CC - Item 2E - 2008 Mayors and Council ForumROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER &P4LC-;, DATE: APRIL 8, 2008 SUBJECT: 'LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 2008 MAYORS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS EXECUTIVE FORUM & ADVANCED LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS -JUNE 4-7, 2008 SUMMARY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the League of California Cities 2008 Mayors and Council Members Executive Forum and Advanced Leadership Workshops. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the attendance, at City expense, any Council Member, City Attorney, City Manager, or a staff designee. ANALYSIS Conference sessions will include: Technology and Electronic Media in Government; Manager Conflict Resolution; Gang & Violence Prevention; How to Establish a Development Fee Impact Program; Retail Tenant Mix; and Land Use & Climate Change. FINANCIAL REVIEW Expenses for this conference is included in the 2007-08 Budget. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: LL Jan Saavedra Executive Assistant Attachment A: Conference Brochure APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: o . IL v g I IE MP F= CITIES REGISTRATION AND CITYBOOKS 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. OPENING GENERAL SESSION 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. THE LEADERSHIP FORMULA - IT'S A PROCESS NOT AN EVENT Discuss the critical elements of the Leadership Formula: People not Procedures, Action not Talk, Want To not Made To, Desired not Required, Showing not Shouting, Flexible not Fixed, Listening not Telling, Caring not Bottom Line. Delve even deeper by addressing courage, confidence, compassion, communication... to commitment, change, cooperation, challenge, and control. Robert Stevenson is internationally and has shared the podium with renowned speakers including former President George Bush, Anthony Robbins, Tom Peters, and Steven Covey. Don't miss this content filled, yet fim, opening event. CONCURRENT SESSIONS 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. CITY MANAGER EVALUATIONS - HiNTS, EXAMPLES AND LEGALITIES The well orchestrated arid careful city manager evaluation process can promote community goals, create harmony and improve the employer- employee relationship. Discuss preliminary considerations, types of evaluation processes and the possible risks associated with the evaluation process. PRESIDER: Kay Hosmer, Council Member, City of Colusa SPEAKERS: Robin Lowe; Council Member, City of Hemet John Davidson; City Manager, City of Hemet Shelline Bennett, Partner, Liebert, Cassidy, Whitmore, Fresno TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONIC MEDIA IN GOVERNMENT-THE GOOD, BAD AND THE UGLY Explore the legal implications and perils of utilizing city blogs, blackberry devices and CIS Technology as they are considered public records and hold legal storage requirements. As rapid technological advances bring exciting new tools to government, they can also bring unintended consequences. We all face a rapid and steep learning curve, in arenas such as websites and online payment for city services. PRESIDER: Tony Ferrara, Mayor, City of Arroyo Grande SPEAKERS: Wally Bobkiewicz, City Manager City of Santa Paula Shalice Reynoso, City Clerk, City of Buena Park Michael Jenkins, City Attorney, Cities of Diamond Bar, Hermosa Beach, Rolling Hills, West Hollywood, and Manhattan Beach COMMUNITY ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A GRASSROOTS APPROACH TO ADD VITALITY Communities of all sizes are seeking economic development strategies that add vitality. Identify a successful approach that is gaining increased attention in creating "entrepreneurial communities" that nurture new business start-ups and foster existing business growth and expansion. Gain knowledge of the best practices ofcomnunities nationwide. Describe the minimal approaches a community should consider and identify the activities of more advanced and high-performing commmnities. Gain ideas to immediately implement within your own small town or city. PRESIDER: John Noguez, Council Member, City of Huntington Park SPEAKER: Dave Ivan, Community & Economic Development Specialist, Michigan State University, East Lansing * Sessiowtimes, speakers, and topics are subject to change. ' GET THE CUSTOMER TO SUCCESS Get inspired to reevaluate bureaucratic procedures and challenge front line staff to creatively provide memorable service to all our community customers. Discuss innovations in citizen-supported community