, ATE Management & Service Company, and American Transportation Enterprises. Effective October 1, 2007, FirstGroup completed its purchase of the outstanding shares of Laidlaw International, Inc - a well known, consistent and capable provider of fixed route and paratransit services. Included in this acquisition was Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. (Laidlaw), your current provider. We are quite proud of the addition of Laidlaw's customers and employees to our extensive portfolio of public transit contracts. This acquisition brings to our organization the resources of Laidlaw Transit Services including the expertise and experience of operations staff as well as regional and senior management staffs. We will be able to leverage the skills and experience of our 235 locations in 45 states to further our goals in the operation and maintenance of the Rosemead Transit services. Our resources allow us to address common issues successfully and utilize the power and intellect of our workforce to assist us with uncommon issues as well. First Transit is a business unit of FirstGroup America. FirstGroup America is an American company headquartered in Cincinnati that is dedicated to the business of transporting people. FirstGroup America is the U.S.-based North American Operating Unit of FirstGroup, plc (FirstGroup), a United Kingdom-based passenger transportation company. FirstGroup is the U.K.'s largest bus operator, with a fleet of more than 9,000 vehicles, and one of the U.K.'s leading train operators. With 135,000 employees worldwide, FirstGroup is listed on the London Stock Exchange and has annual revenues in excess of $10 billion dollars. Transit Management, Transit Contracting, and Consulting First Transit serves the transportation industry through three unique service approaches: Transit Management, Transit Contracting and Management Consulting. With these service Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the - Page 1 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services osal~ Amt ro Transit a~ ,=001 - approaches, First Transit has participated on assignments of all types, sizes and scopes throughout the United States. Transit Contracting Services The services requested by the City are provided under the Transit Contracting -operations model. First Transit's Transit Contracting Services provides the design, implementation and operation of flexible, cost-effective transportation systems throughout the United States. Transit Contracting provides a turnkey or tailored service approach that supplies all or most components of operations including equipment, vehicle maintenance, facilities, staffing, administration, and management. Transit Management Services First Transit's Transit Management Services provides resident teams to manage public transit systems and organizations throughout the United States. Management Consulting Services First Transit's Management Consulting Services provides assistance to transit systems and government agencies with responsibility for public transportation. First Transit's consulting practice serves systems ranging from multi-modal operations serving major metropolitan areas to small operations. Regional Presence First Transit currently has 48 existing transit management and contracting operations in California including the following in southern California. • Agoura Hills - paratransit • Camarillo - fixed route, paratransit • County Connection (Madera) - fixed route, paratransit • Gardena - paratransit • City of Los Angeles - DASH fixed route • Monterey Park - fixed route • Omnitrans (San Bernardino) - paratransit • Paramount-fixed route, paratransit • Pomona Valley Transportation Authority - paratransit • Riverside Transit Agency- fixed route, commuter • San Andreas Regional Center (Campbell) - paratransit • San Fernando - paratransit • Bellflower - fixed route, paratransit & trolley • Carson - fixed route • Foothill Transit (Pomona) - fixed route, commuter • Gold Coast Transit (Oxnard) - paratransit • Los Angeles County MTA - fixed route • North County Transit District (Oceanside) - paratransit • Palos Verdes Peninsula Transit Authority - fixed route • Pasadena - fixed route, paratransit • Redondo & Hermosa Beach - fixed route, paratransit • Rosemead - paratransit • San Diego MTS - vehicle maintenance, paratransit • San Gabriel - paratransit Management, administrative, maintenance, and operations staff in these locations as well as western regional office support are available to assist our Rosemead Transit team on an as needed basis. More comprehensive information on our more than 230 contracting partnerships is included as an attachment to our proposal. References The City is seeking a qualified service contractor to operate the Rosemead Transit services in compliance with your primary focus: to provide customers with excellent service. The following references reflect services provided by First Transit/Laidlaw that are similar in nature to the transportation services described in your RFP and are indicative of the paratransit and fixed route clients we serve in California. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 2 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services • E First ri Transit City of Camarillo This contract was initiated in 1997 and provides for the operation of fixed route and paratransit services using five vehicles. Contracted duties include management, operations, maintenance, dispatch, and reporting functions. City of Monterey Park This contract was initiated in 2004 and provides for the operation of fixed route services using nine vehicles. Contracted duties include management, operations, maintenance, dispatch, and reporting functions. City of San Fernando This contract was initiated in 1986 and provides for the operation of demand response paratransit services using two vehicles. Contracted duties include management, operations, maintenance, dispatch, and reporting functions. City of San Gabriel This contract was initiated in 1991 and provides for the operation of ADA and senior paratransit services using four vehicles. Contracted duties include management, operations, maintenance, dispatch, and reporting functions. City of Sierra Madre This contract was initiated in 1997 and provides for the operation of paratransit services using four vehicles. Contracted duties include management, operations, maintenance, dispatch, and reporting functions. Mr. Roc Pulido, Traffic Engineering Associate City of Camarillo 601 Camden Drive Camarillo, CA 93010 Phone: (805) 388-5346 Contact Mr. Tung Nguyen, Transportation Manager City of Monterey Park 320 West Newmark Avenue Monterey Park, CA 91754 Phone: (626) 307-1458 Ms. Virginia Ufano Recreation & Community Services Supervisor City of San Fernando 208 Park Avenue San Fernando, CA 91340 Phone: (818) 898-1296 Contact Ms. Rebecca Perez Director of Parks & Recreation City of San Gabriel 250 S. Mission Drive San Gabriel, CA 91766 Phone: (626) 308-2875 Contact Ms. Michelle Keith, Recreation Director City of Sierra Madre 232 W. Sierra Madre Boulevard Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Phone: (626) 355-7135 Additional information on any of our contracts is available upon request. B. Organization First Transit has a singular purpose: to provide our contracting customers with the safest, most efficient passenger transportation service possible and our riding customers with a safe, comfortable ride with an operator who is courteous and understanding of their needs. Throughout our 50-plus year history, First Transit has demonstrated the ability to design, implement, and manage transportation systems of all sizes and levels of complexity. One of our key practices is to combine transportation experience with the use of private enterprise Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 3 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services 10 • First Ci Transit techniques and resources. Our recent acquisition of Laidlaw confirms both our strength as an organization and our enhanced ability to serve our customers. Our management philosophy can be articulated as in the following message. We are dedicated to our mission to be First..... ro In the minds of our customers - We display our partnership with our contracting customers every day by open communications, respect and working to continually improve our services. We also commit to engaging our riders and vendors in the improvement process, developing relationships that are based in mutual trust. ro In the perceptions of our employees - Our employees know they are in a safe and caring environment and understand that they can share issues effecting service performance in an open and honest dialog with supervisory or managerial staff. ro In the development of our marketplace - We have an entrepreneurial spirit that encourages us to seek opportunities and also learn from others in the market, so we may impact the market in the future. ro In support of the communities we serve - We want the community to know who we are and to be secure in the knowledge that professional transit operators are providing a safe and reliable service to its citizens. First Transit will continue to work with the City to develop a program of transportation of which we can both be proud. Corporate Summary Name & Address: First Transit, Inc. 705 Central Ave., Suite 300 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Organization: Corporation (1969 - Delaware, founded 1955 as American Transportation Enterprises) Officers & Directors: Michael C. Murray - President, Director Alton Sloan - Treasurer Brian Beecham -Assistant Treasurer Michael L. Petrucci - Secretary Daniel R. Beerck - AssistantSecretary Christian Gartner - Chief Financial Officer Ownership: First Group America, Inc. - 100% shareholder First Transit offers a unique five-part management approach to monitor daily operations on a micro and macro level. Our methodology ultimately ensures quality control of the on-street operations and also provides the City with local control and accountability, maximum cost effectiveness, management continuity, minimum staff overhead costs, and professional management. The five-part approach includes: A Project Manager serving the City's Rosemead Transit services operation on site. A Region Vice President coordinating the management of the system to ensure customer satisfaction. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the ' Page 4 Provision of Rosemead Transit services First Co Transit • A customer support staff composed of seasoned professionals, to provide start- up/transition assistance and ongoing assistance to enhance system efficiency and effectiveness. • The power of a network of customers and staff to share information and experiences. • Managerial training to support the resident management team. Location Management First Transit believes in an organization in which the Project Manager is accessible and knowledgeable of all activities within the system. This type of organization enhances communications, facilitates rapid and accurate decision making, and improves overall performance. Project Manager Ms. Heidi Miller'is proposed to continue as First Transit's Project Manager for the Rosemead Transit services. Heidi will have overall responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the services in accordance with the system's policies and procedures and will be the primary liaison between First Transit and the City. Heidi will also continue to be supported on site by our Maintenance Manager, Mr. Simon Negrete, as well as our Driver Development and Safety Manager. Heidi has served for more than six years as our Project Manager for the Rosemead Transit services. She is a dedicated employee with a diverse career path extending more than 20 years with operations experience as a driver trainer, dispatcher, and driver. She has in-depth management and accounting experience in the transit industry. Maintenance Manager We are pleased to propose Mr. Simon Negrete to continue to serve as our Maintenance Manager for the Rosemead Transit services. Simon has 16 years of maintenance experience with 12 years in maintenance management and supervisory positions. He has served in this position at our El Monte location since 1999 with responsibility for the maintenance of more than 40 vehicles. He also has experience in managing propane and compressed natural gas powered fleets. Both Heidi and Simon are full time employees whose duties include participation in other First Transit contracts operated from our El Monte facility. Resumes for our key staff members are included as an attachment to this proposal. Region Vice President and Regional Staff Supporting our Rosemead Transit team in El Monte will be First Transit's West Region management team, which is comprised of an extremely diverse and well-qualified staff available for support in all areas of project operation including administration, accounting, insurance claims management, and human resources. A brief introduction to key members of our regional staff follows. Nick Promponas, Senior Vice President As Senior Vice President, Nick utilizes his nearly 20 years of transit experience in overseeing operations and customer satisfaction for First Transit's operations contracts in the western United States and for oversight of our national Maintenance and Quality Assurance programs. Nick started his career in the industry as a bus operator for the student-run transit service at Bridgewater State College, where he received a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Psychology. Having worked his way up through the ranks since Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 5 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services 1- osai' First roTransit college, from internships to senior management, he has a great deal of paratransit, fixed-route, demand response, and call center management experience. Pat McNiff, Regional Vice President With more than 20 years of diverse transportation experience, Pat is currently responsible for 33 contracts at 20 operating locations throughout Southern California and Nevada with approximate annual revenue of $70 million. Pat focuses on project startup and ongoing quality control. His responsibilities include complete project oversight, planning and administration. He ensures that each location performance is both effective and efficient and that periodic operational analyses are conducted. He monitors all staff performance including supervisory positions. Pat has overseen the El Monte operations for Rosemead and other contracts for several years. John Pena, Region Director of Maintenance John provides oversight of regional maintenance functions, carefully monitoring maintenance standards, repair efficiencies, and maintenance training programs. John has over 30 years of maintenance experience. Blake Vaughan, Director of Safety Blake provides front-line safety and security support for First Transit's public transportation operations in the western United States. As West Region Director of Safety, Blake conducts a safety analysis of his operations and, working with each General Manager, formulates an action plan for accident reduction; workers' compensation claims management and reduction; driver recruitment; and safety management. He also evaluates and trains our driver trainers and works closely with our operations and safety managers to ensure that they understand and comply with company and City policies and procedures. Blake conducts annual safety training supervisor meetings, train the trainer workshops and some driver meetings. He is responsible for annually auditing each location in the West Region for compliance with all federal, state, local and company policies and procedures. Blake has 31 years of transportation experience, 22 of which include transit training, and holds a Master in Business Administration degree. Blake is based in the Los Angeles region and is within one hour of our El Monte/Rosemead operations facility site. Peter Briggs, Director of Labor Relations Peter is a valued part of our human resources team. His responsibilities include labor negotiations, counter-organizing campaigns, arbitrations, resolution of grievances and employee complaints, sexual harassment and wrongful termination investigations. In addition, he directs outside counsel in handling and settling lawsuits. Peter also directs affirmative action compliance. Serving more than 25 years in transportation, industrial, and service sectors with major corporations, Peter contributes significant labor/employee relations experience. Corporate Customer Support Staff Each of our corporate staffers will be available on an as needed basis to support our El Monte team, West Region staff, and City staff in continuing to partner to provide safe, effective, efficient, customer-oriented paratransit and fixed route services. First Transit provides customer support staff comprised of over 30 full-time, First Transit employees who are transportation specialists skilled in problem solving, innovation, and performance audits. With expertise in virtually all transit areas, First Transit's technical services and field support Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 6 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services 7a 4 First ri Transit staff will serve as a valuable resource for the Rosemead Transit services. Our Rosemead Transit team will be assisted by the following corporate staff. Gayle Gray, Vice President, Human Resources Gayle'provides support in the human resources fields including labor and employment law, collective bargaining agreements and negotiation, Family Medical Leave Act, and workers compensation issues. Gayle has more than 30 years of transit labor experience. Gayle has been the lead negotiator on more than 150 negotiations across the United States. Gayle has a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Labor Relations from Saint Joseph's University and a law degree from Salmon P. Chase College of Law. Todd Hawkins, National Director of Maintenance and Operations Todd is responsible for maintenance and operational activities for transit contracting systems operating fixed route, paratransit, trolley, shuttle, and over-the-road vehicles for First Transit. In addition, Todd and his staff provide technical assistance; training and best practices information to First Transit's managed systems. Mr. Hawkins started his career 20 years ago as a mechanic. Frank Ciccarella, Vice President of Safety and Security As Vice President of Safety and Security, Frank is responsible for all of First Transit's driver development and safety programs. He designs and monitors performance of nationwide safety and risk management programs, and functions as our chief compliance officer. Frank has a team of managers reporting to him who are responsible for our corporate interface with various regulatory bodies, which include OSHA, the USDOT and FTA. He also directs and oversees implementation of the company's substance abuse program. He has oversight of ongoing safety analysis by staff and monitors the project implementation team for new contract compliance with our established safety standards. Bryan Beck, Information Technology Director Bryan is responsible for installation and evaluation of technical systems, coordinating the information and technology systems, and overseeing and evaluating system security and back-up procedures. He is the rare combination of an MIS manager with true operations experience, as he began his career with one of our fixed-route operations in Logan, Utah. In the transit industry for 15 years, Bryan's 12 years of IT support experience make him an expert at analyzing user needs and requirements, answering technical questions, troubleshooting IT issues and providing excellent customer service, These seasoned professionals will support the management team with a base of experience as functionally deep as it is geographically broad, given their duties with other transit operations in the region. As a team, we work to develop personnel strategies to ensure full staffing with an eye toward economic efficiencies. Our proposed Rosemead Transit and corporate organization structures are as follows. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 7 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services First ri Transit uGlltyw.Ae, I First Transit, Inc. National Network First Transit's network is second to none. It is designed to offer our customers and managers industry insight, best practices, and specific operational solutions through our intranet, regular emails, weekly faxes and monthly conference calls. Each new connection results in a new way to help our customers and improve our services. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 8 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services 6l rosafr First ri Transit Below, we highlight the organizational resources available to our Project Manager, Heidi Miller. Through the use of FirstGroup's First Bulletin network, First Transit Intranet, and many other communication resources the General Manager and his staff may draw upon. First Bulletin First Bulletin is a quick, effective communications tool for all our managers. This is an interactive bulletin board that allows any of our managers to pose questions or ask for information on any topic. In addition, managers post items of interest that they have heard or received regarding industry news to alert their fellow First Transit managers. National Conferences and Events First Transit makes an effort to meet with its employees on a less formal basis at national conferences. These meetings allow the managers to meet with other employees attending the conference and to network with their peers associated with all aspects of public transportation. Intranet Training First Transit uses our FirstGroup intranet site to educate managers on a number of human resources issues, policies and procedures, including equal employment opportunities, sexual harassment, etc. It also serves as a repository for all First Transit and FirstGroup manuals, policies, procedures, forms, and other important communication pieces. On-Going Managerial Training First Transit provides intensive, on-going training to our managers. This includes in-house training sessions, seminars, and workshops as well as those provided by APTA and other transit-related organizations. Our 2007 manager training topics have included employee retention, accident and incident reduction strategies, and maintenance parts inventory management. We believe that keeping our managers on the cutting edge of operations requires the reinforcement provided by these educational opportunities. In summary, First Transit is a well established, professional transportation management firm with extensive local, regional, and national resources to continue to support our on site management team in the provision of the Rosemead Transit services. C. Resource Allocation and Operations Plan First Transit's approach to the Rosemead Transit services is to continue to identify the best practices of the transportation industry and to implement them using the best qualified local and regional support staff. The implementation and on-going operation, maintenance, and management of these practices by our current Rosemead Transit staff ensure continuity of service by a dedicated team. Our local team is supported by regional and national experts in all phases of the City's operation. Through daily diligent monitoring of our operations, we can immediately identify issues, trends, and good performance. Safety is our mission. First Transit's work plan describes our approach to address the scope of work identified in this RFP, as well as the activity necessary to fulfill the federal and local requirements in order to provide quality and effective Rosemead Transit services. As the current provider of services, we have first hand knowledge of the intricacies of the operation of the curb to curb paratransit services as well as the fixed route Shopper Shuttle services. We have reviewed the City's RFP and addendum as well as our current operations in Rosemead and best practices from our Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 9 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services Al • First ri Transit operations nationwide in the development of our technical proposal. Please find following our cover letter our Cost Proposal Form. Operating the Rosemead Services We have provided Rosemead Transit Services since 1996. The paratransit service was designed by City officials to be highly responsive to residents needs. Travel is allowed within five miles outside City limits, with no restrictions on trip purpose. The fixed-route shuttle service is designed to meet shopping needs and serves both downtown Rosemead as well as Montebello Town Center Mall. The Shuttle averages over 10.5 passengers per hour. This service is operated from our El Monte facility at 4337 Rowland Avenue, and uses eight vehicles to travel more than 160,000 miles annually. We also serve nearly 85,000 passengers each year. First Transit manages the reservations, dispatching, and maintenance for this project. The system is efficient, effective and safe for our passengers. We are proud to work in partnership with the City of Rosemead in providing this invaluable service. In addition to our commitment to passengers we are also committed to the community, examples of which include: • In the event of urgent medical need and all drivers are fully booked, staff sends dispatchers and road supervisors to pickup the individual. • Our accident rate at our El Monte operation is less than half of the industry rate at 0.29 preventable accidents per 100,000 miles. • We maintain a 98% on-time performance record. • With the opening of a new senior center, First Transit staff worked with the City to develop a new route. • We participate in a book bag marketing effort and also take part in ice cream socials at the senior centers. • Our service is dependable averaging just one road call for every 23,000 miles operated Additionally, we will continue to provide upstanding customer service and make certain that our maintenance, safety and staff training programs keep all employees safe and free from harm. Please refer below for First Transit's overview of how we will continue to operate this system. Dispatch/Reservations Procedures Our dispatch staff oversees both Dial-A-Ride service and the Shopper Shuttle service. For the shopper service, we monitor scheduled arrival and departure times at key bus stops and activity centers and prevent vehicles from bunching. For Dial-A-Ride, challenges to efficient and/or effective transit in a demand-responsive environment usually involve no shows; cancellations (especially same day); lead time between the ride reservation and the actual day of service; and the percentage of subscription and/or deferred rides that are in the system on a daily basis. Maintaining the reservation, scheduling, and dispatching in an environment that is as "live" as possible increases the opportunity for higher productivity and higher levels of trip need satisfaction. Our seasoned Rosemead team proactively contributes their best efforts to achieve the best service scheduling and delivery each day for the City's transit program. We believe this manually scheduled computer aided environment combined with our experienced driving and dispatch staff offers the City the best opportunity to meet their new productivity requirements. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 10 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services r g~ tpppaatg., 40, 1' tea First ~i Transit t` S T Y R M K eI+kN~... We have developed an effective method of processing and routing Dial-A-Ride passenger requests for real-time, demand-responsive service. Our scheduling /dispatching procedures are divided into the following functions: Customer Requests Our schedulers immediately answer the telephone and obtain from the caller the following information: Client name; pick-up address; destination address; telephone number; disabilities (if any); special appointment or request times; and the number of passengers riding. Every telephone call received by a scheduler is handled with the utmost courtesy and respect. For Rosemead, we have two dedicated phone lines and our El Monte location has 14 additional telephone lines available so callers do not have to wait more than one minute for their call to be answered. We have a hold time of no more than one minute. The scheduler must also ask if the passenger desires the trip immediately or some specified time period in the future. If the trip is to be picked up as soon as possible, it is classified as an immediate trip. If not, the request is designated as a future trip. The scheduler gives the customer an estimated pick-up time expressed in a 15 minute window. For example, the customer could be told that the vehicle will pick them up between 9:00 and 9:15. This window is used for both immediate and future trips. The time promised is then written into the daily manifest. First Transit assures the City that the majority of our staff operating your service is bilingual, and we have staff available that are capable of speaking Spanish with passengers during all normal service hours. This is our current practice at our El Monte facility, from which we operate the City's services. Future Trip Requests Future trips are scheduled onto a future trip manifest for the day and time requested. Each morning the dispatchers confirm the trips with the drivers. Trips are added or deleted when necessary. Immediate Trip Requests Immediate trips are radioed to the driver. The driver inserts those trips into the manifest and schedules the pick-up to fit within the existing schedule. Dispatching Procedures After the dispatcher has scheduled a particular trip, a daily manifest is provided at the beginning of the service day. The driver is required to radio in each stop as completed. The dispatcher monitors all stops for timeliness, and may change the bus assignment of a particular passenger if necessary to maintain system integrity. As the drivers receive stops, they are recorded on their manifest. The driver is required to maintain an accurate account of all stops, including the time and odometer reading per stop. This information is used in on-time analysis and other reporting procedures. Additional Dispatch Duties Our dispatching function is a vital part of the operation - not only does dispatch control the on-the-road operation, they also document administrative detail, which is critical in service monitoringland accounting. The dispatcher is usually the first employee to report to work and the last to leave. A dispatcher must always be on duty during service hours. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 11 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services •aa~rR k First ri Transit At a moment's notice, the dispatcher must proficiently dispatch a service vehicle; in an emergency situation instruct the driver and call police or be prepared to instruct the driver of a reroute if there is construction or an accident preventing normal travel. The dispatcher is responsible for communicating all relevant operational data with the driver and for documenting the information. Driver Assignments Each driver must report to the dispatcher via radio from the yard when reporting to work. The dispatcher signs them in and gives them their route assignment. If a driver does not report to the dispatcher at the designated time, the dispatcher will record the driver as absent and will assign a standby driver immediately in order to meet the pull-out time. The dispatcher is responsible for ensuring that all the driver runs are met. The dispatcher is also responsible for driver check in after the driver's run is complete. On-the-Road Dispatch The dispatcher must know at all times where the vehicles are located - when in service; when out-of-service; or when they are down for maintenance. In addition, the dispatcher must know where to reach Project Manager, Heidi Miller in order to make an informed and efficient decision in coordinating an on-time and uninterrupted service. The dispatcher should also be aware of road and traffic conditions. All of this information must be current and accurate for the dispatcher to make an expedient decision at a moment's notice. Our staff has proven that the dispatching procedures, which have been designed through years of operational experience, result in on-time and uninterrupted service for the City. Customer Service Program To further demonstrate our dedicated efforts to maintain excellent communication with the City passengers, we continue to follow our customer service C.A.R.E.S. program. Our goal for the C.A.R.E.S. program is to engage our passengers, clients, staff, and drivers in a positive way that will ultimately enhance and raise the bar for customer service. C.A.R.E.S. stands for the principles at the base of the program: C = Create an environment that promotes customer confidence. A = Assist our passengers and customers in any way you can. R = Respect our passengers and their rights. E = Enhance our knowledge and skills with ongoing training. S = Successful rides every day by exceeding expectations. Complaint Resolution Process Although we take pride in exceptional service quality, miscommunications, mechanical situations, and human error can occasionally cause passenger inconvenience or service disruption. In Rosemead, we receive very few complaints due to the exceptional service we provide. To help ensure a continued proactive and positive outcome toward complaints, First Transit enforces the following procedures: Receipt and Recording First Transit's Project Manager, Heidi Miller, with the assistance of her staff, is responsible for the timely resolution of all complaints and serves as a liaison between our operations and the community. An additional responsibility is serving Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 12 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services e a°~ f a a ~ t sai.~ ; x P First ri Transit as a customer advocate in the resolution of complaints. The initial complaint is logged on a reporting form with a description of the complaint, along with complainant contact information. Initial Investigation Heidi investigates the complaint by reviewing pertinent manifest data and interviewing dispatchers, supervisors or other staff, and the vehicle operator and/or maintenance technician as deemed appropriate. Information gathered relative to the complaint is recorded and the root cause of the complaint will be determined. Complainant Meeting When necessary or requested, Heidi will set up a meeting with the complainant to review all pertinent information. Results of the meeting will be documented and a resolution may be agreed upon at this time. Additional Investigation Based on the complainant meeting or facts that emerge from witness statements, Heidi may initiate additional fact-finding in order to resolve the complaint. Vehicle maintenance records and the driver's personnel file are reviewed and all information is utilized in crafting any resolution. Heidi calls the passenger during the investigative stage (unless a meeting has taken place) to receive additional information if required. Resolution may also occur at this time. Exploration of Remedy If a passenger complaint is the result of a preventable action on the part of an employee, Heidi ensures appropriate retraining as well as disciplinary action takes place. The complainant and City staff will be made aware of any remedy put into effect. Resolution Resolution occurs when Heidi has determined that the cause of the problem is understood, that the appropriate departments have taken action to ensure that measures are in place to prevent the problem from recurring and when the passenger is satisfied that the complaint is resolved. The City will receive documentation regarding final resolution. D. Staffing Hiring, screening, and retention of management and operations staff are keys to the success of the Rosemead Transit services. It is imperative that management staff be dedicated to the provision of safe, courteous, timely performance and that vehicle operators act as true ambassadors for the services. We believe these on site functions are best supported by regional and corporate human resources staff members who are full time First Transit employees. Our Western Region and corporate customer service staffs have extensive experience in the recruitment and support of curb to curb demand response and fixed route shuttle operations similar to the City's services. The following sections reflect the type of personnel program First Transit will continue to update and use for our Rosemead Transit contract. Each of these will be reviewed during on-going service and tailored to meet and exceed the needs of the City. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 13 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services • Oai f~ First roTransit Staffing Philosophy In most situations, the system's drivers are the only representatives of the transit operation a rider will meet face to face. It is therefore imperative that the first - and continuing - impression made by the driver be positive. We will rely on our employees' skills, judgment, dedication, sensibility, interaction and attitude to ensure a successful operation. Our goal is to not only ensure that we have an adequate number of employees, we also strive to attract the most qualified employees. We succeed at our locations by following some very basic principles, which we also apply to hiring for Rosemead Transit services as follows. • Empower our employees as professionals by providing a climate of trust, respect, integrity and honesty. • Ensure a safe working environment through the development of safety programs, driver training, and well-maintained equipment and facilities. • Encourage two-way communication among staff and management. • Communicate the standards of the job and the requirements of our customers. • Recognize the need for employees to maintain a balance of work, family, community, and personal activities. • Provide all employees with the training and skills to perform their job to the best of their abilities. • Provide all employees with a fair and competitive compensation plan. • Provide employees with career growth opportunities either by promotion from within or by offering relocation opportunities to other First Transit locations. Our goal is to encourage stability and excellence in our work force, including drivers, supervisors, dispatch, and maintenance staff. We also need to establish rapport and trust between our staff, the City, and our ridership. Detailed below are some key activities and policies First Transit conducts to ensure we maintain an adequate supply of qualified employees to operate the Rosemead Transit services in a safe and reliable manner. Development of Staffing Levels To ensure adequate available staffing, First Transit engages in the following. • Documentation of employee turnover rates. • Observation of current staffing call off tendencies. • Plan and conduct training classes for anticipated staff needs. • Continued review of probationary employee development. • Historical review of hours and over time projections for operators versus actual usage. • Consistent management of extra board driver hours to maximize utilization and minimize overtime. Vehicle operator, supervisor, dispatcher, and mechanic schedules are in place and will be modified as needed for the start of the new contract. Any changes in policies or service hours will be taken into consideration for these schedule modifications and will be shared with City staff in advance of implementation for approval. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 14 Provision of Rosemead Transit services on~oSa Recruitment Planning First Ci Transit Understanding the operational needs of the Rosemead Transit services from years of experience enables First Transit to proactively update our recruitment plan. Consideration is given to the following operational parameters. • Service hours and ridership needs. • Vacation requests of the existing workforce. • Employee terminations, by week, month, quarter for training, probationary, and non- probationary staff. • Personnel statistics including workers compensation claims and employee unavailability. • Training cycle length. • Past training class test scores. • Overall morale. For any new employees needed, First Transit will conduct "backward date planning" to determine specific: staffing levels needed and when staff is required. Each of the above factors is included in the recruitment equation to ensure an adequate, trained, and professional operator base is available at all times. Some of the strategies used to recruit include advertising in the local newspapers, as well as websites that focus on the service area. Another valuable resource that First Transit provides is the ability to advertise internally at our other transit system operations, as well as those operating locations of our sister companies First Services, First Student, and Greyhound. Staffing Levels Based upon our current experience in operating the Rosemead Transit services as well as the information provided by the City as part of the current procurement, we are prepared to provide the following staff for the provision of services for the operations and maintenance functions. These levels are dependent upon services being provided at levels identified in the City's RFP. To reduce overall operations, administration, and maintenance costs, our El Monte staff is shared among the consolidated contracts. The majority of these positions will continue to be full-time First Transit employees located at our El Monte facility, where we create operational efficiencies through the sharing of staffing between several operating contracts. The part-time status reflects our sharing of staff and allocation of hours to the Rosemead Transit services. We guarantee that our staff will spend the time necessary to ensure that all services are provided in compliance with the City's requirements. Project Manager 1 PT Administrative Asst. 1 PT Operations Supervisor 1 PT Drivers 9 FT12PT. Lead Dispatcher 1 PT Dispatcher/Reservationist 3 PT Driver Development & Safety Mgr. 1 PT Maintenance manager 1 PT Mechanic 2 PT Utility Worker 2 PT The following brief descriptions reflect the primary duties and responsibilities of our staff. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 15 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services First ri Transit Position Job Duties Project Manager Oversight of all contract activities and daily operations; liaison with City attending meetings and serving on committees upon request; reporting of key performance factors; budgetary analysis; quality control activities; screening and hiring programs. Administrative Assist. Answer phones; collect operational data for reporting; process accounts payable and receivable; administer payroll; other duties as assigned b Project Manager. Operations Supervisor Oversight of operational activities including dispatch, reservations and scheduling; monitor radio communications; perform operation monitoring activities including on-board observations, unobserved monitoring, passenger surveys and interviews; Driver Act as primary passenger relations contact; perform runs as scheduled; assist passengers as needed; and complete pre-trip/post-trip vehicle inspections. Dispatcher/ Distribute trip manifests; process pre-trip/post-trip vehicle inspection reports; Reservationist monitor radio communications; answer phone calls and schedule trips as needed; complete operational reports. Driver Development & Direct oversight of driving staff; assist in behind-the-wheel training and new hire Safety Manager monitorin ; and respond to incidents and accidents. Maintenance Manager Schedules preventive maintenance; performs quality control inspections; and oversight of externally performed maintenance including warranty work, body work, and major rebuilds. Perform preventive maintenance and general repair functions, vehicle diagnostics, maintain vehicle history records, complete work orders; and enter information into maintenance software program. Mechanic Perform preventive maintenance and general repair functions, vehicle diagnostics, maintain vehicle history records, complete work orders; and enter information into maintenance software program. Utility Worker Perform scheduled cleaning and fueling functions; check fluid levels; maintain accurate records and daily logs; other duties as assigned by Maintenance Manager. We will ensure that sufficient oversight personnel are assigned during all hours of transportation service operation to provide direction to our vehicle operators and to ensure the safety of our Rosemead customers. Employee Retention and Turnover Provisions Stabilizing the workforce and retaining key staff is critical to the efficiency and effectiveness of on-going contracted operations. It can be achieved through the following simple but effective methods: • Immediate and constant communications with employees • Competitive wages and benefits; • Performance incentives based on attendance and safety; • Clearly defined work rules; • Consistent, fair treatment of all employees; and • An open-door policy on the part of corporate, managerial and supervisory staff. By utilizing these methods, First Transit anticipates the minimization of workforce turnover during the contract period and maintaining the quality of employee morale. Wages and Benefits As the incumbent contractor, First Transit well understands the issues involved in employee retention in the Rosemead service area. Our cost proposal includes what we believe to be a competitive compensation package based on increases to the current salary and benefit structure. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 16 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services lit L i First Ci Transit 1, Jo=6S 6i 11 ' We propose the following compensation for personnel, which will be dependent upon an employee's qualifications and experience. These levels will be reviewed throughout the term of any contract to ensure adequate staffing and retention of professional, customer service-oriented employees committed to our Safety First philosophy. Position Project Manager Year 1 $61,200/ r. Year 2 $62,974/yr. Year 3 $64,801/yr. Year 4 $66,680/yr. Year 5 $68,614/ r. Administrative Asst. $13.77/hr. $14.17/hr. $14,58/hr. $15.03/hr. $15.44/hr. Operations Supervisor $11.61/hr. $11.95/hr. $12.29/hr. $12.65/hr. $13.01/hr. Drivers average wage $11.39/hr. $11.97/hr. $12.30/hr. $12.65/hr. $13.00/hr. Lead Dispatcher $14.94/hr. $15.37/hr. $15.82/hr. $16.28/hr. $16.75/hr. Dispatcher/Reservationist (average wage $11.50/hr $11.83/hr. $12.18/hr. $12.53/hr. $12.89/hr. Driver Development & Safety Mgr. $38,60/hr. $39,72/hr. $40,87/hr. $42,06/hr. $43,28/hr. Maintenance Manager $43,78/hr. $45,05/hr. $46,36/hr. $47,70/hr. $49,08/hr. Mechanic $20.05/hr. $20.63/hr. $21.23/hr. $21.84/hr. $22.48/hr. Utility Worker $8.91/hr. $9.17/hr. $9.43/hr. $9.71/hr. $9.99/hr. Our standard benefit package reflects full compliance with the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act, Workers Compensation requirements, and other statutory requirements for leave and benefits. Current First Transit staff is eligible for one of three medical insurance plans. New employees are eligible after passing a 90 day probation period. First Transit's health plans include coverage of the following. • Physician Office Visits • Major Medical • Wellness Benefits (certain cancer screening, annual physicals, well baby care) • Voluntary Disease Management Program (e.g., asthma, diabetes, congestive heart failure) • Vision Discount Plan • Prescription Drug Benefit • Employee Assistance Program • Vision Care Program • Dental Coverage Additionally, our benefit program includes: short term disability; long term disability; and accidental death and dismemberment insurance. A Flexible Spending Account Plan is also available for employees who wish to curtail the effect of taxes on known medical and daycare expenses. Other benefits include: • 401(k) Retirement Plan • Employee Pride Incentive Program - For every three-month period that there are less than a predetermined number of accidents, each employee receives a gift item such as an insulated mug, jacket, stadium cushion, etc. • Vacation - One week's paid vacation after one year of employment and two weeks after five years of employment. • Holidays - Eligible drivers will receive holiday pay for the following six holidays: Christmas, New Year's Day, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Memorial Day. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 17 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services arposai' First ri Transit Operations Incentives First Transit may also use the National Safety Counsel's safe driving year(s) patches to reward and recognize accident-free driving. First Transit operators at other locations have a great deal of pride in wearing these awards due to their local and national connections and often wear them as a badge of honor. Operators for First Transit will be honored for excellent performance in the monthly "Operator of the Month" programs. As the First Transit operator of the month, they may receive a special gift, a designated parking space, assignment of a newer vehicle and/or become eligible for the Location and Region Operator of the Year awards. The Region Operator of the Year is selected by an outside panel and receives gifts and awards valued at over $2,000. In addition, we will establish an incentive program for exceeding the goals established for the Rosemead paratransit and fixed route services including on time performance, timely preventive maintenance, customer complaints as well as safety. We will establish teams within our operation consisting of all non-management staff members (since these goals are met through the efforts of all staff) and award incentives to the teams that meet their goals. Maintenance Incentives Shop safety is different than operations safety in that it requires both an individual and a team effort. First Transit has developed a program that recognizes employees and the group for both efforts. Our program consists and an account with a specified monetary value for which one half is for personal efforts and the other half is for shared efforts. If an employee has a lost time injury, they will lose a portion of their personal account and everyone in the shop will lose a smaller portion from their shared account. This promotes employees to work together and discourage unsafe acts in the shop. Examples of actions that will reduce an employee's account are speeding in the parking lot or not wearing safety glasses in the shop. There will be complete schedule of penalties and rewards posted in the shop along with the running total of the safety bonus. A safety awards lunch is held where safety performance is discussed and the bonuses are handed out in the form of gift certificates. First Transit pays for all pre-testing, study guides, and certification testing for our maintenance employees. First Transit will pay a technician an additional ten cents per hour for each.ASE certification earned. In addition to this incentive, technicians earn an additional 25 cents per hour for achieving master certification status. To further promote excellence in our locations, we have an ASE Blue Seal Incentive Program. ASE awards the Blue Seal of Excellence to locations with 75 percent of its technicians certified. This is a very prestigious award that each First Transit location strives to achieve. All technicians who work in an ASE Blue Seal of Excellence shop are rewarded with an additional 15 cents per hour. We also reward the Maintenance Manager from the award winning shop with a $2,000 yearly bonus. E. Management and Personnel Policies First Transit is committed to maintaining the highest standards in all areas of employee supervision and management and throughout our 50 plus year history have demonstrated equitable labor management practices and our commitment to equal opportunity employment. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 18 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services A"~ > Y'i'n r osai.~~ l , , First ri Transit As outlined earlier, First Transit retains both regional and corporate staff in support of fair labor practices, with Peter Briggs serving the West Region as Director of Labor Relations and Gayle Gray leading our corporate team as Vice President of Labor Relations and Human Resources. Our policies reflecting our commitment are outlined in our employee manual, which is distributed to each new employee upon hire. Employee Manual First Transit operates all Rosemead Transit services in compliance with the City's standards for service performance, including but not limited to policies governing general service delivery and missed trips and lateness. Major emphasis is placed on legal and contract compliance with emphasis on safety and customer service aspects. Standard operating procedures are spelled out in the Employee Manual, which are specifically tailored to the policies and procedures in place at our El Monte operation. Sections of the manual include: • Introduction • Welcome Aboard • Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action • General Rules and Procedures • First Transit Employee Principles • Job Descriptions • Personal Safety • General Working and Wage Provisions • Employee Understanding • General Rules And Conduct • Driving Records And Criminal Records • Code Of Conduct • Appearance • Uniforms • Americans With Disabilities Act • Performance Code and Discipline Schedule Each employee of First Transit's Rosemead Transit operation will receive an employee manual during orientation and training. Training sessions address both First Transit and City policies as outlined in the manual. A sample table of contents is included as an attachment to this proposal. Quality Assurance Program Internally, the Project Manager and the management team will review daily, weekly and monthly reports to monitor performance. Externally, the following corporate programs are established to monitor performance. Senior and Region Vice President Oversight • Regular meetings between City staff and management team • Review of monthly operating report • Utilization of First Transit customer support staff to conduct administrative, operations and cash handling audits Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 19 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services ME posat' g First ri Transit xb A National Director of Maintenance Oversight Monthly review of maintenance data generated by Firstbase to identify trends Conduct regular on-site maintenance audits • Coordination and conduct of telephonic, on-site and off-site training National Safety Director Oversight Monthly review of safety reports Conduct regular on-site safety audits Conduct and coordinate ongoing training for management personnel First Transit's management philosophy, previously discussed, includes not only an on- site Project Manager, but also a Region Vice President to provide oversight and support as well as an experienced customer support staff to provide assistance on more complicated issues. Quality Assurance (QA) is a business management philosophy that aligns the activities of all employees of an organization with the common focus of customer satisfaction through continuous improvement in the quality of goods and services. First Transit's QA program applies a continuous improvement process using management metrics to measure progress and to establish goals and objectives for specific performance standards. There are five focal points that First Transit uses to drive the company's continuous improvement process. These five focal points are: • Focus on the Customer; • Data-Driven Management; • Mastering Processes; • Proactive Management; and • Accountability. We view accountability as a key part of successfully executing all of the components of our Quality Assurance program. First Transit's Project Manager, Heidi Miller, will empower location support staff to focus their attention in a way that maximizes productivity. Established goals and objectives are engrained in our culture and the location support staff understands that their contributions are part of the overall successful management of the Rosemead Transit services. The following represents the details of First Transit's Quality Assurance Program. Focus on the Customer • We establish common objective standards of performance with you, our customer. • We clearly, effectively and frequently communicate and provide feedback to you, our customer. • We respond quickly to your issues. • We provide value-added services. • We involve local and corporate staff to identify and address issues. Data and Fact Driven Management First Transit's staff will monitor the performance of the operation with the following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 20 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services L~ °osa z First ri Transit • On-time performance (as a percent of trips); • Percent of on-time pull-outs; • Number of complaints per 100,000 passengers; • Number of accidents per 100,000 miles; • Percent of preventive maintenance inspections (PMIs) completed on time; • Number of PMI audits performed; • Average defects identified per vehicle (from PMI audits); and • Average miles between mechanical breakdowns/total breakdowns. A target and goal are established for each KPI. Target The target is a number we strive to meet or exceed every month. We use the average of the past 12 months of an existing location's operating data to establish the target. Goal The goal is the level we are confident we will be able to achieve by leveraging our continuous improvement process. Although performance can be subjective, First Transit will establish the definition of "excellent," "good," or "marginal" performance during contract negotiations. Factors including age and condition of fleet and certain customer-specific performance requirements will be considered in reaching this decision. We will then establish our goals based on this determination. Examples of Data Use in Reporting Operator Unavailability of Operator not Av.ih ble) Goal b 8-Tntgez & X u no 5 f)s.9 c o. z ,pa ' : t~•'sd .r rt ~ J <e nest' .,a •ert.wu..gn o-s •aHa nna s.l-S.o orvmauo im a.l-lo aDOO nn, m.e, m.l ..m... PM Inspections Past Due Goal is 0 ya`ty?rv .>s f 1~ ~s vd ~ i'~ cFs~' qe • e:cmae H,gnz x.ne nnaer • s5mze w.gez ~ -s O YeNato lmprvve 6-10 •DOea not meet 11 enaem Operator Attrition Goal b 10%. Tatgn u 35 on H H w ~ H sq m to p e~s'I•T ~'qd +a'e°~d+`ot,F'ca •e..e.a.,.•pn o-u •mem uqn is ao orve.e.mimp.o.. zoao •DOee.m mm 5~..e e... Average Defects Per Bus From The PMI Audits Goal b 0-Targn b 3 S 0 B 5 4.1 3.9 5.1 55 6 i ~ S. •EmeN. w,yel o-s •m-tstaMzs.l-6.0 ❑NeN,la lmpn.e 5.1 ~10 •Den oot vuet l0.l eea o.er Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Provision of Rosemead Transit Services Page 21 AW 0 osa~ Wt First ri Transit Mastering Management Processes on behalf of the City of Rosemead In order to operate an efficient and effective transit operation, First Transit will use: • An effective preventive maintenance program that uses data and corporate staff to ensure its integrity; • Good employee management by communicating clear and concise expectations and ensuring follow-through; • Strong safety and training program; • Strong inventory management and control; and • Best practices communicated via our electronic e-mail server/bulletin board ("First Bulletin'), intranet site, annual meeting and First Transit University. Proactive Management First Transit proactively manages the Rosemead Transit services. In doing so, we apply the following approach to continuously improve the operation. • We identify issues, needs or areas to improve. • We decide which issue will be addressed first due to its degree of urgency and negative effect. • We develop a complete picture of all possible causes of the issue. • We agree on the basic cause(s) of the issue. • We develop an effective solution and action plan that our team can realistically implement. • We implement the solution and establish needed monitoring procedures and charts. Accountability First Transit has established the following policies for accountability this accountability will positively contribute to achieving the public image that the City desires: • We maintain a performance driven culture by holding people accountable for their performance; • We empower and train people to be successful; • We recognize effort but focus on results; • We focus on excellence, not perfection; • We focus on meaningful priorities and corrective actions versus routine tasks; and • Our managers lead by example. Operator Performance Review The performance of First Transit operators is evaluated based on a number of factors, including: • Results from random ride checks performed by the training department. • Customer service reports (complaints and commendations) received regarding the operator. • Attendance records. • DMV Reports on the status of the operator's license performed in compliance with City and First Transit standards. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 22 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services 10 f Z First ri Transit Maintenance Technician Performance Reviews Generally, employees are appraised annually using the employment date as the schedule appraisal date. Performance is also reviewed when an employee is promoted or transferred. Evaluation factors include quality of work, quantity of work, safety of work, and work habits. Each employee's performance is reviewed by a supervisor who evaluates the employee based upon previously established objectives in terms of each objective's relative impact on the overall job, level of difficulty and degree of accomplishment. Supervisor Performance Reviews The factors upon which First Transit supervisors and other contract personnel are evaluated include: Annual performance reviews based upon a pre-determined set of goals and objectives that are to be completed within a certain time period. Field checks and periodic ride-alongs conducted by management to ensure that all situations are handled in the best possible manner. Customer service reports (complaints and commendations) received regarding the supervisor. As you can see from the above narrative, First Transit does not leave much to chance. From the time an employee is interviewed to the time he or she spends working for us, we assess the capabilities, attitude and performance of the individuals who will be charged with providing safe, reliable and courteous transportation to the Rosemead Transit customers. F. Accounting and Reporting First Transit is committed to provide all on site management, administration, and operations staff required for the daily operations, safety, maintenance, and management of the Rosemead Transit services. These staff will be supported by regional and corporate staff to ensure all administrative duties are performed in such a way as to meet and exceed contractual requirements while maintaining a partnership relationship with the City to identify means to create service efficiencies and increase customer service. Our Project Manager, Heidi Miller, and local management team are required to keep all files and to perform all required administrative duties for the continuing operation of the service. This includes the maintenance of accounts with First Transit headquarters, petty cash funds, credit card accounts and payroll, billing process, maintenance of both employee files and training library. Basic accounting functions are handled by the Project Manager and support staff with audits performed at the regional and corporate level. Invoicing, accounts payable, and accounts receivable are by location staff, communicated electronically via the internet (using JD Edwards software) with accounts payable funds being disbursed by our corporate support staff. Payroll information is input from the El Monte facility and processed by our contracted payroll service, ADP. Operational reports are communicated by the Operations Manager, the Maintenance Manager, and the Project Manager. Data Collection The ability to measure operating proficiency requires information from many different sources. How that information is processed, analyzed, and acted upon is of critical importance to provide safe, efficient, reliable transit service. Management information is the Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 23 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services b5a t First riTransit function that provides management with the necessary information to plan, operate, and administer the transit organization. Specific management reporting activities include: • Incorporating, in the management information system, the capability to collect data on performance and measure progress toward established goals. • Accumulating data from various sources • Processing data for presentation in reports • Preparing reports which show planned results and actual accomplishments • Distributing reports to responsible individuals • Obtaining feedback for explanation of variances and actions taken First Transit believes that well designed management reports are an essential component of both internal and external communication in a transit system. Each type of report is presented below along with the required parameters: data to be compiled, method of data manipulation and compilation, and reports/report frequency. Customer Information Data: Telephone comments, complaints, commendations, and requests. Method: IBM compatible PC and database organization Reports: Monthly, sorted by: operators, safety comments, ADA comments, equipment comments, new/expanded service requests, schedule modification requests, customer information (name, address, telephone number, interest area). Supervisors and dispatchers records telephone and written comments on a customer comment sheet for subsequent input to the database. FTA National Transit Database Data: Service supplied and consumed as measured by passenger miles. Method: Random selection of vehicle method using form C.2710.2A Reports: As required by the FTA First Transit successfully compiles this information for transit systems nationwide for reporting to the FTA. Daily statistics and financial data will be maintained in our computerized operating systems to ensure that demand-response financial and operating statistics will be segregated to ensure an accurate reflection of eligible reimbursable items and expenses. Automated Maintenance Record Keeping Data: Comprehensive garage/maintenance data requirements including PM cycles and completions, vehicle maintenance history items, warranty eligibility, road calls, parts usage, labor hours, fleet and fluids consumption. Method: Firstbase Computerized Maintenance Software. Reports: Monthly; PM currency, vehicle and repair history, warranty history, fuel and oil usage. Firstbase reports address multiple levels of reporting that produce concise and complete reports that aid line and management personnel in performing their duties. Firstbase provides the weekly and monthly reports required. An overview of the system follows. