CC - Item 1A - 2008-09 Annual Action PlanIi ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 22, 2008 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN SUMMARY A public hearing is being held tonight for review and approval of the City's Annual Action Plan for the period of July 1, 2008-June 30, 2009. An Annual Action Plan is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in order for the City to receive federal funds under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) programs. The Annual Action Plan includes the proposed activities, resources and expenditures for the CDBG and HOME programs. A list of staff-endorsed projects has been developed based on the funding requests and ongoing CDBG and HOME funded activities. A chart comparing the proposed CDBG and HOME expenditures to the current year's budget are attached (Attachment A). These recommendations are consistent with the housing and community development priorities that the City has set and followed in the past. In addition, all the proposed projects meet the CDBG and HOME eligibility requirements. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Conduct a public hearing and take public testimony on the Annual Action Plan covering the period July 1, 2008-June 30, 2009; 2. Approve the CDBG and HOME funding recommendations, authorize the submittal of the City's FY 2008-09 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute all appropriate and documents to receive funding and implement approved use; and 4. Award the following public services agencies with CDBG authorized the City Manager to execute service agreements: • Family Counseling Services - $40,000 • Morrison Health Care (Senior Nutrition Provider) - $77,824 • People for People - $27,600 • Rosemead School District - $11,698 • Rosemead High School - $13,650 necessary funds and APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0 • • City Council Report April 22, 2008 Paoe 2 of 4 The Southern California Housing Rights Center - $25,000 ANALYSIS It has been confirmed that the City of Rosemead will receive $1,138,481 in CDBG funds and $496,123 in HOME funds for the 2008-09 fiscal year. When combined with carryover funds of $790,000 and anticipated program income of $25,000 in CDBG and carryover funds of $1,712,682 in HOME, the City will have a total of approximately $1,953,481 of CDBG funds available and $2,208,805 in HOME funds available for the 2008-09 year. After much deliberation and thought, staff is proposing that the following activities be funded under the CDBG and HOME programs and included in the City's Annual Action Plan for the Fiscal Year 2008-09. X2008-2009;CDBG.,Allocation City Administration General Administration $207,696 Fair Housing $ 25,000 Subtotal $232,696 Rehabilitation Administration $234,887 Emergency Grants $ 10,000 Grants $150,000 Rebates $ 30,000 Lead/Asbestos Testing $ 16,500 Lead/Asbestos Remediation $150,000 Subtotal $591,387 Public Safety Code Enforcement $409,926 Subtotal $409,926 Social Services Family Counseling Services $ 40,000 People for People $ 27,600 Rosemead School District $ 11,698 Rosemead High School $ 13,650 Senior, Nutrition Services $ 77,824 Subtotal $170,772 Public Works Dinsmoore Historical House $150,000 Targeted Public Works Project $398,700 Subtotal $548,700 Total CDBG Allocation $1,953,481 • LJ 0 • City Council Report April 22, 2008 Page 3 of 4 In reviewing these recommendations it would be appropriate for the City Council to remember that only three broad funding categories are considered eligible under CDBG-regulations. A.project must either provide benefits to-low or moderate-income persons, eliminate slum or blighted conditions, or is an urgent need. In addition, of the CDBG funds received, no more than 15% ($170,772) of the annual grant amount can be used for public services, no more than 20% ($232,696) of the grant amount can be used for Planning and Administrative services, and, at least, 70% of all funds must be used for low-to-moderate income activities. 2008-2009.HOME Allocation City Administration General. Administration $ 49,612 Subtotal $ 49,612 Rehabilitation Owner-Occupied Loans $1,519,447 Mortgage Assistance Payment $ 280,000 Subtotal $1,799,447 Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Rio Hondo Community Development Corp. (Operating) $ 24,806 Rio Hondo Community Development Corp. Affordable Housing Program) $334,940 Subtotal $359,746 Total HOME Allocation $2,208,805 Of the HOME funds received, no more than 10% ($49,612) can be used for administrative and program delivery activities. At least 15% ($74,418) must be set aside for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO), as constituted under the regulations. In addition, up to 5% ($24,806) can be used by a CHDO for operating expenses. The balance of funds can only be used for housing activities. Following this public hearing, staff will prepare the necessary documentation required to receive the City's 2008-09 CDBG and HOME allocations from HUD. All approved projects will be incorporated into the formal City budget document as it is developed. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS Notice of the public hearing was published in the San Gabriel Valley-Tribune on April 7, 2008, as well as through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Michelle G. Ramirez Economic Development Administrator 0 0 0 • City Council Report April 22, 2008 Paae 4 of 4 S B City Manager Attachment A - CDBG & HOME Funding FY 2007-08 Approved Budget vs. FY 2008-09 Proposed Budget Attachment B - FY 2008-09 Draft Annual Action Plan 0 0 0 0 0 o o oo o a o 0 O O O O O O u') N O O co o co O (O (O (O M ' o6 O O M N o n M n O O O O O) V N ~ r O n N r vi 1 rn o ao O N O) O a Q Q N t0 V ~ M d O 0: O N N M M M M M M co M M M M M M M M M M M n o 0 0 0 0 m oo00 aoooIn o M N M O N b M M M M M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W O O 01 0 0 0 0 oD O O O O O M CA Ur Q) O O M O O O O O O '7 O O M (D w Q r 0 M O C6 O O O O O O O O o r 06 o o Z vi o o ao o n ri o rn o v a ( M N ~ CO O N R N ~ ~ W M M N V p m ~ M M ~ M M ~ r 0 O W O ~ N 0 a a a M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 00 0 0 0 toovooo O M N O M M M M M M m O a~ m U N 'O C J LL c W c w c a m U N ° c cc d m m v w 0 ° C C N E C (0 2 m y '0 N 0 o - E S m m o U X C co 0 'a o Q m w w- m c m o 0 0 V o , ~ c o c 0 C 0 0 M L m c - o L d _ 0 o o m U U ~ 'C_ U ~ T N N E Q c ~ E N O L cc yl E 1 E a C D L m .0 N U C a fn = = J > N 0 N LL O C Q N Q Q L Of .y..m cc = U O U O m 0 m a) J Z U 0 T; CL j m t0 o O N M m m c 0 W m E E O O m E C C U W J J S Z E E O N w C N a < C C U' LL 2 U` U U LL LL ~ w 60 U) Q Q ~ U M N 01 r w 0 10 N N N M m O U C O O O O CA n M c m m 0 C E m `a 0 n d l0 n U C m O O O (A N M d m m m c m `a V W M M W a C J U C U C m a 0 a W M T N IO E a Q n m > m L 3 A U } LL a) 00 o ~r O LL 0 M N O co N O Q 0 • a o 0 o o (~i n o (D o O O O V o D N y M Mm V a N M ~ Q LO _ N A w to fA M fA fA fA fA O O O O O O F 0 0 0 0 0 O W ~ r o o n v m N N ~ N W ? O W O R' a a E H f (n (A (H 6% U d O ` a c N J O 2 N C R 'O N 0 Q Li U CL U Q W c c m E E w IL w 0 .2 2 c o a) o a ID o N N o f 0 E E O 'y w N = E E E E c g M L a- < R O U o U N w a U c c N W V W ' 'o 2 N LL c c C N c O O E O N y J _O O_ Q U O N l0 m O = Q' 2 6 N 0 O C C r C z d) 0 H O O N N w } LL rn 0 0 0 N O O LL Pi 0 0 • ATTACHMENT B • City of Rosemead Annual Action Plan FY 2008-09 4& E M P RATE Z 5y d Prepared by: City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 O ADOPTED: • Reserved • 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 Jurisdiction 1 Allocating Investment for FY 2008-09 1 ACTION PLAN ...........................................................................................3 HUD Required Forms 3 Summary of Development Process 3 Citizen Participation 4 Resources 5 Federal Resources 5 Program Income 5 Surplus from Urban Renewal Settlements 5 Grant Funds Returned to the Line of Credit 5 Income from Float Funded Activities 5 Urgent Need Activities 6 State Resources 6 Other Resources 6 Federal Match Requirement 7 Activities to be Undertaken 7 Geographic Distribution 8 Homeless and Other Special Needs 9 Homeless 9 Homeless Prevention Activities 12 Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan 12 Gaps Analysis 13 Other Activities for Special Needs Populations . 13 Elderly and Frail Elderly 15 Persons with Disabilities 16 Large Families 17 Female Headed Households 17 Persons with Alcohol or Other Drug Addictions 18 Persons Diagnosed with AIDS and Related Diseases 18 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice 18 Other Actions 23 Actions to Address Obstacles to Meeting Underserved Needs . 23 Foster and Maintain Decent Affordable Standard Housing 23 Removing Barriers to Affordable Housing 25 Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction 25 Anti-Poverty Strategy 26 Institutional Structure 28 • • Coordination Efforts 30 Public Housing Resident Initiatives 30 HOME/American Dream Down Payment Initiative 31 HOME Provisions 31 Public Housing 31 Troubles Public Housing Agency 31 Monitoring Standards and Procedures 31 Minority/Women's Business Outreach 33 Strategic Goals and Resources 34 Housing 34 Homeless 35 Community Development 35 Fair Housing 35 Proposed Projects Tables 36 APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 37 FUNDING SOURCES 47 FIVE YEAR GOALS 51 PROPOSED PROJECTS 55 NEEDS ANALYSIS 79 Gaps Analysis Chart Homeless Subpopulations Chart Estimated Supportive Services Slots Special Needs (Non-Homeless) Populations Priority Community Development Needs CERTIFICATIONS 87 Certifications Specific CDBG Certifications Optional CDBG Certifications Specific HOME Certifications Appendix to Certifications APPENDICES 99 Appendix A Glossary of Terms Appendix B Housing/Social Service Groups Appendix C Low and Moderate Target Area Map ii Appendix D Proof of Public Hearing - Published January 30, 2008 Appendix E Minutes - February 12, 2008 Appendix F Minutes - March 25, 2008 Appendix G Proof of Public Notice - Published March 20, 2008 Appendix H Proof of Public Hearing - Published April 7, 2008 Appendix I Citizen Participation Plan iii • • Reserved iv f O f l~0 ` Executive Summary Each year between May and July, the City of Rosemead submits an Annual Action Plan ("Action Plan") covering the period July 1 of that year through June 30 of the,~following year to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). An Action Plan is required by HUD in order for the City to receive federal funds under the Commuriity`Development Block Grant CDBG and HOME Investment Partnershi HOMEw ( ) p ( ) pro grams. The,~Action Plan includes the proposed activities, resources and expenditures for the CDBGi'and HONE programs. This is the fourth of five Action Plans under the City's 2005-2009 Co olidated Plan A more general summary of each project and each amount the City is proposing n the 2008-09 FY can be found in Tables 1 and 2 on page 7. In'general, thekCity will continue to carry out program administration, fair housing, residential programs,,. andPpublic services that aid youth, at- risk families, seniors, and the disabled. 4 In addition, the C ywill continue to use a portion of CDBG funds for its code enforcement program and provide forrinfrastructure and improvements to the City. Both of these programe~,wwill principally taZe place in the City's adopted target/revitalization areas. 4& The City of Rosemead is located Jn th'e`S'an Gabriel Valley in the eastern portion of Los Angeles County. Rosemead Was incorporated as a City in 1959. The City enjoys good access to major transportation comdors4uicl~uding'Sdri Bernardino Freeway (Interstate 10), San Gabriel River Freeway(Interstate 605), Rosemead Boulevard - a California State Highway (Route 19), Mission „:x i Drive, Temple City BoulevF ard, Valley Boulevard, and Walnut Grove Avenue. Rosemead is a predominantly~,built-out subs rlian community and serves as a residential suburb for surrounding employment centerssuch asLos Angeles. Most of the land area has been developed as low- density housing Q,tN Allocating Investment for FY 2008-09 Based on HUD recommendations, general relative priories for funding will be as follows: • High Priority: Activities to address this need will be funded during the five-year period. Development Services Business Unit 1 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Medium Priority: If funds are available, activities to address this need may be funded by the City during the five-year period. Also, the City may use other sources of funds and take actions to locate other sources of funds. Low Priority: It is not likely the City will fund activities to address this need during the five-year period. The City will consider certifications of consistency for other entities' applications for assistance. In accordance with the City's Consolidated Plan, the City will allocateCDBG and HOME funds to the City's High Priority Needs.' s[.4 r Development Services Business Unit 2 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 ACTION PLAN - 91.220 The Consolidated Plan is an effort by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to simplify the planning process and increase community participation by combining four HUD grant applications and submissions into a single document: The City of Rosemead Consolidated Plan has been developed for the years 2005-2009 t' The Action Plan serves as an update to the Consolidated Plan'for the nextfiv e years. It identifies the federal, state, and local resources expected to be available,to meet pnonty~objectives set forth by the Consolidated Plan. It also serves as the ;City's annual applic Lion` for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME)>£unds, which are received from HUD. off i to At the end of this section are tables that provide a descrij undertake during Fiscal Year July 1, 20071P-June 30, 2008 the City of Rosemead's Consolidated Plan Proposed prc CDBG and HOME funds. + ~aie he activities the City plans to to address needs identified in ludeothose to be funded with Forms required,by,,HUD are~mcluded`xfo'llowing-"this section of the Consolidated Plan. These forms incl debSetandard Foim 424, Funding Sources, Listing of Proposed Projects, Needs y,, r Summaryof Development Process The City's Developme if Services Business Unit was responsible for the preparation of the FY 2008-2009 Action Plan. In preparing the Action Plan, input was sought from a variety of public agencies and non-profit and for-profit housing groups to determine housing needs for the community. The City's Development Services Business Unit facilitated the consultation with, and participation of, public and private social and homeless service agencies as well as citizens concerned with these services. The offices, agencies, and housing groups contacted are listed in Appendix B. The following outline details the citizen participation activities implemented during the preparation process of the Action Plan. Development Services Business Unit 3 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 During the preparation of this Plan, a public hearing to obtain the views of the community concerning the housing needs of children, elderly persons, persons with disabilities, homeless persons, and others with special needs in the City was held before the Rosemead City Council on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. It was advertised in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on January 28, 2008 (see Appendix E). Notice of the Public Hearing was sent to the individuals and organizations listed in the Appendix B. Five (5) notices of the hearing were also posted within the City of Rosemead as required under the Rosemead Municipal Code Section 1.08.010 (Public places for posting notices). Five organizations (Family Counseling Services, People for People, Rosemead High School, Rosemead School District, and Southem,;,Califomia Housing Rights Center) were present and made presentations at the public hearing '.rA copy of the City Council minutes from this meeting is shown in Appendix E. At the City Council meeting of March 25, 2008, a summary of staff-endorsed projects will be reviewed with the City Council. During this meeting4he City Council w 11~'establish how the City should spend the CDBG and HOME funds. A copy of the City Councilmmutes from this n °kf % meeting is shown is Appendix G. Based upon the information obtained from staff, and with= muc April 22, 2008 the City Council will hold~hpublic hearing approv in this Action Plan (see Appendix J - to -beitnserted at a later dai San Gabriel Valley Tribune on April 7, 200Kw' 'i (see Appendix H) will be sent to the individuals and organizations listed°m'the App( hearing will also posted within the City of Rosemead as required Code Section 1.08.010 (P.ublic;places for postinnllg noti ces). Q deliberation and thought, on the Proposed Projects listed It will be advertised in the Notice of the Public Hearing 11 Six B. Five (5) notices of the ider the Rosemead Municipal The Ctty'of Rosemead handeveloped1,and is following a detailed Citizen Participation Plan. A copy of thegplan is availabWXfor public inspection. The City's Development Services Business t Unit facilitafed$the consultatidif,with, and participation of, public and private social and homeless service agencies as well as citizens concerned with these services. On March 20, 2008 ,;3otice'of the availability of the Action was published in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, announcing the 30-day public comment period to begin on March 24, 2008 and concluded on April 22" 2008 (see Appendix F). Notice of the availability of the Action Plan was sent to the agencies and organizations listed in Appendix B. Five (5) notices were also posted within the City of Rosemead as required under the Rosemead Municipal.Code Section 1.08.010 (Public places for posting notices). The City of Rosemead welcomes any written recommendation, suggestions, or other input. Any opinions or comments related to the Action Plan should be addressed to: Development Services Business Unit 4 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Ms. Michelle Ramirez, Economic Development Administrator City of Rosemead Development Services Business Unit 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Telephone Number: (626) 569-2158 FAX: (626) 307-9218 mramirez(akityofrosemead.ore. Imo. Resources (2) Expected to be 20(b)(1) & Federal Resources Included in this Action Plan for the Program Year (PY)aiid 1, 2008 and ending on June 30, 2009, is a table shown resources from the CDBG and HOME entitlement funds. 1 Rosemead anticipates receiving aPProxmately~$1,138,481 $496,123 in HOME Entitlement funds that wrlll,, iN availal V Rosemead. When combined with carryover"funds of $790;( of $25,000 in CDBG and carryover funds of$11,7,11'2,682 in`1 approximately S1,953,48115f CDBG funds available and $2 for the 2008-09 years MA IN cal Year (FY) beginning on July he amount of FY 2008 federal ing the FY 2008-09, the City of kCDBG Entitlement funds and to meet identified needs within and anticipated program income the City will have a total of 8,805 in HOME funds available Program Income - Theme=Euundmg iSource tabld included following this section of the Action Plan,-,{includes the;;'amount"bf~anticipated CDBG program income and CDBG carryover funds~,the City expects to have available during the FY 2008-09. It is antrated that the'Gfty~will no reoeeive program income from the repayment of prior GDBG:~or HOME furided~housidgAloans. However, it is anticipated that the City will received approximately0925,000~'in program income through the Senior Nutrition Progr am z* addition, Re City will have approximately $790,000 in CDBG and : $1,712,601?HOME carr y' over funds from previous program years. Surplus from Urb'ariRehewal Settlements - During the FY 2008-09, no CDBG or HOME income is anticipatWas a result of surpluses from urban renewal settlement. Grant Funds Returned to the Line of Credit - During the FY 2008-09, no CDBG or HOME income is anticipated as a result of grant funds returned to the line of credit with HUD. Income from Float Funded Activities - During the FY 2008-09, no CDBG or HOME income is anticipated as a result of float-funded activities. Development Services Business Unit 5 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Urgent Need Activities - At this time, no proposed activities are being undertaken as an urgent need. If an urgent need arises during the FY 2008-09, the City will then amend the Action Plan. In addition, the City will continue to work with the Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles who provides rental assistance to the residents of Rosemead through the Federal Section 8 Voucher program. The primary objective of the Section 8 Voucher Rental Assistance program is to assist low-income (0 to 50% of MFI) persons and households, including those who are elderly and frail elderly, in making rents affordable. a„ State and Local Resources The City's FY 2005-2009 Consolidated Plan list the private resources that are reasonably expected to be n covered by the Consolidated Plan (see Needs Development Needs Table). 41 i_, During the FY 2008-09, the City will continue to use< variety of state and local funds, including but not limited • Redevelopment Funds • General Funds • In-kind Donations of Section - r federal public and us five-year period ority Community to leverage a In addition, the City may pursue • CalHome Fund mss'"` ` • Low Income Housing Tax Other Resources As shownalielow, several.programs:that will receive CDBG funds for the 2008-09 fiscal year, will also=receive additionallnon-CDBG funds for their program. 3y< Vitt CDBG OTHER r'`r PROGRAM FUNDING FUNDING SOURCE Public Safety Cale Enforcement $409,926 - City General Fund Public Works - Dinssnoore House $150,000 City General Fund Public Works - Taz t d Public Works Project $398,700 City General Fund Also, the following service providers who receive CDBG funds for the 2008-09 fiscal year budgeted additional federal and non-federal funds to their activities through funding from other cities, in-kind donations, United Way and other charitable organizations, and the Federal and State governments: ➢ Family Counseling Services ➢ Morrison Health Care (Senior Nutrition Provider) ➢ People for People Development Services Business Unit 6 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 ➢ Rosemead High School ➢ Rosemead School District ➢ Southern California Housing Rights Center Federal Match Requirements The City is a 100% HOME match reduction community; therefore, no HOME match is required. Activities to be Undertaken Duri Included in this Action Plan is the "Listing of Proposed that will be undertaken during the FY 2008-09 using, Anticipated accomplishments for each activity are also4 started and/or completed during FY 2008-09. Each Proposed Projects" Table includes a description of the i. local Action Plan objective that will be addressed d summary of these projects and each amount are provided w 3008=2010 BG Allocation` ,a Xi ,%Adiimimstration=: t a , 3 - AX4 General Administration $207,6964 Fair Housing $ 25,000 Subtotal a, IN $232,696 ;Rehabilitation 0,'S *,.>~"R§ r'41' ~ ~ . Administration„ $234,887 Emergent Grants " $ 10,000 Grants ' 't`?"w,. , t,,'0, 0$150,000 Rebates "$9,30;000 Lead/Asbestos Testin r $ 16,500' Lead/Asbestos Remediation "WIWN. Mk$150,000 N&Mtotal N'$591,387 w Code Enforcement IOU A409,926 ;h y Subtotal $409,926 Family Counseling Services 40,000 People for People "`xC N . $ 27,600 ~ c~~= v Rosemead School District vtsc'+G+' $ 11,698 Rosemead High School $ 13,650 Senior Nutrition Services " $ 77,824 Subtotal $170,772 k'PubHi Works W;t, „ , r n a r` OWA----~ Dinsmoore Historical House $150,000 Targeted Public Works Project $398,700 Subtotal $548,700 Total CDBG Allocation $1,953,481 Next Year s" Tabl&Tthat identifies activities and H6 A 1VIEs entitlement funds. All activities4are expected to be y identified tn` fhe "Listing of 2009 Strategic Plan priority and FY4 2008-09. Amore general es 1 and 2. T"LlE 2 R 2008'-200 HU~ME?AIlMunn: :Ct Adimmstradou,a „ 5 ~ ; * Jy 9Geue'rahAdminis`fmtion $ 49,612 k 13101, Subtotal $ 49,612 rReliatiilitation ~.",,,,.,tri;~•~.~. r Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Loans $1,519,447 Doom Pa ent Assistance Program $ 280,000 Subtotal $1,799,447 Commaiitty Aous~ng ,t `Development) ~Or aiuzatioa C1ID0 ,uxa:Si~"~ ~ ~.`t.ni.a~r3i * cF § r?' Rio Hondo Community Development Corp. (Operating) $ 24,806 Rio Hondo Community Development Corp. Affordable Housing Program) $334,940 Subtotal $359,746 Total CDBG Allocation $2,208,805 4 Development Services Business Unit 7 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 i_'a,. . Geographic Distribution Included in the above-mentioned "Listing of Proposed Projects" Table is the location in the community of each proposed activity for FY 2008-09. In order to prevent the concentration of low-income persons, City housing programs are marketed and available throughout the City. The programs are not directed to any one geographical area but rather the extremely low to moderate-income(0<.to 80% of the MFI) persons and families. The City wants to promote a balanced andantegrated community and is committed to providing assistance throughout the City. *41 The only exception to this policy is the Code En low and moderate-income block groups based on deteriorated areas and are referred to as an area be limited to eligible ;terioratinQ and/or An area benefit is an activity that meets the identifiedneeds of low and moderate-income persons residing in an area where at least 51% of the residents are low and moderate-income persons. The benefits of this type of activity are available to allpersons in the area regardless of income. Potentially eligible activities include street impro ments, faoade improvements in .N rxra~ - , neighborhood commercial districts, graffitilremoYal; and code enforcement. The new Low and Moderate-Income Summary, Data"(LMISD) resulting from the 2000 Census, z. became effective on July.,1A2003. The LMISD'is the dataAhat the City uses for our official determinations of activity co pli nce with the 'low and moderate-income area benefit national objective, in accordance..,. d with the ~Housmg and Community Development Act of 1974, as w ! amended, and the CDBG regulations Because tirnle y~us;8e 6p. this data i"s requiied b regulation, any changes to the City's existing service area boundaries would need4o be approved by the City Council. With the adoption of this Action Plan, the City Council approves service area boundaries shown in Appendix C as the City's official low an d moderate-income "Target Areas". The City has traditionally us6d(y°80% or more of its CDBG resources to benefit these special areas "i'S~xS1:f and/or to operate ~,programs „available exclusively to low and moderate-income people (whereas HUD regulations only3rrequire a minimum 70% low/mod benefit level for CDBG activities). In order to continue to achieve this high ratio of low/mod benefit for its CDBG resources, and I because of the compelling need to assist these target areas, the City will continue to target CDBG resources to these special geographic areas Development Services Business Unit 8 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Homeless Homeless and Other . Special Needs Activities - 91.220(e) Unfortunately, the U.S. Census Bureau does not produce counts of the population experiencing homelessness. However, special procedures were developed to ensure4he Census 2000 included people without conventional housing, who may be missed in th0traditional enumeration of, housing units and group quarters. These special procedures included counting people living at emergency and transitional shelters, receiving services at facilities providing free meals, as well as people staying at identifiable outdoor locations. Thus, thesei~special procedures were designed to include, in the overall population count, people who riughtotherwisele missed during the tee. regular enumeration. Due to the lack of information from the Census 2000, the information concerning the nature and extent of homelessness1in Rosemead comes fro &-analysis of secondary research sources (such as Federal agencies and,national non-profit organizations). In December of 1993, the Los Angeles County Board of~S`upervisors and the Mayor and City Council of Los Angeles created the Los4Angeles Homeless~Services Authority (LAHSA). LAHSA provides funding and guidance for-,a-,,'vast network oflocal,7non-profit agencies with missions to help people leave homelessness permanently. These?'agencies are dedicated to providing as much assistance as feasiblo helphomeless persons with housing, case Y u 3 management, counseling, advocacy, substance abuse programs,aand other specialized services. The City is a membefibf the Countywide Continuumf Car SuperNOFA funds. In ttus ca, supplies information.,to the'tu and receives l'uif rmationLfrom and othe s) to identify ee ibes for services are referred tocage~ for home le"s'sness, the City spar q4 eliminate homelessness by 20,1' briel Valley Homeless Coalition and participates in the ,,h the Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority for HUD ie.City staff attends meetings of social service providers, nganization responsible for coordinating the continuum, In addition, the City works with public service agencies ic~,gaps in the community to ensure that citizens looking ftcan be of the most assistance to them. As part of SPA-3 11 in the Los Angeles Service Authority (LAHSA) plan to In 2005, the City's Development Services Business Unit, in conjunction with Code Enforcement and the Los Angeles'County Sheriff's Department, undertook a homeless count night. Potential sites were identified Advance as locations for the homeless. A homeless count was conducted at these sites, along with follow-up sites during the evening hours. As a result, staff encountered seven (7) persons at the twenty sites visited. All of these persons stated that they were homeless. Of these, three (3) were female and four (4) were male. Four (4) identified themselves as White, while three (3) identified themselves as Hispanic. They ranged in age from 32 to 63 years of age. The majority reported that they had alcohol or substance abuse issues, while three (3) were disabled. Homelessness ranged from 1 week after leaving a correctional facility, to ten years or more. All respondents' received information regarding services, although the majority stated they didn't know if they would follow-up. Development Services Business Unit 9 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 This is the City's third homeless count since 1999. In the first count, eight (8) persons were found, of which four (4) stated they were homeless. Three (3) had alcohol/substance abuse problems and two (2) were mentally disabled. All declined services. In addition, in 1999, the Urban Research Group conducted a survey of homelessness in the San Gabriel Valley. It identified 18 persons who had requested services. Nine (9) of those persons lacked a permanent address. The homeless population was estimated at between 13 and 16. This represented a. decline from the 1990 Census in which 20 individuals and one (1) family were identified as homeless. In the homeless count conducted in 2002, staff found four (4) to be homeless and unsheltered, one (1) who was unresponsi and one (1) whom was intoxicated and sleeping. Based on the three (3) counts, unsheltered homelessness wi fairly constant since a decline after the 1990 Census: It has low of 4, t two (2) of whom claimed zmeared to be unsheltered the City ha`ss remained low and zed from aDDroxnnately 16 to a In response to homelessness, the City has prepared its staffto refer inquires to the Development Services Business Unit, Housing Services,. Division, who respond to the homeless in a positive. way to ensure that their needs are met {:Tlid-Xity's Housing Services Division has provided it staff with instructions to direct the needy and homeless to an agency, or provider that meets its needs. On average, there are five or less regiiests foi assistance perryear. Currently, the City providesiHhegfollowing supportive services to homeless individuals and families through the following agencies and service providers: ➢ 211 LA County~,j1211 LA, County is dedicated to providing an easy-to-use, caring, professional source of guidance,;advocacy, and 24 hours 7 days per week access to a . mprehensiveFrange of human services to the people of Los Angeles County. In addition, 211 ALA County also has special contracts to operate the ,,,L Cold Weather Shelter Hotlift6-' dr the County of Los Angeles, and provides staffing and human'services information for emergency centers during disasters. ➢ Catholic 12ainbow Outreach: Provides shelter and rehabilitation for men with drug and alcohol abuse problems. This