services, bringing the citizen's perspective to government performance measurement and reporting a paradigm shift, which has captured the interest of cities across the nation. This dynamic duo will challenge participants to get the ball rolling in their town! PRESIDER: Greg Johnson, Community Services Director, City of Westminster SPEAKERS: Barbara J. Cohn Berman, Vice President, Fund for the City of New York Ray Kerridge, City Manager, City of Sacramento ACHIEVE SUBSTANTIAL WATER SAVINGS IN YOUR CITY Examine municipal water supply management and ways to increase conservation. The City of Petaluma demonstrates how water conservation in city parks and landscaping has a huge impact on municipal water usage. planned with the League Partners. PRESIDER: Don Saylor, Council Member, City of Davis SPEAKERS: Pam Torliatt, Mayor, City of Petaluma David Iribarne, Water Conservation Coordinator, City ofPetalu ma Tom Ash, Horticulturalist, Director of Conservation, Hydropoint, Peteluma NEW! GALA DINNER AND RECEPTION 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Take in the breath taking scenery of the high sierra mountains while enjoying an outdoor patio reception with your peers, followed by a full dinner and entertainment! Setting is limited to first 500 city registrants. Ticket required. Register early. REGISTRATION 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CITYBOOKS 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. NETWORKING BREAKFAST 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. GENERAL SESSION 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. LEAGUE STRATEGIC PRIORITIES What's new and what's next for the League of California Cities. SPEAKERS: Chris McKenzie, Executive Director, League of California Cities, Sacramento Jim MadalYer, President, League of California Cities, Council Member, City of San Diego CONCURRENT SESSIONS 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. STRATEGIES FOR COUNCIL- MANAGER CONFLICT RESOLUTION At times, elected officials and the city manager may be at odds or have deep communication gaps. Often repeated themes create routine areas of conflict and can jettison the working relationship of staff and elected toward opposite directions. Thoroughly examine strategies for resolving threats early-on to create civility, and maintain decorum and harmony. Address the psychological side of conflict and anger management that exists in the council- manager form of government. PRESIDER: Jim Gray. Mayor, City of Roseville SPEAKERS: William Mathis, Ph.D., Organizational Psychologist, President, Mathis and Associates, Napa Jack Lam, City Manager, City of Rancho Cucamonga GANG AND VIOLENCE PREVENTION Explore the basic components of promising gang and violence prevention initiatives with reference to successful programs in Boston, Winston Salem and Chicago. Gain special, in-depth reference to the path-breaking, 13-California City Gang Prevention Network. Probe the difficulties, potency and necessity of interweaving prevention, intervention, and enforcement into the moral voice of the community. PRESIDER: Ted Long, Council Member, City of South Lake Tahoe SPEAKERS:John A. Calhoun, Co-Foundet of the 13-California City Gang Prevention Network with the National League of Cities, President and CEO (Retired), NCPC, Falls Church, Virginia Jane Bender, former Mayor of Santa Rosa, Chair, Mayor's Gang Prevention Task Force, National League of Cities TELLING YOUR CITY'S STORY: HOW TO MESSAGE PART 1) It is critical for elected officials and staffto better inform and engage citizens by focusing on what's important about a project or issue. The use of a key message to communicating a few of the most important points that every citizen or business owner should know about a city service, topic, incident or initiative, is vital to increase understanding of what's really important and what the city wants to accomplish. PRESIDER: JoAnne Mounce, Council Member, City of Lodi SPEAKERS: Sheri Benninghoven, SAE Communications, Santa Barbara THE DOMINO EFFECT WATER HAS ON ALL CALIFORNIANS Water has always been California's number one need and no portion of the Golden State's booming population is more directly and immediately affected by water shortages than agricultural community both in terms ofjob and local economies. A panel of water experts, business leaders, and from the public sector will discuss California's water crisis, the State's aging water supply infrastructure and what's needed to solve current problems and future needs faced by a growing California. Address issues uniquely impacting