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 24 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services Pa ` osalt First ri Transit Transportation and Supervision Records Data: Various elements related to service delivery Method: Windows based software using First Transit templates Reports: Daily Operations Report is the primary summary report. Multiple records will be generated throughout the service day, which will help control and improve the delivery of service. The primary categories include dispatch log, radio record and service control information, supervisory reports of service and operator performance, conditions, accidents/incidents, discipline and commendations, and payroll exceptions. This information is summarized by the Operations Manager, who incorporates it into their respective Daily Operations Reports (DOR) for management to review daily. Hard copies of original data items are retained. Safety and Training Records Data: Applicant/candidate file, training modules completed, operator qualification data and certificate, accident reports, retraining certifications, annual safety record evaluation, ongoing open BI/PD claims, physical damage to buses. Method: FirstBase and Windows based PC Software. Reports: Monthly; training completion certifications, accident records, liability claims activity, physical damage summary. Most of this information will be retained in operator/employee permanent hard copy records that are managed by the Project Manager and Driver Development and Safety Manager. Accident files will be maintained in our secure and confidential safety files with the Driver Development and Safety Manager. Our staff is accustomed to producing these and more reports for both First Transit staff and contract clients to aid in the monitoring as well as evaluation of service for continuous improvement. Our staff must produce accurate and timely reports. We fully realize that accurate and timely data is one of the keys to successfully providing a high-quality service, because without such data, decisions may not be correct. Maintenance Information System First Transit uses as its platform for vehicle maintenance files, reporting, and supervision the Firstbase Maintenance Information System, a proprietary, state-of-the-art system with impressive capabilities. Firstbase captures and supplies critical data to support management decisions, such as establishing an equipment replacement program. We will be converting to Firstbase in calendar year 2008. Good maintenance management decisions are based on accurate and reliable information. To ensure accurate and reliable data, we looked for a computer-based equipment management system that was designed to enhance equipment management capability. In addition, First Transit needed a system that would focus on information properly structured to improve the quality and productivity of equipment services. Our search was successful and we acquired and tailored the Firstbase Maintenance Information System. The following design characteristics of Firstbase make it especially responsive to the needs of both First Transit and the City. It is a fully integrated system that will simultaneously track and monitor the following. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 25 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services pgtgF~S, tMr sai~$ 1 • Preventive maintenance • Repairs • Parts inventory • Technician productivity • Vendors for outside repair • Fuel and oil consumption and efficiency • Overhead costs • Personnel and time sheet records • Data validation checks at data input • Status reporting • Completed work orders • Work orders in process • Delays and reasons for delays • On-line query capability for all data fields • Tailored reporting First roTransit • Customer-aggregated summary reports • Exception reports • Electronic data transfer capability of electronic fuel data to the system's vehicle history files. The design philosophy behind the system is simple: the computer is used as a tool to accept and edit raw data and to produce displays and reports. This information gives all levels of management the information needed to plan for future needs and to successfully manage fleets on a timely basis. Firstbase provides well-structured management information to facilitate good decision- making, to support decisions with proper data, and to demonstrate positive results. The system produces more than just reports of cost and past events. The system has been designed to be people-oriented and people-responsible. The system's analytical reports include multiple levels of reporting. The system has been designed to produce concise and complete reports that will aid line and management. The management information, system reports that First Transit has access to include the following. • Monthly preventive maintenance reports • Total maintenance costs to date; time to process, entry to completion of work on vehicle • Special billing reports • Number of work orders • Number of service calls • Number of vehicles receiving PM • Downtime by vehicle category • Total cumulative and detail records of all subcontract work • Summary and detail reports on work orders • Exception reports • Inventory analyses • Work analyses • Employee performance measurement • Vehicle replacement analyses and recommendations • Development of vehicle and equipment specifications Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 26 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services a1 osat ~ ~yl, First rvTransit First Transit administrative personnel prepare data for entry, perform data entry for the Firstbase system, conduct analyses and generate reports. G. Performance Bond Pursuant to Addendum Number 1, this requirement has been deleted. H. Insurance and Indemnity First Transit will comply with all requirements for insurance and indemnification. As the current provider of Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle services, we have demonstrated our ability to provide the coverages required by the City. We have included as an attachment to our proposal an insurance certificate reflecting First Transit's ability to provide the coverages required for the City's services as well as a description of our insurance program. First Transit is self insured for vehicle physical damage coverage (collision and comprehensive). I. Financial Responsibility First Transit benefits financially from being part of an international transportation giant - FirstGroup plc. This relationship also benefits the City by ensuring that you will have a financially stable operator throughout this contract term and beyond, if desired. The Group is publicly traded on the London stock exchange under the ticker symbol FGP. For the most recent fiscal year ending March 31, 2007, FirstGroup's annual revenues exceeded $7 billion, after tax profits in excess of $211 million, and stockholders equity of over $1.2 billion (based upon an exchange rate of £1 GB = $2.067 US). Clearly, we have the financial resources necessary to support the City in all aspects of the operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle services, including the ability to procure and pay for new revenue vehicles. Please find as an attachment to our proposal audited financial statements for First Transit's parent company, FirstGroup plc for the last fiscal year (ending March 31, 2007). Further information, including FirstGroup's most recent un-audited interim financial statements, is available on the web site: www.firstgroup.com. J. Vehicles and Equipment First Transit proposes eight new revenue vehicles for the Rosemead service. For Rosemead Dial-A-Ride, we offer five 2008 ElDorado National Aerolite 200s. The Aerolite 200s are equipped with an E350 Ford drive train, 138-inch wheelbase, 5.4L V8 engine rated at 11,500 gross vehicle weight. The engine is modified to include a fast idle. The vehicle seats eight ambulatory passengers with two wheelchair positions and a lift located in the rear of the vehicle, curb-side. In addition, there is a 30-inch passenger ambulatory door at the front. We have priced the vehicles for two different fuel types: diesel and propane. The vehicles are fully ADA compliant and meet State of California vehicle specifications. For the Rosemead Shuttle, First Transit recommends three 2008 ElDorado National Aerotech 240s. The Aerolite 240s are equipped with an E450 Ford drive train, 176-inch wheelbase, 6.8L V-10 engine rated at 14,500 Gross Vehicle Weight. The chassis is modified with spring spacers on the lift side to enhance suspension as well as an engine fast idle. The vehicle seats 20 ambulatory passengers using flip seats, or 16 ambulatory and two wheelchair customers. The lift is located in the rear of the vehicle, curb-side. In addition, there is a 36-inch passenger ambulatory door at the front. As with the Dial-A-Ride units, we have priced the vehicles based Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 27 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services First CAPTransit upon two different fuel types: diesel and propane. The capacity and flexibility of this fleet is ideal for the Shuttle service. Alternative Fuel Experience First Transit recognizes that the United States consumes more energy than any other nation in the world. We are committed to seeking environmentally-friendly alternatives in the way we do business. We also encourage our project managers and all employees to explore alternatives that will help the First Transit family consume less energy. By nature, the transit industry encourages green thinking by saving fuel through shared rides. Alternative fuel use has been in the industry for quite some time, and First Transit's experience includes the use of propane, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural as (LNG), electric and hybrid vehicles. We chose propane as opposed to compressed natural gas because of the ready availability of on-site propane delivery, the lower cost of propane vehicle conversions, and the savings in facility modifications that would have been required by compressed natural gas vehicles. First Transit has experience in operating LPG-fueled (propane) for the City of Glendale and the City of Cerritos as well as several locations in Los Angeles - both those operated by First Transit and those of our sister company, First Student. Although fuel economy is not as good as diesel, we believe that this cleaner fuel contributes to a longer engine life. All vehicles are available from our dealer, Creative Bus Sales with delivery dates dependent on fuel conversion schedule. Further information on these vehicles is included as an attachment to our proposal. DriveCam Option First Transit proposes as an option to install the DriveCam system for the Rosemead Transit services. DriveCam is a self-contained digital event recorder that records video, audio, and G forces during the ten seconds before and after an erratic driving incident or a vehicle accident. When such an incident occurs, a green light on the DriveCam unit turns red. This indicator light notifies the driver that a driving event has been recorded and is ready to be viewed using a TV/VCR/DVD or a laptop computer. DriveCam is a tool to: • Encourage safe driving habits by providing feedback to drivers • Reduce vehicle collisions by improving driving behavior • Protect drivers and passengers in the event of an accident • Reduce driving related repair and maintenance costs • Show the community that management cares about fleet safety. • The recording is the most critical piece of feedback that the driver can obtain about his or her driving. It is accurate. It contains video, audio, and G-forces. It assists the driver in seeing, hearing, and feeling precisely what occurred immediately following the incident. DriveCam is continuously capturing - in a looping memory - everything the driver sees, hears, and feels (g-forces). When an event occurs, DriveCam has already captured the ten seconds leading up to the event. Then it continues, capturing an additional ten seconds. DriveCam only holds incidents - regular driving is not recorded. Our safety and training staff will use the DriveCam video to evaluate what happened before, during and after incidents occur. This helps determine what actions are taken next for claim Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 28 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services .p ~ ` ` r First r#Transit -u,..~ri.1 x.. management and whether driver retraining is necessary. If retraining is necessary, the driver trainer studies the video and uses the video to review the scene and driver actions. First Transit has installed over 2,500 units in our fleet nationwide; the system has proved invaluable to us in reducing the number of incidents at our locations. K. Operations and Maintenance Facility First Transit proposes to continue to provide the Rosemead Transit service from our established facility located at 4337 Rowland Avenue in El Monte. This facility is currently fully staffed, equipped, and.serving as our base of operations for the Rosemead Transit services. The facility is strategically located adjacent to Rosemead (located in El Monte city limits bordering the eastern city limits of Rosemead), resulting in minimal response time to the service area and has excellent space for maintenance, administration and vehicle storage for the eight Rosemead shuttle and paratransit vehicles. The response time for trouble calls will be no more than 30 minutes. First Transit will be able to provide substitute vehicles within 30 minutes of an occurrence that requires a replacement vehicle. The maintenance area is equipped to perform all aspects of preventive maintenance and repair excluding bodywork. The 2,000 square foot building has two bay doors, an open inside area for ease in maneuverability within the garage, maintenance office, and parts room. The site is equipped with a wash area in which high-pressure hoses are utilized. A steam cleaner and clarifier is installed to enable the maintenance department to conduct regular engine and undercarriage cleaning. Ample space and staff are provided to keep the vehicles clean at all times. The location includes 1,000 square feet of office area. The Project Manager has a private office. The dispatch area has a dispatch window and a full view of the drivers' room. The dispatch area houses the communication equipment necessary to have efficient communication with the drivers and the public. We have a driver training room where initial as well as refresher training and monthly safety meetings are conducted. Storage for our vehicles is in a 56,000 square foot area that is surrounded by a six-foot chain-link fence. The parking area is paved and striped. Each vehicle space is numbered to enhance our ability to detect potential fluid leaks from the vehicles. L. Maintenance Program First Transit maintains more than 6,700 vehicles, nationwide. We have extensive experience in maintaining all makes and models of transit equipment in many different applications and look forward to applying these methods in our maintenance of the vehicles we provide for the Rosemead Transit services. At each of our maintenance facilities, we provide trained staff to ensure the availability of sufficient revenue and support vehicles for the provision of daily service. Staff receives training specific to the vehicles operated including ongoing training. Our shops are fully equipped with the necessary tools, diagnostic equipment, lifts, and parts to enable timely preventive maintenance and vehicle repair. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 29 Provision of Rosemead Transit services y 0 y'°'as 3' + 6 . -r Proposal, Y First ri Transit First Transit abides by the following guiding principles for successful maintenance. • The most cost effective and efficient approach to maintenance is to make every repair according to OEM standards. Cutting corners or deferring repairs will only increase costs and cause additional problems in a maintenance department. • Preventive maintenance is the backbone of a good maintenance program. We have spent hundreds of hours developing and improving our standard preventive maintenance program; this is an on-going process. • The use of well-trained and skilled technicians leads to accurate problem diagnosis, reduced repair costs, and increased vehicle availability. • Complete and accurate records of all maintenance activity enable rational and logical decisions regarding fleet vehicles and equipment to be made. • Timely and accurate progress reporting permits management to assess performance. • Empowering each employee with the responsibility for quality control, improves the employee's morale and productivity, increases the drive for quality of work, and reduces the occurrence of repeat repairs. • Clearly stated performance standards establish shared quality expectations and serve as a guide for management. • Tracking inventory by individual part and individual repair effort, results in proactive inventory management and historically based inventory stock levels. First Transit uses proven maintenance practices based upon OEM standards and also encourages our technicians and managers to suggest innovative ideas for improved safety and performance. After testing and acceptance in real world situations, these innovations are then incorporated into our maintenance philosophy and adopted throughout the company. Our well- trained, professional employees have helped mold our principles, standards and procedures. Preventive Maintenance Program The PM inspection is the cornerstone of First Transit's maintenance program. It is at the PM Inspection that the vehicle's systems and components are checked, inspected and adjusted to maintain the vehicles in a like new condition (less normal wear and tear), and according to OEM configuration. First Transit staff will be performing all preventive maintenance functions in house. First Transit has developed a PM manual for use by all of our Transit Management and Transit Contracting maintenance shops. The "Consistent Quality Maintenance Manual" (CQM) contains all of the forms, policies, standards and procedures to support a quality preventive maintenance program. First Transit selects a vehicle for a PM inspection based upon the daily mileage obtained through computerized records. The mileage window targeted is ± 500 miles since the last PMI (or as otherwise required by the City). This mileage window can vary based on industry-standard mileage estimates or manufacturer's requirements for the specific vehicle. The level and complexity of the PM inspection depend on the type of equipment and the miles operated. First Transit categorizes the PM Inspection into three types, "A", "B" and "C" inspections. Sample intervals and procedures are reflected in the following table. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 30 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services QRisai - t4>'> First ri Transit The intervals for inspection for the Rosemead Transit services will be in compliance with manufacturer recommendations and City guidelines. Along with the vehicle PM Inspection, we perform an air conditioning PM Inspection. The supervisory staff will have a weekly schedule of vehicles to be considered out of service for PM inspections. Supervisors will work directly with our Maintenance Manager to ensure certainty of available vehicles provided each evening for assignment the next day. A formal ready list will be provided via e-mail or facsimile as vehicles are ready. Supervisors will add this to their evening ready list. The combined ready list provides a greater number of vehicles than required for the peak to enable switch-outs in the morning if drivers discover defects during their pre-trip inspections. When a vehicle is scheduled for a PM inspection, the Maintenance Manager assigns the vehicle to a trained and qualified technician who performs the PM inspection. After the inspection is complete, a list of follow-up repairs is assigned to various specialized technicians who complete the repairs. After all the follow-up repairs are performed, vehicles are released for revenue service. Our goal is to minimize the downtime and maximize the reliability of vehicles in service. Several sample PM inspection activities are discussed on the following pages. All procedures will be in compliance with City requirements. Air-Conditioning/Heating Program Preventive maintenance for the climate control systems - heating and air conditioning - is performed at the proper PM Inspection intervals in accordance with the preventive maintenance recommendations of the manufacturers of the heating and air conditioning systems. The entire active fleet will contain fully operational air conditioning systems no later than May 1 of each year. All heating systems shall be fully operational no later than November 1 of each year. First Transit's extensive preventive maintenance program includes specific procedures for the climate control system. The written program meets or exceeds the manufacturer's recommended PM program and includes the following components. • Safety; • Shop tools required; • Inspection - visual inspection, system diagnostics, component operation, leak testing, component replacement, component servicing, component cleaning; and • Documentation. Prior to peak air conditioning and heating season each year, the entire system is checked and cleaned to ensure optimum performance of the system. Air-conditioning repairs are made in accordance with all applicable regulations including those outlined in the Clean Air Act of 1990 including, but not limited to, the use of certified mechanics, an approved Freon recovery system, and the tracking of Freon used for each repair. Brake Program An inspection of brakes, and adjustment if necessary, is made during the scheduled PM inspection. Any defects detected on a brake system, or any other safety-related system, are corrected prior to the vehicle being placed back into service. After all brake system repairs (as well as other major vehicle repairs) are completed, the brake system is tested to ensure its proper operation. It is First Transit's policy to use only OEM quality parts and repair practices to maintain our brakes. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 31 Provision of Rosemead Transit services M i o"°a~ r` First ro T it , rans Wheel Chair Ramp/Lift Program Because of historical demands associated with the wheelchair lift apparatus and technology, significant effort is dedicated to keeping the wheelchair lift operational. At each PM inspection, technicians tube the lift and perform a comprehensive inspection of the lift. The technician looks for structural deficiencies and hydraulic leaks. In addition, operation of the platform, sensors, barrier, and controls are checked along with the condition of the securement devices. Most importantly, all lifts will be cycled daily before a vehicle enters service. Drivers report all lift malfunctions. Vehicles with inoperable lifts are not placed into revenue service. Fluid Replacement and Lubrication All lubrication, oil, and filter change intervals will be performed in accordance with OEM specifications. Fluid analysis will be conducted for engine oil, transmission fluid, and coolant and differential fluid. Radios/ Communications System First Transit vehicle operators will check the operation of all communications and security systems during the pre-trip inspection process. Any unit not working will be reported immediately and the vehicle taken out of service. For items under warranty, defective units will be repaired by a manufacturer recognized shop to ensure any warranty is not invalidated. For items not under warranty, repairs will be performed by an employee or vendor fully qualified to conduct the work. First Transit will perform the majority of preventive maintenance and repair services in house. We may use dealer and/or manufacturer approved vendors for the performance of repairs covered by warranty. Daily Inspection Program In between PM inspections, drivers perform daily pre-trip inspections that are designed to spot safety or other items requiring immediate attention such as air leaks, fluid leaks, burnt- out light bulbs, graffiti, and body damage. The driver notes any defects onto a Drivers' Vehicle Condition Report (DVCR) so First Transit maintenance staff can respond. Operations supervisors collect all DVCRs during PM pull-ins. A quick inspection of the vehicle for visible repairs is made as well as a review of the DVCR. This is performed so the operations/road supervisor can document any additional information needed and, if necessary, instruct the driver to place the vehicle out of service for repairs to be made prior to the next pullout. The driver's inspection includes: • Directional signals and flashers; • Headlights; • Brake lights and tail lights; • Windshield wipers/washers; • Interior lights; • Horns; • Parking brake; • Door operation; • Seat belts; • Air conditioner/heater/defroster; • Tires and steering; Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 32 Provision of Rosemead Transit services . j . ai First ro Transit • Radio; • Body's exterior, interior and associated equipment and supplies; • Transmission and engine operation; • Check windshield for cracks; • Wheelchair lift, lift safety belt, and securement devices on board; • Wheels/lugs; and • Vehicle cleanliness. Fleet Assessment and Quality Control Fleet assessment is ongoing and addresses the condition of individual vehicles in the fleet. It is First Transit's company policy that our Maintenance Manager will re-inspect up to ten percent of all PM inspections. The assessment includes an evaluation of the condition of the vehicle and the identification of any maintenance activity required to bring the vehicle into compliance with state-of-readiness and generally accepted fleet standards. We have forms and procedures in writing to facilitate and organize this process. This re-inspection also serves as an opportunity to provide feedback to technicians regarding the quality of the work they are performing. In addition, the Maintenance Manager facilitates a major vehicle mechanical condition inspection and assessment for the Access paratransit fleet on an annual basis. Through the use of both the driver pre-trip inspection process and management review, First Transit will ensure that all vehicles placed into service comply with all applicable state and federal laws for commercial vehicles carrying passengers in California. A First Transit Safety Manager from our corporate maintenance staff (in this case, Blake Vaughan, based in the Los Angeles area) will perform an annual shop audit and, if needed, a semi-annual audit. This audit and the maintenance program update will ensure our compliance with contractual requirements, First Transit maintenance standards, and local, California, and federal regulations. This audit will be performed annually with a 90-day follow up inspection. Vehicle Repair In addition to First Transit's preventive maintenance program, our total maintenance program includes all other general repair work. All repairs are performed in a manner consistent with industry standards. First Transit does not remove a vehicle from peak-period use except to conduct necessary repairs. First Transit uses our mechanics, subcontractors and authorized warranty service providers during any effective warranty period to perform the following vehicle maintenance and repair activities, including the following: • Plan and schedule all maintenance actions to ensure minimum vehicle downtime; • Diagnose maintenance and repair needs; • Perform required maintenance and repair; • Ensure that maintenance and repair actions are performed in a safe, reliable, and cost-effective manner; and • Accomplish maintenance and repair actions with maximum productivity and quality of work. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 33 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services ~rr posa~ A ,fl First roTransit Should a specific repair need work that we are not capable of providing on site, a qualified local vendor will be selected to perform the service. Maintenance vendors must be able to provide maintenance in compliance with industry best practices, warranty requirements, and First Transit standards. Vehicles sent to outside vendors for repair will be inspected by First Transit maintenance staff prior to being placed into revenue service. M. Safety Program First Transit is dedicated to supporting our drivers, mechanics, and all other employees and to encouraging their diligent efforts to ensure the safety of the passengers we transport each day. We likewise commit ourselves to ensuring a safe work environment for co-workers at every First Transit facility. During all aspects of each operational day, in every employee review, and at every management and employee meeting, safety is the most important item discussed. First Transit's safety policies and programs are ever evolving. We have recently implemented comprehensive safety procedures company-wide that will bring safety issues to the forefront on a daily basis. The Injury Prevention Program (IPP) involves 360 degree monitoring, focusing the actions of others as well as our own actions and how they impact the safety of our organization. Award Winning Programs First Transit continues to be an industry leader in safety, with multiple prestigious awards. Recently, the National Safety Council Awards, Southern California Chapter, gave First Transit California operations 11 top awards. Safety remains the core of our customer service commitment. Providing safe, efficient community transportation translates to cost effectiveness without diminishing service quality. During the recent May 2007 annual American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Bus and Paratransit Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, Laidlaw Transit Services (now First Transit) received the GOLD Award - the top honor earned from APTA for the best overall safety program. This is the first year APTA allowed private contractors to submit their safety programs for this award. We were judged on our safety record, success in building a safety- oriented culture within our organization, and strategic safety initiatives. We competed against other contractors for this high honor. The City can be assured that our System Safety and Security Plan is among the best in the nation. We take safety very seriously and believe that a well-organized safety program will protect the passengers of the Rosemead Transit services. First Transit is committed to putting safety at the heart of everything we do. The building block of our safety culture is our safety pledge: If you cannot do it safely, don't do it. System Safety and Security Plan (SSSP) Our safety and security plans will be implemented in accordance with the City's policies and procedures. Our System Safety and Security Plan (SSSP) is designed to assist our location staff including General Manager, Heidi Miller and Driver Development and Safety Manager, Robert Barnes, with the implementation and maintenance of our safety programs, as well as keep our employees qualified to operate our vehicles. Our SSSP is comprised of seven core areas as follows. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 34 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services -17 1~';r~5"'` ; . First ~iTransit ,ars..sv`k..~:4Fi^~ Core 1: Overview In this core, a description of the entire SSSP is given. This section details the employment, training, vehicle safety, and record keeping standards for employment or continuing employment for First Transit employees. It also acts as a reference for Heidi Miller, Project Manager, so she can find useful information in the other six cores. Core 2: Employee Selection Safety begins with choosing honorable, professional employees. Our selection system helps determine who will be a good match for First Transit. As part of the selection process, First Transit conducts several safety checks that include motor vehicle record checks, criminal background checks, reference checks, employee physicals, and substance abuse testing. New employees are conditionally hired pending successful completion of all the preceding safety checks. Core 2 provides detailed, thorough policies and procedures for this area. Core 3: Employee Training Information regarding how, when, and why employee training should occur is provided. All First Transit employees "start off on the same foot" and receive consistent training. Consistent training leads to safer behaviors. We train our employees how to put safe behavior in action, including driving defensively, effectively handling passenger incidents, and maintaining accurate reports. Our OSHA Training covers important topics such as fall protection, backing safety, blood borne pathogen exposure and First Transit's hazardous waste safety. Core 4: Substance Abuse Policy This core outlines all the requirements and elements of drug and alcohol testing for a location. It also provides specific procedures for Heidi and her staff to follow. Core 5: Vehicle Maintenance Briefly, this core provides guidance for our managers in the areas of preventive maintenance programs, employee roles and responsibilities, management, skills assessment and training, as well as out-of-service vehicles. Core 6: Security Awareness Our Safety and Security Planning Manual is in place as a guide to respond appropriately to and work through crises, and all employees will receive security training. The manual focuses on preparedness and prevention and gives the managers tools to assist and protect our employees and passengers from injury. First Transit employees are provided System Security Training as a part of our comprehensive SSSP that includes recognizing: • Suspicious activity • Suspicious packages and devices • Suspicious substances • Threat/incident response and management • Facility securement and internal security issues • Facility evacuation / threats and emergency planning with Ctiy officials. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 35 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services Nil AsMW ME a rs , , First iTransit Core 7: Accident and Safety Data Acquisition and Analysis This core provides information on accidents, including the definition, procedures for handling/evaluating/reporting accidents and claims reporting. Finally, procedures and guidance on accident outcomes, including retraining or discipline is included. Implementing the Safety and Security Plan Safety is the most important of all the commitments that we make to our customers as well as the communities in which we operate service. No matter how courteous the driver, how timely the service, or how clean the vehicle, unless the transit operation is perceived as safe, all of our other efforts are wasted. Passenger safety is paramount to the success of First Transit operations. From defined training processes, to constant review in a proactive means, identifying and correcting problem routes, to monitoring on road activity, to enhancement training for operators, First Transit is dedicated to providing a safe environment for our riding public. Through monthly safety meetings to interaction with City administrative staff, First Transit has developed processes to ensure all staff is focused on their roles in providing a safe environment at all times for vehicle operations. Safety on board vehicles is monitored with numerous methods including: • Communication with dispatch through the radio system. • Transit supervisors monitoring performance of operators and vehicle routes to ensure all safety issues are identified and corrected as necessary. • Monitoring of time points and trip sheets from dispatch to ensure on time performance and route completion. • All operators are trained during the initial training process on the proper techniques to load and unload passengers. Training also includes ADA requirements, wheelchair securement and ADA required announcements. • Operators are trained to be aware of the proper braking and acceleration principles to ensure the safety of the passengers Safety outside of revenue service includes: • Radio communications with dispatch as the vehicle moves from the operations facility to the beginning of the assigned route; • Radio communication upon shift changes and completion of daily route service; • Monitoring of vehicles as the return to the operational facility; • Posted routes to return to the operational facility; and • Dispatch supervision for returning vehicles. Traffic safety includes: First Transit participates in program developed with the National Traffic Safety Council; Information is transmitted to the operators from dispatch of traffic problems, slowdowns, accidents on route and construction programs; and Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 36 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services MIME ~posat~ k First ri Transit S= MX*T • Maintenance inspects each vehicle during the Preventative Maintenance Inspection, to ensure the vehicle meets and exceeds all California and federal motor transport regulations and requirements. Preparing for a Safe Environment First Transit's success in creating a safe environment for our employees and clients is a result of many key items including the following. • A hiring process structured around stringent standards, including driver safety records, criminal record checks, drug screening and personality profiles. First Transit hires only the best candidates, from drivers through safety managers and other management staff. • Maintenance programs respected throughout the industry. We put extra effort up- front in our preventive maintenance process to ensure that only the soundest of vehicles are on the road serving our customers. • A comprehensive training program covering our safety processes in great detail. Employee responsibility, safety standards and expectations, safety precautions, and safety procedures are discussed extensively throughout training. • Employee incentives to maintain safety awareness and keep accidents and incidents to the barest minimum. These incentives include local contests, company-wide recognition at our annual meetings, and bus roadeos where operators have an opportunity to show off their safe driving skills. • An extensive operations manual that includes standards for discipline, expectations for performance, and company procedures. All employees, upon being hired, are given this manual and understand that is expected of them. We believe in progressive discipline with immediate retraining and corrective actions, yet we do not give slack where safety is concern. Likewise, procedures such as accident and incident reporting are structured and thorough. • Continuously monitored driver performance. Supervisors assist drivers in overcoming challenges, serving passengers efficiently and assist at the scene of an incident or accident. Emergency Procedures A large part of any operational success is the ability to plan for events which are outside of the normal scope of day to day operations. Planning enables the all employees to be prepared in the unlikely event outside of day to day public transit services. First Transit has developed a program to respond to emergencies and routine problems. First Transit does not anticipate major issues with vehicle breakdowns, however, in the event of a tire failure or other issues which might take a vehicle out of service, First Transit will perform the following. • Dispatch will communicate with the operator to determine the exact problem with the vehicle; • Management staff will replace the vehicle on route immediately; and • Exact cause of the failure will be determined and corrective action taken. Monitoring and performing corrective actions to the route operators will keep the service on time, within schedule perimeters, and provide the necessary service to the riders dependent upon the transportation services. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 37 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services • • First ri Transit Safety Committee The Safety Committee is a major element of the safety awareness program and employee involvement is key. The primary function of the committee will be to classify the preventability of accidents, both vehicular and personal injury. While determining preventability is one objective of the Committee, the primary goal behind the committee's work lies in the process itself. This committee guarantees that a driver charged with a preventable accident is given due process. It also provides an opportunity for remedial education. All drivers who appear before the committee are required to explain in some detail the circumstance leading up to the accident. This process of reenactment serves to delineate the relationship between cause and effect in the mind of the driver. For the Operations Manager, who is responsible for safety and training, the exercise involved in sifting through the details of an accident often reveals deficiencies in the initial training effort. These deficiencies are addressed in the mandatory retraining that occurs after the review process has concluded. The Safety Committee will also work with the Driver Development and Safety Manager, Robert Barnes, in sponsoring First Transit safety events such as safety fairs and contests. Driver involvement on the committee will be on a rotating basis; drivers must have a ,.satisfactory" or better safety rating to participate. Our safety committee meetings focus on issues which are wide ranging and not always involve accident investigations and incident documentations. The committees also address and review safety plans, procedures, develop new programs and contribute to the overall goal of a safe professional, dependable transit system for the client. Safety Training First Transit's driver training programs have an underlying safety theme as part of each training module. Training modules such as "Vehicle Familiarity," "Vehicle Maneuvering," "Service Area Familiarization," "Passenger Assistance Training," and "Defensive Driving" are specifically designed to provide drivers with the knowledge they need to operate the revenue vehicles safely and to provide customer-oriented service that is first and foremost safe for our passengers. In any transportation system, operational emergencies will occur. First Transit believes that with thorough operator training and a high quality preventive maintenance program these emergency situations can be minimized. Emergency preparedness topics covered include: • General emergency guidelines; • Suspicious packages and activities on board; • Emergency evacuation of vehicles; • Vehicle breakdowns; • Unanticipated and severe inclement weather; • On-board medical emergencies; • Assaultive behavior; • Vehicular accidents; and • Accident/incident reporting procedures. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 38 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services p~ ©nosai~~ ~ First CA Transit s h ~uiiL~YxaEh^xr,a6-°r.ar;d3'~~~''~ ~ k4 Safety Retraining Monthly safety meetings are conducted to discuss topics of local importance. These meetings are designed to reinforce the position that safety occupies on the job. First Transit encourages the City's participation in the monthly safety meetings as a way to underscore the importance of safety among our employees. All drivers will receive routine and continuous retraining on safe operation of revenue vehicles - a minimum of 12 hours annually. All drivers and supervisors will also receive refresher training in these programs annually. First Transit's management team will track drivers' years of service in order to schedule their retraining sessions in a timely manner. Class completion certificates will be maintained in the drivers' individual safety files. Crime Prevention The prevention of crime directed towards staff and ridership is the responsibility of all parties - from First Transit on site management, to corporate safety and senior managers, to the supervisors, dispatchers, operators and administrative employees. First Transit has developed and implemented a process to bring together numerous government entities for inclusion in the process of reducing the on-going issues directed towards violence. The awareness and understanding of the violence fosters awareness for all parties towards all types of crime, which are outlined under the contingency planning portion of this section. Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) First Transit adheres to, and is in complete compliance with each regulation under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, for the operation of a public transit system. Blood Borne Pathogen Certification Employees are trained, recertified and tested on the procedures and processes required for blood borne pathogens and other biohazards that they may encounter while operating a revenue vehicle. Additionally, administrative personnel also complete'the training course to handle vehicles or incidents while not in revenue service. Hazard Communications Regulations Right to Know issues and First Transit responsibilities to ensure all employees understand their individual right to know regarding any hazardous materials within the local operations facility. All required documents, policies and procedures are posted in the facility to ensure a complete understanding for all parties. Homeland Security Plan First Transit has reviewed and understands the FTA Policy Statement relative to the Homeland Security Advisory System. We fully support the National Transit Response Model and will work closely with the client to implement measures agreed upon that are in line with the standard procedures as provided by the FTA. In the event a local or national threat occurs, First Transit will work with the appropriate supporting agencies in an effort to reduce the designated threat level. Our goal is to mitigate the risks associated with terrorist acts for passengers, employees, and facilities. In an effort to do this, we have identified potential risks and provided procedures to be followed associated with each risk. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 39 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services First ri Transit Corporate Safety Oversight First Transit was one of the industry's first firms to use a national safety manager to oversee all safety activities. Frank Ciccarella, First Transit's Vice President of Safety, is responsible for ensuring the First Transit management team implements our national safety program and stays in compliance with all regulations. Frank, along with a staff of region safety managers, oversees a comprehensive safety and training effort designed to ensure that First Transit operations meet an established standard for hiring, training and retaining employees. First Transit's Driver Development and Safety Manager along with our Project manager on- site in El Monte.will be responsible for ensuring the implementation of First Transit's national safety program. Overseeing the program implementation will be the Region Safety Director, Blake Vaughan, who will contact First Transit's local management team regularly and will also be responsible for auditing local safety,efforts; reviewing all accident and injury claims; reviewing monthly performance statistics; coordinating corporate assets to address specific deficiencies found on the local level; and working with the Project Manager on issues regarding training and accident investigation. A First Transit safety review rating is published monthly for each system. First Transit measures accidents per 100,000 miles and employee injuries per 100 employees as a means of comparing local performance to national standards. Because of the high number of vehicles managed and operated by First Transit and the size of the combined bus fleets we manage, operate, and insure nationally, total claim counts and dollar values are less useful in assessing our claims history than standard industry indicators. The national safety effort has been funded through corporate overheads in order to ensure budgetary constraints do not preclude the local operation from drawing upon the resources being made available to them. As outlined above, each First Transit operation is required to develop a comprehensive safety plan that outlines the activities and elements of its safety process annually. Certain elements are required in all of our sites, while others are developed by the local team in response to unique concerns. The corporate Vice President of Safety and Security reviews all safety plans for completeness and accuracy. The First Transit safety program complies with applicable federal regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration and all applicable federal, California, and local safety and environmental laws, regulations, rules, codes, or orders. N. Screening and Selection Program Having successfully worked with more than 250 clients in recent years, First Transit offers considerable experience in all key human resources areas, including: • Personnel recruitment; • Employment screening and relations; • Hiring processes and procedures; • Training for all employees; • Wage and benefits administration; • Progressive discipline program; and • Supervision and management. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 40 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services fl€~~I~* ai ° FPM CoC Transit Equally important to attracting a qualified pool of applicants is making the right hiring decision. First Transit relies on a screening process that includes well-defined descriptions of job duties, acceptable hiring standards, selection criteria that identify the best, and a strict adherence to the process which makes it all work. Our screening process starts with the following basic hiring standards: • An accurate and valid application. • Minimum of five years of driving experience. • Satisfactory employment history for the past three years. • Minimum 21 years of age. • Possess all valid licenses necessary for operation of this service. Drivers must live in the state from which they have their license. • Pass a U.S. Department of Transportation physical examination. • Pass an FTA compliant drug/alcohol screen. • Pass medical examination by a licensed physician. • Proven ability in the area of customer service. • Knowledge of the service area and demonstrated ability to find addresses through the use of printed maps. • Ability to speak, write and understand English and possess the capability to perform simple mathematic functions. • Proof of U.S. citizenship or legal alien status. In addition, First Transit will comply with City hiring standards. Compliance with State and Federal Employment Laws First Transit will comply with State of California and federal employment laws including, but not limited to the following: • Federal Rights Act of 1964; • California Labor Code sections 1070 through 1074; • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and • Federal Immigration and Nationality Act as amended. Background Check First Transit requires that each potential driver successfully pass the following nationwide background checks before hiring; these qualifications must also be maintained while employed with First Transit. • A motor vehicle record exhibiting no more than one moving violation in the past 24 months and no more than one suspension. • No felony convictions. • No record of drug or alcohol offenses. • Criminal check with no misdemeanor criminal record for the past seven years. • No record of DUI or DWI. • Not subject to outstanding warrants for arrest. Drivers not meeting the above standards as well as City standards will not be allowed to operate a vehicle in revenue service. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 41 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services 0 • First Co Transit Physical Examinations After completing the screening and interviewing processes, the applicant is sent to a selected clinic for physical examination in compliance with City and First Transit requirements. Because the physical demands of a vehicle driver and mechanic are often strenuous, we discuss our requirements with doctors from the chosen clinic and review the physical demands of the jobs: Drivers will not be hired unless all specific service requirements are met. FTA Random Drug and Alcohol Testing First Transit supports a policy of a drug-free workforce in a drug-free workplace. To implement that policy, First Transit has instituted a program of drug abuse education for employees which includes testing requirements for all employees and applicants for employment; consequences of positive results; and resources for employee assistance and rehabilitation. First Transit recognizes that its employees' use of illegal drugs and misuse of alcohol would present a significant risk to public safety as well as the employees' health and well-being. In view of this, First Transit has adopted a drug and alcohol policy designed to: • Create a work environment free from the adverse effects of drug abuse and alcohol misuse; • Deter and detect employees' use of illegal drugs and misuse of alcohol; • Prohibit the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of controlled substances; and • Encourage employees to seek professional assistance any time personal problems, including drug or alcohol dependency, may adversely affect their ability to safely perform their assigned duties. The policies and procedures included in First Transit's Drug and Alcohol Policy Employee Handbook conform to the current drug and alcohol testing regulations, including recordkeeping and reporting requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation (49 CFR Part 40), DOT 49 CFR Part 29 (Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988), and Federal Transit Administration (FTA 49 CFR 655) drug and alcohol testing regulations, as amended. . 0. Training and Retraining Program Service quality and customer satisfaction are largely dependent on the training and retraining operators and staff receive. Training should be comprehensive - not just a means to get a body in the vehicle. Training should also be varied to hold the interest of the students. First Transit employs a variety of training techniques to maintain the interest of the student. Videos, instructional training, behind-the-wheel training, and role-playing are techniques used. First Transit training instructors present the majority of the training modules. Persons with disabilities or local organizations who represent persons with disabilities may present some modules, including Disability Awareness. First Transit will provide its employees an orientation to services, to include the completion of trip reports, and the operation of communications equipment, customer service techniques, fare policy, defensive driving, proper hygiene, wellness, and understanding City policies and procedures. We will tailor our program based on the City's standards and objectives. First Transit is prepared to certify/license vehicles and to train/license all applicable operations employees in the General Public Paratransit Vehicle (GPPV) program. We will incorporate the GPPV into our training program upon Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 42 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services ~ P W-5. WAS WIVE P111 B FirstroTransit notice from the City that the ridership policy has been amended. We are very familiar with these requirements as we have other GPPV operators and vehicles in the local area. The following reflect First Transit training programs currently in use. New Employee Training The training for new drivers includes First Transit's comprehensive training program. It is important to note that each class will receive training based on the individual needs of the class members. On average, a new operator who does not currently provide Rosemead fixed route and paratransit services will receive 80 hours of training. This includes training in vehicle maneuvering, passenger assistance techniques, regulatory issues, blood borne pathogens, hazardous materials, and ADA requirements. The following minimum classroom and behind-the-wheel (BTW) instruction will are provided. Training Mode Level of Training Classroom instruction - policies, procedures, defensive driving, vehicle code, vehicle operation and inspection, 24 to 32 hours, depending radio/communication procedures, schedules, fare media, on employee information emergency procedures, laws and regulations, report writing, retention assen er assistance and sensitivity Behind-the-Wheel - out of service t day one-on-one t day skills observation Supervised in service cadettin - according to student's needs. One week - 40 hours Class times are scheduled at hours consistent with service schedules to evaluate an employee's ability to start early and remain late. Students late for class more than once are terminated from the program. Modules will include emergency preparedness and evacuation procedures; defensive driving; review of fare structure; passenger relations; and geographic familiarization. Many of the modules will be based on the U.S. Department of Transportation, Transportation Safety Institutes' paratransit driver training program. A copy of the index for the student manual is included as an attachment to our proposal. In addition, First Transit uses other respected programs including the Smith System of Defensive Driving. The modules listed below are samples only and may change as needed. As required, training provided to Dial-A-Ride operators will satisfy GPPV requirements. Sample Driver/Transit Supervisor/Dispatch Training Modules Module Objective Orientation Introduce operators Handouts, None Goals and objectives of training course to First Transit and videos are reviewed; First Transit and services Rosemead Dial-A- provided for Rosemead Transit are Ride and Shopper reviewed; compensation is reviewed; Shuttle services paperwork is completed; training manual distributed; introduction to First Transit's safety philosophy; review of applicable laws and regulations; review of scone of Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 43 Provision of Rosemead Transit services yA : ~W^N~3°f4 r~ Qsal First ri Transit Module Objective Vehicle, Radio & To become familiar Pre-trip Skills Operators become familiar with features Communications with features of the inspection assessment of the vehicles; learn how to use radios; Familiarity Rosemead Transit form, learn how to use pre-trip/post-trip vehicles handouts, inspection forms; how to properly Operator perform a thorough inspection; review of manual vehicle safety features; training in safe use of wheelchair lift/ramps and securement. Vehicle To become familiar Handouts Skills Behind-the-wheel; begins in a confined Maneuvering with maneuvering assessment area; then onto public streets; perform vehicles through pre-and post-trip inspections, radio use; obstacles and road simulated boarding/de-boarding riders, situations that passenger stops; learn fare media, simulate the service report preparation; learn lift and area securement use. Passenger Learn proper Video, Video Operators learn how and why to be Relations / Conflict customer relations handouts evaluation positive and make customers feel Resolution and conflict Written test welcome; how to establish appropriate, resolution professional boundaries with customers; techniques avoid and curtail emotional escalation; how to interact with others in a mature, positive way. Service Area To become familiar Paddles, Skills Practicum on the entire service area. Familiarization and with safely turn sheets, assessment Discussion and behind-the-wheel Route Planning maneuvering the grid systems practice operating bus in known difficult vehicles throughout and route conditions such as high accident the service area trees intersections, tight turns and poor road through normal and surfaces. Learn how to read schedules, difficult conditions practice schedule adherence, etc. Disability To learn ADA Handouts, Written test Focuses on sensitivity and reviews the Awareness & requirements; guest concerns, needs and challenges of Communication become familiar with lecturers, seniors and persons with various transportation needs sensitivity physical, cognitive and mental of people with exercises disabilities. Review of the ADA disabilities included; involves "hands on" role- playing and empathy training where operators experience what riders experience. Persons with disabilities present material and offer insight into their challenges. Passenger Learn proper Video, Skills Utilize different role-playing exercises to Assistance passenger handouts assessment demonstrate proper rider assistance Techniques (PAT) assistance techniques, review of wheelchair techniques design, lift operation, including loading, unloading and securement. Back Injury Learn proper Video None Reviews the anatomy and physiology of Prevention techniques for the back; teaches ways to prevent back avoiding back injury, presents a back exercise injuries program. Defensive Driving Learn principals of Video, Written test & Uses scenarios from past vehicle defensive driving handouts road test, skills accidents; uses Smith System assessment interactive video, including "Five Keys to Space Cushion Driving" and DDC-8 concepts. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Provision of Rosemead Transit Services Page 44 t~ ~ r ~v was,, , IMINEM. First ri Transit Module Objective First Transit & Know and Handouts Read Reviews all operations & emergency Rosemead understand rules & schedules & procedures including accidents, Operating Rules & procedures for First paddles/ customer emergencies and service Procedures Transit and manifests disruption procedures. Review how to Rosemead Transit read/follow paddle. In this module, all trainees are required to obtain and sign for a copy of a policy and procedures manual. Substance Abuse Learn First Transit's Video, None Review zero tolerance policy for Prevention zero tolerance policy handouts controlled substance use; review the for substance abuse harm that may come to individuals that have a substance abuse problem. Blood Borne Learn First Transit's Handouts None Training is administered in compliance Pathogens policies for dealing with OSHA's Occupational Exposure to with pathogens Blood Borne Pathogens: Final Rule. Final Examination All drivers are given a final examination to demonstrate their ability to handle a vehicle in a safe manner. The test is both written and includes a road test. Passage of this test is mandatory for certification as a First Transit driver for Rosemead Transit services. Supplementary Training Each of us has different abilities and aptitudes that make "canned" program instruction timetables unrealistic. Students who have difficulty with material or need additional practice are given that opportunity. We have learned that a little patience often reaps great rewards. Refresher Training Time produces a self-assured demeanor that often leads to relaxed attention to good defensive driving habits and, sometimes, indifference toward customers. If a driver approaches this point, it is important to provide refresher training to recapture the professionalism and attentiveness that a new recruit discovers and an experienced driver should never lose. The refresher training program is designed to address the particular weaknesses of the individual and, hence, may not be the same for all. Each driver is evaluated by a supervisor as well as evaluated through regular on-board ride checks to measure performance. On-board evaluations are followed by personal driver reviews, where programs for improvement and further skills development are mutually agreed upon between driver and the training supervisor. Each driver receives at least 12 hours of refresher training annually. Refresher training is also conducted on an as-needed basis for drivers who have safety, accident prevention and/or passenger relations issues. First Transit will use a driver training checklist and will maintain all documentation of successful training in an employee's training file. Remedial Training Refresher training is also conducted on an as-needed basis for drivers who have safety, accident prevention and/or passenger relations issues. Each driver will receive at least four hours of training in safe vehicle operation following a non-preventable accident. In addition, on board evaluations will be conducted. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 45 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services 0 • First ri Tran s it Performance Enhancement Training Periodically, it may be necessary, to focus on particular problem areas affecting the entire organization. To address these issues, First Transit has initiated performance enhancement training programs such as the following. • Make the "Intersection Connection," a program developed by our corporate safety department to focus on eliminating incidents that commonly occur at intersections, such as pedestrian incidents. • Customer training programs designed to focus on meeting customers' needs. • City informational topics and upcoming special events. • Periodic meetings in which a variety of topics and subjects are discussed, such as health tips, route and customer problems, employee commendations, collisions, incidents and injuries. • Sensitivity or diversity training that exemplifies how First Transit embraces and values these differences as such relates to the workplace and marketplace. Dispatch/Scheduler/Supervisor Training Dispatcher/reservationists and transit supervisors are key customer service personnel and will, therefore be required to participate in driver training programs that will assist in their duties including service area familiarization, passenger assistance, and customer relation courses. Supervisory personnel will be included in modules concerning service area familiarization. Dispatchers will concentrate on customer service modules. All dispatchers will receive in-depth training relative to scheduling, record keeping, and communication skills. Each new supervisor will receive a minimum of 16 hours of training and each new dispatcher will receive at least 40 hours of training. These positions are typically filled by promoting from driving staff, and training in communications, local geography, rider and operations policies, and vehicle familiarization will have been covered in driver training. Annual refresher training of no less than 12 hours a year will be provided. All staff will concentrate on customer service modules. All dispatch and supervisory staff will receive in- depth training relative to effective scheduling, record keeping, and communication skills and will receive extensive training on the use of radio and G-force sensor technologies such as the optional DriveCam system. Staff will be subject to written tests, supervisor observation, refresher training, and retraining in response to minor infractions. Dispatch/supervisory staff also receive training in Reasonable Suspicion for Drug and Alcohol Use, Hazard and Emergency Response, and Transit Bus Accident Investigation. Dispatcher/supervisor formal training is supplemented with our mentoring program. This is accomplished through teaming with senior staff both on site in the dispatch center and on road for a period of two weeks. Trainees are accompanied by senior staff in the performance of their duties to receive training and feedback on their skills. Specific training for dispatchers/reservationists includes: • Rosemead Transit policies and procedures for ADA service • Service needs of older persons • Service area and regional boundaries • Map reading Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 46 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services i • MDT/AVL training (to be determined) • Two-way communications system • Rosemead Transit Rider's Guide Pi First ri Transit • Sensitivity training • Annual refresher training • Customer service • Telephone etiquette and new rider informational scripts In addition, attention is given to training in the behavioral aspects of these often-stressful jobs. Maintenance Training First Transit will provide training to ensure that all maintenance employees are fully trained in the repair of all vehicles in Rosemead Transit service. Any employees requiring supplemental training shall be provided such training at First Transit's expense. First Transit shall maintain current documentation of individual maintenance employee training and performance. It is a First Transit Corporate policy that each maintenance employee receives 40 hours of training every year. It is our experience that they receive on average much more than that. We offer our employees many opportunities to advance their career through knowledge. The Region Maintenance Director will monitor the progress of the staff and provide training supplements in the form of additional training materials or face-to-face training as needed. The following list reflects training available through First Transit staff. Course Title Preventive Maintenance 1 Classroom Hours 2 • Hours 3 Total 5 Preventive Maintenance II 2 3 5 Foundation Brakes 2 2 4 Steering and Alignment 1 1 2 Suspension 1 1 2 Basic Electrical 3 1 4 Charging Systems 2 1 3 Electrical Trouble Shooting 2 1 3 Engine Diagnostics 1 1 2 Drive Line and Power Trains 1 1 2 Air Conditioning and Heating 2 Vehicle Hydraulic Systems 1 2 3 Total Hours 20 20 40 Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 47 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services C First ri Transit of Maintenance Courses Course Title Course Content Preventive Maintenance I Preventive maintenance techniques used during the undercarriage inspection. Preventive Maintenance II Preventive maintenance techniques used during the not covered by the undercarriage inspection. These additional areas include the engine compartment, drivers and passenger areas. Foundation Brakes Diagnosing and repairing straight air and hydraulic brakes stems. Steering and Alignment Diagnosing and repairing steering and alignment issues associated with bus and medium duty truck chassis. Suspension Diagnosing and repairing steering and alignment issues associated with air ride, leaf and sway bar suspension types. Basic Electrical Electrical properties including Ohms Law, electrical symbols, and the use of test equipment. Electrical Troubleshooting Diagnosing and repair of charging, starting, looms and harnesses. Engine Diagnostics Provides the technician with an instructional overview of engines and their components combined with practical applications. Drive Line and Power Trains Light/heavy duty driveline and power train diagnosis and organizational repair. Air-condition and Heating Light/heavy air-condition including services, diagnosis and repair. This course will also address related environmental issues associated with as recovery. Vehicle Hydraulic Systems Different hydraulic and mechanical systems associated with wheel chair lifts and ramps. This course will include practical applications of diagnosis and repair. Distance Learning First Transit has developed an innovative training tool to deliver unprecedented levels of training our technicians. We upload PowerPoint presentations into a web based presentation tool called Webex. We then have the technician call into an 800 number and our staff instructor will walk a group of technicians through the presentation. We offer three one-hour classes per week. Examples of the classes are: basic electrical; battery maintenance; Wabco antilock brake. troubleshooting; cooling system maintenance; and air systems. We have over 40 classes and are developing new classes constantly. Every class is followed up with a comprehension test. A technician can repeat the class if they do not pass. Because we do not have to re-schedule a live trainer back into the location, follow-up training is easy to accomplish. Annual Symposium We conduct an annual maintenance symposium for all Maintenance Managers. The Maintenance Manager uses this information to conduct specific maintenance training sessions at their contract location. Sample agenda items at past symposiums include shop safety, general shop management, transmission rebuilding, inventory management, EPA and hazardous material updates, hiring and human resource practices, and diesel engine repair. : Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 48 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services First ri Transit Vendor-Provided Training Vendors selected by First Transit conduct formal training classes on the proper use of their equipment. For example, lift maintenance is conducted through the manufacturer or vendor. Lift training in-services occur frequently and typically provide four to eight hours of dedica I led training. Our comprehensive training programs have an overriding theme of continual improvement. This theme empowers employees to provide better service, seek improvements to processes and work together to achieve a high quality, high integrity service. A Time Schedule As the incumbent, we offer the City the benefit of our experience as well as the cost savings associated with virtually no start-up activities, which typically require expensive line items such as relocation, re-training, and facility preparation/move-in. The specific elements of the City's service require a level of customization at the local level that we believe we have achieved. Our goal in the next contract term is to build upon our success and achieve a higher standard of excellence for your service. Our employees are our most valuable assets - we offer a full staff of dedicated operational, maintenance, administrative, and safety employees ready to commit to providing service excellence through the next contract term. Key components of our proposal that will require our action prior to the new contract term include: We will recruit, hire and train new drivers in response to normal attrition and any future service expansion. We will host a new contract kick-off meeting where our employees will renew their commitment to Rosemead Transit service excellence. Upon contract award, we will contract our vehicle vendor and place an order to procure the new ElDorado vehicles. To ensure ongoing quality service, we intend to have key members of our regional network of support staff audit and review all systems to ensure compliance with the contract requirements. Q. Debarred, Suspended or Ineligible Contractors Neither First Transit, its affiliates, officers, directors, or other principals are or have been debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this procurement by any federal, state, or local department or agency. Proposal of First Transit, Inc. for the Page 49 Provision of Rosemead Transit Services a 11, }+',o'i~d+'•\4°'Yc. ~,.+~r~g "4^-t'E-L f'9 Sra ~u.~i-'~~gi°°d~~ ~'n p. ~E ~'`^°.`~a ~ ~6 ra+'.. u c r Ji¢J ~~o- grz `"p i, ~ aa~,b c•yp ~t ~ E Vyry ~,n,Frs6✓ Fl 4~ ~q~r ~ ; f +,X. '~p. Y' v°R+m s: - Wr ..cP n > w' a sn F:(Fr~.uj~ AFC XJ +{^e. ~~Ka i~ 4~ ~~'.u $a +cYY i~. ~irya y~t_ t~3 ,d ~ cr "~,T ~ 47 ~ o~"F ~~'"`x~C °c~ 1 Aeu.i<6 Y.fn~ ~ Sts~'~5 ~•j a'$~`§n `t ei 9 •~`iS ~ ~ ~ U~i.i 5'j a'w'1C r!^~`NVgn,d° p~,,,`y~~~'fff /j`~i;' » .4 .Ey~a~ y~yl~,3, b ~•y'p~y~.',{k .~q"q~„~ y~3?h"yei a ed a C st a " .~x•. w4 { Y mP~ ~ ~ S' (A~p~'+~h SG~rAn'~ { "'~`MI~ € yy~+N+" ~ A La (aT YJ O RT Vb ~6 l1sft~ ~ ~ J3 p`. J-~ f'pS.M1y ¢ds ♦,,~~C, t .}.~g'~ 'q 1' lY:" Ai_. 5 u-p Fy MOW. a~r'w ^tr'g /+'J' ,Ne ~Ri 1+~c`" FWb"9~.w, ~k a'H!.S r{ SIC '~i • "ZdN. r '`Lr. bax ~~4 r A Ej 21 S `Ei+ t 25 e rf!~Y~~I'~ a ~ .y~ +~tr $-S 2~^ al!~N.,,yyn J c"' f H ,,.~~y'~ G sf ~~gE¢5.~i .'A sb J ~n n"' ti3'~ a gt. y '.~jy{~_"~ ~ ~ ~ 6 P# °tna%r a ~'M ~'h ° ~y R 4~ E y +r q• ! 11 ,2y.L.I~-vy n'C' ;~+t o`f. `xFS~~d .~i3"zy Y a A.'rt~*4 E~YR~ i Py t 4A 'Y' ~C h y ~ 3 yy> e s. yy , 7 d . q ~ i • v a X ~4Yffi y- t .3`~ 6 ~+"a Z+ wa ~~"'3.. e t4{. v ~'Y. Y .JT t 3 w fi r J"".c"y &0 E r. ~ Ydf'N¢ f ~ ' n r~C9'yw ~r A. y sd' 5 o ;Y ~s~'4 K.f~i ..x .&d~ max 2g~a +'tx t H'RyP~ 4'~ { . E a~^-"~ F+ f 8`~ d YV;~` ~y E4° +~+F 1~.Sl~c .~y,~ y,+ ~ ~ E ~ A'y r~' a9 w;,A v p ~c#' 3, e ~ ~ 2 °F'S' ~ ~ S > {Q` ^.rF . ~i+~x+ m, n~'~ n yi~_,~P~ ~ °c t~ + +a+a7 ~':a ~y'~m'",a, , "s sa8~,xs'Nr's=~.~ ~.p~ ,•g..~t'y. ~ c ~ w ~"¢Y~ t°r~u s_A.. ~ r ~ , 0 First roTransit HEIDI MILLER PROJECT MANAGER RELEVANT EXPERIENCE 2001-Present First Transit, Inc./Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. Project Manager El Monte, California Manage all aspects of daily operations for four projects with a management style that facilitates a positive team spirit among employees who work together as a dedicated, collaborative team committed to delivery of service excellence: City of San Fernando - paratransit services with two vehicles; City of Sierra Madre - paratransit and fixed route services with two dial-a-ride and two fixed route vehicles; City of Rosemead - paratransit and fixed route services with five paratransit and two fixed route vehicles; City of Monterey Park - fixed route with eight vehicles; and City of San Gabriel - paratransit service with three vehicles. • Ensure contractual compliance and customer satisfaction in all areas. • Recommend changes in policy or procedure to ensure system continually operates most effectively and efficiently. • Oversee effective recruitment, hiring and training of all personnel to ensure successful on-the-road operations, passenger relations and safety. • Manage dispatch/scheduling functions to ensure service quality and maximization of resources. • Oversee vehicle maintenance in conformance with Laidlaw and customer procedures. • Control administrative functions including annual revenue, payroll, record keeping and customer reporting. • Monitor accounting of four projects in the area. 2000-2001 Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. El Monte, California General Manager Assistant/Accounting Manager • Maintained financial records for 19 projects and assisted projects with month-end closing. • Trained Project Managers and accounting staff. • Finalized all administrative and financial issues for closed divisions. • Assisted the General Manager. 1999-2000 Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. El Monte, California General Manager Assistant/Accounting Manager Managed the division accounting department. Supervised three employees responsible for payroll, accounts receivable and payable, F.H.W.A. Section 15 reporting, monthly and annual reporting. Page 1 First ri Transit • Maintained division financial records and fiscal budget planning. • Assisted the General Manager. 1996-1999 Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. Washington Yard Accounting Manager • Supervised three employees handling division payroll, accounts payable and receiveable, F.H.W.A. Section 15 reporting, monthly and annual reporting. • Maintained division financial records and fiscal budget planning, analysis of general ledger, balance sheet and trial balance sheet. • Ensured month-end accuracy, checked preliminary income statements, and journal entries. Responsible for petty cash account, reconciliation and reimbursement. • Prepared monthly customer billing. 1993-1996 Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. Upland, California Accounting Manager • Supervised four employees whose responsibilities encompassed accounting duties for the division. • Maintained division financial records and fiscal budget planning, analysis of general ledger, balance sheet and trial balance sheet. • Ensured month-end accuracy, checked preliminary income statements, and journal entries. • Responsible for petty cash account, reconciliation and reimbursement. • Prepared monthly customer billing. 1991-1993 Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. Upland, California Payroll/Accounts Payable Coordinator Processed daily payroll for division. Processed accounts payable, accounts payable accruals, payment of garnishments, fuel drop, processing of employee benefits (union, medical and vacation). Maintained all divisional financial records. 1985-1991 Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. Upland, California Driver/Dispatcher/Payroll • Drove vehicles, dispatched and supervised others while maintaining payroll duties. • Routed buses for Central Unified School District. • Scheduled all field trips and processed all billing. Page 2 First ri Transit 1980-1985 Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. Upland, California Driver/Driver Trainer • Certified in accordance with company and agency requirements. • Operated equipment safely and abided by traffic laws. • Assisted passengers as needed and as required. • Completed required paperwork accurately and submitted paperwork expeditiously at end of shift. • Trained new drivers, as needed. EDUCATION Chaffee College Accounting Business and Office Skills Executrain Microsoft Excel, Beginning/Advanced Seminars Lotus, Beginning/Advanced Seminars A.D.P. Beginning/Advanced Seminars Supervisor Drug Awareness Training Page 3 • SIMON NEGRETE MAINTENANCE MANAGER RELEVANT EXPERIENCE First Ci Transit 1999-Present First Transit, Inc./Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. Maintenance Manager El Monte/San Luis Obispo/Glendale, California • Manage all aspects of the vehicle maintenance function for 38 vehicles powered by diesel and gasoline. • Supervise staff of five employees. • Focus on preventive maintenance and repair. • Oversee all electronic engine diagnosis and repair. • Ensure all needed body repair work is performed quickly, either internally or by outside body shop. • Manage and administer reporting, budgeting, scheduling maintenance work and supervising proper completion. • Ensure work areas are properly organized and safe. Purchase/maintain accurate parts inventory. • Served in a dual role as interim Maintenance Manager during the transition of the San Luis Obispo facility which had 40 diesel, 40-foot transit vehicles and cutaway vans. • While Maintenance Manager at Glendale, responsible for maintaining 42 buses (17 propane and 25 CNG-powered buses) for the Glendale Bee Line Transit fixed-route service. Oversaw work performance for more than 12 technicians. 1994-1999 Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc: Los Angeles, California Maintenance Supervisor Fleet included diesel, propane, compressed natural gas, and gasoline vehicles. Propane-powered vehicles included ten vehicles for the City of Los Angeles DOT City-Ride contract and approximately 12 - 25 foot, El Dorado National vehicles for the DASH service. Ensured that maintenance was properly and safely performed for more than 50 buses providing service for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority contract. Supervised 16 shop personnel. Oversaw proper handling and filing of records. 1990-1993 Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. Utility Mechanic Rancho Dominguez, California Performed safety inspections and minor repairs on a fleet of more than 300 diesel school buses. Page 4 First EDUCATION ri Transit North Valley Occupational Center, Mission Hills, California Computer Information System Seminars Mutual Propane Fuel Delivery System Certification Hicks Enterprises Brake and Suspension Certified Page 5 ",4_ Z lF ! n`4$a< i t, a`x 4 r S'{ r Y A L ,F ni y Z+~'; ~y '~i r a.c ) _ a la lr e~1:- °s t- A u ~ t r,~y.. ~ a ,n i '+,~u y~.h ~F~~~'°P-df'y ~ l A 1. `J F. 5 :r? t i~r )~o 1p R~r~,YA n~3z"`F ;M•SAa+ PHI 3f> w y t a r".:: S lY °'#r ''Y jf•''15'.F g ji' 1 ~.y S y, # i. t7 4 w,y~3 v t "S`1 `t 4 } d. 4 J V. fL;' l / Tt F 'C 4 1 i q 9 5 'e d& xa; a.t . ~',yr'`Pt.'r*+ a~ca `t+4. ) }r~.~!{3 r'`p f one r~i"t r $r xrsn `tx„ m 'fi't S$ Lb y •`n {kf H5 'ria't Jn'` EF. 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Pittsburgh PA 1979 125 PT ACCESS Wake Tech Durham NC 1993 47 PT Agoura Hills (City o Agoura Hills CA 2003 7 PT Allegany County Belmont NY 1999 10 FR,PT Anoka County Anoka MN 1990 20 FR, PT Atascadero City of) Atascadero CA 1994 5 FR, PT Bellflower (City of) Bellflower CA 1995 9 FR, PT Bensenville City of) Bensenville IL 2005 3 PT Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders Mount Holly NJ 1992 46 FR, PT, EX Cache Valley Transit Logan UT 1992 35 FR, PT CalState Polytechnic University Pomona CA 2003 8 FR, SH Camanllo (City of) Camarillo CA 1997 5 FR, PT Capital Area Transit Harrisburg PA 2005 7 PT Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority Austin TX 2005 87 FR, SH Carson City on Carson CA 2004 7 FR Carteret County Area Transportation System Morehead NC 2000 17 FR, PT Cary(Town of) Cary I NC 2002 10 PT Central Contra Costa Transit Authority Concord CA 1990 63 FR, PT Central Ohio Transit Authority Columbus OH 2006 47 PT Chatham Area Transit Author Savannah GA 1994. 20 PT Cheltenham and Abington Townships Abington PA 2005 2 FR Chemung County Elmira NY 1988 37 FR. PT, MD, PU Chenango County Norwich NY 1996 25 FR, PT, MD, PU Clark County - McCaman International Airport Las Vegas NV 2006 40 SH Clinton County Plattsbu NY 1991 12 FR, PT, RD Columbus Co. Interagency Transportation, Inc. Whiteville NC 1987 15 PT Coming (City of) Corning NY 1996 7 FR, SH Corridor Transportation Corporation Laurel. MD 2007 60 PT Cortland County Cortland NY 1993 19 FR, PT, PU County Connection Madero CA 1985 21 FR, PT Crescent City - Redwood Coast Transit Visalia CA 2003 13 FR, PT Delaware Transit- Western Sussex Co. Wilmington DE 2001 11 FR East Bay Paratransit Consortium Oakland CA 2002 52 PT Eastern Contra Costa Transit Author Antioch CA 1986 100 FR, PT Englewood (City of) Englewood CO 2004 3 FR, SH Fairfax County -FASTRAN Alexandra VA 1988 70 PT Far Northern Regional Center Redding CA 1992 25 PT Fargo City o Fargo NO 2007 25 FR,PT Foothill Transit - Pomona Pomona CA 1997 170 FR, EXP Gardena (City of) Special Transit Gardena CA 1987 10 PT Gold Coast Transit Oxnard CA 1994 24 PT Golden Gate Regional Center San Francisco CA 2004 22 PT Greater Hartford Transit District Hartford CT 2005 91 PT Greater Richmond Transit Company GRTC) Richmond VA 1997 64 PT Greene CATS Urban Public Transit System Xenia OH 2006 27 PT Hammond (City an Hammond IN 1998 13 FR Hialeah (City of) Hialeah FL 2002 10 FR Houston Metropolitan Transit Authonly Houston TX 1991 224 FR, EX Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority Houston TX 1995 118 PT Ira enal County El Centro CA 1997 17 FR Johnson County Transit Olathe KS 1992 90 FR, PT Kem County Transit Bakersfield CA 1994 56 FR, PT, EX Lake Area Bus Commission White Bear Lake MN 1980 4 PT Licking County Newark OH 2004 16 PT Los Angeles (City on, DOT - DASH Downtown Los Angeles CA 1991 63 FR Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority - South Region Los Angeles CA 1995 87 FR Los Angeles County, Department of Public Works - Children's Court/Los Nielos Shuttle Los Angeles CA 2007 3 SH Madison County Norwich NY 2005 11 FR, PT, MD Merced County Merced CA 2005 72 FR, PT Mesa County Grand Junction CO 2007 27 FR, PT Metro Plus Madison WI 1998 20 PT Metropolitan Council - East Metro St. Paul MN 1996 11 FR Metropolitan Council - Metro Mobility St. Paul MN 1993 79 PT Metropolitan Council - Roseville SL Paul MN 2003 81 PT Metropolitan Council - Routes 604 8 614 1 t. Paul MN 1996 5 FR • . • ■First Co' Transit TRANSIT CONTRACTING State/ Contract City Country Initialed Vehicles services ouncil - West Matra St. Paul MN 1996 13 FR 19 Troy OH 2004 18 PT County Transit Milwaukee WI 1998 - 104 PT ley Transit Authority Burnsville MN 1996 57 FR, EX Monona(Qtyo0 0 Monona WI 1996 2 FR Monterey Park (City of) Monterey Park CA 2004 9 FR Mountain Metro Transit Colorado Spnngs CO 2006 66 FR New Jersey Transit - Region 2 Newark NJ 1997 64 PT New Jersey Transit - Region 3 Newark NJ 2005 26 PT New Jersey Transit - Region 6 Newark NJ 2000 37 PT New Jersey Transit - Regions i 84 Newark NJ 1996 47 PT North Carolina State University Raleigh NC 2007 N SH North County Transit District Oceanside CA 1994 10 PT North County Transit District Oceanside CA 2006 38 PT North Star Corridor Development Authority Anoka MN 2001 11 FR, EX Northeast Suburban Transit Commission White Bear Lake MN 1988 5 FR, PT Omnitrans San Bemadino CA 2006 101 PT Ontario County Canandaigua NY 1996 40 FR, PT, MD PACE Suburban Bus - Pioneer Center of McHenry McHenry , IL 1999 36 FR, PT PACE Suburban Bus Service - Lake County Arington Heights IL 2000 33 PT PACE Suburban Bus Service - North Cook County Arlington Heights IL 1998 53 PT PACE Suburban Bus Service - Will County Arington Heights IL 1995 17 PT Palos Verdes Peninsula Transit Authority Palo Verdes CA 1983 23 FR Paramount City o Paramount CA 1981 7 FR, PT Pasadena Area Rapid Transit Pasadena CA 2001 41 FR, PT Paso Robles (City of) Paso Robles CA 1990 7 FR, PT Phoenix (City ol) Phoenix AZ 1992 91 FR Pierce Transit Tacoma . WA 1999 72 PT Pike's Peak Regional Transportation Authority Colorado Springs CO 2005 48 FR Pitt Area Transit System Greenville NC 1985 24 PT Plymouth (City on Plymouth MN 1989 47 FR, PT, SH Pomona Valley Transportation Author LaVeme CA 1993 23 PT Potomac 8 Rappahannock Transit Commission Woodbridge VA 2003 91 FR, EX Puerto Rica Highway and Transportation Authority San Juan Puerto Rico 1999 30 FR Putnam County Carmel NY 1993 41 FR, PT, PU Redondo and Hermosa Beach Redondo Beach CA 1993 27 FR, PT Regional Center of the East Bay Oakland CA 2001 60 PT Regional Transportation Commission of So. Nevada Las Vegas NV 2001 308 PT Regional Transportation District - Denver Denver CO 2002 396 FR Regional Transportation District - Group 15 Denver CO 1989 135 FR Regional Transportation District - Longmont Denver CO 2002 145 FR River Valley Metro Mass Transit Kankakee IL 1999 24 FR, PT Riverside Transit Agency Riverside CA 2003 31 FR, Ems( Rosemead City on Rosemead CA 1987 8 FR, PT an Andreas Regional Center Campbell CA 1993 19 PT San Diego Metropolitan Transit System San Diego CA 1997 16 FR San Diego Metropolitan Transit System San Diego CA 2000 50 PT San Diego Metropolitan Transit System San Diego CA 2002 79 PT San Diego Metropolitan Transit System - Poway San Diego CA 1994 7 FR San Fernando (City of) San Fernando CA 1986 2 PT San Gabriel City o* San Gabriel CA 1991 4 PT San Luis Obispo Transit San Luis Obispo CA 2001 17 FR, SH Schaumburg (City op Schaumburg IL 1998 18 FR, PT Sierra Madre City of) Sierra Madre CA 1997 4 PT Snohomish County Community Transit Everett WA 1997 118 FR, EX Southeastern Penn. Transportation Authority - Bucks County Conshohocken PA 2006 12 PT Southeastern Penn. Transportation Authority - Montgomery County Conshohocken PA 2004 31 PT Southwest Metro Transit Commission Eden Praine MN 1995 65 FR, EX State of California, Dept. of Public Works - Hearst Castle Shuttle San Simeon CA 1989 18 SH Steuben County Bath NY 2000 2 FR, PT Tioga County Nichols NY 1992 26 FR, PT, PU, MD Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority Toledo OH 1996 44 PT Tn County Metropolitan Transportation Distract Portland OR 1994 93 PT Turlock (City of) Turlock CA 1975 13 FR, PT Vacaville (City of) Vacaville CA 2006 20 FR, PT ValleyRide Nampa ID 2004 14 FR, PT, EX • First Cv~ Ti Ftred Route Meoxied • PT = ParatransNDBmand Responsa/Dial-A-Ride SH- Shutlle/Cimulator EX = Commuter Express ■ First Co' Transit TRANSIT N , - Customer Annual Customer City State Since Vehicles Employees Ridership Services Alexandria DASH Alexandra VA 1984 57 130 3,300,000 FR Allen County Regional Transit Authority Lima OR 2006 17 24 234,000 FR, PT Arington County Arington VA 2003 145 5 12,500,000 PL Berkshire Regional Transit Authority Berkshire MA 2004 47 51 500,000 FR Brownsville Urban System Brownsville TX 1990 39 86 1,600,000 FR, PT Central Arkansas Transit Authority Little Rock AR 2002 82 163 2,600,000 FR, PT Clermont County Transportation Connection Batavia OR 2005 16 17 43,186 PT Clinton County Public Transit Plattsbu h NY 1991 17 28 118,000 FR, PT Connecticut Transit Hartford, New Haven CT 1979 400 899 24,700,000 FR 8 Stamford Davenport Transit Davenport IA 2001 20 39 960,000 FR Decatur Public Transit System Decatur IL 1999 33 70 1,122,000 FR,PT Denton County Transportation Authority Denton TX 2006 63 120 1.266,000 FR, PT, SH Denver Regional Transit District Denver CO 2002 Ni 51 N/A CCM Duluth Transit Authority Duluth MN 1970 74 154 3,100,000 FR, PT El Metro Laredo TX 2003 67 181 4,000,000 FR, PT Greater Lynchburg Transit Company L nchbur VA 1974 29 77 1,020,000 FR, PT Greater Peoria Mass Transit District Peoria IL 1971 82 131 1,900,000 FR, PT Greater Roanoke Transit Company Roanoke VA 1974 54 99 2,100,000 FR, PT Green Bay Metro Green Bay WI 2007 40 76 1,700,000 FR, PT Hot Springs Transit Hot Stripes AR 2002 24 27 284,500 FR, PT IndyGo Transit Store Indianapolis IN 2006 N/A 11 N/A CCM Jackson Transit Authority Jackson TN 1987 28 41 480.000 FR, PT Keyline Transit Dubuque IA 2006 27 43 311,000 FR, PT King County Seattle WA 2001 N/A # N/A CCM Lake Erie Transit Monroe MI 1980 25 67 400,000 FR, PT Lowcountry Regional Transit Authority Hilton Head SC 2001 29 33 209,115 FR, PT Lowell Regional Transit Authority Lowell MA 2004 46 73 1,500,000 FR Lowell Regional Transit Authority Lowell ' MA 2004 20 23 61,000 PT Manchester Transit Authority Manchester NH 2002 114 130 2,100,000 FR, PT, PU Memphis Area Transit Authority Memphis TN 1976 273 542 12,000,000 FR, PT, Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority Haverhill MA 1983 69 111 2,059,000 FR, PT Monroe Transit System Monroe LA 1977 23 51 1,100.000 FR, PT Montgomery Area Transit System Montgomery AL 2000 45 80 908,000 FR, PT Muncie Indiana Transit System Muncie IN 1981 47 91 2,050,000 FR, PT Nashua Transit System Nashua NH 1993 21 34 386,900 FR, PT New York City Transit- Division of Paralransil New York NY 1997 N/A 532 N/A CCM Ozark Transit Fayetteville AR 2001 36 50 142,605 FR, PT Pioneer Valley Transit Authority Springfield MA 2001 273 261 8,000,000 FR Quad Cities Garage Policy Group Rack Island IL 2003 79 26 N/A M Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County Reno NV 1978 102 239 8,800,000 FR Richland County Transit Mansfield OR 1994 16 30 356,850 FR, PT Salem Area Mass Transit District Salem OR 2007 N/A 15 N/A CCM Sioux Falls Sioux Falls SD 1996 53 # # FR, PT South East Area Transit Zanesville OR 1986 32 47 243,349 FR, PT, SH South East Area Transit District Norwich CT 2002 28 52 975,000 FR Southem Teton Area Rapid Transit Jackson WY 2002 22 52 550,000 FR, PT Spartanburg Transit Spartanburg Sc 1992 11 23 542,058 FR Specialized Transportation for Arlington Residents Arington VA 2001 N/A 11 N/A CCM Slate of Connecticut , Department of Social Services Hartford CT 1998 N/A 17 N/A BRK State of Illinois - Department of Public Aid Chicago IL 2001 N/A 75 N/A CCM St. Joseph St. Joseph MO 1996 24 37 # FR Sun Metro El Paso TX 2006 185 547 12,344,246 FR, PT Tar River Transit Rocky Mount NC 2005 46 57 400,000 FR, PT Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky Fl. Wright KY 1972 139 255 3,800,000 FR, PT Tri- County Metropolitan Transportation District - LIFT Portland OR 2004 N/A 50 N/A CCM Tri- County Metropolitan Transportation District - MTP Portland OR 2004 N/A 37 N/A CCM Wave Transit Wilmington NC 2003 45 94 1,360,000 FR, PT Wichita Transit Wichita KS 1981 77 137 2,500,000 FR, PT TOTAL 3241 6402 126,626,809 If = New Cone ( We not available Fixed Route PU = Pupd Transportation ParstrensMemand Response/Dial-A-Rile PL = Management Planning/COnsulfing Services = Call Center Management SH - Shuttla/Cireuletor 360 Campus Lane, Suite 2101 Fairfield, California 94534 707 • 863 • 8980 (facsimile) 707 • 863 • 8793 We Provide Freedom% ~vw.mvtran itcom January 8, 2008 City of Rosemead, Administrative Services Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Marcarello: Enclosed please find MV Transportation's proposal in response to the City of Rosemead's Request for Proposal for the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle services. MV is uniquely qualified to provide these services, as our refreshing management approach is dedicated to creating true partnerships and sets us apart from others in the industry. As you assess the Rosemead senior and disabled community's transportation needs, you will almost certainly find that you need a reliable, safe contractor like MV, who has the capacity to quickly adapt to difficult working environments and meet any changing service requirements. MV has taken considerable care to evaluate the RFP and projected service scope, and has included specific programs designed to enhance service quality and promote ridership in our proposal. These programs include: • Exceptional corporate and regional support from our highly experienced team of transportation experts who will be on-site regularly throughout the contract. • Improved Wages for our team of operators. In order to attract and retain a high level employee, MV is offering a significant increase to wages over the current rates ($1 per hour over current starting wage). This will result in high employee morale, and promote a smooth recruitment and retention of the employees. • A superior training program that provides 96 hours of training, as well as mandatory retraining each year. This program provides an emphasis on Customer Service and Safety Focus. • Enhanced Service Monitoring through the implementation an innovative performance monitor to provide real-time updates to the City and MV management regarding service on the street at any given moment. • Satisfaction Guaranteed. We believe we are the best choice for the City of Rosemead and are willing to back up our commitment to you with a guarantee that you will be happy with our performance, or we will return to you any profits earned over the final 12 months of the contract. MV Transportation's vision, simply stated, is to be The Standard of Excellence in the provision of public transportation services. We focus on this vision through a dynamic management approach that fosters proactive communication and personal growth among all employees at all levels. Responsive, ethical and honest management with a true desire to build a partnership is critical to the success of your system. MV recognizes the importance of this concept and will honor our word in work and deed. I am your contact for MV, authorized to make representations for our Company. I encourage you to select MV Transportation as your partner for the provision of the City of Rosemead's transportation services. Sincerely, W.C. Pihl Vice President We Pronde Freedom'"' • • I`I MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System for the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services A. Experience .................................................2 Organization .................................................5 C. Resource Allocation .................................................7 D. Staffing .................................................9 D.1. Key Personnel ....................:............................9 D.2. Staffing Plan..:............................................................................................... 11 D.3. Benefits and Incentives 12 D.4. Technical Resources for City of Rosemead 13 E. Management and Personnel Policies ...............................................14 F. Accounting and Reporting ...............................................15 G. Performance Bond ...............................................16 H. Insurance and Indemnity ...............................................17 1. Financial Responsibility ...............................................18 J. Vehicles and Equipment ...............................................19 K. Operations and Maintenance Facility ...............................................21 L. Maintenance Program ...............................................22 M . Safety Program ...............................................25 N. Screening and Selection Program ...............................................28 0. Training and Retraining Program ...............................................30 P. Time Schedule ...............................................32 Q. Debarred, Suspended or Ineligible Contractors ...............................................35 Cost Proposal ..............................................36 Page 1 s • A. Experience B. Organization C. Resource Allocation D. Staffing n 2 0 D z 0 S D 1• • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services A. EXPERIENCE MV operates more than 5,500 transit vehicles in more than 185 contracts nationwide. This includes paratransit cutaways, raised roof vans, 40 foot transit buses, 60 foot articulated buses, accessible minivans and sedans. We transport millions of passengers, and travel more than 190 million miles annually. Please see Section B. OtganiZation for our company's history of operating services similar to that of the City of Rosemead, and Section D.1 Key Perronnel for the experience of our team. Although MV provides the experience of a national company, we still provide the personalized attention to each of our client agencies that has become the hallmark of our firm. Following are some examples of small services that we have partnered with our clients and the communities we service to exceed their expectations and make their services successful. Ahwatukee Neighborhood Circulator and City of Phoenix Dial-A-Ride (Phoenix, Arizona) MV operates the Ahwatukee Neighborhood Circulator for the City of Phoenix, also known as Ahwatukee Local Express (ALEX). ALEX was a demonstration project to see how public transit service could be provided to largely residential areas where streets are too narrow to accommodate standard 40-foot public buses. MV helped to design, route and implement this service. Since ALEX began service in November 2001, the free neighborhood bus service has carried on average more than 25,000 passengers a month on its 20-mile route to shops, parks, schools, the park-and-ride lot and the RAPID station. MV also operates the Dial-A-Ride for the City of Phoenix program using 120 City-provided vehicles. We provide approximately 320,000 hours of service annually, achieving an outstanding on-time performance rate in excess of 96%. We provide scheduling and routing services using Trapeze software and are currently performing over 1.4 trips per vehicle hour. W's IT Department assisted the City in modifying the system to meet the operating conditions of the service area and current service demands. An immediate improvement in productivity and on-time performance was realized; this resulted in an 18% drop in cost per trip, saving our client $1.8 M annually. Complaints were also reduced by 29%. Please contact Gabe Peiz, Contract Administrator at (602) 262-7242 as a reference for this contract. City of Tucson, Arizona MV is the provider for the City of Tucson's TICET Downtown Shuttle, a y` fixed route service that started up in July of 2000. The City provides vehicles and MV provides the management and operations. The program is designed to relieve parking and traffic congestion in downtown Tucson and to provide visitors and employees with alternatives to parking in congested areas. MV's shuttle service experience and our unique approach to customer service and partnership were the main reasons for our selection by the City of Tucson. This is a high profile operation that requires exceptional service quality. This service operates over 12,000 annual service hours using seven cutaway vehicles and the efforts of a dedicated 15-person staff. Ridership has far exceeded all expectations following a flawless startup, and on-time performance approaches 100%. Please contact Ms. Karen Miller, Assistant Parking Program Coordinator, at (520) 791-5071 as a reference for th s contract. Page 2 • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services SamTram (San Mateo, CA) Sam= MV began operation of Redi-Wheels ADA paratransit service for San Mateo County Transit District (SarnTrans) less than one day after being awarded this contract. Redi-Wheels now serves an annual ridership of 275,000 and operates 365 days a year. In July 2004, MV was successful in renewing this contract. A new program was instituted in partnership with the Paratransit Coordinating Council that provides senior escorts to help clients traveling to two senior day programs in the County, making the system more user-friendly and efficient. MV is responsible for all operational aspects of this 77 vehicle service, including the call center, which utilizes the Trapeze computerized dispatch system to dispatch the services in "real time". Since MV assumed this service, the Sam Trans client has been extremely pleased with its performance, including a zero trip denials record, which has resulted in incredible ridership increases. Some of the performance factors that we are most proud of include: Superior Safety record of less than one accident per one million miles. • Worked in partnership to absorb 59 percent increase in ridership in system with no additional vehicles. • Managed Call Wait Time to remain under 60 seconds Some of the positive results described above were due to MV's application of effective training and employee incentive programs. In recognition of MV's successes, SamTrans awarded additional work to MV, including new weekend express routes between train stations in San Francisco and San Jose. Please contact Mr. Chuck Harvey, Chief Operating Officer, at (650) 508-7720 as a reference for these services. San Leandro FLEX (San Leandro, CA) MV provides service every weekday to the City of San Leandro through a Flex Route service. This ~ittph~ system uses two vehicles operating in opposite directions, serving two distinct regions (East and West) with a feature where seniors or disabled passengers can call ahead to arrange for the route to o• • "flex" to accommodate their pickup or drop-off locations. This service was developed in response to a Master Plan Study that showed an unmet need outside of the existing fixed route services in the region. This service combines fixed route (designated shuttle stops) and demand response (curb to curb) services, to offer walk-on flexibility and increased productivity. MV partnered with the City to enhance this service and improved ridership by more than 200% in the first year of operation. In 2004, and then again in 2007, MV has retained this contract through a competitive procurement process. Please call Ms. Joann Oliver at (510) 577-3463 for a reference on our performance at this contract. Company History MV Transportation brings to The City of Rosemead 52 years of experience in transportation operations and management. Our history begins with the founding of Vallejo Citizens Transit Corporation (VCTC), which began operation of fixed route service in the City of Vallejo, California in 1956 - a contract that is still in operation today. As the largest and most experienced provider of paratransit services in the country, MV Transportation understands the importance of providing quality care to our clients. Our desire is to provide a sense of freedom to those with disabilities so they can have a better quality of life and an active lifestyle. Operating under the MV Transportation, Inc. (MV) name since 1975, MV is still led by Alex and Feysan Lodde, MV's owners and original founders. MV has become the largest woman- and minority-owned transportation provider in the nation. Under the guidance of Mr. Jon Monson (CEO), MV operates more than 5,500 transit vehicles in more than 185 contracts nationwide. MV transports millions of passengers and travels more than 190 million miles annually. Page 3 Owner, Feysan Ladde • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services Today, we have the largest portfolio of highly satisfied public transit client organizations. These clients all share your desire for top-quality, safe and reliable transit service for their customers, provided by a professional and innovative contractor at reasonable prices. From our owner, Feysan Lodde, to our front line employees, our highest priority is providing our passengers great service. MV has the experience to provide a high-quality, customer sensitive, safe, and reliable service to our Rosemead Transit passengers. MV has established a comprehensive support structure for its operations, comprised of personnel specialized in transit logistics, finance, safety, maintenance and information technology. This support infrastructure is indicative of the dedication to service quality that MV brings to the City, and will allow us to continue to successfully partner with you to achieve your goals for the Rosemead Transit services. "The MV Difference creates a highly motivated work force... resulting in safe, efficient service with excellent service quality." Page 4 • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services B. ORGANIZATION Organizational Structure Legal Status MV Transportation; Inc. was incorporated in the state of California in December 1978. List of Owners and Officers Feyson Lodde, Director Alexis Lodde, Director Jon Monson, Director & CEO David Sams, Board Chair Willie Brown Jr., Director Shirley DeLibero, Director Nicholas Lundquist, Director Jeffrey Germanotto, Director Jon Monson, CEO Marsha Moore, Chief Information Officer Sean Kimble, Chief Administrative Officer Kevin Klika, President Robert Hargis, Executive Vice President David Smith, Vice President WC Pihl, Vice President Robert Dukes, Vice President Steve Newby, Vice President Nikki Frenney, Vice President Amy DePrisco. Vice President Capabilities and Experience Please see the Company History above, and Section A. Experience for NW Transportation's capabilities and experience. Management Philosophy The most important and fundamental philosophy that MV is built on is reflected in the current relationships we have with our clients. We believe that the foundation of any relationship is mutual trust and respect. We will not tolerate unethical behavior from any member of our team at any level. We believe that we must be open and honest with City staff and our employees. We do not believe in secrets, as these will only create problems later. The City of Rosemead calls the shots. We are here to provide professional management and operate the system at the absolute highest quality level possible. Page 5 For the management and is MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System ration of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services • MV views out relationship with our clients as more of a partnership rather than that of a client and contractor. We will always strive for improvement in our operation of this Transit System. • We will always put the interests of the City ahead of our personal or Company interests. • We will serve the needs of the City. We will listen and respond promptly to your requests. MV Transportation has developed a successful management philosophy through our experience in the greater Los Angeles area. This philosophy is based upon three fundamental beliefs, beliefs that our clients, our employees and the communities we serve, have seen and felt the positive effects: • People are the most important element of our operation; this includes our employees and the passengers we serve; • Strong corporate support provided by MV is essential to the success of each operation; • We put relationships, people and service quality ahead of all other considerations, including financial ones.. Managing Similar Projects MV Transportation understands the importance of our approach to this project and the immediate impact it will have. Our mission is to be the Standard ofE.vice/lence in the provision of passenger transportation services. We will provide these services to both public and private agencies nationwide. We will accomplish this mission in a safe, efficient and cost effective manner while treating our employees as part of our family and our customers as our most important asset. MV putt people first - its passengers, community members and employees. The City of Rosemead operations are of significant importance to MV and its success relies on the people who provide the service. Personnel administration and passenger relations are a combination of many efforts, all of which are necessary to provide a successful operation and a valued resource to the Rosemead community. Presence in the Region MV Transportation is the largest American-owned transportation company, and the largest provider of paratransit services in the United States. MV has the ability to support the Rosemead Transit Services through our corporate offices based in Fairfield, California; as well as locally through a large network of divisions in the Southern California area. Today, we have the largest portfolio of highly satisfied public transit client organizations. These clients all share your desire for top-quality, safe and reliable transit service for their customers, provided by a professional and innovative contractor at reasonable prices. MV is, by far, the largest private operator of transit services in California. In the nearby area, MV operates for the City of Whittier, and for Foothill Transit. MV operates fixed route and paratransit services all throughout Los Angeles County and neighboring areas. Page 6 • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuffle Services C. RESOURCE ALLOCATION MV's plan to manage the Rosemead Tranit system includes the synergy of an existing operation with shared resources, along with dedicated local resources to meet the specific needs of the Rosemead Transit system. This will allow the service to be properly managed, while saving money. General Manager M-F 8:00-17:00 (on-call 24/7) Operations Supervisor M-F 6am-loam/2pm-6pm (on-call 24/7- Schedule adjusted as needed) Dispatchers On Duty for all hours of service 7 days per week Maintenance Manager M-F 6:00-15:00 (on-call 24/7) B-Level Technician T-S 15:00-24:00 MV centralizes many functions to support our client agencies and divisions, including payroll, accounts payable, human resources and DriveCam monitoring. This allows our local team to focus on the daily provision of service, and exceeding our passengers' expectations. Additionally, since MV remains privately held, there is no expectation to send profits to a parent entity or overseas. Instead, the money remains invested locally in our employees and the service we are providing to the community. Please see the required Cost Proposal Form included with our technical proposal. Customer Service & Reservations MV will ensure that the telephones are staffed by a qualified supervisor or employee available for all hours of service. When the dispatcher answers the phone, each caller will be treated with the utmost respect, using terms such as "Yes, Ms. Smith" or "Yes, Sir". After greeting the customer, the dispatcher will determine the nature of the caller's request. If the caller is requesting a same-day trip change or cancellation, the dispatcher will take the information, initiate the change, and then notify the driver of any change to their manifest. This process will also include any requests for immediate trips for that day; which will be accommodated if at all possible. If the trip request can be accommodated, the dispatcher will confirm with the passenger their pickup and return trip times (if round trip). If the trip cannot be immediately routed at the exact time requested, the dispatcher will attempt to negotiate a trip within one hour of the originally requested time. If this can be done, the dispatcher will confirm the trip request. As trips are scheduled, dispatchers will confirm with riders as to their final pickup and return times (for round trips) and verify that the rider still desires the trip. This will reduce cancellations and no-shows. Once this step is completed, the trip will be confirmed. In all cases, the dispatcher will inquire as to any special assistance that might be needed by passengers, such as carrying bags. This information will be included in the comment section of the manifest so that the driver may provide assistance within the program policies. Route Development - Methodology MV relies on significant input from drivers to find system efficiencies. We have learned that this type of service can be significantly improved with input from drivers and dispatchers who deal with the real time constraints and operating conditions. Our goal is to develop routes that maximize productivity while maintaining an acceptable level of on-time performance. In other words, MV attempts to balance supply and demand. MV's proposal provides significant advantage in this area as we have experienced personnel to oversee these duties on an ongoing basis. Once the routes are finalized, dispatch personnel will contact any drivers by phone whose report time has changed due to the scheduling process. The scheduler will then confirm and assign vehicles to each route for the following day and print manifests. Finally, the Driver Sign-On Log will be printed so that dispatchers may properly track driver sign-on times the next day. Page 7 • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System 'For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuffle Services Dispatching and Daily Operations Procedures The evening before service, the designated dispatcher will print the driver manifests for the next day's service. The Dispatcher will maintain a service log recording the scheduled start and end times for each driver during the service day. As each driver reports for work, the time will be recorded on the service log and entered into the scheduling system. The driver will take their assigned manifest, will perform the pre-trip inspection on the assigned vehicle and will drive into the service area to begin their service day. As the drivers leave the yard, they will radio in to dispatch to let them know they have begun their route. The dispatchers will continually track all vehicle status and all drivers will be required to radio into dispatch their actual times for pick up and drop off of passengers. This allows our dispatch team to maximize system productivity as they make instant decisions to improve the service delivery throughout the day. In some cases, such as with a vehicle breakdown or accident, the dispatcher may be required to create a new route during the day, assign potentially late trips to this route. In the event that this happens, dispatcher will dispatch this route to an extra board driver. Our operations team will work in close coordination with dispatch to ensure that any issues that may arise are addressed promptly so the effect on IN our passengers is minimal. MMIA At the end of the service day and/or upon completion of the route, the driver will return to the yard and radio the dispatcher upon arrival at the yard so they can record this time in the scheduling system. The driver will complete the post-trip inspection, tidy up the vehicle, and return their keys and completed manifest to dispatch. A dispatcher will check the driver out on the service log and review the manifest. The information on the manifests will be entered into the scheduling system purpose of report generation and system performance monitoring. The Operations Supervisor will then review the manifests for billing and report purposes. Page 8 0 • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services D. STAFFING D.1. KEY PERSONNEL Arcy Torres, Project Manager "Each morning I come to work determined to make a difference with my drivers, all my staff, my customers and the people in the communities we serve." MV is pleased to present Ms. Arcy Torres as our Project Manager for the City of Rosemead Transit System. Ms. Tones brings 12 years of transportation experience to the City, most recently as the Project Manager for the DASH Package 4 services. Arcy began her career with the LADOT as an Office Manager and over the course of seven years received three promotions to her current role. Ms. Torres prepares NTD quarterly reports, reconciles farebox revenue and monthly invoicing, and is responsible for division financials. Arcy holds overall responsibility for system performance in all functions of the operation, including ,1 1: supervision of dispatchers, lead drivers /trainers, Field Supervisors, drivers, clerks, personnel administration, maintenance, safety, training, payroll, local purchasing and contract administration. Many of \1V's successes in this system are attributed to Ms. Torres' management of this service. Under her supervision over the past four years, the Package 4 service has grown, and areas such as missed trips have seen a large improvement. Prior to this role, Ms. Torres worked for three years as a reservationist for CJVP in Gardena, Calf, taking phone reservations for Access Services passengers. Here she gained experience working one-on-one with public transportation clients, and gained excellent customer service skills, as well as an ability to handle difficult situations. Ms. Torres holds a certificate in Transit Paratransit Management, and has competed Reasonable Suspicion Training. She will be available to her team and to City staff 24/7 via mobile phone. Please see Ms. Torres' resume following this section. Operations Supervisor MV will employ one full-time, fully dedicated Operations Supervisor to support our team in the field. It is W's intention to recruit locally for this position, but if there are not any candidates from the current team that City staff would approve, we have several candidates from other locations that qualify for this role. The Operations Supervisor has the responsibility of directing the day-to-day operation of the transit system in compliance with the policies of the City of Rosemead, and in conformance with MV procedures. They also ensure that the facility, vehicles and employees are clean and neat in appearance. The Operations Supervisor develops staff schedules, monitors telephone performance and etiquette, and verifies work records for payroll and prepares daily, weekly and monthly reports. As the first point of contact with the field, the Operations Supervisor will communicate clearly with the City if any service issues arise, as well as ensure proper follow up and reporting. This individual is also the first point of contact for passenger concerns and will work closely with our Dispatchers to create a strong presence in the City of Rosemead. They will ensure safe and efficient operation, and give support to our operators and passengers each service day. Page 9 f'I • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services Robert Barnett, Maintenance Manager MV is pleased to present Mr. Robert Barnett as our Maintenance Manager for the City of Rosemead Transit System. Mr. Barnett brings 16 years of transportation maintenance experience to the City, most recently with the DASH Package 4. In his current role, Robert oversees all maintenance functions of the service, ensuring that all vehicles in the system are properly functioning. He oversees all scheduled daily bus repairs, works with the CHP on recertification, and completes all monthly reports. He also completes yearly reviews of technicians, fuelers and washers. Robert completes quality assurance tasks by reviewing completed work to ensure that all vehicles in the system are being correctly repaired. He oversees all scheduling for his department, and handles all employee relations issues. Under Roberes supervision, MV has completed all Preventive Maintenance Inspections 100% on- time since service start-tip. Prior to this position, Robert worked for four years as a maintenance manager for Connex West, maintaining LADOT vehicles. He oversaw all aspects of the shop, including road calls on break downs, preventative maintenance, and employee issues. Robert also has more than seven years of experience working on vehicles to maintain them to the specifications of the LADOT, along with attending weekly meetings with the organization. Robert began his maintenance career as a mechanic with Laidlaw Transit, gaining experience completing monthly maintenance on school buses, completing road calls and general repairs. After working for various organizations as a mechanic, Robert was hired as a Shop Manager in Mission Viejo, Calif. Mr. Barnett is available to the maintenance team and to City staff 24/7 via mobile phone. Please see Mr. Barnett's resume following this section. Corporate Support Team Leland Peterson, Regional Vice President Mr. Leland Petersen is MV's Regional Vice President. Leland brings over 10 years of transit experience to the position, beginning his career as a Paratransit operator. Prior to his current role, Leland worked for two years as the General Manager for the MV Redmond Microsoft Shuttle Operation. Leland has done an excellent job laying the foundation for a lasting relationship with Microsoft and has overseen the implementation of cutting edge transit technology. In this short time, he has nearly doubled the division's annual revenue. In January 2007, MV Transportation was named a Microsoft Premier Vendor, a status awarded to a select number of companies worldwide who meet Microsoft's criteria for service quality, cost-effectiveness and innovation. Prior to leading the Microsoft division, Leland was instrumental in the success of MV's first contract in Florida, the Jacksonville Call Center. Before joining MV, Leland held various positions in Operations and IT for Dave Transportation and Laidlaw in Southern California. Leland holds a Bachelor's Degree in Management Science and a Master's Degree in Computer Information Systems. Mr. Petersen will provide significant direct support to Ms. Torres and our local staff to ensure service quality. Mr. Peterson will be available to City staff 24/7 by mobile phone over the fife of the contract. Mr. Kevin A. Klika, President As President of MV Transportation, Mr. Kevin A. Klika focuses on providing the resources and technical expertise needed for success by W's project managers. As the senior level executive directly responsible for W's contracts in the Western U.S., Mr. Klika works with regional vice presidents and divisions to ensure that all operational standards are achieved on a daily basis. And with more 15 years in the transportation industry, Kevin's extensive operations and management background have set him on the right track to achieve these goals. Page 10 • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services Robert Barnett, Maintenance Manager MV is pleased to present Mr. Robert Barnett as our Maintenance Manager for the City of Rosemead Transit System. Mr. Barnett brings 16 years of transportation maintenance experience to the City, most recently with the DASH Package 4. In his current role, Robert oversees all maintenance functions of the service, ensuring that all vehicles in the system are properly functioning. He oversees all scheduled daily bus repairs, works with the CHP on recertification, and completes all monthly reports. He also completes yearly reviews of technicians, fuelers and washers. Robert completes quality assurance tasks by reviewing completed work to ensure that all vehicles in the system are being correctly repaired. He oversees all scheduling for his department, and handles all employee relations issues. Under Robert's supervision, MV has completed all Preventive Maintenance Inspections 100% on- time since service start-tip. Prior to this position, Robert worked for four years as a maintenance manager for Connex West, maintaining LADOT vehicles. He oversaw all aspects of the shop, including road calls on break downs, preventative maintenance, and employee issues. Robert also has more than seven years of experience working on vehicles to maintain them to the specifications of the LADOT, along with attending weekly meetings with the organization. Robert began his maintenance career as a mechanic with Laidlaw Transit, gaining experience completing monthly maintenance on school buses, completing road calls and general repairs. After working for various organizations as a mechanic, Robert was hired as a Shop Manager in Mission Viejo, Calif. Mr. Barnett is available to the maintenance team and to City staff 24/7 via mobile phone. Please see Mr. Bametes resume following this section. Corporate Support Team Leland Peterson, Regional Vice President Mr. Leland Petersen is MV's Regional Vice President. Leland brings over 10 years of transit experience to the position, beginning his career as a Paratransit operator. Prior to his current role, Leland worked for two years as the General Manager for the MV Redmond Microsoft Shuttle Operation. Leland has done an excellent job laying the foundation for a lasting relationship with Microsoft and has overseen the implementation of cutting edge transit technology. In this short time, he has nearly doubled the division's annual revenue. In January 2007, MV Transportation was named a Microsoft Premier Vendor, a status awarded to a select number of companies worldwide who meet Microsoft's criteria for service quality, cost-effectiveness and innovation. Prior to leading the Microsoft division, Leland was instrumental in the success of W's first contract in Florida, the Jacksonville Call Center. Before joining MV, Leland held various positions in Operations and IT for Dave Transportation and Laidlaw in Southern California. Leland holds a Bachelor's Degree in Management Science and a Master's Degree in Computer Information Systems. Mr. Petersen will provide significant direct support to Ms. Torres and our local staff to ensure service quality. Mr. Peterson will be available to City staff 24/7 by mobile phone over the life of the contract. Mr. Kevin A. Klika, President As President of MV Transportation, Mr. Kevin A. Klika focuses on providing the resources and technical expertise needed for success by W's project managers. As the senior level executive directly responsible for MV's contracts in the Western U.S., Mr. Klika works with regional vice presidents and divisions to ensure that all operational standards are achieved on a daily basis. And with more 15 years in the transportation industry, Kevin's extensive operations and management background have set him on the right track to achieve these goals. Page 10 • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services D.3. BENEFITS AND INCENTIVES Salary and Benefit Packages MV Transportation is pleased to offer the following wages for our employees. Based upon our knowledge of the economy and wages in the Los Angeles County area, it is important to increase the compensation for the employees to ensure stability in the work force. MV is providing a significant increase in wages - this will provide for reduced turnover, increased experience on the street and improved morale. It will also promote a smooth transition. MV's proposal includes a significant increase to the current wages, a $1.00 per hour increase to the starting wage, with increases over the remaining steps as well. General Manager Confidential Salary Maintenance Manager Confidential Salary I Operations Supervisor $18.001hour j Dispatchers $12.271hour "B" Mechanics $22.001hour S i i Y I Y 2 Y 4 Y en or ty Training ear $8.00 ear $8.25 Year 3 $8.50 ear $8.75 ear 5 $9.00 Start $10.00 $10.61 $11.26 $11.94 $12.67 1 Year $10.25 $10.87 $11.54 $12.24 $12.98 2Year $10.50 $11.14 $11.82 $12.54 $13.30 3 Years $10.75 $11.40 $12.10 $12.84 $13.62 4 Years $11.00 $11.67 $12.38 $13.13 $13.93 5 Years $11.25 $11.94 $12.66 $13.43 $14.25 6Years $11.50 $12.20 $12.94 $13.73 $14.57 7Years $11.75 $12.47 $13.22 $14.03 $14.88 8Years $12.00 $12.73 $13.51 $14.33 $15.20 9Years $12.25 $13.00 $13.79 $14.63. $15.52 10 Years $13.00 $13.79 $14.63 $15.53 $16.47 In addition to the hourly compensation, full time employees will receive the following benefits. • Safety Bonus: $200 per year for performing their duties in a safe manner and maintaining a good attendance record. • Vacation Pay: We will honor all existing operator's levels of vacation. Employees new to the system will receive 40 hours after one (1) year, with the amount increasing as seniority is gained to 80 hours after five (5) years, and 120 years after ten years. • Medical & Dental Insurance: MV will provide medical and dental insurance to full time employees. Each plan has dependant coverage available. Current employees with medical insurance will have no waiting period to avoid disruption in coverage. • Holiday Pay: Six (6) paid holidays will be offered for full time employees. Employees hired from the existing contractor will receive this benefit from day one. • 401 (k): All employees are eligible to participate in W's 401(k) retirement program after six months of employment. • Life Insurance: Each employee is eligible for $5,000 of life insurance at no cost. Page 12 • Ii • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services D.3. BENEFITS AND INCENTIVES Salary and Benefit Packages MV Transportation is pleased to offer the following wages for our employees. Based upon our knowledge of the economy and wages in the Los Angeles County area, it is important to increase the compensation for the employees to ensure stability in the work force. MV is providing a significant increase in wages - this will provide for reduced turnover, increased experience on the street and improved morale. It will also promote a smooth transition. MV's proposal includes a significant increase to the current wages, a $1.00 per hour increase to the starting wage, with increases over the remaining steps as well. General Manager Confidential Salary Maintenance Manager Confidential Salary Operations Supervisor $18.001hour Dispatchers $12.271hour "8" Mechanics $22.001hour S i it Y I Y 2 Y Y 4 en or y Training ear $8.00 ear $8.25 ear 3 $8.50 ear $8.75 Year 5 $9.00 Start $10.00 $10.61 $11.26 $11.94 $12.67 1 Year $10.25 $10.87 $11.54 $12.24 $12.98 2 Year $10.50 $11.14 $11.82 $12.54 $13.30 3 Years $10.75 $11.40 $12.10 $12.84 $13.62 4Years $11.00 $11.67 $12.38 $13.13 $13.93 5Years $11.25 $11.94 $12.66 $13.43 $14.25 6Years $11.50 $12.20 $12.94 $13.73 $14.57 7Years $11.75 $12.47 $13.22 $14.03 $14.88 8 Years $12.00 $12.73 $13.51 $14.33 $15.20 9Years $12.25 $13.00 $13.79 $14.63 $15.52 10 Years $13.00 $13.79 $14.63 $15.53 $16.47 In addition to the hourly compensation, full time employees will receive the following benefits. Safety Bonus: $200 per year for performing their duties in a safe manner and maintaining a good attendance record. • Vacation Pay: We will honor all existing operator's levels of vacation. Employees new to the system will receive 40 hours after one (1) year, with the amount increasing as seniority is gained to 80 hours after five (5) years, and 120 years after ten years. • Medical & Dental Insurance: MV will provide medical and dental insurance to full time employees. Each plan has dependant coverage available. Current employees with medical insurance will have no waiting period to avoid disruption in coverage. • Holiday Pay: Six (6) paid holidays will be offered for full time employees. Employees hired from the existing contractor will receive this benefit from day one. • 401 (k): All employees are eligible to participate in MV s 401(k) retirement program after six months of employment. • Life Insurance: Each employee is eligible for $5,000 of fife insurance at no cost. Page 12 Arcy Torres 0 General Manager Ms. Arcy Torres is MV s proposed General Manager for the Rosemead Transit System Experience 1999 - Present General Manager, MV Transportation (Los Angeles, CA) • Manage division of 120+ employees. • Prepare NTD quarterly reports. • Reconcile Farebox Revenue and monthly invoicing. • Responsible for division Accounting/Financials. • Enforce and maintains company policies. • Responsible for all disciplinary action of personnel. • Ensure personnel receive annual increases. 