shelter has 13 beds that are available. ➢ Down Payme'OCAssistance Program: The City of Rosemead has funds available to assist low income residents with the purchase of their first home. The assistance is in the form is a silent second loan (no payments until the loan is paid or until 30 years from the loan origination), and is available to low income families who have not owned a home within the previous three years. The amount of the loan will vary depending on the value of the house to be purchased to assist the homebuyer in achieving a 25% down payment. The maximum allowable loan is currently $70,000. Development Services Business Unit 10 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 ➢ Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority (LAHSA): LAHSA Emergency Response Teams (ERT's) are available to assist residents Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. LAHSA ERT's offer outreach services to homeless encampment dwellers, emergency services and shelter referrals to homeless families and unaccompanied adults and youth, direct emergency services and transportation, and emergency assistance and referrals to social service agencies for people in the County of Los Angeles who are homeless or at risk of experiencing homelessness. ➢ People for People: Provides short-term services (food) directly.. Its primary y,.N purpose is to assist the needy residents of the City. Thefgroup is made up of volunteers that raise funds year-round to provide distn bution of)food to families. ➢ Section 8 Housing Assistance Agency: Providegrerital assist ance.,through the Federal Section 8 Voucher program. The primary 'Objective of5the,;Section 8 Voucher Rental, Assistance program is to assist low-income (0 to 56 of MFI) persons and households, including thos ;klio are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless, in making rents affordableThe;Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles (HACoLA) serves the City; of Rosemead and provides Section 8 assistance to the residents. k_ ~ ➢ The San Gabriel Pomona Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross: Provides emergency shelter for people who become homeless because of natural disasters. ➢ The Salvation Army: Provides a vanety of services including shelter service for men and womeWi ocusing5on substance abuse treatments and halfway houses, provides residentialflong-term treatment fonpersons with co-occurring mental and substance,, a. disorders overnrghtshelter, food, shower facilities, and case Southern `California'Y,Housing Rights Center: Provides counseling 3nce to famili sat risk of homelessness. ➢ YWCA;;-`Wings: Povides emergency shelter for women and children who become homeless as is result of domestic violence. Services include 24-hour access to emergency housing and crisis hotline, food and basic personal items, crisis support `afida advocacy, counseling and support groups, medical and legal advocacy, and'specialized children's services. Overall, the City has not experienced an overwhelming population of homeless persons and has not experienced an outpouring of public concern to provide additional services within its boundaries. Social service, agencies and providers within Rosemead and adjacent communities (where nearly all major services are provided) have not expressed that there is an extraordinary need to provide emergency shelters within Rosemead, as adequate facilities are available nearby and are not always filled to capacity. Development Services Business Unit 11 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 The City will consider, should. the need arise, assisting developers and/or providers in the procurement of land, off-site improvements and/or financing for the construction of emergency shelters and/or transitional housing. Where feasible and appropriate, the City will assist developers and/or providers in the purchase and rehabilitation of existing structures for transitional housing. The City will consider commencing programs to organize churches, non- profits and social benefit organizations to provide emergency and transitional shelter for the homeless if an overwhelming need arises. The City will also consider the possibility of using Proposition A funds to provide transportation of the homeless to shelters. The City will generally support applications for programs and resources from eligible non-profits and other entities when Federal and/or State funding is limited,, o such:entities. However, when the City is also an eligible applicant it will assess its needs arid':priorities,to, determine if it will be the lead agency and apply directly for the available f indini,~ The City will also generally support the efforts of non-profit agencies that apply for funding to locate transitional, supportive, and permanent housing•;facilitiesswithin the City.J ' r fiscal year 2008-09, the City did not receive any proposals or requests., ' Homelessness Prevention The City does not directly provide nor adriiuiisl service programs. However, the City's"~',OA Payment Assistance Program,, and Section 8 `Ra regarded as activities thatpi•event;homelessnes< assists low to moderate=income households in n The Down PaymentAssistance Program assists first home. The Section'8>Rental!Assistance Pi > ~ SKr Authority of the County of lios;gAngeles,(HAG Section 8 assistanceao',,the residents. ny,,continuunCbf care programs or homeless Occupied Rehabilitation Program, Down Assisfance"Program can, in some ways, be he Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program aining a safe and decent living environment. income residents with the purchase of their am provides rental assistance. The Housing ) serves the City of Rosemead and provides As described in the Consolidated'P.lan'other entities in the City and the County conduct homelessness, prevention activities. ,Federal, state, local, and private funds can be utilized to provide rerrt~and utility assistance to help families stay housed. Particularly, agencies receiving funds through',tHe„Emergency Shelter Grant Program and Federal Emergency Management Agency are likely tq conduct'omelessness prevention activities. The City will continue to work with the San Gabrrei>>Ualley Homeless Coalition, Los Angeles Service Authority, and other social service providerstowards regional approaches to homelessness. Certifications of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan The City's guidelines regarding the Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan for SuperNOFA applications are in place to ensure that social service providers work towards regional approaches to homelessness. The guidelines are as follows: Development Services Business Unit 12 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 I . The request must include the population, subpopulation, and/or special needs population to be served. 2. A project description, including the services to be provided, the number of clients served, the operating pro-forma for the project, the location of the project, the applicant's ability to obtain site control, and the characteristics of surrounding land uses. 3. Geographic distribution of the propose project near social services, public facilities and public transportation. 4. The coordination of the project with existing service providers,`programs and funding and the relationship for the project to regional solutions to serve`targeted populations. 5. Projects that support progress of the client population towards self-sufficiency and placement in transitional housing and support services rovided by other non-profit service providers and Los Angeles County. Projects that enable Homelessness are not consistent with the continuum of care, the Plan=to. end homelessness or with the City's Consolidated Plan. For new projects with the City, the governing bo( action prior to the issuance of a certification of submitted for the 2008-09 FY. to provide foi ial'review and new project application were Gaps Analysis Table IA, located in the Needs Analysis section services compared with numbers of homeless homelessness within the City of Rosemead is lob 3) of the Los Angeles.Homeless-Services Author Most of this homelessress is concentrated in the among the west valley cif es„where .Rosemead is kY. t, western region, there is a prionty need •f0r substai for transitional housing ti represents the San Gabriel Valley's access to aid need poi a regional basis. Although, it is muc- igher in Sub Planning Area (SPA y (LAHSA), which is the San Gabriel Valley. astern portion of the Valley. Homeless rates dted, is generally low. Within the City and e abuse and mental health services, as well as Populations During the 2008-09 fiscal year, the organizations identified below will continue to address special needs populations through a variety of services. The City intends to support the activities of these entities as.critical prartners who help respond to the housing and service needs of low- income special needs':populations. It is also the City's intention to support the efforts of non- profit agencies that apply for funding to locate housing facilities that serve persons with special needs within the City. For fiscal year 2008-09, the City did not receive any proposals that would work toward meeting this goal. There are several organizations/services that address special needs populations and are offered to all residents of Rosemead as shown below. Development Services Business Unit 13 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 ➢ 211 LA County: 211 LA County is dedicated to providing an easy-to-use, caring, professional source of guidance, advocacy, and 24 hours 7 days per week access to a comprehensive range of human services to the people of Los Angeles County. ➢ Down Payment Assistance Program: The City of Rosemead has funds available to assist low income residents with the purchase of their first home. The assistance is in the form is a silent second loan (no payments until the loan is paid or until 30 years from the loan origination), and is available to low income families who have not owned a home within the previous%ihree years. The amount of the loan will vary depending on the value of the'house to be purchased to assist the homebuyer in achieving a 25% down,payment`x The maximum allowable loan is currently $70,000. did F ➢ East Valley Community Health Center: Provides free immunizations, medical t= M examinations, HIV testing and low cost health"services.;, wu r ~ ➢ Fair Housing Organization: The City provldeslandlord/tenant information and assistance through a contract with a Fair Housing Orgamzation. ➢ Garvey Community CenterBosemead Communityl~Recreation Center: These centers provide a wide variety of-activities including counseling services, social service programs, recreational programs;,and information and referral services. ~N iL~Y' ~~5y,~y ptif.Th..3e~9 ➢ LACountyHelps. LACountyHelps is a free and easy resource to find out if your family can get '1l from:Mifferent healtli and human services programs. .1> Owner Occupied It6habrhtation>Programs: Households who own and occupy theu>>home,may.apply'<fo one of the Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Programs offered by the'City Through these programs, funds are available to assist low {hand moderate-income (0 f6680% of MFI) homeowners in making needed rehabilitation improvements and upgrades to their single-family residence. Funds for these programs e 1i and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The various programsJ e City offers are as follows: Loan Program - , e City provides low interest (0 to 3%) deferred payment loans to seniors; persons with a disability and families of low and moderate income who Town and occupy their homes and need financial assistance to make repairs and improvements. The loan is secured by the Deed of Trust and payment is deferred until the sale, transfer of ownership, refinancing of the home, or 30 years from the date shown on the signed Deed of Trust and Promissory Note. Interest is calculated at 0% for senior citizens (62 years and older) and handicapped/disabled citizens and 3% simple interest rate for all others based on the principal owed. These loans may be used for both exterior and interior property improvements. All improvements must be approved by the City of Rosemead's Development Services Business Development Services Business Unit 14 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Unit prior to the work being done. All improvements must be done by a contractor who is properly licensed through the State of California and the City of Rosemead. Grants Program - Grants are available to senior citizens (62 years or older) and disabled citizens for up to $10,000, at no cost to the homeowner, for repairs related to interior and exterior code deficiencies and general home improvements. Emergency Grant Program - Emergency grants are available to all eligible income qualified applicants. The maximum emergency grantis $2,000 for corrections to emergency code deficiencies that constitute`'+an,immediate health-safety issue. Owner occupants are eligible forf6ne (1) emergency grant. ` 4 v(,k Rebate Program - Rebates are available to income eligible homeowners, for correction of code deficiencies and general,home.-improvements to the exterior of the house. Fifty percent (50%)",rebates up to $15,000?may be obtained from the City after the homeowner satisfactorily compl`e d the, work and payments to contractors. Owner occupiede eligible for on (.1J rebate. ➢ Housing Authority County of Los Angeles County ;Provides rental assistance to the residents of Rosemead through the Federal Section 8 Voucher program. The primary objective of the Section 8 Voucher Rental Assistance program is to 74r.r K3:. H.. assist low-income (0 to 50% of MFI) persons<and households, including those . who are elderly and frail elderly, in making:rents`af£ordable. ➢ People for People People for People was established to coordinate the acquisition and dgstribution'' em ergencykood supplies by working through its member food agencies forlow-income Rosemead residents who are at risk of Elderly~aiid Frail Elderly *4 T Many organizations and faeilities provide services to the elderly throughout the County of Los Angeles: "';,The list below identifies the organizations that offer services to the elderly and frail elderly of Rosemead and the types of services provided. ➢ Angelus/Garvey Senior Housing: There are presently two apartment complexes in Rosemead,, hich are rented exclusively by low-income seniors (Angelus and Garvey Senior-Apartments). There is only one (1) waiting list for both senior apartment complexes. Angelus Senior Apartments is made up of 50 1-bedroom units and Garvey Senior Apartment is made up of 64 1-bedroom units and 6 2- bedroom units. , ➢ Congregate Meal Program for the Elderly: This service, which is sponsored by Volunteer Center of San Gabriel Valley, provides low-cost, nutritious meals to person who are 60 years and older. Development Services Business Unit 15 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 ➢ Dial-A-Ride: Free transportation service (Dial-A-Ride) is provided to senior residents as well as disabled residents. The program provides curb-to-curb transportation services for seniors, age 60 and older, and for people who have disabilities who are residents of Rosemead. Transportation is available to any destination in Rosemead for any type of trip including medical appointments, educational/recreational activities, shopping, and visits to friends and family. Transportation is also available, at no cost, for travel outside the City, a distance of five miles from City Hall, for medical or social service appointments. The City also offers subsidized bus fare for the seniors through a 'contract with the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA). ➢ Senior Nutrition Program: The Senior Nutrition Program'pi6vides high.quality, cost efficient, nutritious meals at two City locations '(Garvey Co`mmunit y Center and Rosemead Community Center) to seniors living irf~Rosemead °and promotes the role of nutrition in preventative health and long term care. §R, ➢ Vietnamese American Senior Association The Vietnamese American;Senror Association is designed to help Vietnamese seniors lead^Shappy and independent life by making sure that they have access to `healthcare, social service, and recreational resources that they otherwise may not have. access to due to language , •-~tk~. ° y:-, barriers. Persons with Disabilities The organizations and facilities listed below. offer services std persons with physical and/or mental disabilities who reside inithe City of Rosemead. ➢ Community 'Adyiocates for,` People's Choice,(CAPC): CAPC, Inc. is a non- profit social service, agency. serving disabled adults by providing supported employment, supported -livmg; `:independent living, and community inclusion rain46r'.the Disabled: This service, which is sponsored San Gabriel Valley, provides low-cost, nutritious meal to ➢ Dial-A-Ride: Free ransportation service (Dial-A-Ride) is provided to senior residents as` well:';as disabled residents. The program provides curb-to-curb transportation services for seniors, age 60 and older, and for people who have disabilities who are residents of Rosemead. Transportation is available to any destination in Rosemead for any type of trip including medical appointments, educational/recreational activities, shopping, and visits to friends and family. Transportation is also available at no cost for travel outside the City, a distance of five miles from City Hall, for medical or social service appointments. The City also offers subsidized bus fare for seniors through a contract with the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA). Development Services Business Unit 16 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 ➢ Intercommunity Blind Center: Intercommunity Blind Center focuses on integrating the blind and visually impaired youth and adults into all aspects of the sighted world. Its purpose is to reach out to these individuals and their families and link them with the educational, recreational, vocational, social, and counseling opportunities offered by the Center, at no cost to the client, thus improving their quality of life. ➢ Intercommunity Child Guidance Center (ICGC): ICGC provides children, adolescents, and families in the community with affordable, culturally-sensitive, and professional mental health services which include, cnsis, intervention, parenting education, child abuse prevention, mental health services student training, foster care assessment, psychological counseling„ and medication management.; ➢ Metro Access: Metro Access is also available to those individuals whose disabling conditions fluctuate, or when weather or environmental factors prevent them from using the regular bus system.,i'The'purpose of the Metro Access'ds to ensure that safe, dependable transportation is available;;<foc'individuals who truly cannot, because of their disability, use other types ofpublic transportation. ➢ Southern California Rehabilitation Services: ;15i,Southem California Rehabilitation Services mission is,to empower persons with=disabilities with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed 4o,acheve full` participation in the community and the ability to promote;opportuniiies'=for,;'independence. Services include in-homerv„setvice registry, 'housing assistance, peer counseling, independent living skills training, fob development, information and referrals, and training on the'Americans with Disabilities Act; Large The orb City of services to large families who reside in the ➢ Family Counsehng Family Counseling provides low-cost crisis intervention and crime prevention services to youth under the age of 18 and their families who meet certainimcome requirements. Professionally -trained and licensed counselors offer help with substka ce abuse, addictions, psychotherapy and dritervention. n yC f Female-Headed Households The organizations and facilities listed below offer services to female-headed households who reside in the City of Rosemead. j i ➢ YWCA Wings: Provides emergency shelter for women land children who become homeless as a result of domestic violence. Services include 24-hour access to emergency housing and crisis hotline, food and basic personal items, crisis support and advocacy, counseling and support groups, jmedical and legal advocacy, and specialized children's services. Development Services Business Unit 17 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Persons with Alcohol or Other Addictions The organizations and facilities listed below offer services to persons with alcohol or other addictions who reside in the City of Rosemead. ➢ L.A. Center for Alcohol & Drug Abuse (L.A. CADA): L.A. CADA provides programs to help clients stop using drugs and alcohol. The agency offers both outpatient and. in-home services. Substance abuse rehabilitation and educational programs are available, along with individual and family counseling and anger management training. Services offered include drug and alcohobrehabilitation for teens and adults, live-in drug rehabilitation for mothers, parentifi&classes, drug awareness education, counseling, and family reunification4 ➢ Southern California Alcohol and Drug Programs `(SCADl')ih,SCADP offers residential recovery programs and outpatient pro amsafor mennand. women to 'a. overcome substance abuse. meF r~;.. Persons Diagnosed with AIDS and Related'Di The organizations and facilities listed below offer sa related diseases who reside in the City of Rosemead. AIDS and ➢ L.A. Center for Alcohol & AIDS awareness and HIV ou ➢ Southern California Alcohol and services for neonle$livine with AIDS CADA provides SCADP offers Fair Housing Choice 2008-09 FY;,,.,iheCity ` hopes to continue making a significant effort to affirmatively 4 housing and~i,' y minate'iunpediments to fair housing choice that are within its On January 5;, 1995, with .&e publication of the Consolidated Submission regulations for Community Pla ' iftgj nd Development programs, significant new program requirements were established with regarot the long-standing obligation to affirmatively further fair housing. Localities seeking program funds through the Consolidated Submission procedure are required to certify that they will engage in fair housing planning; namely: (1) that they will conduct at the beginning of each five-year cycle an analysis of impediments (Al) to fair housing choice; (2) that they will carry out actions to overcome the effects of identified impediments; and (3) that they will maintain records and make available information and reports, including the analysis of impediments, to document actions undertaken to eliminate identified impediments. The City's first AI was completed in 1997 by the Fair Housing Council of San Gabriel Valley and the Center for Choice in Housing. A five-year update to the City's Al was completed in 2000, and then again in January 2006 by the Southern California Housing Rights Center (HRC). Development Services Business Unit 18 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 In order to expand housing opportunities for all groups, the City,will continue to make a significant impact in affirmatively furthering fair housing and eliminating impediments to fair housing choice by offering housing programs without impediments based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin. The City will continually increase the awareness of the availability and benefits of City programs regarding housing choice and housing assistance through public information to the community. This proves to be a positive impact on the community by ensuring that the community is aware of the different services provided by the City of Rosemead. 1_4'1. The City's Al is a comprehensive review of policies, proce that effect the location, availability and accessibility of patterns and conditions related to fair housing choice. Fair as the ability of persons of similar incomes to have availati regardless of race, color, religion, sex, disability„Mimi impediment to fair housing choice is an action, omission .c color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, oriiahonal o W-P the availability of housing choice. It is also any action or of effect. Policies, practices, or procedures that appear neat deny or adversely affect the provision of housing to persc may constitute such impediments. The 2005-2009 Al established nine (9) pot the activities the City will carry out during Current Fair Potential es, aid practices within Rosemead js'iiig, band the current residential using choice. should be understood o„them tliea'same housing choices, status, or 'national origin. An r decision takeri~because of race, nthat restricts housing choices or 46fi, or decision that has this kind on their face, but which operate to (in any particular protected class) that afe identified below as well as address these issues. According to the;2000 cerisus,the Asia'n%Pacific Islander population made up 48.9% of the Rosemead population. But,~only 15.6% of Rosemead residents assisted by the HRC from•;2003-2005 were"'Asian/Pacific'Islander. The Rosemead Asian population is reportuig,_housing issu&less frequently which may indicate a need for more fair housing outreach andeducatron tq_he Asian population in Rosemead. Actions Proposed to Overeome Potential Impediment: • Submit pulilic{se'•vice announcements regarding fair housing laws. • Publish articles on current fair housing topics in the Rosemead Resources Newsletter'and on the City's website. Housing Discrimination Complaints Based on Familial Status Potential Impediment: The highest number of housing discrimination complaints by Rosemead residents have been based on familial status. This may indicate a need for more education of landlords on families with children and fair housing. Development Services Business Unit 19 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Actions Proposed to Overcome Potential Impediment: • Publish articles on current fair housing topics in the Rosemead Resources Newsletter and on the City's website. • Distribute literature to Rosemead property owner and managers that explain the fair housing law that protects people with children under 18. Audit Testing The HRC conducted 20 phone tests to measure levels of housing discrimination in the City of Rosemead. Of this number, 10 were used to measure discrimination against people with disabilities and 10 were used to measure familial status discrimination under 18). (presence of children r" ; Disability Discrimination Potential Impediment: The HRC found that 50% of the disability phone it against people with disabilities. Some exan owners/mangers include not allowing service/gui service/guide dogs and discriminatory statements from applying for an available unit. These tests i against people with disabilities. They. may also i evidence dogs, requiring a "pet d"posit" for discourage people withldisabilities Indicate intentional discrimination 't -t. cate`alack of awareness of the fair housing laws that protect people with`disabilities from Actions Proposed to, Overcome • Conduct workshops for specifically on':the-disab • Develop abrochure/r • Build osemead',property owners'and managers that focus [y provisions of the fair;housing law. vsletter on discrimination against' people with IN, Rosemead property owners and managers. P;..:} lisability rieliN'advocates to educate their clients on the 'HRC found that V4, 1 of the familial status phone tests showed evidence of discrimination against people with children under the age of 18. These tests showed that at owners/managersgave higher security deposits, steering to first floor units, and propert y fl -out denial's of,housirig to people with children. Similar to the disability tests, this could indicate intentional discrimination against people with children under 18. They may also indicate a-`'lack of awareness of the fair housing laws that protect people from being discriminated against because they have children in the household that are under 18. Actions Proposed to Overcome Potential Impediment: • Distribute literature to Rosemead property owner and managers that explain the fair housing law that protects people with children under 18. • Develop a brochure/newsletter on discrimination against people with children under 18 to distribute to Rosemead property owners and managers. Development Services Business Unit 20 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 • Build collaboration with Rosemead schools to distribute fair housing information to parents. Marital Status Discrimination Potential Impediment: The HRC found that 40% of the phone tests showed evidence of discrimination against people based on their marital status. The discrimination took the form of occupancy limits that may be overly restrictive and differential treatment of married and unmarried couples in the amount of the credit check fee. Interesting to note is.that the HRC was not testing for marital status discrimination. Actions Proposed to Overcome Potential Impediment: • Develop a brochure/newsletter that explains the people from discrimination based on marital stat Community Survey W4 4 The HRC also conducted a survey of 32 Rosemead;,,rc 11 were individuals who are currently residents of the Cif randomly chosen from the Yahoo! Yellow Pages. T awareness of the fair housing laws and the level of Rosemead residents. `x'X> that protects The participants of'the survey emead. The respondents were of the survey was to measure discrimination experienced by Awareness of the Fair Housine Laws Potential Impediment: The survey showed that-471/o , of re and 34% had veryjittle kno3wled€ census, the population of Rosemea the Housing Rights Center asststei the total population The low level need for„irioceased,educattowand of iondenfsFliad no knowledge of the fair housing laws of the'tfair housing laws. According to the 2000 is 53,505:x, From July 1, 2000 to February 28, 2005 955 Rosemead residents, which represents 1.8% of f awarenessyof the fair housing law may indicate the I - =each activities in Rosemead. ons Proposed to 'Overcome .1. Impediment: u4Conduct a fair housing awareness campaign each year on a specific area of the Y:.v 4air,housing law (funilial status, disability, sexual harassment, etc.). • Increase literature",distribution within the City. ,1 • Partner with social service agencies that serve Rosemead residents to coordmafe fag, housing presentations for their clients. Rosemead Zoning Ordinance HRC reviewed provisions of the Rosemead Municipal Code ("RMC"), specifically Title 15 (Building and Constriction) and Title 17 (Zoning), for compliance with state and federal fair housing laws. Overly Restrictive Definition of Family Potential Impediment: Section 17.04.020 of the Rosemead Zoning Code has an overly restrictive definition of family. This definition restricts the housing choices of individuals with disabilities Development Services Business Unit 21 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 because it places numerical limits on unrelated person. The definition of "family" must emphasize the functioning of the members as a cohesive household and cannot distinguish between related and unrelated persons. Actions Proposed to Overcome Potential Impediment: • Prepare a new definition of family and amend the zoning code accordingly. Definitions of Bachelor Apartment Potential Impediment: Section 17.04.020 of the Rosemead Zoning Code defines a apartment of dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling or aF suitable for occupancy as a residence for one person." Thi property owners to discriminate against families with cliAl federal and state fair housing laws.? Actions Proposed to Overcome Potential In • Remove the definition of a bachelor Reasonable Accommodations Potential Impediment: Pursuant to fair housing laws and A City of Rosemead should provide disabilities. Actions Proposed • Prepare ,"a ordinances the The ariWsis of process. -ine;.t-ny r equal opporfunaty in will continue add these issues, the Cit} impediments identifi from 'apartment as "[A]n house, occupied or ncy limit could lead doles in violation of zoning code. with'Disabilities Act ("ADA"), the accommodations for persons with viz .3 king and nuisance abatement s are available to people with procedure entsato fair housing choice in any community is a delicate and tedious razes the effect that discrimination has in limiting housing choice and ing, swelling, and financing housing. During the 2008-09 FY, the City r..u the;gotential impediments identified in the City's AI. By addressing es to take incremental steps toward overcoming and eliminating all the the City's Al. By contracting with a Fair Housing Organization to implement a Fair Housing Program within Rosemead during the 2008-09 FY, the City hopes to provide an extensive and comprehensive community education program to inform the community about fair housing laws. This will allow the City to make a significant impact in affirmatively furthering the goal of fair housing choice. Development Services Business Unit 22 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 During the 2008-09 FY, the City will also make a significant impact in affirmatively furthering fair housing and eliminating impediments to fair housing choice by offering housing programs without impediments based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin. The City continually increases the awareness of the availability and benefits of City programs regarding housing choice and housing assistance through public information to the community. This information is distributed to the community in a number of ways, including notices placed in newspapers and on the City's newsletter. This proves to be a positive impact on the community by ensuring that the community is aware of the different services provided by the City of Rosemead. P As you can see, the City of Rosemead plans to continue maki6g3a significant effort toward ?v,F affirmatively furthering fair housing and eliminate impediments toMir housing choice that are within its authority during the period of July 1, 2008 to June 30; 2009.'x,,. The City has an ongoing commitment to preventing;' reducing, and ultimately eliminating housing discrimination and other barriers related to.equal opportunity in housQvdhoice. a h . 