Latino communities igterms of agriculture, farm workers and port exports, includingjob impact, the economy and the trickle down effects. Planned with the Latino Caucus. SPEAKERS: To Be Determined FOOD WASTE TO ENERGY: THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA'S UNIQUE APPROACH TO LANDFILL DIVERSION Discuss a unique approach to land611 diversion. Summarize this new approach to solving food waste issues. Gain information on how to create language for multiple department participation and hose to engage volunteers in the program. Describe the development of an environmental intern program. Leave with new ideas to implement in your city. Planned with the League Partners. SPEAKERS: Karl Bruskotter, Environmental Program Division, City of Santa Monica Cara Peck, U.S. E.P.A Region 9, San Francisco Andrew Jolin, President GESS Environmental, McKinleyville GENERAL LUNCHEON Noon - 1:30 p.m. Join colleagues for good food, networking and recognition of the League's four caucus organizations. CONCURRENT SESSIONS 2:00 - 3:15 p.m. CALIFORNIA WILDFIRES AND LESSONS LEARNED All of California municipalities are potential targets of fire with devastating outcomes. This panel of community leaders from hard hit areas and experts will reveal their lessons learned and what can be done to prepare for such disasters. PRESIDER: Tony Ferrara, Mayor, City of Arroyo Grande SPEAKERS: Ted Long, Council Member, City of South Lake Tahoe Jim MadafTer, President, League of California Cities, Council Member, City ofSan Diego Kate Dargan, Fire Chief, State of California PREPARING FOR A SUCCESSFUL REVENUE BALLOT MEASURE Building the foundation for a revenue ballot measure begins long before the campaign. It's all about your relationship with the commu city. For success, your fiscal story must be compelling and told by trusted, believable story tellers. Engage the real numbers via transparency in governance, in all areas of your city's operations, build the trust and get your measure passed. SPEAKERS: Bill Statler, Finance Director, City of San Luis Obispo John Fairbank, Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin & Associates, Santa Monica DELIVERING MESSAGES IN THE MEDIA INTERVIEW PART II) Are you ready to convey your city's story in a live media interview? Are you aware that many reporters have little to no idea how their local government operates? Elected officials must learn to guide reporters to know what every citizen should know and how to deliver key messaging during the actual interview. Whether the interview is by phone, in person or on-camera, learn to stay on message and look forward to interacting with the news media. PRESIDER: JoAnne Mounce, Council Member, City of Lodi SPEAKERS: Sheri Benninghoven, SAE Communications, Santa Barbara THE DELTA - IMPACTS FOR STATEWIDE WATER SUPPLY Whether you live in Northern, Central or Southern California the Delta 2010 Vision has the potential to impact your community and its water supply. Define the Delta Vision and the role it will play in shaping California's water future. PRESIDER: Judy Mitchell, Council Member, City of Rancho Palos Verdes, League 2nd V p and former Chair Environmental Quality SPEAKERS: Phil Isenberg, Chair of Delta Vision and former State Assembly Member and Sacramento Mayor, Sacramento Jeff Kightlinger, General Manager, Southern California Metro Water District, Los Angeles TEAMWORK TAKES WORK What does it really take to create a well- performing team? Although often difficult to achieve, the benefits of teamwork are endless. Apply aspects of group goals, communication, leadership, influence and power, decision making, controversy and conflict, cohesion, problem solving, group effectiveness to your staff and council structure. PRESIDER: Rose Espinoza, Mayor Pro Tem, City of La Habra SPEAKER: Don Hannah, City Manager, City of La Habra CONCURRENT SESSIONS 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. LAND USE AND CLIMATE CHANGE Discuss decisions having an effect on greenhouse gas emissions. Address how state regulators are eyeing land use as a way to contribute to the achievement of the states greenhouse gas emissions reductions. In many cases, this is not a one-size- fits-all issue. Learn innovative things that cities are doing to address climate change and how to anticipate impacts on communities. Explore issues under the California Environmental Quality Act. Understand how cities are engaging the public and the development community in their efforts. Planned with the Institute for Local Covernnient. SPEAKER: Rick Cole, City Manager, City of Ventura