1996 - 1999 Reservationist, C.J.V.P. (Gardena, CA) ■ Accepted reservations for Access Services passengers. • Excellent customer service, handled all manner of customer complaints professionally. • Entered reservations into PASS system. 1993 - 1995 Bank Teller, Bank of America Cash Vault (Los Angeles, CA) • Counted deposits made by ATM customers. • Trained and supervised 10-15 employees. Posted cash check deposits to accounts. Reconciled $20,000 in cash daily with deposits slips. • 0 1 0 Robert G. Barnett Maintenance Manager Mr. Robert Barnett is MV's proposed Maintenance Manager for the Rosemead Transit System Experience 02/2004 - Present Maintenance Manager, MV Transportation (Los Angeles, CA) • Maintenance of DASH propane buses per LADOT requirements. • Schedule technicians' and utilities staff's work hours, days off and vacations. Performed yearly reviews of work performance. • Schedule repairs for mechanics for first and second shifts. • Mediate and resolve conflicts between employees. • Completion of DOT monthly PMI report, work-generated report, oil analysis report and P.M. daily tracker report. • Work with CHP on the re-certification of buses and on terminal inspections, respond to road calls on breakdowns and perform general preventive maintenance on buses, inventory of parts, and review of repair orders on work that was performed the previous day. • Sign paperwork and file DVI papers, attend vendor meetings every 3-to-6 months as well as bi-weekly meetings with LADOT 1012000 - 02/2004 Maintenance Manager, Connex West (Huntington Park, CA) • Maintained transit buses per LADOT requirements. • Scheduled technicians' and utilities staff's work hours, days off and vacations. Performed yearly reviews of work performance. • Scheduled repairs for mechanics for first and second shifts. • Mediated and resolved conflicts between employees and closing monthly reports. • Worked with CHP on re-certification of buses and on terminal inspections, responded to road calls on breakdowns, and performed general preventive maintenance on buses. • Ordered parts, completed P.M. daily tracker report and reviewed repair orders on work that was performed the previous day. • Signed paperwork and filed DVI papers, attended monthly vendor meetings as well as bi-weekly meetings with LADOT 0711998 - 10/2000 Shop Manager, R & D Transportation (Long Beach, CA) • Performed monthly maintenance on school buses and transit buses. • Maintained inventory of parts, scheduled repairs, responded to road calls on breakdowns, and reconciled closing monthly reports. • Worked with CHP on re-certification as well as on terminal inspections. 0 0 Robert G. Barnett Maintenance Manager (Continued) 0711996 - 0711998 Shop Manager, Laidlaw Transit (Mission Viejo, CA) • Performed monthly maintenance on school buses, ordered parts and scheduled repairs for mechanics. • Responded to road calls on breakdowns and reconciled closing monthly reports. • Worked with CHP on re-certification as well as on terminal inspections. 0911995 - 0711996 Lead Mechanic, Laidlaw Transit (Southgate, CA) • Performed monthly maintenance on school buses and transit buses, ordered parts and scheduled repairs for mechanics. Responded to road calls on breakdowns, reconciled closing monthly reports, reported totals of hours, performed general repairs and worked with CHP on re-certification and terminal inspections. 0311993 - 0911995 Mechanic, Mayflower Contract Services (Los Angeles, CA) Performed monthly maintenance on school buses, responded to road calls on breakdowns and performed general repairs. 0311991 - 0311993 Mechanic, Laidlaw Transit (Rancho Dominguez, CA) ■ Performed monthly maintenance on school buses, responded to road calls on breakdowns and performed general repairs. Education and Certifications • Smog Technician - Cerritos College • ASE Certified as a Medium/Heayy Truck Technician in Diesel Engines, expires in June of 2012 • V E. Management and Personnel Policies F. Accounting and Reporting G. Performance Bond H. Insurance and Indemnity 1. Financial Responsibility r ,r t i 4 yw~f a T~ x ~W I~ Jai • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services E. MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL POLICIES Modern Management Practices At MV, we are committed to empowered, collaborative leadership and our managers are expected to achieve mastery in the competencies recognized as behaviors cultivated by today's world class organizations. To this end, our leadership participates in regular, on-going seminars and workshops designed to test and refine the skills necessary to support this commitment. A consistent effort is made across the company to continually examine our business practices with a critical eye in order to maxin-ize any opportunities for performance improvement. While we are constantly developing skills in all areas of human relations, such as listening, coaching, conflict resolution and team building, we also focus on innovation in service and technical expertise. The combination of our efforts in all disciplines, allows us to push beyond traditional assumptions about how to manage people. MV will continue to meet the challenges and opportunities of business today, as we chart the course for what it means to be a leader in the industry. Past Record Equitable Labor Management Practices MV holds a record of equitable labor management practices. It has been our long-standing custom to implement equitable management practices such as progressive discipline, open door policies and employee development and empowerment. Not only do we have steering committees that empower our front-fine employees to effect change within their specific locations, but we also have created the "Bridges Committee", a group of individuals whose specific focus is the oversight and protection of our company mission, vision and values across the organization as a whole. Our lack of conflict in the area of labor management, demonstrates our ability to preserve positive relationships with our employees, whether covered by a collective bargaining agreement or not. In the end, we remain committed to nurturing the connection with each employee, through mutual respect, individual development and continual recognition. Equal Opportunity Employer MV has an Equal Opportunity Employment (EEO) policy to not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin or any other characteristic protected by law. MV will take affirmative actions to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated fairly during their employment, without regard to their age, race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin or any other characteristic protected by law. Such actions include, but are not limited to the following. employment, upgrading, demotions or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rate of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity Practices It is the policy of MV Transportation that employment decisions shall be based on merit, qualifications, and competence. Except where required or permitted by law, employment practices shall not be influenced or affected by virtue of an applicant's or employee's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by law. In addition, it is MV Transportation's policy to provide an environment that is free of unlawful harassment of any kind, including that, which is sexual, age-related, or ethnic. This policy statement governs all aspects of employment, promotion, assignment, discharge, and other terms and conditions of employment. Page 14 • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services F. ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING MV's experience in the industry has allowed us to establish a set of standard reports that many of our clients feel fit their needs. During service implementation, we will sit down with the City of Rosemead staff to discuss your reporting needs. While many times our standard reports give our clients what they want, other times we customize our application and prepare our reports in the client's desired format. We prefer this approach, since it avoids any miscommunication between MV and our clients, and it give us the flexibility to further meet the needs of our client. Ms. Torres and her support staff will produce reliable management reports in line with the RFP. MV Transportation has developed in-house MIS systems and also uses third party systems to track data and compile reports. We have developed a system that tracks revenue/non-revenue miles/hours, trips, etc. This system is designed to collect and store the data needed allowing summary reports to be generated in reader-friendly formats. By using this system to generate our billing, payroll, and operational reporting, we greatly reduce duplication of data entry and subsequent manual errors. One of this product's strongest assets is that it can interface with third party products such as Multisystems Midas-PT and Trapeze®. We will use this system unless the City prefers a different system. In addition, MV Transportation utilizes Lawson Software's Enterprise Resource Planning Solution both in our corporate office and at our divisions. The Lawson Financial Suite includes General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable. The Lawson Human Resources Suite includes Personnel Administration, Benefits Administration, Payroll, Time Management, and Employee and Manager Self-Service. Lawson software is a fully integrated, web- enabled solution, which we run on an NT platform. The software is scalable to allow for growth of the company without having capacity concerns. The web-enabled feature allows Company management to selectively determine which processes and controls should be centralized versus decentralized. We believe in proper data backup, and off site storage of data backups in the event of a fire or other catastrophic event. Our MIS team will set up the local computer network to ensure proper connectivity, security levels, password protection, and local technical support. We will work with the City's MIS staff in whatever manner necessary. MV is able to meet the FTA/NTD reporting requirements. Currently we provide these reports to many of our clients who receive Federal funding and are required to submit the FTA/NTD reports. We use the accepted FTA sampling methodology and have systems in place to collect and report this information per the guidelines of the National Transit Database Reporting Manual. Page 15 • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services G. PERFORMANCE BOND Per Addendum 1 from the City of Rosemead, this is no longer a requirement for this RFP. Page 16 • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services H. INSURANCE AND INDEMNITY Insurance Coverage Please see W's Certificate of Insurance following this section. Statement of Loss There are no litigation cases pending against any officer of MV Transportation, Inc. As a transportation management firm with ongoing contracts, MV usually has several accident damage and workers compensation claims in the settlement or claims' process. The company's claims management and legal teams work continuously to handle these matters, none of which are of a size or scope to threaten this contract. In the past two years, MV has incurred $7.3M in claims, $5.2M of which has been paid, and $22M are in reserve. There is presently no litigation against the company which is not subject to insurance coverage or which, if lost by the company, would in any way threaten the financial stability of the company or its ability to perform any of its contractual obligations. Due to the national scope of MV, it is extremely burdensome to provide all details of litigation. Additionally, much of this information is subject to attorney-client privilege. Should the City of Rosemead require information on any specific litigation of claim for the purpose of evaluating MV, MV will be more than happy to supply the information which can be released without jeopardizing attorney client privilege. Meanwhile, the company is hopeful that the City will allow for the submittal of the summary statement provided above. Page 17 (,-t-~i • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services 1. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY MV is a privately held firm that has neither been bought by nor merged with another firm. The lack of this debt load associated with such transactions has allowed MV to control interest costs and keep money in the pockets of our customers and employees and out of those of lenders. Please see our confidential audited Financial Statements for 2005 - 2006 enclosed separately in a sealed envelope included with our original proposal submittal. The Company's financial position is solid, and has strengthened over the last three years as evidenced by the increase in working capital and working capital current ratios. The Company has the financial resources and wherewithal to meet its financial obligations. For more information regarding the financial viability of MV, please contact Mr. Gary Richardson, Chief Financial Officer, at (707) 863-8980, extension 3009. These financial statements are proprietary to the company, pursuant to Sections 6254 (d) (k) (1), and 6276, and thus should be treated as confidential under the California Public Records Act. Page 18 • • C J. Vehicles and Equipment K. Operations and Maintenance Facility L. Maintenance Program M. Safety Pi Y - • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System tiFor the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services 1. VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT Vehicles V is proposing brand new, 2008 vehicles for the Rosemead Transit System. These vehicles will last the term of the contract, and be a sense of pride to the passengers and our employees as well. They are an interactive billboard with the community we serve, and will represent the City of Rosemead very well. Type I: MV is proposing five (5) 2008 Ford Candidate Cutaways for the Dial- a-Ride services. This number includes a spare for this vehicle type. These vehicles are extremely durable, and will seat eight (8) ambulatory and two (2) wheelchairs. Type II: MV is proposing three (3) 2008 Ford Senator II Cutaways for the Shopper Shuttle Services. This number allows for a spare of this vehicle type as well. These vehicles are proven to be very reliable and will serve the City of Rosemead well. The Senator will seat twenty (20) ambulatory and two (2) wheelchairs. Specific quotes and specifications, including floor plans, can be provided to the City upon request. Alternative Vehicle Options We have spoken with the vehicle manufacturer and a CNG conversion can be provided for the above vehicles at $18,400 per vehicle. Should the City select this option, MV would like to discuss the additional costs that would be incurred over the term of the contract regarding maintenance of these vehicles. DriveCam MV's proposal includes the installation of the DriveCam Video System in every service velucle we operate. MV can also install a wireless hotspot at in the yard for easy downloads (with the GCT's permission). This unique system continuously records the inside and outside of the vehicle simultaneously; however recordings are only saved when the camera is triggered by G-Forces or use of a Panic Button. Therefore, at the end of the day, only "clips" of unsafe or threatening behavior are left for download. This system provides our management team with an effective way to monitor operators' performance before an accident occurs. It protects operators in the event a passenger becomes aggressive or confrontational. The bus operator presses DriveCam's panic button when a passenger incident occurs; that operator has a recording of what actually happened. Finally, DriveCam identifies safe bus operators that may otherwise go by unnoticed. If the green light on the unit stays on all day, this means that the bus operator did nothing to trigger the event. MV has built many safety incentive programs based on the green light. DriveCam systems have helped MV improve safety through effective use and management. MV manages DriveCam differently from other firms. To reduce the administrative burden on the local team, all clips are sent to our DriveCam Center in Elk Horn, Iowa electronically. There, clips are reviewed by a team of trained professionals who will send back to the division only those clips requiring follow up and/or operator retraining. Nextel Radios MV recommends, and will use with the City's permission, the Nextel/Sprint system for the Rosemead Transit Service. This system enables the dispatcher to talk discretely to each vehicle separately or to all vehicles at the same time. This improves one-on-one communication with bus operators. Nextel's repeater network will cover the entire service area. Page 19 Q-'- -1~~ • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services As the radios are capable of receiving text messages, W plans to integrate the text messaging of cancellations and insertions into our dispatching routine. In addition, the radio features a cell phone function and text messaging that will allow for even greater communications flexibility. N V has spare radios on hand. If a radio should breakdown on a bus that is in service, the Operations Supervisor or other designated personnel will be dispatched to meet the bus at its next stop to replace the radio. The defective radio is sent in for repairs and is permanently replaced. Real Time, On-Time Performance Tracker MV's proprietary Real Time, On-Time Performance tracker is housed on our ASP servers and accessible on a secure web site. The software allows users to create routes and enter stops on each route. Time points can be geocoded or can be picked from a list of Common Places. As the route makes its stops, the trip is "performed" in the system. This can either be performed manually by a dispatcher, as operators call in their stops, or automatically using GPS devices such as a Nextel phone with GPS capability. Based on the time of arrival, the system updates and adjusts the estimated time for arrival for stops throughout the entire service day. This program can generate on-time-by-hour reports, which allow our local team, City staff and regional support to view the performance of service on any given day at any given time. This system offers the detailed on-time performance reporting often required by many funding sources. Additionally, it provides specific information to aid in passenger complaint investigation and system performance. This additional cost option has a one-time set up cost and installation fee of $120 per vehicle; with an on-going monthly cost of $75 per vehicle/per unit. Page 20 MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuffle Services K. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY MV proposes to operate and maintain these services from two locations. This will allow our local team to provide support within the City of Rosemead, as well as for MV to help the City realize the cost savings of utilizing our existing maintenance facility that is already equipped to maintain vehicles of the type contemplated by our proposal. Thus, we will meet the expectations of the City for the Rosemead Transit system, while remaining conscious of your budgetary constraints. Operations Facility MWs offices for the Rosemead Transit System will be located at 8141 East Arroyo Drive. This location will serve as the office for our Operations Supervisor, Dispatchers, and will also house our employee break room. This facility meets the eight mile radius requirement of the RFP. Ample parking is available at this location (31 spaces) which will accommodate employee parking, the Rosemead Transit fleet, and still provide enough room for growth as well. This office is centrally located, as it is only two blocks from the 60 Freeway. MV plans to fuel the vehicles (CNG or gasoline) less than two miles away from these offices at the Montebello Chevron located at 1500 Paramount Boulevard. Maintenance Facility MV will maintain, wash and detail the Rosemead Transit System vehicles at our existing facility located at 2016 Bay Street in Los Angeles. This location is 16,800 square feet, and is located on a more than 62,000 square foot property and can house more than three vehicles inside for maintenance functions, as required by the RFP. This facility is also already outfitted with proper ventilation for working on CNG vehicles, if the City selects that option. i- r ' ;s~ tz xw 1 _ ~ try -~~r 13r " v r t ~ 41.w: t uea'w x\\\ Page 21 • 0 MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Corporate & Regional Support for the Local Maintenance Team At MV, we have one of the most comprehensive support teams in place of any firm in the industry, a significant advantage to our proposal. Mr. Kenny Pouncey, Regional Director of Maintenance, and Mr. John Calame, Vice President of Maintenance, are available for support and will make frequent visits to monitor the performance of our local maintenance team. In addition, both Mr. Pouncey and Mr. Calame are available to our MV staff (and the City of Rosemead staff) 24 hours per day via mobile phones. Our comprehensive and detailed approach to maintenance has resulted in higher fleet reliability and improved physical appearance in a number of operations for which we have assumed responsibility. We believe that no other firm will commit the time, resources and effort to ensure we exceed your expectations in this important area, a reason a number of the people that now work for MV have joined this Company. Third Party Inspections MV complies with all Federal State and Local Safety Environmental Laws, Regulations, Rules, Codes and Orders. We understand that periodic external audits may be required by local, state and federal agencies. MV has a superior record with agencies in FTA Triennial Audits and CHP Inspections and we welcome their visits. MV fully understands the requirements of major local and state agencies and their interfaces that affect safety. Local interfaces are specified with all member clients and cites regarding operations, maintenance, and emergency planning and response activities. MV also complies with each state's individual needs specifically relating to environmental regulations regarding air, water and noise pollution and hazardous materials regulations. In addition, the following federal agencies may conduct periodic audits. Maintenance Software System MV is proposing to use the F1eetFocus maintenance management software to monitor parts usage, adjust inventory levels and efficiently track preventative maintenance activities. The software tracks monthly tire, oil and battery usage and facilitates electronic repair order storage. It also measures technicians' productivity, controls inventory and evaluates individual vehicle maintenance costs and generates weekly reports detailing this information. More information about this system can be found at hug://assetsoludons-maxifnus.com/fleet.cfm. MV's IT department has created a web interface that tracks Preventive Maintenance performance in each shop that uses FleetFocus. This means that MV's corporate support personnel (and if desired, clients) can log in to our website and view reports (shown below) that give a snapshot of fleet maintenance activities. MV also offers customized daily emails that report the prior days PMI On-time performance. These reports will help to prevent any missed PMIs that the City has been experiencing. Page 22 l~ MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services r PM^ .Ra n ENeciNN 9~nmv. nw F "N "L/YYMY M M MR1N a45_N9/BILI b6~191114~1y,p~ as n~'.~~_. . ~ iLi •a y~ ''F°i+ eSe WJKMYtl9 ®f.llf4V90 @tlJNAII py_t4Ypll Wm.-~0 0.R1NN1fWUV m ry IYLIIYYm "4 [tlf _R'Lpp1 Nw" YO..mTFld NNN JtllYt I ~'m Y _YNYW N ® Preventive Maintenance Schedule Preventive maintenance inspections (PMI) will be performed on each vehicle within each 3,000 miles. A-level inspections and B-level inspections will alternate until 24,000 miles, at which point the vehicle will have a C Inspection completed. Then the schedule re-starts at the beginning. To confirm that each PMI is performed in a timely manner, an odometer reading from the operator's pre-trip inspection form is recorded daily in the Fleet Focus system. The mechanic performing the PM inspection will have the vehicle file on hand. Any minor (non-safety related) defects identified during the Daily Vehicle Inspection process • will already be listed in the vehicle file and any additional defects identified during the PMI will be documented by the mechanic. All defects noted from these inspections will be corrected prior to returning the vehicle to service. Major components of this inspection process include: Heating and Air-Conditioning: Heating and air-conditioning (A/C) systems perform as required to ensure that the passenger compartment is comfortably maintained under all climate conditions at all times on all service runs. Inspection of these systems is performed regardless of current climate conditions. Systems Maintenance: All mechanical, electrical, fluid, air and hydraulic systems are in safe working conditions. Clean Air Standards: MV will perform annual emission/opacity inspections as required, to meet all applicable clean air standards. During this inspection process, we verify that all fees relating to permits and licenses are paid. Wheelchair Lift Maintenance: MV recognizes that an essential element of vehicle maintenance is ensuring that the wheelchair lift is in good operating condition at all times. We are aware of the ADA-related problems that can result from lifts that malfunction or do not work at all on a consistent basis. For that reason, it is part of our regular DVI and PMI process to cycle the lift and perform a preventive inspection on it. This includes the replacement of worn components, gear cleaning and alignment adjustments. Wheelchair lift repairs are recorded on PMI. forms and retained for future reference. In addition, if a lift fails in service, that vehicle is immediately pulled from service and not returned until the lift is properly functioning. Parts Inventory During the transition phase, an initial inventory of parts will be ordered based on usage at other locations using similar types of vehicles. Inventory levels will be adjusted based on a usage analysis performed from data gathered in the Fleet Focus software. MV will stock needed quantities of repair parts to ensure that adequate supplies are on hand for • repairs to be completed in a timely manner. (Typically, we keep levels at 2 weeks' usage.) To ensure that parts issued are properly tracked on work orders, the parts room will be locked when not attended. Page 23 li - -..1~i • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services • Daily Vehicle Inspection Each operator must perform a pre-trip inspection before entering service. This process ensures that all vehicles are in safe and good operating condition prior to entering service. To ensure operators are properly performing this inspection and pull-out is on-time, a supervisor is present to observe these inspections. Additionally, MV is authorized by Ford Motor Company to do in-house warranty work. MV will submit to Ford for reimbursement of in-house repairs, saving vehicle downtime. If the operator discovers a defect during these inspections, the operator will report it on their pre-trip inspection form. If the defect will cause further damage or presents a safety hazard, the operator notifies dispatch, documents the defect on the pre-trip inspection form and submits the defect report to the Maintenance Supervisor or designee. The vehicle is immediately placed out of service, a repair order is generated and the defect is corrected. If the defect is minor in nature, the operator will report the defect on the pre-trip inspection form and submit the form to dispatch. Defect reports are reviewed and documented in vehicle file and in the Fleet Focus system. When the vehicle is brought in for the next PM nspecton, all minor defects will be corrected. Cleaning Plan MV understands the extreme importance of the Vehicle Cleaning Program. Any worn, broken, cut, torn or vandalized components that are visible, or accessible by the public, will be brought to the attention of Mr. Barnett, who will assign repairs. MV understands that we must immediately repair graffiti to eliminate hazards, minimize discomfort and maintain the fleet's appearance. MV's Operations Supervisor will coordinate with Mr. Barnett to ensure that the spare vehicles are rotated through our Bay Street maintenance facility for preventive maintenance; any needed repairs, as well as cleaning and detailing as required by the RFP. • The interior of each vehicle will be swept and/or vacuumed and dusted daily. As needed, interior panels, windows, and upholstery will be cleaned. Any damage to the seats, or graffiti, will be repaired upon discovery. The exterior of all vehicles will be washed as required to maintain a clean appearance, and on a minimum once per week. Any rubber or vinyl exterior components will be treated on a monthly basis to maintain an attractive appearance. Vermin and insects shall be safely exteminated immediately upon discovery in vehicles. E Page 24 I • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services OM. SAFETY PROGRAM Safety Begins with Me MV Transportation is committed to the ongoing development and refinement of its safety program. Each of MTs safety policies are guided by the following principles: • Safety is the responsibility of every employee. • Our operating environment can be safeguarded. • Injuries and occupational illness can be prevented. • Preventing injuries and incidents is good business. • Management will train all employees to work safely. It is incumbent on each and every employee of MV Transportation to keep Safety at the forefront of all actions. It is the responsibility of every manager in the company to foster a safety culture in which our employees thrive and actively participate. To ensure that M6"s employees maintain the proper values, recognize their responsibilities to our clients and work with a sense of purpose, MV has launched the "Safety Begins with Me" campaign. The tenets of this campaign are as follows: • MV is in the business to provide safe, reliable and courteous transportation services. Safety standards will not be . compromised, subordinated or diminished by any other goal. • Employees are encouraged and rewarded as they expand their knowledge and fulfill their individual potentials. • We want every employee to feel his or her workplace is the envy of the industry. • We also want every customer to feel his or her bus company is the envy of the industry. Safety Culture MV is dedicated to creating a culture of safety in every location. It is the duty of every MV employee to carry out daily work assignments in a safe manner and maintain their work areas in accordance with established departmental safety procedures. All employees are required to abide by all procedures relating to security and safety and must not engage in any conduct that poses a threat to themselves, other employees, the general public, MV or Client-owned property. Safety and training is a constantly changing and ongoing effort in transportation operation and is jointly cultivated through the ongoing efforts of our Safety and Risk Management departments. Led by Mr. Tom Greufe (Executive VP, Safety & Training) and Mr. Robert Hargis (Executive VP, Risk), W's Safety and Risk teams continually develop and implement programs that promote safe operations, reduce or eliminate accidents and monitor safety compliance and maintenance. Each MV location follows the company's written Safety Culture Guide. We have included a copy of this guide in the appendix of our proposal. This guide serves as a reference for all managers and supervisors in fostering an effective and motivating safety culture at their location. This guide defines our Principles of a Safe Workplace as it relates to our culture. These principles drive MV's Safety program and serve as a base for all operational safety: • Safety is an Ethical Responsibility. • Safety is a Culture and Not a Program. • Management is Responsible. • Employees Must Be Trained to Work Safely. • Safety is a Condition of Employment. • All Injuries Are Preventable. • Safety Programs Must Be Site Specific with Recurring Audits of the Workplace and Prompt Corrective Action. Safety is Good Business. Page 25 I '~3\1 • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System ' For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services • J • Zero Incident Philosophy In 2006, MV's Safety Group embarked on an exciting new campaign throughout the company - the Zero Incident Philosophy or "ZIP" Program. This simple, yet attainable message relays the company's goal of having ZERO accidents/incidents of any type. This campaign has been highly successful in the company's efforts to build a Safety Culture, and has resulted in improved safety. This campaign is reinforced in a number of ways. First, all company meetings must begin with a safety message - from executive conference calls, to safety meetings, to staff meetings. Everyone in the company must follow this rule, from the CEO down. If the leader of the meeting does not begin with a safety message, s/he must pay $5 to the participants. This effective way of putting safety before everything else, literally and figuratively, has refocused everyone in our company on safety. In addition, MV distributed bright green ZIP wristbands. All management employees are asked to wear their ZIP wristbands at work. This serves as a constant reminder to all employees that MV is focused on safety. Finally, MV initiated a new procedure to follow when an incident occurs. The location's General Manager and Safety Manager must communicate with their team what happened, how and why it happened, and how to prevent this type of occurrence again. This approach has helped motivate our employees to restart the group goal of achieving One Incident-Free Day at a Time. Monthly Safety Meeting All employees are required to attend an hour long safety meeting each month. During this meeting, safety awards are announced and presentations are given on safety issues recently affecting our operation. Recent customer complaints, video clips recovered from DriveCam and discussions of any recent incidents within the company will be used in training presentations. This valuable retraining gives our employees an opportunity to refocus their efforts on the importance of saferv. The Katherine McClary Operator of the Quarter The Katherine McClary Operator of the Quarter and year program is a National Program that recognizes Ms. Katherine McClary, a 25- year-old Duke Honor graduate and high school basketball coach, who was accidentally struck and killed by a bus in North Carolina in 2004. MV Transportation has named this new Operator of the Quarter program after Ms. McClary, and this program honors her name and helps promotes driving safely. Since this accident, MV Transportation has worked in partnership with the McClary family to ensure that all MV Transportation bus operators and employees across the country recognize and understand the importance of operator safety and pedestrian awareness. The Katherine McClary Professional Operator of the Year Recognition Program was implemented in January 2006 and includes a division, regional and national award that recognizes exceptional bus and van operators that work for MV Transportation across the country. The quarterly winner receives a plaque, a certificate, their picture displayed in the operator room and dinner with the General Manager and Operations Manager. The quarterly winners become eligible for the annual award at the division, in the region and nationally. Daily Safety Message MV's corporate safety team publishes daily safety messages for all of our operations to hang in the division and read over the radio. This program has been highly successful in promoting safety. To reinforce the importance of safety at MV, MV recently instituted a new policy that all meetings must begin with a safety message. Location Safety Committee MV requires that each location establish a location safety committee (LSC). This committee works together to create and maintain a safe work environment for all employees. The LSC also has a significant role in the system safety and Page 26 I1I • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuffle Services security program as well as hazard reduction and resolution efforts. The LSC will be comprised of Ms. Torres, the • Operations Supervisor, one Dispatcher, and two operators. Safety Inspections All locations are required to undergo periodic maintenance inspections and repair by teams of maintenance mechanics and supervisors. Ms. Torres will ultimately be responsible for ensuring that all inspections are conducted, although these inspections will be managed through the joint efforts of Mr. Barnett and the Operations Supervisor, with the support of W's regional support team. Facility inspections include (at minimum) annual facility audits, preventive maintenance inspections, annual fire inspections and insurance underwriter inspections. MV also welcomes client facility inspections. Compliance with Federal, State and Local Safety Environmental Laws, Regulations, Rules, Codes and Orders MV will comply with all Federal, State and Local Safety Environmental Laws, Regulations, Rules, Codes and Orders. We understand that periodic external audits will be required by local, state and federal agencies. Ms. Torres will . coordinate the scheduling of such audits as required. MV has a superior record with these types of agencies and welcomes their visits. MV has recently successfully passed triennial audits in Phoenix (AZ), Pinole (CA), Vallejo (CA) and Reno (NV). DMV Pull Notice Program MV participates in the California DMV Pull Notice Program. This can be verified by calling (916) 657-6346 and providing MV Transportation's Requestor Code #79787. • • Page 27 0 0 N. Screening and Selection Program 0. Training and Retraining Program P. Time Schedule Q. Debarred, Suspended or Ineligible Contractors Cost Proposal 0 For the management and O. SCREENING AND SELECTION PROGRAM Screening Program MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services Solid and consistent hiring practices are an essential first step in building excellent transit service. MV understands that employees are the faces and voices of your transit system, Rosemead Transit, and must appropriately and professionally represent both the City and W. Their performance determines how the customer will view the service. For that reason, MV ensures that it recruits and hires people who not only meet the expectations of the job, but who are courteous, cooperative and professional. MV strives to identify current employees that should be retained and screens new applicants to ensure they meet our stringent minimum qualifications. • Motor Vehicle Record Review - The application process includes a review of an applicant's driving record. All driving safety sensitive applicants must provide a current and valid driving record that shows an applicants' driving history. Applicants should have no more than 2 points in the past three years, with no DWI/DUI convictions within thellast 10 years. MV reviews driving records on either an annual or semi-annual basis, depending on the contract requirements. If violations are identified that are not reported, the driver will be interviewed and possibly released for failing to report the violation. • Prior Employment References - MV conducts reference checks with former employers as part of the hiring process. • Criminal History Checks - MV conducts background checks on all employees. Applicants with a felony criminal conviction within the last 10 years will not be eligible for employment. Furthermore, job applicants with convictions of violence or sexual offenses, whether felony or misdemeanor, are not eligible for employment with • MV. Interview -1\IV uses a consistent approach to interviewing. Interviews focus on both hard skills such as driving abilities and soft skills such as customer service orientation and empathy. MV utilizes behavior based interview questions which enables MV to better understand an applicant's past behaviors and how they will fit at the company. Qualified applicants who meet the base set of criteria may be invited to an Orientation Session. This session outlines all aspects of the job, and includes a tour of the facility. The goal of this session is to confirm the candidates' interest in the position before they are hired. All offers of employment are contingent upon successful completion of a drug screen to detect the presence of any controlled or illegal substances. Employees in a safety sensitive position (i.e., drivers, mechanics) must also undergo a pre-employment physical examination performed at MV's expense by a physician of the company's choice. Consistent with MN"s FTA approved Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program safety sensitive employees are subject to random screening. Other exams may include a DOT physical or other physical testing verifying that an applicant can meet the qualifications of the position. Substance Abuse Screening As part of MV's commitment to providing a safe, efficient, and productive work environment for all employees, it is essential that our workplace always remains drug-free. As such, all employees are subject to pre-employment drug and alcohol screening. All safety sensitive employees are tested for drug usage in accordance with W's Zero Tolerance Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, which requires pre-employment, random, post accident and reasonable suspicion drug and alcohol screening. This program is updated regularly to conform to new laws and complies or exceeds all FTA and DOT requirements. MV has successfully completed all FTA audits to which it has been subject. • MV's Compliance Manager, Mrs. Esther Avalos, administers our random drug and alcohol testing, using the Assistant-Pro database software, which uses a scientifically valid, tamper- proof, computer-generated process that randomly selects individuals for testing without discrimination. Assistant-Pro selects, schedules and tracks all test information on safety- Page 28 MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services sensitive personnel for all types of drug and alcohol testing. All drug and alcohol test information is maintained in • this secure database and all records are maintained as required by law. MV administers substance testing as described below. As stated earlier, MV has a zero tolerance policy, a positive screen or refusal to be tested under these conditions will result in termination of employment. Pre-Employment - All offers of employment are contingent upon the successful completion of a pre-employment drug screen. Failure to submit to said test, or a positive screen results in revocation of the offer of employment. Random - All safety sensitive employees are automatically entered into the company pool for random testing pursuant to FFA regulations. Post-Accident - Any current employee who is involved in a serious incident or accident while on duty, whether on or off the company's premises, is required to submit to a drug test. Reasonable Suspicion - This test may be required if significant and observable changes in employee performance, appearance, behavior, speech, etc. provide reasonable suspicion of the influence of.alcohol/ drugs. All frontine personnel are observed by supervisory personnel who are certified as having compkted the DDT Supervisor's Clary in Reasonable Suspicion Training in Drug and Alcohol MV utilizes local' occupational health clinics in our operating areas to perform the urine and breath alcohol collections for testing. MV contracts with Clinic Reference Laboratory (CRL) for laboratory services, Dr. Stephen Kracht for MRO services, National Counseling Resources for substance abuse professional services, and Duo Research to handle our blind quality control sample testing. All results are transmitted to Mrs. Avalos, who processes the information and provides to local management. All employees receive full FTA compliant training that outlines W's Zero Tolerance Policy during initial training. Drug and alcohol testing procedures are addressed as part of our regular Driver Training Program and annual • supervisor training. is Page 29 • • ~f MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System ' For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services •O. TRAINING AND RETRAINING PROGRAM Operator Training While the program is customized on a local level to address specific areas of concerns (i.e. unique service area, specific vehicle type, sensitivity training with local agency participants, etc.) the base program consists of twelve modules. A copy of the Operator Training Manual is included in the appendix of this proposal. I' Welcome and Introduction , Expectations Policy & Procedures MV Handbook 2 Smith System 2 Fare and Radio Training 2 Emergency Procedures Incident Reporting Training 4 Lift/Securement Training Local Geography and Ma Training 3 4 START Program Customer Relations training 8 Module One: The Bus 0.5 Module Two: Bus Inspections Module Three: Bus Maneuvers 1 Module Four: Intermediate Bus Maneuvers 1 Module Five: Service Stops 1 Module Six: Special Conditions Module Seven: Expressways/Freeways 2 2 Module Eight: Special Driving Problems 4 Module Nine: Defensive Driving 4 Module Ten: The Operator / Substance Abuse Policy BbP MSDS 2 Module Eleven: ADA Requirements 2 Module Review, Written Testin 1 TOTAL CLASSROOM HOURS 47 Passenger Assistance Training Behind The Wheel' Training *Cadet Line Training Houm Basic Vehicle Operation on Street, includes lift operation & securement 8 Behind the Wheel Training r 8 Vehicle Operation- Night Driving 2 Licensing/Permit Yard Training 2 Skills Course Orientation 4 CDL Pre-trip Inspection 3 CDL Test Preparation I Commercial Operators License Skills & Road Testing 8 TOTAL BEHIND THE WHEEL & CADET HOURS 44 TOTAL TESTING & GRADUATION HOURS 5 Sensitivity training modules include participation of disabled passengers and agency staff representing various segments of the customer population to build understanding and empathy among the operators. Each sensitivity training program is tailored to the specific needs of the local division. practice and role-playing sessions are held with trainees to foster an understanding of what it is like to try to navigate the system when one is visually impaired or uses a mobility device. Training includes the study of many different types of disabilities and mobility aids so that operators properly learn how to handle each one professionally and with a dignified, yet sensitive, demeanor. All employees are taught that customers are people first and they generally have the best information regarding the amount of assistance they require. Operator Evaluations Continuous on-road observations are a critical component to ongoing service evaluations. The driver supervisor leads all operator evaluation efforts, which are performed at minimum two times annual for each operator. Observations made during these evaluations may be used to identify retraining needs. All evaluation forms are retained in each operator's file. This evaluation process consists of the following evaluations: 1. DriveCam Clips; 2. Observed Ride • Checks; 3. Mobility Device Securement Spot Checks; 4. Un-Observed Service Checks; and 5. Pull Out Inspections. Page 30 , 0 0 MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services • Follow-up Training MV's monthly safety meetings provide additional training to all Rosemead Transit operators through presentations on safety issues pertinent to the operation. Additionally, MV will utilize video clips recovered from DriveCam and information on any recent incidents within the company during post accident retraining. Customer complaints and unsatisfactory evaluations will also prompt follow-up training, which give our employees a means to refocus on the importance of safety and customer service. Customer Service Training Program As part of MV's operator training, all operators are provided eight (8) hours of customer service art training using the START Training from Ergometrics. The Ergometrics START Training program is an industry recognized program that was recently awarded a model training program award by the National Transit Institute (NTI) in Salt Lake City. The START program is highly effective at showing new and existing operators how to deal with all types of potential challenges from customers while engaging them in real world situations that commonly happen while delivering transit service to the public. The program is a video-based training package that helps operators understand the part they play in providing and promoting public transportation. START Training teaches operators: • How and why to make customers feel welcome. • How to communicate positively and solve problems in an outcome-oriented way. • Why policies should be followed and how to make good decisions about exceptions. • How to manage operational realities such as time pressures. • How and why to establish appropriate, professional boundaries with customers. How to avoid' and curtail emotional escalation, power wars and other unsafe behavior. • How and when to seek assistance. • How to interact with supervisors and co-workers in a mature and positive way. • Page 37 I~".lei • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services 0P- • TIME SCHEDULE Description of Transition Plan In 2007, MV successfully transitioned the services for the Whittier and La Habra Heights Dial a Ride from a long term incumbent contractor. We were very pleased to receive the following comments from Mr. Martin Browne, Transit Analyst, City of Whittier: "Everyone in your team has worked very hard to give our customers a high quality service on this fast day. I certainly appreciate the support I have received from your team over the past few weeks to get this program up and running in a short time frame.., we are excited about this new venture." MV approaches every startup with enthusiasm that translates into excellent service. No other firm has experience in starting up operations like W. Cuter the past five years, MV has transitioned more than 120 contracts of all sizes and service types. The knowledge gained through this experience is invaluable to our company's success. In turn this success keeps our team motivated, positive and ready for the next challenge. W's transition approach capitalizes on success and learns from our challenges. This approach prevents the same m stake from being made more than once and adds to the collective knowledge of our team. MYs transition experience ranges from phased in, year long startups to emergency overnight transitions. Regardless of the size, location, scope and timeline, MV uses a rigorous and effective implementation plan where team members are assigned to each section of the project. While the number of resources dedicated to the project may vary by contract, startups are managed in the same way - with relentless attention to detail. MV's primary focus during a transition is to ensure that the only effect on the passenger is a very positive one. Transition Team MV has selected Nader Raydan to serve as W's Transition Manager for this project. During the transition period, Mr. Raydan will report directly to Leland Peterson, Regional Vice President, who will also spend significant time at this startup. Together Ms. Torres, Mr. Raydan and Mr. Peterson will maintain direct oversight of all elements of the transition. In addition, MV's transition team for the Rosemead Transit start-up will be comprised of executives and support from various divisions and support departments. This approach ensures that each area of the operation is overseen by a specialist in that field. By pooling this experience a highly organized transition is achieved. While Team Leaders may vary, preliminary assignments include: Transition Duties • Responsible Team Member Team Oversight Leland Peterson, Regional VP Kevin Klika, President Client Liaison & Contract Compliance Arty Torres, General Manager Scheduling & Operator Assignments TBA, Operations Supervisor Operator Training & Recruiting Lisle Ford, Safety Director Human Resources Cristina Pereira, Director of Human Resources Passenger Relations Arty Torres, General Manager Service Quality & Contract Liaison ion Kevin Monsonson, President ,(EO Fleet Transition, Maintenance, John Calame,VP Maintenance Equipment & Facilities Robert Barnett Maintenance Manager Personnel & Trainina lisle Ford, Safety Director Budgeting & Finance Fri(a Noble, Controller Page 32 • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services Critical Path Scheduling is Critical path scheduling is the core of MV's task assignment and overall transition methodology. The Rosemead Transit implementation will be successful because of MV's commitment to a relentless attention to detail. MV does not take an approach that looks at the overall result to determine each aspect's success, but instead we look at all aspects of the project to determine overall success. To ensure nothing falls through the cracks with the Rosemead Transit services, MV has already prepared the written draft identifying tasks and assignments. This Start-up Schedule is a fluid document that will be appended and adjusted as needed or requested by our team and the City. Progress of this list will be monitored closely throughout the process of the start-up. We have included our draft Start-Up Schedule in the appendix for your review. The task assignment list becomes the core document of all,transition meetings and daily reviews. This fist is constantly reviewed with Jon Monson, CEO, to ensure due dates are met. MV's goal is to have the task accomplished prior to the date indicated. These reviews are also important in identifying problems that may have occurred and correcting them within the following day. What MV's Clients Have to Say About MV Startups [MV personnel worked extremely bard throughout the recent weekend to insure a smooth transition of the sefl*e. In addition, the MV corporate staff is to be commended far their quick and efficient response to SEPTA 'r request" - James Foely, Chief Operating Officer, CCT, SEPTA (Philadelphia, PA) • `The paratransit industry rarefy sees a transition that went as well as this one. Bill Welch, Manager, Accessible Transit Services, SamTrans (San Mateo, California) • `Eight (8) months ago Kings County Area Public Transit Agenry selected MV Transportation to provide fixed mute and para- transit services. This selection was based on the proposal for services dated February 25, 2003. I am pleased to report that this • proposal turned out to be a blueprint of howyour operation has been implemented This was refreshing, as it is not often the care. Ronald Hughes, Transit Manager, KCAPTA (Kings County, California) • "...In my 15 plus years of experience as a Transit Manager, I have never seen any transition go so smoothly. During the procurement process, your firm committed to a seamless transition and immediate morale and admim.stranve improvements. Well, it it obvious to me thatyou own a Company that is good to its word Within 30 days, I have seen a vast improvement in the way the West-4T/MV Transportation Employees have been treated and it has resulted in an immediate reduction in employee turn-over." - Charles Anderson, General Manager, WestCat (Pinole, California) Plan to Address Specific Issues in the Start-Up Retaining Existing Employees MV is focused on the passenger, a critical philosophy to maintain when transidoning operating contracts. The continued presence of the current workforce assures passengers that the transition will not adversely affect service quality. This is why MV strives to retain as many of the current employees as possible, provided they meet the minimum qualifications, have a strong employment record and receive City approval. All current personnel, provided they meet City and MV qualifications, will be retained in their present position, at their current seniority. All efforts in this area will be in compliance with the City and prior to offering a position, MV will consult with City staff and incumbent contractor staff to ensure that these persons are in good standing. In the event that the individual has positive references, the person will be offered a position pending successful completion of their duties for the current provider and completion of required pre-employment drug testing and other required certifications. To facilitate this, \fV will meet with the employees early and often. These meetings will be conducted so as not to affect service. These sessions will explain the transition process and assist them through the application process. 40 MV will also establish a toll free number for employees to call if they have questions or concerns about the transition process. It is our experience that if there is a time delay between contract award and employee meetings, or if these employees are not given a clear way to communicate with the new contractors, uncertainty sets in and these persons Page 33 ~i • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services will seek other job opportunities. By meeting with them early and keeping them informed, the mystery of change is • eliminated and the personnel are more comfortable with the transition. We understand that there will be a few employees who may not qualify for or may not accept a position on our team; therefore, our transition team's HR representatives will actively recruit new employees during this time as well. Finally, MV will work with the City and the current contractor to ensure that the service operates properly throughout the transition period. To facilitate this, MV will inform every employee that they must remain in good standing with their current employer and the City in order to retain their position with MV. This prevents employees from taking excessive days off or not following rules because they will have a new employer soon. Frequent Client Communication One of the largest challenges often faced in starting up a system such as Rosemead Transit is communication between the contractor and client. It is imperative that the City is fully aware of every aspect of the transition and that the City knows when, where, and how MV s resources are being used at all times. It is also imperative that NIV and the City are on the same page when responding to questions, concerns and complaints regarding the transition. This prevents commitments from being made that cannot be delivered. MV's transition team will hold weekly in-person (or more frequently if you wish) meetings with City staff to review the progress of prior events and those upcoming in the following week. Vehicle Operator Training Vehicle Operator training is a monumental task in service transitions. Because MV is proposing to hire as many of the current vehicle operators as possible, our team must be swift in all efforts associated with this task, such as application review, background checks, DMV pulls, drug/alcohol screens, performance evaluations and training. It is important • to prevent any disruption to the current service as we recruit and retain these employees. With permission from the City and incumbent contractor, MV's training personnel will conduct performance evaluations for each vehicle operator while in service. This approach minimizes inconveniences to the vehicle operator or the passenger. Should permission not be granted, MV will schedule vehicle operators for ride checks during their off-duty time. MV's HR team will also request access to the training files for each employee. While this information is legally available to each employee, it is generally easier for MV to work directly with the prior contractor to obtain these files. Should the prior contractor not cooperate, MV will request that each current employee obtain copies of their training files. All existing vehicle operators will undergo a modified version of MV's operator training program. This includes an orientation session and customer service training. Classes will be offered during weekends and nights so that these people can obtain this training without affecting their daily work schedules. All new vehicle operators will undergo MV's mandatory new Vehicle Operator Training Program. r1 LJ Page 34 f~~t ~i • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services •Q. DEBARRED, SUSPENDED OR INELIGIBLE CONTRACTORS MV Transportation, Inc. certifies by submission of this Proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presently, nor has been in the last five years, debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency, nor has MV been terminated by any of our clients in any previous contract work. u • Page 35 • • MV Proposal to the Rosemead Transit System For the management and operation of the Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle Services 01 OST PROPOSAL • Page 36 . • 0 ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 1 • Proposer's Name: MV Transportation TO COMPLETE THE "PROPOSED COST FORMULA" SECTION: ITEM 1: Provide Cost per VSH consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Cost per Hour form. ITEM 2: Provide Monthly Fixed Costs consistent with "Total" from Breakdown of Monthly Fixed Costs form ITEM 3: Multiply "Projected Annual VRH" as shown by the "Cost per VRH." ITEM 4: Multiply "Monthly Fixed Costs" from item 2 times the number of months in that contract year. PROPOSED COST FORMULA r1 LJ COST FORMULA Year One 10 Months Year Two 12 Months Year Three 12 Months Year Four 12 Months Year Five 12 Months 1. Cost per VRH $19.00 $20.39 $22.45 $23.77 $25.13 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $46,034 $40,962 $41,747 $42,045 $42,651 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $270,816 $348,611 $383,892 $406,485 $429,753 4. Annual Fixed Costs $460,344 $491,540 $500,961 $504,534 $511,813 TOTAL COST (3+4) $731,160 $840,150 $884,853 $911,019 $941,566 This Cost Proposal Form is to be used to submit the proposed contractors firm cost proposal for all work described in the RFP and Scope of Work. The detailed Cost Breakdowns of the Cost Proposal Form should be consistent with proposed Cost Per Vehicle Revenue Hour and Monthly Fixed Costs. BREAKDOWN OF "COST PER VRH" IN PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST PER VRH BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Driver Wages $13.90 $14.23 $15.05 $16.00 $16.99 Driver Fringe Benefits $2.23 $2.30 $2.44 $2.61 $2.78 Rev Veh Maintenance $1.21 $1.26 $1.34 $1.39 $1.44 Other(specify) Maintenance Wages $1.44 $2.24 $3.11 $3.24 $3.37 Maintenance Fringes $0.23 $0.36 $0.50 $0.53 $0.55 TOTAL COST PER VRH $19.00 $20.39 $22.45 $23.77 $25.13 0 • • ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 2 • Proposer's Name: MV Transportation BREAKDOWN OF "MONTHLY FIXED COSTS" (Note: Costs shown are to be the average monthly fixed costs by category) • • MONTHLY FIXED COST BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five General Manager Salary $708.33 $736.67 $766.17 $796.83 $828.67 General Manager Fringe $113.55 $118.90 $124.28 $129.89 $135.58 Ops Supervisor Salary $3,354.00 $3,488.17 $3,627.92 $3,773.25 $3,924.17 Ops Supervisor Fringe $537.64 $562.99 $588.48 $615.08 $642.04 Maintenance Mgr Salary Maint. Mgr Fringe Other Wages (Dispatchers) $5,920.75 $6,158.33 $6,405.25 $6,661.42 $6,926.92 Other Fringe (Dispatchers) $949.09 $993.96 $1,038.98 $1,085.88 $1,133.32 Hinng/Training $621.44 $648.47 $676.78 $702.10 $729.00 Safety $100.67 $106.17 $111.80 $115.70 $119.60 Uniforms $94.38 $191.88 $202.80 $210.60 $218.40 Non-Revenue Vehicles Janitorial Telephone $460.00 $478.00 $496.00 $516.00 $536.00 Utilities $600.00 $624.00 $649.00 $675.00 $702.00 Office Supplies $625.00 $650.00 $676.00 $703.00 $731.00 Accounting INSURANCE: General Liability $128.83 $128.25 $138.58 $144.17 $151.25 Automobile Liability $780.00 $858.00 $900.92 $946.00 $993.33 Collision/Comprehensive $1,421.42 $1,496.25 $1,571.08 $1,645.92 $1,735.67 Workers Compensation $2,359.33 $2,508.58 $2,737.67 $2,899.75 $3,063.42 Other (Specify): Depreciation $8,811.00 $8,811.00 $8,786.00 $8,511.00 $8,492.42 Interest $3,891.96 $2,830.43 $2,199.21 $1,542.37 $854.67 Start Up $4,831.