CC - Item 4D - Adjustments to Preschool and Contract Instructor RatesE M F S O S 4 i fir` ~ O A • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 22, 2008 SUBJECT: PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS TO PRESCHOOL AND CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR RATES SUMMARY The City of Rosemead has not increased program or service fees since 1991. As a result, MuniFinancial, a financial consulting firm, was hired in 2007 to conduct a fee survey. Specifically, they were to evaluate the City's revenues and expenditures to determine to level of cost recovery-how much the City spends for its operations as compared with the revenues generated from its programs and services. MuniFinancial's preliminary analysis of the Parks and Recreation Department suggests that we recover less than 6% of the costs associated with the department's efforts. For fiscal year 2006- 07, the Parks and Recreation Department generated $337,900 in revenues as compared with its $5.8 million budget. While we cannot expect to reach 100% cost recovery, six percent is extremely low and necessitates a very high degree of subsidy for the programs and activities Rosemead offers. As part of our current budget process, staff has conducted its own evaluation of several programs to determine how we might lessen existing subsidies. Cities are prohibited from charging fees that exceed 100% cost recovery in many of the services they provide. Others, however, can be determined by market demand (what the public is willing to pay). In consideration of these factors, staff has evaluated Rosemead's preschool program fees and the percentage of contract class fees paid to instructors. Preschool fees are limited by cost recovery, while Instructor-City fee ratios are market driven. City of Rosemead Preschool Program The City of Rosemead has offered a preschool program to residents for nearly twenty years. Currently, we offer quarterly morning and afternoon preschool classes for 3 to 5 year olds at four sites. The preschools teach the building blocks for learning to read and write, emphasize social and motor skill development, and introduce students to music, art, and literature with the primary goal of kindergarten readiness. Classes are taught by instructors with a minimum of 11 years of experience. Rosemead's preschool programs APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0 City Council Meeting June 13, 2006 Pace 2 of 5 have a total annual capacity of 768 students and serve resident and non-resident families. Thirty-three (17%) of our spring quarter students are non-residents. The program currently operates five days per week. The fee for 12 weeks of instruction is $195 ($1.08 per hour). This results in $37,440 in quarterly revenues when classes are full. Effective July 1, 2008, the Preschool Program will cost approximately $198,000 in salaries and benefits and $12,000 for the purchase of classroom supplies. To recoup the $210,000 solely expended for direct instruction would require participant fees of $274 per student per quarter. In addition to evaluating direct instruction costs, staff compared Rosemead's fees against those of ten local cities and seven private Rosemead preschools. Cost comparisons are as follows: Approximate City Instruction Fee Hourl Rate Notes 5 days/3 hours Rosemead 12 weeks $195 $1.08 Alhambra N/A Arcadia N/A Baldwin Park N/A Parental in-class 2 days/2.5 hours assistance El Monte 8 weeks $65 $1.63 required 2 or 3 days/5 hours Includes $32 Montebello 8 weeks $196; $257 $2.45; $2.14 materials fee 5 days/2.5 hours Monterey Park 4 weeks $60 $1.20 Pasadena N/A San Gabriel N/A Classes offered for 2, 3, and 4-5 year San Marino 5 days/3-4 hours $428-$571/mo. $6.58-6.59 olds South El Monte 2 days/1 hour $20/mo. $2.31 2 or 3 days/3 hours Temple City 11 weeks $220;$290 $3.33; $2.93 Preschool Days/Times Cost Notes Bethel Daycare & Mon-Fri $525-600/mo. 2 - 6 yrs. old Preschool 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 2 meals and 3 snacks 7732 Emerson Place Little People School Mon-Fri $195/week Infant-6 yrs. old 4715 Rosemead Blvd 6 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Breakfast, lunch, and snack • • City Council Meeting June 13, 2006 Page 3 of 5 Maryvale Educ. Daycare Mon-Fri $580-796/mo. 9 mo. - Kinder 7600 Graves Avenue 7 a.m. - 6 .m. Breakfast, lunch, and snack Sunny Garden Daycare Mon-Fri $600/mo. 2 - 6 yrs. old 