READING PEOPLE FROM THE OUTSIDE IN BODY LANGUAGE) AND THE INSIDE OUT FACE READING) City officials must network and build lasting connections. Learn how to use your body language to build rapport within ninety seconds and use gauging zones to make better connections with people. Identify gestures and expressions that indicate trust and acceptance. Try your skills at determining someone's openness based on facial dominance and learning how to spot the indicators ofresistance and how to avoid them. PRESIDER: Dave Roberts, Council Member, City of Solana Beach SPEAKER: Harry Perdew, Ph.D., The Perdew Group, Chino Hills FUNDING UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT As our state's infrastructure matures, renewing and replacing utility assets has become the quintessential conversation topic among policymakers and managers. Approach the subject from financial planning and policy perspectives to spark action today that could result in lower long-term utility rates. PRESIDER: Tim Seufert, Director, NBS, San Francisco SPEAKERS: Richard Prima, Public Works Director, City of Lodi Jeanette Hahn, Director, NBS, San Francisco 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. (continued) RETAIL TENANT MIX - MARKET OR MUNICIPALITY, WHO DECIDES? "Mom and Pop" based retailers are increasingly challenged by competition from fortntda-based companies and big box development. To preserve community character, municipalities are using legislative tools to manage retail tenant mix. Explore the pros and cons of municipal-driven prohibitions on community economic development. PRESIDER: Mark Brown, Council Member, City of Truckee SPEAKERS: Chuck Shaw, Partner, Fite Development Company, Sacramento Harmony Groves, Mayor, City of Arcata DEPARTMENT BUSINESS MEETING AND BREAKFAST 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.' GENERAL SESSION 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. You've completed two days that have been rich in content about the challenges you face in your cities and possible solutions. Before returning to your city, attend this closing general session that will prove to be filled with inspiration and motivation allowing you to translate what you've learned into practical use. PARTNERS SUMMIT ON INNOVATION RECEPTION 5:15-7:15p.m. IN Join the ILG California Climate Action Network (California CAN!) and League Partners in the Village at Squaw Valley to network and see the latest developments in state and local policies, strategies and programs to protect the environment, reduce greenhouse gas emissions through more efficient and sustainable land use and building practices, increased energy efficiency and use of alternative/ renewable energy sources, improved water supply and wastewater treatment system efficiencies, expended public transit opportunities and innovations, plus much more. LEAGUE PARTNER League Partner sponsors represented during reception for discussion are: Best Best & Krieger LLP Institute for Local Government CSPA-California Sod Producers Association The League Partners would especially like to thank the following Partners for their support. McDonough Holland and Allen PC Kiniley-Horn and Associates Kronick Moskovitz Tiedemann & Girard CONCURRENT SESSIONS 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. HOW TO ESTABLISH A DEVELOPMENT FEE IMPACT PROGRAM Enjoy a guided, step-by-step approach from experienced officials and staff. Begin with the basics, from need identification to involving the public/development community stakeholders in the process. Develop and design the program to spread the cost of improvements. Establish the importance ofan accounting system for the program, both for public inquires and annual updates. Successfully manage and maintain the project to recover the cost of administrating the program. Leave with tools to implement in your community. PRESIDER: Kent Nakata, Council Member, City of Lincoln SPEAKER: Rodney Campbell, Director of Community Planning and Development, City of Lincoln IMPLEMENTING SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE Explore the construction and operation of sustainable designs in public, commercial and mixed use buildings. Learn about services and incentives designed to help decision makers raise energy performance to a top priority for planning and design. Planned with the League Partners. SPEAKER: Tony Gale, FAIA, Architect, Starbucks, Seattle WHY ASK THE PUBLIC? MEASURING THE SUCCESS OF CIVIC ENGAGEMENT Has your city asked the question "what does civic engagement. success look like"? Determine how cities