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Radio Expenses $360.00 $374.00 $389.00 $405.00 $421.00 Administrative Support $4,699.67 $4,551.58 $4,793.17 $4,934.17 $5,099.50 Facility Costs $1,774.00 $1,845.00 $1,918.00 $1,995.00 $2,075.00 Management Fee/Profit $2,892.08 $2,801.00 $2,949.67 $3,036.42 $3,138.17 TOTAL MONTHLY FIXED COSTS $46.034 $40,962 $41,747 $42,045 $42,651 [Note: Listing of typical cost items on this provided form does not re-quire Contractor to provide this position, utility or service.) ESTIMATED ANNUAL FUEL COST Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Projected Total Vehicle Miles 179,550 179,550 179,550 179,550 179,550 Estimated Annual Fuel Cost $61,586 $64,665 $67,898 $71,293 $74,858 Assumed Cost/Gal Gasoline $3.43 $3.60 $3.78 $3.97 $4.17 Assumed Cost/Gal Diesel • • L7 ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 1 TO COMPLETE THE "PROPOSED COST FORMULA" SECTION: ITEM 1: Provide Cost per VSH consistent with 'Total' from Breakdown of Cost per Hour form. ITEM 2: Provide Monthly Fixed Costs consistent with 'Total' from Breakdown of Monthly Fixed Costs form. ITEM 3: Multiply "Projected Annual VRH" as shown by the "Cost per VRH." ITEM 4: Multiply "Monthly Fixed Costs" from item 2 times the number of months in that contract year. PROPOSED COST FORMULA, OPTION A COST FORMULA Year One 10 Months Year Two 12 Months Year Three 12 Months Year Four 12 Months Year Five 12 Months 1. Cost per VRH $19.23 $20.61 $22.68 $24.00 $25.36 2. Monthly Fixed Cost $50,506 $45,106 $45,673 $45,735 $46,088 Projected Annual VRH 14,250 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 3. Annual VRH Cost $274,094 $352,373 - $387,825 $410,418 $433,686 4. Annual Fixed Costs $505,058 $541,273 $548,079 $548,816 $553,057 TOTAL COST (3+4) $779,152 $893,646 $935,904 $959,233 $986,742 This Cost Proposal Form is to be used to submit the proposed contractors firm cost proposal for all work described in the RFP and Scope of Work. The detailed Cost Breakdowns of the Cost Proposal Form should be consistent with proposed Cost Per Vehicle • Revenue Hour and Monthly Fixed Costs. BREAKDOWN OF "COST PER VRH" IN PROPOSED COST FORMULA COST PER VRH BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Driver Wages $13.90 $14.23 $15.05 $16.00 $16.99 Driver Fringe Benefits $2.23 $2.30 $2.44 $2.61 $2.78 Rev Veh Maintenance $1.44 $1.48 $1.57 $1.62 $1.67 Other(specify) Maintenance Wages $1.44 $2.24 $3.11 $3.24 $3.37 Maintenance Fringes $0.23 $0.36 $0.50 $0.53 $0.55 TOTAL COST PER VRH $1923 $20.61 $22.68 $24.00 $25.36 1] 0 9 C~ CI • ROSEMEAD TRANSIT COST PROPOSAL FORM, PAGE 2 BREAKDOWN OF "MONTHLY FIXED COSTS" - OPTION A (Note: Costs shown are to be the average monthly fixed costs by category) MONTHLY FIXED COST BREAKDOWN Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five General Manager Salary $708.33 $736.67 $766.17 $796.83 $828.67 General Manager Fringe $113.55 $118.90 $124.28 $129.89 $135.58 Ops Supervisor Salary $3,354.00 $3,488.17 $3,627.92 $3,773.25 $3,924.17 Ops Supervisor Fringe $537.64 $562.99 $588.48 $615.08 $642.04 Maintenance Mgr Salary Maim. Mgr Fringe Other Wages (Dispatchers) $5,920.75 $6,158.33 $6,405.25 $6,661.42 $6,926.92 Other Fringe (Dispatchers) $949.09 $993.96 $1,038.98 $1,085.88 $1,133.32 Hiring/Training - $621.44 $648.47 $676.78 $702.10 $729.00 Safety $100.67 $106.17 $111.80 $115.70 $119.60 Uniforms $94.38 $191.88 $202.80 $210.60 $218.40 Non-Revenue Vehicles Janitorial Telephone $460.00 $478.00 $496.00 $516.00 $536.00 Utilities $600.00 $624.00 $649.00 $675.00 $702.00 Office Supplies $625.00 $650.00 $676.00 $703.00 $731.00 Accounting INSURANCE: General Liability $137.33 $136.33 $146.58 $151.75 $158.50 Automobile Liability $780.00 $858.00 $900.92 $946.00 $993.33 Collision/Comprehensive $1,421.42 $1,496.25 $1,571.08 $1,645.92 $1,735.67 Workers Compensation $2,359.33 $2,508.58 $2,737.67 $2,899.75 $3,063.42 Other (Specify): Depreciation $11,734.00 $11,734.00 $11,709.00 $11,434.00 $11,415.42 Interest $4,908.20 $3,576.71 $2,748.36 $1,880.13 $965.76 Start Up $4,851.30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Radio Expenses $360.00 $374.00 $389.00 $405.00 $421.00 Administrative Support $5,011.42 $4,840.75 $5,069.50 $5,195.25 $5,344.42 Facility Costs $1,774.00 $1,845.00 $1,918.00 $1,995.00 $2,075.00 Management Fee/Profit ~ $3,083.92 $2,978.92 $3,119.67 $3,197.08 $3,288.83 TOTAL MONTHLY FIXED COSTS $50,506 $45,106 $45,673 $45,735 $46,088 [Note: Listing of typical cost items on this provided form does not require Contractor to provide this position, utility or service.] ESTIMATED ANNUAL FUEL COST Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Projected Total Vehicle Miles 179,550 179,550 179,550 179,550 179,550 Estimated Annual Fuel Cost $2.13 $2.24 $2.39 $2.47 $2.59 Assumed Cost/Gal CNG $54,635 $57,366 $60,235 $63,246 $66,408 Assumed Cost/Gat Propane 71 C Southland Transit Inc. January 9, 2008 Chris Marcarello, Administrative Services Officer City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Transit Service Proposal Dear Mr. Marcarello: As the leading provider of Community Transit service in the San Gabriel Valley, we are proud to present this proposal for your consideration. We believe that our past performance in this part of Los Angeles County makes us the best choice as the City's service partner as you work to bring new strategic direction to the transit operation. There are several reasons: ✓ We are the most successful operator of general public dial-a-ride systems in Southern California and we have proposed a manager who has been deeply involved in the success of those operations. ✓ We are the most productive operator of dial-a-ride services in Southern California. At the end of the day your overall cost will have more to do with the productivity of the service than it does with the hourly rate proposed. ✓ Our existing propane storage and fueling facility in nearby El Monte will allow you to implement clean air alternate fuels for this project at virtually the same cost as regular gasoline due to the lower cost of bulk propane. ✓ Our corporate headquarters is 1.8 miles from your office, making us much better able to support both City Staff and our project team. You will note that we have proposed a full time Project Manager rather than a field supervisor. We believe that you will get much better supervision for the project this way because our project manager, Michelle Buie, can effectively supervise both the drivers and your dispatch staff. With the City's plans to change to general public dial-a-ride Michelle's full time availability will be of great value to the growth and operation of the service. I have the authority to bind the company to this proposal and to any subsequent modifications of the proposal that may come out of the selection process. We look forward to working with you and your staff as the process continues. Si r y, a e ey Chief Operating Officer SETTING THE STANDARD FOR COMMUNITY TRANSIT IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 3650 Rockwell Avenue, El Monte, CA 91731 626-488-3927 ' FAX 626-9258-1329 10 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Letter 1 Table of Contents w ` n._.., . 4 1. Firm Qualifications A >H story & Orgarzation y , 4 B Expertise 4 7 D Insurance J 7 s penence JfWated E E1 7 , _ x , II Project Staffing & Organization 8 a B Protect Staff 8 ,1 7 j 13 r C" Labor Resources'" ' ' ' ;1'4 4 <w D Company Support Staff 14 : W L III Tec nih cal WorkPlan ¢ i 15 . , t . A Operations Overview 15 , l t x ' a t ` ` • ci i y , F ~ • s.. ; B ~,~.._,~~~~A'.~_ s~ _ _ C Personnel Hiring & Training 16 iye 2. Dispatch/Customer Service 20 ,i~ " MaihtenancewPyersonnel 2>1 4. Road Supervisors 21 Service.Dispatch DCustomer; 22 , 22 1. Dispatch Technology ~1,;RadioyCommunicaUons 2 '23 ; 3. Phone System 24 E Vehicles F Maintenance 34 'Preventive Maintenance Program 2. Maintenance Record Keeping 36 Handling Service Defects 3` . G On going Service Operations 37 _:37 2. Quality Assurance 38 39 Plan J. Implementation Time Schedule 41 J ~k: } " ubifDroider Y' s 1 ! i 4. S d n L \ L ,43 y • a_ ? Cost Proposal Forms Exhibit D 4. i . 44 hibit E nt E Acknowled Adde d , , x gme a n Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 2 of 48 Appendix 2006 STI Financials STI Employee Handbook STI Safety & Training Program Substance Abuse Prevention & FTA Drug & Alcohol Compliance STI Employee Safety Manual STI Injury Illness Prevention Plan & Hazard Communication Plar STI System Security & Preparedness Plan Safety & Accident Materials Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 3 of 48 s • 1. Firm Qualifications A. History & Organization Southland Transit, Inc. is one of California's most experienced community transit companies operating eighteen demand response services and sixteen fixed-route services. These operations are provided under contract with twelve Los Angeles County cities, the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Riverside Transit Agency, Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority, the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System, Access Services, Inc., two Regional Centers, and two private employers. The company traces its roots to two firms that merged their transit operations on June 1, 2001. • Founded in 1953, San Gabriel Transit, Inc. was one of the first companies to provide public paratransit services in Southern California and has built a strong reputation by effectively operating some of the most difficult demand response operations in the industry. The countywide ADA Access service contracts the company operates have consistently been the best performing segment of the Access Service network. The company has also performed well on multiple fixed- route and dial-a-ride engagements. • R&D Transportation Services, LLC was founded in 1997 and specialized in providing effective community transit services in Southern California. By concentrating on the use of high technology automated dispatching and the effective maintenance of increasingly more sophisticated fixed-route vehicles, the company established a strong track record for improving service quality, service productivity and fixed-route ridership. Our commitment as a company is to treat every project in a unique manner that addresses the particular needs of that service. We emphasize availability to our clients, and a cooperative effort in addressing the clients' concerns and issues. As the corporate offices are located in the San Gabriel Valley of Southern California, our clients have unparalleled access to not only project staff but also to corporate personnel. Southland is a California sub-S corporation. Corporate officers are Timmy Mardirossian, Dave Daley, and Petros Keshishian. Dave and Timmy are the former chief executives of the two firms that merged to form Southland. As President, Timmy Mardirossian provides strategic direction to all of the company's operations and has retained direct operational control of our contracts with Access Services. As Chief Operating Officer, Dave Daley directs all of the company's other operations including all of our municipal and public transit contracts. Together the three officers bring over 65 years of transportation operations experience to the task of providing excellent service to our customers. With this structure our managers report directly to corporate officers. We believe that this flat organization makes.us much more able to respond to our customers. B. Expertise Commitment to Client Partnership Southland Transit believes that each service we provide is unique. Thus an essential element of our operation is developing a partnership with each client to make certain the individual service meets the particular needs of its riders. Open communication regarding the service, its problems, and possible resolutions to those problems is the key to service excellence. In order to provide this for our customers we have developed some unique approaches that have yielded truly beneficial results. The following are some examples of what our company has accomplished on services by working in total partnership with our clients. ➢ In our Alhambra Senior Ride service, using the advanced technology of Trapeze, we improved system productivity by over 38% since taking over the service in 1998. This represents hundreds Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 4 of 48 • 0 of thousands of dollars in annual savings from the old productivity level. These productivity gains were delivered while improving on-time performance from the low 90% level to 98%. ➢ In Arcadia, using advanced Trapeze technology, we improved service from the contractually required 5.2 passengers per hour to levels at times over 6.0 in one of Southern California's busiest General Public Dial-a-Ride operations providing over 190,000 rides per year, with a no denial policy in place. Recently we supported the City as it changed policy to restrict student use to comply with federal transit policy. Even after this change the productivity stands at 4.53, a great number by any measure. ➢ In addition to the above we have converted another ten city and county dial-a-ride operations to Trapeze with superior results for both productivity and on-time performance. ➢ Upon taking over Alhambra's fixed-route service we used our stop-by-stop reporting technique to evaluate the fixed-route schedules. With this information we were able to determine the needed schedule revisions and to implement the changes within two months thereby restoring schedule integrity. This included the service planning for brochures to make certain the riders were informed of all changes. We also worked with the City to revise the tripper schedule to better accommodate the afternoon use of the system by the student population. ➢ In Baldwin Park, we have been an elemental part of the development of a new transit system. We were the first and only contractor operating the system and have done all fixed-route planning and implementation! The service has become a bulwark of the community. After the system's initial success we did the total route planning for a 50% increase in service and managed the transition from cutaway transit vehicles to transit coaches. ➢ Concurrent with taking over the contract in West Covina, we implemented a new service line to serve the southern part of the City. We planned the routing and provided the City staff and City Council with multiple sets of routes and times to facilitate their decision making on the service model. The new route has succeeded beyond expectations. As in the case of Alhambra we worked with the staff to make changes in the fixed-route schedule to handle the intense use of the system by students at the end of the school day. These are just the highlights with a particular focus on community systems similar to the Rosemead transit operations, which we hope will give some exposure to the level of cooperative effort between our company and its customers. Areas of Expertise Southland currently provides fixed-route service, ADA complementary service, rail connection services, general public dial-a-ride services, elderly/disabled dial-a-ride services and am/pm route services for developmentally disabled adults attending programs sponsored by our Regional Center customers. We have also provided route deviation services and medical courtesy transportation. As such the company has a high level of expertise in each of the following key areas: ➢ Deployment of high technology dispatch, including global positioning and wireless communication with on-board computers to enhance productivity and service reliability in dial-a-ride and flex-route service. We are expert in the use of both automated paratransit dispatching and high tech taxi dispatching systems. Our capabilities include the deployment of on-board computers to continually track the performance of drivers. We believe that we have the finest record for effective paratransit dispatching in the State. ➢ Fixed-route Transit. We provide service on numerous fixed-route contracts. We started the first fixed-route service for the City of Baldwin Park. In Alhambra, El Monte, West Covina and Lawndale we took over the operations from large national companies and were able to immediately deliver significant service improvements. ➢ Vehicle Maintenance. Our vehicle maintenance performance compares to any transit management company, regardless of size. In particular we have taken on the challenge of the growing use of alternate fuels and established successful programs with both propane and compressed natural gas. Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 5 of 48 • 0 Our programs focus directly on the prevention of vehicle fires which have plagued operators of alternate fuel vehicles across the country. In order to track our maintenance performance we worked with a technology partner to develop an in-house computer tracking system. We have an exemplary record on Highway Patrol inspections. ➢ Safety and Training. Our community transit operations have established an exceptional safety record that allows us to maintain cost effective insurance coverage for our clients. ➢ Service Implementations. Our team has delivered successive service start-ups with a level of performance that exceeded our client's expectations. ➢ Regulatory Compliance. We developed an advanced payroll tracking system in Microsoft Access that allows us to insure we pay our people in accordance with California law and to provide visibility of payroll costs throughout the organization. We regularly train managers on managing in compliance with State and Federal law. We provide each manager and lead person with a specifically designed manager's guide that assists him or her in maintaining a fair, satisfied, and disciplined workplace. C. Financial Condition Southland Transit, Inc. (STI) has the financial resources to provide the service envisioned under this contract. Our CPA prepared and reviewed financial statements for the year ending 12/31/06 are in the appendix, they clearly exhibit our solid financial position. We are facing no situation or condition that would impede our ability to start and complete this project. D. Insurance Affordable insurance has been a major challenge for many transportation providers over the past years as the industry faced the "hardest" insurance market in many years. Four years ago Southland Transit retained Marsh Risk & Insurance Services to assist in restructuring our coverage and attracting insurance carriers who would work with us to control costs through better pricing and effective loss control. Using this strategy, we have developed long-term partnerships with solid carriers that allow us to provide cost effective coverage for our customers for years to come. We will provide insurance to meet requirements. Broker: Marsh & McClennan, Marsh Risk & Insurance Services Auto Liability • First laver coverage. $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence, provided by the New Hampshire Insurance Company, a subsidiary of AIG. The company's AM Best rating is Excellent A+XV. There is no deductible and the claims are handled directly by AIG. Second laver coverage. $5,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence, provided by the Lexington Insurance Company. Lexington is a subsidiary of AIG, which is the leading provider of excess coverage in the country. Their AM Best Rating is A+XV. • General Liability Coverage is provided by the same companies as shown above. Limits are available up to $25MM as required. • Property/Collision/Comprehensive. Per contract requirements, placed with the Nova Casualty Company. Worker's Compensation Our Worker's Compensation coverage is provided by The Travelers Insurance Company, an AM Best A+XV rated carrier. We are in our fifth year with Travelers with the next annual renewal date at 4/1/08. E. Related Experience The following are the references, which are most directly related to the type and size of service connected to this RFP service. We are limiting the number given but would be happy to provide a full list of our Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 6 of 48 • clients so that those who are evaluating our proposal have the option to speak to any client we serve. Southland Transit has never failed to complete a contract. Firm Name & Address: City of Arcadia, 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007 Contact Person: Don Penman dpenmanna ci.arcadia.ca.us 626-574-5415 Length of Service: 1975 to the present Type of Service: General Public Dial-a-Ride DAR Scheduling System: Trapeze PASS On-time 98% DAR Productivity 4.53 ppvh Annual Revenue Hrs: 30,500 Monthly passengers 11,515 Vehicle Information: 18 vehicle fleet is all gasoline powered cutaways. 2. Firm Name & Address: City of Alhambra, 210 N. Chapel Avenue, Alhambra CA 91801 Contact Person: Cynthia Jarvis ciarvis(acitvofalhambra.org 626-570-5089 Length of Service: October 1998 to the present Type of Service: Senior & Disabled Dial-a-Ride Service & Fixed Route DAR Scheduling System: Trapeze PASS On-time 97.7% DAR Productivity 3.6 ppvh Annual Revenue Hrs: 38,900 Monthly passengers 8,900 Vehicle Information: Fixed-route 9 CNG ElDorado Transmarks Dial-a-ride 8 gasoline cutaways Firm Name & Address: City of Monrovia 415 South Ivy, Monrovia, CA 91016 Contact Person: Alfredo Enriquez aenriquez@ci.monrovia.ca.us 626-932-5500 Length of Service: July 2000 to the present Type Service: Dial-a-Ride & Trolley Route Service DAR Scheduling System: Trapeze PASS On-time 97.5% DAR Productivity 3.52 ppvh Annual Revenue Firs: 18.182 Monthly passengers 5.334 Vehicle Information: 2 Hybrid LPG over electric trolleys 9 Gasoline powered Cutaways 4. Firm Name: City of Baldwin Park 14403 East Pacific, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Contact Person: David Lopez dlopez@baldwinpark.com 626-813-5251 Length of Service: 1997 to the present Type of Service: Fixed-Route and Dial-a-Ride DAR Scheduling System: Trapeze PASS On-time 94% DAR Productivity 3.3 ppvh Annual Revenue Hrs: 35,200 Monthly passengers 59,118 Vehicle Information: Fixed-route - 7 Bluebird Diesels Dial-a-ride 3 gasoline powered cutaways 5. Firm Name: City of West Covina Address: P .O. Box 1440, West Covina CA 91793 Contact Person: Scott Smilowitz Scott. Smilowitz@westcovina.org Telephone Number: 626-814-8431 Length of Service: July 2001 to the present Type of Service: Fixed-Route and Dial-a-Ride Scheduling System: Trapeze PASS On-time 95% DAR Productivity 3.2 ppvh Annual Revenue Hrs: 29,200 Monthly passengers 26,766 Vehicle Information: Fixed-route - 6 Propane Goshen Sentry & 2 Thomas Low Floor CNG coaches Dial-a-ride 6 Propane Cutaways 6. Firm Name & Address: City of El Monte. 3130 N. Tyler Avenue, El Monte, CA 91731 Contact Person: Deborah Moraza dmoraza(aci.el-monte.ca.us 626-580-2200 Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 7 of 48 • 0 Length of Service: July 2001 to the present Type of Service: Fixed-Route and Dial-a-Ride. DAR Scheduling System: Trapeze PASS On-time N/A DAR Productivity 3.2 ppvh Annual Revenue Ws: 27.063 Monthly passengers 49.615 Vehicle Information: Fixed-route: 6 CNG Low Floor transit coaches - 1 Bluebird Diesel Spare Dial-a-ride 5 gasoline powered minivans II. Project Staffing & Organization A. Project Organization Chart B. Project Staff Southland is a regional company of moderate size. As such we have always carefully proposed managers for new projects. Rather than setting forth the name of an individual recruited for the position, we opt instead to only propose on projects when we know and have worked with the manager. This allows us to make representations regarding our manager's abilities without reservation. It means that we know there will be no adjustment period between the manager and our company as we proceed through the rigors of the implementation process, which is the most critical time for a project's overall success. Project Manager We are committing an eminently qualified manager in Michelle Buie. Michelle came to Southland in August 2001 as a call taker in our very busy Arcadia general public dial-a-ride operation. She became an Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 8 of 48 • 0 expert Trapeze call taker, and then dispatcher on this most demanding high performing service, eventually moving into supervision and management. As the fully dedicated Rosemead Project Manager Michelle's most important duty will be the oversight of the personnel delivering the service. She sets the leadership tone that will insure the drivers assigned to this project are motivated to provide high quality, safe service to all riders on the services. She will spend a significant amount of time communicating with the drivers who actually provide the service, and in a busy demanding dial-a-ride service such as we expect Rosemead to become this communication is essential. Her experience as a Trapeze dispatcher and call taker will allow her to be greatly involved in the oversight and training of Call Center staff working on this contract, which will be very important as this service migrates to automated dispatch environment. She will also work closely with Rosemead staff to insure that the City's interests are best served and their concerns are addressed, and that reporting is done in a manner that meets the City's needs. Her resume can be found at page 9. Maintenance Manager Our maintenance facility in El Monte will handle all maintenance repairs. As such our Maintenance Supervisor Jose Valles-Ochoa is the key person responsible for maintaining the Rosemead vehicles. Jose has been a foreman maintaining vehicles in a busy transit environment for many years, and foreman of our El Monte operation since 2004. He is particularly experienced in the practices and procedures required for effective maintenance of alternate fueled vehicles, including propane, CNG and hybrid LPG/Electric. He will be responsible for the record keeping regarding vehicle maintenance, scheduling and insuring maintenance is accomplished in a timely and professional manner. His resume can be found at page 10. Trainer Hector Porras is the full time Safety/Training Supervisor at our El Monte facility; as such he will be responsible for the training of all Rosemead drivers. Hector has worked closely with our Corporate Director of Safety and Training, James Hawkes over the past several years, including during service implementations. Hector's experience in training drivers, handling classroom work, and investigating accidents is extensive. He oversees all behind-the-wheel training for El Monte drivers and works directly with project managers in the investigation of accidents. He is a certified DMV examiner and TSI Certified Accident Instructor. Road Supervisors Road supervisors with Southland are always fully licensed and certified drivers, who when necessary can fill a route, pick up a passenger, or drive a replacement bus to a road call. We are not proposing a dedicated field supervisor for this service as we already have full coverage of the entire San Gabriel Valley from existing supervisors. We have proposed a dedicated Project Manager which was not required by the specifications and we believe this gives us a superior supervisory plan. Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 9 of 48 MICHELLE BUIE 11 DIAL-A-RIDE OPERATIONS MANAGER with proven success in both senior/disabled and general public operations under contract with municipalities in the San Gabriel Valley. Significant experience with the use of Trapeze Software in dial-a-ride operations including the modifications required for the successful use of Trapeze in a general public mode. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Southland Transit, Inc. 2001 to present Assistant Manager, Arcadia & Monrovia Transit Systems 2005 to 2008 Handle operational and management responsibility for the company's contracts for general public dial-a-ride service with the cities of Arcadia and Monrovia. Was involved with all phases of contract/service management including driver recruitment, operational reporting, general maintenance supervision, accident/incident investigation, and quality assurance. Worked closely with City staff to resolve any questions or issues involving the services. Managed the call center providing Trapeze dispatch coverage for these two projects and provided dispatch support when necessary. Customer Service Team Leader, Arcadia Transit 2002 to 2005 Started as evening dispatcher on the Arcadia Transit service which at the time included a very large number of school returns, making this the most difficult dispatch shift on the service. Progressed to principal dispatcher for this project which included all of the driver scheduling and service schedule preparation for the service. Also have principal responsibility for handling concerns and/or complaints from our passengers. Played a major part in making this general public dial-a-ride one of the most productive systems in Los Angeles County. Customer Service Representative, Arcadia Transit 2001 to 2002 Started as a reservationist taking reservations on the Company's busiest general public dial-a-ride system. Began functioning as an assistant team leader within the first six months of starting the job. The assistant team leaders are fully qualified reservationists who learn to provide dispatch coverage during scheduled dispatcher breaks. Was promoted to evening Team Leader based on performance in her role as assistant. Shopko, Eugene, Oregon 1997 to 2000 Customer Service Specialist Handled customer returns for this major retailer. Insured that returns were handled in accordance with company policy and, to the extent possible, to the satisfaction of the customer. EDUCATION AND TRAINING Drug & Alcohol Awareness STI Basic Supervision Course Trapeze Dispatch Software Training Sexual Harassment Prevention Workshop MTA NTD Reporting Workshop Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 10 of 48 • 9 JOSE VALLES-OCHOA MAINTENANCE MANAGER with a demonstrated record of effectiveness in organizing and participating in the maintenance of fleet equipment, including extensive experience with transit vehicles. Has demonstrated technical leadership with every type of vehicle operated in these services from taxis through MTA transit coaches. His experience includes vehicles operating on gasoline, diesel fuel, propane, compressed natural gas and hybrid vehicles. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Southland Transit, Inc./San Gabriel Transit, Inc. 2001 to the present Maintenance Foreman, El Monte facility July 2004 to present Maintenance foreman for a crew of technicians providing maintenance to vehicles in service to the Cities of Alhambra, Arcadia, El Monte, Baldwin Park, Pico-Rivera, La Puente and Monrovia. Responsible for all maintenance scheduling, preventive maintenance and repairs for a fleet of 91 transit and paratransit vehicles. Also responsible for coordination with central warehouse facility to plan for appropriate inventory to support all equipment assigned at this facility. Works closely with drivers on response to daily vehicle inspection reports. Provided start up support as maintenance manager for a new operation started by the company for MTA in Baldwin Park involving 50 heavy transit coaches. Lead Mechanic, Baldwin Park facility June 2001 to July 2004 Lead mechanic providing, since June 2001, all repair services for the Company's operations in support of the Access Services (ASI), the ADA paratransit operator for eastern Los Angeles County. This responsibility initially included the 120 vehicles assigned to ASI and was later expanded to include the vehicles operating for the Cities of West Covina and Baldwin Park. Basura's Towing 1993 to 2001 Lead Mechanic Provided maintenance support for a fleet of 30 tow trucks, including heavy and light duty vehicles as well as flatbed tractor trailer type vehicles. This work was done at the same facility which was taken over by Southland/San Gabriel. Pete's Transmissions 1991 to 1993 Transmission Technician Line technician for this Azusa based transmission repair shop. EDUCATION & CERTIFICATION Cummins Engine Diagnostic Course GM and Ford Electronic Engine Diagnosis Mobile Air Conditioning Recycling and Service Procedure Course Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 1 I of 48 ,J C. Labor Resources • Staffing and Wages The following table was prepared based on the 17,100 annual hours from the RFP. Position FTE Wages Drivers 11 .$9.50 - $12.50 Project Manager 1 $1,538 Bi Weekly Customer Service Staff 3 $9.00 - $11.50 Technicians 1 $19.00 Service Workers 1 $9.50 Director of Operations Total Project Staffing .1 17.1 Benefits Programs Our benefits apply to all full time hourly employees. By company policy we define full time as being regularly scheduled to work at least 35 hours in a work week, and it is our policy to find full time employment for every employee who wants to work full time. We find that full time employees reduce turn over. Health Insurance New hire full-time employees are eligible to enroll in the health plan at the first of the month following 90 days regular employment. We have worked with our health care provider to allow for earlier enrollment if we are taking over a preexisting service with employees that we are providing employment to under the provisions of Labor Code § 1070 et seq. Thus in this case current Rosemead employees who stay with the service are eligible the first of the month following 30 days regular employment. We negotiated coverage options for our employees, allowing employees to choose between 2 levels of HMO plans and an OAMC plan. The company pays a significant portion of the cost of the employee's coverage of the base HMO plan. The employee may pay the difference to buy another plan and also has the option to add dependent coverage at their own cost. Employee can reduce cost by paying with pretax earnings under a §125 plan. DentalNision Insurance With the same eligibility rules employees can purchase one of two dental/vision coverage plans at inexpensive group rates. Our current plan is with Golden West Dental and provides a choice from a number of participating dentists throughout Southern California. The employee can also pay for this benefit with pretax earnings under the § 125 plan. Paid Time Off Hourly non-exempt employees, who are regularly scheduled to work 35 or more hours a week, earn Paid Time Off in amounts tied to the amount of time they are regularly scheduled to work, which calculates tc approximately 9 days of paid leave a year. Paid personal leave can be used for any purpose and can, with prior approval be used by the employee as soon as it is earned. Our combination of traditional vacation and sick coverage encourages good attendance, as time used for illness cannot then be used for "vacation." Conversely it is well received by employees because they never "lose" their sick time as personal time off accrual is paid at separation in accordance with state law. Paid Holidays Southland has six paid holidays a year. Regularly scheduled employees scheduled to work on one of these holidays and who do not work because the system on which they work is closed, receive holiday Southland Transit. Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 12 of 48 0 • pay for the hours of work they miss that holiday. When an employee is assigned to a system that does not close for one of our recognized holidays, and works that holiday, the equivalent hours are dropped into their Personal Time Off account in order that the employee might enjoy some free time at a later date. We believe that this is a very important benefit, especially in an operation like Rosemead with very few down days, and one that is not universally provided in the transportation industry. It allows employees to enjoy a holiday without the concern that their next check will be missing pay and allows employees who work a recognized holiday to take a day off at another time. 401(k) Plan , Southland has a 401(k) plan for employees with eligibility at the first quarterly entry date after hire. Employees can defer pretax earnings into the plan as retirement saving. They may also defer safety incentive payments into the plan, which has proven popular for drivers who do not feel comfortable deferring a portion of their paycheck into the plan. Finally, our plan is organized to minimize fees so that the money invested can grow at the best rate possible without the hidden fees and cost found in many plans. D. Company Support Staff Because Southland Transit is California owned and operated, the highest levels of managers and their expertise are directly available to our clients and project managers. The corporate staff, including both the Chief Operating Officer and Director of Operations regularly visits every project facility. And every member of a project staff has available to them the immediate expertise and assistance of corporate managers with the experience to insure that the best decision is made in every instance. Dave Daley is the Chief Operating Officer of Southland Transit, Inc. Dave brings to this position a wide variety of transportation experience including transit operations and paratransit projects, both senior/disabled and ADA. His record of service implementation includes every one of the transit contracts that the company or its predecessor has undertaken since 1998. Dave will be directly involved in insuring the quality of the day-to-day operation of the RTA service and will be integrally involved in the start up of this project, insuring the start will be in a timely and organised fashion. Dave's ability to attract quality staff is exceptional because of the reputation he has built for fostering an environment that allows subordinates to excel by providing the highest levels of service to their customers. Wayne Seale is the Director of Maintenance for Southland Transit, Inc. His offices are in El Monte where lie maintains a 24-hour a day maintenance operation and back up parts inventory for each of our systems. He installed our proprietary maintenance software, which provides comprehensive reports to our customers on all maintenance performed on their equipment. Wayne is continually working to obtain and renew his ASE certifications. He is an automotive Master Technician. Stacey Murphy is the Director of Operations for the El Monte facility. Stacey joined Southland in 2007 after working for more than ten years in several assignments for our affiliate, San Gabriel Transit, reporting directly to our President in the establishment of a new taxi franchise, City Cab, in the City of Los Angeles. Her superior customer service skills have allowed her to provide exceptional support to our Project Managers throughout the San Gabriel Valley. James Hawkes is the Director, Safety and Training. James is a TSI Associate who is qualified to train new certified instructors. He maintains his offices at our Los Angeles County central classroom in Baldwin Park and supervises the efforts of the company's seven other certified instructors. He also manages Our drug and alcohol compliance programs and is certified to teach the state required sexual harassment curriculum. Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Paee 13 of 48 • ! Diane Daley is the Director, Administrative Services for Southland Transit, Inc. In this capacity she oversees all aspects of Human Resources and compliance issues. Diane is an honors graduate of the University of Iowa Law School, and prior to coming to the company was a law firm partner, practicing in the areas of workers' compensation, insurance, and wage and hour law. She is a member of the Employers Group, and attends classes and seminars to remain current on legal changes. Diane is available to all managers or supervisors when addressing performance issues, benefit questions, wage compliance, or other areas of concern. III. Technical Work Plan A. Operations Overview Southland Transit wants to bring increased productivity and service quality to the transit system of the City of Rosemead. Two major qualifications set us apart from our, competitors. A major commitment to the communities of the San Gabriel Valley. While we have grown to provide many other kinds of service (large fixed-route and ADA systems) we have never forgotten that our company was founded to provide community dial-a-ride and fixed-route systems in the San Gabriel Valley. We understand how to use state-of-the-art dispatch technology to improve service productivity while maintaining the highest levels of customer service. An unchallenged record as the most productive operator of municipal dial-a-ride systems in Southern California. Using the most advanced automated dispatching software from Trapeze we have a consistent record of improving both service productivity and on-time performance in the systems we operate. This includes general public dial-a-ride systems like Arcadia and Monrovia, as well as senior/ disabled systems like Alhambra, Pico Rivera, El Monte, Baldwin Park, West Covina and Glendale. No other firm can match our track record providing quality municipal Bial- a-ride service in Los Angeles County. Our experience is especially important as the City of Rosemead uhdertakes a reexamination of service delivery methods for its own transportation system. As discussed at the pre-proposal conference a conversion to some type of general public dial-a-ride system is likely. Our company, based on its operation of the highly successful general public systems in Arcadia and Monrovia, is uniquely positioned to make this transition a success. Our track record is very important because there are profound differences between operating in a general public mode versus a senior/disabled dial-a-ride. Examples of what we have learned are instructive. ✓ Preparing effective schedules for a productive general public dial-a-ride is a major challenge. The dispatcher. must respect and protect the times scheduled for advance reservation passengers while providing enough slack in the schedules, at the appropriate times of day, to allow serving the general public passengers who almost always ask for same day service. ✓ Our experience is that at particular times of day it is necessary to separate certain categories of passengers to prevent customer dissatisfaction. An example would be insuring that a returning dialysis passenger was not on a vehicle stopping at a busy after school program that would load a number of high energy youngsters. The unease caused by such a change would be even more difficult if the dialysis passenger had been riding the system before it became a general public system so is unused to and unprepared for this. ✓ In a senior/disabled system the coin munication between drivers and dispatchers is very limited as relatively few changes are made in an operating day. This; is entirely different in a general public operation where insertion of pick-ups and drop-offs is continually occurring throughout the day. In all of our general public systems we use a radio system that allows every driver to hear every radio call from both the dispatcher and the other drivers. This allows any driver to interject with a solution that a computer system may lint ahvavs find. For instance a driver may be near the pick- Southland Transit. Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 14 of 48 up location and can make that pick-up if the dispatcher will move a later pick-up or drop-off on that route. Although some may fear this open system we have found that in these busy systems the open radio is essential to productivity and service. ✓ "My way or the highway" dispatchers simply will not succeed in general public dial-a-ride. In many operations the dispatcher is autocratic, lacking the flexibility to deal with a schedule that is subject to continual change. The team atmosphere necessary for success can only be established by dispatchers who respect their drivers as competent and important team members. ✓ In the same manner, all drivers are not able to make the transition to a highly productive system. Currently the Rosemead dial-a-ride operates at a rate that is just above one passenger per hour. This level of productivity is comfortable and not too challenging to most drivers. Some drivers simply will not be able to transition to a system requiring them to operate at the 3-4 passengers per hour level that is probably attainable with a general public dial-a-ride system in Rosemead. We are aware that this is the case and work to have drivers in each system that match the skills and temperament the system requires. The selection of an appropriate manager for the Rosemead system was a very important part of putting together our proposal. Michelle Buie does not have the longest resume in our company but we selected her because she has spent the last six years working in key positions in exactly the kind of system the City of Rosemead is looking to build. She understands how to dispatch a highly productive dial-a-ride operation, and how to work with the drivers, dispatchers and call takers needed to make that work. We felt that this direct match of skills to requirements would insure the best possible results for the City of Rosemead as it moves to transform its service to provide more results in return for its transportation expenditures. B. Facility We will operate this service from our facility at 3650 Rockwell Avenue in El Monte. Southland consolidated operations there in 2004 to allow us to provide superior support for all of our operations. The site has over 20,000 square feet of shop and office space on just under four acres of paved land and is also equipped with environmentally approved fueling and washing facilities. Our initial lease has an eight-year potential term, insuring continuity to service provision. This facility provides several major benefits to our clients: ;;,Availability of on site fueling for propane vehicles. In the case of Rosemead this will result in direct savings in the price of fuel for the propane vehicle option we are proposing as Option A. ➢The site has exceptional security walls and fencing; and is staffed 24 hours per day. > Washing and detailing facilities were upgraded, thus improving vehicle appearance. >Fare counting is handled at one central facility providing improved reporting. The facility provides access to the Rosemead service area in less than 15 minutes allowing for quick response in the case of any kind of problem. C. Personnel Hiring and Training 1. Drivers a. Hiring/Recruitment The hiring and recruitment of drivers will meet all legal and contract specifications. We will use three primary sources for recruiting drivers: Qualified current drivers who currently provide service to City of Rosemead riders. We have always sought to retain current drivers, even before the law required it. Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 15 of 48 ➢ Drivers who are looking for a career upgrade. We have had excellent success with recruiting school bus drivers who find transit service is a more reliable year-round job. We have proposed a driver wage that will give these school drivers a higher daily wage. ➢ New hire drivers with no prior passenger transportation experience. It is critical to our overall success that a viable program be established for training individuals without experience. It allows us to maintain balance in our recruitment efforts and be less dependent on the actions of other employers in filling our positions. Driver applicants must either possess a California CDL with appropriate endorsements, or meet the requirements for entry into CDL training. All applicants undergo a DOT medical examination and a pre- employment drug screen that must be negative. The drug screen is done in accordance with the terms of federal law. At a minimum a candidate must have: 5 years driving experience; • a DMV record with not more than three moving violations in the previous 5 years; and no more than one moving violation in the year prior to application for a position; • no reckless driving violations, DWI/DUI or drug abuse convictions or license suspensions due to such convictions in the last ten years; and • the ability to speak, understand, read and write English. Once a driver passes training and becomes a regularly scheduled driver, the driver is enrolled in the state Pull Notice Program. Whenever there is activity on the license of a Southland driver, we are notified by the state. Each such notice is reviewed so that appropriate action may be taken. For instance, if the activity is related to failure to pay on a ticket, the driver may go on unpaid leave until the problem is resolved. If the report is of a moving violation or DUI the driver may be terminated from their employment. As a participant in the Pull Notice Program we also receive a yearly update on every driver's driving record and these reports are also checked carefully for moving violations, accidents, medical expiration dates, qualifying endorsements, validity of special certificates, license restrictions and/or suspension, license classifications, and license expiration dates. Most of these issues are independently tracked by us in-house to make certain that our drivers have all the credentials they need to meet all the legal and contract requirements to drive the service, however the cross reference to the DMV record is an important and, in many instances, legally required step. At Southland we are not satisfied with hiring those minimally qualified but seek those people who are most qualified and most motivated to drive. Each applicant must complete an application and submit an H6 DMV report. In a brief interview at the time of submission, the applicant is told of thejob requirements, the application is reviewed for any unanswered questions, and the H6 is reviewed. Those with minimum qualifications undergo a thorough interview, using a model list of questions. The list insures the interviewer covers all areas of questioning, that all applicants are judged consistently, and that all questions are legal and not discriminatory. Questions are open-ended to allow the applicant to talk about values and motivation, allowing an interviewer to gauge the character and sincerity of applicants. Driver selection actually continues throughout the training process. We do not hesitate to remove trainees who are not achieving the desired level of performance in any area- driving skills; interaction with riders, staff, and coworkers; ability to read maps and navigate; and ability to use the technology. b. Training The following is an overview of the initial driver-training curriculum. This system is in use throughout our company. Classes follow the training materials from the National Transportation Safety Institute, with further development of materials from Transportation Management Associates for passenger assistance training and the Smith System for defensive driving. A copy of the full Southland Safety and Training Program can be found in the Appendix. Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 16 of 48 1) STI Orientation and Policies. As we provide paid training, a trainee is an employee as soon as s/he enters training. The initial session is to introduce the trainee to employee policies and procedures and to insure that all of the necessary initial paperwork is completed. 2) Defensive Driving. Our defensive driving instruction includes both the defensive driving course provided by the National Safety Council and the Smith System. In the two programs trainees learn techniques for avoiding accidents on the road, covering such things as attention to situations which can bring about accidents, making yourself aware of the actions of other drivers and pedestrians, the proper methods'for crossing, entering and exiting the vehicle. We include the Smith System materials because they provide an outstanding tie in to behind-the-wheel training where our behind-the-wheel trainers use the proven Smith System process: • ALL - Aim high in steering • GOOD - Get the big picture • KIDS - Keep your eyes moving • LOVE - Leave yourself an out • MILK - Make sure they can see you 3) Transportation Safety Institute curriculum. The Transportation Safety Institute, the training branch of the Federal Department of Transportation, has developed this 3-part curriculum. Every segment utilizes slide shows and a follow up exam. ♦ Vehicle Operations. This segment discusses maneuvering techniques in several different operating environments with a variety of bus sizes. ♦ Customer Service. This second segment works with the first to give the driver trainee effective tools in handling customers, in both fixed and paratransit applications. ♦ Emergency Management. This final segment covers the requirements for handling accidents and vehicle breakdowns. It also builds on the customer service segment in that it sets out methods by which the driver deals with these situations when the vehicle has passengers in congested situations. 4) Pre & Post Trip Inspection. In class the trainee learns about the regulatory requirements related to the multiple items a driver must check such as tire tread depths, steering play ratio, air and hydraulic "brake testing, etc. The most important part of this training continues with the trainees going through the "hands-on" portion, with buses. 5) Dealing with the Elderly and Disabled Rider. ♦ Empathy and Special Needs. The emphasis here is to train the driver how to respond to these passengers with care and consideration of special needs. Different approaches are used, such as having the trainee visualize what life would be like with a disability: if s/he were required to use a wheelchair, cane, seeing eye dog; if s/he were mobility impaired, lost balance, suffered from a cognitive impairment. The goal is to assist the driver in moving past pure sympathy or a demeaning view to understanding and to use that understanding in order to aid and assist passengers in a helpful manner. ♦ Mobility Device & Securement. Trainees learn correct use of vehicle lifts, ramps and restraint systems. Every trainee learns this both in the classroom and "hands-on" in the vehicles, acting as a driver and as a passenger. Also emphasized is the physical safety of the rider and the driver who is boarding the passenger, and loading without causing damage to the mobility device itself. ♦ ADA Training. The full range of requirements of the American with Disabilities Act as it impacts transit operations is covered here: Thus drivers learn about fares, service animals, discrimination, calling stops, steps to undertake when a wheelchair lift is inoperable so that the passenger is not stranded on the street. 6) Communications. Use of the applicable communication device is covered. With Rosemead, the trainees will lean radio ten-codes and plain speak. Mobile Data Terminal users are trained as to how to input, acknowledge completion of trips, etc. with emphasis on the appropriate time to use the radio. Southland Transit. Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 17 of48 • 0 7) Fare Recovery. Trainees are familiarized with the applicable fare structure, correct handling of fares, how to use fare boxes, whether assistance in handling currency is appropriate, and explanation of accounting for the number of passengers for reconciliation purposes if the contract so requires. 8) Route Orientation/Map Training. The ability to navigate is essential for a driver. Trainees learn how to use local maps and learn to route themselves to any destination. On fixed-route services they are familiarized with the particular routes on the service. The classroom training is reinforced and supplemented during behind-the-wheel training. 9) Hazardous Materials and Blood borne Pathogens. Trainees are familiarized with the hazardous materials that may be encountered in theirjob including the handling of body fluid spills that could lead to virus transfers, and use of the body fluid kit. 10) Body Mechanics/Safe Lifting. Drivers are required to use their body in many aspects of theirjob. To insure their safety we specifically train on the correct body mechanics for these tasks including the correct method for lifting, pushing, securing wheelchairs, and boarding and exiting the vehicle. 11) Harassment in the Workplace. Every employee, including driver trainees, is given information on harassment in the workplace. The goal is to make certain that employees know how to report any problems they have as well as to train employees on the many faces of illegal harassment and that Southland does not tolerate this in the workplace. 12) Substance Abuse. Drivers are taught the problems of substance abuse, with regard to the job, but also with an eye to its effect on quality of life. Southland's policy on Substance Abuse and Training is covered in detail. All rules and regulations are strictly enforced in accordance with DOT rules and regulations, as well as with the company policies. 13) Commercial Driver Training. When the driver comes with a C-class license the trainee also undergoes the necessary training to obtain a Commercial Driver's License. Behind-the-Wheel Training. No driver operates on Southland service without undergoing behind-the- wheel training. Members of our Safety and Training department select and train all behind-the-wheel trainers. Behind-the-wheel training includes training at a secured parking facility through an obstacle course; road evaluation of the driver's skills; and route training for the specific service. Additionally the trainee learns of the particular system requirements in effect. Once the trainees begin behind-the-wheel training the safety department oversees the efforts, gets continual updates regarding how the training is progressing, and will do behind-the-wheel training themselves when needed. Southland training emphasizes strenuous pretesting and a formal final review prior to the trainees taking their final or CHP exams and moving on to "regularly scheduled" driver status. Our formal review is based on the observations of the behind-the-wheel trainer. Behind-the-wheel trainers spend more time with potential employees than any other person in the company. Thus we have given the trainer authority to make a "do-not-hire" recommendation. Refresher Training. Once on service drivers are evaluated by a behind-the-wheel trainer or training supervisor at least twice a year and undergo retraining if appropriate. Retraining is also scheduled for any driver involved in a preventable accident or incident. There are monthly scheduled safety awareness classes to continually refresh and renew the skills necessary to be an effective, safe and courteous driver. Because we have created an atmosphere where the field operations and training functions work closely together, these safety classes are very productive. The sessions address issues that are particular to the service on which the driver is working. In the initial training as well as in the recurring sessions, drivers always have the opportunity to ask questions, and clarify issues. The most important part of training is not to follow a checklist, but to make certain that the participants in the training are actually learning and incorporating the materials presented. Our training department does not pass on people who won't be effective team members. Southland Transit. Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 18 of 48 • 0 General Public Paratransit Driver (GPPV) Certification. The staff has determined that changes in the future configuration of this service may require this special certification for drivers. It involves formal testing with the CHP and a formal criminal background test also conducted by the CHP through the State Department of Justice. This certification does not change the training curriculum appreciably but rather provides additional levels of scrutiny through the CHP testing and the background check. 2. Dispatch/Customer Service a. Hiring Our approach to hiring customer service representatives is to seek individuals with computer familiarity, high energy, and bilingual capability. We have had great success in attracting committed, bright, talented workers, in part because we offer a competitive wage with health benefits, and we respect the tremendous importance of the customer service department in the success of our company. We are cognizant of the multi-cultural atmosphere of California and our current customer service staff includes a 65+% of representatives who are bilingual (English/Spanish). The diversity of California, however, involves many languages beyond those mentioned, thus our customer service representatives also have available to them the use of the Language Line, which allows translation and communication with people speaking over 140 different languages. This service is available at all times. b. Training Our training efforts include making the representative feel part of the overall transit operation, so we . emphasize knowledge of how their job interacts with and affects the overall delivery of service. A training manual, training videos, training with experienced customer service representatives, and on-going team support reinforces the customer service skills. Training includes the following components: How to answer calls in a professional and expeditious manner, including how to handle the irate caller, the indecisive caller, and the talkative caller. i Operation of the computer program and what information must be entered. Our representatives are well versed in the use of computerized systems to make ride reservations for callers. Although each one begins as a customer service representative, as soon as their skills progress each is trained to = handle the dispatch board, including the computer and the radio. This cross training allows us the greatest flexibility in assigning employees to insure coverage for our customers. Familiarization with the geographic maps covered by the service. This knowledge is absolutely essential for the system's overall success and efficiency. Initial training is further reinforced by the availability of a map of the service area in the office. ➢ The requirements of the Rosemead policies and procedures including fare structure, no charge trips, reservation and scheduling procedures, no show policies, the status of escorts, notification requirements for changed trips, and cancellation policies. A copy of the policies and procedures are included in the Customer Service manual maintained at the workstation. Sensitivity in fielding the calls of elderly and disabled riders is an important part of training. We have developed training materials that include ADA requirements, appropriate language, and informing the customer service representatives about such issues as vehicle specifications, and wheelchair availability. r In addition to the sensitivity training described above, particular emphasis is given to phone interactions. The videos address the common interactions a call taker will have with customers with emphasis on the difference between being helpful and being defensive or curt. Our handbook also looks at such issues as communicating over the phone when the caller has a cognitive disability where it becomes even more essential for the call taker to be aware of the issues and.problems that can occur, and particularly the methods to overcome them. Southland Transit. Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 19 of 48 • 0 ➢ Training in the use of the TDD in order to facilitate communication with the riders who have hearing impairments. In addition they are trained in the use of the available Language Line, which allows full communication with riders speaking any number of different languages. ➢ Accident and incident procedures are a part of all Customer Service training. Forms are kept at every workstation. Detailed step-by-step procedures are outlined in the Customer Service guide maintained at every workstation. Recurring training by way of regular meetings will be held throughout the year. These meetings address issues that have arisen in the service, service changes, as well upgrades to the system, and retraining of specific processes. 3. Maintenance Personnel a. Hiring We have had exceptional success in attracting highly qualified technicians to staff our maintenance operations because they are attracted to our commitment to doing the job right. Southland has no layers of bureaucracy to preclude them from participation in the development of effective maintenance policy. Wayne Seale has been instrumental in working with our customers and our technicians to develop a maintenance plan that will produce clean, reliable equipment for Southland drivers. This process has yielded significant maintenance improvements in every operation that we have taken over. We seek to recruit technicians who want to be part of an operation committed to continuous learning. Our expectation is that every maintenance employee will make continual progress to develop his or her knowledge and skills. Such development is then recognized in pay increases. b. Training The Southland Transit, Inc. Safety Training Policy includes standards for the initial training of maintenance personnel. We require that maintenance personnel who operate a vehicle on a public roadway must have a license applicable to the vehicle operated. Additionally all maintenance personnel undergo a minimum of 20 hours of original driver training including company orientation and policy, defensive driving, hazardous material handling, dealing with blood borne pathogens, sexual harassment, body mechanics, emergency procedures and.drug and alcohol policy requirements. We also recognize that the growing complexities of servicing transit fleets require on going training. Today's vehicles include complex computer systems and advanced cutting-edge engine technologies. In such an environment it is a challenge to keep the maintenance staff current with the industry changes. As quality maintenance is an essential element of service quality we are committed to the continual training and upgrading of our maintenance employees' skills. We use multiple sources for mechanic training including the courses and resources offered by the manufacturers, vendors, as well as the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), the Service Technicians Society, and the Transportation Safety Institute. We have established financial incentives for technicians to attain ASE certification. We identify training sources and work with the maintenance staff to arrange their schedule to attend training or study for certifications they need to further enhance their maintenance skills. After a member of staff develops a new expertise through training, s/he is asked then to share that information and expertise with the other employees. 