5€ W d" Other Actions - 91.2200 The City of Rosemead plans to undert~e'laddt oval actions thr`ougfiout 2008-2009 to further y address obstacles to meeting underserv ed needs, fostering and maintaining affordable housing, reducing the number of poverty level families, _ d,remo mg batiiers to affordable housing. Actions to to Medtina Underserved Needs The City of Rosemead facesta nuiiiber„of potential bstacles in meeting affordable housing and N a ~UAQnw community development needsand underserved=needs through the CDBG and HOME program which includes lack'of7affordable'~land for housing development, funding constraints to address A.:W. '%YNNSYd.~' Y P"S commu iff development:;.needs, afiWc ntiued reductions for CDBG, HOME, and other federal fundme.sources in each fikiihvear. The City will{continue to look~for non-traditional ways to develop affordable housing units and meet communtty dzevelopmer~- needs; work to combine funding sources and leverage private funds to develop'affordablehousing; and, to work with the federal government to ensure that sufficient funding continuesn order to meet needs. Foster and Maintain Decent Affordable Standard Housing The City of Rosemead will foster and maintain affordable rental and owner-occupied housing through the initiatives identified below. Successful implementation of these efforts relies on the collaborative effort of many community partners including public agencies, government, housing developers, non-profit agencies, and neighborhoods. The City will use its own City newsletter, as well as community events to promote these services, and to promote its housing and community service programs: Development Services Business Unit 23 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 - a TABLE'2 _ Foster andrMs-un'i n Decent l' cdable Standat ou ' _ . i . Administering Funding Target Population/ Activity / Description Agency Source Geographic Area RENTER HOUSEHOLDS Down Payment Assistance Program - The City of Rosemead has funds available to assist low income residents with the purchase of their first home. The assistance is in the form is a silent second loan (no payments until the loan is paid ilF or until 30 years from the loan origination), and Xe* is available to low income families who have not City of Rosemead %'"'"r„ _ HOME < 800/. MFI owned a home within the previous three years. t:.}s°',.,- City of Rosemead The amount of the loan will vary depending on the value of the house to be purchased to assist the homebuyer in achieving a 25% down payment. The maximum allowable loan is current) $70,000. ~t Rental Substd .'ACUVttles< :M ` s1 a c. : , c . _ v v Sa y n n $ nt , e ? ° x _ i Housing Choice Voucher Program - This Housing Authority County of Los l 50% MFI program provides rental assistance. Angeles Federal Section 8 fi City of Rosemead °tFatrJHoust ,Acnvt Fair Housing Counseling Program - This °z <800/ MFI 7 program provides information to property "City of Rosemead CDBG 1 C ty of Rosemead owners and tenants about their rights and { ~~+qr responsibilities. xt hr. ,?Moder _.ate''sn <dSubstanhiti.,al?Rehabibtah,.,..,,onrtAchvihes~••."u'~„rl Loan Program - The City provides low interest (0 r. to 3%) deferred payment loans to low,and., , aT tr moderate income homeowners who gown` and ' occupy their homes and need financial assistance ` v City of Rosemead HOME < 80%MFI to make repairs and improvements. `}The loan is „ r" City of Rosemead paid back through the sale, transfer of ownership, or refinancing of the home. Grants Program -Grants are available to sentor.' " ' citizens (62 years or older) and disabled c urzensy 'm oeowner for up to $10 000 at no cost to the' City of Rosemead CDBG <80%MFI , , ,h , for repairs related to interior and exttntr ode x,r.,; City of Rosemead deficiencies and. general home im rovementsi--.; ".K Emergency Grant'.,Program - Emergency gauts ` are available to all"'eligible income qualifi&I applicants. The maxi mum';temergency gmnt'is City of Rosemead CDBG < 800/6 MFI $2,000 for correctionsto emergency code City of Rosemead deficiencies that constitute aio-immeciate health- safer issue. Rebate Program - Rebates are`,•available to income eligible homeowners, for correction of code deficiencies and general home improvements to the exterior of the house. Fifty City of Rosemead CDBG < 800/6 MFI percent (50%) rebates up to $15,000 may be City of Rosemead obtained from the City after the homeowner satisfactorily completed the work and payments to contractors. Development Services Business Unit 24 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 n- TABliEf2'~`Continue . inD enkAff ~dg able $tandardiHoust t nd M i t F ' s 'll : os er a , s n a ec , • , Administering Funding Target Population/ Activity / Description Agency Source Geo ra h p ic Area OWNER HOUSEHOLDS Moderate andSutistantial;16 i1itadoi Achvihes; Eligible Low and Code Enforcement City of Rosemead CDBG Moderate Block Groups City of Rosemead Design Assistance - Staff planners and plan checkers are available during the regular City N/A Hall business hours to assist homeowners with City of Rosemead ,s General Fond City of Rosemead property improvement questions. Removing Barriers to Affordable Housing The City of Rosemead is committed to addressing th6'negative effects of"public policies over which it has control. In order to promote integration and prevent low-income concentrations, the City has designed its affordable housing programs to''be available Citywide. ThWpriority also stay serves to make sure that the City does not have any policies,, rules,.,o.'r regulations that would lead to minority or racial concentrations. During the next year the City will c mandated constraints and work to affordable housing development and Lead-Based As of FY 2001-02,`1he`City of Regulations (Title X), wliieh .y4 The City; will continued operatiop,of its Owner- Program. These two groups most likely to be hin existing legislatively licies that foster further began implementing the new HUD Lead Based Paint all federally assisted housing programs, including based subsidy systems, to address lead hazards. m'.ofleducation and eradication of lead-based paint through the Rehabilitation Programs and Down Payment Assistance Loan provided assistance to low-income homeowners, the target older housing with lead-based paint. The City has procued,the service of a State Certified Lead Consultant to provide the following: • Lead-based paikii9d soil inspection • Lead-based paint risk assessment • Lead-based paint hazard reduction monitoring • Post-hazard reduction clearance test. Under the Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Programs, the City will continue to provide each owner who participates with both oral and written information regarding the dangers of lead-based paint and what to do about it. Owners of properties constructed prior to 1978 will be required to meet certain lead-based paint requirements prior to being assisted. These requirements include the following: Development Services Business Unit 25 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 • Distribution of lead-based paint notification pamphlets to all households occupying assisted units. • Inspection of all properties for defective paint surfaces. • Abatement of all defective paint surfaces that are identified at the time of the inspection. Through the Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Programs, financial assistance will be provided to eradicate the problem. Full abatement will be undertaken in all rehabilitation projects over $25,000. It is the responsibility of the City's Grants Specialist :to,,ensure that properties X, ,az~ constructed prior to 1978 meet the lead-based paint requirements an&any abatement of defective paint surfaces are completed by contractors certified by the State!of California Department of Health Services. A copy of the contractor's certification is kept 0J*1 , The Down Payment Assistance Loan Program will also provide participants with oral and written information regarding the dangers of lead-based paint. The selected'units will undergo a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection that, checks for danger of lead-based; paint and will require any peeling, cracking, flaking, paint and/oi chewable surfaces to be properly seated. The City personnel responsible for conducting the visual inspection/bfthe units for HQS compliance have completed the Visual Assessment Course and received the proper course completion << certification. In addition, the City requires clearance foi chipping, peeling, cracking surfaces greater exterior of the unit or in common areas. A ri certified risk assessor wheneve,the City intervention blood lead„level (E plans to Loan Program. perties that fatl;iAn HQS inspection due to s' 4f .-,,,on the--interior and 20 s ft. on the sment wil11 a required to be completed by a fied that a child with an environmental a unit under the Down Payment Assistance Anti-Poverty Strategy The City has estabhshied goals and policies designed to improve the local economy and reduce the lev of poverty withm4he,commun iy. The strategy is outlined in the following sections. Housing and ;Community Development Ar • Housing'Aithority County of Los Angeles County - The Housing Authority County of Los Angeles'`jwill continue to provide rental assistance to the residents of Rosemead through the Federal`'Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program. This program helps to provide extremely low and low-income tenants with affordable housing and assistance in becoming self-sufficient. • Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Programs - The City will use a portion of its CDBG/HOME funds to assist those homeowners with income below the poverty level in making needed rehabilitation improvements. The various programs the City will offer are as follows: Development Services Business Unit 26 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 ➢ Loan Program - The City provides low interest (0 to 3%) deferred payment loans to seniors, persons with a disability and families of low and moderate income who own and occupy their homes and need financial assistance to make repairs and improvements. The loan is secured by the Deed of Trust and payment is deferred until the sale, transfer of ownership, refinancing of the home, or 30 years from the date shown on the signed Deed of Trust and Promissory Note. Interest is calculated at 0% for senior citizens (62 years and older) and handicapped/disabled citizens and 3% simple interest rate for all others based on the principal owed. These loans maybe used for both exterior and interior property improvements. All improvements must be approved by the City of Rosemead's Development.Services Business Unit prior to the work being done. All improvements must be done by a contractor who is properly licensed through the:'Siate of California and the City of Rosemead.: r a M e y ➢ Grants Program - Grants are available toysenior citizens (62 years or older) and disabled citizens for up to S10,000, at no cost to the homeowner, for repairs related to interior and exterior code deficiencies and general` home kr improvements. ➢ Emergency Grant Program -Emergency grants;are available to all eligible income qualified applicants:, he maximum emergency grant is $2,000 for corrections to emergency cod 6"'deficiencies that `constitute an immediate health-safety issue. Owner occupants,.are eligible forlohe (1) emergency grant. V ➢ Rebate Program - Rebates are available to mcome,eligible homeowners, for correction of code"•,deficiencies aqd' general liome improvements to the exterior of,,tlie house:-;'Fifty percent (50%) rebates up to $15,000 may be obtaine&`gin the City after the homeowner satisfactorily completed the work and payments toycontractors. Owner-occupied are eligible for one (1) • Public Services. Thi City will continue to provide public services (i.e. homeless prevention and.counselmg programs, substance abuse, after-school tutoring programs, 1. 'J J, c family counseling services, etc) s,- • DW-A-Ride - Free transportation service (Dial-A-Ride) is provided to senior residents as well`asdi ~sabled residents. The program provides curb-to-curb tran sport ation services for " seniorsage 60 and older, and for people who have disabilities who are residents of Rosemead'lTran spoifation is available to an y destination in Rosemead for any type of trip including medical appointments, educational/recreational activities, shopping, an d visits to friends"iind family. Tran sport ation is also available, at no cost, for travel outside the City, a distance of five miles from City Hall, for medical or social service appointments. The City also offers subsidized bus fare for the seniors through a contract with the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA). Economic Development The City has partnered and supported activities that promote economic development including the following programs: Development Services Business Unit 27 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 • Commercial Rehabilitation Program and Economic Development Loan Program - The Redevelopment Agency will provide, as funds are available, economic development loans and rebates to business owners for fagade improvements to buildings located within the one of the City's Redevelopment Project Areas. • Business Attraction/Retention Program - The Redevelopment Agency will assist in attracting new businesses to the City as well as retaining the current businesses. Low Income Housing Tax Credit Coordination (LIHTQ Currently, the City uses Redevelopment Agency Low and Moderate Tax Increment funds, CDBG funds, and HOME funds for affordable housing developments Tlie City has participated in one tax credit development project. The City has a' HOME-funded development fund. As part of that, there may be additional opportunities to use the Low Income Housing Tax Credit funds. In order to coordinate and assess the need of tax credits for thedevelopiient of a housing project, the Housing Division staff will work with developers and{nori=profit agency's pro forma, serve as part of the team developing tax credit financing anYwill•ealculate the financing gap, along with the maximum and minimum subsidies. This will ensure that the City's HOME, coordination x• y; will meet HOME requirements for the LIHTC program,:.,, t Institutional Structure The implementation of the Action Plan is numerous levels of government and th organizations. The City of Rosemead is Council reviews, holds hearings, approves the Action Plan to the support and cooperation of ding"for-profit and non-profit ember City Council. The City and approves the submission of The City of Rosemead's,. coordination of the Action City, develops and implem the City, develops and reha low-income and special-'nc resnonstile for cwordinatiri. ;rvices a.Business Unit is the lead agency in the [es the,tedevelopment and economic activities of the irthatrehabilitate and preserve the neighborhoods in le housing, and provides rental assistance to the very the City's population. As a lead agency, it will be ;s and organizations listed in Appendix B. While the Development Services Business Unit has the major responsibility for the Action Plan budgeting, protect formulation, and program implementation, other City departments, government agencies;: social: service agencies, and Rosemead residents play an important role as shown below. There are several inter-departmental programs, primarily in the area of neighborhood quality<of life that are composed of a wide variety of City agencies. All are funded through the CDBG or HOME as a funding source; but in many cases, departmental funds and other funding augment and leverage Action Plan Resources. • City of Rosemead's Development Services Business Unit • City of Rosemead's Department of Finance • City of Rosemead's Department of Recreation and Community Services • City of Rosemead's Department of Public Works • City Attorney • Los Angeles Sheriffs Department Development Services Business Unit 28 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development • State of California's Department of Housing and Community Development • Other local agencies • Non-profit organizations • Private sector owners The structure of the CDBG and HOME program is decentralized. While the Development Services Business Unit does administer several program activities, including several housing rehabilitation programs, other project activities are administered by sponsoring departments and City-related agencies. Guidelines for expenditure of CDBG and HOME funds are provided as needed or changes in the programs occur. Periodically, the Development Services Business Unit provides departments and City-related agencies with training,iriHUD grant regulations. There are many organizations that actively co services, and community and economic develc preparation and implementation of the Action Plat The City, for its part, will promote and encourage faif~l family home rehabilitation through: • Continued utilization of the services of a fair educate and enforce fair housing iW& com'I • Continued working with the Housing, Auth6 its Section 8 Rental Assistance Program for • Continued use of CDBG, HOME, Redeveli very low-income "homeowners in rehabtl substandard conditions. '``:•^aThe City will rehabilitation nro¢rams through the use of a • Continued use of ih6,Salvati6n for the,citizens,of Rosemead as One ofitl a biggest challe i€ availableyin,mamtaining aN he areas '1o_f ,housing, homeless coordinate closely in both the housing assistance, and single- organization to promote, of b69 Angeles to implement ment' --,State funds to assist low and ding their homes and in eliminating continue to encourage the different ertising in Rosemead Resources. XCA-Wings to provide shelter services is the lack of or ever-decreasing amount of funds and community development goals. A related challenge is the need for better coordination and cooperation between the City and social service and~health providers. For homeless activities, a seamless approach to provision of transitional and permanent;h6using services requires that such providers be actively involved in r each facet of the Continuum of Care. However, other housing activities, such as rehabilitation, demolition of abandoned or hazardous units, acquisition of sites for potential single family and multifamily affordable housing, home ownership assistance, and new construction need to be integrated within the social service and health provider community as well. The key to a strong institutional structure is the ability to develop and share data on the progress and status of beneficiaries through the development of integrated information systems. There are now several data information systems in place that, to various degrees, track the progress of a variety of beneficiaries from initial intake, through provision of services, and to completion of Development Services Business Unit 29 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 participation. For example, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) is committing itself to a five-year developmental plan for the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). A primary goal is to integrate the HMIS with other databases in sharing of commonly needed information. Institutions playing a major role in delivery of community development programs often have different mandates, and consequently different priorities and strategies to achieve them. These mandates are most often imposed by Congress, and reflected through the regulations of federal funding agencies. In several cases, goals may overlap or conflict. A major obstacle to delivery of services through a variety of in reduction of federal and state funds for a variety of needed giving is declining. While the primary actors in the Action Plan pr Services Business Unit, there are a significant oversee a wide variety of grants and programs t. City residents, and play an important role in imr of Coordination Efforts The City will carry out this Action Plan throng] social service agencies funded through CDBG Morrison Health Care - Senior Nutrition Provid( Rosemead School District, acid •Southern Califon departments will work;together`to.achieve the g Safety Department '(Code Enforcement), the 1 Rehabilitation Loan Programs), and the Public ituiions is the continuing trend grainis; In addition, foundation h4, Council, and=the Development agencies and' ipartments that es to low an d moderate-income :ion Plan as mentioned above. ious organizations including a number of ("funds (the.-Family Counseling Services, maple for People, Rosemead High School, ousing-Rights). In addition, various City of this Action Plan, including the Public ing Services Division (Owner-Occupied rks Department (Targeted Public Works The City=also works wrth'the State„other local governments (County of Los Angeles), private industry;,'construction contractors,nonpofit organizations and social service providers to provide community, housing,and social service programs and projects. The City is committed to extend and strengthen partnerships among all levels of government and the private sector;including,for-profit and non-profit organizations. The means of cooperation and coordination with these various groups will continue to enhance the services provided to the residents of our City. Public Housing Improvements and Resident Initiatives There are no public housing developments in the City. Consequently, this section does not apply. Development Services Business Unit 30 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 HOME/American Dream Down Payment Initiative (ADDI) The City does not receive ADDI funds. Consequently, this section does not apply. HOME Provisions Leveraging and Match - The City is a 100% HOME match reduction community. Therefore, there is no match requirement for the City of Rosemead. Recapture - As stated in the Consolidated Plan, HOME re (13)(ii) requires that the participating jurisdiction "recoups assistance to the homebuyers if the housing does not continue family for the duration for the period of affordability." In as § City of Rosemead has adopted the policy of repaymen 4t1ofb refinanced or the home is sold during the 15-year affordabili interest rate penalty. This interest rate penalty declines over principal of HOME funds are always repaid. In addition, if t the 15-Year affordability Period then an equity 9 share is e require O Public Housing - 91' Troubled Public There are no apply. atiorir24' CFR 92.254, Section for a portion of the HOME baahe,principal resident of the dancc~with the requirement, the t,. IME f nid lent. If the loan is period, the "City will charge an first 10 years of the,,loan. The home is sold before the end of in tt e",g-ity. Consequently, this section does not rds and Procedures - 91.230 The City understands that allfefforts using federal, state, and local resources to carry out its Action Plan must'be condu'"eted in accordance with established laws, regulations, and sound management and accounting practices. The following procedures have been established for monitoring activities: Y • Ongoing, internal reviews of progress reports and expenditures. • Regular, internal meetings to coordinate staff efforts in regard to performance and compliance. • Periodic reports to appropriate City officials and other stakeholders. • Full review of audit statements and other documentation from subrecipient's prior to disbursement of funds. Development Services Business Unit 31 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead . FY 2008-2009 • On-site visits of all subrecipient's to ensure compliance with federal regulations. Technical assistance is provided where necessary. • Project and fmancial data on CDBG-funded activities will be maintained using the HUD software - IDIS (Integrated Disbursement Information System). Use of this system will allow HUD staff easy access to local data for review and progress evaluation. • Timely submission of the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). Under the supervision of the Assistant City Manager of Extemal'Affairs, the Economic Development Administrator oversees the CDBG and HOME funded programs for the City. This a position ensures that all of the CDBG- and HOME-funded' programs are implemented in compliance with federal regulations and local policy. This would include ensuring compliance with Davis-Bacon, environmental review, fair housing minority and women owned business enterprises, Section 3, affirmative marketing through "on-going monitoririgrof programs and services assisted with CDBG and HOME funds. The Economic Development Administrator coordinates,with%tlie different internal departments receiving CDBG funds to operate the Code Enforcement Program, Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program, and the Targeted.Public Works Projects. However, each program is administered or coordinated by the aPProPriate staff in each d eP` artment and supervised by the . , Director and Assistant Director of that d atment:u=;; , In regards to Public Works Projects, the City's,Constructi&fi,.Management Consultant, under the direction of the Administrafive<Services Officer,ior general capital improvement projects will be responsible for Davis-=Bacon Compliance including monitoring of bid package, public bid process, a check with the, State Contractor's License,,Board and federal Debarment system to ensure contractors are licensed and not. debarred from~federal contracts. Monitoring will include further reviews of the contract to measure pgrfomiance, Davis-Bacon wage rates, site visits and interviews,ofworkers,'during constriction and`prior to project close out. The Management Anal yst,•;under the-direction of the Economic Development Administrator, coordinafes'',:with the CDBG funded subrecipient's (i.e. Family Counseling Services, Morrison Health Care =S.Senior Nutrition Provider, People for People, Rosemead High School, Rosemead School District;*and Souther T alifornia Housing Rights Center) in the administration of their programs. The lead person for the Consolidated Plan preparation and yearly reporting is the Economic Development Administrator under the supervision of the Assistant City Manager of External Affairs. Development Services Business Unit 32 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Minority / Women's Business Outreach - 91.230 In addition to prohibiting discrimination, fair housing, and equal opportunity, laws require recipients of federal housing funds to be proactive in encouraging participation in any projects or programs funded through federal sources. They must affirmatively market housing, employment, and contracting opportunities to minorities, women, and low-income residents and businesses. AXThe City has effectively promoted affirmative marketing th • Use of the fair housing logo or equal opportunity posters on office walls, and referrals to a fair housir • Use of funding agreements to require subrecipi relating to equal employment opportunities', • Use of non-English language newspapers' (as nee about projects, and translators at public meetrsingsi, Furthermore, the City maintains the following marketing ie • Methods of informing the public,;,owners, and pc housing laws and the City's affirmativemarketing p • Procedures to be used to inform and sohctbapp. housing market area who are not likely. to apply» f • Records that will be kept describing actions taken affirmatively in ketmg' p ograms and pc jects. informing actions: ing materials, requirements :nts and procedures: tenants about federal fair °from the persons in the without special outreach. City and subrecipients in For employment aff&- Yticr econoiiuc developmenteopportunities generated by certain HUD financial assistance, the'City shall,!.to,,.the greatest extent feasible and in conformance with existing FederalIState, and local law and regulations, be directed to low and very-low income cx t~ v~ persons, particularlythose who$are recipients of government assistance for housing, and to dam' building-contractors which providececonomic opportunity to low and very-low income persons as t , V, . reouirediunder Section 3. 4&A In addition, thbiCity maintains the following employment and contracting requirements: • Adoption b e form ,policy concerning nondiscrimination in employment, and a designated department to oversee compliance; • Procedures innotifymg minority and female recruitment sources for Request for Proposals on City projects; • Placement of minority and women-owned businesses (MBE/WBEs) on solicitation lists; and • Use of services and assistance of the Small Business Administration and Minority Business Development Agency to encourage MBE/WBD participation in City projects. Development Services Business Unit 33 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 For all federally funded contracts, the City has set forms that are included in all bid packages. These forms consist of a listing of federal equal employment opportunity/affirmative action requirements, requirements for contracting with small and minority-owned firms, women's business enterprise and labor surplus area information, certification regarding performance of previous contracts or subcontracts subject to the equal opportunity clause, and the filing of required reports. The City maintains opportunities for minority businesses and contractors to access its programs This includes maintaining a courtesy contractors list for its residential rehabilitation program. In addition, the City hosts an annual homebuyer fair and outreaches minonty'lenders and agents for representation in its fair for its mortgage assistance program. ~y 1e City will continue these activities in the 2008-09 FY. z 4& Strategic Goals and In Fiscal Year 2008-09, the City of Rosemead will underfake the following programs/projects. Housing Strategy: Continue funding for resides Rehabilitation (OOR) Programs Goal: Combined totallbf20=units T , xai Strategy: Continue funding fort e Down Goal: 2 new homebuyers 4- D StrategyContmue providing support s Angeles (HACoLA)~„ Goa1.N. .u. Residential na ticivatio ofiSe& Strategy: P,iovide funding Goal: 1 affordable hou t i rrY a Strategy: Provide funding Goal: 400 cases the Owner Occupied Loan Program to the Housing Authority County of Los 8 program CHDO for the development of an affordable housing unit unit for the Code Enforcement Program Strategy: Conduct on-site inspections and follow-up on HOME assisted rental units Goal: Inspect units at Los Girasoles and Garvey Senior Housing and to follow-up with annual income verifications RESOURCES: CDBG and HOME funds will be used, as well as Redevelopment Low and Moderate Income funds and General funds Development Services Business Unit 34 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Homeless Strategy: Continue to be a member and participant of the Homeless Continuum of Care Goal: Eliminate gaps in the system Strategy: Provide funding to People for People for homeless assistance and prevention activities Goal: Assist 100 residents Strategy: Conduct unsheltered homeless count Goal: Complete 1 count "s r RESOURCES: CDBG funds will be used Community Development Strategy: Continue funding ofADA Improvements 'to?PublicF,acilitie Goal: Complete ADA Improvements to City Hall" Strategy: To improve infrastructure, especially south of intestate 10 Goal: Complete one (1) targeted public'works project r Strategy: To eliminate blighting conditions' Goal: Complete public, facility improvement,to Dinsmoore House Strategy: Funding Goal: Provide" Strategy: Goal Fund a van homelessness, CDBG rebates and loans ice to 1;>business services'to"Plow ,"and> i oderate-income households with a specific o, youth and battered women. Y of social services agencies specializing in mental health, pousal abu e,- peer mediation, youth and elderly services. nds City General funds, and other federal and state grants will be Fair Housing .s Strategy: Continue to provide fair housing services through a contract with a Fair Housing Organization Goal: Funding the Southern California Housing Rights Center (HRC) and provide fair housing information to 200 households Strategy: Implement Analysis of Impediments (AI) recommendations Goal: Continue striving to eliminate potential impediments identified in the City's AI Development Services Business Unit 35 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 RESOURCES: CDBG funds will be used IJ~, Proposed Projects Tables - 91.220(g)(1)(i) Attached Development Services Business Unit 36 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 STANDARD FORM 424 Development Services Business Unit 37 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Reserved at-~ Y~- {tiit yt ei...t tv.. r a y ~~t: 1 pt ;Y Development Services Business Unit 38 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 'Y . 