2739 Stin le Avenue 7 a.m. - 6:30 .m. Breakfast, lunch and snacks Sunshine Educ. Center Mon-Fri $635/mo. (F/T) 2 -6 yrs. old 3107 Gladys Avenue 7 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. $508/mo. (P/T) Breakfast, lunch and snacks for FIT 1 meal and snack for P!T Top Kids Preschool Mon-Fri $650/mo. 2 - 6 yrs. 2608 New Avenue 7a.m. - 6 .m. 2 meals, 2 snacks, back ack/t-shirt Wonder World Preschool Mon-Fri $625/mo. 2 - 6 yrs. 1630 Del Mar Avenue 5:30 a.m. - 7 .m. 2 meals and 1 snack It is clear that our rates are significantly less than those charged by all area programs surveyed. At current rates, the City subsidizes more than 30% of the cost of the preschool program (more than $60,000 annually). In an effort to decrease the existing subsidy, it is proposed that a three-phase fee increase be implemented as follows: Fall 2008: Increase to $225 for 10 weeks of instruction ($1.50 per hour) Spring 2009: Increase to $250 for 10 weeks of instruction ($1.67 per hour) Summer 2009: Increase to $274 for 10 weeks of instruction ($1.83 per) The City may also want to consider a $25 non-resident fee to further offset the subsidy for families that do not live in Rosemead. It is important to note that while this will result in an increase of approximately 25% in preschool revenues for fiscal year 2008-09, it does not achieve 100% cost recovery (as administration, maintenance, facility, and other costs are not included). Even with these increases, Rosemead remains very competitively priced and continues to offer a high quality program. Contract Class Instructor Fees The City of Rosemead strives to offer the broadest range of recreational activities to the community. Part of its success is in its ability, like most cities, to offer hundreds of contract classes annually through contract agreements with instructors. These instructors teach a variety of skills including dance, cooking, music, exercise and nutrition, and art each quarter. The City provides facilities, registration, advertising, and staff support. For their services, Instructors receive 80% of the fee paid by each participant. For example, if students pay $25 for a six-week dance class, the Instructor receives $20 of each student's fee and the City retains $5 per student. This fee ratio has remained unchanged for decades. Even as other cities have adjusted for inflation, Rosemead has not. Again, staff conducted a survey of local cities to assess their rates as compared to Rosemead. The results are as follows: • • City Council Meeting June 13, 2006 Page 4 of 5 City Instructor-City Fee Ratio Rosemead 80120 Alhambra 65/35 Arcadia 70/30 Baldwin Park 70/30 El Monte 75/25 Montebello 70/30 Monterey Park 70-80/30-20' Pasadena 70/30 San Gabriel 75/25 San Marino 70/30 South El Monte 70/30 Temple City 70/30 "sliding scale based on number of registered participants As indicated, Rosemead is lowest of all cities in the immediate area. Therefore, it is recommended that the City increase its portion of instructional class fees from the current 20% to 30% effective July 1, 2008. This will result in a net gain of 50% in class fee revenues compared to current levels. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that City Council approve as follows: • the proposed three-phase fee adjustments for the City's preschool program, • institute a non-resident fee of $25 per student per quarter, and • decrease the percentage of participant fees paid back to contract class instructors to reflect a 70% to 30% split. These adjustments in rates will be effective beginning with summer 2008 registration which is held the last week of June. ANALYSIS The proposed adjustments could result in a significant increase in existing revenues. • At current attendance levels, adjusted registration fees for the preschool program would generate additional revenues of 25% ($37,250) in Fiscal Year 2008-09 and 40% ($60,675) annually thereafter. • Non-resident fees would generate approximately $1200 in annual revenues. • A decrease in the percentage of fees retained by class instructors from the current rate of 80% to 70% would produce approximately $20,000 in additional revenues next fiscal year. City Council Meeting June 13, 2006 Pape 5 of 5 These changes amount to slightly more than $800,000 in additional annual revenues by Fiscal Year 2009. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. S DAVltPT TG(OMERY-SCOTT Parks Re ation Director