4. Road Supervisors a. Selection We make every attempt to select our field supervisors from the existing driver pool particularly focusing on those individuals who have done some behind-the-wheel training. In general we choose individuals who are motivated and show supervisory potential. If the individual chosen has no previous supervisory experience s/he may be sent for a class on supervision. In-house the field supervisors are trained in the, procedures for accident investigation. response to service problems. and informed of all service standards Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 20 of 48 0 C for the contract on which they will be working. They also attend a training session regarding human resources issues and procedures at Southland. b. Training At Southland we also qualify and train field supervisors to be behind-the-wheel trainers. The purpose of this double training and use is twofold. First it is our belief that it is impossible to function effectively as a field supervisor without a thorough knowledge of the driver's duties and responsibilities. Secondly it increases the accountability of training. In many companies trainers are simply asked to produce drivers and the shortcomings of those trainees after graduation is really not the trainer's problem. When a field supervisor is involved in the assessment of trainees by overseeing the behind-the-wheel training, the supervisor is less likely to pass a minimally qualified trainee to driver. Any problems seen in training are problems the field supervisor will have to oversee in daily service. D. Customer Service/Dispatch A major upgrade to the Rosemead dial-a-ride will result from the transferr to automated dispatch. Southland Transit believes, and has become the Southern California leader, in using the power of Trapeze automated dispatching to improve productivity for our customers. We began using the system in August 1997 and have used it to replace manual or computer assisted systems in each of our client cities. Although the entire Customer Service staff in El Monte works from a single location, every individual contract is served by a Customer Service team, which works in physical proximity to each other for interaction and communication. A team leader and 2 customer service representatives will conduct the Rosemead operation. The team leader, who has greater familiarity with the service area and computer program, has primary responsibility for making certain the trips are booked in accordance with the City's specifications. They will work to fit rides into the schedule when the computer cannot offer a ride within the time parameters requested. In addition to the Rosemead team, employees with the other services managed in the call center will be cross-trained in order to work the Rosemead service. This cross training allows for the maximum flexibility in scheduling and allows us to weather calamities like the flu season without a loss of customer responsiveness on every contract served. Each of the transit operations serviced out of the El Monte office has a separate and identifiable phone number. The current Rosemead number will be maintained. As calls come in the phone system identifies which service the caller is attempting to access and routes the call to the appropriate team. The call will be answered by team members saying "City of Rosemead Dial-a-Ride. This is Maria?" The team member will then book the trip requested by the caller on the phone. Each service maintains its individual identity. 1. Dispatch Technology Southland has unparalleled experience in operating the Trapeze system in real service delivery. We have worked closely with Trapeze during our growth and while adding services. Our company has a team that understands very clearly the challenges and the opportunities presented by high-performance computer assisted dispatch software and are able to maximize its benefits. Usage of the Trapeze software provides many advantages, especially improvement of the reservations process and the delivery of highly productive, on-tithe service. The Trapeze system maintains a record of existing riders, including their most frequent destinations. At the time of the call, the caller will be asked for their last name and the computer will identify the caller and their riding history, including special issues such as use of wheelchair or a service animal. This makes the scheduling call shorter and more productive, helping to reduce call wait times. All runs for whatever number of days Rosemead wishes to allow advance reservations will be active in the svstem. This allows the Customer Service staff to book trips with complete confidence that we Southland Transit. Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 21 of 48 • 0 will be able to deliver the service as originally scheduled by the rider. It also allows us to offer the passenger multiple options for pick-up and return times that best match their schedule at the time the caller books the ride. The advantage over the typical manual dispatch is that this minimizes the number calls to a customer to change their scheduled trip. ➢ City staff can set multiple parameters for the time at which reservations will be accepted, including weeks ahead all the way to real time demand response. It can also be set with different parameters for different rider groups. ➢ The system will continually optimize the runs in real time to provide more effective trip linkage and shared ride productivity. City staff and Southland project staff can develop specific parameters for how much optimization will be allowed to occur in the system. This is in effect telling the system how far existing appointments can be moved to slot new riders and how long original drop times can be extended to allow for more pick-ups to be made. ➢ This system will give absolutely reliable information regarding the availability of same day standby trips and will identify more standby trip linkages than any manual system could ever track. This is a powerful tool for improving system productivity. i The system has powerful subscription management features, allowing the staff to manage subscriptions without taking away the ability for the system to continually optimize linkages. Most of our customer's service areas include satellite locations outside the normal geographical boundaries of the system. The Trapeze system is capable of identifying the specified areas of travel for different categories of riders, and we are experienced atjust this type of differentiation. We have learned in use of the Trapeze systems that constant tweaking of the system, and second-guessing of its routing is not productive. However, we have also recognized that in a busy service it may be necessary to make specific interventions in the program. Examples of such interventions include: ➢ Highly productive congregate trips are often not scheduled effectively on an automated basis because they violate ride time or "captive" parameters. In that type of case the parameters can be manually overridden to schedule the trip. We have normally set up our systems so that no ride time exceeds 45 minutes unless the person building the route approves the violation. On returns from congregate meal or shopping trips we have often had to force single bus "take homes" because multiple buses, although more efficient from a routing standpoint, were more confusing to the riders. i Aggressive use of templates to handle subscription passengers. Frequent use of "hard drop" times to insure timely hand-offs to trains, express buses, or other connecting services. This requires reinforcement with customer service staff to insure that we look at connections from the back end first. This often means explaining to the passenger why the 8:12 pick up will work better for them than the 8:00 pick up they requested because they wanted to leave themselves plenty of time. Because we understand the difficulties and challenges of the computer-based workplace, we have always provided a back-up power source for the dispatch computer stations to insure no loss of information should power shortages occur. In fact, the El Monte facility which will support City of Rosemead operations has a robust back up power system utilizing a back up power generator. Additionally the data in the server is backed-up nightly on a tape drive or random disk array to insure that should the system fail completely we will be able to recreate where the system was the previous evening at closing saved. 2. Radio Communications No company in Southern California can match our responsiveness in the area of providing effective radio service. We have our own radio shop staffed with a lead technician and several installers, thus we are capable of our own radio pro~~rannning and repairs. Southland and its affiliate companies have several of Southland Transit. Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 22 of 48 9 0 our own frequencies and we work with major relay providers to provide service where our frequencies do not provide coverage. We will have our Rosemead operation set up on a radio frequency that allows all of the drivers to hear all of the radio calls. We have found this superior to using a system that is restricted to "driver to single unit" communications in a general public dial-a-ride because this mode facilitates teamwork between all the drivers. 3. Phone System Our El Monte facility operates a high functioning telephone system from Norte[ Communications. This phone system allows us to track the performance of our phone reservations staff on each of our contracts. Major features of the system are: Customized greetings specifically designed for each separate service. i Call distribution technology that allows us to establish a team for each separate service. i Identification prompts for representatives so that we do not answer the phone using the name of another system. Call sequencer that holds calls in queue line so that each is answered in order. Full tracking and reporting capabilities so that the staff of the individual service contracts can evaluate our phone performance on their contract service, including hold times and lost calls, and the Customer Service Manager can monitor all service performance. The Call Center also. includes a TDD line, Language Line services as well as voice mail capability. E. Vehicles We are proposing regular gasoline vehicles and as Option A propane alternate fuel vehicles from Creative Bus Sales, from whom we have sourced almost all of the vehicles purchased since we formed the company. The specifications can be found beginning on the next page. It is important to note that while the propane option adds capital cost to the service, the lower cost for propane fuel makes the clean air selection virtually cost neutral for the City based on our fuel cost calculations reflected in the Cost Proposals. Note that all propane vehicles we provide will employ liquid injection technology which avoids much of the traditional efficiency loss that came with the use of propane as a motor fuel. Further, the vehicles will be fueled at our facility which already has bulk propane service for our contracts with Monrovia, West Covina and the County of Los Angeles. We also provide propane vehicles for the Cities of Lawndale and Burbank as well as for the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System. We would advise the City to be very cautious about any proposal that did not include this advanced technology. There may be old technology, gaseous propane conversions available at lower cost but those savings will be quickly absorbed with higher fuel cost. Southland Transit. Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 23 of 48 • Creative Bus Sales Inc. Proposal For: Rosemead, CA Southland Transportation 12-18-07 2008 - ElDorado National Aerolite 200 (8) Passengers + (2) Wheelchair Chassis Features (Ford E-3501SD) 11,500 LB. GVWR 5.4 Liter V-8, Gasoline Engine Electronic 5-Speed Automatic Transmission wnD Power Steering - Power Brakes Dual Batteries 135 AMP Alternator Voltmeter Front Air Conditioning, Heater And Defroster 37 Gallon Fuel Tank Twin I-Beam Independent Front Suspension LT225175SRX16 BSW All Season Radial Tires (6) Super Engine Cooling Full Instrumentation Seat Belt With Shoulder Harness For Driver Tinted Glass Intermittent Wipers Dual Electric Horn Inside Hood Release Door Courtesy Light Switches 4.10 Ratio Rear Axle Body Features: Steel Reinforced Composite Body Construction Safety Stanchions 24" X 30" Tinted T-Slide Windows Fully Adjustable Track Seating Front And Rear Mud Flaps Driver's Control Console 30" Entry Door Lighted Stepwell White Step Nosing Interior Courtesy Lights Steel Subfloor Structure 3/4" Exterior Grade Plywood Floor Drive Shaft Guard 13501 Benson Avenue • Chino, CA 91710-5231 Phone: (909) 465-5528 • Fax: (909) 465-5529 • www.creativebussales.com Southland Transit Inc. Proposal Page 24 • Page 25 Page 2 Body Features: (Continued) Entry Grab Rails With Modesty Panel 20" X 60" Rear Exit Window Driver's Sunvisor Interior/ Exterior Driver's Mirror Interior Safety Decals Number, Color, Function Coded Wiring Exterior Light Package Options Included in Pricing: Customer Parts/Electrical and Service Manual Gateway Interlock w/Fast Idle 36" Electric Entry Door 40,000 BTU Rear A/C 35,000 BTU Rear Heater Auxiliary Battery Back-Up Alarm Left and Right Entry Assist Rails Overhead Handrail First Aid Kit, Fire Ext, Warning Triangles Mid-Hi Back Freedman Seats Seat Grab Rails - Padded High Back Reclining Driver's Seat Braun Wheelchair Lift ADA Required Lighting and Decals (2) Q'Straint Wheelchair Restraints Vehicle Pricing: $ 49,620.00 - Gasoline Vehicle Price (E-350 Chassis) $ 22,500.00 - CNG (E-450 Chassis, Aerotech Body) $ 16,000.00 - LPI (Liquid Propane Injection, Chevy Express Chassis) (Note: Does Not Include Fleet Discount, Tax or DMV Fees) Creative Bus Sales, Inc. Z I J Don W- hit/e Southland Transit Inc. Proposal Page 25 Page 26 W Q W / o V / I n 5 VOL I I II II II it ~ I I~ 11 II Al I Im 1 11 I 1111=~1 1 " 1 Il~vl I II i IIWVI I I II~~I Ii ~ _~L3_J U Southland Transit Inc. Proposal Page 26 • • Page 27 ~o yb b~ O ° 3 ~ C~ p ~ u O oz ~f1L ~o J Z 7 W W W ~ =J / LN n I u ~ I ' I O (~j Q ~ I W o J ~ I T 7 1 21I I I I II UJI s 9 II I ° I I 1 Q w eon' I II I L3 ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~t~ ° $ 3 Z O ~ U UU2V2 Z o g yy y~~Q ~ Z 2 Ill gsgs~~~ Ct ~ J Z Q ~ S^~= l~ <A L S2110> g Il ° ,l g 3 <a Southland Transit Inc. Proposal Page 27 • 0 Creative Bus Sales, Inc. Proposal For: Rosemead, CA Southland Transportation 12-18-07 2008 - ElDorado National Aerotech 240 (16) Passengers + (2) WC's or (20) Passengers Chassis Features (Ford E-450/SD) 14,500 LB. GVWR 6.8 Liter V-10, Gasoline Engine Electronic 5-Speed Automatic Transmission w~D Power Steering - Power Brakes Dual Batteries, AM/FM/CD 135 AMP Alternator Voltmeter Front Air Conditioning, Heater And Defroster 55 Gallon Fuel Tank Twin I-Beam Independent Front Suspension LT225/75RX16 BSW All Season Radial Tires (6) Super Engine Cooling Full Instrumentation Seat Belt With Shoulder Harness For Driver Tinted Glass Intermittent Wipers Dual Electric Horn Inside Hood Release Door Courtesy Light Switches 4.10 Ratio Rear Axle Body Features: Steel Reinforced Composite Body Construction Safety Stanchions 29" x 41" Tinted T-Slide Windows Fully Adjustable Track Seating Front And Rear Mud Flaps Driver's Control Console 36" Entry Door Lighted Stepwell White Step Nosing Interior Courtesy Lights Steel Subfloor Structure 3/4" Exterior Grade Plywood Floor Drive Shaft Guard 13501 Benson Avenue • Chino, CA 91710-5231 Phone: (909) 465-5528 • Fax: (909) 465-5529 • www.creativebussales.com Southland Transit Inc. Proposal Page 28 Page 29 Page 2 Body Features: (Continued) Entry Grab Rails With Modesty Panel 20" X 60" Rear Exit Window Driver's Sunvisor Interior/ Exterior Driver's Mirror Interior Safety Decals Number, Color, Function Coded Wiring Exterior Light Package Options Included in Pricing: • Customer Parts/Electrical and Service Manual • Gateway Interlock w/Fast Idle • 36" Electric Entry Door • 70,000 BTU Rear A/C • 35,000 BTU Rear Heater • Auxiliary Battery • Back-Up Alarm • Left and Right Entry Assist Rails • Overhead Handrail • First Aid Kit, Fire Ext, Warning Triangles • Mid-Hi Back Freedman Seats • Seat Grab Rails - Padded • High Back Reclining Driver's Seat • Braun Wheelchair Lift • ADA Required Lighting and Decals • (2) Q'Straint Wheelchair Restraints Vehicle Pricing: $ 56,990.00 - Gasoline Vehicle Price (E-450 Chassis) $ 22,500.00 - CNG (E-450 Chassis, Aerotech Body) $ 36,000.00 - LPI (Liquid Propane Injection, Chevy Chassis, N/A on Ford) (Note: Does Not Include Fleet Discount, Tax or DMV Fees) Creativ@ Bus Sales, Inc. Don White Southland Transit Inc. Proposal Page 29 • • Page 30 y J L 0 C J Southland Transit Inc. Proposal Page 30 Page 31 QI r S W W ir) Q U ~ S n ~ n II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 1 1 -r - I 1 I ~ I v~ I I~ Wv W~ ~b ¢Y 3 Q ~ ^ U C ^ Cfj y ~i ~ ~ ~ W(Y O v U tt3 ti W ^ W Q Z5 4 0 o s 0 6 4 4 o y W l l ° 4 Iv'' o g c a ep° 4i ~ ~tol~ O U ~n Y W tint Z ~ ~ 2h U r V F3~ U~Z a ~ W W ~oQ o s ti 3 L~'u W ~ a¢mW J L r Southland Transit Inc. Proposal Page 31 0 AEROTECH -Still #1 Here's w1. Belcoated Exterior 2. Tinted Top-T Windows 3. Steel-Reinforced Composite Body Aerodynamic Front Cap B. Superior Floor Structure 1. Gelcoated exterior maintains it's new look for the life of the vehicle and absorbs temperature at a much lower rate than metal, making the bus eas- ier to heat and cool. 2. Tinted windows with GL20 glass reduce heat, glare and ultraviolet rays. Vent panels at the top allow maximum ventilation and discourage pas- sengers from placing hands or arms outside the vehicle. 3. 4. 5. Steel reinforced composite body has twice the strength-to-weight ratio of an all-steel frame structure. To demonstrate this superior stren the Aerotech is the only commercial cutaway us to be crash tested. Aerodynamic front cap section accommodates all types of siianage with letter height up to 12". Area can allso provide a large, lockable storage compartment or additional passenger forward viewing. View windows forward of entry door give driver over 2h square feet of visibility of oncoming traffic or boarding passengers. --..n1« 90O Ear CWHE0 TH4C>R AMERICA'S REST RIDS INVESTMENT D. Low ground to first entry step with standard white step nosing allows easy and safe passenger entry and exit. 7. Our exclusive sidewall bridge rail provides supe- rior side impact resistance while accommodating the standard track seating system. 8. Floor structure has been tested to measure flex- ural strength and load bearing capability up to 20 tons without appreciable deflection and no dis- tortion. This means a longer vehicle life. Creative Bus Sales, Inc. w .creatlvebussales.com (800) 3262877 . Toll Free (909) 4455-5529 - Fax ElDorado fi National -a'Z-JlE-XO7R wmpeny- Southland Transit Inc. Proposal Page 32 Steel-reinbrced composite body w/5 yr., IOOK mile warranty Bright white, impact resistant, non corrosive, gelcoated, FRP exterior body panels Sidewall features I I-gauge steel, diagonal lyminforced passenger area crash barrier which includes seat mounting track Trac Lok seat track allows easy seat moving or removal International's floor frame consists of 2" x 3", 14-gauge outriggers mounted on I I-gauge C-channel mounted on rubber shock dampeners. Chevrolets floor frame consists of 2" x 2", 1 1-gauge outriggers mounted on I I-gauge C-channel mounted on rubber shock dampeners. 3/4" exterior grade plywood floor undercoated and edge sealed prior to installation Heavy duty transit rubber w/ribbed aisle Stainless steel safety stanchions on each side of the aisle at entry Curb side modesty panel with entry assist handrail Passenger A/C ranging from 30,000 to 96,000 BTU Passenger heating ranging from 35,000 to 65,000 BTU All HVAC systems thermostatically controlled, located in operator compartment Alternators available up to 270 Amp. Engine fast idle Heavy duty battery on stainless slide-out skirt tray Roof-vent escape hatch Rear emergency door Front and side route signs Entry door interlock First aid kits, fire extinguisher and flare/road side reflectors Interior driver rear view mirror Deluxe exterior mirrors with convex mirror Heavy duty 12-gauge steel rear wrap around bumper powder coated white to match body High-back driver seat Master electric panel easily accessible in operator compatment Ergonomically designed switch control panel All wiring color, number and function coded All wiring loomed and secured in position with loom ties Door-activated interior lights w/driver override Operator map light Passenger windows are top T-slide, ventilating, w/maximum tinting All stainless steel powder coated wheelchair, entry door frame and stepwell • Reverse alarm • Full range of seating and upholstery choices • Full range of luggage compartments, overhead bins and racks • Custom painting and graphics • Full range of audio/video equipment • Deluxe interior trim package • Restroom • Kitchenette/wetbar • Color coordinated floor - rubber or carpet • Stainless steel wheel inserts • All necessary equipment for handicapped accessibility and fully compliant with ADA Southland Transit Inc. Proposal Page 33 (Note:This is only a partial listing of optional equipment. For more complete information, contact your ElDorado National representative) • • F. Maintenance Maintenance excellence is a major commitment for Southland Transit, Inc. We have developed an outstanding reputation among clients for developing and maintaining standards that guarantee our maintenance quality is of the highest level. Our record with clients who subject vehicles to third party inspections is superior. We will provide consistent quality maintenance that will protect the riders of the service. 1. Preventive Maintenance Program Our preventive maintenance program consists of the following service/inspection elements: Ins ection/Service Description Frequency Driver Dail Vehicle Condition Inspection Dail b each driver Vehicle Cleaning and Washing Once a week Periodic Vehicle Detailing Service Per Contract or Annually Preventive Maintenance Service - A 21 Work Da s/3,000 Miles Preventive Maintenance Service - LOF Includes analysis) 60 Days or 5,000 Miles Special Semi-Annual Alternate Fuel Inspection Semi-Annually Preventive Maintenance Service - Brakes Customized to Du Cycle Preventive Maintenance Service - Engine Per Manufacturer Specs Preventive Maintenance Service - Transmission Per Transmission Specs Preventive Maintenance Service - Cooling System Annually Plus Testing Preventive Maintenance Service - Electrical System Annually Plus Testing Preventive Maintenance Service - ACSystems Annually Preventive Maintenance Service - Wheelchair Lifts Annually Emission Control Compliance As Required Driver Daily Vehicle Condition Inspection Prior to putting a vehicle into service the driver is required to perform a detailed pre-trip inspection of their assigned vehicle. Any defects or concerns are noted on the Daily Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR), a copy of which is forwarded to the Lead Mechanic, who then opens a work order and schedules the repairs. Repairs are prioritized to ensure that all safety related defects are completed before the vehicle goes into service. All defects reported by drivers are addressed within 24 hours of being reported. All safety related defects are repaired before the vehicle is dispatched again. Each driver cycles all lifts on their vehicle prior to the start of revenue service. Except in emergency situations, a vehicle is not allowed in service with an inoperative lift. Drivers are thoroughly trained in pre-trip inspection requirements and are not allowed in revenue service until they can demonstrate full proficiency in conducting the appropriate inspection for the type or types of vehicles they will be called upon to operate. The effective performance of these inspections is a major item of emphasis for our service monitors. Drivers are also expected to leave their vehicle broom clean at the end of the day. Vehicle Cleaning Appearance and condition are paramount to operating an efficient and comfortable transportation system. Our program ensures the fleet is clean, well maintained and presentable to our customers and to the employees who use these vehicles to provide service to our customers. At the end of each service day, vehicles are fueled. The utility workers ensures that all fluids are checked and topped-off, tire condition and air pressure checked, and the overall condition of the interior and exterior inspected, with special attention being given to seat damage, graffiti, or other vandalism that may have taken place since the start of the day. After the fluid and visual inspection is completed the utility worker will record the mileage, amount of fuel, oil and other fluids dispensed; sweep or mop the interior of the vehicle as necessary; clean the windows, seats, and drivers' area; and remove any graffiti. Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 34 of 48 • • Every weekend the interior of vehicles will be checked and repair and/or replacement of window inserts, seat inserts, seat upholstery, graffiti, window glass and schedule holders will be undertaken as needed. Each vehicle will have its seat shampooed monthly. We have also made provision in our proposal for annual detailing of every vehicle in the fleet, the schedule for which will commence as soon as we start the contract. The vehicle exterior is washed at least once a week and after each rain occurring while vehicles are in operation. Special emphasis is given to the wheels and any other particularly dirty areas. Once a week the vehicle will be subject to more extensive cleaning; at a minimum this cleaning will include ceiling panels, handrails, side panels, seat frames, wheel wells, driver area, modesty panels, door and step areas, destination sign glass, windows, floors, and AC grills. When completed, the vehicle is parked in its assigned place and properly secured. Preventive Maintenance Inspection -A Vehicles are inspected every 20 to 21 working days or, for higher mileage vehicles, 200-250 miles in advance of the 3,000-mile mark. This exceeds all regulatory requirements and allows us to move more repairs into the preventive and predictive categories. The inspections use the vehicle manufacturer's and component manufacturer's recommended service cycles as well as all seasonal or campaign work that may be required. The vehicle repair history is reviewed and any scheduled predictive maintenance items or open defects are repaired at this time. Special Semi-Annual Alternate Fuel Vehicle Inspection Vehicles powered by compressed natural gas or propane are subject to an additional inspection on a semi- annual basis with an emphasis toward maintaining the alternate fuel system and any other critical systems, with particular emphasis on systems that could provide a fire ignition source. The methodology followed is to remove all access panels, engine covers and any other impediment to examination of hoses and wiring so that the technician can inspect every hose and wire to insure complete integrity of critical systems. Repairs are undertaken to insure system integrity through the next semi-annual inspection. Preventive Maintenance Inspection - Lube, Oil, Filters Engine oil is changed generally with every other monthly inspection. This results in a change interval of between 3600 and 5000 miles depending on the vehicle assignment. Required lubrication points are addressed on the monthly inspection rather than at the time of engine oil change since these items are included in the monthly inspection checklist. Preventive Maintenance Inspection - Brakes At the time that we take over a fleet of vehicles on a new contract a thorough examination of the vehicle history is made to develop a specific brake maintenance interval targeted to the duty cycle and repair experience. These intervals are evaluated on a continual basis and supplemented by careful inspection of brake condition on each "A" inspection. If the "A" inspection shows a need for earlier brake maintenance the inspection will be conducted either immediately or at another interval, which will allow us to effectively address the condition. Careful measurements are taken and recorded at each brake inspection so that a wear profile can be developed for each type of vehicle in the fleet. This wear profile is then used to refine the preventive maintenance scheduling. The brake inspection incorporates a step where the foreman reviews the brake work just prior to re-installation of the wheels and/or drums. Preventive Maintenance Inspection - Engine Engine technology has evolved to the point where no single policy can address all of the requirements for engine services. We develop a specific program, based on manufacturer's recommendations, for each facility, which addresses the engine models in the fleet. This program includes written forms providing effective direction for the technician in accomplishing the service. Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 35 of 48 0 • Preventive Maintenance Inspection - Transmission Transmissions are maintained in accordance with the individual manufacturer's recommendations. Careful attention is paid to the condition of the transmission fluid and the amount of wear material found in the transmission pan. Burnt fluid or the presence of bearing material will be cause for replacement of the transmission before return to service. Preventive Maintenance Inspection - Cooling System Cooling system maintenance has become an important step for insuring that the maximum life is obtained from engines. Each cooling system will be tested annually to insure that appropriate concentrations of cooling system additives are maintained to optimize engine life. Preventive Maintenance Inspection - Electrical System Accessible transit service is hard on electrical systems. On an annual basis each electrical system will be thoroughly tested to insure optimal performance. This inspection will include a battery load test to disclose the need for replacement of any weakening batteries. Preventive Maintenance Inspection - Air Conditioning System Air conditioning systems are maintained in specific conformity to each manufacturer's requirements. All repairs and maintenance functions are performed by certified mechanics in strict conformity to current environmental standards for air conditioning service. Monthly reporting on the Preventive Maintenance Monthly Form documents all air conditioning preventive maintenance. Annually, during the month of March, a specific campaign will be undertaken to insure that each air conditioning system is adequately prepared to provide effective service throughout the season when air conditioning performance will be taxed. This inspection will include, state of charge, condition of compressors and compressor drive systems, and condition of the condenser. Preventive Maintenance Inspection - Wheelchair Lift Equipment During each Preventive Maintenance Inspection a thorough check of the wheelchair and lift equipment is undertaken. Wheelchair lifts are tested with a minimum of 500 pounds deadweight and 750 pounds maximum weight to insure compliance with ADA requirements. On an annual basis a detailed inspection is done of every lift component to insure that wear is within acceptable standards. This inspection is done with all shields and panels removed so that every element of the system can be seen and evaluated. Particular attention is paid to wear at pivot/swivel points, integrity of barrier mechanisms, fluid leakage, wiring integrity, and general structural integrity. 2. Maintenance Record Keeping Southland Transit has developed its own proprietary maintenance management system. The system was built in Microsoft Access in consultation with Simetra Systems, our long time data management and reporting system partner. Unlike many off the shelf programs this system was designed specifically for passenger transportation vehicle maintenance and shop management. System capabilities include: • Preventive maintenance scheduling for four separate levels of preventive maintenance. • Fuel consumption tracking (also provides mileage inputs for PM scheduling). • Repair order management with technicians entering their repairs directly into the system. • Storage of frequently used repair operations to minimize input. • Storage of parts data to assist in inventory management and further minimize data input. • Vehicle inventory management. • Road call reporting. • Complete vehicle maintenance cost reporting. • Maintenance schedule compliance reporting. • Tracking of warranty repairs. Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 36 of 48 • 0 3. Handling Service Defects Maintenance and Road Service. Maintenance required required as a result of a road failure is performed as quickly as possible in order to ensure that our customers are not adversely affected by a delay in service. As soon as the dispatcher is notified of a failure s/he notifies the maintenance manager or mechanic on duty who will then dispatch a mechanic to the defective vehicle in a properly equipped and supplied service truck. Another vehicle with a stand-by driver will be dispatched to fill in on the route, thereby minimizing any disruption to service. Upon arrival by the mechanic, the problem will be assessed and determination made as to whether the vehicle can be made operable or will require a tow. In the event that the mechanic on-site cannot repair the vehicle on-site or safely bring the vehicle to the facility, a flat bed tow truck will be dispatched. Reports of each road failure are reviewed periodically in order to determine if there is a pattern of failures that would indicate the need for changes in preventive maintenance inspections, pre-trip procedures, or other maintenance procedures. The history is also reviewed in order to determine cycles for preventive maintenance inspection. Body Repair. All major exterior or interior damage as a result of accidents, road conditions, vandalism or graffiti results in immediate removal of the vehicle from service. Repairs are completed prior to the vehicle returning to service. A detailed inspection of the vehicle is conducted after repair to ensure that repairs have been properly performed and that no other physical or mechanical damage exists. Minor body damage is reported to maintenance via driver's DVRs and the fueler/washers' daily reports. The repair of all minor damage is scheduled for completion within the same week it is reported. Graffiti is removed immediately. An outside contractor will perform all major accident damage, body repair and painting. Major Component Failure. All component failures are evaluated to determine the cause of failure; this evaluation coupled with Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) rebuild recommendation forms the basis for rebuild decisions. Repairs are done so that all vehicles remain in the OEM configuration. In the case of engine, transmissions or other major component failure, a physical inspection of the component, including disassembly, is done. If necessary, a review of maintenance records and fluid analysis data is made to determine the cause of failure, rebuilding requirements, and any potential fleet defect or warranty problems. All component rebuilds, as well as engine and transmission replacements will be completed by OEM certified repair facilities. G. On-going Service Operations 1. Road Operations a. Road Supervision Our road supervisors are all certified drivers equipped with an accessible paratransit vehicle so that supervisors can provide immediate replacement service should the need arise, such as when there are wheelchair problems, breakdowns, incidents, etc. In addition to the road supervisors' traditional spot check and general supervisory duties they are trained in accident and incident investigation so that a professional report can be developed for any major service failure. One of the main jobs of our road supervisors is to provide support to drivers on the road. We work to have drivers perceive road supervisors as a support service that is available whenever a situation or problem might arise. This teamwork encourages communication and faster resolution of service problems than when a road supervisor's main objective is to simply watch and grade the people they oversee. We have made front line accountability the foundation of our service delivery. This is also a duty of the road supervisor, who insures that the drivers are ready and fully equipped to begin service. Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 37 of 48 • 0 b. Passenger Disturbances & On Board Security Our first objective is to minimize disturbances with effective training. There is specific training regarding problem passengers that teaches drivers effective techniques for defusing potential disturbances. Supervisors also give strong support to our drivers. Drivers have the ability to summon a supervisor via the supervisor's handheld radio and have them at the bus within minutes to render assistance. In each of our communities we have also developed excellent working relationships with the local police. Through direct communication with the supervisor it will be possible for drivers to access the police directly when there is an incident that might jeopardize the safety of the driver or passengers. We have used the police effectively on a number of occasions when a passenger was causing a disturbance on the bus. In those instances the driver continued the route to prevent further provoking the perpetrator and was met by the police at a pre-determined stop. c. Response to Vehicle Breakdowns Any discussion of breakdown response should be prefaced with breakdown prevention. We emphasize vehicle maintenance in every operation as the prime method by which to reduce breakdowns. Of course breakdowns do happen and in those instances we will respond on three tracks. The first step is to get a mechanic on the radio with the driver. We often find that some simple issue is causing the vehicle problem and the driver can be instructed on how to get the bus back in service. An example of this is a wheelchair lift access door that is not fully latched, causing the vehicle interlock to render the vehicle inoperative; a simple re-latching of the door gets the vehicle back on the road. The second step, and the most important, is getting another bus on the line and back on schedule. We expect that, with the excellent supervisor coverage for this operation, we should be able to restore service within 15 minutes. The third step is the dispatching of a mechanic to validate the condition of the bus and handle getting the bus off the street. In all cases a mechanic should be at the bus within 15 minutes. The mechanic timing will not affect the passengers since service will already have been recovered with a substitute bus. d. Lunches We comply with California labor standards on scheduling of lunch periods. We have frequently taken over services where drivers were not afforded the lunch breaks. In addition to being a California legal requirement, we believe that regular lunch breaks contribute to enhanced system safety. The change to taking lunch breaks is not always a popular measure with drivers, who prefer being paid for the time, even if it means no lunch. We handle this by scheduling the lunch break in the Trapeze system. 2. Quality Assurance a. Accident Reporting & Incident Investigation While we do everything possible in our training and ongoing safety meetings to avoid accidents, they do occur and we train our employees how to handle those situations. Every driver undergoes training regarding the handling of an accident. The driver immediately contacts dispatch and/or the road supervisor when an accident occurs. Dispatch then coordinates an appropriate response. The driver is trained to seek appropriate information at the accident scene, which is reinforced by the arrival of a road supervisor or member of management personnel. Pictures are taken at the scene for thorough documentation. Accidents which take place with consumers on board, or when an accident will cause a delay in service it is reported immediately. If needed a road supervisor or cover driver will use a vehicle to keep service on time. Incident report forms are kept available for all workers in order to document passenger disturbances, wheelchair lift failures, and road failures. Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 38 of 48 • 0 b. Internal Process to Avoid Problems & Complaints At Southland our first and primary goal is to avoid service problems. We are constantly monitoring our own performance in this pursuit. We believe that the rider must be satisfied and we want to develop and use the appropriate tools to assure that customers have all the opportunities necessary to let us know how the service is working. In order to focus this goal we have established a framework that has us, as a company, investigating and identifying causes and a response to every service defect, no matter how the defect is identified. We have found that the most common occurrence is a call from a client reporting a problem. Every staff person is trained to prepare a report form based on the customer's input, this report immediately goes to each individual involved so that the cause of the incident can be identified and, more importantly, a determination can be made as to what corrective action is required to prevent recurrence. We also encourage the use of these reports by our road staff, including drivers. There are times when a driver feels that a problem arose due to the actions of a rider, dispatch, or management. Such problems do not always lead to formal complaints, but are issues that should be investigated and evaluated before larger problems occur. This form allows for driver input, and initiation of a process for determination and correction. We have found this two-way process of identifying problems creates a team-oriented approach to problem solving, rather than a blame approach. It has also provided valuable input from the employees who have to work the nuts and bolts of the system, and is a major empowerment tool for our road staff. Despite this commitment to preventing problems and complaints, problems do occur. Throughout the training of all staff, drivers, dispatchers, mechanics, road supervisors, and managers, it is emphasized that any problem or complaint should be reported immediately to management staff for action and resolution. Southland management personnel are evaluated on their ability to foster an environment where all problems and complaints are reported, as well as on their responsiveness to riders, and to client staff in handling problems as they arise. H. Written Policies & Procedures Southland Transit has developed procedures and handbooks to address legal and contract requirements. The following procedures and handbooks can be found in the Appendix. 1. Employee Handbook Southland is a California company and is concerned with insuring the highest level of compliance with both state and federal employment practice laws. It is quite common for national employers to note only federal laws in areas such as wage and hour rules, leave policies, discrimination, etc. California laws are frequently more protective of employee rights and the relationship of the state and federal law can be tortuous. The Southland Transit, Inc. Employee Handbook was written to fully comply with both federal and state law and addresses the legal compliance issues affecting all employees of any service. The more specific issues relating to each unique service are addressed in a Service Guide, which is geared to a specific contract. It is in that manual that the more specific issues related to customer service, handling of incidents and accidents, and other issues are addressed. A guide for a specific service is written after award of a contract and can be done in cooperation with the client staff. 2. Drug & Alcohol Policy Southland has an established drug and alcohol testing policy that complies with all State and Federal requirements. Testing includes both the mandatory pre-employment drug screens and the random testing for all drivers and "safety sensitive" employees as defined by federal law. All drug and alcohol testing is done in accordance with the DOT requirements for split screen testing. In addition Southland has a written policy for a Drug Free workplace in its handbook. Managers and supervisors also undergo additional training in order that they fully understand the requirements and indications for "reasonable Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 39 of 48 • 0 suspicion" testing, possible signs of drug and/or alcohol abuse. This allows continued monitoring of workers when reporting for duty and during the course of their workday. 3. Safety Plan In a transportation company safety is a primary concern. It is an essential element in all training, particularly for mechanics and drivers. It is part and parcel of Service Guides, the federally mandated drug and alcohol policies, the pull notice participation, the maintenance plans and management. Thus it is embodied in several plans. In addition to those already described herein, Southland has the following additional policies, which can be found in their totality in the Appendix. Safety Manual Southland's Employee Safety Manual complements the intense training given drivers. Every element of the handbook is keyed to safety issues, mostly dealing with those that are not particular to drivers and apply to all employees. Inlury & Illness Prevention Program We have a fully compliant Injury Illness Prevention Program in place as well as a Hazard Communication Program. The plan meets all requirements of good practice, as well as state and federal laws. Under this plan regular walk through inspections of the facility and equipment inspections are undertaken, as well as investigation of all reported safety problems. Security/Emergency Plans Southland has developed a Security & Emergency Preparedness Guide which includes the implementation of the FTA's Transit Threat Level Response Recommendations. In addition there is a Safety & Accident Prevention Plan; Procedures on Driver Accident Handling & Reporting Procedures; and Emergency Procedures for Dispatch. Safety & Accident Procedures Prevention of accidents is primary, however, the handling of accidents and the investigation of the causes is also essential in future prevention. A number of policies exist to remind dispatch on the handling of such incidents, the driver on actions immediately following an accident or incident, and investigation forms.. 1. Data Collection and Reporting We believe that a company does well those things that it believes are important enough to measure. Most of the activity that goes into providing service quality is measurable and such measurement will be the basis of our quality assurance program. This means somewhat different things on fixed-route and dial-a- ride services. ♦ Fixed-Route. The emphasis here is on clean, reliable, safe vehicles, driven by safe, friendly drivers in compliance with the public schedules. We manage these key elements on a continual basis and institute a reporting process that documents our performance. ♦ Dial-a-Ride. Our history in dial-a-ride service is that we improve BOTH service quality and productivity particularly when moving to Trapeze dispatch. We track every measurable component, especially on-time compliance and no shows. In operations we have taken over or transferred to Trapeze dispatch we have delivered average productivity improvements of well over 20%. Part of tracking key quality elements is to constantly track the information and to include it in the reports to the client. At Southland we work with each client to define the standards which are particular to that service and that contract. We then set up additional tracking and reporting systems to insure that any particular issues are monitored and shared regularly with the client. As part of service start we include a meeting with City staff to discuss the particular reporting needs and concerns so that the reporting system is designed to meet those needs. Although reporting requirements for transit contracts are extensive, they are easily managed when the project staff is given appropriate tools, and the contractor has a commitment Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 40 of 48 • 0 to supporting staff by developing routines for collecting and reporting required information. Our staff has an up to date computer network that allows them to collect and manage complicated data effectively. Most of our current contracts require NTD reporting and we are well versed in the required reporting process. In many of our existing community transit operations we have had to assume primary responsibility for reporting the data to the MTA since our cities typically have no staff to handle these reporting functions. To assist in this we have had supported and encouraged our managers to take courses to train them to meet NTD reporting requirements. J. Implementation Time Schedule Tasks Description Start Complete Manager Staff Staffing Project Michelle is already an employee and will be Dave Manager committed from the first day of January 1-Mar 1-Mar ale Current provider is keeping all staff. We will Customer promote an existing assistant team leader & Michelle Service Staff recruit 2 customer service reps for the service. 1-Jul 1-Se Buie Maintenance Jose is already an employee and will be Manager committed from the time the first vehicles are ayne assigned. 2-Jun 2-Jun Seale Mechanics Will recruit one new staff mechanic and a Wayne service worker. 1-Jul 31-Jul Seale Staff Training Training for all key staff re Rosemead Contractual contractual requirements. In preparation, meet Requirements with Rosemead staff to insure completeness of Michelle tacey training on Policies. 1-Jul 1-Au Buie Murphy Contract Training for reporting staff on data collection & Stacey Reporting submission requirements. 4-Au 21-Au Murphy Driver Training Current facility has excellent applicant flow, Driver easily sufficient to sustain any additions Hector Recruiting required to staff project. 30-Jun 11-Jul Porras Start this as early as possible to insure Existing questions are answered & drivers are ready for Driver the transition. All training done on driver off Hector Classroom days to avoid disrupting current service. 8-Mar 12-Apr Porras Existing Driver test to insure driver skills. Deficient Driver On the drivers will be scheduled for additional behind Road the wheel training. Again all training conducted Hector Evaluation on driver off days. 19-Apr 31-Ma Porras New Driver Classroom Class New Drivers. Will do one Classroom #1 class in July with 15 starting & 10 completing Hector classroom. 14-Jul 25-Jul Porras New Driver Behind the Wheel Class New Drivers. We plan Hector BTW #1 to start 10 behind the wheel and finish 6. 28-Jul 13-Au Porras Jose Ruiz Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 41 of 48 • • Tasks Description Start Corn fete Maria er Staff New Driver Service Area Orientations - Class will orient Class On during the days immediately after completion of 14- Hector Road behind the wheel training. Au 29-Au Porras Final Orientation and Shift Route Selection - Final Orientation - Existing 23- Michelle Stacey Selection Drivers Au 24-Au Buie Murphy Dispatch/Operations Control Obtain registered passenger list and standing orders. Call every passenger and make sure Dispatch preferences are correct. Set up template planning system for standing orders. Establish process Michelle Team for reporting changes from current contractor. 1-Jul 1-Au Buie Leader Coordinate with current provider and City to determine whether existing phone number is Telephone coming over or whether a new number needs Service to be established. Make necessary 19- Dave arrangements with hone companies., May 30-Ma Dale Trapeze Establish new scheduling server, install Mike System workstations, base radios and telephone sets. 2-Jun 27-Jun ako an Administrative Details Uniform Stacey ony Design Propose uniform design to Staff 2-Jun 6-Jun Murphy orne o Uniform Tony Production Produce uniforms to design 8-Jun 4-Au orne o Uniform Michelle Distribution Issue uniforms 5-Au 24-Au Buie Vehicles/Maintenance Final Stacey Wayne Specifications Go Over final vehiclespecifications with City 3-Mar 7-Mar Murphy eale Order Review final specifications with Creative Bus 10- Dave Vehicles Sales. Enter final orders. Mar 11-Mar Dale Training Vehicles Assign adequate vehicle for driver training. 15-Apr Take Vehicle pre delivery inspections at creative, accept e Deliveries delivery after verifying specifications. 28-Jul Seale Develop Fueling Schedule & Procedures, Fueling including on site propane if alternate vehicles 11- 1 Wayne Procedure are selected. Au Convert Document key maintenance reporting factors & 11- Records enter into Maintenance reporting system. Au 15-Au alladares res Establish Set up new scheduling to insure compliance 11- ayne Schedulin with olic . Au res Seale Southland Transit, Inc. Proposal to operate Rosemead Transit System Page 42 of 48 • • n u TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS January 10, 2008 City of Rosemead Administrative Services Department Attention: Chris Marcarello - Administrative Services Officer 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Transit Services RFP Dear Mr. Marcarello On behalf of Transportation Concepts (TC), I would like to thank you for the opportunity to submit our proposal for the maintenance and operation of the City of Rosemead's Transit Service. Transportation Concepts is a California Company based in Irvine, California operating services throughout the area for over thirty years. We hope that through our proposal we were able to demonstrate our dedication and commitment to the RTA and the highlights of our company our offer to operate this very important service to include: • A highly qualified Manager leading the team with hands on experience overseeing transit service in the City of Rosemead. • A highly qualified corporate support staff based in Irvine, California. • A strategically located operations/maintenance facility set up and ready to go. • A committed local team that goes the extra mile to ensure excellence in operational performance. • An improved competitive compensation plan including medical and dental benefits for the employee. • Dedication and commitment to customer service and community outreach. • A proven operational approach and support system • A willingness to work with the City not only to improve productivity but overall ridership. We are confident that we have submitted a very sound and competitive proposal. Our proposal is valid for a minimum of 120 days. We acknowledge receipt of Addendum 1 relative to the above referenced RFP. We look forward to the opportunity to work with the City for the provision of this service. If further information is needed, please contact me at 562433-5778, 562-433-5289 (facsimile) or via e-mail - sschmidt(ciltransnortation-concepts.com. I am the contact person during the evaluation period and I am authorized to bind Transportation Concepts to the terms of this proposal. If for some reason you can not reach me, please contact Rich Rogers, Chief Operating Officer of Transportation Concepts, at 949-753-7525. Mr. Rogers is also authorized to bind Transportation Concepts to the terms and conditions of this proposal. Sincerely, Sandt Schmidt Vice President of Business Development 12 Mauchly, Bldg. I I Irvine, CA 92618 1 (949) 8643480 1 Fax (949) 864-3280 • • TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal a. Experience ....................Page 1 b. Organization Page 5 c. Resource Allocation Page 6 d. Staffing Plan Page 7 e. Management and Personnel Policies Page 16 f. Accounting and Reporting ..................Page 20 g. Performance Bond ..................Page 23 h. Insurance and Indemnity Page 23 i. Financial Responsibility Page 24 j. Vehicles and Equipment Page 24 k. Operations and Maintenance Facility ..................Page 25 1. Maintenance Program ..................Page 25 m .Safety Program ..................Page 30 n. Screening and Selection Program Page 32 o. Training and retraining Program Page 34 p. Time Schedule Page 41 q. Debarred, Suspended, or Ineligible Contractors Page 45 E xhibit Die Proposal Forms .............Page 46-50 O ption A Page 46-50 Financial statements included under separate cover. TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal • the City of Rosemead a. Experience ■ PARKING CONCEPTS INC. Profile - Transportation Concepts is the public transportation division of Parking Concepts, a California Corporation, with corporate offices in Irvine, California. We currently employ over 1,500 people. Gill Barnett, President and owner of Parking Concepts, founded the company in 1974 in order to provide an enhanced level of customer service to an industry that had been sorely lacking in customer service. Today, Parking Concepts is one of the most successful and respected parking facility operators in the United States. In 1982, Parking Concepts was awarded a shuttle bus contract at the Ontario International Airport. It was at that time that Transportation Concepts was formed. To this day Parking Concepts (Transportation Concepts) has continuously operated shuttle bus service at the Ontario International Airport. In 1999, Transportation Concepts (TC) was awarded several TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS fixed-route and dial-a-ride service contracts similar to the City's services. We are committed to community outreach and assist as needed in special events and City sponsored activities, we are intimately familiar with the service area, the actual service, system needs relative to dispatch/reservations process, staffing, supplies, etc. We believe we can facilitate a positive image relative to the transit service provided within the City of Rosemead. As a result, we intend to increase ridership and productivity through a greater awareness of the services available to the residents and education as to how the system works. Our aim is to ensure that the City and the passengers we transport throughout the City of Rosemead and surrounding areas are happy with the service we provide. Transportation Concepts has the capability and will provide qualified personnel to manage and operate the system. In fact, TC's proposed Manager, Brian Connell, has hands on experience overseeing this operation early on in his career. Experience - From the operation of a six bus shuttle operation at the Ontario Airport in 1982, through today, Transportation Concepts has enjoyed steady growth. Currently, the company manages 16 separate Fixed Route, Shuttle or Dial-a-Ride contracts, all in areas with similar challenges as Rosemead to include continuous growth and traffic congestion. The company operates these services utilizing a fleet of over 200 vehicles ranging in size from seven passenger minivans to 40 foot transit coaches. Many of the vehicles maintained and operated by Transportation Concepts use clean burning fuels. In the event the City chooses an alternative fuel option, TC has experience maintaining and operating both CNG and propane powered vehicles. Page 1 ER • • TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead ADA paratransit Services/Dial-a-Ride Services: Our team has experience providing the dial-a-ride services since 1985. This. includes management, reservations, scheduling, dispatch, vehicle maintenance and operations. It is important to note that Brian Connell, TC's proposed Project Manager for Rosemead, has previous hands on experience working with the City of Rosemead on this project as well as other similar projects in the San Gabriel Valley during his career. We have extensive experience in managing various size and types of such specialized services ranging from two to over one hundred vehicle operations carrying up to 1,000 passengers per day. In addition, we have experience with various automated (and manual) reservations and scheduling systems as described later in this section. Fixed-Route Services and Express Services: TC also has years of experience operating similar fixed-route service to include Blythe, Corona, and restaurant shuttles throughout Los Angeles similar to the City's shopper shuttle. In addition, our talented and valued employees have been responsible for the ¢ operation of regularly scheduled services throughout the state including overall management responsibilities encompassing day to day administration of systems operating in rural transit environments as well as major metropolitan areas transporting over 5 million passengers per year. This includes routing and scheduling, safety oversight, vehicle and facility maintenance, road supervision and dispatch oversight, integration of technology, and of course vehicle operations. TC employees have experience in this type of service since 1987. Shuttle/Circulator/Feeder Services TC has been providing airport shuttle services since 1982. In fact, we currently operate 10 separate shuttle services of varying operating characteristics to include, campus shuttles, medical center shuttles, and restaurant shuttles. We are extremely proficient at providing high quality, high capacity, short haul, high frequency services. In addition, we provide other special services including regular shuttles connecting remote parking lots to employment centers; feeder services linking passengers from the train station to employment centers, and commuter services providing people transportation from designated parking lots in suburban areas to jobsites located in major metropolitan areas. These services are one way we can contribute to improving the air quality of the communities we serve. Technology As stated, TC has extensive experience with transit related technology to include automated scheduling systems, GPS, MDT, AVL, TransTrak, DriveCam etc. Through our team we have utilized systems such as RouteMatch Trapeze, RouteMatch, StrataGen, Route Logic, and @Roads scheduling systems. Several of our employees have attended user conferences for each of the designated software packages and we have developed sound business Page 2 TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead relationships with these organizations for support services. TC currently utilizes RouteMatch software interfaced with MDC's and AVL's successfully in our Corona location. In fact, TC partnered with the City on the development of an RFP for the AVL, MDC, Scheduling Application, and digital on board video surveillance recording system. The local team worked through the installation, training, and application and now utilizes these systems successfully. Although the City provides support for the current systems in place, TC employs highly qualified consultants as back up as necessary. Operations Programs As a professional provider of transportation services for over twenty-five years, we have developed and implemented programs for a full range of transportation services. Generally, our programs include the following: @ Safety - employee, ridership, maintenance shop, environmental, accident/incident prevention and response. @ Customer Service - passenger relations, disability awareness. @ Employee Development- recruitment, screening, hiring, training, and supervision. @ Maintenance - preventive, body work, warranty, parts inventory, vehicle appearance, heating/air conditioning, audit/inspection, and technician training. @ Vehicle Operation - employee check in, vehicle inspection, dispatch/vehicle communications, on time performance, route supervision, fare collection and extensive training. All of these programs will be in place for the City of Rosemead. In order to successfully facilitate our programs throughout each of our operations we must effectively maintain our support structure and ensure that each area is developing and continuously improving. Every person on our team must demonstrate a high degree of passion for customer service and be able and willing to provide it to the community and the system ridership. Transportation Concepts has had excellent performance records relative to the majority of contracts we operate. We have higher than the industry standards on-time performance record, an excellent safety record, and we have a reputation for getting the job done as promised. We are proud of our success. In addition, we acknowledge that we always have room for improvement. Any constructive criticism is always welcomed, taken into consideration, and acted upon as necessary. Our philosophy is one of always keeping our eyes open for a better way. We will operate under this philosophy relative to each of the service components provided for the City of Rosemead. Page 3 0 • TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead References- Corona Dialer-Ride/ Fixed Route City of Corona Robert Morin Service 730 Corporation Yard Way, Transportation Planner 730 Corporation Yard Way Corona CA 92880 (951) 736-2446 Corona CA 92880 951 817.5730 f Santa Monica Dialer-Ride City of Santa Monica Paul Casey 1513 6th Street Big Blue Bus Project Manager Santa Monica, CA 1660 Seventh Street (310) 458-1975 Santa Monica, CA 90401 (310) 581-2526 f Desert Roadrunner Fixed Route Palo Verde Valley Transit Les Nelson and Paratransit Service Agency City Manager 123 West Murphy Street 235 North Broadway (760) 