0 • OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Daze: 01/31/2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 '1. Type of Submission: `2. Type of Application ' If Revision, select appropriate letter(s) ❑ Preapplication ❑ New ® Application ® Continuation `Other (Specify) ❑ Changed/Corrected Application ❑ Revision 3. Date Received: 4. Applicant Identifier: B-08-MC-06-0580 5a. Federal Entity Identifier: '5b. Federal Award Identifier: State Use Only: 6. Date Received by State: 7. State Application Identifier: 8. APPLICANT INFORMATION: `a. Legal Name: City of Rosemead 'b. Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN): c. Organizational DUNS: 95-2079994 10-248-1764 d. Address: `Street 1: 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Street 2: 'City: Rosmead County: Los Angeles `State: California Province: `Country: USA 'Zip / Postal Code 91770 e. Organizational Unit: Department Name: Division Name: Development Services Business Unit Housing Division f. Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application: Prefix: Mrs. `First Name: Michelle Middle Name: G. `Last Name: Ramirez Suffix: Title: Economic Develoment Adiministrator Organizational Affiliation: 'Telephone Number: (626) 569-2158 Fax Number: (626) 307-9218 `Email: mramirez@cityofrosemead.org , 39 • • OMB Number: 4040-0004 Ezpirmion Daze: 01131/2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 `9. Type of Applicant 1: Select Applicant Type: C. City or Township Government Type of Applicant 2: Select Applicant Type: Type of Applicant 3: Select Applicant Type: 'Other (Specify) '10 Name of Federal Agency: Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development 11. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 14.218 CFDA Title: Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants '12 Funding Opportunity Number: `Title: 13. Competition Identification Number: Title: 14. Areas Affected by Project (Cities, Counties, States, etc.): City of Rosemead "15. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: 40 OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Date: 01/31/2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 16. Congressional Districts Of: .a. Applicant: 31st `b. Program/Project: 31st 17. Proposed Project: `a. Start Date: 07/01/2008 `b. End Date: 06/31/2009 18. Estimated Funding `a. Federal $1,138,481 `b. Applicant `c. State `d. Local $790,000 `e. Other `f. Program Income $25,000 `g. TOTAL $1,953,481 `19. Is Application Subject to Review By State Under Executive Order 12372 Process? ❑ a. This application was made available to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review on ❑ b. Program is subject to E.O. 12372 but has not been selected by the State for review. . ® c. Program is not covered by E. 0. 12372 `20. Is. the Applicant Delinquent On Any Federal Debt? (If "Yes", provide explanation.) ❑ Yes ® No 21. `By signing this application, I certify (1) to the statements contained in the list of certifications" and (2) that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required assurances" and agree to comply with any resulting terms if I accept an award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U. S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001) ® "I AGREE " The list of certifications and assurances, or an internet site where you may obtain this list, is contained in the announcement or agency specific instructions Authorized Representative: Prefix: Mr. 'First Name: Oliver Middle Name: `Last Name: Chi Suffix: `Title: City Manager `Telephone Number: (626) 569 - 2106 ! Fax Number: (626) 307-9218 Email: ochi@cityofrosemead.org Signature of Authorized Representative: `Date Signed: 04/22/08 Authorized for Local Reproduction Standard Form 424 (Revised 10/2005) Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 41 0 0 OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Daze: 01/31/2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 version 02 'Applicant Federal Debt Delinquency Explanation The following should contain an explanation if the Applicant organization is delinquent of any Federal Debt. N/A 42 • OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Daze: 01131/2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF424 Version 02 •1. Type of Submission: •2. Type of Application • If Revision, select appropriate letter(s) ❑ Preapplication ❑ New ® Application ® Continuation 'Other (Specify) ❑ Changed/Corrected Application ❑ Revision 3. Date Received: 4. Applicant Identifier: M-08-MC-06-0553 5a. Federal Entity Identifier: •5b. Federal Award Identifier: State Use Only: 6. Date Received by State: 7. State Application Identifier: 8. APPLICANT INFORMATION: •a. Legal Name: City of Rosemead •b. Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN): •c. Organizational DUNS: 95-2079994 10-248-1764 d. Address: 'Street 1: 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Street 2: 'City: Rosmead County: Los Angeles 'State: California Province: 'Country: USA 'Zip / Postal Code 91770 e. Organizational Unit: Department Name: Division Name: Development Services Business Unit Housing Division f. Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this application: Prefix: Mrs. "First Name: Michelle Middle Name: G. 'Last Name: Ramirez Suffix: Title: Economic Develoment Adiministrator Organizational Affiliation: 'Telephone Number: (626) 569-2158 Fax Number: (626) 307-9218 'Email: mramirez@cityofrosemead.org 43 • • OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Daze: 01/312009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 '9. Type of Applicant 1: Select Applicant Type: C. City or Township Government Type of Applicant 2: Select Applicant Type: Type of Applicant 3: Select Applicant Type: `Other (Specify) '10 Name of Federal Agency: Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development 11. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 14.239 CFDA Title: HOME Investment Partnerships Program •12 Funding Opportunity Number: 'Title: 13. Competition Identification Number: Title: 14. Areas Affected by Project (Cities, Counties, States, etc.): City of Rosemead '15. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: Homeownership Assistance, Housing Rehabilitation, and CHDO Assistance ~J • OMB Number: 4040-0004. Expiration Daze: 01/312009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 16. Congressional Districts Of: 'a. Applicant: 31 st 'b. Program/Project: 31st 17. Proposed Project: •a. Start Date: 07/01/2008 'b. End Date: 06/31/2009 18. Estimated Funding 'a. Federal $496,123 'b. Applicant 'c. State 'd. Local $1,712,682 'e. Other 'f. Program Income 'g. TOTAL $2,208,805 '19. Is Application Subject to Review By State Under Executive Order 12372 Process? ❑ a. This application was made available to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review on ❑ b. Program is subject to E.O. 12372 but has not been selected by the State for review. ® c. Program is not covered by E. O. 12372 '20. Is the Applicant Delinquent On Any Federal Debt? (If "Yes", provide explanation.) ❑ Yes ® No 21. 'By signing this application, I certify (1) to the statements contained in the list of certifications'" and (2) that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required assurances" and agree to comply with any resulting terms if I accept an award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U. S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001) ® "I AGREE "The list of certifications and assurances, or an internet site where you may obtain this list, is contained in the announcement or agency specific instructions Authorized Representative: Prefix: Mr. 'First Name: Oliver Middle Name: 'Last Name: Chi Suffix: 'Title: City Manager 'Telephone Number: (626) 569 - 2106 Fax Number: (626) 307-9218 ' Email: ochi@cityofrosemead.org Signature of Authorized Representative: Date Signed: 04/22/08 Authorized for Local Reproduction Standard Form 424 (Revised 10/2005) Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 45 • • OMB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Date: 01/31/2009 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 Version 02 'Applicant Federal Debt Delinquency Explanation The following should contain an explanation if the Applicant organization is delinquent of any Federal Debt. N/A 46 FUNDING SOURCES Development Services Business Unit 47 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Reserved Development Services Business Unit 48 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Funding Sources Entitlement Grant (includes reallocated funds) CDBG $ 1,138,481 ESG $ - HOME $ 496,123 HOPWA $y Total 1,634,604 Prior Years' Program Income NOT prev ; iously programmed or reported CDBG F Y$ ESG , HOME E h'"$ HOPWA $ ^r Total R d P i Y ' F d l t .4 eprogramme r or ears un s CDBG a$ 790,000 ESG $ HOME $ 1,712,682 HOPWA 4 $ " . Total 4j $ 2 502 682 , , Total Estimated Program Income. Loan Paybacks~, 1 $ 25,000 Total 25,000 Section 108 Loan Guarantee Fund' $ TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES 4,162,286 ~ a l K,+ ,fCay x Other Funds Total $ Vn Submitted Proposed Projects Totals $ 4,162,286 Unsubmitted Proposed Projects Totals $ 0 Development Services Business Unit 49 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Reserved Development Services Business Unit 50 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 FIVE YEAR GOALS Development Services Business Unit 51 City of Rosemead Annual Action Plan FY 2008-2009 Reserved Development Services Business Unit 52 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 { ~ A O y T E y w $Wy ~ ~ v Q O w N ~ E ~ ' 'O O N~ Q O N O O A ~ € E ~ v d o A o c a m y c c U E F ° ' F i m 2} E E Ua S d ,o C~ g o o o tQ O y C~ N v O O O ~ ~ L ~ ~ O m W COL E A 1 ° T O O Eb ~ O Q 4 d N m> Q O N ` i ¢ ❑ wi ~ N C N ~ d Y S e . U a U 'o c 'o ai~ o f y 4 v ~ a c c t ~ E o o > ~ L a u ti U ❑ O Cp/^ Q N C 000 F ❑ O 6 S E p 'C ° ~ F = ~ m o A,s'"[ ~ 'y U ° ' ~ c ai E a v E a rn 2 c r o ^ O O U ; ! 0 W Q 4L ~ W 4i ~ O Y (J A v~ y G ~ O Q W U 0.~ W > .n ~ O R v C 9 G u ° 0 E V C7 o. ! a ~ ' W c F 0 o O ry ~ ~ v W y ~ Q E, 'a n' S C f~ E 'o a ~ U a E ~ O!O ~ Q 00 d 0 L W ~ O W y " 0 ~ ❑ y $ O W ~ p .~2 ~ ° U of ~ yo a d ' d a ~'O a . ~ v$ U~ c ~ ~ . ! G N n e O a E a :d C •o v O❑ U t S 9~ E ~ U " E y c 0 .0 o `o L ' ` a 6~i N !y S° O v. A - C E ~ w . w v oi c A o w p 's ' a ` r v. Z g+ ~ ~ c~ 5 ~ c l o U a o t U i a+~ 6 ~ x f ] y ❑ ppt~ rn a n. E o v U ' s a ° 0O n, E ~ ~ w w.- ~ ti W + Q Urn ~ a w1 vl 5 on ' h O C7 7 o Q~ W y c c v ~ 5 E v ~ O ~1 i UU aa O C.~ ~ N T ° 9 YJ A .~'.A ~rO~w.II '~"Q y ~ I~ O a~~ ❑O U ~ w ~ d7 ¢ vi L ~ T S a 7 0 O ~r F Y F`I ~ G r v~ O c J ` y o v y ti ~ v a Q .c C T• o .U ~ W .E v ,7 o' ; m ❑ o m U z _ N m t q > o a q y o v o v v ~ o 4 V ° a~ ,`0. ~ ~y N 7'. n ~ Vf atf y ry : O V :a a ? ~ ~ ~ 3 U p"C ~ ~ ~ ~m a S, b u Q ny c ~w O ~r ~ a E o N ~ x 7~ o U , S 7~ `i9-~x_y 4 ~ ! 1L G O ; l H 0 4. O Y O = tt f/ - d N ,00 y ~ ~ O .O [lO A ~ t. N ° E m A c o a s ~ e s ~ a o p v ~ v Y c ° 5 0 v E z E E h ~ ~ y V ❑ O Q ~ 0 Z O k ~ _ ~ E G G Q y yOa " .J y. ~ a ¢ a aa` U E E [it a ¢ O 0 ~ N C °O 0 0 o N ~ w Q H N v C h v .4 U) ro v N O O ~ 0 > T QV 0 0 0 G °O O ~ U N Q~ a b N 7 L N o; h N N N 7 P] N v u vv c E v v E o 0 0 v o v o 0 PROPOSED PROJECTS Development Services Business Unit 55 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Reserved YI Development Services Business Unit 56 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0001 4750-Administration Priority Need Planning and Administration Project Title General Administration Project Description Provide funds toward the payment of reasonable administra and execution of community development activities financed and "carrying charges rela or in Dart,bv CDBG funds. planning Location N/A z ' i'%" "r d ~ t 9 ja. 41 :wt,li HUD Matrix Code Title 01 21A General Pro 'm' Administration; CDBG Citation '-Eligibility r 570.206 570i208(a)(1) '"UM Area Type of Recipient Locations z" Local Government ' eN/A Start Date. ',Ciimpletioii'Datc 07/01/2008 0i00/2009 Annual'Units Uniti'",Upon Completion N/A ' N/A Objective Category Outcome' Category N/A 4„' N/A KThe primary purpose is tahelp:, ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs 2^~3 Funding Sources CDBG $202,696 ESG HOME HOPWA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Program Income - CDBG $ 5,000 Total $207,696 Development Services Business Unit 57 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0002 4750-7610-P95002 Priority Need Public Service Project Title ' Southern California Housing Rights Center .Project Description ? Provide funds for the Southern California Housing Rights' _Center to pre pare and admmister;ta Far Housing Counseling Program in the City of Rosemead. ry v'k L- v . Location 1020 N. Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena, California 91103 520 Virgil Avenue, Suite 400, Los Angeles, California 90020' 3415 S. Sepulveda Boulevard, Suite 150, Los Angeles;. Cali forniar90034' ` ~ HUD Matrix Code Title 3 Fair .Housing Activities 21 D subject to 20% Admix u CDBG Citation Eligibility 570.206 „ N/A "ru9_ ¢ br, Type of Recipient Location Subrecipient Public - Address =rt 570.500(c). Start Date Completion Date 07/01/2008 'S 06/30/2009 Annual Units Units Upon Completion 200 People 200 People Objective Category LL ?Outcome-Category Decent Housing Availability/Accessibility Th e primary purpose is to help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs Funding Sources CDBG $25,000 ESG HOME HOP WA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $25,000 Development Services Business Unit 58 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0003 4750-7610-P77602 Priority Need Plannine and Administration Project Title Rehabilitation Proeam - Administration Project Description Provide funds for the direct delivery program costs for the Location N/A HUD Matrix Code Title -2 14H Rehabilitation=Administration. CDBG Citation Eligibility 570.202 '570'.208(a)(3) 1/M Housing Type of Recipient Locifion Local Government N/A A, Start Date -,Completion'Date 07/01/2008,-' .,,&/30/2009'"''f,--, Annual Units Uni&Upon Completion, N/A Objective' Category OutcmnerCategory:- N/A N/A 11, The primary purpose is to help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS'';" i ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs rr: i 'Funding Sources CDBG $234,887 ESG HOME HOPWA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $234,887 Development Services Business Unit 59 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0004 4750-Emergency Grants Priority Need Housing Project Title Rehabilitation Program - Emergency Grants Project Description Provide funds for a $2,000 emergency grant to homeowners(who are low to moderate-income and peed funding for correction to emergency code deficiencies that constitute an immediate health safety issue. sip Location Community Wide a HUD Matrix Code Title 14A Rehab; Single-Unit Residential CDBG Citation Eligibility 570.202 570:-208 a)(3) LM Housing Type of Recipient Location'._ Local Government -,rte -Commum Wide k > ~y rs Start Date..':::,'' ' , ;Completion Date 07/01/2008' 06/30/2009 Annual Units UnitsVpon Completion 5 Households`•€ 5 Households Objective Category Outcme;Category o e " Decent Housine"'r•' iy Accessibility Avail abl [ ~I rt - The primary purpose is to.lielp ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS El Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs a' Funding Sources " CDBG $ 10,000 ESG HOME HOP WA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total . $ 10,000 Development Services Business Unit 60 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0005 4750- Grants Priority Need Project Title Rehabilitation Proaram - Grants Project Description Provide funds for a $10,000 grant to low and moderate-i homeowners for repairs related to interior and exterior code 1n Location Community Wide HUD Matrix Code Title 14A Rehab Sm le Unit Residential CDBG Citation ; '"Eligibility 570.202 5701208(a)(3) LJM Housing Type of Recipient Location Local Government , Community Wide Start Date .,J" 'Completion Date 07/01/2008 06/30/2009 Annual Units Units Upon Completion 15 Households. 15 Households Objective Category Outcome Category Decent Housing '".c Availability/Accessibility hie The primary purpose is tohel ❑ the Homeless " ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs senior citizens (62 years or older)-and disabled icies and~aeneral home improvements. Funding Sources CDBG $150,000 ESG HOME HOPWA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $150-000 Development Services Business Unit 61 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Annual'AetlopRlan U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0006 4750- Rebates Priority Need Housing Project Title Rehabilitation Proffam - Rebates Project Description Provide funds for a continuing program that provides rel $2,000 for $4,000 worth of improvements) to homeowners' Location Community Wide HUD Matrix Code Title= g 14A Rehab; Sin le-Unit Residential CDBG Citation i-r `Eligibility 570.202 570:208(a)(3) =,'L/M Housing Type of Recipient Location='=~~ Local Government '+.t ..Commutii~k`Wide Start Date ;'V" " r'Completion'Date 07/01/2008' 06/30/2009 Annual Units Units Upon Completion 2 Households' 2 Households Objective Category Outcome-Category Decent Housin "c'! ,-r- Availability/Accessibility D Th e primary purpose is totielp:,- ❑ . the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs 50% off the cost of home improvements (up to Funding Sources CDBG $ 30,000 ESG HOME HOP WA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $ 30,000 Development Services Business Unit 62 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0007 4750-7610-P77802 Priority Need Project Title Rehabilitation Proaram - Lead/Asbestos Project Description Provide funds for testing and clearance testing (including, participate in the City's Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Pr( Location Community Wide HUD Matrix Code Title' So 141 Lead/Based/Lead Hazard Test/Abate CDBG Citation Eligibility 570.202 570.208(a)(3) IIM Housing Type of Recipient r s` Location Local Government ` .'Community Wide Start Date:" Completion Date;?, 07/01/2008:•. 06/30/2009 o e Annual Units., Units Upon Completion 30 Households 30 Households Objective Category „ OutcomeiCategory Decent Housing ;<s„ Availability/Accessibility r' The primary purpose is to Help: ❑ the Homeless , ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs s: units to 1978 that Funding Sources CDBG $ 16,500 ESG HOME HOPWA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $ 16,500 Development Services Business Unit 63 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 0 °w w . z.;: ? 2008 2009AonhaNidil Ptao U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0008 4750-7610-P77702 Priority Need Housing Project Title Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program - Lead/Asbestos Remediation Project Description x Provide grant funds to remediate lead/asbestos hazards in,, units participating in the Cify'.s.Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program. Location Community Wide HUD Matrix Code Title j,.,. . 141 Lead/Based/Lead Hazard TestlAbate CDBG Citation `'Eligibility - 570.202 570.208(a)(3) LJM Housing Type of Recipient Location. + Local Government. _Community,W~de Start Date 'Completion Date 07/01/2008 06/30/2009 Annual Units Units Upon Completion 30 Households 30 Households Objective Category Outcome Category Decent Housin '`T-'', Availability/Accessibility The primary purpose is to ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ~ ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs 'Funding Sources CDBG $150,000 ESG HOME HOPWA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $150,000 Development Services Business Unit 64 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0009 4750-7610-P96202 Priority Need Public Service Project Title Code Enforcement Project Description Provide funds for a proactive code enforcement program in': on an official designation of deteriorating and/or deteriorated low and moderate-income block•eroups based Location CT: 432901 BG: 3 County 06037; CT: 423902 BG 1'=,,county. 06037 CT ,433601 BG: 1 County. 06037; CT: 433602 BG: 1 County. 06037; CT: 482303 BG: I'County: 06037; CV482303 BG: 2 County. 06037; CT: 482303 BG: 3 County. 06037; CT: 482304 13G: 1 County b6037„,CT: 482304 BG: 2 County: 06037; CT: 482401 BG: 2 County: 06037; CT: 482401 13G: 3Xounty: 06037; CT: 482402 BG: 1 County: 06037; CT: 482502 BG: I County:,-06037, CT, 482502 BGi='YCounty. 06037; CT: 482503 BG: 1 County: 06037; CT: 482503 BG: 2 County` 06037 HUD Matrix Code Title ,ry 15 ,Code Enforcement CDBG Citation Eligibility 570.202(c'. 570.208(a)(1)'-6MIArea Type of Recipient Location. Local Government CT & fi0s z3 Start Date Completion Date' 07/01/2008 06/30/2009 Annual Units ".o.t Units Upon Completion 400 Households =900 Households Objective Category - 'Outcome Category Decent Living Susiainability, 4' Funding Sources CDBG $168,626 ESG HOME HOPWA Prior Year Funds - CDBG $241,300 Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $409,926 The primary purpose is to help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs Development Services Business Unit 65 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 MnuafAedon,Pn U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0010 4750-6320-P93102 Priority Need Public Service Project Title Family Counseling Services Project Description Provide funds for the Family Counseling Program. intervention and crime prevention services to youth and requirements. Professionally -trained and licensed psychotherapy and intervention. Program provides4ow-cost crisis e families who meet certain income vith substance 'abuse, addictions, Location a.. 121 S. Santa Anita Street, San Gabriel, California 917,76 HUD Matrix Code Title 050 'Mental Health Services CDBG Citation Eligibili ty 570.201(e) 570.208 a 2), 3U Limited Clientele Type of Recipient . ;.Location Subrecipient Private -Address ~Y 570.500(c)' Start Date Completion Date ' 07/01/2008. 06/30/2009 Annual Unitsr;; Units Upou Completion 50 Peo le 50 Peo le;, Objective Category - 4 Outcome `.Category Suitable Li, i gr xSustainability Environment J~T The primary purpose is to help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs Funding Sources CDBG $ 40,000 ESG HOME HOP WA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Fundin Total $ 40,000 Development Services Business Unit 66 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0011 4750-6320-P94102 Priority Need Public Service Project Title People for Pe "t0 Project Description Provide funds for the People for People Program. The Peoy clothing, counseling and job search assistance to those who are or food, 11 Location 860 E. Mission Drive, San Gabriel, California 91 HUD Matrix Code Title „ 05 Public Services (General) CDBG Citation Eligibility 570.201(e) -570:208(a)(2)='L/MLimited Clientele Type of Recipient Location Subrecipient Private Address',',;' 570.500(c) Start Date r.•" Completion Date 07/01/2008"- 06/30/2009 - Annual.Units Units .Upon Completion 3,106Peole`. 3,106"Pe'`]e ix' Objective Category Outcome"Category Suitable `Living Availability/Accessibility Environment '•t' The primary purpose is to help: © the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs Funding Sources CDBG $ 27,600 ESG HOME HOPWA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding . Total $ 27,600 Development Services Business Unit 67 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 i ~ r _ F.~ ` , .;2008 2009 Anooal Actloli Plan U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project 11) Local ID 0012 4750-6320-P93902 Priority Need Public Service Project Tide Rosemead School District Project Description Provide funds for the Rosemead School Districts moderate-income Rosemead families and students. and peace fair to low and Location 3907 Rosemead Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 HUD Matrix Code Title' 05 Public Services'(General) CDBG Citation Eligiblity i b 570.201(e) 57 2 b 8(a)(2) = L M Limited Clientele Type of Recipient Location=, Subrecipient Private' , ~ Address Start Date Completion Date'',, 07/01/2008 06/30/2009 Annual Units Units Upon Completion n U 200 People po 200 Peo Objective Category Outcome Category Suitable Living. Sustainability Environment `:tom The primary purpose is to help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs Funding Sources CDBG $ 11,698 ESG HOME HOPWA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $ 11-698 Development Services Business Unit 68 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0013 4750-6320-P93402 Priority Need Youth Services Project Title Rosemead High School Project Description Provide funds for the Rosemead High School to provide programs/services for at-risk Rosemead stadent's. Location 9063 E. Mission Drive, Rosemead, California 91776 . HUD Matrix Code Title , - 05D , Youtkr Services . CDBG Citation Eligibility ' 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) = L M Limited Clientele Type of Recipient Location Subrecipient Private Address. x* F1 ` 570.500(c) a Start Date Completion'Date 07/01/2008 06/30/2009 Annual Units Units',Upon Completion 150 Youth"i',i,_:. 150 Youth' Objective Category Outcotne°;,Category Suitable 'Living Sustainability Environment The primary purpose is to help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs 'Funding Sources CDBG $ 13,650 ESG HOME HOP WA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $ 13,650 Development Services Business Unit 69 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 . , a200B '2009 Anoaal Acdoo.Plao U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0014 4750-7610-P95202 Priority Need Senior Services Project Title Senior Nutrition Project Description Provide funds for the Senior Nutrition Program. The Senior Nutrition Program provides high quality; cost efficient, nutritious meals at two City locations (Garvey Community Center-.,and Rosemead Community Center) to seniors living in Rosemead and promotes the role of nutrition in preventative healtli'and long term care. ` Location Garvey Community Center - 9108 Garvey Avenue; Rosemead, California 91770: Rosemead Community Center - 3936N. Muscatel, Rosemead, California 91770 HUD Matrix Code Title 05A Senior Services CDBG Citation Eligibility 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2)'= L/M'Limited Clientele Type of Recipient",:.,, ' .Locahon1. ° Subrecipient Private ,Address 570.500(c).4 Start Date . Completion DatC,_i. 07/01/2008 - 06/30/2009 Annual Units.:_'.-, . Units Upon Completion 25,000 People ' i 25,000 Pe" le Objective Category,,;- Outcome'Category Suitable Living tSustaina8ility Environment r The primary purpose is to help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs Funding Sources CDBG $ 57,824 ESG HOME HOPWA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Program Income - CDBG $20,000 Total $ 77,824 Development Services Business Unit 70 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0015 4760-8400-02 Priority Need Project Title y. Dinsmoore Historical House Renovation Project Description Provide funds for the renovation of the Dinsmoore Ho Dinsmoore House is a local historical house in need of well as health and safety issues. i Location 9632 Steele Street, Rosemead, California 91770 HUD Matrix Code Title 03 - _Public Facilitie's' and Improvements . (General) a~ : w CDBG Citation Eligibility, 570.201(c) v 570.208(x)(2) UM Lin ited Clientele Type of Recipient (.Location -•,`,~1+ Local Government Address Start Date., Completion Date 07/01/2069"A" " 06/30/2009 ar' Annual Units Units Upon Completion 1 Public Facilit 1 y r',aaa-. 1 Public Facility Objective Category„ a OutcomeCategory Suitable Living' §ustainability. Environment The primary purpose is to help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs a imination of a slum and t eliminate: serious building id area. The violations as Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA Prior Year Funds - CDBG $150,000 Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $150,000 Development Services Business Unit 71 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 0 x 2008-:2009 Anneal Aedon Ptap jn U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0016 4750-Targeted Public Works Project Priority Need Project Title Targeted Public Works Project Description Provide funding for project involve making various public. improvements to curbs, gutters, sidewalks and streets in eligible low and moderate-income block groups based on an officiaLdesiga[ion of deteriorating and/or deteriorated area as well as ADA improvements throughout the City Location CT: 432901 BG: 3 County 06037; CT: 423902 BG 1' Couuty;n 06037 CT' 433601 BG: 1 County: 06037; CT: 433602 BG: 1 County 06037; CT: 482303 BG: 1 Coumy: 06037; CT: 482303 BG: 2 County. 06037; CT: 482303 BG: 3 County. 06037; CT: 482304 BG: I ,County. 06037; CT: 482304 BG: 2 County. 06037; CT: 482401 BG: 2 County;06037; • CT: 482401 BG County. 06037; CT: 482402 BG: 1 County. 06037; CT: 482502 BG: 1 County` 06037;..CT: 482502 BG: 2 County 06037; CT: 482503 BG: I County: 06037; CT: 482503 BG: 2 Cou'm:- 06037 HUD Matrix Code Title 03K 'Street Im rovements " CDBG Cifation Eligibility ; . 570.202(6)'; 570208(a)(1)-L/MArea Type of Recipient Location; Local Government CT & BG' ~ . Start Date Completion Date 07/01/2008 z 06/30/2009 Annual Units } "Units Upon Completion N/A N/A Objective Category Outcome Category Suitable Living Sustainability Environment The primary purpose is to help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA Prior Year Funds - CDBG 5398,700 Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $398,700 Development Services Business Unit 72 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0017 4790-7610-P94815 Priority Need Planninc and Administration Project Title HOME Administration Project Description Provide funds toward the payment of reasonable administrative, costs and carrying charges related`to'the planning and execution of community development activities financed m whole or in part.by HOME funds Location N/A HUD Matrix Code Title 21H HOME Admin'/Planning Costs; .W PI (subject i6 `10% ca CDBG Citation Eligibility N/A N/A Type of Recipient i :Location Local Government " `N/A ~ A Start Date Completion Date 07/01/2008. 