CC - Item 7C - City Clarification Letter0 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER C. CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 25, 2008 SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF STATE OF THE CITY CLARIFICATION LETTER SUMMARY Mayor Tran has requested that the City Council consider directing staff to send a letter to all residents clarifying that the Rosemead Partners event held on March 1g`", which was marketed as "Rosemead's Inaugural State of the City Address," was not an official City sponsored event. Attached for the City Council's consideration is a draft clarification letter (Attachment A). In addition, Mayor Tran has submitted documents (Attachment B) distributed by Rosemead Partners regarding the event for the City Council to consider when discussing this issue. As part of this discussion, Mayor Tran also would like the City Council to consider partnering with the Chamber of Commerce to host an official Rosemead State of the City address. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Attachment A: Draft Clarification Letter Attachment B: Rosemead Partners Materials APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Resident, Recently, a flyer was mailed to residents in Rosemead from a group called the Rosemead Guardian. In that flyer was an invitation for the community to join Rosemead Partners at an event which was described as "Rosemead's Inaugural State of the City Address" on Wednesday March 19, 2008. The Rosemead City Council is sending this letter to ensure that all residents are aware that the above referenced event was not an official meeting of the City of Rosemead. In addition, it is important to note that the opinions expressed at that meeting in no way reflect the official position or views of the City of Rosemead. Please feel free to contact City Hall at (626) 569 -2100 if you have any questions as it relates to this matter. Best regards, John Tran Mayor Margaret Clark Council Member Gary Taylor Council Member John Nunez Mayor Pro Tern Polly Low Council Member Mar 114FOOO 9:37 • A • P. AR March 6, 2008 Dear Friends:, Councimember Margaret "Maggie" Clark and Rosemead. Partners Civic Group would like-to invite you to Rosemead's Inaugural State of the City address to be held at 7PM on Wednesday, March 19 at the Rosemead Recreation Center. We are expecting over 200 Rosemead residents to be attending. We believe that Rosemead's Inaugural State of the City address will be even more successful with your support. We hope that you will consider beoommg one of our sponsors for this great event. There will be three levels of sponsorship: a Gold level at $1,000, Silver at $500 and Bronze at $250. Our goal this year is to raise $8,000. We hope you will join us on March 19, 2608 far Rosemead's Inaugural State of the City address. We are confident you will find the State of the City address of significant importance being a stakeholder in the City of Rosemead For more information, please contact Joan Hunter, Vice President for Fundraising at 626 -571 - 6273 or email at RosernewartnersQgmail.mm. Sincerely, Dear Neighbor, - Council Woman Margaret Clark and Rosemead Partners want to invite to join us for Rosemead's Innagural State of the City Address on Wednesday March 191' at the Rosemead Recreation Center at 7. . pm. Last year was significant for the City of Rosemead and its citizens, and this year is promises to be as well. We as Rosemead citizens feel it is important for our council to address those issues, which are most important to general welfare of the city. Although -many issues have been addressed.before the council, issues like the newly adopted General Plan; Public Safety and the City Budget need to be. discussed City General Plan —At the February 26, 2008 city council meeting, the council majority adopted a General Plan that is going to change the city drastically, and negatively impact the quality of life for those living in our city.. An increase in density from 14 units to 35 units per acre is going to impact our - beautiful city in many ways, and we as citizens need to, know what to expect. What is this going to do to traffic? Can our schools handle more students? Can our infrastructure handle these changes? Pablic Safety — The City of Rosemead is going to have some new problems to face as a result of the . . recently adopted General Plan. With increased density comes more crime and graffiti. As a result we are . going tb need an increase: in.public safety officials who are already spread too thin. What does this mean for our families, and for our City? These issues need to be addressed and we need to be confident that these issues are going to be addressed thouroughly; Budget —The State of California is in a financi ensis anil it is we, the citizens of Rosemead; who are going to suffer the most. Funding is being cut; and as a result our city will need to make some adjustments. We must ensure that services that citizens deserve are not denied. What, if anything are we. going to lose? Who is going bear.the burden of these changes?. How will the council address these issues? . YOUare the voice of Rosemead and yoar,voice needs to be heard! Come-to the lnagaral,State ofthe,r City address. this Wednesday, March 19, 2008 at 7pan.' The Rosemead Community Center is located across from City Hall at 3936 Muscatel Ave.. This event will be FREE and refreshments will be provided We hope to see you there! Rosemead Partners