922.6161 Blythe, CA 92225 Blythe, CA 92225 (760) 922-4938 IF Banking References Additional client references provided upon request City National Bank 18111 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92612 Contact: Judy Pollock (949) 223.4066 Account #23-814-870 Depository Vendor References Wells Fargo Equipment Finance 2030 Main Street, Suite 900 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 251-4124 Contact-Jackie Bonfiglio Contract #0062664-100 Cardlock Fuels P.O. Box 7003 Lancaster, CA 93539-7003 Account#004223 (800) 441-1215 General Electric Capital Corporation 11010 Prairie Lakes Dr, Suite 150 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (612) 833-5749 Contact - Laura Dottai Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Number Our company Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) number is: #076177203 0 Page 4 U • • TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead b. Organization Although Transportation Concepts operates as a dba under Parking Concepts, the provision of effective transportation operations is the core business of Transportation Concepts. We do not have other businesses that divert focus from our primary objective with our clients and potential clients such as the City of Rosemead; which is to transport passengers safely and effectively creating a positive image for the City as well as our organization simultaneously. Our concentration remains on your service. If additional services are needed other than the provision of services, we have internal staff that can provide consulting and assistance in the areas of maintenance, labor, risk management, safety, technology, and environmental concerns. If Transportation Concepts does not have internal staff that can not provide assistance to the degree necessary, we have several professional consultants that we work with regularly that will provide service as necessary. Transportation Concepts offers a management approach that is specific to the needs of the City of Rosemead's outlined services. Information about the organization is included in the introduction of this proposal. Although it is extremely important to have reliable corporate support, we believe that the service is only as strong as the local team. The Corporate team's qualifications are described below. +kr`. Rich Rogers, Chief Operating Officer - Rich Rogers has been actively involved in the public transit industry for the past twenty-one years. Mr. Rogers is directly responsible for the oversight of all Transportation Concepts operations, and will insure that the highest level of quality service is provided to the City of Rosemead. As the Chief Operating Officer, he see to it that TC's operations meet company and contractual performance requirements such that safe, reliable and responsive service is consistently delivered. Mr. Rogers will be directly involved in any contract transition and negotiation and will have direct responsibility to work together with the City relative to contractual compliance and revisions as directed. Mr. Rogers will be instrumental in working with the City and the local team in implementing potential service and contractual changes throughout the term of the contract. Sandi Schmidt, Vice President of Business Development - Ms. Schmidt has over eighteen years of public transit experience. She comes from an operations background and is currently responsible for leading the business development and strategic planning efforts for Transportation Concepts. Ms. Schmidt will work directly with the team relative to procurement related issues, contract compliance, budgets, renewal and negotiation issues. Herb Mundon, Director of Safety and Training - Herb Mundon has over twenty- seven years of management experience, seven of which are within the transportation field. "s Mr. Mundon is responsible for maintaining all aspects of our safety and training programs. J He will support the location trainer in all aspects of recruiting, hiring and training activities, as well as implement location safety programs. He will conduct regular safety audits to ensure that all operations are meeting all required contractual, regulatory, and company =,r standards. Page 5 0 ! ! TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Karla Raley, Director of Risk Management - As the Director of Risk Management at Transportation Concepts, Karla Raley is responsible for developing and administering risk- management and loss-prevention programs and initiating policies to comply with safety legislation and the transportation industry practices. Ms. Raley also acts as the liaison to attorneys, insurance companies and individuals, investigating any incidents that may result vj~ in asset loss. Enis Yeneriz - Vice President of Maintenance - Mr. Yeneriz has over twenty years of s maintenance experience with eight years in Maintenance Management. He is an ASE Master Mechanic and has been certified by the National Association of Fleet Administrators. Mr. Yeneriz has hands on experience maintaining both traditional and alternative fueled fleets and clearly understands the requirements associated with preventive maintenance, repair, and regulatory compliance relative to the designated fleet. Mr. Yeneriz will also serve as the designated Maintenance Manager for this project. In this role he will provide guidance, direction, and accountability relative to fleet maintenance and regulatory issues and facility maintenance for the City of Rosemead's fleet. A resume for Mr. Yeneriz is included in the following pages. Additional organizational information is included in the financial statement/annual report. In addition, resumes for all corporate staff are available upon request. Financial Condition - Transportation Concepts, through its parent company, Parking Concepts, Inc., has been in business for 33 years and is a company of significant resources, both financial and operational (financial statements included under separate cover). Transportation Concepts is not involved in any pending or threatened litigation that would in any way negatively impact the company's ability to perform the services requested through this procurement. Transportation Concepts is a smaller company compared to some of the industry giants providing transit services throughout the United States. Our business is currently concentrated in southern California. In fact, all region support is based in southern California. The supporting organization is made up of considerable strength in each of their specific disciplines. One of the advantages of Transportation Concepts organizational structure is the access to support staff. The City can access each member directly as necessary without having to go through layers of people. c. Resource Allocation Transportation Concepts has the resources necessary to operate this contract. Our understanding of the project is demonstrated throughout our proposal. We have included a detailed budget breakdown as required on the "Proposal Form" located in the back of the proposal binder properly labeled "Proposal Form". Page 6, TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead d. Staffing Key Management - Transportation Concepts offers a management team lead by Mr. Brian Connell. TC has proposed an existing operating location in an effort to offer the best value to the City for the operation of the dial-a-ride and shopper shuttle services. Although Transportation Concepts offers extensive support, we are convinced that the service quality is only as good as the local team. To this end, TC offers Mr. Brian Connell, an experienced and professional Manager as the leader of the local team. Mr. Connell will be stationed at the proposed facility and will have daily contact with the employees facilitating this service. He and his team will be thoroughly supported by our corporate staff as described in the previous section. Through this team, this service will receive extensive personal attention to ensure complete quality and satisfaction among the City staff and community members. Brian Connell, Project Manager Mr. Connell has over 14 years experience in transit management, over 20 years in transportation, and has been with Transportation Concepts since November of 1999. Mr. Connell has extensive DAR experience as well as fixed-route and a-rt shuttle experience. He recently managed a paratransit contract in San Bernardino ? = California operating over 100 vehicles that picked up approximately 1,000 passengers per day. He is intimately familiar with Dial-a-Ride requirements, automated and manual scheduling, setting and exceeding performance goals, customer service, negotiating labor agreements, and motivating a workforce. Mr. Connell is familiar with all aspects of operations and understands what it takes to be successful operating in California. Brian is a hands-on Manager that will get out in the field and be active in the community. He will be in, consistent communication with his team to monitor service, review reports, evaluate employee performance, and serve as a role model in the areas of safety and customer service. The Lead Supervisor will serve as Project Manager in Mr. Connell's absence with assistance as necessary from the Facility Operations Manager, Mr. Clay Bomar. The City will have the ability to contact either Mr. Connell or the designated individual via cell phone during all hours of service and after hours. A resume for Mr. Connell is included in the following pages. Page 7 0 • TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead BRIAN CONNELL PROPOSED GENERAL MANAGER EDUCATION: Business Administration- East Los Angeles College Transit Management Certification Program - Pepperdine University EXPERIENCE: Transportation Concepts Los Angeles, CA District Manager July 2006-present Duties: Responsible for the operations and management oversight of contracts operated in the Los Angeles and Orange County area. Oversee vehicles providing both fixed route and paratransit service. Oversee the activities of dedicated Managers involved with two operating locations. Overall responsibility for all aspects of the operation including finance, human resources, maintenance, system performance and client contract administration Transportation Concepts Project Manager San Bernardino July 2005-Present Duties: Responsible for the overall management of the Omnitrans Access service contract. Duties include contract compliance, monthly management reporting, and oversight of both the East Valley and West Valley locations. In addition, overall fiscal management, and annual budget preparation. Transportation Concepts San Bernardino Site Manager December 2003-July 2005 Duties: Responsible for the operations of the East personnel management of approximately 60 reporting, and fiscal management. Transportation Concepts Los Angeles, CA Valley Omnitrans site. Duties included drivers and 30 support staff, system Project Manager November 1999-Decenber2003 Duties: Responsible for the operational oversight of a 24 vehicle fixed route operation under contract with the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority. Manages all aspects of finance, human resources, maintenance, system performance and client contract administration. UCLA Transit Operations Manager Los Angeles CA April 1999 -November 1999 Duties: Overall management and operation of fixed route and charter services for the UCLA campus. Responsibilities included personnel management, budgeting, financial analysis and system reporting responsibilities. Page 8 ro 0 =TC- TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead DAVE Transportation Services, Inc. Project Manager El Monte, CA 1994-1999 Duties: Responsible for the operations and administration of 12 fixed route and paratransit contracts within the Los Angeles County area. Managed all aspects of finance, human resources, maintenance, system performance and client contract administration. Careline Ambulance Operations Manager Riverside, CA 1990-1994 Duties: Responsible for the day-to-day management of EMT associates. Duties included scheduling, performance appraisals and training of employees. FTL Trucking Supervisor Commerce, CA 1987-1990 Duties: Responsible for the scheduling and loading of product deliveries. Supervised all activities associated with the loading of product merchandise. Toys R US Operations Manager Rosemead, CA 1983-1987 Duties: Responsible for the daily scheduling and personnel management of retail store clerks. Duties included hiring and supervision of up to 200 temporary employees during peak seasons. Page 9 2 TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead ENIS YENERIZ MAINTENANCE MANAGER EDUCATION: Santa Monica College - Business Administration National Association of Fleet Administrators Certified Automotive Fleet Manager Program ASE Master Mechanic Certification -1997 EXPERIENCE: Transportation Concepts Vice-President Maintenance Irvine, CA . Present Duties: Management of all vehicle maintenance programs for the organization. Responsibilities include performing audits of fleet, facilities, working with both federal and state agencies in vehicle compliancy, hiring employees for maintenance positions, training and developing maintenance staff. Veolia Transportation Irvine, CA Director of Maintenance 2004 - 2007 Duties: Responsible for overseeing maintenance and repairs of 360 gas, diesel and CNG fueled Fixed Route and Paratransit vehicles under contract with OCTA. Responsible to motivate and supervise 66 maintenance employees. Prepare, plan and organize new start up ventures. Establish local and national accounts. Prepare inventory criteria. Train and aid in repair of transit buses. Develop and implement policies and procedures. Prepare budgets. Perform audits of fleet, facilities, safety and contract compliance. Work with CHP in vehicle compliancy. Work with vendors for contracting specific maintenance repairs. Develop and administer capital programs. Prepare and oversee a 22 million annual budget. Prepare action plans to assure issues are addressed and resolved. Perform hands on work to help in all areas. Work with staff in reducing over all costs through planning, training, policies and employee interaction. Successful client interaction in resolving and meeting goals as well as developing new processes. First Transit Arcadia, CA Division Maintenance Manager 2001- 2004 Duties: Responsible for a 20 million dollar budget staffed by forty two employees Responsible for 150 Diesel and CNG fueled Gillig and NABI transit vehicles. Responsible for scheduling work and quality assurance repairs. Monitored and evaluated maintenance standards. Provided training, safety and evaluation of maintenance staff including mechanics, fuelers, washers and clerical support. Oversaw all diagnosis and repair. Ensured compliance with CHP requirements for terminal operations, including record keeping and maintenance. Page 10 hL,' 0 TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Budget Rent a Car Fleet Maintenance Manager Los Angeles, CA 1999 - 2001 Duties: Responsible for the maintenance management of over 5,000 rental vehicles and transit vehicles throughout Southern California, Responsible for a 3 million dollar annual budget. Responsible for the direct motivation and supervision of 12 ASE certified technicians. Consistently maintained company vehicle out-of-service standard of 1.5% of total fleet, and a vehicle deletion pipeline time of 1.5 days. Aramark Corporation Burbank, CA Corporate Fleet Administrator 1996 -1999 Duties: Responsible for the acquisition, modification, maintenance, command and control of over 10,000 vehicles and related motor equipment for the largest uniform and textile company in America. Responsible for the administration of vehicle lease contracts totaling 1 million dollars monthly. Responsible for negotiation of lease agreements and vehicle buyouts. Responsible for nation wide accident management. Responsible for the coordination of field fleet maintenance personnel and management of company preventative maintenance program. Media One/AT&T Cable Inc. Los Angeles, CA 1986 -1996 Fleet Maintenance & Safety Manager Duties: Responsible for the acquisition, modification, maintenance and management of 550 vehicles and related motor powered equipment. Developed and implemented preventative maintenance program which reduced vehicle road call failures and downtime by 60%. Responsible for an annual operating budget of 1.2 million. Developed and implemented vehicle safe driving programs and vehicle use policies and procedures. Developed 5 year plan to comply with pending federal and state alternative fuel use mandates. Job Descriptions - the table below provides brief job descriptions for the TC key management positions designated for this contract. Page i I ER =-T 0 C i TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Descriptio n Job Title Primary Primary liaison to the City. Project Manager Provides tactical and strategic planning for the City services. • Overall responsibility for the City services, including safety, system performance, quality, adherence to all governmental regulations, and compliance with the City/TC - established standards and procedures. • Ensures system is properly staffed given requirements and goals. • Monitors service performance against set gooiWtargets. • Prepares annual budget. Supervision/Dispatch/Res Assists Project Manager ervations Staff Ensures that the City's services are provided in a safe, reliable and timely manner. • Oversees the day-to-day operations, including all personnel. Serves as Project Manager as required • Ensures that all customer service issues are responded to, resolved and reported in a timely manner. • Submits formal operational reports at specified intervals. Safety/Trainer Takes system reservations/schedule rides • Oversees safety and training for all staff, including Operators and Dispatchers; ensures that refresher training and additional course work are provided as required. Administers safety program. • Assists in conducting Behind the Wheel and Classroom training. • Oversees Site Safe Plan Maintenance Manager & Follow appropriate maintenance intervals for preventive maintenance Dedicated Technician program • Perform and track all vehicle maintenance activity and repair • Comply with all CHP regulations; prepare shop; prepare vehicle records • Administer warranty program Service Worker Oversees all cleaning activities for the City service. • Ensures all necessary supplies are purchased and kept on hand • Enforce cleaning schedules • Coordinate with Drivers and Staff. Clerk Collects, Compiles, and distributes operational data. • Processes payroll, order supplies, and provides assistance as necessary. Driver Safely transport passengers throughout the service area. Page 12 0 -ZC= _ TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Staffing Plan Years 1-5 Position Number of Employees Drivers 8.5 FTE (year 1) 10.5 years 2-5 Project Manager 1 PT Facility Operations Manager 1 not charged to this project) Lead Supervisor 1 FT Safety & Training Manager 1 PT Dispatcher/Supervisor 2 FT Clerical 1 PT Utility Workers 1 FT Maintenance Manager 1 not charged to this project) Technician 1 FT PROJECT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Key personnel will be available to the extent proposed for the duration of the project. No person designated as key to the project shall be removed or replaced without the prior written concurrence of the City. Page 13 ER 0 • =TCC TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Wages and Benefits (vear one) Position Wage Ran e Dispatch $11.75 - $13.00 Trainer $12.75 Drivers $10.25-$13.00 Admin $13.00 Technician/Mechanic $20.00 Service Worker $10.75 Transportation Concepts clearly understands the operating environment and the labor market available to this service area. We believe that the current driver rates are not sufficient to attracting and retaining a quality workforce. Transportation Concepts believes we need to propose an increased rate with sensitivity to the City's budget and the spirit of competition. To this end, we are offering an increased training rate of $9.75 with an increased start pay of 10.25. This rate will increase by .25 annually. In addition, we will recognize all current employees system seniority in relation to their starting pay with TC TC will also provide benefits to include health and dental under a blue cross of California plan. Vision and life insurance coverage is voluntary with the premium covered by the employee. In addition, Transportation Concepts will provide a 401K or comparable savings plan for the employees to be determined after employee input and discussion. New employees will be eligible for benefits after six months of employment. Existing system employees hired by TC will have the waiting period waived for health benefits. Medical Plan - Medical coverage (including dental coverage) is available to all full-time eligible employees and their dependents through Blue Cross of California. The premium costs will be covered by Transportation Concepts for the employee only. Dependant coverage is available at a cost that will be shared by Transportation Concepts and an employee contribution. This particular plan generally covers 100% of the cost of most covered medical care, provided the care is received from in network providers (with minimal co-payment). Employees need to choose a primary care physician who will facilitate care and recommend the employee to specialists if necessary. The proposed health plan features the following: Page 14 ER • _ZC- TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Covered Service Co-pay Notes Inpatient Medical Services 20% of charges Blood & Blood products - no co a Outpatient Medical Services No co a Ambulatory Surgical Center No co a Skilled Nursing Facility 20% of charges Hospice Care No co a Home Health care $15/visit Physician Medical Services $151visit Specialists and Consultants $30/visit Short Term Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy, or Chiropractic Care $15/visit When ordered by primary care physician. Maternity Care $15/visit 20% charges for delivery Genetic Testing No co a Family Planning Services 50% of covered expenses Consult $15/visit Organ & Tissue Transplant 20% of charges Outpatient Mental Health $35/visit Inpatient drug or alcohol treatment 20% of charges $100/day Prescription Drug Benefits $15 $25 $40 Generic Brand name formulary Brand name non-formula Page 15 0 TC_- TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal • the City of Rosemead e. Management and Personnel Policies TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS SEEKS TO RAISE EMPLOYEE AWARENESS REGARDING THE IMPORTANCE . OF QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE. OUR POLICY IS DESIGNED TO IMPROVE SERVICE QUALITY, ENERGIZE' AND MOTIVATE EMPLOYEES AND BOOST PASSENGER SATISFACTION! w! f~ Transportation Concepts will consistently strive to ensure quality service is provided in the operation of the City's services. Here are some of the methods we utilize to ensure quality control and a higher level of customer service: I. Customer Service Training The Company's expectations are clearly articulated consistently. The company's primary objectives are to provide safe, courteous, professional and dependable service to every customer. Knowledge of these objectives is reinforced in training. Safety, attitude, on-time performance, customer relations, effective communication, and appearance are all stressed as being our major focal points. On an ongoing basis, the company reinforces that our role is to serve our customers. z. Monitoring by Supervisors and Managers On street monitoring consists of road observations and unobserved checks. Road observations are unscheduled checks designed to monitor on-time performance, vehicle cleanliness, and safe and courteous driving. Further detail regarding on-street supervision is included at the end of this section. 3. Vehicle and Driver Appearance The cleanliness of the vehicles that are used for the provision of transit service is an important indicator to the passengers of the quality of the service. Vehicle cleanliness will be monitored daily via rollout inspection. On a daily basis, all vehicles utilized in revenue service will have interiors swept and wiped down. A minimum of once weekly, the designated service worker will perform washing and scrubbing of the full exterior, wheels, area, inside of all windows, scrubbing of oil or other excessive residue off the rear end; dusting or vacuuming of all seats, dashboard, stanchions and exposed surfaces; and sweeping or vacuuming of all floor areas, including the removal of gum, grease, oil, etc. All graffiti, interior and exterior, that is cleanable will be removed as soon as practicable. Transportation Concept's employee uniforms consist of dark blue slacks, light blue uniform shirts with Transportation Concepts embroidered logos, dark blue jacket, black shoes and an employee identification tag, worn at all times on the front pocket area of the uniform shirt of jacket. Each employee will be required to be in full uniform at all times while in performance of their j duties. Uniforms will always be clean, free of spots, and pressed, and consistent with City requirements. Page 16 0 • • ==TC==_ TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead q. Surveys Client Surveys TC believes that client feedback is one of the most effective ways to improve our service. We will implement simple passenger surveys on selected trips during specific periods throughout the year. The information received from these surveys can help to measure the riders' level of satisfaction. Through these surveys, we will gain knowledge and insight as to if our passengers are happy and how we can continuously improve the service. Employee Surveys Effective proactive relationships with employees are necessary to establish a mutual level of confidence and respect. Interpersonal communication that is open and honest is a necessary ingredient in order to form a trusting relationship. We have found that making our employees feel valued through the active participation of an employee survey is a strong motivator, which can help to heighten performance levels. We currently conduct these surveys at this facility and will conduct such surveys annually for our employees operating the City of Rosemead's service as well. Client Surveys Receiving clear and honest feedback from our clients provides our organization with an additional tool to ensure we are on track towards our goal of 100% satisfaction. Mr. Rich Rogers, our Chief Operating Officer, conducts the survey on an annual basis. The survey is designed to provide feedback in both a quantitative and qualitative manner. Results of this survey are shared with the Manager and his or her staff. Any area not exceeding expectations is collectively discussed with a follow up action plan designed to bring about any needed improvements. 5. Customer Complaint Resolution It is the responsibility of the Project Manager to work in partnership with the City to resolve passenger complaints. Once Transportation Concepts has been made aware of a complaint, either, through City staff, or, by the passenger directly, the Project Manager will initiate an investigation. Transportation Concepts will respond back to the passenger or City Staff within forty-eight hours, specifically disclosing the action taken related to a valid complaint, or recommended actions if it is an invalid complaint. The key to the effective handling of all passenger complaints is to be proactive. It is critical that the management team focuses its efforts toward the goal to consistently meet or exceed passengers' expectations of the service. TC looks at feedback from complaints as another valuable tool that permits us to measure our success toward attainment of our quality goals. Dispatch/Reservations/Scheduling & Supervision To operate this service effectively, T provide dispatch coverage during a Dispatcher/Supervisor and two full time assist the Project Manager in oversic supervision for the Rosemead service. ansportation Concepts' provides will hours of operations with a Lead Dispatchers/Supervisor. The lead will ht of both dispatch/reservations and Our approach to effective supervision focuses on safe and effective operations primarily considering headways, quality assurance, and a maximum 20 minute response time (relative to on-street response). a! Page 17 u TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Dispatch/Supervision The focus of our Dispatch/Reservations/Scheduling operation is to ensure quality service delivery. The responsibilities of this position are critical in the overall service provision. It is fundamental to ensure that dispatch has a clear understanding of associated duties. Due to the size of the dial-a-ride service and the fact that the system is soon to undergo a transition to GPPV service, we are proposing a computer assisted dispatch, reservations, and scheduling approach through the use of an Access database and the utilization of Microsoft Streets and Trips. We believe that the use of this system will result in reduced time to make a reservation further resulting in reduced hold times (if any). Management of this database will be critical to our success. Transportation Concepts will have a consultant work with the team during the initial start up to customize a database for this location. This individual will train staff. This system will be set up on a Microsoft SQL server and used for the following functions: 1)Set Route - an established preset route a. Store client basic information (name, address, phone, special needs, special notes, etc.) b.Store route information (route id, route days, route direction (from home to destination, from destination to home, etc c.Store driver information d.Store trip information (missed pickups, driver report, etc) e.Store vehicle information (optional) f.Assign drivers to routes g.Assign drivers to vehicles h.Assign clients to routes i. Generate schedule j. Print trip manifest (schedule) by driver Update trip manifest I.Generate required reports 2)Subscription basis - call-in a.Store member information b.Store driver information c.Store vehicle information d.Store trip requests (verify subscription, pickup location, drop location, time) e.Assign drivers to requests via computer dispatch board f.lnform driver via radio g.Generate reports as needed This system will be used in conjunction with Microsoft Streets and Trips. Streets and Trips 2007 is an easy-to-use, hands-free trip planning and guidance solution which offers customizable maps and information on more than 1.2 million points of interest (POls), such as hospitals, restaurants, ATMs, museums, parks and more. Online or off, Streets and Trips 2007 provides updated maps that give you accurate, detailed door to door directions and puts 5.9 million miles of routable roads and highways at your fingertips. 0 Page 18 0 • TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal 10 the City of Rosemead To truly benefit from this technology and further tighten controls and ensure maximum productivity, Transportation Concepts is proposing a state of the art radio system. This system will allow thorough and detailed communication to the drivers in real time without compromising safety. The system MOTOTRBO developed by Motorola utilizes digital technology to provide a powerful, flexible platform that will allow expanded digital voice, data, and control capabilities, clearer voice communications, static and noise rejection, GPS location services, and text messaging. Each vehicle will be equipped with a radio configured to transmit their geographical coordinates at pre-programmed intervals. In addition, the text messaging function will allow trip information to be communicated in detail to each driver in real time. This information can include step by step directions and an updated manifest in the event the driver has had a cancellation or a trip added to their route. The individual dispatching will be responsible for composing and sending the text message. We believe that the combination of technology proposed will ensure greater productivity in a more cost effective manner for this size system. The Dispatcher is also responsible for making sure all work is assigned timely, in accordance with the rules and procedures governing the assignment of work and overtime. This individual ensures Operators are in proper uniform, are fit for service, and are prepared to carry out their assignment. Part of this function includes working to ensure that pre- and post-trip inspections are thoroughly performed and that only vehicles in a proper state of readiness are released into service. Dispatchers also coordinate with Maintenance for preventive/unscheduled maintenance and follow up to ensure that maintenance issues are addressed. Supervision The focus of our Supervisory function is also to ensure quality service delivery. This function includes regular on-street observation of the service to be carried out by the assigned Dispatcher/Supervisor for the specific shift at hand. This individual will carry a mobile radio for consistent communication with the workforce. Brian and Clay (the facility Operations Manager) will also have the ability to communicate with the vehicle operators via portable MOTOTRBO radio or cellular phone. Part of effective supervision includes directing the activities of the vehicle operators including on-time performance, maintenance coordination and lift issues, accident investigation, assistance in disputes/incidents, determining and working with detours as well as additional duties as required. The person on duty in Dispatch is responsible for coordination and communications with vehicle operators in addition to taking ride request from passengers. The purpose of dispatch is to take reservations, schedule rides, communicate daily bus assignments, late pull-outs, detours, and other issues that could potentially affect service. In addition, this person is responsible for monitoring and verifying all of the driver information that is input for the generation of monthly reports. For this reason, it is critical that this individual understand the service, the service area, have knowledge and ability relative to the technology associated with the system, and understand what is logical when reviewing a report. This is one of the reasons that TC is most qualified to operate this service. Our proposed Manager has a keen awareness and understanding of the operation and all associated requirements. In addition, TC intends to hire as many of the existing employees as possible. There will be very little learning curve associated with TC operating this service. Page 19 rg • • TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead The Dispatcher/Supervisor (Reservationist) is also responsible for making sure all work is assigned timely, in accordance with the rules and procedures governing the assignment of work and overtime. This individual ensures Operators are in proper uniform, are fit for service, and are prepared to carry out their assignment. Part of this function includes working to ensure that pre- and post-trip inspections are thoroughly performed and that only vehicles in a proper state of readiness are released into service. Dispatchers also coordinate with our maintenance department for preventive/unscheduled maintenance and follow up to ensure that maintenance issues are addressed. Supervision The focus of our Supervisory function is also to ensure quality service delivery. This function includes regular on-street observation of the service to be carried out by the Project Manager, Operations Manager, or the Dispatcher/Supervisor on duty. The trainer periodically conducts road supervision upon availability. In summary, TC has a philosophy of customer service excellence. All employees know that providing excellent customer service is their number one goal. Therefore, all operational elements must be flawlessly executed to ensure the rider a safe and pleasant experience from reservations to service delivery. f. Accounting and Reporting Quality Control and Reporting The Dispatcher must utilize several tools in addition to Access/Microsoft Streets and Trips to be effective and for accountability purposes. Some of the tools used are described below: Daily Dispatch Log • This sheet is used to record ALL activities that pertain to the day to activities in dispatch. • It is used for tracking and recording of ALL activities and incidents for the purpose of follow up and checks and balances. • The system works on "PROBLEM and ACTION CODES". This is a list containing the most reported problems, and offers the ability to ad others. As with the problem list, there is a list of action codes. These codes explain how you handled the problem. Daily Service Report • This report recaps the amount of service time lost on a particular route and block and the reason for it. • It also shows if and what supervisors had to drive. • Time loss needs to be put down in hours and minutes format Page 20 0 • TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Other forms used: Bus Report Operations Log _ I I J I f v o ' ~ ~ .~i. ul We will provide reports that comply with NTD reporting requirements. All reporting documents will be produced accurately and in a timely manner on a monthly basis as required. TIC utilizes a basic "check and balance' system in order to ensure validity of all reporting. The raw data is collected as a result of employees in the field. Each report submitted has to concur with the coinciding "actual operating data". A Sample of what will be included in our monthly reports to the City is pictured below. . WMy MM rm Can ~I V Xld WV. Cwnb WX R WV X WFCt , YtY h nbl T Y U Unln SSMw1 ♦ - ~Up•y WIIM TWY$1 p0 r}TOW Sl~l Tml Wn Mlle N MIN VNT AM li y_Neun- n @Xw~ Rarer u" n nM ~HO_i,ri~ TaW by 9i Bsvin y! a sv _ All reports will be provided in Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word format. Report information will be tracked daily, all daily information will be available to the City upon request. Otherwise, the monthly report will be provided by 3:00 pm the next business day after month's close. Quality Control The key to monitoring quality is through establishing system goals and employee accountability. The local management team is responsible for educating all employees as to expectations, and system goals. Together as a team, we will work to achieve these goals. Each employee has a specific job to do in order to ensure superior service quality. The Project Manager and Lead Supervisor will consistently monitor driver performance through observation, system statistics review, and regular attention to system commendations and complaints. On-street operations quality assurance is monitored through the supervisory and dispatch staff. The Dispatch staff will ensure that the drivers are on-time, properly dressed, provided assignments, and ready for service. A facility Supervisor will be at the gate with a daily check list monitoring pull outs to ensure that all routes will be covered by a qualified and ready driver and a safe and operable vehicle. Once Page 21 Imo' TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal • the City of Rosemead the vehicles leave the yard, road supervision will be provided throughout the service area. Supervisors will respond to all situations in the field requiring assistance. These situations could include vehicle accidents, breakdowns, incidents aboard the bus, investigation of a reported safety hazard, and other such incidents. In addition to assisting with these situations, the Road Supervisors will also perform regular monitoring of the service through the performance of road observations. This monitoring will take the form of observed (e.g. a ride-along evaluation), and unobserved checks. Pull-ins at the end of each service day will also be monitored. Not only does our performance monitoring system provide us valuable information, but it also serves as our fraud prevention system. Our goal at TC is to provide well-structured management information to facilitate good decision-making, to support decisions with proper data, and to demonstrate positive results. Our system to prevent fraud begins with a solid hiring program (described earlier in our proposal). Your system is only as good as your people. TC utilizes system reports in an effort to prevent fraud. There is a log for each function of operations. Information from each log is compiled and input into an electronic database utilizing Excel or Access for report generation. Logs are reviewed daily and stored for reference as necessary. Operational reports are compiled on a weekly basis. After reports are compiled, they are reviewed by the Project Manager for validity. Reports can be generated from the database that will spot problematic systems, repeat repairs, problem operators, problem buses and miles between road calls for each vehicle. The management information system reports are customized to each system operated. Information tracked ran include: -Employee performance measurement -Vehicle replacement analyses and recommendations Development of vehicle and equipment specifications -Driver and Technician turnover rate; -Percent of drivers not available; -Overtime (as a percent of hours); -On-time performance (as a percent of trips); -Percent of on-time pull-outs; -Number of accidents per 100,000 miles Total workers compensation claims per 100 employees; -Percent of preventive maintenance inspections (PMI's) completed on time; -Number of PMI's past due; -Number of PMI audits performed; -Average defects identified per vehicle (from PMI audits); and -Average miles between mechanical breakdowns/total breakdowns. -Number of complaints per 100,000 passengers; Management reviews each report and compares the statistics to other locations and compares the data to the locations history to look for trends. The trend analyses serve many functions. It gives us feedback on our operational and maintenance programs to ensure timeliness and quality. We monitor inventory variances, personnel levels, training and productivity. These benchmarks are used to encourage the manager to report real numbers so we can send the corporate support necessary to correct any deficiencies identified. Page 22 i~° • TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead We believe that continuously tracking and monitoring data will prevent fraud. Any variance or system aberration can be easily identified and followed up on. We would highly recommend that the City participate in our monitoring efforts. g. Performance Bond Per addendum 1 this requirement has been deleted. of the contract, Transportation Concepts is capable minimal. However, in the event this is reinstated during the term of providing such a bond. The associated cost is h. Insurance and Indemnity Transportation. Concepts has attached a certificate of insurance as evidence of our ability to provide the specified insurance amounts from our insurers: Clarendon, Lloyds, and Scottsdale Insurance Company authorized to do business in the state of California. The Certificate outlines what we generally carry. We will carry insurance to the degree required by California law in accordance with the City's requirements. Please see our ratings outlined below: General Liability - St Paul Travelers = A+XV Bus Liability - Clarendon = A-X W/C - Crum & Forster = A- I seam CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ` eez. uFPi4MClSS{°o.'"c€JFk&SL".°J,~'4 ,ooxnsusamww covewce e s i wo ee/oUe, ogoLe. @S'J" W.~ n f,m £a w 1-AL -)i~ Insurance is renewed on an annual basis in June of each year. Insurance will be in full force throughout the term of the contract. The City will be named as additional insured. Over the last two years, Transportation Concepts has achieved an Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) of 0.87 preventable accidents for every 100,000 miles operated. We have no claims pending at this time. Page 23 h' • • -TC TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead i. Financial Responsibility As stated in Section B of this proposal, Transportation Concepts has the financial resources necessary to carry out this work. Financial statements are included under separate cover. Financial references are also included in Section B. J. Vehicles and Equipment Transportation Concepts will provide five brand new (four system vehicles and one back-up) Type I small paratransit buses for the Dial-a-Ride service. We have proposed a gasoline option as well as an alternative fuel option. We believe the gasoline option to be the overall best value to the City while keeping in line with the environmental goals. Vehicle Specifications are included below: MT[L NFS I PB ElLCNN NLTICIMLAEAQl1EID1 CNAUR SACIIS 1 2EW C.'G1D 1J06,4Nfd STATE IISWJW E14US"IRD CA 2G%YM I . FASTIDE MTEw/.r fOIAD~LG49 WRA9BP POOR. ]PYF9T' 1 DOOK0,TPI.... N WM. ]YYfmY 1 M9CQY POQAIF..IMIDW INEW BMDYI ME CPMPIIpW10 A11ROT' 1 4C ACT W TE AINHN KTPNATNI uTRRV IS&RW I RATTERYOPT. AIIXWAY a .1 MlmtlG 1 NF/.TEq ]61EBNIFNQAIR AYI 111 .bYr ]IIPMF 1 I IIEYWJEFW4I PGNIRf. FwM1. I WILNLKKMI dTRYASSKi 11O).F NAMDA L.OhRIIEOD . rm-W n]SlV.1 I MAST NO LYI JNSLOM I FXE EXT LREFUREFLECTpI MT.v .GTNO aIfUW W7,IL0. M P sFAigMA, LEVEL I -ML VNYL WT...IwMI BMLPA J SELT. MDBACN MIBLE FREEPYN .1. 1 SEAT. "O'C"CAO SDIORN R... .1. 1 N. LIGHTSNPT .KSGN I LIGHT. LIFT Transportation Concepts will provide three brand new (two system vehicles and one back-up) Type III large buses for the Shopper Shuttle. Again, we have proposed a gasoline option as well as an alternative fuel option. Vehicle Specifications are included below: .EAT.. -..I GNODOOM 2 SEAT, MIDb CIE DOUBLE FREEDMAN B112000V 2 NPSEAT. JP FROMN FEATMERWGT IGTMO KCt..ORI.. 67IE440V 2D SEATBELTJa'STO 672d 0. 16 SEAT GRAB HANDLE, PADDED FARATRAN.R ODMODDY I WIC DOOR LIFT, STD FLA REAR-ATAE W102FGF 1 LIFT BRAUN WL919FIB-2 FRT MOOWN 1 DECALS, ADA SPEC W21WOV 2 RESTRAINT, 04106411 B6DMWV 1 LIGHT. SKIRT MOUNT OVAL ADA W IDWON 1 LIGHT. LIFT INTERIOR S I G.g.I~ t 1' P F ,19~• MOOu LFA9 I 2OW ELDOMDONATIONALAEROTECN2a CHAS 19 I 21pB EYW FWiD 1J5fi a v1aW srATE.M'JOGV OXALIS MODIMATIONS 212] N I SPRING SPACER. LIFT SIDE IIMM) 1 FAST OLIO GATEWAY FORD DSUGA9 MLI966 OPP IL IOQSEWY I DO00. ENTRY ANA J6 EIFG WINOOWL SARXAOV I WINDOW PACKAGE. A IN M 2 INFLVBCOVI "CONMOgMO IIJAEOY 1 ACT. R. STU GAS ALTGNATOR YTTEAY IJ6000OV 1 BATTERY OFT, AUYILWY MEATRIO AAIOWJF 1 NEATER, UK BNIPROAIR ASII EL.OTRMAL.Immv MSOKF I RADIO. AMFM{A FORD .F mAw 1110VOF 1 REVERSEALARN FIATLINIS SIIM 11OLCOON HANDRAIL, RIGHT ENTRY ASSIST 1105PUOF I HAHDMIL WERNEAO LLFETY.MxM 11JSM.OM 1Nrt FIRST AID M1. 16 I 11i2W]M IIRE EAT EAT AEFLE AERECTOR KR.'A Page 24 0 • 0 TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Vehicle color and signage will be in accordance with the specifications as identified in the RFP. In addition, each vehicle will be equipped with radios as described in Section E of our proposal. Fareboxes comparable to Diamond (model D) will also be provided. Vehicles will be delivered prior to the September 1, 2008 start date. All paratransit vehicles used in this service will be GPPV certified. k. Operations and Maintenance Facility Transportation Concepts is proposing to administer this contract at an existing operating site strategically located at 3345 Medford Street in Los Angeles. This location is secure, paved, and well lighted. The building is zoned for this type of service, already equipped with an oil/water separator and more than sufficient electrical power. This facility has ample parking space for both revenue vehicles and employees. A fully equipped maintenance shop is in place and operable. The facility and lot offer easy access for vehicles with a drive in bay and can accommodate a minimum of three vehicles in the warehouse for maintenance as required. Maintenance will be performed in the warehouse where the maintenance offices are set up as well. Running repair, parts and tire storage, and maintenance equipment storage will take place here. We will provide all required lifts as well. Transportation Concepts policy is to utilize products and materials that minimize hazardous waste. All hazardous waste is removed from the facility using a approved vendor. The office building will house the management offices, training area, drivers room, restrooms (warehouse also has restrooms), and storage. Transportation Concepts will provide all necessary equipment to include computer hardware, software, copy machine, facsimile, answering machine, and state of the art telephone equipment utilizing a minimum of three lines with TDD equipment in order to effectively operate this service. In addition, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Spanish speaking patrons will be accommodated. A secured area for fare revenue processing will be provided. All fare revenues will be deposited into a City approved bank account. 1. Maintenance Program Transportation Concepts has a strong commitment to fleet maintenance based upon the precepts of preventive maintenance and has developed procedures to ensure vehicle maintenance quality and fleet longevity. All maintenance personnel receive specific training from the Vice President of Maintenance or the Lead Mechanic assigned to the City's services or other qualified outside resources, on the TC maintenance program. Under the oversight of Transportation Concepts' Vice President of Maintenance, the Lead Mechanic, Hector Chavez, will supervise the maintenance staff and will ensure that all maintenance requirements of the contract are met. Hector is well versed in all aspects of fleet maintenance and will work directly with the manufacturer relative to OEM requirements of the chosen fleet type. Page 25 M ~TC== TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Service Workers The vehicle cleaning and service functions will be performed by a dedicated Service Worker. This individual will wash the exterior of every vehicle that is used in service on a weekly basis, or more frequently as needed. Any maintenance personnel assigned to work on the System buses will have a thorough knowledge of: • Bus engines, transmissions, electrical, multiplex 1/0 electrical systems, electronic engine and transmission controls, hydraulic and air systems, engine cooling systems, radiators, passenger heating and cooling (A/C), and related mechanical parts. • Methods and procedures used in servicing mechanical equipment. • Bus chassis and bodies. • Tools, precision instruments, equipment, and procedures used in the general repair and maintenance of bus equipment. • Decimals, fractions, and specifications related to bus mechanics. • Specialized areas such as painting, upholstering, brake relining, air-conditioning, destination signs and wheelchair lifts. Maintenance personnel shall be able to: • Inspect bus engines, transmissions, and other related parts. • Diagnose bus engine, transmission, electrical, multiplex 1/0 electrical, hydraulic, and air system problems and related parts. • Repair bus engine, transmission, electrical, hydraulic, and air system problems and related parts. • Document, on City-approved forms, all repairs performed. Transportation Concepts' maintenance program consists of five primary components: ♦ Vehicle Inspections ♦ Preventive Maintenance ♦ Vehicle Repairs ♦ Vehicle Cleaning ♦ Maintenance Record Keeping Vehicle Inspections: Transportation Concepts requires all operators to complete a thorough pre-trip inspection prior to placing the vehicle into service, as well as a post-trip inspection at the end of each day. The inspections are performed and documented by the vehicle operator on a Daily Bus Report (DBR). If any defects are noted, a written record for use by the Maintenance Department is created. For defects needing immediate repair, the dispatcher or on-duty supervisor will contact the maintenance department to immediately make the repair so the vehicle can be released for service on time, or will assign a different vehicle for service. These pre-trip and post-trip inspections are important to help ensure that service continues with the highest level of operating safety and to minimize service delays by identifying mechanical problems prior to the vehicle pulling into service. Preventative Maintenance: The company uses a series of preventative maintenance inspections, which are conducted at varying mileage levels depending upon the fleet type and contractual requirements. Page 26 I' TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead The PMI Process is generally broke down as follows: • Drive on inspection - This portion is utilized to check specific gauges, warning lights, indicators, driver area specific items, switches, windshield etc. • Interior inspection- This portion is dedicated to inspecting floors, seats, windows, emergency window operation, lights, heat, vent and A/C operation, stanchions, safety equipment, registration and other required items. • Exterior inspection- this portion will include the inspection of the exterior including body condition, tires, windows lights, bumpers, tires, rims, lift, interlock and other applicable items. • Chassis inspection- This portion will include a thorough inspection of the undercarriage, suspension, brakes and look for leaks and perform various filter and fluid changes per specific PM type. • Test drive- This portion is used to check for proper shift points, engine performance, braking etc. Any defects noted during the process will be reviewed and safety items repaired before being placed back into service. Transportation Concepts utilizes preventive maintenance programs based on OEM and Client specific requirements. Maintenance staff will perform the review of failed items in efforts to determine premature failure or to identify potential issues that can be added to the PMI process in efforts to schedule replacement cycles for specific items reducing vehicle road calls and improving proficiency. All preventive maintenance will be performed at regularly scheduled intervals according to OEM standards for the chosen fleet. All maintenance (including, but not limited to, vehicle PM inspections, brake inspections, lift inspections, major lift PM's, oil changes, engines washes, radiator cleans, interior cleans, upholstery shampoos, climate control inspections) will be tracked. TC will maintain change out records for all components. This includes warranty repairs/replacements whether work is performed internally or through outside vendors. TC will comply with all Federal, state and local exhaust emission requirements. In addition, a test shall be conducted on every diesel and gas powered vehicle to measure exhaust opacity annually or as needed for excessive emissions, due to mechanical failure, or as noted from third party observation. All GPPV vehicles will have a valid annual GPPV inspection certificate in plain view in the interior of the vehicle at all times in accordance with CHP. In addition, all vehicles will have a valid vehicle registration and permanent license plates. All vehicles in revenue service will carry proof of insurance in addition to the current registration. All registration information will be copied to City for recordkeeping purposes. Vehicle Repairs: Transportation Concepts policy is structured to assure that quality and thorough repairs are made on all vehicles. Repairs will be thorough and performed to industry standards. Parts will meet and or exceed OEM specifications. Work orders will be used to document repair functions, diagnostics performed, itemized parts and fluids that were used. Page 27 ~ I~ • • =TC-: TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead TC will fuel all system vehicles at selected locations upon return to the yard at the end of each service day. TC will provide all other lubricants, repairs, cleaning, parts, supplies, labor, maintenance, major components, and component rebuilding and replacement, and have available the necessary service facilities and equipment to perform the maintenance required for the operation of all System equipment. All wheelchair lifts, ramps, tie-downs, and related equipment will meet ADA requirements and shall be inspected, serviced, and lubricated at intervals as necessary to insure that the wheelchair lifts and ramps are safe and fully operational before the vehicle is used in revenue service. Operator pre-trip inspections will be utilized to check lift operation before pull-out from the garage. If the lift is inoperable at the time of pull-out the bus shall be repaired or traded before pull-out. All body damage, corrosion, stress cracking, and defects not covered by the original manufacturer will be repaired in a professional manner. All repairs and painting will be done in a professional manner. Visibility for driver and passengers will not be obstructed, and glass shall be replaced when, pits, cracks, abrasions and/or scratches are excessive. Excessive rattles and other annoyances to passenger comfort shall be repaired. All mechanical, electrical, multiplex 1/0 electrical, fluid, air, and/or hydraulic systems will be maintained in a safe and operating condition. Heating and air-conditioning (A/C) (climate control) systems will be maintained and used to insure that the passenger compartment temperature is comfortably maintained under all climatic conditions at all times on all in-service runs. TC will maintain the climate control system, heating and A/C systems, in an operable condition throughout the entire year. TC will meet all Federal, state, and local EPA requirements related to freon. Heating and Air Conditioning units will be inspected at a minimum every 3,000 miles. The following details this inspection: • Inspect drive compressor belt for proper tensiontwear • Replace return air filter • Monitor oil level • Inspect control thermometer • Check all wiring and connections • Analyze system for proper operation • Inspect Blowers for proper operation • Inspect evaporator and condenser cores, clean if needed • Check site glass for proper refrigerant fill • Check all lines In addition, every 24,000 miles the following will be completed: • Change filter dryer as specified by manufacturer • Clean cores • Torque component mounting bolts • Inspect water control valve for proper operation • Check condenser and evaporator for proper operation Page 28 11P, • 0 -TC~= TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Seats will be maintained in proper operating condition. All tears, cuts, gum, graffiti, and other damage will be repaired in a professional manner. TC will replace seat covers and/or cushion materials which are wom or cannot be professionally repaired, using seat cover materials which are identical in design and color as those materials being replaced. All seats will be free of excessive dust. Cushioned seats will be vacuumed at the 3,000 mile interval in order to keep dust to a minimum. All seats will be shampooed at the 24,000 mile interval. Vehicle repairs are completed using the highest quality parts available. Transportation Concepts participates in a number of national parts programs, which allows significant time savings in most - TOP ' cases. We employ a first-in and first-out inventory system. Spare parts inventory is based on a QUALITY :.cost per vehicle system. Transportation Concepts will stock spare parts to meet preventative ' maintenance an inspection needs, graffiti and vandalism, electrical, wheelchair lift and other maintenance related items. Quantity is predicated on the item's failure rate. Transportation Concepts also takes into consideration the availability of local parts and suppliers. We utilize air- freight overnight delivery if a local supplier cannot meet our immediate need. TIC will establish and maintain an ongoing spare parts inventory right from the beginning sufficient to meet peak hour vehicle requirements. All repairs will be made in accordance with applicable procedures listed in the vehicle manufacturer's maintenance manuals and shall comply with all local, state, and Federal regulations. Vehicle Cleaning: The cleanliness of the vehicles that are used for the provision of transit service is an important indicator to the passengers of the quality of the service. The exterior and interior cleanliness of the vehicle is readily noticed by the passengers and contributes greatly to their perception of the service quality. In order to address this critical service component, Transportation Concepts utilizes Service Workers, whose job it is to maintain the consistent cleanliness of the fleet. The dedicated Service Worker will use a schedule to monitor the cleaning of the fleet and to ensure that each vehicle receives its' required cleaning. On a daily basis, all vehicles utilized in revenue service will be swept and wiped. At a minimum of once per week TC Service Workers will perform washing and scrubbing of the full exterior, wheels, area, inside of all windows, scrubbing of oil or other excessive residue off the rear end; dusting or vacuuming of all seats, dashboard, stanchions and exposed surfaces; and sweeping or vacuuming of all floor areas, including the removal of gum, grease, oil, etc. All graffifi, interior and exterior, that is cleanable will be removed as soon as practicable. If the graffiti is obscene, or gang related, it will be removed immediately, or the vehicle shall not be used in revenue service until corrected. All seats will be dry when in revenue service. Maintenance Recording System/Vehicle Maintenance Records: The proper functioning of the maintenance department relies upon an accurate system of record keeping verifying the performance of the department. TC will provide an up-to-date vehicle file for each vehicle which shall contain all pertinent vehicle and maintenance information including but not limited to vehicle make, Page 29 0 TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead model, running repairs, pm schedules and activity, work orders, other equipment, road call information, warranty information, and inspection documentation. The preventive maintenance inspection reports will be kept for the term of the contract. Daily bus condition reports will be kept for a 90-day period, in accordance with CHP requirements. Transportation Concepts' goal is to provide safe, clean and well maintained vehicles to our drivers and passengers. Our main objectives in the maintenance department are as follows: • Perform quality service inspections meeting both OEM and Client expectations. • To be proactive in addressing proper part replacement through identifying life expectancy of parts and incorporating replacement schedules as part of the PM process. • Assure vehicles are clean. • Stock a proper level of inventory to reduce down time. • Assure quality parts are being utilized. • Assure vehicles are safe and in compliance with state and local regulations. • Track and keep accurate records. • Keep road calls at a minimum. m. Safety Program The safety of our operations is Transportation Concepts' number-one priority. It is incumbent upon any provider of public transportation services to assume responsibility for safeguarding the passengers it transports. Transportation Concepts takes this responsibility very seriously and has implemented a comprehensive safety program to insure success in this critical area. Transportation Concepts' safetv program for this location is comprised of these primary areas: 1. Recruiting/Hiring 2. Training 3. Policy Revision and Awareness 4. Monitoring 5. Substance Screening 1. Recruiting and Hiring (Described in this Section N of our proposal). Starts With You Z Training Training, at Transportation Concepts, is a comprehensive program that encompasses new driver training, orientation to the safety policy of the company, and regular, ongoing in-service training for all existing employees. Herb Mundon will provide all of the initial training for this service. The on-site trainer will ensure that the safety and training programs for this location are carried out effectively. The new Driver training program consists of 80 to 100 hours (depending on the employee) and is described below with a detailed table. Transitioning employees will receive a minimum of twenty hours of training as well as GPPV training. In-service training is provided to all of the employees through ongoing, monthly safety meetings. A minimum of twelve hours of refresher training will be provided to each employee. Page 30 E2 TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead A large part of training involves an incentive program that recognizes and rewards exemplary safety performance through such programs as our "Annual Safe Driving Recognition! 11 and Quarterly safety Bonus Prizes (to include gift certificates, jackets, etc.). Our program for the City of Rosemead will be customized and aligned with contract goals and objectives as outlined in the RFP. 3. Safety Policy Revision and Awareness The effectiveness of any program is dependent upon the existence of a clear direction. This is particularly true in the area of safety. Transportation Concepts has adopted a safety policy statement that declares the following: ♦ Safety is the number-one priority of our operations ♦ Safety is everyone's Responsibility ♦ All accidents are preventable ♦ All unsafe acts and conditions must be eliminated to prevent accidents ♦ Safety is not simply another rule to follow, but a guiding principle. 4. Monitoring A great promoter of awareness, Transportation Concepts utilizes a thorough system of monitoring to review, record and guarantee the effectiveness of the Safety Program. Drivers' motor vehicle records will be monitored through the State of California's program, in which an updated MVR report is generated every twelve months, in addition, on-street observations are performed as well as paperwork reviewed. Observations are documented and serve to provide valuable feedback to the employees regarding their performance. Safety performance is also monitored in investigating, reviewing, compiling, and analyzing accidents. Every accident is thoroughly investigated by the Safety Department. The result of the investigation is a determination of preventability. Transportation Concepts defines a preventable accident as one in which the operator failed to do everything reasonably possible to prevent the accident. In the event that an accident is deemed preventable, retraining is scheduled. 