06/30/2009 Annual Units Units Upon Completion , , N/A ? N/A Objective Category;, Outcome Category N/A N/A The primary purpose is to help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME $ 49,612 HOPWA Prior Year Funds - HOME Assisted Housing PHA Program Income Total $ 49,612 Development Services Business Unit 73 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 X2008= 2009 Anneal Acdoo Plan U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0018 4790-7610-P95315 Priority Need Housing Project Title Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program - Loans Project Description Provide funds for the City's low interest (0 to 3%) deferred payment loans to seniors, persons with a, disability and families of low and moderate income who own and occupy'their,homes and need financial assistance to make repairs and improvements. - ' Location CommunityWide HUD Matrix Code Tile 14A Rehab; Single- it Residential CDBG Citation Eligibility N/A 570:208(a)(3)= L/M Housing Type of Recipient Location Local Government' Commoni-'~WV ide Start Date Completion Date 07/01/2008 06/30/2009 Annual Units Units Upon Completion 20 Households 20 Households Objective Category Outcome C, ategory Decent Housing'. t Availability/Accessibility ;V f4': Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOP WA Prior Year Funds - HOME $1,519,447 Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $1,519,447 .Ft< Th e primary purpose is to'help:~ ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs Development Services Business Unit 74 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ED Local ID 0019 4790-7610-P72115 Priority Need Project Title Down Payment Assistance Project Description Provide fonds for first time homebuyers through the City's;Dd, loan will vary depending on the value of the house to be pm down payment. The maximum allowable loan will be $70,000. Location Community Wide HUD Matrix Code Title ' 13 Diie ct 1,,HomeownershipFy, : siatance- .acts CDBG Citation Eli gibility tr. N/A 570 208(x)(3 LVM'Housin Type of Recipient , i ; ,Locati on;' t't;> Local Government Cominanity Wide Start Date'' Completion Date;' 07/01/2008... 06/30/2009 Annual Unitsa,, Units Upon Completion 4 Househol&!, 4 Households Objective Category,,, Outcom6'Category Decent Housin "~~"''S. Affordability A~V The primary purpose is to +help ❑ the Homeless A' ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs 4t 'r to ice Program:`Jhe amount of the homebuyer m,achieving a 25% Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME $ 86,765 HOP WA Prior Year Funds- HOME $193,235 Assisted Housing PHA Other Fundin Total $280,000 Development Services Business Unit 75 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Fv ~ - 2008. 2009 Mnnal Action Plao U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0020 4790-CHDO Operating Expense Priority Need Housing Project Title ^~.•'£.,';r, Rio Hondo Community Development Corporation - Operating Expense Project Description Provide funds for general operating support during the developm;11, I ent of CHDO set-aside projects. a5°.~::. Location N/A HUD Matrix Code Title 211 HOME: ,CHDO Operating Ex eases (subject to 5% cap) CDBG Citation Eligibility N/A N/4 vz Type of Recipient Location Local Government Community Wide Start Date ; 42 <Completiog Date 07/01/2008 _ 06/30/2009 "2 Annual Units Units Upon Completion N/A Objective Category Outcome Categoy' N/A N/A The primary purpose is 'fo•help: ❑ the Homeless ❑ Persons with HIV/AIDS,'"' ❑ Persons with Disabilities ❑ Public Housing Needs s housing 4undin Sources CDBG ESG HOME $ 24,806 HOPWA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $ 24,806 Development Services Business Unit 76 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Action Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID Local ID 0021 4790-CHDO Priority Need Housing Project Title Rio Hondo Community Development Corporation - Affordable Housing Development. Project Description Provide funds for the production of affordable housing required under the Home Investment Partnerships (HOM. the 15% e funding as Location Community Wide HUD Matrix Code Title 14G Acquisition for Rehabilitation. , CDBG Citation Eligibility +'r•z; N/A , 570.208(a)(3) UM Housing Type of Recipient -Location Local Government Community Wide Start Date Completion Date r 4. 3 07/01/2008 } 06/30/2009. Annual Units ' Units Upon Complefion 2 Housing 'Units 2 Housing Units,, Objective'Category Outcome Category Decent Hoiisin Affordability r'. _ !t ';kx The primary purposeris to help ❑ the Homeless a ` ❑ Persons with HIV/AID ❑ Persons with Disabilities' ❑ Public Housing Needs s 19'.. <F,undin Sources `CDBG ESG HOME $334,940 HOPWA Prior Year Funds Assisted Housing PHA Other Funding Total $334,940 Development Services Business Unit 77 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 77, T 20W-2009 Annual on Plan " Reserved s° ~.x 5 ; i Development Services Business Unit 78 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 NEEDS ANALYSIS Development Services Business Unit 79 City of Rosemead Annual Action Plan FY 2008-2009 2008 2009.Anoaal ACtion Plan Reserved f F. Development Services Business Unit 80 - Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Continuum of Care: Estimated 1 Current I Unmet Need/ I Relative Emergency Shelter 250 110 140 H Beds Transitional Housing 400 107 '-'A 293 M Permanent Supportive Housing 450 15 4"141.435 H Total 1100 2324, `848 Persons in Families with'. Children Emer enc Shelter 100 38" 62 H Beds Transitional Housing 200 181 19 _ M Permanent Supportive Housing 200 54 146 H Total 500 '1= 273 r 227 Source: Los Angeles Continuum of Care, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 01 Continuum of Care: Homeless Subpopulations Chart Estimated i Current I Unmet Need/ I Relative Chronically Homeless 550 ' 200 350 H Seriously Mentally y Ill. 275 ;100 175 H Chronic Substance Abuse 175 i' 100 75 M Veterans 200':+.r 25 175 M Persons with HIV/AIDS 35 25 10 L ` Victims of Domestic Violence 150 50 100 M Youth 75 25 50 H ' -Other - Elderly 135 50 85 H . Persons in Families with Children Chronically Homeless 65 25 40 H Seriously Mentally 111 10 10 0 L Chronic Substance Abuse- 10 10 0 - L Veterans - 25 10 15 M Persons with HIV/AIDS 10 10 0 L Victims of Domestic Violence 175 50 125 H Youth 300 200 100 H Development Services Business Unit 81 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 • Plan Continuum of Care: Estimated Supportive Services Slots Estimated I Current I Unmet Need/ Individuals Relative Job Training 550 200 350 H Case Management 825 400 425 H Substance Abuse Treatment 550 200 350 H Mental Health Care 450 100 350 H Housing Placement 825 400 425 H Life Skills Training 825 400 425 M Other 0 0 0 L Persons in Families with Childreti' Job Training 150 75 75` H Case Management 150 75 75 M Substance Abuse Treatment too 75 25 Y++.: L Mental Health Care 50 50' " 0 L Housing Placement 150 :'75 75 '2M Life Skills Training 150 -:!75 75 M OtherEducation Support (Youth) 300 200- 100 M s.. l1': i.• Development Services Business Unit 82, Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Special Needs Sub ulations PoP Priority Need Level Nigh, Medium, Low, No Such Need Estimated 5-Year Expenditure Elderly H $ 500 000 Frail Elderly , Severe Mental Illness L $ 0 Developmentally Disabled L $ 0 Physically Disabled H ` $ 500,000 Persons w/ Alcohol/Other Drug Addictions M $ 0 Persons w/ HIV /AIDS L r:'"+'' Fya;: $ 0 Other - Youth/Families H i" $ 125,000 Total $1,125,000 r 1 ~ l'j,r v ~ f k , fit m 4':I4'i11n tk Ctt- ' Development Services Business Unit 83 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Reserved Development Services Business Unit 84 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 v'rf'''a','"'^Table 2Bj+U?'i~,y„~-'T M 5 Hr, vi:c/~owi- F tX $ 4' sM! i?t5' Y ~tiy9 ,e411 Vy Yd~Y ~j~5r ' .3Y<J-v.Trre' Prt°rt .l:°mmum ,Develo mentiNeedsxur5.•..ui~, i°#1 Priority Needs Category Priority Need Level High, Medium, Low, No Such Need Gaal Estimated 5-Year Expenditure Public Facility Needs Projects Senior Centers L N/A $ 0 Handicapped Centers L N/A $ 0 Homeless Facilities L N/A $ 0 Youth Centers L -N/A- . $ 0 Child Care Centers L N/A $ 0 Health Facilities L N/A $ 0 Neighborhood Facilities L N/A $ 0 Parks and/or Recreation Facilities L . N/A 0 Parking Facilities L N/A $ 0 Non-Residential Historic Preservation ° L-:t, N/A $ 0 Other Public Facility Needs- Police Substation H V 1 $ 500,000 Infrastructure (Projects) Water/Sewer Improvements L N/A $ 0 Street Improvements H 5 $2,000,000 Sidewalks -,H - 1 $ 500,000 Solid Waste Disposal Improvements • L " N/A $ 0 Flood Drain Improvements L N/A $ 0 Other Infrastructure Needs L N/A $ 0 Other Infrastructure ADA ''s. Streetlights Code Enforcement: ``"'S` H - t a, H 3 5 $ 800,000 $ 400,000 $1,000,000 Public Service Needs (People) Senior Services H Assist all who request $ 500,000 Handicapped Services L N/A. $ 0 Youth Services H Assist all who request $ 250,000 Child Care Services.`-. L N/A $ 0 Transportation Services,., L N/A $ 0 Substance Abuse Services ' - L N/A $ 0 Employment Training L N/A $ 0 Health Services L N/A $ 0 Lead Hazard Screening L N/A $ 0 Crime Awareness L N/A $ 0 Other Public Service Needs Domestic Violence Fair Housing Accessibility H H H Assist all who request Assist all who request 2 $ 50,000 $ 1250,00 $1,000,000 Emergency Shelter L N/A $ 0 Development Services Business Unit 85 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 20W8 '2009 Annual Man Plan "x- .r 3 n 1- 4 'Zxi f !T qx_ i c L r. Priority Needs Category Priority Need Level High, Medium, Low, No Such Need Coal Estimated 5-Year Expenditure Economic Development ED Assistance to For-Profits(businesses) H 5 $ 500,000 ED Technical Assistance(businesses) L N/A $ 0 Micro-Enterprise Assistance(businesses) L N/A $ 0 Rehab; Publicly- or Privately-Owned Commercial/Industrial (projects) L N/A $ 0 C/1* Infrastructure Development (projects) L N/A $ 0 Other C/I* Improvements(projects) L N/A $ 0 Planning Planning 5 $ 910,000 Total Estimated Dollars Needed: '$7 610 000 , , , Development Services Business Unit 86 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 CERTIFICATIONS Development Services Business Unit 87 City of Rosemead Annual Action Plan FY 2008-2009 • 86 Y008 2009 Annual lk614 Reserved Development Services Business Unit 88 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 '20U9MnUefACllonPla- -.Cew...Z.,'a~s<_k,...,.~a,. CERTIFICATIONS In accordance with the applicable statutes and the regulations governing the consolidated plan regulations, the jurisdiction certifies that: Affirmatively Further Fair Housing The jurisdiction will affirmatively further fair housing, which means it will conduct an analysis of impediments to fair housing choice within the jurisdiction, take appropriate actions to overcome the effects of..any impediments identified through that analysis, and maintain records reflecting that analysis and actions in this regard. Anti-displacement and Relocation Plan It will requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance of 1970, as amended, as required under 49 CFR residential Amidisplacement and relocation assistan Housing and Community Development Act of 19 assisted with funding under the CDBG or HOME comply with the'acquisitic and,keaI Property Acquisi !4; 'and if has in effect ap e plan required under sect as.amendeconnection and relocation n Policies Act is following a i.104(d) of the tfi`any activity Drug Free Workplace It will or will continue to provide a'drug-free workplace by: 1. Publishing a statement notifying employees ,that the unlawfi l'~manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled''.isubstance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; r`~;•,`'`~ 2. Establishing an ongoing d: (a)The dangers of drug,ab (b)The grantee"s'policy of (c) y, available drug cou (d)The penalties that may in thew . rkelace ? awareness program to inform employees about: a drug-free workplace; rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring 3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph 1; 4. Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph 1 that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will - (a) Abide by the terms of the statement; and Development Services Business Unit 89 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 fi _ 2008 _2009 Anneal Acton an (b)Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction; 5. Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph 4(b) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to every grant officer or other designee on whose grant activity the convicted employee was working, unless the Federal agency has designated a central point for the receipt of such notices. Notice shall include the identificati6n?number(s) of each affected grant; 6. Taking one of the following actions, within 3.0'calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph 4(b), with respect to any employee who is so convicted (a)Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the requirements--o€the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or (b)Requiring such employee to participate'satisfactorily m a''drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such 'purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate' agency; 7. Making a good.:faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Anti-Lobbying To the best `of the jurisdiction's,knowledge and belief: 1._. n 1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of it, to any person for influencih, ,•or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress,°an,officer•or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congiess.in connection ,with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and-the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contractgrant, loan, or cooperative agreement; 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, it will complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions; and Development Services Business Unit 90 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 • • Vii' _ . Y T~r~, ~~rt,~.f ~~,K2008 2U09`MnaalACtlon Plan 3. It will require that the language of paragraph 1 and 2 of this anti-lobbying certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly Authority of Jurisdiction The consolidated plan is authorized under State and local law (as applicable) and the jurisdiction possesses the legal authority to carry out, the programs for which it is seeking funding, in accordance with applicable HUD regulations Consistency with plan The housing activities to be and HOPWA funds are consistent with the strategic plan. Section 3 It will comply with section 3 of the and implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 13' Oliver Chi City Manager a Housing and Urban h g. "5 4;{ M w, CD13G, HOME, ESG, Act of 1968, April 2, 2008 Date Development Services Business Unit 91 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 0 ffiomwK =r' X ^2008 2009060ctl"%i Reserved Development Services Business Unit 92 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 i • aT"Ff H~~°'5, T'~F1TA ,~F'^2 nt'~j Y"-S MIai St-3; .-...~.y..r.... .~.~.c Specific CDBG Certifications The Entitlement Community certifies that: Citizen Participation It is in full compliance and following a detailed citizen participation plan that satisfies the requirements of 24 CFR 91.105. Community Development Plan Its consolidated housing and comrridnity development plan identifies community development and housing needs and specifies both short-tern and long- term community development objectives that provide decent housing, expand economic opportunities primarily for persons of low and moderate income. (see, 24 570.2 and CFR 24 part 570) 4Y \ Following a Plan It is following a current consolidated plan (or Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy) that has been approved by'HUD~ Use of Funds It has complied with the following 1. Maximum Feasible Priority. With rest funds, it certifies that it has develope priority to activities which benefit 1 prevention or elimination of slums or which the grantee,certtfics are desig having a particular urgencyIhecause threat to the,li iih•.or welfare of the available; activities expected to be assisted with CDBG fiction Plan so'ar t6 give maximum feasible d`moderate income families or aid in the %The Action,'Plan may also include activities meet other community development needs g conditions pose a serious and immediate unity. and other financial resources are not 2. Overall Benefit °_Jhe aggregate use of'CDBG funds including section 108 guaranteed loans during ro am. ear'2008 (a period specified b the grantee consisting of one two g p gr Y Y or;three specific consecutive program years), shall principally benefit persons of low and moderate income in a`. manner, that ensures that at least 70 percent of the amount is expended-for activities that benefit such persons during the designated period; 3. Special Assessments.,"` It will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements"assisted with CDBG funds including Section 108 loan guaranteed funds by assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of low and moderate income, including any fee charged or assessment made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improvements. Development Services Business Unit 93 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 ' ~ - , a~. ~~2008 2009 Mnual Action Plan However, if CDBG funds are used to pay the proportion of a fee or assessment that relates to the capital costs of public improvements (assisted in part with CDBG funds) financed from other revenue sources, an assessment or charge may be made against the property with respect to the public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG funds. The jurisdiction will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted with CDBG funds, including Section 108, unless CDBG, funds are used to pay the proportion of fee or assessment attributable to the capital costs' f•public improvements financed form other revenue sources. In this case, an assessment or charge may be made against the property with respect to the public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG funds. Also, in the case of properties owned arid--;occupied by moderate- income (not low-income) families, an assessment ''?or charge may, be made against the property for public improvements financed by, t other than`CDBG funds if the jurisdiction certifies that it lacks CDBG f inds•to cover the assessment ` r Excessive Force It has adopted and is enforcing: 1. A policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by ImV,,enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals 'engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations; and 2. A policy of enforcing applicable State and local-laws against-physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is;'the sulijecf of such non-violent civil rights demonstrations within%its jurisdiction; ~.fiJr Compliance With Anti=discrimination laws The grant will be conducted and administered in conformity with title Vi' o`f the Civil. Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d), the Fair Housing Act (42 USC 3601-3619), and implementing regulations. ll Lead Based Paint l.a=- ` f Its d: - activities concerning lead-based paint requirements of 24 CFR part `35, subparts A, B, J, K, and R of this title. Compliance with Laws It 11 comply with applicable laws. Oliver Chi City Manager will comply with the April 22, 2008 Date Development Services Business Unit 94 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Optional CDBG Certifications Submit the following certification only when one or more of the activities in the action plan are designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency as specified in 245 CFR 570.208(c). The grantee hereby certifies that the Annual Plan includes one or more specifically identified CDBG-assisted activities which are designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community and other financial resourceslare+not available to meet such needs. Oliver Chi City Manager Kk~ ~ I kt Aa. rt +Z ~t-.+ ~.a'~. } ry ^'r Development Services Business Unit 95 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Specific HOME Certifications The HOME participating jurisdiction certifies that: Tenant Based Rental Assistance If the participating jurisdiction intends to provide tenant- based rental assistance: The use of HOME funds for tenant-based rental assistance is an essential element of the participating jurisdiction's consolidated plan for expanding the supply, affordability, and availability of decent, safe, sanitary, and affoidable,housing. Eligible Activities and Costs - It is using and will use HOME funds for eligible activities and costs, as described in 24 CFR § 92.205 through 92.209 and`that it is'not.using and will not use HOME funds for prohibited activities, as described in § 92.214< a?~ F _ Appropriate Financial Assistance - Before committing any.funds to a projec -"it will evaluate the project in accordance with the guidelines that' it adopts for this purpose and will not invest any more HOME funds in combination with other Fedcht assistance than is necessary to provide affordable housing. Oliver Chi City Manager Development Services Business Unit City of Rosemead April 22, 2008 Date 96 Annual Action Plan FY 2008-2009 APPENDIX TO CERTIFICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING LOBBYING AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS: A. Lobbying Certification This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for yt v.Y, making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352,,` title, 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subjectto a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failut B. Drug-Free Workplace Certification 1. By signing and/or submitting this the certification. grant agreement, the grantee is;providing 2. The certification is a material representation of fact" upon which reliance is placed when the agency awards the grant. If it is'-later determined that the grantee knowingly rendered a false certification, or otherwise violates',the requirementsg%lthe Drug-Free Workplace Act, HUD, in addition to any other remedies available to the Fede'ra l Government, may take action authorized under the Drug-Free Workpiace{Act. 1'4 3. For grantees other than'ifidividuals, Alternate I applies.,Whis is the information to which jurisdictions certify). 4. For grantees who Alternate IIuapplies. (Not applicable jurisdictions.) 5. Workplaces under grants:rfor grantees"other than individuals, need not be identified on the certification. If known they,may be identified in the grant application. If the grantee does a.: not, identify the workplaces at,;the'time of application, or upon award, if there is no application, the grantee must keep the identity of the workplace(s) on file in its office and make`:the,,information"available for Federal inspection. Failure to identify all known workplaccs'constitutes ii violation of the grantee's drug-free workplace requirements. 6. Workplace id6iffifications must include the actual address of buildings (or parts of buildings) or other"sites where work under the grant takes place. Categorical descriptions may be, used (e:g., all vehicles of a mass transit authority or State highway department while in operation, State employees in each local unemployment office, performers in concert halls or radio stations). 7. If the workplace identified to the agency changes during the performance of the grant, the grantee shall inform the agency of the change(s), if it previously identified the workplaces in question (see paragraph five). Development Services Business Unit 97 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 8. The grantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific grant: Place of Performance (Street address, city, county, state, zip code) City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, Los Angeles County California, 91770 Zapopan Public Safety Center 3018 North Charlotte Avenue Rosemead, Los Angeles County California, 91770 Rosemead Community Center Garvey Community Center 3936 Muscatel Avenue 9108 Garvey Avenge''" Rosemead, Los Angeles County Rosemead, Los Angeles County California, 91770 California 91,770 Check if there are workplaces on file. that are not identified here: he certification with regard to the drug-free workplace required-,by 24 CFR ppart 24, subpart E$ Y t d'_x { 9. Definitions of terms in the Nonprocurement Suspension and Debarment common rule and Drug-Free Workplace common rule apply to this certification. Grantees' attention is called, in particular, to the following'definitions from these'rules: "Controlled substance" means a controlled substance in Schedules I through V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.612) and as fuither'defined by regulation (21 CFR 1308.11 through 1308 X15);';;a J== "Conviction",means a finding'of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of the Federalor Statecrimmal;drug statutes; "Criminal drug:statute" means, a Federal or non-Federal criminal statute involving the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, use, or possession of any controlled substance; "Employee" means the employee of a grantee directly engaged in the performance of work under a an t includI All "direct char e" cm p ees a all gr, "indirect charge" gO g P employees` tinless theiimpact or involvement is insignificant to the performance of the grant; and (iii)itemporary personnel and consultants who are directly engaged in the performance of ;work under the grant and who are not on the grantee's payroll. This definition does not include workers not on the payroll of the grantee (e.g., volunteers, even if used to meet a matching requirement; consultants or independent contractors not on the grantee's payroll; or employees ofsubrecipients or subcontractors in covered workplaces). Development Services Business Unit 98 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Development Services Business Unit 99 City of Rosemead APPENDICES Annual Action Plan FY 2008-2009 Reserved Development Services Business Unit 100 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 APPENDIX A Income Groups: Glossary of Terms Extremely low income Other very low income Very low income ` Other low income Low income Federal-moderate income ' Federal-above moderate income u. ~ Mi ~ TRC:. The table below shows the equivalent terms in this Plan, the Consolidated Plan Rule, the National Affordable Housing Act (NAHA), and California law... , + X 4 lif i C C lid d wti lif C on- onso ate r` Income Ca orn a . a Level solidated Plan Plan Rule "NAHA Law 0-30%* Extremely Low Ext 'emely Low VeryLow, Very Low 31-50%* Other Very Low Other Ilw r 51-80%* Other Low Moderate Other Low Other Lower , 81-95%* Fed Moderate Middle 'ke;,,:;. Moderate Not used A county, in.,,which the percentage of low-income households is 10 than the Minority concentration: A group is 10 perceint.or more, in which the percentage of households in a specific minority than the statewide percentage for that minority group. Development Services Business Unit 101 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 General Definitions of Terms Used with the Consolidate Plan Affordability Gap: The extent to which gross housing costs, including utility costs, exceed 30 percent of gross income. Affordable Housing: Affordable housing is generally defined as housing where the occupant is paying no more than 30 percent of gross income for gross housing costs, including utility costs. AIDS and Related Diseases: The disease of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or any conditions arising from the etiologic agent for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Alcohol/Other Drug Addiction: A serious and persistent alcofiol~iir other drug addiction that significantly limits a person's ability to live independently. Assisted Household or Person: For the purpose of identification of goals, an' assisted household or person is one, which during the period covered'by the annual plan will?.receive benefits through the Federal funds, either alone or in conjunction with the investment of other public or private funds. The program funds providing the b nefit(s), may be from any finding year or combined funding years. A renter is benefited if the''person takes occupancy of affordable housing that is newly acquired, newly rehabilitated, or newly.°constructed, and/or receives rental assistance through new budget authority. Ari';existing homeowner is benefited during the year if the home's rehabilitation is completed. 1, first-tune homebuyer,::is}benefited if a home is purchased during the year. A homeless person is benefited during the year if the person becomes an occupant of transitional or permanent housing...: A non-homeless person with special needs is considered as being benefited,_ however, only i£the provision-.of supportive services is linked to the acquisition, rehabilitation, or'new construction of a housing unit and/or the provision of rental assistance durnigithe year. ` Households or11persons who will benefit from more than one 11 program activity must be counted only. once. To beincluded in the goals, the housing unit must, at a minimum, satisfy the HUD Section 8s Housing Quality Standards (see 24 CFR section 882.109) Generally means, there iii <been a legally binding commitment of funds to a specific project Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) - A private non-profit, community- based service organization whose primary purpose is to provide and develop decent, affordable ic'," 11 housing for the com munityit serves. Consolidated Plan (of "the plan"): The document that is submitted to HUD that serves as the planning document (comprehensive housing affordability strategy and community development plan) of the jurisdiction and an application for funding under any of the Community Planning and Development formula grant programs (CDBG, ESG, HOME, or HOPWA). Cost Burden > 30%: The extent to which gross housing costs, including utility costs, exceed 30 percent of gross income, based on data published by the U.S. Census Bureau. Development Services Business Unit 102 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Cost Burden > 50% (Severe Cost Burden): The extent to which gross housing costs, including utility costs, exceed 50 percent of gross income, based on data published by the U.S. Census Bureau. Disabled Household: A household composed of one or more persons at least one of whom is an adult (a person of at least 18 years of age) who has a disability. A person shall be considered to have a disability if the person is determined to have a physical, mental or emotional impairment that: (1) is expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration, (2) substantially impeded his or her ability to live independently, and (3) is of such a naturefthat the ability could be improved by more suitable housing conditions. A person shall also°'be considered to have a disability if he or she has a developmental disability as defined n-ttie Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (42 U.S.C. 6001-6006). The}term;also includes the surviving member or members of any household described in the first sentence ofths paragraph who were living in an assisted unit with the deceased member of theifiousehold at the;iime of his/her death. Economic Independence and Self-Sufficiency Pro'rg ams: Programs undertaken by Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) to promote economic i;indeperidence and self-sufficiency for participating families. Such programs may include`~,Project>'Self-Sufficiency Nand Operation Bootstrap programs that originated under earlier Section"8-rental certificate and rental voucher initiatives, as well as the Family Self-Sufficiency program .In addition, PHAs may operate locally developed programs or conduct' a,variety of special;projects designed to promote economic independence and self-sufficiency Elderly Household: For HUD rental programs, a one or tvioperson household in which the head of the household or spouse,rs'at{least 62 years ofa`ge d Elderly Person (Housing): A Person who is at leak 62 t•.;~Years of age. Elderly Person (Public Service): A person'who isA4least 50 years of age. Emergency Shelter. Any facility with overnight sleeping accommodations, the primary purpose of whrch;is to provide temporary shelter for the homeless in general or for specific populations of the homeless. Existing Homeowner: An owner-occupant of residential property who holds legal title to the property and who uses the r property as his/her principal residence. Extremely Low-Income-'Family: Family whose income is between 0 and 30 percent of the median income for the area, ad determined by HUD with adjustments for smaller and larger families, except that HUD may establish income ceilings higher or lower than 30 percent of the median for the area on the basis of HUD's findings that such variations are necessary because of prevailing levels of construction costs or fair market rents, or unusually high or low family incomes. Family: The Bureau of Census defines a family as a householder (head of household) and one or more other persons living in the same household who are related by birth, marriage or adoption. Development Services Business Unit 103 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program: A program enacted by Section 554 of the National Affordable Housing Act which directs Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Indian Housing Authorities (IHAs) to use Section 8 assistance under the rental certificate and rental voucher programs, together with public and private resources to provide supportive services to enable participating families to achieve economic independence and self-sufficiency. Federal Preference for Admission: The preference given to