can establish measures to help discover ifthey are meeting their public involvement goals. join local officials and civic engagement practitioners to share ideas and experiences. Planned with the fnstituteforLoral Government. PRESIDER: Rod Gould, City Manager, City of Poway SPEAKER: Lisa Urban, Marketing Specialist, Civic Engagement Div., City of Ventura ADJOURN 11:45 a.m. REGISTRATION AND CITYBOOKS 8:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. ADVANCED LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS Friday 1:30 - 5:00 p.m. AND continues to Saturday 8:00 -11:30 a.m. Separate Registration Fee Required - $295 (select one) WORKSHOP I Economic Development for Cities (Friday) and Redevelopment: Building Better Communities (Saturday) During the first day, learn the fundamentals of redevelopment: What your agency can and cannot do and how redevelopment is financed. The second day focuses on economic development for cities. How can redevelopment be put to work to build better communities? This workshop will be especially relevant and useful for council members who are relatively new to redevelopment and would like an understanding of their roles as redevelopment agency board members. You will also learn what your agency can and cannot do; how property tax increment works; how redevelopment projects are financed; and the overall economic impact of local investment decisions. Many of the major gains in employment opportunities, standards of living, and community vitality that Californians have enjoyed in the past century can largely be attributed to economic development. Tax base expansion, job development, and business retention are just a few of the favorable outcomes that have ensued from local economic development advocacy and education. Learn what you can do in your city to improve the quality of life through economic development. REDEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP LEADER: Tom Hart, Deputy Director, California Redevelopment Association, Sacramento Mark Curran, Managing Director, Piper Jaffray, San Francisco ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP LEADER: Wayne Schell, President, CEO, California Association For Local Economic Development, Sacramento WORKSHOP 2 A Toolbox of Meeting Management and Group Process Skills for Local Elected Officials Gain an array of knowledge, skills and strategies to effectively chair and participate in council meetings, convene and facilitate public meetings, negotiate with others, and resolve group problems more collaboratively. Increasingly, these are skills required oflocal officials who are called WORKSHOP j City Finances - What You Need to Know As trustees of the city, elected officials and city managers have special and serious obligations to safeguard the fiscal assets of the public. The panel of experts will start with an overarching financial picture of the role the California State budget plays on cities and communities. Gain insight into the latest legislation and court decisions that will affect the city's bottom line. on to wear many hats, address many issues, work Identify what's hot in city finance issues and with multiple groups and sectors, and represent their community in a variety of forums. This training is a unique opportunity to acquire, from experienced practitioners and trainers, a set of skills and strategies that will be useful across a spectrum ofpublic, civic and internal city settings. SPEAKERS: Greg Bourne, Managing Senior Mediator, Center for Collaborative Policy, CSU, Sacramento Lisa Blomgren Bingham, Professor and Keller-Runden Chair in Public Service, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington Judge David Rosenberg, Superior Court, Yolo County, Former Mayor and Council Member, City of Davis Joel D. Kuperberg, Partner, Rutan & Tucker, Attorneys at Law, City Attorney, City of La Palma; former City Attorney, City of Irvine Malka Kopell, Associate, Policy Consensus Initiative, Founder and past Executive Director, Community Focus, Stanford Terry Amsler, Director, Collaborative Governance Initiative, Institute for Local Government, Sacramento gain the essential skills to keep your city budget strong in tough economic times. Determine best practices in financial reporting and identify important questions to ask when carrying forward the city budget. Dialogue about new auditing requirements facing cities. Get your questions answered from peers and panelists. SPEAKER: Michael Coleman, Fiscal Policy Advisor, League of California Cities, CaliforniaCityFinance.com, Davis PANELISTS: To Be Determined