5. Drug and Alcohol Screening Transportation Concepts is committed to providing consistently safe and dependable transportation service to the passengers of the transit systems that it operates. In compliance with these goals, and with the Federal Transit Administration's requirements, the company has adopted a Drug-Free Workplace Policy. A copy of our policy is included under separate cover. The Screening Guarantee: • To ensure that employees are not impaired in their ability to perform their assigned duties in a safe, productive and healthy manner. • To create a workplace environment free from the adverse affects of drug and alcohol use and misuse. • To prohibit the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of controlled substances • To encourage employees to seek professional assistance anytime personal problems, including alcohol or drug dependency, adversely affect their ability to perform assigned duties. Page 31 M 0 10 TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Transportation Concepts' Drug and Alcohol screening policy applies to all safety-sensitive and non-safety- sensitive Transportation Concepts employees, paid part-time employees and contractors when they are on TIC property or performing any transit related business for TC. All safety-sensitive and non-safety-sensitive employees shall be subject to the following testing: e Pre-Employment • Random • Post-Accident • Return to Duty (after Leave exceeding 30 days) The combination of the implementation of a thorough safety policy, a recruiting and screening process that focuses on safety, a comprehensive training program, and a monitoring system to record and identify performance, results in a genuinely safety oriented company. The safety of the services provided by Transportation Concepts is acknowledgment of the success of the overall program. n. Screening and Selection Program Transportation Concepts has determined what we believe to be an acceptable starting wage for this area. We have had a solid recruiting plan in place at this facility that involves getting out into the community. We anticipate a very stable workforce with low turnover. However, in the event hiring is necessary, we will advertise on our website and in the local media as well as going through local employment centers. Transportation Concepts utilizes a thorough, seven-step selection process in order to identify the right candidate to hire and train as a member of our team. The seven steps include: Job Description ♦ After tiling out an application, an applicant Is given a job description Mat describes In detail all ofthe aspects ofthejob. • This led the applicant know up front the requirements of the job and makes a statem ant very eary on to the applicant about the importance of safety in the operation. Application review. • This process incWdes statements by the applicant regarding their previous employment history, previous driving record history, any history of vehicle accidents, and any history ofworkplace injuries. • This bring up potential 'red-flags' that may exist m an applicant's background as far as safety is concerned. Motor Vehicle Record Check ♦ Applicants are required to submit a current 1-1.6 printout from the Department of Motor Vehicles, wh lch details the applicants' driving record for the past ten years. • Any applicant who Is unable to produce the anginal H-a document is not given further consideration for employment. Interview Reference Checks. Criminal Backaround Phvslcal and Drug Test. • All of the supervisors who are • 3 most meets employers must Check ♦ All Transportation Concepts responsible for interviewing are be indicated on the ♦ All applicants who employees must pace a trained In P.M. squestl.n. to ask application. ...Wr.d to physical examination and a that, among other things, will Identify complete a criminal drug screen Prior to being an individual's sefaty awaranee.. • They must sign an background clrleek. ...school as an employee. authoro,stion form, which ♦ The purpose of the Int.Mew Is to gives permi.acm to anal, • This check. • The company. physical add ciarmlcatl.n and Turther detail to former employer to comment conducted by One examination meats the the Infomratlon contained on the upon Malr performance as an company in Deparm ent of Transportation application forth. employee. conjunction with rewiremems and results ina Info Unk, will identify DOT medial card. ♦ IndMduals who are able to follow ♦ Any warning signs regarding any criminal directions and maintained the safe wording practices of convictions that the • The company. drug .aaening satisfactory relationships with their the applicant will raise serious applicant may haw program Is conducted by US former sup.M.or. and coworkers, questions as to their suitability incurred HeaRhwork. and meet. all have been found to be strong as a Transportation Concepts Federal Tremsit Administration and ldates to be... safe - employee. guidelines. em Pl. esa. Page 32 • TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal L the City of Rosemead Job Description When an applicant arrives at Transportation Concepts to fill out an application for employment, they are given a job description that describes in detail all of the aspects of the job that the applicant will be expected to perform if they are selected for the position. Application review The review of the application includes statements by the applicant regarding their previous employment history, their previous driving record history, any history of vehicle accidents, and any history of workplace injuries. Motor Vehicle Record Check Each applicant is required to submit a current H-6 printout from the Department of Motor Vehicles, which details the applicants' driving record for the past ten years. Only original, current H-6 reports are accepted. Any applicant who is unable to provide this is not given further consideration. Interview All of the staff who are responsible for interviewing are trained in specific questions to ask that, among other things, will identify an individual's initial skills and more importantly their attitude towards passengers, peers and the service they were provide. Reference Checks The applicants must identify on the application form their three most recent employers. In addition, they must sign an authorization form, which gives permission to their former employer to comment upon their performance as an employee. The employment references that each applicant identifies are contacted and questioned about the work performance of the applicant. All of the responses gained through these references are documented in order to provide organization and structure to the process. Criminal Background Check Each Transportation Concepts Operator providing service for the City has successfully passed the following background check before hiring; these qualifications must also be maintained throughout employment. :Must have five years, of driving experience. May have one break or interruption in holding a valid license of no more than 90 days during the five-year period immediately preceding the submittal of an employment application. The break or interruption cannot be the result of a state having suspended or revoked the license and the candidate must still be able to demonstrate that they have a minimum of five years driving experience. :No felony convictions. •No more than two at-fault or preventable accidents in the last three years. :No more than two convictions of moving violations in the last three years. When combined, no more than two incidents (preventable accidents or moving violations) during the last three years. -No record of DUI or DWI within the past 15 years. -Not subject to outstanding warrants for arrest. Physical and Drug Test All Transportation Concepts employees must pass a physical examination and a drug screen prior to being accepted as an employee. The company's physical examination meets the Department of Transportation requirements and results in a DOT medical card. The company's drug screening program is conducted by US Healthworks and meets all Federal Transit Administration guidelines. Page 33 h1 E _,i • • TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Selection Criteria Once the employee completes the seven steps, the following criteria is reviewed and must be met before employment is offered: -Five years minimum driving experience, including a minimum three year U.S. residence. -Minimum 21 years of age. -Possession of all required licenses, including a Commercial Drivers License Class B driver's license. -Have the ability to obtain the special permits and endorsements. -Proven ability in the area of customer service. -Be able to speak, write and understand English and possess the capability to perform simple mathematic functions. -Provide proof of U.S. citizenship or legal alien status, must have lived in the United States for three years. -No negative feedback on ex-employment references. -Demonstrate compassion and sensitivity for customer service and passenger assistance. In addition, if it is discovered through a Motor Vehicle Record Check that an existing employee has an infraction and has not notified us it could lead to termination. If the employee has notified us, the infraction could result in re-training or termination depending on the contract and the infraction. o. Training and Retraining Program Training, at Transportation Concepts, is a comprehensive program that encompasses new driver training, orientation to the safety policy of the company, and regular, ongoing in-service training for all existing employees. Using the company's proprietary Driver Training program, which as been developed using materials from the Transportation Safety Institute, APTA, The National Safety Council, ADA. and OSHA, the Transportation Concepts new driver training program provides both classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction. The key elements in our operating procedures are the concern our professional bus operators demonstrate for the safety and comfort of their passengers, and the drivers' effective technical performance in operating the equipment. The initial training will be conducted by Herb Mundon during the transition phase of the contract. Mr. Mundon is TSI certified. Certification Training ♦ 40 hours classroom instruction ♦ 40 hours Behind the Wheel training to include CDL and Revenue Training ♦ Additional 16 hours for GPPV training (The majority of time for GPPV certification involves setting up the appointments with CHP. This could take up to 60 days. However, we are confident that with the September 1, start we will have plenty of time) Page 34 • =7 TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead This 96 hour new driver training course provides instruction in the following general areas: ♦ Driver Responsibilities and Procedures ♦ City of Rosemead and TC Policies and Procedures ♦ Public and Passenger Relations ♦ Passenger Sensitivity Training ♦ Lift Operation and Wheelchair Securement ♦ Defensive Driving ♦ Substance Abuse Program ♦ Map Reading ♦ CDL training ♦ Radio Communication ♦ Emergency Procedures ♦ Accident Reporting ♦ Passenger Loading and Unloading ♦ Fare Policy and Collection ♦ Driving Skills ♦ Vehicle Operations ♦ ADA Regulations ♦ GPPV Regulations Defensive Driving The defensive driving component of the training program is the National Safety Council's Defensive Driving Course. Films, tapes and lectures, as well as behind the wheel instructions are provided. The DDC-8 program provides training on vehicle breakdown and accident procedures, and emergency procedures and practices, including emergency vehicle evacuation. All drivers participate in our Defensive Driving Program, a portion of which is devoted to vehicle operation procedures in bad weather. Transportation Concepts will provide, at a minimum, forty (40) hours of individual, behind-the-wheel non-revenue instruction to each revenue vehicle operator driving in the dial-a-ride or shopper shuttle service. This training shall provide the student the opportunity to learn (drive) as many of the routes included in the service package as possible and to gain a broad understanding of the City's service area. A sample training program is included in the appendix of this proposal. As a new operator is trained, they progress to on the road training with a qualified driver trainer meeting the requirements as outlined above. This individual will reinforce the basics of defensive driving and the handling of the specific vehicle they will be operating. Time is also spent as a participanttobserver. Following are some of the components of the behind-the-wheel training program: ♦ Basic vehicle handling skills including; starting, stopping, turns, and backing ♦ Proper loading and unloading procedures. ♦ Proper lock-down (equipment) and securing procedures. ♦ Paperwork requirements. ♦ Specific route training. ♦ Providing passengers with courteous and comfortable transportation. Page 35 0 • Mz_ TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead • Proper use of the radios. ♦ Care and maintenance of the vehicle and equipment, accident procedures, dress code. Special driving skills needed when transporting passengers. ♦ Special driving skills needed when driving in periods of rain and or unseasonable weather. During the behind-the-wheel training program, the trainee, under supervision, performs all service driving, all paperwork and all radio communications. Throughout the training program the qualified operator trainer is continually evaluating the performance and personalities of candidates in an effort to recognize the individuals who have the best chance to succeed. Not all people are able to deal with the demands of public transit. The behind-the-wheel portion of the training program can be a very useful mechanism for screening those individuals not suited for public transit service. Transportation Concepts uses proven, effective, and up-to-date classroom procedures. By using these techniques, correct procedures are reinforced and become automatic, thereby, reducing the chance of error, particularly during emergencies. This period may be extended if necessary to meet the individual needs and demonstrated skills of the new driver. During this span of time, the operator trainer completes a Driver Evaluation Form on the new driver, and meets with the new driver and the Project Manager at the end of this training phase to discuss the evaluation. Any deficiencies are noted and must be corrected before the driver is authorized to operate without the senior driver on board. Transportation Concepts' training program exceeds the training standards established by all regulatory agencies. Our company's proprietary program uses materials from the National Safety Council, American Red Cross, and the Transportation Safety Institute. This comprehensive offering is another assurance that only the most qualified and knowledgeable operators are placed behind the wheel. The hiring process requires the employee to provide a current (no more than 30 days old) H-6 DMV printout. This form details all activity on the driving record. Employees are screened for major offenses (i.e. DUI, reckless driving, unsafe driving, cited accidents) and excessive moving violations. The new employee is enrolled in the DMV' Pull Notice Program that provides documentation of the employee's driving record twice annually. Our drivers are often trained with endorsements exceeding the minimum requirements, as this allows more flexibility within our firms' operations. Operators are also required to maintain a current medical card. Our Training & Safety Department, led by Herb Mundon, Transportation Concept's Director of Safety and Training, keeps a database of all company drivers together with the expiration of licenses and endorsements, thereby assuring contract and legal compliance. We participate in the DMV Employer Testing Program and are in full compliance with their annual audits. Transportation Concepts' on-going training program will ensure a safe operating environment and address unsatisfactory operator performance, provide refresher training and safety awareness for all operators, and provide training if an operator switches to a different size/type of revenue vehicle. The company's training program also includes on going in-service training for all of the employees. This training includes monthly safety meetings, safety orientation for new employees, and retraining as necessary for employees who have been involved in accidents. All preventable accidents result in retraining Page 36 0 rc TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead for the individual in an effort to prevent recurrence of the accident. Training is customized for the individual based upon the nature of their infraction. Please see sample 80 hour training program below: Module Objective Introduce Handouts, Goals and objectives of Orientation Operators to TC, videos training course are reviewed; the City's, and TC policies and services Minimum service provided for the City's are Length: 2 reviewed; compensation is hours reviewed; paperwork is completed; training manual Location: distributed; introduction to Classroom TC's safety philosophy; review of applicable laws and regulations; review of the City's scope of operations To become Pre-trip Operators become familiar Vehicle, Radio familiar with inspection with features of the vehicles; and features of the form, learns how to use radios; Communication the City's handouts, learn how to use pre- Familiarity vehicles Operator trip/post-trip inspection manual forms; how to properly Minimum perform a thorough Length: 4 inspection; review of vehicle hours safety features; training in safe use of wheelchair Location: On lift/ramps and securement Bus devices. Vehicle To become Handouts Behind-the-wheel; begins in Maneuvering familiar with a confined area; then onto maneuvering public streets; perform pre- Minimum vehicles through and post-trip inspections, Length: 20 obstacles and radio use; simulated hours road situations boarding/de-boarding riders, Location: On that simulate the passenger stops; learn fare Bus City's's service media, report preparation; area learn lift apps. Passenger Learn proper Video, Operators learn how and Relations/ customer handouts why to be positive and make relations and customers feel welcome; Conflict conflict how to establish appropriate, Resolution resolution professional boundaries with techniques customers; avoid and curtail Minimum emotional escalation; how to Length: 12 interact with others in a hours mature, positive way. Location: Classroom Page 37 R''. • M_ TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal E the City of Rosemead Module Objective Service Area To become Paddles, Practicum on the entire Familiarization familiar with turn service area. Discussion and and Route safely sheets, behind-the-wheel practice Planning maneuvering the operating bus in known vehicles difficult conditions such as Minimum throughout the high accident intersections, Length: service area tight turns and poor road 20 hours through normal surfaces. Location: On and difficult Learn how to read Bus conditions (such schedules, practice schedule as detours or adherence, etc. road closures Disability To learn ADA Handouts, Focuses on sensitivity and Awareness and requirements; guest reviews the concerns, needs Communication become familiar lecturers, and challenges of seniors Sensitivity with sensitivity and persons with various Minimum transportation exercises physical, cognitive and Length: 12 needs of people mental disabilities. Review hours with disabilities of the ADA included; involves "hands on" role- Location: the playing and empathy training City's, where Operators experience Classroom & what riders experience. Bus Passenger Learn proper Video, Utilize different role-playing Assistance passenger handouts exercises to demonstrate Techniques assistance proper rider assistance (PAT) techniques techniques; review of wheelchair design, lift Minimum operation, including loading, Length: 12 unloading and securement. hours Location: On Bus Back Injury Learn proper Video Reviews the anatomy and Prevention techniques for physiology of the back; avoiding back teaches ways to prevent Minimum injuries back injury, presents a back Length: 2 exercise program. hours Location: Classroom Page 38 ` • TC--- TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal u the City of Rosemead Module Objective Learn principals Video, Uses scenarios from past Defensive of defensive handouts vehicle accidents; uses Driving driving National Safety Council interactive video Minimum Length: 8 hours Location: Classroom & On Bus TIC and the Know and Handouts Reviews all operations & City's Operating understand rules emergency procedures Rules & & procedures for including accidents, Procedures TC and the customer emergencies and City's service disruption Minimum procedures. Review how to Length: 4 hours read/follow paddle. In this Location: module, all trainees are Classroom required to obtain and sign for a copy of a policy and procedures manual. Substance Learn TC's zero Video, Review zero tolerance policy Abuse tolerance policy handouts for controlled substance use; Prevention for substance review the harm that may abuse come to individuals that have Minimum a substance abuse problem. Length: 2 hours Location: Classroom Hazardous Learn TC's Oral Training is administered in Substances policies for presentati compliance with OSHA's & Emergency dealing with on and Occupational Exposure to Preparedness occupational Handouts hazardous substances. Minimum Hazards and Length: 2 hazardous hours substances Location: Classroom Transportation Concepts will provide a minimum of 12 hours refresher training per year. In addition, TIC shall conduct a thorough in-service evaluation annually. If an operator is found to be deficient, we will then provide 8 hours of follow-up training in areas needing improvement. Page 39 E2 • C= TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead In-service programs include the following subjects and materials: 1. Defensive Driving A.Film: National Safety Council 1.Intersections 2.Surveying the Road B.Risk Index Program with Film C.Holiday Driving II. Passenger Relations A.Controllable - Film: NSC "What Happened?" B. Uncontrollable - Film: "Violence on the Bus" III.Complacency A.Bad Habits - Review of disciplinary notices B.Accident Prone Tendencies - Accident Review C. Preventing Burnout- Film: "Preventing Burnout" D.Stress Management- Film: "Stress Management" IV. ADA Regulations A.Film: Troubleshooting - Wheelchair Experience Wheelchair Lift Failure on the Road V.Railroad Grade Crossing A.Outside Speaker: "Operation Life Saver" B.DOE Manual Unit V - Pg. 44-54 SUPPORT PERSONNEL TRAINING Transportation Concepts has defined our mission to be focused and customer 1. oriented as well as to be the safest and most reliable supplier of high quality a? passenger transportation service. We understand that our greatest resources in fulfilling this mission are our employees. We believe that we must work through the first-line employees; our operators, staff, and mechanics, to provide the quality of service, safety, and professionalism that our customers expect. Our supervisor selection process is designed to identify employees who understand our mission and are committed to fulfilling its aims. Managers and Supervisors To achieve these goals, we must equip our first and second-level managers with leadership skills that they can use every day. Therefore, we have undertaken a training process to help these managers develop the skills they need. Every supervisory employee receives "Interaction Management" training. This training develops the skills they need to coach, develop and lead others. Managers receive training in such areas as: • The foundation of leadership skills • Reinforcing effective performance • Coaching for success • Improving work habits • Resolving conflict • Improving employee performance • Using effective follow-up C Page 40 ro • TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead • Maintaining improved performance • Using effective corrective action The training is set up in modules of varying lengths. p. Time Schedule Implementation & Transition Transportation Concepts (TC) clearly understands the City's requirements and standards for service quality and safety. Transportation Concepts has addressed all aspects of operations relative to operating the City's service and meeting and exceeding such standards within our response. However, in order to ensure success, Transportation Concepts first priority is starting the service effectively. The implementation of the service builds the foundation from which to grow and continuously improve the operation. So in order to effectively manage and operate the service, we must address all of the elements that will make this system successful on a day to day basis beginning with the initial implementation. Implementation Plan Transportation Concepts (TC) realizes that the implementation of the new contract is critical to the overall success of the operation. It is our chance to make an outstanding first impression". We take this very seriously as this will set the tone for public perception which not only reflects on TIC but the City of Rosemead as well. This is a tremendous responsibility . and our approach to transition is one of dedication and commitment to ensure that the outlined fixed-route service will start up on a positive note with the operations service provider that continues throughout the term of the contract. TIC operates several contracts that involved an initial transition from public to private operator, from competitor to TC, or new service altogether. In addition, the nature of this business requires the need to transition from day to day on many levels day to include: the addition of service, route revisions, new employees, implementation of new policies, new technology, or new contractual obligations, even traffic or weather conditions can facilitate the need for making a transition. TIC believes the most important element of effectively carrying out a designated "transition" is open, clear, and consistent communication. If all of the people involved in implementing a transition along with all of the people who will be affected by the transition are informed and prepared to make the transition, we are guaranteed success. This is where the strength of our people makes the difference. Our team brings over 100 years of combined experience in public transit operations to include contract transitions similar to the City's Services. We recognize that the City's services are unique with several distinctive characteristics. We have assumed a September 1, 2008 start up as stated in the RFP. We would like to hold a meeting with the City immediately upon contract award. Our plan will be adjusted based on any schedule changes initiated by the City. Additionally, the plan will be further tailored upon coordination with the City. Described below are the elements necessary for a smooth transition and implementation. The primary ingredient to a successful transition is the establishment of a respectful partnership between TIC and the City. This requires communication, working together as a team, final clarification of and negotiation of the contract, and establishing common goals. In order to ensure that we accomplish these things, we will assign various members of the local and support team duties and responsibilities required to ensure each identified milestone is met and all items necessary for contract transitions are carried out. A master plan will be distributed to our team and team members will be held accountable relative to their assignments. Page 41 0 • • TJ2 - - TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead Workforce Through our existing operations throughout southern California and direct experience in the City of Rosemead through our proposed team, we have a sound understanding of the service area, in addition to the nature of the service, the regulatory issues governing the service, and the relationship that must exist between the Contractor and the City. We will begin the recruiting process immediately upon contract award. We have a solid approach to hiring and retaining employees. As stated, we will hire as many of the existing employees qualified and interested. However, for new hires, we will implement strategies to include advertising in local newspapers, working with the City in conjunction with the City's website, as well as websites that focus on the service area. Once we hire the optimal number of employees to ensure effective operations, we have to ensure that they are trained properly. Transportation Concepts will begin training classes as necessary to ensure 100% service provision on day one. We have assumed that the vehicles will be delivered in plenty of time for training purposes. Our training approach will ensure that a sufficient number of Operators are trained and ready on our first day of service. This is the same philosophy to accommodate any turnover experienced during the term of the contract. Transportation Concepts has assumed an average of 20% turnover throughout the term of the contract. Training Staff Initially, Mr. Herb Mundon, our Director of Safety and Training, will be responsible for the coordination of all training efforts during the transition phase and in the first month of the contract. He will work directly with the site trainer to ensure all safety and training elements are properly addressed. The local team will work in conjunction with Mr. Mundon during the transition phase and take over all safety and training responsibilities upon service start. The Project Manager along with the Site Trainer will be ultimately responsible for both safety and training efforts for this project. Mr. Mundon is TSI certified and clearly understands the requirements associated with the system drivers as well as GPPV requirements. Administrative Duties Administrative requirements such as the dissemination of operating materials, the development and maintenance of detailed employee files, creating and keeping an extensive library of training materials and setting up payroll are significant factors during the transition. All administrative functions will be handled locally under the direction of Brian Connell, our Project Manager. Brian will assign a designated individual during the transition phase that will be responsible for the establishment of accounts, the establishment of petty cash funds, credit card accounts and payroll, the identification and implementation of the billing process, creation and maintenance of both employee files and training library, setting up the purchase of the vehicles and initiation of insurance coverage, any additional office supplies, coordination of cleaning process for system vehicles, fare collection and revenue procedures, and banking. Operational Issues A timeline and plan will be put together after contract award and meetings with the City as circumstances often change from the planning stages to the actual implementation time. Transportation Concepts is successful due to the ability to be flexible and effectively manage day to day operations. We are proposing a very hands-on, team oriented operational approach to this project. Due to the size of our company and our strategic approach to pursue opportunities that are a good fit for the Page 42 I~ • • P=== TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead organization, we will have the ability to give this project very personal attention from the top of the organization and beyond. This will be evident in the overall performance of the service and the impact on the community. Transportation Concepts truly believes in teamwork, among our employees and with the clients we serve. We approach contracting as a true partnership to provide the greatest good to the community. This philosophy will drive the entire process and greatly benefit the service in the long run. Our goal with the City is continuous growth and development and of course the effective operation of both the dial-a-ride and shopper shuttle service. In an ever-changing environment, there is always room for improvement, and we at TC will continuously strive for improvement that will result in a successful operation. Transportation Concepts (TC) clearly understands the City's requirements and currently has all operational requirements in place to continue providing service in a seamless manner upon signing a new contract. A detailed timeline is included below: Page 43 0 TC= TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal March 1- Notice to Proceed March 1- Order vehicles March 3 - Meet with City staff March 4 - Set up meeting with existing employees March 5 - Provide material to existing employees; assure them that service needs to continue. March 6 - Meet with staff relative to setting up presentations within the community March 7 - Set up employee hotline for existing employees to call and get Co. information April 2 -Order remaining capital including radios and fareboxes April 15 - Strategy meeting with team, bring in Access consultant, ensure all team members understand roles weekly meetings with staff and employee outreach throughout the remainder of March and April preparstl°n May 1- Begin recruiting process May 6 - Begin facility planning May 7 - Prepare for telephone set up and number transfer May 12 -Get insurance process started May 14 -Order supplies and training materials May15 - Begin taking applications Mayl6 - Meet with City review progress Mayl9 - Order safety materials/start custom safety manual May20 - Secure uniform vendor & agreement May21- Secure all required license and certifications, set up necessary accounts May22 - Review applications May23 - Set up interviews, set up process with clinic and back ground check oo. Aay23 - May 26 Interview current employees, start hiring process May 27 - May 30 Interview additional candidates if necessary May 28 -May 30 send employees for drug test and physicals May30 - Meet with City, confirm fuel reimbursement process 4111, July 1- Ensure all other technology is up and running July 4-22 - Begin GPPV training July 7 - Begin fingerprint process July 23 - Finish run cuts July 24 - Driver assignments July 25- Confirm dispatch/radio procedures July 26 - Confirm administration procedures July 28 - Contact CHIP to set up GPPV sign off July 29 - Confirm telephone # transfer for 8/31 August 7 - Access consultant in to train dispatch August 14 - Confirm training of all staff August 18 - 28 GPPV certifications complete August 21- Driver assignments August 22 - Employee Rally August 29 = all employees and equipment ready 4ugust 31- Kick off event ,eptember 1 = Service Start C the City of Rosemead N the Move June 1,2 - Offer employment to qualified employees, schedule last phase of hiring (screening) June 3 - Schedule training, check facility progress, June 4 - Start Files/Confirm Insurance June 7 - Start training, ensure all shop tools and supplies June 8 - Check on equipment status (confirm installation of fareboxes) June 9 - Order uniforms, set up office cleaning schedules June 10 - Meet with City, set up Fleet Tracker, Confirm maintenance coordination process June.11- Ensure accounting procedures and payroll process is in place June 14 - Distribute TIC employee welcome packets June 16 - Progress report to City/coordinate policies and procedures June 16 - Employee files in place June 17 - Set up dispatch process June 18 - Facility inspection June 19 - Finalize customized safety manual June 20 - Vehicle inspection June 21- Final check on employees, Safety program materials ready to distribute June 22 - Ensure security procedures displayed June 23 - Meet with City June 24 -Vehicle acceptance, set up radio installation June 28 - Ensure benefit packages are in place June 29 - Procedural manuals distributed, necessary notices posted June 30 - Set up maintenance procedures, operations coordination procedures, fleet tracker Page 44 h! TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTS Technical Proposal the City of Rosemead q. Debarred, Suspended, or Ineligible Contractors Transportation Concepts certifies by submission of our proposal that neither TC nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction with any federal; state, or local department or agency. Proposal Forms included immediately following this page. • Page 45 • 0 • 11 0 9 • Exhibit B CITY OF ROSEMEAD DRAFT TRANSIT SERVICES AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into effective as of the 1 st day of September, 2008, by and between the CITY OF ROSEMEAD, a municipal corporation ("City") and Southland Transit, Inc., ("Contractor"). City and Contractor are referred to mutually as the Parties. IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the Parties agree as follows: 1. RECITALS. This Agreement is made and entered into with respect to the following facts: A. City operates by contract Dial-A-Ride and Shopper Shuttle services, together referred to as the Rosemead Transit System; and B. Pursuant to Rosemead City Council authorization, on November 20, 2007 the City began distribution of a Request for Proposals for contract management and operation of the Rosemead Transit System (the "Project"), and has solicited written proposals for that purpose, which such proposals have been received and evaluated by City staff, and C. Based upon that evaluation and review, the City Council finds and determines that Contractor is qualified to provide those professional and technical services to the City necessary for the Project, and therefore the Rosemead City Council has elected to engage the services of Contractor on the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The Contract Documents for the operations included.under this Agreement shall consist of the following, copies of which are attached as Exhibit "A" and are incorporated herein by this reference and made part hereof as though they were fully set forth herein: A. The City of Rosemead's Request for Proposals for Management and Operation of the Rosemead Transit, System. B. Contractor's "Proposal for City of Rosemead Management and Operation of the Rosemead Transit System" dated January 9, 2008 and January 31, 2008. C. All referenced specifications, details, maps, addendums, appendices, all required bonds, insurance certificates, permits, notices, affidavits, and any addenda or supplemental agreements clarifying, amending, or extending the services contemplated, as they may be required to ensure such services are provided during the term of this Agreement, or any extension 60 E thereof, in an acceptable manner. D. All of the above-mentioned documents are intended to complement the other documents so that any work called for in one, and not mentioned in the others, or vice versa, is to be executed the same as if mentioned in all of the documents. The documents comprising the complete contract are hereinafter referred to as the "Contract Documents." E. In the event of a conflict between any of the Contract Documents, priority shall be given to the documents in order of their listing in this section. 3. SCOPE OF SERVICES. Contractor shall perform the services specified in the Contract Documents. Performance of the work specified-in the Contract Documents is made an obligation of the Contractor under this Agreement, subjecf only to changes made in accordance with this Agreement. 4. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT 4.1 Maximum Obligation: CITY agrees to pay Contractor in consideration for its services as described herein. The maximum price to be paid by CITY to Contractor for the budget period shall not exceed the sum of Dollars • ) except as such Maximum Obligation may be increased upon an increase in service from that set forth m Exhibit A. a~5.a 4.2 Price Formula: CITY. agrees to pay Contractor for performance of the services set forth in this Agreement as follows:: (a) Payment of a,fixed hourly rate of $ per vehicle revenue hour ("Hourly Rate Charges"). Vehicle revenue hours are defined in Section 1, Definitions, of Exhibit A. The Hourly Rate Charges shall becrinsideration for the cost of performing those services set forth in Exhibit A which may varyaccording to the level of service ("Variable Costs") and shall include those cost elements specified in Contractor's Cost Proposal; plus (b) Payment of a Monthly Fixed Cost of $ per service month ("Monthly Fixed Cost"). The monthly rate shall be consideration for the cost of performing those services set forth in Exhibit A which must be provided or available regardless of the level of service ("Fixed Costs"), including those cost elements specified in Contractor's Cost Proposal. (c) On a monthly basis, CITY shall reimburse Contractor for the motor vehicle fuel that is documented to have been used during that period in the provision of the transit services covered by this agreement. The CITY shall reimburse Contractor at the actual cost of the fuel being used without markup of any kind and net of any discounts and rebates received by or available to Contractor. • (d) CITY shall provide system planning and administration; advertising and promotion; schedules, passes and/or tickets; and street furnishings. These are not included in the 61 • • • hourly or fixed rate defined in 3.2(a) and (b). 4.3 Invoices: Contractor shall submit the invoices to CITY as follows: (a) Hourly Rate Charges shall be directly traceable by operator trip sheets and/or time cards, which will be available for review by CITY. Hourly Rate Charges shall be computed and submitted monthly; (b) Fixed Monthly Rate Charges shall be invoiced, monthly in arrears; (c) Reimbursement of fuel costs shall be directly traceable to fuel usage reports and vendor invoices; (d) Other charges authorized by CITY, but not covered in the Hourly Rate Charges or Fixed Monthly Rate Charges shall be billed monthly with charges directly traceable to receipts, bills, etc., copies of which shall be attached to the invoice. 4.4 Payments: (a) All payments by CITY shall be,i CITY's receipt of invoice or, if later, then Mithin'te • which payments must be authorized, but in-io case receipt of Contractor's invoice. Payments sfiall_be l mailed first class to: 1''=' no more than twenty-five (25) days from days after CITY's meeting, if any, at b- ore than thirty-five (35) days after or check payable to and [Insert Contractor's dAddress] (b) In addition to the amounts invoiced pursuant to 3.3 above, monthly invoices shall be adjusted upwardor downward in accordance with Section 3.4, Service Standards, of Exhibit A„Scope of Work ~t (c) If CITY disputes any items on an invoice for a reasonable cause, CITY may ~4 r a.;~ deduct that disputed item from the payment, but shall not delay payment for the undisputed portions. CITY shall assign- al reference number to each deletion and the amounts and reasons for such deletions shall be documented to Contractor within fifteen (15) working days after receipt of invoice by CITY. If CITY fails to document said deletions within fifteen (15) working days, such deletions shall be immediately due and payable to Contractor. Uponreceipt of CITY's documentation of deletions, Contractor shall provide explanation and documentation of such charges. If, within fifteen [15] working days of Contractor's submission of such documentation, CITY has not made payment to Contractor of disputed amounts, then either party may thereafter submit this issue for settlement as directed under Paragraph 6.2, Disputes, herein. • 4.5 Operating Revenues: All operating revenues collected by Contractor in 62 • • • connection with the services rendered under this Agreement are the property of CITY. Operating revenues include all fares and sales of tickets and passes. Operating revenues shall be collected and administered as specified in Exhibit A, Scope of Work and the amount itemized and deducted from Contractor's monthly invoice to CITY. 4.6 Additional Services: Additional services beyond those set forth in Exhibit A will be provided by Contractor upon request by CITY's authorized employees as follows: (a) When additional services fall entirely within normal service hours and CITY directs that normal operating personnel should be used to provide &,additional service, such service will be provided at the regular cost as defined in Paragraph 4':2; Price Formula. CITY recognizes that an equivalent lower level of service will be provided in normal operations during the period of such additional services. (b) Additional services outside normal operating hours, and services. during the hours of but in addition to normal operation, shall be considered extra services. The'costs will be determined on an individual-trip basis at the Fixed Hourly Rate per vehicle revenue hour as defined in Paragraph 4.2 (a), Price Formula and billed separately from this contract, and shall be treated as a change to this Agreement as Aned within Paragraph 4.7, Changes and shall be in excess of the maximum price defined in Pkagraph,_j j, Maximum Obligation. 4.7 Changes: In the event CITY*orders cl anges h the Scope of Work which, during any budget period, comprise a cumulative total`of,less than 10 percent above or below that specified in Exhibit A, compensation shall be adjusted according to the pricing formula set forth in Paragraph 4.2, Price Formula, and the Maximum Obligation stated in Paragraph 4.1 shall be adjusted accordingly. Changes in the Scope of Work which, during any budget period, comprise a cumulative total in excess of,twenty percent (20%) above or below that specified in Exhibit A shall resultin adjustment of the rates specified in Paragraph 4.2 herein to reflect the effect on those rates caused by'ihe,requested change. CITY shall issue written Change Orders to Contractor detailing all changes in scope. Change Orders shall either specify a cost limit or shall be subject,to subsequent negotiation and shall require Contractor acceptance to become effective. 4.8'` ''`:,Compensatio"n""For Subsequent Periods: This Agreement may extend through budget periods [generally of, ffmonths in length] and/or option periods for which the rates of compensation were?not specified in the Contractor's proposal. The parties shall meet at least 180 days prior to the expiiatiori date of the budget period for which rates had been previously agreed upon to negotiate the rates of compensation for the subsequent period. If mutual agreement is not reached on such rates of compensation at least 150 days prior to the end of said budget period, contract shall automatically terminate on the last day of the budget period for which rates had been previously agreed upon unless Contractor wishes to continue the provision of services at the existing rates of compensation with the understanding that new rates of compensation, once ratified, will be retroactive to the first day of that budget period. • 4.9 Audit: Contractor shall permit the authorized representatives of CITY, the Los 63 • • • Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the Comptroller General of the United States to inspect and audit all data and records of the contractor relating to performance under this Agreement. 5. CITY SUPERVISION. The City Manager, or his or her designee, shall have the right of general supervision of all work performed by Contractor under this Agreement and shall be the City's agent with respect to obtaining Contractor's compliance with this Agreement. No payment for any services rendered under this Agreement shall be made without the prior approval of the City Manager, or his or her designee. 6. 1. Contract Term: The term of this Agreement shall be from September 1, 2008 through June 30, 2013 unless earlier terminated as providedherein. 2. Option Periods: This Agreement may be extended.beyond the termination date specified in Paragraph 8.1 for two (2) option periods of 1 year duration upon the mutual agreement of the parties. Unless specified in Contractor's proposal for this project, the rates of compensation shall be determined as set forth in Paragraph 3.8, Compensation For Subsequent • Periods. If the City elects to extend the term of this Agreement pursuant to this paragraph, the City shall notify Contractor m,writing no less than thirty (30) days prior to the termination of this Agreement, or any extension thereof, with any and all such extensions to be by written amendment to this Agreement execni` d by both Parties. 7. TERMINATIC Agreement upon giving The City has the right to terminate this ce of such termination to the Contractor. In the event of such termination ,the City Manager, or his or her designee, will determine the amount of fees to be paid to Contractor for services performed, based upon work accomplished ~t. by Contractor prior to notice, of such termination and based upon accepted transit maintenance consultant, practice. The determinatiorirby the City Manager, or his or her designee, shall be final and conclusive as to the amount of such fee after approval by the Rosemead City Council. 8. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Contractor shall act as an independent contractor in the performance of the services provided for in this Agreement and shall furnish such services in Contractor's own manner and method, and in no respect shall Contractor be considered an agent or employee of the City. NONASSIGNMENT. This Agreement is not assignable in whole or in part by Contractor without the written consent of City, such consent to be given in the sole discretion of City. • 10. INDEMNIFICATION. 64 A Indemnity by Contractor. Contractor, its successors and assigns (the "Indemnitors" agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, officials, directors, employees, agents and volunteers (the "Indemnitees" from and against any and all . Damages (as defined below) suffered or incurred by the Indemnitees resulting from or related to (i) any breach of Contractor's obligations under this Contract; (ii) any violation by Contractor of any federal, state or local law applicable to Contractor's performance under this Contract, including without limitation, Applicable Environmental Laws; (iii) the failure of Contractor to pay any federal, state or local income, sales, use, payroll or other tax during the term of this Contract; (iv) the failure of Contractor to maintain any insurance,coverage required to be maintained by this Contract; and (v) any claim resulting from,the,negligent or willful acts or omissions of Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly, employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. Notwithstanding ,the foregoing, the Indemnitors shall not be liable for any Damages that arise as a result of the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnitees. B. Definition of Damages. As used herein, "Damages" shall mean all liabilities, demands, claims, actions or causes of action, regulatory, legislative or judicial proceedings, assessments, levies, losses, fines, penalties, damages, costs and expenses, in each case as awarded by a court or arbitrator, ;including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys', accountants', investigators', and experts"fees and expenses sustained or incurred in connection • with the defense or investigation of any such liabilityyk , C. Indemnitee Claims. Except as (set forth in Section D, in the event that an Indemnitee makes a,claim for which the Indemnitee is indemnified pursuant to Section A, the Indemnitee shall provide written notice of such 1 im to Indemnitors and Indemnitors shall have thirty (30) days following receipt of such notice to,,(i) make payment of the claim to Indemnitee; or (ii) if there is a good faith dispute whether such"claim is valid, then provide written notice to Indemnrute:oithe factual and/or legal basis for Indemnitors' dispute of the claim. If Indemnitee and and Indemnitors have not,. agreed on a resolution of the disputed claim within thirty (30) days of notice,ifrom Indemnitors 'then pending final resolution of the dispute by court, arbitration or otherwise;{Indemnitors shall-either make payment of the full amount of the claim into an escrow account ora best a bond for tfi "hll amount of the claim. D. Defense of ;Third Party Claims. In the event that an indemnification claim hereunder is based`.in whoh or in part upon any claim or legal proceeding asserted by a person or entity which is not a"party to this Contract (a "Third Party Claim"), promptly after receipt of notice of the Third Party Claim, the Indemnitees shall notify the Indemnitors of such claim in writing. The Indemnitors shall have a period of 30 days following the receipt of such notice to notify the Indemnitees of whether the Indemnitors elect to assume the defense thereof. If the Indemnitors so notify the Indemnitees that they elect to assume the defense, the Indemnitors thereafter shall undertake and diligently pursue the defense of the Third Party Claim. The Indemnitors shall not consent to entry of judgment or enter into any settlement agreement, • without the consent of the Indemnitees, which does not include a complete and unconditional release of the Indemnitees or which' imposes injunctive or other equitable relief against the 65 • • E • 0 lndemnitees. The Indemnitees shall be entitled to participate in, but not control, the defense thereof, with counsel of its choice and at its own expense. If the Indemnitors do not give the requisite notice, or fail to assume and diligently pursue the defense of such Third Party Claim, the Indemnitees may defend against such Third Party Claim in such manner as they may deem appropriate, including without limitation, settlement thereof on such terms as the Indemnitees may deem appropriate, and to pursue such remedies as may be available to the Indemnitees against the Indemnitors. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Indemnitees shall not consent to entry of a judgment or enter into any settlement agreement, without the consent of the Indemnitors, which does not include a complete release of the Indemnitors. s, E. That City does not, and shall not, waive anynghts against Contractor which it may have by reason of the aforesaid hold-harmless agreement because of;the acceptance by City or the deposit with City by Contractor, of any of the insurance policieg,;,described in this Agreement; and F. That the aforesaid hold-harmless agreement by Contractor shall apply to all damages and claims for damages of every. kind suffered, or alleged to have been suffered, by reason of any of the aforesaid operatio s ,of Contractor, or any subcontractor of Contractor, regardless of whether or not such insurance policies;shall have been determined to be applicable to any of such damages or claims for damages. 11. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE.'x Contractor shall not discriminate in its recruiting, hiring, promotion, demotion or termination practices on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, age or physical handicap in the performance of this Agreement and shall comply with the provisions of "the State Fair Employment Act as set forth in Part 4.5 of Division 2 of the California Labor Code, the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as set forth in Public Law 88-352, and all amendments thereto; Executive Order 11246; and all administrative rules and regulations issued pursuant to such acts and order. 12. UNAUTHORIZED ALIENS. Contractor hereby promises and agrees to comply with all of the,provisions of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act (8 USCA 1101, et seq. ) as amended, and; in connection therewith, shall not employ unauthorized aliens as defined therein. Should Contractor so employ such unauthorized aliens for the performance of work and/or services covered by this Agreement, and should the Federal Government impose sanctions against the City for such use of unauthorized aliens. Contractor hereby agrees to, and shall, reimburse City for the cost of all such sanctions imposed, together with any and all costs, including attorney's fees, incurred by the City in connection therewith. 13. WAIVER. Waiver by any party hereto of any term, condition, or covenant of this Agreement shall not constitute the waiver of any other term, condition or covenant hereof. 14. ATTORNEY'S FEES. If litigation is reasonably required to enforce or interpret the 66 • • a 0► provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney's tees, in addition to any other relief to which it may be entitled. 15. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the Parties. 16. PROVISIONS CUMULATIVE. The provisions of this Agreement are cumulative and in addition to, not in limitation of, any rights or remedies available to City. 17. NO PRESUMPTION RE: DRAFTER. The parties acknowledge and agree that the terms and provisions of this Agreement have been negotiated and discussed between the parties and their attorneys, and this Agreement reflects their mutual agreement regarding the same. Because of the nature of these negotiations and discussions it would be inappropriate to deem any party to be the drafter of this Agreement; and,jherefore, no presumption for or against validity or as to any interpretation hereof, based upon,the identity"of the drafter, shall be applicable in interpreting or enforcing this Agreement. p 18. ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL. The Parties warrant to each other as follows: (a) That each party either had the assistance ^of counsel or had counsel available to it in the negotiation for, and execution of, this Agreement, and all related documents, and; 19. MOD of the parties. (b) T. each lawfully authorized the execution of this Agreement. 20. GOVERNING LA' according to the laws of the This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed 21. EFFECTIVE DATE AND EXECUTION. This Agreement shall be effective from and after the date it is signed by the representative of the City. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts. 22. NOTICES. Unless specified elsewhere in this Agreement, all notices required to be delivered under this Agreement in writing may be personally delivered, sent by Federal Express, or registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, or facsimile, addressed as follows: shall not be modified except by written agreement To Rosemead: Chris Marcarello Administrative Services Officer CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, California 91770 67 • 0 0 To Contractor: The addressee may change such addresses from time to time by serving notice as heretofore provided. Service of such notice or demand shall be deemed complete on the date of actual delivery as shown by the addressee's registry or certification,reeeipt or at the expiration of the third day after the date of mailing (whether or not actually%re Ned by the addressee), whichever is earlier in time. 23. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. In operating Transit Services for the City, Contractor will maintain the quality and reliability of service outlined in the Contract Documents. In the event that Contractor fails to operate the specified number of vehicles, or if service is not rendered in accordance with scheduled pick-up times, or if service is interrupted due to equipment failure or for any other reason within control of Contractor, actual damages will be sustained by City. The parties agree; thatit_would be impractical and extremely difficult to fix the actual damages to the City if any such'event should occur. The parties have considered the facts of a breach of this contract and have agreed"tfiat the amounts set forth on pages 26 and 27 of ® the City of Rosemead Request for Proposal's Management andgOperation of the Rosemead Transit System and incorporated herein by this;reference are reasonable as liquidated damages in the event of any such breach, and that said sums sfiall be presumed to be the amount of the damages sustained by the City in the event such abreach occurs. 24. FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party."shall be responsible for delays or failures in performance resulting from acts beyond the control°of the offending party. Such acts shall include but no,tbe;limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, earthquake, or other natural disaster, nuclear accident, riot,-freight embargo, public regulated utility, or government statutes or regulations superimposed after the fact. 25. INSURANCE. It is' agreed that CONTRACTOR shall maintain in force at all times during the performance of thisContract all appropriate coverage of insurance required by this Contract with d'Jnsurance business in the State of California. No subcontract work shall'commence until similar insurance coverage has been obtained by the subcontractor and verified by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall then immediately notify the CITY, in writing, of the types and amounts of such insurance. A. Coverage. CONTRACTOR shall maintain the following insurance coverage: i. Vehicle Liability Insurance. Throughout the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide vehicle liability insurance in the amount of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000.00) combined single limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage. Coverage may be provided through one or more policies and shall include: Uninsured Motorist 68 0 (UM) and Personal Injury Protection (PIP) with coverage limits as required by law; Medical Payments with coverage limits of $500 per person per occurrence ii. General Liability and Protection and Indemnity Insurance. CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain during the life of this Contract General Liability Insurance on a commercial form with a minimum of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000), covering all legal liability for personal injury, bodily injury, death and property damage to the vehicle maintenance facility and any, applicable endorsement or rider for the storage, handling, transportation and disposaLof Hazardous Substances that may arise out of CONTRACTOR's performance under-this Contract except as may be covered by insurance coverage provided by the CITY, as described elsewhere in the Contract. iii. Vehicle Physical Damage. With respect to the vehicles to be used under the terms of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall maintain in full force and effect insurance covering vehicles against physical damage from comprehensive and collision, in an amount equal to the vehicles' actual cash value. Any deductible shall not exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) Per Incident, must be stated in writing to the City and shall be the sole responsibility ofd CONTRACTOR. O iv. Workers' Compensation ands ',=Employer's Liability Insurance. CONTRACTOR shall :procure and mamtam dunng,,ilie life of this Contract Workers' Compensation Insurance m}'conforman ce with the laws of the State of California and with ;A: .UN Tle!R~ 3Avq% the laws of the ;United State's;a_nd Employers' Liability Insurance with a minimum of One Million Dollars($I,000,000).a' % B. , . , Subrogatron :Waiver. Each of the foregoing policies shall expressly waive subrogationagainst'CITY C. Failure to Secure. IfCONTRACTOR at any time during the term hereof should fail to secure or maintain the foregoing insurance, CITY shall be permitted to obtain such insurance in the CONTRACTOR's name or as an agent of the CONTRACTOR and shall be compensated by the CONTRACTOR for the costs of the insurance premiums plus interest at the maximum rate permitted bylaw computed from the date written notice is received that the premiums have been paid. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless CITY from the failure to -place, the failure to maintain, or the failure of any of the insurance policies required above. D. Additional Insured. CITY, its Council, Commissions, officers, and employees shall be named as additional insured under all insurance coverage, except Workers' Compensation, required by this Contract. An additional insured named herein shall not be held ® liable for any premium, deductible portion of any loss, or expense of any nature on this policy or any extension thereof. Any other insurance held by an additional insured shall not be required to 69 0 contribute anything toward any loss or expense covered by the insurance provided by this policy. E. Primary Insurance. Endorsement(s) shall be provided which states that the coverage is Primary Insurance and that no other insurance affected by the CITY will be called upon to contribute to this coverage. F. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: i. The CITY, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers are to be covered as insured as respects; liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR; products ;`,and completed operations of the CONTRACTOR; premises owned, occupied.`'or used by the CONTRACTOR; or automobiles owned, leased hired or borrowed by the CONTRACTOR. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, agents or volunteers. a ii. For any claims related to this project, the CONTRACTOR's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects:.the CITY, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the 1,_ 40 CITY, its officers, officials, employees, agents or volunteers shall be excess of the CONTRACTOR's insurance and shall not contribute with it. iii. .,,MHy failure i63-'comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the CITY, its officers, officials, employees agents or volunteers. iv. The CONTRACTOR's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is "made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer s liability. v. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the CITY. G. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII. H. Verification of Coverage. CONTRACTOR shall furnish the CITY with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the CITY. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the CITY 70 E 0 0 before work commences. As an alternative to the CITY's.forms, the CONTRACTOR's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements effecting the coverage required by these specifications. I. Subcontractors. CONTRACTOR shall include all subcontractors as insured under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverage for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 26. SEVERABILITY. Should any par[, term or provision of this Agreement be declared or determined by any court to be illegal or invalid, the validity_o£Yhe remaining parts, terms or provisions shall not be affected thereby and said illegal or invalid part,Aerm or provision shall be deemed not to be a part of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned each has executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. "CRY19 "Contractor" CITY OF ROSEMEAD By: By:_ Al Attest: Attest: By: 71 By: City Attorney 0 EXHIBIT "A" 0 CI1 z 72