otherwise eligible applicants under HUD's rental assistance programs who, at the time they seek housing assistance, are involuntarily displaced, living in substandard housing, or paying more:that 50 percent of family income for rent. °A First-Time Homebuver: An individual or family who has year period preceding the HUD-assisted purchase of a ho residence of the homebuyer, except that any individual who parent may not be excluded from consideration as a:first- individual, while a homemaker or married, owned a`fiome home owned by the spouse. FmHA: The Farmers Home Administration, or programs not o`wnW a home during the three- meahat mustbe used as the principal is a displaced homemaker or a single time homebuyer'on_ the basis that the with his or her spo'use''+or resided in a For Rent: Year round housing units that are vacant and offered?available for rent. ,S For Sale: Year round housing units that are vacant and- ffered/available for sale only. Frail Elderly: An elderly, person. who is unable'to'perform at least 3 activities of daily living (i.e., eating, dressing, bathing;`grooming;,and household management activities). Group Quarters: Facilittes',:providing vliving quarters that are not classified as housing units. Examples include: , prisons, nursing homes, dormitories, military barracks, and shelters. Home: ..The HOME InvestmentPartnerships Program, which is authorized by Title II of the Homeless Family With Children: A family composed of the following types of homeless persons: at least *one parent or'guardian and one child under the age of 18, a pregnant woman, or a person in the process of securing legal custody of a person under the age of 18. Homeless Person: A `youth (17 years or younger) not accompanied by an adult (18 years or older) or an adult without children, who is homeless (not imprisoned or otherwise detained pursuant to an Act of Congress or a State law). Homeless Youth: Unaccompanied person 17 years of age or younger who is living in situations described by terms "sheltered" or unsheltered". Development Services Business Unit 104 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Homeless Subpoopulations: Include but are not limited to the following categories of homeless persons: severely mentally ill only, alcohol/drug addicted only, severely mentally ill and alcohol/drug addicted, fleeing domestic violence, youth, and persons with HIV/AIDS. HOPE 1: The HOPE for Public and Indian Housing Homeownership Program, which is authorized by Title IV, Subtitle A of the National Affordable Housing Act. HOPE 2: The HOPE for Homeownership of Multifamily Units Program, which is authorized by Title IV, Subtitle B of the National Affordable Housing Act. HOPE 3: The HOPE for Homeownership of Single Family by Title IV, Subtitle C of the National Affordable Housing, which is authorized Household: One or more persons occupying a housingrunit (U.S. Census'-definition). See also 'R E^ l^ "Family". Housing Problems: Households with housing problems include those that: (1)~occupy units meeting the definition of Physical Defects; (2) meet the?defmition'of overcrowded; and (3) meet the definition of cost burden greater than 30%. Housing Unit: An occupied or vacant house; ,apartment, or a single room (SRO housing) that is intended as separate living quarters. (U.S. Census,definition) nh ~C~•fa. HUD: The United States Department of Housing and Urbari Development. tir Jurisdiction: A State or unit ofgeneral local government. Institutions/Institutional 'eGroup.,quarters for persons under care or custody. (U.S. Census u+ definition) Large Family Family'offive or more persons. Large Related: A household'~of 5 or more persons, which includes at least one person, related to the householder by blood, mariiage or adoption. Lead-Based Paint Hazard: Any condition that causes exposure to lead from lead-contaminated dust, lead-contaminated soil, lead-contaminated paint that is deteriorated or present in accessible surfaces, friction surfaces, or impact surfaces that would result in adverse human health effects as established by the appropriate Federal agency. (Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 definition.) LIHTC: (Federal) Low Income Housing Tax Credit. Development Services Business Unit 105 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Low-Income Families: Low-income families whose incomes do not exceed 50 percent of the median family income for the area, as determined by HUD with adjustments for smaller and larger families, except that HUD may establish income ceilings higher or lower than 50 percent of the median for the area on the basis of HUD's findings that such variations are necessary because of prevailing levels of construction costs or fair market rents, or unusually high or low family incomes. Low-Income Concentration: An area where the total household incomes do not exceed 80 percent of the median income for the area, as determined by HUD with, adjustments for smaller and larger families. (This term corresponds to low- and moderate`-'income households in the CDBG Program.) Middle-Income Families: Family whose income is between'80 percemband 95 percent of the median income for the area, as determined by HUD with adjustments':' for. smaller and larger families, except that HUD may establish income ceiling's higher or lower than: 95 percent of the median for the area on the basis of HUD's findings.that such variations are nece' sary ,because of prevailing levels of construction costs or fair market;:rents, or,.unusually hi&oi'low family incomes. Minority: The City of Rosemead recognizes the following racial and ethnic categories: Black (Non-'Hispanic) Hispanic (all races) ; ~ American Indian, Eskimo',or Aleut Asian and Pacific Islander Minority Concentration Any area with greater than 40 percent minority household. Moderate Income Family:' ^FamiVwhose income 1s=between 80 percent of the median income for the area, as determined byHUD with adjustments for smaller and larger families, except that HUD may establiWdncome ceilings higher or lower than 80 percent of the median for the area on the basis of HUD's findings that such variations are necessary because of prevailing levels of construction costs or fair market rents; or_unusually high or low family incomes. Moderate-Inc ome Concentration: An area where the total household incomes are between 81 percent and 951,;percent of the median income for the area, as determined by HUD with adjustments for smaller and larger families. (This definition is different than that for the CDBG Program.) A household, which does not meet the definition of "Elderly Household," as, defined above. Non-Homeless Persons with Special Needs: Includes frail elderly persons, persons with AIDS, disabled families, and families participating in organized programs to achieve economic self- sufficiency. Development Services Business Unit 106 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Non-Institutional: Group quarters for persons not under care or custody. (U.S. Census definition used) Occupied Housing Unit: A housing unit that is the usual place of residence of the occupant(s). Other Household: A household of one or more persons that does not meet the definition of a Small Related household, Large Related household or Elderly Household. Other Income: Households whose incomes exceed 80 percent of the median income for the area, as determined by the Secretary, with adjustments for smaller and larger, families. Other Low-Income: Households whose incomes are between SIj,percent and 80 percent of the median income for the area, as determined by HUD, with adjustments for smaller and larger families, except that HUD may establish income ceilings higher or lower,than 80 percent of the median for the area on the basis of HUD's findings that such variations are necessary because of prevailing levels of construction costs or fair markeY,m..rents~,"or unusually,''liigh or low family incomes. (This term corresponds to moderate-income an the CDBG Program.)" r Other Vacant: Vacant year round housing units that aienot F would include Awaiting Occupancy or Held. Overcrowded: A housing unit conta"uung.more than one definition) „ Rent Burden > 30% (Cost Burden): The extent, exceed percent of gross income based on data pub: t., Rent Burden > 50%`•'(S6ere Cost`-Burden): The costs, exceed 50 percene6fgross income, based on or or For Sale: This category per room. (U.S. Census rents, including utility costs, by the U. S. Census Bureau. rt to which gross rents, including utility published by the U.S. Census 13ureau. as either project-based rental assistance Rent: A Household that reds;the housing unit it occupies, including both units rented for cash and units occupied without cash payment of rent. (U.S. Census definition) housing unit that is not owner occupied, including units rented for cash and th,6se,o6cupied without payment of cash rent. Rural Homelessness Grant Program: Rural Homeless Housing Assistance Program, which is authorized by Subtitle G, Title IV of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act. Secondary Housing Activity: A means of providing or producing affordable housing such as rental assistance, production, rehabilitation or acquisition that will receive fewer resources and less emphasis than primary housing activities for addressing a particular housing need. (See also, "Primary Housing Activity".) Development Services Business Unit 107 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Section 215: Section 215 of Title 11 of the National Affordable Housing Act. Section 215 defines "affordable" housing projects under the HOME program Service Needs: The particular services identified for special needs populations, which typically may include transportation, personal care, housekeeping, counseling, meals, case management, personal emergency response, and other services to prevent premature institutionalization and assist individuals to continue living independently. Severe Cost Burden: See Cost Burden> 50%. Severe Mental Illness: A serious and persistent mental significantly limits a person's ability to live independently. impairment that Sheltered: Families and persons whose primary nighttime residence is a ;supervised publicly or privately operated shelter, including emergency shelters, transitional housing''^for the homeless, domestic violence shelters, residential shelters for.` runaway and homeless'.youth, and any hotel/motel/ apartment voucher arrangement paid beca does not include persons living doubled up or in ov housing. Any facility offering permanent housing is not Small Related: A household of 2 to 4 householder by birth, marriage, or adoy in such poor condition as to, erson is homeless-"` This term l''or substandard' conventional or are its residents homeless. person related to the finition, dwelling units that are feasible for rehabilitation. Substandard Conditid but Suitable -for Rehab.: By local definition, dwelling units that do not meet standard conditions but,are both financially and''>structurally feasible for rehabilitation. This does not include units that jrequire only?cosmettc,work-, correction or minor livability problems or maintenance work Substantial Amendment A`major change'in an approved housing strategy. It involves a change to the five-year strategy, which may"be occasioned by a decision to undertake activities or programs inconsistent with &f;strategy. Substantial Rehabilitation: (,Rehabilitation of residential property at an average cost for the project in excess of $25,000' per dwelling unit. Supportive Housing:'` Housing, including Housing Units and Group Quarters, that have a supportive environment and includes a planned service component. Supportive Service Need in FSS Plan: The plan that PHAs administering a Family Self- Sufficiency program are required to develop to identify the services they will provide to participating families and the source of funding for those services. The supportive services may include child care; transportation; remedial education; education for completion of secondary or pose secondary schooling; job training, preparation of counseling; substance abuse treatment and Development Services Business Unit 108 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 counseling; training in homemaking and parenting skills; money management, and household management; counseling in homeownership; job development and placement; follow-up assistance after job placement; and other appropriate services. Supportive Services: Services: Services provided to residents of supportive housing for the purpose of facilitating the independence of residents. Some examples are case management, medical or psychological counseling and supervision, childcare, transportation, and job training. Tenant-Based (Rental) Assistance: A form of rental assistance in which the assisted tenant may move from a dwelling unit with a right to continued assistance. The ;assistance is provided for the tenant, not for the project. Total Vacant Housing Units: Unoccupied year round housinginits. Y& sus definition) wa ~ x. 4 a~`sN "k Y~„ Transitional Housing: A project that is designed to provide housing and appropriate supportive services to homeless persons to facilitate movement'to independent living within 24 months, or longer period approved by HUD. 4 r re.'.i4 Unsheltered: Families and individuals whose primary nig place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular beings (e.g., streets, parks, alleys). Vacant Awaiting Occupancy or Held: Vac sold and are currently awaiting occupancy, owners or renters for occasronaluse. (U.S. residence is a public or private ng accommodation for human units that have been rented or housing units that are held by units that are available or intended for occupancy at anytime their income for rent;`fi have been involuntarily (U.S. Census the iw-income renter households who pay more than half of substandard housing which includes homeless people) or spied and vacant housing units intended for year round use. units for seasonal or migratory use are excluded. Development Services Business Unit 109 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Reserved r: Development Services Business Unit 110 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 APPENDIX B Housing/Social Service Groups American Red Cross San Gabriel Pomona Valley Chapter 430 Madeline Drive Pasadena CA 91105 Boys & Girls Club of West San Gabriel Valley 328 S. Ramona Avenue Monterey Park, California 91754 Catholic Rainbow Outreach 14419 Carmenita Road Whittier, California 90605 City of Rosemead Garvey Community Center 9108 Garvey Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 tls City of Rosemead" Rosemead Community Center 3936 North Muscatel Rosemead, California 91770 Community Advocates for People sFChoice 7200 Greenleaf Avenue~Smte 170 Whittier, California 90602 County ofLoosAngeles Department of Health Services ° xG jv 313 N F gueroa Street Los Angeles, California 90012~~~ Yhs v`~' L~ Family Counseling Services„ 121 S. Santa Am C., treet San Gabri el, Cali forma 9,1776 Housing Authority County'ofLos Angeles 12131 Telegraph Road Santa Fe Springs, California 90670 Intercommunity Blind Center 7702 S. Washington Boulevard Whittier, California 90602 Intercommunity Child Guidance Center 8106 Broadway Avenue Whittier, California 90606 L.A. Centers for Alcoh 11015 BloomfieldFAven Santa Fe Sprmgs,'Califc J ~~tm~ u?i~y+3 Los Angeles Homeless' 548 South Spring Street Los geles, California Morrison Health Care and Drug Abuse a 90670 rvices Authority Lute 400 Los PEF61e's. California 90033 for Peoil Mission 91776 Rosemead High School 9063 E. Mission Drive Rosemead. California 91770 Rosemead School District 3907 Rosemead Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Salvation Army 125 E Valley Boulevard . San Gabriel, California 91776 So. California Alcohol and Drug Programs 11500 Paramount Boulevard Downey, California 90241 So. California Rehabilitation Services 7830 Quill Drive, Suite D Downey, California 90242 Development Services Business Unit 111 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 The So. California Housing Rights Center 3415 S. Sepulveda Boulevard, Suite 150 Los Angeles, California 90034 Vietnamese American Senior Association 9241 Valley Boulevard, Suite 104 Rosemead, California 91770 Volunteer's Center of San Gabriel Valley 464 E. Walnut Street, Suite 238 Pasadena, California 91101 YWCA - Wings volunteer(n,vwcasgv.ore (626) 960-2995 Development Services Business Unit 112 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 APPENDIX C City of Rosemead's Low and Moderate-Income "Target Areas" & "Deteriorating Areas" Development Services Business Unit 113 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 LE( IM■ = City Parks r"I Census 2100 Tracts M LOWAftd Areas Development Services Business Unit 114 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 APPENDIX D Proof of Public Hearing Annual Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Published January 30, 2008 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HEREBY GIVEN ruary 12, 2008, a Harmersnlps (HUMt) Programs. Ine City of Rosemead welcomes any recommendations, suggestions, or other input on the City's Fiscal Year 2008-09 Annual Action Plan. The Annual Action f Plan must be prepared according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations. A copy of HUD's final rule (issued January 5, 1995, Federal Register) Is available upon request. HUD requires an Annual Action Plan in order for the City to receive federal funds under the CDBG and HOME Programs. In past years, these monies has been used for a wide variety of activities, including housing rehabilitation, commercial rehabilitation, code enforcement, graffiti removal and various capital. improvements including street improvements, curb cuts for the for the new year, it is City will receive a 3 the current $1,181,629 funds and $521,224 a funds. It should be n CDBG program ellg either provide ben moderate-income pets or blighted condition need. In addition, at I the FY 2008-09 entitle used for activities moderate-income rest Of the HOME funds only be used for benefiting low or persons. estimated or an urgl or more 11 must low c [he City of Rosemead intends to provide reasonable accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities 'Act of 1990. If special accommodations are required, please call Michelle Ramirez, Economic Development Administrator, at (626) 569-2158, at least 48 hours prior to the February 12th Public Hearing. Citizens' wishing to comment on the City's 2008-09 Annual Action Plan after the February 12th public hearing must do so in writing by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22, 2008. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Community Development Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard It is anticipated that the Rosemead City Council will take final action on the 2008-09 Annual Action Plan at a City Council meeting to be held on April 22, 2008. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on Tuesday, February 12, 2008, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or as soon. thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Rosemead City Council will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, for the solicitation of public comment on the City of Rosemead's 2008-09 Annual Action Plan from citizens and interested parties. All interested Further Information may be obtained by contacting Michelle Ramirez. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if you challenge the aforementioned action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the DATED THIS 30th DAY OF JANUARY, 2008. Oliver Chi, City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Publish: January 30, 2008 San Gabriel Valley Tribune Ad No. 105696 1 -1 Development Services Business Unit 115 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Reserved 1 T. V. Crw t e...,v 1 ~ Development Services Business Unit 116 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 APPENDIX E Minutes City Council Meeting of February 12, 2008 Development Services Business Unit 117 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Reserved '41 ' . Development Services Business Unit 118 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 0 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL February 12, 2008 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Tran at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The pledge to the flag was led by Councilmember Low. The invocation was delivered by Councilmember Taylor. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmembers Clark, Low, Taylor, Mayor Pro Tern Nunez, Mayor Tran Absent: None 1. PRESENTATION San Gabriel High School Matadors Girl's Volleyball Team Mayor Tran introduced Jim Schofield, principal of San Gabriel High School Jim Schofield read a letter to the City Council expressing his appreciation for their support on school sports and education. San Gabriel High School Coach Cano thanked Mr. Nunez for supporting the volleyball team, and thanked him for recognizing his twenty seven year winning streak. Councilmember Nunez thanked the athletes for making Rosemead proud and Thanked Cano for the time and effort he spends with the volleyball team and strengthening their academics as well. The San Gabriel Matadors Girl's Volleyball Team was presented a recognition certificate from Council and their picture was taken. Councilmember Clark, Low, and Taylor congratulated the team; Ms. Low commented on their leadership; Mr. Taylor was impressed by Coach Cano's 27 year winning streak and congratulated him for his sportsmanship and dedication to the school. Mayor Tran also wished them future success. 2. PUBLIC HEARING A. Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2008.09 Annual Action Plan The City of Rosemead is a federal entitlement grant recipient of Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership funds from the U.S. Department of Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 1 of 21 0 9 Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As part of the process to receive funding, the City must undertake development of a Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. It is called a Consolidated Plan because it consolidates the application process for HUD's four (4) entitlement grants into one consolidated plan and application. The four grants are: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). All four grants are driven by an entitlement formula process set by the federal government. The City is eligible to participate in two (2) of these programs: CDBG and HOME. As part of the requirements of the federal Consolidated Plan process, the City is required to hold a public hearing regarding the projected use of funds prior to adoption of its Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. In order to receive the FY 2008-09 allocations, the City must comply with the following requirements of the Consolidated Plan final rule regarding pre-submission requirements: Fulfill citizen participation requirements by conducting a public hearing to receive citizen input regarding annual funding needs; Publish a draft Plan and Annual Action Plan for a 30-day comment period in order to receive citizen input regarding the final document; and Conduct a public hearing adopting the final Plan and the Annual Action Plan. The Annual Action Plan is a part of the Consolidated Plan, which takes all HUD requirements regarding planning, needs analysis, reporting, budgeting, citizen participation and certifications and incorporates them into one process. The full Consolidated Plan must be completed once every five (5) years and the Annual Action Plan must be completed annually. Recommendation: That the City Council conduct a public hearing and take public testimony on the Annual Action Plan covering the period July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009. No City Council action necessary. City Manager Chi reviewed staff report and introduced Economic Development Administrator Michelle Ramirez. Mr. Chi informed Council on the accomplishments the city has seen since Ms. Ramirez joined the city. Economic Development Administrator Ramirez, reviewed staff report on the Annual Action Plan. In past years the funds have been used to fund rehabilitation, commercial rehabilitation, housing rehabilitation, code enforcement, graffiti removal, and various capital improvement projects. Fiscal year 2008-2009 the City is expected to receive $1,138,481 for CDBG funding and $496,123 HOME funding. Under the CDBG program at least 70% of the grant must be spent on benefits for low/moderate income persons. From HOME funds 10% can be used for admin, 15% for non-profit housing development and the rest benefiting the low/moderate income persons. City of Rosemead welcomes any input to the Annual Action Plan; however, staff recommends City Council to defer any actions until all inputs are submitted to the city. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 2 of 21 Mayor Pro Tern Nunez asked staff to contact the Alhambra Education Program to help fund the 8th graders that attend summer classes; this program prepares them for high school. Economic Development Administrator Ramirez stated staff would contact the program and ask what type of aid is needed. She explained this program would cut into the 15% of social services. Councilmember Clark indicated the federal government has decreased funds by 4.8% percent. Economic Development Administrator Ramirez clarified the decrease has been by 3.65% in CDBG funds and 4.8% in HOME funds. Councilmember Clark expressed concern regarding cuts in current funds to other programs. Ms. Clark was reluctant in contacting new organizations and cut someone else as a result. Economic Development Administrator Ramirez explained that any social service agency who contacted the City for funding would have to fill out an application; staff would then determine the amount that would be award and present it to Council for final approval. Councilmember Clark stated that any organization can apply and will be brought back to council. Economic Development Administrator Ramirez indicated there was a public notice published letting everyone know they can apply for the funds. Councilmember Low asked if applications would be brought back to council. Economic Development Administrator Ramirez clarified staff will bring a summation of the applicants' request, what they do, past funding, and the amount of funding they are asking for. Mayor Tran opened the public hearing at 7:21 p.m. Frances Espinoza, Executive Director of the Housing Rights Center, passed out information and explained the services they offer to Rosemead residents. Since the City of Rosemead funds the program, residents are provided with free services. Larry Brakebush, representative of People for People, stated they have offered a food pantry program for residents for 24 years. Mr. Brakebush explained People for People are currently serving over 105 Rosemead families and homeless and they make over 30 home deliveries to seniors. Thanked City for their support and looks forward to city usual yearly help. Councilmember Taylor asked Mr. Brakebush if the program serviced 5 cities (including Rosemead) why other cities did not fund the program. Mr. Brakebush stated no other city funds their program and People for People has applied for grants in other cites. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 3 of 21 • 0 Woman in audience indicated that the program services about 250-300 families outside the city. Councilmember Taylor was puzzled as to why the other cities do not contribute their fair share. Mayor Tran stated People for People were requesting $29,000 this year and asked if it was enough for the service they provided to the residents of Rosemead. Mr. Brakebush replied it helped; however, asked for the possibility of obtaining, in the future, a facility in Rosemead. Mayor Tran expressed interest in helping People for People by obtaining more funding by contacting the council of the other cities in which the program services as well. Councilmember Low asked where People for People are currently located. Mr. Brakebush responded that for the past 22 years they have rented a space at 860 Mission, east of San Gabriel Blvd. and Walnut Grove. For that reason, they would like a set location in the City of Rosemead. Councilmember Taylor felt the city should help fund the program but also look into the other four cities taking advantage of this program before funding more money to People for People. Mr. Taylor also stated staff should write a letter to the other cities and ask them for a copy of their grant proposals. Mayor Tran reiterated what Mr. Taylor stated and added that City Council will write a letter of support for the organization in seeking funds from other cities. Mr. Brakebush thanked the council one more time for their efforts and support. Dr. Jennifer Foot, representative of Family Council Services, stated that for many years the program has serviced the residents of Rosemead. The mission of the program is to create low cost services to the residents. Dr. Foot passed out some brochures and thanked council for their support for the past 9 years. Julie Hoffman, representative of Rosemead School District, thanked City Council for their past support for their programs. As a result, they have been able to develop ongoing programs on educating parents and students. Thanked the council for their support and hope they will continue to fund the school programs. There being no other speakers the public hearing for item 2A closed at 7:38 p.m. No action was taken by Council. Councilmember Clark stated she knew additional applications were going to be brought back to Council but asked if we knew how much we are being cut from the Federal Government currently funding. Economic Development Administrator Ramirez responded that roughly about $6,000 dollars; the Housing Right Center fell under the 20% planning admin, it did not fall into the 15% cap of the other social services. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 4 of 21 0 0 3. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE Sharon Esquivel, residing at 8705 Loftus Drive, asked why Council did not attend the General Plan study session. City Manager Chi explained that the notice for the meeting was directed for the community; however, no more than two councilmembers are allowed in the audience in accordance with the Brown Act. All comments that have been received will be compiled into a report and given to Council. Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, asked about the staff report in reference to a program that helps people with AIDS. Councilmember Taylor interrupted Mr. Nunez and clarified that the city only qualifies for two programs the HOME and CDBG program. . . City Manager. Chi clarified that there are four programs the Federal Government offers, however, the HOME program and CDBG program are the only two community programs the city qualifies for. Gary Metz, 9357 Guess Street, property owner spoke in regards to the General Plan. Felt there was no advantage to plan as it stands at the moment. Mr. Metz gave examples of possible problems such as traffic, pollution, and over crowdedness. Also felt that the city should bring the existing infrastructure into the plan up to par. Suggested council should take the economic plan out of the General Plan and obtain more control. In general, asked council to not increase the density of the proposed General Plan and improve existing problems in Rosemead. Mayor Tran commented on the decreasing population in the L.A Couhty and Garvey School Districts, they have had to close down schools and student attendance declined in the past decade. Mayor Tran asked Mr. Chi on updates regarding creating parks in the city. City Manager Chi indicated the City is at a stage two applicant at the moment which means there is a potential funding for planning and engineering cost that relates to the development of several new parks in the city. Councilmember Taylor gave the council copies of an article and preceded on reading the headline, "Taller buildings, a tough sell, and neighborly groups are seething over L.A. plan to ease height limits that developers include low income units". Mr. Taylor asked Mr. Metz if he was referring to Senate Bill 1818 and asked Mr. Chi if Council may receive copies of that bill. He stated the bill would take the rights of the city as far. as zoning and general plan amendments. Also, spoke about the four condo projects located on Garvey, Rosemead, Del Mar, and Mission Boulevard adding 1,000 cars to the city. Mayor Tran asked how many of those condos are replacing other buildings and the one on Mission was approved by Council vote 5/0. Mr. Tran asked staff to give copies of the minutes to Council regarding the property at 8930 Mission Drive, which reflected Council's approval. City Attorney Bonny Garcia interrupted the conversation between council because the item was not on the agenda. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 5 of 21 • 0 Councilmember Taylor reiterated on his comments on the three story projects and felt that development is needed in the city but with moderation and not four to seven stories buildings. There is a tentative seven story proposal on the northwest corner of Garvey and San Gabriel. Mayor Tran asked if the project that Mr. Taylor was referring to, had been submitted to staff. Mr. Tran indicated prior to the three majorities being on the City Council, that project was proposed before the majority of the council was elected. City Attorney Garcia interjected between the councils conversation. Councilmember Taylor continued to comment on the article. Jim Flournoy, Rosemead resident, interrupted by yelling comments, as a result Mr. Flournoy was temporarily removed from the meeting. Mayor Tran ordered a 2 minute recess at 7:55 p.m. The Council reconvened back at 8:00 p.m Councilmember Taylor indicated when Council or people are talking and we try and explain our points, it can be at heated discussions and is a give and take situation. Mr. Taylor stated Council is not going to tolerate any disrespect from anyone and pointed out on the minutes of the previous meeting how Jim Flournoy again spoke is disrespect to the council. Mayor Tran noted he had Mr. Flournoy removed and asked him not to speak out of line. The Mayor asked Mr. Taylor to continue with his comments. Councilmember Taylor continued with his comments on high density, the 1,000 new cars added and the parking required for the businesses. City Manager Chi noted staff had copies of Senate Bill 1818 available for Council. Janice Dooley, 4647 N. Earle Avenue, expressed concern with the proposed changes to the General Plan. Asked Council to delete the proposed change of the General Plan and leave it as is. Ms. Dooley indicated that the city had not addressed the potential issues of traffic congestion, parking, growing population, and water consumption. Anna Anton, 9243 Marshall Street, stated she bought her home in 1957 before the city incorporated. Ms. Anton is against the General plan because no one has taken any consideration on who will be living in each unit. Ms. Anton described how her neighbors have many cars and have to park on the street. Marlene Shinen, 8447 Drayer Lane South San Gabriel, spoke on an incident that occurred on Friday, January 11, 2008 to residents living on Delta Avenue; residents were disturbed by over weight trucks and loud generators, which were brought in to Delta Avenue by Wal-Mart. Asked how a large truck was permitted to go through Rosemead and violate the 3 ton weight limit. Ms. Shinen referred to a memo which was given to the council by the City Manager in 2006, concerning noise sensitive receptors. Residents at Delta Avenue said there were three loud generators in front of their homes producing disturbing noises for hours. She stated Wal-Mart's manager Jorge Lopez did not know anything about the generators when Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 6 of 21 0 asked. The Sheriffs were called and residents were informed that there is an ordinance for noise control. Ms. Shinen was concerned there were various code violations such as the 3 ton weight limit, noise ordinance violation and maybe a fire code violation caused by the large truck parked on the driveway on Rush Street. Ms. Shinen spoke to Wal-Mart manager Jorge Lopez and he stated in conversations with City Manager Chi, Brian Saeki, and Mr. Nunez, they had not relayed to him any complaints from those residents. Mayor Pro Tern Nunez clarified he did not have a discussion with him about any complaints and the extent of his conversations with Mr. Lopez were."hi, how are you?" when they saw each other in the golf course and occasionally greeted him on some Chamber of Commerce.functions. Ms. Shinen felt that the residents have been disrespected and complaints made have not been voiced in regards to Wal-Mart. Mayor Tran commented to Ms. Shinen he had previously spoken with the City Manager; who then spoke to Mr. Lopez about the complaints. City Manager Chi asked Ms. Shinen if she had pictures available. Also, concerns with the barbeque in the back of the facility, staff addressed those problems with the Manager. Ms. Shinen asked if Wal-Mart was asked to not disturb the residents that night, Wal-Mart does as they please. They were told not to have barbeques, shopping cart problems are on going, trash on property and they need to get better security. Jim Flournoy, Rosemead resident, discussed the approved Mixed Use projects that are currently in the General Plan that was adopted in 1987. The engineer was to review the project on Mission drive and Bank of the West; he wanted to know if the reviews have gone through the developers. City Manager Chi stated staff is in the process of reviewing the results that are conducted by the consultant. Councilmember Clark asked staff if residents have problems with Wal-Mart and City Hall is closed, can they contact someone else to address the issues. Would the Sheriffs Department know about items such as a barbeque, not supposed to be in back of Wal-Mart?. City Manager Chi responded that the Sheriffs Department is always on call. The Sheriff Temple Station has after hours. The issue with Wal-Mart employees is that they are using portable barbeques during their lunch breaks to make hamburgers and hotdogs. According to their permit condition of approval, there is nothing that prohibits that. However, staff had asked for the employees to be sensitive to the issues surrounding the residents and not use the barbeques. Mayor Tran asked if there was a possible fine. Assistant City Manager Saeki indicated that there may not be a violation, staff will report back to council on any findings on any violations found. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 7 of 21 • 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes November 20, 2007 - Special Meeting January 8, 2008 - Regular Meeting 0 Councilmember Taylor asked for corrections made to the minutes of January 8, 2008 meeting. Mr. Taylor referred to page 4, added Mayor Tran also stated, at the end of his comment "the Grand Jury and the FPPC". On page 8, he noted that it should state, "The City Clerk still works and reports to the Council" and the issue was discussed that Council hires the City Attorney, City Manager and City Clerk. Furthermore, the City Clerk's position is unique because the clerk reports minutes and documents to the Council as a body and the public. Indicating Mr. Chi did not have total control of the Clerk. In addition, Mr. Taylor asked for page 10 to state, "Cal -Trans has a highway division that times the signals on all of Rosemead Blvd". On page 11, should state, "Who has a satellite control station in Colorado". On page 15, Councilmember Low's name was missing in the motion. Councilmember Clark asked for a correction on page 20 the word abiding; page 9 the correct word "outrageous". Councilmember Low had a correction on page 10. B. Resolution No. 2008.14 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2008 -14, for payment of City expenditures in the amount of $2,051,909.43 numbered 59007 through 59062 and 61527 through 61725. D. Approval of Agreement with J.A. Blash Shows, Inc. for Amusement Rides and Game Booths for this 4w of July Celebration For several years the City has used J.A. Blash Shows to provide Amusement rides and game booths in conjunction with the City's 4th of July Celebration. Once again, Blash Shows has indicated that they would like to take part in this year's celebration, which will be held on Friday, July 4, 2008, at Rosemead Park from noon until 10:00 P.M. As in the past, the City will sell ride wristbands for one price, that will be good all day and can be used as often as the participant wishes. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement with J.A. Blash Shows, Inc., to provide Amusement Rides and Game Booths on Friday, July 4, 2008. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 8 of 21 • F. Approval of Tract Map 53660 and Undertaking Agreement 7621.7637 Garvalia Avenue Tract Map No. 53660 is being submitted for consideration and approval along with an , Undertaking Agreement to guarantee construction of public improvements subsequent to the recordation of the tract map. Recommendation: That the City Council approve Tract Map No. 53660 and the Undertaking Agreement. G. Release of Cash Deposit - Tract Map 54046 5016 Earle Avenue A Faithful Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Bond were required to guarantee construction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, and survey monuments for Tract Map 54046. In lieu of bonds, a cash deposit was provided to the City in the amount of $49,350.00. Recommendation: That the City Council accept the public improvements and release the cash deposit. H. Release of Bonds - Tract Map 53650 4619 Muscatel Avenue A Faithful Performance Bond of $200,000.00 and a Labor and Material Bond of $100,000.00 were required to guarantee construction of new curb and gutter; sidewalk, roadway, driveways, mainline sewer and laterals, water main and services, street lights and centerline monuments for Tract Map 53650. Recommendation: That the City Council accept the public improvements and release the bonds. Mayor Pro Tern Nunez made a motion, second by Councilmember Low to approve the consent calendar items A, B, D, F, G & H along with corrections to the minutes. Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Taylor, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None C. Authorization to Attend League of California Cities 2008 Planners Institute and Mini Expo - March 26-28, 2008 The League of California Cities 2008 Planners Institute and Mini Expo, set to take place March 26-28, 2008. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 9 of 21 • rI L Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the attendance of any Planning Commission, City Planner, and staff designee. Mayor Pro Tern Nunez made a motion, second by Councilmember Low to approve the consent calendar item C: Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Taylor, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None E. Bus Stop Improvements The reference project has been constructed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and is ready for acceptance of work. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt accept the above referenced project, authorize the recordation of Notice of Completion by the City Clerk; and authorize the release of the 10 percent retention payment 35 days after the recorded date of the Notice of Completion. Juan Nunez asked if staff had contact MTA regarding the relocation of bus stops. City Manager Chi responded that staff had contacted Metro, who is responsible for paying for the removal and relocation of bus stops. Staff is in contact with Metro to get any issues resolved. Mayor Pro Tem Nunez made a motion, second by Councilmember Low to approve consent calendar item E. Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Taylor, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Purchasing Ordinance and Policy The Purchasing Policy is defined in the Municipal Code under Section 3.24. This section of the code has not been updated in years and does not currently reflect many purchasing practices and procedures that would enable staff to more efficiently and effectively perform their duties. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 864, Resolution No. 2008- 08, and the Purchasing Policy amending the current Purchasing System. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 10 of 21 • • Councilmember Taylor previously asked for some wording to be changed in the ordinance and indicated he only saw one change, the $50 thousand dollars award has been dropped back to $25 thousand as the ordinance states. Mr. Taylor questioned the wording of the resolution, "whereas the alternative bidding procedures provided for under the act allow local public agencies to perform work by force account costing up to $15,000" is that what the act allows? Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth replied yes, under state government code the Act allows agencies to perform work by force account costing up to $15,000. Councilmember Taylor continued to read the resolution "and to let the contract by informal procedures public projects of $50,000 or less" our informal procedure states there is a 25,000 maximum. Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth indicated staff stated what the state government code allows, adding the fourth "whereas" as directed by council on last meeting. The City of Rosemead has elected to set lower thresholds than those allowed by the state. Councilmember Taylor asked how $50,000 can be lower than the Act and lower than what the state allows. Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth replied the city is setting a limit that is lower than the Act. Mr. Hawkesworth stated that the force account time is simply city staff time. Force account time is city labor and it is not contracting with a firm or paying someone out of the force account. Councilmember Taylor asked if the cost is up to $15,000 can the City do that in house. Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth replied yes under State Act we could. Councilmember Taylor continued reading, asking if the Act stated the informal procedures public projects of $50,000 states the same. Mayor Tran read the following paragraph where it stated, "Whereas, the City of Rosemead has elected to set thresholds lower than those allowed under Act" which is the $25,000. Councilmember Taylor reiterated why the wording just can't be changed from $50,000 to $25,000. Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth replied that staff has to follow the State Act and that is how the State Act is written. Councilmember Taylor asked to add an additional "Whereas" in the amount of $25,000. Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth indicated that the city must follow the State of California's guide lines and if the City Council approved the resolution then a threshold can be set at $25,000. Mayor Tran referred to page 42 of the resolution were the Act Assembly Bill 1666 states "however, the council can choose to set a lower threshold". Rosemead City Council Meefing Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 11 of 21 • • Mayor Pro Tern Nunez made a motion, second by Councilmember Low to approve the Purchasing Ordinance, Resolution and Policy. Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Taylor, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. Approval of Specifications and Authorization to Solicit Proposals for Engineering Services On December 11, 2007, the City Council discussed the possibility of bidding the City's existing contract for engineering services. The City's current contract for engineering services was approved on July 14, 1981, and has not been updated since that time. Although the current engineering firm, Willdan, has provided responsive services through the years, it is prudent practice to solicit bids from other qualified engineering firms to encourage competition and ensure that the City is paying the lowest possible prices for these services. After reviewing this item on December 11th the Council asked staff to develop a request for proposal (RFP) for engineering services. A RFP has been prepared and is summarized below for the City Council's review. Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the specifications for engineering services; 2. Authorize staff to solicit bids from the attached list of qualified engineering services providers; and 3. Authorize staff to submit a bid to perform engineering services. Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, asked if there was a change of contract cost for the Rio Hondo bridge contract. City Manager Chi replied the same contractor is working on the bridge. However, the engineering management is what was changed. The change was made for the last portion of the contractual obligation. Councilmember Clark indicated that with Del Terra there was a cost overrun of $150,000. Councilmember Taylor clarified to Mr. Juan Nunez, that the original contract had $300 thousand dollars remaining. The $300 thousand that was left on the contract, was then given to Del Terra, they added another $150,000. Mayor Tran indicated that the only reason why the contract changed was because of possible conflict of interest; directed staff to obtain Willdan's billing rates. Councilmember Taylor asked when Del Terra took over and questioned the warrant paid to Willdan of $35,000 dollars for November. City Manager Chi responded Del Terra took over on December 18. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 12 of 21 • Assistant City Manager Saeki replied that Willdan was still acting as the construction management company during November. Councilmember Taylor stated Del Terra was getting paid since October 1st through November 1st. City Manager Chi replied Del Terra officially took over on December 1 B. Mayor Pro Tern Nunez asked if any of this had anything to do with the bridge. The City is trying to see different ways of providing engineering services. Mr. Juan Nunez and Mayor Pro Tern Nunez exchange words. City Manager Chi explained that in reviewing the project cost for the bridge, Del Terra made a determination of labor that would take to finish the bridge; in the process there is potential that it could cost up to $150,000 more than the $300,000 that remained of the original contract with Willdan. Mayor Pro Tern Nunez reiterated on Mayor Trans request in looking at Willdan's billings for work they did Councilmember Taylor asked staff how they plan to solicit the proposal. Administrative Service Officer Marcarello explained an RFP was prepared in response to the Council's request on December 11, 2007, staff research through California Cities on different proposals. Staff is asking for council to approve the specifications and staff report. Council may add comments or suggestions to be included, in the RFP. Councilmember Taylor asked how staff was going to advertise to get potential firms to know of the bid. Assistant City Manager Saeki explained staff plans to advertise on the city's website and e-mailing the proposal. Also, added that there is no legal requirement to put an RFP for this type of service in the public notice section, however if council would like to advertise, staff can do that. Councilmember Taylor requested to have the soliciting proposal advertised. City Attorney Garcia clarified there is no legal requirement on advertising in the newspaper. City Manager Chi stated that there are only a handful of municipal engineering firms in California. Councilmember Taylor indicated that the list of firms was not on the RFP and would like the proposal advertised in the newspaper. Mayor Pro Tern Nunez made a motion, second by Councilmember Low to accept staff recommendation. Vote resulted in: Yes: Low, Nunez, Taylor, Tran No: Clark Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 13 of 21 • • Abstain: None Absent: None C. Request for Traffic Signal at the Intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue On January 3, 2008, the Traffic Commission reviewed a request to install flashing yellow beacons or a traffic signal at the intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue. This item was reviewed in response to a petition from local residents and parents of students attending Rice Elementary School. After visiting the site and conducting a traffic study, staff found that the traffic conditions did not warrant additional traffic calming measures. The Traffic Commission opposed staffs recommendation and is requesting that the City Council consider additional traffic calming measures for the intersection. Recommendation: That the City Council direct staff to continue monitoring traffic issues at Rush Street and Angelus Avenue and increase law enforcement efforts during school start and release times. Traffic Commissioner Brian Lewin, 9501 Ralph Street, spoke to Council on various items. Mr. Lewin clarified the commission had recommended the two signals on Rush/Angelus and Rush/Delta and synchronize a set of signals including the Wal-Mart signal to allow smooth traffic flow. Also, the Commission recommends City Council to direct staff to look into using engineering condition of approval no. 41 to pay for this project. The street is very busy during non school hours and hopes that the Council will support the traffic signal installation. Ms. Velia Navarro, Rosemead resident, expressed concern with the signal for Rice Elementary School and the safety of the children crossing. Ms. Navarro also asked Councilmember Low about cleaning up Rosemead, she mentioned how there are many day laborers drinking on premises, gambling and urinating on the street, asked if there is an ordinance for that. Councilmember Low replied she had spoken to City Manager about that issue City Manager Chi explained the concerns residents have are the same all Councilmembers have as well; city has officers monitoring the areas everyday. Ms. Navarro continued that by the Burger King they leave their trash there. In an article on January 25th, 2006 where it described day labors yelling comments to young women passing by on the street. Ms. Navarro asked if a 24 hour phone number is available to residents. Sheriff Michael Oshea from Temple Station stated they are aware of the day laborers and homeless. The Sheriffs Department is trying to make significant changes, however it will take time. They have limited space and the level in misdemeanor is not great to keep them for too long. Encourages residents to report any crime they witness. Also, added that the sheriffs are in contact with ICE to improve the immigration issues and residents can also contact Home Land Security if they wish. City Manager Chi explained to residents to please know that the code enforcement team and deputies are out there trying to prevent these types of activities. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 14 of 21 • 0 Ms. Navarro also addressed two other issues; one regarding an abandoned house between Hart and Rio Hondo on Guess Street; second, the issue with Wal-Mart. She felt the Wal-Mart property could have had better use and other businesses should not be built there. . Marlene Shinen spoke on the importance of the traffic signals by Wal-Mart. Reading sections of the mitigation measures condition of approval, she stated they were mandated to assure the safety of the school children and the residents. Ms. Shinen asked Council to install the signals and fund enough money to provide crossing guard services at the crossing locations. "Rosemead Commercial Retail Center revised final EIR (December 2005) Engineer Condition of Approval No. 41, reads, prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy for stage 1 improvements developer shall deposit an amount by the City Engineer for the cost of installing a flashing beacon at school crossing and funding a school crossing guard program at the corner of Rush and Delta for a minimum of 20 years, those are the measures of protection agreed by the City and Wal-Mart." She acknowledged the recommendation made by Councilmember Gary Taylor, to install a signal on Rush and Delta Avenue a year ago. On the Traffic meeting of January 3b, 2008, Ms. Shinen had a petition that was signed for the traffic signal at Rush and Angelus Avenue; petition that included 131 signatures in support of the signal. Asked, for the existing signal on the north driveway of Wal- Mart to be relocated to Rush and Delta. Ms. Shinen disagreed with the wording on the agenda stating, "That the City Council direct staff to continue monitoring traffic issues..." she indicated the Commission recommended to the City to install signals on Angelus Avenue and Delta Avenue on Rush, not monitor traffic issues. In conclusion, thanked council for graffiti removal and initiating action of the day laborers issue in the city. Traffic Commissioner Ron Gay, 4106 Encinita Avenue, stated when the engineering traffic study came out and the Traffic Engineer concluded that nothing needed to be done on Angelus and Rush Street, He was disturbed. As a result, the Traffic commission acted aggressively to recommend installing a signal. The key issue is the safety of the children and families to utilize condition 41. Todd Kunioka, 8400 Wells Street, recommended that at least red curbing be considered on the corners for better visibility. Mr. Kunioka felt that if the funding from condition 41 is there, it could be used for the traffic light or asked Wal-Mart to add a signal light. On other related issues, Mr. Kunioka recalled the approval of the project also included a noise ordinance, said sound studies were not done properly at the second floor window height. Jim Flournoy stated that Councilmember Taylor asked the council in the past to monitor the site and see if that intersection in question did need a traffic signal. The Traffic commission sent out a notice and residents circulated a petition to have the traffic signal installed. Mr. Flournoy and Mr. Taylor exchanged comments. Mr. Taylor clarified that staff was working on it. Mr. Taylor also stated that Council had not seen the minutes of the Traffic Commission meeting yet. Mr. Flournoy also commented on the city engineer study made. He felt it was a theoretical study and meaningless. For example, a motorcycle stopped traffic to let kids cross and got rear ended by another vehicle, in which Marlene Shinen took a picture of, and asked for a new traffic study to be done. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 15 of 21 Councilmember Taylor asked if the motorcycle incident was reported to the Sheriffs Department. Council received three accidents reports from Januryl, 2005 to October 2007. However, there may be more accidents not being reported to the Sherifrs Department; asked staff to get another report. Traffic Commissioner Ron Gay added to what Mr. Taylor said about the minutes and reports, The Traffic Commission has not received any minutes of the meeting and that the Commission would like to get notified of future traffic studies. Councilmember Clark recommended that it was a good idea that commissioners be notified. Mayor Tran spoke to Ron about red curbing on Encinita and asked if the curb had not been marked Traffic Commissioner Ron Gay responded it was correct and that the issue went back to July. Mayor Tran directed staff to look into that issue and also Mr. Kunioka's comment on Rush Street. City Manager Chi clarified that staff has relayed those concerns to Willdan. Staff didn't realize minutes had not been approved by Traffic commission. Mayor Pro Tern Nunez asked staff to see what the cost of the signal would be for Delta. Councilmember Taylor asked staff to go ahead and get the cost of signal and bring it back to council. Clarified, Wal-Mart had given money for the signal and for the crossing guards. Mr. Taylor in the past made a traffic observation on Rush Street and took pictures of 10 students in the morning and 9 students in the afternoon crossing that intersection and it is a problem because it is a four lane street. Also, mentioned nobody questioned the permit given to Wal-Mart for their commercial. Sheriffs were provided, parking enforcements were provided, and went through the process. City Manager Chi commented there was only one complaint made that evening and staff responded immediately. Councilmember Taylor stated Wal-Mart came through and followed procedure; the shopping carts have a locking system; they are doing what they agreed to do. City Manager Chi stated timing was an issue. Councilmember Clark asked why the residents were not notified of Wal-Mart shooting a commercial that weekend; it would have taken one phone call. Mayor Pro Tern Nunez stated the flashing lights are needed not only for the kids but also for the residents. Councilmember Clark stated she had spent over an hour that morning counting the cars and eight parents with their children crossing. She indicated the light on Angelus needed to be installed rather than at Delta. Ms. Clark was concerned with the unnecessary stops, one would do. Asked staff to check for lights to be installed on Angelus and make better visible markings for school crossing. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 16 of 21 0 Mayor Pro Tern Nunez suggested having lights installed on Delta because people are crossing from Don Bosco High School and install beacons at Angelus. Councilmember Clark expressed concern by putting a signal.on Delta you would have to coordinate with the other lights. For the children's safety, there needs to be a signal at Angelus closer to the crossing of the school. Mr. Larry Bevington suggested there be more traffic studies brought back to Council. Mr. Bevington asked for a new traffic study to be made by a new engineering consultant. Mayor Tran suggested to install red curbs at the south side of Rush and Delta and recommended an independent traffic study be conducted.. Councilmember Taylor asked Mr. Bevington why he opposed the traffic signal in November of 2006 (should be 2005). Mr. Bevington could not recall. Councilmember Low added to the motion to have an independent engineering company conduct a new traffic study. Ms. Low recommended having a crosswalk lines on Angelus by the school. Mayor Tran made a motion to first install the crosswalk lines, second to immediately install red curbs on the Southside of Rush street, and third to request city to solicit an independent firm to conduct a traffic study. Mayor Tran made a motion, second by Councilmember Low to approve the installation of crosswalk lines, red curb on Rush Street, and to solicit independent firms to conduct a traffic study. Vote resulted in: Yes, Clark, Low, Nunez,.Taylor, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Councilmember Taylor stated he was sitting on the north side of Rush and the landscaping out in the middle is a problem. He described that if the crossing guard is sitting on the north half, behind the trees they cannot be seen across the shrubs; some of that shrub may have to be cut back. Councilmember Clark asked for the second fire hydrant right on Rush be added as part of the red curbing into the motion. City Manager Chi asked if the Council would like staff to bring back the proposed traffic engineer that will be used for study back to Council for approval or is Council comfortable with staff making that decision. Councilmember Taylor asked if this would be a one time use then it would be okay. Mayor Tran clarified that because of the amount of time spent on this, staff should engage in the approval of the contract. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 17 of 21 • • Mayor Tran made a motion, second by Councilmember Low to approve the installation of crosswalk lines, red curb on Rush Street and to solicit independent firms to conduct a traff ic study. Vote resulted in: Yes, Clark, Low, Nunez, Taylor, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Consolidated Disposal Contract Evergreen Clause On January 22, 2008, the City Council discussed the City's contract with Consolidated Disposal Services for trash and recycling collection services. While discussing this item, the Council reviewed several terms included in the contract, including service levels; the evergreen provision included in the agreement, collection rates, AB 939 indemnification, and the City's participation in the Los Angeles Regional Agency consortium. Staff has researched these items and this information is summarized for the City Council's review. Recommendation: That the City Council provide staff with further direction regarding the City's refuse collection contract and collection service levels. City Manager Chi reviewed staff report and based on council's direction staff prepared a detailed report regarding several issues. Staff asked City Council for further direction. Councilmember Low agreed with the concerns Council had in the previous meeting. Based on the staff report, felt that there was not any advantage to continue with the evergreen contract. Terminating evergreen contract would allow the city to look at other companies. Mayor Tran stated he found that 80% of other cities do not have an evergreen clause in the contract. By terminating the clause it gives staff the chance to go out and look at other companies and improve services for the residents and still work with Consolidated. Councilmember Low added that the rank rating for the city currently was 26th and now 29th in billing rates. Councilmember Taylor indicated at the last council meeting the information provided was obsolete material. There are 88 cities that are in L.A County and the information Council previously received had only 72 cities included in the study. Mr. Taylor asked what happened to the other 16 cities. Nonetheless, rates have gone up, ranking 26th and now 29th possibly. Also asked, if he could find out the rates of other cities. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 18 of 21 w • City Manager Chi replied those were the only cities that responded to the study and were included in the H & H report. Councilmember Taylor asked staff to review the survey, page 1 thru 11 and asked to read the categories. City Manager Chi read the categories. Councilmember Taylor asked if anyone could read it because it was printed on black and white, therefore, darkening the categories section and not allowing for feasible visibility. Asked staff to reprint that section and redistribute to council. Mayor Pro Tern Nunez made a motion, second by Councilmember Low to have the evergreen clause removed from the contract. Councilmember Clark indicated that she intended to vote no on this item. Ms. Clark expressed concern that the city is only paying 30% for the landfill tipping fees, and Consolidated is paying for 70 If the City terminates this part of the contract, after the five year term, the possibility of rates may sky rocket. Mayor Pro Tenn Nunez stated the city may look at other companies that have their own landfills Councilmember Clark is concerned we are giving away our guarantee those rates will not increase. City Manager Chi explained staff has been working on that very issue with Consolidated. There are many recycling programs that will increase our diversion rates that are mandated by the state. The current rate of recycling is at 26%; AB 939 mandates that we have 50%. Councilmember Taylor asked how the City is going to improve our recycling rates; residents already have recycling bins. The City was told that we have to go back with our consultant and that we were quoted an excellent figure. At that time we were at 37% or 39% and we've dropped down roughly 12%. Mr. Taylor asked what more can the City do to improve the recycling issue. Administrative Services Office Marcarello explained several cities use different approaches. There is a material recovering facility where cities will require that the people at the conveyer belt take out recyclable material and the city will include that in the contract in which will say, "we want to achieve a set diversion rate". The city has a policy that says the contractors are supposed to comply with certain diversion laws. Councilmember Taylor stated usually the company will roll off bins filled with trash into it. Administrative Services Office Marcarello explained some materials cannot be diverted to landfills. Councilmember Taylor questioned their recycling rates going from 39% to 26%; that is one third lost in the past years. The scavengers issue has been a problem because they pick up scrap metal and appliances that are weight (tonnage) the city would get credit for (recycling). City Manager Chi explained many communities deal with that. Councilmember Low asked staff to work on the scavenger issue and bring back to Council. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 19 of 21 Traffic Commissioner Brian Lewin suggested the same idea the city of Burbank has. They have their own trash people and trash program. They have black, green, and blue trash cans. If residents put the wrong type of trash in the wrong trash can the City will take action towards that resident. Also, suggested that the City initiate a more outreach multilingual program for recycling. Mayor Pro Tern Nunez made a motion, second by Councilmember Low to remove that evergreen clause from Consolidated contract. Vote resulted in: Yes: Low, Nunez, Tran No: Clark Abstain: Taylor Absent: None Councilmember Taylor stated he abstained because he wants to review the information due to a potential $10,000 dollar a day fine. City Manager Chi explained the liability that Consolidated offers in protecting us from that fine is only applicable if the City has (not) engaged in all available options to increase our diversion rate. Even if that portion of that contract was to be lifted and Los Angeles Regional Agency (LARA) the city would still be liable. Councilmember Taylor asked if according to the contract the City has some protection. His abstention stands until staff brings back the current rates for the 88 cities (in LA County). City Manager Chi replied the city has some protection because we're part of LARA and will continue to regardless of who the trash contractor is. Councilmember Taylor asked Mr. Chi for the reports on the gas station on the southwest corner that he had requested; wants to know who the owner is. City Manager Chi replied the City had contacted the caretaker, who stated he could authorize the improvements the city had requested. The owner recently returned and we got a chance to.... Councilmember Taylor asked staff to get reports on the issue and stated this was the third time that he tried getting the report. Councilmember Clark commented about the fire hydrants on Rush Street and mention she would like to have that part of the curb painted red since no parking is allowed anyway. Another issue the northwest corner on San Gabriel and Garvey Boulevard, there was trash everywhere. Asked, if the owner does not pick up the trash can the City fine him. City Manager Chi stated there is a Property Maintenance Ordinance that is being prepared. Assistant City Manager Saeki explained the owner obtained a demolition permit but had the wrong contractor come in. Staff had a conversation with the property owner and said he was held up with the Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 20 of 21 • • county on asbestos testing. City has been tracking this issue with Code Enforcement and in a month they expect to have all permits in line. Councilmember Clark expressed concerns regardless of permits and stated the property owner should clean his property. City Manager Chi commented staff will continue to monitor the property. Mayor Tran directed staff to look into jogging trails for parks. Also, residents have requested a skate park for kids, rather than having them mistreating school properties. Mayor Pro Tern Nunez commented that in a conference he attended he observed that other cities use fiber glass for skate parks. Councilmember Taylor expressed concern with the liability a skate park would bring. The city has to have extra insurance in case kids get hurt on the property. Other cities in the San Gabriel Valley have opened them and closed them. Mayor Tran replied the kids will use school facilities and rails to skate. Mr. Tran asked staff to look into this and see what the liability is. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:22 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on February 26, 2008 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted: 'J'Lr404& Gloria Molleda CITY CLERK Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2008 Page 21 of 21 Approved: • STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. CITY OF ROSEMEAD 1 • I, Gloria Molleda, City Clerk for the City of Rosemead, do hereby certify that the minutes from February 12, 2008, were duly and regularly approved and adopted by Rosemead City Council on the 25th of March, 2008, by the following vote to wit: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Taylor, Tran No: None Abstain:None Absent:None OIL G oria Molleda City Clerk APPENDIX F Proof of Public Notice Annual Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 30-Day Review Period Published March 20, 2008 PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPS AND PERSONS The City. of Rosemead 's Annual Action Plan for the Fiscal Year (FY) Period July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009 will be available for public Monday, March 24, 2008.. The Annual Action Plan includes the proposed activities, resources and expenditures- for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME, Investment Partnerships (HOME) Programs. The City of Rosemead welcomes any written recommendations, suggestions, or other input on the City's Fiscal Year 2008-09 Annual Action Plan. The Annual Action Plan must be prepared according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations. A copy of HUD's final rule (issued January 5, 1995, Federal Register) is available upon, request. HUD requires an Annual Action Plan in order for the City to receive federal funds under the CDBG and HOME Programs. In past years, these' monies has been used for a wide variety of activities, including housing improvements, curb cuts for the handicapped and park facilities. It has been confirmed that the City of Rosemead will receive $1,138,481 in . CDBG funds and $496,123 in HOME funds for the 2008-09 fiscal year. When combined with carryover funds of $790,000 and anticipated program' income of .$25,000 in CDBG and carryover funds of $1,712,682 in HOME, the City will have a total of aoaroximately $1,951481 of CDBG'. HOME funds available for the 2008-09 Year. It should be noted that only. three broad funding categories are considered eligible under CDBG-regulotions. A project must either provide benefits to low or. moderate-income persons, eliminate slum or blighted conditions, or is an urgent need. In addition, of the CDBG funds received, no more than 15% of the annual grant amount can be used for public services and no more than 20% of the grant amount can be used for Planning and Administrative e income activities. Of ids received, no more can be. used for and program delivery o is set aside for lousing Development as constituted under. . The balance of funds used for housing The FY 2008-2009 Annual Action_ Plan will be available for public. examination and copying starting Monday, March 24, 2008. Persons interested in reviewing the Annual Action Plan may do so by contacting Michelle G. Ramirez, Economic Development Administrator, at (626) 569-2158 or the City Clerk's Office at (626) 569-2171, or the Rosemead Library at (626) 573-5220. Citizens wishing to comment on the FY 2008-2009 Annual Action Plan must do so in writing. Written comments will be accepted for a period of thirty days from March 24, 2008 or no later than 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22, 2008. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead n-mo .m t Servires Rosiness Unit 2. of these funds on ve housing ilitation moderate in or de administrative and ina costs not accepting: - ,rstanding that certain iken with CDBG and, could result in he City of Rosemead plan requ of 11 Act of 1914, as amenaea, Uniform Relocation and 'Real Property Policies Act of 1970, as A copy of the plan is r public Inspection. in aaaiTwn, pursuant 1y ~11-„ 'of the Act, the City of Rosemead ha& developed and is following a detailed Citizen Participation Plan. A copy of the plan is available for Public' inspection. In addition to Standard Form 424,. the Annual Action Plan and the appropriate Certifications, th Is submission includes an accompanying map for the Targeted Public Works and Facilities projects. NOTICE Notice is of the Fis an will be. and the City Clerk's Ottice, as wen as the Rosemead Library. Interested parties wishing to obtain a copy, in either written or alternate format, should contact Michelle G. Ramirez. DATED THIS 20th DAY OF MARCH, 2008. Oliver Chi, City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Publish: March 20, 2008 San Gabriel Valley Tribune Ad#116746 to Development Services Business Unit 141 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Reserved Development Services Business Unit 142 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 APPENDIX G Minutes City Council Meeting of March 25, 2008 .ry: k.a Development Services Business Unit 143 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Reserved Development Services Business Unit 144 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 To be inserted upon approval by the Rosemead City Council. fsY y^~. 1 ,a ~n~v F`Ft` ,t Development Services Business Unit 145 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Reserved k:~65 Development Services Business Unit 146 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 APPENDIX H Proof of Public Hearing Annual Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Published April 7, 2008 CITY OF ROSMEAD ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, April 22, 2008, a ng will be held before the Rosemead City Council f toption of the City's Annual Action Plan for the Fiscc 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. The Annual Action used activities, resources and expenditures foi lopment Block Grant (CDBG) Program. The Annual ) Proposed activities, resources and expenditures f moment Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Invest (HOME) Programs. The City of Rosemead welcomes any recommenaations, suggestions, or other input on the City's Fiscal Year 2008-09 Annual Action Plan. The Annual Action Plan must be prepared according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations. A copy of HUD's final rule (issued January 5, 1995, Federal Register) is available upon request HUD requires an Annual Action Plan in order for the City to receive federal funds under the. CDBG and HOME Programs. -In past years, these monies has been used for a wide variety of activities, including housing rehabilitation, commercial rehabilitation, code enforcement, graffiti removal and various capital improvements including street improvements, curb cuts for the handicapped and park facilities. The City of Rosemead has developed several Community Development Objectives for the 2008-09 Fiscal Year. The objectives include: 1. Housing , . To provide for the conservation and expansion of the City's housing stock in a'manner consistent with the needs of its residents and compatible with area-wide goals; in order to provide a decent home and a suitable living environment for all persons, but principally those of low and moderate-income. 2. Neighborhood Preservation and Improvements To provide programs which prevent or stem the tide of blight and deterioration within residential neighborhoods in 'order to improve neighborhood environments. This effort - is especially related to the rehabilitation and preservation of dwelling units, and to the improvement of public hardscape and recreational areas. fair housing in equa been confirmed that the City of Rosemead will receive $1,138,481 in Inds and $496,123 in HOME funds for. the 2008-09 fiscal Year. When f with carryover funds of $790,000 and anticipated program Income of 1 CDBG and carryover funds of $1,712,682 in HOME, the City will tntnl of nonrnximately 57.953.481 of CDBG funds available and ving the objectives stated above, as well as ones not uses of CDBG and HOME funds are protected In the fiscal Year 21)(18-21JUY 2008-2009 CDBG Allocation City Administration General Administration - $207,696 Fair Housing $25,000 Subtotal $232,696 Rehabilitation Administration $234,887 Emergency Grants $10,000 Grants $150,000 Rebates - $30,000 Lead/Asbestos Testing $16,500 Lead/Asbestos Remediation 51501000 Subtotal $591,387 Public Safety Code Enforcement - $387,323 Subtotal $387,323 Sacral Services Family Counseling Services $40,000 People for People $27,600 Rosemead School District $11,698 Rosemead High School $13,650 Senior Nutrition Services 877,324 Subtotal $170,272 Public Works Dinsmoore Historical House $150,000 Targeted Public Works Project $421,803 Subtotal $571,803 2008-2009 HOME Allocation City, Administration General Administration 549,612 Subtotal 549,612 Owner-Occupied Loans $1,519,447 Mortgage Assistance Payment $280,000 Subtotal $1,799,447 Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Rio Hondo Community Development Corp. (Operating) $24,806 Rio Hondo Community Development Corp. (Affordable Housing Program) $334,940 .Subtotal $359,746 Total HOME Allocation $2,208,805 The City of Rosemead plans to minimize displacement of persons as a resul' CDBG and HOME funded activities by concentrating the expenditure o' ese funds on activities that: 1. Involve housing rehabilitation moderate in nature, or 2. Include administrative and planning costs, not accepling.dl5placement. developed a plan to assist persons aCTUUIIy activities. This plan requires that the City P relocation assistance and benefits in conforn Housing and Community Development Act Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Pro 1970, as amended. A copy of the plan is ovailc In addition, pursuant to Section 508 of the developed and is following a detailed Citizen plan is available for public inspection. In addition to Standard Form 424, the appropriate Certifications, this submission im the Targeted Public Works and Facilities prof The FY 2008-2009 Annual Action Plan is examination and copying. Persons interested Plan may do so by contacting Michelle G. F Administrator, at (626) 569-2158 or the City C the Rosemead Library at (626) 573-5220. Citi. FY 2008-2009 Annual Action Plan must do so it be accepted for a period of thirty days from 6:00 P.m. on Tuesday, April 22, 2008. Written I City of Rosemead ' Development Services Business Unit the 1g am of thv nd IN Act a Potion Plan. A copy of fill al Action Plan and thl an accompanying map fol ntly available for Publil viewing the Annual Actiol comment on an comments or no later be addressed It is anticipated that the City of Rosemead's FY 2008-2009 Annual Action Plm will be submitted to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Developmen by May 15, 2008. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on Tuesday, April 22, 2008, at the hou of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Rosemea- City Council will hold a public hearing at the Rosemead Communit Recreation Center,. 3936 N. Muscatel, Rosemead, California, 91770, for th solicitation of public comment on the adoption of the City of Rosemead' Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Annual Action Plan from citizens and interested Partte! All interested persons may attend at said time and testify in this matter. Further information may be obtained by contacting Michelle G. Ramirez. NOTICE 15 FURTHER GIVEN that if you challenge the aforementione action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you o someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or 1 written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing DATED THIS 7Th DAY OF APRIL, 2008. Publish: April 7, 2008 San Gabriel Valley Tribune Oliver Chi, City Manage City of Rosemea 8838 E. Valley Boulevar Rosemead, California 9177 Ad#18309 Total CDBG Allocation $1,953,481 1 , Development Services Business Unit 147 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Reserved Development Services Business Unit 148 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 APPENDIX I CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN (For all Federally Funded Grant Programs) INTRODUCTION Pursuant to Section 104(a)(3) of the Housing and Comm amended, the City of Rosemead first adopted this Citizen (previously revised in 1979, 1988, and 1991). By doing so role of citizen participation in the process of planning and d Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program a Programs. This document outlines basic tenets of the cil effect throughout the implementation of the government, or until these funds are completely i The following details Rosemead's iity,Development Act of 1974 as rticipation Plan in June of 1978 s- a ie Cmtyacknowledges the integral lopment, and the execution of the all other Federally Funded Grant Sr'u, ~ion regulations andwill remain in X-11, a ment awards from the federal It is the policy of the City 'of'RoIs mead to provide for full involvement by the community and its residents in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of programs funded under the Housing `aridiCommunity Development Act of 1974, as amended, including the Community DevelopmenO, rant,, (CDBG) Program and HOME Investment Partnership Act (HOME). CDBG _is a federal entitlement grant rthatyallows entitlement jurisdictions to undertake a variety of housing, and community `development programming for persons who are primarily low to moderate'mcome. The HOME program provides funding for a variety of affordable housing I.,- development and, assistance m i,_. This Citizen Partiictpatton Plan sets forth the procedures and guidelines to be implemented by the City to provide for'iiheN continuing participation by the citizens of Rosemead. The City acknowledges the needl'for, and the role, of citizen involvement, but also recognizes that the final determination and responsibility for policy development rests with the City Council. This plan may be amended from time to time and shall remain in effect until superseded by a new plan or until the City no longer participates in programs that require such a plan. Citizen Participation does not restrict the responsibility or the authority of the City for the development execution of its Consolidated Plan and Annual Plan. Development Services Business Unit 149 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 SCOPE OF PARTICIPATION A. Citizens' Roles All citizens of Rosemead are encouraged to participate in the public meetings and hearings and to contact the City's Development Services Business Unit with regard to any questions they may have concerning the process and programs under the Consolidated Plan. In general, the City holds two (2) public hearings during the co regarding community needs for the Consolidated Plan or Am program year regarding reallocation of funds. Other public hearin 4% also holds a planning meeting during the development of its Con Consolidated Plan and/or Annual Plan, is published for a ""71 a, annual report, known as CAPER (Consolidated Annual,,erfoyrmz published annually for a 15-day comment period. All public hearings and meetings take place in thi E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91 publicized in advance. Questions and comments regarding the Ms. Michelle City of Rosei Valley Number: (626) 569-2158 B. its program year. One h.,, and one during the also be held. The City I Plan. In addition, the ent period. The City's It, Evaluation Report) is located at7City Hall, 8838 location X nd/or time is addressed to: Administrator The`Cify encourages the submission bf views and written comments by citizens regarding the Citizen PaRi6ipation Plan 4Gonsolidated Plan, One-Year Action Plan and CAPER. The comments maylie„submitted to, CDD at any public hearing conducted by the City Council. All written views aii&".roposals should be submitted no later than seven (7) days prior to the last public hearing by the";City Council on the final application to be submitted. The City Council public hearing date will not noticed as set forth in the Public Hearings and Meetings section of this Plan. The City will respond to all written comments within fifteen (15) working days and state the reasons for the action taken on the proposal or view. All comments or views that were not accepted will be attached to the final plan, amendment or performance evaluation, along with the reasons why they were not accepted. Development Services Business Unit 150 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 C. City's Role 1. Technical Assistance and Accessibility To help facilitate citizen input, the City will provide technical assistance, through its staff, to the community-wide and neighborhood associations and to groups of low- to-moderate income residents who request such assistance. Questions regarding specific programs can be answered by program staff and guidelines for programs will be made available on request. There is no charge for one copy of program materials. On request, the City will make available translatorshrii6p ters for speakers other than English, as available, for meetings and hearings relatirig~'toRthe Consolidated Plan, Annual Plan and CAPER. The City's primary`' languagesare Spanish and Chinese. Public hearings will be held in the, City Council Chambers, which are accessible to the handicapped and disabled"' ' Persons requiring translation should contact the City Clerk at least 72 hours n advance,. of the meetinghto make % arrangements. The City Clerk can be reached at 626-569=2171. Citizens with handicaps/disabilities who need special; accommodation in order to access program information musf contact the City Clerk,'at,least 72 hours in advance with its reasonable accommodation.requesY_vReasonable accommodation includes the following: providing materials in a''differeri'~and/or larger typeface/font; providing materials in an alternative medium, making special `arrangements for meeting attendance. The.City;Clerk can be reached at 626-569=2171. 5. .i i ye- 2. Public Information.. , In order for citizens to become informed and "involved in the program, the City will y: J, provide: comprehensive~access 'to program information. The following information wiIL a made~available;:during the'planning process of program development and a:. Amount of Entitlement'(' b.':; Types of activities that are eligible for funding and activities previously "funded c. Ineligible activities d. Schedule of;ineetings and hearings and the process to be followed by the City in approving applications In addition, documents relevant to the Consolidated Plan, funding and reporting processes are available to all citizens during normal working hours. Normal working hours is defined, as Monday through Thursday from 8:00 to 5:00 p.m. Copies of the following materials are available for review at City Hall: a. Mailings and promotional material b. Records of hearings and meetings Development Services Business Unit 151 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 c. Prior applications d. Reports required by HUD e. Regulations and issuances governing aspects of the program f. Records of prior use of funds for the last five (5) years Citizen involvement, as stated earlier, will be sought in the development, implementation and evaluation stages of the City's plan. This will be accomplished in the following manner: CONSOLIDATED PLAN DEVELOPMENT' ` Citizens will be invited to provide Input into development ofthe`S-Year Strategic Plan, including identification of needs and setting of priorities, through public hearings and/or community meetings and public comment period, as scheduled by the City of Rosemead. IMPLEMENTATION Citizen involvement in the program implementation shall be in the form of public hearings and/or community meetings, as scheduled by the city of Rosemead. EVALUATION Citizens will be given the opportunity to reviewi'and, comment on the entitlement programs, including the opportunity to review evaluation of.the program projects and activities. This will be in the form of public comment period and/or'public hearing'as applicable. PUBLIC HEARING&AND MEETINGS Public hearings shall provide he majoi?source'of citizen input on proposed neighborhood improvementtprograms, activities, policies acid procedures. At a minimum, the City will conduct two separate public hearings at two+(2) different stages of the program year in order to address housing and community development= needs. At least one of these hearings will be conducted before the,proposed Consolidated Plan/Annual Plan is adopted. All public hearings will be held in the Council Chambers, which are accessible to the handicapped/disabled. To ensure that all 'city residents have ample opportunity to take notice of all scheduled public hearings, all notice's"regarding such hearings, including the date, time and location, shall be published in a local newspaper of general circulation at least ten (10) days prior to date of public hearing. All notices will be published in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, as well as posted. Materials are available at city hall and at the library. The Council may hold additional hearings as necessary for the Plan, evaluation and/or substantial amendments to the adopted Plan. All hearings will be noticed in the same manner as hearings for the Plan process. Development Services Business Unit 152 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 Minutes of all hearings shall be kept by the City in accordance with its standard practice. Copies of minutes shall be available on request, in accordance with City's adopted practice. The City shall also consult with the cities of the surrounding jurisdiction, with County Public Health and with the Department of Social Services, as well as with the State as applicable, with its regional partners and with local non-profit organizations as part of the process. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES As stated above, in order to give adequate notice of public hearings, the'City shall publish a legal notice in a newspaper of general circulation. In addition, all notices shall also be posted and/or available at City Hall, the public library and to several posting";areas;lin general use throughout the City (see attached). All legal notices shall be published ten.(10) days prior to the hearing and a shall contain the following: A. Date of the Hearing B. Time of the Hearing C. Place of the Hearing D. Topics to be considered E. Basic information and/or Summary , U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developmert-'regulations state that a grantee shall amend its Consolidated Plan; submission whei ever it decides not to carry out an activity described in the Consolidated"Plan, to carry out an activity not previously described, or to substantially changp" he;purpose, :scope, location, or beneficiaries of an activity. Furthermore, the grantee is required to develop and make publio''ifs criteria for what constitutes a substantial change. A substantial change tslierein defined as any amendment that changes program beneficiaries, the locatron'of approved activities and"major budget shifts between approved activities. A major budget shrft;_is defined as ari increase or decrease in budget of more than 25%. In the event that an amendrrie6t,Ao the Consolidated Plan qualifies as a substantial change, citizens will be given an opportunitylo_ participatOm' the planning process. This opportunity will be afforded to the citizens in the following manner: A. Publication of Information for 30-day Comment Period B. Adoption of change through public hearing process, as outlined above C. Publication of 30-day comment period and 10-day notification of public hearing may run concurrently. All substantial amendments to the Consolidated Plan and any and all amendments to the Citizen Participation Plan will be reviewed by and must receive approval from the City Council. Development Services Business Unit 153 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009 > 2008-,2009MnualAcdon,Plan CITIZEN SERVICE REQUESTS AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Citizens should be aware that any questions or grievances, regarding entitlement programs and projects can be submitted to Community Development located at 8838 E. Valley Boulevard During the actual development of the Consolidated Plan submission, written concerns or complaints regarding the Plan shall initiate a written response indicating assessment of the complaint and/or proposals and actions taken to address the complaints and/or proposals before final submission of the Plan to HUD as outlined in "B. Written Comments". The City shall ensure that reasonable attempts are made to respond to questions or, complaints in a timely manner, usually within fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the inquiry. If complaints are not addressed at the City level, citizens •may,forward such concerns or complaints to HUD. Although HUD will consider objections submitted at any time, such objections should be submitted within thirty (30) days of the submission of either the Consolidated Plan or Performance Report to HUD. _ Any written inquiries submitted to HUD should be addressed as follows: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Los Angeles Area Office, CPD Division 611 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, CA 90017 Objections submitted to HUD must meet one,or more of the following criteria: A. The description of needs',and objectives are plainly inconsistent with available facts and data. B. The activities to4be undertaken are plainly inappropriate to meeting the needs and objectives identified by the, applicant jurisdiction. C. The submission does not comply with specific requirements or law. D. The submission proposes'.the undertaking of ineligible activities. C'+ Development Services Business Unit 154 Annual Action Plan City of Rosemead FY 2008-2009